Application Cover Sheet
Thank you for your interest in applying to ACSA. Please complete and include this cover sheet in your applications
resume submission PDF.
Candidate Name
ACSA Prole
Creating or maintaining a current ACSA Profile with basic contact information is a requirement to apply for
volunteer service. Please log in to the ACSA Website (https://www.acsa-arch.org/forms/cas/login) and review
your ACSA Profile. If you do not have a profile, please create one by clicking the “Get Access” button on the ACSA
login page. If you have any issues updating or creating an ACSA profile, please contact [email protected].
We request, but do not require, that you include demographic information in this profile, including gender, race,
ethnicity, LGBTQIA status, and disability status. This demographic information is not accessible through ACSA’s
online Faculty Directory and is only retrievable by ACSA staff.
WHY THIS IS IMPORTANT: ACSA is committed to understanding the diversity of our volunteer committees
boards in order to create a more inclusive community. Representation is one dimension to equity, although
it is not the sole focus.
As part of the review of candidates for committees, ACSA staff may disclose limited demographic information
about candidates based on the information in the candidates’ self-reported profiles. The following groups
may receive demographic information about candidates, individually or in aggregate, from ACSA staff as
part of the candidate review process: current members of the ACSA Board of Directors (which approves all
appointments). All recipients are obligated to keep this information confidential and to use it only for the purposes
of the candidate review.
Please confirm your ACSA profile by checking the appropriate box.
I have an exisng ACSA prole and have reviewed or updated it.
I created an ACSA prole
Remaining Application Materials
Please review the specic calls for candidates for the addional materials to submit along with this cover sheet as
well as the deadline for submission.