May 2021 1
Policy Manual
Revision 2021
May 2021 2
Table of Contents
I. Collection development___________________________________________pg 3-7
A. Role of Institution
B. Responsibility for Selection of Materials
C. Collections
D. Challenged Materials
II. Reconsideration of Materials_______________________________________pg 8
III. Inter Library Loan Policy__________________________________________pg 9
IV. Circulation Policy________________________________________________pg 10-12
V. Bulletin Board Policy_____________________________________________pg 13
VI. Alice Ericksen Kase Meeting Room Use Policy ________________________pg 14-16
VII. Computer Policies________________________________________________pg 17
VIII. Children Computer Policies________________________________________pg 17-18
IX. Tablet/library software Policies_____________________________________pg 19-22
X. Patron Rules of Conduct___________________________________________pg 22-23
XI. Patron User Agreement ___________________________________________pg 24
XII. Unattended Children Policy________________________________________pg 25
Definition of Terms
Patron- any person on library premises.
Adult- any person 18 years or older.
Minor- any person under 18 years of age.
Children/child- 13 years and under. Children under the age of 10 years old will not be left
Educational purposes- documents pertaining to formal or informal education, continuing
education, or class projects.
Amnesty-time of the year in which overdue fines will be waived from patron accounts.
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I. Collection Development Policy
A. Mission Statement
The mission of the Socorro Public Library is to meet the evolving educational, cultural,
and recreational needs of local residents by providing modern library resources and services.
The library strives to acquire materials, plan programs, and provide services that reflect an
understanding and consideration of the community served with concern given for all ages,
backgrounds, interests, abilities, and levels of education.
The library recognizes an obligation to acquire materials and extend services to those
members of the community who traditionally have not been library users. The library dedicates
itself to providing ready access to the world of ideas and knowledge by planning for the
information needs of the community.
The Socorro Public Library endorses the American Library Association's Library Bill of
Rights and Interpretations, Freedom to Read Statement, Freedom to View Statement, and Free
Access to Libraries for Minors.
B. Objectives
It is the policy of the Socorro Public Library to maintain a broad well-balanced collection
of library materials in a variety of formats. These materials are selected to encourage the
democratic process and the free exchange of ideas. The Library will offer a variety of
viewpoints on many topics.
The Socorro Public Library recognizes a special obligation to collect and preserve books,
microforms, and manuscripts relating to the local area. The library will also serve as a repository
for local oral history.
Materials are placed in age-appropriate areas; however, the library does not act in a
parental capacity. The Socorro Public Library supports the exercise by parents of their
responsibility to guide their own child's reading and viewing by providing published reviews that
can give information on content and recommended audience.
The Socorro Public Library’s collection will be developed to fulfill the following public
library roles: preschool door to learning, educational support center for all ages, a recreational
reading center for popular materials, and a learning center for adult independent learners. The
Library Board of Trustees will review these roles as part of the ongoing planning process.
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A. The Library Director, who by New Mexico law must have at least a Bachelor’s
Degree and a Certification II for a community this size, through the New Mexico State Library,
has responsibility for the selection of materials.
B. The Library Director may delegate the selection of library materials to staff
members, but will have final review of all selections.
A. Selection
Materials selection is based on professional knowledge of the service population and the
library’s present collection. Criteria include patron demand, community interest, funding, and
availability, authority of source, social significance, and accessibility of format, objectivity, and
importance to a balanced collection. Cost and space are limiting factors. Books may be leased
to provide multiple copies of high demand, popular titles.
Professional reviews that recommend selection for public library collections play an
important part in the selection of library materials. The librarians who select materials regularly
consult reviews from the following sources: School Library Journal, Booklist, Library Journal,
Books of the Southwest, Book Talk, Children's Library Catalog, Fiction Catalog, Public Library
Catalog, and the New York Times Book Review.
The library acts in a supporting role, not as a primary source, of materials for students of
local private and public schools. Textbooks will not be purchased; nor will the library duplicate
services provided by the libraries of local educational institutions.
B. Gifts and donations
Donated materials will be selected for the collection under the same criteria as purchased
items. The library reserves the right to offer gift items that are not selected for the library
collection to the Friends of the Socorro Public Library, LVA-Socorro County, local small
community libraries or other nonprofit organizations. Upon request, a letter of receipt will be
issued for donated items. However, determination of dollar value will be left to the donor.
