Kenneth Gillingham
Yale University
School of the Environment
195 Prospect Street
New Haven, CT 06511, USA
Phone: (203) 436-5465
Fax: (203) 436-9135
Current Appointments
Yale University, Professor of Economics, July 2021-present
School of the Environment
Secondary appointment, School of Management
Secondary appointment, Department of Economics
National Bureau of Economic Research, Research Associate, Oct 2021-present
Review of Economics & Statistics, Associate Editor, February 2021-present
RWI Research Network, Research Fellow, October 2016-present
CESIfo Research Network, Affiliate, April 2017-present
Research Interests
Environmental & Energy Economics, Industrial Organization, Public Economics, Empirical Methods,
Technological Change, Transportation Economics, Energy & Climate Policy Modeling.
Stanford University, Ph.D., Management Science & Engineering, minor in Economics, 2011
Fields: Public & Environmental Economics, Industrial Organization, Econometrics
Stanford University, M.S., Statistics, 2010
Stanford University, M.S., Management Science & Engineering (Economics & Finance), 2006
Dartmouth College, A.B., Economics and Environmental Studies, minor in Earth Sciences, 2002
Previous Appointments
Yale University, Associate Professor (without tenure), 2017-2021
National Bureau of Economic Research, Faculty Research Fellow, 2015-2021
UC Berkeley Energy Institute at Haas, Visiting Scholar, Feb 2018
Stanford University Economics Department, Visiting Scholar, Jan 2018
Yale University, Assistant Professor, 2011-2017
White House Council of Economic Advisers, Senior Economist, 2015-2016
University of Chicago Energy Policy Institute (Harris/Booth), Visiting Scholar, 2014
Kenneth Gillingham 2
Indiana University Kelley School of Business, Visiting Scholar, 2013
California Air Resources Board, Economist (Graduate Student Assistant), 2011
Stanford University Economics Department, Research Assistant, 2008-2011
Stanford University Energy Modeling Forum, Research Assistant, 2008
Stanford University Precourt Energy Efficiency Center, Research Assistant, 2004-2006
Fulbright New Zealand, Fulbright Fellow, University of Auckland, 2007
White House Council of Economic Advisers, Fellow for Energy & Environment, 2005
Resources for the Future, Research Assistant, 2002-2004
Joint Global Change Research Institute (PNNL), Research Assistant, 2001
Dartmouth College, Research Assistant, 1998-2002
Google Scholar as of 1/4/2021: 8,407 citations, h-index 38, i10-index 63.
* denotes current or former advisee
Working Papers
Burkhardt, J.*, K. Gillingham, P. Kopalle, Experimental Evidence on the Effect of Information and
Pricing on Residential Electricity Consumption, Resubmitted to Management Science.
Langford, R.* and K. Gillingham, Quantifying the Benefits of the Introduction of the Hybrid Electric
Vehicle, Minor revisions requested from the International Journal of Industrial Organization.
Gillingham, K., M. Ovaere* and S. Weber*, Carbon Policy and the Emissions Implications of Electric
Vehicles, In Review.
Gillingham, K. and P. Huang*, Racial Disparities in the Health Effects from Air Pollution: Evidence
from Ports, In Review.
Fibich, G., T. Levin, K. Gillingham, Boundary Effects in the Diffusion of New Products on Cartesian
Networks, In Review.
Gillingham, K., F. Iskhakov, A. Munk-Nielsen, J. Rust, B. Schjerning, A Dynamic Model of Vehicle
Ownership, Type Choice, and Usage.
Bento, A., K. Gillingham, K. Roth, The Effect of Fuel Economy Standards on Vehicle Weight Dispersion
and Accident Fatalities.
Berry, S., K. Gillingham, J. Levinsohn, Selection and Unraveling in Automobile Insurance: The Effect
of Per-Mile Insurance.
Bollinger, B. and K. Gillingham, Learning-by-Doing in Solar Photovoltaic Installations.
Bollinger, B., K. Gillingham, and S. Lamp, Equilibrium Effects of Competition on Solar Photovoltaic
Demand and Pricing.
Kenneth Gillingham 3
Journal Articles
Gillingham, K., F. Iskhakov, A. Munk-Nielsen, J. Rust, B. Schjerning, Equilibrium Trade in Automobile
Markets, forthcoming at Journal of Political Economy.
Bollinger, B, K. Gillingham, A.J. Kirkpatrick, S. Sexton (2022) Visibility and Peer Influence in Durable
Good Adoption, forthcoming at Marketing Science.
Burkhardt, J.*, N. Chan*, B. Bollinger, K. Gillingham (2022) Conformity and Conservation: Evidence
from Home Landscaping and Water Conservation. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 104(1):
Gillingham, K., S. Houde, A. van Benthem (2021) Consumer Myopia in Vehicle Purchases: Evidence
from a Natural Experiment. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 13(3): 1-33.
Gillingham, K. and B. Bollinger (2021) Social Learning and Solar Photovoltaic Adoption: Evidence
from a Field Experiment. Management Science, 67(11): 6629-7289.
Gillingham, K., P. Huang*, C. Buehler, D. Gentner, J. Peccia, The Climate and Health Benefits from
Intensive Building Energy Efficiency Improvements. Science Advances, 7(34): eabg0947.
Wagner, G., D. Anthoff, M. Cropper, S. Dietz, K. Gillingham, B. Groom, J.P. Kelleher, F. Moore, J. Stock
(2021) Eight Priorities for Calculating the Social Cost of Carbon. Nature, 590: 548-550.
Wolfram, P.*, S. Weber*, K. Gillingham, E. Hertwich (2021) Pricing of Indirect Emissions Accelerates
Low-Carbon Transition of U.S. Light Vehicle Sector. Nature Communications, 12: 7121.
Grubb, M., D. Popp, S. Smulders, K. Gillingham, S. Samadi, M. Glachant, C. Penasco, G. Pavan, G.
Hassel, E. Mizuno, E. Rubin, A. Dechezleprêtre (2021) Induced Innovation in Energy Technologies and
Systems: A Review of Evidence and Potential Implications for CO
Mitigation. Environmental Research
Letters, 16: 043007.
Berrill, P.*, K. Gillingham, E. Hertwich (2021) Linking Housing Policy, Housing Typology and Resi-
dential Energy Demand in the United States. Environmental Science & Technology, 55(4): 2224-2233.
Berrill, P.*, K. Gillingham, E. Hertwich (2021) Drivers of Change in U.S. Residential Energy Consump-
tion and Greenhouse Gas Emission, 1990-2015. Environmental Research Letters, 16(3): 034045.
Bollinger, B., J. Burkhardt*, K. Gillingham (2020) Peer Effects in Residential Water Conservation: Evi-
dence from Migration. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 12(3): 107-133.
Archsmith, J., K. Gillingham, C. Knittel, D. Rapson (2020) Attribute Substitution in Household Vehicle
Portfolios. RAND Journal of Economics, 51(4): 1162-1196.
Gillingham, K. (2020) The Rebound Effect and the Rollback of Fuel Economy Standards. Review of
Environmental Economics & Policy, 14(1): 136-142.
Bollinger, B., K. Gillingham, M. Ovaere* (2020) Field Experimental Evidence Shows that Self-Interest
Attracts More Sunlight. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(34): 20503-20510.
Gillingham, K. and P. Huang* (2020) Long-run Environmental and Economic Impacts of Electrifying
Ports in the United States. Environmental Science & Technology, 54(16): 9824-9833.
Kenneth Gillingham 4
Andor, M., A. Gerster, K. Gillingham, M. Horvath (2020) Running a Car Costs Much More Than
People Think–Stalling the Uptake of Green Travel. Nature, 580: 453-455.
Wolske, K., K. Gillingham, P.W. Schultz (2020) Peer Influence on Household Energy Behaviors. Nature
Energy, 5: 202-212.
Gillingham, K., C. Knittel, J. Li, M. Ovaere*, M. Reguant (2020) The Short-run and Long-run Effects of
Covid-19 on Energy and the Environment. Joule, 4(7): 1337-1341.
Gillingham, K. and T. Tsvetanov* (2019) Hurdles and Steps: Estimating Demand for Solar Photo-
voltaics. Quantitative Economics, 10(1): 275-310.
Gillingham, K. and A. Munk-Nielsen* (2019) A Tale of Two Tails: Commuting and the Fuel Price
Response in Driving. Journal of Urban Economics, 109: 27-40.
Gillingham, K. and P. Huang* (2019) Is Abundant Natural Gas a Bridge to a Low-carbon Future or a
Dead-end? Energy Journal, 40(2): 75-100.
Gillingham, K., W. Nordhaus, D. Anthoff, G. Blanford, V. Bosetti, P. Christensen*, H. McJeon, J. Reilly
(2018) Modeling Uncertainty in Integrated Assessment of Climate Change: A Multi-Model Compari-
son. Journal of the Association of Environmental & Resource Economists, 5(4): 791-826.
Gillingham, K. and T. Tsvetanov* (2018) Nudging Energy Efficiency Audits: Evidence from a Field
Experiment. Journal of Environmental Economics & Management, 90: 303-316.
Gillingham, K. and J. Stock (2018) The Cost of Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Journal of Eco-
nomic Perspectives, 32(5): 1-20.
Bento, A., K. Gillingham, M. Jacobsen, C. Knittel, B. Leard, J. Linn, V. McConnell, D. Rapson, J. Sallee,
A. van Benthem, K. Whitefoot (2018) Flawed Analyses of U.S. Auto Fuel Economy Standards. Science,
352(6419): 1119-1121.
Kraft-Todd, G.*, B. Bollinger, K. Gillingham, S. Lamp*, D. Rand (2018) Credibility-Enhancing Displays
Promote the Provision of a Non-Normative Public Good. Nature, 563: 245-248.
