Cow Comfort Issues in Freestall Barns
Roger Palmer
Associate Professor and Extension Specialist
Dairy Science Department
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Brian Holmes
Professor and Extension Specialist
Biological Systems Engineering Department
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Large scale dairies have become very popular in the past decade because of the adoption of new
housing styles and the development of new production-enhancing technologies. These technologies
allow producers to enhance labor efficiency, increase profits and improve the quality of life for both
dairy owners and workers. The challenge to the managers of these modern large dairy herds is to
economically achieve high milk yield without sacrificing animal health and welfare, deterioration of
the environment, or human safety. The freestall barn has increased in popularity as a housing unit
for cows and heifers throughout the industry. Properly designed and managed freestall barns
provide a convenient method of managing dairy cattle and providing a comfortable living
environment for those animals. This paper concentrates on design factors that emphasize cow
Freestall Barn Configurations
Freestall barns can be arranged in a variety of patterns, each of which has benefits and limitations.
These tabled are patterned after those of Graves, 1995.
Two rows of freestalls with manger on one side
Adequate manger length for all animals to eat at
one time
Higher draftiness in open-front versions
Adequate manger length to use self-locking
Difficult to fit some sites for large herds
Narrow barn provides improved natural
May require more outside or covered lanes to
access the parlor
Convenient manure removal
Feed may be exposed to precipitation
Convenient drive-by feeding
Easy expansion
Animals protected from sun, wind & precipitation
Low cost per stall for unroofed drive
Three rows of freestalls with manger on one side
Narrow barn provides improved natural
Not all animals can eat at one time
Convenient manure removal
Inadequate manger length to capture all animals
in self-locking headgates
Convenient drive-by feeding
Higher draftiness in open-front versions
Easy expansion
Difficult to fit some sites for large herds
Animals protected from sun, wind & precipitation
Feed may be exposed to precipitation
Lowest cost per stall for unroofed drive
May require more outside or covered lanes to
access the parlor
Four rows of freestalls with drive-through feeding
Adequate manger length for all animals to eat at
one time
Wider barn may require higher side walls for
good natural ventilation
Adequate manger length to use self-locking
Highest cost per stall
Convenient manure removal
Convenient drive-through feeding
Easy expansion
Animals protected from sun, wind & precipitation
Convenient animal movement to parlor
Feed protected from precipitation
Six rows of freestalls with drive-through feeding
Convenient manure removal
Not all animals can eat at one time
Convenient drive-through feeding
Inadequate manger length to capture all animals
in self-locking headgates
Easy expansion
Will require taller sidewalls for good natural
Animals protected from sun, wind & precipitation
Higher concentration of animals increases heat
stress (heat & moisture levels) when ventilation
rate is low in summer
Convenient animal movement to parlor
Feed protected from precipitation
Low to intermediate cost per stall
Stall rows perpendicular to ridge line
Can have more stalls per square foot of building
with alleys between rows only & outside feeding
May need to use outside feeding to have
adequate bunk length
May be a way to fit more animals into an
existing building
Manure removal not convenient
May be difficult to move animals by group to
parlor if crossover alley not provided
May have fewest stalls per square foot of
building if crossover alleys are provided on both
ends of freestall rows
Will be drafty in front stalls of open-front barn
Will have blind alleys if no crossover alleys
Outside feed bunk exposes animals & feed to
sun, wind & precipitation
Two rows of freestalls with outside feeding
Narrow barn provides improved natural
May have a blind alley at end of pen
Convenient manure removal
Manure removal from yard may be problematic
Easy expansion
Difficult to fit some sites for large herds
Lowest initial cost freestall barn
Animals & feed exposed to sun, wind &
End of barn stalls may be drafty
Animal movement to parlor will be outside
Freestalls next to outside wall
(2-row tail-to-tail, 3-row, 4-row tail-to-tail, 6-row freestall barns)
More stalls per given barn length than face-to-
Sun & precipitation more likely to enter stalls
than face-to-face
Cows tend to prefer an outside row of stalls in
More cows have to walk further to feed than
Timid cows not confronted from the front while
in stall
Outside row draftier in winter
Manure in alleys less likely to freeze than in
alley next to wall
Outside stalls need to be longer for lunge space
Outside rows of stalls may block wind for natural
Face-to-face stall rows (2-row face-to-face, 3-row, 4-row face-to-face, 6-row)
Cows share head space stall platforms shorter
Cows share head space timid cows may avoid
Waterers can be longer across two rows of
Animals tempted to lie down after milking
instead of eating/drinking no ability to limit
access to stalls
Easier sidewall construction when no stalls near
Fewer stalls per row for a given building length
in 2- & 4-row arrangements
More sidewall height can be opened when no
stalls near walls
Manure in outside alley may freeze more quickly
Less sun & precipitation in stalls when no stalls
near wall
Cows breathe into face of other cows (heat,
moisture & pathogen concerns)
Outside feeding
Low initial investment
Higher feed losses from precipitation, heating &
animal refusal
Higher heat & cold stress in animals,
contributing to reduced dry matter intake with
consequent reduction in milk production
Manure exposed to precipitation, contributing to
contaminated runoff
Worker exposure to weather
Inside feeding
Low feed loss
Higher initial investment
Low animal stress
No contaminated runoff
Weather protection for those working inside
(animal treatments, animal observation, manure
removal, etc.)
To support the high production levels expected of or modern dairies, facilities must be designed to
provide a comfortable place for cows to lie. Designs must also consider the initial and on-going cost
to maintain the stalls. These objectives often are antagonistic and the producer must select a design
that considers both criteria. Current research has shown stall usage increases with increased stall
size and the use of certain stall base materials. The task for the producer is to weigh the value of
the expected increased milk production, lower health costs, and/ or increased longevity in the herd
against the extra costs incurred.
Lactating Dairy Cow Daily Time Budget
Research by Grant, 2003, shows the daily time budget for a lactating dairy cow to include 10-12
hours lying, 3-5 hours eating, 30 minutes drinking and 2-3 hours during milking. High producing
cows have been shown to lie up to 14 hours per day and that for each additional hour a cow spends
resting an additional two pounds of milk per day can be expected. This is the main reason why
much of the current cow comfort research on stall size, divider design, and stall surfaces use the
amount of time cows spend lying as an indicator of cow comfort.
How big are your cows?
Cows will use comfortable stalls because correctly sized freestalls are easy for the animal to get up
and down and they have a comfortable surface to lie on. To support labor efficiency, stall size
should encourage animals to lie straight in the stall with their udder and legs completely on the stall
platform, but with their rump over the back of the stall so manure will fall in the manure alley and
not on the stall surface. The sizing of freestalls is determined by the animal‟s size and should be
built to accommodate the larger animals in a group. Anderson, 2003, has found that rump heights
and hook bone widths are useful to estimate several other body dimensions (Table 1). He suggests
that you determine the size of animals by measuring a large representative group of animals in your
herd and using data to estimate the following dimensions.
Body Dimension
Normal Cow
Dimension Relationship
Rump Height - Mature
Median 60
Rump Height Lactation 1
Median 58”
Hook-bone width
Nose-to-tail length
1.6 * rump height
Resting imprint - length
1.2 * rump height
Resting imprint - width
2.0 * hook-bone width
Forward lung space
0.4 * rump height
Stride length when rising
0.3 * rump height
Stance front-to-rear feet
1.0 * rump height
Wither (shoulder) height
1.0 * rump height
Table 1: Body dimension, example measurements for mature Canadian Holstein, and ratios to
height and hook-bone width.
Cow Comfort
Although „cow comfort‟ has become a buzzword among dairy producers and professionals,
scientific research is limited. Recommendations for freestall dimensions vary widely and make the
decision on what to build very confusing. Weary and Cassandra suggests scientific research should
be based on three factors: 1. does the housing cause injuries to the animal: 2. what types of housing
do the animals prefer; and 3. how does the housing affect the animals behavior. In the following
pages we will attempt to site some of the current research relating to these issues.
