Prior to any application to the Commission, Alex Burlingame of Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP,
Bond Counsel to the Commission, may be contacted for assistance in the preparation of the application. The
following is only a sample form of application letter and should be completed only after discussion with Mr.
Burlingame concerning the application process. Mr. Burlingame may be called at 216/479-8500. A copy of the
application letter along with the related accompanying materials should be sent to Mr. Burlingame for distribution to
Commission members. A copy of the letter and a check for the Application Fee should be sent at the same time
directly to Kevin Holtsberry, OHEFC Administrator, at the Commission’s address shown below.
Thomas F. Needles, Chair
Ohio Higher Educational Facility Commission
25 South Front Street, 2
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Re: Proposed OHEFC Project for ___________________
Dear Mr. Needles:
On behalf of the Board of Trustees of ______________________, I wish to provide the Ohio
Higher Educational Facility Commission with information and assurances pertaining to this request
for financing by the Commission of [the Project, e.g., the construction emergency room facilities,
[Describe the Project in reasonable detail, the need for the Project and the Project costs, including
estimated construction costs and costs relating to the financing of the Project to the extent
[Discuss the projected operating costs of the Project including debt service on the bonds.]
[Discuss what Project costs are to be financed through the Commission and other sources, if any,
particularly any grants or proceeds of fund-raising activities.]
[Discuss the proposed financing arrangements for the sale of the bonds, i.e., underwriter or
financial advisor, if known at this time.]
[The [Health System’s] Board of Trustees has approved the proposed financing through the
Commission. A copy of the [Health System’s] approving Board resolution is enclosed.] or [The
[Health System’s] Board of Trustees has not yet approved the proposed financing. Please include a
discussion of the status of Board level discussions regarding the proposed financing, including the
anticipated time at which Board approval will be obtained.]
The Project will be constructed on real estate presently owned by the [Health System] as part of its
main [hospital campus]. Appropriate rights in the real estate would be conveyed by the [Health
System] to the Commission if the Commission finances a portion of the Project. [Revise as
necessary. Discuss any existing mortgages or liens on property relating to the Project.]
[Discuss outstanding debt of the Health System.][Discuss Obligated Group structure, if applicable]
[Discuss past, present and projected utilization; separate tables or charts may be attached.]
____________ is a corporation not for profit, formed and operated for purposes of providing
health care.
The [Health System] is accredited by _______________________________.
____________ represents to and assures the Commission that the Health System intends to use and
operate the Project at all times as the type of facility originally planned and constructed.
_____________represents to and assures the Commission Project and the services rendered
thereby will be available to or for the service of the general public without discrimination by
reason of race, creed, color or national origin
Enclosed herewith is a copy of the Health System’s most recent audited financial reports for the
fiscal years ending ___________, 20__ and 20__.
[Discuss, in general terms, the financial condition of the Health System.]
[Also enclosed, if available, any resolution of the Board of Trustees or Executive/Finance
Committee relating to the financing of the Project.]
The following is the proposed time schedule for the Project/Financing:
The Board of Trustees of the [Health System] or the [Health System’s] administrative officers
would be pleased to provide you with any further information if required.
Enclosed with a copy of this letter to Thomas F. Needles, Chair, is a check from the [Health
System] in the amount of $500.00 made out to Ohio Higher Educational Facility Commission,
representing payment of the Application Fee.
The undersigned certifies that he/she is familiar with the facts stated in this letter and enclosures,
and that the same are true.
Very truly yours,
cc: Kevin Holtsberry, OHEFC Administrator (with Application Fee check)
[More detailed descriptions of the Project and Project costs may be attached as appendices.]
[General information about the Health System, e.g. brochures, catalogs, etc., may also be enclosed.]