2023 Proceedings of the ISCAP Conference ISSN: 2473-4901
Albuquerque, NM v9 n5907
©2023 ISCAP (Information Systems and Computing Academic Professionals) Page 1
Teaching Case
Southwest Airlines Didn’t Crash,
but It Nearly Fell Apart …
Paul D. Witman
School of Management
California Lutheran University
Thousand Oaks, CA, USA
Jim Prior
Tracy Nickl
School of Management
California Lutheran University
Thousand Oaks, CA, USA
Scott Mackelprang
The winter storm of late 2022 caused difficulties for many US-based airlines, but none more so than
Southwest Airlines. Like other airlines, Southwest canceled flights in the early stages of the storm. Their
attempted recoveries did not succeed due to procedural and technology issues, with the airline unable
to cope with the magnitude of canceled flights, aircraft and crews in the wrong places, disrupted
passenger plans, and luggage separated from its owners. Over the next several days, Southwest
canceled tens of thousands of flights, called in thousands of additional staff to support manual
operations, and flew a reduced schedule for several days before returning to normal operations. The
case provides numerous scenarios for you to analyze and research.
Keywords: Teaching Case, Supply Chain, Airline Industry, Risk Management, Scalability, Technical
You planned a holiday trip to visit your family
months in advance. You arranged to take some
additional days off from work. Earlier this
morning, with trepidation, you dropped off Clyde
at a local kennel. Just now, while standing in line
waiting for TSA security screening, you learn that
your flight has been canceled.
The bad news ripples through the long line of
expectant flyers, who moaning and groaning,
jump on their phones, looking for travel
alternatives and calling relatives. You do the
same. But you quickly realize that this flight
cancellation is one of many, and your trip has
2023 Proceedings of the ISCAP Conference ISSN: 2473-4901
Albuquerque, NM v9 n5907
©2023 ISCAP (Information Systems and Computing Academic Professionals) Page 2
probably ended before it ever started.
A brutal winter storm that swept across Central
and Eastern U.S. in late December 2022 led to the
cancellation of more than 12,000 domestic airline
flights the week before Christmas (Josephs,
2023). And while many carriers were able to
quickly recover - United Airlines had to cancel
approximately 36% of their flights, but they got
90% of their passengers to their destinations
within four hours of schedule - the story at
Southwest Airlines was far different (Miguens,
Days after major carriers were back to mostly
business as usual, Southwest continued to cancel
flights. From December 24th to the 31st, the
major carriers canceled 19,421 flights; Southwest
accounted for 72% of those cancellations -
14,042 (US Department of Transportation, 2023).
There were many impacts and, likewise, many
Close to 3 million holiday travelers had
flight segments cancelled (Arnold, 2023).
Their attempts to reschedule were
hampered by overwhelmed phone
systems and a reduction in customer
service agents, as many stayed away
from work to avoid irate passengers.
With planes available, pilots and flight
attendants sat idle due to multiple
challenges with crew scheduling
The financial toll on Southwest - more
than $1.1 billion in lost revenue (Arnold &
Skores, 2023).
We hope that this real-world case will help
students understand and analyze situations from
several fundamental perspectives. These include
technical debt, scalability, risk management, and
supply chain management. Note that all
references to people by first name only are real
people unless stated otherwise.
There are a number of technical concepts that
apply to various aspects of this case, and we
identify and describe them briefly here.
Technical Debt
In technical circles, the phenomenon of deferred
maintenance is called technical debt. When
citizens find that deep potholes in the road are
destroying their cars, they realize that their City
Council should have used their tax dollars to fix
the roads rather than taking a junket to the
town’s sister city in Asia. Technical debt within
computer systems, on the other hand, is not
nearly so easy to discern. Quite often, unless a
person is directly involved in the creation, care,
and feeding of a computer-based service, it can
be difficult or impossible to know the impact of
technical debt.
Technical debt can result from various causes and
appear in various forms(Besker, Martini, Lokuge,
Blincoe, & Bosch, 2018; Kruchten, Nord, &
Ozkaya, 2019):
System Capacity limitations: Workloads
can outgrow a system’s design capacity.
