The Department of Financial Protection and Innovation hereby adopts the following new provisions to
be added to Title 10, Chapter 3 of the California Code of Regulations:
Subchapter 3. Commercial Financing Disclosures.
§ 900. Definitions.
(a) The following terms used in this subchapter shall have the following meanings:
(1) “Amount financed” means:
(A) With respect to sales-based financing, the amount of funds to be provided by
the financer to the recipient or on the recipient’s behalf, minus any prepaid
finance charge.
(B) With respect to a closed-end transaction, the principal amount, plus any other
amounts that are financed by the financer and are not part of the finance
charge, minus any prepaid finance charge.
(C) With respect to a commercial open-end credit plan, the approved credit limit,
minus any prepaid finance charge.
(D) With respect to a factoring transaction disclosure made pursuant to section
22802 of the code, the original advance amount, minus any prepaid finance
(E) With respect to a factoring transaction disclosure made pursuant to section
22803 of the code, the approved advance limit, minus any prepaid finance
(F) With respect to asset-based lending disclosures made pursuant to section
22803 of the code and section 950, the amount described in section 950,
subdivision (a)(2)(A) or (a)(3)(A), minus any prepaid finance charge.
(G) With respect to a lease transaction:
(i) If the financer does not select, manufacture, or supply the goods to be
leased, the net cost to the financer to acquire the property to be leased,
including any related costs and charges financed as a part of such
transaction, which may include, without limitation, installation charges,
delivery costs, software license fees, sales and use taxes, and similar
charges, minus any prepaid finance charge.
(ii) If the financer selects, manufactures or supplies the goods to be leased,
the price that the financer would sell the goods in a cash transaction,
including any related costs and charges financed as a part of such
transaction, which may include, without limitation, installation charges,
delivery costs, software license fees, sales and use taxes, and similar
charges, minus any prepaid finance charge and any down payment or
other deposit to be paid by the recipient.
(2) “Approved advance limit” means the maximum advance that a financer may provide to
a recipient or on the recipient’s behalf in exchange for assignment of outstanding,
unpaid legally enforceable claims under the factoring agreement, not including any
previous distributions advanced to a recipient or on the recipient’s behalf under the
factoring agreement, to the extent those distributions have been repaid. The approved
advance limit does not include reserve amounts or any other amount not advanced to
the recipient at the time of assignment. If the factoring agreement provides for the
financer to pay different maximum advances for different types of legally enforceable
claims, “approved advance limit” means the total maximum advance that a financer
may provide to a recipient or on a recipient’s behalf in exchange for assignment of the
different types of legally enforceable claims, not including any previous distributions
advanced to a recipient or on the recipient’s behalf under the agreement, to the extent
those distributions have been repaid.
(3) “Approved credit limit” means the maximum advance that a financer may provide to a
recipient or on the recipient’s behalf under the commercial open-ended credit plan
agreement or asset-based lending transaction agreement, not including any previous
distributions advanced to a recipient or on a recipient’s behalf under the agreement, to
the extent those distributions have been repaid. Where the commercial open-ended
credit plan agreement or asset-based lending transaction agreement requires the
financer to pay different maximum advances for different categories of advance (such as
advances secured by inventory, accounts receivable, or others), “approved credit limit”
means the total maximum advance that a financer may provide to a recipient or on a
recipient’s behalf for all categories of advance, not including any previous distributions
advanced to a recipient or on the recipient’s behalf under the agreement, to the extent
those distributions have been repaid.
(4) “Asset-based lending transaction” as set forth in section 22800, subdivision (c) of the
code only includes transactions that are loans under California law.
(A) “Forwarding payments,” as it pertains to the definition of “Asset-based lending
transaction” set forth in section 22800, subdivision (c) of the code, includes:
(i) Arrangements in which a recipient and the financer create an
account in which third party obligors deposit payments;
(ii) Arrangements in which a recipient repays advances with the
proceeds the recipient collects from the sale or disposition of
goods or services financed with such advances; or
(iii) Arrangements in which the recipient directs third party obligors
to make payments directly to the financer.
(5) “At the time of extending a specific commercial financing offer” under section 22802 of
the code means:
(A) Any time a specific commercial financing offer is quoted to a recipient.
However, if a provider simultaneously presents multiple, distinct specific
commercial financing offers to the recipient and allows the recipient to select
from among those options, then “at time of extending a specific commercial
financing offer” occurs at the time that the recipient selects an option.
(B) Any time when the terms of a consummated commercial financing contract
are amended, supplemented, or changed, prior to the recipient agreeing to
the changes, if the resulting changes to the contract would result in an
increase to the annual percentage rate, regardless of whether those terms
were previously disclosed to the recipient. This subparagraph does not apply
to changes made to resolve a recipient’s default on a financing contract.
(C) Notwithstanding subdivisions (a)(5)(A) and (a)(5)(B), any time a specific
commercial financing offer is quoted to a recipient in connection with each
draw on an open-end credit plan if:
(i) draws occur at the time that a recipient purchases products or services
from a retailer or supplier;
(ii) the rate or price varies based upon the retailer or supplier the recipient
selects, or the products or services the recipient purchases; and
(iii) the provider chooses to provide disclosures under section 910 in
connection with each draw pursuant to this subparagraph rather than a
disclosure under section 911.
(6) “Average monthly cost” means the average total amount paid by the recipient (periodic
and irregular payments) over the term of the contract, divided by the number of months
in the term of the contract. To calculate the number of months in the contract term, a
provider may divide the number of days in the contract term by 30.4.
(7) “Benchmark rate” means a rate index (such as, but not limited to, the Secured Overnight
Financing Rate (SOFR), Prime Rate, Wall Street Journal (WSJ) Prime Rate, or 1-, 3-, or 5-
year Treasury Constant Maturity), based upon general market conditions, that is
commonly used to calculate the interest rate in adjustable-rate transactions in the
credit industry.
(8) “Broker” means any person other than a financer, recipient, or recipient’s agent, who,
for compensation, does any of the following: participates in any financing negotiation;
counsels or advises the recipient about financing options; participates in the preparation
of any financing documents, including financing applications; contacts the financer on
behalf of the recipient other than to refer the recipient; gathers financing application
documentation or delivers the documentation to the financer; communicates financing
decisions or inquiries from the financer to the recipient; or obtains the recipient’s
signature on financing documents.
(9) “Closed-end transaction” means a transaction in which credit is extended only once over
a specific term (including contracts that include an option in which the recipient may
extend the term), and is repaid:
(A) in regular predetermined payments of a specified amount over a
fixed period of time; or
(B) in the case of sales-based financing, in payments calculated as a
percentage of sales or income, but with a minimum required
payment or payments such that the recipient is eventually required to
repay the amount advanced regardless of the sales or income the
recipient collects.
(10) “Code” means the California Financial Code.
(11) “Draw period” means the length of time during which a recipient may make
draws under an open-ended credit plan or general factoring or asset-based
lending agreement.
(12) “Estimated monthly cost” means the estimated average total amount paid by the
recipient (periodic and irregular payments) over the estimated term of the contract,
divided by the number of months in the estimated term of the contract. To calculate the
number of months in the estimated term, a provider may divide the number of days in
the estimated contract term by 30.4.
(13) “Finance charge” means the amount of any and all costs of the financing, represented
as a dollar amount, as more specifically described in section 943.
(14) “Financer” means the person who provides or will provide the commercial financing to
the recipient or any nondepository institution which enters into a written agreement
with a depository institution to arrange for the extension of commercial financing by the
depository institution to a recipient via an online lending platform administered by the
nondepository institution.
(15) “Initial interest rate” means, in a credit transaction with an interest rate that changes
over time and that cannot be calculated in advance for the entire term of the
transaction, the rate that would be in effect at the time a disclosure is made, assuming
the recipient accepted the financing offer.
(16) “Interest rate” means the periodic rate at which interest accrues on the outstanding
principal balance and (if interest is compounded) on accrued but unpaid interest in a
commercial financing.
(17) “Irregular payment” means any payment made to the financer that is not a periodic
(18) “Margin” means, in a commercial financing with an adjustable interest rate, the
adjustment amount added to or subtracted from the benchmark rate used to calculate
the interest rate.
(19) “Maximum non-interest finance charge” means:
(A) For all commercial financing except factoring, the maximum amount of the
finance charge other than interest accrued that a recipient may be required
to pay if the recipient chooses to prepay the outstanding balance due under
a commercial financing agreement.
(B) For factoring, the maximum amount of the finance charge, other than
interest accrued since the time the financer purchased the legally
enforceable claim, that the recipient may be required to pay if the recipient
repurchases the account receivable before the account receivable is due for
payment by the account debtor.
(20) “Particular payment channel or mechanism” means, with respect to sales-based
financing, the payment channel(s) or mechanism(s) that will be used to determine the
amount of a recipient’s payment or a true-up. This may include, for example, income
flowing through a deposit account or accounts, or payments received through a
recipient’s payment processor.
(21) “Periodic payment” means any payment made to the financer at regular intervals.
(22) The phrase “person who is presented [with] a specific commercial financing offer” in the
definition of “recipient” set forth under section 22800, subdivision (n), of the code
means the expected primary borrower on a commercial loan, open-ended credit plan,
or asset-based lending transaction, seller in accounts receivable purchase transactions
(including factoring), and lessee in lease financing transactions.
(23) “Prepaid finance charge” means any finance charge paid separately to the financer in
cash, check or electronic funds transfer before or at consummation of a transaction, or
withheld from the proceeds of the financing at any time.
(24) “Provider” means the definition set forth in section 22800, subdivision (m), of the code
with the following clarifications:
(A) A provider includes a financer when the financer communicates a specific
commercial financing offer either directly to a recipient, or a recipient’s agent
or broker with the expectation that the information will be shared with a
(B) The phrase “administered by” excludes arrangements where a nondepository
institution provides technology or support services for a depository
institution’s commercial financing program, provided that the nondepository
institution has no interest, or arrangement or agreement to purchase any
interest in the commercial financing extended by the depository institution in
connection with such program, and the commercial financing program is not
branded with a trademark owned by the nondepository institution.
(25) “Reasonably anticipated true-up” means any true-up that the financing provider has a
reasonable basis to expect will be made during the term of the contract, accounting for
past performance of similar contracts (both those made to the recipient and other
similar recipients) and the policies and procedures of the financer.
(26) “Recipient funds” means the net amount to be given directly to the recipient in the form
of cash, check, or electronic funds transfer to an account the recipient controls.
Recipient funds excludes, without limitation, funds paid to third parties (including
Recipient funds also excludes any part of the amount financed used to pay off
or pay down other amounts owed by the recipient, if known by the provider at the time
the disclosure is provided. For the purposes of calculating recipient funds, where part of
the amount financed will be used to pay off other amounts owed by the recipient that
may change over time, a provider may assume that the amounts due under the
recipient’s other obligations are the amounts due at the time the disclosure is provided.
(27) “Retrospective annual percentage rate” is the actual annual percentage rate,
determined after the specific financing contract has been fully repaid to the financer,
when the dates and amounts of all payments and fees are known.
(28) “Sales-based financing” means a commercial financing transaction that is repaid by a
recipient to the financer as a percentage of sales or income, in which the payment
amount increases and decreases according to the volume of sales made or income
received by the recipient. Sales-based financing also includes commercial financing
transactions with a true-up mechanism.
(29) “Specific commercial financing offer” means a written communication to a recipient,
based upon information from, or about, the recipient, of (i) a periodic payment amount,
irregular payment amount, or financing amount, and (ii) any rate, price, or cost of
financing (including, without limitation, any total repayment amount), in connection
with a commercial financing. Information “about the recipient” includes information
about the recipient that informs the provider’s quote to the recipient, such as the
recipient’s financial or credit information, but not the recipient’s name, address, or
general interest in financing.
(30) “Specified payment amount” means the periodic pre-set amount stated in the contract
described in subdivision (a)(34)(A) of this section.
(31) “Split rate” means, with respect to sales-based financing, the percentage used by the
financer to calculate the payment amounts to be paid to the financer or to calculate
(32) Subject to the rules with respect to term specified in sections 922 through 931, 940,
and 942, as applicable, “term” means:
(A) With respect to factoring disclosures made pursuant to section 22802,
subdivision (b)(3) of the code, the length of time between when the recipient
receives payment from the financer for the legally enforceable claim and the
date the legally enforceable claim becomes due and payable.
(B) With respect to factoring disclosures made pursuant to section 22803,
subdivision (a)(3) of the code, a sample term reasonably expected to be within
the range of the terms expected to be used during the life of the master
(C) With respect to closed-end transactions and commercial open-end credit plans,
the contracted length of time necessary for the recipient to fulfill its obligations
under the financing agreement with respect to a particular loan advance.
