James Poterba and Todd Sinai
We analyze how changes in the income tax deduction for mortgage interest would affect
loan-to-value ratios on owner-occupied homes, the distribution of income tax liabilities, and the
consumption of housing services. Using the 2004 Survey of Consumer Finances, we estimate that
repealing the mortgage interest deduction in 2003 would have raised federal and state income
tax revenues by $72.4 billion in the absence of any household portfolio adjustments, but by only
$58.5 billion if homeowners drew down financial assets to pay down their mortgage debt.
Keywords: Mortgage Interest Deduction, Tax Expenditures, Owner-Occupied Housing
JEL Codes: H24, R21, R38
James Poterba: Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER, Cambridge, MA, USA
Todd Sinai: The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA and
NBER, Cambridge, MA, USA ([email protected])
Income tax provisions related to owner-occupied housing account for several of the
largest federal tax expenditures. The Joint Committee on Taxation (2010) estimates that the tax
expenditure for the home mortgage interest deduction in fiscal year 2010 was $103.7 billion, that
for the state and local property tax deduction was $16.4 billion, and that for the reduced tax rates
on capital gains on owner-occupied housing was $15.3 billion. While there are numerous
concerns with the specific estimates of tax expenditures, as discussed in Altshuler and Dietz
(forthcoming), the U.S. General Accountability Office (2005), and Toder (2005), among others,
the estimates leave little doubt that the federal income tax code significantly affects incentives
for the consumption of owner-occupied housing. This paper presents new estimates of the total
income tax subsidy to owner-occupied housing, investigates how modifying the mortgage
interest deduction would affect mortgage borrowing and the distribution of income tax liabilities,
and describes the impact of such tax changes on the after-tax cost of owner-occupied housing.
This study advances the analysis of the mortgage interest deduction in several ways.
First, we contribute to the debate on how portfolio adjustment induced by changes in the
mortgage interest deduction might affect tax revenues and the marginal cost of owner-occupied
housing. If the mortgage interest deduction was eliminated, in the short run households might
retire some of their mortgage debt by drawing down their holdings of financial assets. That
would reduce taxable income from interest, dividends and capital gains, and thereby reduce the
net revenue gain from repealing the mortgage interest deduction. In the longer run, households
might delay house purchase, or choose to consume less housing services.
Prior research yields conflicting evidence on how tax-induced changes in mortgage
borrowing would affect the revenue gain from eliminating the mortgage interest deduction.
Follain and Melamed (1998) estimate that the increase in federal tax revenues after allowing for
adjustments in borrowing patterns would be only 25 percent of the "no response" estimate,
Gervais and Pandey (2008) suggest that it would be 58 percent, and Gale, Gruber, and Stephens-
Davidowitz (2007) conclude that it would be 84 percent. These studies make different
assumptions about the set of assets that households would tap to repay their mortgages, and
about the rates of return that households earn on these assets.
Using household-level data from the 2004 Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF) along
with the NBER TAXSIM model, we explore how estimates of the revenue raised by repealing
the mortgage interest deduction depend on assumptions about household portfolio adjustment.
We find that many households’ capacity to repay their mortgage debt is limited: those with large
mortgages typically do not have much financial wealth, and those with substantial financial
wealth do not have much mortgage debt. For example, if all households with mortgages sold all
of their financial assets and paid down their mortgages, less than 30 percent of mortgage debt
would be repaid, even though aggregate household financial assets are nearly six times larger
than mortgage liabilities. Our preferred estimates nevertheless suggest that potential changes in
mortgage borrowing significantly reduce the prospective revenue gain from eliminating the
mortgage interest deduction. We find that the average homeowner's increase in tax liability from
repealing the mortgage interest deduction would be roughly 80 percent of the value that would
obtain if mortgage borrowing did not adjust. We demonstrate that alternative assumptions about
the set of assets households tap to repay their mortgages yield substantially different estimates.
Second, we document substantial variation in the impact of the mortgage interest subsidy
across age and income groups. While it is well-understood that the tax system yields larger tax
savings for higher income homeowners, we quantify the differences across age categories as
well. In contrast to Poterba and Sinai (2008a) and Ling and McGill (2007), we also take into
account variation across the age-income distribution in how mortgage borrowing responds to
changes in mortgage interest deducibility. Young, low-income households have the least latitude
in paying down their mortgages since they tend to have high debt burdens relative to assets; 35-
50-year-olds earning less than $75,000 per year could pay down less than five percent of their
mortgage debt by cashing in all financial assets (excluding cash or equivalent accounts).
Conversely, older, high-income households have sufficient net worth to pay off much of their
mortgage debt should it cease to be tax-favored. Households aged 50-65 making $250,000 per
year or more could pay down more than 60 percent of their mortgage debt just by reallocating
financial assets (again excluding cash or equivalent accounts).
We find that the mortgage interest deduction reduces the federal and state tax liability by
more than $5,400 for high income groups, but by less than $110 for the lowest income group.
However, allowing for portfolio adjustments reduces that figure, with the largest offsets
occurring for older, high-income households. Accounting for potential adjustments in mortgage
borrowing, the increase in tax liability is one-third lower, $3,641, for high-income groups but
just 13 percent lower, $95, for the lowest income group. Households with high marginal tax rates
and large mortgages – typically young, high-income households – would be most affected by
repeal of the mortgage interest deduction. As a way of summarizing the potential impact of
changes in mortgage interest deductibility on housing demand, we estimate age- and income-
specific increases in the marginal user cost of owner occupied housing. With no changes in
mortgage borrowing, the user cost would increase by five percent on average. Plausible
adjustments in household portfolios might offset between one-sixth and one-third of this
increase. For groups that typically rely heavily on mortgage debt to finance their homes,
however, the increase in marginal user costs would be substantially greater than the average
effect. Eliminating the mortgage interest deduction would reduce housing demand, and in the
long run result in a smaller equilibrium housing stock.
Third, we consider how a tightening of the current $1 million cap on mortgage debt that
qualifies for the interest deduction would affect the distribution of individual income tax
liabilities. Based on 2004 data, we find that less than seven percent of homeowners would be
affected even if the cap were lowered to $250,000. Allowing for adjustments in mortgage
borrowing, that change would raise the average income tax liability by $183. The tax increase for
households making more than $250,000 would be almost half of the increase from eliminating
the mortgage deduction entirely, whereas the tax increase for households making less than
$40,000 would be about five percent of the increase from elimination.
This paper is divided into six sections. Section I compares the current user cost of owner-
occupied housing with that under a Haig-Simons income tax. This comparison frames our
subsequent analysis. The second section describes our primary data sources, the Survey of
Consumer Finances (SCF) and the NBER TAXSIM model, and describes the other parameters
that we need to calibrate user costs and to estimate tax liabilities. Section III reports the
distribution of the total tax saving from the current tax treatment of owner-occupied housing in
comparison to a Haig-Simons tax system. It focuses on the average cost of owner-occupied
housing, rather than the marginal cost. Section IV describes how loan-to-value ratios might
respond to changes in the mortgage interest deduction. Section V estimates the changes in tax
liability across household age and income categories that would result from eliminating or
capping the mortgage interest deduction, with and without portfolio adjustment. Section VI
reports estimates of the marginal user cost of housing services under the current tax system and if
the mortgage interest deduction were repealed. There is a brief conclusion.
The user cost of capital, employed by Poterba (1992), Gyourko and Sinai (2004), and
many others, provides a conceptual framework for examining the overall effect of various tax
provisions on the cost of housing services. The user cost measure describes the marginal cost of
consuming an additional unit of housing services under a given tax regime. We can compare the
cost under different tax regimes, and also compute the difference in total tax liabilities between
different tax regimes by integrating the difference in marginal user cost across the total amount
of housing consumed.
We define the marginal user cost under the current income tax regime, c, as
(1) c = [1 –{τ
* + τ
+ (1-τ
**( r
– r
) + m + (1-τ
where τ
is the marginal income tax rate that applies to mortgage interest and property tax
deductions, is the loan-to-value ratio, τ
is the marginal tax rate on investment income, r
is the
risk-free interest rate, r
is the mortgage interest rate, denotes the pre-tax housing risk
premium, m is the combined cost of depreciation and maintenance, τ
is the property tax rate,
and π
is the expected rate of nominal house price appreciation.
We follow Poterba (1992) and several other studies in including a risk premium in the
user cost expression as a shorthand for a more complete analysis of owner-occupied housing as a
portfolio asset. This approach recognizes that because the total return to an investment in owner-
occupied housing is risky, households would apply an effective discount rate higher than the
riskless rate to any stream of future housing services. The inclusion of a risk premium in (1) does
not imply that when households make portfolio adjustments in response to tax changes that they
only draw down risky assets with risk premium β as they repay their mortgages.
We also follow Himmelberg, Mayer, and Sinai (2005) and Poterba and Sinai (2008a) by
recognizing that the tax code subsidizes the options to prepay and to default that are embedded in
a standard fixed rate mortgage. This subsidy is reflected in the – τ
– r
) term in (1). The
interest rate premium over equivalent duration Treasuries that lenders charge for a mortgage, r
– r
, is due to the risk that the borrower prepays the loan or defaults. From the borrower’s
perspective, the options to prepay and to default reduce the risk of owning a home. We assume
that the prepayment and default options are fairly priced, which means that the reduction in the
user cost due to the tax subsidy to these options is exactly equal to the value of these options
times the tax rate at which mortgage interest can be deducted.
A full optimizing model of household portfolio choice in the presence of the mortgage
interest deduction and the taxation of investment returns, which is beyond the current study,
would recognize that changes in the tax treatment of mortgage interest would induce not only
changes in the financing of housing purchases but also changes in the level and timing of
housing consumption, household saving, and the consumption of non-housing goods. A change
in the structure of mortgage contracts, for example, to disallow prepayment, is an example of a
general equilibrium response that might follow from changes to the tax treatment of mortgage
interest. Our analysis suppresses these potential effects, and assumes in addition that global
capital markets determine both pre-tax rates of return and risk premia, which means that they are
unaffected by changes in the tax treatment of mortgage interest.
