Last Updated July 2024 © Copyright 1996-2024 Pearson Education Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved.
If you have installed and configured Compass correctly and have installed and
configured the locally installed Adobe applications correctly but are still experiencing
issues, use this guide to track down the solution. It is possible to encounter a known issue that we are currently
trying to address, or issues with settings in the software preferences on workstations where the Adobe software is
used for more than just certification exam testing.
The live-in-the application exams have the following sections, and the guide is broken down into the same
categories. The Express exam does not have a Task Section.
Question Section
Three questions about the candidate and their experience.
Question Tutorial
A tutorial that explains the functionality of the Question Section.
Question Section
Includes multiple choice, drag and drop, drop down, radio button and area
selection question types.
Exam time
Section Summary
Allows candidates to navigate back through the Question Section. After
candidates click Submit Section, they cannot return to the Question Section of
the exam.
Exam time
Task Section
Task Tutorial
Explains the features of the Task Section and interaction with the Adobe
Application Launch If this is the first exam run on this computer and the exam was not pre-
downloaded in Compass, the exam files will download. The Adobe application
launches. The remainder of the exam is delivered in a panel inside the Adobe
An ungraded, untimed task. In most exams, it shows the candidate how to
recover the Certification Test panel if they accidentally close it. In Acrobat, it
shows the candidate how to show all tools.
Task Section
A set of tasks the candidate completes using the Adobe application. The
candidate actions are automatically saved when they select the Next or Back
IMPORTANT: If the candidate accidentally closes the application, or if
the application crashes or hangs, the candidate will retain their exam
data if resuming on the same computer.
Exam time
Section Summary
Allows the candidate to navigate back through tasks in the Tasks Section.
Progress on tasks is preserved. After candidates click Submit Section, they
cannot return to the Task section of the exam.
Exam time
Guide Summary
Exam Section Overview
Last Updated July 2024 © Copyright 1996-2024 Pearson Education Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved.
Post Exam
Item Feedback
Allows the candidate to give feedback on individual questions and tasks. The
candidate will see questions and tasks, but this section does not affect their
exam results.
Exam Feedback
Allows the candidate to give feedback on the overall testing experience.
Score Report
Shows the percentage of points awarded to the candidate by skill group.
Note: “Post Exam” includes events occurring after the timed portion of the exam has completed, but prior to the
entire exam completion and exit.
Questions do not display
correctly after resuming the
Have the candidate move the splitter bar or click Next and Back.
Animations do not play
Animations are disabled in
Internet Explorer. On the
Advanced tab of Internet
Options, check Play animations
in webpages. Restart the
computer. Resume the exam.
Question Section
Last Updated July 2024 © Copyright 1996-2024 Pearson Education Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved.
All exams
Windows or Mac:
A message reporting a security violation occurs
Windows only: The candidate pressed
Caution the candidate against pressing
An application is running that is blocked by
Close the application reported by the dialog and
resume the exam. If you are unable to close the
application, contact Technical Support.
All exams
Windows or Mac:
A file download error or script error occurs during
file download.
If the exam was not
pre-downloaded, files
download at the
beginning of the Task
section. If you lose the
connection to the
Internet or if there is
latency, the download
will fail.
a. Quit the exam.
b. Download the exam files from the Compass
administration page.
All exams
Mac only:
A spinning cursor appears, and the starter
document does not load.
Wait a few minutes. Some applications are slow to
The app requires permissions that have not been
1. Force quit the exam.
2. You might need to reboot the Mac.
3. Grant the necessary permissions (see the Exam
Readiness Guide).
All exams
Windows or Mac:
The application launches, but the Certification Test
panel does not display.
1. Maximize the application.
2. Select the Certification Test workspace.
3. If the Certification Test workspace does not exist,
quit and resume the exam.
Task Section: Cannot Start the Live-in-the-Application Section
Last Updated July 2024 © Copyright 1996-2024 Pearson Education Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved.
All exams
Windows or Mac:
The application launches, but the starter document
doesn’t load, and the Certification Test panel is dark
We suspect this is
related to Display
settings, the inability to
install exam
preferences, or
interference with
Creative Cloud sync.