Skin Lesions on the Hock
Mowbray, et al., 2003, showed that hair loss on the hock joint was affected by different stall base
types. When geotextile mattress covered stalls with 1.2” of kiln-dried sawdust bedding (mattress)
was compared with deep-bedded sand based stalls with 8” of washed river sand over a dirt base
(sand), it was found that skin lesion location changed. Hair loss and skin breakage was higher at the
hock joint for cows housed in mattress stalls and higher on the point of the hock for sand stalls. The
suggested cause for lesions is friction between the leg and the mattress surface, and contact with the
rear curb in sand stalls.
Freestall Design Manure Curb Height
The key freestall dimensions to consider are curb height, stall width, stall length, neck-rail height,
and freestall divider mounting specifications. If curbs are too low, manure may enter the stall when
manure it being removed from the barn and if too high, cows will be reluctant to back out of the
stalls. A curb height of 10” is normally recommended, but often will be 9.5” if a 2”x10” plank is
used to form the curb. Some people advocate a lower curb height. For example, Cook and
Nordlund, 2004, recommends an 8” curb and moving the neck rail back the width of the curb to
force cows to stand in the perched position with sand based stalls. They are not concerned with
cows perching since their work indicates cows do not spend prolonged times standing half in and
half out of sand stalls and the elevation of the front feet will be less with the lower curb.
Construction of the manure curb differs for stalls filled with bedding materials (sand, manure solids,
lime, etc.) than from flat surface stalls that are covered with a cushion of some type (mattresses,
mats, waterbeds, etc.). Manure curbs for sand stalls normally are 4-6” wide and are used to hold the
bedding material in the stall. Since the level of the bedding material changes with the mount of
material in the stall, the manure curb is often chamfered in the direction of the cow to prevent the
cow from having to lie against the sharp edge when the bedding level is low. With flat surface
stalls the height of the added cushion needs to be considered. Having a 10” curb with a 4” mattress
in effect becomes a 14” curb. Most recommendations for this total curb height is between 8 and 12”
Freestall Design Stall Base Slope
Normal recommendations have been to have stall bases constructed with a slope of 2-3% from the
manure curb to the brisket locator. This has been done because cows prefer to lie uphill and to
allow any liquids (urine, milk, rainwater, etc.) entering the stall to drain away from the stall bed and
to the manure alley. Sand stall are often filled fuller in the front than in the back to provide this
upward slope. If stalls ever become lower in the front that the back they will cause problems for the
cow attempting to rise. Field observation suggests that excessive slope can cause cows to lie with
their feet protruding into the manure alley.
Freestall Design Cow Space Needs
Figure 1 shows the motion of a cow rising or reclining. It shows the three areas that must be
provided within the freestall: body space, head space and lunge space. Different authors have
suggested the proper length of each of these based on their work. Obviously these values vary with
the size of the animal.
Figure 1: Space envelop for rising and resting cow.
1200 lb
1450 lb
1650 lb
6.7 to 7.2‟
7 to 7.5‟
7.5 to 8.2‟
7.7 to 8.2‟
8 to 8.5‟
8.5 to 9‟
Open Stall Front cows can lunge through the stall front
Closed Stall Front cows can not lunge through the stall front
Table 2: Suggested freestall dimensions for various size cows (McFarland 2003)
1400 lb
1600 lb
1800 lb
Table 3: Suggested freestall dimensions for various size cows (Cook 2004)
Tables 2 and 3 above show some of the variation in current recommendations. Both show the need
for stall length to increase as animal size increases, but assume different weights. It is commonly
accepted that the average Holstein cow in the U.S is larger than a decade ago, and lends credibility
to increasing stall sizes. Genetics, nutrition and the use of custom heifer raising possibly have
caused this increase in size. When making a decision on stall size you should know the relative size
of your cows and how you plan to house them. Making the stall size the same for all pens of a new
facility allows the manager flexibility on how to use the pens, but complicates the decision on what
size stall to build. Building all stalls to meet the needs of your largest cows will result in smaller
cows using the stalls incorrectly, but making stalls too small for large cows will make them
Freestall Length of Stall to Brisket Locator
Brisket locators, previously know as brisket boards, are placed in the stall to position the cow when
she lies down. The base of the brisket locator is normally placed 66-72” from the manure curb and
defines the amount of space a cow has for her body space. Experience has shown that 66” stall beds
and high brisket boards have not provided enough space for large cows and they lie with their rump
extended past the manure curb and sometimes even have their udders straddled across the edge of
the manure curb. Originally these locators were made of wood placed at an angle to accommodate
the shape of the animal as she rested the front of her body against them. Often the space in front of
the brisket board was filled with concrete to prevent a build-up of bedding materials. Less rigid
materials, which allow some flexibility as cows move, are now being used in place of boards and
have resulted in the use of this new term. Anderson observed animal behavior and suggested that
proper stall should allow cows to stretch their feet forward when lying down and have the ability to
extend their feet into the space in front of the brisket locator when rising. He observed that a cow
usually swings her foot high enough to clear a 4” obstacle and suggested this be the maximum
height of a brisket locator above a mattress or sand bedding. He discouraged the use of brackets to
support the brisket locators from the lower pipe of the stall divider because it obstructed the
extension of the cow‟s foot. In addition he suggested a 5” space should be provided between the top
of the brisket locator and the bottom of the stall divider to prevent leg entrapment of the animal.
This recommendation is easy to implement with mattress stalls since the brisket locator can be
attached to the stall surface, but becomes a challenge with sand based stalls that often do not have a
base to attach them. These recommendations lead to the new recommendation relating to stall
design in that the surface in front of the brisket locator should not be elevated above the stall surface
to allow the cow space for her feet.
Freestall Design Total Stall Length
As mentioned earlier total stall length should provide body space, head space and lung space.
Tables 2 and 3 reflect different author‟s view of this need based on differences in cow sizes they
reference. Open front stalls allow a cow to extend past the stall perimeter when rising either by
placing their head in an adjacent stall in a head-to-head arrangement or with extra space provided in
front of the stall for single rows of stalls. Closed front stalls have some type of barrier that prevents
the cow from lunging outside the perimeter of the stall. If stalls are too short to allow cows to lunge
forward, a stall divider that allows the cow to the side should be selected. Cows normally prefer to
lunge forward and if allowed to do so often will lie straighter in their stall. Cows that are forced or
prefer to lunge to the side often lie at an angle in the stall which results in more manuring in the stall
and the increased problems associated with it. Anderson, 2003, reported that at a study farm with
16‟, open front, head-to-head freestalls, cows lunged diagonally 34% of the time when the facing
stall was empty and 81% of the time when the stall was occupied. At another farm, cows lunged
diagonally 68% of the time with the original 8‟ closed front stalls and 44% of the time with
modified stalls that had open fronts and loops with 38‟ wide side openings. This information
supports the decision to build closed front stalls longer than 8‟ and the choice of a stall divider
which allows diagonal lunging in case a cow is concerned with lunging into an occupied stall.
Freestall Design Neck Rail Placement
Neck rails are placed in the front of the freestall (Figures 2 and 3) to position the animal when she
enters the stall. These normally are placed directly above the base of the brisket locator which
provides sufficient space for the animal to stand in with all four feet in the stall and positions the
cow so she defecates in the manure alley. For higher neck rails the neck rail should be moved back
toward the manure curb about 2” to reflect the shape of the cow. Cook‟s current recommendation
for sand based stalls is to shorten this distance by the width of the manure curb, forcing cows to
perch rather than stand with all four feet in the stall. This recommendations is based on observation
that cows normally will not stand on the manure curb, which encourages the cow to place her hind
legs inside or outside of the manure curb. Having cows stand with all four feet in the stall and the
back feet inside the manure curb leads to increased manuring in the stall, dirtier stalls, and increased
labor to maintain the stalls. Neck rail mountings should allow them to be moved forward or
backward as experience shows the stall bed is too short or too long, based on an excessive animal
perching or frequent manuring in the stall.