(1) assumes that households do not receive any benefits in return for their property tax
payments. If property taxes are "benefit taxes" and taxpayers receive benefits valued at 100*κ
percent of their tax payments, then (1-τ
in (1) would become (1-τ
. Zodrow
(2000) reviews the unsettled debate on the extent to which local property taxes are in fact benefit
taxes. Rather than choosing a particular value of κ in the analysis below, we present user cost
calculations below under two polar assumptions, κ = 0 and κ = 1, to bound the effects of
different property tax assumptions.
In (1), we distinguish between the marginal income tax rate that applies to mortgage
interest and property tax deductions, τ
, and the marginal tax rate that applies to investment
income, τ
. For taxpayers who do not itemize their deductions for federal and state income tax
purposes, τ
= 0 even though τ
> 0. Specialized tax rules that apply to some types of
investment income may also generate differences between τ
and τ
. We measure τ
as the
household’s marginal federal and state income tax rate on its last dollar of itemized deductions,
and τ
as the marginal tax rate on the household's last dollar of taxable interest income. In
computing income tax burdens we recognize that itemizers can deduct state income taxes in
computing their federal taxable income.
(1) assumes that capital gains on homes are untaxed. While homeowners are currently
taxed on their capital gains on primary residences in excess of $500,000 ($250,000) for married
couples (singles), and on all gains on second homes, Wilson and Liddell (2010) report that in
2007, just 132,000 tax returns reported any type of capital gain from selling a home, including
both primary and secondary residences. The average reported gain was $110,000.
Many previous studies of the user cost of owner-occupied housing have adopted
formulations similar to, but not precisely equivalent to, that in (1). There is no consensus on how
to model the risky element of owning a home. A common approach has been to measure the cost
of funds as a weighted average of the mortgage interest rate and a return on an alternative asset,
typically a long-dated corporate or Treasury bond. An alternative approach is to add a risk
premium to a riskless measure of the cost of funds. We follow the second approach and assume
that the risk premium is two percentage points.
To compute the total tax savings associated with the current tax treatment of housing, one
must ask "savings relative to what?" We consider a Haig-Simons income tax that would include
in income the rental value of a home as well as any accruing capital gains, while allowing
deductions for economic depreciation, maintenance expenses, interest, and property tax
payments, the latter under the assumption that there are no offsetting benefits from the property
tax. In Poterba and Sinai (2008a), we followed a different approach and compared the status quo
to a tax system under which homeowners were taxed on imputed rental income, were allowed to
deduct maintenance and depreciation, but were still not taxed on accruing housing capital gains.
One could construct a Haig-Simons tax system with, or without, a standard deduction.
While this choice does not affect the marginal user cost comparison for a taxpayer who would
itemize under either system, it can have a large effect on the average tax saving attributed to
current tax provisions. Our baseline comparison is between the UNITED STATES income tax
code in 2003 and a Haig-Simons tax system with a standard deduction set at 2003 levels.
However, we also consider a Haig-Simons income tax system without a standard deduction.
Under the Haig-Simons tax system, the equilibrium condition for consuming housing
services is
(2) (1–τ
)*(R/P) = (1–τ
+ m + τ
+ π
In this expression R is the marginal rental value of a unit of housing services, and P is the market
price of one unit of owner-occupied housing capital. The net-of-tax value of the rental services
provided by a house, on the left side of the equality, equals the after-tax cost of providing these
services. The user cost in the Haig-Simons setting, c
, is simply
(3) c
= r
+ m + τ
+ π
This user cost is independent of the household’s marginal tax rate, because the same tax rate
applies to rental income flows as to the costs of providing rental services.
The difference between the user cost under the current income tax system and that under
the Haig-Simons tax system can be decomposed into four constituent parts.
(4) c
- c = τ
** r
+ τ
+ {τ
+ τ
*} + τ
– r
The first term reflects mortgage interest deductibility: τ
. The second is due to property
tax deductibility: τ
The third is attributable to the untaxed return on housing equity:
+ τ
*. This term arises because income from financial assets is taxed, while the
implicit rental income and the capital gain associated with housing investment are not taxed. The
relative importance of the first and third elements in this decomposition depends on λ, the loan-
to-value ratio. The fourth term corresponds to the value of the tax subsidy to the borrower’s
option to prepay or to default on her mortgage.
If the mortgage interest deduction was eliminated and the loan-to-value ratio did not
respond to this tax change, then the user cost would become
(5) c’ = (1 – τ
+ (1-τ
)* + m + (1-τ
The difference between (5) and (1) is simply τ
= τ
** r
+ τ
– r
). To
estimate the revenue effects of such a tax change, we need to compute the difference in the total
cost of owner-occupied housing under the current tax code and under this modified tax system. If
the tax system had a single marginal tax rate and no standard deduction that could be claimed as
an alternative to itemized deductions, the change in the total cost of owner-occupied housing
would equal the change in the marginal user cost times the amount of housing consumed. With
progressive marginal tax rates and a standard deduction, however, the marginal user cost of
housing may depend on the level of housing consumed. Follain and Ling (1991) and many
others have noted that the infra-marginal after-tax cost of owner-occupied housing services may
differ from the last-dollar cost because of non-linearities in the income tax schedule. In this
setting, the tax saving for a household that claims the mortgage interest deduction may not equal
the last-dollar tax rate applicable to the mortgage interest deduction times the amount of interest
paid; the loss of the standard deduction may reduce the total tax saving.
Our empirical analysis of tax subsidies is based on household-level data from the 2004
Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF) and the NBER TAXSIM model. The 2004 SCF was carried
out in early 2004 and asked households about their incomes for 2003, as well as their assets and
liabilities. Home equity is measured as self-reported home value less self-reported housing debt;
in 64 cases out of 20,189, this value is negative.
The SCF sample includes 22,595 household observations, based on five replicates for
each of 4,519 underlying households. These replicates are created with different values for any
variables that are imputed because of missing values or other incompleteness of the data record.
This approach recognizes the uncertainty that is inherent in various imputation procedures. The
sub-sample we analyze throughout this study excludes 1,475 observations corresponding to
households that live on a farm or a ranch or in a mobile home, 812 additional observations for
households headed by someone under the age of 25, 56 additional observations that report
having mortgages but pay no mortgage interest, 11 additional observations with loan-to-value
ratios above 1.5, and 52 additional observations with inexplicably high estimated marginal tax
rates. This leaves a sub-sample of 20,189 observations. We estimate marginal tax rates for the
2003 tax year using the NBER TAXSIM federal and state income tax calculators and Moore’s
(2003) mapping of SCF data to tax returns. Because the SCF does not identify taxpayers by state
of residence, we randomly assign SCF respondents to states based on relative state populations,
and we then compute state income taxes for the "assigned" states.
Our calculations of tax liabilities rely on the household’s self-reported income, asset, and
demographic characteristics. SCF households often fail to report capital income even when they
report owning financial assets that should generate that income. We use the SCF data as
reported. Imputing capital income to households based on their asset holdings generated results
broadly similar to those reported below.
Some households in the SCF report that they itemize on their tax returns even when our
analysis of their income and potential deductions suggests that their taxes would be lower if they
claimed the standard deduction. Other households report that they do not itemize when our
TAXSIM-based calculations suggest that they should. We categorize a household as an itemizer
if TAXSIM estimates that the household’s income tax liability would be lower if the household
itemized than if it claimed the standard deduction. In our data, 16,288 observations,
corresponding to 74.1 million households, self-report the same itemization status in the SCF as
we calculate using TAXSIM. However, 3,721 observations, corresponding to 22 million
households, differ. In the SCF, 52.7 million households self-report that they itemize, while the
U.S. Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service (2005) reports 43.9 million itemizers
filed tax returns in 2003. Our sample, expanded to population size, includes 44.5 million
TAXSIM-estimated itemizers.
We compute current tax liability for each household using TAXSIM and self-reported
mortgage interest and property tax payments. We also use TAXSIM to estimate tax liability
under a Haig-Simons income tax. We measure the pre-tax cost of funds as the risk-free medium-
term interest rate plus a risk premium, and we use the ten-year Treasury bond rate as the riskless
rate (r
). In 2003, the 10-year Treasury yield was 4.01 percent; by comparison, the average
mortgage interest rate was 5.82 percent. We assume a pre-tax risk premium () of 200 basis
points, a value that follows earlier studies but is admittedly not well grounded in a calculation of
risk and return trade-offs.
While tax rates, interest rates, and current interest payments are the only inputs we need
to compute the effects of the mortgage interest deduction on tax liabilities, to evaluate the user
cost as we do in later sections we need several other inputs. The effective property tax rate, τ
is assumed to be 1.04 percent, which is the population-weighted average of self-reported
property taxes paid divided by self-reported house value for each household in our SCF sample.
Gravelle (2007) finds higher average property tax rates, on the order of 1.50 percent. This would
raise our estimated user cost. We assume a depreciation and maintenance rate (m) of 2.5 percent.
We calibrate the expected rate of house price inflation using the Livingston Survey, which
showed expected CPI inflation of 1.4 percent in 2003. Real house price inflation between 1980
and 2002, measured by averaging state-level inflation rates computed from the OFHEO index,
was 0.73 percent. Combining these two measures, we assume an average nominal house price
inflation rate of 2.13 (= 0.73 + 1.40) percent.
The first panel of Table 1 shows the average difference in homeowners’ income tax
liability under the current tax system and the Haig-Simons income tax with a standard deduction.
The measures combine federal and state income tax liabilities. The entries are divided into four
different age groups based on the age of the household head, and five different income categories
based on 2003 household income. Household income is defined as Adjusted Gross Income plus
income from non-taxable investments, an estimate of employer contributions for FICA,
payments from unemployment insurance and workers compensation, gross Social Security
income, and any AMT preference items that can be estimated from the SCF.