System Integration limitations: Very
often, individual systems must cooperate
to make an overall system function end
to end - crews, planes, catering, de-icing,
passengers, baggage - all have to be
Security limitations: Frequently,
investment is required to protect systems
with no improvement in system function.
Product Lifespan limitations: Computers
don’t last forever, but sometimes
companies keep using them well beyond
their “end of formal support” date.
Vendor Maintenance limitations: Support
for third party computer hardware or
software costs money and effort and may
have diminishing value as systems age.
Process mismatch: Changing business
operations requires changes to systems,
and sometimes businesses skimp on that
- “there’s nothing so permanent as a
temporary solution” (a quote from one of
this case study’s authors, from industry
observations in banking).
Failing to integrate technology acquired
through acquisition of other airlines.
Business investment in customer-visible
software features which promise new
revenue versus investments in back-
office core processing can lead to systems
which lack capacity to meet customer
Southwest made a point of saying, in their action
plan, that the airline would spend over $1B on
“technology projects” in 2023. However, as in
prior years, they don’t specify whether or how
much of those projects are customer-facing,
versus how much is focused on improving the
stability and performance of the “back end”
operational systems required to get planes in the
air and back to the ground safely.
2023 Proceedings of the ISCAP Conference ISSN: 2473-4901
Albuquerque, NM v9 n5907
©2023 ISCAP (Information Systems and Computing Academic Professionals) Page 3
Scalability is a “desirable attribute of a network,
system, or process …, to process growing
volumes of work gracefully, and/or to be
susceptible to enlargement” (Bondi, 2000). In the
case of Southwest’s systems, a central question
of this case will be, were they scalable to handle
the load of the large volumes of activity that
ensued when flights were canceled? Southwest
had issues with crew and flight scheduling
systems (the systems that tracked crew location,
rest status, and contractual obligations), as well
as with crew reporting and authorization systems.
Pilots and cabin crew members were required to
dial a voice phone number to report their status
and location. Due to staffing constraints, that
number sometimes forced crew members to wait
up to 9 hours before they could begin to get
Similarly, passengers who tried to reschedule
their flights had to wait on hold for hours as the
Southwest customer service lines were jammed.
Those wait times were due both to the shortage
of trained customer service staff, as well as to the
lack of reliable information about how to schedule
those passengers on new flights. While customers
did have the option of conducting those activities
online (which the crew did not), most unhappy
customers want to talk with a real person to
ensure against further surprises.
Root Cause Analysis
Root cause analysis refers to the process of
attempting to discern the most fundamental, or
root, cause of a problem or situation. It is often
conducted, conceptually, by repeatedly asking
“why” after identifying a partial cause for a
problem. The goal of root cause analysis is to
focus on solving the fundamental cause, and to
avoid solving what amounts to a symptom, rather
than solving the underlying cause (Rooney &
Heuvel, 2004).
As an example of this process, for this situation:
Question: Why did Southwest Airlines have a
cascade of failures which led to a loss of
service which lasted for days and cost the
company between $725 and 825 million?
Answer: Because unusually severe weather
caused travel disruptions that overwhelmed
the scheduling system’s ability to manage all
of the airline’s scheduling and logistics needs.
Question: Why?
Answer: Because the system was not
designed nor provisioned to deal with such a
high level of disruption and the subsequent
logistical complexity.
Question: Why?
This line of questioning has taken us nearer to the
real cause of the outage: A lack of investment in
mission critical IT resources which left the
company with dangerously high technical debt.
Now that the causal analysis has drilled down to
a more relevant ‘why’ question, useful
explanations for the failure can be proffered.
Risk Management
Risk is a concept that is not unique to business or
technology - it is fundamental to many aspects of
everyday life. Risk refers to the probability that a
certain type of event will occur. Impact, in
contrast, is the magnitude of damage that might
result should the event occur. Risks are usually
perceived as having negative outcomes (injuries,
damage, cost, and the like), though sometimes
they are positive (we most commonly focus on
risk as being related to negative outcomes).
There are several fundamental approaches to
managing risk (Ahmed, 2017). One can avoid the
risk, transfer it to someone else, reduce it to
acceptable levels or simply accept it.
Avoidance: If a risk is determined to be
too high, then you avoid the activity that
creates the risk.
