Version: 1.0
Date September, 2022
Prepared for: Marketing and
Regulatory Programs
Privacy Impact Assessment
MRP Amazon Web Services General Support
System (MRP AWS GSS)
Policy, E-Government and Fair Information Practices
Privacy Impact Assessment MRP AWS GSS
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Privacy Impact Assessment for the
September, 2022
Contact Point
Abhai Singh
Reviewing Official
Tonya Woods
Director, Freedom of Information and Privacy Act Staff
United States Department of Agriculture
Privacy Impact Assessment MRP AWS GSS
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The Marketing Regulatory Programs Amazon Web Services General Support System
(MRP AWS GSS) and its components, the Palantir Platform and the Veterinary
Services Data Integration Services (DIS), have combined and are being assessed and
authorized under a single accreditation boundary.
Within the MRP AWS GSS, the VS DIS utilizes the Palantir Platform to integrate data
from existing Agency systems including:
o Emergency Management Response Services 2.0 (EMRS2)
o VMAC (VS Multisystem on Azure Cloud) child applications:
Animal Disease Traceability Information System (ADTIS)
Laboratory Messaging Services (LMS)
Veterinary Services Laboratory Submissions (VSLS)
Veterinary Services Process Streamlining (VSPS)
o Surveillance Collaboration Services (SCS)
o VS Searchable Test Result Application for NVSL Diagnostics (STRAND)
o User Management System (UMS)
o Mi-Corporation Mobile Data Collection (MiCo)
o User Fee System (UFS)
o Veterinary Export Health Certification System(VEHCS)
The Marketing and Regulatory Programs mission of the USDA is to provide administrative
and technical resources to the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) and Animal and Plant
Health Inspection Service (APHIS) mission area agencies. This PIA is created for the MRP
Amazon Web Services General Support System (MRP AWS GSS), which provides a cloud
platform for agencies that wish to take advantage of AWS GovCloud services.
The Palantir Platform and VS Data Integration Services (VS DIS) are components of the MRP
AWS GSS. VS DIS utilizes the Palantir Platform to view, analyze, transform, aggregate, and
model data. It is a secure platform where data and code can be versioned for quality control and
users can collaborate to answer organizational questions without sacrificing security or data
integrity. Data pipelines, analyses, and reports can be shared and discovered and be managed
by access controls, thereby eliminating the creation of data management work performed in
local, ungoverned silos. VS will also use the Palantir platform for data entry and the uploading
of files into data pipelines managed in Palantir.
Section 1.0 Characterization of the Information
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The following questions are intended to define the scope of the information requested and/or
collected as well as reasons for its collection as part of the program, system, rule, or technology
being developed.
1.1 What information is collected, used, disseminated, or maintained in
the system?
The following information from SCS may be shared with the Palantir component of
Employee – USDA APHIS VS SCS maintains name, address, phone and personal
identification number (professional license number, Veterinary Accreditation
number, regulatory official ID) information for USDA and State animal health
employees directly involved in disease program activities.
Other – USDA APHIS VS SCS maintains name, address, and phone information
for individuals identified as contacts for premises (locations) and owners of
animals or animal related operations involved with the various animal disease/pest
surveillance and or control programs that could be identified in agency assigned
miscellaneous numbers (case numbers, flock IDs, laboratory accessions, and
permit numbers.) and personal identification number (professional license number,
Veterinary Accreditation number) information for private veterinarians. Because of
the varying nature of the premises, including sole proprietorships, and the
undocumented relationship of the contact to the premises, many of the contacts are
simply private citizens deserving of protection under the Privacy Act.
The following information from VSLS may be shared with the Palantir component
of the MRP AWS GSS.
The information in the VSLS may contain the following information types:
Name, address, contact telephone, e-mail address for collectors, submitters and
herd/flock owners, or associated APHIS personnel (Scrapie Epidemiologist),
latitude/longitude coordinates, operation type(s), species and breeds, national
premise identification number or state location identifier number, flock or herd
identification numbers, characteristics of the animal or specimen collected,
testing an test results. VSLS can also be used to monitor the dates and times
between sample collection and results entry, and the database maintains an audit
of the users that created and/or updated collection information or results in the
underlying database.
The following information from VSISM may be shared with the Palantir
component of the MRP AWS GSS.
The information in the VSISM may contain the following information types:
Name, address, contact telephone, e-mail address for collectors, submitters and
herd/flock owners, or associated APHIS personnel, latitude/longitude
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coordinates, operation type(s), species and breeds, national premise identification
number or state location identifier number, flock or herd identification numbers,
characteristics of the animal or specimen collected, testing an test results.
VSISM maintains an audit of the users that created and/or updated collection
The following information from EMRS2 may be shared with the Palantir
component of the MRP AWS GSS.
