Grandstream Networks, Inc.
UCM6xxx Series - Analog Trunks Guide
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UCM6XXX Analog Trunks Guide
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 4
UCM6XXX SETUP OVERVIEW ...................................................................................... 5
CONFIGURING ANALOG TRUNKS .............................................................................. 6
PBX Status ............................................................................................................................................... 6
Configure a New Analog Trunk ................................................................................................................ 6
Create a New Analog Trunk ............................................................................................................. 7
Create Outbound/Inbound Rules ........................................................................................................... 11
Create Inbound Routes .................................................................................................................. 11
Create Outbound Routes ............................................................................................................... 13
Using Analog Trunk as Failover ............................................................................................................. 14
ACIM AND PSTN DETECTION .................................................................................... 17
ACIM Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 17
PSTN Detection ..................................................................................................................................... 18
Automatic Detection of PSTN Parameters..................................................................................... 18
Manual Configuration of PSTN Parameters................................................................................... 21
MONITORING ANALOG LINES ................................................................................... 28
Enabling SLA Mode ............................................................................................................................... 28
Create/Edit SLA Station ......................................................................................................................... 28
Sample Configuration ............................................................................................................................ 30
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UCM6XXX Analog Trunks Guide
Table of Figures
Figure 1: UCM6202 Front and Back Panels ................................................................................................. 5
Figure 2: FXO Port Connected but not Configured ....................................................................................... 6
Figure 3: Create a New Analog Trunk ........................................................................................................... 7
Figure 4: Analog Trunk Configuration Page .................................................................................................. 7
Figure 5: Analog Trunk Created .................................................................................................................. 11
Figure 6: Create New Inbound Rule ........................................................................................................... 12
Figure 7: Inbound Rules with Time condition .............................................................................................. 12
Figure 8: Inbound Routes Created .............................................................................................................. 13
Figure 9: Create a New Outbound Rule ...................................................................................................... 13
Figure 10: Outbound Rule Created ............................................................................................................. 14
Figure 11: Add Analog Trunk as Failover .................................................................................................... 15
Figure 12: Analog Trunk added as Failover ................................................................................................ 16
Figure 13: Ports Config Page ...................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 14: ACIM Settings ............................................................................................................................ 18
Figure 15: UCM6XXX FXO Tone Settings .................................................................................................. 19
Figure 16: UCM6XXX PSTN Detection: Auto Detect .................................................................................. 19
Figure 17: UCM6XXX PSTN Detection: Semi-Auto Detect ........................................................................ 20
Figure 18: Answering Call Prompt .............................................................................................................. 20
Figure 19: Hangup Call Prompt .................................................................................................................. 21
Figure 20: PSTN Parameters Detected ...................................................................................................... 21
Figure 21: Custom Tone Parameters .......................................................................................................... 22
Figure 22: Download Analog Trace ............................................................................................................. 23
Figure 23: A key dial-up FXO ...................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 24: Import Raw File to Audacity ....................................................................................................... 24
Figure 25: Import Raw Data Parameters .................................................................................................... 25
Figure 26: Raw Data Imported .................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 27: Measuring Cadence ................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 28: Busy Tone Frequencies ............................................................................................................. 27
Figure 29: Enable SLA Mode for the Analog Trunk ..................................................................................... 28
Figure 30: SLA Station Page ....................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 31: Create New SLA Station ............................................................................................................ 29
Figure 32: Enable SLA Mode for Analog Trunk ........................................................................................... 30
Figure 33: Analog Trunk with SLA Mode Enabled ...................................................................................... 30
Figure 34: SLA Example - SLA Station ....................................................................................................... 30
Figure 35: SLA Example - MPK Configuration ............................................................................................ 31
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UCM6XXX Analog Trunks Guide
UCM6XXX series have integrated FXO ports allowing connection of PSTN lines and/or lines from traditional
analog PBX. An analog trunk can be defined as a single line or multiple lines (PSTN lines or lines from traditional
analog PBX). Each UCM6XXX supports at least 2 FXO ports and reaching 16 FXO ports for UCM6116 model.