Christensen, P.* , K. Gillingham, and W. Nordhaus (2018) Uncertainty in Forecasts of Long-Run Eco-
nomic Growth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(21): 5409-5414.
Gillingham, K., A. Keyes, K. Palmer (2018) Advances in Evaluating Energy Efficiency Policies and
Programs. Annual Review of Resource Economics, 10(1): 511-532.
Gillingham, K., S. Carattini*, D. Esty (2017) Lessons from First Campus Carbon Pricing Scheme. Na-
ture, 551: 27-29.
Nemet, G., E. O’Shaughnessy, R. Wiser, N. Darghouth, G. Barbose, K. Gillingham, and V. Rai (2017)
What Factors Affect the Prices of Low-Priced U.S. Solar PV Systems? Renewable Energy, 114: 1333-1339.
Nemet, G., E. O’Shaughnessy, R. Wiser, N. Darghouth, G. Barbose, K. Gillingham, and V. Rai (2017)
Characteristics of Low-Priced Solar Systems in the U.S. Applied Energy, 187: 501-513.
Kenneth Gillingham 5
Gillingham, K., H. Deng*, R. Wiser, N. Darghough, G. Nemet, G. Barbose, V. Rai, and C. Dong
(2016) Deconstructing Solar Photovoltaic Pricing: The Role of Market Structure, Technology, and Policy.
Energy Journal, 37(3): 231-250.
Gillingham, K., D. Rapson, and G. Wagner (2016) The Rebound Effect and Energy Efficiency Policy.
Review of Environmental Economics & Policy, 10(1): 68-88.
Gillingham, K., J. Bushnell, M. Fowlie, M. Greenstone, C. Kolstad, A. Krupnick, A. Morris, R. Schmalensee,
and J. Stock (2016) Reforming the Federal Coal Leasing Program. Science, 354(6316): 1096-1098.
Burke, M., M. Craxton, C. Kolstad, C. Onda, H. Allcott, E. Baker, L. Barrage, R. Carson, K. Gillingham,
J. Graff-Zivin, M. Greenstone, S. Hallegatte, W. Hanemann, G. Heal, S. Hsiang, B. Jones, D. Kelly, R.
Kopp, M. Kotchen, R. Mendelsohn, K. Meng, G. Metcalf, J. Moreno-Cruz, R. Pindyck, S. Rose, I. Rudik,
J. Stock, and R. Tol (2016) Opportunities for Advances in Climate Economics. Science, 352(6283): 292-
Chan, N.* and K. Gillingham (2015) The Microeconomic Theory of the Rebound Effect and its Welfare
Implications. Journal of the Association of Environmental & Resource Economists, 2(1): 133-159.
Gillingham, K., A. Jenn*, and I. Azevedo (2015) Heterogeneity in the Response to Gasoline Prices:
Evidence from Pennsylvania and Implications for the Rebound Effect. Energy Economics, 52(S1): S41-
Graziano, M.* and K. Gillingham (2015) Spatial Patterns of Solar Photovoltaic System Adoption: The
Influence of Neighbors and the Built Environment. Journal of Economic Geography, 15(4): 815-839.
Pizer, W., M. Adler, J. Aldy, D. Anthoff, M. Cropper, K. Gillingham, M. Greenstone, B. Murray, R.
Newell, R. Richels, A. Rowell, S. Waldhoff, and J. Wiener (2014) Using and Improving the Social Cost
of Carbon. Science, 346(6214): 1189-1190.
Gillingham, K. and K. Palmer (2014) Bridging the Energy Efficiency Gap: Policy Insights from Eco-
nomic Theory and Empirical Analysis. Review of Environmental Economics & Policy, 8(1): 18-38. Editor’s
Gillingham, K. (2014) Identifying the Elasticity of Driving: Evidence from a Gasoline Price Shock in
California. Regional Science & Urban Economics, 47(4): 13-24. Special Issue Tribute to John Quigley.
Gillingham, K., M. Kotchen, D. Rapson, and G. Wagner (2013) The Rebound Effect is Over-played.
Nature, 493: 475-476.
Yeh, S., G. Mishra, G. Morrison, J. Teter, R. Quiceno, K. Gillingham, and X. Riera-Palou (2013) Long-
Term Shifts in Lifecycle Energy Efficiency and Carbon Intensity. Environmental Science & Technology,
47(6): 2494-2501.
Bollinger, B. and K. Gillingham (2012) Peer Effects in the Diffusion of Solar Photovoltaic Panels. Mar-
keting Science, 31(6): 900-912.
Gillingham, K., M. Harding, and D. Rapson (2012) Split Incentives in Residential Energy Consump-
tion. Energy Journal, 33(2): 37-62.
Kenneth Gillingham 6
Gillingham, K. and J. Sweeney (2012) Barriers to Implementing Low Carbon Technologies. Climate
Change Economics, 3(4), 1-25.
Prior to 2011
Leaver, J. and K. Gillingham (2010) Economic Impact of the Integration of Alternative Vehicle Tech-
nologies into the New Zealand Vehicle Fleet. Journal of Cleaner Production, 18: 908-916.
Gillingham, K., R. Newell, and K. Palmer (2009) Energy Efficiency Economics and Policy. Annual
Review of Resource Economics, 1: 597-619. Reprinted in Italian in Energia (2010).
Gillingham, K. (2009) Economic Efficiency of Solar Hot Water Policy in New Zealand. Energy Policy,
37(9): 3336-3347.
Leaver, J., L. Leaver, and K. Gillingham (2009) Assessment of Primary Impacts of a Hydrogen Economy
in New Zealand using UNISYD. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34(7): 2855-2865.
van Benthem, A., K. Gillingham, and J. Sweeney (2008) Learning-by-Doing and the Optimal Solar
Policy in California. Energy Journal, 29(3): 131-151.
Gillingham, K., R. Newell, and W. Pizer (2008) Modeling Endogenous Technological Change for Cli-
mate Policy Analysis. Energy Economics, 30(6): 2734-2753.
Gillingham, K., S. Smith, and R. Sands (2008) Impact of Bioenergy Crops in a Carbon Constrained
World: An Application of the MiniCAM Linked Energy-Agriculture and Land Use Model. Mitigation
and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 13(7): 675-701.
Safirova, E., K. Gillingham, and S. Houde (2007) Measuring Marginal Congestion Costs of Urban
Transportation: Do Networks Matter? Transportation Research A, 41(8): 734-749.
Gillingham, K., R. Newell, and K. Palmer (2006) Energy Efficiency Policies: A Retrospective Examina-
tion. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 31: 193-237.
Shih, J-S, W. Harrington, W. Pizer, and K. Gillingham (2006) Economies of Scale in Community Water
Systems. Journal of American Water Works Association, 98(9): 100-108.
Safirova, E., P. Nelson, W. Harrington, K. Gillingham, and A. Lipman (2005) Choosing Congestion
Pricing Policy: Cordon Tolls vs. Link-Based Tolls. Transportation Research Record, 1932: 169-177.
Book Chapters
Gillingham, K. (2021) Designing Fuel-Economy Standards in Light of Electric Vehicles. In: Environ-
mental and Energy Policy and the Economy vol. 3, Tatyana Deryugina, Matthew Kotchen, James Stock
(eds). National Bureau of Economic Research.
Gillingham, K. and S. Weber (2021) Fuel Economy Standards: Impacts and Safety. In: International
Encyclopedia of Transportation, Roger Vickerman, Robert Noland, Dick Ettema (eds). Elsevier.
Gillingham, K. (2019) Fostering Energy Innovation for a Sustainable Twenty-First Century. In: A Better
Planet: 40 Big Ideas for a Sustainable Future, Daniel Esty (ed). Yale University Press.
Gillingham, K. (2014) Rebound Effects. In: The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, Steven Durlauf
and Lawrence Blume (eds). Palgrave Macmillian Publishing.
Gillingham, K. and J. Sweeney (2010) Market Failure and the Structure of Externalities. In: Harnessing
Renewable Energy, Boaz Moselle, Jorge Padilla, Richard Schmalensee (eds). RFF Press.
Kenneth Gillingham 7
Gillingham, K., R. Newell, and K. Palmer (2006) The Effectiveness and Cost of Energy Efficiency
Programs. In: The RFF Reader in Environmental and Resource Policy, Wallace Oates (ed). RFF Press.
Safirova, E., I. Parry, P. Nelson, W. Harrington, K. Gillingham, and D. Mason (2004) Welfare and
Distributional Effects of HOT Lanes and Other Road Pricing Policies in Metropolitan Washington, DC.
In: Road Pricing: Theory and Evidence, Georgina Santos (ed). Elsevier. Research in Transportation
Economics, 9(1): 179-206.
Non-Peer Reviewed Publications
Gillingham, K. and S. Weber (2021) Potential and Critical Issues of Electric Vehicles Development. In:
The Global Quest for Sustainability: The Role of Green Infrastructure in a Post-Pandemic World, Carlo
Secci and Alessandro Gili (eds). ISPI-McKinsey & Company.
Look, W., K. Palmer, D. Burtraw, J. Linn, M. Hafstead, M. Domeshek, N. Roy, K. Rennart, K. Gilling-
ham, Q. Xiahou (2021) Emissions Projections for a Trio of Federal Climate Policies, RFF Issue Brief
Gillingham, K. (2019) Carbon Calculus: For Deep Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions, a Long-term
Perspective on Costs is Essential, International Monetary Fund Finance & Development, 56(4): 6-11.
Gillingham, K., J. Stock, W. Davis (2018) Comments on the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for The
Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule for Model Years 2021-2026 Passenger Cars and
Light Trucks, Docket numbers: EPA-HQ-OAR-2018-0283 and NHTSA-2018-0067.