Information includes name; address (including city), county, state, postal code,
latitude/longitude coordinates; premises identification number; and telephone number.
The EMRS2 may also contain the name and telephone number of the person(s) who
provided the initial report concerning the premises, and the name, telephone number,
and e-mail address of the person responsible for the investigation of the premises.
EMRS2 also contains information about APHIS employees who may be deployed as
members of Incident Command System (ICS) teams and their position assignment.
The following information from LMS may be shared with the Palantir component
of the MRP AWS GSS.
Test results for multiple diseases including Avian Influenza, Swine Enteric
Coronavirus Disease, Vesticular Stomatitus Virus, Swine Influenza Virus, African
Swine Fever, Foot Mouth Disease, and others are transmitted over secure http in an
HL7 message, or loaded by spreadsheet by federal users. Rhapsody messaging
services is the current endpoint for external messaging and performs authentication as
well as schema validation before accepting messages. Some surveillance analysts
currently have read only access to the SQL Server repository data for analysis and
reporting, but the preferred avenue is through DIS.
The following information from VSPS may be shared with the Palantir component
of the MRP AWS GSS.
The VSPS system collects information from veterinarians who apply on-line to
become federally accredited, from importers that are requesting a permit to import
animals, and from accredited veterinarians that are submitting health certificates for
the export and interstate movement of animals.
VS personnel processes and approve applications for federal accreditation,
document actions taken against accredited veterinarians, process permit requests
and issue import permits, maintain the animal import rules, process export health
certificates, and maintain the export protocols. State personnel issue permits for
interstate movement requests and maintain the state protocols.
The following information from ATDIS may be shared with the Palantir
component of the MRP AWS GSS.
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General contact information is recorded in the Standardized Premises Information
System (SPIS) on individuals that are associated with a premises; specifically, name,
address, company name, contact numbers, and e-mail. All other information is in
regards to the animals in the possession of the customers and only collected during a
disease or other health event. Such animal information collected includes: specific
systems that provided the information (i.e., premises data, animal ID manufacturers,
and animal tracking institutions), Premises ID, Animal ID, date of event, event type,
breed and sex.
The information contained in the system is based on the tracing of animals. Personal
information of individuals is only used for verification and contact purposes for the
goal of tracing and containment of diseased or exposed animals.
The following information from STRAND may be shared with the Palantir
component of the MRP AWS GSS.
Submitters of Diagnostic Samples
o Shipping Address
o Invoice Address
o Contact Name
o Contact Phone Number
o Contact e-mail
US Government Employee:
Employee Information
o Employee Name
o Employee E-mail
Diagnostic sample information
Wildlife/ Zoo/ owner
If owner then:
o Owner Name
o Owner City
o Owner State
o Owner Zip
o Owner Country
Collected by
Authorized by
Slaughtering Establishment Information:
Establishment ID
Establishment Name
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Establishment Address
Establishment City
Establishment State
Establishment Zip
Establishment Country
Tuberculosis Sample Information:
Food Inspector Name
Veterinarian Name
Market Buyer Name
The following information from UMS may be shared with the Palantir component
of the MRP AWS GSS.
The UMS system contains information on state and federal employees regarding
their roles and permissions for MRP applications and systems, which includes
employee first and last name, middle initial, eAuth username, eAuth email, mobile
and office phone number.
The following information from MiCo may be shared with the Palantir component
of the MRP AWS GSS.
The MiCo platform enables VS to create electronic forms to support animal
surveillance and traceability programs and functions. MiCo forms collect
information on state and federal employees using the application, which includes
their roles and permissions for MiCo, employee first and last name, middle initial,
eAuth username, eAuth email, and can include premises-relevant information, such
as premises owner name, email, phone number, and premises address.
The following information from UFS may be shared with the Palantir component of
The UFS system contains financial records and information on state and federal
employees, private citizens, and businesses, such as first and last name, associated
email address, phone and fax numbers, address, UFS usernames, and comments
associated with the user’s account.
The following information from VEHCS may be shared with the Palantir
component of the MRP AWS GSS.
The VEHCS system contains animal/animal-related export records and information
on state and federal employees, private citizens, and businesses, such as first and
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last name, associated email address, phone and fax numbers, address, type of
export, location of export, VEHCS username, and also ties the export data to
financial records in UFS.
1.2 What are the sources of the information in the system?
Information in this system comes primarily from the operational VS information
systems: Surveillance Collaboration Services (SCS), Veterinary Services Laboratory
Submissions (VSLS), Emergency Management Response Services 2.0 (EMRS2),
Laboratory Messaging Services (LMS), Animal Disease and Traceability Information
System (ADTIS), VS Searchable Test Result Application for NVSL Diagnostics
(STRAND), VS Integrated Surveillance Modules (VSISM), User Management System
(UMS), Mi-Corporation Mobile Data Collection (MiCo), User Fee System (UFS),
Veterinary Export Health Certification System (VEHCS), spreadsheet uploads from
APHIS employees, and external partners. No data is collected directly from the user.
