Fulton | C.V. | Page 1
Brad R. Fulton
Indiana University Bloomington [email protected]
O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs
Duke University | Ph.D. Sociology, 2015
University of Chicago | A.M., Social Science
University of California at Berkeley | B.S., Industrial Engineering
Indiana University | O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs
Associate Professor of Management and Social Policy, 2020 Present
Adjunct Faculty, Department of Sociology
Affiliate Faculty, Center for Research on Race and Ethnicity in Society
Affiliate Faculty, Indiana University Network Science Institute
Affiliate Faculty, Lilly Family School of Philanthropy
Affiliate Faculty, Islamic Studies Program
Assistant Professor of Management and Social Policy, 2015 2020
Aspen Institute | Fellow, 2021 Present
Faith & Prejudice Institute | Director, 2021 Present
American Journal of Sociology, Consulting Editor, 2021 2023
Social Service Review, External Review Board Member, 2021 2023
Sociology of Religion, Editorial Board Member, 2019 2022
2015 Wood, Richard L. and Brad R. Fulton. A Shared Future: Faith-Based Organizing for Racial Equity
and Ethical Democracy. University of Chicago Press. [
* 2016 Outstanding Book Award | Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action
* Reviewed in American Journal of Sociology, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, American
Academy of Religion, Sociology of Religion, and three other academic journals
PEER REVIEWED ARTICLES AND BOOK CHAPTERS Student/Post-doc at time of initial collaboration
2022 Fulton, Brad R. and Marc Doussard. “Sustaining the Grassroots: How Community Organizations
Mitigate the Downsides of Collaborating with Unions. Journal of Urban Affairs (online first). [
2022 Fulton, Brad R. and Matthew Baggetta. “Observing Civic Engagement: Using Systematic Social
Observation to Study Civil Society Organization Convenings.Voluntas (online first). [
* 2018 Dugan Research Award on Philanthropic Impact (Award/Grant) | ARNOVA & Charity Navigator
Fulton | C.V. | Page 2
2022 Gazley, Beth, Brad R. Fulton, Wesley Zebrowski, and David P. King. “Giving and Going: U.S.
Congregational Participation in Disaster Response.” Nonprofit Management & Leadership
33:157-78. [Link]
* Reported on by the Washington Post [
2022 Fulton, Brad R., Ipek Bilgen, Vicki Pineau, Lindsay Liebert, and David King, and J. Michael Dennis.
“Evaluating Nonresponse Bias for a Hypernetwork Sample Generated from a Probability-Based
Household Panel.Journal of Quantitative Methods [
2022 Austin, Thad, David P. King, Jon Bergdoll, and Brad R. Fulton.Defining and Estimating the Scope of
U.S. Faith-Based International Humanitarian Aid Organizations” Voluntas (online first). [
2022 Baggetta, Matthew, Brad R. Fulton, and Zoe Caplan⸈. “Space and Interaction in Civil Society
Organizations: An Exploratory Study in a U.S. CitySocial Inclusion 10:1-12. [
2022 Ralph, Allison K., Brad R. Fulton, and Samuel Allen. “Faith-Based Public Foundations:
Identifying the Field and Assessing its Impact.” The Foundation Review 14:21-32 [
* 2022 Alteryx Excellence Award | Best Example of Using Data for Good
2021 Fulton, Brad R. Engaging Differences: How Socially Diverse Organizations Can Mobilize Their
Resources More Effectively.” Social Forces 99:1518-46. [
* Reported on by the Washington Post and Religion News Service [
2021 Fulton, Brad R. “Bridging and Bonding: Disentangling Two Mechanisms Underlying the Diversity-
Performance Relationship.” Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly 50:54-76. [
* 2022 Outstanding Article Award | Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly
2020 Yukich, Grace
, Brad R. Fulton
, and Richard L. Wood (
joint first authors). “Representative
Group Styles: How Ally Immigrant Rights Organizations Promote Immigrant Involvement.”
Social Problems 67:488-506. [
* 2021 Outstanding Article Award | Altruism, Morality & Social Solidarity Section | Am. Sociological Assoc.