Transfer: In many cases, the risk can be
transferred to another party.
Reduction: Risk reduction is a common
step for processes or activities that
cannot be avoided, and where the risk
cannot be transferred to another party.
Acceptance: In some cases, the best
option is to accept a risk. If steps have
been taken (as in the above strategies) to
reduce or mitigate the risk, the remaining
level of accepted risk is known as
“residual risk.”
Sometimes, organizations take an approach that
externalizes some part of their risk. This means
that they (deliberately or inadvertently) transfer
some of their risk to external parties - customers,
vendors, employees, etc. In Southwest’s case,
some have argued that Southwest’s choices for
technology investment essentially transfer some
of the impact of these risks to various other
parties. Pilots and cabin crews are left away from
home and without work; customers are left
stranded somewhere during their travels,
2023 Proceedings of the ISCAP Conference ISSN: 2473-4901
Albuquerque, NM v9 n5907
©2023 ISCAP (Information Systems and Computing Academic Professionals) Page 4
sometimes without their luggage. Some of these
external parties may be compensated, but often
they perceive that compensation to be
inadequate. The details of that transfer of risk and
impact are not calculated here, but it is clear that
some parties believe they did not agree to take
on that risk, and were not compensated
appropriately (e.g., Arnold & Walters, 2023).
Airline Industry Issues
Managing an airline industry requires dealing with
several specific challenges due to the nature of its
operations and competitive environment. Supply
chain challenges are common to all industries;
airlines in particular have very large and
expensive equipment (planes) that are hard to
move and are highly regulated, making the airline
industry somewhat uniquely challenging.
Similarly, airlines sell a product (seats) that are
highly time-sensitive when the aircraft door
closes, the value of an empty seat immediately
goes to zero.
Challenges include:
Crew rest requirements - flight and cabin
crew members are limited in how many
hours they can work in a row, and how
much rest/sleep time is required before
they can fly again.
Pilots can “declare” a fatigue issue, even
if they’ve just finished a rest period.
Getting all the pieces in the right place at
the right time is critical (Belhadi et al.,
2021; Vieira & Loures, 2016):
Aircraft, crew, landing rights, gate
space, fuel, catering supplies, and
ground crews all must be ready in
time to get the plane in the air and to
land and unload it at the other end.
Passengers must know the plane is
going to fly and be ready to board.
Unlike retail, where an unsold object
can be sold the next day, an
unsold/unoccupied seat on a plane
generates no revenue.
The plane must be flight-ready, which
means it must have been inspected
and maintained by ground crews and
flight crews before the flight. Some of
this is expected to be handled on a
daily basis, when the plane is parked
overnight in its expected location.
Planes are not generally expected to
sit idle for more than a day or two,
and an idle period triggers a need to
do additional maintenance and
testing. In this case, some of that had
to be done away from the usual
locations, requiring that maintenance
workers be moved to those airports.
Southwest operates an unusual routing system,
relative to its major US airline competition. Most
airlines operate with a small number of hub
airports, and most flights begin or end in one of
the hubs a hub and spoke approach. Southwest,
in contrast, uses a point-to-point model. In this
model, flights tend to go direct from one
destination to another and back again, but do not
routinely transit through a central hub airport. As
such, getting aircraft back to a starting point for
a new day of flying is much harder to do with most
flights starting from smaller and less “busy”
airports (Sider, 2022a).
Potential Impact of Social Media on
Communication and Amplification
Communication occurs quickly and in real-time in
social media. The potential amplification/reach of
media in general and social media
communications specifically, including posts,
shares, comments, and “likes/dislikes” can be
significant, multiply very quickly, and amplify
things intentionally or unintentionally. This is
particularly important during a crisis and presents
a modern-day challenge for firm leadership and
the marketing and PR teams, as social media
empowers the users and requires that firm’s focus
on effectively influencing perceptions, behaviors,
and knowledge. If the strategy is not well thought
out and executed, it can have a significant impact
on the brand especially if the communication is
not seen as authentic. Also, in the absence of
information, people often make things up to fill
the void, and those things tend toward the
negative (Zide, Elman, & Shahani-Denning,
Impression management theory (Goffman, 2002)
establishes the correlation between branding and
managing others’ impressions, while signaling
theory (Spence, 1973) addresses how this plays
out in social media impacting employees,
customers, the media, and other stakeholders.