C. Interlibrary Loans (ILL)
ILL is a service offered to patrons seeking materials not available in the library's
collection. Items repeatedly requested through ILL will be purchased for the permanent
D. Replacement
Lost, stolen, or damaged materials will be replaced if they are deemed essential or
valuable to the library collection and if budget permits.
E. Collection Maintenance
The de-selection, or weeding, of library materials is an integral part of the collection
development process. As much care should go into weeding the items in a collection as went into
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the original selection of them. Library materials will be kept current and accurate by a
systematic review of the collections. Items that are outdated, in poor physical condition, or no
longer circulating will be removed, rebound, or replaced.
Superseded reference materials will be offered to local libraries. Other de-selected
materials will be given the Friends of the Socorro Public Library, LVA-Socorro County, or other
nonprofit organizations.
Adult Collection
This collection encompasses general fiction, mystery, science fiction, western, nonfiction,
Southwest, Spanish Language, Adult Basic Reading, videos, DVDs, CDs, large-print books, and
periodicals. Materials are selected from reviews or from patron requests.
The purpose of the adult collection is to satisfy the recreational reading and listening
interests of adult patrons, offer educational enhancement, provide cultural enlightenment, and
assist adults who are learning to read. Even as the library responds to patron interests and needs,
there is intent to select items on all topics from all points of view.
Special collections
Special Collections are created to satisfy local needs and interests. They may be removed
when space, patron demand, or personnel costs do not justify their continuation.
Reference Collection consists of up-to-date directories, indexes, bibliographies, encyclopedias,
atlases, almanacs, legal and medical source materials, consumer information, and government
publications. Electronic media products and the Internet are used to enhance and expand the
range of information available.
Materials are chosen for the reference collection based upon currency, accuracy, the
reputation for reliability of their issuing body or publisher, potential frequency of use,
appropriateness for a public library collection, uniqueness in the library's collection, and cost.
Southwest Collection includes both fiction and nonfiction. The selection of materials will focus
on local history, New Mexico, and the Southwest region. Efforts will be made to house limited
editions of works by Socorro authors.
Locked Case is used to store unique and irreplaceable books or manuscripts of the Southwest
Vertical Files support local interests. These files contain newspaper articles, pamphlets, or other
ephemera relating to Socorro and Socorro County.
Spanish Language Collection encompasses fiction and nonfiction, scholarly and popular works.
Bilingual, Spanish/English materials are also acquired for this collection.
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Non-book Collections
Non-book formats will be considered in every area of materials selection and may replace
hard copy selections when budget and technical support allow. Non-book formats include but
are not limited to: Internet, microform, compact discs, DVDs.
Materials on electronic format will be selected that inform, educate, and entertain. The
focus of the and DVD collection is informational, cultural, classical, educational, or literary. The
CD collections may include fiction, and non-fiction. Music CDs have been acquired that are of
lasting value and in high demand by the community.
Children's Library
The Children’s Library targets the interests and needs of children from birth to
approximately twelve years of age. Picture books, easy readers, fiction, Spanish language,
nonfiction, periodicals, and electronic media comprise this collection.
Materials are selected to develop reading skills, encourage reading, and stimulate
learning. The collection supplements educational studies, enhances independent research, and
encourages reading for pleasure. The collection is used by children, parents, educators, child
caregivers, and others whose interests and needs are met by these materials.
Young Adult Collection
This collection features print and non-print materials on topics that are pertinent to young
adults. Selections are based on interests of those aged twelve to eighteen, current issues, and
educational studies. Hard cover non-fiction books are shelved in the Adult Department. Special
interest stickers identify them. Paperbacks are shelved on the Young Adult carrousel.
Locked Case Collection
This collection features print and non-print materials on topics that are pertinent to local
and southwest history.
Statement of Policy Any resident of the City of Socorro is entitled to challenge library materials
that he or she considers inappropriate, using the following procedure:
Informal Resolution
1. The Library Director, or the staff person designated to be in charge, will listen
to the complainant; the library’s selection procedure will be explained to the complainant.
2. If the questioner wishes to file a formal complaint, a copy of the library’s
Collection Development Policy, Freedom to Read Statement, and a Request for Reconsideration
form will be given to the complainant.
Formal request for reconsideration of library materials
When the Request for Reconsideration Form is filed by a patron, the request will
be reviewed by a committee of three: the Library Director, the librarian responsible for the area
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of the collection that includes the item being considered, and one other staff member. The patron
will receive a written decision within 30 days.