* 2017 Jack Shand Research Award/Grant (for proposed project) | Society for the Scientific Study of Religion
* 2016 Association Management Research Award/Grant | American Society of Association Executives
2020 Doussard, Marc and Brad R. Fulton. “Organizing Together: Identifying Benefits and Drawbacks
of Community-Labor Coalitions for Community Organizing Efforts.” Social Service Review
94:36-74. [
2020 Fulton, Brad R. “Religious Organizations: Crosscutting the Nonprofit Sector” in The Nonprofit
Sector: A Research Handbook, 3
edition, edited by Walter W. Powell and Patricia Bromley.
Stanford University Press. [
* Chapter reviewed in Philanthropy Daily [
2020 Adler, Gary J., Brad R. Fulton, and Catherine Hoegeman. “Survey Data Collection Methods and
Discrepancy in the Sociological Study of Religious Congregations.” Sociology of Religion
81:371-412. [
2020 Markofski, Wes, Brad R. Fulton, and Richard L. Wood. “Secular Evangelicals: Faith-Based
Organizing and Four Modes of Public Religion.Sociology of Religion 81:158-84. [
* Reported on by the Washington Post [Link]
Fulton | C.V. | Page 3
2019 Fulton, Brad R., Michelle Oyakawa, and Richard L. Wood (authors contributed equally). “Critical
Standpoint: Leaders of Color Advancing Racial Equality in Predominantly White Organizations.”
Nonprofit Management & Leadership 30:255-76. [
* 2021 Editors’ Prize for Best Article | Nonprofit Management & Leadership
* 2017 Felice Perlmutter Best Paper Award | Theories, Interests, and Boundaries Section | ARNOVA
* Featured in the Nonprofit Quarterly [
2019 Florez, Karen, Brad R. Fulton, and Kathryn Derose. National Trends in Food Insecurity and Congregation-
Based Food Provision between 1998 and 2012.Ecology of Food and Nutrition 58:265-80. [Link]
* Reported on by the Washington Post [
2019 Mundey, Peter, David P. King, and Brad R. Fulton. “The Economic Practices of U.S. Congregations:
A Review of Current Research and Future Opportunities.” Social Compass 66:400-17. [
* Covered by the Religion News Service [Link]
2018 Fulton, Brad R. and Richard L. Wood. “Civil Society Organizations and the Enduring Role of
Religion in Promoting Democratic Engagement.” Voluntas 29:1068-79. [
2018 Fulton, Brad R. “Organizations and Survey Research: Implementing Response Enhancing Strategies
and Conducting Nonresponse Analyses.Sociological Methods & Research 47:240-76. [Link]
* 2014 Academy of Management | Research Methods Division Best Paper Proceedings
2018 Wong, Eunice C., Brad R. Fulton, and Kathryn P. Derose. “Prevalence and Predictors of Mental
Health Programs among U.S. Congregations.” Psychiatric Services 69:154-160. [
* Covered by Salon.com [
Link] and Religion News Service [Link]
* Featured article on the From the Pages to Practice podcast [
2018 Williams, Malcolm V., Kathryn P. Derose, Ann Haas, Beth Ann Griffin, and Brad R. Fulton.
“Religious Congregations Addressing HIV: Examining Predictors of Different Types of
Congregational HIV Activities.Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services 17:290-312. [
2017 Fulton, Brad R. Fostering Muslim Civic Engagement through Faith-Based Community Organizing.
Journal of Muslim Philanthropy & Civil Society 1:23-39. [
* 2013 ARNOVA President’s Award for Nonprofit Research | ARNOVA and RGK Center
2017 Fulton, Brad R. and Richard L. Wood. “Achieving and Leveraging Diversity through Faith-Based
Organizing” pp. 29-55 in Religion and Progressive Activism, edited by Ruth Braunstein,
Todd Nicholas Fuist, and Rhys H. Williams. New York University Press. [Link]
2016 Fulton, Brad R. “Network Ties and Organizational Action: Explaining Variation in Social Service
Provision Patterns.Management and Organizational Studies 3:1-20. [Link]
* 2013 Best Student Paper Award | Society for the Scientific Study of Religion
2016 Fulton, Brad R. “Trends in Addressing Social Needs: A Longitudinal Study of Congregation-Based
Service Provision and Political Participation.” Religions 7:51-67. [
* Reported on by the New York Times [Link], Washington Post [Link], and Chicago Tribune [Link]
Fulton | C.V. | Page 4
2015 Williams, Malcolm V., Laura Bogart, Kathryn P. Derose, Brad R. Fulton, Beth Ann Griffin, Ann Haas,
and David Kanouse.Predictors of Congregational HIV Programs: Similarities and Differences
Compared with Other Health Programs.American Journal of Health Promotion 29:225-35. [
2014 Braunstein, Ruth, Brad R. Fulton, and Richard L. Wood (authors contributed equally). “The Role of
Bridging Cultural Practices in Racially and Socioeconomically Diverse Civic Organizations.”