1.3 Why is the information being collected, used, disseminated, or
PII information is collected as part of a core component of the VS operational
activities and part of the comprehensive operations and integrated on-farm
surveillance and outbreak response in order to achieve the VS mission to maintain and
promote the health and availability of animals, animal products and veterinary
dynamics. This integrated data is being used by VS programs to manage and perform
functions and operations related to disease monitoring, surveillance, animal disease
traceability, import/export functions, and reporting (e.g. tracing and containment of
diseased or exposed animals). In addition they are used for prevention, detection and
early response to outbreaks. Collected PII enables implementation and operations for
VS operational activities relating to tracing and attribution of data. Beyond enabling
VS operations, PII is generally not shared externally. The only time PII is shared
externally is to fulfill FOIA requests.
1.4 How is the information collected?
The Palantir Platform primarily collects information stored and entered into other
systems. It includes a database containing information ingested on a routine or ad hoc
basis from other government/USDA databases, commercial and public source data
providers to which USDA employees have access. Routine ingests of data from the
sources listed, occur by means of an automated data ingestion process. Palantir
software periodically scans the source database to detect additions, modifications, or
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deletions to the records contained in the source system. The Palantir database is then
updated to reflect these changes. Ad hoc ingests of data occur either by users entering
data or importing electronic files into the system via a data import application. The
source of ad hoc ingests varies depending on the circumstances, but may include a
particular user’s knowledge, manual queries of other databases, reference materials, or
other open source data. The Palantir system generates the index, tables, and analytical
results described in Question 2.1 using the source data.
1.5 How will the information be checked for accuracy?
Palantir only assists the human evaluation and decision-making processes associated
with data retrieved from other systems. Therefore, Palantir relies on the system(s)
and/or program(s) performing the original collection to provide accurate data. In
addition, APHIS-VS governance processes take advantage of Palantir capabilities to
improve quality of data that is integrated and interfaced as the VS DIS.
VS DIS users refer to a variety of data sources available through the system and other
systems to verify and correlate the available information to the greatest extent
possible. Where incorrect information is identified, it is corrected either in VS DIS or
in the source system, which then pushes the corrected data to VS DIS. The accuracy of
APHIS-owned data, state data, commercial (SNOMED and LOINC codes) and public
source data (National Agriculture Statistics Service, National Animal Health
Laboratory Network reference data, MAPBOX) is dependent on the original source.
The Palantir index in the relational database is updated frequently – according to
business needs. As the source system data is corrected, the data in Palantir will be
automatically updated and corrected as well. This automated data update process helps
to ensure the data in the VS DIS is as current and accurate as possible.
The Palantir Platform also implements automated data validation rules / checks such
as missing data and invalid data entry. Additionally, VS/MRP-IT technical SMEs can
implement validation rules / data checks programmatically with automated alerts for
success / failure as appropriate.
For ad hoc data uploads, in the event uploaded data is later identified as inaccurate, VS
DIS users are required to modify their own ad hoc uploads to correct the data. If the
user who uploaded the data no longer has access privileges to VS DIS, it is the
responsibility of a supervisor or systems administrator to make the appropriate
changes to the incorrect data. VS DIS users are trained how to modify ad hoc data for
accuracy and correctness in the system.
1.6 What specific legal authorities, arrangements, and/or agreements
defined the collection of information?
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The Animal Damage Control Act of 1931, 7 U.S.C. 8301 et seq. of the Animal
Health Protection Act
The Animal Health Protection Act, 7 U. S. C. 8301-8317
7 USC Sec. 7629
The Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002
Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002
116 Stat 674-678
The Homeland Security Presidential Directive 9.
Farm Bill as approved by Congress
Title 9, Code of Federal Regulations (9 CFR)
21 U.S.C. 105, 111-114a-1, 116, 125, 134b, 134f
1.7 Privacy Impact Analysis: Given the amount and type of data
collected, discuss the privacy risks identified and how they were
Unauthorized disclosure of employee and other personal data, as identified in Section
1.1 above, was the primary privacy risk identified in the PIA. USDA APHIS Program
staff and leadership are all responsible for protecting the privacy rights of the
employees and other persons identified in the MRP AWS GSS and its components (the
Palantir Platform and VS DIS) as required by applicable State and Federal laws.
Specific mitigation activities are:
All access to the data in the system is controlled by formal authorization. Each
individual’s supervisor must identify (authorize) what functional roles that
individual needs in the MRP AWS GSS and its components. Additionally, each
quarter users with access are randomly sampled and their supervisors must
reaffirm access (MRP-IT UMS).