C. Formal Appeal for reconsideration of library materials
If the complainant is not satisfied with the committee’s decision, the issue will be
placed on the agenda of the Socorro Public Library Board of Trustees. Board members will
evaluate the material in question, read professional reviews, and vote to retain or remove the
item. The decision of the Library Board of Trustees is final.
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II. Request For Reconsideration Of Library Materials
TITLE _______________________________________________________________________
AUTHOR ____________________________ BOOK PERIODICAL OTHER_________
PUBLISHER ________________________________________________ YEAR____________
REQUEST INITIATED BY______________________________________________________
ADDRESS ___________________________________________________________________
CITY ____________________ STATE ___ ZIP _________ TELEPHONE________________
AN ORGANIZATION/NAME __________________________
OTHER GROUP/NAME _______________________________
5. WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE IS THE THEME OF THIS WORK? ______________________
OTHER. EXPLAIN ____________________________________________________
SIGNATURE __________________________________________________
DATE __________________________________________________
May 2021 9
III. Interlibrary Loan Policy
The Socorro Public Library is linked to other libraries through a national (and international)
library network, in order to share materials not available in our institution.
RESTRICTIONS: Borrowers must have a valid library card from the Socorro Public Library to
use ILL. Students enrolled in schools of higher education should submit requests though their
college library.
Books published within the current calendar year, textbooks, bestsellers, audiovisuals,
and entire issues of magazines are not available through ILL. Materials that are only available
from university libraries may not be available due to fees charged by most universities. In many
cases entire microfilm rolls will not be lent by other libraries, and only photocopies of specific
pages are available. Exceptions will be made with the discretion of the director.
FIVE LOANS POSSIBLE: A library patron may have up to five (5) interlibrary loan requests
active at one time. These requests are free of charge.
RETURNS: Interlibrary loan books MUST be returned to the circulation desk of the Socorro
Public Library or the book drop outside in front of the library.
RENEWALS: The lending library sets the due date. Books must be returned at that time.
Renewals will only be issued if the lending library permits the additional loan period.
OVERDUES: The charge for interlibrary loan material returned late is $2.00 for each day the
book is overdue. Maximum overdue fine is $20.00.
There will be an automatic $5.00 charge for each ILL that is not claimed within ten days of
notification of availability. Unclaimed ILLs will be returned to the lending library.
DAMAGED OR LOST BOOKS: If the interlibrary loan book is damaged or lost, the patron
will be charged the full cost as determined by the lending library. All library borrowing
privileges will be suspended until the book is paid in full.
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A. To make materials widely available
B. To provide maximum use of the library collection
C. To facilitate requests for materials
D. To provide a uniform policy for the retrieval of overdue materials
Any person can obtain a library card. It is required that the application be
completed by an adult 18 years or older. A minor may apply for a library card with a
parent or guardians written authorization. The use of the Library or its services may be
denied for due cause, such as failure to pay penalties, theft of library property, or
destruction of library property.
Anyone who can verify their current mailing address and has current photo
identification may apply for a library card. A new registrant may check out up to two
items at the time of application. After return of those two items patron may check-out up
to the max items allowed of their registration status.
Checking Out Items
In order to check out library materials a library card must be present at checkout. If
patron does not have their library card a photo identification can be used. The photo
identification must match the account being accessed. Children may access their
account with school identification or parent photo identification. Parents/guardians
may access children’s account if child is present during checkout.
Loan periods and renewals
Books, audios, & magazines check out for 21 days with two renewals.
Interlibrary Loan books check out for 21 days.
DVDs check out for 7 days with one renewal.
Reference and Locked Case books are for use in the library only. Patrons can
have copies made up to 10 pages. Any copies after the 10 pages will be made with
normal copy charges. Photo identification is exchanged for the use of locked case
Interlibrary Loans are due on the date indicated by the lending library.
Special Loans
Patrons may be granted extended loan periods for a special need or to cover times when
they will be out of town. Public or private educators may request a longer lending period
for items used in the curriculum. Books in heavy demand are not eligible for extended
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Patrons may place up to four holds/reserves per visit. After patron notification,
the items will be held at the circulation desk for one week.
Card limits
There is a limit of 15 items per card.
Overdue Fines
Books, audios, magazines accrue overdue fees at 10¢ per day/per item to a limit
of $4.00.
DVDS accrue at $1.00 per day/per item to a limit of $4.00.