American Sociological Review 79:705-25. [
* 2016 Clifford Geertz Best Article Award | Sociology of Culture Section | American Sociological Association
* 2015 Dennis Gouran Award for Outstanding Research | National Communication Association
* Featured in the Washington Post [Link], New York Magazine [Link], and Huffington Post [Link]
2012 Fulton, Brad R. and Richard L. Wood. “Interfaith Community Organizing: Emerging Theological
and Organizational Challenges.” International Journal of Public Theology 6:398-420. [
* Translated into German and reprinted in Community Organizing Eine Einfhrung edited by Tobias Meier,
Leo Penta, and Andreas Richter. 2022. Basel, Switzerland: Beltz Juventa,
* Reprinted in Yours the Power: Faith-Based Organizing in the USA, edited by Katie Day. 2013. Boston: Brill.
2011 Fulton, Brad R. “Black Churches and HIV/AIDS: Factors Influencing Congregations’ Responsiveness
to Social Issues. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 50:617-30.
* 2011 Student paper award (2
place) | Health Policy Division | Society for the Study of Social Problems
MANUSCRIPTS UNDER REVIEW Student/Post-doc at time of initial collaboration
Torres, Vanessa, Brad R. Fulton, Eunice Wong, and Kathryn P. Derose. Prevalence and Predictors of
Substance Use Support Programming Among U.S. Religious Congregations.” [Under 2
Wood, Richard, Brad R. Fulton, and Rebecca Sager. “Strategic Alliances: The Political Efficacy of
Religious-Secular Ties.” [Under 1
Fulton, Brad R. and David P. King. “Using Google Maps to Generate Organizational Sampling Frames.”
[Under 1
Ressler, Robert, Brad R. Fulton, and Pamela Paxton. “Activity and Identity: Uncovering Multiple
Institutional Logics in the Nonprofit Sector.” [Under 2
Baggetta, Matthew, Brad R. Fulton, and Renzo de la Riva Aguero. “The Diversity Layer: Organizational
Member Associations and the Pursuit of Bureaucratic Representation.” [Under 1
Fulton, Brad R. 2021. National Study of Public and Private Foundations: Datafile. Indiana University.
* 2022 Alteryx Excellence Award | Best Example of Using Data for Good
Fulton, Brad R. and David P. King. 2018. National Study of Congregations' Economic Practices: Survey
Datafile. Indiana University.
Fulton, Brad R., Richard L. Wood, and Interfaith Funders. 2011. National Study of Community Organizing
Organizations: Datafile. Duke University.
