Commonwealth of Virginia
Alternative Project Delivery Division
Design-Build Standard Template Documents
Part 3 Lump Sum Agreement
Part 4 General Conditions of Contract
Part 5 Division I Amendments to
the Standard Specifications
November 2016
Request for Proposals
Part 3
2016 Lump Sum Agreement
2016 Lump Sum
Design-Build Agreement
Department and Design-Builder
(Date of Standard Lump Sum Design-Build Agreement: November 2016)
This AGREEMENT is made as of the date by and between the parties, the VIRGINIA
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (“Department”), an agency of the
Commonwealth of Virginia and DESIGN-BUILDER as listed in Exhibit 1, for services in
connection with the Project identified in Exhibit 1.
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Table of Contents
Article 1: Scope of Work ..................................................................................................1
Article 2: Contract Documents..........................................................................................1
Article 3: Interpretation and Intent....................................................................................2
Article 4: Ownership of Work Product .............................................................................2
Article 5: Contract Time ...................................................................................................3
Article 6: Contract Price....................................................................................................4
Article 7: Procedure for Payment......................................................................................5
Article 8: Termination for Convenience ...........................................................................7
Article 9: Representatives of the Parties ...........................................................................10
Article 10: Bonds and Insurance.........................................................................................11
Article 11: Other Provisions................................................................................................11
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In consideration of the mutual covenants and obligations contained herein, Department and
Design-Builder agree as set forth herein.
Article 1
Scope of Work
1.1 Design-Builder shall perform all design and construction services, and provide all
material, equipment, tools and labor, necessary to complete the Work described in and
reasonably inferable from the Contract Documents.
Article 2
Contract Documents
2.1 The Contract Documents are comprised of the following:
2.1.1 All written modifications, amendments and work orders to this Agreement issued in
accordance with 2016 General Conditions of Contract Between Department and Design-Builder
(“General Conditions of Contract”);
2.1.2 This Agreement (Part 3), executed by Department and Design-Builder, inclusive of all
2.1.3 General Conditions of Contract (Part 4);
2.1.4 Department’s Request for Proposals (RFP) dated per Exhibit 1, including all Addenda
(track changes depicted in the Addenda have been accepted and are incorporated herein);
.1 Part 1, Instructions for Offerors
.2 Part 2, Project Technical Information and Requirements, including RFP
Information Package;
2.1.5 2016 Division I Amendments (Part 5) to Standard Road and Bridge Specifications, dated
January 1, 2016 (“Division I Amendments”);
2.1.6 Released for Construction Plans prepared and approved in accordance with Section 2.4 of
the General Conditions of Contract, and
2.1.7 Design-Builder’s Proposal submitted in response to RFP, including all final
modifications and approved Alternative Technical Concepts: [PROPOSAL
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Article 3
Interpretation and Intent
3.1 The Contract Documents are intended to permit the parties to complete the Work
and all obligations required by the Contract Documents within the Contract Time(s) for
the Contract Price. The Contract Documents are intended to be complementary and
interpreted in harmony so as to avoid conflict, with words and phrases interpreted in a
manner consistent with construction and design industry standards. In the event of any
inconsistency, conflict, or ambiguity between or among the Contract Documents, the
Contract Documents shall take precedence in the order in which they are listed in Section
2.1 above.
3.2 Terms, words and phrases used in the Contract Documents, including this
Agreement, shall have the meanings given them in this Agreement and the General
Conditions of Contract.
3.3 The Contract Documents form the entire agreement between Department and
Design-Builder with respect to its subject matter and by incorporation herein are as fully
binding on the parties as if repeated herein. The parties have made no oral representations
or other agreements, except as specifically stated in the Contract Documents.
3.4 Except as specifically set forth in this Section 3.4, and notwithstanding anything
to the contrary in Design-Builder’s Proposal, Design-Builder is obligated to perform the
Work in full compliance with the RFP Documents. The parties agree, however, that:
.1 Betterments and higher and/or more stringent standards or specifications
and design and construction criteria, concepts, and drawings set forth in Design-Builder’s
Proposal (collectively referred to as “Enhancements”) shall supersede the minimum
requirements of the RFP Documents and Design-Builder is obligated to perform the
Work in compliance with the Enhancements.
.2 Those ATCs identified in Exhibit 1 have been approved, either fully or
conditionally, by Department and supersede the requirements of the RFP Documents.
Design-Builder has the right to perform the Work in accordance with such ATCs, subject
to Section 2.1.10 of the General Conditions of Contract.
Article 4
Ownership of Work Product
4.1 Work Product Defined. The term Work Product is intended to include all
drawings, specifications, calculations, reports, and documentation, whether in paper copy
or electronic format, produced by or through Design-Builder that is furnished to
4.2 Ownership of Work Product. Department shall own all rights, title and interest
in the Work Product upon its receipt of such Work Product. Department’s ownership
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rights, include without restriction or limitation, the right of Department, and anyone
contracting with Department, to incorporate any ideas or information from the Work
Product into: (a) any other contract awarded in reference to the Project; or (b) any
subsequent procurement by Department on another project. In receiving all rights, title
and interest in the Work Product, Department is deemed to own all intellectual property
rights, copyrights, patents, trade secrets, trademarks, and service marks in Work Product,
and Design-Builder agrees that it shall, at the request of Department, execute all papers
and perform all other acts that may be necessary (if any) to ensure that Department’s
rights, title and interest in the Work Product are protected. The rights conferred herein to
Department include, without limitation, Department’s ability to use the Work Product
without the obligation to notify or seek permission from Design-Builder.
4.3 Use of Work Product at Department’s Risk. Department’s use of the Work
Product on any subsequent procurement by Department on another project shall be at
Department’s sole risk, and Design-Builder neither warrants nor represents that the Work
Product is suitable for use on another project without modification. Department waives
any rights to seek recovery from Design-Builder for any claims, damages, liabilities,
losses and expenses arising out of or resulting from Department’s use of the Work
Product on another project.
Article 5
Contract Time
5.1 Notice to Proceed. The Work shall commence upon Design-Builder’s receipt of
Department’s Notice to Proceed, unless the parties mutually agree otherwise in writing.
Department will issue a Notice to Proceed within fifteen (15) days after the Agreement
Date, unless the parties mutually agree otherwise in writing.
5.2 Completion Dates
5.2.1 Final Completion Date. Design-Builder shall finally complete the Work in
accordance with the Contract Documents per Exhibit 1 (the Final Completion Date”).
The Final Completion Date is the date the project has achieved Final Acceptance.
5.2.2 Interim Milestone Dates. In the event any identified portion of the Work is to be
completed earlier than the Final Completion Date, such Work shall be identified in
Exhibit 1 and the dates such Work shall be completed shall be set forth in Exhibit 1
(“Interim Milestone Dates”):
5.3 Adjustments. All of the scheduled completion dates set forth in Section 5.2
above (collectively referred to as “Contract Times”) shall be subject to adjustment in
accordance with the General Conditions of Contract.
5.4 Time is of the Essence. Department and Design-Builder mutually agree that time
is of the essence with respect to the Contract Times.
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5.5. Liquidated Damages. Design-Builder understands that if the Final Completion
Date or any Interim Milestone Dates are not attained, Department will suffer damages
which are difficult to determine and accurately specify. To compensate Department for
such damages, Design-Builder hereby agrees as follows:
5.5.1 If Final Acceptance of the Work is not attained by the Final Completion Date,
Design-Builder shall pay Department THE AMOUNTS LISTED IN EXHIBIT 1 as
liquidated damages for each day that actual Final Acceptance of the Work extends
beyond the Final Completion Date.
5.5.2 If Interim Milestone(s) are not attained by the Interim Milestone Date(s), Design-
Builder shall pay Department THE AMOUNTS LISTED IN EXHIBIT 1 as liquidated
damages for each day that each Interim Milestone(s) extends beyond the Interim
Milestone Date.
5.6 Liquidated Damages Not Penalty. The parties acknowledge, recognize and
agree on the following:
(a) that because of the unique nature of the Project, it is difficult or impossible
to determine with precision the amount of damages that would or might be
incurred by Department as a result of Design-Builder’s failure to complete the
Work on or before the applicable Contract Time(s);
(b) that any sums which would be payable under this Article 5 are in the
nature of liquidated damages, and not a penalty, and are fair and reasonable and
such payment represents a reasonable estimate of fair compensation for the losses
that may reasonably be anticipated from such failure; and
(c) that any sums which would be payable herein shall be in lieu of all
liability for any and all extra costs, losses, expenses, claims, penalties and any
other damages, whether special or consequential, and of whatsoever nature
incurred by Department which are occasioned by any delay in achieving the
applicable Contract Times for the above-referenced Work. Notwithstanding the
above, liquidated damages are not intended to excuse Design-Builder from
liability for any other breach of its obligations under the Contract Documents.
Article 6
Contract Price
6.1 Contract Price. Department shall pay Design-Builder in accordance with Article
6 of the General Conditions of Contract the sum of THE AMOUNTS LISTED IN
EXHIBIT 1 (“Contract Price”), subject to adjustments made in accordance with the
General Conditions of Contract. Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents,
the Contract Price is deemed to include all sales, use, consumer and other taxes mandated
by applicable Legal Requirements.
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6.2 Markups for Changes. If the Contract Price requires an adjustment due to
changes in the Work, and the cost of such changes is determined under Section 9.4.1 of
the General Conditions of Contract, markups shall be allowed on such changes in
accordance with requirements of Section 109.05 of the Division I Amendments to the
Standard Road and Bridge Specifications.
6.3 Adjustments to Asphalt and Fuel. Department and Design-Builder agree to
adjust prices for THE ITEMS LISTED IN EXHIBIT 1, in accordance with
Department’s pertinent special provisions, attached hereto as Exhibits 6.3(a), 6.3(b), and
6.3(c) provided Design-Builder declares its intent, in the Price Proposal, to use the
provisions for price adjustments, and also submits the information required in the
pertinent special provisions with its Proposal. Notwithstanding the special provisions,
price adjustments for THE ITEMS LISTED IN EXHIBIT 1 will be based on the
quantities identified in the Schedule of Items in Design-Builder’s Proposal, which
quantities shall be specifically summarized and provided in Design-Builder’s Price
Proposal. Actual quantities shall be monitored and documented by Design-Builder, and
submitted to Department in the monthly report required by Section 11.1.8 below, on
forms provided by Department.
Article 7
Procedure for Payment
7.1 Progress Payments
7.1.1 Design-Builder shall submit to Department on the tenth (10th) day of each month,
beginning with the first month after Design-Builder’s receipt of Department’s Notice to
Proceed, Design-Builder’s Application for Payment in accordance with Article 6 of the
General Conditions of Contract.
7.1.2 Department shall make payment within thirty (30) days after Department’s receipt
of each properly submitted and accurate Application for Payment in accordance with
Article 6 of the General Conditions of Contract, but in each case less the total of
payments previously made, and less amounts properly withheld under Section 6.3 of the
General Conditions of Contract. Department’s payment shall comply with VA. CODE
§2.2-4347, et seq., which addresses prompt payment.
7.1.3 Pursuant to VA. CODE §2.2-4354, Design-Builder agrees that, within seven (7)
days following receipt of monies from Department for work performed by any
Subcontractor, Design-Builder shall either: (a) pay the Subcontractor for the
proportionate share of the total payment received from Department attributable to the
work performed by the Subcontractor; or (b) notify Department and Subcontractor, in
writing, of Design-Builder’s intention to withhold all or a part of the Subcontractor’s
payment, specifying the reason for the non-payment. Design-Builder also agrees that it
shall include in all of its subcontracts a provision that: (a) obligates Design-Builder to pay
interest to Subcontractors on all amounts owed by Design-Builder that remain unpaid
after seven (7) days following receipt of monies from Department for work performed by
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any Subcontractor, except for amounts withheld as allowed in the preceding sentence; (b)
states, “Unless otherwise provided under the terms of this contract, interest shall accrue at
the rate of one percent per month.”; and (c) obligates each Subcontractor to include or
otherwise be subject to the same payment and interest requirements as specified in this
Section 7.1.3 with respect to each lower-tier Sub-subcontractor.
7.1.4 Design-Builder’s obligations to pay an interest charge to a Subcontractor pursuant
to Section 7.1.3 above shall not be construed to be an obligation of Department, nor shall
any modification to this Agreement be allowed for the purpose of providing
reimbursement for the interest charge. Cost reimbursement claims shall not include any
amount for reimbursement for the interest charge.
7.1.5 If Design-Builder fails to make payment to the Subcontractor within the time
frame and provisions specified in Sections 7.1.3 and 7.1.4 above, the Subcontractor shall
notify Department and Design-Builder’s bonding company in writing. Design-Builder’s
bonding company shall be responsible for insuring payment to the Subcontractor.
7.1.6 Pursuant to VA. CODE §2.2-4354, Design-Builder agrees to provide Department,
within five (5) days of the Agreement Date, its federal employer identification number.
7.2 Retainage on Progress Payments. Retainage will not be withheld from Progress
7.3 Final Payment. Design-Builder shall submit its Final Application for Payment to
Department in accordance with Section 6.6 of the General Conditions of Contract.
Department shall make payment on Design-Builder’s properly submitted and accurate
Final Application for Payment within thirty (30) days after Department’s receipt of the
Final Application for Payment, provided that Design-Builder has satisfied the
requirements for Final Payment set forth in Section 6.6.2 of the General Conditions of
Contract. Department’s payment shall comply with VA. CODE §2.2-4347 et seq. dealing
with prompt payment.
7.4 Interest. Payments due and unpaid by Department to Design-Builder, whether
progress payments or Final Payment, shall bear interest commencing seven (7) days after
payment is due in accordance with VA. CODE §2.2-4355.
7.5 Record Maintenance and Retention of Records. Design-Builder shall keep full
and detailed accounts and exercise such controls as may be necessary for proper financial
management, using accounting and control systems in accordance with generally
accepted accounting principles and as may be provided in the Contract Documents.
During the performance of the Work and for a period of five (5) years after Final
Payment, Department and Department’s accountants shall be afforded access from time-
to-time, upon reasonable notice, to Design-Builder’s records, books, correspondence,
receipts, subcontracts, purchase orders, vouchers, memoranda and other data, including
but not limited to electronic schedules and other electronic data (all collectively referred
to as “Books and Records”) relating to: (a) changes in the Work performed on a cost
basis; or (b) any request by Design-Builder for an adjustment in the Contract Price or
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Contract Times. Design-Builder shall preserve all of its Books and Records for a period
of five (5) years after Final Payment.
Article 8
Termination for Convenience
8.1 Upon ten (10) days written notice to Design-Builder, Department may, for its
convenience and without cause, elect to terminate all or part of the Work if Department,
in its sole discretion, determines that such a termination is in Department’s best interests.
Department shall notify Design-Builder of the decision to terminate by delivering to
Design-Builder a written notice of termination specifying the extent of termination and its
effective date (a “Notice of Termination”).
8.1.1 If Department terminates all of the Work for convenience before issuing a Notice
to Proceed, Design-Builder agrees that it shall have no right to recover any monies from
Department. Design-Builder specifically waives any and all rights to claim from
Department for any cost, profit, overhead contribution or any other monetary relief
associated with the Contract Documents or Project, including but not limited to bid and
proposal costs, or any services that might have constituted Work under the Contract
8.1.2 If Department terminates all or part of the Work for convenience after issuing a
Notice to Proceed, then Sections 8.2 through 8.8 below shall apply.
8.2 After receipt of a Notice of Termination, and except as directed by Department,
Design-Builder shall immediately proceed as follows, regardless of any delay in
determining or adjusting any amounts due under this Article 8:
(a) Stop Work as specified in the notice;
(b) Enter into no further Subcontracts and place no further orders for
materials, services or facilities, except as necessary to complete the continued
portion of the Work, if any, or for mitigation of damages;
(c) Unless instructed otherwise by Department, terminate all Subcontracts to
the extent they relate to the Work terminated and except to the extent that
continuation of the Subcontract is necessary in order to mitigate damages;
(d) Assign to Department or its designee in the manner, at the times, and to
the extent directed by Department, all of the right, title, and interest of Design-
Builder under the Subcontracts so terminated, in which case Department will have
the right, in its sole discretion, to accept performance, settle or pay any or all
claims under or arising out of the termination of such Subcontracts;
(e) Settle outstanding liabilities and claims arising out of such termination of
Subcontracts, with the approval or ratification of Department, to the extent it may
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require, which approval or ratification shall be final;
(f) Transfer and deliver to Department or its designee, as directed by
Department: (1) possession and control of the Project; and (2) all right, title and
interest of Design-Builder in and to: (i) the Work in process, completed Work,
supplies and other materials produced or acquired for the Work terminated; (ii)
the Released for Construction Plans and all other completed or partially
completed drawings (including plans, elevations, sections, details and diagrams),
specifications, records, reports, books, samples, information and other Work
Product that would have been required to be furnished to Department if the Work
had been completed; and (iii) all intellectual property developed specifically for
the Project; provided, however, that in the event of such transfer, Design-Builder
shall not be liable for any warranties for Work which has not achieved Final
Acceptance, nor shall Design-Builder have any liability with respect to any design
materials produced with respect to the Project;
(g) Complete performance in accordance with the Contract Documents of all
Work not terminated;
(h) Take all action that may be necessary, or that Department may direct, for
the protection and preservation of the property related to the Contract Documents
that is in the possession of Design-Builder and in which Department has or may
acquire an interest; and
(i) As authorized by Department, use its best efforts to sell at fair market
value any property of the types referred to in Section 8.3 below; provided,
however, that Design-Builder: (1) shall not take any such action with respect to
any items for which title has previously transferred to Department; (2) is not
required to extend credit to any purchaser; and (3) may acquire the property itself,
under the conditions prescribed and at prices approved by Department. The
proceeds of any transfer or disposition will be applied to reduce any payments to
be made by Department under the Contract Documents or paid in any other
manner directed by Department.
8.3 Inventory. Design-Builder shall submit to Department a list of termination
inventory not previously disposed of and excluding items authorized for disposition by
Department; and within thirty (30) days of receipt of the list, Design-Builder shall deliver
such inventory to Department and Department shall accept title to such inventory as
8.4 Settlement Proposal. After termination, Design-Builder shall submit a final
termination settlement proposal to Department in the form and with the certification
prescribed by Department. Design-Builder shall submit the proposal promptly, but no
later than thirty (30) days from the effective date of termination unless Design-Builder
has requested a time extension in writing within such 30-day period and Department has
agreed in writing to allow such an extension.
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8.5 Amount of Termination Settlement. Design-Builder and Department shall
negotiate in good faith to reach agreement on the settlement amount to be paid to Design-
Builder by reason of the termination of Work pursuant to this Article 8 and any such
settlement shall be subject to the provisions of the VA. CODE §2.2-514. Such negotiated
settlement shall include an allowance for profit solely on Work that has been performed
as of the termination date. Such agreed amount or amounts payable for the terminated
Work, exclusive of demobilization costs and other shut-down costs, shall not exceed the
total Contract Price as reduced by the Contract Price of Work not performed. Upon
determination of the settlement amount, this Agreement will be amended accordingly,
and Design-Builder will be paid the agreed amount as described in this Section 8.5.
Department’s execution and delivery of any settlement agreement shall not be deemed to
affect any of its rights with respect to compliance of the Work which has achieved Final
Acceptance with all applicable Contract requirements or any of its rights under payment
and performance bonds or any of its rights against Subcontractors.
8.6 No Agreement as to Amount of Claim. In the event of failure of Design-Builder
and Department to agree upon the amount to be paid Design-Builder by reason of the
termination of Work pursuant to this Article 8, the amount payable (exclusive of interest
charges) shall be determined in accordance with the dispute resolution procedures of the
General Conditions of Contract.
8.7 Reduction in Amount of Claim. The amount otherwise due Design-Builder
under this Article 8 shall be reduced by: (a) the amount of any valid claim which
Department may have against Design-Builder in connection with this Agreement; and (b)
the agreed price for, or the proceeds of sale of, materials, supplies or other things
previously paid for by Department and to be retained by Design-Builder or sold by
Design-Builder (with the proceeds being retained by Design-Builder), pursuant to the
provisions of this Article 8.
8.8 Payment. Department may, from time-to-time, under such terms and conditions
as it may prescribe and in its sole discretion, make partial payments on account against
costs incurred by Design-Builder in connection with the terminated portion of this
Agreement, whenever in the opinion of Department the aggregate of such payments shall
be within the amount to which Design-Builder will be entitled hereunder. If the total of
such payments is in excess of the amount finally agreed or determined to be due under
this Article 8, such excess shall be payable by Design-Builder to Department upon
demand together with interest at a variable rate per annum equal to the reference rate
announced by Bank of America, N.A., from time–to-time, plus one percent (1%).
8.9 Inclusion in Subcontracts. Design-Builder shall insert in all Subcontracts that
the Subcontractor shall stop Work on the date of and to the extent specified in a Notice of
Termination from Department and shall require that Subcontractors insert the same
provision in each Subcontract at all tiers. Design-Builder shall communicate,
immediately upon receipt thereof, any Notice of Termination issued by Department to all
affected Subcontractors.
8.10 No Consequential Damages. In the event of a termination for convenience
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under this Article 8, Design-Builder acknowledges and agrees that it shall not be entitled
to any compensation in excess of the value of the Work performed plus its settlement and
closeout costs. Under no circumstances shall Design-Builder or any Subcontractor be
entitled to anticipatory or unearned profits, unabsorbed overhead, opportunity costs, or
consequential or other damages as a result of a termination for convenience under this
Article 8. The payment to Design-Builder determined in accordance with this Article 8
constitutes Design-Builder’s exclusive remedy for a termination hereunder.
8.11 No Waiver. Anything contained in this Agreement to the contrary
notwithstanding, a termination under this Article 8 shall not waive any right or claim to
damages which Department may have with respect to Work which has achieved Final
Acceptance prior to the date of termination, and Department may pursue any cause of
action which it may have by law or under this Agreement on account of such completed
Work. Design-Builder makes no warranties with respect to Work which has not achieved
Final Acceptance prior to the date of termination. Department’s termination of this
Agreement shall not relieve any rights Department has under any performance bonds
issued on the Project.
8.12 Dispute Resolution. The failure of the parties to agree on amounts due under this
Article 8 shall be a dispute to be resolved in accordance with the requirements of Article
10 of the General Conditions of Contract.
8.13 Right to Use Work Product. If Department terminates this Agreement pursuant
to this Article 8, Department’s rights to use the Work Product shall be as set forth in
Article 4 hereof.
Article 9
Representatives of the Parties
9.1 Department’s Representatives
9.1.1 Department designates the individual listed below as its Senior Representative
("Department’s Senior Representative"), which individual has the authority and
responsibility for avoiding and resolving disputes under Section 10.2.2 of the General
Conditions of Contract:
9.1.2 Department designates the individual listed below as its Department’s
Representative, which individual has the authority and responsibility set forth in Section
3.4 of the General Conditions of Contract:
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9.2 Design-Builder’s Representatives
9.2.1 Design-Builder designates the individual listed below as its Senior Representative
("Design-Builder’s Senior Representative"), which individual has the authority and
responsibility for avoiding and resolving disputes under Section 10.2.2 of the General
Conditions of Contract:
9.2.2 Design-Builder designates the individual listed below as its Design-Builder’s
Representative, which individual has the authority and responsibility set forth in Section
2.1.1 of the General Conditions of Contract:
9.3 Department and Design-Builder shall, in the spirit of cooperation, exchange
information in a timely manner. While the Contract Documents establish a timeline and
process for making decisions and managing communications on the Project, the parties
recognize it is not possible to specify processes for all activities that may occur. The
parties shall communicate in a manner consistent with the Special Provision for Project
Communication and Decision Making for Design-Build Projects included in the RFP
Information Package.
Article 10
Bonds and Insurance
10.1 Insurance. Design-Builder shall procure and maintain insurance in accordance
with the Contract Documents, including Article 5 of the General Conditions of Contract
and Division I Amendments.
10.2 Performance and Payment Bonds. Design-Builder shall procure and maintain
performance and payment bonds executed by a surety acceptable to Department, each in
the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Price, and in accordance with
all other requirements of the Contract Documents, including the Division I Amendments.
Article 11
Other Provisions
11.1 Project Management and Reporting Requirements
11.1.1 Preliminary Schedule. Unless otherwise stated in Exhibit 1, within fifteen (15)
days of Design-Builder’s receipt of Department’s Notice to Proceed, Design-Builder
shall submit to Department, for its review and approval, a Preliminary Schedule in
accordance with Exhibit 11.1 (Special Provision for Design-Build Schedules). The
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Preliminary Schedule shall be the basis for monitoring Design-Builder’s performance of
the Work until such time as a Baseline Schedule has been approved by Department in
accordance with Section 11.1.2 below. Department reserves the right to withhold
approval for all or part of Design-Builder’s Applications for Payment until such time
Design-Builder furnishes an approved Preliminary Schedule.
11.1.2 Baseline Schedule. Unless otherwise stated in Exhibit 1, within ninety (90) days
of Design-Builder’s receipt of Department’s Notice to Proceed, Design-Builder shall
submit to Department, for its review and approval, a Baseline Schedule in accordance
with Exhibit 11.1.Department reserves the right to withhold approval for all or part of
Design-Builder’s Applications for Payment until such time Design-Builder furnishes an
approved Baseline Schedule.
11.1.3 Schedule Updates. Design-Builder shall submit Schedule Updates in accordance
with Exhibit 11.1. Department reserves the right to withhold approval for all or part of
Design-Builder’s Applications for Payment until such time Design-Builder furnishes an
approved Schedule Update.
11.1.4 Revised Baseline Schedule. Design-Builder shall submit a Revised Baseline
Schedule when required in accordance with Exhibit 11.1. Department reserves the right
to withhold approval for all or part of Design-Builder’s Applications for Payment until
such time Design-Builder furnishes an approved Revised Baseline Schedule.
11.1.5 Final As-Built Schedule. Design-Builder shall submit a Final As-Built Schedule
in accordance with Exhibit 11.1. Department reserves the right to withhold approval for
all or part of Design-Builder’s Applications for Final Payment until such time Design-
Builder furnishes an approved Final As-Built Schedule.
11.1.6 Other Information and Alteration. Design-Builder shall, whenever required by
Department, provide in writing a general description of the arrangements and methods
which Design-Builder proposes to adopt for the execution of the Work. No significant
alteration to the Baseline Schedule, or to such arrangements and methods, shall be made
without informing Department and any alterations made shall reflect the requirement for
coordination of the Work with the actions and obligations of Department and the work to
be carried out by Department’s Separate Contractors. If any alteration affects any such
actions, obligations or Work, it shall not be made without the prior approval of
Department. If the progress of the Work does not conform to the Baseline Schedule, as
updated herein, Department may instruct Design-Builder to revise the Baseline Schedule,
showing the modifications necessary to achieve completion within the Contract Times.
11.1.7 Department’s Separate Contractors. Design-Builder agrees to include the
activities of Department’s Separate Contractors into the Baseline Schedule. Design-
Builder shall reasonably cooperate with Department’s Separate Contractors and
coordinate its activities with those of such Separate Contractors so that the Project can be
completed in an orderly and coordinated manner without unreasonable disruption.
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11.1.8 Department’s Review and Approval of Schedule Submissions. Department’s
review and approval of the Preliminary, Baseline Schedule or subsequent Schedule
Updates and Revised Baseline Schedule shall not be construed as relieving Design-
Builder of its complete and exclusive control and responsibility over the means, methods,
sequences and techniques for executing the Work and does not constitute approval or
acceptance of Design-Builder’s ability to complete the Work within the Contract Time(s).
11.1.9 Monthly Reports. Monthly reports shall be prepared by Design-Builder and
submitted to Department in six (6) copies. The first report shall cover the time period up
to the end of the calendar month after that in which the Agreement Date occurred; reports
shall be submitted monthly thereafter, on or before the tenth (10
) day of each month.
Reporting shall continue until Department’s determination that the Project has achieved
Final Acceptance. Each report shall include:
.1 Photographs and detailed descriptions of progress, including each stage of
design, right-of-way acquisition, Governmental Approvals (including but not limited to
permit acquisition), procurement, delivery to Site, and construction;
.2 Charts showing the status of all design documents, purchase orders, right-of-
way acquisition, Governmental Approvals (including but not limited to permit
acquisition) and construction;
.3 Records of the Design-Builder’s personnel and equipment;
.4 Copies of quality assurance documents, and test results;
.5 Safety statistics, including details of any hazardous incidents and activities
relating to environmental aspects and public relations;
.6 Status of approvals for Governmental Approvals, as required by Section 2.6.1
of the General Conditions of Contract;
.7 Monthly updates to the Baseline Schedule and narrative;
.8 Unresolved claims or disputes that involve requests for extension to the
Contract Time(s) or adjustment to any other date or milestone set forth in the Contract
Documents or increases in the Contract Price;
.9 All required EEO documentation for federal-aid projects;
.10 Weekly work zone safety reviews, on Department-provided forms;
.11 Erosion & Sediment Control Reports, on Department-provided forms; and
.12 Actual quantities for fuel and asphalt on Department-provided forms.
Failure of Design-Builder to provide complete monthly reports, including but not limited
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to the monthly schedule updates, shall be grounds for Department to withhold approval
for all or part of Design-Builder’s Applications for Payment until such time Design-
Builder furnishes such complete reports.
11.1.10 Project Records. Design-Builder shall organize and maintain its project records
in a manner that allows such project records to be filed by work packages, as applicable.
Additionally, Design-Builder shall develop a tracking log wherein the project records are
provided chronologically, with the file type, description, date received/sent, entity the
documentation is from/to, pay package reference, status and electronic location. The
Project Record Tracking Log shall be developed in accordance with the format outlined
in Exhibit 11.1.10. If the project record relates to changes in the Work, preferably only
one work package shall be referenced in such project record. If a project record relates to
multiple work packages, then all related work packages shall be referenced in such
project record. As a condition of Final Payment, Design-Builder shall provide
Department with a complete set of all project records by and between Design-Builder and
Department exchanged on the Project.
11.2 Miscellaneous
11.2.1 In executing this Agreement, Department and Design-Builder each individually
represents that it has the necessary financial resources to fulfill its obligations under this
Agreement, and each has the necessary approvals to execute this Agreement and to
perform the services and obligations described herein.
11.2.2 The parties acknowledge that as of the Agreement Date, the Virginia General
Assembly has appropriated, and the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) has
allocated, funding for the Project, and Department’s obligation to pay the Contract Price
for the Work is subject to the appropriations and allocations.
11.3 Exhibits
11.3.1 The following exhibits, as well as any other exhibits specifically set forth in
Exhibit 1 (Project Specific Terms), are made part of, and incorporated into this
Agreement. (Exhibits to Part 3 are included in the RFP):
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2016 General Conditions of Contract
Department and Design-Builder
(Date of Standard General Conditions: November 2016)
Table of Contents
Article 1:
General .....................................................................................................................................................1
Article 2: Design-Builder’s Services and Responsibilities.......................................................................................5
Article 3: Department’s Services and Responsibilities ..........................................................................................14
Article 4: Hazardous Environmental Conditions and Differing Site Conditions ...................................................17
Article 5: Insurance and Bonds ..............................................................................................................................20
Article 6: Payment..................................................................................................................................................21
Article 7: Indemnification ......................................................................................................................................24
Article 8: Time .......................................................................................................................................................27
Article 9: Changes to the Contract Price and Time ................................................................................................29
Article 10: Contract Adjustments and Disputes .......................................................................................................31
Article 11: Stop Work and Termination for Cause...................................................................................................33
Article 12: Miscellaneous.........................................................................................................................................36
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Article 1
1.1 Mutual Obligations
1.1.1 Department and Design-Builder commit at all times to cooperate fully with each other,
and proceed on the basis of trust and good faith, to permit each party to realize the benefits
afforded under the Contract Documents.
1.2 Basic Definitions
1.2.1 For the purposes of the Contract Documents, the following words and terms shall have
the meanings specified below (other words and abbreviations that have well-known technical or
trade meanings are used in the Contract Documents in accordance with such recognized
meanings), provided, however, that capitalized terms defined in other Contract Documents,
including but not limited to the Agreement, shall have the meanings specified in such document.
Agreement refers to the executed Lump Sum Design-Build Agreement between
Department and Design-Builder.
Agreement Date is the date that the Agreement is executed by both parties.
APDD Point of Contact means Department’s Alternative Project Delivery Division Point
of Contact listed in Part 1, Section 2.4 of the RFP Documents.
ATC(s) mean those Alternative Technical Concepts identified in Exhibit 1 to Part 3 of the
Contract Documents.
Business Day(s), whether capitalized or not, means any day(s) other than a Saturday,
Sunday, Commonwealth of Virginia holiday, or a day when the New York Stock Exchange or
banks are authorized or required to close in New York, New York or Richmond, Virginia.
Contract Documents refer to those documents identified in Article 2 of the Agreement.
Contractor shall mean Design-Builder.
Day or Days, whether capitalized or not, shall mean calendar days unless otherwise
specifically noted in the Contract Documents.
Department’s Project Criteria are developed by or for Department to describe
Department’s program requirements and objectives for the Project, including use, space, price,
time, site and expandability requirements, as well as submittal requirements and other
requirements governing Design-Builder’s performance of the Work. Department’s Project
Criteria are included in the Request for Proposals and may include conceptual documents, design
criteria, performance requirements and other project-specific technical materials and
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Design Consultant is a qualified, licensed design professional, eligible to provide
professional engineering and/or land surveying services in the Commonwealth of Virginia, who
is not an employee of Design-Builder, but is retained by Design-Builder, or employed or retained
by anyone under contract with Design-Builder or Subcontractor, to furnish design services
required under the Contract Documents.
Engineer shall mean the Department’s Chief Engineer, who acts directly or through his
duly authorized representative, the representative acts within the scope of the particular duties
assigned to him or the authority given to him.
Final Acceptance is achieved when Design-Builder receives written notice from
Department under Section 6.6 hereof that the Design-Builder has achieved Final Completion.
Final Completion means that all Work has been completed in accordance with the
Contract Documents, including but not limited to completion of all punch list items, and
obtaining Final Acceptance by the Department.
General Conditions of Contract (or General Conditions) refer to this document.
Governmental Approval means any authorization, consent, approval, license, lease,
ruling, permit, certification, exemption, or registration by or with any Governmental Unit.
Governmental Unit means any national, state or local government, any political
subdivision thereof, or any governmental, quasi-governmental, judicial, public or statutory
instrumentality, administrative agency, authority, body or other entity having jurisdiction over
the performance of the Work, the Project or the Parties; provided, however, that the term
“Governmental Unit” shall not be construed to include Department.
Hazardous Environmental Condition means the presence at the Site of Hazardous
Materials in such quantities or circumstances that may present a substantial danger to persons or
property exposed thereto on connection with the Work.
Hazardous Materials are any materials, wastes, substances and chemicals deemed to be
hazardous under applicable Legal Requirements, or the handling, storage, remediation, or
disposal of which are regulated by applicable Legal Requirements, including Hazardous Waste.
Hazardous Waste means a waste that is: (a) listed as a hazardous waste in 40 CFR
Section 261.31 to 261.33; or (b) exhibits one of the following characteristics: ignitability,
corrosivity, reactivity or toxicity, or is otherwise defined as a hazardous waste by the Legal
Interim Milestone(s) is completion and delivery date(s) for parts of the Work specified by
the Contract Documents.
Known Pre-Existing Hazardous Materials means Hazardous Materials identified in Part 2
(Project Technical Information and Requirements) of the RFP.
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Legal Requirements are all applicable federal, state and local laws, codes, ordinances,
rules, regulations, orders and decrees of any Governmental Unit.
Pre-Existing Hazardous Materials means Known Pre-Existing Hazardous Materials and
Unknown Pre-Existing Hazardous Materials.
Proposal means that document submitted by Design-Builder pursuant to the RFP and
identified in Article 2 of the Agreement.
QA Manager (QAM) is Design-Builder’s designee who shall be from an independent
firm that has no involvement in construction operations for the Project, and shall be responsible
for the quality assurance (QA) inspection and testing of all materials used and Work performed
on the Project, to include monitoring of the Design-Builder’s quality control (QC) program. The
QAM will ensure that all work and materials, testing, and sampling are performed in
conformance with the contract requirements, and the Released for Construction Plans. This
individual shall be a registered, licensed, Professional Engineer in the Commonwealth of
QA/QC Plan is a plan that details how Design-Builder will provide quality assurance
(QA) and quality control (QC) for both the design and construction elements of the project,
obtain samples for Design-Builder quality control testing, perform tests for Design-Builder
quality control, provide inspection, and exercise management control (e.g. quality assurance
testing) to ensure the work conforms to the Contract Documents.
Remedial Actions means the management, treatment, handling, storage, monitoring,
removal, transport or disposal measures carried out by Design-Builder with respect to Hazardous
Materials in accordance with Section of the General Conditions of Contract.
Remedial Action Plan means the plan developed by Design-Builder with respect to
Hazardous Materials encountered by Design-Builder.
Request for Proposals (RFP) is the document identified in Article 2 of the Agreement,
inclusive of all of its parts, addenda, Department’s Project Criteria, and any other document that
is attached thereto or incorporated therein by reference.
Request for Qualifications (RFQ) means all documents, whether attached or incorporated
by reference, utilized for soliciting interested persons to apply for prequalification. The RFQ is
the first phase of a two-phase selection process for the purpose of inviting interested Offerors to
submit qualifications for a project.
RFP Documents refer to those documents identified in Part 1 of the RFP, Instructions for
Separate Contractor means a contractor retained by Department other than Design-
Builder to perform work or to provide services or materials in connection with the Project.
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Site is the land or premises on which the Project is located.
Standard Drawings are the applicable drawings in the Virginia Department of
Transportation Road and Bridge Standards in effect as of the Agreement Date.
Standard Specifications are the Virginia Department of Transportation Road and Bridge
Specifications in effect as of the Agreement Date.
State means the Commonwealth of Virginia.
State Highway means any highway designated a State Highway pursuant to Title 33.1,
Chapter 1, Sections 25, 48 and 67, Code of Virginia.
State Indemnitee means and includes Department, the Commissioner, the Commonwealth
Transportation Board, the State and all elected representatives, appointed officials,
commissioners, officers, members, employees, authorized agents and authorized representatives
of any of them.
Subcontract means any and all agreements between Design-Builder and its Design
Consultants, Subcontractors and other agreements between Design Consultants or Subcontractors
and their respective Sub-subcontractors (and/or any other lower tier subcontractors), it being the
intent that all this term encompasses all agreements deriving directly or indirectly from Design-
Builder, in connection with the performance of the Work.
Subcontractor is any person or entity retained by Design-Builder as an independent
contractor to perform a portion of the Work and shall include materialmen and suppliers, but
shall not be deemed to include Design Consultants.
Sub-Subcontractor is any person or entity retained by a Subcontractor as an independent
contractor to perform any portion of a Subcontractor’s Work and shall include materialmen and
suppliers, but shall not be deemed to include Design Consultants.
Unknown Pre-Existing Hazardous Materials means any Hazardous Materials present on
the Site prior to the Agreement Date which are not Known Pre-Existing Hazardous Materials.
Work is comprised of all Design-Builder’s design, construction and other services
required by the Contract Documents, including procuring and furnishing all materials,
equipment, services and labor reasonably inferable from the Contract Documents.
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a hierarchically-structured grouping of project
elements that organizes and defines the total scope of the Project. Each descending level is an
increasingly detailed definition of a project component. Project components may be products (a
product-oriented WBS) or tasks (a task-oriented WBS).
Work Package is a deliverable at the lowest level of the WBS, and may be divided into
activities and used to identify and control work flows in the organization.
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Article 2
Design-Builder’s Services and Responsibilities
2.1 General
2.1.1 Design-Builder’s Representative shall be reasonably available to Department and shall
have the necessary expertise and experience required to supervise the Work. Design-Builder’s
Representative shall communicate regularly with Department and shall be vested with the
authority to act on behalf of Design-Builder.
2.1.2 Design-Builder will attend a kick-off meeting with Department to discuss issues affecting
the administration of the Work and to implement the necessary procedures, including those
relating to submittals and payment, to facilitate the ability of the parties to perform their
obligations under the Contract Documents. Department will notify Design-Builder of the time
and location of the kick-off meeting. All Design-Builder’s Key Personnel shall participate in
this kick-off meeting.
2.1.3 Design-Builder shall provide Department with the Preliminary Schedule, Baseline
Schedule, Schedule Updates, Schedule Revisions, monthly reports and Final As-Built Schedule
set forth in Section 11.1 of the Agreement.
2.1.4 Design-Builder shall, at its sole cost and expense, perform all services associated with the
acquisition of any other properties that are necessary, or that Design-Builder deems necessary, to
enable Design-Builder to perform the Work. Design-Builder will not be responsible for the right-
of-way acquisition cost. The term right-of-way acquisition cost” means the actual purchase
price to a landowner for right of way, including fees, any and all easements, and miscellaneous
fees associated with closing as part of the Project.
2.1.5 Design-Builder shall provide management for the Work in accordance with the
organization chart set forth in the Proposal. Design-Builder acknowledges the importance of its
“Key Personnel”. “Key Personnel” shall include Design-Builder’s Representative, Design-Build
Project Manager, Design Manager, QA Manager, Construction Manager, and any other positions
specifically identified in the RFQ, RFP and/or the Proposal as “Key Personnel” (collectively,
Key Personnel”). Job duties and responsibilities of Key Personnel shall not be delegated to
others for the duration of the Contract. Design-Builder shall not change or substitute any Key
Personnel except due to voluntary or involuntary termination of employment, retirement, death,
disability, or incapacity. None of the Key Personnel may be withdrawn from the Project without
prior written approval of Department, with it being understood and agreed that Design-Builder
will provide Department with at least thirty (30) days written notice of any request to withdraw
any Key Personnel. Department will have the right to review the qualifications of each
individual to be appointed to a Key Personnel position and to approve or disapprove use of such
individual in such position prior to the commencement of any Work by such individual. Design-
Builder shall remove or replace, or have removed or replaced, any personnel performing the
Work if Department has a reasonable objection to such person.