Gillingham, K. (2018) William Nordhaus and the Costs of Climate Change, YaleGlobal Online, reprinted
Bollinger, B., J. Burkhardt, and K. Gillingham (2018) Peer Effects in Water Conservation: Evidence
from Consumer Migration, Global Water Forum.
K. Gillingham and J. Stock (2016) Federal Minerals Leasing Reform and Climate Policy, Brookings
Hamilton Project, Policy Proposal 2016-07.
Gillingham, K., The Economics of Fuel Economy Standards versus Feebates, National Energy Policy
Institute Working Paper.
Bollinger, B. and K. Gillingham (2012) Do Peer Effects Matter? Assessing the Impact of Causal Social
Influence on Solar PV Adoption, Photovoltaics International, 17: 160-165.
Friedland, A. and K. Gillingham (2010) Carbon Accounting is a Tricky Business. Letter to the Editor,
Science, 327(5964): 411-412.
Safirova, E., W. Harrington, P. Nelson, and K. Gillingham (2004) Are HOT Lanes a Hot Deal? Analyz-
ing the Potential of HOV to HOT Lanes Conversion in Northern Virginia, RFF Issue Brief 03-03.
Nelson, P., E. Safirova, and K. Gillingham (2003) Revving up the Tax Engine: Gas Taxes and the DC
Metro Area’s Transportation Dilemma, RFF Issue Brief 03-05.
Kenneth Gillingham 8
2021: AEA Meetings (presenter & discussant); Yale Planetary Solutions Initiative; University of Ten-
nessee Baker Center for Public Policy Energy and Environment Forum; Michigan State University
Applied Microeconomics Seminar; UC Dublin School of Economics; Western States Air Resources
Council; University of Montana ‘From Science to Policy’ Seminar; Ben-Gurion University Faculty of
Business & Management; Harvard Environmental Economics Seminar; NBER Environmental & En-
ergy Policy and Economics Conference; ZEW Mannheim Energy Conference (keynote address); Ama-; Ifo Institute Climate & Energy Seminar; International Association for Energy Economics; U.S.
EPA; U.S. EPA Climate Protection Partnerships Division; Rice University Economics; University of Lau-
sanne/ETHZ/University of Zurich Workshop “Can Economic Policy Mitigate Climate Change;” ETH
Zurich; University of Lugano; US Association for Energy Economics Annual Conference (Plenary);
Cambridge University; University of Massachusetts-Amherst Resource Economics; Yale Industrial Or-
ganization Seminar.
2020: AEA Meetings (presenter in 2 sessions, discussant in one); ETH Zurich Winter Course on Em-
pirical Energy Economics; Empirical Methods in Energy Economics (ETH Zurich, Switzerland); Geor-
gia Tech Ray C. Anderson Center for Sustainable Business; American University Global Economy
and Development Seminar; Federal Energy Regulatory Commission; Duke University/TREE Semi-
nar; Harvard Environmental Economics Seminar (Covid-19 cancelled); TU Darmstadt (Covid-19 can-
celled); Mannheim Energy Conference Keynote (Covid-19 cancelled); Harvard-Berkeley-Yale Virtual
Seminar on Economics of Climate Change and Energy Transition; U.S. Department of Energy EERE;
4th Conference on Structural Dynamic Models Plenary (University of Zurich; Covid-19 cancelled);
World Congress of the Econometric Society; U.S. Department of Energy SEEDS Project Workshop;
NBER Energy Use in Transportation (discussant); University of Southern California Environment Sem-
inar; UT-Austin Bureau of Economic Geology; Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce for Nordea;
NBER Economics of Innovation Meeting (discussant); Stanford Workshop on the Economics of Elec-
trified Transportation (cancelled due to Covid-19); Yale School of the Environment Biomes Seminar;
Advances with Field Experiments Conference (University of Chicago); RFF Workshop on Evaluat-
ing Climate-Oriented Economic Recovery Programs; London School of Economics Grantham Climate
Change & Environment Seminar; Penn State Integrating Science & Ethics in Climate Risk Management
Seminar; IMF World Economic Outlook Report Release Event Discussant; Duke University/TREE Sem-
inar; World Bank/UC Berkeley Infra4Dev Conference; Yale Planetary Solutions Conference.
2019: AEA Meetings (panelist & discussant); Ifo Institute (Munich, Germany); Georgetown University;
University of Connecticut ARE; University of Maryland AREC; NBER Conference on the Economics of
Energy Use in Transportation; New England Energy Conference (keynote); AERE Summer Conference
(Incline Village, CA); New England Conference of Public Utility Commissioners (panelist); Cowles
Foundation Structural Microeconomics Summer Conference; Northeast Workshop on Energy Policy
& Environmental Economics (Harvard University); Empirical Methods in Energy Economics (Quebec
City, Canada); RWI Empirical Environmental Economics Workshop (Essen, Germany); NESCAUM
Director’s Meeting; Advances with Field Experiments Conference (University of Chicago); University
of Alabama; KU Leuven; CESIfo Area Conference on Climate and Energy (Munich, Germany); Georgia
Tech Economics; International Monetary Fund Workshop on Climate Change (Washington, DC).
2018: AEA/Econometric Society Meetings (presenter in 2 sessions); Stanford University; UC Berke-
ley Climate Lunch; UC Berkeley EEE Seminar; Council on Foreign Relations (participant); Cornell
University; NBER EEE Spring Meetings; University of Munster; ETH Zurich; NYU Volatility Institute
Conference; University of Montpellier Workshop on Energy Economics (keynote); Toulouse School of
Economics Workshop on Environmental Regulation & Industrial Performance; ISMS Marketing Science
Conference; CT Dept Energy & Environmental Protection; US Association for Energy Economics Ple-
nary Speaker (Washington, DC); CESIfo Area Conference on Climate and Energy (Munich, Germany);
Kenneth Gillingham 9
Georgia State University Economics, University of Copenhagen URBAN Conference.
2017: AEA Meetings (discussant, panelist, and session presider); U.S. Energy Information Adminis-
tration; Yale F&ES; International Monetary Fund; Yale Industrial Organization Workshop; Ifo Institute
(Munich); University of Connecticut Economics; SEARCH Project Meeting at Yale; International Indus-
trial Organization Conference (Boston, MA); NBER Energy Markets Meeting; Association of Environ-
mental and Resource Economists Annual Meeting (Pittsburgh, PA); Northeast Workshop on Environ-
mental Economics and Energy Policy (Dartmouth); PERC Innovation, Property Rights, and the Struc-
tures of Energy (Bozeman, MT); Workshop on the Applications of Industrial Organization (Montreal,
Canada); University of Chicago Advances with Field Experiments Conference; Avangrid Leadership
Summit; Columbia University Global Energy Policy Center; Harvard Environmental Economics Sem-
inar; CESIfo Area Conference on Climate and Energy (Munich, Germany); BECC Conference (Sacra-
mento), TE3 Conference (UMichigan); CT Dept Energy & Environmental Protection; US Association
for Energy Economics (Houston, TX).
2016: AEA Meetings (discussant on 2 papers and session presider); Council on Foreign Relations (par-
ticipant); Multi-scale Economics Methodologies and Scenarios Workshop (College Park, MD); Yale US-
China Renewable Energy Forum (moderator); GTAP Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis
(Washington, DC); Resources for the Future; EMF Workshop on Climate Change Impacts and Inte-
grated Assessment (Snowmass, CO); Camp Resources (Wrightsville Beach, NC); University of Illinois
Urbana-Champaign; University of Chicago Advances with Field Experiments Conference; Columbia
University; US Association for Energy Economics Plenary Speaker (Tulsa, OK); KAPSARC Energy
Dialogue (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia); Brookings Hamilton Project.
2015: AEA Meetings (presenter, discussant on 4 papers, and session presider); ICLEI Rooftop So-
lar Challenge/Solar Market Pathways webinar; RWTH Aachen University (Aachen, Germany); Penn
State Environmental Economics seminar; International Industrial Organization Conference (Boston,
MA); Northeast Workshop on Energy Policy & Environmental Economics (Yale); Association of En-
vironmental & Resource Economists Summer Conference (San Diego, CA); University of Strathclyde
(Glasgow, Scotland); Empirical Methods in Energy Economics Workshop (UMaryland); EMF Work-
shop on Climate Change Impacts and Integrated Assessment (Snowmass, CO); World Congress of the
Econometric Society (Montreal, Canada); Heartland Environmental & Resource Economics Workshop
(UIUC); National Academy of Sciences; World Bank Applied Micro seminar.
2014: AEA Meetings (presenter of 2 papers, discussant on 2 papers, and session presider); Univer-
sity of Copenhagen Economics; Indiana University SPEA; University of Michigan Economics; Clean
Energy States Alliance (Webinar); Environmental Defense Fund Applied Environmental Economics
Seminar; University of Chicago Booth; Duke Social Cost of Carbon Workshop; US Association for En-
ergy Economics (New York, NY); KAPSARC Drivers of Transportation Workshop (Washington, DC);
6th Atlantic Workshop on Energy and Environmental Economics (A Toxa, Spain); Stanford Institute for
Theoretical Economics (SITE) Empirical Implementation of Theoretical Models of Strategic Interaction
and Dynamic Behavior Workshop (Stanford, CA); NBER Environmental & Energy Economics Summer
Institute (Cambridge, MA); EMF Workshop on Climate Change Impacts and Integrated Assessment
(Snowmass, CO); NSF SCRiM Summer School at Penn State (State College, PA); Resources for the
Future; Ecole de Mines-ParisTech CERNA (Paris); CIRED (Paris); Paris-Dauphine University/Mines-
ParisTech/Ecole Normale (Keynote); Indiana University Kelley School of Business; National Low-
Carbon Case Competition Keynote (Yale SOM); Yale Presidential Carbon Charge Task Force Meeting;
Harvard Seminar on Environmental Economics and Policy; RFF Workshop on Benchmarking and Dis-
closure; Behavior, Energy, and Climate Change (BECC) Conference (Washington, DC); LBNL Webinar.