Access to the Palantir Platform and VS DIS is controlled by the USDA
eAuthentication system and/or USDA VPN.
The application limits access to relevant information and prevents access to
unauthorized information.
All users receive formal system training and are required to sign Rules of Behavior
on an annual basis as part of the USDA mandatory information system security
awareness training.
At the login screen of the application the warning banner must be acknowledged
before users are allowed access.
Section 2.0 Uses of the Information
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The following questions are intended to delineate clearly the use of information and the
accuracy of the data being used.
2.1 Describe all the uses of information.
The Palantir Platform and VS DIS allows VS to have a global view of the
information that is collected to support the mission of VS. The uses of the
information will mirror that in the original source systems in addition to integrated
reporting to allow for leadership view and decision making. VS DIS allows for a
comprehensive view of all the data and creates efficiency across the organizations
within one tool with the same epi, surveillance response, emergency, and
import/export activities.
The following data is used from VSLS:
Collection site information including premises address and contact information,
flock/herd owner and samples collected are entered in the application by Federal
employees and cooperating State employees based on information on forms. Test
results are entered in the application generally by state personnel working in one of
the NAHLN laboratories around the country.
In exceptional reporting support cases, such as for the current Scrapie SCS
system, APHIS surveillance business analysts have been allowed to produce
reports against the VSLS database directly using their Business Intelligence (BI)
tools, until reporting can be developed against the management repository.
The following data is used from VSISM:
The information collected from states, users, individuals and/or businesses in the general
public is collected on OMB approved form VS 10-4, 6-35, 10-12 and 5-38 at a minimum,
as well as approved non-forms.
The following data is used from LMS:
The information collected includes: name, address information, business
information and laboratory operations information, laboratory identification,
laboratory location, test results, patient (animal) information, communication
integrity information.
The following data is used from EMRS2:
The system collects, uses and maintains information such as:
Owner or operator of the premises where the animals subject to investigation
are located; the system includes the following information, such as, but not
limited to, the name; address (including city, county, State, postal code, and
latitude/longitude coordinates); premises identification number; and telephone
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Referring contact information, which includes name and telephone number.
Case coordinator of the premises investigation; the system includes name,
telephone number, and email address.
APHIS employees; the system includes the following information, such as, but
not limited to the name; agency, program, and group; current duty assignment;
encrypted employee identification number; grade, series, and step; duty city
and State; home address, including latitude/longitude coordinates; home
telephone number; home email address; emergency contact information; work
and field addresses, email addresses and telephone numbers; and supervisor
contact information.
The following data is used from VSPS:
The VSPS system collects information from veterinarians that apply on-line to
become federally accredited, from importers that are requesting to import animals,
and from accredited veterinarians that are creating Interstate Certificates of
Veterinary Inspection (CVIs). Accredited veterinarians can also create the Equine
Infectious Anemia (VS 10-11) form and submit it electronically to a lab for the lab
to enter results which then creates an official form.
VS personnel processes and approve applications for federal accreditation,
document actions taken against accredited veterinarians, create the animal
importation requests for animal movements into the US, create and manage
reservations at the import quarantine centers, and maintain the product export and
product import facilities and inspections.
State personnel can manage the State certification statements for their State for
Interstate movements. States can also view all health certificates that have been
Issued by Accredited veterinarians that have an Origin or Destination of their State.
They can review and approve or reject each health certificate. States also can enter
paper certificates into the Retro-CVI section of the Interstate module.
Data is entered into VSPS by the users and forms can then be created and printed if
needed from the data entered.
The data is maintained in the system database kept on the Azure cloud. Users
update the data in the system as needed.
The following data is used from ADTIS:
General contact information is recorded in the ADTIS Landing Page and Premises on
individuals that are associated with a premises; specifically, name, address where the
animals are located and premises contact addresses, company name, contact numbers,
and e-mail. All other information pertains to the animals in the possession of the
customers and is only collected during a disease or other health event. Such animal
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information collected includes specific systems that provided the information (i.e.,
premises data, animal ID manufacturers, and animal tracking institutions), Premises
ID, Animal ID, date of event, event type, breed and sex.
The information contained in the system is based on the tracing of animals.
Personal information of individuals is only used for verification and contact
purposes for the goal of tracing and containment of diseased or exposed animals.
PINs for premises are linkable to the animal owner. This information is only
disseminated to the animal owner. The reporting of premise data is also disseminated.
It includes contact information from the PM record and event reporting by PIN from
AIMS. No other dissemination of PII occurs from the ADTIS.