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2.1.6 If Design-Builder wishes to deviate from the right-of-way limits shown on the RFP
Conceptual Plans included in Part 2 (Project Technical Information and Requirements), such
deviations will be subject to Department’s prior written approval. It will be the responsibility of
Design-Builder to coordinate directly with the affected property owners to acquire such right-of-
way. Design-Builder shall be responsible for assuming all risks associated with exceeding such
right-of-way limits, including any public hearings and any NEPA document re-evaluation that
may be required, and no modifications to the Contract Price or Contract Time(s) will be granted
or considered.
2.1.7 Design-Builder shall submit its QA/QC Plan to VDOT for review and approval at the
kick-off meeting referenced in Section 2.1.2 above. At the kick-off meeting, Design-Builder’s
Design Manager and QA Manager shall provide a presentation of the QA/QC Plan for design
and construction, using project-related scenarios
2.1.8 Design-Builder shall coordinate and lead all monthly progress meetings. During such
meetings, progress during the prior month shall be reviewed. Design-Builder shall collect
information from Design Consultants and any key Subcontractors responsible for work
completed during the specified duration and work scheduled during the upcoming reporting
duration. The monthly meetings shall be attended by all Key Personnel, as well as any other
individuals that Department may require. Meetings will occur monthly beginning the month
after Design-Builder’s receipt of Department’s Notice to Proceed. Design-Builder shall be
responsible for preparing, maintaining and distributing minutes of the meetings to all attendees
for review. The meeting minutes shall be provided to Department within two (2) days of the
monthly progress meeting.
2.1.9 Design-Builder shall perform the Work in accordance with: (a) the Contract Documents;
(b) applicable Legal Requirements and Governmental Approvals; and (c) the degree of skill and
judgment prevailing on the Agreement Date that is expected to be exercised by prudent, skilled
and experienced contractors and design professionals on similar projects in the Commonwealth
of Virginia, taking into consideration safety, operational requirements, level of service, and life
cycle costs. Notwithstanding the above, if any of (a), (b) or (c) in the preceding sentence
conflict, Design-Builder shall be obligated to perform the Work in accordance with the more
stringent standard.
2.1.10 If the Contract Documents incorporate any ATCs and Design-Builder, for whatever
reason: (a) does not comply with one or more Department conditions of pre-approval for the
ATC; (b) does not obtain required third-party approval for the ATC; or (c) fails to implement the
ATC, then Design-Builder shall: (1) provide written notice thereof to Department; and (2)
comply with the requirements in the Contract Documents that would have applied in the absence
of such ATC. Such compliance shall be without any increase in the Contract Price or extension
to the Contract Time(s). For the avoidance of doubt, Design-Builder shall not be entitled to any
increase in the Contract Price or extension of the Contract Time(s) as a result of any delay,
inability or cost associated with the acquisition of any property that may be required to
implement any ATC.
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2.2 Scope Validation and Identification of Scope Issues
2.2.1 Scope Validation Period. The term Scope Validation Period is the period of time
that begins on Design-Builder’s receipt of Department’s Notice to Proceed and extends for one
hundred twenty (120) days from such date of receipt, unless otherwise stated in Exhibit 1.
During the Scope Validation Period, Design-Builder shall thoroughly review and compare all of
the then-existing Contract Documents, including without limitation the RFP Documents and the
Proposal, to verify and validate Design-Builder’s proposed design concept and identify any
defects, errors, or inconsistencies in the RFP Documents that affect Design-Builder’s ability to
complete its proposed design concept within the Contract Price and/or Contract Time(s)
(collectively referred to as Scope Issues”). The term “Scope Issue” shall not be deemed to
include items that Design-Builder should have reasonably discovered prior to the Agreement
2.2.2 Scope Validation Period for Non-Accessible Areas of the Site. The Parties recognize
that Design-Builder may be unable to conduct the additional investigations contemplated by
Section 4.2.2 below because it will not have access to certain areas of the Site within the Scope
Validation Period set forth in Section 2.2.1 above. Design-Builder shall notify Department at the
meeting set forth in Section 2.1.2 of all such non-accessible areas and the dates upon which such
areas are expected to become accessible. If Department agrees that such areas are non-
accessible, then, for the limited purpose of determining Scope Issues that directly arise from
geotechnical evaluations for such areas, the term Scope Validation Period shall be deemed to
be the thirty (30) day period after the date the specified area becomes accessible for purposes of
conducting the geotechnical evaluation. If Department does not agree that such areas are non-
accessible, then the Scope Validation Period shall not be extended.
2.2.3 Submission Requirements for Scope Issues. If Design-Builder intends to seek relief
for a Scope Issue, it shall promptly, but in no event later than the expiration of the Scope
Validation Period, simultaneously provide Department and the APDD Point of Contact in
writing with a notice (“General Notice”) of the existence of such Scope Issue, which General
Notice shall generally explain the basis for such Scope Issue. Within twenty-one (21) days of
the General Notice, Design-Builder shall provide Department and the APDD Point of Contact
with documentation that specifically explains its support for the Scope Issue (“Supporting
Documentation”). The Supporting Documentation shall include, among other things: (a) the
assumptions that Design-Builder made during the preparation of its proposal that form the basis
for its allegation, along with documentation verifying that it made such assumptions in
developing its proposal; (b) an explanation of the defect, error or inconsistency in the RFP
Documents that Design-Builder could not have reasonably identified prior to the Agreement
Date: and (c) the specific impact that the alleged Scope Issue has had on Design-Builder’s price
and time to perform the Work. For the avoidance of doubt: (1) Design-Builder shall not be
entitled to raise in its Supporting Documentation any Scope Issues that were not previously
addressed in a General Notice; and (2) Design-Builder shall have no right to seek any relief for
any Scope Issues that have not been specifically identified in a General Notice provided to
Department during the Scope Validation Period.
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2.2.4 Resolution of Scope Issues. Within a reasonable time after Department’s receipt of the
Supporting Documentation described in the Section 2.2.3 above, the Parties shall meet and
confer to discuss the resolution of such Scope Issues. If Department agrees that Design-Builder
has identified a valid Scope Issue that materially impacts Design-Builder’s price or time to
perform the Work, a Work Order shall be issued in accordance with Article 9 hereof. If
Department disagrees that Design-Builder has identified a valid Scope Issue that materially
impacts Design-Builder’s price or time to perform the Work, then Design-Builder’s recourse
shall be as set forth in Article 10. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Contract
Documents or as a matter of law, Design-Builder shall have the burden of proving that the
alleged Scope Issue could not have been reasonably identified prior to the Agreement Date and
that such Scope Issue materially impacts its price or time to perform the Work.
2.2.5 Design-Builder’s Assumption of Risk of Scope Issues. The Parties acknowledge that
the purpose of the Scope Validation Period is to enable Design-Builder to identify those Scope
Issues that could not reasonably be identified prior to the Agreement Date. By executing this
Agreement, Design-Builder acknowledges that the Scope Validation Period is a reasonable time
to enable Design-Builder to identify Scope Issues that will materially impact Design-Builder’s
price or time to perform the Work. After the expiration of the Scope Validation Period, with the
sole exception of those Scope Issues made the subject of a General Notice during the Scope
Validation Period and subject to valid requests for Work Orders in accordance with Section 2.2.3
above, the Parties agree as follows:
.1 Design-Builder shall assume and accept all risks, costs, and responsibilities of any
Scope Issue arising from or relating to the Contract Documents, including but not limited to
conflicts within or between the RFP Documents and Proposal;
.2 Design-Builder shall be deemed to have expressly warranted that the Contract
Documents existing as of the end of the Scope Validation Period are sufficient to enable Design-
Builder to complete the design and construction of the Project without any increase in the
Contract Price or extension to the Contract Time(s); and
.3 Department expressly disclaims any responsibility for, and Design-Builder expressly
waives its right to seek any increase in the Contract Price or extension to the Contract Time(s)
for, any Scope Issue associated with any of the Contract Documents, including but not limited to
the RFP Documents.
2.2.6 Waiver of Rights. The failure of Design-Builder to meet the submission requirements
required under Section 2.2.3 above for a Scope Issue, including but not limited to the times for
providing notice and documentation of the Scope Issue, shall conclusively constitute a waiver of
Design-Builder’s rights to seek relief for such Scope Issue.
2.2.7 Failure of Technical Proposal to Meet Requirements of the Contract Documents.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Section 2.2 or elsewhere in the Contract
Documents, Department shall have no responsibility in the event Design-Builder’s Proposal fails
to meet the requirements of the Contract Documents, regardless of whether: (a) Department
modified the RFP Documents to permit Design-Builder to implement a technical approach; (b)
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Department accepted Design-Builder’s Proposal; or (c) any other action or inaction of
Department is alleged by Design-Builder.
2.3 Design Professional Services
2.3.1 Design-Builder shall, consistent with applicable state licensing laws, provide through
qualified, licensed design professionals employed by Design-Builder, or procured from qualified,
independent licensed Design Consultants, the necessary design services, including architectural,
engineering, surveying, and other design professional services, for the preparation of the required
drawings, specifications and other design submittals to permit Design-Builder to complete the
Work consistent with the Contract Documents. All design professional services shall be
performed by professionals properly licensed in the Commonwealth of Virginia and who are
well-versed in Department’s design standards and practices.
2.3.2 No Design Consultant is intended to be, nor shall any Design Consultant be deemed to
be, a third-party beneficiary of this Agreement. Department is intended to be and shall be
deemed a third-party beneficiary of all contracts between Design-Builder and any Design
Consultant. In the event that this Agreement is terminated, Design-Builder shall, upon the
written demand of Department, assign such contracts to Department.
2.3.3 Design-Builder shall incorporate all obligations and understandings of the Contract
Documents applicable to design services in its respective contracts with any Design Consultant,
and require that such obligations be flowed down to lower-tiered Design Consultants, including
the obligations relative to ownership of the Work Product set forth in Article 4 of the Agreement.
2.4 Design Development Services
2.4.1 Design-Builder shall be responsible for the professional quality, technical accuracy,
timely completion and coordination of all drawings, specifications and other design submissions
required to be developed by Design-Builder under the Contract Documents and shall, without
additional compensation, correct or revise any errors, omissions or other deficiencies in such
design submissions.
2.4.2 Design-Builder shall, consistent with any applicable provision of the Contract
Documents, provide Department with ten (10) sets of the following interim design submissions,
in accordance with Part 2 (Project Technical Information and Requirements). The submissions
should generally correspond to Department’s concurrent engineering process, including but not
limited to: (i) Preliminary Field Inspection (PFI); (ii) Field Inspection and Right-of-Way
(FI/RW); and (iii) additional interim design submissions that Department may require. On or
about the time of the scheduled submissions, Design-Builder and Department shall meet and
confer about the submissions, with Design-Builder identifying during such meetings, among
other things, the evolution of the design and any significant changes or deviations from the
Contract Documents, or, if applicable, previous design submissions. Minutes of the meetings
will be maintained by Design-Builder and provided to all attendees for review. Following the
design review meeting, Department shall review and provide comments on the interim design
submissions (except that it will specifically approve or disapprove of the FI/RW submissions)
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within twenty-one (21) days after receipt of the required submissions. Design-Builder shall
promptly revise and modify all such submittals so as to fully reflect all comments and shall
deliver to Department revised submittals for review and comment (and approval as the case may
2.4.3 Design-Builder shall submit to Department Released for Construction Plans setting forth
in detail drawings and specifications describing the requirements for construction and QA/QC
activities associated with such Work, in full compliance with the Contract Documents and all
Legal Requirements and Governmental Approvals. The Released for Construction Plans shall be
consistent with the latest set of interim design submissions; as such submissions may have been
modified in a design review meeting, as agreed upon in writing, and shall be submitted after
Design-Builder has obtained all requisite Governmental Approvals associated with the Work
contained in such documents. The parties shall have a design review meeting to discuss, and
Department shall review and approve, the Released for Construction Plans in accordance with
the procedures set forth Section 2.4.1 above. Design-Builder shall proceed with construction in
accordance with the approved Released for Construction Plans and shall submit the approved
Released for Construction Plans to Department prior to commencement of Work in accordance
with Part 2 (Project Technical Information and Requirements).
2.4.4 Department’s review, comment and/or approval of interim design submissions and the
Released for Construction Plans are for the purpose of establishing Design-Builder’s compliance
with the requirements of the Contract Documents and mutually establishing a conformed set of
Contract Documents compatible with the requirements of the Work. Department’s review,
comment and/or approval of any interim or final design submission (including but not limited to
the Released for Construction Plans) shall not be deemed to transfer any liability from Design-
Builder to Department.
2.4.5 To the extent not prohibited by the Contract Documents or Legal Requirements, Design-
Builder may, with the prior agreement of Department, prepare design submittals and Released
for Construction Plans for a portion of the Work to permit procurement and construction to
proceed on that portion of the Work prior to completion of the Released for Construction Plans
for the entire Work.
2.5 Legal Requirements
2.5.1 Design-Builder shall keep fully informed of and perform the Work in accordance with all
Legal Requirements. Design-Builder shall provide all notices, and execute and file the
documents, statements and/or affidavits applicable to the Work as required by the Legal
Requirements. Design-Builder shall permit Department’s examination of any records made
subject to such examination by any applicable Legal Requirements.
2.5.2 Design-Builder may request, by submission of a Work Order request, that the Contract
Price and/or Contract Time(s) shall be adjusted to compensate Design-Builder for the effects of
any changes in the Legal Requirements enacted after the Agreement Date, affecting the
performance of the Work. Such effects may include, without limitation, revisions Design-
Builder is required to make to the Released for Construction Plans because of changes in Legal
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Requirements. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the relief afforded by this Section 2.5
shall not apply to changes in any tax laws, with Design-Builder bearing the risk of such changes.
2.6 Governmental Approvals
2.6.1 Except as identified in Department’s Governmental Approvals List, Exhibit 3.5.1,
Design-Builder shall obtain and pay for all necessary Governmental Approvals required for the
prosecution of the Work by any Governmental Unit. If any such Governmental Approval is
required to be formally issued in the name of Department, Design-Builder shall undertake all
efforts to obtain such Governmental Approvals subject to Department’s reasonable cooperation
with Design-Builder, including execution and delivery of appropriate applications and other
documentation in forms approved by Department. Design-Builder shall deliver to Department,
promptly after Design-Builder’s receipt, a copy of each such Governmental Approval, with a
listing of the status of all such Governmental Approvals included in the monthly reports required
by Section 11.1 of the Agreement.
2.6.2 Design-Builder shall provide reasonable assistance to Department in obtaining those
Governmental Approvals that are Department’s responsibility, and no construction activity will
commence until: (i) all Governmental Approvals required for the relevant construction activity
(including any activity that may disturb the Site) have been obtained; (ii) Department has been
notified that such Governmental Approvals have been obtained; and (iii) Department has, after
reviewing the validity and scope of the Governmental Approval, authorized Design-Builder to
2.6.3 Design-Builder shall ensure that the Work conforms to the requirements and stipulations
of all Governmental Approvals. Any violations of or noncompliance with any Governmental
Approval, including but not limited to suspensions caused by Design-Builder violating or not
being in compliance with a Governmental Approval, shall be at the sole risk of Design-Builder,
and shall not be a basis for adjusting the Contract Price and/or Contract Time(s).
2.7 Design-Builder’s Construction Phase Services
2.7.1 Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents to be the responsibility of
Department or a Separate Contractor, Design-Builder shall provide through itself or
Subcontractors the necessary supervision, labor, inspection, testing, start-up, material,
equipment, machinery, temporary utilities and other temporary facilities to permit Design-
Builder to complete construction of the Project consistent with the Contract Documents.
2.7.2 Design-Builder shall perform all construction activities efficiently and with the requisite
expertise, skill and competence to satisfy the requirements of the Contract Documents, and shall
maintain or cause to be maintained all licenses required of Design-Builder or its employees in
connection with the Work. Design-Builder shall at all times exercise complete and exclusive
control over the means, methods, sequences and techniques of construction.
2.7.3 Design-Builder shall employ only Subcontractors who are duly licensed and qualified to
perform the Work lawfully in the Commonwealth of Virginia and consistent with the Contract
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Documents. Design-Builder shall not use any Subcontractor to whom Department has a
reasonable objection, and shall obtain Department’s written consent before making any
substitutions or additions to Subcontractors previously identified to Department as being
members of Design-Builder’s Project team, including those who may have been identified in the
2.7.4 Design-Builder assumes responsibility to Department for the proper performance of the
Work of Subcontractors and any acts and omissions in connection with such performance.
Nothing in the Contract Documents is intended or deemed to create any legal or contractual
relationship between Department and any Subcontractor or Sub-Subcontractor, including but not
limited to any third-party beneficiary rights.
2.7.5 Design-Builder shall coordinate the activities of all Subcontractors. If Department
performs other work on the Project or at the Site with Separate Contractors under Department’s
control, Design-Builder agrees to reasonably cooperate and coordinate its activities with those of
such Separate Contractors so that the Project can be completed in an orderly and coordinated
manner without unreasonable disruption.
2.7.6 Design-Builder shall keep the Site reasonably free from debris, trash and construction
wastes to permit Design-Builder to perform its construction services efficiently, safely and
without interfering with the use of adjacent land areas. Upon Final Acceptance of the Work, or a
portion of the Work, Design-Builder shall remove all debris, trash, construction wastes,
materials, equipment, machinery and tools arising from the Work or applicable portions thereof
to permit Department to occupy the Project or a portion of the Project for its intended use.
2.7.7 Design-Builder shall be responsible for the security of the Site until Final Acceptance of
the Work, or a portion of the Work.
2.8 Design-Builder’s Responsibility for Project Safety
2.8.1 Design-Builder recognizes the importance of performing the Work in a safe manner so as
to prevent damage, injury or loss to: (i) all individuals at the Site, whether working or visiting;
(ii) the Work, including materials and equipment incorporated into the Work or stored on-Site or
off-Site; and (iii) all other property at the Site or adjacent thereto. Design-Builder assumes
responsibility for implementing and monitoring all safety precautions and programs related to the
performance of the Work. Design-Builder shall, prior to commencing construction, designate a
Safety Representative with the necessary qualifications and experience to supervise the
implementation and monitoring of all safety precautions and programs related to the Work.
Unless otherwise required by the Contract Documents, Design-Builder’s Safety Representative
shall be an individual stationed at the Site who may have responsibilities on the Project in
addition to safety. The Safety Representative shall make routine daily inspections of the Site and
shall hold weekly safety meetings with Design-Builder’s personnel, Subcontractors and others as
applicable. Design-Builder shall provide minutes of each safety meeting to Department within
five (5) days of such meeting.
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2.8.2 Design-Builder shall provide, for Department’s review, comment and acceptance, a
Health, Safety and Welfare (HS&W) plan on or before the earlier of fifteen (15) days of Design-
Builder’s receipt of Department’s Notice to Proceed, or twenty-one (21) days before Design-
Builder intends to commence any construction-related activities at the Site. Design-Builder shall
not perform any construction-related activity (including any activity that disturbs the Site) until
an acceptable HS&W plan is in place.
2.8.3 Design-Builder and Subcontractors shall comply with: (i) all Legal Requirements relating
to safety; (ii) Design-Builder’s HS&W plan; and (iii) any Department-specific safety
requirements set forth in the Contract Documents, provided that such Department-specific
requirements do not violate any applicable Legal Requirement. Design-Builder will immediately
report in writing any safety-related injury, loss, damage or accident arising from the Work to
Department’s Representative and, to the extent mandated by Legal Requirements, to all
Governmental Units having jurisdiction over safety-related matters involving the Project or the
2.8.4 Department shall have the right to immediately suspend any or all Work if Design-Builder
fails to comply with its obligations hereunder.
2.8.5 Design-Builder’s responsibility for safety under this Section 2.8 is not intended in any
way to relieve Subcontractors and Sub-Subcontractors of their own contractual and legal
obligations and responsibility for: (i) complying with all Legal Requirements, including those
related to health and safety matters; and (ii) taking all necessary measures to implement and
monitor all safety precautions and programs to guard against injury, losses, damages or accidents
resulting from their performance of the Work.
2.9 Design-Builder’s Warranty
2.9.1 Design-Builder warrants to Department that the construction, including all materials and
equipment furnished as part of the construction, shall be new unless otherwise specified in the
Contract Documents, of good quality, in conformance with the Contract Documents and free of
defects in materials and workmanship. Design-Builder’s warranty obligation excludes defects
caused by abuse, damage, alterations, or failure to maintain the Work by persons other than
Design-Builder or anyone for whose acts Design-Builder may be liable. Nothing in this
warranty is intended to limit any manufacturer’s warranty which provides Department with
greater warranty rights than set forth in this Section 2.9 or the Contract Documents. Design-
Builder will provide Department with all manufacturers’ warranties upon Final Acceptance.
2.10 Correction of Defective Work
2.10.1 Design-Builder agrees to correct any Work that is found to not be in conformance with
the Contract Documents, including that part of the Work subject to Section 2.9 hereof, within a
period of one (1) year from the date of Final Acceptance of the Work or any portion of the Work,
or within such longer period to the extent required by the Contract Documents or applicable
Legal Requirements or Government Approvals.
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2.10.2 Design-Builder shall, within seven (7) days of receipt of written notice from Department
or the QA Manager that the Work is not in conformance with the Contract Documents, take
meaningful steps to commence correction of such nonconforming Work, including the
correction, removal or replacement of the nonconforming Work and any damage caused to other
parts of the Work affected by the nonconforming Work. If Design-Builder fails to commence
the necessary steps within such seven (7) day period, Department, in addition to any other
remedies provided under the Contract Documents, may provide Design-Builder with written
notice that Department will commence correction of such nonconforming Work with its own
forces. If Department does perform such corrective Work, Design-Builder shall be responsible
for all reasonable costs incurred by Department in performing such correction. If the
nonconforming Work creates an emergency requiring an immediate response, the seven (7) day
periods identified herein shall be deemed inapplicable.
2.10.3 The one (1) year period referenced in Section 2.10.1 above applies only to Design-
Builder’s obligation to correct nonconforming Work and is not intended to constitute a period of
limitations for any other rights or remedies Department may have regarding Design-Builder’s
other obligations under the Contract Documents.
2.11 Department’s Rights to Direct Design-Builder
2.11.1 When any act, omission, or other action of Design-Builder occurs that violates the
requirements, conditions, or terms of the Contract Documents; or affects the health, safety, or
welfare of the public or natural resources, Department will have the right, but not the obligation,
to direct Design-Builder to take prompt action to repair, replace, or restore the damage or injury
within a time frame established by Department. If Design-Builder fails to make such repair,
replacement, or restoration within the established time frame, Department will have the damage
or injury repaired, replaced, or restored and will deduct the cost of such repair, replacement, or
restoration (plus twenty five percent ( 25%) for supervisory and administrative personnel costs)
from monies due Design-Builder.
Article 3
Department’s Services and Responsibilities
3.1 Duty to Cooperate
3.1.1 Department shall, throughout the performance of the Work, cooperate with Design-
Builder and perform its responsibilities, obligations and services in a timely manner to facilitate
Design-Builder’s timely and efficient performance of the Work and so as not to delay or interfere
with Design-Builder’s performance of its obligations under the Contract Documents.
3.1.2 Department shall provide timely reviews and (where required) approvals of submittals,
interim design submissions and Released for Construction Plans consistent with the turnaround
times set forth in Design-Builder’s schedule, provided, however that, unless stated otherwise in
the Contract Documents, Department shall have twenty-one (21) days after receipt of such
submissions to act upon such submissions. This Section 3.1.2 shall not be construed to apply to
the acquisition of Governmental Approvals by either Design-Builder or Department.
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3.1.3 Department’s Representative will participate in monthly progress meetings for the
duration of the Project.
3.2 Furnishing of Services and Information
3.2.1 Department has provided RFP Information Documents in Part 2 of the RFP for Design-
Builder to consider in developing the Proposal and for executing the Work. Design-Builder shall
thoroughly review and compare all such documents during the Scope Validation Period and, to
the extent that any Scope Issues arise, Department shall consider such issues in accordance with
Section 2.2 above.
3.3 Financial Information
3.3.1 At Design-Builder’s request, Department shall promptly furnish reasonable evidence
satisfactory to Design-Builder that Department has adequate funds available and committed to
fulfill all of Department’s contractual obligations under the Contract Documents. If Department
fails to furnish such financial information in a timely manner, Design-Builder may stop Work
under Section 11.3 hereof or exercise any other right permitted under the Contract Documents.
3.3.2 Design-Builder shall cooperate with the reasonable requirements of Department’s lenders
or other financial sources. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, after the Agreement Date,
Design-Builder shall have no obligation to execute for Department or Department’s lenders or
other financial sources any documents or agreements that require Design-Builder to assume
obligations or responsibilities greater than those existing obligations Design-Builder has under
the Contract Documents.
3.4 Department’s Representative
3.4.1 Department’s Representative shall be responsible for providing Department-supplied
information and approvals in a timely manner to permit Design-Builder to fulfill its obligations
under the Contract Documents. Department’s Representative shall also provide Design-Builder
with prompt notice if it observes any failure on the part of Design-Builder to fulfill its
contractual obligations, including any errors, omissions or defects in the performance of the
3.5 Governmental Approvals
3.5.1 Department shall obtain and pay for all necessary Governmental Approvals set forth in
Department’s Governmental Approval List, Exhibit 3.5.1, which is included with the RFP.
3.5.2 Department shall provide reasonable assistance to Design-Builder in obtaining those
Governmental Approvals that are Design-Builder’s responsibility.
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3.6 Department’s Separate Contractors
3.6.1 Department may at any time contract or approve concurrent contracts for performance of
other work on, near, or within the same geographical area of the work specified in an existing
contract. Design-Builder shall not impede or limit access to such work by others.
3.6.2 When separate contracts are awarded within the limits of one project, contractors shall
not hinder the work being performed by other contractors. Design-Builder and Separate
Contractor(s) working on the same project shall cooperate with each other. In case of dispute,
Department’s Representative will be the referee, and his decision will be binding on all parties.
3.6.3 When contracts are awarded to Separate Contractor(s) for known concurrent construction
in a common area, Design-Builder and Separate Contractor(s), in conference with Department’s
Representative, shall establish a written joint schedule of operations. The schedule shall be
based on the limitations of the individual contracts and the joining of the work of one contract
with the others. The schedule shall set forth the approximate dates and sequences for the several
items of work to be performed and shall ensure completion within the contract time limit. The
schedule shall be submitted to Department’s Representative for review and approval no later
than twenty-one (21) days after the award date of the later contract and prior to the first monthly
progress meeting. The schedule shall be agreeable to, signed by, and binding on each Design-
Builder(s) and/or Separate Contractor(s). Department’s Representative may allow modifications
of the schedule when benefit to Design-Builder and/or Separate Contractor(s) and Department
will result.
3.6.4 Any modification of the schedule shall be in writing, mutually agreed to and signed by
Design-Builder and Separate Contractor(s), and shall be binding on Design-Builder and Separate
Contractor(s) in the same manner as the original agreement.
3.6.5 If Design-Builder and Separate Contractor(s) fail to agree on a joint schedule of
operations, they shall submit their individual schedules to Department’s Representative, who will
prepare a schedule that will be binding on Design-Builder and Separate Contractor(s).
3.6.6 The joint schedule and any modification thereof shall become a part of each contract
involved. The failure of Design-Builder and Separate Contractor(s) to abide by the terms of the
joint schedule will be justification for declaring Design-Builder and/or Separate Contractor(s) in
default of his contract.
3.6.7 Design-Builder and each Separate Contractor shall assume all liability, financial or
otherwise, in connection with his contract and shall protect and save harmless the
Commonwealth from any and all damages and claims that may arise because of any
inconvenience, delay, or loss he experiences as a result of the presence and operations of other
Separate Contractors working in or near the work covered by his contract. Design-Builder shall
also assume all responsibility for any of his work not completed because of the presence or
operation of other Separate Contractors.
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3.6.8 Except for an extension of the contract time limit, Department will not be responsible for
any inconvenience, delay, or loss experienced by Design-Builder or Separate Contractor as a
result of his failure to gain access to the work at the time contemplated. When the failure to gain
access is not due to any fault or negligence of Design-Builder or Separate Contractor, an
extension of the contract time limit will be allowed on the basis of the amount of time delayed.
3.6.9 Department will not assume any responsibility for acts, failures, or omissions of Design-
Builder or Separate Contractor that delay the work of another except as provided herein.
Article 4
Hazardous Environmental Conditions and Differing Site Conditions
4.1 Hazardous Environmental Conditions
4.1.1 General Obligations
.1 Unless specifically stated to the contrary in Part 2 (Project Technical Information
and Requirements) of the RFP, Design-Builder will be responsible for the management,
treatment, handling, storage, monitoring, remediation, removal, transport and/or disposal of any
Hazardous Environmental Conditions that are encountered on, in or under the Site.
.2 Design-Builder shall notify Department prior to implementing any Remedial
Actions contained in Design-Builder’s Environmental Management Plan for Known Pre-Existing
Hazardous Materials.
.3 If Design-Builder encounters any Unknown Pre-Existing Hazardous Materials the
presence of which constitutes a Hazardous Environmental Condition, then Design-Builder will
promptly notify Department and, in consultation with Department, will develop a Remedial
Action Plan setting out the scope of the Remedial Actions that Design-Builder proposes to take
in relation to the relevant Hazardous Environmental Condition, such actions to include, but not
be limited to: (i) conducting such further investigations as may be necessary or appropriate to
determine the nature and extent of the Hazardous Materials and submitting copies of such data
and reports to Department for its review and approval, (ii) taking reasonable steps, including in
the case of excavation, construction, reconstruction or rehabilitation, modifications and/or
construction techniques, to avoid or minimize excavation or dewatering in areas with Hazardous
Materials, (iii) preparing and obtaining Governmental Approvals for remedial action plans,
including Department approval, (iv) carrying out the Remedial Action Plan, including, as
necessary, disposal of the Hazardous Materials and (v) timely informing Department of all such
.4 Before any Remedial Actions for Unknown Pre-Existing Hazardous Materials are
taken that would inhibit Department’s ability to ascertain the nature and extent of the Hazardous
Environmental Condition, Design-Builder will afford Department the opportunity to inspect
areas and locations that require Remedial Actions; provided, that in the case of a sudden release
of any Unknown Pre-Existing Hazardous Materials, Design-Builder may take all reasonable
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actions necessary to stabilize and contain the release without prior notice or inspection, but will
promptly notify Department of the sudden release and its location.
.5 Design-Builder will obtain all Governmental Approvals relating to all Remedial
Actions. Design-Builder will be solely responsible for compliance with such Governmental
Approvals and applicable Legal Requirements concerning or relating to Hazardous Materials. In
carrying out Remedial Actions that are compensable by Department pursuant to Section 4.1.2
below, Design-Builder will not take any steps or actions which impair Department’s potential
claims for indemnity and contribution, statutory or otherwise.
.6 Unless directed otherwise by Department, Design-Builder will seek to recover
costs from any available reimbursement program or from any third party responsible for
generating or otherwise creating or contributing to conditions that led to the need for Remedial
Action. Without limiting the preceding sentence, Design-Builder will seek pre-approval and
pursue reimbursement from the Virginia Petroleum Storage Tank Fund (VPSTF) for qualifying
expenses incurred during the course of investigation, containment, management, mitigation or
remediation activities on petroleum storage tank releases. The parties will cooperate with and
notify each other with respect to activities undertaken pursuant to this Section
.7 Except as provided in Section 4.1.2 below, Design-Builder will bear all costs and
expenses of preparing and complying with any Remedial Action Plan, of complying with Legal
Requirements and obtaining and complying with Governmental Approvals pertaining to
Hazardous Materials, and otherwise of carrying out Remedial Actions.
4.1.2 Pre-Existing Hazardous Materials
.1 Department will reimburse, to the extent permitted by the Legal Requirements,
Design-Builder for Design-Builder’s costs for Remedial Actions with respect to any Unknown
Pre-Existing Hazardous Materials, the presence of which constitutes a Hazardous Environmental
.2 Department will assume, to the extent permitted by the Legal Requirements,
responsibility for third-party claims against Design-Builder for personal injury, damages or harm
to property or business due to any Pre-Existing Hazardous Materials, the presence of which
constitutes a Hazardous Environmental Condition, and all related penalties, fines and
administrative or civil sanctions arising out of or related to such Pre-Existing Hazardous
Materials; except to the extent Design-Builder is obliged to indemnify Department pursuant to
Section 4.1.3 below.
.3 Design-Builder will provide cost estimates with respect to such Remedial Actions
which may be reimbursed by Department, for Department’s review and approval prior to
proceeding with any such Remedial Actions, subject to Section above.
.4 Department reserves the right to perform Remedial Actions for Unknown Pre-
Existing Hazardous Materials in lieu of, and as replacement for, Design-Builder’s Remedial
Action obligations subject to Section above.
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.5 Design-Builder will be entitled to submit a request for a Work Order in
accordance with these General Conditions of Contract, to an adjustment in its Contract Price
and/or Contract Time(s) to the extent Design-Builder’s cost and/or time of performance have
been adversely impacted by the presence, removal or remediation of Unknown Pre-Existing
Hazardous Materials that constitute a Hazardous Environmental Condition.
4.1.3 Design-Builder's Indemnification Obligations Regarding Hazardous Materials
.1 Design-Builder will indemnify, protect, defend and hold harmless and release
each State Indemnitee from and against any and all claims against State Indemnitees by a person
not party to the Agreement, including reasonable attorney’s fees, expert witness fees and court
costs suffered or incurred by such State Indemnitee, to the extent caused by:
(A) Hazardous Materials introduced to or brought onto the Site by Design-
Builder or its Subcontractors;
(B) failure of Design-Builder or any of its Subcontractors to comply with any
requirement of the Contract Documents relating to Hazardous Materials (including any
failure to perform any Remedial Action required in accordance with Section 4.1.1 above)
or to otherwise comply with applicable Legal Requirements and Governmental
Approvals; or
(C) the exacerbation, release, spreading, migration, or toxicity of Hazardous
Materials due to the negligence, omission, recklessness, or willful misconduct of Design-
Builder or any of its Subcontractors.
.2 Design-Builder shall defend such claims in accordance with Article 7 below.
.3 Design-Builder’s obligations under this Section 4.1.3 will not apply to claims to
the extent caused by the negligence, recklessness, or willful misconduct of any State Indemnitee.
4.2 Inspection of Site Conditions
4.2.1 Design-Builder represents and warrants that it has, as of the Agreement Date, ascertained
the nature and location of the Work, the character and accessibility of the Site, the existence of
obstacles to construction, the availability of facilities and utilities, the location and character of
existing or adjacent work or structures, the surface and subsurface conditions, and other general
and local conditions (including labor) which might affect its performance of the Work or the cost
4.2.2 Design-Builder will, after its receipt of Department’s Notice to Proceed, undertake such
testing, inspections and investigations as may be necessary to perform its obligations under the
Contract Documents, including but not limited to additional geotechnical evaluations or
Hazardous Materials studies. If Design-Builder intends to conduct additional geotechnical
evaluations to supplement or corroborate the information contained in the RFP Documents, it
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shall do so during the Scope Validation Period. Any Scope Issues that arise from such
evaluations shall be treated in the manner set forth in Section 2.2 above. All reports or analyses
generated by Design-Builder’s testing, inspections and investigations, including but not limited
to additional geotechnical testing, shall be furnished to Department promptly after such reports
or analyses are generated.
4.3 Differing Site Conditions
4.3.1 Concealed or latent physical conditions or subsurface conditions at the Site that: (i)
materially differ from the conditions indicated in the RFP Documents (as such conditions may be
further described through reports or analyses undertaken during the Scope Validation Period); or
(ii) are of an unusual nature, differing materially from the conditions ordinarily encountered and
generally recognized as inherent in the Work are collectively referred to herein as “Differing Site
Conditions.” If Design-Builder encounters a Differing Site Condition, Design-Builder will be
entitled to submit a request for a Work Order for an adjustment in the Contract Price and/or
Contract Time(s) to the extent Design-Builder’s cost and/or time of performance are adversely
impacted by the Differing Site Condition as allowed for herein.
4.3.2 Upon encountering a Differing Site Condition, Design-Builder shall provide prompt
written notice to Department of such condition, which notice shall not be later than fourteen (14)
days after such condition has been encountered. Design-Builder shall, to the extent reasonably
possible, provide such notice before the Differing Site Condition has been substantially disturbed
or altered.
4.3.3 Design-Builder shall not be entitled to any adjustment in the Contract Price and/or
Contract Time(s) due to impacts of Differing Site Conditions not identified during the Scope
Validation Period, unless Department, in its sole discretion, determines that the circumstances
associated with the Differing Site Condition justify making such adjustment.
Article 5
Insurance and Bonds
5.1 Design-Builder’s Insurance Requirements
5.1.1 Design-Builder shall procure and maintain the insurance coverages required by Section
103.06(e) of the Division I Amendments.
5.2 Bonds and Other Performance Security
5.2.1 Design-Builder shall procure performance and payment bonds executed by a surety
acceptable to Department, each in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract
Price, and in accordance with all other requirements of the Contract Documents, including the
Division I Amendments.
5.2.2 If Design-Builder is structured as a limited liability company, partnership or joint venture,
the bonding approach used will ensure that the members of such organizations will have joint
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and several liability for the performance of the Work required for the Project. A single 100%
performance bond and a single 100% payment bond shall be provided regardless of any co-
surety relationship.
Article 6
6.1 Schedule of Payments
6.1.1 Design-Builder shall submit to Department, for its review and approval, and as part of its
submission of the Preliminary Schedule and the Baseline Schedule under Section 11.1 of the
Agreement, the Earned Value Schedule indicating Design-Builder’s anticipated monthly
earnings schedule in accordance with Exhibit 11.1 of the Agreement (Special Provision for
Design-Build Schedules) Department reserves the right to withhold approval for all or part of
Design-Builder’s Applications for Payment until such time Design-Builder furnishes an
approved Preliminary Schedule and subsequent Baseline Schedule.
6.1.2 The parties agree that progress payments for Work performed prior to Department’s
approval of the Baseline Schedule is based on the Earned Value Schedule in the approved
Preliminary Schedule.
6.1.3 Neither the Earned Value Schedule included in Design-Builder’s Baseline Schedule nor
payments made under Section 6.1.2 above shall exceed the monthly payment schedule submitted
with the Proposal, unless Department specifically approves this in writing.
6.1.4 Payment for mobilization shall not be scheduled prior to the initiation of construction
work. The pay item for mobilization shall be distributed between two (2) separate installments.
The first installment of fifty percent (50%) of Design-Builder’s total mobilization cost may be
scheduled following partial mobilization and initiation of construction work. The second
installment may be scheduled following completion of substantial mobilization, including
erection of Design-Builder’s offices and buildings, if any. Preliminary engineering items
including, but not limited to, surveying, geotechnical investigations and utility coordination shall
not be considered as construction work for the purpose of mobilization. Bonds and insurance
premiums, and field office expenses at Project start-up will not be considered part of
mobilization activities. For the avoidance of doubt, this Section 6.1.4 shall prevail over any
conflicting provision of Section 513 of the Road and Bridge Specifications. In no case shall the
total cost of mobilization (minus the cost of bonds and insurance premiums) exceed the amount
stipulated in the table included in Section 513 of the Road and Bridge Specification.
6.2 Monthly Progress Payments
6.2.1 On the tenth (10th) day of each month, Design-Builder shall submit for Department’s
review and approval its Application for Payment requesting payment for all Work performed as
of the first day of such month and coinciding with the progress reflected in the monthly Baseline
Schedule update. The Application for Payment shall be accompanied by all supporting
documentation required by the Contract Documents and/or established at the meeting required by
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Section 2.1.2 hereof. Payment shall be made in accordance with the following earned value
.1 Design-Builder shall identify each activity, and the value in dollars of such activity, in
accordance with Section 6.1.1 above. Applications for Payment shall be made based on the
following earned values.
.1 Design-Builder shall earn twenty percent (20%) of the value of an activity
upon initiation of the respective activity.
.2 Design-Builder shall earn eighty percent (80%) of the value of an activity upon
completion of the respective activity.
.2 QA/QC shall be an integral part of each activity. As part of each Application for
Payment that includes completed activities, Design-Builder shall submit with the Application for
Payment evidence of the QA/QC reviews, including any checklists, summary data, high-
level/outline calculations or design checks, and evaluations of the work and the qualifications of
the responsible personnel that completed the work, etc., that the relevant QA or QC reviewer
relied on to make its determination the Work is complete and conforms to the requirements of
the Contract Documents. Furthermore, the QAM shall: (a) verify that the design included in
each activity has been completed in accordance with the Contract Documents; (b) certify that the
construction included in each activity has been completed in accordance with the Contract
Documents; and (c) certify that all required QA/QC tests, measurements, permits or other
requirements have been completed and all non-conformance reports relative to the respective
activity have been resolved. The QAM’s certification for monthly Application of Payment for
construction activities shall include the following statement: As the Quality Assurance Manager,
I certify, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief based upon and to the extent of: (i)
current on-site observations and field testing required to be performed; and (ii) material
certifications and test reports, that each Work Package shown herein as complete has been
completed in accordance with the Contract Documents, and that all required QA/QC tests,
measurements, permits or other requirements have been completed and all non-conformance
reports relative to a respective Work Package have been resolved except for the attached list of
open issues.