Using analog trunks allow customers to keep using their actual PSTN lines/PBX lines and integrating them to
VoIP systems such as UCM6xxx giving it hybrid capability from VoIP to PSTN and vice versa and taking VoIP
and other services offered by UCM6xxx including mobility and reducing calling costs, call recording, IVR,
privileges and rules for users, ability to use analog trunk from remote extensions…
In this guide, we will be using UCM62xx as example to provide steps on how to configure Analog Trunks as
well as basic Inbound/Outbound Rules, ACIM Settings and PSTN Detection configuration, and how to monitor
analog trunks using SLA Station.
Note that the same steps showed in this guide can be applied for all UCM6XXX models.
UCM6xxx Series include UCM6200 Series and UCM6510.
UCM6200 series supports 2/4/8 Ports.
UCM6510 supports 2 FXO Ports.
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UCM6XXX Analog Trunks Guide
To connect analog lines to UCM6xxx, please follow the below steps:
Connect the UCM6XXX to the Network via WAN/LAN Port, and power it on.
Once the UCM6XXX boots up and connects to the network, the corresponding LAN/WAN LED indicators
will be in solid green and the LCD shows the IP address
Connect the Analog lines from the wall jack/CO switch to the FXO ports, the corresponding FXO LEDs will
be in solid green.
Figure 1: UCM6202 Front and Back Panels
Once the FXO ports are physically connected to analog lines, users may login to the UCM6XXX’s Web GUI to
configure the Analog Trunks settings and outbound/inbound rules.
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UCM6XXX Analog Trunks Guide
Use a computer connected to the same network as the UCM6XXX, then login to the web GUI of the UCM6XXX
by typing the IP address shown on its LCD on your browser, and type in the admin username and password.
PBX Status
After login, the first default page will show the UCM6XXX status, this will help users to check the FXO Ports
status and give the ability to quickly see the FXO overview, without physically monitoring the FXO LEDs.
When connecting a new analog line to an FXO port, its interface status on the web GUI will be in solid grey and
shows connected but not configured, as shown in the below figure.
Figure 2: FXO Port Connected but not Configured
FXO icon in green indicates analog trunk is ready, while in orange color, it indicates the trunk is used.
Configure a New Analog Trunk
This section will give an overview on how to create/edit analog trunks, and detect PSTN parameters.
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UCM6XXX Analog Trunks Guide
Create a New Analog Trunk
To create a new analog trunk:
1. Go to Web GUIPBXExtension/TrunkAnalog Trunks.
2. Click on to add a new analog trunk.
Figure 3: Create a New Analog Trunk
3. The following figure will pop up, allowing users to configure the connected analog lines to the FXO port.
Figure 4: Analog Trunk Configuration Page
Please refer to the following table for Analog Trunk configuration parameters.
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UCM6XXX Analog Trunks Guide
Table 1: Analog Trunk Configuration Parameters
FXO Port
Select the channel where analog trunk is connected (Channel 1, Channel2…)
UCM6202/UCM6102/UCM6510: 2 channels
UCM6204/UCM6104: 4 channels
UCM6208/UCM6108: 8 channels
Note: Users can select multiple channels if the trunk is using multiple lines. Please
refer to [DAHDI Out Line Selection] for more options.
Trunk Name
Specify a unique label to identify the trunk when listed in outbound/inbound rules.
SLA Mode
Enable this option to satisfy two primary use cases, which include emulating a simple
key system and creating shared extensions on a PBX. Enable SLA Mode will disable
polarity reversal. Please refer to Enabling SLA Mode section for more details.
Barge Allowed
Available only if “SLA Mode” is enabled, the barge option specifies whether or not
other SLA stations are allowed to join a call in progress on this trunk. If enabled, the
other stations can press the line button to join the call. The default setting is Yes.
Hold Access
Available only if “SLA Mode” is enabled, the hold option specifies hold permissions
for this trunk. If set to “Open”, any SLA station can place this trunk on hold and any
other SLA station is allowed to retrieve the call. If set to “Private”, only the station that
places the call on hold can retrieve the call. The default setting is Yes.