Interlibrary Loans accrue at $2.00 per day/per item to a limit of $20.00.
There is a $5.00 return charge for unclaimed Interlibrary Loan materials.
Borrowing privileges are suspended if fines exceed $10.00.
After 120 days of items not being returned patron will automatically accrue
damage/lost fees.
Overdue fine Amnesty
Two weeks out of the year the library will waive overdue fines on patron
accounts. These dates will be listed on the library website and posted within the
library three weeks prior to the date of amnesty. Only overdue fines will be
removed at this time and only by the request of the patron on the
account, or parent/guardian. The request must be made at the library during
regular business hours and overdue fines must be within the current calendar
Damaged or Lost items
Borrowing privileges will be suspended if an item is not returned and the patron
will be charged replacement costs. Items purchased by the patron may not be
substituted for the Library’s damaged copy. The replacement cost will be the list
price of the item. If the replacement cost is not available, then the standard
replacement cost will be:
Hardbound book $15.00
Cataloged paperback book $ 5.00
Replacement of Library Cards $ .50 if a card is damaged by
normal use the replacement fee will be waived by library staff.
Dvds $10.00-$30.00
Audio-books $25.00
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Photocopier 15¢ a page
Printer Paper 10¢ a page (all documents printed for educational
purposes are free up to 100 pages a day)
Computers free
Scan 5 scans free (10¢ a page thereafter) Printing charges
still apply if the documents are scanned and printed.
Library Personnel
Library personnel include paid staff and Board of Trustee members and active
Friends of the Socorro Public Board members. All materials borrowed by
library personnel must be checked out on the circulation system. Library
personnel may not check-out an item on hold for another patron. Library
personnel do not accumulate overdue fines.
Volunteers and Tutors
To promote participation in the Library and Literacy Volunteer Programs,
active literacy tutors and library volunteers do not accumulate overdue fines.
Temporary Residents
Temporary residents are limited to a maximum of five items per card after
returning initial 2 items.
Foster Children/Special Needs and assisted living Patrons
To ensure that individuals with special circumstances have equal access to
library resources, the library will issue a special circumstance card in the
following instances; children in foster care, adults with disabilities, or assisted
living senior citizens. To ensure equal access these patrons will have extended
loan periods, waived late fines, services by mail or email services.
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V. Bulletin Board Policy
1. All notices must be given to the circulation desk for approval before being posted.
The public is not allowed to post their notices.
2. The notice must be from/representing a non-profit organization.
3. Only Meetings or gatherings must be open to the public.
4. The library staff has the right to remove any information which is not in line with
the above mentioned criteria.
5. All notices will be dated the day they are posted and initialed by library staff.
Notices/announcements will automatically be removed after the date of the event.
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The Alice Ericksen Kase Meeting Room of the Socorro Public Library is open to non-profit
groups and organizations whose purpose is not illegal and whose conduct within the library is
not objectionable. Use of the room is subject to the following policies and regulations. These
policies do not apply to Library programs or Friends of the Library events.
Meeting Room Use Policy:
1. Library sponsored and Friends of the Library sponsored activities are given priority in
consideration for use of the meeting room.
2. Only meetings or gatherings open to the public are allowed. However, the use of the room
for trainings or classes will be accepted.
3. Applications are received at the Socorro Public Library Reference Desk and will be filed
and considered in order received. Scheduling of the room should be done in advance, but
spontaneous use may be authorized if there are no conflicts.
4. The meeting room may be reserved up to three months in advance.
5. All meetings must be free of charge. While using the meeting room, parties shall not
engage in commercial or monetary activity. During the meeting no materials may be sold,
nor donations solicited from the public. No money shall change hands. Contracts may not be
solicited nor be entered into in the meeting room.
6. The fact that a group is permitted to meet at the public library does not constitute
endorsement by the library of the group’s policies or beliefs. The library is not considered a
sponsor and the library’s name may only be used to indicate location of the program and not
as a referral for information about the program.
7. There is no telephone service in the meeting room and library staff will not take incoming
calls for members of organizations meeting in the library.
8. Meetings are permitted to take place after the library has closed, but must be concluded
and all persons out of the building by 9:30 PM While the meeting room may be available for
set up as early as 8:00 AM, no meetings shall be scheduled to start until after 9:00 AM when
the library opens to the public.