2013: AEA Meetings (discussant); Modeling Uncertainty Project Meeting (New Haven, CT); FES/SOM
Yale Environmental Economics Seminar; Carnegie-Mellon University; Villanova Law; Arizona State
University Economics of Water Workshop (Keynote); International Industrial Organization Conference
Kenneth Gillingham 10
(Cambridge, MA); AERE Summer Conference (Banff, AB); Empirical Methods in Energy Economics
Workshop (Carlton University, Ottawa); DOE Sunshot Kick-off Meeting; EMF Workshop on Climate
Change Impacts and Integrated Assessment (Smowmass, CO); Stanford Institute for Theoretical Eco-
nomics (SITE) Advances in Environmental Economics Workshop; Columbia University SIPA; Indiana
University Kelley School of Business; Tsinghua University Institute of Energy, Environment, and Econ-
omy; Fudan University Economics; Duke-Harvard Energy Efficiency Workshop (at Harvard KSG);
Indiana University SPEA; Behavior, Energy, and Climate Change (BECC) Conference (Sacramento,
CA); Resources for the Future Workshop on CAFE Standards; Connecticut Clean Energy Finance &
Investment Authority.
2012: AEA Meetings (presenter); Yale FES Seminar Series; Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory/DOE
Sunshot Initiative Workshop; Triangle Resource & Environmental Economics seminar (Duke, NCSU,
UNC); Indiana University Kelley School of Business/Economics/SPEA; University of Massachusetts
Amherst Resource Economics; Rice University Economics; Texas A&M Economics; UC Santa Cruz Eco-
nomics; Naval Postgraduate School Economics; UC Santa Barbara Economics/Bren School; ETH Zurich
Economics; University of Lugano Economics; AERE Summer Conference (Asheville, NC); EMF Work-
shop on Climate Change Impacts and Integrated Assessment (Smowmass, CO); Connecticut Clean
Energy Finance & Investment Authority; UC Berkeley/Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Conference;
University of Colorado Boulder Economics; University of Wyoming Economics; US Association for En-
ergy Economics (Austin, TX); University of Connecticut ARE; University of Copenhagen Economics.
2011: University of Maryland AREc; Indiana University SPEA; UC Davis Economics; University of
Arizona Economics; Arizona State University Economics; University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Finance; University of Notre Dame Economics; Yale University FES; Informing Green Markets Con-
ference (University of Michigan); Cowles Foundation Structural Microeconometrics Conference (Yale
University); Empirical Methods in Energy Economics Workshop (Southern Methodist University); Har-
vard Seminar on Environmental Economics and Policy; Re-examining the Rebound Effect in Energy Ef-
ficiency Workshop (Environmental Defense Fund); RFF-Stanford Workshop on the Next Round of Cli-
mate Economics and Policy Research (Washington, DC); US Association for Energy Economics (Wash-
ington, DC); Workshop on Environmental and Transportation Policies to Mitigate Climate Change
(New York University); Religare Capital Markets (Singapore); Behavior, Economics, and Energy Panel
(National University of Singapore Energy Studies Institute); University of Copenhagen Economics.
2010: UC Berkeley Energy Institute; NBER EEE Summer Institute; World Congress Env & Resource
Economists (Montreal); US Association for Energy Economics (Calgary); Behavior, Energy & Climate
Change (BECC) Conference; 12th Occasional California Workshop on Environmental and Resource
Economics; UC Davis ARE; Resources for the Future.
2009: UC Berkeley ARE; Stanford IO Workshop; DOE EIA Advisory Council; US Association for
Energy Economics (San Francisco); UC Energy Institute CSEM Conference.
2008: UC Davis ITS; Victoria University, New Zealand.
2007: University of Auckland Energy Centre, New Zealand; Massey University, New Zealand; Interna-
tional Association for Energy Economics (Wellington, New Zealand).
2006: Dartmouth College Workshop on Technological Change & Environment.
2004: Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting.
“Patterns and Value of Co-Adoption of Solar and Related Technologies,” U.S. Department of Energy,
PI, 2021-2024 ($2,053,751)
Kenneth Gillingham 11
“Yale-Iberdrola-Avangrid Energy Innovation Collaboration,” Avangrid, ‘Solar + Storage’ Project PI,
2019-2021 ($624,577 total; $247,498 for project).
“Technological Innovation and Per-Mile Automobile Insurance: Effects on Patterns of Vehicle Usage,”
National Bureau of Economic Research (with support from the U.S. Department of Energy, the National
Science Foundation, and the Sloan Foundation), PI, 2018 -2019 ($20,000).
“Using Behavioral Science to Target LMI and High-Value Solar Installations,” U.S. Department of
Energy, PI, 2017-2019 ($1,350,000).
“Household Demand for Solar PV and Price Discriminating Subsidies,” National Bureau of Economic
Research (with support from the U.S. Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation),
co-PI with Steve Sexton and Bryan Bollinger, 2016-2017 ($23,000).
“Solutions for Energy, Air, Climate, and Health (SEARCH),” U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
subproject co-PI with Ben Hobbs, 2015-2020 (
$10,000,000 total; $1,618,814 for project 1).
“Energy Efficiency Field Experiments in New Haven,” Yale Center for Business and the Environment,
F.K. Weyerhaeuser Memorial Fund, co-PI with Tsvetan Tsvetanov, 2014-2016 ($40,000).
“What are Sustainable Climate Risk Management Strategies?” National Science Foundation (subcon-
tract from Penn State), co-PI with William Nordhaus, 2014-2016 ($164,469).
“The Influence of Novel Behavioral Strategies in Promoting the Diffusion of Solar Energy,” U.S. De-
partment of Energy, PI, 2013-2016 ($1,899,978).
“Research in Integrated Assessment Inter-Model Development, Testing, and Diagnostics,” U.S. Depart-
ment of Energy (subcontract from Stanford), with William Nordhaus, 2013-2016 ($232,000).
“Density, Walkability, and VMT,” Yale Center for Business and the Environment Sobotka Research
Fund, PI, 2013-2014 ($10,100).
“Deep Dive Solar Cost Analysis,” Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory/U.S. Department of Energy,
PI, 2013-2016 (Yale budget: $115,000).
“Modeling Household and Transportation Vehicle Choice and Usage,” California Air Resources Board,
co-PI with Dave Rapson, Chris Knittel, and Pat Mokhtarian, 2012-2014 ($300,000).
“Sunrise New England,” US Department of Energy, co-PI with Stuart DeCew, 2012-2014 (Yale budget:
“The Consumer Response to Gasoline Price Changes,” Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research
(SIEPR) Grant, 2010 ($10,000).
“The Consumer Response to Gasoline Price Changes,” Shultz Graduate Student Fellowship in Eco-
nomic Policy, SIEPR, 2010 ($4,000).
“Economics of New Zealand Solar Distributed Generation,” Fulbright Fellowship, 2007.
“The Effect of Income and Congestion on the Rebound Effect of CAFE Standards,” U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency STAR Fellowship, 2006-2009 ($111,000).
Heitz Graduate Fellowship, Stanford University, 2006.
Battelle Memorial Institute Fellowship, 2001 ($6,000).
Yale University
Fall 2020: ENV 800 Energy Economics and Policy Analysis, 31 students + 6 auditors
Fall 2020: ENV 805 Environmental Economics Seminar (co-taught), 11 students
Kenneth Gillingham 12
Spring 2020: F&ES 905 Ph.D. Environmental and Energy Economics, 7 students + 3 auditors
Spring 2020: F&ES 805 Environmental Economics Seminar (co-taught), 9 students + 2 auditors
Fall 2019: F&ES 800 Energy Economics and Policy Analysis, 44 students + 3 auditors
Fall 2019: F&ES 805 Environmental Economics Seminar (co-taught), 9 students + 2 auditors
Spring 2019: F&ES 805 Environmental Economics Seminar (co-taught), 4 students + 3 auditors
Fall 2018: F&ES 800 Energy Economics and Policy Analysis, 44 students
Fall 2018: F&ES 805 Environmental Economics Seminar (co-taught), 6 students + 4 auditors
Spring 2017: F&ES 905 Ph.D. Environmental and Energy Economics, 7 students + 1 auditor
Spring 2017: F&ES 805 Environmental Economics Seminar (co-taught), 14 students
Spring 2017: F&ES 800 Energy Economics and Policy Analysis, 51 students
Fall 2016: F&ES 805 Environmental Economics Seminar (co-taught), 18 students
Spring 2015: F&ES 905 Ph.D. Environmental and Energy Economics, 6 students + 2 auditors
Spring 2015: F&ES 805 Environmental Economics Seminar (co-taught), 5 students + 10 auditors
Spring 2015: F&ES 800 Energy Economics and Policy Analysis, 40 students
Fall 2014: F&ES 805 Environmental Economics Seminar (co-taught), 11 students
Spring 2013: F&ES 800 Energy Economics and Policy Analysis, 43 students
Spring 2013: F&ES 805 Environmental Economics Seminar (co-taught), 17 students
Fall 2012: F&ES 904 Ph.D. Environmental and Energy Economics, 16 students
Fall 2012: F&ES 805 Environmental Economics Seminar (co-taught), 22 students
Spring 2012: F&ES 805 Environmental Economics Seminar (co-taught), 10 students
Fall 2011: F&ES 505 Economics of the Environment, 68 students
Fall 2011: F&ES 805 Environmental Economics Seminar (co-taught), 15 students
Assorted guest lectures for Yale courses (2-3 per year).