Recommendations for neck rail height above the stall surface changed the most in recent years.
Placement of the neck rail too low makes it difficult for animals to rise without hitting the rail and
discourages stall use. Previous recommendations specified a minimum distance between the stall
surface and the bottom of the neck rail to be 42”. Current recommendations are for neck rails be
mounted 48-50” above the stall base surface. Proper placement of neck rails is easier in mattress
based stalls since they have a constant surface level and the neck rail height is defined as the
distance above the stall surface, whereas surface elevation in sand stalls depends on the amount of
sand in the stall at any one time, so neck rail height is measured from the top of the manure curb.
Recent work by Fulwider and Palmer (2004) has shown that the percentage of time cows lie in a
stall increased significantly when the neck rail was raised from 45” to 50” in a mattress based
freestall barn (Table 4). A fifty cow pen had half of the stalls modified and the other half left
unchanged. Stall usage was recorded, before the stall changes and a 5-week acclimation period was
allowed before stall usage was again measured. There was no significant change in stall usage for
the existing stalls, but a significant increase in the percentage of stalls with a cow lying in the
modified stalls was observed (40.0 to 51.4%). This research was done in a 4-row, tail-to-tail barn,
with 46” wide and 8‟ long stalls, which indicates stall usage can be increase by changing neck rail
height, etc. without changing stall width or length. To increase the neck rail height new stall
divider types were installed and the stall divider mounting rails in the front of the stalls were
removed. Field experience has shown that removing horizontal mounting pipes (chin clippers) often
will increase stall usage because cows dislike hitting these rails as they attempt to rise. The increase
in stall use was significant and demonstrates the importance of proper stall design, but does not
prove the neck rail height alone caused the increase.
Before Neck Rail
1-29 to 2-26-03
After Neck Rail
4-03 to 5-01-03
Average Stocking Density
45” Neck rail before and after -
Percent of stalls with cows lying
45” Neck rail before , 50” after -
Percent of stalls with cows lying
Percentages with different superscripts differ (P < .05).
Table 4: Effect of neck rail height on the percentage of freestalls with cows lying in them.
Freestall Design Stall Width
Stalls should be wide enough to allow animals to recline and rise easily. If stalls are too wide,
animals will tend to stand and lie at an angle in the stall. Smaller cows often will lie backward in the
stall which causes manure to be deposited in the front of the stall. Both of these situations can lead
to dirty cows and additional labor to clean stalls because animals will deposit manure on the stall
surface. For the average mature Holstein herd, 46-48” wide stalls often meet these requirements the
best. Larger stalls, 48-50” wide, may be considered for extremely large or pregnant dry cows. Often
48” stalls are built as a convenience to the builder, whereas, 46” stalls would offer the advantages
mentioned, plus allow more stalls per barn.
Cows prefer to lunge forward when rising, because transferring their weight forward allows them to
lift their hindquarters more easily. Eight feet of effective stall length has been recommended for
mature Holstein cows. Since the average size of cows has increase using 8‟ open front stalls or 9‟
closed front stalls seems to be adequate. Some people are advocating stalls longer than these
dimensions to provide a situation where cows have complete freedom to lunge forward. Anderson‟s
recommendations based on work with large Canadian Holsteins are often the basis for these
Tucker et al., 2004, reported the effect of cow lying and standing behavior and milk production
(Table 5). In this research 42”, 46” and 50” wide stalls were compared. The number of lying events
in 24 hours, the duration of lying bouts, total lying times, and milk production were compared. For
all these factors there was a significant advantage of the 46” stall over the 42” stall, but no
advantage of the 50” over the 46” stall. Increasing stall width decreased the amount of time cows
were half in and half out of stalls and increased the amount of time they stood with all four feet in
the stall. Based on this work the value of going to 50” stalls may be challenged. Observation also
suggests that if stalls are too wide cows tend to stand at and angle in the stall which results in
increased manuring in the stall and it‟s associated problems.
Stall width:
42” Stall
46” Stall
50” Stall
Lying events (number per24 h)
Duration of lying events (h per bout)
Total lying time (hrs per 24 h)
Perching (min per 24 hr)
Standing four feet in stall (min per 24 h)
Total time standing in stall (min per 24 h)
Milk production (lb per 24 hr)
Table 5. Lying and standing behavior and milk production for three stall widths (n=27)
Freestall Divider Design
There are many different freestall stall divider designs currently being marketed, and they are often
referred to by names such as side-lunge, wide loop, straight loop, etc. Whichever stall divider type
is selected, its length should allow 14” space between the end of the divider and the manure curb
once the stall dividers are mounted (Bickert et al., 2000). Allowing additional space encourages
cows to walk along the backs of the stalls and/or to enter another cow‟s space. Allowing less space
may result in cows hurting themselves as they enter the stall hitting the divider. In practice 12-14”
appear to work very well to eliminated these problems. Remember, barns having different stall
lengths, should have different length stall dividers.
Another important dimension is the distance from the top of the stall divider‟s bottom rail to the
stall base surface. If the stall divider provides sufficient space for the animal‟s head, then the bottom
rail needs to be high enough to discourage the animal from crawling over it. Field observation
suggests this bottom rail should be at least 12” above the stall surface. In the past producers have
reported dissatisfaction with extremely wide loop designs because cows got jammed in them and
they tended to encourage cows to lie at an angle in their stall. This was probably caused by the
divider being mounted too low which allowed the cow to craw over the lower divider bar. Current
stall design recommendations with their higher neck rail placement and the associated raising of the
lower rail of the divider appears to have solved this problems. A second consideration with divider
is the amount of space provided at the rear of the stall below results in cows lying at an angle in the
stall. Choosing a divider which has it‟s lower rail extend straight past the brisket locator 12‟-24‟
before rising to provide space for the cows hook bones will minimize this problem.
Barns with rows of head-to-head stalls allow animals to lunge into the stall in front of them. This
feature saves space, but can also lead to animals exiting through the front of the stall or being
jammed between neck rails as they stand and try to walk through. This is especially true of he newer
designs with higher neck rail placements. To discourage this a deterrent (strap, cable or pipe) may
be placed between the rows of stalls. Such a pipe must be high enough to allow the cow to lunge
forward unobstructed, but low enough to prevent her from exiting through the adjacent stall.
Current recommendations specify this deterrent to be placed 40” above the stall base surface on 8‟
stalls and 34‟ for 9‟ stalls.
Mattress Based Freestall Design
Figure 2 is an example of a mattress based freestall for average sized Holstein cows. Notice how
dimensions vary depending on the type of animal (First Lactation, Milking Cows (Lactation > 1),
and Dry Cows). These are only guidelines, but consider the fact that freestalls that are too large
cost extra money to build, result in dirty cows, and/or extra labor to keep stalls clean. Stalls that are
too small lead to increase injuries and culling rates and the potential for loss of milk production
because cows do not use the stalls as much as otherwise would be possible.
68" 70"
W idt h
70" 72" 50"
70" 72" 50"
46" - 48"
1300 lb .
1500 lb .
1600 lb .
St a ll L e n g t h
W eight
Example Mat t ress Based Freestall Design
f or Average Sized Holstein Cow
Alle y
M at t r r ess
8' f or open f r ont st all
9' f or c los ed f r o n t s t all
10" - 12"
Cur b
Po s t
Fir s t Lac t at ion Cow
M ilk ing Cow
Dr y Cow
Plum b L ine of Cur b Edge
Ea r t h
12" - 14"
10" - 12"
m e a s ur ed f r om
m a t t r es s s ur f ac e
40" f or open f r o n t s t all
Det e r r ent
Top of br is k et
lo c at or 4 " a b o v e
m at t r es s s ur f a c e
Av er age Hols t ein
2- 3% s lope down
t o r ear of s t a ll
Nec k Rail
Figure 2: Example of a mattress based freestall for average sized Holstein cows.