(D) With respect to asset-based lending disclosures made in accordance with
section 22803 of the code and section 950, the length of time necessary for the
recipient to fulfill its obligations under the financing contract given the
assumptions specified by section 950, subdivisions (a)(2) and (a)(3).
(E) With respect to all other commercial financing, the length of time that it is
anticipated will be necessary for the recipient to fulfill its obligations under a
financing agreement.
(33) “True-up” means any payment made to a recipient, any charge assessed to a recipient,
and any adjustment to recipient’s periodic payments pursuant to a true-up mechanism.
(34) “True-up mechanism” means, with respect to sales-based financing, a contractual
arrangement with all the following elements:
(A) The financer receives periodic payments based upon a pre-set amount (or
amounts) stated in the contract.
(B) The contract allows the recipient to request, or the financer to initiate,
adjustments to the payment amount, credits to the recipient, or charges to the
recipient after execution of the contract, so that the total amount paid by the
recipient more closely reflects a split rate listed in the contract.
(35) With respect to factoring transactions:
(A) “Account debtor” means the debtor with the primary obligation to pay the
legally enforceable claim assigned by the recipient.
(B) “Purchase price” means the amount that the financer agrees to pay the
recipient for assignment of a legally enforceable claim.
(C) “Factoring fee” means any fee charged by the financer to process the
transaction plus the difference between the face value of a legally enforceable
claim and the purchase price that the financer agrees to pay the recipient for
assignment of that legally enforceable claim.
(D) “Original advance amount” means the amount that a financer issues to a
recipient or on the recipient’s behalf upon receipt of a legally enforceable claim
for payment.
(E) “Reserve amount” means, in a reserve factoring transaction, the difference
between the purchase price for a legally enforceable claim and the original
advance amount, that is held in reserve to secure the financer in the event of
non-payment of the legally enforceable claim, or to secure the financer in the
event of nonpayment of other legally enforceable claims assigned or to be
assigned by the recipient to the financer.
(F) “Reserve factoring transaction” means a factoring transaction where, upon
receipt of a legally enforceable claim for payment, a financer pays an original
advance amount to the recipient that is less than the purchase price and holds
the difference between the original advance amount and the purchase price to
secure the financer against deficiencies on amounts paid by the account debtor
on the legally enforceable claim or other legally enforceable claims assigned or
to be assigned by the recipient to the financer.
(b) Unless otherwise stated, all references to “average” within these regulations refer to the
arithmetic mean.
(c) All terms used in this subchapter that are defined in section 22800 of the code shall have the
meanings ascribed to them in that section.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 321 and 22804, Financial Code. Reference: Sections 22800, 22801,
22802, 22803 and 22804, Financial Code.
§ 901. General Requirements.
(a) Disclosures provided in accordance with sections 22800 through 22804 of the code shall comply with
the following requirements.
(1) At the top of the disclosure, centered on the page or other display medium, the provider shall
print “OFFER SUMMARY —” in bold font, followed by a one- to five-word description of the type
of product offered (e.g., “Merchant Cash Advance”) which may include the financer’s branding
(2) For any disclosure required to comply with section 920, subdivision (a), at the bottom of the
disclosure, below any other information required by this subchapter, the provider shall print the
following statement: “Applicable law requires this information to be provided to you to help you
make an informed decision. By signing below, you are confirming that you received this
information.” Below the statement, the provider shall include a space for the recipient to sign
the form labeled “Recipient Signature” and a space for the recipient to write the date of their
signature, labeled “Date.”
(3) For any disclosure other than a disclosure required to comply with section 920, subdivision (a),
at the bottom of the disclosure, below any other information required by this subchapter, the
provider shall include the following statement: Applicable law requires this information to be
provided to you to help you make an informed decision.”
(4) If the term or estimated term of a transaction is:
(A) One year or less, the term or estimated term shall be disclosed in days;
(B) Greater than one year, the term or estimated term shall be disclosed in units of years
and months, with any remaining days expressed as a portion of a month to the nearest
two decimal points.
(5) The annual percentage rate shall be expressed to the nearest ten basis points. For example:
(6) The disclosures shall be presented to the recipient as a separate document from any other
contract, agreement, or other disclosure document provided to the recipient, but may be mailed
or transmitted in a package that contains other documents.
(7) Fonts
(A) The provider may present the required disclosure in fonts and colors that are clear,
complete, conspicuous, easy to compare with other disclosures, and consistent with
the requirements of this subchapter. A provider shall not use colors and fonts that
make any enumerated terms required by section 22802, subdivision (b), of the code
more clear or conspicuous than any other term required by that subdivision.
(B) A provider shall use fonts for the disclosures substantially similar in size to:
(i) Times New Roman 12- to 14-point font, for information appearing in the first
and second columns where those columns are not combined with other
(ii) Times New Roman 10- to 12-point font, for information appearing in the third
column, information appearing in cells where the second and third columns are
combined, and information appearing in cells where the first, second, and third
columns are combined.
(iii) Times New Roman 16-point font for the content required by subdivision (a)(1)
of this section.
(C) Notwithstanding subdivision (a)(7)(B), a provider may use a font substantially similar in
size to Times New Roman 16-point font for OFFER SUMMARY –” and content
appearing in the first and second columns of the disclosure where those columns are
not combined with other columns.
(D) A provider may deviate from the font requirements described in subdivisions (a)(7)(B)
and (C) if the provider makes a good faith determination that deviating from the
standards is necessary:
(i) To comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C. § 12101 et seq.);
(ii) For clarity based upon the medium (e.g., mobile device) in which the disclosure
will be presented.
(8) A provider shall ensure that the width of the columns in the required disclosure is such that the
disclosure does not unnecessarily extend onto multiple pages. A provider that formats the
columns in the required disclosure such that the ratio between the first, second and third
columns is 3:3:7 complies with the requirements of this subdivision.
(9) Where a provider is required or permitted to provide a “short explanation” under this
subchapter, the provider shall provide an explanation of not more than 60 words.
(10) Each of the cells in the required disclosures shall be outlined.
(11) If disclosures are provided to a recipient electronically, the provider shall include a method for
the recipient to submit an electronic signature that complies with Civil Code section 1633.2,
subdivision (h), and automatic date stamp to comply with subdivision (a)(2) of this section and
provide the recipient with the ability to receive a copy of the disclosure in a format that the
recipient may keep. A format the recipient may keep includes hard copy disclosures, and
electronic documents containing the required disclosures that the customer can save
indefinitely for future reference.
(12) Except with respect to sales-based financing, if a provider must make estimates or assumptions
to provide any disclosure required by this chapter, the provider shall:
(A) Base those estimates or assumptions on the best information reasonably available to
the provider at the time of the disclosure;
(B) State clearly that any disclosure based upon an estimate or assumption is an estimate
by adding the word “estimate” to the descriptive language of any required disclosure
under this chapter; and
(C) State clearly any assumptions or estimates used as the basis for the disclosure in any
explanation or description associated with the disclosure.
(13) When making the disclosures required by this subchapter, for transactions where the applicable
interest rate adjusts over time and the interest rate applicable for the entire term of the
transaction cannot be calculated in advance, the provider shall assume that the applicable
interest rate is the initial interest rate for any period when the interest rate cannot be calculated
in advance.
(14) Numerical values, including but not limited to percentages, dates, and dollar amounts, shall be
expressed numerically, such as “23” and not alphabetically, such as “twenty-three.”
(15) If a provider issues a disclosure where the amount financed includes funds used to pay down or
pay off other amounts owed by the recipient that may change over time, and the amount due in
connection with those amounts owed changes prior to consummation of the agreement
between the financer and the recipient, the provider need not provide a new disclosure to the
recipient solely because the amount due in connection with those amounts owed has changed.
(16) A provider may disregard the effects of the following in making calculations and disclosures:
(A) That payments must be collected in whole cents.
(B) That dates of scheduled payments and advances may be changed because the
scheduled date is not a business day.
(C) That months have different numbers of days.
(D) The occurrence of leap years.
(17) Notwithstanding subparagraph (a)(16)(A), any dollar amount disclosed to a recipient shall
not be disclosed using fractions of a cent (ex. $4.025 or $4.02 and ½ cents).
Note: Authority cited: Sections 321 and 22804, Financial Code. Reference: Sections 22800, 22801,
22802, 22803 and 22804, Financial Code.
§ 910 Closed-End Transaction Disclosure Formatting and Contents.
(a) Disclosures for closed-end transactions provided in accordance with section 22802 of the code, and
open-end credit plans described in section 900, subdivision (a)(5)(C), shall comply with the following
requirements unless the closed-end transaction meets the definition of sales-based financing.
(1) The provider shall present the disclosures in a table consisting of eight rows and three columns.
(2) The first row of the table shall include only the following information.
(A) In the first column: “Funding Provided”.
(B) In the second column, the amount financed.
(C) In the third column, the following in the order listed and in one paragraph:
(i) “This is how much funding [name of financer] will provide.”
(ii) If the amount financed is greater than the recipient funds: “Due to deductions
or payments to others, the total funds that will be provided to you directly is
[recipient funds]. For more information on what amounts will be deducted,
please review the attached document “Itemization of Amount Financed.”
(iii) If any portion of the amount financed will be used to pay down or pay off other
amounts owed by the recipient that may change over time, and the amounts
owed are known to the provider, the provider shall also include a short
explanation that the amount paid directly to the recipient may change if the
amount owed for the recipient’s other obligations changes.
(iv) If, as a condition of the financing, a recipient’s amounts owed to third parties
must be paid down or paid off using funds from the amount financed, and an
amount owed is not known to the provider, the provider shall also include a
short explanation that the amount paid directly to the recipient may change
based upon the required disbursements to satisfy other obligations.
(3) The second row of the table shall include only the following information.
(A) In the first column:
(i) If the contract provides for a fixed interest rate or rates that are predetermined
by the contract, or no interest rate: “Annual Percentage Rate (APR)”.
(ii) If the contract provides for an adjustable interest rate or rates that are not
predetermined by the contract: “Estimated Annual Percentage Rate (APR)”.
(B) In the second column, the annual percentage rate calculated in accordance with
section 940.
(C) In the third column:
(i) The following language, if the contract provides for a single, fixed interest rate:
“APR is the cost of your financing expressed as a yearly rate. APR includes the
amount and timing of the funding you receive, interest and fees you pay and the
payments you make.
Your APR is not an interest rate. Your interest rate is [interest rate]. Your APR
may be higher than your interest rate because APR incorporates interest costs
and other finance charges.”
(ii) The following language, if the contract provides for a multiple pre-determined
interest rates that change over time:
“APR is the cost of your financing expressed as a yearly rate. APR includes the
amount and timing of the funding you receive, interest and fees you pay and the
payments you make.
Your APR is not an interest rate. Your initial interest rate is [initial interest rate].
Your APR may be higher than your interest rate because APR incorporates
interest costs and other finance charges.”
(iii) The following language, if the contract provides for an adjustable interest rate
or rates that are not predetermined by the contract.
“APR is the cost of your financing expressed as a yearly rate. APR includes the
amount and timing of the funding you receive, interest and fees you pay and the
payments you make.
APR is not an interest rate. Your initial interest rate is [initial interest rate].
Although your interest rate will adjust over time, for the purposes of calculating
this APR estimate, we have used the initial interest rate for future periods
where the interest rate is not preset by the contract. Your APR may be higher
than your interest rate because APR incorporates interest costs and other
finance charges.”
(iv) The following language if no part of the finance charge is based upon an interest
APR is the cost of your financing expressed as a yearly rate. APR includes the
amount and timing of the funding you receive, fees you pay and the payments
you make.
Your APR is not an interest rate. The cost of this financing is based upon fees
charged rather than interest that accrues over time.”
(4) The third row of the table shall include only the following information.
(A) In the first column:
(i) If the contract provides for a fixed interest rate or rates that are predetermined
by the contract, or no part of the finance charge is based upon an interest rate:
“Finance Charge”.
(ii) If the contract provides for an adjustable interest rate or rates that are not
predetermined by the contract: “Estimated Finance Charge”.
(B) In the second column, the total finance charge, calculated in accordance with section
(C) In the third column:
(i) This is the dollar cost of your financing.”
(ii) If the contract provides for an adjustable interest rate or rates that are not
predetermined by the contract: “The interest rate under your contract will
adjust over time, so your actual finance charge may vary.”
(5) The fourth row of the table shall include only the following information.
(A) In the first column:
(i) If, assuming the recipient makes minimum required payments under the
contract, it is possible to calculate with certainty the total payments the
recipient will make during the contracts term: “Total Payment Amount”.