* 2013 American Sociological Association | Section on Sociological Practice and Public Sociology
Robert Dentler Award for Outstanding Student Achievement Honorable Mention
Fulton | C.V. | Page 5
2022 AmeriCorps | Observing Civic Engagement & Assessing Civic Infrastructure $305,786
(with co-PI Matthew Baggetta)
2022 Philanthropy for Active Civic Engagement (PACE) | Faith in Democracy Fund $50,000
Identifying and Comparing Faith-Based and Secular Private Foundations
(with co-PI Allison Ralph)
2021 Aspen Institute | Mapping the Entire Network of U.S. Foundations and Grantees $3,500
Funding to purchase proprietary data on private foundations
2020 Indiana University Vice Provost for Research | Social Sciences Research Funding Program $40,000
Observing Civic Engagement: Measuring the Internal Dynamics of Organizations and
Assessing Their Impact on Organizational Outcomes (with co-PI Matthew Baggetta)
2019 AmeriCorps | Observing Civic Engagement $145,788
How Internal Dynamics Influence Volunteering and Civic Engagement Outcomes
(with co-PI Matthew Baggetta)
2019 Cynthia L. Stewart Simon and William E. Simon, Jr. | Dean’s Council Research Fund $15,000
2018 Lilly Endowment Inc. | Indiana Data Partnership Project $2,996,185
Developing a Collaborative Support Network for Human Service Provision
(co-PI with the State of Indiana’s Management Performance Hub)
2018 Corporation for National and Community Service | Observing Civic Engagement $146,651
The Effects of Internal Dynamics on Organizational Outcomes
(with co-PI Matthew Baggetta)
2018 Cynthia L. Stewart Simon and William E. Simon, Jr. | Dean’s Council Research Fund $15,000
2017 Lilly Endowment Inc. | National Study of Congregations’ Economic Practices $1,670,000
(with co-PI David King)
2017 Corporation for National and Community Service | What Happens in Organizations? $144,000
The Effects of Internal Dynamics on Organizational Outcomes
(with co-PI Matthew Baggetta)
2017 Cynthia L. Stewart Simon and William E. Simon, Jr. | Dean’s Council Research Fund $15,000
2017 Society for the Scientific Study of Religion | Jack Shand Research Grant $2,500
Immigrant Rights Organizations and the Challenge of Involving Immigrants
(with co-PIs Grace Yukich and Richard Wood)
2016 American Society of Association Executives | Assoc. Management Research Grant $7,500
Increasing Representation among Underrepresented Groups
(with co-PIs Grace Yukich and Richard Wood)
2016 Lilly Endowment Inc. | Planning Grant $104,102
National Study of Congregations and Religious Giving
(with David King)
Fulton | C.V. | Page 6
2014 Henry Luce Foundation | Research Travel Grant $2,000
2011 W.K. Kellogg Foundation, C.S. Mott Foundation, Needmor Fund, $100,000
New York Foundation, Unitarian Universalist Veatch Program, Catholic
Campaign for Human Development, and Evangelical Lutheran Church of
America (via Interfaith Funders) | Research grant and fellowship to conduct
the National Study of Community Organizing (NSCO)
2011 Hearst Foundation | Research grant to conduct the NSCO $8,000
2011 Religious Research Association | Jacquet Research Grant to conduct the NSCO $4,000
2011 Society for the Scientific Study of Religion | Research grant to conduct the NSCO $3,000
2011 Duke University | Linda K. George Research Grant to conduct the NSCO $2,000
2022 Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly | Outstanding Article Award
2022 Aspen Institute | Religion & Society Program Fellowship
2022 Alteryx | Excellence Award | Best Example of Using Data for Good
2021 Aspen Institute | Inclusive America Project Fellowship
2021 Nonprofit Management & Leadership | Editors’ Prize for Best Article
(with Michelle Oyakawa and Richard Wood)
2021 American Sociological Association | Altruism, Morality, and Social Solidarity Section
Outstanding Article Award (with Grace Yukich and Richard Wood)
2021 Indiana University Vice Provost for Research | Faculty Assistance in Data Science Fellowship
Mapping the Entire Network of U.S. Foundations and Grantees
2018 Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action
Dugan Research Award on Philanthropic Impact (w/ Matt Baggetta)
2017 Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action | TIBS Section
Felice Davidson Perlmutter Best Paper Award (w/ Michelle Oyakawa and Richard Wood)
2016 Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
Social Issues Dissertation Award Finalist
2016 American Sociological Association | Sociology of Culture Section
Clifford Geertz Best Article Award (w/ Ruth Braunstein and Richard Wood)
2016 Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action
Outstanding Book Award (w/ Richard Wood)
2015 National Communication Association | Group Communication Division
Dennis Gouran Research Award for an Outstanding Article on Group Communication