Sand Based Freestall Design
Figure 3 is an example of a sand freestall for average sized Holstein cows. Notice how dimensions
vary depending on the type of animal (First Lactation, Milking Cows (Lactation > 1), and Dry
Cows). These are only guidelines, but consider the fact that freestalls that are too large cost extra
money to build, result in dirty cows, and/or extra labor to keep stalls clean. Stalls that are too small
lead to increase injuries and culling rates and the potential for loss of milk production because cows
do not use the stalls as much as otherwise would be possible.
St a ll L e n g t h
8" - 10"
Cur b
68" 70"
W idt h
70" 72" 50"
70" 72" 50"
46" - 48"
1300 lb .
1500 lb .
1600 lb .
Example Sand Based Freestall Design
f or Average Sized Holst ein Cow
W eight
8' f or open f r ont s t a ll
9' f or c los ed f r ont s t all
Po s t
11" - 12"
Plum b L ine of Cu r b Edge
Fir s t L a c t at ion Cow
M ilk ing Cow
Dr y Cow
Dee p Bed of
Sa n d ( > 6" )
Nec k Rail
Det e r r e n t
40" f or open f r o n t s t all
12" - 14"
High s a n d lev el
Av er age Hols t ein
Low s a n d lev el
( t op of r e a r cur b)
2- 3% s lope down
t o r ear o f s t a ll
Ea r t h
m e a s ur ed f r om
t op of c ur b
Figure 3: Example of a sand based freestall for average sized Holstein cows.
Bedding Material Choices
Freestalls are often thought of as having two components, a stall base constructed of clay, concrete,
wood or some other material and a bedding surface. With deep sand freestalls, sand supports both
functions. Whatever components are selected, freestalls should conform to the shape of the cow
when she is resting, provide cushion when she is reclining and traction when she is rising. It is
recommended that the stall surface be 2-3% higher in the front than in the back of the stall. This
discourages forward movement while resting and improves stall drainage. Many people feel cows
actually prefer to lie up hill. One situation to avoid is stalls that are lower in the front than the back.
Cows have difficulty getting up under these circumstances. Excessive stall slope may also cause
cows to lie incorrectly.
Many different freestall combinations have been tried over the years with different costs and results.
Cows dislike concrete-based stalls unless a thick bedding surface is maintained on top of them.
Straw, sawdust, manure solids, and other organic bedding surface materials have been used
successfully over concrete bases, but their cost is sometimes prohibitive. Wood-based stalls have
not been successful because wood rots and gets slippery when wet. Clay-based stalls can provide
cow comfort but require a large maintenance effort since cows dig large holes in the stalls.
Producers have used rubber tires in freestall bases. Cows seem to like tires in stalls, and bedding
requirements are decreased, but getting the tires installed properly is very important. Tires should be
of the same size, placed tight together and carefully packed with material to hold them in place.
Tires can make it difficult to remove soiled bedding. Different types of rubber mats have been tried
over the years with mixed results. Some get slippery and promote hock damage, and others have
deteriorated in a short period of time.
Mattress-based stalls currently are very popular, and for most producers the choice of freestall bases
is between sand and mattresses. Mattress-based stalls normally have some rubber particles, water,
or other type of filler that conforms to the animal‟s body and may offer an insulating effect during
cold weather. They have a cover that provides animal traction, may be waterproof, and is durable
enough to withstand animal traffic. The initial cost of mattress-based stalls is normally $50-
100/stall, and their expected useful life is between 4 and 7 years. Mattress-based stalls need to have
some type of absorbent bedding applied to them, but the amount is less than deep-bedded stalls over
concrete. The initial investment in sand-based stalls is low, but the labor to fill and maintain them,
the cost of the sand used, and the adverse effects the sand has on manure handling and storage
results in a high maintenance cost.
Sand versus Mattresses - Performance and Producer Satisfaction
A survey of Wisconsin producers who increased herd size by at least 40% from 1994 to 1998 (Table
6) showed no significant difference in DHI milk production or somatic cell counts between those
using sand and those using mattresses after their expansion (Palmer and Bewley, 2000). Producers
using sand seemed to be more satisfied with cow comfort, and less satisfied with manure
management and bedding than those using mattresses. Sand users reported significantly higher
satisfaction scores for cow cleanliness and hock injury, whereas mattress users reported
significantly higher satisfaction with bedding use and cost and manure management. Culling rates,
although not significantly different, showed a slight numeric advantage to sand users.
Freestall Bedding Type
Number Herds
DHI 1998 RHA Milk(lbs)
Avg. Linear SCC
Culling Rate (%)
Cow Cleanliness*
Hock Damage*
Bedding Use and Cost*
Manure Management*
* Average satisfaction reported on a scale of 1 (very dissatisfied) to 5 (very satisfied)
Table 6 Average production and producer satisfaction values of herds using mattresses or sand
An Iowa study, which was designed to evaluate six different freestall surfaces, found that stalls
ranked differently by week of trial, with cow preference switching between sand and mattresses
(Thoreson,2000). Sand ranked highest in the summer, but usage declined from summer to winter.
Other research conducted in Europe demonstrated that cows showed definite preference for some
types of mattresses and that cow preferences changed over time (Sonck and Daelemans, 1999). It
was suggested that cows need time to adjust to some types of mattresses and other mattresses get
harder and less comfortable over time.
Table 7 (Palmer, 2003) shows that stall base type affects cow preference. This study reported the
stall usage for a 4-row freestall barn with 100% stocking rate. Observations of cows lying or
occupying stalls (standing or lying) were recorded for a nine month period. Sand and mattress-I
(Rubber filled) based stalls consistently had larger stall use percentages; concrete and soft rubber
mats consistently the lowest percentages; and mattress-II (Foam filled) and waterbeds percentages
were intermediate. The sand based stalls had the highest overall lying percentage, but mattress-I and
mattress-II had the highest stall occupied percentages. Cows appear to prefer to stand on soft
surfaces provided by mattresses or soft rubber mats to sand stalls or concrete alleys. The lying
percentage advantage of sand over mattress-type-I (68.7% > 65.2%) was small compared to the stall
occupied advantage of mattress-type-I over sand (88.3% > 79.0%). This suggests cows like to lie
down on both stall bases, but prefer to spend non-lying time standing in mattress-type-I based stalls
rather than on concrete manure alleys. Some stall base types were consistently inferior to others.
Lying percentages for concrete and soft rubber mats were always below the average lying
percentages. Mattress-I based stalls consistently ranked higher than mattress-II for lying and stall
occupied percentages, which indicates not all mattresses are equally desirable to cows and making
general statements about “mattresses” may be misleading. The length of time cows are exposed to
the different stall bases affects lying and occupied percentages. The waterbed based stalls required
a longer adaptation time whereas use of soft rubber mat based stalls in this trial decreased over time.
Type I
% Lying
% Standing
% Occupied
No. Obs.
Table 7. Cow Preference for different stall base types “Experiment 1” for 4-row barn with 100%
stocking density.
Cook et al., 2004, studied the differences in behavior of nonlame cows, slightly lame cows,
moderately lame cows in 6 free stall barns with sand bedding
(SAND) vs. 6 free stall barns with
rubber-crumb geotextile mattress
surfaces (MAT) were documented in Wisconsin dairy herds. All
lactating cows in the 12 herds were observed and given a locomotion
score based on a 4-point scale:
1 = nonlame, 2 = slightly lame,
3 = moderately lame, and 4 = severely lame. Herd least square
means ±SE for prevalence of clinical lameness (locomotion
scores = 3 and 4) were 11.1 vs. 24.0 ±
1.7% for herds
using SAND vs. MAT surfaces, respectively (Table 8). Herd size, stocking density,
rolling herd average milk yield, annual turnover rate and mean ambient temperature on visit day
were not statistically different for there MAT or SAND herds. Culling rate although not statistically
different showed a numeric advantage for SAND herds (36.5 vs 28.8) which is consistent with the
results reported by Bewley et al. 2003. The major finding was that the average herd prevalence of
clinical mastitis was significantly higher in MAT herds than SAND herds (24.0 vs 11.1), where
clinical lameness was defined as cows having a locomotion score of 3 or 4.