(ii) If, assuming the recipient makes minimum required payments under the
contract, it is not possible to calculate with certainty the total payments the
recipient will make during the contract’s term: “Estimated Total Payment
(B) In the second column, the total dollar amount of payments or total estimated dollar
amount of payments the recipient will make during the term of the contract if the
recipient makes minimum required payments.
(C) In the third column:
(i) If, assuming the recipient makes minimum required payments under the
contract, it is possible to calculate with certainty the total dollar amount of
payments the recipient will make during the term of the contract: “This is the
total dollar amount of payments you will make during the term of the contract.
(ii) If, assuming the recipient makes minimum required payments under the
contract, it is not possible to calculate with certainty the total dollar amount of
payments the recipient will make during the term of the contract: “This is our
estimate of the total dollar amount of payments you will make during the term
of the contract.”
(6) The fifth row of the table shall include only the following information:
(A) In the first column:
(i) If the periodic payments will not vary over the term of the transaction or the
periodic payments during the term of the transaction will vary and it is possible
to calculate the payment amounts in advance: “Payment”.
(ii) If the periodic payment amounts will vary over the term of the transaction and
it is not possible to calculate the payment amounts in advance (e.g. due to an
adjustable interest rate using a benchmark rate and a margin): “Initial
(B) If periodic payments during the term of the transaction will not vary:
(i) In the second column, the amount of each periodic payment followed by a
forward slash (/) and the frequency of each periodic payment (e.g., month, day,
or other period) followed by the date and amount of any irregular payments
listed in chronological order.
(ii) In the third column, a short explanation of the payment frequency and any
irregular payments. The provider may also include a short explanation
describing when each periodic payment will become due.
(C) If periodic payments during the term of the transaction vary and it is possible to
calculate the payment amounts in advance, the second and third columns in the fourth
row shall be combined and the provider shall list the periodic payment amounts and
when each amount will become due followed by the date and amount of any irregular
payments in listed chronological order. For example:
Months 1-12: $600/month
Months 13-24: $1200/month
Maintenance Fee Due 2/1/2021: $500.
Maintenance Fee Due 8/1/2022: $300.
Payments 1-23: $600/month
Payment 24: $2000.
Maintenance Fee Due 2/1/2021: $500.
Maintenance Fee Due 8/1/2022: $300.
(D) If periodic payments during the term of the transaction vary and it is not possible to
calculate all payment amounts in advance:
(i) In the second column, the initial periodic payment amount followed by a
forward slash (/) and the frequency of each periodic payment followed by the
date, followed by the date and amount of any irregular payments listed in
chronological order.
(ii) In the third column: “This is your initial periodic payment. Your periodic
payment may adjust over time.
(7) The sixth row of the table shall include no information in the third column, and the remaining
columns shall include only the following information:
(A) In the first column: “Term”.
(B) In the second column, the term of the transaction.
(8) In the first column, the seventh and eight rows shall be combined and shall include only the
following language: “Prepayment”.
(9) In the seventh row, the second and third columns shall be combined and include only:
(A) If, at any time during the term of the transaction, prepayment of the outstanding
balance due will require the recipient to pay charges other than interest accrued since
the recipient’s last payment, the following statement: “If you pay off the financing
early, you will still need to pay all or a portion of the finance charge, up to $[maximum
non-interest finance charge].”
(B) In all other cases, “If you pay off the financing early, you will not need to pay any
portion of the finance charge other than unpaid interest accrued (if applicable).”
(10) In the eighth row, the second and third columns shall be combined and shall include only:
(A) If, at any time during the term of the transaction, prepayment of the outstanding
balance due will require the recipient to pay additional fees and charges not included
in the finance charge, the following statement: “If you pay off the financing early you
must also pay the following additional fees:” followed by the amounts and descriptions
of each additional fee and charge.
(B) In all other cases, the following statement: “If you pay off the financing early you will
not pay additional fees.”
(11) If the contract provides for periodic payments that are not monthly, the provider shall insert
one additional row below the fourth row, and the additional row shall include only the following
(A) In the first column: “Average Monthly Cost”.
(B) In the second column, the average monthly cost that the recipient will pay over the
term of the transaction.
(C) In the third column: “Although this financing does not have monthly payments, this is
our calculation of your average monthly cost for comparison purposes.”
(12) If the contract provides for multiple payment options, then the provider shall insert one
additional row above the first row, and in that row, all three columns shall be combined,
resulting in a single cell. In that cell, the provider shall include the following: “This financing has
multiple payment options. This disclosure assumes you will make the minimum payments
permitted under the contract.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 321 and 22804, Financial Code. Reference: Sections 22800, 22802 and
22804, Financial Code.
§ 911. Commercial Open-End Credit Plan Disclosure Formatting and Contents.
(a) Disclosures for commercial open-end credit plans provided in accordance with section 22802 of
the code, except open-end credit plans described in section 900, subdivision (a)(5)(C), shall
comply with the following requirements.
(1) The provider shall present the disclosures in a table consisting of ten rows and three
(2) In the first row, the first, second and third columns shall be combined, and the
resulting cell shall have only the following language, in italics:
(A) If the contract allows only for a single payment option: “The calculations below
are based on an initial draw of your full Approved Credit Limit of [approved
credit limit] and assume that you will pay off the draw entirely according to the
agreed payment schedule, that you miss no payments, and that you do not re-
draw on this line. Actual costs may differ substantially.
(B) If the contract allows for multiple payment options: “The calculations below are
based on an initial draw of your full Approved Credit Limit of [approved credit
limit] and assume that you will choose to make minimum payments, that you
miss no payments, and that you do not re-draw on this line. Actual costs may
differ substantially.”
(C) If the amount borrowed is payable on demand, the provider shall include a
short explanation that amounts borrowed are payable on demand and that the
estimate assumes a term of one year.
(D) If an alternate maturity date is stated in the legal obligation between the
parties, then the provider shall include a short explanation that the disclosure is
based upon that maturity date.
(3) The second row of the table shall include only the following information:
(A) In the first column: “Funding Provided”.
(B) In the second column, the amount financed.
(C) In the third column, in the order listed and in one paragraph:
(i) “This is the maximum amount of funding [name of financer] may
(ii) If the amount financed is greater than the recipient funds: “Due to
deductions or payments to others, the total funds that will be provided
to you directly if you request the maximum amount is [recipient funds].
For more information on what amounts will be deducted, please review
the attached document Itemization of Amount Financed.”
(iii) If any portion of the amount financed will be used to pay down or pay
off other amounts owed by the recipient that may change over time,
and the amounts owed are known to the provider, the provider shall
also include a short explanation that the amount paid directly to the
recipient may change if the amount owed for the recipient’s other
obligations changes.
(iv) If, as a condition of the financing, a recipient’s amounts owed to third
parties must be paid down or paid off using funds from the amount
financed, and an amount owed is not known to the provider, the
provider shall also include a short explanation that the amount paid
directly to the recipient may change based upon the required
disbursements to satisfy other obligations.
(4) The third row of the table shall include the following information:
(A) In the first column:
(i) If the contract provides for a fixed interest rate or rates that are
predetermined by the contract: “Annual Percentage Rate (APR)”.
(ii) If the contract provides for an adjustable interest rate and it is not
possible to calculate the interest rates throughout the term of the
transaction in advance: “Initial Annual Percentage Rate (APR)”.
(B) In the second column, the provider’s calculation of the annual percentage rate
calculated in accordance with section 940.
(C) In the third column:
(i) If the contract provides for a single, fixed interest rate:
“APR is the cost of your financing expressed as a yearly rate. APR
includes the amount and timing of the funding you receive, interest and
fees you pay and the payments you make.
APR is not an interest rate. Your interest rate is [interest rate]. Your APR
may be higher than your interest rate because APR incorporates interest
costs and other finance charges.”
(ii) If the contract provides for multiple pre-determined interest rates that
change over time:
“APR is the cost of your financing expressed as a yearly rate. APR
includes the amount and timing of the funding you receive, interest and
fees you pay and the payments you make.
Your APR is not an interest rate. Your initial interest rate is [initial interest
rate]. Your APR may be higher than your interest rate because APR
incorporates interest costs and other finance charges.
(iii) If the contract provides for an adjustable interest rate and it is not
possible to calculate the interest rates throughout the term of the
transaction in advance:
“APR is the cost of your financing expressed as a yearly rate. APR
includes the amount and timing of the funding you receive, interest and
fees you pay and the payments you make.
APR is not an interest rate. Your initial interest rate is [initial interest
rate]. Although your interest rate will adjust over time, for the purposes
of calculating this APR estimate, we have used the initial interest rate for
future periods where the interest rate is not preset by the contract. Your
APR may be higher than your interest rate because APR incorporates
interest costs and other finance charges.”
(iv) If no part of the finance charge is based upon an interest rate:
“APR is the cost of your financing expressed as a yearly rate. APR
includes the amount and timing of the funding you receive, fees you pay
and the payments you make.
APR is not an interest rate. The cost of this financing is based upon fees
charged rather than interest that accrues over time.”
(5) The fourth row of the table shall include only the following information:
(A) In the first column: “Estimated Finance Charge”.
(B) In the second column, the total finance charge calculated in accordance with
section 943.
(C) In the third column:
(i) “This is the dollar cost of our financing based upon the assumptions
described at the top of this disclosure.”
(ii) If the contract provides for an adjustable interest rate or rates that are
not predetermined by the contract: “The interest rate under your
contract will adjust over time, so your actual finance charge may vary.”
(6) The fifth row of the table shall include only the following information:
(A) In the first column: “Estimated Total Payments”.
(B) In the second column, the total estimated payments the recipient will make
during the term of the contract if the recipient makes minimum required
(C) In the third column: “This is the total dollar amount of payments you will make
during the term of the contract based upon the assumptions described at the
top of this disclosure.”
(7) The sixth row of the table shall include only the following information:
(A) In the first column: “Estimated Payment”.
(B) If periodic payments during the term of the transaction will not vary over the
term of the transaction:
(i) In the second column, the amount of the periodic payment followed by
a forward slash (/) and the frequency of each periodic payment followed
by the date and amount of any irregular payments listed in
chronological order.
(ii) In the third column, a short explanation of when each payment will
become due.
(C) If periodic payments during the term of the transaction vary and it is possible to
calculate the payment amounts in advance, the second and third columns in the
fifth row shall be combined and the provider shall list the periodic payment and
when each amount will become due followed by the date and amount of any
irregular payments listed chronological order and any assumptions made when
calculating the payment amounts. For example:
Months 1-12: $600/month
Months 13-24: $1200/month
Maintenance Fee Due 2/1/2021: $500.
Maintenance Fee Due 8/1/2022: $300.
(D) If periodic payments during the term of the transaction vary and it is not
possible to calculate all payment amounts in advance because the transaction
has an adjustable interest rate that cannot be calculated in advance:
(i) In the second column, a periodic payment amount calculated using the
initial interest rate followed by the date and amount of any reasonably
anticipated irregular payments listed in chronological order.
(ii) In the third column, a short explanation that the periodic payment
amount disclosed is based upon the initial interest rate, and that the
actual rate may change over time. The provider may also include a short
explanation describing when the payment will adjust and how it will be
(E) If periodic payments of principal during the term of the transaction do not vary
but periodic payments of interest during the term of the transaction vary, and it
is not possible to calculate all interest payment amounts in advance because the
transaction has an adjustable interest rate that cannot be calculated in advance:
(i) In the second column, the phrase “Initial Interest Payment:
followed by an interest payment amount calculated using the initial
interest rate, followed by a forward slash (/) and the frequency of each
periodic interest payment.
(ii) In the second column, beneath the disclosure required by subdivision
(a)(7)(E)(i), the phrase “Principal Payment Amount:” followed by the
amount of each periodic principal payment, followed by a forward slash
(/) and the frequency of each periodic principal payment.
(iii) In the third column, a short explanation that the Initial Interest Payment
Amount disclosed is based upon the initial interest rate, and that the
actual rate may change over time.
(iv) In the third column, beneath the statement explaining the Initial
Interest Payment Amount and at the same height as the disclosure
required under subdivision (a)(7)(E)(ii), a short explanation of the
principal payment amount and frequency.
(8) The seventh row of the table shall include only the following information:
(A) In the first column: “Draw Period”.
(B) In the second column, the draw period for the transaction.
(C) In the third column, a short explanation of the draw period for the transaction.
(9) The eighth row of the table shall include no information in the third column, and the
remaining columns shall include only the following information:
(A) In the first column: “Term”.
(B) In the second column, the term of the transaction.
(10) In the first column, the ninth and tenth rows shall be combined and shall include only
the following language: “Prepayment.