National Science Foundation SCRiM Summer Institute (Penn State)
Integrated Assessment Modeling Tutorial.
Stanford University (Teaching Assistant)
Ph.D. Microeconomics, Introductory Econometrics, Natural Resource Economics (Graduate), Trans-
portation Policy (Graduate), Energy Policy Analysis (Graduate), Energy & Environmental Policy
Analysis (Graduate), Climate Policy Analysis (Graduate), Principles of Economics
Current Advisees
Ph.D. Primary Advisor
Simon Lang 3rd year)
Ph.D. Committee Member
Matt Gordon (4th year), Winston Hovekamp (econ 3rd year), Michael Blair (SOM Operations 3rd
Kenneth Gillingham 13
Post-doc Advisor
Hao Deng, Marta Talevi, Stephanie Weber, Andres Gonzalez-Lira
MESc Advisor
Cate York (MESc 22)
Masters Independent Study Advisor
Akshyah Krishnakumar (MEM 22), Elizabeth Stagg (MEM‘22)
Advisee Alumni
Ph.D. Primary Advisor
Paul Wolfram 21 (Joint Global Change Research Institute post-doc)
Peter Berrill 21 (Marie Curie Fellowship at TU Berlin)
Stephanie Weber 21 (Yale post-doc)
Wade Davis 21 (U.S. EPA NCEE)
Hao Deng 20 (Yale post-doc)
Paige Weber 19 (UNC Chapel Hill)
(co-advised) Jesse Burkhardt 16 (Colorado State University)
Ph.D. Committee Member (first placement; current position)
Zihan Zhuo 20 (Fudan University)
Jonghyun Yoo 20 (Georgia Tech post-doc)
Nicholas Snashall-Woodhams 20 (UT Austin McCombs)
Jake Ward CMU‘20 (US Dept of Energy)
Arthur Yip CMU‘20 (NREL)
Evan Sherwin CMU‘19 (Stanford post-doc)
Tamar Makov 19 (Ben-Gurion University)
Waldemar Marz LMU Munich‘19 (Ifo Institute post-doc)
Kellie Stokes 18 (NASA)
Nikki Springer 18 (MugenKioku Consultants)
Gil DePaula 17 (Iowa State University)
Marcelo Sant’Anna 16 (FGV/EPAVB Brazilian School of Public & Business Administration)
Peter Christensen 15 (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
Richard Langford 15 (Bates White Consulting)
Laura Bakkensen 14 (University of Arizona)
Nathan Chan 14 (Colby College; UMass-Amherst)
Alan Jenn CMU‘14 (Carnegie-Mellon post-doc; UC Davis)
Marcello Graziano UConn‘14 (University of the Highlands post-doc; Southern Connecticut State)
Former Post-doctoral Scholars (first placement)
Kenneth Gillingham 14
Marten Ovaere 20 (University of Ghent)
Pei Huang 20 (KAPSARC)
Stefano Carattini 18 (Georgia State University)
Stefan Lamp 16 (Toulouse School of Economics Research Fellow)
Tsvetan Tsvetanov ‘15 (University of Kansas)
Masters Thesis Advising
Lucy Shim (McKinsey), Hilary Staver (E3), Paige Weber (Ph.D. student at F&ES), Robert Fetter
(Ph.D. student at Duke)
MEM Independent Study
Howard Chang (MEM/MBA 12), Dustin Schinn (MEM 13), Peter Baum (MEM 13), Vijeta Jangra
(MEM 13), Jessie Shoemaker (MEM 15), Rebecca Gallagher (MEM/MBA 15), Benjamin Dawson
(MEM 16), Sarah Freel (MEM 15), Elizabeth Youngblood (Harvard MEM 15), Emily Wier (MEM
17), Erik Lyon (MEM 19), Nate Grady (MEM 19), Jane Culkin (MEM 19), Tim Bialecki (MEM
19), Corey Cantor (MEM 19), Zach Ratner (MEM 19), Daniel Csonth (MEM 20), Tyler Clevenger
(MEM 21)
Undergraduate Senior Essays
Ana Grajales (economics 13), Daniel Cheng (math-econ 13), Blake Hofmeister (economics 15),
Brandon Blaesser (economics\env. studies 15), Sade Kammen (poli sci 19), Kevin Liang (env.
studies 19), William Arnesen (economics 20)
Masters Advisees
70+ Advisees since 2011.
Service to Yale
Yale F&ES Research Committee (2019-present)
Yale F&ES Masters Program Committee (2018-present)
Yale F&ES Energy Specialization Chair (2018-present)
Yale College Energy Studies Advisory Committee (2016-present)
Yale University President’s Task Force on Decarbonization (2019-2020)
Yale F&ES Faculty Search Planning Committee (2019-2020)
Yale F&ES Community and Governance Committee (2019-2020)
Yale F&ES Strategic Vision Committee (2016-2017)
Yale Climate & Energy Institute (YCEI) Steering Committee (2013-2015)
Yale Carbon Pricing subcommittee (2015)
Honors and Awards
AMA-EBSCO Responsible Research in Marketing Award (for Kraft-Todd et al.), 2020
USAEE/IAEE 2019 Working Paper Best Paper Award, 2020
Full Member, Sigma Xi, 2011
Dennis O’Brian Best Student Paper Award, US Association for Energy Economics, 2010
Thesis and Research Essay Publication Scholarship, University of Auckland, 2006
Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, Stanford Economics, 2006
Kenneth Gillingham 15
National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship, Honorable Mention, 2006
American Water Works Association Best Paper Award, 2006
Departmental Honors, Dartmouth Economics, 2002
Departmental High Honors, Dartmouth Environmental Studies, 2002
Associate Member, Sigma Xi, 2002
First Prize, Dartmouth Sigma Xi Senior Thesis Competition, 2002
Professional Service
Leadership in Professional Organizations
Vice President of Academic Affairs, U.S. Association for Energy Economics, 2021
Editorial Boards
Editorial Board of Energy Journal, 2017-present
Editorial Board of Energy Efficiency, 2016-present
Conferences Co-Organized
Northeast Workshop on Energy Policy & Environmental Economics (June 14-15, 2021 at UPenn)
Empirical Methods in Energy Economics (currently scheduled for January 3-5, 2021 at Yale)
Northeast Workshop on Energy Policy & Environmental Economics (June 13-14, 2019 at Harvard)
Northeast Workshop on Energy Policy & Environmental Economics (May 17-18, 2018 at Columbia)
Northeast Workshop on Energy Policy & Environmental Economics (June 13-14, 2017 at Dartmouth)
Empirical Methods in Energy Economics (July 9-10, 2015 at UMD)
Northeast Workshop on Energy Policy & Environmental Economics (May 21-22, 2015 at Yale)
Yale Workshop on Uncertainty in Climate Change (Nov 21, 2013 at Yale)
Northeast Workshop on Energy Policy & Environmental Economics (May 10-11, 2013 at Cornell)
Modeling Uncertainty in Climate Policy Workshop (Feb 4, 2013 at Yale)
Advisory Boards
External Advisory Committee for Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Energy & Environment Program
Scientific Council for FAUST Research Project (Munich), 2020-present
Network Organizer for Empirical Methods in Energy Economics International Network, 2019-present
Executive Committee, External Environmental Economics Advisory Committee for the U.S. EPA, 2018-
Nominating Committee for AERE Board, 2019
Scientific Advisory Board, RFF Social Cost of Carbon Initiative, 2018-present
External Advisory Board, CMU Center for Climate and Energy Decision Making, 2018-present
Referee Service
Economics Journals: American Economic Journal: Applied, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy,
American Economic Review, American Economic Review: Insights, American Journal of Agricultural Economics,
B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, Climate Change Economics, Eastern Economic Journal, Economic
Journal, Economica, Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy, Economics of Transportation, Ecological Eco-
nomics, Energy Economics, Energy Journal, European Economic Review, Environmental & Resource Economics,
International Economic Review, Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Journal
Kenneth Gillingham 16
of Business & Economic Statistics, Journal of Choice Modelling, Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Economic
Behavior & Organization, Journal of Economic Surveys, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Economics &
Management Strategy, Journal of Environmental Economics & Management, Journal of Industrial Economics,
Journal of Institutional & Theoretical Economics, Journal of Law & Economics, Journal of Public Economics,
Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Urban Economics, Management Science, Marketing Science, Oxford
Economic Papers, Quantitative Economics, Quarterly Journal of Economics, RAND Journal of Economics, Re-
gional Science & Urban Economics, Resource & Energy Economics, Review of Economics & Statistics, Review
of Economic Dynamics, Review of Economic Studies, Review of Environmental Economics & Policy, Review
of Industrial Organization, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Southern Economic Journal, The Manchester
School, World Bank Economic Review.
Environment/Engineering/Policy/Science Journals: Annual Review of Environment & Resources, Applied
Energy, Building Research, Cityscape, Climatic Change, Energies, Energy, Energy & Fuels, Energy Efficiency,
Energy Policy, Energy Strategy Reviews, Energy Research & Social Science, Environment & Behavior, Environ-
ment Development & Sustainability, Environmental Modeling & Assessment, Environmental Research Letters,
Environmental Science & Technology, Environmental Sociology, Frontiers in Energy Research, Food Policy,
Global Environmental Change, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, IEEE Transportation Electrification, In-
ternational Journal of Sustainable Transportation, Journal of Cleaner Production, Journal of Environment &
Development, Journal of Industrial Ecology, Journal of Policy Analysis & Management, Journal of Sustainable
Forestry, Mitigation & Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, Nature, Nature Climate Change, Nature Com-
munications, Nature Energy, PLOS One, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Science, Sustainable
Cities and Society, Transportation Research A, Transportation Research D, Utilities Policy.
