SPAN 3 - Elementary Spanish III
Instructors information will be available on the GauchoSpace site for the course
**PLEASE NOTE: As an extraordinary measure this quarter, this course will be delivered entirely
If you do not have regular access to the Internet and a computer as well as a backup in case there are
access problems with the main one, you should not enroll in this course. Keep in mind that you are
responsible for accessing and completing materials on time; unexpected computer crashes will not be
considered a valid excuse for not completing assignments in a timely manner. You will need a
microphone, webcam, and headphones to participate in video meetings and chat sessions.
You should immediately become familiar with the GauchoSpace and WileyPlus sites for this class. In
GauchoSpace you will find the syllabus, homework assignments, quizzes, forums, links to upload your
written assignments, and other activities. You should log in to GauchoSpace regularly throughout the
week as important announcements and other information is updated continuously.
This Elementary Spanish class is far below the level of a native Spanish speaker. If you do not wish to
learn another language and choose to be in this class in order to meet a college requirement or to
improve your GPA, keep in mind that your instructor will only give you credit for what you accomplish in
this course and not for what you already know. No credit can be earned if more advanced credit in the
language has already been awarded.
Si aprendiste el español de niño, hablas español en casa con tu familia, y tienes interés por conocer
la lengua más a fondo con otras personas que hayan pasado por experiencias similares, este curso
no es para ti. Debes tomar un examen de competencia oral para determinar si debes pasar
directamente a un curso superior. Para más información por favor ponte en contacto con la Spanish
Undergraduate Advisor Elena Báez,
1. ¡Pura Vida! Beginning Spanish 2nd edition (textbook + WileyPlus access code)
In order to buy the book at a greatly discounted price for UCSB students follow
these instructions. Note that this online price is substantially reduced from that of
the UCSB bookstore or anywhere else. You are strongly encouraged to select the
"set" rather than "code" option; getting the print version of the textbook is highly
2. LINGUA MEETING Live Learning Registration Card
LInguaMeeting Registration Card (6 Sessions):
The primary goal of the Elementary Spanish sequence is to develop basic proficiency in Spanish.
The course follows a communicative and flipped classroom approach. Grammar is not taught
explicitly, but students are expected to study and interact with the online textbook materials. This
means that students will be watching grammar tutorials, reading grammar explanations, watching
videos, doing short readings and completing online activities almost every day. The online format
combines technology-based language instruction with virtual class meetings and live guided
conversation sessions. The course materials and activities focus on consolidating the same array of skills
promoted in the regular Elementary Spanish I course (meeting 4 days face-to-face). Spanish will be
spoken 99% of the time during online meetings and live coaching sessions. Those meetings will be
devoted almost entirely to activities that will allow students to practice listening and speaking. If you
feel that you need additional help with grammar, see your instructor during online office hours.
The primary goal of the first-year Spanish Program is to develop basic proficiency in Spanish at the
Novice-High to Intermediate-low level (as established by the American Council on the Teaching of
Foreign Languages Proficiency Guidelines, 2012). Students are expected to learn to use Spanish for
communication in real, meaningful situations. It is also intended that students develop an understanding
of basic grammatical concepts and an appreciation of the various cultures of the Spanish-speaking world.
By successfully completing Span 3 you will be able to:
Understand Spanish speech about familiar topics and spoken at a lower than normal pace.
Write and speak in simple complete sentences about the present tense and immediate future
Read simple short texts with simple and high frequency vocabulary.
Narrate and use verbs in the present tense and immediate future.
Identify forms and contexts of use for different past tenses and use to some extent different past
Make cross-cultural comparisons between the U.S. and Spanish-speaking countries regarding topics
such as restaurants, food culture and eating habits, games, sports, entertainment, geography,
weather, nature and the environment.
Communicate about those same topics using relevant vocabulary.
Despite its new online format, this is still a 4-credit course. As a general guideline for online courses,
students should plan to dedicate to 4-5 hours of homework per course credit hour. Thats 16-20 hours a
week for this course. It is best if you can spread these hours out throughout the week: cramming doesnt
work with language learning. Consequently, taking this course is not recommended if you have many
competing demands or if you are planning on traveling during the time the course is in progress. No
arrangements/accommodations will be made regarding due dates.