(11) In the ninth row, the second and third columns shall be combined and shall include
(A) If, at any time during the term of the transaction, prepayment of the
outstanding balance due will require the recipient to pay finance charges other
than interest accrued since the recipient’s last payment, the following
statement: “If you pay off the financing early you will need pay all or portion of
the finance charge, up to $[maximum non-interest finance charge].”
(B) In all other cases, “If you pay off the financing early, you will not need to pay
any portion of the finance charge other than unpaid interest accrued (if
(12) In the tenth row, the second and third columns shall be combined and shall include
(A) If, at any time during the term of the transaction, prepayment of the
outstanding balance due will require the recipient to pay additional fees and
charges not included in the finance charge, the following statement: “If you pay
off the financing early you must also pay the following additional fees:” followed
by the amounts and descriptions of the additional fees and charges.
(B) In all other cases, the following statement: “If you pay off the financing early
you will not pay additional fees.”
(13) If the contract provides for periodic payments that are not monthly, the provider shall
insert one additional row below the fifth row, and the additional row shall include only
the following information:
(A) In the first column: “Average Monthly Cost”.
(B) In the second column, the average monthly cost that the recipient will pay over
the term of the transaction.
(C) In the third column: “Although this financing does not have monthly payments,
this is our calculation of your average monthly cost for comparison purposes.”
Note: Authority cited: Sections 321 and 22804, Financial Code. Reference: Sections 22800, 22802, 22803
and 22804, Financial Code.
§ 912. Factoring Disclosure Formatting and Contents.
(a) Disclosures for factoring transactions provided in accordance with section 22802 of the code
shall comply with the following requirements.
(1) The provider shall present the required disclosures in a table consisting of six rows and three
(2) The first row of the table shall include only the following information:
(A) In the first column: “Funding Provided”.
(B) In the second column, the amount financed.
(C) In the third column, in the order listed and in one paragraph:
(i) “This is how much [name of financer] will pay when you assign [description
of legally enforceable claim, e.g., “the invoice”] to [name of financer].”
(ii) If the amount financed is greater than the recipient funds: “Due to
deductions or payments to others, the total funds that will be provided to
you directly is [recipient funds]. For more information on what amounts will
be deducted, please review the attached document “Itemization of Amount
(iii) If any portion of the amount financed will be used to pay down or pay off
other amounts owed by the recipient that may change over time, and the
amounts owed are known to the provider, the provider shall also include a
short explanation that the amount paid directly to the recipient may change
if the amount owed for the recipient’s other obligations changes.
(iv) If, as a condition of the financing, a recipient’s amounts owed to third
parties must be paid down or paid off using funds from the amount
financed, and an amount owed is not known to the provider, the provider
shall also include a short explanation that the amount paid directly to the
recipient may change based upon the required disbursements to satisfy
other obligations.
(3) The second row of the table shall include only the following information:
(A) In the first column: “Estimated Annual Percentage Rate (APR).
(B) In the second column, the estimated annual percentage rate calculated in
accordance with sections 940 and 941.
(C) In the third column:
(i) APR is the estimated cost of your financing expressed as a yearly rate. APR
includes the amount and timing of the funding you receive, fees you pay, and
payments made to [name of financer].
(ii) A short explanation of the assumptions relating to payment timing that the
provider used to calculate the estimate. For example: “This estimate assumes
the account debtor will pay the invoice on the invoice due date.”
(iii) If no part of the finance charge is based upon an interest rate, in addition to the
language required by subdivision (a)(3)(C)(i): “APR it is not an interest rate and
the amount of the factoring fee we charge is not based upon an interest rate.
(4) The third row of the table shall include the following information:
(A) In the first column: “Finance Charge”.
(B) In the second column, the total finance charge calculated in accordance with
section 943.
(C) In the third column, the provider’s calculation of the finance charge, with the
amount and description of each expense that is included in the finance charge.
(5) The fourth row of the table shall include only the following information:
(A) In the first column: “Payment”.
(B) In the second column: “NA” or “N/A” or “Not applicable”.
(C) In the third column, a short explanation describing why the recipient is not
ordinarily required to make payments under the contract. For example: “You are
selling an invoice to us, so you will not be required to make any payments to us
unless your customer fails to pay the invoice and we find that you breached your
warranty to us by failing to deliver the invoiced goods to your customer.”
(6) The fifth row of the table shall include only the following information:
(A) In the first column: “Estimated Term”.
(B) In the second column, the term of the transaction.
(C) In the third column, a short explanation describing how the provider calculated the
term. For example: “The invoice is due for payment 30 days from today, so we
have estimated a term of 1 month. The invoice may be paid sooner or later than
the due date.”
(7) The sixth row of the table shall include only the following information:
(A) In the first column: “Repurchase Costs”.
(B) The second and third columns shall be combined, and:
(i) If the recipient is permitted to repurchase the legally enforceable claim for
payment before the legally enforceable claim is due and payable, the
resulting combined cell shall be divided vertically into two cells by a
horizontal line, and:
a. If at any time during the term of the transaction, repurchase of the
legally enforceable claim will result in the recipient paying finance
charges other than interest since the advance was made, the top
cell shall include the following statement: “If you repurchase the
[description of legally enforceable claim] before the due date you
still must pay all or a portion of the finance charge, which could be
as high as $[maximum non-interest finance charge].”
b. In all other cases, the top cell shall include the following statement,
“If you repurchase the [description of legally enforceable claim]
before the due date you will not pay any portion of the finance
charge other than unpaid interest accrued since disbursement.”
c. If, at any time during the term of the transaction, repurchase of the
legally enforceable claim will require the recipient to pay additional
fees and charges not included in the finance charge, the bottom cell
shall include the following statement: “If you repurchase the
[description of legally enforceable claim] before the due date, you
must pay additional fees and charges that are not part of the
finance charge, including [amount and description of fees].”
d. In all other cases, the bottom cell shall state: “If you repurchase the
[description of legally enforceable claim] before the due date, you
will not be required to pay any additional fees and charges.”
(ii) If the recipient is not permitted to repurchase the legally enforceable claim
for payment before the legally enforceable claim is due and payable, the
resulting cell shall include the following statements:
a. “You are not permitted to pay the amount due on the [description
of legally enforceable claim] before your customer’s due date.”
b. If applicable: “The finance charge will not decrease if your customer
pays the [description of legally enforceable claim] before the due
Note: Authority cited: Sections 321 and 22804, Financial Code. Reference: Sections 22800, 22802, 22803
and 22804, Financial Code.
§ 913. Factoring Disclosure Formatting and Contents for Example Transactions
(a) Disclosures for factoring transactions provided in accordance with section 22803 of the code
shall comply with the following requirements.
(1) The provider shall present the required disclosures in a table consisting of seven rows and
three columns.
(2) All three columns of the first row of the table shall be combined, and within the cell created,
the provider shall include only the following language, in italics:
(A) If the finance charge, annual percentage rate and term do not vary for different
classes of legally enforceable claim: “The calculations below are based upon a
hypothetical [description of legally enforceable claims to be assigned, e.g.
“Invoice”] of [value calculated in accordance with section 951], assigned to [insert
name of financer] with a due date [term] from the date of assignment. Actual costs
may differ substantially.”
(B) If the finance charge, annual percentage rate or term will vary for different classes
of legally enforceable claims with different characteristics, the following in the
order listed:
(i) The calculations below are based upon a hypothetical [description of
legally enforceable claims to be assigned, e.g., “invoice”] of [insert value
calculated in accordance with section 951], assigned to [name of financer]
with a due date [term] from the date of assignment.”
(ii) A short explanation of the class of the legally enforceable claim for which
the disclosure applies. For example: “These calculations further assume
that the account debtor on the invoice is [name of account debtor].”
(iii) Actual costs may differ substantially.”
(3) The second row of the table shall include only the following information:
(A) In the first column: “Funding Provided”.
(B) In the second column, the amount financed.
(C) In the third column, in the order listed and in one paragraph:
(i) This is how much [name of financer] will pay when you assign [description
of legally enforceable claim, e.g. “the invoice”] to [name of financer].”
(ii) If the amount financed is greater than the recipient funds: “Due to
deductions or payments to others, the total funds that will be provided to
you directly is [recipient funds]. For more information on what amounts will
be deducted, please review the attached document “Itemization of Amount
(iii) If any portion of the amount financed will be used to pay down or pay off
other amounts owed by the recipient that may change over time, and the
amounts owed are known to the provider, the provider shall also include a
short explanation that the amount paid directly to the recipient may change
if the amount owed for the recipient’s other obligations changes.
(iv) If, as a condition of the financing, a recipient’s amounts owed to third
parties must be paid down or paid off using funds from the amount
financed, and an amount owed is not known to the provider, the provider
shall also include a short explanation that the amount paid directly to the
recipient may change based upon the required disbursements to satisfy
other obligations.
(4) The third row of the table shall include only the following information:
(A) In the first column: “Annual Percentage Rate (APR)”.
(B) In the second column, the provider’s calculation of the annual percentage rate of
the transaction calculated in accordance with sections 940 and 941.
(C) In third column:
“This is the estimated cost of your financing expressed as a yearly rate. APR includes
the amount and timing of the funding you receive, fees you pay, and payments made
to [name of financer]. This estimate assumes that you will assign the [description of
legally enforceable claim assigned, e.g. “invoice”] to [name of financer] today, the
[description of legally enforceable claim assigned] is due in [term] and your customer
will pay the [name of legally enforceable claim assigned, e.g. “invoice”] in full on the
due date.”
(D) If no part of the finance charge is based upon an interest rate, in addition to the
language required by subdivision (a)(4)(C) of this section: “APR is not an interest
rate and the amount of the finance charge is not based upon an interest rate.”
(5) The fourth row of the table shall include the following information:
(A) In the first column: “Finance Charge”.
(B) In the second column, the total finance charge calculated in accordance with
section 943.
(C) In the third column, the provider’s calculation of the finance charge, with the
amount and a description of each expense (e.g., factoring fee, origination fee, etc.)
that is included in the finance charge.
(6) The fifth row of the table shall include only the following information:
(A) In the first column: “Payment Amount”.
(B) In second column: “NA” or “N/Aor “Not applicable”.
(C) In the third column, a short explanation describing why the recipient is not
ordinarily required to make payments under the contract. For example: “You are
selling an invoice to us, so you will not be required to make any payments to us
unless your customer fails to pay the invoice and we find that you breached your
warranty to us by failing to deliver the invoiced goods to your customer.”
(7) The sixth row of the table shall include only the following information:
(A) In the first column: “Estimated Term”.
(B) In the second column, the term of the transaction.
(C) In the third column, a short explanation describing how the provider calculated the
term. For example: “You are permitted to assign us invoices that are due a
maximum of 60 days from the invoice date, so we have estimated a term of 2
months. The invoice may be paid sooner or later than the due date.”
(8) The seventh row of the table shall include only the following information:
(A) In the first column: “Prepayment”.
(B) The second and third columns shall be combined, and:
(C) If the recipient is permitted to repurchase the legally enforceable claim for
payment before the legally enforceable claim is due and payable, the resulting
combined cell shall be divided vertically into two cells by a horizontal line, and:
(i) If at any time during the term of the transaction, repurchase of the legally
enforceable claim will result in the recipient paying finance charges other
than interest since the advance was made, the top cell shall include the
following statement: “If you repurchase the [description of legally
enforceable claim] before the due date, you still must pay all or a portion of
the finance charge, which could be as high as $[maximum non-interest
finance charge].”
(ii) In all other cases, the top cell shall include the following statement, “If you
repurchase the [description of legally enforceable claim] before the due
date, you will not pay any portion of the finance charge other than unpaid
interest accrued since disbursement, if applicable.”
(iii) If, at any time during the term of the transaction, repurchase of the legally
enforceable claim will require the recipient to pay additional fees and
charges not included in the finance charge, the bottom cell shall include the
following statement: “If you repurchase the [description of legally
enforceable claim] before the due date, you must pay additional fees and
charges, including [amount and description of fees].”
(iv) In all other cases, the bottom cell shall state: “If you repurchase the
[description of legally enforceable claim] before the due date, you will not
be required to pay any additional fees and charges.”
(D) If the recipient is not permitted to repurchase the legally enforceable claim for
payment before the legally enforceable claim is due and payable, the resulting cell
shall include the following statements:
(i) “You are not permitted to pay the amount due on the [description of legally
enforceable claim] before your customer’s due date.”
(ii) If applicable: “The finance charge will not decrease if your customer pays
the [description of legally enforceable claim] before the due date.”
Note: Authority cited: Sections 321 and 22804, Financial Code. Reference: Sections 22800, 22802, 22803
and 22804, Financial Code.