Herd size (no. cows)
Cows in pen (no.)
Stocking rate (high pen %)
Rolling herd average milk yield (kg)
Annual turnover rate (%)
Mean ambient visit temperature (°C)
Herd prevalence of clinical lameness
(% all milking
Clinical lameness includes cows that had locomotion scores of 3 and 4 and were either
moderately or severely lame. Locomotion score scale: 1 = nonlame, 2 = slightly lame, 3 =
moderately lame, 4 = severely lame.
Table 8. Least square means and SE of herd level background data for 6 herds using mattresses
(MAT) and 6 herds using sand bedding (SAND).
Subsets of 10 cows
per herd with locomotion scores of 1 to 3 were observed via
video cameras for
24-h periods (Table 9). There was no difference is the lying time between MAT and SAND barns
(11.66 vs 12.01), and cows in MAT herds spent more
time standing in free stalls per day than cows
in SAND herds (3.44 vs 1.83) which agrees with the findings of Fulwider and Palmer, 2003. Cows
in SAND barns were also found to spend more time feeding than MAT barns (4.65 vs 4.08) and had
a higher number of stall use sessions (7.57 vs 6.92). The proportion of lying bouts greater than 60
minutes was higher for SAND herds than MAT herds (0.61 vs 0.49).
Daily activity
Time lying in stall
Time standing in stall
Time up in alley
Time up feeding
Time up milking
Number of stall use sessions
Proportion of lying bouts >60 minutes
Table 9. Mean daily activity patterns (h/d) for 60 cows in 6 herds using mattresses (MAT) and for
60 cows in 6 herds using sand bedding (SAND).
Figure 4 shows how daily activity patterns of cows vary by locomotion
score between MAT and
SAND herds. Activity patterns are consistent
in cows in SAND herds across all locomotion scores
with little
variation. Nonlame cows in MAT herds behave similar to all cows
in SAND herds, apart
from a small but significantly higher time
up in stall. In contrast, cows in MAT herds that are
lame and moderately lame show the modifications in behavior. Differences in standing
times were 0.73 h/d for cows that were
not lame, 2.32 h/d for cows that were slightly lame, and 4.31
h/d for cows that were moderately lame in MAT herds compared
with equivalent cows in SAND
herds. In MAT herds, the increase
in time spent standing in the stall in moderately lame cows
associated with a significant reduction in stall use sessions
per day, which impacted daily lying
time. As time standing up in stall
increases, time spent performing other activities is reduced.
up milking is largely unchanged, but time up in alley is
significantly reduced (P <0.05). Moderately
lame cows in
MAT herds had significantly (P = 0.003) fewer mean number of stall use sessions at
0.62 compared with moderately lame cows
in SAND herds at 8.50.
Figure 4. Daily time budgets for time lying down in stall (TDIS), time standing up in stall (TUIS),
time up in alley (TUIA), time up feeding (TUF), and time up milking (TUM) in 73 nonlame
(locomotion score = 1), 37 slightly lame (locomotion score = 2), and 10 moderately lame
(locomotion score = 3) cows in 6 MAT (rubber crumb-filled geo-textile mattress free stall) and 6
SAND (sand-bedded free stall) herds.
Table 10 shows the results of a second experiment conducted in the same barn as Experiment 1
(Fullwider and Palmer, 2003). Two different mattress types and three different soft rubber mat types
replaced the sand, concrete and waterbed stall bases. Cow preference was strongest for foam and
rubber filled mattresses. Cow preference for the two mattress types previously tested and which
had been preferred now was intermediate. These two mattress types were installed approximately
three years before the other stall bases, so it is not possible to determine if the new mattress types
were superior or if the decrease in cow preference of the existing two types was due to an aging
effect. Rubber mats were consistently used the least. Differences in stall use existed between
different manufacturers‟ foam and rubber filled mattresses. Visual inspection shows differences in
deterioration and surface levelness of the different products over time. These factors can influence
the life expectancy of each product and should be considered along with cow preference when
making a buying decision.
Freestall Maintenance
One key point that must be emphasized is that no matter what stall type is selected, maintenance of
the stalls is critical. Mattress stalls should be bedded frequently, preferable daily, to insure there is a
layer of bedding on the stall surface at all times. Sand stalls should be filled frequently to maintain a
sand level even with the top of the manure curb at the back at all times. This usually requires the
sand stall surface in the front of the stall to be approximately 5 inches higher immediately after
filling and no lower than the level of the manure curb when refilling is needed. Sand stalls should be
leveled at least once per day. Any manure deposited in the stall should be removed every milking
no matter what type of stall base is selected.
Stall Base
Exp 2
% Lying
Exp 1
% Lying
Exp 2
% Occupied
Exp 1
% Lying
Mattress-Type III
(Foam Filled)
62 %
91 %
Mattress Type IV
(Rubber Filled)
59 %
84 %
Mattress Type I*
(Rubber Filled)
57 %
65 % (1)
85 %
88 % (1)
Mattress Type II*
(Foam Filled)
52 %
57 % (2)
81 %
84 % (2)
Soft Rubber Mat
Type II
51 %
73 %
Soft Rubber Mat
Type III
43 %
64 %
Soft Rubber Mat
Type IV
42 %
65 %
52 %
51 %
78 %
70 %
Percentages within rows, lying & occupied analyzed separately, different superscripts
significantly differ (P < .05).
Table 10: Cow Preference for different stall base types “Experiment 2” for 4-row barn with 100%
stocking density.
Use of Rubber Alley Mats
Previous work by Fulwider and Palmer, 2003, indicated that cows lie down as much time in well
designed mattress stalls as in sand stalls, but spend more time standing in mattresses based stalls.
Cook et al., 2004a found the same to be true (Table 9). Different reasons have been proposed to
explain these phenomena. In the fall of 2003 rubber alley mats (RAM) were installed over all alleys
in the same pen as stall preference studies had been conducted earlier. Table 11 shows the effect of
rubber alley mats on stall use (Fulwider and Palmer, 2003). Stall use was recorded for 31 days
before the RAM‟s were installed. A three week acclimation period was given to allow cows to
adjust their behavior patterns and then stall activities were recorded and the results compared to the
before vales. No change in the amount of stalls with a cow lying in them was found, but the percent
of stalls with cows standing in them decreased significantly. This was interpreted as cows preferring
to stand on soft surfaces. In other words, cows preferred to strand in soft stalls when hard concrete
floors were the alternative.
Before RAM‟s
8-10 to 9-11-03
(97% Stocking Density)
After RAM‟s
10-1 to 10-23-03
(92% Stocking Density)
% of Stalls with Cows Lying
% of Stalls with Cows Standing
a, b
Means within rows with the same letter are not significantly different (P<.05)
Table 11: Effect of rubber alley mats (RAM) on stall use.
Alleys are used by the animals to move freely within the barn to access stalls, water, and feed and to
seek comfortable areas of the barn. Alleys are used by operators to collect manure and move
animals around within the system. Alleys must be designed for comfortable movement of animals,
safety and convenience of operators, and access by equipment. To be comfortable for cows, alleys
must have slip-resistant surfaces and enough width to provide ease of movement and personal
space. Cows need to be able to back out of freestalls while other cows are standing at the bunk to
eat. Cows need to be able to walk behind cows standing at the bunk to eat and to walk behind those
standing at a waterer. The values in Table 12 are minimums which allow for these easy
movements. Use the recommended values for maximum cow comfort. When cows are being
herded (to parlor), alleys must be wide enough to keep the group moving at a reasonable pace.