The entries in the first panel of Table 1 show substantial diversity in the average age- and
income-specific values for the total tax subsidy. For all homeowners, the average value is
$4,842. The average for homeowners with incomes below $40,000 who are under 35 is $1,017,
compared with the peak of $29,960 for homeowners between 50 and 65 with incomes above
$250,000. The average values for high income households are, not surprisingly, much greater
than those for lower-income households. The second panel of Table 1 shows similar calculations,
but makes the comparison to a Haig-Simons tax system without a standard deduction. In this
case the tax saving from the status quo appears larger, averaging $5,668 per homeowner. The tax
saving from the current tax system in this case is the sum of the saving from the standard
deduction, and the saving from the mortgage interest deduction and other housing-related
provisions. The largest proportionate effects are for lower-income households, who are more
likely to claim the standard deduction than are their higher-income counterparts.
Under both variants of the Haig-Simons system, higher-income households receive larger
total tax savings than lower-income households. For example, in the comparison that preserves
the standard deduction under the Haig-Simons system, households with incomes between
$75,000 and $125,000 receive less than 50 percent of the average subsidy ($4,794) of households
with income of between $125,000 and $250,000 ($10,051). For most income categories the
average tax saving from the mortgage interest deduction rises with age, but this trend does not
appear for the oldest households. This same pattern is reflected in the overall means by age in the
last column of Table 1. The average tax saving for the oldest households is about half of the
average saving of 50-to- 65-year-olds, reflecting the high number of low-income households in
the oldest group. The age pattern of subsidies is similar to that in other studies, notably Ling and
McGill (2007), although we find somewhat greater subsidy variation across age categories.
Aggregating the household-level subsidy to homeownership across the nearly 68 million
homeowners in the SCF, we estimate that the total federal and state tax subsidy relative to a
benchmark Haig-Simons income tax with a standard deduction is about $330 billion. The federal
income tax subsidy alone is $280 billion. When we compare the 2004 federal and state tax
system with a Haig-Simons income tax without a standard deduction, the comparable value is
$387 billion. Even our estimate for the federal subsidy alone is substantially larger than the sum
of the Joint Committee on Taxation (2003) estimates for the tax expenditures from the mortgage
interest, property tax, and capital gains treatments of owner-occupied housing. The sum of the
JCT estimates may themselves be an over-estimate of the static revenue effect since it neglects
the interaction effects that would emerge if all three provisions were changed simultaneously.
The principal source of the disparity between our estimates and the sum of the JCT estimates is
our inclusion of the tax saving from the non-taxation of imputed rent as a tax benefit. Our tax
subsidy estimate is smaller than Gyourko and Sinai’s (2004) estimate of the combined federal
and state tax subsidy of $420 billion, which was based on Census data from 2000.
Table 1's skewed distribution of subsidies by age and income is a result of higher
marginal tax rates, higher itemization rates, and higher home values at the higher income levels.
Table 2 presents descriptive data that document these patterns. The first panel reports average tax
rates on the "additional interest income" that a household would receive if it invested its housing
equity in interest-bearing assets. The entries combine federal tax rates and imputed net-of-
federal-tax state income tax rates. We calculate this tax rate in two steps. First, we calculate the
difference between the household’s tax bill with its reported interest income, augmented by the
interest yield we assume that it could have earned on its housing equity, and its actual tax bill.
Then, we divide this difference by the total amount of additional interest we have imputed to the
household, and we average the resulting ratio across all households in each age-income category.
We compute a weighted average using SCF household weights. We compute the average
mortgage interest subsidy rate for each household by dividing the difference between its tax
liability if it had no mortgage interest deduction and the household's current tax liability by the
current mortgage interest deduction. For each household, this measure is an average across all
mortgage interest payments. Table 2 reports the weighted average of this ratio across all the
households in each age-income cell.
The first two panels in Table 2 show the average tax rates on "additional interest income"
and on mortgage interest deductions. For all household annual income categories above $40,000,
the average tax rate on additional interest income exceeds 20 percent. The average for all
homeowners is 22.7 percent. For those with incomes above $250,000, it exceeds 38 percent.
These average rates are substantially different from those on mortgage interest, which are shown
in the second panel. The average tax rate applicable to the mortgage interest deduction is 9.7
percent, and the only household age-income cells with average rates above 20 percent are those
with incomes above $125,000 and under the age of 65. The reason for these large differences is
the low rate of itemization among the lower income homeowners, and the cost of the foregone
standard deduction which reduces the average tax saving per dollar of mortgage interest.
The third panel of Table 2 reports average home values by age-income class. Not
surprisingly, as Ling and McGill (2007) and others have reported, these values rise with income
and generally rise with age. Home values average $201,700 for families with incomes of $40-
75,000, compared with $427,800 for those with incomes between $125,000 and $250,000. In the
highest-income category, the oldest households own slightly less valuable houses than do 50 to
65-year-olds – the only exception to the positive age-house value gradient within income classes.
Because older households are overrepresented in the lower income categories, house values are
lower for households over the age of 65 when we do not condition on income than when we do.
The positive pairwise correlations between average tax rates, house values, and income cause the
total tax saving from the mortgage interest deduction, which is determined by the average tax
rate times the house value, to rise even faster with income than home value or tax rate.
The last panel of Table 2 reports average loan-to-value ratios (LTVs) in various age-
income cells. LTVs decline with age across the income spectrum, with an average value of 69
percent for households headed by someone between the ages of 25 and 35 and a value of 11.6
percent for households headed by someone over the age of 65. The average LTV in our sample is
38.7 percent. Lower LTVs at older ages mean that the low value of the average tax rate on
mortgage interest has a smaller effect on total tax saving than it would for younger households.
The alternative minimum tax (AMT) has almost no effect on our estimates of the
homeowners’ tax saving. If we compute the current and baseline taxes with and without the
AMT, our estimate of the average tax subsidy to owner-occupiers rises from $4,842 to $4,885.
This is because in 2003, the AMT's impact was limited by a “patch” enacted by Congress. Our
TAXSIM-based calculations suggest that 5.4 percent of taxpayers in 2003 faced the AMT,
although for those with household incomes over $250,000, the percentage was over 70 percent.
Conditional on paying the AMT, AMT liability averaged $1,177.
If the tax rules affecting mortgage interest deductions changed, it is likely that taxpayers
would respond by making portfolio adjustments and altering the loan-to-value ratios on their
homes. There is a substantial literature on the elasticity of household mortgage borrowing with
respect to the after-tax cost of debt, with notable contributions including Follain and Dunsky
(1997), Ling and McGill (1998), and Dunsky and Follain (2000). These studies suggest that
households adjust their mortgage borrowing in response to changes in both mortgage interest
rates and marginal tax rates, and they yield estimates of the price elasticity of demand for
mortgage borrowing between -1.0 and -1.5. These are short-run elasticities, identified either from
cross-sectional differences in household marginal tax rates or, in the case of Dunsky and Follain
(2000), legislation-induced changes in marginal tax rates between 1983 and 1989. These
estimates may be contaminated if there are unobserved variables associated with differences in
marginal tax rates, particularly in the cross-section, that are also correlated with the demand for
housing or for mortgage debt.
Follain and Dunsky (1997) and Dunsky and Follain (2000) also estimate long-run
elasticities of mortgage demand using a partial adjustment model in tandem with the cross-
sectional differences in marginal tax rates. The elasticities in this case are much larger, between
three and four in absolute value. To achieve changes of this magnitude in household borrowing
would require adjustments not only in portfolio structure, but also in housing demand and
potentially also in household saving.
For young households with few financial assets, elimination of the mortgage interest
deduction might delay the transition from renting to owning. For middle-aged and older
households with substantial financial assets as well as mortgage debt, portfolio adjustment and
changes in the loan-to-value ratio would be more likely. These households could sell financial
assets and use the proceeds to increase their housing equity, thereby reducing their mortgage
borrowing. If mortgage interest was no longer tax deductible, but portfolio income was taxed,
then households with mortgages as well as financial assets would be borrowing at the pretax
interest rate but investing at the after-tax rate of return. These households would have an
incentive to repay their mortgage debt and to draw down their other financial asset holdings.
A number of previous studies, including Jones (1995), Follain and Melamed (1998),
Gale, Gruber, and Stephens-Davidowitz (2007), and Gervais and Pandey (2008), have observed
that such portfolio adjustments lead “static” analyses of the mortgage interest deduction, holding
loan-to-value ratios constant, to overstate the revenue gains that would be associated with repeal
of this deduction. Gervais and Pandey (2008) present results from the 1998 SCF. Their preferred
set of balance sheet adjustments suggest that the revenue gain from eliminating the mortgage
interest deduction would be only $29 billion, compared with a static estimate of $50 billion.
Their calculation assumes that households draw down liquid financial assets, tax-exempt bonds,
money market funds, business equity, and residential assets other than owner-occupied homes. It
also assigns an annual return of 7.3 percent to all assets. Follain and Melamed (1998), using a
long-run elasticity of mortgage demand of -3.7 based on their analysis of the 1989 SCF, estimate
that the revenue cost of eliminating the mortgage interest deduction recognizing changes in the
loan-to-value ratio might be only one quarter of the static revenue cost. Gale, Gruber, and
Stephens-Davidowitz (2007) report smaller estimates of the difference between the revenue gain
with and without portfolio adjustment. Assuming that all assets yield the mortgage interest rate –
an important assumption – their analysis of 2006 tax return data suggests that the revenue gain
with portfolio adjustment is 84 percent of the static estimate.