The following data is used from STRAND:
Submitters of Diagnostic Samples
o Contact Name
o Contact Phone Number
o Contact e-mail
US Government Employee:
Employee Information
o Employee Name
o Employee Job Title
o Employee Business Phone no.
o Employee E-mail
o Employee Supervisor
o Employee Organizational Group within NVSL and Center for Veterinary
Biologics (CVB)
Diagnostic sample information
Wildlife/ Zoo/ owner
If owner then:
o Owner Name
o Owner City
o Owner State
o Owner Zip
o Owner Country
Collected by
Authorized by
Tuberculosis Sample Information:
Food Inspector Name
Veterinarian Name
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Market Buyer Name
Market Buyer Address
The following data is used from UMS:
The UMS platform is maintained by MRP-IT and controls user access and rights to
VS applications, e.g. grants authorization for specific data types and actions with that
data. DIS pulls in user information and associated DIS permissions from UMS to
control user access to data and rights for operations with said data, as well as
authorization to participate in specific workflows, within DIS. Examples of controlled
user access include visibility of surveillance data resources, and row-level access to
resources by state. Beyond controlling user permissions, UMS user data is not used for
any additional purpose within DIS.
The following data is used from MiCo:
The data collected from the MiCo platform currently include Federally Approved
Livestock Market Agreements (as defined in 9 CFR 71.20) and surveillance data
associated with ASF-CSF submissions. DIS pulls the Livestock Market Agreement
records into the platform and unions the data to historic records for records / data
management purposes. PII on the Livestock Market Agreement electronic records is
stripped through a programmatic process until it aligns with a pre-existing standard of
publicly available information on the Agreements. After data processing, the
Livestock Market Agreements are published to a public Tableau dashboard to support
The ASF-CSF submissions are pulled into DIS and integrated into an existing pipeline
which combines all streams of surveillance data on ASF-CSF. The records are used to
support ASF-CSF surveillance and reporting to VS internal and external stakeholders.
The following data is used from UFS:
Financial records are pulled into DIS to support budgetary reporting to VS internal
stakeholders including the Office of the Deputy Administrator. UFS data are also
utilized to support in-platform workflows and data aggregations, e.g. integration of
UFS data into VEHCS to support filtering and searchability of VEHCS data.
The following data is used from VEHCS:
The data in VEHCS are used to support tracking of Export certificates and reporting.
Currently, export certificate data pulled into DIS are being used in a manner that will
streamline the physical and data management activities associated with certification
generation and approval of live animal and animal product exports.
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2.2 What types of tools are used to analyze data and what type of data
may be produced?
VS DIS uses the capabilities of the Palantir Platform to perform analysis on the
integrated data, including on the database layer backend and on the semantic layer
frontend (end-user facing). Other business analysis tools such as Alteryx and Tableau
may be used. Statistical modeling and analysis may be performed using Python, R,
SAS or another statistical software, and GIS tools such as ARCGIS may be used to
geographically represent the data. Other USDA and APHIS MRP approved data
analysis tools may be used. Any data outlined in Section 1.2 above could be included
as outputs. Data outputs may include figures, graphs, tables, and maps in the form of
manuscripts, reports, and presentations. Data may also be provided in other formats as
needed for operational activities.
2.3 If the system uses commercial or publicly available data please
explain why and how it is used.
VS DIS may use data that is publicly available in order to standardize reference tables
in order to facilitate the analysis of clinical information. Publicly available data from
the Veterinary Terminology Services Laboratory (VTSL) may be used in order to
apply standardized medical terminology. VS DIS may also use publicly available data
obtained from the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), World Organization for
Animal Health (OIE) and Dairy Herd Improvement Association (DHIA). All data
obtained in this manner will exclude PII.
2.4 Privacy Impact Analysis: Describe any types of controls that may be
in place to ensure that information is handled in accordance with the
above described uses.
Privacy rights of the employees and other persons will be protected by USDA APHIS
management within the limits of the Privacy Act of 1974. MRP AWS GSS and its
components have security controls to address access/security of information.
All access to the data in the system is controlled by formal authorization. Each
individual’s supervisor must identify (authorize) what functional roles that individual
needs in the MRP AWS GSS and its components.
All requests for access to the system are verified by user identification and
authentication. Users must have a government issued login and password that is
controlled and enforced by the USDA eAuthentication application.
The MRP AWS GSS and its components limit access to relevant information and
prevents access to unauthorized information through role-based access.
All users receive annual security awareness training and are required to sign rules of
behavior before being given access to the system. Additionally, all users receive
security basics refresher training and sign rules of behavior on an annual basis.
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At the application login screen the warning banner must be acknowledged before users
are allowed to log into the application.
Section 3.0 Retention
The following questions are intended to outline how long information will be retained after the
initial collection.
3.1 How long is information retained?
The records within the MRP AWS GSS and its components are unscheduled and
therefore are considered permanent until the actual records retention scheduled is
approved by NARA.
3.2 Has the retention period been approved by the component records
officer and the National Archives and Records Administration
The MRP 400 has been submitted for NARA approval.