6.2.2 The Application for Payment may request payment for equipment and materials not yet
incorporated into the Project, provided that: (i) Department, in its sole discretion, agrees that it is
willing to allow payment for such equipment and materials; (ii) Department is satisfied that the
equipment and materials are suitably stored at either the Site or another acceptable location; (iii)
the equipment and materials are protected by suitable insurance; and (iv) upon payment,
Department will receive the equipment and materials free and clear of all liens and
6.2.3 The Application for Payment shall constitute Design-Builder’s representation that the
Work has been performed consistent with the Contract Documents, has progressed to the point
indicated in the Application for Payment, and that title to all Work will pass to Department free
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and clear of all claims, liens, encumbrances, and security interests upon the incorporation of the
Work into the Project, or upon Design-Builder’s receipt of payment, whichever occurs earlier.
6.3 Withholding of Payments
6.3.1 On or before the date established in the Agreement, Department shall pay Design-Builder
all amounts properly due. If Department determines that Design-Builder is not entitled to all or
part of an Application for Payment, it will notify Design-Builder in writing at least seven (7)
days prior to the date payment is due. The notice shall indicate the specific amounts Department
intends to withhold, the reasons and contractual basis for the withholding, and the specific
measures Design-Builder must take to rectify Department’s concerns. Design-Builder and
Department will attempt to resolve Department’s concerns prior to the date payment is due. If
the parties cannot resolve such concerns, Design-Builder may pursue its rights under the
Contract Documents, including those under Article 10 hereof.
6.3.2 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Contract Documents, Department shall
pay Design-Builder all undisputed amounts in an Application for Payment within the times
required by the Agreement.
6.4 Right to Stop Work and Interest
6.4.1 If Department wrongfully fails to pay Design-Builder any amount that becomes due,
Design-Builder, in addition to all other remedies provided in the Contract Documents, may stop
Work pursuant to Section 11.3 hereof. All payments due and unpaid shall bear interest at the
rate set forth in the Agreement.
6.5 Design-Builder’s Payment Obligations
6.5.1 Design-Builder will pay Design Consultants and Subcontractors, in accordance with its
contractual obligations to such parties, all the amounts Design-Builder has received from
Department on account of their work. Design-Builder will impose similar requirements on
Design Consultants and Subcontractors to pay those parties with whom they have contracted.
Design-Builder will indemnify and defend Department against any claims for payment and
mechanic’s liens as set forth in Section 7.2.1 hereof.
6.6 Acceptance
6.6.1 Until Final Acceptance of the Work by Department in accordance with the requirements of
this Section, Design-Builder shall have charge and care thereof and shall take every precaution
against damage to any part thereof by action of the elements or from any other cause. Design-
Builder shall rebuild, repair, restore, and make good on damage to any portion of the Work
occasioned by any of the foregoing causes before Final Acceptance and shall bear the expense
6.6.2 Design-Builder shall notify Department when it believes the Work, or to the extent
permitted in the Contract Documents, a portion of the Work, has achieved Final Completion.
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Within seven (7) days of Department’s receipt of Design-Builder’s notice, along with a
certification for the QA Manager that such Work has achieved Final Completion, Department
and Design-Builder will jointly inspect such Work to verify that such Work has achieved Final
Completion in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. If Department
concludes that the applicable Work has not achieved Final Completion, it will so advise Design-
Builder, whereupon the preceding process will continue until Department agrees that the
applicable Work has achieved Final Completion. Once the Work is determined to have achieved
Final Completion, Design-Builder will be notified in writing, of the determination of Final
6.6.3 Upon notification of Final Acceptance, Design-Builder will provide Department with a
Final Application for Payment. Department shall make final payment by the time required in the
Agreement. At the time of submission of its Final Application for Payment, Design-Builder
shall provide the following information:
.1 an affidavit that there are no claims, obligations or liens outstanding or unsatisfied
for labor, services, material, equipment, taxes or other items performed, furnished or incurred for
or in connection with the Work which will in any way affect Department’s interests;
.2 a general release executed by Design-Builder waiving, upon receipt of final
payment by Design-Builder, all claims, except those claims previously made in writing to
Department and remaining unsettled at the time of final payment, which claims shall be
specifically listed in an attachment to the general release;
.3 consent of Design-Builder’s surety to final payment;
.4 all operating manuals, warranties and other deliverables required by the Contract
Documents, including the project records required by Section 11.1.9 of the Agreement; and
.5 certificates of insurance confirming that required coverages will remain in effect
consistent with the requirements of the Contract Documents.
6.6.4 Upon making final payment, Department waives all claims against Design-Builder except
claims relating to: (i) Design-Builder’s failure to satisfy its payment obligations, if such failure
affects Department’s interests; (ii) Design-Builder’s failure to complete the Work consistent with
the Contract Documents, including defects appearing after final payment; and (iii) the terms of
any special warranties and indemnifications required by the Contract Documents.
Article 7
7.1 Patent and Copyright Infringement
7.1.1 Design-Builder shall defend any action or proceeding brought against any State
Indemnitee based on any claim that the Work, or any part thereof, or the operation or use of the
Work or any part thereof, constitutes infringement of any United States patent or copyright, now
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or hereafter issued. The State Indemnitee shall give prompt written notice to Design-Builder of
any such action or proceeding and will reasonably provide authority, information and assistance
in the defense of same. Design-Builder shall indemnify and hold harmless State Indemnitees
from and against all damages and costs, including but not limited to attorneys’ fees and expenses
awarded against State Indemnitees or Design-Builder in any such action or proceeding. Design-
Builder agrees to keep the State Indemnitees informed of all developments in the defense of such
7.1.2 If a State Indemnitee is enjoined from the operation or use of the Work, or any part
thereof, as the result of any patent or copyright suit, claim, or proceeding, Design-Builder shall at
its sole expense take reasonable steps to procure the right to operate or use the Work. If Design-
Builder cannot so procure such right within a reasonable time, Design-Builder shall promptly, at
Design-Builder’s option and at Design-Builder’s expense: (i) modify the Work so as to avoid
infringement of any such patent or copyright; or (ii) replace said Work with Work that does not
infringe or violate any such patent or copyright.
7.1.3 Sections 7.1.1 and 7.1.2 above shall not be applicable to any suit, claim or proceeding
based on infringement or violation of a patent or copyright: (i) relating solely to a particular
process or product of a particular manufacturer specified by Department and not offered or
recommended by Design-Builder to Department; or (ii) arising from modifications to the Work
by Department after acceptance of the Work.
7.2 Payment Claim Indemnification
7.2.1 Providing that Department is not in breach of its contractual obligation to make payments
to Design-Builder for the Work, Design-Builder shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless State
Indemnitees from any claims or mechanic’s liens brought against any State Indemnitee or against
the Project as a result of the failure of Design-Builder, Design Consultants, Subcontractors,
anyone employed directly or indirectly by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them
may be liable, to pay for any services, materials, labor, equipment, taxes or other items or
obligations furnished or incurred for or in connection with the Work. Within three (3) days of
receiving written notice from a State Indemnitee that such a claim or mechanic’s lien has been
made and/or filed, Design-Builder shall commence to take the steps necessary to resolve and/or
discharge said claim or lien, including, if necessary, the furnishing of a mechanic’s lien bond. If
Design-Builder fails to do so, the State Indemnitee will have the right to resolve and/or discharge
the claim or lien and hold Design-Builder liable for costs and expenses incurred, including
attorneys’ fees.
7.3 Design-Builder’s General Indemnification
7.3.1 Design-Builder, to the fullest extent permitted by law, shall indemnify, hold harmless and
defend State Indemnitees from and against claims, losses, damages, liabilities, including
attorneys’ fees and expenses, for: (i) bodily injury, sickness or death, and property damage or
destruction (other than to the Work itself) to the extent resulting from the negligent acts or
omissions of Design-Builder, Design Consultants, Subcontractors, anyone employed directly or
indirectly by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable; and (ii) any
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violation of Sections 2.5, 2.6, or 2.8 hereof by Design-Builder, Design Consultants,
Subcontractors, anyone employed directly or indirectly by any of them or anyone for whose acts
any of them may be liable.
7.3.2 If an employee of Design-Builder, Design Consultants, Subcontractors, anyone employed
directly or indirectly by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, has a
claim against a State Indemnitee, Design-Builder’s indemnity obligation set forth in Section
7.3.1 above shall not be limited by any limitation on the amount of damages, compensation or
benefits payable by or for Design-Builder, Design Consultants, Subcontractors, or other entity
under any employee benefit acts, including workers’ compensation or disability acts.
7.4 Defense and Indemnification Procedures
7.4.1 If Department receives notice of or otherwise has actual knowledge of a claim which it
believes is within the scope of Design-Builder’s indemnification under the Contract Documents,
it shall by writing as soon as practicable: (i) inform Design-Builder of such claim; (ii) send to
Design-Builder a copy of all written materials Department has received asserting such claim and
(iii) notify Design-Builder that either: (a) the defense of such claim is being tendered to Design-
Builder; or (b) Department has elected to conduct its own defense for a reason set forth below.
7.4.2 If the insurer under any applicable insurance policy accepts tender of defense, Design-
Builder and Department shall cooperate in the defense as required by the insurance policy. If no
defense is provided by insurers under potentially applicable insurance policies, then the
following provisions shall apply.
7.4.3 If the defense is tendered to Design-Builder, it shall within forty-five (45) days of said
tender deliver to Department a written notice stating that Design-Builder: (i) accepts the tender
of defense and confirms that the claim is subject to full indemnification hereunder without any
“reservation of rights” to deny or disclaim full indemnification thereafter; (ii) accepts the tender
of defense but with a “reservation of rights” in whole or in part; or (iii) rejects the tender of
defense if it reasonably determines it is not required to indemnify against the claim under the
Contract Documents. If such notice is not delivered within such forty-five (45) days, the tender
of defense shall be deemed rejected.
7.4.4 If Design-Builder accepts the tender of defense, Design-Builder shall have the right to
select legal counsel for the State Indemnitees, subject to reasonable approval of the State
Attorney General, and Design-Builder shall otherwise control the defense of such claim,
including settlement, and bear the fees and costs of defending and settling such claim. During
such defense: (i) Design-Builder shall at Design-Builder’s expense, fully and regularly inform
Department of the progress of the defense and of any settlement discussions; and (ii) Department
shall, at Design-Builder’s expense for all of Department’s reasonable out-of-pocket third party
expenses, fully cooperate in said defense, provide to Design-Builder all materials and access to
personnel it requests as necessary for defense, preparation and trial and which or who are under
the control of or reasonably available to Department and maintain the confidentiality of all
communications between it and Design-Builder concerning such defense to the extent allowed
by law.
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7.4.5 Department shall be entitled to select its own legal counsel and otherwise control the
defense of such claim if: (i) the defense is tendered to Design-Builder and it refuses the tender of
defense, or fails to accept such tender within forty-five (45) days, or reserves any right to deny or
disclaim such full indemnification thereafter; or (ii) Department, at the time it gives notice of the
claim or at any time thereafter, reasonably determines that: (a) a conflict exists between it and
Design-Builder which prevents or potentially prevents Design-Builder from presenting a full and
effective defense; or (b) Design-Builder is otherwise not providing an effective defense in
connection with the claim and Design-Builder lacks the financial capability to satisfy potential
liability or to provide an effective defense. Department may assume its own defense pursuant to
the above by delivering to Design-Builder written notice of such election and the reasons
7.4.6 If Department is entitled and elects to conduct its own defense pursuant hereto, all
reasonable costs and expenses it incurs in investigating and defending and claim for which it is
entitled to indemnification hereunder (and any settlements or judgments resulting therefrom)
shall be reimbursed by Design-Builder after completion of the proceeding.
7.4.7 If Department is entitled to and elects to conduct its own defense, then it shall have the
right to settle or compromise the claim with Design-Builder’s prior written consent, which shall
not be unreasonably withheld or delayed, or with approval of the court, and with the full benefit
of Design-Builder’s indemnity. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if Department elects to conduct
its own defense and it is later determined that no indemnification obligation existed as to the
particular claim, Department shall pay its own costs and expenses relating thereto. In addition, if
Department elects to conduct its own defense because it perceives a conflict of interest,
Department shall pay its own costs and expenses relating thereto.
Article 8
8.1 Obligation to Achieve the Contract Times
8.1.1 Design-Builder agrees that it will commence performance of the Work and achieve the
Contract Time(s) in accordance with Article 5 of the Agreement.
8.2 Delays to the Work
8.2.1 If Design-Builder is delayed in the performance of the Work due to acts, omissions,
conditions, events, or circumstances beyond its control and due to no fault of its own,
Subcontractors, Design Consultants, or those for whom Design-Builder, Subcontractors, or
Design Consultants are responsible, Design-Builder may submit a request for a Work Order that
the Contract Time(s) for performance be reasonably extended by Work Order. By way of
example, events that Department may consider for an extension of the Contract Time(s) include
acts or omissions of Department or anyone under Department’s control (including separate
contractors), changes in the Work, Differing Site Conditions, Hazardous Materials, wars, floods
in excess of the base flood (as defined in the Division 1 Amendment), hurricane force winds,
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tornados, labor disputes, and earthquakes that cause ground accelerations in excess of AASHTO
bridge design standards for the Site. It is specifically understood that other than floods in excess
of the base flood, hurricane force winds and tornados, Design-Builder assumes the risk, and will
not be entitled a time extension for any delays caused by weather or conditions resulting from
8.2.2 In addition to Design-Builder’s right to a time extension for those events set forth in
Section 8.2.1 above, Design-Builder shall also be entitled to submit a request of a Work Order
for an appropriate adjustment of the Contract Price provided, however, that the Contract Price
shall not be adjusted for those events set forth in Section 8.2.1 above that are beyond the control
of both Design-Builder and Department, including the events of wars, floods in excess of the
base flood (as defined in the Division 1 Amendment), hurricane force wind, tornados, labor
disputes, and earthquakes that cause ground accelerations in excess of AASHTO bridge design
standards for the Site.
8.2.3 As a condition precedent to Design-Builder receiving an extension of the Contract
Time(s), Design-Builder shall demonstrate that: (i) notice has been given by Design-Builder as
provided in these General Conditions; (ii) the delay impacts the critical path (as reflected on the
most recent monthly Baseline Schedule update) and is outside the reasonable control of Design-
Builder; (iii) Design-Builder’s performance would not have been concurrently delayed or
interrupted by any event other than those identified in Section 8.2.1 above; (iv) Design-Builder,
in view of all the circumstances, has exercised reasonable efforts to avoid the delay and did not
cause the delay; and (v) Design-Builder has complied with the requirements of Section 8.3
below. Delays of Subcontractors shall be deemed to be within the reasonable control of Design-
Builder, unless such delays are themselves excusable in accordance with the provisions of
Section 8.2.1 above.
8.2.4 Should Department have a reasonable belief that the Contract Time(s) will not be met for
causes that do not constitute an excusable delay under Section 8.2.1 above, Department has the
right, but not the obligation, to so notify Design-Builder, and Design-Builder shall then work
additional overtime, engage additional personnel and take such other measures as necessary to
complete the Work within the Contract Time(s). Design-Builder shall bear all costs related to
such overtime, additional personnel and other measures.
8.2.5 Notwithstanding the right of Design-Builder to receive a time extension pursuant to
Section 8.2.1 above, Design-Builder agrees that if it encounters an excusable delay, it will, if
directed by Department, develop and implement a recovery schedule and plan to improve
progress and take such measures to overcome such delay.
8.3 Schedule Impact Analysis for Proposed Time Extensions
8.3.1 If Design-Builder claims that any event, including but not limited to a change in the
Work, justifies an extension to the Contract Time(s), Design-Builder shall submit to Department
a written Schedule Impact Analysis (SIA) in accordance with Exhibit 11.1 of the Agreement.
Upon approval by Department, the event shall be included in the next Baseline Schedule update.
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8.3.2 Activity delays shall not automatically mean that an extension of the Contract Time(s) is
warranted or due Design-Builder. Design-Builder recognizes that certain events will not affect
existing critical activities or cause non-critical activities to become critical, and that such events
may result in only absorbing a part of the available total float that may exist within an activity
chain of the network, thereby not causing any effect on the Contract Time.
8.3.3 Float is not for the exclusive use or benefit of either Department or Design-Builder, but
rather shall be used for the benefit of the overall Project. Activity splitting or float suppression
techniques will not be permitted. Extension of the Contract Time(s) will be granted only to the
extent the equitable time adjustments to the activity or activities affected by the event exceeds
the total float of a critical activity or path and extends the Contract Time(s).
8.3.4 Two (2) copies of each SIA shall be submitted in accordance with the following along
with a written proposal for any requested time extension:
.1 Within seven (7) days after receipt of a written change order.
.2 Within ten (10) days from the beginning of any other event claimed to give rise to a
.3 Within the time period required for the filing of a written notice of claim pursuant to
Article 10 Contract Adjustments and Disputes.
8.3.5 In cases where Design-Builder does not submit a SIA within the time requirements stated
above, it shall be considered a waiver of any request for an extension of the Contract Time(s).
8.3.6 Approval or rejection of each SIA by Department shall be made within ten (10) days after
receipt of each SIA, unless subsequent meetings and negotiations are necessary. Upon approval,
a copy of the SIA signed by Department shall be returned to Design-Builder, and incorporated
into the next Baseline Schedule update.
8.3.7 The SIA related to a change order shall be incorporated into and attached to the
applicable change order.
Article 9
Changes to the Contract Price and Time
9.1 Work Orders
9.1.1 A Work Order (change order), is a written instrument on VDOT Form C-10, issued after
the Agreement Date signed by Department and Design-Builder, stating their agreement upon all
of the following:
.1 The scope of the change in the Work;
.2 The amount of the adjustment to the Contract Price; and
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.3 The extent of the adjustment to the Contract Time(s).
9.1.2 All changes in the Work authorized by applicable Work Order shall be performed under
the applicable conditions of the Contract Documents. Department and Design-Builder shall
negotiate in good faith and as expeditiously as possible the appropriate adjustments for such
9.1.3 If Department requests a proposal for a change in the Work from Design-Builder and
subsequently elects not to proceed with the change, a Work Order shall be issued to reimburse
Design-Builder for reasonable costs incurred for estimating services, design services and services
involved in the preparation of proposed revisions to the Contract Documents.
9.2 Contract Change Directive
9.2.1 A Contract Change Directive (CCD) is a written order prepared and signed by
Department, directing a change in the Work prior to agreement on an adjustment in the Contract
Price and/or the Contract Time(s).
9.2.2 Department and Design-Builder shall negotiate in good faith and as expeditiously as
possible the appropriate adjustments for the Contract Change Directive. Upon reaching an
agreement, the parties shall prepare and execute an appropriate Work Order reflecting the terms
of the agreement.
9.2.3 Department may issue a CCD by unilateral Work Order using VDOT Form C-10, subject
further to the terms of Section
9.3 Minor Changes in the Work
9.3.1 Minor changes in the Work do not involve an adjustment in the Contract Price and/or
Contract Time(s) and do not materially and adversely affect the Work, including the design,
quality, performance and workmanship required by the Contract Documents. Design-Builder
may make minor changes in the Work consistent with the intent of the Contract Documents,
provided, however that Design-Builder shall promptly inform Department and the QAM, in
writing, of any such changes and record such changes on the documents maintained by Design-
9.4 Contract Price Adjustments
9.4.1 The increase or decrease in Contract Price resulting from a change in the Work shall be
determined by one or more of the following methods to be determined by Department:
.1 Unit prices set forth in the Agreement or as subsequently agreed to between the parties;
.2 A mutually accepted, lump sum, properly itemized and supported by sufficient
substantiating data to permit evaluation by Department;
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.3 Costs, fees and any other markups set forth in accordance with Section 109.05 of the
Division 1 Amendments; and
.4 If an increase or decrease cannot be agreed to as set forth in items .1 through .3 above
and Department issues a Contract Change Directive, the cost of the change of the Work shall be
determined by the reasonable expense and savings in the performance of the Work resulting from
the change, including a reasonable overhead and profit, as may be set forth in the Agreement. If
the net result of both additions and deletions to the Work is an increase in the Contract Price,
overhead and profit shall be calculated on the basis of the net increase to the Contract Price. If
the net result of both additions and deletions to the Work is a decrease in the Contract Price,
there shall be no overhead or profit adjustment to the Contract Price. Design-Builder shall
maintain a documented, itemized accounting evidencing the expenses and savings associated
with such changes.
9.4.2 If unit prices are set forth in the Contract Documents or are subsequently agreed to by the
parties, but application of such unit prices will cause substantial inequity to Department or
Design-Builder because of differences in the character or quantity of such unit items as originally
contemplated, such unit prices shall be equitably adjusted. Design-Builder shall bear the burden
of proving that there is a substantial inequity in the unit rates.
9.5 Emergencies
9.5.1 In any emergency affecting the safety of persons and/or property, Design-Builder shall
act, at its discretion, to prevent threatened damage, injury or loss. Any change in the Contract
Price and/or Contract Time(s) on account of emergency work shall be determined as provided in
this Article 9.
Article 10
Contract Adjustments and Disputes
10.1 Requests for Contract Adjustments and Relief
10.1.1 If Design-Builder believes that it is entitled to an adjustment to the Contract Price or
Contract Times or other relief for any occurrence arising out of or related to the Work or Project,
including the acts or omissions of Department, it shall submit a written request to Department
stating the basis for such Contract Price or Contract Time adjustment or relief. Such request
shall be submitted: (a) prior to Design-Builder incurring any cost or expense, or performing any
work on which the request is based; and (b) in accordance with any specific requirements
contained in applicable sections of these General Conditions of Contract or, absent any specific
requirement, then within a reasonable time, not to exceed twenty-one (21) days, after the time of
the occurrence giving rise to the request for Contract Price or Contract Time adjustment or relief
or after Design-Builder reasonably should have recognized the occurrence giving rise to the
request for Contract Price or Contract Time adjustment or relief, whichever is later. Such
request shall include sufficient information to advise Department of the facts and circumstances
giving rise to the request for Contract Price or Contract Time adjustment or relief, the specific
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contractual adjustment or relief requested and the basis for Design-Builder’s entitlement to the
adjustment or relief.
10.2 Dispute Avoidance and Resolution
10.2.1 The parties are fully committed to working with each other throughout the Project and
agree to communicate regularly with each other at all times so as to avoid or minimize disputes
and disagreements. If disputes or disagreements do arise, Design-Builder and Department each
commit to resolving such disputes or disagreements in an amicable, professional and expeditious
manner so as to avoid unnecessary losses, delays and disruptions to the Work.
10.2.2 Design-Builder and Department will first attempt to resolve all disputes or disagreements
at the field level through best efforts and good faith negotiations between Design-Builder’s
Representative and Department’s Representative. If the dispute or disagreement cannot be
resolved through Design-Builder’s Representative and Department’s Representative, Design-
Builder’s Senior Representative and Department’s Senior Representative, upon the request of
either party, shall meet as soon as conveniently possible, but in no case later than forty-five (45)
days after such a request is made, to attempt to resolve such dispute or disagreement. Prior to
any meetings between the Senior Representatives, the parties will exchange relevant information
that will assist the parties in resolving the dispute or disagreement. If the Senior Representatives
determine that the dispute or disagreement cannot be resolved to the mutual satisfaction of both
parties, despite their best efforts, then Design-Builder’s sole remedy shall be to pursue the
processes set forth in VA. CODE §33.1-386 and §33.1-387.
10.3 Duty to Continue Performance
10.3.1 Unless provided to the contrary in the Contract Documents, Design-Builder shall
continue to perform the Work and Department shall continue to satisfy its payment obligations to
Design-Builder, pending the final resolution of any dispute or disagreement between Design-
Builder and Department.
10.4.2 The consequential damages limitation set forth in Section 10.4.1 above will not affect the
payment of liquidated damages set forth in Article 5 of the Agreement, which both parties
recognize has been established, in part, to reimburse Department for some damages that might
otherwise be deemed to be consequential.
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Article 11
Stop Work and Termination for Cause
11.1 Department’s Right to Stop Work
11.1.1 Department may, without cause and for its convenience, order Design-Builder in writing
to stop and suspend the Work. Such suspension shall not exceed sixty (60) consecutive days or
aggregate more than ninety (90) days during the duration of the Project.
11.1.2 Design-Builder is entitled to seek an adjustment of the Contract Price and/or Contract
Time(s) if its cost or time to perform the Work has been adversely impacted by any suspension
or stoppage of work by Department, by requesting a Work Order.
11.1.3 In case of suspension of work, Department shall issue instructions and directions to
Design-Builder as to the implementation of the suspension, which may include directing Design-
Builder to develop a maintenance and transition plan. Unless specifically directed otherwise by
Department, Design-Builder shall, during the suspension period, continue to have full
responsibility for the Project, including but not limited to its obligations to take such precautions
as may be necessary to prevent damage to the Work, comply with Governmental Approvals, and
ensure public safety. Such obligations include, but are not limited to, erosion control and
drainage and erection of any necessary temporary structures, signs, or other facilities.
11.2 Department’s Right to Perform and Terminate for Cause
11.2.1 If Design-Builder persistently fails to do any of the following:
.1 begin the Work upon receipt of Department’s Notice to Proceed;
.2 provide a sufficient number of skilled workers, equipment, or supply the materials
required by the Contract Documents;
.3 comply with applicable Legal Requirements;
.4 timely pay, without cause, Design Consultants or Subcontractors;
.5 prosecute the Work with promptness and diligence to ensure that the Work is
completed by the Contract Time(s), as such times may be adjusted; or
.6 perform material obligations under the Contract Documents;
then Design-Builder may be declared in default and Department, in addition to any other
rights and remedies provided in the Contract Documents or by law, shall have the rights set forth
in Section 11.2.2 below.
11.2.2 If any of the conditions set forth in Section 11.2.1 above exists, Department will give
written notice to Design-Builder and its surety of the condition. If, within ten (10) days after
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such notice, Design-Builder or its surety fails to cure, or reasonably commence to cure, such
condition to the satisfaction of Department, then Department may then, or at any time thereafter,
send a second written notice to Design-Builder declaring Design-Builder in default. Upon
declaring Design-Builder in default, Department shall have the right, among other things, to
terminate this Agreement for default.
11.2.3 Upon terminating this Agreement for default, Department will have the right to, in
addition to any other right available at law, take possession, for the purpose of completing the
Work, of all materials, equipment, scaffolds, tools, appliances and other items thereon, which
have been purchased or provided for the performance of the Work, all of which Design-Builder
hereby transfers, assigns and sets over to Department for such purpose, and to employ any
person or persons to complete the Work and provide all of the required labor, services, materials,
equipment and other items. Design-Builder specifically agrees that it will assign all
Subcontractors and Design Consultants to Department, upon Department’s written demand that it
do so. In the event of such termination, Design-Builder shall not be entitled to receive any
further payments under the Contract Documents until Final Completion. At such time, if the
unpaid balance of the Contract Price exceeds the cost and expense incurred by Department in
completing the Work, such excess shall be paid by Department to Design-Builder. If
Department’s cost and expense of completing the Work exceeds the unpaid balance of the
Contract Price, then Design-Builder shall be obligated to pay the difference to Department. Such
costs and expense shall include not only the cost of completing the Work, but also losses,
damages, costs and expense, including attorneys’ fees and expenses, incurred by Department in
connection with the reprocurement and defense of claims arising from Design-Builder’s default,
subject to the waiver of consequential damages set forth in Section 10.4 hereof.
11.2.4 If Department improperly terminates the Agreement for cause, the termination for cause
will be converted to a termination for convenience in accordance with the provisions of Article 8
of the Agreement.
11.2.5 Department shall have the right, upon the occurrence of any of the conditions set forth in
Section 11.2.1 above, and regardless of whether or not Design-Builder is declared in default
and/or terminated, to communicate with Design-Builder’s surety and compel such surety to cure
such conditions.
11.3 Design-Builder’s Right to Stop Work
11.3.1 Design-Builder may, in addition to any other rights afforded under the Contract
Documents or at law, stop work for the following reasons:
.1 Department’s failure to provide financial assurances as required under Section 3.3
hereof; or
.2 Department’s failure to pay amounts properly due under Design-Builder’s Application
for Payment.
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11.3.2 Should any of the events set forth in Section 11.3.1 above occur, before exercising its
rights under this section, Design-Builder shall provide Department with written notice that
Design-Builder will stop work unless said event is cured within ten (10) days from Department’s
receipt of Design-Builder’s notice. If Department does not cure the problem within such ten (10)
day period, Design-Builder may stop work. In such case, Design-Builder shall be entitled to
make a claim for adjustment to the Contract Price and Contract Time(s) to the extent it has been
adversely impacted by such stoppage.
11.4 Design-Builder’s Right to Terminate for Cause
11.4.1 Design-Builder, in addition to any other rights and remedies provided in the Contract
Documents or by law, may terminate the Agreement for cause for the following reasons:
.1 The Work has been stopped for one hundred twenty (120) consecutive days, or more
than one hundred eighty (180) days during the duration of the Project, because of court order,
any Governmental Unit having jurisdiction over the Work, or orders by Department under
Section 11.1.1 hereof, provided that such stoppages are not due to the acts or omissions of
Design-Builder or anyone for whose acts Design-Builder may be responsible.
.2 Department’s failure to provide Design-Builder with any information, permits or
approvals that are Department’s responsibility under the Contract Documents which result in the
Work being stopped for one hundred twenty (120) consecutive days, or more than one hundred
eighty (180) days during the duration of the Project, even though Department has not ordered
Design-Builder in writing to stop and suspend the Work pursuant to Section 11.1.1 hereof.
.3 Department’s failure to cure the problems set forth in Section 11.3.1 above after
Design-Builder has stopped the Work.
11.4.2 Upon the occurrence of an event set forth in Section 11.4.1 above, Design-Builder may
provide written notice to Department that it intends to terminate the Agreement unless the
problem cited is cured, or commenced to be cured, within ten (10) days of Department’s receipt
of such notice. If Department fails to cure, or reasonably commence to cure, such problem, then
Design-Builder may give a second written notice to Department of its intent to terminate within
an additional ten (10) day period. If Department, within such second ten (10) day period, fails to
cure, or reasonably commence to cure, such problem, then Design-Builder may declare the
Agreement terminated for default by providing written notice to Department of such declaration.
In such case, Design-Builder shall be entitled to recover in the same manner as if Department
had terminated the Agreement for its convenience under Article 8 of the Agreement.
11.5 Bankruptcy of Design-Builder
11.5.1 If Design-Builder institutes or has instituted against it a case under the United States
Bankruptcy Code, such event may impair or frustrate Department’s ability to perform its
obligations under the Contract Documents. Accordingly, should such event occur:
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.1 Design-Builder, its trustee or other successor, shall furnish, upon request of
Department, adequate assurance of the ability of Design-Builder to perform all future material
obligations under the Contract Documents, which assurances shall be provided within ten (10)
days after receiving notice of the request; and
.2 Design-Builder shall file an appropriate action within the bankruptcy court to seek
assumption or rejection of the Agreement within sixty (60) days of the institution of the
bankruptcy filing and shall diligently prosecute such action.
If Design-Builder fails to comply with its foregoing obligations, Department shall be entitled to
request the bankruptcy court to reject the Agreement, declare the Agreement terminated and
pursue any other recourse available to Department under this Article 11.
11.5.2 The rights and remedies under Section 11.5.1 above shall not be deemed to limit the
ability of Department to seek any other rights and remedies provided by the Contract Documents
or by law, including its ability to seek relief from any automatic stays under the United States
Bankruptcy Code. It shall also not limit the ability of Department to seek recourse against
Design-Builder’s surety, who shall be obligated to perform notwithstanding the bankruptcy
proceedings against Design-Builder.
Article 12
12.1 Assignment
12.1.1 Design-Builder shall not, without the prior written consent of Department (which consent
may be withheld or denied for any reason), assign, transfer or sublet any portion or part of the
Work or the obligations required by the Contract Documents.
12.2 Successorship
12.2.1 Design-Builder and Department intend that the provisions of the Contract Documents are
binding upon the parties, their employees, agents, heirs, successors and assigns.
12.3 Governing Law
12.3.1 The Agreement and all Contract Documents shall be governed by the laws of the
Commonwealth of Virginia, without giving effect to its conflict of law principles.
12.4 Severability
12.4.1 If any provision or any part of a provision of the Contract Documents shall be finally
determined to be superseded, invalid, illegal, or otherwise unenforceable pursuant to any
applicable Legal Requirements, such determination shall not impair or otherwise affect the
validity, legality, or enforceability of the remaining provision or parts of the provision of the
Contract Documents, which shall remain in full force and effect as if the unenforceable provision
or part were deleted.
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12.5 No Waiver
12.5.1 The failure of either Design-Builder or Department to insist, in any one or more
instances, on the performance of any of the obligations required by the other under the Contract
Documents shall not be construed as a waiver or relinquishment of such obligation or right with
respect to future performance.
12..6 No Third-Party Beneficiary Status
12.6.1 Nothing under the Contract Documents shall afford any third party to this Agreement,
including members of the public, third-party beneficiary status hereunder.
12.7 Headings
12.7.1 The headings used in these General Conditions of Contract, or any other Contract
Document, are for ease of reference only and shall not in any way be construed to limit or alter
the meaning of any provision.
12.8 Notice
12.8.1 Whenever the Contract Documents require that notice be provided to the other party,
notice will be deemed to have been validly given: (i) if delivered in person to the individual
intended to receive such notice; (ii) four (4) days after being sent by registered or certified mail,
postage prepaid to the address indicated in the Agreement; or (iii) if transmitted by facsimile, by
the time stated in a machine generated confirmation that notice was received at the facsimile
number of the intended recipient, provided, however, that the intended recipient is present to
receive the facsimile and the transmittal is immediately followed by a hard copy delivered in
accordance with (i) or (ii) above.
12.9 Amendments
12.9.1 The Contract Documents may not be changed, altered, or amended in any way except in
writing signed by a duly authorized representative of each party.
12.10 Exhibits
12.10.1 The following exhibits, as well as any other exhibits specifically set forth in Exhibit 1
(Project Specific Terms), are made part of, and incorporated into these General Conditions of
Contract. (Exhibits to Part 4 are included in the RFP):
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2016 Division I Amendments
to the Standard Specifications
General Provisions for Design-Build Contracts
Department and Design-Builder
(Date of Standard Division I Amendments November 2016)
These Division I Amendments supersede Division I of the Standard Specifications
101.01—Abbreviations and Acronyms
Abbreviations and Acronyms shall be as stated in Section 101.01 of the Standard Specifications.
In these Division I Amendments to the Standard Specifications and other Contract Documents, the following
terms and pronouns used in place of them shall be interpreted as follows, except that if such terms and pronouns
are defined in the Agreement or General Conditions of Contract, such definitions shall govern:
Adjustment. An increase or decrease in the Contract Price or in the Contract Time(s), unless the context
dictates otherwise.
Advertisement, Notice of. A public announcement, as required by law, inviting, in a single-phase procurement,
the submission of Proposals from interested Offerors in response to a Request for Proposals, or in a two-phase
procurement, Statements of Qualifications from interested Offerors in response to a RFQ by the Department for
a designated design-build project. The announcement will indicate the general nature and location of the
project, and the time and place for submitting the Statements of Qualifications or Proposals.
Affiliate. means: (a) any Person which directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries controls, or is
controlled by, or is under common control with, Design-Builder or any of its members, partners or shareholders
holding an interest in Design-Builder; and (b) any Person for which ten percent (10%) or more of the equity
interest in such Person is held directly or indirectly, beneficially or of record by: (i) Design-Builder; (ii) any of
Design-Builders members, partners or ten percent (10%) or greater shareholders; or (iii) any Affiliate of
Design-Builder under part (a) of this definition. For purposes of this definition the term “control” means the
possession, directly or indirectly, of the power to cause the direction of the management of a Person, whether
through voting securities, a trust, contract, family relationship or otherwise.
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Agreement. As defined in the 2016 General Conditions of Contract Part 4 (“General Conditions”).
Alkali Soil. Soil in which total alkali chlorides calculated as sodium chloride are more than 0.10 percent
based on total solids.
Award. The decision of the Board to award a contract to an Offeror based on the selection processes identified
in the Requests for Proposal. The award of the contract is subject to the execution and approval of a satisfactory
Agreement therefore, and such other approvals and conditions as may be specified or required by law.
Award Date. The date on which the decision is made by the Board or Commissioner to accept the Proposal of
an Offeror.
Backfill. Material used to replace, or the act of replacing, Material removed during construction; may also
denote Material placed, or the act of placing, Material adjacent to structures.
Balance Point. The approximate point, based on estimated shrinkage or swell, where the quantity of Earthwork
Excavation and borrow, if required, is equal to the quantity of Embankment Material plus any surplus
Excavation material.
Base Course. A layer of material of specified thickness on which the intermediate or surface course is placed.
Base Flood. The flood or tide having a one percent (1%) chance of being exceeded in any given year.
Bid (also referred to as Proposal). The documents submitted by an Offeror in response to a Request for
Bidder (also referred to as Offeror). Any individual, partnership, Corporation, or Joint Venture that formally
submits a SOQ or Proposal for the work contemplated thereunder.
Bids, Invitation for. Used interchangeably with “Advertisement, Notice of defined above.
Board. Commonwealth Transportation Board of Virginia.
Borrow. Suitable material from sources outside the Roadway that is used primarily for Embankments.
Brackish Water. Water in which total alkali chlorides calculated as sodium chloride are more than 0.10 percent
(0.10%) based on total solids.
Bridge. A structure, including supports, that is erected over a depression or an obstruction, such as water, a
Highway, or a railway, that has a track or passageway for carrying traffic.
Bridge Lift. A layer of fill material placed in excess of standard depth over an area that does not support the
weight of hauling Equipment and for which compaction effort is not required.
Business. Any corporation, partnership, limited liability company, joint venture, firm, association, individual or
sole proprietorship operated for profit.
Camber. A vertical curvature induced or fabricated into beams or girders and a deck slab or slab span
formwork; a vertical curvature set in the grade line of a pipe culvert to accommodate differential settlement.
Change Order. As defined in Article 9 of the General Conditions.
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Channel. A watercourse or drainage way.
Commissioner. The Chief Executive Officer of the Virginia Department of Transportation, whose title is
Commissioner of Highways or as otherwise designated by the Code of Virginia.
Commonwealth. Commonwealth of Virginia.
Composite Hydrograph. A graph showing the mean daily discharge versus the day, indicating trends in high
and low flow for a one-year period.
Construction Area. The area where authorized construction on this Project occurs.
Construction Limits (On-Site). The disturbed area utilized for the construction of a Project including the
intersection of side slopes with the original ground plus slope rounding and slopes for Drainage Ditches,
Bridges, Culverts, Channels, temporary or incidental construction, and identified by the surface planes as shown
or described within the Contract Documents.
Contract. The Agreement between the Department and Design-Builder for the Project, inclusive of all
Contract Documents as defined in Article 2 of the Agreement. Oral agreements, representations or promises
shall not be considered a part of the Contract.
Contract Bond(s). Those documents defined in Section 103.05.
Contract Item. A specifically described unit of work for which a price is provided in the Contract’s Schedule
of Items.
Contract Time(s). As defined in Article 5 of the Agreement.
Corporation. A business entity organized and existing under the laws of the Commonwealth or other
jurisdiction, by virtue of articles of incorporation, amendment or merger.
Cul-de-sac. An area at the terminus of a dead-end Street or Road that is constructed for the purpose of allowing
vehicles to turn around.
Culvert. A structure that is not classified as a bridge which provides an opening under any Roadway.
Cut. When used as a noun with reference to Earthwork, that portion of a Roadway formed by excavating below
the existing surface of the earth and limited by design.
Cut Slope. See also Fill Slope. A surface plane generally designated by design, which is formed during
Excavation below existing ground elevations that intersects with existing ground at its termini.
Day. As defined in Section 1.2 of the General Conditions.
Deflection. The vertical or horizontal movement occurring between the supports of a Bridge superstructure,
guardrail, other structure, or the components (beams, girders, and slabs) thereof that results from their own
weight and from dead and live loads. Although all parts of a structure are subject to deflections, usually only
those deflections that occur in the superstructure are of significance during construction.
Department. Virginia Department of Transportation.
Design-Builder. The entity that enters into the Agreement (Part 3 of the Contract Documents) with the
Department to perform the Work.
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Design Flood. The magnitude of flood that a given structure can convey without exceeding a designated flood
Disposable Material. Material generally found to be unsuitable for roadway construction or surplus material
that is to be placed in a disposal area, unless specified otherwise.
Disposal Areas. Areas generally located outside of the Construction Limits identified in the Contract
Documents where Disposable Material is deposited.
Disqualification. The suspension or revocation of a bidder’s prequalification privileges.
Drainage Ditch. An artificial depression constructed to carry off surface water.
Earthwork. The work consisting of constructing Roadway earthwork in conformity with the specified
tolerances for the lines, grades, typical sections, and cross sections shown on the Contract Documents.
Earthwork shall include regular, borrow, undercut, and minor structure Excavation; constructing Embankments;
disposing of surplus and Unsuitable Material; shaping; grading, compaction; sloping; dressing; and temporary
erosion control work.
Easement. A grant of the right to use property for a specific use.
Embankment. A structure of soil, soil aggregate, soil-like materials, or broken rock between the existing ground
and Subgrade.
Employee. Any individual working on the Project who is under the direction or control of or receives
compensation from the Design-Builder or a Subcontractor at any tier.
Engineer. As defined in Section 1.2 of the General Conditions
Equipment. Machinery, tools, and other apparatus, together with the necessary supplies for upkeep and
maintenance that are necessary for acceptable completion of the work.
Excavation (Excavate). The act of creating a man-made cavity in the existing soil for the removal of material
necessary to obtain a specific elevation or to install a structure, material, component, or item necessary to
complete a specific task or form a final surface or subsurface.
Extra Work. Any work that was not provided for or included in the Contract as awarded but the Department
determines is essential to the satisfactory fulfillment of the Contract within its intended scope and authorized
pursuant to Article 9 of the General Conditions.
Falsework. A temporary framework used to support work while in the process of constructing permanent
structural units.