From the standpoint of revenue estimation, the two key questions about portfolio
adjustment are (i) which balance sheet components households will adjust, and (ii) what returns
households would have earned on those assets if they had continued to hold them. We allow
different assets to yield different returns, and in particular recognize that many relatively liquid
assets with low yields generate relatively little income tax revenue. This observation is even
more important in 2010 than it was in 2004 when our data were collected.
Since there are few if any estimates of how changes in the after-tax cost of mortgage
borrowing affects demand for various household balance sheet components, we consider a
hierarchy of potential adjustments. We begin by assuming that households would only draw
down a limited class of liquid assets to repay mortgage debt. We then broaden the set of assets
that households might adjust, in several steps. It seems unlikely that households would draw
down all assets proportionately. Whether households would tap business assets, or assets in
retirement plans, to replace mortgage borrowing with housing equity is an open question.
Poterba, Venti, and Wise (1996), in studying the patterns of asset accumulation in the late 1980s,
find no evidence that households with more rapid growth of retirement plan assets also incurred
more mortgage debt. Amromin, Huang, and Sialm (2007) find that 38 percent of households that
prepay their mortgages would have increased their after-tax net worth by contributing to a tax-
qualified plan instead of paying down their mortgage. This suggests that households may not
consider only after-tax returns in making their portfolio decisions, and provides some support for
our approach of creating groups of arguably similar assets and then exploring the robustness of
our findings to different assumptions about the degree of portfolio adjustment.
We consider the liquidation of existing financial assets, and exclude another margin on
which households might adjust: incurring additional investment debt to retire mortgage debt.
Interest on investment debt would still be deductible even if mortgage interest were not. For
households with substantial financial assets, borrowing against these assets would be a viable
alternative to liquidation of these assets. It is difficult to gauge the extent of such adjustment.
From the standpoint of revenue raised and tax burdens on households, this strategy would
deviate from the liquidation strategy only to the extent that the interest rate on loans backed by
financial assets might differ from the pretax returns earned on these assets. We do not model this
potential adjustment, in part because we do not have estimates of this potential borrowing cost.
We use the 2004 SCF to examine the distribution of the tax burdens associated with
limiting the mortgage interest deduction under various assumptions about portfolio adjustment.
Table 3 provides background for our analysis by comparing household ownership of financial
assets with current patterns of mortgage indebtedness. It reports information on mortgage debt
and five broad asset categories. SCF households in 2004 had $6.2 trillion in mortgage debt with
potentially tax-deductible interest. The first column of Table 3 considers the case where we
assume households would be willing to sell only non-transaction financial paper assets to repay
mortgage debt. These assets, among the most liquid in a household’s portfolio, include CDs,
stocks, corporate and foreign bonds, government bonds, mortgage-backed bonds, tax-exempt
bonds (state and local), tax-free bond mutual funds, stock mutual funds, other bond mutual
funds, government bond mutual funds, combination and other mutual funds, and other mutual
funds. However, we exclude transaction accounts such as checking and saving accounts,
assuming that households would retain those for liquidity.
If each household sold non-transaction financial assets until it had repaid the minimum of
its existing mortgage debt, $1 million of mortgage debt, or its total liquid financial assets, then in
aggregate households would sell $1.2 trillion in financial assets. They would replace 19.5 percent
of outstanding mortgage debt with 14.6 percent of aggregate non-transaction financial assets.
Households with large mortgages tend to have few non-transaction financial paper assets, while
households with small mortgages tend to have extensive non-transaction financial paper assets.
The mismatch between households with assets to sell and households with mortgage debt to pay
down persists as we expand the set of assets that we assume households would draw down to
repay their mortgages. This bounds the amount of mortgage debt that could be replaced with
housing equity in response to a change in the tax deductibility of mortgage interest.
The second column of Table 3 repeats the foregoing exercise, but assumes that
households shift not just non-transaction financial paper assets, but all financial paper assets, to
repay their mortgage debt. This adds checking, savings, money market, and brokerage call
accounts to the set of assets that can be drawn down. With this expanded definition, households
could liquidate as much as $1.8 trillion of assets, or 30 percent of outstanding aggregate
mortgage debt. In column three, the asset base for draw-down includes all non-housing, non-
retirement assets. This group of assets, which is somewhat broader than that used by Gervais and
Pandey (2008), adds vehicles, non-residential real estate, business interests, other financial assets
(e.g. royalties, futures, etc.), other non-financial assets (e.g. jewelry, furniture, etc.), and other
residential real estate to the previous asset group. By drawing down assets in this category,
households could pay down more than $3.4 trillion, or 55 percent, of aggregate mortgage debt.
The calculations in column four of Table 3 assume that households would be willing to
liquidate retirement accounts, life insurance policies, trusts, and annuities, as well as all the
assets considered in column three, to repay their mortgage debt. In this case they could pay down
nearly 70 percent of aggregate mortgage debt ($4.3 trillion).
The bottom row of Table 3 reports the average share of their assets that each household
would have to sell to achieve the reported aggregate mortgage reduction. The average household
would have to liquidate between 48 and 63 percent of the assets in each of the asset groupings in
the first four columns. Because of the negative relationship between outstanding mortgage
borrowing and asset holdings, the household-weighted average is much higher than the dollar-
weighted average in the previous row. To achieve the mortgage debt reduction reported in the
second row, many households have to sell all of their assets in the category.
Some households appear to hold assets with expected after-tax returns below their after-
tax mortgage interest cost, and whatever leads them to hold such assets might make them
unwilling to liquidate them if the tax treatment of mortgage interest changed. For this reason, in
the last column of Table 3, we restrict the set of assets that are drawn down to repay mortgage
debt to those financial paper assets with expected after-tax returns between the after-tax
mortgage rate and the pre-tax mortgage rate. We base this calculation on the mortgage rates
reported by each household, household level tax rates as imputed from TAXSIM, and on the
imputed expected rates of return to various financial assets that are described in Table 4. The set
of assets that we exclude from draw-down may be excessively broad. We do not adjust expected
returns for differences in expected risk, we assume inelastic demand for assets with after-tax
returns below the after-tax mortgage rate, and we have only coarse measures of expected returns.
These limitations notwithstanding, we find that by drawing down only assets in this limited class,
households could repay only 7.5 percent of their outstanding mortgage debt ($467 billion).
Households differ in their capacities to replace mortgage debt by drawing down financial
assets. For various age and income categories, Table 4 reports the fraction of deductible
mortgage debt that could be replaced by selling assets in each of the categories defined in Table
3. The population average in the lower right corner of each panel of Table 4 corresponds to the
second row of Table 3. When we limit attention to non-transaction financial paper assets, as in
the first panel, high income and older households are best able to substitute housing equity for
mortgage debt. Older households usually have very little mortgage debt, and high income
households tend to have substantial holdings of financial assets. In both cases, non-transaction
financial paper assets are likely to be large relative to mortgage debt. For example, on average a
household headed by someone over the age of 65 with a household income of more than
$250,000 per year can pay off nearly 90 percent of their deductible mortgage debt using non-
transaction financial paper assets alone. The potential for drawing down assets rises with age and
income for each of the asset categories that we consider.
The bottom panel of Table 4 shows how much mortgage debt could be repaid if we
assume that households would only draw down those assets that would be attractive to sell to
repay debt from the standpoint of after-tax returns - the same definition that we used in the last
column of Table 3. While households over the age of 65 and with income of $250,000 or more
could pay down 60 percent of their mortgage debt using assets in this limited asset class, no other
age-income cell could pay down more than 28 percent. Households with income of less than
$125,000 could pay down less than ten percent of their mortgage debt and those with incomes of
less than $40,000 could pay down virtually none.
The data reported in Tables 3 and 4 can be used to compute an upper bound on the short-
run elasticity of mortgage borrowing with respect to the average tax rate on mortgage interest.
This bound varies substantially by age and income category. We compute upper bounds
assuming that households draw down all of their assets in particular portfolio categories. Recall
that in Table 2 we reported that the average tax rate on mortgage interest deductions was 9.7
percent. This makes the average after-tax cost of mortgage interest 0.903 times its pre-tax cost;
eliminating the deduction would raise the average cost of borrowing by 10.7 percent [(1/.903)
1]. If households reallocated all possible non-transaction financial assets to pay down mortgage
debt, as our calculations in the first column of Table 3 assume, they would pay down 19.5
percent of their existing mortgage debt and the implied elasticity of borrowing with respect to the
average tax subsidy to mortgage debt would be 1.82 (-19.5/10.7). If households only sold the
assets for which the after-tax return was between the before-tax and after-tax mortgage interest
rate, as in the last column of Table 3, the implied upper bound on the elasticity of mortgage
demand would be 0.7. For some of the other, broader, asset categories, the implied upper bound
on the elasticity would be greater. The upper-bound estimates that result from this computation
are close to existing estimates of short-run mortgage demand elasticities with respect to after-tax
borrowing costs..
While these calculations are based on average after-tax costs of mortgage borrowing, the
same exercise could be repeated using the marginal cost of mortgage borrowing, the after-tax
interest cost calculated using the last-dollar marginal income tax rate on interest deductions that
we report below. This calculation would yield a smaller upper bound elasticity. Instead of -1.82,
for example, the upper bound would be -1.2. The short-run upper bounds we calculate typically
are lower than the long-run elasticities described in Dunsky and Follain (2000).
We now consider how eliminating or restricting the mortgage interest deduction would
affect the distribution of tax liabilities, recognizing potential responses in the loan-to-value ratio.
Table 5 shows the effect of repealing the mortgage interest deduction under different
assumptions about which assets households would sell to retire mortgage debt. The first panel,
which assumes no portfolio response, shows an average tax liability increase of $1,066. Note that
the product of the mean house value ($265,600), the mean loan-to-value ratio (0.387), the mean
mortgage interest rate (0.0582), and the mean mortgage interest subsidy rate (0.097) is $580. The
difference between $1,066 and $580 reflects the positive correlations among these variables.