3.3 Privacy Impact Analysis: Please discuss the risks associated with the
length of time data is retained and how those risks are mitigated.
Unauthorized disclosure of contact information, as identified in Section 1.1 above, is
the primary privacy risk, as identified by the PIA. Personally Identifiable Information
(PII) is limited to names, addresses, email and phone numbers of submitters/collectors
and premises/animal owners. The benefit of having that data available for premises
backtracking and other trending information during an emergency overrides any risk
due to data retention timescale. All records will be retained as MRP awaits NARA
disposition and retention scheduling. MRP AWS GSS and its components maintain
information in a secure environment and data is encrypted at rest.
Section 4.0 Internal Sharing and Disclosure
The following questions are intended to define the scope of sharing within the United States
Department of Agriculture.
4.1 With which internal organization(s) is the information shared, what
information is shared and for what purpose?
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All data is available only (for the areas/states for which they have responsibility) to
staff of USDA who has a need to know for the purpose of mission-related activities,
program implementation, oversight, and reporting.
4.2 How is the information transmitted or disclosed?
The USDA and state partners have access to VS DIS through the MRP AWS General
Support System (GSS) via the Palantir Platform for data entry or viewing or via tools
such as Tableau and Alteryx tools for reporting.
4.3 Privacy Impact Analysis: Considering the extent of internal
information sharing, discuss the privacy risks associated with the
sharing and how they were mitigated.
Unauthorized disclosure of contact information, as identified in Section 1.1 above, is
the primary privacy risk to information shared internally to APHIS. These risks are
mitigated through users having direct access to the system. Additionally, the animal
health professionals who have access to the data are trained in the proper use and
dissemination of this data. All access must be approved, before it is granted. VS,
where feasible and within the technical limitations, ensures activities within the VS
DIS are audited, PII is used only for authorized purposes and in a manner that is
compatible with Privacy Act, and PII use is minimized to the extent necessary to meet
the mission needs of the VS surveillance program.
Section 5.0 External Sharing and Disclosure
The following questions are intended to define the content, scope, and authority for
information sharing external to USDA which includes Federal, state and local government,
and the private sector.
5.1 With which external organization(s) is the information shared, what
information is shared, and for what purpose?
USDA shares data via the Palantir Platform and VS DIS with cooperating
universities and researchers, other Federal agencies (Health and Human Services,
Center for Disease Control, and Department of Homeland Security). However, no
direct access to the data in the Palantir Platform is provided to these external
organizations. USDA staff pulls data as needed. Only summary data will be shared
externally. Currently, the only example of routine sharing of PII with external
organizations (the public) is limited to Livestock Market Agreements. Here,
contact information of Approved Livestock Market owners is made available to
the public (first name, last name, phone number, business address) to support
identification of USDA VS approved markets for
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commerce (
5.2 Is the sharing of personally identifiable information outside the
Department compatible with the original collection? If so, is it
covered by an appropriate routine use in a SORN? If so, please
describe. If not, please describe under what legal mechanism the
program or system is allowed to share the personally identifiable
information outside of USDA.
Where the USDA controls the personally identifiable information in the VS DIS; use
of that information will be governed by an appropriate routine use as noted in Section
5.1 above.
5.3 How is the information shared outside the Department and what
security measures safeguard its transmission?
The MRP AWS GSS and its components currently does not share generally PII data
outside USDA. All information sharing is governed by appropriate routine use as
noted in Section 5.1 above. Currently, the only example of routine sharing of PII with
external organizations (the public) is limited to Livestock Market Agreements. The
Livestock Market Agreements data originates from the MiCo tool within the
Surveillance Collaboration Service (SCS) system. The data (PII) is transmitted
through VS DIS to the USDA EDAPT tool for publishing in a public Tableau
Additionally, there are FOIA requests where responses must include PII. For these
requests, VS DIS works with agency FOIA contacts to identify the PII and, with their
input, the FOIA personnel redact/adjust the records at their discretion. Data is
provided by (CFI) to VS personnel working with FOIA (Records Management). VS
DIS followa all protocols and standards established by personnel supporting FOIA.
5.4 Privacy Impact Analysis: Given the external sharing, explain the
privacy risks identified and describe how they were mitigated.
The MRP AWS GSS and its components currently does not share data outside USDA.
All information sharing will be governed by an appropriate routine use as noted in
Section 5.1 above. No PII will be shared externally / outside of USDA.
Section 6.0 Notice
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The following questions are directed at notice to the individual of the scope of information
collected, the right to consent to uses of said information, and the right to decline to provide
6.1 Does this system require a SORN and if so, please provide SORN
name and URL.
The MRP AWS GSS and its components are reliant on the SORNs of the source
systems. See Section 5.1 for a list of SORNs.