Advanced Options
Enable Polarity
If enabled, a polarity reversal will be marked as received when an outgoing call is
answered by the remote party. For some countries, a polarity reversal is used for
signaling the disconnection of a phone line and the call will be considered as hang
up” on a polarity reversal. The default setting is “No”.
Polarity on
Answer Delay
When FXO port answers the call, FXS may send a Polarity Reversal. If this interval is
shorter than the value of Polarity on Answer Delay”, the Polarity Reversal will be
ignored. Otherwise, the FXO will on-hook to disconnect the call. The default setting is
Current Disconnect
Threshold (ms)
This is the periodic time (in ms) that the UCM6200 will use to check on a voltage drop
in the line. The default setting is 200. The valid range is 50 to 3000.
Ring Timeout
Configure the ring timeout (in ms). Trunk (FXO) devices must have a timeout to
determine if there was a Hangup before the line is answered. This value can be used
to configure how long it takes before the UCM6200 considers a non-ringing line with
Hangup activity. The default setting is 8000.
RX Gain
Configure the RX gain for the receiving channel of analog FXO port. The valid range
is from -13.5 (dB) to + 12.0 (dB). The default setting is 0.
TX Gain
Configure the TX gain for the transmitting channel of analog FXO port. The valid
range is from -13.5 (dB) to + 12.0 (dB). The default setting is 0.
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UCM6XXX Analog Trunks Guide
Use CallerID
Configure to enable CallerID detection. The default setting is “Yes”.
Fax Mode
Configures how faxes to this extension will be handled.
None: Faxes will not be processed.
Fax Gateway: Faxes to this extension will be processed and converted from T.30 to
T.38 or vice-versa. FXS/FXO ports only.
The default setting is None.
Caller ID Scheme
Select the Caller ID scheme for this trunk. The default setting is “Bellcore/Telcordia”.
FXO Dial
Configure the time interval between off-hook and first dialed digit for outbound calls.
Auto Record
Enable automatic recording for the calls using this trunk. The default setting is
disabled. Recording files can be accessed under web GUICDRRecording Files.
Disable This Trunk
If selected, the trunk will be disabled.
DAHDI Out Line
This is to implement analog trunk outbound line selection strategy. Three options are
When the call goes out from this analog trunk, it will always try to use the first idle
FXO port. The port order that the call will use to go out would be port 1port
2port 10port 16. Every time it will start with port 1 (if it's idle).
When the call goes out from this analog trunk, it will use the port that is not used
last time. And it will always use the port in the order of port
121016121016121016..., following the last port being
When the call goes out from this analog trunk, it will always try to use the last idle
FXO port. The port order that the call will use to go out would be port 16port
10port 2port 1. Every time it will start with port 16 (if it's idle).
The default setting is “Ascend” mode.
The Maximum
Number of Call
The number of current outgoing calls over the trunk at the same time. The default
value 0 means no limit.
Echo Cancellation
Specifies the method of removing/suppressing residual echo.
Default: Slightly reduces the amount of detected background noise.
High Noise Level Adjustment: Greatly reduces the amount of detected
background noise.
Noise Masking: Injects noise to mask echo and greatly reduces the amount of
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UCM6XXX Analog Trunks Guide
detected background noise.
White Noise Injection: Injects variable amounts of white noise based on detected
background noise and greatly reduces the amount of detected background noise.
Direct Callback
Allows external numbers the option to get directed to the extension that last called
Tone Settings
Busy Detection
Busy Detection is used to detect far end hang-up or for detecting busy signal. The
default setting is "Yes".
Busy Tone Count
If "Busy Detection" is enabled, users can specify the number of busy tones to be
played before hanging up. The default setting is 2. Better results might be achieved if
set to 4, 6 or even 8. Please note that the higher the number is, the more time is
needed to hang-up the channel. However, this might lower the probability to get
random hang-up.
Congestion detection is used to detect far end congestion signal. The default setting
is "Yes".
Congestion Count
If "Congestion Detection" is enabled, users can specify the number of congestion
tones to wait for. The default setting is 2.
Tone Country
Select the country for tone settings. If "Custom" is selected, users could manually
configure the values for Busy Tone and Congestion Tone. The default setting is
"United States of America (USA)".