Absent any behavioral response, eliminating the mortgage interest deduction would have resulted
in an increase in federal taxes of $63.0 billion and state taxes of $9.4 billion in 2004, for a total
of $72.4 billion. The Joint Committee on Taxation (2003) estimated the Federal tax expenditure
for mortgage interest deductibility to be $69.9 billion for FY 2003.
There is substantial dispersion by age and income in the change in income tax liabilities
attributable to repealing the mortgage interest deduction. The largest effects are for young, high-
income households. For 25-35 year olds with incomes above $250,000, for example, the tax
increase averages $7,711. For households over the age of 65 with incomes of less than $40,000,
the annual tax increase averages just $21. The key determinants of the size of the subsidy are
house value, the household's average tax rate, and the debt-to-value ratio. The extra tax liability
incurred when the mortgage interest deduction is eliminated rises with income because both
house value and average tax rates also rise with income. But the extra tax liability rises and then
falls with age, peaking for those 35-50 years old, both because a high fraction of 35-50 year olds
are in higher-income categories and because housing leverage decreases rapidly after age 65.
The subsequent panels in Table 5 consider the tax liability change from repealing the
mortgage interest deduction under each of the assumptions that we employed in Table 4 with
regard to the set of assets that households would draw down to repay their mortgage debt. The
calculations assume that households would shift all assets in a given category to pay down
mortgage debt, up to the current cap of $1 million, if deductibility were eliminated. We assume
that households would liquidate assets in order of after-tax return – lowest to highest – when
retiring their mortgage debt, and that the lost taxable income equals the dollar value of the asset
that is drawn down times the dollar-weighted median return on that asset category in the SCF
(see the notes to Table 3). We follow this approach because there appear to be substantial
measurement errors in households’ self-reported asset returns. We construct after-tax returns
recognizing the differential taxation of interest, dividends, and capital gains; we do not consider
the capital gains tax liability that might result when households sell assets to retire mortgage
debt. This would be at most a one-time transitional revenue effect.
The second panel of Table 5 shows that our estimate of the average tax increase from
repeal of the mortgage interest deduction, allowing for draw-down of non-transaction financial
paper assets, is $858. This is about 80 percent of the tax increase without any portfolio
substitution. The aggregate federal and state revenue cost of the mortgage interest deduction falls
to $58.5 billion ($51.5 billion federal alone), reflecting the fact that only 19.5 percent of
mortgage debt can be paid down using non-transaction financial paper assets.
The difference between the changes in tax liability in the first and second panels varies
by age and income group, indicating that allowing for portfolio adjustment has a significant
impact on the estimated distribution of the tax subsidy. Those households with little scope to
draw down non-transaction financial paper assets, the young and the poor, report similar values
in the two panels, whereas there are larger differences for older, high-income households. This
result stands in contrast to the finding in Gale, Gruber, and Stephens-Davidowitz (2007) that the
the tax increase with a behavioral response was close to 84 percent of the static estimate across
most of the income distribution. In our estimates, with portfolio adjustment we find that poorer
households' taxes rise by 87 percent of the static estimate, while the highest income households
experience a tax increase of 67 percent of that amount. The tax increase for those in the oldest
high-income cell is less than 50 percent of the static estimate. The lower panels in Table 5 show
that the average increase in tax liability from repealing the mortgage interest deduction declines
as we expand the set of assets that households may draw down to replace their mortgage debt.
While recognizing the possibility of asset draw-down offers more realistic information on
the change in tax liabilities associated with repeal of the mortgage interest deduction than the
static loan-to-value case, our algorithm for modeling asset draw-down can yield some
paradoxical results. We assume that when deductibility is eliminated, households sell all assets in
whatever asset category we are considering until they have either completely paid down their
mortgage or they have run out of assets. In some cases, following this procedure can lower a
household’s tax bill relative to its starting point. This is because in all asset categories except for
the one in the last column in Table 3, it is possible that households are selling assets with higher
returns than the after-tax cost of mortgage debt, even when mortgage interest is not deductible.
This selling can reduce the household’s tax bill by reducing its capital income. As we expand our
definition of the assets that might be drawn down to replace mortgage debt, we include assets
with higher returns and this issue becomes more significant. When we allow for portfolio
substitution with all non-housing assets, this effect is large enough to generate negative average
tax changes in some age-income cells. This is one reason we consider, in the bottom panels of
Tables 4 and 5, the restriction that any asset sold to retire mortgage debt must have a return
between the pre- and post-tax mortgage interest rates. The calculations reported in these panels
also assume that households who hold assets with returns lower than the cost of debt even when
mortgage interest was deductible would continue to do so. With these restrictions, in the last
panel of Table 5 the average tax increase with portfolio adjustment is about 88 percent of the
static case. This ratio declines as household income rises.
Gervais and Pandey (2008) estimate that the portfolio response to eliminating the
mortgage interest deduction would reduce its revenue effects by 42 percent relative to the no-
behavioral-response scenario. Our baseline analysis, which assumes that all non-retirement
financial assets would be sold to replace mortgage borrowing, suggests that 19.5 percent of
outstanding mortgage debt would be drawn down and replaced with equity finance, and that this
would translate into a revenue gain of 85 percent of the no-adjustment case. This scenario may
overstate actual portfolio adjustments, since few households would choose to set their liquid
asset holdings to zero, as our algorithm assumes some would.
Table 6 explores the sensitivity of the findings in Table 5 to several key assumptions. We
report only averages by income group, and use just the non-transaction financial paper asset
category, shown in the second panel of Table 5, as the set of assets that are drawn down to
replace mortgage debt. The first row of Table 6 corresponds to the bottom row of the second
panel of Table 5. In Table 5 we assumed assets would be sold in the order of yield, low-yield
first, since that strategy maximizes household income. In the second row of Table 6, we instead
assume that assets are sold pro-rata. That raises the average yield of the assets that are sold,
lowering household taxable income after portfolio adjustment, and thus reducing the subsequent
tax liability. This effect is more pronounced for higher income households since they have more
relatively high-return assets to sell. To compare our findings with those of Gervais and Pandey
(2008), in the third row of Table 6 we assume that all assets yield a taxable return of 7.3 percent.
That lowers the increase in tax liabilities from eliminating the mortgage interest deduction since
7.3 percent is well above the average yield that households report on the assets that they draw
down. In this case, repaying mortgage debt results in a larger drop in taxable income than in the
base case, which results in a larger tax saving from portfolio adjustment.
Table 7 relates our estimates of the feasible degree of asset draw-down to more
traditional elasticity estimates of mortgage borrowing. The first panel reports our estimate of the
percentage change in mortgage debt as a result of asset draw-down divided by the percentage
change in the average after-tax mortgage interest rate that would result from eliminating the
mortgage interest deduction. We assume that portfolio adjustment is limited to non-transaction
financial paper assets. This elasticity-like measure would be higher if we used a broader asset
class, and lower if we restricted our attention to the set of assets that would be ‘optimal’ to draw
down based on after-tax returns. We find an average “elasticity” of - 0.715, with considerable
variation across age-income cells. This household-average elasticity estimate is smaller in
magnitude than the dollar-weighted 1.2 we found using aggregate assets since, in general,
households with more mortgage debt have higher elasticities. Younger households and lower-
income households tend to exhibit lower elasticities. While the amount of debt reduction is lower
for poorer households and for younger households, their change in the average after-tax interest
rate also is lower because of their lower marginal tax rates and itemization probabilities.
The second panel of Table 7 reports the change in the loan to value ratio. On average, it
declines by 8.5 percentage points, which translates as shown in the third panel to an 18.5 percent
decline in the loan-to-value ratio. The percentage point decline is greatest for high-income, older
households and falls with both age and income. Older households, especially at high-incomes,
have a large percentage decline in the loan-to-value ratio since they start from low levels.
While our analysis has focused on the elimination of the mortgage interest deduction,
some proposals call for reducing the current million dollar cap on the debt that can generate
interest deductions. We consider caps of $500,000 per household, and $250,000 per household,
on mortgage indebtedness. Anderson, Clemens, and Hanson (2007) discuss fixed nominal caps
like these, as well as several other limits on the mortgage interest deduction. Table 8 presents
estimates of the change in tax liabilities from the $250,000 mortgage cap, with and without
households rebalancing portfolios to replace no-longer-deductible mortgage borrowing with
housing equity drawn from non-transaction financial paper assets. The limits on the deductibility
of mortgage interest have much more modest effects on average tax payments than the repeal of
the entire mortgage interest deduction. We estimate the aggregate federal and state revenue gain
after portfolio adjustment from the $250,000 cap to be $12.5 billion ($11.3 billion federal alone).
We also estimate, but do not report in detail, the federal and state revenue gain from the
$500,000 cap to be $6.3 billion, again recognizing portfolio adjustment. Table 8 also shows
larger effects for young, high-income households. A $250,000 cap on the size of mortgages that
could generate deductible interest would raise taxes on average by $2,560 without portfolio
adjustment, and $1,726 with such adjustment, for households with incomes above $250,000, and
by $585 and $489 respectively for households with incomes between $125,000 and $250,000.
For lower income households the average tax increase is less than $150.
Mortgage interest caps have modest effects on tax liabilities because they are not binding
for very many households. The current rules allow taxpayers to deduct $1 million of mortgage
debt that is used to purchase, construct, or renovate a house. In addition, interest on up to
$100,000 of housing debt is also deductible, even if the loan proceeds are used for non-housing
purposes. This cap is binding for only 0.2 percent of households. Even among households with
incomes above $250,000, the probability that the cap is binding is only 4.7 percent. For
households with incomes above $250,000 headed by someone between the age of 35 and 50, the
group that is most likely to face the cap, this probability is 6.5 percent. Reducing the cap to
$500,000 would affect 1.5 percent of all households, and very few with incomes below
$125,000. A $500,000 cap would be binding for 19 percent of households with income above
$250,000, and for 3.9 percent of households with incomes of $125-250,000. A cap of $250,000
on deductible mortgage debt would bind for 6.9 percent of all homeowners, but at this level, 42
(18) percent of households with income above $250,000 (between $125,000 and $250,000)
would be constrained by the cap. To place these statistics in context, it is helpful to remember
that 68.4 percent of all households have outstanding mortgage debt.