1. Use Ctrl+Shift+Q to close Compass. You might need
to also close the application or use Ctrl+Shift+Q
2. In Display settings, change Scale and layout to
3. Pause Syncing in Creative Cloud. Profile >
Preferences. Select Syncing. Click Pause Syncing.
4. Resume the exam.
All exams
Windows or Mac:
The Certification Test panel is minimized.
Windows: Scale and Layout is not set to 100%.
Within the exam:
1. Maximize the application
2. Click Certification Test.
3. Verify that the Certification Test
workspace is
selected and
have the
reset the
Test workspace.
Outside of the exam (Windows):
1. Open the Display settings.
2. Set Scale and Layout to 100%.
After Effects 2021 exam
Exam freezes after logging into Creative Cloud.
Log into Creative Cloud prior to starting the exam. If this
problem has already occurred, have candidates launch
After Effects 2021 outside of the exam and close it before
resuming the exam.
After Effects 2022 and InDesign 2022 exam
Exam quits when displaying Creative Cloud login
Log into Creative Cloud prior to starting the exam.
Illustrator 2023 exam
Big Sur only:
Color Settings
dialog appears
and blocks
LITA section
from loading.
Click OK on the dialog.
2. Display the Dock and click the Illustrator icon.
Click Command+Tab and select Illustrator.
If that does not work, upgrade to Monterey or Ventura.
Last Updated July 2024 © Copyright 1996-2024 Pearson Education Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved.
Mac only:
Photoshop launches but does not open the starter
document for the tutorial or show the panel.
Macs with the Apple Silicon M2 processor do not come with
Rosetta installed by default. Photoshop Common Extension
Platform (CEP) requires Rosetta. The Photoshop exam uses
Outside of the exam:
1. Display the Info window for Photoshop.
2. Select Open using Rosetta.
3. Launch Photoshop.
4. When you are prompted to install Rosetta, install it.
Premiere Pro exam
Windows only:
Setting up exam environment failed or Premiere
Pro crashes when the LITA section starts
Two graphics adapters are installed.
Disable the onboard graphics adapter.
All exams
Windows or Mac:
The Certification Test panel
is missing.
The candidate has closed the Certification Test panel or reset a default workspace.
Have the candidate choose the Certification Test workspace.
If the panel is still missing, have the candidate reset the Certification Test
All exams
Mac only:
The Dock appears over the
navigation controls.
The Mac is not configured to automatically hide the Dock Bar.
a. Hide the task bar using Cmd+Option+D.
b. In Dock Preferences, enable Automatically hide and show the Dock.
c. If neither of those options work, change the Dock position to either Left or
All exams
The Task section does not
load, or the exam quits
when moving from the in-
application tutorial to the
first Task item.
Secure Browser needs Accessibility permisson. See the FAQ in the Exam Readiness
Guide for instructions.
Task Section: Issues During the Live-in-the-Application Section
Last Updated July 2024 © Copyright 1996-2024 Pearson Education Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved.
All exams
Windows or Mac:
The application quit
An application error or security violation occurred
1. If a white, gray, or black screen appears, it means that the Secure Browser
is still running. Press Ctrl+Shift+Q or Ctrl+Alt+Delete to quit Secure
Browser. If it still does not quit, you might need to shut down and restart
the computer.
2. Launch the application outside of the exam.
3. Ask the candidate to resume the exam.
4. If the application quits again, check the following:
a. The crash might be triggered by a corrupt Preferences file.
Have the candidate reset application preferences by holding
down the key shown in the table while launching the
After Effects: Alt+Shift (Windows) Option+Command+Shift (Mac)
Animate: Alt+Ctrl+Shift (Windows) Option+Command+Shift (Mac)
Dreamweaver: Windows key+Ctrl+Shift (Windows) Option+Command+Shift
Illustrator: Alt+Ctrl+Shift (Windows) Option+Command+Shift (Mac)
InDesign: Alt+Ctrl+Shift (Windows) Option+Command+Shift+Control (Mac)
Photoshop: Alt+Ctrl+Shift (Windows) Option+Command+Shift (Mac)
Premiere Pro: Alt+Shift (Windows) Option+ Shift (Mac)
b. The crash might be triggered by the steps the candidate is
taking in the application. Have the candidate mark the item for
review, complete the other items, and come back to that one
at the end of the exam, if there is time.