9. For meetings that take place after library closing, the responsible person must make
arrangements to be at the library before closing and to stay in the meeting room area. Keys
will not be given out and all doors lock automatically upon closing. Library staff will
not be responsible for opening doors after normal library hours.
10. The scheduled group is responsible for setting up chairs and equipment prior to the
meeting. The room must be vacated and all non-library equipment removed before the ending
time of the reservation, and in all cases before 9:30 P.M. The room must be left in a clean
and orderly condition. Any unusual expenses incurred by the library because of the meeting
will be charged to the group. If the scheduled group will need additional time to clean
and reorder the room, it must be included in the application request.
11. Refreshments may be served, but neither smoking nor the consumption of alcoholic
May 2021 15
beverages is permitted.
12. All meeting room reservations must be approved by Library Staff. If conflict arises
during the reservation process, the Library Director may refuse permission to use the room.
At that point in process, the group may appeal the decision to the Library Board of Trustees.
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Organization or
Contact person’s
Signature: ___________________________________ Date: _______________
Reservation date: ___/___/___ Day of the week: _______________________
Reservation time (from) _____________________ (to) _____________________
Number of persons: _______ Refreshments: □ yes □ no
Equipment: □ yes □ no; if yes, what: __________________________________
Library use only:
Conflicts (if any) ______________
□ Approved
□ Rejected, Reason
Date ___/___/___ Signature
Notified _______________
Please deliver the completed request form to the Library by mail (401 Park St., Socorro, NM
87801), fax (575-835-1182), or email request to [email protected], or deliver in
person to library staff.
May 2021 17
All use of the public access computers will be monitored from the circulation desk. In order
to be permitted use of the public access computers a patron (14 years or older) must sign in at
the circulation desk. Children must sign up to use the computers in the children’s room.
* Internet sessions are limited to one hour (60 minutes). Only one session is permitted if
there are patrons waiting to use the public computers. Patrons may request additional
sessions if no one else is waiting to use the public computers, but will be asked to relinquish
the computer after the first session if the computer is needed.
* Reference software sessions are limited to one hour.
* Printing costs 10 cents a page. Please pay at the circulation desk.
* Patron is permitted to use personal storage media (i.e., disk, CD, flash drive, etc.).
*The viewing of pages which display graphic pornography is inappropriate for a public
and open environment and is prohibited by law. Activities which disrupt the Library; violate
copyright or software license agreements; or damage equipment/data are prohibited.
The Library’s policy shall not relieve parents and legal guardians of their ultimate
responsibility to monitor and guide their own children’s use of all library resources, including
the Internet. Parents are encouraged to take an active role in their children’s use of the
Internet and talk about their personal values and expectations for their children’s use of this
resource. Federal law has been implemented to provide a Children’s Internet Protection Act
(CIPA) which mandates filtering on all library Internet terminals. This filter is site specific
and does not block research sites or information. If you believe access is unjustly denied,
please contact the Library Director. An additional component of CIPA, which parents will
want to be aware of, is that minors are not permitted to disclose any personal information
when using e-mail, visiting chat rooms or using any other electronic communications.
To comply with the Children’s Internet Protection Act [Pub, L. No. 106-554 and 47 USC 254
(h)], it is required policy of the Socorro Public Library to: Restrict access of inappropriate
matter or materials that are harmful to minors. Provide user safety and security of minors
when using electronic mail, chat rooms, and other forms of direct electronic communications.
Prevent unauthorized access, and other unlawful online activity; and Prevent unauthorized
online disclosure, use, or dissemination of personal identification information of minors.
Definitions: Key terms are as in the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) and defined by
Library Staff.
Access to Inappropriate Material to the extent, practical technology protection measures
(Internet filters) shall be used to block or filter access to inappropriate information on the
Internet. Inappropriate material is defined as “visual depictions of material deemed obscene
or child pornography, and material deemed harmful to minors”, i.e., depictions of human
nudity for the purpose of erotic arousal, and depictions of violence for the purposes of
sensationalism. Subject to staff supervision, technology protection measures may be disabled
in the case of adults, only for bona fide research or other lawful purposes.
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Inappropriate Network Usage
To the extent, practical steps shall be taken to promote the safety and security of the
Library’s online computer network users when using electronic mail, chat rooms, instant
messaging, and other forms of direct electronic communications. Specifically, as required by
CIPA, prevention of inappropriate network usage includes: Unauthorized access, including
so –called “hacking” and other unlawful activities Unauthorized disclosure, dissemination
and use of personal identification regarding minors.