6.2 Was notice provided to the individual prior to collection of
N/A: Information is not collected by VS DIS. Therefore, the responsibility of notifying
individuals about the collection of their information rests with the owners of the source
6.3 Do individuals have the opportunity and/or right to decline to provide
N/A: Information is not collected by VS DIS. Therefore, all responsibilities regarding the
collection of individuals’ information rests with the owners of the source systems.
6.4 Do individuals have the right to consent to particular uses of the
information? If so, how does the individual exercise the right?
No. The data are treated uniformly. Once the information is submitted to the source
systems it is subject to all routine uses as noted in Section 5.1.
6.5 Privacy Impact Analysis: Describe how notice is provided to
individuals, and how the risks associated with individuals being
unaware of the collection are mitigated.
The System of Record Notice is the official notice. No information is collected
without an individual’s awareness. This Privacy Impact Assessment will serve to
provide general notice until such time that the SORN is published in the Federal
Register. All personally identifiable information is protected and no data will be
shared outside the documented Routine Uses without an accounting of the disclosure
to the record owner.
Section 7.0 Access, Redress and Correction
The following questions are directed at an individual’s ability to ensure the accuracy of the
information collected about them.
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7.1 What are the procedures that allow individuals to gain access to their
Any individual may obtain information from a record in the system that pertains to
him or her. Requests for hard copies of records should be in writing, and the request
must contain the requesting individual’s name, address, name of the system of records,
timeframe for the records in question, any other pertinent information to help identify
the file, and a copy of his/her photo identification containing a current address for
verification of identification. All inquiries should be addressed to the Freedom of
Information and Privacy Act Staff, Legislative and Public Affairs, APHIS, 4700 River
Road Unit 50, Riverdale, MD 20737-1232.
7.2 What are the procedures for correcting inaccurate or erroneous
Inaccurate data are corrected by submitting requests to the procedures outlined in the
following link:
Or can be addressed to Freedom of Information and Privacy Act Staff, Legislative and
Public Affairs, APHIS, 4700 River Road Unit 50, Riverdale, MD 20737-1232.
7.3 How are individuals notified of the procedures for correcting their
Procedures are outlined in the SORNs that are identified in Section 5.1.
7.4 If no formal redress is provided, what alternatives are available to the
N/A Redress is provided.
7.5 Privacy Impact Analysis: Please discuss the privacy risks associated
with the redress available to individuals and how those risks are
An assessment of the privacy risk associated with the redress process is provided by
the FOIA/PA staff and director as outlined in Sections 7.2 and 7.4 of this document.
Section 8.0 Technical Access and Security
The following questions are intended to describe technical safeguards and security measures.
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8.1 What procedures are in place to determine which users may access
the system and are they documented?
Access to the MRP AWS GSS and its components are based on the need to conduct
business with USDA and is approved by an authorized USDA official. Criteria,
procedures, and controls are documented. Access must be requested in writing and
approved by the supervisor or APHIS authorizing official.
Once access is authorized, users of the Palantir Platform and VS DIS information are
further controlled through electronic role-based access. The system is integrated with
USDA eAuthentication application and requires level 2 authenticated access. Users
must have a government issued login and password that is controlled and managed
either at the USDA district or local USDA offices. Password controls, procedures,
responsibilities and policies follow USDA departmental standards.
8.2 Will Department contractors have access to the system?
Only specifically authorized USDA contractors have access to the system. Those
individuals must first obtain relevant security clearances along with specific
authorization to access information at various levels.
8.3 Describe what privacy training is provided to users either generally
or specifically relevant to the program or system?
All USDA employees provided access to the MRP AWS GSS and its components are
required to complete annual Information Technology (IT) Security Awareness
Training and must sign a Rules of Behavior form prior to receiving access to the
information system. System owners and technical staff are required to complete PII
training each year.
8.4 Has Certification & Accreditation been completed for the system or
systems supporting the program?
The MRP AWS GSS and its components were granted an Authority to Operate (ATO)
on October 9, 2019.
8.5 What auditing measures and technical safeguards are in place to
prevent misuse of data?
The implementation is in accordance with FIP 199/200 Moderate Baseline Security
Controls. Access control is a combination of eAuthentication (user credential and
authentication) and authorization (VS DIS roles).
The Palantir Platform implements auditing of user actions in the system. User actions
are recorded and stored in audit logs accessible only to authorized personnel in USDA.
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The audit logs are protected from unauthorized access, modification, and destruction
that would negate their value. User auditing captures the following activities: logon
and logoff, search query strings, datasets viewed by the user, changes in access
permissions, and records/reports extracted from the system. The system also keeps a
complete record of all additions, modifications, and deletions of information in the
system, the date/time, and user who performed the action.