Busy Tone
Syntax :
Frequencies are in Hz and cadence on and off are in ms.
Frequencies Range: [0, 4000)
Busy Level Range: (-300, 0)
Cadence Range: [0, 16383].
Select Tone Country "Custom" to manually configure Busy Tone value.
Default value:
Congestion Tone
Syntax :
Frequencies are in Hz and cadence on and off are in ms.
Frequencies Range: [0, 4000)
Busy Level Range: (-300, 0)
Cadence Range: [0, 16383].
Select Tone Country "Custom" to manually configure Busy Tone value.
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UCM6XXX Analog Trunks Guide
Default value:
PSTN Detection
Click on "Detect" to detect the busy tone, Polarity Reversal and Current Disconnect
by PSTN. Before the detecting, please make sure there are more than one channel
configured and working properly. If the detection has busy tone, the "Tone Country"
option will be set as "Custom".
Once the analog trunk is created, it can be edited anytime by clicking on icon or deleted by clicking on
Figure 5: Analog Trunk Created
Create Outbound/Inbound Rules
In this section, we will give an example of creating Outbound and Inbound Rules for connected analog lines to
FXO ports, to allow making and receiving calls via Analog Trunks.
Create Inbound Routes
1. Go to Extension / TrunkInbound Routes.
2. Click on “Add”, the following figure will appear.
3. Select Analog Trunk created and Default destination (IVR, extension, ring group…).
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UCM6XXX Analog Trunks Guide
Figure 6: Create New Inbound Rule
Once the inbound rule is created, it can be edited anytime by clicking on icon or deleted by clicking on
Figure 7: Inbound Rules with Time condition
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UCM6XXX Analog Trunks Guide
In the above example, incoming calls during office hours will be routed to IVR, otherwise calls will be routed to
extension 1000(Out Of Office hours).
Figure 8: Inbound Routes Created
Create Outbound Routes
1. Go to Extension / TrunkOutbound Routes.
2. Click on “Add”, the following figure will appear.
3. Enter the Calling Rule Name, Pattern and choose the Analog trunk in Use Trunk.
Figure 9: Create a New Outbound Rule
In this example, dialed numbers matching pattern _9X. will go through this analog trunk, if extension making
the call has “National” privilege or higher. UCM6xxx will strip the leading first digit from entered number before
dialing out.
For example, to dial number 06123456789, users need to have privilege “National” or higher on their
extension(s) and dial 906123456789, UCM6xxx will receive the calling request, and since it’s matching
configured pattern _9X. it will strip leading digit (in this case 9) and dials the rest of the number (in this case
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UCM6XXX Analog Trunks Guide
Figure 10: Outbound Rule Created
Once the outbound rule is created, it can be edited anytime by clicking on icon or deleted by clicking on
Using Analog Trunk as Failover
Failover Trunks are used when the primary trunk fails in order to assure the continuity of external calling service
for extensions.
User can setup their Analog Trunk as failover for another trunk by following the below steps:
1. Go to Extension / TrunkOutbound Routes.
2. Click on next to your Primary Trunk.
3. Scroll down to Failover Trunk, and click on Add to add a failover trunk.
4. Users can select then the Trunk to be set as failover as shown in figure below.
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UCM6XXX Analog Trunks Guide
Figure 11: Add Analog Trunk as Failover
5. Click on to add another failover trunk.
6. Click on to arrange the order. If there are multiple trunks set as failovers.
7. Click on to edit, or to delete the Trunk from Failover list.
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Figure 12: Analog Trunk added as Failover
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UCM6XXX Analog Trunks Guide
UCM6xxx series support ACIM and PSTN detections modules allowing auto-detection and configuration of
PSTN lines, this helps getting best parameters to use on PSTN lines avoiding common issues when it comes
to use PSTN lines such echo, noise, calls not ended when remote party ends the call.
ACIM Settings
Users may sometimes face audio quality issues like noise, echo, audio volume level and choppy voice issues,
this is mostly related to impedance parameters not configured correctly on the FXO ports.