§ 914. Sales-Based Financing Disclosure Formatting and Contents.
(a) Disclosures for all sales-based financing provided in accordance with section 22802 of the code,
except for asset-based lending that meets the definition of sales-based financing, shall comply
with the following requirements.
(1) The provider shall present the required disclosures in a table consisting of nine rows and
three columns.
(2) The first row of the table shall include only the following information:
(A) In the first column: “Funding Provided”.
(B) In the second column, the amount financed.
(C) In the third column, in the order listed and in one paragraph:
(i) This is how much funding [name of financer] will provide.”
(ii) If the amount financed is greater than the recipient funds: “Due to deductions
or payments to others, the total funds that will be provided to you directly is
[recipient funds]. For more information on what amounts will be deducted,
please review the attached document “Itemization of Amount Financed.”
(iii) If any portion of the amount financed will be used to pay down or pay off other
amounts owed by the recipient that may change over time, and the amounts
owed are known to the provider, the provider shall include a short explanation
that the amount paid directly to the recipient may change if the amount owed
for the recipient’s other obligations changes.
(iv) If, as a condition of the financing, a recipient’s amounts owed to third parties
must be paid down or paid off using funds from the amount financed, and an
amount owed is not known to the provider, the provider shall also include a
short explanation that the amount paid directly to the recipient may change
based upon the required disbursements to satisfy other obligations.
(3) The second row of the table shall include only the following information:
(A) In the first column: “Estimated Annual Percentage Rate (APR)”.
(B) In the second column, the annual percentage rate calculated in accordance with
section 940.
(C) In the third column:
“APR is the estimated cost of your financing expressed as a yearly rate. APR
incorporates the amount and timing of the funding you receive, fees you pay, and
the periodic payments you make. This calculation assumes your estimated average
monthly income through [description of particular payment channel or
mechanism] will be [average monthly income estimate determined in accordance
with sections 930 or 931]. Since your actual income may vary from our estimate,
your effective APR may also vary.
(D) If no part of the finance charge is based upon an interest rate, in addition to the
language required by subdivision (a)(3)(C) of this section: “APR is not an interest
rate. The cost of this financing is based upon fees charged by [financer] rather than
interest that accrues over time.”
(4) The third row of the table shall include only the following information:
(A) In the first column: “Finance Charge”.
(B) In the second column, the finance charge calculated in accordance with section
(C) In the third column:
(i) This is the dollar cost of your financing.”
(ii) In addition, if the finance charge will not increase under any circumstance if
repayment takes longer than estimated, the provider may include the
following statement: “Your finance charge will not increase if you take
longer to pay off what you owe.”
(5) The fourth row of the table shall include only the following information:
(A) In the first column: “Estimated Total Payment Amount”.
(B) In the second column, the total dollar amount of estimated payments the recipient
will make during the term of the contract.
(C) In the third column: “This is the total dollar amount of payments we estimate you
will make under the contract.”
(6) The fifth row of the table shall include only the following information:
(A) In the first column: “Estimated Payment.
(B) The second and third columns shall be combined, and contain the following
(i) The average amount of estimated periodic payments calculated in
accordance with section 942, followed by a forward slash (/) and the
frequency of periodic payments.
(ii) The date and amount of any irregular payments listed in chronological
(iii) The date and amount of any reasonably anticipated true-ups.
(7) The sixth row of the table shall include only the following information:
(A) In the first column: “Payment Terms.
(B) The second and third columns shall be combined, and contain the following
(i) If the contract provides for daily periodic payments, a short explanation of when
daily payments will be required. For example, on weekdays or every calendar
(ii) If applicable, a short explanation of how the financer will use the split rate to
calculate the recipient’s required payments and/or that the financing does not
have a fixed payment schedule or minimum payments. For example: “Each
business day, your credit card processer will remit 15% of your gross receipts to
us, and send any remaining amounts to you. This financing does not have a fixed
payment schedule and there is no minimum payment amount.
(iii) If the contract contains a true-up mechanism,
(a) A short explanation of how the provider calculated the pre-set periodic
payment(s) described in section 900, subdivision (a)(34)(A). For
example: “We based your preset daily payment of $75 upon our
estimate of 15% of your total income, based upon average monthly
income of $15,000 for the last three months.”
(b) A short explanation of the true-up mechanism, and a reference to the
part of the contract that describes the terms of the true-up mechanism,
if available. For example: “You have the right to receive refunds of all or
part of your payments if you demonstrate that your payments have
exceeded 15% of your total income during any given month. For more
details on your rights, see paragraph 5 of your contract.
(iv) A short explanation of any minimum payment terms under the contract. For
example: “You must pay us a minimum of $2,000 per month under the
(8) The seventh row of the table shall include only the following information:
(A) In the first column: “Estimated Term”.
(B) In the second column, the estimated term of the transaction, calculated in
accordance with section 942.
(C) In the third column, a short explanation stating that the estimated term is based
upon assumptions about the recipient’s income. For example:
“This is our estimate of how long it will take to collect amounts due to us under the
contract based upon the assumption that you will receive $6,000 in monthly income
through your BrownPay account.”
(9) In the first column, the eighth and ninth rows shall be combined and shall include the
following language: “Prepayment.”
(10) In the eighth row, the second and third columns shall be combined and shall include only:
(A) If, at any time during the term of the transaction, prepayment of the outstanding
balance due will require the recipient to pay finance charges other than interest
accrued since the recipient’s last payment, the following statement: “If you pay off
the financing faster than required, you still must pay all or a portion of the finance
charge, up to $[maximum non-interest finance charge] based upon our estimates.”
(B) In all other cases, the following statement: “If you pay off the financing faster than
required, you will not be required to pay any portion of the finance charge other
than unpaid interest accrued.”
(11) In the ninth row, the second and third columns shall be combined and shall include:
(A) If, at any time during the term of the transaction, prepayment of the outstanding
balance due will require the recipient to pay additional fees and charges not
included in the finance charge, the following statement: “If you pay off the
financing faster than required, you must pay additional fees of [amount and
description of fees].”
(B) In all other cases, the following statement: “If you pay off the financing faster than
required, you will not be required to pay additional fees.”
(12) If the contract provides for periodic payments that are not monthly, the provider shall insert
one additional row below the fourth row, and the additional row shall include only the
following information:
(A) In the first column: “Estimated Monthly Cost”.
(B) In the second column, the estimated monthly cost that the recipient will pay over
the term of the transaction calculated in accordance with section 942 of these
rules. If the provider anticipates that the estimated monthly cost will vary over the
term of the transaction, either due to changes in the recipient’s income through
the particular payment channel, a change in the split rate, or some other reason
provided for in the contract, the provider shall list the estimated monthly costs and
the time periods when those estimates apply. For example:
Months 1-2:
Months 3-6:
Month 7:
(C) In the third column, a short explanation of how the provider calculated the
estimated monthly cost. For example: “Although you do not make payments on a
monthly basis, this is our calculation of your average monthly cost based upon the
payment amounts disclosed below.”
Note: Authority cited: Sections 321 and 22804, Financial Code. Reference: Sections 22800, 22802 and
22804, Financial Code.
§ 915. Lease Financing Disclosure Formatting and Contents.
(a) Disclosures for lease financing provided in accordance with section 22802 of the code shall
comply with the following requirements.
(1) The provider shall present the disclosures in a table consisting of eight rows and three columns.
(2) The first row of the table shall include only the following information:
(A) In the first column: “Funding Provided”.
(B) In the second column, the amount financed.
(C) In the third column: “This is how much funding [name of financer] will provide.”
(3) The second row of the table shall include only the following information:
(A) In first column: “Annual Percentage Rate (APR)”.
(B) In second column, the annual percentage rate calculated in accordance with section
(C) In the third column:
“APR is the cost of your financing expressed as a yearly rate. APR incorporates
the amount and timing of the funding you receive, fees you pay, the periodic
payments you make, and the anticipated cost for you to acquire the property at
the end of the lease term.
Your APR is not an interest rate.
(4) The third row of the table shall include only the following information:
(A) In first column: “Finance Charge”.
(B) In second column, the total finance charge, calculated in accordance with section 943.
(C) In the third column, the provider’s calculation of the finance charge, with the amount
and description of each expense included in the finance charge.
(5) The fourth row of the table shall include only the following information:
(A) In the first column: “Total Payment Amount”.
(B) In the second column, the total dollar amount of payments the recipient will make
during the term of the contract if the recipient makes minimum required payments and
exercises the purchase option under the agreement.
(C) In the third column: This is the total dollar amount of payments you will make during
the term of the contract (including the cost of the purchase option).”
(6) The fifth row of the table shall include only the following information:
(A) In the first column: “Payment”.
(B) If periodic payments during the term of the transaction will not vary:
(i) In the second column, the amount of each periodic payment followed by a
forward slash (/) and the frequency of each periodic payment (e.g., month, day,
or other period), followed by the date and amount of any irregular payments
listed in chronological order, followed by the price of the purchase option.
(ii) In the third column, a short explanation of the payment and purchase option.
For example: “This is how much you will pay each month, the $300 maintenance
fee due 12 months after you receive funding, and the purchase price you may
pay at the end of the lease to acquire the property.” The provider may also
include a short explanation describing when each payment will become due.
For example: “Your monthly payments are due on the 1
day of every month.”
(C) If periodic payments during the term of the transaction vary, the second and third
column in the fourth row shall be combined and the provider shall list the periodic
payment amounts and when each amount will become due, followed by the date and
amount of any irregular payments listed in chronological order, followed by the price of
the purchase option. For example:
Months 1-12: $600/month
Months 13-24: $1200/month
Maintenance Fee Due 2/1/2021: $500.
Maintenance Fee Due 8/1/2022: $300.
Purchase Price: $1000.
Payments 1-23: $600/month
Payment 24: $2000.
Maintenance Fee Due 2/1/2021: $500.
Maintenance Fee Due 8/1/2022: $300.
Purchase Price: $1000.
(7) The sixth row of the table shall include no information in the third column, and the remaining
columns shall include only the following information:
(A) In first column: “Term”.
(B) In second column, the term of the transaction.
(8) In the first column, the seventh and eighth rows shall be combined and shall include the
following language: “Prepayment”.
(9) In the seventh row, the second and third columns shall be combined and include only:
(A) If, at any time during the term of the transaction, prepayment of the outstanding
balance due will require the recipient to pay finance charges other than interest
accrued since the recipient’s last payment, the following statement: “If you pay off the
financing before the end of the term, you will be required to pay all or a portion of the
finance charge other than accrued and unpaid interest, up to $[maximum non-interest
finance charge].”
(B) In all other cases, the following statement: “If you pay off the financing before the end
of the term, you will not be required to pay any portion of the finance charge other
than unpaid interest accrued.”
(10) In the eighth row, the second and third columns shall be combined and shall include only:
(A) If, at any time during the term of the transaction, prepayment of the outstanding
balance due will require the recipient to pay additional fees and charges not included
in the finance charge, the following statement: “If you pay off the financing before the
end of the term, you must pay additional fees or charges, including” followed by a
description of any prepayment charges.
(B) In all other cases, the following statement: “If you pay off the financing before the end
of the term, you will not be required to pay additional fees or charges.”
(11) If the contract provides for periodic payments that are not monthly, the provider shall insert
one additional row below the fourth row, and the additional row shall include only the following
(A) In the first column: “Average Monthly Cost”.
(B) In the second column, the average monthly cost that the recipient will pay over the
term of the transaction.
(C) In the third column, language explaining that the recipient will not be required to make
monthly payments and explaining how the provider has calculated the monthly cost.
For example: “Although you do not make payments on a monthly basis, this is our
calculation of your average monthly cost based upon the payment amounts disclosed
Note: Authority cited: Sections 321 and 22804, Financial Code. Reference: Sections 22800, 22802 and
22804, Financial Code.
§ 916 General Asset-Based Lending Transaction Disclosure Formatting and Contents.
(a) Disclosures for asset-based lending transactions, provided in accordance with section 22803 of
the code and section 950, shall comply with the following formatting requirements.
(1) The provider shall present the required disclosures in a table consisting of nine rows and
three columns.
(2) All three columns of the first row of the table shall be combined, and within the cell created,
the provider shall provide an explanation, in italics, of all assumptions used to calculate the
disclosures, and a notice, if applicable, that actual costs may differ substantially from those
disclosed. For example: “The calculations below assume you draw [amount calculated in
accordance with section 950] at origination, you maintain an outstanding balance of that
amount for [length of draw period or one year, whichever is less], and that the amount
owed us is paid off thereafter according to the terms of the contract. Actual costs may differ
(3) The second row of the table shall include only the following information:
(A) In the first column: “Funding Provided”.