Impression management requires controlling and
managing others' impressions through the
information presented. In social media, the firm
is working to control its brand and social media
influencers are simultaneously working to
maintain and control their own brands,
consequently weighing in on posts and providing
their perspectives that influence perceptions
(Kietzmann, Hermkens, McCarthy, & Silvestre,
2011). Social media also provides the
customers/passengers the ability to partake real-
time in the conversations and influence the
dialogue, often done in their personal social
2023 Proceedings of the ISCAP Conference ISSN: 2473-4901
Albuquerque, NM v9 n5907
©2023 ISCAP (Information Systems and Computing Academic Professionals) Page 5
media accounts and delivered as part of the
passengers’ personal brands (Van Zoonen,
The wide variety of stakeholders with potentially
competing priorities creates a complicated
landscape to navigate for the firm and often
requires a sophisticated multi-pronged approach.
The signaling theory in social media occurs when
signals are sent in social media to influence the
receiver’s perceptions, behaviors, and
knowledge. The receiver then determines if the
signal is authentic and impactful enough to
influence/change their perceptions. The multi-
stakeholder participation in the conversation
occurs in personal and corporate (both internal
and external) networks and platforms making it
difficult to influence especially if there are not
clearly defined strategies, policies, procedures,
and trained effective staffing.
Crisis Communication Considerations and
Bukar et al (2020) conducted a systematic
literature review and found that the three most
popular response strategies to a crisis are:
rebuilding/apology followed by
denial/scapegoating and then, diminish/excuse
(see Figure 2 in the Appendix). Southwest’s
response strategy for the recent crises is
primarily based on apology with some information
strategy that will be further discussed in the
scenario, below.
Social Media-based Crisis Communication
At a strategic level, it helps to consider three
models - Integrated Crisis Mapping (ICM),
Situational Crisis Communication Theory (SCCT),
and Social Mediated Crisis Communication
(SMCC) - that link stakeholder emotions and the
response strategy as outlined in Figure 1.
Jin & Liu's (2010) SMCC model and framework
can then be applied tactically to help further
assess potential gaps, issues, and opportunities
in Southwest’s crisis communication strategy.
See Figure 3 in the Appendix for an overview of
that approach.
Figure 1 Integrated Crisis Management
Strategy (Vignal Lambret & Barki, 2018)
The following scenarios may be assigned by your
instructor as individual or group exercises. Each
is designed to be self-contained, so you could
analyze any one scenario on its own, and from
either a technical level or an organizational level.
Scenario 1 - Where’s my luggage?
Along with the numerous pains associated with
canceled and rescheduled flights, many
Southwest Airlines customers suffered an
additional headache - lost luggage. They’d check
their bags, wade through security, discover that
their flight had been canceled; and, at some
point, ask themselves… Where’s my luggage?
For many passengers who were fortunate enough
to book new flights and reach their intended
destination, they’d arrive to discover that their
luggage wasn't there. Unable to get concrete
information from baggage agents, who genuinely
didn’t know where their bags were, many
travelers would return to the airport multiple
times to check for their luggage while having to
purchase replacement clothing and belongings.
The reversed result was all too common as well.
Travelers unable to get to their destination
canceled their travel plans - only to discover that
their luggage went without them to their
destination, leading to additional time and cost
spent retrieving their bags. These separations
were frustrating and problematic, as some
checked luggage included pets, car keys,
2023 Proceedings of the ISCAP Conference ISSN: 2473-4901
Albuquerque, NM v9 n5907
©2023 ISCAP (Information Systems and Computing Academic Professionals) Page 6
Christmas presents, and critical medications
(Sider, 2022b).
Across the country there was chaos in Southwest
baggage claim areas as passengers searched for
their luggage. Among them were a few good
Samaritans, who while searching for their own
luggage, took time out to text random phone
numbers that they saw on luggage tags, letting
their owners know where their bags were.
Southwest Airlines has for years carried the most
luggage of any U.S. carrier, in part because they
allow every passenger up to two bags for free.