Federal Agencies or Officers. An agency or officer of the federal government and any agency or officer
succeeding, in accordance with the law to the powers, duties, jurisdictions, and authority of the agency or
officer mentioned.
Fill Slope (See also Cut Slope). A surface plane formed during the construction of an Embankment above
existing ground elevations that intersects with existing ground at its termini.
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Flood Frequency. A statistical average recurrence interval of floods of a given magnitude.
Formwork. A temporary structure or mold used to retain the plastic or fluid concrete in its designated shape
until it hardens. Formwork shall be designed to resist the fluid pressure exerted by plastic concrete and
additional fluid pressure generated by vibration and temporary construction loads.
Frontage Street or Road. A local Street or Road auxiliary to and located on the side of a Highway for service
to abutting property and adjacent areas and control of access.
Gage. U.S. Standard Gage.
Grade Separation. Any structure that provides a Traveled Way over or under another Traveled Way or over a
body of water.
Highway. The entire Right of Way reserved for use in constructing or maintaining the roadway and its
Historical Flood Level. The highest flood level that is known to have occurred at a given location.
Holidays. The days specifically set forth in Section 108.02 or in the Contract Documents.
Hydrologic Data Sheet. A tabulation of hydrologic data for facilities conveying a 100-year discharge equal to
or greater than 500 cubic feet per second.
Incentive. If provided for in the Contract, an agreed monetary sum that the Department pays to the Design-
Builder to complete work in accordance with applicable requirements within the Contract Times.
Inspector. The Department’s authorized representative who is assigned to make detailed inspections of the
quality and quantity of the Work and its conformance to the requirements and provisions of the Contract.
Invert. The lowest point in the internal cross-section of a pipe or other drainage structure.
Joint Venture. Two businesses that join together in the nature of a partnership for the purpose of bidding on
and performing a contract, for which they are all jointly and individually liable to the Department.
Laboratory. The testing laboratory of the Department or any other testing laboratory that may be designated by
the Contract or by the Design-Builder.
Liquidated Damages. As defined in Article 5 of the Agreement.
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Major Item. Any Pay Item specifically indicated as such in the Schedule of Items included among the Contract
Material. Any substance that is used in the Work specified in the Contract.
Median. The portion of a divided Highway that separates the Traveled Ways.
Non-Contract Item. An item of work required to permit completion of the specified Work in an acceptable
manner, which item of work is located within the Construction Limits but is not included in the Contract
Documents as being Design-Builder’s responsibility, and which item of work will be completed by others prior
to, during, or after the construction of the Project.
Notice to Proceed. As defined in Section 5.1 of the Agreement.
Offeror. See the definition for the term “Bidder.”
Ordinary High Water. A water elevation based on analysis of all daily high waters that will be exceeded
approximately twenty five (25%) of the time during any twelve (12) month period.
Pavement Structure. The combination of Select or stabilized materials, Subbase, Base, and surface courses,
described in the typical pavement section in the Contract Documents that is placed on a Subgrade to support the
traffic load and distribute it to the Roadbed.
Pay Item. See Contract Item.
Person. Any individual (including the heirs, beneficiaries, executors, legal representatives or administrators
thereof), Corporation, partnership, Joint Venture, trust, limited liability company, limited partnership, joint
stock company, unincorporated association, county, district, authority, municipality, political subdivision or
other entity of the Commonwealth or the United States of America, or other entity.
Plans. The approved Project plans and profiles, which may include but are not limited to survey data, typical
sections, summaries, general notes, details, plan and profile views, cross-sections, special design drawings,
computer output listings, supplemental drawings, or exact reproductions thereof, and all subsequently approved
revisions thereto which show the location, character, dimensions, and details of the Work specified in the
Prequalification. The procedure for qualifying a Design-Builder to bid or work on Department contracts
specified in the Department’s Rules Governing Prequalification Privileges which are available on the
Department’s website at:
Professional Engineer (PE). An engineer holding a valid license to practice engineering in the Commonwealth
of Virginia.
Profile Grade. The line of a vertical plane intersecting the top surface of the proposed wearing surface, usually
along the longitudinal centerline of the Roadbed.
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Project. The designated section of highway, roadway or property including all Work to be performed according
to the Contract Documents.
Project Showing. The scheduled event at which the Department’s representative meets with prospective
Offerors to describe and answer questions regarding the proposed work.
Proposal: As defined in Section 1.2 of the General Conditions.
Ramp. A connecting Roadway between two Highways or Traveled Ways or between two intersecting
Highways at a Grade Separation.
Request for Proposals (RFP). As defined in Section 1.2 of the General Conditions.
RFP Documents. As defined in Section 1.2 of the General Conditions.
Request for Qualifications (RFQ). As defined in Section 1.2 of the General Conditions.
Right of Way. A general term denoting the Commonwealth’s land, property, or interest therein, usually in the
form of a strip, that is acquired for or devoted to a highway or other transportation facilities. As used herein, the
term does not denote the legal nature of the Commonwealth’s ownership.
Road. A general term denoting a public way for purposes of vehicular travel including the entire area within the
Right of Way; the entire area reserved for use in constructing or maintaining the Roadway and its
Road and Bridge Specifications. See Specifications.
Roadbed. The graded portion of a Highway within the top and side slopes that is prepared as a foundation for
the Pavement Structure and Shoulders.
Roadbed Material. The material below the Subgrade in cuts, Embankments, and Embankment foundations that
extends to a depth and width that affects the support of the pavement structure.
Roadside. A general term that denotes the area within the Right of Way that adjoins the outer edges of the
Roadway; extensive areas between the Roadways of a divided Highway.
Roadside Development. Items that are necessary to complete a Highway that provide for the preservation of
landscape materials and features; rehabilitation and protection against erosion of areas disturbed by construction
through placing seed, sod, mulch, and other ground covers; and such suitable plantings and other improvements
as may increase the effectiveness, service life and enhance the appearance of the Highway.
Roadway. The portion of a Highway within the limits of construction and all structures, ditches, channels, and
waterways which are necessary for the correct drainage thereof.
Rootmat. Any material that by volume, contains approximately 60 percent or more roots.
Schedule Impact Analysis (SIA). A process of analyzing a schedule to determine the impact on the Project
schedule of a change in the Work or condition, or of a delay event, for the purposes of quantifying and
apportioning the effects to the party responsible for the impact.
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Schedule of Record (SOR). The latest accepted Baseline Schedule in accordance with Part 3, Article 11 of the
Contract Documents by which all schedule references will be made and progress evaluated.
Seawater. Water in which total alkali chlorides calculated as sodium chloride are more than 0.10 percent of
total solids.
Select Borrow. Borrow material that has specified physical characteristics.
Select Material. Material obtained from Roadway Cuts, Borrow areas, or commercial sources that is designated
or reserved for use as a foundation for the Subbase, Subbase material, Shoulder surfacing, or other specified
purposes designated in the Contract Documents.
Shoulder. The portion of the Roadway contiguous with the Traveled Way that is for the accommodation of
stopped vehicles, emergency use, and lateral support of the Base and Surface courses.
Sidewalk. The portion of the Roadway constructed primarily for the use of pedestrians.
Skew. The acute angle formed by the intersection of a line normal to the centerline of the Roadway with a line
parallel to the face of the abutments or, in the case of Culverts, with the centerline of the Culverts.
Special Provision (SP). See Specifications.
Special Provision Copied Note (SPCN). See Specifications.
Specialty Item. A Contract Item designated as a “Specialty Item” in the RFP Documents that requires highly
specialized knowledge, abilities, craftsmanship, or Equipment not ordinarily provided by contractors
prequalified to submit proposals. Specialty items are usually limited to minor components of the overall
Specifications. A general term that includes all directions, provisions, and requirements which are necessary for
the proper fulfillment of the Contract. Specifications are found in the following Contract Documents:
Road and Bridge Specifications. The specifications applicable to contracts awarded by the Commonwealth
Transportation Board or Commissioner.
Special Provision (SP). Specifications or requirements for a particular project that add to or modify the
standard specifications.
Special Provision Copied Note (SPCN). Specific specification or requirements, usually limited in scope, for a
particular project.
Supplemental Specifications (SS). Additions and revisions to the Road and Bridge Specifications.
Standard Drawings. Unless otherwise specified, applicable drawings in the Standard Specifications and such
other standard drawings as are referred to in the Contract Documents.
Standard Specifications. As defined in Section 1.2 of the General Conditions.
State. As defined in Section 1.2 of the General Conditions
Statement of Qualifications (SOQ). The documents submitted by an Offeror in response to an RFQ.
Station. When used as a definition or term of measurement, 100 linear feet.
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Storm Sewer System. A drainage system consisting of a series of at least two interconnecting pipes and
structures (minimum of two drop inlets, manholes, junction boxes, etc.) designed to intercept and convey
stormwater runoff from a specific storm event without surcharge.
Street. A general term denoting a public way for purposes of vehicular travel including the entire area within
the Right of Way; the entire Right of Way reserved for use in constructing or maintaining the Roadway and its
Structures. Bridges, Culverts, catch basins, inlets, retaining walls, cribs, manholes, end walls, buildings, steps,
fences, sewers, service pipes, underdrains, foundation drains, and other features that may be encountered in the
Work and are not otherwise classed herein.
Subbase. A layer(s) of specified or selected material of designed thickness that is placed on a Subgrade to
support a Base Course.
Subcontract. As defined in Section 1.2 of the General Conditions.
Subcontractor. As defined in Section 1.2 of the General Conditions.
Subcontracting. Contracting with a Subcontractor for the performance of a portion of the Work without
relinquishing any of the responsibility that the Design-Builder has toward the Department for performance of
the entire Contract.
Subgrade. The top Earthwork surface of a Roadbed, prior to application of Select (or stabilized) Material
courses, shaped to conform to the typical section on which the Pavement Structure and Shoulders are
constructed, or surface that must receive an additional material layer, such as topsoil, stone or other Select
Subgrade Stabilization. The modification of Roadbed soils by admixing with stabilizing or chemical agents
that will increase the load bearing capacity, firmness, and resistance to weathering or displacement.
Substructure. The part of a structure that is below the bearings of simple and continuous spans, skewbacks of
arches, and tops of footings of rigid frames, together with the back walls, wingwalls, and wing protection
Successful Offeror. The Offeror that will be recommended for Award of the Contract in accordance with the
Superstructure. The portion of a structure that is not defined as Substructure.
Supplemental Specifications (SS). See Specifications.
Supplier. Any business who manufactures, fabricates, distributes, supplies or furnishes materials or equipment,
but not on-site labor, for use in performing the Work on or for the Project according to the requirements of the
Contract Documents including, but not limited to, Sections 102 and 106.
Surety. A business bound with and for the Design-Builder for full and complete fulfillment of the Contract and
for payment of debts pertaining to the Work. When applied to the Proposal guaranty, it refers to the business
that engages to be responsible in the execution by the Offeror, within the specified time, of a satisfactory
Contract and the furnishing of an acceptable payment and Contract bond.
Surface Course (See Wearing Course). One or more top layers of a Pavement Structure designed to
accommodate the traffic load, which is designed to resist skidding, traffic abrasion, and disintegrating effects of
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Surplus Material. Material that is present on the Project as a result of unbalanced Earthwork quantities,
excessive swell, slides, undercutting, or other conditions beyond the control of the Design-Builder, or is
designated as surplus material in the Contract Documents.
Suspension. A written notice issued by the Engineer to the Design-Builder that orders the Work on the Project
to be stopped wholly or in part as specified. The notice will include the reason for the suspension.
Temporary Structure. Any structure that is required to maintain traffic while permanent structures or parts of
structures specified in the Contract are constructed or reconstructed. The Temporary Structure shall include
earth approaches.
Theoretical Maximum Density. The maximum compaction of materials that can be obtained in accordance
with the values established VTM-1.
Tidewater, Virginia. Areas within the State as defined in the Department of Conservation and Recreation
Erosion and Sediment Control Manual.
Ton. A short ton; 2,000 pounds avoirdupois.
Top of earthwork. The uppermost surface of the regular or embankment excavation, not including select
material that is shaped to conform to the typical section shown in the plans or directed by the Department.
Topsoil: The uppermost original layer of material that will support plant life and contains more than five
percent (5%) organic material and is reasonably free from roots exceeding 1 inch in diameter, brush, stones
larger than 3 inches in the largest dimension, and toxic contaminants.
Traveled Way. The portion of the Roadway for the movement of vehicles, not including Shoulders.
Unsuitable Material. As defined in Part 2 of the Contract Documents (“Technical Requirements”). All
unsuitable material shall be disposed of and/or treated as discussed in Section 106.04 at no additional cost to the
Utilities. Private, county, city, municipal or public facilities structure or infrastructure, designed, owned, and
maintained for public use, or to provide a public service such as electricity, water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer,
drainage culverts, telecommunications, conduits, gas, oil, fiber optics, and cable television that are not identified
as a Pavement Structure, Roadway, Highway, Street, or Traveled Way.
Vouchered. The action of approval by the Department; constitutes the date of release to the State Comptroller
for payment.
Wearing Course (See Surface course). The top and final layer of any pavement
Work. As defined in Section 1.2 of the General Conditions
Working Drawings. Stress sheets, shop drawings, erection plans, Falsework plans, framework plans,
cofferdam plans, bending diagrams for reinforcing steel, or any other supplementary plans or similar data the
Design-Builder is required to submit to the Department’s Representative for record purposes.
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(a) Prospective Offerors and construction contractors at all tiers shall prequalify in accordance with the
instructions in the RFQ or the RFP for each design-build project. When required, prospective Offerors and
construction contractors at all tiers shall prequalify with the Department and shall have received a
certification of qualification in accordance with the rules and regulations adopted by the Board.
Unless otherwise designated by the Offeror, the Proposal Price submitted by a Joint Venture will be divided
equally among the Joint Venture members to determine if the maximum capacity rating for each member is
within that member’s range.
When an individual is prequalified to submit a proposal jointly only with a specific company, the Joint
Venture will be considered a unified entity for qualification purposes.
Offerors seeking new Prequalification must complete and submit the Prequalification package.
Temporary disqualification of a Design-Builder as provided herein will result in the temporary
disqualification of each member of a Joint Venture and any affiliate having substantially the same
operational management or drawing from the same equipment or labor resource pool. Temporary
disqualification will also result in non-approval of the Design-Builder and each member of a Joint Venture
and affiliates as defined herein for performance of Work as Subcontractors, which, in the opinion of the
Department, could adversely affect other work under contract to the Department.
(b) Prequalified Offerors shall be subject to disqualification/removal from the Department’s List of
Prequalified Vendors in accordance with Section 102.08, the Rules Governing Prequalification Privileges,
and other applicable laws.
102.02—Contents of RFQ and RFP (Not Used)
102.03—Interpretation of Quantities in RFP (Not Used)
102.04—Examination of Site of Work and Proposal
(a) Evidence of Examination of Site of Work and Proposal (Refer to General Conditions, Section 4.2)
(b) Subsurface Data
Subsurface data may be included in the RFP Documents or may be made available for review by the
Offeror in the office of the District Materials Engineer or State Materials Engineer or as stated elsewhere in
the RFP Documents. Data not included in the RFP Documents are not part of the Contract, but are made
available to the Offeror in good faith to notify the Offeror of information in possession of the Department.
Consequently, the Department does not warrant the accuracy of any such data, and the Offeror is at sole
risk for any conclusions drawn from such data, either expressly or by implication. Prior to submitting a
Proposal, the Offeror shall make his own interpretation of the subsurface data that may be available and
satisfy himself with regard to the nature, condition, and extent of the material to be excavated, graded, or
driven through. After the Date of Commencement, the Successful Offeror shall comply with Section 4.2.2
of the General Conditions.
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(c) Notice of Alleged Ambiguities, Conflicts, Errors or Omissions
If a word, phrase, clause, or any other portion of the RFQ or RFP is alleged to be ambiguous, the Offeror
shall submit written notice of the same in accordance with the requirements of and within the time periods
specified in the RFQ or RFP. Responses by the Department will be provided accordingly. The
Department’s responsibility for answering the notice will be limited to the processes defined by the RFQ or
The Department will not be responsible for any other explanations or interpretations of the alleged
ambiguities except those brought to the attention of and responded to by the Department point of contact
(POC) as identified in the RFQ or RFP. No employee or agent of the Department shall have the authority to
furnish any explanation or interpretation, verbal or written, of alleged ambiguities.
If the Offeror fails to give written notice and request an interpretation of the alleged ambiguity within the
specified time, he shall waive any right he may have had to his own interpretation of the alleged ambiguity.
The true meaning of the alleged ambiguity will be as interpreted by the Department through the POC.
(d) Utilities (Refer to RFP)
102.05—Preparation of Proposal
(a) General (Refer to RFP)
(b) Design Options (Refer to RFP)
(c) Debarred Suppliers
The Offeror is cautioned against utilizing price quotes for materials for use in the preparation of proposals
from suppliers that are debarred by the Department. The Department will not approve for use any material
furnished by a supplier debarred by the Department. The Offeror shall ascertain from the Department’s
listings which suppliers are debarred. Lists of approved suppliers can be found on the Departments
Materials Division web site.
If a previously debarred supplier is reinstated to eligibility subsequent to the Award of a contract, the
Department may approve the use of the supplier when requested by the Contractor.
(d) Required Certifications (Not Used)
(e) Acknowledgement of Receipt of Revisions (Refer to RFP)
(f) Signing the Proposal (Refer to RFP)
(g) Additional Proposal Requirements
Offeror shall also comply with the requirements as set forth in the following exhibits included with the
.1 Exhibit 102.05(g.1) Special Provision for Use of Domestic Material
.2 Exhibit 102.05(g.2) FHWA-1273 Required Contract Provisions Federal-Aid Construction Contracts
.3 Exhibit 102.05(g.3) Notice of Requirement For Affirmative Action to Ensure Equal Employment
Opportunity (Executive Order 11246)
102.06—Irregular Proposals
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Proposals will be considered irregular and may be rejected for any of the reasons below:
(a) The Offeror fails to comply with the requirements of Sections 102.05 and 102.07;
(b) The Proposal is not written in ink or typed;
(c) The Offeror adds any provisions reserving the right to accept or reject an Award or enter into a contract
pursuant to an Award except as otherwise permitted in the RFP;
(d) The Price Proposal is not in compliance with the RFP;
(e) The Proposal is not properly signed;
(f) Erasures or alterations in the Offeror’s entries are not initialed by the Offeror;
(g) The Offeror fails to provide a complete Acknowledgment of Revision Sheet (C-78);
(h) There are unauthorized additions, conditional or alternate proposals, or irregularities of any kind that may
make the Proposal incomplete, indefinite, or ambiguous;
(i) The unit prices in the Proposal are obviously mathematically and materially unbalanced, or either in excess
or below the cost analysis values as determined by the Department. A mathematically unbalanced Proposal
is a Proposal containing lump sum or unit price items that do not include reasonable labor, equipment, and
material costs plus a reasonable proportionate share of the Offeror’s overhead costs, other indirect costs,
and anticipated profit. A materially unbalanced Proposal is when the Department determines that an award
to the Offeror submitting a mathematically unbalanced Proposal will not result in the lowest ultimate cost
to the Department;
(j) Any papers included in the Proposal are detached or altered when the Proposal is submitted except as
otherwise provided for herein;
(k) Proposals are submitted in envelopes showing a designation for a project other than the Project for which
the Proposal is made;
(l) The Offeror fails to submit a statement concerning collusion;
(m) The Proposal contains any other deviation from the RFP; or
(n) The Offeror fails to register with “eVA Internet e-procurement solution” prior to the Award of the Contract.
(o) The Offeror, if required, fails to register with “E-Verify” program prior to award of the Contract.
(p) The Offeror, if required, fails to register or obtain authorization to transact business in Virginia from the
State Corporation Commission prior to bidding.
102.07—Proposal Guaranty (Proposal Bond)
A Proposal in excess of $250,000.00 will be rejected unless accompanied by a Proposal guaranty (also known
as a Proposal bond) made payable to the Commonwealth of Virginia, executed on the Department’s form (Form
C-24), or a form that contains the exact same wording as the Department’s form. The amount of the Proposal
guaranty shall be five percent (5%) of the Proposal Price.
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When the principal is a Joint Venture, each party thereof shall be named and shall execute the Proposal
guaranty. Each surety to the Proposal bond shall be named and shall execute the Proposal bond. The Proposal
bond shall be accompanied by a certified copy of the power of attorney for the surety’s attorney-in-fact.
102.08—Disqualification of Offeror
(a) Any of the reasons set out in the rules Governing Prequalification Privileges may be considered sufficient
for the disqualification of an Offeror or the rejection of a Proposal, or both. Such reasons for
disqualification are not exclusive and disqualification may occur based on other requirements within these
1. The Offeror does not have sufficient financial ability to perform the Contract. If a bond is required to
ensure performance of a Contract, evidence that the Offeror can acquire a surety bond from a
corporation included on the United States Treasury list of acceptable surety corporations in the amount
and type required by the public body shall be sufficient to establish the financial ability of the Offeror
to perform the Contract.
2. The Offeror or any current officer, director, owner, project manager, procurement manager or chief
financial official thereof has been convicted of, or pled guilty or nolo contendere within the past 10
years to a crime related to governmental or nongovernmental construction or contracting, including,
but not limited to, a violation of (i) Ethics in Public Contracting Statutes, § 2.2-4367 et seq. of the
Code of Virginia, (ii) the Virginia Governmental Frauds Act, § 18.2-498.1 et seq. of the Code of
Virginia, (iii) Conspiracy to Rig Bids to Government statutes § 59.1-68.6 et seq. of the Code of
Virginia, (iv) any substantially similar law of the United States or another state, or (v) any criminal
offense indicating a lack of moral or ethical integrity as may reasonably be perceived to relate to or
reflect upon the bidder’s business practices.
3. The Offeror or any officer, director or owner thereof is currently debarred pursuant to an established
debarment procedure from bidding or contracting by any public body, agency of another state or
agency of the federal government.
4. The Offeror failed to respond to the Department’s request for clarifying information requested relevant
to the preceding paragraphs 1 through 3.
5. The Offeror fails to register and participate in the E-Verify program as required by § 2.2-4308.2 et seq.
of the Code of Virginia.
6. The Offeror or any officer, director, or owner thereof has had a judgement entered against them for
violation of the Virginia Fraud Against Taxpayers Act (Code of Virginia § 8.01-2161 et seq.).
7. More than one Proposal for the same work is submitted by an individual, partnership, Corporation, or
Joint Venture under the same or different name. A Proposal submitted by an Affiliate of an individual,
partnership, Corporation, or any party of a Joint Venture will be considered as more than one Proposal
submitted for the same work. Affiliate as used herein shall conform to the definition in Section
101.02—Terms, with the term “Offeror” being used in lieu of the term “Design-Builder”.
8. Evidence of collusion among Offerors in which case the participants in such collusion will not be
considered for future bids until new applications for prequalification are approved according to the
Rules Governing Prequalification Privileges.
9. Incompetency or inadequate machinery, plants, or other Equipment as revealed by the Offerors
financial and experience statements required by the RFP and Contract Documents and the Rules
Governing Prequalification Privileges.
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10. Unsatisfactory workmanship or unsatisfactory progress toward timely completion of the Work as
demonstrated by performance records of current or past work for the Department, other agencies or
departments of the Commonwealth, other public bodies in the Commonwealth, or agencies or
departments of other states in the United States or federal government.
11. The Design-Builder may be temporarily disqualified from bidding on contracts with the Department
when progress on the Work is determined by the VDOT Project Manager to be unsatisfactory
according to Exhibit 11.1. If its name is removed from the list of prequalified Offerors, the Design-
Builder will not be reinstated as a prequalified Offeror until the Department deems that progress of the
Work has improved to the extent that the Work can be completed within the Contract Time or until
Final Acceptance of the Project.
12. Uncompleted work under contract with the Department that in the judgment of the Department might
hinder or prevent prompt completion of additional work if awarded.
13. Failure to promptly pay or settle satisfactorily all undisputed bills for Materials, labor, Equipment,
supplies, or other items specified in contracts in force at the time the new work comes before the Board
for Award.
14. Failure to comply with any Prequalification rule or regulation of the Department.
15. Failure to cooperate properly with representatives of the Commonwealth inspecting, monitoring, or
administering construction or disorderly conduct toward any such representative in previous contracts.
16. Default under a previous contract with the Commonwealth.
17. Failure to pay amounts owed to the Department as specified in Section 103.08.
18. Making materially false statements in a bid or certified statement submitted to the Department.
19. Documentation of the failure to meet SWaM or DBE requirements on the Department’s projects
according to Section 107.
(b) Temporary disqualification of an Offeror as provided herein will result in the temporary disqualification of
each member of a Joint Venture and any Affiliate. Temporary disqualification will also result in
disqualification of the Offeror, each member of a Joint Venture, and Affiliates as defined herein, for
performance of work as Subcontractors that in the opinion of the VDOT Project Manager could adversely
affect other work under contract to the Department.
(c) The above listed reasons for possible disqualification are not exclusive and disqualification may also occur
based on other requirements within the RFP or Contract Documents and in the Rules Governing
Prequalification Privileges.
(d) Disqualified Offerors may challenge and appeal their disqualification according to the Rules Governing
Prequalification Privileges. Disqualified Offerors may be allowed to re-apply for prequalification and be
reinstated on the List of Prequalified Vendors at the discretion of the State Contract Engineer, upon
satisfactory compliance with the requirements of the RFP. In addition the disqualified Offeror shall submit
a new prequalification application package and satisfy all prequalification requirements of these
specifications and the Rules Governing Prequalification Privileges.
102.09—Submission of Proposal
Proposals shall be delivered in accordance with the instructions in the RFP. Unless clearly stated otherwise,
Proposals shall be submitted in two (2) separate, sealed parcels containing the Technical Proposal in one and the
Price Proposal in the other. Parcels shall be clearly marked to identify the Project and the Offeror, and to
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identify the contents as Technical Proposal or Price Proposal. Proposals shall be sealed in an envelope and
addressed to the Point of Contact identified in the RFP for receipt of Proposals, and shall be filed prior to the
time and at the place specified in the RFP. Proposals received after that time will be returned to the Offeror
unopened. The Department may defer the date for the opening of Proposals in which case the Offerors will be
If the Department so elects, RFPs may be issued for projects in combination or separately. Proposals may be
submitted for either the combination or separate units of the combination. The Department may make Awards
on combination Proposals or separate Proposals to its best advantage. Combination Proposals other than those
set up in the RFP by the Department will not be considered.
Conditional Proposals will be considered only when so stated in the RFP.
102.10—Withdrawal of Proposal (Not Used)
102.11—eVA Business-To-Government Vendor Registration
Offerors are not required to be registered with “eVA Internet e-procurement solution” at the time Proposals are
submitted, however, prior to award of a contract, the Successful Offeror must be registered with “eVA Internet
e-procurement solution” or the Proposal may be rejected. Registration shall be performed by accessing the eVA
website portal, following the instructions and complying with the requirements therein.
When registering with eVa it is the Offeror’s responsibility to enter or have entered their correct payment
address and physical addresses in eVa in order to receive payments on any contracts that the Department may
award to them as the Successful Offeror. The Offeror shall also ensure their prequalification address(es) match
those registered with eVa. Failure on the part of the Successful Offeror to meet either of these requirements
may result in late payment of monthly estimates.
102.12—Public Opening of Proposals.
Price Proposals will be opened in accordance with the instructions in the RFP. Interested parties are invited to
be present.
102.13—“E-Verify” Verification of Work Authorization
By signing and submitting the Proposal, the Offeror certifies that it does not, and shall not during the
performance of the Contract knowingly employ an unauthorized alien as defined in the federal Immigration
Reform and Control Act of 1986.
(a) “E-Verify program” means the electronic verification of work authorization program of the Illegal
Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (P.L. 104-208), Division C, Title IV, §
403(a), as amended, operated by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, or a successor work
authorization program designated by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security or other federal agency
authorized to verify the work authorization status of newly hired employees under the Immigration Reform
and Control Act of 1986 (P.L. 99-603).
(b) Offerors with more than an average of 50 employees for the previous 12 months entering into a contract in
excess of $50,000 with the Department shall register and participate in the E-Verify program to verify
information and work authorization of their newly hired employees performing work pursuant to such
contract. Offerors are not required to be registered with E-Verify program at the time Proposals are
submitted, however; prior to award, the Successful Offeror must be registered with E-Verify program or the
Proposal will be rejected.
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(c) Offerors who fail to comply with the provisions of this Section 102.13(b) shall be debarred from
contracting with any agency of the Commonwealth for a period up to one year. Such debarment shall cease
upon registration and participation in the E-Verify program.
103.01—Consideration of Proposals
After Price Proposals have been opened and read, they will be evaluated in accordance with the RFP for the
design-build contract.
The Board reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals, waive informalities, advertise for new Proposals, or
proceed to do the Work otherwise if it deems that the best interest of the Commonwealth would be promoted
103.02—Award of Contract (Not Used)
103.03—Cancellation of Award
The Board or the Commissioner, where permitted by law, may cancel the Award of any contract at any time
before the execution of the contract by all parties without liability to the State.
103.04—Return of Proposal Guaranty
Proposal guaranties, except those of the two (2) highest ranked Offerors, will be returned immediately after the
evaluation of Proposals, if requested. The Proposal guaranties of the two (2) highest ranked Offerors will be
returned within five (5) days after the Contract has been duly executed by both the Successful Offeror and
Department, if requested. If the Successful Offeror withdraws his Proposal prior to Award, the Proposal
guaranty will be forfeited according to the forfeiture provisions in the Code of Virginia 2.2-4336) and the
Proposal guaranty. The apparent Successful Offeror’s refusal to sign a Memorandum of Understanding shall
not be grounds for Proposal guaranty forfeiture.
103.05—Requirements of Contract Bond
Within fifteen (15) days after Notice of Intent to Award of a contract, the Successful Offeror shall furnish the
following bonds (“Contract Bonds) for contracts in excess of $250,000.00:
(a) A performance bond in the sum of one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Price conditioned upon the
faithful performance of the Work in strict conformity with the Contract Documents, and
(b) A payment bond in the sum of one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Price conditioned upon the
prompt payment for all labor, materials, public utility services, and rental of equipment used in the
prosecution of the Work.
Offerors will not be awarded an unbonded contract when their Proposal plus the balance of other unbonded
contracts exceeds $250,000.00 or if their current Ability Factor is less than 8.0 as determined by their
Prequalification status.
The Contract Bonds shall be made on official forms furnished by the Department and shall be executed by the
Offeror and a Surety company authorized to do business in Virginia in accordance with the laws of Virginia and
the rules and regulations of the State Corporation Commission. To be considered properly executed, the
Contract Bonds shall include authorized signatures and titles.
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In lieu of payment or performance bonds, the Offeror may furnish a certified check or cash escrow in the face
amount required for each of the bonds, which will be held for the full statutory period as applicable for each
Upon written request from the Offeror, the Contract Bonds may be reduced on Contracts having planting items
with an establishment period after acceptance of all Contract Work and during the establishment period. The
amount of Contract Bonds for the duration of the remaining establishment period shall be equal to thirty five
percent (35%) of the total contract price of the planting items.
If the Design-Builder is structured as a limited liability company, partnership or joint venture, the bonding
approach used will ensure that the members of such organizations will have joint and several liability for the
performance of the Work required for the Project.
103.06—Documents Required as a Condition to Award
The Contract shall include the following documents, unless otherwise specified by the RFP or Contract
Documents, provided, however notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Contract Documents, that the
submission of an executed Agreement and Contract Bonds shall always be a precondition to Award
(a) Contract: The Agreement executed by the Successful Offeror.
(b) Contract Performance and Payment Bonds: Contract Bonds shall conform to the requirements of
Section 103.05.
(c) Affidavits and Documents: Affidavits and documents set forth in the RFP and executed by the Successful
(d) Progress Schedule: (Not Used)
(e) Insurance Coverages and Certificates of Insurance: The Design-Builder shall procure and maintain the
insurance coverages required below, in accordance with Paragraph (f) below. Design-Builder shall file
certificates of insurance with the Department evidencing the coverages and limits within fifteen (15) days
after Notice of Intent to Award of the Contract.
.1 Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Liability Insurance, with statutory workers’ compensation
(Coverage A) limits and employer’s liability (Coverage B) limits of $1 million bodily injury by
accident or disease, each employee. If necessary, coverage shall be extended to cover any claims
under the United States Longshoreman’s Act and Harbor Workers Act and Jones’ Act as may be
appropriate for the Work.
.2 Commercial General Liability Insurance, including coverage for premises and operations, independent
contractors, personal injury, product and completed operations, explosion, collapse and underground,
and broad form contractual liability with limits of at least $1 million per occurrence and $2 million
aggregate, applicable on a per project basis.
.3 Automobile Liability Insurance, with a limit of at least $1 million combined single limit for bodily
injury and property damage covering all owned (if any), non-owned, hired or borrowed vehicles on-
site or off.
.4 Umbrella/Excess Liability Insurance in excess of the underlying limits noted above for employer’s
liability, commercial general liability, and automobile liability in the amount of $20 million per
occurrence and in the annual aggregate.
.5 Architects/Engineers Professional Liability Insurance, covering Design-Builder’s lead design engineer
for acts, errors or omissions arising in connection with the Work for not less than $5 million any one
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claim and in the aggregate. If a particular project’s features requires, in the discretion of the
Department, higher limits, such limits will be identified in the RFP. This insurance shall be
maintained throughout the duration of any warranty period and for at least three years after the
expiration of any warranty period.
.6 Contractor’s Pollution Liability Insurance, to indemnify for bodily injury or property damage or
amounts which Design-Builder or its agents, Subcontractors, or employees are legally obligated to pay
for clean-up/remediation arising out of the work undertaken pursuant to the Contract Documents.
Such insurance shall have minimum limits of $2 million any one claim and in the aggregate and shall
remain in full force and effect for five years following Final Completion.
.7 Unless specifically excluded in the RFP, Builder’s Risk Insurance, to provide coverage for physical
loss, destruction or physical damage to the work. Such insurance shall cover Design-Builder, the
Department, and all Subcontractors and shall be maintained with a minimum limit of one hundred
percent (100%) of the Contract Price. If Design-Builder would like to reduce this limit to the
Maximum Probable Loss (MPL), then it shall conduct an MPL study by a third party builder’s risk
advisor. If the Department agrees with the MPL study, then the minimum limits shall be in the amount
of the MPL. Such insurance shall include replacement cost coverage for materials, supplies,
equipment, machinery, and fixtures that are or will be part of the Project. Coverages shall include but
are not limited to the following: right to partial occupancy, earthquake, earth movement, flood, transit,
temporary and permanent works, expediting expenses, debris removal, offsite storage, soft costs and
commissioning and start-up. If the Department, in its sole discretion, determines that it the Builder’s
Risk Insurance should include Loss of Income/Delayed Opening coverage, it shall specify such in the
.8 Additional Insurance Coverage. Design-Builder shall provide such other insurance as may be required
by the Department depending upon the nature of the Project, including but not limited to:
Protection and Indemnity Insurance (i.e., marine insurance).
U.S. Longshore and Harborworker’s Act and Jones Act endorsements under the Worker’s
Compensation Insurance.
Railroad Protective Insurance, as set forth in Section 107.19 below.
Any such insurance requirements will be set forth in this Part 5 or in the RFP.
(f) Insurance Requirements. Design-Builder shall ensure that all insurances required in Paragraph (e) above
contain the following provisions:
.1 With the exception of workers’ compensation and architect/engineers’ professional liability insurance,
the Department shall be named, through specific policy endorsements, as an additional insured on all
policies. Each such policy shall also include the appropriate severability of interest and cross-liability
clauses to allow one insured to bring claim against another insured party.
.2 All insurance coverages shall be considered primary and non-contributory with regard to other
insurances that might be available to Design-Builder or the Department.
.3 All insurers shall waive rights of subrogation against the Department for any claims covered by
insurance required herein.
.4 Any inadvertent errors or omissions by Design-Builder in procuring the insurance required herein shall
in no way prejudice the rights of the Department to collect under such policies.
.5 Any deductibles shall be the sole responsibility of Design-Builder.
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.6 The insurance shall remain in full force and in effect and will remain in effect for the duration required
by the Contract Documents;
.7 No insurance coverage will be canceled, renewal refused, or materially changed unless at least thirty
(30) days prior written notice is given to Department; and
.8 With the exception of workers’ compensation and automobile liability insurance, the insurance policies
shall specifically delete any design-build or similar exclusions that could compromise coverages
because of the design-build delivery of the Project.
(g) Additional Insurance Requirements
.1 Design-Builder shall require all Subcontractors to carry the same insurance, and in the same amounts,
required by Paragraphs (e)(1), (e)(2) and (e)(3) above.
.2 Design-Builder shall file certificates of insurance with the Department evidencing the coverages and
limits described above within the times required by Paragraph (e) above. The certificates shall be
executed by approved insurance companies authorized to do business in Virginia with a minimum
“Best Rating” of “B +” or greater, and shall cover the Contract.
.3 The insurance coverage limits shall not be construed to relieve Design-Builder or Subcontractor(s) of
liability in excess of such coverage, nor shall it preclude the Department from taking such actions as
are available to it under any other provision of the Contract Documents or otherwise in law.
103.07—Failure to Furnish Bonds or Certificate of Insurance
The Successful Offeror’s failure to furnish to the Department acceptable bonds or certificates of insurance
within 15 days after Notice of Intent to Award of the Contract shall be considered just cause for cancellation of
Award and forfeiture of the Proposal guaranty. In such event, the Proposal guaranty shall become the property
of the Commonwealth, not as a penalty but in liquidation of damages sustained. The Contract may then be
awarded to the next highest-ranked responsible and responsive Offeror, or the Work may be re-advertised or
constructed otherwise, as determined by the Board or the Department.
No plea of mistake in the Proposal shall be available to the Offeror for the recovery of his Proposal guaranty or
in defense of action taken by the Department as a result of his neglect or refusal to execute a contract.
In the event the Successful Offeror on an unbonded contract is unwilling or unable to fulfill a contract and fails
to notify the Department prior to execution of a contract by the Department, the Offeror will be declared in
default in accordance with the requirements of Section 108.07.
103.08—Contract Audit
The Design-Builder shall permit the Department to audit, examine, and copy all documents, computerized
records, electronic mail, or other records of the Design-Builder during the life of the Contract and for a period
of not less than five (5) years after the date of final payment, or the date the Design-Builder is declared in
default of Contract, or the date of termination of the Contract. The documents and records shall include, but not
be limited to:
(a) Those that were used to prepare and compute the Proposal, prepare all schedules used on the Project,
record the progress of Work on the Project, accounting records, purchasing records, personnel
payments or records necessary to determine Employee credentials, vendor payments and written
policies and procedures used to record, compute and analyze all costs incurred on the Project,
including those used in the preparation or presentation of claims to the Department.
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(b) Records pertaining to the Project as the Department may deem necessary in order to permit adequate
evaluation and verification of Design-Builder’s compliance with Contract requirements, compliance
with the Department’s business policies, and compliance with provisions for pricing Change Orders or
claims submitted by the Design-Builder or Subcontractors, shall be made available to the auditor(s) at
the Department’s request. The Design-Builder shall make his personnel available for interviews when
requested by the Department.
(c) Upon request, the Design-Builder shall provide the Department with data files on data disks, or other
suitable alternative computer data exchange format. Data furnished by the Design-Builder that cannot
be verified will be subject to a complete audit by the Department.
The Design-Builder shall ensure that the requirements of this provision are made applicable to Subcontractors.
The Design-Builder shall cooperate and shall cause all related parties to furnish or make available in an
expeditious manner all such information, materials, and data.
The Design-Builder shall provide immediate access to records for the audit and provide immediate acceptable
facilities for the audit. Failure on the part of the Design-Builder to afford the Department immediate access or
proper facilities for the audit will be considered failure to cooperate and will result in disqualification as an
Offeror in accordance with Section 102.08.
Upon completion of the Contract audit, any adjustments or payments the Design-Builder owes to the
Department as a result of the audit shall be made to the Department within sixty (60) days from presentation of
the Department’s findings to the Design-Builder. Failure on the part of the Design-Builder to make such
payment may result in disqualification as an Offeror in accordance with Section 102.08.
If the Design-Builder disagrees with the findings of the Department’s audit, the Design-Builder may dispute the
findings in accordance with provisions of Section 105.19 or the Code of Virginia as amended and as applicable,
except that if the time provided for the Design-Builder to submit a claim within sixty (60) days after final
payment has expired, the Design-Builder shall instead submit a written claim to dispute the findings to the
VDOT Project Manager within sixty (60) days from the date the Design-Builder received the findings. Failure
on the part of the Design-Builder to submit a claim disputing the Departments findings within such 60-day
period shall constitute a waiver and release of any claim disputing the Department’s findings.
103.09—Execution of Contract
(a) The Proposal as submitted, including the Contract Documents specified in Section 103.06, shall be deemed
accepted by the Department upon submittal of the Contract bond, Design-Builder’s bodily injury and
property damage liability insurance certificates, and workers’ compensation insurance certificate, and the
Department’s final execution of the Contract. After the Department has recommended the Proposal for
Award, the Successful Offeror shall be required to sign and return a paper copy of such documents to the
Contract Engineer. Failure to sign and return such documents will result in forfeiture of the Proposal bond.
If a contract is not awarded within the time limit specified in Section 103.02, the Offeror may withdraw his
Proposal without penalty or prejudice unless the time limit is extended by mutual consent. No contract shall
be considered effective until it has been fully executed by all parties.
(b) Notice of Contract Execution. The Contract Engineer will notify the Design-Builder of the date that the
Department has executed the Contract. The Contract Engineer or his designee will confirm the Contract
execution date in such notice. The notice will identify the Department’s authorized representative
responsible for written directives and changes to the Contract, who will contact the Design-Builder to
arrange a pre-construction and scheduling conference.