Review Service
AERE Summer Conference Review Committee, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Alliance for Research
on Corporate Sustainability, Danish Council for Strategic Research, KU Leuven, Leibniz Programme
for Women Professors (Germany), MIT Press, National Academy of Sciences Transportation Research
Board, National Science Foundation, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, National Research Coun-
cil (NRC) of the National Academy of Sciences, Princeton University Press, Singapore Ministry of Edu-
cation, Swiss National Science Foundation, Czech National Science Foundation, UNC Water Resources
Research Institute, U.S. Department of Energy Quadrennial Technology Review, U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency
Expert Review Panels
National Academy of Sciences panel (invited; declined while at the White House), Connecticut Academy
of Science & Engineering expert panel (Oct 2014-Feb 2015), US Department of Energy expert panel to
inform the Quadrennial Technology Review (Nov 13, 2014), USAEE Student Best Paper Award Selec-
tion Committee (February/March 2014), US Department of Agriculture NIFA Climate Change Adap-
tation expert review panel (Aug 1-2, 2013), US Department of Energy review panel (April 26, 2013), US
Department of Agriculture NIFA Bioenergy Policy expert review panel (Apr 19-20, 2012)
External Engagement
Primary economics expert witness/consultant to California Attorney General’s office on fuel economy
Advisory assistance to Connecticut Dept of Energy and Environmental Protection, Connecticut Green
Bank, and Center for Applied Environmental Law & Policy
Kenneth Gillingham 17
Professional Affiliations
American Economic Association, Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Econometric
Society, Industrial Organization Society, United States Association for Energy Economics
In the Media
Energy News Network: “Groups Urge Bigger Targets, More Equity as RGGI States Consider Changes,”
Dec 21, 2021
Yale News: “Solar on the American Mind,” Dec 1, 2021
BBC News (TV): “COP26 China-US Announcement,” Nov 11, 2021
BBC Radio 5: “Interview on China-Us Announcement,” Nov 10, 2021
Sierra: “Revolutionizing the Transportation System Means Cleaning Up the Nation’s Ports,” Oct 27,
2021 “Do France’s Plans for Small Nuclear Reactors Have Hidden Agenda?” Oct 22, 2021
Vice: “From Soda to Blackouts, A Global Gas Crisis is Causing Havoc,” Oct 12, 2021
Forbes: “Carbon Tax Floated On Capitol Hill, While Similar Proposals Fall Flat in Blue States,” Sep 30,
2021 “Here’s How Your Climate-Related Choices are Contagious (in a Good Way!),” Sep 23,
World Economic Forum: “Here’s How Efficient Building Design Can Save Lives and Energy,” Sep 17,
NPR Marketplace Morning Report: “Investment in Solar Power Key to Biden’s Green Energy Goals,”
Sep 9, 2021
Anthropocene: “Researchers Calculated How Many Lives Energy-Efficient Buildings Could Save,” Aug
31, 2021
The Science Times: “Energy Efficiency in the US Buildings Could Decrease Thousands of Annual
Premature Deaths Due to Particulate Matter,” Aug 23, 2021
News-Medical/Life Sciences: “Energy-Efficient Buildings Could Prevent Thousands of Premature
Deaths Every Year,” Aug 20, 2021
Washington Post: “Sales of Hybrid Cars are Surging. That’s a Good Sign for the Future of Electric
Vehicles, Experts Say,” Aug 6, 2021
E&E News: “Biden Car Rules May Backfire on EVs - Report,” Jul 29, 2021
The Economic Times (India Times): “Consumers Understand Climate Science Better Now - Their Eco-
logical Choices are Shaped by Peers, Visibility, and Messaging,” Jul 3, 2021
Anthropocene: “Hitting Climate Targets Depends on Building Smaller Homes and More Multifamily
Units–Not Just Energy Efficiency,” May 11, 2021
E&E News: “Study Warns Housing Trends Could Cancel Out CO2 Cuts,” May 11, 2021
YaleNews: “What is Driving Reductions in Residential Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the U.S.?” May
5, 2021
E&E News: “Carbon Price Could Hike Coal Use for EVs–Study,” Apr 30, 2021
E&E News: “Solar ‘Contagiousness’: A Key for Environmental Justice?” Apr 29, 2021
Yale Daily News: “Yale Creates New Principles for Divestment from Fossil Fuels,” Apr 16, 2021
YaleNews: “New Principles Regarding Fossil Fuels to Guide Yale’s Endowment,” Apr 16, 2021
National Geographic: “Gas Heat and Stoves are Warming the Climate. Should Cities Start Banning
Them?” Apr 2, 2021
Green Car Congress: “UMD Collaborative Study Finds that Fuel Efficiency of One Car in Household
May be Cancelled by Next Car Purchase,” Mar 3, 2021
Economist: “What is the Cheapest Way to Cut Carbon?” Feb 22, 2021
Politifact: “Joe Biden: 84% of All New Electric Capacity Planned This Year is Clean Energy,” Jan 27,
Kenneth Gillingham 18
LiveScience: “What is Renewable Energy? Is Renewable Energy Better than ‘Dirty’ Fossil Fuels?” Jan
3, 2021
Popular Science: “Your Retirement Account Can Also Help Protect the Environment,” Dec 31, 2020
Popular Science: “Switching Your Bank Might Help Slow the Climate Crisis,” Dec 29, 2020
CT Mirror: “CT Signs on to Regional Plan to Cut Transportation Emissions,” Dec 21, 2020
E&E News: “Renewable Targets May ‘Undermine’ CO2 Goals - Report,” Nov 19, 2020
Mic: “California is Banning Gas-Powered Car Sales. Here’s How it Will Work,” Sep 24, 2020
New York Times: “Behavioral Contagion Could Spread the Benefits of a Carbon Tax,” Aug 19, 2020
Nature: “Self-interest Powers Decision to Go Solar,” Aug 12, 2020
Scientific American: “COVID Pandemic-19 Shows Telecommuting Can Fight Climate Change,” Jul 22,
Environmental Health News: “Beyond the ‘Silver Lining’ of Emissions Reductions: Clean Energy Takes
a Covid-19 Hit,” Jul 9, 2020
Yale Alumni Magazine: “Driving Lessons: People Underestimate the Cost of Owning a Car,” Jul/Aug
2020 “Climate Economics Nobel May Do More Harm Than Good,” Jul 6, 2020
Financial Post/Bloomberg Green: “Drastic Covid-19 Slowdown May Hinder Any Green Recovery,” Jun
30, 2020
E&E News: “Electricity, Covid-19 and Carbon: 3 Issues to Watch,” Jun 26, 2020
E&E News: “Clean Energy Crash Could Spur 15-year CO2 Spike–Study,” Jun 24, 2020
DowntoEarth: “Green Energy Funding Delays to Offset Covid-19 Environmental Gains: Study,” Jun
24, 2020
Engineering & Technology: “Pandemic-related Carbon Reduction Could be Offset by Faltering Economies,”
Jun 23, 2020
BBC (Radio): “World Business Report,” Jun 5, 2020
Carbon Brief: “Fuel Savings in US Cars Have ‘Cut 17Bn Tonnes of CO2 Since 1975,” May 19, 2020
USA Today: “Fact Check: The Coronavirus Pandemic Isn’t Slowing Climate Change,” May 11, 2020
Energy News Network: “Against Headwinds, Connecticut Lays Out Path to Put More Electric Vehicles
on the Road,” May 5, 2020 “Working from Home, Even When the Coronavirus Crisis Has Passed,” May 1, 2020 (German-language): “Car Costs,” Apr 29, 2020
Christian Science Monitor: “Bluer Skies, Less Greenhouse Gas. What Happens After the Pandemic?”