They have a good record evidenced by a low
frequency of mishandled bags, lower than
competitors in general. However, Southwest does
not offer baggage tracking capabilities that are
common to many other airlines (Sider, 2022b).
Ultimately, many thousands of Southwest Airlines
customers went almost two weeks before they
got their luggage back (Gimbel, 2023; Sider,
As an airline customer, how might you
protect yourself from such an outcome?
What information system solutions could
Southwest Airlines have had in place to
minimize this disruption?
What other questions or observations can
you make about this scenario as it relates
to risk management, technical debt,
information, and information systems?
Scenario 2 - Where’d my flight crew go?
The brutal winter storm triggered a cascading set
of challenges. Thousands of Southwest Airlines
customers were affected, as were flight crews,
increasing the overall impact and delaying
recovery of normal operations.
As the storm continued, ground crews were
required to work overtime - in frigid conditions.
Some of them developed frostbite and many of
them called in sick. As ground operations slowed,
more flights were canceled. Cancellations in, for
instance, Denver led to cancellations in Dallas,
Chicago, etc. as planes and/or their crews
wouldn’t arrive from Denver (Leff, 2022). Steve,
a passenger passing through Denver on another
airline that day, reported seeing 2-3 thousand
people in line at Southwest counters.
In normal conditions, as part of their point-to-
point model, it’s very common for Southwest
flight crews to start their day in one city and finish
their day in another city after numerous flights.
With this once-in-a-lifetime storm, the many
cancellations caused planes, pilots, and flight
attendants to not be where they needed to be,
adding to challenges for the next day’s flights.
Once many Southwest pilots and flight attendants
were out of position, Southwest’s outdated crew
scheduling system failed to keep up with the work
of rescheduling, notifying, and relocating them.
In a message to the company, Southwest Chief
Operating Officer Andrew Watterson said, “we
had aircraft that were available, but the process
of matching up those crew members with the
aircraft could not be handled by our technology.”
He added that the process had to be handled
manually, which was "extraordinarily difficult”
(Sangal, Hayes, Chowdhury, Hammond, & Powell,
One possible contributor to these failures might
be found in Southwest’s investment strategy.
Recent capital expenditures, which includes
technology projects, have been $1 billion in 2019,
$515 million in 2020 and $505 million in 2021.
Similarly, the number of employees in their
business group which includes technology
workers dropped 27% from 2018 to 2021, while
overall full-time employee count dropped just 6%
over the same time period (Arnold & Walters,
How could Southwest Airlines
communication systems be improved to
more easily allow flight crew personnel to
update their location and availability
when phone systems are overwhelmed?
Compare and contrast Southwest Airlines'
“point-to-point” scheduling methodology
to their competitors’ “hub and spoke”
approach, including pros and cons of
What other questions or observations can
you make about this scenario as it relates
to risk management, technical debt,
information, and information systems?
Scenario 3 - Rebecca gets delayed by a
firewall, and (sort of) changes planes
On March 30, 2023, Southwest released its
“action plan” (Southwest Airlines, 2023) to
address the issues that arose in December 2022,
hoping to put its operational challenges behind it.
But Just a few weeks later, on Tuesday, April 18,
a firewall failed in a Southwest data center, which
grounded all Southwest flights. On that same
Tuesday, Rebecca was on her way from New
Orleans to Dallas, and on to California for a brief
visit with old friends. Her flight, and hundreds of
2023 Proceedings of the ISCAP Conference ISSN: 2473-4901
Albuquerque, NM v9 n5907
©2023 ISCAP (Information Systems and Computing Academic Professionals) Page 7
others, were delayed for an hour due to failure of
“a vendor-supplied” component. The component
failure blocked access to “operational data,”
preventing flights from boarding or departing.
The winter breakdown, along with the April 18
failure, has been blamed by many on “technical
debt.” In the April 18 case, Southwest’s published
analysis reported the problem was a single third-
party component, specifically, a firewall (Lampert
& Singh, 2023).
In Rebecca’s case, even though her takeoff from
New Orleans was delayed by an hour, and her
layover in Dallas was reduced from two hours to
40 minutes, it turned out that the re-scheduling
system worked in her favor. She wound up right
back on the same plane for the trip to California,
and that leg of the journey landed on time.