8.6 Privacy Impact Analysis: Given the sensitivity and scope of the
information collected, as well as any information sharing conducted
on the system, what privacy risks were identified and how do the
security controls mitigate them?
Unauthorized disclosure of employee and other personnel information, as identified in
Section 1.1 above, is the primary privacy risk to information shared both internally and
externally to the USDA. This risk is mitigated through technical and procedural
information security controls levied on internal and external holders of data.
The Palantir Platform and VS DIS can only be accessed by personnel who have logged
in with their e-Authentication PIV or e-authentication username/password credential
and have been authorized with specific VS DIS role(s). If data is retrieved, no record
of data queried is kept but individual must have user access and rights to access data.
Users must be authenticated and have role based access to data which is limited to a
need to know basis to the users business unit and teams (Both state level access and
commodity group).
Section 9.0 Technology
The following questions are directed at critically analyzing the selection process for any
technologies utilized by the system, including system hardware and other technology.
9.1 What type of project is the program or system?
The MRP AWS GSS contains the Palantir Platform and VS DIS as components. VS
DIS uses the Palantir platform to integrate animal health data that is culled from
operational VS information systems and file uploads. The MRP AWS GSS exists to
provide cloud computing services to the MRP Programs. The Veterinary Services
program intends to use VS DIS to maximize efficiency, improve business processes,
and facilitate comprehensive, integrated surveillance.
9.2 Does the project employ technology which may raise privacy
concerns? If so please discuss their implementation.
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Section 10.0 Third Party Websites/Applications
The following questions are directed at critically analyzing the privacy impact of using third
party websites and/or applications.
10.1 Has the System Owner (SO) and/or Information Systems Security
Program Manager (ISSPM) reviewed Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) memorandums M-10-22 “Guidance for Online Use of
Web Measurement and Customization Technology” and M-10-23
“Guidance for Agency Use of Third-Party Websites and
OMB M-10-23 has been distributed by MRP AWS GSS the system owner and the VS
DIS Information Owner.
10.2 What is the specific purpose of the agency’s use of 3
party websites
and/or applications?
Not applicable. The MRP AWS GSS does not use third party websites or applications.
10.3 What personally identifiable information (PII) will become available
through the agency’s use of 3
party websites and/or applications.
Not applicable. The MRP AWS GSS does not use third party websites or applications.
10.4 How will the PII that becomes available through the agency’s use of
party websites and/or applications be used?
Not applicable. The MRP AWS GSS does not use third party websites or applications.
10.5 How will the PII that becomes available through the agency’s use of
party websites and/or applications be maintained and secured?
Not applicable. The MRP AWS GSS does not use third party websites or applications.
10.6 Is the PII that becomes available through the agency’s use of 3
websites and/or applications purged periodically?
Not applicable. The MRP AWS GSS does not use third party websites or applications.
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10.7 Who will have access to PII that becomes available through the
agency’s use of 3
party websites and/or applications?
Not applicable. The MRP AWS GSS does not use third party websites or applications.
10.8 With whom will the PII that becomes available through the agency’s
use of 3
party websites and/or applications be shared - either
internally or externally?
Not applicable. The MRP AWS GSS does not use third party websites or applications.
10.9 Will the activities involving the PII that becomes available through
the agency’s use of 3
party websites and/or applications require
either the creation or modification of a system of records notice
Not applicable. The MRP AWS GSS does not use third party websites or applications.
10.10 Does the system use web measurement and customization technology?
Not applicable. The MRP AWS GSS does not use third party websites or applications.
10.11 Does the system allow users to either decline to opt-in or decide to
opt-out of all uses of web measurement and customization
Not applicable. The MRP AWS GSS does not use web measurement and customization.
10.12 Privacy Impact Analysis: Given the amount and type of PII that
becomes available through the agency’s use of 3
party websites
and/or applications, discuss the privacy risks identified and how they
were mitigated.
Not applicable. The MRP AWS GSS does not use third party websites or applications.
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Signature authority and protocol differs by agency, we request at a minimum Project
Manager/System Owner and ISSPM/CISO sign the document with review by the Privacy
Agency Responsible Officials
__________________________ _________________
Abhai Singh Date
System Owner
Animal Plant Health Inspection Service
United States Department of Agriculture
Agency Approval Signature
__________________________________ __________________
Tonya Woods Date
Privacy Act Officer (PAO)
Marketing and Regulatory Programs
United States Department of Agriculture
________________________________ _________________
Angela Cole Date
Chief Privacy Officer
Deputy Assistant Chief Information Security Officer
Marketing and Regulatory Programs
United States Department of Agriculture
Digitally signed by
Date: 2022.09.13
09:58:47 -04'00'
Digitally signed by
Date: 2022.09.13
13:56:40 -04'00'
Digitally signed by
Date: 2022.09.13
14:49:00 -04'00'