INFORMATION AND APPLICATION: www.ashinaga-100yearvision.org/en/100year/recruit
Contribute to Sub-Saharan Africas development through higher education abroad
Ashinaga is a Japan-based nonprofit organization, which provides educational and emotional support to
orphaned students. The organization has supported over 95,000 orphans in the last 45 years, and many of
its graduates are actively contributing to society in a variety of fields across the world.
The Ashinaga Africa Initiative began in 2014. Its mission is to contribute to Sub-Saharan Africas expanding
role in global development through increasing access to higher education abroad. We support orphaned
students who are committed to returning home and initiating change by providing access to full financial
support to study at university abroad (equivalent to undergraduate degree), including tuition, room, travel cost
and other necessary fees.
1. Requirement - The application is open to those who:
1. Have lost one or both parents.
2. Have completed 12 years of education (primary and secondary school) within the last two years, or those
who will complete 12 years of education by December 31, 2016.
3. Have citizenship and completed/are completing high school in one of the following countries: Uganda,
Rwanda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Ghana, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, Sudan, Botswana,
South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland, Mauritius, Somalia, Nigeria, The Gambia.
4. Were born after 1
October 1994.
5. Do not have the financial means to attend university.
6. Are proficient in English.
7. Have an outstanding academic performance at high school.
8. Are able to participate in the two Ashinaga preparatory programs, over the course of one year, before
attending university.
9. Are willing to return home, or to Sub-Saharan Africa, and contribute to society in Sub-Saharan Africa
after graduating from university.
10. Have no dependents who could interfere with academic progress.
11. Are in good health condition and capable of studying abroad.
2. Application documents to submit:
1. This application form (pages 4 to 7).
2. One passport photo.
3. Copy of term reports / high school transcripts (the last 2 years).
4. Academic transcripts or diplomas from university/post-secondary institution, if applicable.
5. Copy of General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE).
6. Completion of essay 1 and essay 2, see below.
7. Copy of death certificate of deceased parent(s) or alternative official document.
8. Copy of birth certificate.
9. Recommendation letter from a principal or a class teacher.
10. Copy of national ID card or passport.
11. Awards or activity certificates, if any.
Note: This application and selection process is free for students, and anyone asking for payment at any
stage of this process is doing so against the will of Ashinaga, and should not be paid.
There are three ways to apply for the Ashinaga Africa Initiative. Please choose one method and submit all the
correct documents before the deadline. We strongly recommend applying either by email or online.
PLEASE NOTE: All documents must be submitted in English. If they are not in English, candidates must have
the documents translated officially. Use the western calendar to fill in the application.
Final deadline: February 28
** For students graduating in 2016, we will accept your Copy of General Certificate of Secondary Education until
March 31, 2017. Please send the copy via email as soon as you receive the result.
Please also note that ONLY successful candidates will be contacted via email in late March 2017 to be invited to
attend an interview in their home country, which will take place in April 2017.
Go to:
and fill out the online application.
Upload scans (in JPEG/PDF
format) of the following
documents to the end of your
online application:
- 1 passport photo
- 2 essays (insert in the form)
- School term reports /
school transcripts from the
last two years
- further qualifications if you
have already received them
- Birth Certificate
- Death Certificate of one or
both parents
- National ID or passport
- Recommendation letter
- Any awards or certificates
Submit Online
By Email
Fill out the paper-
application form.
Scan the following documents
in JPEG/PDF format:
- Completed application form
- 1 passport photo
- 2 essays
- School term reports /
school transcripts from the
last two years
- further qualifications if you
have already received them
- Birth Certificate
- Death Certificate of one or
both parents
- National ID or passport
- Recommendation letter
- Any awards or certificates
Send all your scanned
documents in one email
By Post
Fill out the paper-
application form.
Enclose the following
- Completed application form
- 1 passport photo
- 2 essays
- School term reports /
school transcripts from the
last two years
- further qualifications if you
have already received them
- Birth Certificate
- Death Certificate of one or
both parents
- National ID or passport
- Recommendation letter
- Any awards or certificates
Send your application and
document copies (not
originals) to this address:
Ashinaga Africa
Initiative Recruitment
P. O. Box 16864 -
Kampala, UGANDA
Ashinaga screens the applications and selects finalists from each country to interview in person. Only successful
candidates will be informed about an interview by email before the end of March 2017. Ashinaga then conducts
individual interviews and an exam to better understand students academic ability and career goals in Sub-Saharan
Africa. Students must bring all original academic documents and identity documents to the interview. Failure to do so
may result in dismissal.
Study Camp and Preparation Camp in Uganda:
Ashinaga selects one student from each country to participate in a Study Camp in Uganda from July to December
2017.During the Study Camp, students are assisted in their academic preparation, university application, career
planning and leadership development. All the costs during the camp will be fully covered by Ashinaga. A second camp
happens between May and June 2018 after students gain admission to university. Students meet again to prepare for
the social, cultural, and academic differences they will discover abroad. Students then proceed to university in
September of 2018.
During university:
The AAI helps students access full financial support to study abroad that covers the costs of tuition, accommodation,
insurance, and flights; and provides a monthly stipend which covers necessary academic costs and food. The support
covers the first possible qualification that can be earned. The costs of a foundation or preparatory course will also be
covered if required for the student to be admitted or properly prepared for their degree, or if the academic qualifications
in the students country are not recognized in the potential country of study. However AAI does not support a second
degree or Master’s degree. Scholars will participate in a mandatory internship in their home country or Sub-Saharan
Africa and join Ashinagas programs which promote individual growth, future career and education in Africa. Ashinaga
has regional offices to support students during their studies in Japan, the USA and Europe.