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103.10—Assignments, Transfers, or Assumptions of the Contract
The Design-Builder shall not assign, transfer, convey, or allow any person or business to assume or take over, in
whole or in part, the Contract, the Design-Builder’s duties, or performance obligations, arising under, from or
relating to the Contract, except for subcontracting as provided in Section 105.06 or the rights of a surety issuing
a performance bond for the Contract, without the Department’s specific written authorization. Any such
unauthorized assignment, transfer, conveyance, assumption or take over agreement shall be void and shall
constitute a material breach of the Contract. No assignment, transfer, conveyance, assumption or take over
agreement shall relieve the Design-Builder from its duties and obligations under the Contract, or release the
Design-Builder of any liability under the Contract bonds.
104.01—Intent of Contract
The intent of the Contract is to provide for completion of the Work specified therein in accordance with the
Contract for the Contract Price and within the Contract Times. Further, it is understood that the Design-Builder
shall perform the Work under the Contract as an independent contractor and not as an agent of the Department,
the Commissioner, or the Board.
104.02—Changes in Quantities or Alterations in the Work
(a) General
The Department reserves the right to make, in writing, at any time during the Work, such changes in
quantities and such alterations in the Work as are necessary to complete the Project satisfactorily. Such
changes shall be administered under Article 9 of the General Conditions, and shall not invalidate the
Contract or release the Surety, and the Design-Builder shall agree to perform the Work as altered. No
change, alteration, or modification in or deviations from the Contract Documents, or the giving by the
Department of any extension of time for the performance of the Work, or the forbearance on the part of the
Department shall release or exonerate in whole or in part either the Design-Builder or any Surety on the
obligations of any bond given in connection with the Contract. Neither the Department nor the Design-
Builder shall be under any obligation to notify the Surety or sureties of any such alteration, change,
extension, or forbearance notice thereof being expressly waived. Any increase in the Contract Price shall
automatically result in a corresponding increase in the penal amount of the bonds without notice to or
consent from the Surety, such notice and consent being hereby waived. Decreases in the Contract Price
shall not, however, reduce the penal amount of the bonds unless specifically provided in any Change Order
as authorized in accordance with the provisions of Section 109.05 decreasing the scope of the Work.
(b) Value Engineering Proposals
The Design-Builder may submit to the Department written Value Engineering Contractor Proposals (VECP)
for modifying the requirements of Contract Documents for the purpose of reducing the total Contract Price
or Contract Times without reducing the design capacity or quality of the finished product. If the Department
accepts VECP, the Department and the Design-Builder will equally divide the net savings or Contract Time,
or both.
Each VECP shall result in a net savings over the Contract Price or Contract Times, or both without
impairing essential functions and characteristics of the item(s) or of any other part of the Project, including,
but not limited to, service life, reliability, economy of operation, ease of maintenance, aesthetics, and
safety. At least the following information shall be submitted with each VECP:
Statement that the proposal is submitted as a VECP
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Statement concerning the basis for the VECP benefits to the Department and an itemization of the pay
items and requirements affected by the VECP
Detailed estimate of the cost under the existing Contract and under the VECP
Proposed specifications and recommendations as to the manner in which the VECP changes are to be
Statement as to the time by which a contract Change Order adopting the VECP must be issued so as to
obtain the maximum cost-effectiveness
The Department will process the VECP in the same manner as prescribed for any other proposal that would
necessitate issuance of a Change Order. The Department may accept a VECP in whole or part by issuing a
Change Order that will identify the VECP on which it is based. The Department will not be liable to the
Design-Builder for failure to accept or act on any VECP submitted pursuant to these requirements or for
delays in the Work attributable to any VECP. Until a VECP is put into effect by a Change Order, the
Design-Builder shall remain obligated to the terms and conditions of the existing Contract. If an executed
Change Order has not been issued by the date on which the Design-Builders proposal specifies that a
decision should be made or such other date as the Design-Builder may subsequently have specified in
writing, the VECP shall be deemed rejected.
The Change Order effecting the necessary modification of the Contract will establish the net savings agreed
on, and provide for adjustment of the Contract Price, or Contract Time, or both. The Design-Builder shall
absorb all costs incurred in preparing a VECP. Costs for reviewing and administering a VECP will be borne
by the Department. The Department may include in the agreement any conditions it deems appropriate for
consideration, approval, and implementation of the VECP. The Design-Builder’s fifty percent (50%) share
of the net savings or Contract time or both shall constitute full compensation to him for effecting all changes
pursuant to the VECP Change Order.
Unless specifically provided for in the Change Order authorizing the VECP, acceptance of the VECP and
performance of the work thereunder will not change the Contract Time.
The Department may adopt a VECP for general use in contracts the Department administers if it determines
that the VECP is suitable for application to other contracts. VECPs identical with or similar to previously
submitted VECPs will be eligible for consideration and compensation under these provisions if the
Department has not previously adopted the VECPs for general application to other contracts administered by
the Department. When a VECP is adopted for general use, compensation pursuant to these requirements will
be applied only to those awarded contracts for which the VECP was submitted prior to the date of adoption
of the VECP.
Proposed changes in the basic design of a Bridge or pavement type or those changes that require different
right of way limits will not normally be considered an acceptable VECP. If a VECP is based on or is similar
to a change in the Contract Documents prior to submission of the VECP, the Department will not accept the
The Department will be the sole judge of the acceptability of a VECP. The requirements herein apply to
each VECP initiated, developed, and identified as such by the Design-Builder at the time of its submission to
the Department. However, nothing herein shall be construed as requiring the Department to approve a
Subject to the provisions herein, the Department or any other public agency shall have the right to use all or
part of an accepted VECP without obligation or compensation of any kind to the Design-Builder.
104.03—Differing Site Conditions (Refer to Part 4 General Conditions Section 4.3, Differing Site
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105.01—Notice to Proceed
The Department will issue a Notice to Proceed in accordance with the RFP, whereupon the Contract Times will
start. The Design-Builder shall notify the Department at least three (3) days prior to the date on which it will
begin any Work at the Site.
The Letter of Contract Execution will identify the Engineer’s authorized representative who is responsible for
written directives and changes to the Contract. The Department will contact the Design-Builder after notice of
Award to arrange a pre-construction conference.
In the event the Design-Builder, for matters of his convenience, wishes to begin work later than fifteen (15)
days from the date of Notice to Proceed he shall make such a request in writing to the Engineer promptly after
the execution of the Contract. If the Design-Builder’s requested start date is acceptable to the Engineer, the
Design-Builder will be notified in writing; however, the Contract Time will not be adjusted but will remain
binding. The Design-Builder’s request to adjust the start date for the Work on the Contract will not be
considered as a basis for claim that the time resulting from Design-Builder’s requested start date, if accepted by
the Engineer, is insufficient to accomplish the Work nor shall it relieve the Design-Builder of his responsibility
to perform the Work in accordance with the scope of work and Contract requirements. In no case shall work
begin before the Engineer executes the Contract. The Design-Builder shall notify the Department at least three
(3) days prior to the date on which he plans to begin the Work.
105.02—Pre-Construction Conference (Not Used)
105.03—Authorities of Project Personnel, Communication and Decision Making
(a) Authority of Department
During prosecution of the Work, the Department will answer all questions that may arise as to the
quantity, quality, and acceptability of Materials furnished and work performed; rate of progress of the
Work; interpretation of the Contract Documents; the Design-Builder’s acceptable fulfillment of the
Contract; disputes and mutual rights between contractors; and the Design-Builder’s compensation.
The Department has the authority to suspend the Work wholly or in part if the Design-Builder has
created conditions that are unsafe or fails to correct conditions that are unsafe for workers or the
general public or fails to carry out the provisions of the Contract. The Department may also suspend
the Work for such periods as it may deem necessary because of catastrophic or extraordinary weather
as defined in Section 108.04, conditions considered unsuitable for prosecution of the Work, or any
other condition or reason deemed to be in the public interest.
The Department may issue written clarifications or directives that either enhance or alter the Contract.
The Department may issue written orders for such work as may be necessary to complete the Contract
(b) Authority of Inspector
Inspectors representing the Department are authorized to inspect all Work performed and Materials
furnished. Inspection may extend to all or any part of the Work and to the preparation, fabrication, and
manufacture of the Materials to be used. The Inspectors are not authorized to alter or waive the
provisions of the Contract Documents, or make changes to the Contract Documents.
The Inspectors are not authorized to make Final Acceptance of the Project, approve any operation or
item, or act as foreman for the Design-Builder. However, the Inspectors will have the authority to
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reject defective work and material and suspend work that is being improperly performed, subject to the
concurrence of the Department. Such inspections shall not relieve the Design-Builder of any obligation
to furnish acceptable Materials or provide completed construction that is in accordance with the
Contract requirements.
The Inspectors will exercise only such additional authority as the Department may delegate. The
Department will advise the Design-Builder in writing of delegations of authority that will affect his
(c) The Design-Builder
The Design-Builder shall not construe reviews, approvals, or inspections by the Department, the
Department's inspectors, agents, and employees as a waiver, release, warranty, or assumption of
liability on the part of the Department. The Design-Builder understands and agrees that reviews,
approvals, and inspections are for the Department's sole use and benefit. Any such reviews, approvals,
and inspections shall not relieve the Design-Builder of its contractual duties and obligations or be
conclusive as to the acceptability of the Design-Builder‘s performance.
Gifts, gratuities, or favors shall not be given or offered by the Design-Builder to personnel of the Department. A
gift, gratuity, or favor of any nature whatsoever or offer of such by the Design-Builder to personnel of the
Department shall be a violation of this provision.
The Design-Builder shall not employ any personnel of the Department for any services without the prior written
If the Department determines after investigation that the Design-Builder or the Design-Builder’s Employees,
representatives, or agents of any Person acting in his behalf have violated this Section, the Engineer may, at its
discretion, disqualify the Design-Builder from bidding on future contracts with the Engineer for a period of six
(6) months from the date of the Department’s determination of such a violation. Any implicated Employees,
agents, or representatives of the Design-Builder may be prohibited from working on any contract the
Department awards for the period of the Design-Builder’s disqualification.
105.05—Character of Workers, Work Methods, and Equipment
(a) Workers
Workers shall have sufficient skill and experience to perform properly the Work assigned to them.
Workers engaged in special or skilled work shall have sufficient experience in such work and in the
operation of Equipment required to perform it properly and satisfactorily. The term "workers" means
the Design-Builder's employees, its Subcontractors at any tier, or any of their respective employees.
The Design-Builder shall immediately remove from the Project any workers who, in the Department's
opinion, do not perform their work in a proper, skillful and satisfactory manner or are intemperate or
disorderly. The Department shall direct the Design-Builder to do so in writing and such workers shall
not be employed again on any portion of the Work without the Department’s written approval. If the
Design-Builder fails to immediately remove the workers, or furnish suitable and sufficient workers for
satisfactory prosecution of the Work, the Department may withhold all monies that are or may become
due the Design-Builder and may suspend the Work until the Design-Builder has complied with the
Department’s directive.
(b) Equipment
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Equipment shall be of sufficient size and quantity, and in such good mechanical condition as to comply
with the Contract requirements and to produce a satisfactory quality of work. Equipment shall be such
that no damage to the Roadway, adjacent property, or other Highways, or no danger to the public will
result from its use. The Department may order the removal and require replacement of unsatisfactory
(c) Work Methods
When methods and Equipment to be used by the Design-Builder are not prescribed in the Contract, the
Design-Builder is free to use whatever methods or Equipment he feels will accomplish the Work in
conformity with the Contract requirements.
When the Contract specifies that construction be performed by the use of particular methods and
Equipment, they shall be used unless others are authorized by the Department. If the Design-Builder
desires to use a different method or type of Equipment, he may request permission from the
Department to do so. The request shall be in writing and shall include a full description of the methods
and Equipment he proposes to use and an explanation of the reasons for desiring to make the change. If
permission is not given, the Design-Builder shall use the specified methods and Equipment. If
permission is given, it will be on the condition that the Design-Builder shall be fully responsible for
producing construction work in conformity with contract requirements. If, after trial use of the
substituted methods or Equipment, the Department determines that the work produced does not
conform to the Contract requirements, the Design-Builder shall discontinue the use of the substitute
method or Equipment and shall complete the remaining construction with the specified methods and
Equipment. The Design-Builder shall remove any deficient work and replace it with work of the
specified quality or take such other corrective action as the Department may direct. No change will be
made in the basis of payment for the construction items involved or the Contract Times as the result of
authorizing or denying a change in methods or Equipment under these provisions.
(a) The Design-Builder shall notify the Department of the name of the firm to whom the work will be
subcontracted, and the amount and items of work involved. Such notification shall be made and verbal
approval given by the Department prior to the Subcontractor beginning work.
(b) The Design-Builder shall perform with his own organization work amounting to not less than thirty
percent (30%) percent of the total original Contract Price unless otherwise indicated in the Contract.
The term “perform work with its own organization” refers to workers employed or leased by the
Design-Builder, and equipment owned or rented by the Design-Builder, with or without operators. Such
term does not include employees or equipment of a Subcontractor or lower tier Subcontractor, agents
of the Design-Builder, or any other assignees. The term may include payments for the costs of hiring
leased employees from an employee leasing firm meeting all relevant Federal and State regulatory
requirements. Leased employees may only be included in this term if the Design-Builder meets all of
the following conditions:
1. The Design-Builder maintains control over the supervision of the day-to-day activities of the
leased employees;
2. The Design-Builder remains responsible for the quality of the work of the leased employees;
3. The Design-Builder retains all power to accept or exclude individual employees from work on the
Project; and
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4. The Design-Builder remains ultimately responsible for the payment of predetermined minimum
wages, the submission of payrolls, statements of compliance and all other Federal regulatory
(c) The Design-Builder shall not subcontract any part of the Contract work to a contractor who is not
prequalified with the Department in accordance with Section 102.01, unless otherwise indicated in the
Contract. This restriction does not apply to service providers, Design Consultants, consultants,
manufacturers, suppliers, or haulers. Consent to subcontract or otherwise dispose of any portion of the
Contract work shall not relieve the Design-Builder of any responsibility for the satisfactory fulfillment
of the entire Contract. All subcontracts shall be evidenced by written binding agreements that shall be
available to the Department upon request, before, during, and after their approval.
105.07—Cooperation of Design-Builder
The Design-Builder shall give the Work the constant attention necessary to facilitate quality and progress and
shall fully cooperate with the Department, and other contractors involved in the prosecution of the Work. If any
portion of the Project is located within the limits of a municipality, military installation, or other federally
owned property, the Design-Builder shall cooperate with the appropriate officials and their agents in the
prosecution of the Work to the same extent as with the Department.
The Design-Builder shall have on the Project at all times during prosecution of the Work a competent
Construction Manager who is capable of reading and understanding the Contract Documents, experienced in the
type of work being performed, and who shall receive instructions from the Design-Builder or the Department or
the Department’s authorized representatives. The Construction Manager shall have full authority to execute the
orders and directions of the Department without delay and supply promptly such Materials, Equipment, tools,
labor, and incidentals as may be required.
105.08—Cooperation With Regard to Utilities
The adjustment of utilities consists of the relocation, removal, replacement, rearrangement, reconstruction,
improvement, disconnection, connection, shifting, or altering of an existing utility in any manner.
Existing private and public utilities within the Department’s knowledge prior to the issuance of the RFP will be
indicated in RFP Documents. To the extent such existing utilities require adjustment, they will be adjusted by
the utility owner or, if denoted in the Contract as the responsibility of the Design-Builder, then they will be
adjusted by the Design-Builder. The location of the adjustment will not normally be shown in the RFP
Documents, and Design-Builder is on notice that some of the utilities may be adjusted within the construction
limits simultaneously with Project construction operations.
The Design-Builder shall coordinate Project construction with planned utility adjustments and take all necessary
precautions to prevent disturbance of the utilities. The Design-Builder shall report to the Department any failure
on the part of the utility owner to cooperate or proceed with the planned utility adjustments.
The Design-Builder shall perform utility work under the Contract in a manner that will cause the least
inconvenience to the utility owner and those being served by the utility owner.
The Design-Builder shall protect existing, adjusted, or new utilities that are shown on the RFP Conceptual
Plans, marked by Miss Utility, or otherwise known to the Design-Builder that are to remain within the Right of
Way so as to prevent disturbance or damage resulting from construction operations. If during prosecution of the
Work the Design-Builder encounters an existing utility that requires adjustment, he shall not interfere with the
utility but shall take the proper precautions to protect the utility and shall promptly notify the Department of the
need for adjustment.
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Prior to preparing a Proposal, the Design-Builder shall contact known utility owners to determine the nature,
extent, and location of existing, adjusted, or new utility facilities. Any additional cost resulting therefrom shall
be reflected in the Proposal.
If the Design-Builder desires the temporary or permanent adjustment of utilities for his own benefit, he shall
conduct all negotiations with the utility owners and pay all costs in connection with the adjustment.
Except as provided in the General Conditions, the Department will not be responsible for any claims for
additional compensation from the Design-Builder resulting from delays, inconvenience, or damage sustained by
him attributable to interference by utility appurtenances or the operation of moving the same.
105.09—Cooperation among Contractors
Section 3.6 of the General Conditions of Contract has precedence.
105.10—Plans and Working Drawings
(a) General
Refer to Article 2 of the General Conditions for Required Submittals.
(b) Plans
Design-Builder shall furnish all plans consisting of general drawings and showing such details as are
necessary to give a comprehensive understanding of the work specified. Except as otherwise shown on
the plans, dimensions shown on the plans are measured in the respective horizontal or vertical planes.
Dimensions that are affected by gradients or vertical curvatures shall be adjusted as necessary to
accommodate actual field conditions and shall be specifically denoted on the Working Drawings.
(c ) Working Drawings
The Design-Builder shall furnish Working Drawings and maintain a set for the Department as may be
required. Working drawings shall not incorporate any changes from the requirements of the Contract
unless the changes are specifically denoted, together with justification, and are approved in writing by
the Department. The Design-Builder shall identify Working Drawings and submittals by the complete
state project and job designation numbers. Items or component materials shall be identified by the
specific Contract Item number and Specification reference in the Contract.
A PE shall certify Working Drawings for Falsework supporting a Bridge superstructure.
The Design-Builder shall provide four (4) sets of any submittal. If a railroad, municipality, or other
entity as specified in the Contract Documents is required to review the Working Drawings, the
reviewed Working Drawings will be returned within forty five (45) days from the date of receipt by the
Department. If the Working Drawings are not returned by the time specified, no additional
compensation will be allowed, but Design-Builder may submit, in accordance with the applicable
requirements of the Contract Documents, a request for a time extension. Upon completion of the work,
the original tracings, if required, shall be supplied to the Department.
Deviations from the Contract requirements initiated by the Design-Builder shall be requested in
writing and clearly identified on the Working Drawings. Explicit supporting justification shall be
furnished specifically describing the reason for the requested deviations as well as any impact such
deviations shall have on the schedule of Work. Failure to address time or other impacts associated with
the Design-Builder’s request will be cause for rejection of the Design-Builder’s request. Deviations
from the Contract requirements shall not be made unless authorized by the Engineer. If authorized by
the Engineer, such authorization shall not relieve the Design-Builder from the responsibility for
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complying with the requirements of the Contract for a fully functional finished work item as specified
or designed.
The Design-Builder shall submit as-built working drawings upon completion of the Work, if required,
by the Contract.
The Design-Builder may authorize the fabricator in writing to act for him in matters relating to
Working Drawings. Such authorization shall have the force and effect of any other representative of
the Design-Builders organization.
1. Steel Structures
Working drawings for steel structures, including metal handrails, shall consist of shop detail,
erection, and other working drawings showing details, dimensions, sizes of units, and other
information necessary for the fabrication and erection of metal work. Such drawings shall be
signed and sealed by a PE.
2. Falsework
Working drawings for Falsework supporting a Bridge Superstructure shall be signed and sealed by
a PE.
3. Concrete Structures and Prestressed Concrete Members
Working drawings for concrete structures and prestressed concrete members shall provide such
details as required for the successful prosecution of the Work and which are not included in the
RFP Documents furnished by the Department. Drawings shall include plans for items such as
prestressing strand details and elongation calculations, location of lift points, Falsework, bracing,
centering, form work, masonry, layout diagrams, camber management plan for prestressed
members, and bending diagrams for reinforcing steel when necessary or when requested. Such
drawings shall be signed and sealed by a PE.
4. Lighting, signal and pedestal poles, overhead and Bridge mounted sign structures,
breakaway support systems, anchor bolts, framing units, panels, and foundations.
Prior to fabrication or construction, the Design-Builder shall submit for review one original and
six (6) copies of each Working Drawing and design calculation for lighting, signal and pedestal
poles, overhead and Bridge mounted sign structures, breakaway support systems, anchor bolts,
framing units, panels, and foundations. All sheets of these submittals shall include the PEs
signature and seal. Certification for foundations will be required only when the designs are
furnished by the Design-Builder. The designs shall be in accordance with the specific editions of
the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires, and
Traffic Signals as required in Section 700. Such designs shall be signed and sealed by a PE.
5. Reinforced Concrete Pipe
When specified, and prior to manufacture of reinforced concrete pipe, the Design-Builder shall
furnish to the Department a certification of the acceptability of the design of such pipe, as
determined from a review that has been signed and sealed by a PE. Such certification shall cover
all design data, supporting calculations, and materials. Pipe designs previously certified or
approved by the Department will not require recertification.
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105.11—Conformity with Contract Documents
All Materials to be used in the Work shall conform to the qualities, technical requirements, values or range of
values specified in the Contract. Less than complete conformity may be tolerated if obtaining exact or complete
conformity would not be feasible and if authorized in writing by the Department.
Permissible tolerances for the elevation of Subgrade and finished grade and for the thickness of the various
courses of Pavement Structure are specified in the Contract Documents. If permissive tolerances are exceeded
or if consistent deviations from the Contract Documents or abrupt changes in grade occur, even though within
the tolerances, the affected areas shall be reconstructed to conform to the specified tolerance and provide a
smooth riding surface.
When the Contract Documents require the finished surface to tie into any structural item whose elevation is
fixed, the elevation of the finished surface must coincide with the elevation of the structural item.
105.12—Coordination of Contract Documents
The Design-Builder shall be responsible for the coordination of the Contract Documents. In the event of any
inconsistency, conflict, or ambiguity between or among the Contract Documents, such inconsistency, conflict or
ambiguity shall be interpreted as set forth in Section 3.1 of the Agreement.
The Design-Builder shall not take advantage of any obvious or apparent ambiguity, conflict, error, or omission
in the Contract Documents. If after beginning work the Design-Builder discovers an ambiguity, conflict, error,
or omission in the Contract Documents, he shall immediately notify the Department of the corrections in
accordance with the Contract Documents and make such corrections as necessary for fulfilling the intent of the
Contract Documents before proceeding further with the effected work.
105.13—Construction Stakes, Lines, and Grades
The Design-Builder shall perform all construction and other surveying that the Design-Builder deems necessary
to construct this Project in accordance with the Contract Documents. The cost for all surveying performed by
the Design-Builder is included in the Contract Price. All construction surveys shall be performed under the
direct supervision of a land surveyor duly registered and licensed in the State.
105.14—Maintenance During Construction
(a) Traffic Control
1. The Design-Builder shall have at least one person on the Project site during all work operations who is
currently verified either by the Department’s Intermediate Work Zone Traffic Control training or by
the American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA) Virginia Intermediate Traffic Control
Supervisor (TCS) training by a Department approved training provider. This person must have their
verification card with them while on the Project site. This person shall be responsible for the oversight
of work zone traffic control within the Project limits in compliance with the Contract requirements, the
VWAPM, and the MUTCD. This person’s duties shall include the supervision of the installation,
adjustment (if necessary), inspection, maintenance, and removal when no longer required, of all work
zone traffic control devices on the Project.
If none of the Design-Builder’s on-site personnel responsible for the supervision of such work have the
required verification with them or if they have an outdated verification card showing they are not
currently verified as a Traffic Control Supervisor (TCS) either by the Department in Intermediate
Work Zone Traffic Control, or by the ATSSA, the Department will suspend all work on the Project
until the Work is appropriately supervised in accordance with the requirements herein.
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2. The Design-Builder shall have at least one person on site who is, at a minimum, verified in Basic Work
Zone Traffic Control by the Department for each construction and/or maintenance operation that
involves installing, maintaining, or removing work zone traffic control devices. This person shall be
responsible for the placement, maintenance and removal of work zone traffic control devices.
In the event none of the Design-Builder’s on-site personnel for any construction and/or maintenance
operation have, at a minimum, the required verification in Basic Work Zone Traffic Control, the
Department will suspend that construction/maintenance operation until that operation is appropriately
staffed in accordance with the requirements herein.
3. Flagging Traffic: Certified flaggers shall be provided in sufficient number and locations as necessary
for control and protection of vehicular and pedestrian traffic in accordance with the VWAPM. Flaggers
shall be able to communicate to the traveling public in English while performing the job duty as a
flagger at the flagger station. Flaggers shall use sign paddles to regulate traffic in accordance with the
Certification for flaggers will be awarded upon a candidate’s satisfactory completion of an
examination. Certification cards shall be carried by flaggers while performing flagging duties. Flaggers
found not to be in possession of their certification card shall be removed from the flagging site and
operations requiring flagging will be suspended by the Department until a certified flagger is on-site to
perform flagging duties in accordance with the requirements herein. Further, flaggers performing
duties improperly will have their certifications revoked.
(b) Maintenance of Traffic
1. The Design-Builder shall prosecute the Work so as to avoid obstructions to traffic to the greatest extent
practicable. The Design-Builder shall provide for the safety and convenience of the general public and
residents along the roadway, and for the protection of persons and property.
Highways closed to traffic shall be protected by barricades and other warning devices as required by
the Contract, the VWAPM, and the MUTCD. Barricades and warning devices shall be illuminated
where required during periods of darkness and low visibility. The Design-Builder shall erect warning
devices in advance of a location on the Project where operations or obstructions may interfere with the
use of the road by traffic and at all intermediate points where the new work crosses or coincides with
an existing roadway. The Design-Builder shall maintain sign faces and reflective surfaces of warning
devices in a clean and visible condition. The Design-Builder shall cover or remove signs when the
messages thereon are not applicable. Barricades, warning signs, lights, temporary signals, and other
protective devices shall conform to Section 512.
2. The road shall be kept open to all traffic while undergoing improvements, unless otherwise permitted
in the Contract. The Design-Builder shall keep the portion of the Project being used by public,
pedestrian, and vehicular traffic in such condition that all such traffic will be safely and adequately
accommodated. However, removal of snow and control of ice on roads open to public travel will be
performed by the Department.
The Design-Builder shall keep the portions of the road being used by the public free from irregularities
and obstructions that could present a hazard or annoyance to traffic. When directed by the Department,
allaying of dust shall be performed in accordance with Section 511. Holes in hard surface pavements
shall be filled with approved asphalt patching material. Where such work is not specified in the
Contract and determined to be required by the Department, and not the result of any failure or fault of
the Design-Builder and due to causes beyond the Design-Builder’s control, the cost to remedy such
hazards will be handled according to Section 109.05.
If any damage is sustained by an accepted unit or portion of the Project attributable to causes beyond
the control of the Design-Builder, the Department may authorize the Design-Builder to make the
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necessary repairs. These repairs will be paid for at the Contract price for the items requiring repair. In
the absence of Contract prices covering the items of repair, the repair work will be paid for in
accordance with Section 109.05.
3. Detours: Detours may be indicated on the plans or in the special provisions or may be used with the
Department's approval. Unless otherwise designated in the Contract, the Design-Builder shall furnish,
install and maintain all directional markings, for through-traffic on off-Project detours authorized or
requested by the Department with the exception of municipalities. Municipalities shall be responsible
for off-Project roadway maintenance within their own corporate limits. Detours over existing state roads
shall be designated, marked, and maintained by the Design-Builder. Directional markings for detours
shall include signs. Responsibility for installation and maintenance of the signs shall be in accordance
with Section 512.03(a). If any project is located wholly or in part within a municipality's corporate
limits and through traffic is to be detoured at the municipality's request, the municipality will provide
and maintain the detours within the corporate limits and will furnish, install and maintain all
directional markings. The provision of detours and marking of alternate routes will not relieve the
Design-Builder of the responsibility for ensuring the safety of the public or from complying with any
Contract requirements affecting the rights of the public within his Contract area of operations,
including those concerning lights and barricades. Maintenance of all other detours shall be the Design-
Builder’s responsibility.
The Department will furnish the right of way for temporary highways, vehicular watercourse
crossings, diversion channels, sediment and erosion control features or bridges required by the
4. Maintenance of Traffic During Suspension of Work: During any suspension of work, the Design-
Builder shall temporarily open to traffic such portions of the Project and temporary roadways as may
be agreed upon by the Design-Builder and the Department.
5. Minimizing Traffic Delays: Two-way traffic shall be maintained at all times unless the Contract or
the Department permits one-way traffic. The Design-Builder shall not stop traffic without the
Department's permission.
If one-way traffic is permitted, the Design-Builder shall provide certified flaggers to direct the traffic.
When specified in the Contract, pilot vehicles shall be furnished in accordance with Section 512. Upon
the Design-Builder’s request and where deemed appropriate by the Department, the Department will
install traffic signals that may be used for the control of one-way traffic. The Design-Builder shall pay
the costs of installation, electrical service, maintenance or repair work, and a predetermined rental
charge per day for the signals and removal when no longer needed.
6. Connections and Entrances: Connections with other roads and public and private entrances shall be
kept in a reasonably smooth condition at all times.
Stabilization or surfacing material shall be applied to connections and entrances. Where such material
is not specified in the Contract and determined to be required by the Department, the cost for
stabilization or surfacing material will be handled in accordance with Section 109.05.
The Design-Builder shall schedule construction operations so that approved continuous access is
provided for all property adjacent to the construction when the property is shown on the plans to
require access. When frontage roads are shown on the plans, they shall be constructed prior to the
closing of any access routes unless other approved access is provided and is acceptable to the property
The Design-Builder shall not disturb connections or entrances until necessary. Once disturbed, the
Design-Builder shall maintain and complete connections or entrances as follows:
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a. Connections: Connections that had an original paved surface shall be brought to a grade that will
smoothly and safely accommodate vehicular traffic through the intersection, using temporary
pavement as soon as practicable after connections are disturbed. Connections that had an original
unpaved surface shall be brought to a grade that will smoothly and safely accommodate vehicular
traffic through the intersection, using either the required material or a temporary aggregate
stabilization course that shall be placed as soon as practicable after connections are disturbed.
If there are delays in prosecution of work for connections, connections that were originally paved
shall have at least two lanes maintained with a temporary paved surface. Those that were not
originally paved shall be maintained with a temporary aggregate stabilization course.
b. Entrances: Entrances shall be graded concurrently with the roadway with which they intersect.
Once an entrance has been disturbed, it shall be completed as soon as is practicable, including
placing the required base and surface course or stabilization. If the entrance must be constructed in
stages, such as when there is a substantial change in the elevation of the roadway with which it
intersects, the surface shall be covered with a temporary aggregate stabilization course or other
suitable salvaged material until the entrance can be completed and the required base and surface or
stabilization course can be placed.
7. Obstruction Crossing Roadways: Where the Design-Builder places obstructions such as suction or
discharge pipes, pump hoses, steel plates, or any other obstruction that must be crossed by vehicular
traffic, they shall be bridged as directed by the Department at the Design-Builder’s expense. Traffic
shall be protected by the display of warning devices both day and night. If operations or obstructions
placed by the Design-Builder damage an existing traveled roadway, the Design-Builder shall cease
operations and repair damages to the roadway at no additional cost to the Department.
8. Patching Operations: Where existing hydraulic cement concrete pavement is to be patched, the
operation of breaking and excavating old pavement shall extend for a distance of not more than two
miles. Patching shall be coordinated with excavating so that an area of not more than one-half mile in
which excavated patches are located shall be left at the end of any day’s work. Necessary precautions
shall be taken to protect traffic during patching operations.
9. Temporary Structures: The Design-Builder shall construct, maintain, and remove temporary
structures and approaches necessary for use by traffic. After new structures have been opened to
traffic, temporary structures and approaches shall be removed. The materials contained therein shall
remain the property of the Design-Builder.
The proposed design of temporary structures shall be submitted to the Department prior to the
beginning of construction in accordance with Section 105.10.
10. Haul Route: The Design-Builder shall select haul routes between the Project and material source(s)
that will minimize disturbance to the community. The Design-Builder shall furnish to the Department,
for review, his plan for the haul route and for minimizing the adverse effects of hauling operations on
persons who reside adjacent to the haul route or persons who otherwise use a portion of the haul route
for ingress or egress to their residential or work area. The Department may select alternate haul routes,
divide the hauling traffic over several routes, and impose other restrictions deemed necessary to
minimize the impact of the hauling operation on local residents.
11. Opening Sections of Projects to Traffic
Certain sections of the Work may be opened to traffic when specified in the Contract or when directed
by the Department. Such opening shall not constitute acceptance of the Work or any part thereof or a
waiver of any provision of the Contract.
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On any section of the Work opened by order of the Department where the Contract does not provide
for traffic to be carried through the Work, the Design-Builder will not be required to assume any
expense entailed in maintaining the road for traffic. The Department will pay such expense or will
compensate the Design-Builder in accordance with Section 109.05. Repair of slides and repair of
damage attributable to traffic will be compensated for in accordance with Section 109.05. Slides shall
be removed by the Design-Builder in accordance with Section 303.
On any section of the Work opened by order of the Department where the Contract does not provide
for traffic to be carried through the Work, any additional cost incurred to complete other items of work
solely because of the changed working conditions will be compensated according Section 109.05.
If the Design-Builder is not continuously prosecuting the Work to the Department's satisfaction as
determined by the Schedule of Record, the Design-Builder shall not be relieved of the responsibility
for maintenance of the completed work during the period that the section of the Work is opened to
traffic prior to Final Acceptance. The Design-Builder shall be responsible for any expense resulting
from the opening of such portions of the Work under these circumstances, except for slides. The
Design-Builder shall conduct the remainder of the construction operations so as to cause the least
obstruction to traffic.
(c) Maintenance of Work
1. The Design-Builder shall maintain the Work, the project site, construction area and roadway from the
beginning of construction operations until Final Acceptance with adequate equipment and forces to
keep the roadway and structures in a safe and satisfactory condition at all times and to ensure the
continuous and effective day by day prosecution of the Work.
If any damage is sustained by an accepted unit or portion of the Project attributable to causes beyond
the control of the Design-Builder, the Department may authorize the Design-Builder to make the
necessary repairs. These repairs will be paid for at the Contract price for the items requiring repair. In
the absence of Contract prices covering the items of repair, the repair work will be paid for in
accordance with Section 109.05.
2. Where the Contract specifies placing a course on another course or subgrade of embankment, base,
subgrade, concrete, asphalt pavement, or other courses previously constructed, the Design-Builder
shall maintain the courses or subgrades previously constructed in accordance with the Contract
requirements when placing such course. This maintenance includes, but is not limited to draining, re-
compacting, re-grading, or, if unacceptable or destroyed, the removal of work the Department
previously accepted.
3. Grading Operations: When the Design-Builder elects to complete the rough grading operations for
the entire Project or exceed the length of one full day’s surfacing operations, the rough grade shall be
machined to a uniform slope from the top edge of the existing pavement to the ditch line.
When the surface is to be widened on both sides of the existing pavement, construction operations
involving grading or paving shall not be conducted simultaneously on sections directly opposite each
The surface of pavement shall be kept free from soil and other materials that might be hazardous to
traffic. Prior to opening of new pavement to traffic, shoulders shall be roughly dressed for a distance of
three (3) feet from the edge of the paved surface.
(d) Maintenance Cost
The Design-Builder shall bear all costs of performing maintenance work before Final Acceptance, and of
constructing and maintaining necessary approaches, crossings, intersections, and other features without
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direct compensation except as provided for herein. When the Design-Builder confines his operation to the
surface of the roadway and reasonable width of the shoulder and the surface is disturbed or damaged by his
operations or equipment, he shall be responsible for the restoration and maintenance of the surface that is
disturbed or damaged.
(e) Failure to Maintain Roadway or Structures: If the Design-Builder fails to remedy unsatisfactory
maintenance immediately after receipt of a notice by the Department, the Department may proceed with
adequate forces, equipment, and material to maintain the Project. The cost of the maintenance, plus twenty
five percent (25%) for supervisory and administrative personnel, will be deducted from monies due the
Design-Builder for the Project.
105.15—Removing and Disposing of Structures and Obstructions
The Design-Builder shall remove and dispose of or store, as directed by the Department, fences, buildings,
structures, or encumbrances within the construction limits. Materials so removed, including existing drains or
pipe culverts, shall become the property of the Design-Builder, with the exception of those materials to be
stored or delivered to the Department or others as designated in the Contract.
(a) Signs: The Design-Builder shall relocate all signs within the construction limits that conflict with
construction work as approved by the Department. Signs that are not needed for the safe and orderly
control of traffic during construction as determined by the Department shall be removed and stored at a
designated location within the Project limits. The removed signs shall be stored above ground in a
manner that will preclude damage and shall be reinstalled in their permanent locations prior to Final
Acceptance. If any of the removed signs are not to be reinstalled, the Design-Builder shall notify the
Department at the time the signs have been properly stored. Such signs will be removed from the
storage area by the Department. Any sign that is damaged or lost because of the fault of the Design-
Builder shall be repaired or replaced at his expense. Costs for removing, storing, protecting, and
reinstalling such signs shall be included in the Contract Price and no additional compensation will be
(b) Mailboxes and Newspaper Boxes: When removal of existing mailboxes and newspaper boxes is
made necessary by construction operations, the Design-Builder shall place them in temporary locations
so that access to them will not be impaired. Prior to Final Acceptance, boxes shall be placed in their
permanent locations as designated by the Department and left in the same condition as when found.
Boxes or their supports that are damaged through negligence on the part of the Design-Builder shall be
replaced at his expense. The cost of removing and resetting existing boxes shall be included in other
pay Contract items. New mailboxes designated in the plans shall be paid for in accordance with
Section 521 of the Specifications.
Removal from the Project of rubbish, scrap material, and debris caused by the Design-Builder’s personnel or
construction operations shall be a continuing process throughout the course of the Work. The work site shall be
kept in a neat, safe and orderly condition at all times.
Before Final Acceptance, the Highway, Borrow pits, quarries, Disposal Areas, storage areas, and all ground
occupied by the Design-Builder in connection with the Work shall be cleaned of rubbish, surplus materials, and
Temporary Structures, except where the Design-Builder owns or controls the property. All parts of the Work
and the Construction Area shall be left in a neat, safe, and orderly condition.
Within thirty (30) days after Final Acceptance, the Design-Builder shall remove his Equipment, Materials and
debris from the Right of Way and from property adjacent to the Project that he does not own or control.
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105.17—Inspection of Work
The Design-Builder is responsible for continuous quality control and quality assurance in accordance with the
QA/QC Plan. However, all stages, Materials, and details of the Work are subject to inspection. The Design-
Builder shall provide the Department full and safe access to all parts of the Work. The Design-Builder shall
furnish the Department such information and assistance as required to make a complete, timely, and detailed
inspections. The Department and its appointed representatives shall have ready access to machines, plants and
plant Equipment used in processing or placing Materials.
Prior to the beginning of operations, the Department will meet with the Design-Builder to establish an
understanding of the critical stages of Work that shall be performed in the presence of the Inspector. In order for
the Department to schedule inspection of the critical stages of Work, the Design-Builder shall keep the
Department informed of planned operations in accordance with Section 108.03. The Design-Builder shall
advise the Department at least twenty four (24) hours in advance of any changes in the Design-Builder's
planned operations or critical stage work requiring Department inspection.
If the Department requests it, the Design-Builder shall remove or uncover such portions of the finished work as
may be directed at any time before Final Acceptance. The Design-Builder shall restore such portions of the
finished Work to comply with the appropriate requirements of the Contract Documents. If the work exposed is
acceptable, the uncovering or removing and replacing the covering or making good the parts removed will be
paid for as Extra Work in accordance with the General Conditions of the Contract. If the work is unacceptable,
the cost of uncovering or removing and replacing the covering or making good the parts removed shall be borne
by the Design-Builder.
When any unit of government, political subdivision, or public or private Corporation is to pay a portion of the
cost of the Work specified in the Contract, its representatives shall have the right to inspect such work. The
exercise of this right shall not be construed as making them a party or parties to the Contract or conferring on
them the right to issue instructions or orders to the Design-Builder.
If Materials are used or work is performed without inspection by Independent Quality Control staff and certified
by the Quality Assurance Manager, the Department may order the Design-Builder to remove and replace the
work or Material at his own expense.
If an inspection reveals that work has not been properly performed, or materials used are unacceptable, the
Design-Builder will be so advised and he shall immediately inform the Department of his schedule for
correcting such work and materials, and the time when a reinspection can be made.
105.18—Removal of Unacceptable Work
Work will be considered as unacceptable if it: (a) does not conform to the requirements of the Contract
Documents; (b) is performed contrary to the instructions of the Department; or (c) is performed without the
authorization of the Department. Unacceptable work shall be remedied or removed immediately unless
otherwise determined by the Department, and replaced in an acceptable manner at the Design-Builder’s
expense. The Department may elect, in its sole discretion, to accept otherwise unacceptable work at a reduced
price and a warranty extended to five (5) years for the subject portion of the work when acceptance is
considered to be in the best interest of the public.
The Design-Builder shall not perform destructive sampling or testing of the Work without written authorization
of the Department. Unauthorized destructive sampling or testing will cause the Work to be considered
In the event the Design-Builder is granted authorization to perform destructive sampling or testing, the Design-
Builder shall obtain the approval of the Department for the method and location of each test prior to beginning
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such sampling or testing. In addition, destructive sampling and testing shall be performed in the presence of the
If the Design-Builder fails to comply immediately with any order of the Engineer made under this Section, the
Engineer will have the authority to cause unacceptable or unauthorized work to be removed and replaced and to
deduct the cost from any monies due or to become due the Design-Builder.