Please follow the below steps to configure ACIM Settings:
1. Go to PBX SettingsInterface SettingsAnalog Hardware.
Figure 13: Ports Config Page
2. Users can select their country under FXO Opermode to set the On Hook Speed, Ringer Impedance,
Ringer Threshold, Current Limiting, TIP/RING voltage adjustment, Minimum Operational Loop Current,
and AC Impedance as predefined for your country's analog line characteristics.
Note that different countries often have different standards for impedance. Impedance can also depend
on PSTN provider/CO switches and used wires in the same country.
3. Click on under Options next to FXO Ports.
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UCM6XXX Analog Trunks Guide
4. Users can manually enter the ACIM settings by selecting the value from dropdown list for each port. Or
users could choose the detect option (either ERL or Pr) then click on "Detect" to automatically detect
the ACIM value. The detecting value will be automatically filled into the settings.
Figure 14: ACIM Settings
5. Click “Update” to apply the detected ACIM value.
Note: After setting the AC impedance for the connected line to the FXO Port, and notice that audio gains are
still low. Users can increase manually Rx/Tx gains for the Receiving/Transmitting channel of the analog FXO
port. The Rx/Tx audio gains settings can be configured by editing the analog trunk from PBXBasic/Call
RoutesAnalog Trunks. The valid range is from -13.5 (dB) to +12.0 (dB). The default setting is 0.
PSTN Detection
PSTN Detection module can be used to detect and configure following parameters:
Busy Tone: Depending on PSTN providers/countries/analog PBX, a busy tone signal can be used to
indicate to other party (UCM6xxx) that the call is ended.
Polarity Reversal: Depending on PSTN providers/countries/analog PBX, a polarity reversal signal can
be used to indicate to other party (UCM6xxx) that the call is ended.
Current Disconnect which is an interruption of line power from the CO switch/PSTN Provider or analog
PBX to the FXO port, which last for a specific duration depending on your PSTN provider or Co
Automatic Detection of PSTN Parameters
The UCM6XXX provides PSTN detection function to help users detect the busy tone, Polarity Reversal and
Current Disconnect by making a call from the PSTN line to another destination. The detecting call will be
answered and up for about 1 minute. Once finished, results will show and can be used for UCM6xxx settings.
1. Edit the analog trunk previously created.
2. In “Edit analog trunk” window, go to "Tone Settings" section.
Note: Tone Country includes a list of countries and their busy and congestion tones. Users can set it to
“Custom” and enter their busy and congestion tones if known.
3. Click on "Detect" to start PSTN detection.
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UCM6XXX Analog Trunks Guide
Figure 15: UCM6XXX FXO Tone Settings
If there are two analog lines connected, Auto Detect mode can be used.
Detect Model: Auto Detect.
Source Channel: The source channel to be detected.
Destination Channel: The channel to call during auto detection. For example, the second FXO port.
Destination Number: The number to be dialed for detecting. This number must be the actual PSTN
number for the FXO port used as the destination channel.
Dump Call Progress Tone File: Detected Call Progress Tone will be stored on a downloadable file.
Figure 16: UCM6XXX PSTN Detection: Auto Detect
If there is one analog line connected, Semi-auto Detect needs to be used.
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UCM6XXX Analog Trunks Guide
Figure 17: UCM6XXX PSTN Detection: Semi-Auto Detect
Detect Model: Semi-auto Detect.
Source Channel: The source channel to be detected.
Destination Number: The number to be dialed. This number could be a cell phone number or other
PSTN number that can be reached from the source channel PSTN number.
Dump Call Progress Tone File: Detected Call Progress Tone will be stored on a downloadable file.