Supervision and Monitoring
It shall be the responsibility of all members of the Library Staff to supervise and monitor
usage of the online computer network and access to the Internet in accordance with the
policy and CIPA. Procedures for disabling or otherwise modifying any technology protection
measures shall be the responsibility of the Library Director.
Technology Protection Measure- a specific technology that blocks of filters Internet
content Obscene-as defined in section 1460 of title 18 United States Code
Child Pornography- as defined in section 2256 of title 18, United States Code Harmful of
Minors- any picture, image, graphic image file, or other visual depiction that:
Taken as whole and with respect to minors, appeals to a prurient interest in nudity, and sex;
•Depicts, describes, or represents in a potentially offensive way with respect to what is
suitable for minors, actual or simulated sexual act or sexual contact, actual or simulated
normal or perverted sexual acts, or a lewd exhibition of the genitals; and
•Taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value as to minors.
Sexual Act; Sexual Contact- as defined in section 2246 of title 18, United States Code
While the Socorro Public Library provides wireless service to our patrons, the library
staff will only provide basic assistance in the use of library internet, software, and databases,
such as locating the internet browser, websites, and library databases. Not all sources on the
Internet provide information that is accurate, complete, current, legal or philosophically
acceptable to all citizens. The Socorro Public Library is unable to control the content of the
materials on the Internet, which change rapidly and unpredictably. Parents and guardians of
minor children (children under the age of 18) are as responsible for their children's use of the
Internet in the Library as they are for their children's use of other library resources.
*Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in loss of access.
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It is part of the Socorro Public Library's mission to provide materials in both printed and
electronic format to patrons of all ages. To help provide equal access to electronic materials
(e-books, e-magazines), the Library has E- readers that may be borrowed and tablets that
Borrower Criteria:
To utilize an E-Reader from the Socorro Public Library, the patron must be a Library patron
with a current Library account, patron must be 18 years of age or older and in good standing
(i.e. library account is not blocked due to unpaid fees or lost materials). A guardian may sign
out an E-Reader for their minor child.
A patron who borrows an E-Reader is required to complete an E-Reader Agreement and
provide a $20 deposit (for E-Reader only). The patron will receive a copy of this agreement.
Circulating Policy
The checkout limit is one E-Reader per household at any given time. The Library
reserves the right to refuse service to anyone who abuses equipment or is repeatedly
late in returning E-Readers or Library materials.
E-readers are loaned on a first-come, first-served basis. E-book readers may not be
reserved in advance, but if available will be held for a patron until one (1) hour prior
to the close of business the same day a patron calls, if the e-book reader is in the
Library when the patron calls.
A customer will need to complete an “E-Reader Agreement” with each checkout,
acknowledging financial responsibility for lost or damaged equipment.
E-Readers can be checked out at the Circulation Desk from 9:00 am until one (1)
hour before the library closes. E-Readers must be returned to the Circulation Desk at
least thirty (30) minutes before the library closes on the day due.
E-Readers are checked out for 14 calendar days with no renewal available. If a
patron is unable to return the E-Reader on time they must notify the Library by phone
Once an E-Reader is checked out to a customer, the E-Reader becomes the
responsibility of that customer per the E-Reader Agreement. If any technical
problems are encountered by the patron after check out, the E-Reader is to be
returned to the Library immediately.
E-Readers may not be immediately available after return. Time is needed to examine,
recharge and erase them.
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Checking In:
Staff will check in the E-Reader and verify it is in operating condition and fully
Staff will do a visual check to ensure that the following items are returned in good
Device, USB Cable and Power Adapter
Quick Start Guide
Fees and Liabilities:
Late return fees are $2 per day.
A fine of $5 will be charged if the E-Reader is dropped in the drop box.
The customer is responsible for full replacement cost if the E-Reader or any parts are
lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise not returned.
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My signature below indicates that I have read the following statement and that I agree to
abide by these conditions of use when checking out an E-Reader from the Socorro Public
• I agree to accept full responsibility for the E-Reader while it is checked out to me in the
library or outside the premises.
• I will not tamper with the E-Reader accessories and digital books nor attempt to load digital
books, apps or attach any equipment not designed for use with the E-Reader.
• I accept full financial liability for the E-Reader and accessories while in my possession.