The effect of eliminating the mortgage interest deduction on the marginal incentive for a
homeowner to consume housing services depends on the last-dollar marginal tax rates that apply
to mortgage interest deductions and on the other components of the user cost. Eliminating the
mortgage interest deduction would raise the user cost and reduce the demand for housing
services. This reduction in demand would lead to lower house prices in the short run, and to
lower prices, a smaller housing stock, or both in the longer run.
We calculate each household’s last dollar marginal tax rate on the mortgage interest
deduction by adding $1,000 to its mortgage interest deduction and using TAXSIM to compute
the resulting change in tax liability in each case. We divide this tax differential by $1,000 to
estimate τ
. We do a similar calculation to estimate the last-dollar marginal tax rate on interest
income. Table 9 presents estimates of the relevant marginal tax rates that enter the user cost
calculation. The progressive structure of the income tax and variation in itemization rates
generate non-trivial differences across age and income sub-categories. The first panel of Table 9
shows the average last-dollar tax rate on taxable interest income, τ
, and the second reports the
average last-dollar tax rate at which mortgage interest is deducted, τ
. The third panel shows the
fraction of homeowners who itemize on their income tax returns, which is also a key determinant
of the average marginal user cost in each cell.
The average last-dollar tax rate on the assets that represent the alternative investment
relative to mortgage debt rises with income, generating a higher average subsidy per dollar of
housing equity for higher-income households. There is also important variation by age, with
households headed by someone between the ages of 35 and 65 facing average tax rates about two
percentage points higher on average than those for households under the age of 35. The average
income tax rate for households headed by someone over the age of 65 is about 11 percentage
points lower than that for households between the ages of 50 and 65.
The average last-dollar tax rate applicable to mortgage interest deductions, in the second
panel, follows a similar pattern, but more exaggerated due to differences in itemization rates
across groups. The second panel in Table 9 shows that higher income households, particularly
those headed by someone below the age of 65, have the highest last-dollar marginal tax rates on
mortgage interest deductions. The next panel shows that lower income and older households are
less likely to itemize than are their younger, higher income counterparts. More than 98 percent of
homeowners with income in excess of $125,000 were predicted to itemize in 2003, compared
with only 24 percent of those with incomes below $40,000. Among households headed by
someone over the age of 65, the itemization rate at incomes between $40,000 and $75,000 is
about 38 percent. It is much lower, only about four percent, for the over-65 households with
family income below $40,000.
The loan-to-value ratio, which affects the user cost, was summarized in Table 2. Recall
that households save τ
per dollar of mortgage interest deduction while the return on investment
assets that might have been held in place of home equity is taxed at τ
. When these two tax rates
differ, the loan to value ratio affects the marginal user cost of owner-occupied housing.
Table 10 reports average last dollar user costs across all households. The first panel
shows estimates corresponding to the actual 2003 tax law. The average user cost is 5.9 percent,
but the values for various age-income cells range from 4.5 to 7.0 percent. Those with the highest
household incomes – more than $250,000 – display an average user cost of 4.6 percent,
compared with 5.4 percent for households with incomes of $75,000-125,000 and 6.8 percent for
households with incomes below $40,000. The user cost for the high-income households is about
two thirds that for the lower-income households, who face lower marginal tax rates and have a
lower probability of itemization.
The second panel of Table 10 reports user cost estimates that treat property taxes as
benefit taxes. This amounts to subtracting the property tax rate, 0.0104, from every cell. The
result is a decline in the user cost of about 15 percent for low-income households, and 22 percent
for high-income households. Because the absolute change in the user cost associated with
repealing the mortgage interest deduction is the same whether the property tax is treated as a
benefit tax or not, but the level of the user cost is lower in the former case, the proportional
increase in the user cost is larger if property taxes are benefit taxes.
The user costs reported in Table 10 reflect a substantial tax subsidy relative to the Haig-
Simons tax system, when the user cost c
would be 0.074 for all households in the no-property-
tax-benefits case. The estimates of the user cost in the first panel of Table 10 are all substantially
lower than 0.074, and the differences between the two measure the net last-dollar subsidy to the
user cost under the current tax system relative to Haig-Simons taxation. Under the benefit view
of the property tax, the Haig-Simons user cost averages 0.061. The differences in user costs
between the second panel of Table 10 and 0.061, which approximately measure the net last-
dollar subsidy to the user cost under the benefit tax view, are comparable in absolute magnitude
to the non-benefit tax view, but are larger in percentage terms since the base user cost is lower.
This calculation is not exact because, under the benefit tax view, the Haig-Simons user cost
varies by age-income cell since the difference in the user costs between the benefit tax and
"traditional tax" settings depends on a term, τ
), that includes the income tax rate. The
impact is minor, however; the Haig-Simons user cost ranges only between 0.057 and 0.063.
We report the effect of eliminating the mortgage interest deduction on last-dollar user
costs for three cases. The first assumes no changes in household portfolio structure, the second
assumes full portfolio adjustment with the baseline set of assets from above, and the third
combines the mortgage draw-down with the assumption that the property tax is a benefit tax. The
results with a constant loan-to-value ratio, shown in the third panel of Table 10, suggest an
average increase in the user cost of about 7 percent, from 5.9 to 6.3 percent. The effects are
largest for the high-income, young homeowners with high loan-to-value ratios. However,
changes in the loan-to-value ratio would partly offset the tax-induced increase in the after-tax
cost of mortgage borrowing. Allowing for portfolio adjustment, and adopting our base case
assumption that households draw down all non-transaction financial paper assets to repay
mortgage debt, the user cost change is smaller than with a fixed loan-to-value ratio. We estimate
that the user cost would rise on average by 0.3 percentage points, or 5 percent, in this case.
Allowing for shifts in the level of mortgage borrowing has the largest effect on the user cost
change for young, high-income households. For 35-50 year olds with household income of over
$250,000, the average user cost was 4.6 percent. Elimination of the mortgage interest deduction
with no portfolio adjustment raises this user cost to 5.3 percent, an increase of more than 15
percent. When we allow for portfolio adjustments, the user cost rises to 5.1 percent – a 11
percent increase, and just over two-thirds of that in the no-behavioral-response case. In our
sample, there are some households for which the estimated user cost falls slightly when the
mortgage interest deduction is eliminated and portfolios adjust. This is primarily due to our
decision to randomly assign state income taxes to each of the replicates for each household, and
then to average the results. The findings in Table 10 are not sensitive to excluding these
households from the analysis, but for completeness we have retained them in the sample
The absolute change in the user cost from eliminating the mortgage interest deduction is
about the same in the fourth and fifth panels of Table 10, but the percentage increase is greater in
the benefit tax case because the current value of the user cost is lower. On average, the user cost
would rise by 0.3 percentage points, or 6 percent. There is substantial variation across age and
income cells. For young, high-income households, the user cost rises from 0.034 to 0.044, a 29
percent rise, even after portfolio adjustment.
Higher user costs should reduce demand for owner-occupied housing. An increase in the
price of housing services could also affect other aspects of household behavior, such as the
household saving rate and the choice of which portfolio assets to hold. While a full general-
equilibrium analysis of such a change is beyond our study, it is possible to illustrate the nature of
the potential change in housing demand associated with a rise in the user cost. In doing this
illustrative calculation, we exclude the 39 household observations whose housing debt exceeds
their house value. We assume a user cost elasticity of housing demand of minus one. Glaeser and
Gyourko (2006) observe that -1.0 is a common finding with regard to housing demand
elasticities, but they note that estimates range from almost zero to -2.0.
With unit elastic demand, a five percent increase in the user cost results in a five percent
decrease in housing demand. If households did not change their total wealth accumulation
profiles, and if they invested the funds that they would otherwise have invested in housing equity
pro rata in the other assets in their portfolio, earning corresponding returns, then average tax
revenue would be about 7 percent higher than in our earlier calculations that assumed a fixed
demand for housing and focused only on portfolio substitution. This calculation assumes a
constant loan-to-value ratio but a reduced demand for housing. Our discussion of how
eliminating the mortgage interest deduction would affect housing demand and portfolio choices
ignores the short-run adjustments in house prices, analyzed for example in Poterba (1984), that
would be associated with any policy change. A drop in house prices associated with this tax
change could affect household portfolios, household saving, the rate of homeowner mobility, and
other aspects of behavior. These changes, in turn, could have implications for tax receipts.
The effect of incorporating the response of housing demand on our estimates of the total
change in tax liability associated with repeal of mortgage interest deductibility varies by age and
income. The tax liability is almost nine percent higher on average for the highest income
category, and it generally rises with income because the user cost change is larger at higher
incomes. It also increases with age. In an earlier draft, Poterba and Sinai (2008b), we report user
cost results that allow the change in housing demand to affect itemization status and thus to have
a feedback effect on the user cost. This channel has very little effect on the results.
This paper examines the impact of the mortgage interest deduction on the level and
distribution of income tax liabilities and on the user cost of owner-occupied housing. We use
data from the 2004 Survey of Consumer Finances and the NBER TAXSIM model to estimate the
distribution across taxpayers of the tax saving associated with this deduction. We focus in
particular on the extent to which homeowners could draw down their holdings of other assets if
mortgage interest were no longer deductible. This behavioral response is an important
determinant of the revenue impact of changing the mortgage interest deduction.
Age- and income-related patterns of mortgage indebtedness are important for
understanding the distributional effects of restricting the mortgage interest deduction. Mortgage
debt is concentrated among younger homeowners, and many older homeowners do not even have
a mortgage. In addition, only about two thirds of homeowners itemize on their federal income
tax return. Consequently, many homeowners would face only a modest tax increase, if any at all,
if mortgage interest were no longer deductible. Our findings underscore the need for more
empirical work on the key behavioral parameters related to portfolio substitution.