The instructor will respond to inquiries submitted within 24 hours on business days. Weekend
inquiries will be answered on Monday in the order that they were received. Students are expected to
use their UCSB email. For non-personal questions related to the course that may benefit other students
it is best to post your questions in the Q2A forum since other students may reply faster than the
instructor. It is expected that students respond within 24 hours to any individual email sent by the
instructor. If you need additional help in the form of office hours, send an email to the instructor in order
to schedule a Zoom meeting. Delays or failure to respond to emails will affect students course
Late work policy
This course requires regular, almost daily work. It is expected that you complete assignments on time.
Completing assignments late will make you fall behind very quickly.
Online activities on WileyPlus: no late submissions are accepted, unless in serious case of illness.
Compositions: late submissions are accepted up to one day after the due date, but late submissions
will receive -10% penalty.
No other work or assignments will be accepted late.
Netiquette during online meetings
To ensure that all students can benefit from online class sessions in an environment that is courteous,
non-disruptive and conducive to learning, please observe the following:
Arrive on camera fully clothed and alert (NO rolling out of bed last minute).
Sit upright in a chair (NO lounging in bed or on the sofa.
Choose a quiet, private space (NO coffee shops).
Be ready to join Zoom at the very start of the class time or even a few minutes early. Allow a few
minutes to connect to Zoom before the actual start of the class.
Wear a headset.
Come with specific questions from the online work you have been doing during the previous week.
Stay as attentive to the instructors communications as you would for a traditional face-to-face class
and contribute to all class activities.
Extra Credit
No extra credit will be given under any circumstances. There are NO EXCEPTIONS!
Active participation 10%
(class meetings via Zoom)
LinguaMeeting sessions and reflections 6%
Midterm exam 20%
All homework & WileyPlus activities: 22%
Writing assignments: 2 @ 6% each 12%
Final project: 5%
Final exam (comprehensive): 25%
In this course, assessment serves two purposes: to help determine grades and to evaluate your progress
in the course. The exams evaluate your ability to understand and communicate messages in Spanish. It is
important to remember that no grade is given”. Instead the student earns points, which will be
objectively calculated on a 100-point scale. There is no extra credit in any form for this course. The
following are the cutoff points for each grade:
A+ 98
B+ 88
C+ 78
D+ 68
A 93
B 83
C 73
D 63
A- 90
B- 80
C- 70
D- 60
Pass/No Pass option: Students fulfilling the language requirement are strongly discouraged from
taking Spanish courses Pass/No Pass. A grade of C or better is required to pass with this option and
no student with a final percentage lower than 73% will be assigned a grade of Pass.
Weekly attendance and active participation (10%)
Attendance and participation in the weekly online class is mandatory. Oral participation in all activities is
also required, since the online meetings are the only opportunities you will have to practice your
interpersonal oral skills. There will be 4 class meetings per week. You can only miss 2 classes during the
quarter without penalty. Check GauchoSpace for the Zoom meeting information and how to connect.
Your in-class participation involves a number of variables, including, but not limited to, the following:
Your use of Spanish in class
Your participation in all in-class activities and online activities through GauchoSpace
Your cooperation during group and pair-work
Your respect and attitude toward the instructor and your peers
Your respect towards the Netiquette guidelines outlined above.
Midterm (20%) and final exam (25%, comprehensive)
In this course you will take one midterm and a final exam. Exams will be timed, completed in
GauchoSpace, and proctored by your instructors via Zoom. You will be tested on listening
comprehension, writing, reading comprehension and culture knowledge, as well as on vocabulary and
structure (grammar), which are basic tools for the acquisition of linguistic competence.