However, while on the ground in Dallas, she had
to get off the plane and then get right back on
that same plane, using her second boarding pass.
Given Southwest’s published analysis of
the April 18 issue, what is the alleged
cause of the delay?
Is the alleged cause, from the prior
question, really the root cause? If not,
what more fundamental causes can you
Do any elements of this explanation seem
potentially misleading or unsupported?
What other questions or observations can
you make about this scenario as it relates
to risk management, technical debt,
information, and information systems?
Scenario 4 - Flight and cabin crews ask,
Why do I have to call to reschedule? I can’t
just click a button?”
Mary and Sam (fictional characters based on a
composite of related individuals), Southwest
flight attendants, had landed in Burbank and
ended their workday as the winter storm started
to have its effects. Sam realized he was not likely
to be assigned a flight any time soon, so he
rented a car and drove three hours to visit friends
near Los Angeles. Mary stayed at a hotel near the
airport. Both would need to let Southwest know
where they were at the start of their next duty
period. Janice (also a fictional composite), the
pilot on that Burbank flight, still had several hours
left in her duty period, and stayed at the airport.
Southwest requires crew members to use a voice
telephone system to deliver the data required to
allow its crew scheduling team and their software,
called SkySolver, to make informed scheduling
decisions. SkySolver’s job (working with other
systems) is to get the crews, planes, and
passengers aligned, assigned, and positioned for
their next flight, and to let crew members know
where they have been assigned (Sider, 2022a).
When large numbers of crew members were
reassigned, due in this case to canceled flights,
the task of collecting crew data and delivering
assignments was messy and ultimately not
scalable without adding large numbers of
additional staff in the crew scheduling call center.
There are a number of constraints around how
Southwest, and all airlines, can schedule crews.
For pilots, so-called “Part 117” rules control how
much rest a crew member needs to have between
assigned duty periods (which often include
several flights) and between flights. Both flight
attendants’ and pilots’ assignments are governed
in part by union rules. Some of those rules may
have been involved in forcing the voice-based
dialog on crew scheduling (Snyder, 2023).
About those three Burbank crew members: Janice
had been scheduled to fly out of Burbank, but her
destination airport was closed. She tried to reach
someone at Southwest to arrange to make
another flight, but to no avail - she was on hold
for several hours, and then her duty period
expired. Sam was trying, at his friend’s home, to
get scheduled for the next day, but no luck. Mary
returned to the airport the next day and was able
to reach Southwest’s crew assignment team by
phone early in the day and get scheduled for a
flight out of Burbank. But even that was difficult,
as it took significant time to find all of the crew
members and get them to Burbank, ready to fly.
In looking at this series of events, what
seems to be the bottleneck in the system
as described from the crew members’
What alternative methods of data
collection might be used instead?
If you were consulting for Southwest,
what fundamental changes would you
recommend they make to their crew
availability and scheduling system?
What other questions or observations can
you make about this scenario as it relates
to risk management, technical debt,
information, and information systems?
Scenario 5 - A Myriad of Problems
Readying an airplane for flight requires many
steps by many teams. Schedulers assign a plane
and flight crew. Reservation systems compile a
list of expected passengers. When the designated
plane lands, ground crew members guide the pilot
2023 Proceedings of the ISCAP Conference ISSN: 2473-4901
Albuquerque, NM v9 n5907
©2023 ISCAP (Information Systems and Computing Academic Professionals) Page 8
to the terminal gate and connect the passageway
to the plane. As passengers disembark, baggage
handlers move luggage off the plane, while other
teams clean the cabin and bring in food. And, all
the while, gate agents are readying passengers
for boarding.
Winter weather - particularly devastating with
Winter Storm Elliott - often adds additional steps
to the preparation process. Frost, snow and/or ice
on any of the critical surfaces of an airplane can
affect takeoff performance. Under these
conditions, maintenance workers and the ground
crew follow deicing/anti-icing procedures.