Alleys must be wide enough so one or two cows stopping does not halt the group. When animals
must be herded, use the values in Table 13 to select the alley width. Alleys where animals are
herded include those within the housing unit, including the crossover at the end of the stall rows and
the travel lane to the parlor. Initial cost can be reduced by making lanes/alleys narrower, but
increased labor cost for herding slow-moving cows will result in a much higher annual cost than
would the annualized cost of the initial investment. Cow comfort issues will pay additional
Alley Location
Alley Width (ft)
Stalls across from feed manger
Alley between tail-to-tail stalls
Feed manger with no stalls on other side of alley
Alley serving one row of stalls
Crossover with waterer (measured from cow side
of waterer)
* Wider alleys will provide more comfort. Consider a wider alley if equipment must use the
alley for manure scraping (tractor, industrial loader, etc.)
McFarland, 2003
Bickert, et al., 2000.
Graves, 1995
Table 12. Alley widths which allow convenient animal movements
Group Size
Min. Alley Width (ft)
Less than 150 cows
More than 150 cows
McFarland, 2003
Table 13. Minimum alley width for herded cows
Floor Surfaces
Cows must feel comfortable if they are to behave in a natural manner. Good footing is essential to
natural walking behavior and to encourage cows to move about the barn and express heat freely.
Firm soil, free of stones and mud, is probably the best walking surface for cows, but it is impractical
as a walking surface for cows in confinement. Concrete is the traditional surface of choice, but
some producers are considering other materials including rubber. Concrete has the advantage of
durability but the disadvantage of being hard with no cushioning. Concrete must remain slip-
resistant throughout its life yet not be so abrasive that it causes hoof damage. Slip resistance can be
provided by: broom finishing, grooving (bull float or cutting), applying aggregates and epoxy
coatings, and surface roughening (scabbling). Even sand bedding deposited in the alleys improves
traction. Care must be taken to avoid excessive roughness that will wear hooves rapidly. Grooving
or broom finishing "green" concrete can leave abrasive surfaces. Plan to drag concrete slabs or use
a steel blade with down pressure to smooth these surfaces before allowing cows to use them.
Continued scraping with a steel blade over several years will polish concrete, making it more
slippery. When this occurs, use a surface treatment to improve traction. See the article by Gooch
(2003a) and MWPS-7 for recommendations on preparing slip-resistant floors.
Crossover Alleys
Crossover alleys allow animals to move from feeding alley to freestall alley. To allow
convenient access, crossover alleys should be spaced at 60- to 80-ft intervals within the freestall
row (McFarland, 2003). Crossover alleys are a convenient place to locate waterers, however
animals using waterers can interfere with cows that want to crossover. Use the values in Table X to
assure adequate width for animal movement. The curb at the rear of the freestall keeps scraped
manure from flowing into the stall. Crossovers past which manure is scraped should have a similar
step up to a platform. The preferred step up height is 6 inches with no more than 8 inches
(McFarland, 2003). Crown the crossover with a maximum slope of 2 to 4% to drain manure, urine
and spilled water (Graves, 1995). The step of a crossover can slow animals being herded. If the
crossover where cows are herded is at the end of the barn where manure is not accumulating in front
of the scraper, consider using no step there. The lack of a step can facilitate the scraping equipment
moving between alleys without having to go outside the barn.
Water is a critical ingredient for producing milk. Cows prefer to drink soon after being milked and
during feeding bouts. Producers have observed many cows consuming water when it is provided in
lanes used to return from the parlor. Their next stop is usually the feed bunk. Locate waterers in
return lanes near the parlor and give cows access to waterers in the housing area closest to the
parlor. Since dominant cows can force timid cows away from water, use at least two watering
locations within a pen. In larger groups, more than two watering locations can be beneficial to
reduce distance between waterers. Consider installing seasonal watering locations to give cows
access to water during heat stress periods. Locate waterers away from feed mangers to reduce the
amount of feed entering the waterer. A cow requires about 2 feet of waterer length to stand and
drink at a trough. Using 1.5 inches of waterer length per cow in a group, each watering space will
service 16 cows. An example for sizing the length of waterers needed for a group of 80 cows with
three watering locations might look like:
Total water trough length (minumum) = 80 cows 1.5 in/cow 1 ft/12 in = 10 ft
Distributing that over three watering locations:
Waterer length = 10 ft 3 locations = 3.3 ft/location
So waterers longer than 3.3 ft would satisfy the requirement in the housing pen. Waterers in the
parlor return should be the number of cows per side times 2 ft/cow.
Cows want clean, odor-free water. Waterers should be set up to be easily and frequently cleaned.
Using shallow water depths (4 to 8 inches, McFarland, 2003) and 6- to 12-inch top edge to bottom
maximizes the amount of fresh water in the trough and minimizes the amount of water discharged at
each cleaning. For large frame cows, place waterers so the top edge is 24 inches (21 to 22 inches
for small frame cows) above the floor upon which the front hooves are standing.
Design the water delivery rate to meet the rate of drinking by all cows at the trough. Using a 5
gal/min consumption rate for a cow, the 4-ft troughs in the previous example will require 10 gal/min
delivery for two cows using the waterer. Locate a waterproof wall between waterers placed next to
freestalls to keep water from being splashed into the stall and to keep cows from reaching for water
while standing in the stall. Use a fence around the other three sides of waterers to keep cows from
placing their feet in the waterer. Locate the guard rail above the water edge and provide 24 inches
clear opening between waterer edge and rail.
Feed Mangers
Design feed mangers to allow cows easy access to high quality feed at all times. Roofs over feed
mangers protect the feed from sun and precipitation, each of which can reduce feed quality and
increase feed refusal. A roof over the cows protects them from sun, wind and precipitation which
can act as deterrents to approaching the feed bunk in certain seasons.
Feed mangers should be flat (no cupping, no front wall) to facilitate easy mechanical clean out and
drainage of precipitation. The manger feeding surface should be smooth, of low porosity, and long
lasting. A smooth surface will not abrade the cow's tongue. Porous surfaces absorb liquids
containing soluble organic compounds. These compounds produce odors upon decomposing. The
odors can repulse cows from eating on those surfaces. Suitable surfaces can be provided by
troweled high-strength concrete, glazed tile, plastic sheets, and epoxy coatings. It should be noted
that high-strength (4500 psi) concrete is not run of the mill concrete. It contains extra cement, less
water, and possibly admixtures. Standard concrete will erode quickly in a manger, exposing
aggregate and leaving a rough surface. Specify high-strength concrete for a low-cost, long-lasting
feed manger surface. A 3-ft wide eating surface provides adequate bunk capacity.
If the drive of a drive-by feed manger is gravel, the manger and the area beyond it should be hard-
surfaced to allow feed to be pushed up without pushing up gravel. Make the paved area 5 feet wide
as measured from the feed barrier curb (McFarland, 2003). Slope this paved area away from the
feed barrier curb at a rate of 1/8 inch per 1 foot to shed precipitation away from the feed.
The feed barrier prevents cows from exiting the pen into the feed manger. Other design criteria
include: keeps feed from entering the cow alley, allows cow easy access to feed, allows cow to eat
in a grazing-like posture, exerts minimal force on the cow as she reaches, and exposes the cow to
smooth (not sharp or abrasive) surfaces. These criteria can be met by using a curb height of no
more than 21 inches (1400-lb cows) above the floor upon which the cows' feet rest. The manger
surface should be 2 to 6 inches above that same floor. Mangers higher than this have reduced feed
storage capacity, reduce the amount of saliva produced by the cow (lowered digestive buffering),
and can contribute to feed throwing by the cows.