(B) In the second column, the amount financed.
(C) In the third column, in the order listed and in the same paragraph:
(i) This is the maximum amount of funding [name of financer] will provide.”
(ii) If the amount financed is greater than the recipient funds: “Due to
deductions or payments to others, the total funds that will be provided to
you directly if you request the maximum amount is [recipient funds]. For
more information on what amounts will be deducted, please review the
attached document “Itemization of Amount Financed.”
(iii) If any portion of the amount financed will be used to pay down or pay off
other amounts owed by the recipient that may change over time, and the
amounts owed are known to the provider, the provider may include a short
explanation that the amount paid directly to the recipient may change if the
amount owed for the recipient’s other obligations changes.
(iv) If, as a condition of the financing, a recipient’s amounts owed to third
parties must be paid down or paid off using funds from the amount
financed, and an amount owed is not known to the provider, the provider
shall also include a short explanation that the amount paid directly to the
recipient may change based upon the required disbursements to satisfy
other obligations.
(4) The third row of the table shall include only the following information:
(A) In the first column: “Estimated Annual Percentage Rate (APR)”.
(B) In the second column, the annual percentage rate calculated in accordance with
section 940 of these rules.
(C) In the third column in the order listed:
(i) APR is the estimated cost of your financing expressed as a yearly rate. APR
incorporates the amount and timing of the funding you receive, fees you
pay, and the payments we collect. APR is not an interest rate.”
(ii) A short explanation of the applicable interest rate or rates for the
transaction, if applicable.
(5) The fourth row of the table shall include only the following information:
(A) In the first column: “Estimated Finance Charge”.
(B) In the second column, the finance charge calculated in accordance with section 943
of these rules.
(C) In the third column:
(i) This is the dollar cost of your financing.”
(ii) If the contract provides for an adjustable interest rate or rates that are not
predetermined by the contract: “The interest rate under your contract will
adjust over time, so your actual finance charge may vary.”
(6) The fifth row of the table shall include only the following information:
(A) In the first column: “Payment”.
(B) The second and third columns shall be combined, and in the resulting cell, the
provider shall provide a short explanation of how balances on the account are
(7) The sixth row of the table shall include only the following information:
(A) In the first column: “Draw Period”.
(B) In the second column, the draw period for the transaction.
(C) In the third column, a short explanation of the draw period for the transaction.
(8) The seventh row of the table shall include no information in the third column, and the
remaining columns shall include only the following information:
(A) In the first column: “Term”.
(B) In the second column, the term of the transaction.
(9) In the first column, the eighth and ninth rows shall be combined and shall include the
following language: “Prepayment”.
(10) In the eighth row, the second and third columns shall be combined and shall include only:
(A) If, at any time during the term of the transaction, prepayment of the outstanding
balance due will require the recipient to pay finance charges other than interest
accrued since the recipient’s last payment, the following statement: “If you pay off
the financing faster than required, you still must pay all or a portion of the finance
charge, up to $[maximum non-interest finance charge] based upon our estimates.”
(B) In all other cases, the following statement: “If you pay off the financing faster than
required, you will not be required to pay any portion of the finance charge other
than unpaid interest accrued.”
(11) In the ninth row, the second and third columns shall be combined and shall include:
(A) If, at any time during the term of the transaction, prepayment of the outstanding
balance due will require the recipient to pay additional fees and charges not
included in the finance charge, the following statement: “If you pay off the
financing faster than required, you must pay additional fees of [amount and
description of fees].”
(B) In all other cases, the following statement: “If you pay off the financing faster than
required, you will not be required to pay additional fees.”
Note: Authority cited: Sections 321 and 22804, Financial Code. Reference: Sections 22800, 22802, 22803
and 22804, Financial Code.
§ 917 Disclosure Formatting and Contents for All Other Transactions
(a) Disclosures for commercial financing that does not meet the definition of a closed-end
transaction, sales-based financing, commercial open-end credit plan, factoring transaction, lease
financing, or asset-based lending transaction shall comply with the following formatting
(1) The provider shall present the required disclosures in a table consisting of eight rows and
three columns.
(2) The first row of the table shall include only the following information:
(A) In the first column: “Funding Provided”.
(B) In the second column, the amount financed.
(C) In the third column, the following in the order listed and in one paragraph:
(i) This is how much funding [name of financer] will provide.”
(ii) If the amount financed is greater than the recipient funds: “Due to
deductions or payments to others, the total funds that will be provided to
you directly is [recipient funds]. For more information on what amounts will
be deducted, please review the attached document “Itemization of Amount
(iii) If any portion of the amount financed will be used to pay down or pay off
other amounts owed by the recipient that may change over time, and the
amounts owed are known to the provider, the provider shall include a short
explanation that the amount paid directly to the recipient may change if the
amount owed for the recipient’s other obligations changes.
(iv) If, as a condition of the financing, a recipient’s amounts owed to third
parties must be paid down or off using funds from the amount financed,
and an amount owed is not known to the provider, the provider shall also
include a short explanation that the amount paid directly to the recipient
may change based upon the required disbursements to satisfy other
(3) The second row of the table shall include only the following information:
(A) In the first column: “Annual Percentage Rate (APR)”.
(B) In the second column, the annual percentage rate calculated in accordance with
section 940.
(C) In the third column, the following in order:
(i) APR is the cost of your financing expressed as a yearly rate. APR
incorporates the amount and timing of the funding you receive, and
payments paid by you or on your behalf to [financer]. APR is not an interest
(ii) A short explanation of any assumptions made by the provider to calculate
(4) The third row of the table shall include only the following information:
(A) In the first column: “Finance Charge”.
(B) In the second column, the finance charge calculated in accordance with section
(C) In the third column, the provider’s calculation of the finance charge, with the
amount and description of each expense that is included in the finance charge.
(5) The fourth row of the table shall include only the following information:
(A) In the first column:
(i) If, assuming the recipient makes minimum required payments under the
contract, it is possible to calculate with certainty the total payments the
recipient will make during the contract’s term: “Total Payment Amount”.
(ii) If, assuming the recipient makes minimum required payments under the
contract, it is not possible to calculate with certainty the total payments the
recipient will make during the contract’s term: Total Estimated Payment
(B) In the second column, the total dollar amount of payments or total dollar amount
of estimated payments the recipient will make during the term of the contract if
the recipient makes minimum required payments.
(C) In the third column:
(i) If, assuming the recipient makes minimum required payments under the
contract, it is possible to calculate with certainty the total dollar amount of
payments the recipient will make during the term of the contract: “This is
the total dollar amount of payments you will make during the term of the
(ii) If, assuming the recipient makes minimum required payments under the
contract, it is not possible to calculate with certainty the total dollar amount
of payments the recipient will make during the term of the contract: “This is
our estimate of the total dollar amount of payments you will make during
the term of the contract.”
(6) The fifth row of the table shall include only the following information:
(A) In the first column: “Payment”.
(B) The second and third columns shall be combined, and shall contain the following
information in order:
(i) The amount of each periodic payment, followed by a forward slash (/) and
the frequency of each periodic payment. If the provider anticipates that the
periodic payment amount will vary over the term of the transaction, the
provider shall list all periodic payment amounts and the time periods when
those payments apply. For example:
Months 1-2:
Months 3-7:
(ii) The date and amount of any irregular payments listed in chronological
(7) The sixth row of the table shall include no information in the third column, and the
remaining columns shall include only the following information:
(A) In the first column: “Term”.
(B) In the second column, the term of the transaction.
(8) In the first column, the seventh and eighth rows shall be combined and shall include the
following language: “Prepayment”.
(9) In the seventh row, the second and third columns shall be combined and shall include only:
(A) If, at any time during the term of the transaction, prepayment of the outstanding
balance due will require the recipient to pay finance charges other than interest
accrued since the recipient’s last payment, the following statement, “If you pay off
the financing faster than required, you still must pay all or a portion of the finance
charge, up to $[maximum non-interest finance charge].”
(B) In all other cases, the following statement: “If you pay off the financing faster than
required, you will not be required to pay any portion of the finance charge other
than unpaid interest accrued.”
(10) In the eighth row, the second and third columns shall be combined and shall include:
(A) If, at any time during the term of the transaction, prepayment of the outstanding
balance due will require the recipient to pay additional fees and charges not
included in the finance charge, the following statement: “If you pay off the
financing faster than required, you must pay additional fees of [amount and
description of fees].”
(B) In all other cases, the following statement: “If you pay off the financing faster than
required, you will not be required to pay additional fees.”
(11) If the contract provides for periodic payments that are not monthly, the provider shall
insert one additional row below the third row, and the additional row shall include only the
following information:
(A) In the first column: “Monthly Cost”.
(B) In the second column, the monthly cost that the recipient will pay over the term of
the transaction. If the provider anticipates that the estimated monthly cost will
vary over the term of the transaction, the provider shall list the estimated monthly
costs and the time periods when those estimates apply. For example:
Months 1-2:
Months 3-6:
Month 7:
(C) In the third column, a short explanation of how the provider calculated the
monthly cost. For example: “Although you do not make payments on a monthly
basis, this is our calculation of your average monthly cost based upon the payment
amounts disclosed below.”
(12) If the contract provides for multiple payment options, the provider shall insert one
additional row above the first row, and in that row, all three columns shall be combined,
resulting in a single cell. In that cell, the provider shall include a short explanation of how
the provider has based the disclosure on the minimum payment permitted under the
Note: Authority cited: Sections 321 and 22804, Financial Code. Reference: Sections 22800, 22802, 22803
and 22804, Financial Code.
§ 920. Signatures.
(a) Prior to consummating a commercial financing, a financer shall obtain a copy of the disclosures
made pursuant to sections 22802 and 22803 of the code that are signed by the recipient.
Where the recipient is not a natural person, a natural person authorized to sign on behalf of the
legal entity may sign the disclosure, provided that the natural person is not a broker. Such
disclosures may be transmitted between the recipient and the provider via electronic
transmission and utilizing electronic signatures, regardless of whether subsequent financing
agreements, amendments and supplements are provided to the recipient in person, by mail or
(b) If a commercial financing transaction is consummated electronically, a provider may obtain a
recipient’s signature on the required disclosures electronically or by facsimile.
(c) A provider is not required to obtain the recipient’s signature on any disclosure for a commercial
financing transaction that is not consummated. When a provider provides multiple disclosures
to a recipient during the negotiation of a commercial financing transaction that is ultimately
consummated, the provider need only obtain the recipient’s signature on the final disclosure
that corresponds to the consummated transaction.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 321 and 22804, Financial Code. Reference: Sections 22800, 22802, 22803
and 22804, Financial Code.
§ 921. Thresholds for Disclosure
(a) For the purpose of determining whether the amount of a commercial financing offer is equal to
or less than $500,000, a provider shall:
(1) For an open-end credit plan, use the approved credit limit.
(2) For an asset-based lending transaction:
(A) Use the approved credit limit if transaction meets all of the following
(i) The provider offers the recipient an agreement that describes the
general terms and conditions of the commercial financing transaction
that will occur under the agreement;
(ii) The approved credit limit exceeds $500,000; and
(iii) The parties to the asset-based lending transaction agree in writing that
an amount exceeding $500,000 is reasonably expected to be advanced
to the recipient and outstanding at some point during the agreement
and such agreement is made in writing before the execution of the
financing agreement, before any amendment to an agreement entered
into before the effective date of these regulations, or before any
amendment increasing the approved credit limit for a consummated
financing agreement to an amount exceeding $500,000.
(B) If the asset-based lending transaction does not meet all of the requirements
listed in subdivision (a)(2)(A) above, the commercial financing offer shall be
considered less than or equal to $500,000.
(3) For a factoring transaction,
(A) Use the approved advance limit if the transaction meets all of the following
(i) The provider offers the recipient an agreement that describes the
general terms and conditions of the commercial financing transaction
that will occur under the agreement;
(ii) The approved advance limit exceeds $500,000; and
(iii) The parties to the factoring transaction agree in writing that an amount
exceeding $500,000 is reasonably expected to be advanced to the
recipient and outstanding for legally enforceable claims that have not
yet been paid at some point during the agreement and such agreement
is made in writing before the execution of the financing agreement,
before any amendment to an agreement entered into before the
effective date of these regulations, or before any amendment increasing
the approved advance limit for a consummated agreement to an
amount exceeding $500,000.
(B) If the factoring transaction does not meet all of the requirements listed in
subdivision (a)(3)(A) above, the commercial financing offer shall be considered
less than or equal to $500,000.
(4) In all other transactions, use the amount financed.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 321 and 22804, Financial Code. Reference: Sections 22800 and 22804,
Financial Code.