Then, throw into the mix Southwest's self-
inflicted challenges - crew scheduling software
unable to scale as needed, phone systems
swamped due to insufficient staffing levels - and
you get a myriad of problems:
Southwest gate agents struggled to
provide flight crews with passenger
manifests, leading to delays as crew
members walked through cabins checking
off passengers against a paper print out.
Although terminals were filled with
passengers stuck due to delayed and
canceled flights, gate agents often
couldn’t create tickets for them, leading
to flight delays and open seats once
flights finally took off.
Seth, a Southwest pilot, landed at Orange
County airport in California, an hour
behind schedule. On the tarmac, he
discovered that there were no open gates
due to already gated flights suffering their
own delays. This led to further delays.
Veronica, another Southwest pilot, was
asked to “deadhead” as a passenger to
Albuquerque (so she could pilot a flight
starting there), but then her flight leaving
from Albuquerque was canceled. There
were countless instances of flight crews
deadheading, sometimes multiple times,
trying to set them up for assignments
that never materialized.
Trying to recover, Southwest reduced the number
of planned flights, giving them time to get flight
crews and planes into proper position to return to
normal operations. Even this approach led to
challenges. Planes can’t remain parked for long,
so they were put into both short- and long- term
storage, which required that they rotate through
their entire fleet to keep their planes from sitting
idle too long. Workers had to travel in order to
maintain those planes (Sider, 2022c).
What changes to Southwest’s systems
might have made it easier to find a full
flight crew in a situation like this?
What further problems result from these
What other questions or observations can
you make about this scenario as it relates
to risk management, technical debt,
information, and information systems?
Scenario 6 - People are saying what? Is an
apology enough?
On December 29, 2022, as reported in multiple
media outlets (Muntean & Wallace, 2023), the
Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg,
whose office received thousands of complaints,
sent a letter to Robert Jordan, the Southwest CEO
and posted it on the Department of
Transportation’s (DOT) website (Buttigieg, 2022).
The letter confirmed their phone conversation and
stated four key priorities: getting passengers to
their destinations, providing services for
disrupted passengers, providing appropriate
refunds, and reuniting passengers with their
On December 30, Robert Jordan stated, "This has
been an incredible disruption, and we can't have
this again" (Sider, 2022c). Southwest has
repeatedly apologized in the media. On March 30,
2023, Southwest posted their “Final Summary
and Action Plan” on their website outlining three
key root causes: “Winter Operations” - a lack of
winter infrastructure, equipment, and staffing,
which impacted flight crews; “cancellation waves”
that overloaded the system and forced a
reversion to manual processes; and “cross-team
collaboration” - communication process gaps
created bottlenecks and issues. The report adds
an information response strategy component and
indicates significant progress has been made but
it does not address the technology issues to any
substantive level.
Unfortunately, Southwest has continued to have
technology issues and based on social media they
are continuing with the “apology response
strategy” and appear to still be lacking cross-
team collaboration regarding messaging, as key
components of their marketing communication
and PR strategy are at odds, as outlined below.
On Tuesday morning, April 18th, José was flying
from Miami to Dallas when his plane was
grounded on the tarmac. The longer they sat, the
more concerned he became. José pulled out his
cell phone and searched Facebook to see if
anything had been posted - he quickly found
2023 Proceedings of the ISCAP Conference ISSN: 2473-4901
Albuquerque, NM v9 n5907
©2023 ISCAP (Information Systems and Computing Academic Professionals) Page 9
many posts all stating things like: “Heads Up -
Southwest asked the FAA to pause all nationwide
departures due to technology issues this is
crazy as it has been less than six months since
Southwest had to cancel 15,000 flights”.
José found a lot of other posts with similar
information. He began skimming them when a
new post popped up with the following embedded
in the post: “This from Southwest: As a result of
the intermittent technology issues that we
experienced, we should hopefully be resuming
our operation as soon as possible. We apologize
for any inconvenience this may cause, but we’re
hoping to get everyone going ASAP. STAND BY”
(Nick Beres NC5, 2023). José began to read the
352 comments (many from very unhappy
stranded flyers) and decided to share the post as
425 others did, to try to help any of his friends
and family who might also be traveling.
José scrolled back to the top of his feed, and when
it refreshed, he noticed a new post from another
post already had 3,000 likes and 1,000 shares.