I agree to pay all costs associated with damage to, loss of, or theft of the E-Reader and
accessories, while it is checked out to me and will pay a late fee of $2.00 per day if I fail to
return this E-Reader to the Library’s by the time it is due. The Socorro Public Library $20.00
maximum fine limit does not apply to E-Readers.
Replacement Costs:
E-reader device $150
Charger/adapter $20
• I agree to return the E-Reader to the circulation desk.
• I agree that failure to comply with any of these rules and guidelines will result in the loss of
borrowing privileges of all library materials.
(*E-reader borrower: I am responsible for having a sufficient battery charge on the device
when returning the device so the device can be checked in properly.)
Patron Name: _____________________________ Phone # ___________________
Patron Email Address _________________________________________________
Patron Address: ______________________________________________________
I have received E-Reader with barcode #: _______________________
I have received E-Reader (Tablet) DOES NOT LEAVE LIBRARY with barcode #:
in good working order.
Patron Signature: ______________________________________________________
Date: _________________
Staff use only
Patron Library Card Number: ____________________________________________
Photo ID checked against patron record: _______ Staff Initials: ____________
Checked out______________ Due date: ____________ Checked in___________
May 2021 22
PURPOSE: The library is open to the public for the purposes of reading, research, and
viewing exhibits. These rules are for the comfort, quiet enjoyment and protection of all who
use the library. They will be firmly and courteously enforced.
Rule 1: Smoking, eating and drinking are not permitted inside the library building.
Rule 2: Sleeping is not permitted on the * premises.
Rule 3: Bicycles, skateboards, scooters, or other recreational equipment may not be brought
into the building. They must be secured to a bike rack or at front desk and must not block
entrances, exits or walkways.
Rule 4: Roller skates, skateboards, or rollerblades may not be used on the * premises.
Rule 5: No pets are permitted in the library except service dogs. All animals on the
*premises must be attended by owner and on a leash.
Rule 6: Patrons shall respect the rights of others and shall not harass or annoy others by
noisy activities, by staring, or by loud talking.
Rule 7: Patrons shall not interfere with the use of the library by other patrons or interfere
with employees’ performance of their duties.
Rule 8: Children ten (10) years of age and younger may not be left on library *premises
without a parent or guardian (see Unattended Children Policy).
Rule 9: Misuse and abuse of library property are not permitted.
Rule 10: Any behavior that disrupts library business is not permitted on the * premises.
Rule 11: All cell phones shall be turned off or set on silent upon entering the library
Rule 12: All phone calls should be made or received outside the building, or on the second
floor waiting area.
Rule 13: Patrons will not enter the library barefoot, without a shirt, without being fully
clothed, with offensive body odor or personal hygiene, or being otherwise attired so as to be
disruptive to the Library environment. These are judgment calls that will be made in the sole
discretion of the library staff.
Rule 14: For the safety, health, and comfort of the patrons and staff of the library, and to
ensure unimpeded access to the collections in an environment conducive to library use and
enjoyment, the Socorro library has placed the following limits on the number and the size of
bags, and other packages which may be brought into the library. Patrons may bring no more
than one large personal item into the library:
One personal bag (including purses, briefcases, musical instrument cases, and plastic or
paper retail store bags not containing food or unsealed drinks)
One other bag which may not exceed the size of a medium suitcase or disrupt the access of
library materials. Ultimately it is up to library staff to determine if personal belongings are
impeding on the safety and access of the library.
Library staff reserves the right to inspect bags upon entering and exiting the building.
Visitors must keep bags and personal items with them at all times. The Socorro Public library
is not responsible for unattended items and bags.
May 2021 23
Immediate removal and exclusion:
The following behavior will result in immediate removal and exclusion from the Socorro
Public Library without first being given a warning.
1. Committing or attempting to commit any activity that would constitute a violation of any
federal, state or local criminal statute or ordinance.
2. Threatening physical, sexual or any other harm against an individual, or group of
individuals or property. Or soliciting threatening or offensive materials on library *premises.
3. Engaging in sexual misconduct.
4. Possessing or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs.
* PREMISES: The library premises include the Library building, and grounds bound by
Park Street and McCutcheon.
REPORTING VIOLATIONS: Patrons confronted with violation(s) of any of the above
stated rules should immediately inform the nearest library staff member.