105.19—Submission and Disposition of Claims (Refer to Part 4 General Conditions Article 10
Contract Adjustments and Disputes)
106.01—Source of Supply and Quality Requirements
The Materials used throughout the Work shall conform to the requirements of the Contract. The Design-Builder
shall regulate his supplies so that there will be a sufficient quantity of tested Material on hand at all times to
prevent any delay of Work. Except as otherwise specified, Materials, Equipment, and components that are to be
incorporated into the finished work shall be new and fit for their intended purpose.
At the option of the Department, Materials may be approved at the source of supply. If it is found during the life
of the Contract that previously approved sources of supply do not supply Materials or Equipment conforming to
the Contract requirements, do not furnish the valid test data required to document the quality of the Material or
Equipment, or do not furnish documentation to validate quantities to document payment, the Design-Builder
shall change the source of supply and furnish Material or Equipment from other approved sources. The Design-
Builder shall notify the Department of this change, and provide the same identifying information noted in this
Section, at least sixty (60) days prior to their use on the Project, but not less than two weeks prior to delivery.
Materials shall not contain toxic, hazardous, or regulated solid wastes or be furnished from a source containing
toxic, hazardous or regulated solid wastes.
When optional Materials are included in the Contract, the Design-Builder shall advise the Department in writing
of the specific Materials selected. Thereafter, the Design-Builder shall use the selected Materials throughout the
Project unless a change is authorized in writing by the Department. However, when the Design-Builder has an
option as to the type of pipe that may be used, he may use any of the approved types for each size of pipe, but
he shall use the same type for a particular line. The Department may authorize other types and sources in an
emergency that will not unreasonably delay delivery of the selected Material.
Equipment and Material guaranties or warranties that are normally given by a manufacturer or supplier, or are
otherwise required in the Contract, shall be obtained by the Design-Builder and assigned to the Commonwealth
in writing. The Design-Builder shall also provide an in-service operation guaranty on all mechanical and
electrical Equipment and related components for a period of at least six (6) months beginning on the date of
partial acceptance of that specific item(s) or Final Acceptance of the Project.
106.02—Material Delivery
The Design-Builder shall advise the Quality Assurance Manager and the Department at least two (2) weeks
prior to the delivery of any Material from a commercial source. Upon delivery of any such Material to the
Project, the Design-Builder shall provide the Department with one copy of all invoices (prices are not required).
The following Materials shall also comply with Section 109.01: asphalt concrete; dense graded aggregate, to
include aggregate base, Subbase, and Select Material; fine aggregate; open graded coarse aggregate; crusher run
aggregate; and Road stabilization aggregate. The printed weights of each load of these Materials, as specified in
Section 109.01, shall accompany the delivery, and such information shall be furnished to the Lead QA Inspector
at the Project.
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106.03—Local Material Sources (Pits and Quarries)
The requirements set forth herein apply exclusively to non-commercial pits and quarries from which Materials
are obtained for use on contracts awarded by the Department.
(a) Local Material sources shall be concealed from view from the completed Roadway and any existing public
Roadway. Concealment shall be accomplished by selectively locating the pit or quarry and spoil pile,
providing environmentally compatible screening between the pit or quarry site and the Roadway, or using
the site for another purpose after removal of the Material, or restoration equivalent to the original use (such
as farm land, pasture, turf, etc.). The foregoing requirements shall also apply to any pit or quarry opened or
reopened by a Subcontractor. However, the requirements will not apply to commercial sand and gravel and
quarry operations actively processing Material at the site prior to the date of the execution of the Contract.
(b) The Design-Builder shall furnish the Department a statement signed by the property owner in which the
property owner agrees to the use of his property as a source of Material for the Project. Upon completion of
the use of the property as a Material source, the Design-Builder shall furnish the Department a release
signed by the property owner indicating that the property has been satisfactorily restored. The requirements
for a signed statement and release will not apply to commercial sources, sources owned by the Design-
Builder, and sources furnished by the Department.
(c) Local Material pits and quarries that are not operated under a local or State permit shall not be opened or
reopened without authorization by the Department. The Design-Builder shall submit for approval a site
plan, including, but not limited to, the following:
1. The location and approximate boundaries of the Excavation; with a slope gradient of 3:1 or greater;
2. Procedures to minimize erosion and siltation;
3. Provision of environmentally compatible screening;
4. Restoration;
5. Cover vegetation;
6. Other use of the pit or quarry after removal of Material, including the spoil pile;
7. The drainage pattern on and away from the area of land affected, including the directional flow of
water and a certification with appropriate calculations that verify all receiving Channels are in
compliance with Minimum Standard 19 of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control
8. Location of haul Roads and stabilized construction entrances if construction Equipment will enter
a paved Roadway;
9. Constructed or natural waterways used for discharge;
10. A sequence and schedule to achieve the approved plan;
11. The total drainage area for temporary sediment traps and basins shall be shown. Sediment traps are
required if the runoff from a watershed area of less than three acres flows across a disturbed area.
Sediment basins are required if the runoff from a watershed area of three (3) acres or more flows
across a disturbed area. The Design-Builder shall certify that the sediment trap or basin design is
in compliance with the Contract Documents and all Legal Requirements. Once a sediment trap or
basin is constructed, the dam and all outfall areas shall be immediately stabilized.
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The Design-Builders design and restoration shall be in accordance with the Contract Documents and all Legal
If the approved plan provides for the continued use or other use of the pit or quarry beyond the date of Final
Acceptance, the Design-Builder shall furnish the Department a bond made payable to the Commonwealth of
Virginia in an amount equal to the Engineer’s estimate of the cost of performing the restoration work. If the
pit or quarry is not used in accordance with the approved plan within eight months after Final Acceptance, the
Design-Builder shall perform restoration work as directed by the Department, forfeit his bond, or furnish the
Department with evidence that he has complied with the applicable requirements of the State Mining Law.
(d) Topsoil on Department owned or furnished Borrow sites shall be stripped and stockpiled as directed by the
Department for use as needed within the construction limits of the Project or in the reclamation of Borrow
and Disposal Areas.
(e) If payment is to be made for Material measured in its original position, Material shall not be removed until
Digital Terrain Model (DTM) or cross-sections have been taken. The Material shall be reserved exclusively
for use on the Project until completion of the Project or until final DTM or cross-sections have been taken.
(f) If the Design-Builder fails to provide necessary controls to prevent erosion and siltation, if such efforts are
not made in accordance with the approved sequence, or if the efforts are found to be inadequate the
Department will withdraw approval for the use of the site and may cause the Design-Builder to cease all
contributing operations and direct his efforts toward corrective action or may perform the Work with State
forces or other means as determined by the Department. If the Design-Builder does not perform such work,
the cost of performing the Work plus twenty five percent (25%) for supervisory and administrative
personnel will be deducted from monies due the Design-Builder.
(g) Costs for applying seed, fertilizer, lime, mulch, and for restoration, drainage, erosion and siltation control,
regrading, haul Roads, and screening shall be included in the Contract price for the type of Excavation or
other appropriate Contract items.
(h) If the Design-Builder fails to fulfill the provisions of the approved plan for screening or restoring Material
sources, the Department may withhold and use for the purpose of performing such work any monies due
the Design-Builder. The Design-Builder shall be held liable for penalties, fines, or damages incurred by the
Department as a result of his failure to prevent erosion or siltation and take restorative action.
(i) After removing all the Material from the local material sources, the Design-Builder shall remove metal,
lumber, and other debris resulting from his operations and shall shape and landscape the area in accordance
with the approved plan for such work.
(j) Sources Furnished by the Department: Sources furnished by the Department will be made available to
the Design-Builder together with the right to use such property as may be required for a plant site,
stockpiles, and haul roads. The Design-Builder shall confine his Excavation operations to those areas of the
property specified in the Contract. The Design-Builder shall be responsible for Excavation that shall be
performed in order to furnish the specified Material.
(k) Sources Furnished by the Design-Builder: When the Design-Builder desires to use local Material from
sources other than those furnished by the Department, he shall first secure the approval of the Department.
The use of Material from such sources will not be permitted until test results have been approved by the
Department and written authority for its use has been issued by the appropriate agency, organization or
The Design-Builder shall acquire the necessary rights to take Material from sources he locates and shall
pay all related costs, including costs that may result from an increase in the length of the haul. Costs of
exploring, sampling, testing, and developing such sources shall be borne by the Design-Builder. The
Design-Builder shall obtain representative samples from at least two (2) borings in parcels of ten (10) acres
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or less and at least three (3) additional borings per increment of five (5) acres or portion thereof to ensure
that lateral changes in Material are recorded. Drill logs for each test shall include a soil description and the
moisture content at intervals where a soil change is observed or at least every five (5) feet of depth for
consistent Material. Samples obtained from the boring shall be tested by an approved Laboratory for
grading, Atterberg limits, CBR, maximum density, and optimum moisture. The Department will review and
evaluate the Material based on test results provided by the Design-Builder. The Department will reject any
Material from a previously approved source that fails a visual examination or whose test results show that it
does not conform to the Contract Documents.
106.04—Disposal Areas
The Design-Builder shall dispose of unsuitable or Surplus Material shown in the Contract Documents according
to Contract requirements as specified herein. Material not used on the Project shall be disposed of by the
Design-Builder off the Right of Way. The Design-Builder shall obtain the necessary rights to property to be
used as an approved Disposal Area. For the purpose of these Division I Amendments to the Standard
Specifications an approved Disposal Area is defined as that which is owned privately, not operated under a local
or State permit, and has been approved by the Department for use in disposing of Material not used on the
The Design-Builder shall furnish the Department a statement signed by the property owner in which the owner
agrees to the use of his property for the deposit of Material from the Project. Upon completion of the use of the
property as an approved Disposal Area, the Design-Builder shall furnish the Department a release signed by the
property owner indicating that the property has been satisfactorily restored. This requirement will be waived for
commercial sources, sources owned by the Design-Builder, and sources furnished by the Department.
If an approved Disposal Area is not designated in the Contract, the Design-Builder shall obtain the necessary
rights to property to be used as an approved Disposal Area.
If the Design-Builder, having shown reasonable effort, is unsuccessful in obtaining the necessary rights to
property to be used as an approved Disposal Area, the Department will obtain rights for a disposal area unless
otherwise provided for in the Contract. If not shown in the Contract, compensation will be in accordance with
Sections 104.02 and 109.05.
Prior to the Department approving the Design-Builder’s Disposal Area, the Design-Builder shall submit a site
plan that shall show:
1. The location and approximate boundaries of the Disposal Area.
2. Procedures to minimize erosion and siltation.
3. Provision of environmentally compatible screening.
4. Restoration.
5. Cover vegetation.
6. Other use of the Disposal Area.
7. The drainage pattern on and away from the area of land affected, including the directional flow of water
and a certification with appropriate calculations that verify all receiving Channels are in compliance with
Minimum Standard 19 of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations.
8. Location of haul roads and stabilized construction entrances if construction Equipment will enter a paved
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9. Constructed or natural waterways used for discharge.
10.A sequence and schedule to achieve the approved plan.
11.The total drainage area for temporary sediment traps and basins shall be shown. Sediment traps are required
if the runoff from a watershed area of less than three (3) acres flows across a disturbed area. Sediment
basins are required if the runoff from a watershed area of three acres or more flows across a disturbed area.
The Design-Builder shall certify that the sediment trap or basin design is in compliance with the Contract
Documents and all Legal Requirements. Once a sediment trap or basin is constructed, the dam and all
outfall areas shall be immediately stabilized. Costs for the work described herein shall be included in the
Contract Price. The Design-Builder shall certify that the sediment basin design is in compliance with the
Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations, all local, state, and federal ordinances, and Section
Disposal Areas shall be cleared but need not be grubbed. The clearing work shall not damage grass, shrubs, or
vegetation outside the limits of the approved area and haul roads thereto. After the Material has been deposited,
the area shall be shaped to minimize erosion and siltation of nearby streams and landscaped in accordance with
the approved plan for such work or shall be used as approved by the Department. The Design-Builder’s design
and restoration shall conform to the Contract requirements and federal, state, and local laws and regulations.
Excavated rock in excess of that used in Embankments in accordance with the requirements of Section 303 shall
be deposited off the Right of Way in an approved Disposal Area. Deposits whose surface is composed largely
of rock shall be leveled by special arrangement of the Material or reduction of the irregularity of the surface by
crushing projections to create a reasonably uniform and neat appearance.
The Design-Builder’s design and restoration shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Contract
Documents and Legal Requirements.
If the Design-Builder fails to provide and maintain necessary controls to prevent erosion and siltation, if such
efforts are not made in accordance with the approved sequence, or if the efforts are found to be inadequate, the
Department will withdraw approval for the use of the site and may cause the Design-Builder to cease all
contributing operations and direct his efforts toward corrective action or may perform the Work with State
forces or other means as determined by the Department, and deduct the cost of performing the Work plus
twenty five percent (25%) for supervisory and administrative personnel from monies due or to be become due
the Design-Builder.
Costs for applying seed, lime, fertilizer, and mulch; reforestation; drainage; erosion and siltation control;
regrading; haul roads; and screening shall be included in the Contract Price.
(a) Materials encountered by the Design-Builder shall be handled and disposed of as follows:
1. Unsuitable Material -. The Design-Builders’ geotechnical engineer shall confirm that slopes,
earthwork, pavement, and foundation subgrades satisfy the design and Contract Document
requirements. The Design-Builders’ geotechnical engineer shall perform an inspection of all
embankment and pavement subgrades and minor structure excavations immediately prior to placement
of embankment fill, aggregate base, subbase or bedding materials to identify excessively soft, loose,
dry or saturated soils that exhibit excessive pumping, weaving or rutting under the weight of the
construction equipment. Materials unsuitable for use in the Work, as defined in Part 2 of the Contract,
shall be disposed of at an approved Disposal Area or landfill licensed to receive such Material unless
the materials can be adequately treated in place through chemical and/or mechanically stabilized
method that shall be approved by the Department. Such method shall be approved prior to use in the
Work. All Unsuitable Materials shall be disposed of off-site and/or treated in place at no cost to the
Department. Design-Builder shall identify unsuitable Materials and methods of treatment on the plans
and cross sections.
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2. Surplus Material as shown in the Contract Documents that is not classified as unsuitable may be used
to flatten slopes, to fill in ramp gores and medians provided the material is placed in accordance with
the earthwork specifications. Surplus Material that is not needed shall be disposed of at an approved
Disposal Area, a landfill licensed to receive such Material, or as directed by the Department in writing.
Surplus Material stockpile areas on the right-of-way shall be cleared but need not be grubbed. The
clearing work shall not damage grass, shrubs, or vegetation outside the limits of the approved area and
the haul Roads thereto. Placement of fill material shall not adversely affect existing drainage
structures. If necessary, modified existing drainage structures, as approved by the Department, shall be
paid for in accordance with Section 109.05. Within seven (7) days after the material has been
deposited, the area shall be shaped and stabilized to minimize erosion and siltation.
3. Organic materials such as, but not limited to, tree stumps and limbs (not considered merchantable
timber), roots, rootmat, leaves, grass cuttings, or other similar materials shall be chipped or shredded
and used on the Project as mulch, given away, sold as firewood or mulch, burned at the Design-
Builder’s option if permitted by local ordinance, or disposed of at a facility licensed to receive such
materials. Organic material shall not be buried in State Rights of Way or in an approved Disposal
4. Inorganic materials such as brick, cinder block, broken concrete without exposed reinforcing steel, or
other such material may be used in accordance with Section 303.04 or shall be disposed of at an
approved Disposal Area or landfill licensed to receive such materials. If disposed of in an approved
Disposal Area, the material shall have enough cover to promote soil stabilization in accordance with
Section 303 and shall be restored in accordance with other provisions of this Section.
Concrete without exposed reinforcing steel, may be crushed and used as rock in accordance with
Section 303. If approved by the Department, these materials may be blended with soils that meet
AASHTO M57 requirements and deposited in fill areas within the right-of-way in accordance with the
requirements of Section 303 as applicable.
5. Excavated rock in excess of that used within the Project site in accordance with Section 303 shall be
treated as surplus material.
6. Other materials such as, but not limited to, antifreeze, asphalt (liquid), building forms, concrete with
reinforcing steel exposed, curing compound, fuel, Hazardous Materials, lubricants, metal, metal pipe,
oil, paint, wood or metal from building demolition, or similar materials shall not be disposed of at an
approved Disposal Area but shall be disposed of at a landfill licensed to receive such material.
7. Coal or other valuable materials uncovered during prosecution of the Work that are not specifically
addressed by the Contract shall be disposed of as the Department directs in writing.
If the Design-Builder fails to fulfill the provisions of the approved plan for screening or restoring Disposal
Areas, the Department may withhold and use for the purpose of performing such work any moneys due the
Design-Builder. The Design-Builder shall be held liable for all penalties, fines, or damages incurred by the
Department as a result of his failure to prevent erosion or siltation.
106.05—Rights For and Use of Materials Found on Project
With the approval of the Department, the Design-Builder may use in the Project any materials found in the
Excavation that comply with the requirements of the Contract Documents. The Design-Builder shall replace at
his own expense with other acceptable material the Excavation material removed and used that is needed for
use in Embankments, Backfills, approaches, or otherwise. The Design-Builder shall not excavate or remove any
material from within the construction limits that is not within the grading limits, as indicated by the slope and
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grade lines. The Design-Builder shall not own and shall not have the right to sell, trade or exchange, any coal or
other valuable materials uncovered during the prosecution of the work without the Department's specific written
106.06—Samples, Tests, and Cited Specifications
The Design-Builder shall inspect and test materials in accordance with the QA/QC Plan. Unless reference is
made to a specific dated specification or special provision, references in the Contract Documents to AASHTO,
ASTM, VTM, and other standard test methods and materials requirements shall refer to either the test
specifications that have been formally adopted or the latest interim or tentative specifications that have been
published by the appropriate committee of such organizations as of the date of the Notice of Advertisement.
Where permitted by the Special Provision for Use of Domestic Material, the inspection cost of structural steel
items, precast concrete items, and prestressed concrete items fabricated in a country other than the continental
United States shall be borne by the Design-Builder. Inspection of structural fabrication shall be performed in
accordance with the requirements of the appropriate VTM by a commercial Laboratory approved by the
Department. Additional cleaning or repair necessary because of environmental conditions in transit shall be at
the Design-Builder’s expense. Materials requiring an MSDS will not be accepted at the Project site for sampling
without the document.
106.07—Plant Inspection
If the Department inspects materials at the source, the following conditions shall be met:
(a) The Department shall have the cooperation and assistance of the Design-Builder and producer of the
(b) The Department shall have full access to parts of the plant that concern the manufacture or production of
the Materials being furnished.
(c) For Materials accepted under a quality assurance plan, the Design-Builder or producer shall furnish
equipment and maintain a plant laboratory at locations approved for plant processing of Materials. The
Design-Builder or producer shall use the laboratory and equipment to perform quality control testing.
The laboratory shall be of weatherproof construction, tightly floored and roofed, and shall have adequate
lighting, heating, running water, ventilation, and electrical service. The ambient temperature shall be
maintained between 68 degrees F and 86 degrees F and thermostatically controlled. The laboratory shall be
equipped with a telephone, intercom, or other electronic communication system connecting the laboratory
and scale house if the facilities are not in close proximity to each other. The laboratory shall be constructed
in accordance with the requirements of local building codes.
The Design-Builder or producer shall furnish, install, maintain, and replace, as conditions necessitate,
testing equipment specified by the appropriate ASTM, AASHTO method, or VTM being used and provide
necessary office equipment and supplies to facilitate keeping records and generating test reports. The
Design-Builder or producer’s technician shall maintain current copies of test procedures performed in the
laboratory. The Design-Builder shall calibrate or verify all balances, scales, and weights associated with
testing performed as specified in AASHTO R18. The Design-Builder or producer shall also provide and
maintain an approved test stand for accessing truck beds for the purpose of sampling and inspection. Cast
iron grinding pots and rubber mauls will be furnished by the Department where required. The Department
may approve a single laboratory to service more than one plant belonging to the same Design-Builder or
For crushed glass, the plant equipment requirements are waived in lieu of an independent third-party evaluation
and certification of crushed glass properties by an AASHTO Materials Reference Laboratory (AMRL)-
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accredited commercial soil testing Laboratory demonstrating that the supplied Material conforms to Section
203 requirements. Random triplicate samples will be evaluated and analyzed for every 1,000 tons of Material
supplied to the Project. The averaged results will be used for evaluation purposes. Suppliers of crushed glass
shall maintain third party certification records for a period of three years.
(d) Adequate safety measures shall be provided and maintained.
(e) Design-Builder shall inspect all Materials upon delivery to the site for compliance with Contract
requirements. All non-conforming Materials shall be rejected and removed from the site.
106.08—Storing Materials
Materials shall be stored in a manner so as to ensure the preservation of their quality and fitness for the Work.
When considered necessary by the Department, Materials shall be stored in weatherproof buildings on wooden
platforms or other hard, clean surfaces that will keep the Material off the ground. Materials shall be covered
when directed by the Department. Stored Material shall be located so as to facilitate their prompt inspection.
Approved portions of the Right of Way may be used for storage of Material and Equipment and for plant
operations. However, Equipment and Materials shall not be stored within the clear zone of the travel lanes open
to traffic.
The Design-Builder shall provide additional required storage space at his expense. Private property shall not be
used for storage purposes without the written permission of the owner or lessee. The Design-Builder shall
furnish copies of the owner’s written permission to the Department. Upon completion of the use of the property,
the Design-Builder shall furnish the Department a release signed by the property owner indicating that the
property has been satisfactorily restored.
Chemicals, fuels, lubricants, bitumens, paints, raw sewage, and other harmful materials as determined by the
Department and the VPDES General Permit for Discharge of Stormwater from Construction Activities shall not
be stored within any floodplain unless no other location is available and only then shall the material be stored in
a secondary containment structure(s) with an impervious liner. Also, any storage of these materials in proximity
to natural or man-made drainage conveyances or otherwise where the materials could potentially reach a
waterway if released under adverse weather conditions, must be stored in a bermed or diked area or inside a
container capable of preventing a release. Double-walled storage tanks shall meet the berm/dike containment
requirement except for storage within flood plains. Any spills, leaks, or releases of such materials shall be
addressed in accordance with Section 107.16(b) and (e). Accumulated rain water may also be pumped out of the
impoundment area into approved dewatering devices. All proposed pollution prevention measures and practices
must be identified by the Design-Builder in his Pollution Prevention Plan as required by the Specifications,
other Contract Documents and/or the VDPES General Permit for Discharge of Stormwater from Construction
106.09—Handling Materials
Materials shall be handled in a manner that will preserve their quality, integrity, and fitness for the Work.
Aggregates shall be transported in vehicles constructed to prevent loss or segregation of materials.
106.10—Unacceptable Materials
Materials that do not conform to the requirements of the Contract Documents shall be considered unacceptable.
Such Materials, whether in place or not, will be rejected and shall be removed from the site of the Work and
replaced at no additional cost to the Department. If it is not practical for the Design-Builder to remove rejected
Material immediately, the Department will mark the rejected Material for identification. Rejected Material
whose defects have been corrected shall not be used until the Department gives written approval for its use.
Upon the Design-Builder's failure to comply promptly with any order of the Department made under this
Section, the Department may, in addition to other rights and remedies, have the unacceptable material removed
and replaced, and deduct the cost of such removal and replacement from monies due or to become due the
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Design-Builder. The Department shall file documentation of the correction with resolution of the Non-
conformance report (NCR).
106.11—Material Furnished by the Department
The Design-Builder shall furnish all Materials required to complete the Work except those specified to be
furnished by the Department.
Material furnished by the Department will be delivered or made available to the Design-Builder at the points
specified in the Contract. The cost of handling and placing Materials after delivery to the Design-Builder shall
be included in the Contract Price
After receipt of the Materials, the Design-Builder shall be responsible for Material delivered to him, including
shortages, deficiencies, and damages that occur after delivery, and any demurrage charges.
106.12—Critical Materials (Not Used)
107.01—Legal Requirements to Be Observed (Refer to Part 4 - General Conditions Section 2.5, Legal
107.02—Permits, Certificates, and Licenses. (Refer to Part 4 - General Conditions Section 2.6,
Governmental Approvals, and Section 3.5, Governmental Approvals)
107.03—Federal-Aid Provisions
When the U.S. Government pays all or any portion of the cost of a project, the Design-Builder shall comply
with all applicable federal Legal Requirements applicable to the project. The Work shall be subject to
inspection by the appropriate federal agency. Such inspection shall in no sense make the federal government a
party of the Contract and will in no way interfere with the rights of either party to the Contract. For Federally-
aided projects, the provisions contained in Form FHWA-1273 and other federal provisions incorporated into the
Contract must be made a part of, and physically incorporated into all subcontracts so as to be binding in those
107.04—Furnishing Right of Way
The Design-Builder shall secure necessary rights of way and easements in advance of construction, in
accordance with the provisions of the Contract. The Department will not be responsible for any delay in the
acquisition of a Right of Way other than consideration of an extension of time. Easements for temporary uses
and detours requested by the Design-Builder and approved by the Department in lieu of a detour within the
Right of Way or Easement area shall be acquired by the Design-Builder without the Department being a party to
the agreement, unless otherwise expressly stated in Part 2 of the Contract Documents.
107.05—Patented Devices, Materials, and Processes (Refer to Part 4 - General Conditions Article 7,
107.06—Personal Liability of Public Officials
In carrying out any of the provisions of the Contract Documents, or in exercising any power or authority
granted to them by or within the scope of the Contract, there shall be no liability upon the Board,
Commissioner, Department, or their authorized representatives, either personally or as officials of the
Commonwealth. In all such matters, they act solely as agents and representatives of the Commonwealth.
107.07—No Waiver of Legal Rights
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The Department shall not be precluded or estopped by any measurement, estimate, approval, acceptance, or
certificate made either before or after Final Acceptance of the Work, or payment therefore from showing (1) the
true amount and character of the work performed and Materials furnished by the Design-Builder, (2) that any
such measurement, estimate, acceptance, certificate, or payment is untrue or incorrectly made, or (3) that the
work or Materials do not comply with the Contract requirements. The Department shall not be precluded or
estopped, notwithstanding any such measurement, estimate, approval, acceptance, certificate, or payment in
accordance therewith, from recovering from the Design-Builder or his Surety, or both, such cost or damage as
the Department may sustain by reason of the Design-Builder’s failure to comply with the Contract
requirements. The Department’s acceptance of the whole or any part of the Work, or the Department’s payment
for the whole or any part of the Work, or the Department’s granting of any extension of time, or the
Department’s taking any possession of any part of the Work, shall not operate as a waiver of any portion of the
Contract or of any right of power herein reserved or of any right to costs or damages. The Department's express
written waiver of any breach of the Contract shall not be held to be a waiver of any other or subsequent breach.
107.08—Protecting and Restoring Property and Landscape
The Design-Builder shall preserve property and improvements along the boundary lines of and adjacent to the
Work unless their removal or destruction is specified in the Contract Documents. The Design-Builder shall use
suitable precautions to prevent damage to such property.
When the Design-Builder finds it necessary to enter on private property, beyond the limits of the construction
Easement shown in the Contract Documents, he shall secure from the owner or lessee a written permit for such
entry prior to moving thereon. An executed copy of this permit shall be furnished to the Department.
The Design-Builder shall be responsible for any damage or injury to property during the prosecution of the
Work resulting from any act, omission, neglect, or misconduct in the Design-Builder’s method of executing the
Work or attributable to defective work or Materials. This responsibility shall not be released until Final
Acceptance of the Project and a written release from the owner or lessee of the property is obtained.
When direct or indirect damage is done to property by or on account of any act, omission, neglect, or
misconduct in the Design-Builders method of executing the Work or in consequence of the non-execution
thereof on the part of the Design-Builder, the Design-Builder shall restore such property to a condition similar
or equal to that existing before such damage was done by repairing, rebuilding, or restoring, as may be directed
by the Department, or shall make a settlement with the property owner for such property damage. The Design-
Builder shall secure from the owner a written release from any claim against the Department without additional
compensation therefore. A copy of this release shall be furnished the Department.
107.09—Design-Builder’s Responsibility for Utility Property and Services
At points where the Design-Builder’s operations are on or adjacent to the properties of any utility, including
railroads, and damage to which might result in expense, loss, or inconvenience, work shall not commence until
arrangements necessary for the protection thereof have been completed.
The Design-Builder shall cooperate with owners of utilities so that removal and adjustment operations may
progress in a timely, responsible, and reasonable manner, duplication of adjustment work may be reduced to a
minimum, and services rendered by those parties will not be unnecessarily interrupted.
If any utility service is interrupted as a result of accidental breakage or of being exposed or unsupported, the
Design-Builder shall promptly notify the proper authority and shall cooperate fully with the authority in the
restoration of service. If utility service is interrupted, repair work shall be continuous until service is restored.
No work shall be undertaken around fire hydrants until provisions for continued service have been approved by
the local fire authority. When the Design-Builder’s work operations require the disconnection of “in service”
fire hydrants, the Design-Builder shall notify the locality’s fire department or communication center at least
twenty four (24) hours prior to disconnection. In addition, the Design-Builder shall notify the locality’s fire
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department or communications center no later than twenty four (24) hours after reconnection of such hydrants.
The Design-Builder shall be responsible for any damage to utilities that, in the investigation and determination
of the Department, is found to be attributable to the Design-Builder’s neglect, means, or methods of performing
the Work.
Nothing in this Section shall be construed to be in conflict with Section 107.08.
The Design-Builder shall comply with all requirements of the Virginia Underground Utility Damage
Prevention Act (the Miss Utility law). The Design-Builder shall not make or begin any Excavation or
demolition without first notifying the Miss Utility notification center for the area where the Project is located.
The Design-Builder shall wait to begin its Excavation or demolition until 7:00 a.m. on the third working day
following the Design-Builder’s notice to the notification center, unless the underground utilities cannot be
marked within that time due to extraordinary circumstances. The Design-Builder may commence Excavation or
demolition work only if confirmed through the Ticket Information Exchange (TIE) System, or the Design-
Builder is notified directly, that all applicable utilities have either marked their underground line locations or
reported that no lines are present in the Work vicinity.
107.10—Restoration of Work Performed by Others
The Department may construct or reconstruct any utility service within the construction limits or grant a permit
for the same at any time. The Design-Builder shall not be entitled to any damages occasioned thereby other than
a consideration of an extension of time, unless the Design-Builder’s Work is damaged, altered or impeded by
the condition.
When authorized by the Department, the Design-Builder shall allow any Person to make an opening in the
Highway within the limits of the Project upon presentation of a duly executed permit from the Department or
any municipality for sections within its corporate limits. When directed by the Department, the Design-Builder
shall satisfactorily repair portions of the Work disturbed by the openings. The work for such repairs as
authorized and directed by the Department will be paid for in accordance with Section 109.05 and shall be
subject to the same conditions as the original work performed.
107.11—Use of Explosives
The Design-Builder shall be responsible for damage resulting from the use of explosives. Explosives shall be
stored in a safe and secure manner in compliance with federal, state, and local laws and ordinances.
The Design-Builder shall notify each property and utility owner having a building, structure, or other
installation above or below ground in proximity to the site of the Work of his intention to use explosives. Notice
shall be given sufficiently in advance to enable the owners to take steps to protect their property. The review of
the Design-Builder’s plan of operations, blasting plan and the notification of property owners shall in no way
relieve the Design-Builder of his responsibility for damage resulting from his blasting operations.
107.12—Responsibility for Damage Claims (Refer to General Conditions, Article 7 Indemnification)
107.13—Labor and Wages
The Design-Builder shall comply with the provisions and requirements of the workers compensation law and
public statutes that regulate hours of employment on public work.
(a) Predetermined Minimum Wages: The provisions of laws requiring the payment of a minimum wage
of a predetermined minimum wage scale for the various classes of laborers and mechanics, when such
a scale is incorporated in the Contract, shall be expressly made a part of any Contract hereunder. The
Design-Builder and his agents shall promptly comply with all such applicable provisions.
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Any classification not listed and subsequently required shall be classified or reclassified in accordance
with the wage determination. If other classifications are used, omission of classifications shall not be
cause for additional compensation. The Design-Builder shall be responsible for determining local
practices with regard to the application of the various labor classifications. For additional details of
predetermined minimum wage rates, see Exhibit 107.13 included with the RFP.
(b) Labor Rate Forms: The Design-Builder shall complete Form C-28, indicating by classification the
total number of Employees, excluding executive and administrative Employees, employed on the
Project. The Design-Builder shall also indicate on the form the compensation rate per hour for each
classification. The Design-Builder shall submit an original and two copies of the form prior to the due
date of the second estimate for payment and for each 90-day period thereafter until the Work specified
in the Contract has been completed.
If at the time of Final Acceptance the period since the last labor report is 30 days or more, the Design-
Builder shall furnish an additional labor report as outlined herein prior to payment of the final estimate.
(c) Job Service Offices: In advance of the Contract starting date, the Design-Builder may contact the Job
Service Office of the Virginia Employment Commission at the nearest location to secure referral of
available qualified workers in all occupational categories. The closest office may be obtained by
accessing the VEC website at and “clicking” on “VEC Local Officesto
access VEC Workforce Centers”.
107.14—Equal Employment Opportunity
(a) The Design-Builder shall comply with the applicable provisions of presidential executive orders and the
rules, regulations, and orders of the President’s Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity.
(b) The Design-Builder shall maintain the following records and reports as required by the contract EEO
1. Record of all applicants for employment
2. New hires by race, work classification, hourly rate, and date employed
3. Minority and non-minority Employees employed in each work classification
4. Changes in work classifications
5. Employees enrolled in approved training programs and the status of each
6. Minority Subcontractor or Subcontractors with meaningful minority group representation
7. Copies of Form C-57 submitted by Subcontractors
(c) If the Contract has a stipulation or requirement for trainees, the Design-Builder shall submit semiannual
training reports in accordance with the instructions shown on the forms furnished by the Department. If the
Design-Builder fails to submit such reports in accordance with the instructions, his monthly progress
estimate for payment may be delayed.
(d) The Design-Builder shall cooperate with the Department in carrying out EEO obligations and in the
Department’s review of activities under the Contract. The Design-Builder shall comply with the specific
EEO requirements specified herein and shall include these requirements in every subcontract of $10,000 or
more with such modification of language as may be necessary to make them binding on the Subcontractor.
(e) EEO Policy: The Design-Builder shall accept as operating policy the following statement:
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It is the policy of this Company to assure that applicants are employed and that Employees are treated
during employment without regard to their race, religion, sex, color, or national origin. Such action shall
include employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or
termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including
apprenticeship or on-the-job training.
(f) EEO Officer: The Design-Builder shall designate and make known to the Department an EEO Officer who
can effectively administer and promote an active contractor EEO program and who shall be assigned
adequate authority and responsibility to do so.
(g) Dissemination of Policy:
1. Members of the Design-Builder’s staff who are authorized to hire, supervise, promote, and discharge
Employees or recommend such action or are substantially involved in such action shall be made fully
aware of and shall implement the Design-Builder’s EEO policy and contractual responsibilities to
provide equal employment opportunity in each grade and classification of employment. The following
actions shall be taken as a minimum:
a. Periodic meetings of supervisory and personnel office Employees shall be conducted before the
start of work and at least once every six (6) months thereafter, at which time the Design-Builder’s
EEO policy and its implementation shall be reviewed and explained. The meetings shall be
conducted by the EEO Officer or another knowledgeable company official.
b. New supervisory or personnel office Employees shall be given a thorough indoctrination by the
EEO Officer or another knowledgeable company official covering all major aspects of the Design-
Builder’s EEO obligations within thirty (30) days following their reporting for duty with the
c. The EEO Officer or appropriate company official shall instruct Employees engaged in the direct
recruitment of Employees for the Project relative to the methods followed by the Design-Builder
in locating and hiring minority group Employees.
2. In order to make the Design-Builder’s EEO policy known to all Employees, prospective Employees,
and potential sources of Employees such as, but not limited to, schools, employment agencies, labor
unions where appropriate, and college placement officers, the Design-Builder shall take the following
a. Notices and posters setting forth the Design-Builder’s EEO policy shall be placed in areas readily
accessible to Employees, applicants for employment, and potential employees.
The Design-Builder shall furnish, erect, and maintain at least two (2) bulletin boards having
dimensions of at least forty eight (48) inches in width and thirty six (36) inches in height at
locations readily accessible to all personnel concerned with the Project. The boards shall be
erected immediately upon initiation of the Work and shall be maintained until the completion of
such Work, at which time they shall be removed from the Project. Each bulletin board shall be
equipped with a removable glass or plastic cover that, when in place, will protect posters from
weather or damage. The Design-Builder shall promptly post official notices on the bulletin boards.
b. The Design-Builder’s EEO policy and the procedures to implement such policy shall be brought to
the attention of Employees by means of meetings, employee handbooks, or other appropriate
(h) Recruitment:
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1. When advertising for employees, the Design-Builder shall include in all advertisements for employees
the notation “An Equal Opportunity Employer and shall insert all such advertisements in newspapers
or other publications having a large circulation among minority groups in the area from which the
Project work force would normally be derived.
2. Unless precluded by a valid bargaining agreement, the Design-Builder shall conduct systematic and
direct recruitment through public and private employee referral sources likely to yield qualified
minority group applicants, including, but not limited to, State employment agencies, schools, colleges,
and minority group organizations. The Design-Builder shall identify sources of potential minority
group employees and shall establish procedures with such sources whereby minority group applicants
may be referred to him for employment consideration.
3. The Design-Builder shall encourage his Employees to refer minority group applicants for employment
by posting appropriate notices or bulletins in areas accessible to all Employees. In addition,
information and procedures with regard to referring minority group applicants shall be discussed with
(i) Personnel Actions: Wages, working conditions, and Employee benefits shall be established and
administered, and personnel action of any type shall be taken without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or
national origin.
1. The Design-Builder shall conduct periodic inspections of the Project sites to ensure that working
conditions and Employee facilities do not indicate discriminatory treatment of personnel.
2. The Design-Builder shall periodically evaluate the spread of wages paid within each classification to
determine whether there is evidence of discriminatory wage practices.
3. The Design-Builder shall periodically review selected personnel actions in depth to determine whether
there is evidence of discrimination. Where evidence is found, the Design-Builder shall promptly take
corrective action. If the review indicates that the discrimination may extend beyond the actions
reviewed, corrective action shall include all affected individuals.
4. The Design-Builder shall investigate all complaints of alleged discrimination made to him in
connection with obligations under the Contract, attempt to resolve such complaints, and take
appropriate corrective action. If the investigation indicates that the discrimination may affect Persons
other than the complainant, corrective action shall include those individuals. Upon completion of each
investigation, the Design-Builder shall inform every complainant of all avenues of appeal.
(j) Training:
1. The Design-Builder shall assist in locating, qualifying, and increasing the skills of minority group and
women employees and applicants for employment.
2. Consistent with work force requirements and as permissible under federal and State regulations, the
Design-Builder shall make full use of training programs, i.e., apprenticeship and on-the-job training
programs for the geographical area of contract performance. Where feasible, twenty five percent (25%)
of apprentices or trainees in each occupation shall be in their first year of apprenticeship or training.
3. The Design-Builder shall advise Employees and applicants for employment of available training
programs and the entrance requirements for each.
4. The Design-Builder shall periodically review the training and promotion potential of minority group
Employees and shall encourage eligible Employees to apply for such training and promotion.
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5. If the Contract does not provide a separate Pay Item for trainees, the cost associated with the training
specified herein shall be included in the contract price.
6. If the Contract requires trainees, training shall be in accordance with Section 518.
(k) Unions: If the Design-Builder relies in whole or in part on unions as a source of employees, best efforts
shall be made to obtain the cooperation of such unions to increase opportunities for minority groups and
women in the unions and to effect referrals by such unions of minority and women employees. Actions by
the Design-Builder, either directly or through his Design-Builders Association acting as agent, shall
include the following procedures:
1. In cooperation with the unions, best efforts shall be used to develop joint training programs aimed
toward qualifying more minority group members and women for membership in the unions and to
increase the skills of minority group employees and women so that they may qualify for higher-paying
2. Best efforts shall be used to incorporate an EEO clause into union agreements to the end that unions
shall be contractually bound to refer applicants without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national
3. Information shall be obtained concerning referral practices and policies of the labor union except that
to the extent the information is within the exclusive possession of the union. If the labor union refuses
to furnish the information to the Design-Builder, the Design-Builder shall so certify to the Department
and shall set forth what efforts he made to obtain the information.
4. If a union is unable to provide the Design-Builder with a reasonable flow of minority and women
referrals within the time limit set forth in the union agreement, the Design-Builder shall, through his
recruitment procedures, fill the employment vacancies without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or
national origin, making full efforts to obtain qualified or qualifiable minority group individuals and
women. If union referral practice prevents the Design-Builder from complying with the EEO
requirements, the Design-Builder shall immediately notify the Department.
(l) Subcontracting: The Design-Builder shall use best efforts to use minority group Subcontractors or
Subcontractors with meaningful minority group and female representation among their employees. Design-
Builders shall obtain lists of SWaM and DBE construction firms from the Department. If SWaM and DBE
goals are established in the RFP Documents, the Design-Builder shall comply with Section 107.15.
The Design-Builder shall use best efforts to ensure Subcontractor compliance with his EEO obligations.
(m) Records and Reports: The Design-Builder shall keep such records as are necessary to determine
compliance with his EEO obligations. The records shall be designed to indicate the following:
1. the number of minority and non-minority group members and females employed in each work
classification on the Project.