Feed barriers can include self-locking headgates for animal capture. Self-locks should be designed
to allow cows easy access to feed without having to rotate their heads. Look for self-locks which
permit quick and safe extraction of a downed cow. The bottom rail of the gang of self- locks should
be mounted no more than 21 inches above the floor upon which the cow stands. This will require
the curb to be shorter than 21 inches. Consult the stall manufacturer about recommended curb
height. Self-locking headgate panels are often installed at a slight angle with the top, tipped away
from the plane of the curb. Research has shown that cows put less force on the panel and
experience less slipping when reaching for feed with these tipped-away panels. Research at Kansas
State University (Brouk et. al. 2001) showed that Dry Matter Intake and Milk Production were not
affected by self-locking headgates for cows trained in their use vs a post and rail barrier.
Post and rail feed barriers do not allow animal capture but do provide clear and easy access to feed.
The rail is 48 inches above the cow alley floor and 8 to 12 inches in front of the curb as measured
from the cow side. The rail should be a smooth round pipe which exerts minimal force and abrasion
on the cow if she pushes against it. The location of the rail requires it be spaced away from the
support post. Cable is not an acceptable substitute for the rail as it concentrates forces on a small
portion of the neck and is abrasive to the hide, each of which cause injury and discomfort.
Bunk space recommendations are based on the management plan and cow behavior. Most cows
returning from the milking parlor will approach the bunk to eat before going to lie down. Bunk
space must be adequate for animals returning from the parlor to cycle through a trip to the bunk. A
more severe test of bunk length is the practice of allowing the bunk to be "cleaned up" for an hour
or more before new feed is delivered. Using this practice requires all animals to approach the bunk
at once. "Top dressing" with grain causes a similar response. Using self-locking headgates
effectively requires sufficient bunk length for all animals in the group to get to the bunk. Use the
values in Table 14 when designing bunk lengths based on management.
Management Practice
Min. Bunk Length/Cow
All animals must access the bunk at one time (empty
bunk refilled, self locks used, top dress grain, etc.)
Mixed ration always available
* If self-locks will be used, consult manufacturer for specific bunk length per lock-up.
Table 14. Minimum bunk length per cow based on management (Bickert, et al., 2000)
Thermal Comfort
High temperature has more impact on cow comfort than does low temperature. Cows are adapted to
cooler climates, eating more to compensate for low temperatures. Practices which minimize the
effects of cold stress include delivering extra feed, keeping cows dry (roofs, dry resting area), and
offering draft-free spaces (walls, windbreaks). Providing supplemental heat for cow housing is not
economical in Wisconsin. During high temperature and humidity conditions, cows reduce feed
intake, increase water consumption, seek shade, respire at a faster rate, and will lie in wet areas.
Milk production and reproduction efficiency decline as a result of heat stress. The economic impact
of heat stress warrants extra investments to reduce such impacts. Practices to alleviate heat stress
include: providing adequate quantity and quality of drinking water, providing shade, providing
ventilation (removes excess heat and moisture), increasing air velocity past the cow, sprinkling
cows to help dissipate heat and lower the air temperature (evaporative cooling, air conditioning),
and providing a soft place to lie down.
Ventilation is the process of exchanging contaminated in-the-barn air with good quality outside air.
Ventilation is needed continuously throughout the year. The required ventilation rate is lower in
winter and higher in summer. Ventilation can be accomplished by natural and mechanical methods.
Natural ventilation capitalizes on the forces of nature (thermal buoyancy, wind pressure), while
mechanical ventilation uses fans to cause the air exchange.
Natural Ventilation
For natural ventilation to work best, design criteria must maximize the use of the wind. These
design criteria include:
Ridge opening* 2 inches per 10 feet of building width
Eave opening (winter)* 1 inch per 10 feet of building width (both eaves)
Roof slope* 4 inches vertical for 12 inches horizontal
Min. sidewall clear
opening (ft);
both walls in summer Building width (ft)
9 < 70
11 70 to 95
13 > 95
Separation distance from Separation distance is a function of
obstructions located height and length of the obstruction.
downwind of naturally For solid walled buildings, a 100-ft separation
ventilated building is a bare minimum.
Terrain Locate at elevated site, avoid low
areas, bluffs, woods, etc.
* Bickert, et al., 2000.
Mechanical Ventilation
Use mechanical ventilation to cause an air exchange when natural ventilation cannot be used or
where ventilation and air velocity and/or air cooling are combined. A mechanical ventilation
system should be designed to exchange 50 cubic ft/min (cfm) per 1400-lb cow in winter, 170
cfm/cow in mild weather, and at least 470 cfm/cow in hot weather (Bickert, et al., 2000). The hot
weather ventilation rate may not provide enough air velocity to keep cows comfortable, but it
should limit building temperature rise to 1 to 3 degrees above outside. Mechanical ventilation can
be designed as negative pressure (fans blow out of barn) or positive pressure (fans blow into barn).
Common negative pressure systems are: fans in walls with slot or area inlets, and wind tunnel (fans
on one end and inlet at other end). Common positive pressure systems are: positive pressure wind
tunnels (fans blow in one end and air outlets at other end), ducted systems (fans force air into barn
though ducts), and distributed fan systems (fans located in walls or ceiling around the barn). A
combination of both negative and positive pressure systems may also be installed. Wind tunnel
systems combine ventilation and air velocity to help keep cows cooled. Effective wind tunnel
designs for freestall barns use an air velocity of 500 to 600 ft/min. This requires limiting the barn
cross-section through which air flows by means of using a ceiling or vertical baffles suspended in
the vaulted space above the eave at a maximum spacing of 50 feet (Gooch, 2003b). One limitation
of wind tunnels is the impact on air movement downstream of obstructions. Obstructions include:
waterers and walls behind them, stall curbs, stall dividers and fences, and, most importantly, the
cows themselves. Some producers will bleed air into the barn through narrow openings at the
bottom of the wall curtain to introduce fresh air with velocity to cows lying in stalls along the wall.
Cow Cooling
Cows benefit from moving air past their body surfaces at 3 to 6 mph of velocity. However, when
temperatures approach or exceed 100F, air velocity has limited effect. Sprinkling cows with water
to wet them to the hide allows their body heat to evaporate the water, providing surface cooling.
Combining the effect of sprinkling and high air velocity past the body surface maximizes the
cooling benefit. In winter this process is known as "wind chill". Researchers at Kansas State
University (Brouk et. al., 2003) have shown the benefits of reducing heat stress by reducing the
wetting cycle time. They currently recommend cycle controllers that reduce the sprinkling cycle
time as temperature increases (Table 15). Sprinkler nozzles are usually mounted to spray cows'
backs as they stand at the feed manger, in the holding area, and in the parlor return lane. See some
of the Recommended Readings for useful design information.
Temperature Range (F)
Soaking Frequency (min)
> 90
Table 15. Recommended soaking frequency based on ambient temperature
Circulating fans are located to blow air onto the cows standing in the feed alley, lying in freestalls,
and standing in the holding area and in the parlor. Circulating fans have the most effect when they
are spaced at no more than 30-ft intervals for 36-inch diameter fans and at less than or equal to 40-ft
intervals when they are greater than 48 inches in diameter. The fans should be aimed downward so
the projection of the fan axis impacts the floor directly under the next fan in a series. Circulating
fans have the most benefit when they blow air parallel to a cow's body length as in the holding area.
The effectiveness is reduced when upstream cows block the air flow as in the feed line and cow
stalls. Consider a system of fans that blows air parallel to a cow's body in freestall housing areas.
Locate 150- to 180-degree sprinkler nozzles over cows standing at the manger and 360-degree
nozzles in the holding area and return lanes. Space nozzles so the spray pattern overlaps to get good
coverage. A nozzle spacing of 6 to 8 feet can work well at the manger and in the holding area.