LinguaMeeting sessions and reflections (6 sessions, 6%)
As part of the course, students are expected to attend 6 online conversation sessions. You will sign up for
six weekly, 45-minute individual or small group language coaching sessions with a trained language
instructor, where you will practice speaking in a non-threatening environment. Grades are based on
attendance, punctuality and degree of participation, as reported by your coach. For the activities that
will be used in each session, see the “LinguaMeeting Session Activities” folder on GauchoSpace. As part
of your LinguaMeeting conversation sessions, you will have to complete two reflections with the
information you have collected during the sessions, and one final oral project. Students should keep
their notes from these sessions, as the final oral project will be based on the knowledge they have
gathered about their coach and his/her country during these sessions. Login and purchase your sessions
here: Keep in mind that this appointment will be for the same day/time
each week, so make sure to pick a day/time that consistently works well with your schedule. In the event
that you need to reschedule your session or make up a missed session, simply use the “Reschedule an
upcoming session” option for an upcoming session and the “Make-up credit” option for a missed
session. See the “Student information sheet” posted on the GauchoSpace site for the course for further
directions. Please note that make-up credits are only valid during the duration of the LinguaMeeting
schedule, not for the entire quarter.
Online assignments through GauchoSpace and WileyPlus (22%)
WileyPlus is where you will submit the majority of your online homework. If you have never used
WileyPlus before, you will need to create an account by clicking on the “Create Account” button on the
right side of the screen. You will be presented with three options:
1. I have a Registration Code.
If you purchased the Pura vida textbook through the direct link on p. 1 of this document, choose this
option and enter your code as prompted.
2. I want to purchase instant access to WileyPlus.
If you did not purchase Pura vida yet, you will need to purchase access. We recommend that you buy
access through the direct purchase link provided on p. 1 since it will be much cheaper than buying
access directly through the WileyPlus site.
3. I’m not ready to buy, I’d like to use the 14 day Grace Period.
This option will allow you full access to WileyPlus for 14 days. At the end of those 14 days, you will
need to purchase access to WileyPlus (see option 2); otherwise, all of your work will be lost.
Student Customer Support: 877-762-2974
Students are expected to complete daily online assignments through WileyPlus and GauchoSpace.
You should always read the grammatical explanations before doing the corresponding online activities.
Final project (5%)
Students will create one VoiceThread presentation on an assigned topic. Students will use multimedia
(photos, videos) to enhance and personalize the presentation. This project will assess students’ ability
to spontaneously talk about a familiar topic and to discuss different cultural contexts. Complete details
and grading rubric will be available on GauchoSpace.
Writing assignments (2x 6% each, 12%)
There will be two writing assignments that will be assigned and proctored during the weekly class
meeting and will be due immediately after. You cannot miss the class meeting during which the writing
assignment is completed, or you will not be able to turn in that assignment. After your instructor revises
the first draft written in class, you will be required to turn in a revised and final draft (minimum word
count: 250 words). Writing assignments must meet the following requirements:
They should be typed and double-spaced.
The Spanish spell-checker should be used.
Accent marks and special Spanish characters must be typed too.
They must be submitted through GauchoSpace.
Writing assignments that do not meet these requirements will not be graded. The first and final drafts
cannot be exactly alike. If no rewriting is done by the student, no credit will be given for the final draft.
No compositions will be accepted late. You can use when writing your
compositions, but will still need to run the text through the spell checker. Additional resources for
writing your compositions (rubrics and other guides) are available on GauchoSpace. Please see our
Cheating and Plagiarism policy below.
The keys to success in this class are generally the same as those in any other class. However, given the
nature of online classes, students are responsible for covering a good deal of material on their own.
Competency in the basic use of a computer is required to complete numerous independent web-based
The level of proficiency and the final grade attained will depend largely on what a student puts into his
or her learning. Student success requires substantial commitment and proactivity. Students are
expected to dedicate 16-20 hours of study per week to this class, thus, it is in students best interest
NOT to wait until the last minute to complete assignments.
1. Time management: Set time aside EACH DAY to complete class activities.
2. Questions and confusion: The instructor wants to help you! However, the instructor can
only help if the student takes the first step and reaches out.
3. Don’t be shy! The more willing students are to share, talk and interact with their instructor
and classmates, the more they will get out of the course. And, don’t worry, everyone feels
the same way, even if they don’t show it!
4. Netiquette Communication Courtesy: All members of the class are expected to follow rules
of common courtesy in all email messages, threaded discussions and chats. Please read the
Netiquette Guide for Online Courses.