2. the progress and efforts being made in cooperation with unions to increase employment opportunities
for minorities and females if unions are used as a source of the work force.
3. the progress and efforts being made in locating, hiring, training, qualifying, and upgrading minority
and female Employees.
4. the progress and efforts being made in securing the services of minority group subcontractors or
subcontractors with meaningful minority group and female representation among their Employees.
Records shall be retained for a period of three (3) years following Final Acceptance and shall be available
at reasonable times and places for inspection by authorized representatives of the Department.
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Each month for the first three (3) months after construction begins and every month of July thereafter for
the duration of the Project, Form C-57 shall be completed to indicate the number of minority, non-minority,
and female Employees currently engaged in each work classification shown on the form. The completed
Form C-57 shall be submitted within three (3) weeks after the reporting period. Failure to do so may result
in delay of approval of the Design-Builder’s monthly progress estimate for payment.
107.15—Use of Small, Women-Owned, and Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs)
Design-Builder shall comply with all requirements of Exhibit 107.15, included with the RFP. This Exhibit is a
Special Provision from the Department.
107.16—Environmental Stipulations
By signing the Proposal, the Offeror shall have stipulated (1) that any facility to be used in the performance of
the Contract (unless the Contract is exempt under the Clean Air Act as amended [42 U.S.C. 1857, et seq., as
amended by P.L. 91-604], the Federal Water Pollution Control Act as amended [33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq. as
amended by P.L. 92-500], and Executive Order 11738 and regulations in implementation thereof [40 C.F.R.,
Part 15]) is not listed on the EPA’s List of Violating Facilities pursuant to 40 C.F.R. 15.20; and (2) that the
Department will be promptly notified prior to the Award of the Contract if the Offeror receives any
communication from the Director, Office of Federal Activities, EPA, indicating that a facility to be used for the
Contract is under consideration to be listed on the EPA’s List of Violating Facilities.
No separate payment will be made for the Work or precautions described herein.
Reference is made in various subsections of this section to Tidewater, Virginia. For the purposes of identifying
the affected regions assigned to this designation and the requirements therein Tidewater, Virginia is defined as
the Counties of Accomack, Arlington, Caroline, Charles City, Chesterfield, Essex, Fairfax, Gloucester,
Hanover, Henrico, Isle of Wight, James City, King George, King and Queen, King William, Lancaster,
Mathews, Middlesex, New Kent, Northampton, Northumberland, Prince George, Prince William, Richmond,
Spotsylvania, Stafford, Surry, Westmoreland and York and the Cities of Alexandria, Chesapeake, Colonial
Heights, Fairfax, Falls Church, Fredericksburg, Hampton, Hopewell, Newport News, Norfolk, Petersburg,
Poquoson, Portsmouth, Richmond, Suffolk, Virginia Beach and Williamsburg.
(a) Erosion and Siltation: The Design-Builder shall exercise every reasonable precaution, including
temporary and permanent soil stabilization measures, throughout the duration of the Project to control
erosion and prevent siltation of adjacent lands, rivers, streams, wetlands, lakes, and impoundments. Soil
stabilization or erosion control measures shall be applied to erodible soil or ground materials exposed by
any activity associated with construction, including clearing, grubbing, and grading, but not limited to local
or on-site sources of materials, stockpiles, Disposal Areas and haul roads.
The Design-Builder shall comply with Sections 301.02 and 303.03 of the Specifications. Should the
Design-Builder as a result of negligence or noncompliance fail to provide soil stabilization in accordance
with these specifications, the cost of temporary soil stabilization in accordance with the provisions of
Section 303 shall be at the Design-Builder’s expense.
Temporary measures shall be coordinated with the Work to ensure effective and continuous erosion and
sediment control. Permanent erosion control measures and drainage facilities shall be installed as the Work
For projects that disturb 10,000 square feet or greater of land or 2,500 square feet or greater in Tidewater,
Virginia, the Design-Builder shall have within the limits of the project during land disturbance activities, an
employee certified by the Department in Erosion and Sediment control who shall inspect erosion and
sediment control and pollution prevention practices, devices and measures for proper installation and
operation and promptly report their findings to the Inspector. Failure on the part of the Design-Builder to
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maintain appropriate erosion and sediment control or pollution prevention devices in a functioning
condition may result in the Department notifying the Design-Builder in writing of specific deficiencies.
Deficiencies shall be corrected immediately or as otherwise directed by the Department. If the Design-
Builder fails to correct or take appropriate actions to correct the specified deficiencies within twenty four
(24) hours (or as otherwise directed) after receipt of such notification, the Department may do one or more
of the following: require the Design-Builder to suspend work in other areas and concentrate efforts towards
correcting the specified deficiencies, withhold payment of monthly progress estimates, or proceed to
correct the specified deficiencies and deduct the entire cost of such work from monies due the Design-
Builder. Failure on the part of the Design-Builder to maintain a Department certified erosion and sediment
control employee within the Project limits when land disturbance activities are being performed will result
in the Department suspending work related to any land disturbance activity until such time as the Design-
Builder is in compliance with this requirement.
(b) Pollution:
1. Water: The Design-Builder shall exercise every reasonable precaution throughout the duration of the
Project to prevent pollution of rivers, streams, and impoundments. Pollutants such as, but not limited
to, chemicals, fuels, lubricants, bitumens, raw sewage, paints, sedimentation, and other harmful
material shall not be discharged into or alongside rivers, streams, or impoundments or into Channels
leading to them. The Design-Builder shall provide the Department a contingency plan for reporting
and immediate actions to be taken in the event of a dump, discharge, or spill within eight hours after he
has mobilized to the Project site.
Construction discharge water shall be filtered to remove deleterious materials prior to discharge into
State waters. Filtering shall be accomplished by the use of a standard dewatering basin or a dewatering
bag or other measures approved by the Department. Dewatering bags shall conform to Section 245.
During specified spawning seasons, discharges and construction activities in spawning areas of State
waters shall be restricted so as not to disturb or inhibit aquatic species that are indigenous to the
waters. Neither water nor other effluence shall be discharged onto wetlands or breeding or nesting
areas of migratory waterfowl. When used extensively in wetlands, heavy Equipment shall be placed on
mats. Temporary construction fills and mats in wetlands and flood plains shall be constructed of
approved non-erodible materials and shall be removed by the Design-Builder to natural ground when
the Department so directs.
If the Design-Builder dumps, discharges, or spills any oil or chemical that reaches or has the potential
to reach a waterway, he shall immediately notify all appropriate jurisdictional Governmental Units in
accordance with the requirements of the Contract and the VPDES General Permit For Discharge of
Stormwater From Construction Activities and shall take immediate actions to contain, remove, and
properly dispose of the oil or chemical.
Solids, sludges, or other pollutants removed in the course of the treatment or management of pollutants
shall be disposed of in a manner that prevents any pollutant from such materials from entering surface
waters in compliance with all applicable state and federal laws and regulations.
Excavation material shall be disposed of in approved areas above the mean high water mark shown in
the Contract Documents in a manner that will prevent the return of solid or suspended materials to
State waters. If the mark is not shown on the Plans, the mean high water mark shall be considered the
elevation of the top of stream banks.
Constructing new Bridge(s) and dismantling and removing existing Bridge(s) shall be accomplished in
a manner that will prevent the dumping or discharge of construction or Disposable Materials into
rivers, streams, or impoundments.
Construction operations in rivers, streams, or impoundments shall be restricted to those areas where
identified on the Plans and to those that must be entered for the construction of structures. Rivers,
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streams, and impoundments shall be cleared of Falsework, piling, debris, or other obstructions placed
therein or caused by construction operations. Stabilization of the streambed and banks shall occur
immediately upon completion of work if work is suspended for more than fourteen (14) days.
The Design-Builder shall prevent stream constriction that would reduce stream flows below the
minimum, as defined by the State Water Control Board, during construction operations.
If it is necessary to relocate an existing stream or drainage facility temporarily to facilitate
construction, the Design-Builder shall design and provide temporary Channels or culverts of adequate
size to carry the normal flow of the stream or drainage facility. The Design-Builder shall submit a
temporary relocation design to the Department for review and acceptance in sufficient time to allow
for discussion and correction prior to beginning the Work the design covers. Costs for the temporary
relocation of the stream or drainage facility shall be included in the Contract. Stabilization of the
streambed and banks shall occur immediately upon completion of, or during the Work, if the Work is
suspended for more than fourteen (14) days.
Temporary Bridges or other minimally invasive structures shall be used wherever the Design-Builder
finds it necessary to cross a stream more than twice in a six (6) month period unless otherwise
authorized by water quality permits issued by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Virginia Marine
Resources Commission, or the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality for the Contract.
Conduct all operations near rivers, streams, or impoundments in accordance with applicable water
quality permits. Do not conduct clearing or grubbing within one hundred (100) feet of the limits of
Ordinary High Water or a delineated wetland until authorized by the Department.
2. Air: The Design-Builder shall comply with the provisions of the Contract and the State Air Pollution
Control Law and Rules of the State Air Pollution Control Board, including notifications required
Burning shall be performed in accordance with all applicable local laws and ordinances and under the
constant surveillance of watchpersons. Care shall be taken so that the burning of materials does not
destroy or damage property or cause excessive air pollution. The Design-Builder shall not burn rubber
tires, asphalt, used crankcase oil, or other materials that produce dense smoke. Burning shall not be
initiated when atmospheric conditions are such that smoke will create a hazard to the motoring public
or airport operations. Provisions shall be made for flagging vehicular traffic if visibility is obstructed or
impaired by smoke. At no time shall a fire be left unattended.
Asphalt mixing plants shall be designed, equipped, and operated so that the amount and quality of air
pollutants emitted will conform to the rules of the State Air Pollution Control Board.
a. VOC Emission Control Areas - The Design-Builder is advised that when the Project is located in
a volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions control area identified in the State Air Control
Board Regulations (9 VAC 5-20-206) and in the Table I-3 below the following limitations shall
(1) Open burning is prohibited during the months of May, June, July, August, and September in
VOC Emissions Control areas
(2) Cutback asphalt is prohibited April through October except when use or application as a
penetrating prime coat or tack is necessary in Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Emissions Control Areas.* See the 9 VAC 5-40, Article
39 (Emission Standards for Asphalt Paving Operations) and 9 VAC 5-130 (Regulation for
Open Burning) for further clarification.
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Control Area
VDOT District
Hampton Roads
* Regulations for the Control and Abatement of Air Pollution (9 VAC 5-20-206)
(3) Emission standards for asbestos incorporated in the EPA’s National Emission Standards for
Hazardous Air Pollutants apply to the demolition or renovation of any institutional,
commercial, or industrial building, structure, facility, installation, or portion thereof that
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contains friable asbestos or where the Design-Builder’s methods for such actions will produce
friable asbestos.
The Design-Builder shall submit demolition notification the United States Environmental
Protection Agency (USEPA) and the Virginia Department of Labor and Industry a minimum
of 10 business days prior to starting work on the following bridge activities:
a) Dismantling and removing existing structures
b) Moving an entire structure
c) Reconstruction and repairs involving the replacement of any load-bearing component of a
Address notifications to:
Virginia Department of Labor and Industry
Asbestos Program
Powers-Taylor Building
13 South Thirteenth Street
Richmond, VA 23219
Land and Chemical Division
EPA Region III
Mail Code LC62
1650 Arch St.
Philadelphia, PA 19103-2029
3. Noise: The Design-Builder’s operations shall be performed so that exterior noise levels measured
during a noise-sensitive activity shall not exceed 80 decibels. Such noise level measurements shall be
taken at a point on the perimeter of the construction limit that is closest to the adjoining property on
which a noise sensitive activity is occurring. A noise-sensitive activity is any activity for which
lowered noise levels are essential if the activity is to serve its intended purpose and not present an
unreasonable public nuisance. Such activities include, but are not limited to, those associated with
residences, hospitals, nursing homes, churches, schools, libraries, parks, and recreational areas.
The Design-Builder shall monitor construction-related noise. If construction noise levels exceed 80
decibels during noise sensitive activities, the Design-Builder shall take corrective action before
proceeding with operations. The Design-Builder shall be responsible for costs associated with the
abatement of construction noise and the delay of operations attributable to noncompliance with these
The Department may prohibit or restrict to certain portions of the Project any work that produces
objectionable noise between 10 PM and 6 AM If other hours are established by local ordinance, the
local ordinance shall govern.
Equipment shall in no way be altered so as to result in noise levels that are greater than those produced
by the original equipment.
When feasible, the Design-Builder shall establish haul routes that direct his vehicles away from
developed areas and ensure that noise from hauling operations is kept to a minimum.
These requirements shall not be applicable if the noise produced by sources other than the Design-
Builder’s operation at the point of reception is greater than the noise from the Design-Builder’s
operation at the same point.
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(c) Forest Fires: The Design-Builder shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent and suppress forest fires
in any area involved in construction operations or occupied by him as a result of such operations. The
Design-Builder shall cooperate with the proper authorities of Governmental Units in reporting, preventing,
and suppressing forest fires. Labor, tools, or equipment furnished by the Design-Builder upon the order of
any forest official issued under authority granted the official by law shall not be considered a part of the
Contract. The Design-Builder shall negotiate with the proper forest official for compensation for such
labor, tools, or equipment
(d) Archeological, Paleontological, and Rare Mineralogical Findings: In the event of the discovery of
prehistoric ruins, Indian or early settler sites, burial grounds, relics, fossils, meteorites, or other articles of
archeological, paleontological, or rare mineralogical interest during the prosecution of Work, the Design-
Builder shall act immediately to suspend work at the site of the discovery and notify the Engineer. The
Engineer will immediately notify the proper State authority charged with the responsibility of investigating
and evaluating such finds. The Design-Builder shall cooperate and, upon the request of the Engineer, assist
in protecting, mapping, and removing the findings. Labor, tools, or Equipment furnished by the Design-
Builder for such work will be paid for in accordance with the requirements of Section 104.03. Findings
shall become the property of the Commonwealth unless they are located on federal lands, in which event
they shall become the property of the U.S. government.
When such findings delay the progress or performance of the Work, the Design-Builder shall notify the
Department in accordance with Sections 108.03 and Section 109.05.
(e) Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan and VPDES General Permit for the Discharge of
Stormwater from Construction Activities
A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) identifies potential sources of pollutants which may
reasonably be expected to affect the stormwater discharges from the construction site and any off site
support facilities located on VDOT rights of way and easements. The SWPPP also describes and ensures
implementation of practices which will be used to minimize or prevent pollutants in such discharges.
The SWPPP shall include, but not be limited to, the approved Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) Plan,
the approved Stormwater Management (SWM) Plan (if applicable), the approved Pollution Prevention
Plan, and all related Specifications, Standards, and requirements contained within the Contract Documents
and shall be required for all land-disturbing activities that disturb 10,000 square feet or greater, or 2,500
square feet or greater in Tidewater, Virginia.
Land-disturbing activities that disturb one (1) acre or greater require coverage under the Department of
Environmental Quality’s VPDES General Permit for the Discharge of Stormwater from Construction
Activities (hereafter referred to as the VPDES Construction Permit)
According to IIM-LD-242, VDOT will
apply for and secure VPDES Construction Permit coverage for all applicable land disturbing activities on
VDOT rights of way or easements for which it has contractual control, including off-site (outside the
Project limits) support facilities on VDOT rights of way or easements that directly relate to the construction
The Design-Builder shall be responsible for securing VPDES Construction Permit coverage and complying
with all permit conditions for all support facilities that are not located on VDOT rights of way or
The required contents of a SWPPP for those land disturbance activities requiring coverage under the
VPDES Construction Permit are found in Section II of the permit. While a SWPPP is an important
component of the VPDES Construction Permit, it is only one of the many requirements for the land
disturbing activity that must be addressed in order to be in full compliance with the conditions of this
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permit. The requirements of this permit will be satisfied by the Design-Builder’s compliance with the
Project’s SWPPP terms and conditions.
The Design-Builder and all other persons that oversee or perform activities covered by the VPDES
Construction Permit shall be responsible for reading, understanding, and complying with all of the terms,
conditions and requirements of the permit and the Project’s SWPPP including, but not limited to, the
1. Project Implementation Responsibilities
The Design-Builder shall be responsible for the installation, maintenance, inspection, and, on a daily
basis, ensuring the functionality of all erosion and sediment control measures on a daily basis and all
other stormwater runoff control and pollution prevention measures identified within or referenced
within the SWPPP, the construction plans, the specifications, all applicable permits, and all other
Contract Documents or applicable governmental approvals.
The Design-Builder shall be solely responsible for the temporary erosion and sediment control
protection and permanent stabilization of all borrow areas and soil disposal areas located outside of
VDOT right of way or easement.
The Design-Builder shall prevent or minimize any storm water or non-storm water discharge that will
have a reasonable likelihood of adversely affecting human health or public and/or private properties.
2. Certification Requirements
In addition to satisfying the Section 107.16(a) personnel certification requirements, the Design-Builder
shall certify his activities by completing, signing, and submitting Form C-45 VDOT SWPPP Design-
Builder Certification Statement to the Department at least seven (7) days prior to commencing any
Project-related land-disturbing activities, both within the Project limits and any support facilities
located on VDOT rights of way or easements outside the Project limits.
3. SWPPP Requirements for Support Facilities
VDOT will secure VSMP Construction Permit coverage for support facilities located on VDOT rights
of way or easements according to IIM-LD-242. VDOT shall also be responsible for securing separate
VSMP Construction Permit coverage for support facilities that are not located on VDOT rights of way
or easements.
Support facilities shall include, but not be limited to, off-site Borrow and Disposal Areas, construction
and waste materials or Equipment storage areas, equipment and vehicle washing, maintenance, storage
and fueling areas, storage areas for fertilizers, fuels, or chemicals, concrete wash out areas, sanitary
waste facilities and any other areas that may generate a storm water or non-stormwater discharge
directly related to the construction site.
Support Facilities located on VDOT rights of way or easements:
a. For those support facilities located within the Project limits but not included in the construction
plans for the Project, the Design-Builder shall develop a SWPPP in accordance with Chapter 10 of
the VDOT Drainage Manual which shall include, where applicable, an erosion and sediment
control plan, a stormwater management plan according to IIM-LD-195, and a pollution prevention
plan according to these Specifications and the SWPPP General Information Sheet notes in the
construction plans or other such contract documents. All plans developed shall be reviewed and
approved by appropriate personnel certified through DEQ’s ESC and SWM Certification program
and shall be developed according to Section 105.10 and shall be submitted to the Department for
review and approval. Once approved, the Department will notify the Design-Builder in writing
that the plans are accepted as a component of the Project’s SWPPP and VPDES Construction
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Permit coverage (where applicable) and shall be subject to all conditions and requirements of the
VPDES Construction Permit and all other contract documents. No land disturbing activities can
occur in the support area(s) until written notice to proceed is provided by the Department.
b. For support facilities located outside the Project limits and not included in the construction plans
for the Project, the Design-Builder shall develop a SWPPP in accordance with Chapter 10 of the
VDOT Drainage Manual which shall include, where applicable, an erosion and sediment control
plan, a stormwater management plan (where applicable) according to IIM-LD-195, a pollution
prevention plan according to these specifications and the SWPPP General Information Sheet notes
in the construction plans or other such contract documents and all necessary documents for
obtaining VPDES Construction Permit coverage according to IIM-LD-242. All plans developed
shall be reviewed and approved by appropriate personnel certified through DEQ’s ESC and SWM
Certification program and shall be developed according to Section 105.10 and shall be submitted
to the Department for review and approval. Once approved by the Department, VDOT will secure
VPDES Construction Permit coverage according to IIM-LD-242. After VDOT secures VPDES
Construction Permit coverage for the support facility, the Department will notify the Design-
Builder in writing. The support facility shall be subject to all conditions and requirements of the
VPDES Construction Permit and all other contract documents. No land disturbing activities can
occur in the support area(s) until written notice to proceed is provided by the Department.
4. Inspection Procedures
a. Inspection Requirements
The Design-Builder shall be responsible for conducting site inspections in accordance with the
requirements herein. Site inspections shall include erosion and sediment control and pollution
prevention practices and facilities. The Design-Builder shall document such inspections by
completion of Form C-107, Construction Runoff Control Inspection Form, in strict accordance
with the directions contained within the form. Inspections shall include all areas of the site
disturbed by construction activity, all on-site support facilities and all off site support facilities
within VDOT right of way or easement. Inspections shall be conducted at least once every 7
calendar days (equivalent to once every five (5) business days) and within forty eight (48) hours
following any measureable storm event. In the event a measureable storm event occurs when there
are more than forty eight (48) hours between business days, the inspection shall occur no later than
the next business day. A business day is defined as Monday through Friday excluding State
holidays. A measurable storm event is defined as one producing 0.25 inches of rainfall or greater
over a twenty four (24) hour time period. The Design-Builder shall install a rain gage at a central
location on the Project site for the purposes of determining the occurrence of a measureable storm
event. Where the Project is of such a length that one rain gage may not provide an accurate
representation of a the occurrence of a measurable storm event over the entire Project site, the
Design-Builder shall install as many rain gages as necessary to accurately reflect the amount of
rainfall received over all portions of the Project. The rain gage shall be observed no less than once
each business day at the time prescribed in the SWPPP General Information Sheet notes in the
construction plans or other contract documents to determine if a measureable storm event has
occurred. The procedures for determining the occurrence of a measurable storm event are
identified in the SWPPP General Information Sheet notes in the construction plans or other
contract documents. For those areas of the site that have been temporarily stabilized or where land
disturbing activities have been suspended due to continuous frozen ground conditions and
stormwater discharges are unlikely, the inspection schedule may be reduced to once per month. If
weather conditions (such as above freezing temperatures or rain or snow events) make stormwater
discharges likely, the Design-Builder shall immediately resume the regular inspection schedule.
Those definable areas where final stabilization has been achieved will not require further
inspections provided such
Prevention Plan.
areas have been identified in the Project’s Stormwater Pollution
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b. Corrective Actions
If a site inspection identifies an existing control measure that is not being maintained properly or
operating effectively; an existing control measure that needs to be modified; locations where an
additional control measure is necessary; or any other deficiencies in the erosion and sediment
control and pollution prevention plan, corrective action(s) shall be completed as soon as practical
and prior to the next anticipated measurable storm event but no later than seven days after the date
of the site inspection that identified the deficiency.
5. Unauthorized Discharges and Reporting Requirements
The Design-Builder shall not discharge into State waters sewage, industrial wastes, other wastes, or
any noxious or deleterious substances nor shall otherwise alter the physical, chemical, or biological
properties of such waters that render such waters detrimental for or to domestic use, industrial
consumption, recreational or other public uses.
a. Notification of non-compliant discharges
The Design-Builder shall immediately notify the Department upon the discovery of or the
potential of any unauthorized, unusual, extraordinary, or non-compliant discharge from the land
construction activity or any of support facilities located on VDOT right of way or easement.
Where immediate notification is not possible, such notification shall be not later than twenty four
(24) hours after said discovery.
b. Detailed report requirements for non-compliant discharges
The Design-Builder shall submit to the Department within five (5) days of the discovery of any
actual or potential non-compliant discharge a written report describing details of the discharge to
include a description of the nature and location of the discharge; the cause of the discharge; the
date of occurrence; the length of time that the discharge occurred, the volume of the discharge; the
expected duration and total volume if the discharge is continuing; a description of any apparent or
potential effects on private and/or public properties and State waters or endangerment to public
health; and any steps planned or taken to reduce, eliminate, and prevent a recurrence of the
discharge. A completed Form C-107 shall be used for such reports.
6. Changes and Deficiencies
The Design-Builder shall report to the Department when: (a) any planned physical alterations or
additions are made to the land disturbing activity; or (b) deficiencies in the Project plans or Contract
are discovered that could significantly change the nature of or increase potential for pollutants
discharged from the land disturbing activity to surface waters and that have not previously been
addressed in the SWPPP.
7. Amendments, Modifications, Revisions and Updates to the SWPPP
a. The Design-Builder shall amend the SWPPP whenever site conditions, construction sequencing or
scheduling necessitates revisions or modifications to the erosion and sediment control plan, the
pollution prevention plan, or any other component of the SWPPP for the land disturbing activity
or onsite support facilities,
b. The Design-Builder shall amend the SWPPP to identify any additional or modified erosion and
sediment control and pollution prevention measures implemented to correct problems or
deficiencies identified through any inspection or investigation process.
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c. The Design-Builder shall amend the SWPPP to identify any new or additional person(s) or
contractor(s) not previously identified that will be responsible for implementing and maintaining
erosion and sediment control and pollution prevention devices.
d. The Design-Builder shall update the SWPPP to include:
(1) A record of dates when major grading activities occur, construction activities temporarily or
permanently cease on a portion of the site, and stabilization measures are initiated.
(2) Documentation of replaced or modified erosion and sediment control and pollution prevention
controls where periodic inspections or other information have indicated that the controls have
been used inappropriately or incorrectly.
(3) Identification of areas where final stabilization has occurred and where no further SWPPP or
inspection requirements apply.
(4) The date of any prohibited discharges, the discharge volume released, and what actions were
taken to minimize the impact of the release.
(5) A description of any measures taken to prevent the reoccurrence of any prohibited discharge.
(6) A description of any measures taken to address any issues identified by the required erosion
and sediment control and pollution prevention inspections.
e. The Design-Builder shall update the SWPPP no later than seven (7) days after the implementation
and/or the approval of any amendments, modifications, or revisions to the erosion and sediment
control plan, the pollution prevention plan, or any other component of the SWPPP.
f. Revisions or modifications to the SWPPP shall be approved by the Department and shall be
documented by the Design-Builder on a designated plan set (Record Set) in accordance with
Chapter 10 of the VDOT Drainage Manual. All updates to the SWPPP shall be signed by the
delegated authority as identified on the SWPPP.
g. The record set of plans shall be maintained with other SWPPP documents on the Project site or at
a location convenient to the Project site where no on site facilities are available.
107.17—Construction Safety and Health Standards
(a) In the performance of this Contract the Design-Builder shall comply with all applicable Federal, State, and
local laws governing safety, health, and sanitation (23 CFR 635). The Design-Builder, Subcontractors at
any tier, and their respective employees, agents and invitees, shall at all times while in or around the Project
site comply with all applicable laws, regulations, provisions, and policies governing safety and health under
the Virginia Occupational Safety and Health (VOSH) Standards adopted under the Code of Virginia, and
any laws, regulations, provisions, and policies incorporated by reference including but not limited to the
Federal Construction Safety Act (Public Law 91-54), 29 CFR Chapter XVII, Part 1926, Occupational
Safety and Health Regulations for Construction, and the Occupation Safety and Health Act (Public Law 91-
596), 29 CFR Chapter XVII, Part 1910 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry, and
subsequent publications updating these regulations.
(b) The Design-Builder shall provide all safeguards, safety devices and protective equipment, and take any
other needed actions as it determines, or as the Engineer may determine, to be reasonably necessary to
protect the life and health of employees on the job and the safety of the public, and to protect property in
connection with the performance of the Work. The Design-Builder shall be responsible for maintaining and
supervising all safety and health protections and programs to ensure compliance with this Section. The
Design-Builder shall routinely inspect the Project site for safety and health violations. The Design-Builder
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shall immediately abate any violations of the safety and health requirements or duties at no cost to the
(c) It is a condition of this Contract, and shall be made a condition of each subcontract ,which the Design-
Builder enters into pursuant to this Contract, that the Design-Builder and any Subcontractor shall not
permit any employees in performance of the Contract, to work in surroundings or under conditions which
are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to their health or safety as determined by the Virginia Work Area
Protection Manual or under construction safety and health standards (29 CFR 1926) promulgated by the
Secretary of Labor, in accordance with Section 107 of the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act
(40 U.S.C. 3704).
(d) VOSH personnel, on all Federal-aid construction contracts and related subcontracts, pursuant to 29 CFR
1926.3, the Secretary of Labor or authorized representative thereof, shall have right of entry to any site of
contract performance to inspect or investigate the matter of compliance with the construction safety and
health standards and to carry out their duties.
107.18—Sanitary Provisions
The Design-Builder shall provide and maintain in a neat, sanitary condition such accommodations for the use of
Employees as may be necessary to comply with the requirements of the State and local Board of Health or other
bodies or tribunals having jurisdiction.
107.19—Railway-Highway Provisions
If the Design-Builder’s work requires hauling materials across the tracks of a railway, he shall make
arrangements with the railway for any new crossing(s) required. Access to existing rail crossings with off-road
heavy Equipment shall also be arranged by the Design-Builder. Charges made by the railway company for the
construction or use of new or existing crossings and their subsequent removal and for watchperson or flagger
service at such crossings shall be reimbursed by the Design-Builder directly to the railway company under the
terms of their separate individual arrangements before Final Acceptance.
Work to be performed by the Design-Builder in construction on or over the railway Right of Way shall be
performed at times and in a manner that will not unnecessarily interfere with the movement of trains or traffic
on the railway track. The Design-Builder shall use care to avoid accidents, damage, or unnecessary delay or
interference with the railway company’s trains or other property. If any interruption of railway traffic is
required by the Design-Builder’s actions, he shall obtain prior written approval from the railway company.
The Design-Builder shall conduct operations that occur on or over the Right of Way of any railway company
fully within the rules, regulations, and requirements of the railway company and in accordance with the
requirements of any agreements made between the Department and the railway company. The applicable
portions of such agreements shall be provided by Department to Design-Builder upon Design-Builder’s request,
unless the Contract Documents require the Design-Builder to obtain such agreement.
(a) Flagger or Watchperson Services: Flagger or watchperson services required by the railway company for
the safety of railroad operations because of work being performed by the Design-Builder or incidental
thereto will be provided by the railway company. The cost for such services as required for work shown in
the Contract Documents will be borne by the Design-Builder. Any cost of such services resulting from
work not shown in the Contract Documents or for the Design-Builder’s convenience shall be borne by the
Design-Builder and shall be paid directly to the railway company(s) under the terms of their separate
individual agreement.
No work shall be undertaken on or over the railway Right of Way until the watchpersons or flaggers are
present at the Project site. The Design-Builder shall continuously prosecute the affected work to completion
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to minimize the need for flagger or watchperson services. Costs for such services that the Department
determines to be unnecessary because of the Design-Builder’s failure to give notice as required herein
before initially starting, intermittently continuing, or discontinuing work on or over the railway Right of
Way shall be borne by the Design-Builder and will be deducted from monies due him.
(b) Approval of Construction Methods on Railway Right of Way: The Design-Builder shall submit to the
Department a plan of operations showing the design and method of proposed structural operations and shall
obtain its approval before performing any work on the railway companys Right of Way unless otherwise
indicated in the railroad agreement. The plan shall be clear and legible and details shall be drawn to scale.
The plan shall incorporate any stipulations or requirements the railroad may impose for the evaluation of
the Design-Builder’s contemplated operations. The plan shall show, but not be limited to, the following:
1. proximity of construction operations to tracks.
2. depth of Excavation with respect to tracks.
3. description of structural units.
4. vertical and horizontal clearances to be afforded the railroad during installation and upon completion
of Excavation.
5. sheeting and bracing.
6. method and sequence of operations.
Approval shall not relieve the Design-Builder of any liability under the Contract. The Design-Builder shall
arrange the Work so as not to interfere with the railway company’s operation except by agreement with the
railway company.
(c) Insurance: In addition to insurance or bonds required under the terms of the Contract, the Design-Builder
shall carry insurance covering operations affecting the property of the railway company. The original
railroad protective liability insurance policy and certificate of insurance showing insurance carried by the
Design-Builder and any Subcontractors shall be submitted to the railway company for approval and
Neither the Design-Builder nor any Subcontractor shall begin any work affecting the railway company until
the railway company has received the insurance.
Notice of any material change in or cancellation of the required policies shall be furnished the Department
and the railway company at least 30 days prior to the effective date of the change or cancellation. The
insurance shall be of the following kinds and amounts:
1. Design-Builder’s public liability and property damage insurance: The Design-Builder shall furnish
evidence to the Department with respect to the operations to be performed that he carries regular
contractor’s public liability insurance. The insurance shall provide for a limit of at least the dollar
value specified in the Contract for all damages arising out of bodily injuries to or the death of one
person and subject to that limit for each person a total limit of at least the dollar value specified in the
Contract for all damages arising out of bodily injuries to or death of two or more persons in any one
occurrence, and regular design-builder’s property damage insurance providing for a limit of at least the
dollar value specified in the Contract for all damages arising out of bodily injury to or destruction of
property in any one occurrence, and subject to that limit per occurrence, a total or aggregate limit of at
least the dollar value specified in the Contract for all damages arising out of injury to or destruction of
property during the policy period. The Design-Builders public liability and property damage insurance
shall include explosion, collapse, and underground damage coverage. If the Design-Builder
subcontracts any portion of the Work, he shall secure insurance protection in his own behalf under the
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Contract’s public liability and property damage insurance policies to cover any liability imposed on
him by law for damages because of bodily injury to, or death of persons and injury to, or destruction of
property as a result of Work undertaken by the Subcontractors. In addition, the Design-Builder shall
provide similar insurance protection for and on behalf of any Subcontractors to cover their operation
by means of separate and individual design-builders public liability and property damage policies. As
an alternative, he shall require each Subcontractor to provide such insurance in his own behalf.
2. Railroad protective insurance and public liability and property damage: The policy furnished the
railway company shall include coverage for contamination, pollution, explosion, collapse, and
underground damage. The policy shall be of the type specified hereinafter and shall be expressed in
standard language that may not be amended. No part shall be omitted except as indicated hereinafter or
by an endorsement that states an amendment or exclusion of some provision of the form in accordance
with the provisions of a manual rule. The form of the endorsement shall be approved as may be
required by the supervising authority of the State in which the policy is issued. A facsimile of the
Policy Declarations form as shown in the RFP Documents shall be made a part of the policy and shall
be executed by an officer of the insurance company. The several parts of the requirements and
stipulations specified or inferred herein may appear in the policy in such sequence as the company may
a. For a policy issued by one company:
(NAME AND LOCATION OF INDEMNITY COMPANY), a _______________ (Type of Company)
Insurance Company, herein called the Company, agrees with the insured named in the Policy
Declarations made a part hereof, in consideration of the payment of the premium and in reliance
upon the statements in the Policy Declarations made by the named insured and subject to all of
the terms of his policy.
For a policy issued by two companies:
INDEMNITY COMPANY), each a ________________ Insurance Company (Type of Company),
herein called the Company, severally agree with the insured named in the Policy Declarations
made a part hereof, in consideration of the payment of the premium and in reliance upon the
statements in the Policy Declaration made by the named insured and subject to all of the terms of
this policy, provided the named Indemnity Company shall be the insured with respect to Coverage
__________ and no other and the named Insurance Company shall be the insurer with respect to
Coverage ___________ and no other.
b. Insuring agreements:
(1) Coverages: Coverage A—Bodily injury liability: To pay on behalf of the insured all sums
that the insured shall become legally obligated to pay as damages because of bodily injury,
sickness, or disease including death at any time resulting therefrom (hereinafter called bodily
injury) either (1) sustained by any person arising out of acts or omissions at the designated job
site that are related to or are in connection with the Work described in Item 6 of the Policy
Declarations; or (2) sustained at the designated job site by the Design-Builder, any Employee
of the Design-Builder, any employee of the governmental authority specified in Item 5 of the
Policy Declarations, or any designated employee of the insured, whether or not arising out of
such acts or omissions.
Coverage B—Property damage liability: To pay on behalf of the insured all sums the
insured shall become legally obligated to pay as damages because of physical injury to or
destruction of property, including loss of use of any property because of such injury or
destruction (hereinafter called property damage) arising out of acts or omissions at the
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designated job site that are related to or are in connection with the Work described in Item 6
of the Policy Declarations.
Coverage C—Physical damage to property: To pay for direct and accidental loss of or
damage to rolling stock and other contents, mechanical construction Equipment, or motive
power Equipment (hereinafter called loss) arising out of acts or omissions at the designated
job site that are related to or are in connection with the work described in Item 6 of the Policy
Declarations; provided such property is owned by the named insured or is leased or entrusted
to the named insured under a lease or trust agreement.
(2) Definitions: Insured means and includes the named insured and any executive officer,
director, or stockholder thereof while acting within the scope of his duties as such.
Design-Builder means the Design-Builder designated in Item 4 of the Policy Declarations and
includes all Subcontractors of the Design-Builder but not the named insured.
Designated employee of the insured means (1) any supervisory employee of the insured at the
job site; (2) any employee of the insured while operating, attached to, or engaged on work
trains or other railroad Equipment at the job site that is assigned exclusively to the Design-
Builder; or (3) any employee of the insured not within (1) or (2) who is specifically loaned or
assigned to the work of the Design-Builder for prevention of accidents or protection of
property, the cost of whose services is borne specifically by the Design-Builder or
governmental authority.
Contract means any contract or agreement to carry a Person or property for a consideration or
any lease, trust, or interchange contract or agreement respecting motive power, rolling stock,
or mechanical construction Equipment.
(3) Defense and settlement supplementary payments: With respect to such insurance as is
afforded by this policy under Coverages A and B, the Company shall defend any suit against
the insured alleging such bodily injury or property damage and seeking damages that are
payable under the terms of this policy, even if any of the allegations of the suit are groundless,
false, or fraudulent. However, the Company may make such investigation and settlement of
any claim or suit as it deems expedient.
In addition to the applicable limits of liability, the Company shall pay (1) all expenses
incurred by the company, all costs taxed against the insured in any such suit, and all interest
on the entire amount of any judgment therein that accrues after entry of the judgment and
before the Company has paid or tendered or deposited in court that part of the judgment that
does not exceed the limit of the Company’s liability thereon; (2) premiums on appeal bonds
required in any such suit and premiums on bonds to release attachments for an amount not in
excess of the applicable limit of liability of this policy, but without obligation to apply for or
furnish any such bonds; (3) expenses incurred by the insured for first aid to others that shall
be imperative at the time of the occurrence; and (4) all reasonable expenses, other than loss of
earnings, incurred by the insured at the Company’s request.
(4) Policy period and territory: This policy applies only to occurrences and losses during the
policy period and within the United States, its territories or possessions, or Canada.
c. Exclusions: This policy does not apply to the following:
(1) liability assumed by the insured under any contract or agreement except a contract as defined
(2) bodily injury or property damage caused intentionally by or at the direction of the insured.
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(3) bodily injury, property damage, or loss that occurs after notification to the named insured of
the acceptance of the Work by the governmental authority, other than bodily injury, property
damage, or loss resulting from the existence or removal of tools, uninstalled Equipment, and
abandoned or unused Materials.
(4) under Coverage A(1), B, and C, to bodily injury, property damage, or loss, the sole proximate
cause of which is an act or omission of any insured.
(5) under Coverage A, to any obligation for which the insured or any carrier as his insurer may be
held liable under any workers’ compensation, employment compensation, or disability
benefits law or under any similar law; provided that the Federal Employer’s Liability Act,
U.S. Code (1946) Title 45, Sections 51-60, as amended, shall for the purpose of this insurance
be deemed not to be any similar law.
(6) under Coverage B, to injury to or destruction of property owned by the named insured or
leased or entrusted to the named insured under a lease or trust agreement.
(7) under any liability coverage, to injury, sickness, disease, death, or destruction (1) with respect
to which an insured under the policy is also an insured under a nuclear energy liability policy
issued by the Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association, Mutual Atomic Energy
Liability Underwriters, or Nuclear Insurance Association of Canada or would be an insured
under any such policy but for its termination upon exhaustion of its limit of liability; or (2)
resulting from the hazardous properties of nuclear material and with respect to which any
Person is required to maintain financial protection pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954
or any law amendatory thereof or the insured is (or had this policy not been issued would be)
entitled to indemnity from the United States or any agency thereof under any agreement
entered into by the United States, or any agency thereof, with any Person.
(8) under any Medical Payments Coverage or any Supplementary Payments provision relating to
immediate medical or surgical relief or to expenses incurred with respect to bodily injury,
sickness, disease, or death resulting from the hazardous properties of nuclear material and
arising out of the operation of a nuclear facility by any Person.
(9) under any liability coverage, to injury, sickness, disease, death, or destruction resulting from
the hazardous properties of nuclear material if (1) the nuclear material is at any nuclear
facility owned or operated by or on behalf of an insured or has been discharged or dispersed
therefrom; (2) the nuclear material is contained in spent fuel or waste at any time possessed,
handled, used, processed, stored, transported, or disposed of by or on behalf of an insured; or
(3) the injury, sickness, disease, death, or destruction arises out of the furnishing by an insured
of services, Materials, or parts for Equipment in connection with the planning, construction,
maintenance, operation, or use of any nuclear facility; if such facility is located in the United
States, its territories or possessions, or Canada, this exclusion applies only to injury to or
destruction of property at such nuclear facility.
(10) under Coverage C, to loss attributable to nuclear reaction, nuclear radiation, or radioactive
contamination or to any act or condition incident to any of the foregoing.
(11) As used in exclusions (7), (8), and (9), the following definitions apply:
Disposable material means material containing by product material and resulting from the
operation by any Person of any nuclear facility included in the definition of nuclear facility
under (i) or (ii) below.
Hazardous properties include radioactive, toxic, or explosive properties.
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Injury or destruction with respect to injury to or destruction of property, includes all forms of
radioactive contamination of property.
Nuclear facility means:
a) any nuclear reactor.
b.) any equipment or device designed or used for separating the isotopes of uranium or
plutonium; processing or utilizing spent fuel; or handling, processing, or packaging
c) any equipment or device designed or used for the processing, fabricating, or alloying of
special nuclear material if at any time the total amount of such material in the custody of
the insured at the premises where such equipment or device is located consists of or
contains more than 25 grams of plutonium or uranium 233 (or any combination thereof)
or more than 250 grams of uranium 235.
d) any structure, basin, Excavation, premises, or place prepared or used for the storage or
disposal of waste (includes the site on which any of the foregoing is located, all operation
conducted on such site, and all premises used for such operations).