4. Click "Detect" to start detecting.
The source channel will initiate a call to the destination number. For "Auto Detect", the call will be
automatically answered. For "Semi-auto Detect", the UCM6XXX web GUI will display prompt to notify the
user to answer or hang up the call to finish the detecting process as shown in the below figures
Figure 18: Answering Call Prompt
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UCM6XXX Analog Trunks Guide
Figure 19: Hangup Call Prompt
5. Once done, detected results will show in “Prompt Information” window. Click on OK to Apply changes.
Figure 20: PSTN Parameters Detected
Manual Configuration of PSTN Parameters
If analog line tone parameters are known, customers could configure them on the UCM6xxx manually by
setting Tone Country option to Custom and entering them manually. Same applies for Polarity reversal and
Current Disconnect parame
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UCM6XXX Analog Trunks Guide
Figure 21: Custom Tone Parameters
Otherwise users can manually capture an analog record trace while using the Analog Trunk, to manually
measure the Busy Tone frequencies and Cadence.
Please refer to steps below for capturing an analog trace record, and manually measuring Busy Tone
frequencies and cadence:
Step 1: Capture an Analog Record Trace
1. Go to MaintenanceSignaling TroubleshootingAnalog Record Trace.
2. Choose the FXO port used, and click on Start to begin the capture.
3. Make a call to FXO port, answer the call and keep it for a few seconds, then Hang-up from analog side.
4. Click on Stop, then Download to download captured audio file.
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Figure 22: Download Analog Trace
5. Save the Downloaded file to a local folder on your computer, and unzip it.
Note: Users can set Record Direction to Receive since we will be analyzing received file only.
Another option is available to take analog record using A Key Dial-up FXO:
Users can directly set a PSTN number on the External Extension text box to troubleshoot issues related
to the analog trunk easily, the following steps shows how to use this feature:
1. Configure analog trunk on UCM, including outbound route.
2. Enter a reachable external number in External Extension.
3. Press Start button. The call will be initiated to the external number.
4. Answer and finish the call before pressing Stop button.
5. The trace will be available for analysis to download after output result shows Done! Click on
Download to download the captured packets.
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UCM6XXX Analog Trunks Guide
Figure 23: A key dial-up FXO
Note: When using a Key Dial-up FXO feature the outbound trunk for the analog trunk need to have internal
permission. As well as it should be the trunk with the highest outbound route priority.
Step 2: Import Raw File to an Audio Analyzer Software
In this step we will be analyzing the Analog Record Trace using Audacity. Users can download it from the
following link: Similar steps can be applied for any other Audio
Analyzer Software.
1. Import RX Raw File to Audacity.
Figure 24: Import Raw File to Audacity
2. Click on Open, and set the following:
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UCM6XXX Analog Trunks Guide
Encoding to “Signed 16bit PCM
Byte order to “No endianness
Channels to “1 channel (Mono)
Sample rate to “8000 Hz
Figure 25: Import Raw Data Parameters
3. The result will be similar to the following figure:
Figure 26: Raw Data Imported
Step 3: Measuring Cadence
Once the RX raw file is successfully imported, we can now measure ringing and silence duration that will
corresponds to cadence value (Cadence= Ringing duration/Silence duration).
Below is an example on how to measure silence and tone duration using the imported RX raw file.
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Figure 27: Measuring Cadence
The results are 329ms of ringing and 332 of silence, we will round them both to 330, hence the Cadence
duration is c=330/330.
Step 4: Measuring Busy Tone Frequencies
1. On Audacity tool bar, go to Analyze Plot Spectrum.
2. Point the mouse cursor on the highest signal to show the Peak Value as shown in the below figure
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Figure 28: Busy Tone Frequencies
In this example we have only one frequency Peak, hence the Busy tone frequencies are f1=436Hz@-
20dB and f2=0Hz@–20dB. (We have rounded the attenuation value to -20dB).
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UCM6XXX Analog Trunks Guide
The UCM6XXX supports SLA (Shared Line Appearance) that allows mapping the key with LED on a multi-line
phone to different external lines. When there is an incoming call and the phone starts to ring, the LED on the
key will flash in red and the call can be picked up by pressing this key. This allows users to know if the line is
occupied or not. The SLA function on the UCM6XXX is similar to BLF but SLA is used to monitor external line
i.e., analog trunk on the UCM6XXX. Users could configure the phone with BLF mode on the MPK to monitor
the analog trunk status or press the line key pick up call from the analog trunk on the UCM6XXX.