Select nozzles capable of delivering 0.03 gal/ft
and 0.3 gal/min at 10 psi of line pressure. Plan to
deliver 0.08 gal/cow to achieve adequate wetting. If a timer is used to reduce the on-off cycle time
to 5 minutes, the sprinklers must have the capacity to wet the cows in about one minute. This
requires the system to deliver 0.3 gal/min/sprinkler. High-capacity sprinkling systems require the
delivery system be sized adequately. Piping should be large enough to avoid high friction losses,
and water well delivery and pumping capacity should be large enough. For example, a 100-cow
group at the feed manger receiving 0.08 gal/cow/min requires a delivery rate of 8 gal/min. Most
nozzles allow the delivery line to drain down during off cycles. This drain down water enters the
manure and manure storage, increasing the cost of manure transport. Installing delivery lines
perfectly level and installing sprinklers on the top of the line or using valved nozzles on sloping
lines can conserve water and avoid having to handle a greater volume of manure. The extra cost of
these systems can pay for themselves quickly by reducing the cost of manure hauling and increased
manure storage capacity.
Evaporative Cooling
Warm, dry air can be cooled by using it to evaporate water. This principle is used with misting and
evaporative cooling pads. The air temperature decline is a function of air relative humidity and the
quantity of water added to that air. These systems can work best when the relative humidity
remains low throughout the day (Brouk et. al., 2003). In humid climates like Wisconsin, the
relative humidity drops during the day and increases at night. Thus an evaporative cooling system
works best only during the day. The effect of evaporative cooling may be limited by the rate at
which water can be evaporated into the air. Large evaporative pads and fine water droplet mists are
required to maximize water evaporation. Consult equipment manufacturers for proper system
Evaporative cooling technologies may allow for lower ventilation rates in summer due to reduced
heat stress. However, care must be taken to limit the maximum relative humidity in the barn.
Animals still need to evaporate water from their bodies to cool themselves. High humidity also
supports aerosol-borne pathogens which can increase disease incidence. High humidity makes it
more difficult to keep stall surfaces dry. Avoid misting over the stalls to avoid condensation and
spray precipitating onto the stall surfaces. Evaporative cooling pads can be conveniently
incorporated into wind tunnel ventilated freestall and tie stall barns.
Recommended Reading
MidWest Plan Service (MWPS), publications available. Phone: 515-294-4337; Web:
Natural Resource, Agriculture, and Engineering Service (NRAES), publications available. Phone:
607-255-7654; Web:
Bickert, W.G., et al. 2000. Dairy Freestall Housing and Equipment (MWPS-7). Ames, IA:
MidWest Plan Service.
Brouk, M.J., J.P. Harner, J.F. Smith, W.F. Miller and B. Cvetkovic. 2004. Responses of Lactating
Holstein Cows to Differing Levels and Direction of Supplemental Airflow.
Dairy Day 2004-Report of Progress 941. Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS.
Eicker, S., et al 2001. Milking Systems and Parlors: Planning and Managing for Quality Milk and
Profitability (NRAES-131). Ithaca, NY: Natural Resource, Agriculture and Engineering
Gooch, C.A., et al. 2000. Dairy Housing and Equipment Systems: Managing and Planning for
Profitability (NRAES-129). Ithaca, NY: Natural Resource, Agriculture and Engineering
Gooch, C.A., et al. 2003. Building Freestall Barns and Milking Centers: Methods and Materials
(NRAES-148). Ithaca, NY: Natural Resource, Agriculture and Engineering Service.
Graves, R.E., D.F. McFarland and J.T. Tyson. 1997. Penn State Dairy Housing Plans (NRAES-
85). Ithaca, NY: Natural Resource, Agriculture and Engineering Service.
Graves, R.E. 1995. Guideline for Planning Dairy Freestall Barns (NRAES-76). Ithaca, NY:
Natural Resource, Agriculture and Engineering Service.
Harner, J.P., J. F. Smith, M. Brook, J.P. Murphy. 1999. Sprinkling Systems for Cooling Dairy Cows
at a Feedline. Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS.
Harner, J.P., J. F. Smith, M. Brouk, J.P. Murphy and G. Boomer. 2000. Reducing Heat Stress in
Holding Pens. 2000 Heart of America Dairy Management Conference. Kansas State
University, Manhattan, KS.
Heinrichs, J., et al. 1998. Dairy Feeding Systems: Management, Components, and Nutrients
(NRAES-116). Ithaca, NY: Natural Resource, Agriculture and Engineering Service.
Smith, J., J. Harner, R. Dunham, J. Stevenson, J. Shirley, g. Stokka, M. Meyer. undated. Coping
with Summer Weather-Dairy Management Strategies to Control Heat Stress. Kansas State
University, Manhattan, KS.
Anderson, N. 2003. Diagonal lunging in freestalls. Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food.
Anderson, N. 2003. Freestall Dimensions, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food web
site (, pages 1-14. July.
Bewley, J., R. W. Palmer, and D. B. Jackson-Smith. 2001. A comparison of free-stall barns used by
modernized Wisconsin dairies. J. Dairy Sci. 84:528541.
Bickert, W.G., et al. 2000. Dairy Freestall Housing and Equipment (MWPS-7). Ames, IA:
MidWest Plan Service.
Cook, N.B., Bennett, T.B., and Nordlund, K.V. 2004a. Effect of Freestall Surface on Daily Activity
Patterns in Dairy Cows with Relevance to Lameness Prevalence. J. Dairy Sci. 87:2912-2922.
Cook, N.B., and Nordlund, K.V. 2004b. Behavioral needs of the transition cow and considerations
for special needs facility design. Vet Clin Food Anim 20:495-520.
Fulwider, W. and R.W.Palmer. 2003. Factors affecting cow preference for stalls with different
freestall bases in pens with different stocking rates. Abstracts from the American Dairy
Science Association, JDS Volume 86, Supplement 1, Phoenix AR, June 22-26. P.158.
Fulwider, W.K. and R.W. Palmer. 2004. The Effect of Stall Design and Rubber Alley Mats on Cow
Behavior in Freestall Barns. The Professional Animal Scientist. Accepted for publication, May.
McFarland, D.F., 2003. Freestall Design: Cow Recommended Refinements. Proceedings of the Fifth
International Dairy Housing Conference, Fort Worth, Texas. ASAE. St. Joseph, MI
McFarland, D.F. 2003 Freestall shelter design: Meeting cows needs. Building Freestall Barns
and Milking Centers: Methods and Materials (NRAES-148). Ithaca, NY: Natural Resource,
Agriculture and Engineering Service, pp. 42-62.
Mowbray, L., Vittie, T., Weary, D.M. 2003. Hock lesions and free-stall design: effect of stall
surface. Proceedings of the Fifty International Dairy Housing Conference. ASAE, St. Joseph,
MI. pp 288-295.
Palmer, R. W. and J. Bewley. 2000. The 1999 Wisconsin Dairy Modernization Project Final
Results Report. University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI.
Palmer, R.W. and Wagner-Storch, A.M. 2003. Cow Preference for Different Freestall Bases in
Pens with Different Stocking Rates. Proc. from the Fifth International Dairy Housing
Conference. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI. pp.155-164.
Thoreson, D. R., D. C. Lay, and L. L. Timms. 2000. Dairy freestall preference field study.
2000 Dairy Report Iowa State University.
Tucker, C.B., Weary, D.M., and Fraser, D. 2004. Free-stall Dimensions: Effects on Preference and
Stall Usage. J. Dairy Sci. 87:1208-1212. pp.1208-1216.
Wagner, A., R. W. Palmer, J. Bewley, and D.B. Jackson-Smith. 2001. Producer Satisfaction, Efficiency and
Investment Cost Factors of Different Milking Systems. Journal of Dairy Science, 84:1890-1898.
Weary, D.M. and Cassandra T.B. No Date. The Science of Cow Comfort. Animal Welfare Program,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.