RULE VIOLATIONS: Any patron not abiding by the patron rules of conduct will be given
a verbal or written warning. If the rule is continually violated library staff will exclude the
patron/patrons for 1-160 days. Employees shall contact the Socorro Police Department if
deemed advisable. Any patron who repeatedly violates the rules and regulations, or who is
disruptive, or who engages in criminal behavior on the premises shall be denied the privilege
of access to the library for a period of at least thirty (30) days by the Library Director. Any
patron whose privileges have been denied may have the decision reviewed by the Library
Board of Trustees.
May 2021 24
Upon registration every patron who receives a library card will understand that they are
required to abide by the Socorro Public library policies. In order to assist in their
understanding of policy and procedure they will be asked to review and sign a Library Card
User Agreement.
Welcome! We are pleased to have you as a patron of the Socorro Public Library. Upon
successful completion of this form and library card application, you will have the ability to
check out 2 items. Upon return of those items the eligibility of max item check-outs will be
determined by registration status. The max item check-outs: regular status 15 items and
temporary residents 5 items. To check out materials, you will need to bring in your library
card during all visits. If your library card is not present at the time of checkout photo
identification must be available. Minors (under the age of 18 years old) must be accompanied
by a parent or responsible person to complete the registration process or present the signed
documents outlining the library user agreement.
By completing this application and receiving a library card, you (as adult borrower or
parent/responsible party) accept responsibility for:
The care and return of library materials borrowed on the card.
Fines/fees for damaged, overdue or missing library materials, including materials
borrowed with or without consent.
The supervision of minor children in your care while in the library.
The use of electronic reference resources (internet) by minor children in your care.
Observing the Patron Rules of Conduct.
Immediately notifying the library of change of street address, email address or
telephone numbers.
Reporting a lost library card immediately. (I understand that I am held responsible for
materials borrowed on cards up to the time a loss is reported to the library).
I understand that failure to return materials borrowed on this card will result in fines/fees of
$0.10 for books and $1.00 for DVDS, a day at a max of $4.00 per item.
Minor Accounts: I understand that I accept financial responsibility in my name as the Parent
or Responsible Party listed on the minor’s account.
By signing below I certify that all of the information on this application is true, current and
correct and I agree to abide the policies set forth by the Socorro Public Library.
Signature Date
May 2021 25
The Socorro Public Library encourages children of all ages to visit the library with their
parents to take advantage of the resources available for them to meet their informational,
recreational, and educational needs. The Library recognizes that children, particularly those
not accompanied by adults, have required needs. This policy addresses some of those
required needs, and emphasizes that the ultimate responsibility for the child's health, safety,
and behavior in the library environment resides with the parent or guardian.
1. Children who patronize the Library are expected to learn appropriate use of library
resources and to respect other patrons. A child shall be treated with the same respect
as a patron of any age.
2. Children aged ten (10) and under will not be left in the Library without a parent or
other responsible adult/guardian.
3. If a child age 10 or under is found to be unaccompanied in the library, staff will try to
locate the parent or responsible caregiver to ensure the safety of the child. In the
situation where a parent or responsible caregiver is unavailable, law enforcement will
be called immediately.
4. The Library and staff do not assume responsibility for keeping unattended children
within the Library building nor shall they assume responsibility for the safety of a
child once he/she leaves the Library.
5. In case of medical emergency, the librarian will call 911 for help. Emergency
personnel will be informed that the parent is not with the child.
6. All children must be picked up by closing time. If the child is not picked up by
closing time, the police shall be called and advised of the situation. Under no
condition should a library employee provide transportation for an unattended child. If
a parent consistently leaves a child past the library's closing time, the appropriate
authorities will be notified and the child will not be able to attend the library without
his/her parent or guardian.
7. Disruptive behavior in the library will not be allowed, if a child exhibits disruptive
behavior, warnings will be issued. If disruptive behavior persists, the librarian may
take appropriate action, which may include 1-160 day exclusion.
May 2021 26
Signature Page
On May 27, 2021 The Socorro Public Library and Library Board of Trustees reviewed and
approved the Socorro Public Library Policy revision. Per City of Socorro Code 48-2 A(2)
Make bylaws, rules and regulations for the operation of the library not in conflict with the
ordinances of the City of Socorro or the laws of the State of New Mexico.
On June 21, 2021 The Socorro Public Library Policy revision was presented to The City
Council of Socorro for review and approval.
Signatures below indicate the approval of the Socorro Public Library policy revisions. The
effective date of these policies will be June 21, 2021.
Library Director, Chelsea Jones
Socorro Mayor, Ravi Bhasker