All 2023 exams
A message appears either
during readiness or at the
LITA section that states that
the application is not
If you also have the beta version of the 2023 application installed, you will see this
error. Completely uninstall the beta version and the released version of the 2023
application, then reinstall the released version.
Acrobat exam
The exam does not close
when I close Acrobat.
In Acrobat, the exam window is a separate application. If you accidentally close
Acrobat and need to continue the exam, click the Restart Application button.
Acrobat exam
Documents take a very long
time to load.
We are working on a known issue with performance that seems to occur after you
navigate through the items multiple times. If performance becomes bad, use the
Restart Application button to improve performance.
Acrobat exam
Acrobat is unresponsive.
The task and buttons are
shown in the panel.
Acrobat sometimes becomes unresponsive when navigating between items. In
most cases, if you wait long enough, it will become responsive. If it does not, use
the Restart Application button.
Last Updated July 2024 © Copyright 1996-2024 Pearson Education Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved.
Acrobat exam
The document does not
load. The buttons are not
shown in the panel.
Use Ctrl+Shift+Q on Windows or Force Quit the exam on Mac. Resume the exam.
NOTE: The usual cause of this is candidates failing to close a dialog before clicking
. We are working on a solution to this issue.
Acrobat exam
Reset Task does not reset
the multiple choice or typed
The Reset Task button only resets the starter document to its original state. The
candidate will need to manually change the answer to the question.
Acrobat exam
Mac only
Acrobat is not maximized
Maximize the Acrobat window. If the window covers the test panel, click the
Maximize button again.
After Effects exam
Windows or Mac:
An out-of-memory error
Run the exam on a computer that has
at least 16 GB of RAM. If this is not
possible, you can click OK and continue
the exam. However, additional memory
errors might occur.
After Effects 2024 exam
Windows only
A Crash Repair dialog
appears when After Effects
We are testing a fix to suppress this dialog in the exam. Click Continue.
Dreamweaver exam only
Windows or Mac:
The Welcome wizard
a. Have the candidate go through the
b. If the panel does not load:
i. Close Dreamweaver to quit the
ii. Launch Dreamweaver outside the
iii. Close Dreamweaver and resume
the exam.
Last Updated July 2024 © Copyright 1996-2024 Pearson Education Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved.
Dreamweaver exam only
Windows or Mac
(Dreamweaver 21.4):
A warning appears when
opening a site
Tell the
candidate to click
Yes. If the
candidate clicks
No, the site will
not load. The
candidate can
load the site by
clicking Reset
Site and clicking Yes when the dialog appears.
Dreamweaver exam only
Mac only:
Exam becomes
unresponsive when the
candidate saves a file.
The following message might also display:
Dreamweaver requires access to the
Desktop folder.
a. Force quit the exam or restart the
computer if necessary.
b. Grant the Full Disk Access
permission to Dreamweaver. See
the FAQ in the Exam Readiness
Guide for instructions.
Dreamweaver exam only
Windows or Mac:
The tutorial site is displayed,
but the first task is shown in
the Certification Test panel.
Have the candidate click Next Site and then Back.
Illustrator exam only
Windows or Mac:
The Adobe Tour window
Have the candidate close the window or choose ‘skip tour’.
Illustrator exam only
Windows or Mac:
A message about color
management settings being
different is displayed.
This is a known issue we are trying to resolve, but it does not affect the exam.
a. Have the candidate click OK or Cancel. If the user cannot control the
mouse, have them press the Enter key.
Illustrator exam only
Mac only:
A prompt displays asking
you to allow access to
Contacts or Calendar. The
application hangs.
We have seen this issue in Mojave. Although we have not seen it in later Mac
operating systems, Adobe’s support article indicates that it might happen.
a. Force quit the exam or restart the computer if necessary.
b. Launch Illustrator outside the exam. Change a preference. If you are
prompted to allow access to the Contacts or Calendar, either Allow or
Read more about the issue on Adobe’s website.