Nuclear material means source material, special nuclear material, or byproduct material.
Nuclear reactor means any apparatus designed or used to sustain nuclear fission in a self-
supporting chain reaction or to contain a critical mass of fissionable material.
Source material, special nuclear material, and byproduct material have the meanings
given them in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 or in any law amendatory thereof.
Spent fuel means any fuel element or fuel component (solid or liquid) that has been used
or exposed to radiation in a nuclear reaction.
d. Conditions: The following conditions, except conditions (3) through (12), apply to all coverages.
Conditions (3) through (12) apply only to the coverage noted thereunder.
(1) Premium: The premium bases and rates for the hazards described in the Policy Declarations
are stated therein. Premium bases and rates for hazards not so described are those applicable
in accordance with the requirements of the manuals used by the company. The term “contract
cost” means the total cost of all Work described in Item 6 of the Policy Declaration. The term
“rental cost” means the total cost to the Design-Builder for rental or work trains or other
railroad Equipment, including the remuneration of all employees of the insured while
operating, attached to, or engaged thereon. The advance premium stated in the Policy
Declarations is an estimated premium only. Upon termination of this policy, the earned
premium shall be computed in accordance with the Company’s rules, rates, rating plans,
premiums, and minimum premiums applicable to this insurance. If the earned premium thus
computed exceeds the estimated advance premium paid, the Company shall look to the
Design-Builder specified in the Policy Declarations for any such excess. If the earned
premium is less than the estimated advance premium paid, the Company shall return to the
Design-Builder the unearned portion paid. In no event shall payment or premium be an
obligation of the named insured.
(2) Inspection: The named insured shall make available to the Company records of information
relating to the subject matter of this insurance. The Company shall be permitted to inspect all
operations in connection with the Work described in Item 6 of the Policy Declarations.
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(3) Limits of liability, Coverage A: The limit of bodily injury liability stated in the Policy
Declarations as applicable to “each person” is the limit of the Company’s liability for all
damages (including damages for care and loss of services) arising out of bodily injury
sustained by one Person as the result of any one occurrence. The limit of such liability stated
in the Policy Declarations as applicable to each occurrence” is (subject to the provision
respecting each Person) the total limit of the Company’s liability for all such damage arising
out of bodily injury sustained by two or more Persons as the result of any one occurrence.
(4) Limits of liability, Coverages B and C: The limit of liability under Coverages B and C
stated in the Policy Declarations as applicable to “each occurrence is the total limit of the
Company’s liability for all damages and all loss under Coverages B and C combined arising
out of physical injury to, destruction of, or loss of all property of one or more Persons or
organizations, including the loss or use of any property attributable to such injury or
destruction under Coverage B, as the result of any one occurrence. Subject to the provision
respecting “each occurrence”, the limit of liability under Coverages B and C stated in the
Policy Declaration as “aggregate” is the total limit of the Company’s liability for all damages
and all loss under Coverages B and C combined arising out of physical injury to, destruction
of, or loss of property, including the loss or use of any property attributable to such injury or
destruction under Coverage B.
Under Coverage C, the limit of the Company’s liability for loss shall not exceed the actual
cash value of the property, or if the loss is a part thereof, the actual cash value of such part, at
time of loss, nor what it would then cost to repair or replace the property of such part thereof
with other of like kind and quality.
(5) Severability of interests, Coverages A and B: The term the insured is used severally and not
collectively. However, inclusion herein of more than one insured shall not operate to increase
the limits of the Company’s liability.
(6) Notice: In the event of an occurrence or loss, written notice containing particulars sufficient
to identify the insured and also reasonably obtainable information with respect to the time,
place, and circumstances thereof and the names and addresses of the injured and of able
witnesses shall be given by or for the insured to the company or any of its authorized agents
as soon as is practicable. If a claim is made or a suit is brought against the insured, he shall
immediately forward to the Company every demand, notice, summons, or other process
received by him or his representative.
(7) Assistance and cooperation of the insured, Coverages A and B: The insured shall
cooperate with the Company and upon the Company’s request attend hearings and trials and
assist in making settlements, securing and giving evidence, obtaining the attendance of
witnesses, and conducting suits. Except at its own cost, the insured shall not voluntarily make
any payment, assume any obligations, or incur any expense other than for first aid to others
that shall be imperative at the time of an accident.
(8) Action against Company, Coverages A and B: No action shall lie against the Company
unless as a condition precedent thereto the insured shall have fully complied with all the terms
of this policy, nor until the amount of the insured’s obligation to pay shall have been finally
determined either by judgment against the insured after actual trial or by written agreement of
the insured, the claimant, and the Company. Any Person who has secured such judgment or
written agreement shall thereafter be entitled to recover under this policy to the extent of the
insurance afforded by this policy. No Person shall have any right under this policy to join the
Company as a part to any action against the insured to determine the insured’s liability.
Bankruptcy or insolvency of the insured or of the insured’s estate shall not relieve the
Company of any of its obligations hereunder.
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(9) Action against Company, Coverage C: No action shall lie against the Company unless, as a
condition precedent thereto, there shall have been full compliance with all the terms of this
policy nor until 30 days after proof of loss is filed and the amount of loss is determined as
provided in this policy.
(10) Insured’s duties in event of loss, Coverage C: In the event of loss, the insured shall protect
the property, whether or not the loss is covered by this policy. Any further loss attributable to
the insured’s failure to protect shall not be recoverable under this policy. Reasonable expenses
incurred in affording such protection shall be deemed incurred at the company’s request.
The insured shall also file with the Company, as soon as practicable after loss, his sworn
proof of loss in such form and including such information as the Company may reasonably
require and shall, upon the Company’s request, exhibit the damaged property.
(11) Appraisal, Coverage C: If the insured and the Company fail to agree as to the amount of
loss, either may demand an appraisal of the loss within 60 days after the proof of loss is filed.
In such event the insured and the Company shall each select a competent appraiser, and the
appraisers shall select a competent and disinterested umpire. An award in writing or any two
shall determine the amount of loss. The insured and the Company shall each pay his chosen
appraiser and shall bear equally the other expenses of the appraisal and umpire. The Company
shall not be held to have waived any of its rights by any act relating to appraisal.
(12) Payment of loss, Coverage C: The Company may pay for the loss in money, but there
shall be no abandonment of the damaged property to the Company.
(13) No benefit to bailee coverage: The insurance afforded by this policy shall not inure
directly or indirectly to the benefit of any carrier or bailee (other than the named insured)
liable for loss to the property.
(14) Subrogation: In the event of any payment under this policy, the Company shall be
subrogated to all of the insured’s rights of recovery therefore against any Person. The
insured shall execute and deliver instruments and papers and do whatever else is
necessary to secure such rights. The insured shall do nothing after loss to prejudice such
(15) Application of insurance: The insurance afforded by this policy is primary insurance. If
the insured has other primary insurance against a loss covered by this policy, the
Company shall not be liable under the policy for a greater proportion of such loss than the
applicable limit of liability stated in the Contract bears to the total applicable limit of all
valid and equitable insurance against such loss.
(16) 3-year policy: A policy period of 3 years is comprised of three consecutive annual
periods. Computation and adjustment of earned premium shall be made at the end of each
annual period. Aggregate limits of liability as stated in this policy shall apply separately
to each annual period.
(17) Changes: Notice to any agent of knowledge possessed by any agent or by any other
Person shall not affect a waiver or a change in any part of this policy or stop the
Company from asserting any right under the terms except by endorsement issued to form
a part of this policy signed by *_______________ provided, however, changes may be
made in the written portion of the Policy Declaration by *_______________ when
initialed by such *_______________ or by endorsement issued to form a part of this
policy signed by such *_______________. [*Insert titles of authorized company
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(18) Assignment: Assignment of interest under this policy shall not bind the Company until
its consent is endorsed hereon.
(19) Cancellation: This policy may be cancelled by the named insured by mailing to the
Company written notice stating when the cancellation shall become effective. This policy
may be cancelled by the Company by mailing to the named insured, Design-Builder, and
governmental authority at the respective addresses shown in this policy written notice
stating when such cancellation shall be effective (not less than 30 days thereafter). The
mailing of notice shall be sufficient proof of notice. The effective date and hour of
cancellation stated in the notice shall become the end of the policy period. Delivery of
such written notice either by the named insured or the Company shall be equivalent to
mailing. If the named insured cancels, the earned premium shall be computed in
accordance with the customary short rate table and procedure. If the Company cancels,
the earned premium shall be computed pro rata. The premium may be adjusted either at
the time cancellation is effected or as soon as practicable after the cancellation becomes
effective, but payment or tender of unearned premium is not a condition of cancellation.
(20) Policy Declarations: By acceptance of this policy, the named insured agrees that such
statements in the Policy Declarations as are made by him are his agreements and
representations, that his policy is issued in reliance on the truth of such representations,
and that this policy embodies all agreements existing between himself and the Company
or any of its agents relating to this insurance.
e. For a policy issued by one company:
In witness whereof, the ________________ Indemnity Company has caused this policy to be
signed by its president and a secretary at ________________ and countersigned on the Policy
Declarations page by a duly authorized agent of the Company.
(Facsimile of Signature)
(Facsimile of
For a policy issued by two companies:
In witness whereof, the _____________________ Indemnity Company has caused this policy with
respect to Coverages ________________ and such other parts of the policy as are applicable
thereto to be signed by its president and a secretary at ________________ and countersigned on
the Policy Declarations page by a duly authorized agent of the Company.
(Facsimile of Signature)
(Facsimile of
(d) Submitting Copies of Insurance Policies: Prior to beginning construction operations on or over the
railway Right of Way, the Design-Builder shall submit to the Department evidence of the railway
company’s approval and a copy of the required insurance policies. The State will not be responsible for any
claims from the Design-Builder resulting from delay in the acceptance of any of these policies by the
railway company other than consideration of an extension of time. If the delay is caused by the failure of
the Design-Builder or his insurer to file the required insurance policies promptly, an extension of time will
not be granted.
(e) Beginning Construction: Preliminary contingent work or other work by the railway company may delay
the starting or continuous prosecution of the work by the Design-Builder. The Design-Builder shall be
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satisfied as to the probable extent of such work and its effect on the operations prior to submitting a bid for
the work. The State will not be responsible for any claims by the Design-Builder resulting from such delays
except that an extension of time may be considered.
(f) Arranging for Tests:
1. Railroad Specifications: When ordering Materials that are to conform to railroad specifications, the
Design-Builder shall notify the railway company, who will arrange for tests. The Design-Builder shall
specify in each order that the Materials are to be tested in accordance with the requirements of the
railroad specifications and not those of the Department.
2. Highway Specifications: When ordering Materials that are to conform to highway specifications, the
Design-Builder shall specify in each order that the Materials are to be tested in accordance with the
requirements of the Standard Specifications.
107.20—Construction Over or Adjacent to Navigable Waters
The Department will obtain a permit from the U.S. Coast Guard for the anticipated construction or demolition
activities of structures on Department projects that cross a waterway(s) under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Coast
Guard. As the permit holder, the Department must apply to the U.S. Coast Guard for approval of permit
modifications that the Design-Builder requests to the original Department permit.
Prior to starting demolition or construction operations the Design-Builder shall meet with the Department and
the U.S. Coast Guard (U.S. Coast Guard Coordination Meeting) to present its planned operations and the
potential impacts those operations may pose to water traffic. As part of this meeting, the parties shall establish
in writing the proper protocol for emergency closures and be governed accordingly.
(a) Activities subject to Coast Guard regulation under the Permit. Following the U.S. Coast Guard
Coordination meeting, the Design-Builder shall submit its proposed schedule of operations in writing to the
Department. The Department shall review and provide written comments, if applicable, to the Design-
Builder within seven (7) days following receipt of the Design-Builder’s schedule of operations. The
Design-Builder shall incorporate the Department’s comments and submit its notice of scheduled operations
to the Department and to the U.S. Coast Guard at least thirty (30) days prior to commencement of any
permitted construction or demolition operations. U.S. Coast Guard acceptance of the Design-Builder’s
written schedule of operations is a condition precedent to the Design-Builder’s commencement of those
(b) Activities that require Channel closures or restrictions. In addition to the submittal of its proposed
schedule of operations as described in (a) above, Design-Builder shall submit Plans that comply with the
Permit for Falsework, cofferdams, floating Equipment and other obstructions to the Channel or Channels to
the Department. The Design-Builder’s attention is directed to the possibility that advance notification for
consideration of approval may vary depending on the type and duration of proposed closures, the time of
year for requested closure(s), and location of existing Bridge(s) and waterway(s) involved, and the impact
to entities served along or through the waterway(s). The Department shall review and provide written
comments, if applicable, to the Design-Builder within thirty (30) days following receipt of the Design-
Builder’s Plans. The Design-Builder shall incorporate the Department’s comments and submit its Plans to
the Department and to the U.S. Coast Guard at least thirty (30) days prior to commencement of any
permitted construction or demolition operations. The Design-Builder may not commence activities that
require Channel closures or restrictions without the prior written approval of the Department and the U.S.
Coast Guard. The Design-Builder shall be responsible for complying with all operational requirements that
the U.S. Coast Guard may place on the Design-Builder as conditions of approval.
In addition, the Design-Builder shall request and obtain Department and U.S. Coast Guard approval in
writing before commencing any operations that deviate from the Design-Builder’s schedule of operations
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when these operations interfere or have the potential to interfere with navigation of water traffic outside of
timeframes previously approved by the Department and the U.S. Coast Guard.
Notices shall be sent to the U.S. Coast Guard, Fifth District Bridge Office (OBR), 431 Crawford Street,
Portsmouth, VA 23704-5004. Payment of any penalty or fine that may be levied by the U.S. Coast Guard
for Design-Builder violations of Bridge regulations found in 33 CFR Parts 114, 115, 116, 117 and 118 shall
be the responsibility of the Design-Builder. Further, any delay to the Contract as a result of actions or
inaction by the Design-Builder relative to the requirements herein that are determined by the Department to
be the fault of the Design-Builder will be a non-compensable and non-excusable delay.
The cost to comply with the requirements of this provision and to provide and maintain temporary
navigation lights, signals and other temporary work associated with the structure(s) under this Contract
required by the U.S. Coast Guard for the protection of navigation during construction or demolition
operations shall be included in the Price Proposal for other appropriate pay items.
107.21—Size and Weight Limitations
(a) Hauling or Moving Material and Equipment on Public Roads Open to Traffic: The Design-Builder
shall comply with legal size and weight limitations in the hauling or moving of Material and Equipment on
public Roads open to traffic unless the hauling or moving is covered by a hauling permit.
(b) Hauling or Moving Material and Equipment on Public Roads Not Open to Traffic: The Design-
Builder shall comply with legal weight limitations in the hauling or moving of Material and Equipment on
public Roads that are not open to traffic unless the hauling or moving is permitted elsewhere herein or is
otherwise covered by a hauling permit. The Design-Builder shall be liable for damage that results from the
hauling or moving of Material and Equipment. The hauling or moving of Material and Equipment on the
Pavement Structure or across any structure during various stages of construction shall be subject to
additional restrictions as specified or directed by the Department.
(c) Furnishing Items in Component Parts of Sections: If the size or weight of fabricated or manufactured
items together with that of the hauling or moving vehicle exceeds the limitations covered by hauling permit
policies and other means of transportation are not available, permission will be given to furnish the items in
component parts of sections with adequately designed splices or connections at appropriate points.
Permission for such adjustments shall be requested in writing, and approval in writing shall be secured
from the Department prior to fabrication or manufacture of the items. The request shall state the reasons for
adjustment and shall be accompanied by supporting data, including Working Drawings where necessary.
(d) Construction Loading of Structures: In the construction, reconstruction, widening, or repair of bridge,
culvert, retaining wall and other similar type structures including approaches, the Design-Builder shall
consider construction loads during the planning and prosecution of the work. If the loading capacity of
these type structure(s) is not shown in the Contract, the Design-Builder is responsible for contacting the
office of the appropriate district bridge engineer to obtain the loading capacity information. Construction
loads include but are not limited to the weight of cranes, trucks, other heavy construction or material
delivery equipment, as well as the delivery or storage of materials placed on or adjacent to the structure or
parts thereof during the various stages (phases) of the work in accordance with the Design-Builder’s
proposed work plan. The Design-Builder shall consider the effect(s) of construction loads on the loading
capacity of these type structure(s) in his sequencing of the work and operations, including phase
construction. At the Department’s request the Design-Builder shall be prepared to discuss or review his
proposed operations with the Department with regard to construction loads to demonstrate he has taken
such into consideration in the planning and execution of the work.
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108.01—Prosecution of Work
The Design-Builder shall provide sufficient labor, Materials, Equipment, and tools and shall prosecute the Work
with such means and methods and with such diligence as is required to attain and maintain a rate of progress
necessary to ensure completion of the Project within the Contract Time(s) in accordance with the Contract
Once the Design-Builder has begun work, the Design-Builder shall prosecute the Work continuously and to the
fullest extent possible except for suspensions authorized or ordered by the Department according to Section
108.05. If approval is given to suspend the Work temporarily, the Design-Builder shall notify the Department at
least twenty four (24) hours in advance of resuming operations.
The Design-Builder shall notify the Department at least twenty four (24) hours in advance of any changes in the
Design-Builder’s planned operations or work requiring inspection.
108.02—Limitation of Operations
(a) General.
The Design-Builder shall conduct the Work in a manner and sequence that will ensure its expeditious
completion with the least interference to traffic and shall have due regard for the location of detours and
provisions for handling traffic. The Design-Builder shall not open any work to the prejudice or detriment of
work already started. The Department may require the Design-Builder to finish a section of work before work is
started on any other section.
(b) Holidays
Except as is necessary to maintain traffic, work shall not be performed on Sundays or the following holidays
without the permission of the Department: January 1, Easter, Memorial Day, July 4, Labor Day, Thanksgiving
Day, and Christmas Day.
If any of these holidays occurs on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be considered the holiday.
In addition to the Sunday or Holiday work limitations, mobile, short duration, short-term stationary, or
intermediate-term stationary temporary traffic control zone (as defined in the VWAPM) lane closures on
mainline lanes, shoulders, or ramps shall not be performed during the following Holiday time periods without
the written permission of the Department. Additionally, a long-term stationary temporary traffic control zone
(as defined in the VWAPM) shall not be initially put in place, adjusted, or removed during the following
Holiday time periods without the written permission of the Department:
January 1: From Noon on the preceding day until Noon on the following day, except as indicated
below for Holidays occurring on a Friday/Saturday or Sunday/Monday.
Easter: As indicated below for Holidays occurring on a Sunday.
Memorial Day: As indicated below for Holidays occurring on a Monday.
July 4: From Noon on the preceding day until Noon on the following day, except as indicated below
for Holidays occurring on a Friday/Saturday or Sunday/Monday.
Labor Day: As indicated below for Holidays occurring on a Monday.
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Thanksgiving Day: From Noon on the Wednesday preceding Thanksgiving Day until Noon on the
Monday following Thanksgiving Day.
Christmas Day: From Noon on the preceding day until Noon on the following day, except as
indicated below for Holidays occurring on a Friday/Saturday or Sunday/Monday.
If the Holiday occurs on a Friday or Saturday: From Noon on the preceding Thursday to Noon on the
following Monday.
If the Holiday occurs on a Sunday or Monday: From Noon on the preceding Friday to Noon on the
following Tuesday.
108.03—Progress Schedule (Refer to Part 3 - Lump Sum Design-Build Agreement Article 11 - Other
The Design-Builder shall submit a Preliminary Schedule, Baseline Schedule and updates in accordance with the
requirements of the General Conditions of Contract. Payment for Material stockpiled or stored in accordance
with Section 109.08 will not be considered in determining the Design-Builder’s rate of progress.
108.04—Determination and Extension of Completion Date (Refer to Part 4 - General Conditions Article
8 Time, Article 9 Changes to the Contract Price and Time, and Article 10 Contract Adjustments and
108.05—Suspension of Work Ordered by the Department (Refer to Part 4 - General Conditions Article
11 Stop Work and Termination for Cause)
108.06—Failure to Complete on Time
For each day that any work remains incomplete after the Contract Times specified for the completion of the
Work, the Department will assess liquidated damages against the Design-Builder in accordance with the
108.07—Default of Contract (Refer to Part 4 - General Conditions Article 11 Stop Work and
Termination for Cause)
108.08—Termination of Contract (Refer to Part 4 - General Conditions Article 11 Stop Work and
Termination for Cause)
108.09—Acceptance (Refer to Part 4 General Conditions Article 6 Payment)
108.10—Termination of Design-Builder’s Responsibilities (Refer to Part 4 - General Conditions Article
11 Stop Work and Termination for Cause )
109.01—Measurement of Quantities
(a) General: Unless otherwise specifically stated to the contrary in Article 6 of the Agreement, this Section
109.01 will only be applicable to Contract Price adjustments made under Article 9 of the General
Conditions. The methods of measurement and computations to be used to determine quantities of Material
furnished and work performed will be those generally recognized as conforming to good engineering
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Longitudinal measurements for surface area computations will be made along the surface and transverse
measurements will be the surface measure shown in the Contract Documents or ordered in writing by the
Department. Individual areas of obstructions with a surface area of nine (9) square feet or less will not be
deducted from surface areas measured for payment.
Structures will be measured in accordance with the neat lines shown in the Contract Documents
Items that are measured by the linear foot will be measured parallel to the base or foundation upon which
they are placed.
Allowance will not be made for surfaces placed over an area greater than that shown in the Contract
Documents or for any Material moved from outside the area of the cross-section and lines shown in the
Contract Documents.
When standard manufactured items are specified and are identified by weights or dimensions, such
identification will be considered nominal. Unless more stringently controlled by tolerances in the Contract
Documents, manufacturing tolerances established by the industries involved will be accepted.
(b) Measurement by Weight: Materials that are measured or proportioned by weight shall be weighted on
accurate scales as specified in this Section. When material is paid for on a tonnage basis, personnel
performing the weighing shall be certified by the Department and shall be bonded to the Commonwealth of
Virginia in the amount of $10,000 for the faithful observance and performance of the duties of the
weighperson required herein. The bond shall be executed on a form having the exact wording as the
Weighpersons Surety Bond Form furnished by the Department and shall be submitted to the Department
prior to the furnishing of the tonnage material.
The Design-Builder shall have the weighperson perform the following:
1. Furnish a signed weigh ticket for each load that shows the date, load number, plant name, size and type
of material, project number, schedule or purchase order number, and the weights specified herein.
2. Maintain sufficient documentation so that the accumulative tonnage and distribution of each lot of
material, by contract, can be readily identified.
3. Submit by the end of the next working day a summary of the number of loads and total weights for
each type of material by contract.
Trucks used to haul Material being paid for by weight shall display the truck uniform identification number
and legal gross and legal net weight limits. These markings shall be no less than two (2) inches high and
permanently stenciled on each side of the truck with contrasting color and located as to be clearly visible
when the vehicle is positioned on the scales and observed from normal position of the weigh Person at the
scale house.
The truck to be used in the weighing operation shall be the weight of the empty truck determined with full
tank(s) of fuel and the operator seated in the cab. The tare weight of trucks shall be recorded to the nearest
twenty (20) pounds. At the option of the Design-Builder, a new tare may be determined for each load.
When a new tare is obtained for each load, the requirement for full tank(s) of fuel will be waived.
Net rail shipment weights may be used for pay quantities when evidenced by railroad bills of lading.
However, such weights will not be accepted for pay quantities of Materials that subsequently pass through
a stationary mixing plant.
Scales shall conform to the requirements for accuracy and sensitivity as set forth in the National Institute of
Standards and Technology Handbook No. 44 for Specification Tolerances and Requirements for
Commercial and Weighing Devices. Scales used in the weighing of Materials paid for on a tonnage basis
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shall be approved and sealed in accordance with the requirements of the policies of the Bureau of Weights
and Measures of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, or other approved agencies, at
least once every six (6) months and upon being moved. Hopper and truck scales shall be serviced and tested
by a scale service representative at least once every six (6) months. Hopper scales shall be checked with a
minimum 500 pounds of test weights and truck scales shall be checked with a minimum 20,000 pounds of
test weights.
Copies of scale test reports shall be maintained on file at the scale location for at least eighteen (18)
months, and copies of all scale service representative test reports shall be forwarded to the Department.
The quantity of Materials paid for on a tonnage basis shall be determined on scales equipped with an
automatic printer. Truck scale printers shall print the net weight and either the gross or tare weight of each
load. Hopper scale printers shall print the net weight of each load. The weigh ticket shall also show the
legal gross weight for Material weighed on truck scales and the legal net weight for Material weighed on
hopper scales.
If the automatic printer becomes inoperative, the weighing operation may continue for forty eight (48)
hours provided satisfactory visual verification of weights can be made. The written permission of the
District Materials Engineer shall be required for the operation of scales after 48 hours.
If significant discrepancies are discovered in the printed weight, the ultimate weight for payment will be
calculated on volume measurements of the Materials in place and unit weights determined by the
Department or by other methods deemed appropriate to protect the interests of the Commonwealth.
(c) Measurement by Cubic Yard: Material that is measured by the cubic yard, loose measurement or
vehicular measurement, shall be hauled in approved vehicles and measured therein at the point of delivery.
Material measured in vehicles, except streambed gravel, silt cleanout, or other self-consolidating material
will be allowed at the rate of 2/3 the volume of the vehicle. The full volume of the vehicle will be allowed
for streambed gravel. Such vehicles may be of any size or type acceptable to the Department provided the
body is of such shape that the actual contents can be readily and accurately determined. Unless all approved
vehicles are of uniform capacity, each vehicle shall bear a plainly legible identification mark indicating the
specific approved capacity. Each vehicle shall be loaded to at least its water level capacity.
When approved by the Department in writing, Material specified to be measured by the cubic yard may be
weighed and such weights converted to cubic yards for payment purposes. Factors for conversion from
weight to volume measurement will be determined by the Department and shall be agreed to by the Design-
Builder before they are used.
(c) Measurement by Lump Sum: When used as an item of payment, the term lump sum will mean full
payment for completion of work described in the Contract. When a complete structure or structural unit is
specified as a Contract Item, the unit of measurement will be lump sum, and shall include all necessary
fittings and accessories. The quantities may be shown in the Contract Documents for items for which lump
sum is the method of measurement. If shown, the quantities are approximate and are shown for estimating
purposes only and no measurement of quantities will be made for payment. Items that are to be measured as
complete units will be counted by the Department in the presence of a representative of the Design-Builder.
(d) Measurement for Specific Materials:
1. Concrete (Measured by Volume Measure): Concrete will be measured and computed by dividing
the work into simple geometrical figures and adding their volumes.
2. Concrete (Measured by Square or Lineal Measure): Concrete will be measured and computed by
dividing the work into simple geometrical figures and adding their areas or measuring linearly along
the item’s surface.
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3. Excavation, Embankment, and Borrow: In computing volumes of Excavation, Embankment, and
Borrow, methods having general acceptance in the engineering profession will be used. When the
measurement is based on the cross-sectional area, the average end area method will be used.
4. Asphalt: Asphalt will be measured by the gallon, volumetric measurement, based on a temperature of
60 degrees F using the following correction factors:
a. 0.00035 per degree F for petroleum oils having a specific gravity 60/60 degrees F above 0.966
b. 0.00040 per degree F for petroleum oils having a specific gravity 60/60 degrees F between 0.850
and 0.966
c. 0.00025 per degree F for emulsified asphalt
Unless volume correction tables are available, the following formula shall be used in computing the
volume of asphalt at temperatures other than 60 degrees F:
= V x [1 K(T – 60)]
V = volume of asphalt to be corrected;
= volume of asphalt at 60 degrees F;
K = correction factor (coefficient of expansion); and
T = temperature in degrees F of asphalt to be corrected.
When asphalt is delivered by weight, the volume at 60 degrees F will be determined by dividing the net
weight by the weight per gallon at 60 degrees F.
Asphalt will be measured by weight. Net certified scale weights, or weights based on certified volumes
in the case of rail shipments, will be used as a basis of measurement, subject to correction when asphalt
has been lost from the car or the distributor, disposed of, or otherwise not incorporated in the work.
When asphalt is shipped by truck or transport, net certified weights or volumes subjected to correction
for loss or foaming may be used to compute quantities.
Only the quantity of asphalt actually placed in the work and accepted will be considered in determining
the amount due the Design-Builder.
5. Timber: Timber will be measured in units of 1,000 foot-board-measure actually incorporated in
the structure. Measurement will be based on nominal widths and thicknesses and the extreme
length of each piece.
6. Equipment rental: Equipment rental will be measured by time in hours of actual working time
and necessary traveling time of the Equipment within the limits of the Project or source of supply
and the Project except when another method of measurement is specified.
109.02—Plan Quantities (Not Used)
109.03—Scope of Payment
Payments to the Design-Builder will be made for the Work in accordance with the Agreement.
The Design-Builder shall accept the compensation provided for in the Contract as full payment for the
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(a) Furnishing all Materials, labor, tools, Equipment, and incidentals necessary to complete the work according
to the Contract.
(b) Performing all Work contemplated in the Contract.
(c) All loss or damage arising from the nature of the Work or from action of the elements or any other
unforeseen difficulties that may be encountered during prosecution of the Work and until its Final
(d) All risks of every description connected with the prosecution of the Work.
(e) All expenses incurred in consequence of the suspension of the Work as herein authorized.
(f) Any license, use, or infringement of patent, trademark, or copyright.
(g) The completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract requirements.
The payment of any partial estimate prior to Final Acceptance of the Project as provided for in Section 108.09
shall in no way affect the obligation of the Design-Builder to repair or replace any unacceptable, unauthorized
or defective work or materials, or to be responsible for all damages attributable to such unacceptable,
unauthorized or defective work or materials.
109.04—Compensation for Altered Quantities [Refer to Agreement (Article 6, Contract Price) and
General Conditions (Article 9, Changes to Contract Price and Time)]
109.05—Contract Price Adjustments
Contract Price adjustments shall be made in conformance with the requirements of Article 9 of the General
Conditions. In the event the Contract Price adjustment is to be made under Subparagraphs .3 or .4 of Section
9.4.1, or in the event of claims by Design-Builder under Article 10, then the rates for labor, Equipment,
Materials and otherwise will be compensated in the following manner:
(a) Labor: Unless otherwise approved, the Design-Builder will receive the rate of wage or scale as set forth in
his most recent payroll for each classification of laborers, forepersons, and superintendent(s) who are in
direct charge of the specific operation. The time allowed for payment will be the number of hours such
workers are actually engaged in the work. If overtime work is authorized, payment will be at the normal
overtime rate set forth in the Design-Builders most recent payroll. If workers performing the class of labor
needed have not been employed on the Project, mutually agreed on rates will be established. However, the
rates shall be not less than those predetermined for the Project, if applicable. An amount equal to forty five
percent (45%) of the approved payroll will be included in the payment for labor to cover administrative
costs, profit, and benefits or deductions normally paid by the Design-Builder.
(b) Insurance and Tax: The Design-Builder will receive an amount equal to twenty five percent (25%) of the
approved payroll exclusive of additives of administrative cost as full compensation for property damage
and liability, workers’ compensation insurance premiums, unemployment insurance contributions, and
social security taxes.
(c) Materials: The Design-Builder will receive the actual cost of Materials accepted by the Department that
are delivered and used for the work including taxes, transportation, and handling charges paid by the
Design-Builder, not including labor and Equipment rentals as herein set forth, to which fifteen percent
(15%) of the cost will be added for administration and profit. The Design-Builder shall make every
reasonable effort to take advantage of trade discounts offered by Material suppliers. Any discount received
shall pass through to the Department. Salvageable temporary construction Materials will be retained by the
Department, or their appropriate salvage value shall be credited to the Commonwealth, as agreed on by the
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Part 5
2016 Division I Amendments
(d) Equipment: The Design-Builder shall provide the Department a list of all Equipment to be used in the
work. For each piece of Equipment, the list shall include the serial number; date of manufacture; location
from which Equipment will be transported; and for rental Equipment, the rental rate and name of the
company from which it is rented. The Design-Builder will be paid rental rates for pieces of machinery,
Equipment, and attachments necessary for prosecution of the work that are approved for use by the
Department. Equipment rental will be measured by time in hours of actual time engaged in the performance
of the work and necessary traveling time of the Equipment within the limits of the Project or source of
supply and the Project. Hourly rates will not exceed 1/176 of the monthly rates of the schedule shown in
the Rental Rate Blue Book modified in accordance with the Rental Rate Blue Book rate adjustment tables
that are current at the time the extra work is performed. Equipment rental rates not modified by the
adjustment factors or rate modifications indicated in the Rental Rate Blue Book will not be considered.
Hourly rates for Equipment on standby will be at fifty percent (50%) of the rate paid for Equipment
performing work. Operating costs shall not be included in the standby rate. For the purposes herein
“standby time” is defined as the period of time Equipment ordered to the jobsite by the Department is
available on-site for the work but is idle for reasons not the fault of the Design-Builder or normally
associated with the efficient and necessary use of that Equipment in the overall operation of the work at
Payment will be made for the total hours the Equipment is performing work. When Equipment is
performing work less than forty (40) hours for any given week and is on standby, payment for standby time
will be allowed for up to forty (40) hours, minus hours performing work. Payment will not be made for the
time that Equipment is on the Project in excess of twenty four (24) hours prior to its actual performance in
the work. An amount equal to the Rental Rate Blue Book estimated operating cost per hour will be paid for
all hours the Equipment is performing work. This operating cost shall be full compensation for fuel,
lubricants, repairs, greasing, fueling, oiling, small tools, and other incidentals. No compensation will be
paid for the use of machinery or equipment not authorized by the Department.
The Design-Builder will be paid freight cost covering the moving of Equipment to and from the specific
work operation provided such cost is supported by an invoice showing the actual cost to the Design-
Builder. However, such payment will be limited to transportation from the nearest source of available
equipment. If Equipment is not returned to the nearest equipment storage lot but is moved to another
location, the freight cost paid will not exceed the cost of return to the nearest storage lot.
The rates for Equipment not listed in the Rental Rate Blue Book schedule shall not exceed the hourly rate
being paid for such Equipment by the Design-Builder at the time of the performance of the extra work. In
the absence of such rates, prevailing rates being paid in the area where the authorized work is to be
performed shall be used.
If the Design-Builder does not possess or have readily available Equipment necessary for performing the
extra work and such Equipment is rented from a source other than a company that is an Affiliate, payment
will be based on actual invoice rates, to which fifteen percent (15%) of the invoice cost will be added for
administrative cost and profit. If the invoice rate does not include the furnishing of fuel, lubricants, repairs,
and servicing, the invoice rate will be converted to an hourly rate, and an amount equal to the Rental Rate
Blue Book estimated operating cost per hour will be added for each hour the Equipment is performing
(e) Miscellaneous: No additional allowance will be made for attachments that are common accessories for
Equipment as defined in the Rental Rate Blue Book, general superintendents, timekeepers, secretaries, the
use of small hand held tools or other costs for which no specific allowance is herein provided. The Design-
Builder will receive compensation equal to the cost of the bond, special railroad insurance premiums, and
other additional costs necessary for the specific work as determined by the Department. The Design-
Builder shall supply documented evidence of such costs.
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Virginia Department of Transportation
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Request for Proposals
Part 5
2016 Division I Amendments
(f) Compensation: The compensation as set forth in this Section shall be accepted by the Design-Builder as
payment in full for work performed on the basis described in this Section 109.05. At the end of each day,
the Design-Builders Representative and the Inspector shall compare and reconcile records of the hours of
work and Equipment, labor, and Materials used in such work. Such accounting may not include actual costs
or labor rates where these are not available but shall be used to verify quantities, types of Materials or
labor, and number and types of Equipment.
If all or a portion of the work is performed by approved Design Consultants, Subcontractors, or Sub-
Subcontractors, Design-Builder will be paid ten percent (10%) of the subcontract net costs to cover the
Design-Builders profit and administrative cost. The amount resulting will not be subject to any further
additives. The itemized statements of costs as required below shall be submitted on a form that separates
the subcontracted portions of the labor, Materials, and Equipment from the other costs.
(g) Statements: Payments will not be made for work performed on the basis described in this Section 109.05
until the Design-Builder has furnished the Department duplicate itemized statements of the cost of such
work detailed as follows:
1. payroll indicating name, classification, date, daily hours, total hours, rate, and extension of each
laborer, foreperson, and Superintendent.
2. designation, dates, daily hours, total hours, rental rate, and extension for each unit of Equipment.
3. quantities of Materials, prices, and extensions.
4. transportation of Materials.
Statements shall be accompanied and supported by invoices for all Materials used and transportation
charges. However, if Materials used are not specifically purchased for such work but are taken from the
Design-Builders stock, then in lieu of the invoices, the Design-Builder shall furnish an affidavit certifying
that such Materials were taken from his stock; that the quantity claimed was actually used; and that the
price, transportation, and handling claimed represented his actual cost.
109.06—Common Carrier Rates (Not Used)
109.07—Eliminated Items
The Department shall have the right to delete any item of Work in the Contract. In such case, the Department
shall notify Contractor of such deletion and the parties shall proceed in accordance with Article 9 of the General
109.08—Partial Payments
(a) General
Payment will be made in accordance with the Agreement and the General Conditions of the Contract.
(b) Payment To Subcontractors (Not Used)
Payment to Subcontractors will be made in accordance with the Agreement and the General Conditions of
the Contract.
(c) Retainage (Not Used)
Retainage will be in accordance with the Agreement and the General Conditions of the Contract.
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Virginia Department of Transportation
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Request for Proposals
Part 5
2016 Division I Amendments
109.09—Payment for Material on Hand
When requested in writing by the Design-Builder, payment allowances may be made for materials secured for
use on the Project and required to complete the Project. Such material payments will be made for only those
actual quantities of materials identified in the Contract, approved change orders, or otherwise authorized and
documented by the Department based on delivery tickets, bills of lading, or paid invoices. All such payments
shall be in accordance with the following terms and conditions:
(a) Structural Steel or Reinforcing Steel: An allowance of one hundred percent (100%) of the cost to the
Design-Builder for structural steel or reinforcing steel materials secured for fabrication not to exceed sixty
percent (60%) of the contract price may be made when such material is delivered to the fabricator and has
been adequately identified for exclusive use on the Project. The provisions of this section for steel
reinforcement will only apply where the quantity of steel reinforcement is identified as a separate
and distinct bid item for payment. An allowance of one hundred percent (100%) of the cost to the
Design-Builder for superstructure units and reinforcing steel, not to exceed ninety percent (90%) of the
contract price, may be made when fabrication is complete. Prior to the granting of such allowances, the
materials and fabricated units shall have been tested or certified and found acceptable to the Department
and shall have been stored in accordance with the requirements specified herein. Allowances will be based
on invoices, bills, or the estimated value as approved by the Department. For the purposes of this section
fabrication is defined as any manufacturing process such as bending, forming, welding, cutting or
coating with paint or anti-corrosive materials which alters, converts, or changes raw material for its
use in the permanent finished work.
(b) Other Materials: For aggregate, pipe, guardrail, signs and sign assemblies, and other nonperishable
material, an allowance of one hundred percent (100%) of the cost to the Design-Builder for materials, not
to exceed ninety percent (90%) of the contract price, may be made when such material is delivered to the
Project and stockpiled or stored in accordance with the requirements specified herein. Prior to the granting
of such allowances, the material shall have been tested and found acceptable to the Department.
Allowances will be based on invoices, bills, or the estimated value of the material as approved by the
(c) Excluded Items: No allowance will be made for fuels, form lumber, falsework, temporary structures, or
other work that will not become an integral part of the finished construction. Additionally, no allowance
will be made for perishable material such as cement, seed, plants, or fertilizer.
(d) Storage: Material for which payment allowance is requested shall be stored in an approved manner in areas
where damage is not likely to occur. If any of the stored materials are lost or become damaged, the Design-
Builder shall repair or replace them at no additional cost to the Department. Repair or replacement of
such material will not be considered the basis for any extension of contract time. If payment allowance
has been made prior to such damage or loss, the amount so allowed or a proportionate part thereof will be
deducted from the next progress estimate payment and withheld until satisfactory repairs or replacement
has been made.
When it is determined to be impractical to store materials within the limits of the Project, the Department
may approve storage on private property or, for structural units and reinforcing steel, on the manufacturers
or fabricator’s yard. Requests for payment allowance for such stored material shall be accompanied by a
release from the owner or tenant of such property or yard agreeing to permit the removal of the materials
from the property without cost to the Commonwealth. The Department must be allowed access to the
materials for inspection during normal business hours.
(e) Materials Inventory: If the Design-Builder requests a payment allowance for properly stored Material, he
shall submit a certified and itemized inventory statement to the Department no earlier than five days and no
later than two days prior to the progress estimate date. The statement shall be submitted on forms furnished
by the Department and shall be accompanied by invoices or other documents that will verify the Materials
cost. Following the initial submission, the Design-Builder shall submit to the Department a monthly-
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Virginia Department of Transportation
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Request for Proposals
Part 5
2016 Division I Amendments
certified update of the itemized inventory statement within the same time frame. The updated inventory
statement shall show additional Materials received and stored with invoices or other documents and shall
list Materials removed from storage since the last certified inventory statement, with appropriate cost data
reflecting the change in the inventory. If the Design-Builder fails to submit the monthly-certified update
within the specified time frame, the Department will deduct the full amount of the previous statement from
the progress estimate.
At the conclusion of the Project, the cost of Material remaining in storage for which payment allowance has
been made will be deducted from the progress estimate.
109.10—Final Payment
Payment will be made in accordance with the Agreement and the General Conditions of Contract.
The following exhibits, as well as any other exhibits specifically set forth in Exhibit 1 (Project Specific Terms),
are made part of, and incorporated into these Division I Amendments to the Standard Specifications. (Exhibits
to Part 5 are included in the RFP):
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Virginia Department of Transportation
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