§ 922. Commercial Financings with Multiple Payment Options; Balances Payable on Demand.
(a) For commercial financings that offer multiple payment options to the recipient, the provider
shall calculate required disclosures based upon the minimum payments allowed under the
(b) For commercial financings where the balance due is payable on demand, the provider shall
calculate required disclosures based upon an assumed term of one year unless the provider
reasonably anticipates that the balance will be repaid more quickly. If an alternate maturity date
is stated in the legal obligation between the parties, the disclosures shall be based on that date.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 321 and 22804, Financial Code. Reference: Sections 22800, 22802, 22803
and 22804, Financial Code.
§ 930. Estimates Sales-Based financingHistorical Method.
(a) This section shall apply only to sales-based financing.
(b) With respect to any assumptions about a recipient’s future monthly sales, income, or receipts
necessary to calculate the disclosures required by this subchapter, a provider shall use the
“estimated monthly sales, income, or receipts projection” described below.
(1) The estimated monthly sales, income, or receipts projection shall be calculated as the
recipient’s historical average of:
(A) The monthly sales, income or receipts volume received through the particular
payment channel or mechanism; and
(B) The monthly sales, income, or receipts received through any other payment
channel or mechanism that the financing contract would have required
recipients to redirect to the particular payment channel or mechanism had
the financing contract been operative previously.
(2) For all transactions, or by recipient industry or financing amount (or both), a provider
shall fix the number of months used to calculate the recipient’s average monthly
historical sales, income, or receipts, provided that the period of historical data used by
the provider shall not be less than four (4) months or more than twelve (12) months.
(3) When a recipient has not been in operation for the number of months set by the
provider as described in subdivision (b)(2) of this section, the provider may calculate the
recipient’s historical average sales volume, income, or receipts using an average from
the months the recipient has been in operation.
(4) Notwithstanding subdivision (b)(2), a provider may exclude from the average calculation
required by subdivision (b)(1):
(A) the monthly sales, income, or receipts from any month that is less than the
average monthly sales, income, or receipts of the months required to be
considered under paragraphs (2) and (3), if the provider determines that the
decreased monthly sales, income or receipts volume in that month arose from
a cause, such as a natural disaster or uncommon business interruption, that is
unlikely to recur during performance of the contract. A provider shall have no
liability for failing to exercise the option permitted under this subparagraph.
(B) the monthly sales, income, or receipts from any month for which the recipient
failed to provide documentation of average monthly sales, income, or receipts
following the provider’s request.
(C) the monthly sales, income, or receipts from any number of months at the
beginning of the period (starting with the oldest month) set by the provider
under paragraph (2), if the provider does not require and receive monthly
sales, income, or receipts documentation from those months from the
(5) In addition to the months considered pursuant to subdivision (b)(2) of this section, a
provider may include in its average calculation all or none of the additional months for
which the recipient has provided sales, income or receipts documentation, excluding
any months in which the recipient was not in operation.
(6) When a provider fixes the number of months it will consider pursuant to subdivision
(b)(2), the provider shall record this decision in an internal document that includes the
effective date of the provider’s decision. If the provider modifies the months fixed
pursuant to subdivision (b)(2), the provider shall create a new version of the document
required by this paragraph. The provider shall maintain a copy of every version of the
document while it is in effect and for a period of four years thereafter.
(c) If a provider must make additional estimates or assumptions other than a recipient’s estimated
monthly sales, income, or receipts projection to provide disclosures required by this subchapter,
the provider shall:
(1) Base those estimates or assumptions on the best information reasonably available to
the provider at the time of the disclosure;
(2) State clearly that any disclosure based upon an estimate or assumption is an estimate
by adding the word “estimate” to the descriptive language of any required disclosure
under this chapter.
(3) State clearly any assumptions or estimates used as the basis for the disclosure in any
description associated with the disclosure.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 321 and 22804, Financial Code. Reference: Sections 22800, 22802, 22803
and 22804, Financial Code.
§ 931. Estimates Sales-based financingUnderwriting Method.
(a) This section shall apply only to sales-based financing.
(1) With respect to any assumptions about a recipient’s future sales, income or receipts,
and as an alternative to the methods described in section 930 for calculating disclosures
required by this subchapter, a provider may elect to calculate the required disclosures in
accordance with this section.
(2) A provider shall calculate the disclosures using an “internal estimated sales, income, or
receipts projection” through the particular payment channel or mechanism designated
in the contract.
(3) The “internal estimated sales, income, or receipts projection” through the particular
payment channel or mechanism shall be calculated using the best information
reasonably available to the provider.
(4) Once every four months, a provider who makes disclosures based upon internal
estimated sales projections shall conduct an audit of its commercial financings.
(A) The audit shall cover all sales-based financings paid off during the previous
four-month period where the provider made disclosures based upon internal
estimated sales projections, including transactions with contractually required
true-up payments, but excluding transactions where:
(i) The provider or financer initiated legal action against the recipient in
court or arbitration for breach of the contract or to collect amounts due
under the contract;
(ii) The provider or financer stopped collection of amounts due under a
contract after determining that the recipient had violated the terms of
the contract; or
(iii) The provider modifies the contract terms pursuant to an agreement
with a recipient.
(B) The provider shall calculate the retrospective annual percentage rate for each
sales-based financing in the audit. With respect to financing where a lump sum
payment is used to pay off the financing faster than required by the contract, a
provider may calculate the retrospective annual percentage rate by ignoring
the lump sum payment and assuming that the contract would have been
repaid in periodic payments that are an average of the past periodic payments
under the contract.
(C) The provider shall calculate the percentage of the difference between the
disclosed annual percentage rate and the retrospective annual percentage rate
for each sales-based financing in the audit. The provider shall subtract the
disclosed annual percentage rate from the retrospective annual percentage
rate for each sales-based financing in the audit, divide the resulting amount by
the disclosed annual percentage rate, and multiply that number by 100. The
percentage resulting from this calculation shall be called the “APR spread”.
(D) The provider shall find the median APR spread for all sales-based financings in
the audit. The median shall be called the “audited APR spread.”
(5) After completing its audit, the provider shall calculate the weighted average of the
audited APR spreads for the last three audits, the last five audits, and the last seven
audits using the total number of transactions used to calculate the audited APR spreads
for each audit period. This paragraph does not require a provider to calculate a
weighted average for the last three audits if the provider has not conducted three
audits, the weighted average for the last five audits if the provider has not conducted
five audits, or the weighted average for the last seven audits if the provider has not
conducted seven audits.
(A) If the weighted average for the last three audits is greater than 15 percent, the
provider shall not utilize the method described in this section to calculate the
required disclosure terms for 24 months, but shall instead employ the methods
described in section 930 unless the provider determines that the method
described in section 930 would have yielded a higher weighted average.
(B) If the weighted average for the last five audits is greater than 10 percent, the
provider shall not utilize the method described in this section to calculate the
required disclosure terms for 24 months, but shall instead employ the method
described in section 930 unless the provider determines that the method
described in section 930 would have yielded a higher weighted average.
(C) If the weighted average for the last seven audits is greater than 5 percent, the
provider shall not utilize the method described in this section to calculate the
required disclosure terms for 24 months, but shall instead employ the method
described in section 930 unless the provider determines that the method
described in section 930 would have yielded a higher weighted average.
(D) If the weighted average for the last three audits is 5 percent or less, the
provider may reduce the frequency of the audit process required by paragraph
(4) to once every twelve months. For any audit conducted twelve months
following the previous audit pursuant to this subparagraph, the provider shall
review all sales-based financings paid off during the previous twelve-month
period, rather than the previous four-month period, but shall otherwise comply
with the process required by paragraph (4).
(6) Following the end of the 24-month period described in paragraph (5) above, the
provider may begin calculating estimated payments, term and annual percentage rate in
accordance with this section only if the provider has made a good-faith effort to modify
its method for calculating internal estimated sales projections to make its disclosures
more accurate.
(7) If a provider must make additional estimates or assumptions other than an estimate of a
recipient’s future sales, income or receipts in order to provide disclosures required by
this subchapter, the provider shall:
(A) Base those estimates or assumptions on the best information reasonably
available to the provider at the time of the disclosure;
(B) State clearly that any disclosure based upon an estimate or assumption is an
estimate by adding the word “estimate” to the descriptive language of any
required disclosure under this subchapter; and
(C) State clearly any assumptions or estimates used as the basis for the disclosure
in any description associated with the disclosure.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 321 and 22804, Financial Code. Reference: Sections 22800, 22802, 22803
and 22804, Financial Code.
§ 940. Calculation of Annual Percentage Rate.
(a) The annual percentage rate is a measure of the cost of credit, expressed as a yearly rate, that
relates the amount and timing of value received by the recipient to the amount and timing of
payments made to the provider. For purposes of this subchapter, the annual percentage rate
shall be determined in accordance with either the United States Rule method or the actuarial
method, as both are set forth in Appendix J, 12 C.F.R. Part 1026 (1-1-21 Edition), and which is
incorporated herein by this reference.
(b) The annual percentage rate calculation shall include all finance charges as that term is defined in
section 943.
(c) When calculating the required disclosures for commercial open-ended credit plans made
pursuant to section 911, the provider shall assume that the recipient borrows the approved
credit limit at origination and makes no subsequent draws and that minimum on-time payments
are made pursuant to the contract.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 321 and 22804, Financial Code. Reference: Sections 22800, 22802, 22803
and 22804, Financial Code.
§ 941. Additional Assumptions for Factoring Transactions
(a) When calculating the required disclosures in accordance with section 912 for factoring
transactions, to provide a disclosure based upon a single transaction as described by section
22802 of the code, the provider shall assume that it will receive full payment of the legally
enforceable claim upon the date that legally enforceable claim becomes due and payable.
(b) When calculating the required disclosures in accordance with section 913 for factoring
transactions, to provide a disclosure based upon an example transaction as described by section
22803 of the code, the provider shall assume that it will receive full payment of the legally
enforceable claim upon the date that results from adding the term to the date the disclosure is
Note: Authority cited: Sections 321 and 22804, Financial Code. Reference: Sections 22800, 22802, 22803
and 22804, Financial Code.
§ 942. Estimated Annual Percentage Rate Sales-based financing
(a) When calculating the estimated payments and reasonably anticipated true-ups for sales-based
financing, a provider shall use the estimated monthly sales, income or receipts projection
described in subdivision (b) of section 930 or the internal estimated sales, income, or receipts
projection described in subdivision (a)(3) of section 931, accounting for:
(1) Specified payment amounts;
(2) Changes to the split rate over time;
(3) Contractual provisions requiring a minimum payment amount;
(4) Payments required when the recipient’s timely payment or series of payments falls
below a contracted threshold; and
(5) Any other finance charges that may be reasonably anticipated based upon the
estimated monthly sales, income, or receipts projection or the provider’s internal
estimated sales, income, or receipts projection.
(b) When calculating estimated monthly cost, finance charge, term, and annual percentage rate for
the sales-based financing, a provider shall use the estimated monthly, income or receipts sales
projection described in subdivision (b) of section 930, or internal estimated sales, income, or
receipts projection described in subdivision (a)(3) of section 931, accounting for the following:
(1) Specified payment amounts;
(2) Changes to the split rate over time;
(3) Contractual provisions requiring a minimum payment amount;
(4) Payments required when the recipient’s timely payment or series of payments falls
below a contracted threshold;
(5) Reasonably anticipated true-ups; and
(6) Any other finance charges that may be reasonably anticipated based upon the
estimated monthly sales, income, or receipts projection or the provider’s internal
estimated sales, income, or receipts projection.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 321 and 22804, Financial Code. Reference: Sections 22800, 22802, 22803
and 22804, Financial Code.