After graduation:
Scholars are required return to Sub-Saharan Africa within 5 years after graduation for 10 consecutive years to work
there. If scholars failed to return, they are required to refund the costs of the financial support they are given in order to
fund other Ashinaga scholars.
Important Note: <Becoming a scholar>
Students will only officially become the recipients of the Ashinaga Africa Initiativeafter receiving admission from a
university and a visa from the potential country of study. Please know that joining the study camp does NOT guarantee
admission to university or visa acceptance. University admission and visa application are the students own responsibility,
but Ashinaga will do its best to support students in both.
Important Note: <Choosing a subject/country/university>
Ashinaga takes students goals and preferences into consideration, but withholds the right to make the final
decision with regards to selection of subject, country and university.
Students are able to express their initial choice at the time of interview, and a final decision will be made during the
course of the Study Camp through consultation with Ashinaga. Scholars are encouraged to apply to the universities
that Ashinaga has an existing relationship with; therefore, it is not always possible for students to choose universities
themselves. Please note Ashinaga does NOT support candidates for medical (doctor) degrees, although it does support
three- or four-year degrees related to medicine, such as biomedicine. In addition, candidates wishing to study
engineering should be aware that we will require particularly strong high school grades for a successful application.
Application Form (4 pages)
COVER PAGE (Please complete in CAPITAL letters in blue or black ink)
Family Name: ___________________________________________________
First/Given Name(s): ____________________________________________
Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY): ______________________________________
Age: ______________ Sex (tick): Male Female
Home (Physical) Address: _________________________________________
Mailing (Postal) Address: ____________________________________________________________________
Nationality: ______________________________ Facebook ID: ______________________________________
WhatsApp number: _______________________________
Email Address (please write one letter per box below):
Main Phone Number (We will use this to contact you):
Phone Number 2 (Secondary contact):
Do you have any past or current health issues? Please specify: ________________________________________
Family Information
Father: alive deceased unknown
If deceased, state year and cause of death, if known: _______________________________________________
Mother: alive deceased unknown
If deceased, state year and cause of death, if known _______________________________________________
My guardian is my: Mother Father Other (_________________________________)
Guardian Name: ______________________________________ Occupation: _________________________
Phone number: _______________________________________ Monthly Income: ______________________
How many people are you living with? ______________ How many siblings do you have? ________________
Do you have any family members who are living or studying abroad? Please specify: _____________________
Please explain the educational and financial status of your siblings: ___________________________________
Passport Photo
Does anyone else support you other than your guardian? Please specify: ______________________________
Academic History
When did you or will you graduate from secondary school? : 2014 2015 2016
Please list your educational background and qualifications, starting with the most recent:
(yyyy yyyy)
School or Institution
e.g. 2015 -2016
Alliance High School
General Certificate of Secondary
Have you ever received a scholarship to support your education? Please specify: _________________________
If you have already graduated from secondary school, please account for your activities (university, work or otherwise)
since graduation from secondary school:
Language Skills
Native language: ______________________
Please list all the languages that you are proficient in: ________________________________________________
If you have taken a language proficiency test, please note the name and official score below;
Name of Exam: ________________________________ Score: ___________________
Awards and Extra-Curricular Activities Name__________________________
Please list and briefly explain three extra-curricular activities or awards below. You should choose those that you are
most proud of:
Activity or Award
Please type/write using a separate sheet of paper. If you choose to handwrite your answer, please write in print and with
black ink. No pencil is acceptable.
Essay 1: Please describe how you grew up and experienced losing your parent(s). What challenges have you faced
after the loss and what did you do in order to overcome them? Please write in detail especially the action you took to
continue your education. (Maximum 500 words)
Essay 2: Please write a personal statement in English describing why and what you want to study at university abroad.
Also, please mention whether you have any future plans of how you want to use the knowledge and experience that
you gain after graduating from university. (Maximum 500 words)
To complete the application, please check the boxes and sign below:
I have read and fully understand the outline of the Africa Initiative 2017 and fully agree to participate in all
mentioned activities.
I hereby declare that the statements I have made on this form are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Print Full Name of Applicant Signature of Applicant Date
Print Full Name of Guardian Signature of Guardian* Date
Please note that the signature of your guardian is required to complete the application
Remember that personal statements are just that - they are about you and no one else.
Ashinaga is interested in how you make the most of what is available to you.
Application Checklist Name________________________________________
if you enclosed
How to obtain the forms
Application form (4 pages)
Download from the website/ Copy
Passport Photo
Prepare yourself
Term reports / HS transcript for last 2 years
Ask your secondary teacher
Academic transcript/diplomas showing
subjects taking currently at university/
education institution after secondary school
Ask university/ education institution. If you do not have, please
GCSE certificate
Ask the exam organization/ institution
Please fill in
the boxes.
Name of the Exam
Exam ID number
Date of exam
day / month / year 20
Date of issuing exam result
day / month / year 20
If you cannot submit by the deadline,
please specify when you can send it.
day / month / year 20
Essay 1
Prepare yourself
Essay 2
Prepare yourself
Death certificate
Ask the government institution
Birth certificate
Ask the government institution
Recommendation letter
Ask your secondary teachers/ university professors
Copy of ID (e.g., national, student)
Prepare yourself.
Copy of passport if possible
Prepare yourself if you have one. If not, please disregard.
Copy of award or activity certificates
From organizations. If you do not have, please disregard.
How did you learn about this scholarship
program? Please for the appropriate
answers from the box on the right.
Japanese Embassy
Ashinaga website
Social Media
Family/ Friends
School Please specify:____________________ _____
Other _______________________________________