City of San Diego
Development Services
1222 First Ave. 3rd Floor
San Diego, CA 92101
(619) 446-5210
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DS-3038 (06-13)
Development Agreement
Supplemental Form
June 2013
California Government Code sections 65864 et al. and Land Development Code Chapter 12, Article 4, Division 1 pro-
vide for a process for review and approval of Development Agreements. This form is required upon submittal of an
application to request a Development Agreement and is intended to supplement the General Application form.
1. Applicant Name: E-mail Address:
Address: City: State: Zip Code: Telephone:
2. Property Owner Name: E-mail Address:
Address: City: State: Zip Code: Telephone:
3. Site Address/Assessor’s Parcel Number where Development Agreement is requested:
Address/APN: Zip Code:
4. Identify whether the Development Agreement will impact the following. If the answer is yes, identify the asso-
ciated impact or benefit in the space provided.
Circulation Facilities Yes No _________________________________________
Parks Yes No _________________________________________
Schools Yes No _________________________________________
Water Yes No _________________________________________
Police Protection Yes No _________________________________________
Fire Protection Yes No _________________________________________
Trash Disposal Yes No _________________________________________
Sewage Disposal Yes No _________________________________________
Hazardous Waste Disposal Yes No _________________________________________
Air Quality Yes No _________________________________________
Public Libraries Yes No _________________________________________
Low-income and Affordable housing (as defined by the Housing Commission) Yes No _________________________________________
Yes No _________________________________________
Project No.: __________________
5. Identify the type and size of development that would be covered and the requested duration of the develop-
ment agreement.
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6. Identify the public benefit that will result in excess of what can be obtained under existing policies and regula-
7. Identify how the project will comply with Council Policy 300-10 (Equal Opportunity) and Council Policy 800-15
(Equal Opportunity Contracting).
8. Identify how the project will comply with Council Policy 600-19 (Balanced Communities) and Council Policy
600-20 (Open Housing Policy).
9. Please attach any documents that you feel are necessary to support your request for a Development Agree-
10. Property Owner Declaration: I ____________________________, certify, under penalty of perjury under the
laws of the State of California, that the information provided above is correct.
Signature: _________________________________________ Date: _____________________
Project No.: __________________
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