943. Finance Charge.
(a) The “finance charge” for a commercial financing transaction is the sum of:
(1) For all commercial financing transactions, all charges that would be included in the finance
charge under 12 C.F.R. Part 1026.4 (1-1-21 Edition), which is incorporated herein by this
reference, if the transaction were a consumer credit transaction and the financer were a
creditor under federal law. This paragraph is intended to require finance charges to
include any charge that would be a finance charge under 12 C.F.R. Part 1026.4, regardless
of whether the transaction in question would be considered an “extension of credit
under federal law and regardless of whether the financer would be considered a
“creditorunder federal law;
(2) In any accounts receivable purchase transaction that is not a factoring transaction, the
discount taken on the face value of the accounts receivable;
(3) In a factoring transaction, the face value on the invoice minus the amount paid directly to
the recipient upon assignment of the legally enforceable claim to the financer. For the
purposes of the calculation described in the preceding sentence, if the transaction
involves a reserve amount, the reserve amount shall also be subtracted from the face
value on the invoice only if the financer reasonably anticipates that it will return all
reserve amounts to the recipient once it has been paid for the legally enforceable claim or
claims assigned by the recipient or upon termination of the contractual relationship
between the financer and the recipient, properly crediting payments made by account
debtors and previous collections by the financer from the recipient, all amounts held in
reserve, and payments by insurers on defaulted accounts. In determining what the
financer can reasonably anticipate, the financer shall consider past performance of similar
contracts (both those made to the recipient and other similar recipients) and the policies
and procedures of the financer; and
(4) In any lease financing transaction, the sum of lease payments (including any regular
periodic payments and irregular payments) and price of the purchase option that the
lessee may pay to acquire the leased goods at the end of the lease, minus the amount
(b) For products where any part of the finance charge is based upon interest that accrues on the
outstanding principal balance owed by the recipient, the interest charge adjusts over time, and
it is not possible to calculate the interest charges in advance for the entire term of the
transaction because the charge adjusts based upon a benchmark rate plus a margin, the
provider shall calculate the interest charges for periods of time when the interest charge cannot
be calculated in advance based upon the benchmark rate in effect at the time of disclosure and
the margin.
(c) For the purposes of the calculation required by subdivision (a) of this section, a charge or
amount that meets the requirements of subdivision (a)(1) and subdivisions (a)(2), (a)(3), or (a)(4)
shall not be counted twice.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 321 and 22804, Financial Code. Reference: Sections 22800, 22802, 22803
and 22804, Financial Code.
§ 950. Asset-based lending; Example transaction.
(a) The alternative disclosures to a recipient under section 916 shall be made using an example
transaction and in accordance with the formatting requirements of section 916. The example
transaction shall be based on the proposed agreement governing the actual transaction
between the provider and recipient with the following parameters, as applicable:
(1) For asset-based lending transactions where the finance charge, annual percentage
rate, or term varies based upon the type of advance received, where the provider
offers the recipient an agreement that describes the general terms and conditions of
the commercial financing transactions that will occur under the agreement, and where
the financer provides disclosures based upon an example of a transaction that could
occur under the agreement under section 22803 of the code, the provider shall give
the recipient a separate disclosure for each type of advance.
(2) If the agreement between a financer and recipient permits an advance of funds to the
recipient up to and including an approved credit limit, the example transaction used in
making the disclosures shall assume:
(A) The recipient borrows up to the approved credit limit at origination;
(B) The recipient maintains a balance equal to the approved credit limit by reborrowing
up to the approved credit limit for a time equal to the draw period or one year,
whichever is less; and
(C) At the end of the time specified under subdivision (a)(2)(B), the financer is repaid
according to the terms specified in the contract.
(3) If the agreement between a provider and recipient does not specify an approved credit
limit, the example transaction used in making the disclosures shall assume:
(A) The recipient has drawn $10,000;
(B) The recipient maintains a balance equal to $10,000 by reborrowing up to the
approved credit limit for a time equal to the draw period or one year, whichever is
less; and
(C) At the end of the time specified under subdivision (a)(3)(B), the financer is repaid
according to the terms specified in the contract.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 321 and 22804, Financial Code. Reference: Sections 22800, 22802, 22803
and 22804, Financial Code.
§ 951. Factoring; Example Transaction.
(a) For factoring transactions where the finance charge, annual percentage rate, or term varies
based upon the type of the legally enforceable claim assigned, where the provider offers the
recipient an agreement that describes the general terms and conditions of the commercial
financing transactions that will occur under the agreement, and where the financer provides
disclosures based upon an example of a transaction that could occur under the agreement
under section 22803 of the code, the provider shall give the recipient a separate disclosure table
under section 913 for each type of legally enforceable claim.
(b) Maximum draw amount. If the agreement between a financer and recipient permits an advance
of funds to the recipient up to and including an approved advance limit for legally enforceable
claims that have not yet been paid by the account debtor, the example transaction used in
making the disclosures shall be equal to the approved advance limit.
(c) No maximum draw amount. If the agreement between a provider and recipient does not
specify an approved advance limit for legally enforceable claims that have not yet been paid by
the account debtor, the example transaction used in making the disclosures shall assume the
recipient has drawn $10,000.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 321 and 22804, Financial Code. Reference: Sections 22800, 22802, 22803
and 22804, Financial Code.
§ 952. Duties of Financers and Brokers.
(a) A financer shall:
(1) Provide a copy of compliant disclosures to a broker, whenever a financer provides a
broker with a specific commercial financing offer.
(2) Maintain a copy of the evidence of transmission of the disclosures provided by a broker to
the financer in compliance with subdivision (b) for a period of at least four years following
the date that the disclosure is presented to the recipient.
(3) Develop procedures reasonably designed to ensure that recipients receive the disclosures
provided pursuant to subdivision (a)(1) of this section at the time that a broker provides a
specific commercial financing offer to a recipient. These procedures may include:
(A) Contractual requirements that brokers timely provide to the financer
documentation of transmission of the disclosure (including timing of
transmission) to the recipient;
(B) Timely investigation of facts that would give a financer reasonable notice that a
broker has not provided disclosures to recipients as required by subdivision (b);
(C) Discontinuation of relationships with any broker who the financer has found to
have engaged in a pattern of noncompliance with subdivision (b) of this
(b) Following receipt of the disclosures required by subdivision (a)(1) of this section, and before
communicating a specific commercial financing offer to a recipient, a broker shall transmit the
unaltered disclosures received from the financer to the recipient. After a broker transmits
disclosures to the recipient, the broker shall provide evidence of transmission of the disclosures
to the financer, including the time of transmission.
(c) A broker shall not provide a specific commercial financing offer to a recipient without:
(1) Complying with subdivision (b); or
(2) Confirmation from the financer that the disclosures required by this subchapter have been
provided to the recipient.
(d) A provider shall maintain a copy of each disclosure that it generates pursuant to this subchapter
for a period of at least four years following the date that the disclosure is presented to the
recipient or provided to a broker.
(e) A provider may, in lieu of compliance with subdivision (a), provide a copy of compliant
disclosures directly to a recipient any time the financer provides a broker with a specific
commercial financing offer for the recipient.
(f) This section shall not be construed to:
(1) Require a broker to evaluate the accuracy of the disclosures provided by the financer;
(2) Create any liability for a broker if the disclosures that the financer provides do not comply
with this subchapter or Division 9.5 of the code; or
(3) Limit any liability that may arise when a broker makes representations concerning the
commercial financing.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 321 and 22804, Financial Code. Reference: Sections 22800, 22802, 22803
and 22804, Financial Code.
§ 953. Other Laws.
The rules of this subchapter are not intended to:
(a) Clarify or interpret existing California law with respect to the definitions of loan, sale, and lease,
as those terms may apply to the commercial financing transactions regulated by this subchapter.
(b) Affect the Department of Financial Protection and Innovation’s authority to regulate any person
or transaction under other laws under its jurisdiction, except to the extent permitted by section
22805 of the code.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 321 and 22804, Financial Code. Reference: Sections 22800 and 22804,
Financial Code.
§ 954. Recipient’s Relationship to California
(a) The requirement of section 22802, subdivision (a), of the code, applies only to recipients whose
business is principally directed or managed from California.
(b) For the purpose of determining whether a recipient’s business is “principally directed or
managed from California” as described in subdivision (a), a provider may rely upon (i) any
written representation by the recipient as to whether it is principally directed or managed from
California, or (ii) the business address provided by the recipient in the application for financing.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 321 and 22804, Financial Code. Reference: Sections 22800, 22802, 22803
and 22804, Financial Code.
§ 955. Tolerances.
(a) An annual percentage rate disclosed pursuant to these rules shall be considered accurate if:
(1) It is not more than 1/8 of 1 percentage point below the annual percentage rate determined
in accordance with subdivision (a) of section 940;
(2) In an irregular transaction, it is not more than ¼ of 1 percentage point below the annual
percentage rate determined in accordance with subdivision (a) of section 940. For purposes
of this paragraph, an irregular transaction is one that includes one or more of the following
features: multiple advances, irregular payment periods, or irregular payment amounts
(other than an irregular first period or an irregular first or final payment); or
(3) The percentage difference between the annual percentage rate determined in accordance
with subdivision (a) of section 940 and the annual percentage rate disclosed pursuant to
sections 910 through 917 is 2.5 percent or less. The percentage difference shall be
calculated as follows: The annual percentage rate disclosed pursuant to sections 910
through 917 shall be subtracted from the annual percentage rate determined in accordance
with subdivision (a) of section 940, and the resulting difference shall be divided by rate
disclosed pursuant to sections 910 through 917 and multiplied by 100.
(b) A provider and financer shall have no liability under this subchapter for any inadvertent error in
a disclosure to a recipient that does not comply with this subchapter, if within sixty days after
discovering the error through the provider’s or financer’s own procedures, and prior to the
institution of an action against the provider or financer for such error, the financer or its
assignee notifies the recipient of the error and makes whatever adjustments in the appropriate
account are necessary to assure that the recipient will not be required to pay an amount in
excess of the finance charge actually disclosed, or the dollar equivalent of the annual
percentage rate actually disclosed, whichever is lower.
(c) A provider or financer shall have no liability for inadvertently disclosing a finance charge, annual
percentage rate, periodic payment or irregular payment, average monthly cost, maximum non-
interest finance charge, or prepayment fee or charge that exceeds the amount that the provider
is required to disclose under this subchapter.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 321 and 22804, Financial Code. Reference: Sections 22800, 22802, 22803
and 22804, Financial Code.
§ 956. Funding Recipient Will Receive
(a) When a provider provides a disclosure (either directly to the recipient or to a broker) under sections
910 through 917, and the amount financed is greater than the recipient funds, the provider shall
also provide a disclosure entitled Itemization of Amount Financed. The disclosure shall be
substantially similar in form to the example disclosure provided in subdivision (b) below, including at
a minimum:
(1) The recipient funds, described as “Amount Given Directly to You.”
(2) The amount credited to the recipient's account with the financer, described as “Amount
Paid on your Account with Us” followed by the account number, if applicable. Where the
amount to be credited to the recipient’s account may vary based upon changes to the
outstanding balance due on the recipient’s account, a disclosure shall be considered
accurate if it is accurate at the time the disclosure is provided.
(3) Any amounts paid to other persons by the financer on the recipient's behalf, each listed
on a separate line. The disclosure shall identify those persons. The following payees may
be described using generic or other general terms and need not be further identified: a
recipient’s supplier or retailer, public officials or government agencies, credit reporting
agencies, appraisers, and insurance companies. Where an amount disclosed pursuant to
this section may change based upon changes to the outstanding balance due under the
recipients other obligations, a provider’s disclosure of a payoff amount shall be
considered accurate if it is accurate at the time the disclosure is provided.
(4) The sum of the amounts described in paragraphs (a)(1), (2), and (3), described as “Amount
Provided to You or on Your Behalf”, followed by a reference to how the amount was
calculated (e.g., “Sum of Items 1-7.”).
(5) The prepaid finance charge, described as “Prepaid Finance Charge” or “Prepaid Finance
Charges”, as applicable, followed by a description of the purpose of the charge or charges
(e.g., “Brokerage Fee”).
(6) The amount financed, described as Amount Financed, followed by a reference to how
the amount was calculated (e.g., “Item 5 minus Item 4.”).
(1) Example disclosure for transactions where no part of the amount financed is credited to
the recipient’s account with the financer:
1. Amount Given Directly to You
2. Property Valuation Fee paid to [____]
3. Brokerage
Fee paid to [___]
4. Amount Provided to You or on Your Behalf (1+2+3)
5. Prepaid Finance Charges: Brokerage Fee
6. Amount Financed (4 minus 5)
(2) Exa
mple disclosure where part of the amount financed is credited to the recipient’s
account with the financer:
1. Amount Given Directly to You
2. Property Valuation Fee paid to [____]
3. Brokerage Fee paid to [___]
4. Amount Paid on your Account with Us (#XXXXX)
5. Amount Provided to You or on Your Behalf (1+2+3+4)
6. Prepaid Finance Charges: Brokerage Fee
7. Amount Financed (5 minus 6)
(c) The disclosure required by subdivision (a):
(1) Shall appear as a document separate from the disclosures required by sections 910
through 917;
(2) Shall appear immediately following the disclosures required by sections 910 through
(3) Need not be signed by the recipient; and
(4) May include a description of any assumptions the provider used to make the
disclosure below the information required by subdivision (a).
Note: Authority cited: Sections 321 and 22804, Financial Code. Reference: Sections 22800, 22802, 22803
and 22804, Financial Code.