Apr 29, 2020
Yale News: “If People Grasped the Full Cost of Cars, They Might Make Greener Choices,” Apr 23,
Suddeutsche Zeitung (German-language): “(Much) More Expensive Than You Think,” Apr 22, 2020
Lewiston Morning Tribune: “COVID-19 Has Not Canceled Earth Day,” Apr 21, 2020
New York Times: “A Crash Course on Climate Change, 50 Years After Earth Day,” Apr 19, 2020
Wired: “Solar Panels Could Be the Best Fad Ever,” Apr 1, 2020
Yale News: “The Complex Implications of COVID-19 on Global Energy Markets, Consumer Behav-
iors,” Mar 23, 2020
Washington Post: “Coronavirus Could Halt the World’s Emissions Growth. Not that we Should Feel
Good About That,” Mar 6, 2020
The Atlantic: “Thy Neighbor’s Solar Panels,” March 2020 issue
el Ágora (in Spanish): “Fighting the Climate Crisis Comes at a Price: Change Your Lifestyle,” Feb 21,
BBC Beyond the 9-to-5: “Why Working from Home Might be Less Sustainable,” Feb 21, 2020
Washington Post: “How Peer Pressure Can Help Stop Climate Change,” Feb 20, 2020
Slate: “How Much Can Jeff Bezos’ $10 Billion Do to Fight Climate Change,” Feb 19, 2020
E&E News: “Warming Could Drop Grid ‘Reliability’ 16% Study,” Feb 18, 2020
Denver Post: “Is Natural Gas a Bridge Fuel Too Far with the Rise in Renewables? It Depends on Who
Kenneth Gillingham 19
You Ask,” Jan 31, 2020
CNBC Asia Squawk Box: “Carbon Calculus,” Jan 19, 2020
Yale Climate Connections: “Power Plant Emissions Down 47% Under RGGI,” Jan 16, 2020
Washington Post, “Oil Lobby Fends Off 2020 Candidates’ Calls to Ban Fracking with New Ad Cam-
paign,” Jan 8, 2020
Bloomberg Quint, “A $1 Billion Solar Plant Was Obsolete Before it Ever Went Online,” Jan 6, 2020
Karma Impact, “As Wind Turbines Age, Recycling Blades Poses a Problem,” Dec 18, 2019
Times of Indian, “Technological Advanced Nations Need to do a Long-term Cost-benefit Analysis at
COP 25,” Dec 4, 2019
Washington Post, “The world needs a massive carbon tax in just 10 years to limit climate change, IMF
says,” Oct 10, 2019
Cal Matters, “California’s Fight Over Tailpipe Emissions, Explained,” Aug 31, 2019
Top of Mind with Julie Rose (SiriusXM/BYU Radio), “Trump Administration Wants to Ease Restric-
tions on Automakers. Ford, Honda, VW & BMW Say ‘No Thanks’,” Aug 6, 2019
E&E News: “Career Staff Fueled Blitz on Climate Models,” Aug 2, 2019
The Atlantic: “A Very Important Climate Fact that No One Knows,” May 8, 2019
Tuck School: “The Key to Energy Conservation? Priming Consumers with Price,” May 7, 2019
BBN News: “The High Costs of Renewable Portfolio Standards,” May 7, 2019 “The Facts on Fuel Economy Standards,” May 3, 2019
Grid Philly: “The Solar Network: The Number One Factor that Influences Whether People Adopt
Solar? If Their Neighbors Install Panels First,” Apr 30, 2019
Grist: “Energy Equity: Bringing Solar Power to Low-Income Communities,” Apr 14, 2019
WNPR All Things Considered: “In Connecticut, the Costs and Benefits of Shared Solar are Tough to
Calculate,” Mar 18, 2019
The New Yorker: “The False Choice Between Economic Growth and Combatting Climate Change,”
Feb 4, 2019
Connecticut Mirror: “CT’s Clean Energy Battles Transition From Malloy to Lamont,” Dec 15, 2018
Ars Technica: “Eleven Researchers Publish Sharp Critique of EPA Fuel Economy Logic,” Dec 9, 2018
Newsweek: “Fuel Economy Rollback Skewed Data to Justify Controversial Halt to Obama-Ere Rules,
Study Finds,” Dec 7, 2018
E&E News: “Researchers Decry ‘Misrepresented’ Findings in Rollback Plan,” Dec 7, 2018
LA Times: “Trump Fuel Economy Rollback is Based on Misleading and Shoddy Calculations, Study
Finds,” Dec 6, 2018
Colorado Sun: “Jared Polis Wants Colorado 100 Percent Powered by Renewable Energy,” Nov 26, 2018
CEO Magazine: “What to do When you Can’t Price Carbon,” Nov 13, 2018
LiveMint: “Clean Energy Might be Viable in the Long Run,” Nov 6, 2018
Bloomberg News: “Trump Car Standards Rollback Knocked for Faulty Analysis,” Nov 2, 2018
The Atlantic: “The Trump Administration Flunked Its Math Homework,” Oct 31, 2018
Slate: “Reducing Your Carbon Footprint Still Matters,” Oct 26, 2018
Yale News/Phys.Org: “Want to Nudge Others to Install Solar? Actions Speak Louder,” Oct 24, 2018
Daily Beast: “The Secret to Making Green Tech Like Solar Panels Go Mainstream,” Oct 24, 2018
UtilityDive: “Can the Price of Rooftop Solar Keep Falling?” Oct 18, 2018
Eurasia Review: “The Costs of Climate Change - Analysis,” Oct 16, 2018
New Haven Register: “Yale’s Nordhaus Wins Nobel Prize in Economics for Work in Climate Change,”
Oct 9, 2018
New York Times: “Trump Put a Low Cost on Carbon Emissions: Here’s Why it Matters,” Aug 23, 2018
Nature Energy Research Highlight: “Feel the Nudge,” Aug 8, 2018
KCBS News Radio (San Francisco): “Trump’s Fuel Economy Rollback,” Aug 3, 2018
New York Times: “Opinion: A Reckless Scheme on Auto Emissions,” Aug 2, 2018
Seattle Times: “Will Weaker Fuel Rules Make Roads Safer? Experts Doubt It,” Aug 2, 2018
Forbes: “Inconsistencies and Uncertainties Over Trump Administration’s Fuel Economy Freeze,” Aug
Kenneth Gillingham 20
2, 2018
New York Times: “Trump Officials Link Fuel Economy Rules to Deadly Crashes. Experts Are Skepti-
cal,” Aug 2, 2018
Bloomberg: “Safety Claims in Trump’s Auto Efficiency Rollback Draw Skeptics,” Jul 27, 2018
Canton Daily Ledger: “Knight Column: Good News for Farmers and the Environment,” Jul 23, 2018
Science Daily: “Uncertainty in Long-run Economic Growth Likely Points Toward Greater Emissions,
Climate Change Costs,” May 15, 2018
Yale News: “We May Be Underestimating Future Economic Growth, and its Potential Climate Effects,”
May 14, 2018
WNPR: “Can a Carbon Price Really Catch On?” Feb 2, 2018
New York Times: “Yale Tries a Carbon Tax,” Dec 13, 2017
Sacramento Bee: “Another Argument for Carbon Tax: How Car Buyers Behave,” Dec 12, 2017
Energy Intelligence New Energy: “Finding Carbon’s True Cost a Tricky Feat,” Nov 23, 2017
Yale Daily News: “Paper Assess Yale Carbon-pricing Model,” Nov 14, 2017
Yale News: “Putting Value on Carbon Can Lower Energy Use, Campus Experiment Shows,” Nov 3,
The Drive: 2-Vehicle Households More Likely to Choose a Second Car with Worse Gas Mileage,” Oct
26, 2017
The Michigan Daily: “TE3 Conference Explores the Future of Transportation,” Oct 22, 2017
Jefferson Public Radio: “My Other Car is a Gas Guzzler (Or Electric),” Oct 2, 2017
ClimateWire: “Fuel-efficient Cars Enable SUV Purchases–Study,” Sep 27, 2017
San Francisco Chronicle: “Fuel-efficient Cars Often Paired with Gas Guzzlers, Study Finds,” Sep 26,
Yale News: “University Begins Carbon Charge Project,” Sep 19, 2017
Yale News: “Yale Launches Carbon Charge for Campus Buildings and Departments,” Sep 11, 2017
Washington Post: “Is the Most Powerful Lobbyist in Washington Losing its Grip?” Jul 14, 2017
KXAN TV Station (Austin, TX): “Keeping up with the Joneses: Google Wants You to Go Solar,” Jun 23,
2017 “Thinking About Going Solar? Google Adds Peer Pressure Into the Mix,” Jun 19, 2017
Inverse: “Google Project Sunroof Wants to Create FOMO About Solar Panels,” Jun 12, 2017
TechSpot: “Google’s Project Sunroof Now Shows Which Homes in Your Neighborhood Are Harnessing
the Sun’s Power,” Jun 12, 2017
Mashable: “Google Wants to Guilt You Into Installing Solar Panels on Your Roof,” Jun 12, 2017
The Atlantic: “Google’s New Product Puts Peer Pressure to a Sunny Use,” Jun 12, 2017
Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier: “Leaving Paris Accord Disingenuous,” Jun 5, 2017 “The 5 Biggest Deceptions in Trump’s Paris Climate Speech,” Jun 2, 2017 “Trump Used Misleading Job Stats to Justify Pulling Out of the Paris Climate Agreement,”
Jun 1, 2017 “Trump Pulling Out of the Paris Climate Deal Would be Bad for the Economy, Too,” Jun 1,
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E&E News: 95 Scholars Urge Trump to Revamp ‘Misguided’ 2-for-1 Order,” May 24, 2017
PVBuzzMedia: “Yale & Duke University Study Maps the Way Toward ‘Tipping Points’ in Solar Adop-
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Journal Gazette: “Scientists Bolster Fuel Standards as Safety Issue,” May 4, 2017
Washington Post: “Scientists Just Debunked One of the Biggest Arguments Against Fuel Economy
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WNPR: “In Millstone Brinkmanship, Is a Carbon Tax The More Elegant Solution? May 2, 2017
Yale News: “Scientists Brace for Potential Federal Research Cuts, Regulatory Shifts,” Apr 19, 2017
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Yale News: “National Guidebook Maps the Way Toward ‘Tipping Points’ in Solar Adoption,” Apr 18,
The Register-Guard: “Green-aware Investors can do Good - and Well,” Apr 16, 2017
Yale News: “Yale Economist: Trump Order Unlikely to Alter Tightening US Coal Market,” Mar 29,
ClimateWire: “Trump to Roll Back Clean Power Plan Tomorrow at EPA,” Mar 27, 2017
Philadelphia Tribune: “Energy Star Program Faces Funding Cut,” Mar 20, 2017