Last Updated July 2024 © Copyright 1996-2024 Pearson Education Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved.
Illustrator 2024 exam
Mac only:
Warning about Rosetta
We are investigating
whether we can run the
exam in ARM native mode.
For now, just click OK.
Illustrator 2024 and
Photoshop 2024 exams
Messages about Generative
AI appear when the LITA
section launches
Close the dialog by clicking the X in the upper corner. The in-app tutorial
document should load. If it does not, quit the application and resume the
InDesign exam only
Windows or Mac:
The message “Failed to load
exam” appears when
starting or resuming the
Task section.
If the error occurs on the tutorial, read the tutorial and click Next.
If the error occurs on a task, click Next then click Back.
Photoshop, Illustrator,
and InDesign exams only
The message
appears when trying to
create a new document.
Within the exam, have the candidate check ‘Use legacy “New Document” Dialog’
option on the General Preferences page.
InDesign 2022 exam only
Windows or Mac:
A message “Type 1 fonts will
no longer be supported
starting 2023. Your
document contains x Type 1
fonts.” Appears.
This message erroneously appears in InDesign 17.0. The issue is fixed in
InDesign 17.0.1. The error will not affect the candidate’s ability to complete
the exam and does not impact scoring.
Illustrator and InDesign
2022 exams only
A message that some
Pantone colors may no
longer be available displays.
This message is related to Adobe’s licensing agreement with Pantone and does
not affect the candidate’s ability to complete the exam.
Photoshop exam only
Windows or Mac:
Certification Test panel
buttons are not responsive
The candidate made a change in the project but has not
committed it.
a. The candidate should click the check mark in the
options bar or press Enter (Windows) or Return (Mac) to commit the
change or press Escape to reverse the change.
Last Updated July 2024 © Copyright 1996-2024 Pearson Education Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved.
Photoshop only
Windows or Mac:
The exam becomes
unresponsive after adding a
swatch to the Library.
Configurations that do not allow access to the Library sometimes cause a hang
when you attempt to access it.
a. Have the Test Candidate clear the Add to my library checkbox when
creating a swatch.
Premiere Pro exam only
Window or Mac:
The video assets are green
and pink instead of the
normal colors.
The computer does not have a
graphics adapter that supports GPU.
1. No action is necessary unless
the colors bother the user.
2. The candidate can adjust the
settings by clicking File >
Project Settings > General and setting the Renderer to Mercury Playback
Engine Software Only.
Premiere Pro only
Windows or Mac:
The Missing Media dialog
The asset download was corrupt due to a network error.
1. Click Offline.
2. OR Quit Premiere Pro and resume the exam. The asset should download.
Premiere Pro 2024 only
Windows or Mac:
The save dialog appears
when navigating Next, and
does not close.
This is a known Premiere Pro bug that happens outside the exam. Close the
dialog. Your changes are saved and your score is not affected.
Premiere Pro only
Windows or Mac:
Exam crashes after user sets
the project to Read Only.
We are investigating a crash that occurs when users make changes to a project,
click Read Only in the Project Panel, and then click No to prevent saving changes
to the project.
Have the candidate resume the exam and complete the exam without selecting
Read Only.
Premiere Pro only
Exams from Home:
The performance lags or the
exam freezes.
Remind candidates not to play the video during the exam. They can scrub the
timeline or play the small segment where they made the change to verify their
Premier Pro only
Mac only:
Dialog asks user to grant
Premiere Pro permission to
record my screen.
Some Premiere Pro features require Screen Recording permission. Grant
Premiere Pro the Screen Recording permission.
Last Updated July 2024 © Copyright 1996-2024 Pearson Education Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved.
The Test Candidate did not
receive a Score Report.
If the Test Candidate was unable to see the Score Report and click on “Exit Exam
due to a program crash, power outage, etc., they must return within 7 days and
resume the “In Progress” exam in order for their results to be uploaded.
The Certification Test panel
flashes when you launch
Adobe applications.
Compass installs the Certification Test panel as an extension.
Close the Certification Test panel.
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Support is available Monday through Friday 6am to 5pm MT
Post Exam: Issues that occur after the Question & Task Sections
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