Enabling SLA Mode
1. Enable SLA Mode under the Analog Trunk Parameters.
Figure 29: Enable SLA Mode for the Analog Trunk
2. User can check Barge Allowed if needed in order to allow barging into a call in progress from SLA
stations by pressing the configured line button.
3. Hold Access is used in order to allow any station to make the line on Hold, and any other station can
resume it if it is set to Open, or restrict only that station that placed the line on hold to resume it by
setting the option to Private.
Note: SLA mode is supported on trunks with one PSTN line only. When using SLA mode, the trunk will be
dedicated to SLA stations for incoming and outgoing calls bypassing configured inbound/outbound routes.
Create/Edit SLA Station
After enabling SLA Mode under the analog Trunk, SLA Station can now be configured on web GUIExtension
/ TrunkSLA Station.
Figure 30: SLA Station Page
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Figure 31: Create New SLA Station
Click on “Add to add an SLA Station.
Click on to edit the SLA Station. The following table shows the SLA Station configuration parameters.
Click on to delete the SLA Station.
Table 2: SLA Station Configuration Parameters
Station Name
Configure a name to identify the SLA Station.
Specify a SIP extension as a station that will be using SLA.
Associated SLA
Existing Analog Trunks with SLA Mode enabled will be listed here.
Selected SLA Trunks
Select a trunk for this SLA from the Available SLA Trunks list. Click on
to arrange the order. If there are multiple trunks selected, when there are calls on
those trunks at the same time, pressing the LINE key on the phone will pick up the
call on the first trunk here.
SLA Station Options
Ring Timeout
Configure the time (in seconds) to ring the station before the call is considered
unanswered. No timeout is set by default. If set to 0, there will be no timeout.
Ring Delay
Configure the time (in seconds) for delay before ringing the station when a call first
coming in on the shared line. No delay is set by default. If set to 0, there will be no
Hold Access
This option defines the competence of the hold action for one particular trunk. If
set to open”, any station could hold a call on that trunk or resume one held
session; if set to “private”, only the station that places the trunk call on hold could
resume the session. The default setting is “open”.
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UCM6XXX Analog Trunks Guide
Sample Configuration
1. Go to web UIExtension / TrunkAnalog Trunks page. Create or edit the analog trunk. Make sure SLA
Modeis enabled for the analog trunk. Once enabled, this analog trunk will be only available for the SLA
stations created under web UIExtension / TrunkSLA Station page.
Figure 32: Enable SLA Mode for Analog Trunk
Click on “Save”. The analog trunk will be listed with trunk mode “SLA”.
Figure 33: Analog Trunk with SLA Mode Enabled
2. Go to web UIExtension / TrunkSLA Station page, click on “Add”.
Users can create one or more SLA stations to monitor the analog trunk. The following figure shows two
stations, 3000 and 3001 be associated with SLA trunk “Analog_Trunk”.
Figure 34: SLA Example - SLA Station
3. On a SIP Phone with extension 3000 or 3001. Configure the MPK as BLF mode and the value must be set
to “Extension_Trunkname”, which is 3000_Analog_Trunk or 3001_Analog_Trunk in our example.
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Figure 35: SLA Example - MPK Configuration
Now the SLA station is ready to use. The following functions can be achieved by this configuration:
Making an outbound call from the station/extension, using LINE key
When the extension is in idle state, pressing the line key for this extension on the phone to off hook. Then
dial the station’s extension number, in our example, dial 3000 or 3001 on the configured Phone to hear the
dial tone. Then the users are able to dial external number for the outbound call.
Making an outbound call from the station/extension, using BLF key
When the extension is in idle state, pressing the MPK and users could dial external numbers directly.
Answering call using LINE key
When the station is ringing, pressing the LINE key to answer the incoming call.
Barging-in active call using BLF key
When there is an active call between an SLA station and an external number using the SLA trunk, other
SLA stations monitoring the same trunk could join the call by pressing the BLF key if “Barge Allowed” is
enabled for the analog trunk.
Hold/Resume using BLF key
If the external line is previously put on hold by an SLA station, another station that monitors the same SLA
trunk could resume the call by pressing the BLF key if “Hold Access” is set to “open” on the analog trunk
and the SLA station.