We have sketched, but not considered in detail, how eliminating the mortgage interest
deduction might affect housing demand and house prices. Particularly for households in high
marginal tax brackets, the user cost increase associated with eliminating the mortgage interest
deduction could lead to a substantial decline in the demand for owner-occupied housing. This
would be reflected in changes in housing demand conditional on choosing to own, and
potentially also in changes in the demand for renting versus owning. For lower- and middle-
income taxpayers, the user cost changes and the changes in housing demand are more modest.
Perhaps the most important direction for extending our analysis is the consideration of
general equilibrium effects that might be associated with changes in the mortgage interest
deduction. Repealing this tax provision could affect interest rates, homeownership rates,
household saving, and lifecycle patterns of housing demand more generally. While we have
followed in the tradition of many previous studies that have examined housing tax policy in a
partial equilibrium setting, several notable studies, including Slemrod (1983), Berkovec and
Fullerton (1992), and Gervais (2008), address this issue in general equilibrium models.
We are grateful to Igar Fuki and Moises Yi for outstanding research assistance, to Alan
Auerbach, Abhijit Banerjee, Peter Diamond, Daniel Feenberg, Edward Glaeser, Roger Gordon,
Therese McGuire (the editor), Kevin Moore, Lori Stuntz, Bill Wheaton, George Zodrow, the
referees, and the participants in the NBER Tax Expenditure Project for helpful comments and
advice, and to the National Science Foundation (Poterba) and the Research Sponsors Program of
the Zell-Lurie Real Estate Center at the Wharton School (Sinai) for research support. Sections of
this paper are based on Poterba and Sinai (2008a).
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Table 1
Difference in Income Tax Liability (in dollars): Taxing Owner-Occupied Housing Under a
Haig-Simons Tax Base versus the Current Income Tax System
Age of House-
hold Head
Annual Household Income
<40K 40-75K 75-125K 125-250K 250+ All
Haig-Simons Tax Base with Standard Deduction
25-35 1,017 1,641 4,638 8,124 19,123 3,033
35-50 1,211 2,401 4,715 10,090 27,606 5,329
50-65 1,555 3,193 4,923 10,111 29,960 6,291
> 65 1,250 4,315 4,903 10,803 26,761 3,358
All 1,291 2,855 4,794 10,051 28,349 4,842
Haig-Simons Tax Base without Standard Deduction
25-35 1,692 2,645 5,818 8,843 19,924 3,990
35-50 1,844 3,393 5,764 10,703 28,021 6,185
50-65 2,165 4,075 5,879 10,697 30,316 7,040
> 65 1,904 5,448 6,207 11,508 27,243 4,177
All 1,933 3,843 5,864 10,667 28,758 5,668
Notes: Averages are weighted using the SCF’s replicate weights. See text for sample
Table 2
Inputs to Homeowners’ Tax Savings Under Current Tax Rules
Age of House-
hold Head
Annual Household Income
<40K 40-75K 75-125K 125-250K 250+ All
Average Tax Rate on "Additional" Interest Income
25-35 0.195 0.206 0.27 0.325 0.387 0.233
35-50 0.168 0.208 0.276 0.338 0.394 0.252
50-65 0.143 0.232 0.283 0.336 0.387 0.253
> 65 0.087 0.262 0.276 0.32 0.382 0.161
All 0.124 0.224 0.277 0.335 0.389 0.227
Average Mortgage Interest Deduction Subsidy Rate
25-35 0.032 0.078 0.165 0.258 0.315 0.108
35-50 0.037 0.086 0.154 0.27 0.307 0.14
50-65 0.027 0.073 0.126 0.218 0.267 0.115
> 65 0.001 0.023 0.044 0.096 0.075 0.017
All 0.016 0.07 0.133 0.231 0.253 0.097
Mean Value of Owner-Occupied Home ($ thousand)
25-35 115.9 147.5 259.1 343.3 674.7 192.9
35-50 124.2 188.1 253.7 422.3 993.0 272.9
50-65 156.1 208.0 264.6 428.2 1155.0 313.4
> 65 159.8 266.8 283.5 504.4 1060.6 233.7
All 148.7 201.7 261.8 427.8 1072.0 265.6
Mean Loan-to-Value Ratio (Percentages)
25-35 61.7 72.8 71.2 67.3 57.7 69.0
35-50 50.2 60.0 55.3 53.2 36.7 54.8
50-65 29.3 29.6 37.3 34.8 29.5 32.5
> 65 9.8 13.5 18.4 12.6 7.2 11.6
All 26.1 44.9 47.4 42.6 29.4 38.7
Notes: Averages are weighted using the SCF’s replicate weights. See text for sample
Table 3
Household Ownership of Financial Assets and Mortgage Indebtedness
All non-
Financial assets
with returns
between pre-tax
and after-tax
interest rate*
Value of assets that
could be sold to replace
qualified mortgage debt
($ trillion)
1.208 1.806 3.429 4.304 0.467
Percentage of deductible
mortgage debt that could
be replaced
19.5 29.2 55.4 69.6 7.5
Aggregate value of
assets ($ trillion)
8.254 10.592 25.621 34.041 1.190
Percentage of assets in
category that would
have to be sold to pay
down mortgage debt
14.6 17.0 13.4 12.6 39.2
average percentage of
assets needed to pay
down mortgage debt
58.5 62.9 55.1 48.0 91.8
Notes: Sample construction is described in the text. The aggregate value of deductible mortgage
debt (qualified debt under $1 million per taxpayer) equals $6,187 billion. The assets considered
in the first column are: CDs, stocks, corporate and foreign bonds, government bonds, mortgage-
backed bonds, tax-exempt bonds (state and local), tax-free bond mutual funds, stock mutual
funds, other bond mutual funds, government bond mutual funds, combination and other mutual
funds, and other mutual funds. The second column includes all assets from the first column plus
checking, savings, money market, and brokerage call accounts. Thethird column includes those
in the second column plus vehicles, non-residential real estate, business interests, other financial
assets (e.g. royalties, futures, etc.), other non-financial assets (e.g. jewelry, furniture, etc.), and
other residential real estate. The fourth column includes column three plus retirement accounts,
cash value of life insurance, and ‘other managed assets’ such as trusts and annuities. We assume
yields of zero on checking accounts, 1.12 percent on savings deposits, money market accounts,
brokerage call accounts, and CDs, 3.7 percent on tax-exempt bonds and tax-free bond mutual
funds, 4.5 percent on corporate, foreign, government and mortgage-backed bonds, 4.5 percent on
bond mutual funds and combination and other mutual funds, 4.75 percent on stocks, and 7.5
percent on stock mutual funds. Realized capital gains are assumed to be 2.75 percent per year on
equities and “other financial assets”, and 5.50 percent on equity mutual funds (reflecting the
higher frequency of realizations). For households with multiple mortgages, we use the maximum
after-tax mortgage interest rate and the minimum pre-tax mortgage interest rate in our
Table 4
Percentage of Outstanding Deductible Mortgage Debt that Homeowners Could Replace by
Drawing Down Other Assets
Age of House-
hold Head
Annual Household Income
<40K 40-75K 75-125K 125-250K 250+ All
Non-transaction financial assets
25-35 3.4 6.8 6.5 1.9 27.0 6.3
35-50 4.9 4.6 8.9 22.4 54.5 16.2
50-65 15.5 17.1 18.0 29.3 61.3 30.2
> 65 13.8 17.5 29.7 54.3 88.5 29.3
All 9.1 8.4 11.8 24.1 58.3 19.5
Total financial assets
25-35 5.5 13.4 15.3 17.3 56.7 14.9
35-50 9.7 12.1 17.4 34.6 68.2 25.7
50-65 21.5 25.7 30.1 38.6 73.4 40.5
> 65 26.1 26.6 42.5 63.3 94.6 40.0
All 15.1 16.1 21.5 35.5 71.5 29.2
All non-housing, non-retirement assets
25-35 20.5 37.4 40.5 36.0 85.0 37.6
35-50 32.6 41.0 45.3 61.0 93.2 52.7
50-65 44.2 54.1 62.1 69.2 93.6 67.9
> 65 48.1 50.0 71.4 95.3 97.5 63.7
All 36.0 43.5 50.0 62.8 93.2 55.4
All non-housing assets
25-35 23.2 46.9 54.2 56.4 100.0 49.3
35-50 40.2 53.4 65.1 81.5 97.8 68.2
50-65 57.7 63.8 78.4 89.8 99.5 81.6
> 65 68.2 68.4 75.0 99.5 99.9 76.4
All 46.5 55.1 66.6 82.7 98.9 69.6
Total financial assets with returns higher than the after-tax mortgage
interest rate and lower than the pre
tax mortgage interest rate
25-35 0.6 0.1 1.4 0.7 20.9 1.4
35-50 0.1 0.5 3.6 10.4 27.1 7.0
50-65 1.1 3.2 5.5 10.9 27.6 11.0
> 65 0.3 5.4 8.9 27.3 60.0 11.6
All 0.5 1.3 3.8 10.4 28.4 7.5%
Notes: Averages are weighted using the SCF’s replicate weights. See the notes to Table 3 for the
asset category definitions.