Cheating and Plagiarism
All instructors in the Spanish and Portuguese language program will follow University policy
concerning cheating and plagiarism, including when evaluating compositions. The following
practices, among others, are considered instances of plagiarism:
copying and pasting from outside references or electronic sources
paraphrasing or translating without acknowledging the source
using online translators in any capacity (e.g. not even as dictionaries)
getting revising/rewriting help from more advanced speakers other than your instructor
All instructors in the Spanish and Portuguese department are professionals trained in language
teaching and linguistic competence. They can EASILY recognize work that is not your own. Know
what plagiarism is: ignorance will not excuse the offense. If you have any questions about
plagiarism, please ask your instructor and consult the Academic Integrity guidelines by Office of
Student Conduct: You are allowed to use an
online dictionary (not online translators) such as
In the event that a student is found to have committed plagiarism or other forms of academic
dishonesty, he/she will receive a ZERO on the assignment. Furthermore, under University policy,
the instructor is obligated to report the incident to the Office of the Dean of Students, whose
office will investigate the incident and decide what additional sanctions will be applied.
Homework help” sites
All course materials and the intellectual content of the course are protected by United States
Federal Copyright Law. No student (and all other persons) shall give, sell, or otherwise distribute to
others, or publish any electronically available course materials or recordings made during any course
presentation without the written consent of the instructor. For example, you are not allowed to
copy quiz/exam questions or writing assignments and post them in public or private websites.
Access privileges to course materials
No students shall share access privileges (such as UCSBNetID and password that authenticates them at
the course website) with other individuals, including fellow students. Students should take reasonable
precautions against unauthorized access to their electronic devices that are used to access or store
course materials.
Español III, Verano 2021 - Programa del curso
(eBook sections and textbook pages)
You can access the eBook content in the
“Read, Study and Practice” tab in WileyPlus,
or you can follow along page numbers in the
print textbook version.
Check WileyPlus for the online homework
activities. There are online homework assignments
due almost every day by 11:45pm. Study the
textbook pages and/or the ebook sections BEFORE
completing the corresponding online assignments
in WileyPlus.
Presentación del curso
CAP 7, SECCIÓN 1: ¿Qué comemos?
Antes del miércoles:
Asistir a las dos primeras clases en línea lunes y
Durante la semana:
Participar en la tercera clase semanal en línea con
tu grupo.
Completa el Quiz 1 en GS sobre el syllabus y la
descripción del curso.
Regístrate en WileyPlus y completa las primeras
Antes del martes:
Asistir a las dos clases en línea lunes y martes
Durante la semana:
Participar en la tercera clase semanal en línea con
tu grupo.
Antes del martes:
Asistir a las dos clases en línea lunes y martes
Durante la semana:
Participar en la tercera clase semanal en línea con
tu grupo.
Regístrate en LinguaMeeting e inscríbete en una
sesión semanal.
Lunes en clase: Redacción 1
CAP 8, SECCIÓN 1: Los juegos y los deportes
Antes del martes:
Asistir a las dos clases en línea lunes y martes
Durante la semana:
Participar en la tercera clase semanal en línea con
tu grupo.
Participar en la primera sesión de LinguaMeeting.
Antes del martes:
Asistir a las dos clases en línea lunes y martes
Durante la semana:
Participar en la tercera clase semanal en línea con tu
Participar en la segunda sesión de LinguaMeeting.
Antes del martes:
Asistir a las dos clases en línea lunes y martes
Durante la semana:
Participar en la tercera clase semanal en línea con tu
Participar en la tercera sesión de LinguaMeeting.
Antes del martes:
Asistir a la clase en línea martes (lunes es feriado).
Durante la semana:
Participar en la tercera clase semanal en línea con tu
Participar en la cuarta sesión de LinguaMeeting.
Antes del martes:
Asistir a las dos clases en línea lunes y martes
Durante la semana:
Participar en la tercera clase semanal en línea con tu
Participar en la quinta sesión de
Antes del martes:
Asistir a las dos clases en línea lunes y martes
Durante la semana:
Participar en la tercera clase semanal en línea con tu
Participar en la sexta sesión de LinguaMeeting.
Para el domingo: Entregar el proyecto final
Antes del martes:
Asistir a la clase del martes
Durante la semana:
Participar en la tercera clase semanal en línea con tu
Para el domingo: Comentar el proyecto final de
los/las compañeros/as