Climate Central: “Climate-Friendly Energy Star Program Could be Cut,” Mar 9, 2017
Yale Daily News: “Energy Studies Sees Higher Interest,” Feb 9, 2017
180 Degrees (interview): “Oil Exports in Light of the New Energy Technologies,” Feb 3, 2017
The Real News Network (interview): “Declining Cost of Renewables Will Challenge Trump’s Promise
to Bring Back Jobs Through Coal,” Jan 26, 2017
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Climate Central: “Trump White House Distorts Wages Figure on First Day,” Jan 20, 2017
Yale Alumni Magazine: “Widening Access to Residential Solar,” Jan/Feb 2017
Bloomberg Businessweek: “How Climate Rules Might Fade Away,” Dec 15, 2016
Politifact: “Make Buildings More Energy Efficient,” Dec 9, 2016
Yale News: “Ripe for Reform: Economists Lay Out Flaws in Federal Coal Leasing Program,” Dec 2,
Yale Daily News: “Yale Program to Bring Solar Power to Low-Income Households,” Nov 9, 2016
Muskogee Phoenix: “Solar Power Use Could Benefit Homeowners,” Nov 4, 2016
Yale Climate Connections: Audio Interview on “Integrating Renewables,” Oct 26, 2016
Yale News: “Yale-Led Project to Widen Access to Household Solar Receives Federal Grant,” Oct 25,
2016 “Most and Least Energy-Efficient States,” Oct 21, 2016
New York Times: “How Lowering Crime Could Contribute to Global Warming,” Aug 3, 2016
ClimateWire: “Wyo.’s Gov. Mead Blasts Federal Coal Leasing Review,” Aug 1, 2016
New York Times: “How Renewable Energy is Blowing Climate Change Efforts Off Course,” Jul 19,
Washington Post: “Obama Admin Changing Coal Royalty Program to Boost Revenue,” Jun 30, 2016
ClimateWire: “White House: Raising Federal Royalties Will Save GHGs,” Jun 23, 2016
InsideClimate News: “White House: Raising Coal Royalties a Boon for Taxpayers, and for the Climate,”
Jun 23, 2016
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Reuters: “White House Economists Say U.S. Coal Program Costing Taxpayers,” Jun 22, 2016
Washington Post: “Obama’s Advisers Just Dismantled a Key Myth About the Future of Clean Energy,”
Jun 21, 2016
TheLowDownBlog: “Costs are Going Down but Solar Power Spreads Because it is Contagious,” May
18, 2016
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SolarCity Blog: “The Remarkable Reason That Solar is Going Viral in these 10 Cities,” May 4, 2016
Wall Street Journal: “Long-term Costs of Cutting Emissions Grow Hazy,” April 24, 2016
Yale FES News: “Funding Shortfalls Hamper Knowledge of Social, Economic Climate Impacts,” April
21, 2016
Greenwire: “Study Probes Why Some Installations Are Much Cheaper Than Others,” Jan 20, 2016
Huffington Post: “What Can We Learn From the ‘Dumbest Town in the U.S.’,” Jan 5, 2016
Salt Lake Tribune: “What Economists Don’t Get About Climate Change,” Nov 4, 2015
Bloomberg View: “What Economists Don’t Get About Climate Change,” Nov 3, 2015 (David Roberts): “The ‘Uncertainty Loop’ Haunting Our Climate Models,” Oct 23, 2015
Yale News: “Yale’s Participation in Unique Solar Program Highlights Earth Week 2015,” Apr 17, 2015
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Huffington Post: “‘Keeping Up With the Jones’ Gives Solar Revolution a Boost,” Jan 30, 2015
Hartford Courant: “CT Creeps Toward Electric Grid 2.0,” Dec 29, 2014
Yale Daily News: “SOM Hosts Low-Carbon Investment Competition,” Nov 17, 2014
KLIV San Jose with Barry Cinnamon: “What Influences People to Install Solar?” Nov 16, 2014 “SunPower Wants to be the Dell of Solar,” Nov 13, 2014
PrettyVisible Blog: “Solar is Contagious,” Nov 12, 2014
Yale Climate & Energy Institute Penumbra Blog: “Divestment Enters the Mainstream?” Nov 10, 2014 “How Solar Power Spreads Among Neighbors ‘Like a Contagion’,” Nov 3, 2014
Boston Globe: “How to Get a Country to Switch to Coal: Changing to Renewables Will be Hard But
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2014 (Brad Plumer): “Solar Power is Contagious: Installing Panels Often Means Your Neighbors
Will Too,” Oct 24, 2014
New York Times Dot Earth: “Another Round on Energy Rebound,” Oct 24, 2014
Washington Post Wonkblog: “Why Do People Put Solar on Their Roofs? Because Other People Put
Solar on Their Roofs,” Oct 23, 2014
New York Times Dot Earth: “Is There Room for Agreement on the Merits and Limits of Efficient
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New York Times: “Letter to the Editor on ‘The Problem with Energy Efficiency’,” Oct 18, 2014
Sunlight Solar Blog: “Yale University to Study Solarize,” Sep 29, 2014 “Most and Least Energy Expensive States,” Jul 23, 2014
Yale Daily News: “Forum Engages Climate Scientists and Economists,” Nov 22, 2013
Washington Square News: “Stern, Yale Professors Team Up To Research Solar Energy,” Oct 1, 2013
Connecticut Public Radio (WNPR): “A New Gas Tax, But What’s it Paying For?” Jul 1, 2013
Yale Scientific Magazine: “Yale Professor Discusses the Economics of Conservation,” May 11, 2013
Yale Scientific Magazine: “Solar Energy: Sink or Spread-Professor Gillingham’s Study on the Scalability
of Solar Energy,” April 5, 2013
Yale Daily News: “Green Expectations: Yale’s Energy Investments Struggle,” Mar 26, 2013
Connecticut Public Radio (WNPR): “Yale Gets Award to Help Grow Solar Energy,” Feb 20, 2013
New Haven Register: “Yale Receives $1.9 million Solar Grant,” Jan 30, 2013
Swiss National Radio: “Rebound Effect,” Jan 25, 2013
The Naked Scientists, Science News: “Energy Efficiency on the Rebound,” Jan 24, 2013 “Rebound is Real, But Limited,” Jan 24, 2013
Scaling Green:“New Study: Energy Efficiency Negative ‘Rebound Effect’ Greatly Exaggerated,” Jan 24,
R&D Magazine: “The ‘Rebound’ Effect of Energy-Efficient Cars Overplayed,” Jan 24, 2013
Huffington Post: “Nature: The Rebound Effect is Overplayed,” Jan 24, 2013
Grist (David Roberts): “Why Are Greens So Defensive About the Rebound Effect,” Jan 24, 2013 “Researchers Argue Energy Policy Rebound Effect is Overestimated,” Jan 24, 2013
Arstechnica: “How Badly Does the Rebound Effect Undercut Energy Efficiency?” Jan 24, 2013
Sierra Daily: “Energy Efficiency? Why Bother?” Jan 23, 2013
Central Valley Business Times: ‘Rebound Effect’ Has Little Bounce,” Jan 23, 2013
Scientific American: “Does Increased Energy-Efficiency Just Spark Us to Use More?” Jan 23, 2013
Yahoo News: “Economist: Rebound Effect of Energy-Efficient Cars is Overplayed,” Jan 23, 2013
New York Times: “Solar Industry Borrows a Page, and a Party, from Tupperware,” Dec 1, 2012
AOL Energy: “The Psychology of Small-Scale Solar,” Nov 19, 2012
Yale Daily News: “Sandy Link to Climate Change Questioned,” Nov 9, 2012
ClimateWire: “Is Renewable Energy Contagious: Research Shows a ‘Peer Effect’,” Nov 5, 2012
Huffington Post: “Solar Panel Installations More Likely In Homes With Energy Efficient Neighbors,”
Kenneth Gillingham 23
Oct 23, 2012
Environmental News Network: “Solar Power Adoption is Contagious,” Oct 22, 2012
R&D Magazine: “Study: Solar Power is Contagious,” Oct 19, 2012 “The Solar Power Bug: Has Your Neighborhood Caught it?” Oct 19, 2012
Solar Industry Magazine: “New Study Shows Solar Installations Are Contagious in Neighborhoods,”
Oct 19, 2012 “Go Solar, it’s the Neighborly Thing to Do,” Oct 19, 2012
India Talkies: “Use of Solar Panels Popularised by Example,” Oct 19, 2012
Alternative Energy Blog: “Solar Power Tends to Go Viral, New Report Suggests,” Oct 19, 2012
Albuquerque Express: “Use of Solar Panels Popularized by Example,” Oct 19, 2012
Wired UK: “Enthusiasm for Solar Panels is Contagious,” Oct 19, 2012 “‘C’mon, Everyone is Doing it’: Peer Pressure Sells Solar, Says Study,” Oct 18, 2012 “If Your Neighbor Has Solar Panels, You’re More Likely to Go Solar,” Oct 18, 2012
Wall Street Journal SmartMoney: “For Appliances, Does Energy Efficiency Sell?” Oct 16, 2012
CleanTechnica Blog: “Prius Rebound Effect Wrong,” Mar 28, 2012
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Scorecard: “Non-Conundrum of the Prius Fallacy,” Mar 26, 2012
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Forbes: “Keeping Up With the Greens: Neighborhood Solar is Contagious,” Dec 9, 2011
Washington Post: “Solar Power is Contagious But Not Quite Virulent,” Dec 5, 2011
Business Times: “Cutting Green Path Via Behavioural Economics,” Nov 21, 2011
The Straits Times (Singapore): “To Save the Earth, Know Human Nature,” Nov 20, 2011
Yale Daily News: “City Wins Transportation Grant,” Oct 20, 2011
Connecticut Public Radio (WNPR): “Where we Live: Future of Natural Gas” Aug 8, 2011
The David Sirota Show AM 760: “Solar Power is Contagious,” Apr 25, 2011
Wired: “Solar Panels are Contagious,” Apr 12, 2011
Energy Matters: “Australia’s Home Solar Power Revolution and the Viral Effect,” Apr 6, 2012
Grist: “Solar Power is Contagious,” Apr 5, 2011
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Wall Street Journal The Numbers Guy Blog: “The Rebound Effect,” May 26, 2009
Last updated: January 19, 2022