Table 5
Change in Income Tax Liability from Eliminating the Mortgage Interest Deduction (dollars)
Age of House-
hold Head
Annual Household Income
<40K 40-75K 75-125K 125-250K 250+ All
No Portfolio Adjustment
25-35 212 571 1,801 3,468 7,711 1,132
35-50 244 747 1,525 3,534 6,575 1,639
50-65 161 491 1,034 2,095 5,741 1,194
> 65 21 178 329 981 1,322 166
All 109 542 1,262 2,697 5,408 1,066
Portfolio Substitution with Non-transaction Financial Assets
25-35 188 535 1,619 3,328 5,654 1,024
35-50 229 698 1,351 2,842 4,479 1,356
50-65 130 414 844 1,586 3,876 901
> 65 16 134 169 676 643 104
All 95 488 1,083 2,149 3,641 858
Portfolio Substitution with Total Financial Assets
25-35 187 529 1,590 3,256 5,375 1,004
35-50 226 687 1,339 2,845 4,814 1,363
50-65 130 412 846 1,618 3,990 914
> 65 17 145 207 708 739 115
All 94 484 1,079 2,162 3,812 864
Portfolio Substitution with Non-Retirement Non-Housing Assets
25-35 168 388 1,064 1,753 879 637
35-50 161 405 934 1,841 2,041 846
50-65 79 308 292 670 2,089 435
> 65 5 107 19 184 695 52
All 64 321 632 1,197 1,822 493
Portfolio Substitution with Non-Housing Assets
25-35 168 388 1,064 1,753 879 637
35-50 161 405 934 1,841 2,041 846
50-65 79 308 292 670 2,089 435
> 65 -48 -90 2 110 531 -29
All 37 285 630 1,190 1,797 472
Portfolio Substitution with Total Financial Assets with Returns Between After-
tax and Pre-Tax Mort
e Interest Rate
25-35 207 566 1,710 3,363 5,677 1,071
35-50 243 728 1,411 3,108 5,377 1,472
50-65 144 451 939 1,814 4,505 1,021
> 65 20 161 241 707 825 126
All 104 520 1,161 2,363 4,270 943
Notes: Averages are weighted using the SCF’s replicate weights. See the notes to Table 3 for the
asset category definitions and imputed returns. We assume that households draw down their
assets in order of returns and that non-itemizers, who would face no change in their tax
treatment, would not make any portfolio adjustments.
Table 6
Impact of Assumptions About Returns and Asset Substitution on the Change in Income Tax
Liability from Eliminating the Mortgage Interest Deduction (dollars)
Notes: “Non-transaction Financial Assets” as defined in the notes to Table 3 are drawn down. In
the base case, returns are assumed to be those noted in Table 3. Assets are drawn down starting
with the assets with the lowest returns. In the proportional case, assets are drawn down pro-rata
based on their portfolio share. In the case of the 7.3 percent yield, all assets are assumed to have
the same return, as in Gervais and Pandey (2008).
Annual Household Income
<40K 40-75K 75-125K 125-250K 250+ All
Base case 95 488 1,083 2,149 3,641 858
Draw Down Assets in
Proportion to Existing
94 487 1,075 2,131 3,405 843
Assume 7.3% yield for
all assets
89 473 1,039 1,928 2,422 761
Table 7
Changes in Mortgage Debt from Restricting the Mortgage Interest Deduction and Allowing
Portfolio Adjustment
Age of Household
Annual Household Income
<40K 40-75K 75-125K 125-250K 250+ All
"Elasticity" of Mortgage Debt with Respect to After-Tax Interest Rate
25-35 0.783 0.494 0.424 0.114 0.455 0.431
35-50 0.504 0.397 0.527 0.633 0.824 0.665
50-65 0.779 0.720 0.624 0.792 0.843 0.805
> 65 0.588 0.709 0.716 0.864 0.944 0.814
All 0.656 0.546 0.565 0.682 0.826 0.715
Change in Loan-to-Value Ratio (LTV) Allowing Portfolio Adjustment of
Non-transaction Financial Assets
25-35 -0.026 -0.042 -0.051 -0.013 -0.145 -0.043
35-50 -0.018 -0.023 -0.047 -0.110 -0.206 -0.074
50-65 -0.040 -0.056 -0.071 -0.134 -0.253 -0.125
> 65 -0.019 -0.062 -0.104 -0.143 -0.301 -0.087
All -0.026 -0.036 -0.057 -0.111 -0.233 -0.085
Percentage Change in LTV allowing Portfolio Adjustment of Non-
transaction Financial Assets
25-35 -3.3 -5.4 -6.5 -1.8 -23.8 -5.8
35-50 -3.7 -4.1 -8.7 -21.7 -52.2 -15.5
50-65 -8.6 -14.2 -16.8 -29.2 -59.8 -29.1
> 65 -5.9 -13.9 -27.7 -47.9 -81.7 -24.2
All -5.3 -7.1 -11.3 -23.4 -56.3 -18.5
Notes: Averages are weighted using the SCF’s replicate weights, in the second and third panels,
are also weighted by household mortgage debt. See the notes to Table 3 for asset category
definitions and imputed returns. We assume that only itemizers draw down assets when the
mortgage interest deduction is eliminated and that the lowest-return assets are sold first. The
"elasticities" in the first panel show the percentage change in each cell's aggregate housing debt
with deductible interest, with the change allowing portfolio adjustment of financial assets,
divided by the percentage change in the cell's average interest cost in going from deductible to
non-deductible mortgage interest. “Housing Debt with Deductible Interest” refers to debt on both
primary and secondary residences totaling up to one million dollars.
Table 8
Average Tax Increase from Tightening the Cap on Mortgage Interest Deduction (dollars)
Age of
Household Head
Annual Household Income
<40K 40-75K 75-125K 125-250K 250+ All
Cap Deductible Mortgages at $250,000, No Portfolio Substitution
25-35 13 33 254 892 3,108 187
35-50 10 61 162 885 3,174 363
50-65 7 51 119 299 2,732 282
> 65 1 9 40 260 563 33
All 5 44 148 585 2,560 233
Cap Deductible Mortgages at $250,000, Allowing for Portfolio Substitution
25-35 13 33 242 879 2,302 173
35-50 10 60 153 734 2,188 291
50-65 7 50 108 243 1,847 210
> 65 1 13 35 193 215 22
All 5 44 138 489 1,726 183
Notes: Averages are weighted using the SCF’s replicate weights. We assume only non-
transaction financial assets are drawn down to repay mortgage debt. See notes to Table 3 for
asset definition and the imputed returns. Only itemizers draw down assets; assets are liquidated
in ascending rate of return order.
Table 9
Determinants of the User Cost of Homeownership, by Household Age and Income
Notes: Averages are weighted using the SCF’s replicate weights. See text for sample
Age of Household
Annual Household Income
<40K 40-75K 75-125K 125-250K 250+ All
Average Last-Dollar Tax Rate on Interest Income
25-35 0.159 0.201 0.261 0.323 0.384 0.219
35-50 0.135 0.202 0.265 0.335 0.394 0.241
50-65 0.115 0.226 0.272 0.328 0.387 0.241
> 65 0.047 0.239 0.272 0.309 0.380 0.131
All 0.088 0.215 0.268 0.329 0.388 0.210
Average Last-Dollar Mortgage Interest Deduction Subsidy Rate
25-35 0.060 0.132 0.233 0.278 0.339 0.157
35-50 0.069 0.134 0.207 0.290 0.359 0.182
50-65 0.051 0.128 0.188 0.281 0.350 0.168
> 65 0.005 0.065 0.108 0.234 0.332 0.048
All 0.032 0.120 0.193 0.280 0.350 0.140
Percentage of Home Owners Who Itemize
25-35 55.3 74.6 97.3 97.1 100.0 78.6
35-50 51.2 77.8 92.2 99.9 100.0 82.4
50-65 33.7 64.5 83.0 99.2 100.0 70.7
> 65 4.0 38.2 55.5 92.0 99.6 23.1
All 23.7 66.3 85.5 98.7 99.9 63.3
Table 10
Last-Dollar User Cost of Owner-Occupied Housing Under Current Tax Law and With Repeal of
Mortgage Interest Deduction
Age of
Household Head
Annual Household Income
<40K 40-75K 75-125K 125-250K 250+ All
2003 Law
25-35 0.065 0.060 0.053 0.048 0.045 0.058
35-50 0.065 0.059 0.054 0.049 0.046 0.056
50-65 0.066 0.059 0.055 0.050 0.046 0.057
> 65 0.070 0.059 0.056 0.053 0.049 0.065
All 0.068 0.059 0.054 0.050 0.046 0.059
Last-Dollar User Cost Under Benefit Tax View of Property Tax
25-35 0.055 0.050 0.042 0.038 0.034 0.048
35-50 0.055 0.049 0.044 0.039 0.035 0.046
50-65 0.056 0.048 0.044 0.040 0.036 0.046
>65 0.060 0.049 0.046 0.042 0.037 0.055
All 0.058 0.049 0.044 0.039 0.036 0.049
Repeal of Mortgage Interest Deduction (MID)
25-35 0.068 0.066 0.063 0.059 0.056 0.065
35-50 0.068 0.065 0.061 0.058 0.053 0.063
50-65 0.068 0.061 0.059 0.056 0.053 0.061
> 65 0.071 0.060 0.058 0.055 0.050 0.066
All 0.069 0.063 0.060 0.057 0.053 0.063
Repeal MID, Portfolio Adjustment using Non-transaction Financial Assets
25-35 0.066 0.067 0.063 0.060 0.055 0.065
35-50 0.067 0.065 0.061 0.057 0.051 0.062
50-65 0.067 0.061 0.059 0.055 0.050 0.060
> 65 0.069 0.059 0.057 0.053 0.049 0.064
All 0.068 0.063 0.060 0.056 0.051 0.062
Repeal of MID, with Portfolio Adjustment and Benefit View of Property Tax
25-35 0.056 0.056 0.052 0.049 0.044 0.054
35-50 0.056 0.055 0.051 0.047 0.041 0.052
50-65 0.057 0.051 0.049 0.045 0.040 0.050
> 65 0.058 0.049 0.047 0.043 0.038 0.054
All 0.057 0.053 0.050 0.046 0.040 0.052
Notes: Averages are weighted using the SCF’s replicate weights. See text for sample