This event is convened by the African Union
Commission (AUC) in collaboration with Afri-
can Development Bank (AFBD) to set the stage
of the Africa Renewable Energy Initiative and
to mark the initiation of the implementation
The Africa Renewable Energy Initiative (AREI)
was launched by African Heads of State and
Government at COP21, in Paris, France, on 1
December 2015. This is a transformative, Afri-
ca-owned and directed effort to harness the
continent’s huge renewable energy potential
for universal energy access and sustainable de-
velopment on the continent.
AREI has received major attention internatio-
nally, including a commitment of USD 10 billion
in financial support for its first phase, which
aims to deliver at least 10 GW of new and ad-
ditional renewable energy by 2020. For the se-
cond phase, AREI aims to generate at least 300
GW renewable energy by 2030 adding double
existing energy generation capacity on the con-
AREI recognizes that though Africa is not a
large emitter of Greenhouse gases (GHG), its
energy needs will grow, and a combination of
rapid technological development and falling
costs make renewable energy the most sensible
option. AREI will show how low to zero carbon
development strategies can be achieved in
African countries through climate finance and
means of implementation according to the
principles of the UN Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC).
AREI is now operational and will work in close
collaboration with governments, non-govern-
ment organizations, regional economic com-
munities, international organisations, interna-
tional development partners, civil society, the
private sector and other relevant initiatives to
realize regional and national priorities and op-
Through these efforts AREI will:
1) help achieve sustainable development,
enhanced well-being, and sound economic
development by ensuring universal access to
sufficient amounts of clean, appropriate and
affordable energy;
Presentation and discussion
24 Oct 2016, 11.00-13.00
Venue: African Union Commission, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Welcome statement and remarks
H.E. Dr Elham Mahmoud Ahmed Ibrahim
Commissioner of Infrastructure and Energy, AUC
H.E. Ms Tumisiime Rhoda Peace
Commissioner of Rural Economy and Agriculture, AUC
Presentation: AREI and its Action Plan – Next steps
Dr Youba Sokona
Head of the AREI interim Independent Delivery Unit
Panel discussion and interaction with participants
Prof. Yacob Mulugetta, Dr Youba Sokona, Prof. Kevin Urama
Closing remarks
H.E. Dr Elham Mahmoud Ahmed Ibrahim
Commissioner of Infrastructure and Energy, AUC
2) help African countries leapfrog to renewa-
ble energy systems that support their low-car-
bon development strategies while enhancing
economic and energy security.
This event provides an introduction to the AREI
and an update on the status of implementa-
tion and will present the next steps to be taken
over the next 18 months. Presentation and Pa-
nel discussion will highlight AREI’s unique app-
roach to tackling the challenges of renewable
energy transitions towards smart, distributed,
people-oriented energy systems of the future.
It will outline the AREI approach to engage
multiple stakeholders in a continuous process
of discovering, nurturing, and replicating inn-
ovative energy policies, technologies and de-
ployment models responsive to African needs
and priorities.
Participants: Ambassadors of member states to the African Union, representatives of Regional
Economic Communities, Eastern Africa Power Pool and others.
Further documentation (also downloadable at
AREI brochure updated in English and French
AREI Framework Document Summary updated in English and French