(w/ Ruth Braunstein and Richard Wood)
Fulton | C.V. | Page 7
2015 American Sociological Association | Organizations, Occupations, and Work Section
James D. Thompson Award for Outstanding Graduate Student Paper
2015 American Political Science Association | Urban Politics Section
Byran Jackson Dissertation Research on Minority Politics Award
2015 Duke University | Office of the Provost Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award
Awarded annually to one member of Duke University to recognize excellence in character and service
2014 Duke University | Sanford School of Public Policy | Center for Philanthropy and Volunteerism
Dissertation Research Fellowship
2014 Academy of Management | Research Methods Division Best Paper Proceedings
2014 Duke University | Sociology Department Graduate Student Teaching Award
Awarded annually to one graduate student to recognize excellence in teaching
2013 Duke University | Sociology Department Vorsanger-Smith Scholar Award
Awarded annually to one graduate student to recognize overall excellence in the program
2013 Academy of Management | Management, Spirituality, and Religion Division
Most Promising Dissertation Award 1
2013 American Sociological Association | Section on Sociological Practice and Public Sociology
Robert Dentler Award for Outstanding Student Achievement Honorable Mention
Awarded in recognition for conducting the National Study of Community Organizing Organizations
2013 RGK Center-Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action
ARNOVA President’s Award for Nonprofit Research
2013 Organization Science / Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS)
Dissertation Proposal Competition Finalist
2013 Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action Doctoral Fellow
2013 Society for the Scientific Study of Religion Best Student Paper Award
2013 Duke University | Graduate School Anne Firor Scott Fellowship
Awarded annually to one graduate student who is engaged in public scholarship
2011 Society for the Study of Social Problems Health, Health Policy, and Health Services
Student Paper Competition 2
“Faith in Philanthropy: Assessing the Scope and Scale of Faith-Based Giving and Charity Work
Waraich Family Fund | Community Collaboration Initiative | Chicago, IL | September 2022
Philanthropy for Active Civic Engagement | Faith and Democracy | Kalamazoo, MI | August 2022
Aspen Institute | Religion & Society Program | Aspen, CO | July 2022
“Using Natural Language Processing to Map the Network of U.S. Foundations and Grantees (w/ Jessi Arthur)
Alteryx | Higher Ed User Group (virtual) | May 2022
Fulton | C.V. | Page 8
“Critical Standpoint: Leaders of Color Advancing Racial Equality in Predominantly White Organizations”
Vanderbilt University | Department of Human and Organizational Development | March 2022
Pepperdine University | Business Administration Division | February 2019
Civic Engagement as a Catalyst for Community Change” (w/ Matthew Baggetta)
AmeriCorps | 2021 Research Grantee Dialogue (virtual) | June 2021
“Maximizing Mentorship” (w/ Jeff Guhin)
American Sociological Association | Religion Section Panel (virtual) | August 2021
American Sociological Association | Religion Section Panel (virtual) | August 2020
“Advancing Organizational Theory and Bridging Social Divides
Sponsored panel: Advancing Theory in a Polarized World
Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action | San Diego | November 2019
“Capacity Building among Religious Congregations in the U.S.” (w/ David King & Chris Munn)
University of Southern California | Philanthropy and Social Impact Symposium | March 2019
What Happens in Civil Society Organizations?” (w/ Matthew Baggetta)
Corporation for National and Community Service | Grantee Meeting | October 2018
“Religious Organizations: Bridging Fields and Advancing Organizational Research
Stanford University | Nonprofit Handbook Author Workshop | June 2018
“National Study of Congregations’ Economic Practices – Overview
Lake Institute on Faith & Giving | Board of Directors | March 2018
“Disentangling the Mechanisms Underlying the Diversity-Performance Relationship
Stanford University | Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society | Junior Scholar Forum | June 2017
Engaging Differences: How Socially Diverse Organizations Access and Mobilize Resources
University of Notre Dame | Department of Sociology | CBSM Young Scholars Conference | March 2017
Fostering Muslim Civic Engagement through Faith-Based Community Organizing
Center on American Muslim Philanthropy | September 2016
“Bridging and Bonding: How Social Diversity Influences Organizational Performance”
University of Michigan | School of Social Work | January 2015
University of Arizona | School of Government and Public Policy | December 2014