An hour later the flight attendant announced,
“The issue has been resolved, and we are getting
in line to take off. Please take your seats."
José got to Dallas 3 hours late and met his son at
baggage claim. As they waited for his bags, José’s
son showed him a post from “The Points Guy,” an
influencer that he follows. The post said:
“UPDATE: Southwest Airlines flights resume after
IT issues cause systemwide ground stop.
Southwest Airlines grounded its entire operation
on Tuesday morning, citing unspecified IT issues.
The airline did not give a time for the fix. Here’s
the latest. (536 comments and 321 shares)”.
On April 21, 2023,the Department of Justice’s
(DOJ) legal arm joined the investigation (Skores,
2023). “The investigation is focused on whether
Southwest engaged in unrealistic flight
scheduling which is illegal under federal law and
whether Southwest provided timely refunds and
reimbursements to affected passengers as
required,” the spokesperson said.
Given the responses of the public and
stakeholders (media, passengers,
influencers - “The Points Guy,” DOT, DOJ,
and others), how successful has
Southwest been in managing perceptions
about the technology and technical debt
What would you advise Southwest to
consider doing immediately/in the short
term based on recent activities and
What advice would you give to the
Southwest leadership about their brand?
What other questions or observations can
you make about this scenario as it relates
to risk management, technical debt,
information, and information systems?
Please feel free to use these prompts as you and
your instructor see fit, to conduct additional
research and analysis of this painfully spectacular
Social Media Engagement and Artificial
Intelligence: Social media obviously provide a
mechanism for significant numbers of people to
publicly impact a company’s brand. Responding in
a timely manner to individual comments is
impossible using human-powered responses.
However, recent developments in generative
artificial intelligence may change that dynamic.
Consider the risks and tradeoffs associated with
using so-called generative AI to respond to
customer social media postings and share your
Action Plan Review: Southwest Airlines has
published their action plan (Southwest Airlines,
2023) about three months after the winter
disruption settled down. Read the document (see
reference list) and provide feedback per your
instructor’s guidance about some particular
aspect of the plan. This could be an assessment
of the plan’s candor, an analysis of the timeline
called out by the plan, comments on the relative
investments in infrastructure and inward-facing
technology vs. external or customer-facing
technology, or others.
Outsourcing, Customizing Software, and
Technical Debt: Outsourcing is the process of
moving a logically consistent unit of work to
another company, paying that company to do the
work for your company. Southwest used
outsourcing to get access to the flight- and crew-
scheduling software called SkySolver. They are
reported to have acquired this technology from
GE’s Aviation Services unit and have heavily
modified it to suit their specific needs. What are
the tradeoffs and risks of buying or licensing
software from someone else and then
customizing it? What are the advantages and
disadvantages? Why not just build one’s own
technology for operations like this, since that
gives you much more control of how the system
2023 Proceedings of the ISCAP Conference ISSN: 2473-4901
Albuquerque, NM v9 n5907
©2023 ISCAP (Information Systems and Computing Academic Professionals) Page 10
Airlines are not easy businesses to run. They are
capital and labor intensive, they are subject to
impacts from weather, politics, public health, and
other unexpected issues. And they are
competitive, seeking not only to provide good
price and performance for customers but also an
appropriate yield for every seat on the plane, and
to keep planes in the air and generating revenue.
The Southwest Airlines 2022 Winter cancellation
storm provides an opportunity to dig deeply into
the need for scalability, the challenges of risk
management and technical debt, and the wide
variety of challenges of managing airline supply
chains. In addition, it brought up the challenges
of brand management amidst a crisis. We hope
that this provides you with a useful and accessible
tool to apply these fundamental business and
technology concepts to real-world events with
very real-world impacts.
The authors appreciate the support and insights
of various industry experts who provided insights
for this case. The authors also appreciate the
productive feedback provided by their peers, and
by the reviewers and conference chairs.
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Albuquerque, NM v9 n5907
©2023 ISCAP (Information Systems and Computing Academic Professionals) Page 13
Appendix 1 Figures
Figure 2 Bukar Study of Crisis Response Strategies (Bukar et al., 2020)
Figure 3 Integrated Crisis Management Strategy (Jin & Liu, 2010)