University of Southern California | Price School of Public Policy | December 2014
University of Chicago | School of Social Service Administration | December 2014
North Carolina State University | School of Public and International Affairs | November 2014
Cornell University | School of Industrial and Labor Relations | November 2014
Indiana University | School of Public and Environmental Affairs | November 2014
Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis | SPEA | November 2014
“Bridging and Bonding: Mechanisms Influencing Organizational Performance
University of Southern California | Center for Philanthropy and Public Policy | March 2014
Indiana University | Lilly Family School of Philanthropy | February 2013
Fulton | C.V. | Page 9
“Building Bridges, Building Power: Developments in Institution-Based Community Organizing
University of Southern California | Center for Religion and Civic Culture | March 2014
New York University | Wagner School of Public Service | September 2012
“Racial Justice and Community Organizing
W. K. Kellogg Foundation | September 2013 (virtual)
Interfaith Funders hosted at U. C. Berkeley Boalt School of Law | February 2013
“Immigration and Community Organizing
Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees (virtual) | September 2013
The San Francisco Foundation | February 2013
“A Decade of Developments in Institution-Based Community Organizing: What Funders Need to Know
Intermountain West Funder Network (virtual) | January 2013
Neighborhood Funders Group (virtual) | October 2012
Philanthropy New York | September 2012
“Uncommon Collaborators: How Network Ties Enable and Constrain Organizational Action
Duke University | Duke Network Analysis Center | September 2012
“Socio-Political Discourse in Religious Congregations: Theological or Pragmatic” (w/ Williams & King)
International Society for Third-Sector Research | Montreal | July 2022
“Activity and Identity: Uncovering Multiple Institutional Logics in the Nonprofit Sector(w/ Ressler & Paxton)
Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (virtual) | November 2020
“Giving and Going: Congregational Participation in Disaster Relief Efforts(w/ Zebrowski, Gazley, and King)
International Society for Third-Sector Research (virtual) | July 2021
Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (virtual) | November 2020
“The Diversity Layer: Civil Society Organizations-of-Organizations” (w/ Matt Baggetta and Zoe Caplan)
American Sociological Association | New York | August 2019
Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action | Austin | November 2018
“International Engagement of U.S. Congregations” (w/ Jamie Goodwin and David King)
Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action | San Diego | November 2019
“Survey Data Collection Methods and Discrepancy in the Sociological Study of Religious Congregations
American Sociological Association | New York | August 2019 (w/ Gary Adler and Katie Hoegeman)
Managing Resources and Legitimacy: The Impact of Leadership Diversity on Nonprofit Survival
Academy of Management | Boston | August 2019 (w/ Ruodan Zhang)
Engaging Differences: How Socially Diverse Organizations Can Mobilize Resources to Improve Performance
Academy of Management | Boston | August 2019
American Sociological Association | Philadelphia | August 2018
Evaluating Nonresponse Bias in Hypernetwork Samples Constructed Using a Probability-Based
Household Panel” (w/ David King, Ipek Bilgen, et al.)
West Coast Nonprofit Data Conference | Phoenix | April 2019
Fulton | C.V. | Page 10
Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action | Austin | November 2018
“Critical Standpoint: Leaders of Color Advancing Racial Equality in Predominantly White Organizations”
Academy of Management | Boston | August 2019
Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action | Chicago | November 2017
“Evaluating Google Maps as a Sampling Frame for Religious Congregations”
American Association for Public Opinion Research | Denver | May 2018 (w/ Dennis Quinn and David King)
Organizational Surveys: Using Response Enhancing Techniques and Conducting Nonresponse Analyses
Academy of Management | Philadelphia | August 2014 [Selected for Best Paper Proceedings]
“Collaborator Networks and Congregation-Based Social Service Provision
Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action | Hartford | November 2013
“The Declining Significance of Theology: A Network Analysis of Congregation-Based Social Services
American Sociological Association | Atlanta | August 2010
“Factors Influencing Organizational Responsiveness to Stigmatized Crises”
Society for the Scientific Study of Religion | Denver | October 2009
Nonprofit Management and Leadership | Instructor [
Link to online version]
Master of Public Affairs Capstone Project | Instructor [
Diversity and Inequality | Instructor [
Link to online version]
Statistics for the Social Sciences | Instructor [
Link to online version]
Data Science in Practice | Project Sponsor and Coordinator [
Social Science Research Methods | Instructor
Doctoral Dissertation Committee
Jin Ai, Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, IU, in progress
Yahya Alzahrani, Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, IU, in progress
Ruodan Zhang, O’Neill School, IUB, 2020 (now Assistant Professor at the University of Connecticut)
Equity Scholar Program Advisees
Julia Brondizio, O’Neill School, IUB
Undergraduate Honors Thesis Advisees
Leah Grynheim, O’Neill School, IUB
Alexis Laginess, O’Neill School, IUB
Data Science in Practice Advisees
Garrett Ankney, Luddy School of Informatics, IUB
Jessi Arthur, Luddy School of Informatics, IUB
Amit Banerjee, Luddy School of Informatics, IUB
Fulton | C.V. | Page 11
Hannah Corso, Luddy School of Informatics, IUB
Tyler Goblirsch, Luddy School of Informatics, IUB
Jason Gumaer, Luddy School of Informatics, IUB
LE Lee, Luddy School of Informatics, IUB
Rakesh Narne, Luddy School of Informatics, IUB
Brenden Owens, Luddy School of Informatics, IUB
Ben Perkins, Luddy School of Informatics, IUB
David Ross, Luddy School of Informatics, IUB
Martin Ventress, Luddy School of Informatics, IUB
Adrian Woo, Luddy School of Informatics, IUB
Data Science Fellow Advisees
Sumanth Gopalkrishna, Luddy School of Informatics, IUB
Anurag Malviya, Luddy School of Informatics, IUB
Collin Ulrey, Luddy School of Informatics, IUB
Shivani Vogiral, Luddy School of Informatics, IUB
Mrunmay Wade, Luddy School of Informatics, IUB
Trockman Microfinance Initiative Advisees
Anshuman Punji, Kelley School of Business, IUB
Hannah Want, Kelley School of Business, IUB
Isha Ponugoti, Kelley School of Business, IUB
Professional Association Mentees
Saugher Nojan, San Jose State University
Jennifer Nelson, Vanderbilt University
Laura Garbes, Brown University
Melissa Abad, Stanford University
Chen-Shuo Hong, UMass Amherst
MPA Program Nonprofit Management Lead Advisor Indiana University | O’Neill School 2019 Present
Peer Observation of Teaching Indiana University | O’Neill School 2020 Present
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Indiana University | O’Neill School 2016 2022
Budgetary Affairs Committee Indiana University | O’Neill School 2020 2021
Personnel Committee Indiana University | O’Neill School 2020 2021
Public Affairs Ph.D. Program Committee Indiana University | O’Neill School 2017 2018
Indiana University Network Science Institute | Affiliate 2016 Present
Indiana University Islamic Studies Program | Affiliate 2016 Present
Mandela Washington Fellowship Program | Session Leader 2016 Present
Arts Admin. Program Advisory Committee Indiana University | O’Neill School 2016 2017
Duke University’s Collective Learning Task Force 2013 2014
Fulton | C.V. | Page 12
An appointed group of faculty, students, and staff focused on assessing educational technologies
General Social Survey Board of Overseers (Graduate Assistant) 2010 2011
American Journal of Sociology | Editorial Board Member 2021 2023
Social Service Review | Editorial Board Member 2021 2023
Sociology of Religion | Editorial Board Member 2019 2022
Social Science Research Council | Reviewer 2022
AOM | Public and Nonprofit Division’s 2022 Best Article Award Committee 2022
AOM | Public and Nonprofit Division’s 2021 Best Dissertation Award Committee 2021
ASA | Altruism, Morality, and Social Solidarity Section | Council Member 2019 2021
ASA | Collective Behavior and Social Movements | Faculty-Student Mentoring Program 2015 2021
ARNOVA | Faculty-Student Mentoring Program 2017 2022
ARNOVA | Local Arrangements Committee Member for 2020 Annual Conference 2019 2020
ARNOVA | Community and Grassroots Organizations | Track Chair 2017 2019
ARNOVA | Felice Perlmutter Best Paper Award Selection Committee 2018
ASA | Sociology of Religion Section | Faculty-Student Mentoring Program 2015 2017
Reviewer for American Sociological Review, American Journal of Sociology, Journal of Public Administration
Research and Theory, Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Nonprofit Management & Leadership,
Social Service Review, Sociology Compass, Politics and Religion, Sociology of Religion, Journal for the
Scientific Study of Religion, Field Methods, Socius, Journal of Social Structure, and Oxford University Press
Professional Associations: American Sociological Association, Academy of Management, Association for
Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action, American Society for Public Administration,
and Society for the Scientific Study of Religion