Be Wiser Insurance | Be Wiser Insurance and Drive Wiser are trading names of Be Wiser Insurance Services Ltd
Registered in England No. 6097813. Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered Office: Barrett House, Savoy Close,
Andover, Hampshire SP10 2HZ, Firm Reference Number 465471
Tel: 0800 990 3133 Email:
Your telematics policy differs from a standard motor car policy. It requires the fitting of a device to your car
within 14 days from the start date of your policy and the use of the data the device collects.
This document forms part of your Contract of Insurance and should be read in conjunction with your policy
documentation and the Be Wiser Terms of Business & Fees and Charges.
Importantly your telematics data will, in addition, be processed in accordance with the terms and conditions
of the Be Wiser Data Policy.
Your policy is underwritten by Aviva Insurance Limited, registered in Scotland, No. 2116.
Registered Office: Pitheavlis|Perth|PH2 0NH. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and
regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.
Wherever words or phrases appear in bold within this document, they will have the meanings described in
the Definitions section of your policy booklet, unless stated otherwise. Additional definitions are detailed
Be Wiser Insurance Services Limited (“Be Wiser”)
Telematics provider working in conjunction with your insurer: Aviva Insurance Limited.
All records of how, where and when your car is driven as gathered by the device.
The instrument that must be installed in your car which will monitor, record and transmit data to the device
provider and Be Wiser, about how, where and when your car is driven.
How Does Telematics Work?
Commercial and emergency vehicles have been using telematics for a considerable period of time as part of
fleet management, insurance and for safety purposes. The device observes your driving behaviour, including
the time and length of the journeys your car undertakes. That information is analysed to understand your
driving and aptitude on the road, which can translate to lower insurance premiums for drivers who
demonstrate safer driving.
A benefit of arranging telematics insurance cover with Be Wiser is the ability to view information relating to
your driving through their website It is safe, secure and simple. A dashboard
view allows you to effectively manage how your insurance premium may be influenced.
For example, you will be able to view information on mileage, speed and how your car is used.
Be Wiser Insurance | Be Wiser Insurance and Drive Wiser are trading names of Be Wiser Insurance Services Ltd
Registered in England No. 6097813. Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered Office: Barrett House, Savoy Close,
Andover, Hampshire SP10 2HZ, Firm Reference Number 465471
Tel: 0800 990 3133 Email:
Calculation of Premium
It is important to understand that driving behaviour and claims will impact your premium at renewal, as the
data collected by the device will help analyse, over time, the amount of greater or lesser risk you present.
The Device
It is a condition of the policy that the device is installed and working at all times.
The device is the property of Be Wiser and may be recovered by us at our discretion, at any time during the
life of the policy, or at any time thereafter.
In the event that the device becomes defective Be Wiser will inform you, and you must allow the Be Wiser
approved technician prompt access to your car, to repair or replace the device, within 14 days of
In the event that you do not make your car available for repair or replacement of the device, within the
timeframe stated, your policy will be cancelled subject to a seven day Road Traffic cancellation notice.
You must not, nor will you permit any other person to:
Tamper with
Reverse engineer
Remove the SIM card or other components from
Interfere with the Global Positioning System (GPS) signal received or the Mobile Phone Network
signal sent or received by the device
Relocate or make any alterations, additions or improvements to any part of the device.
Please note that tampering with the device will invalidate all warranties relating to the device. Damage or
loss caused by any form of tampering or non-permitted interaction with the device is not covered by this
insurance policy.
If following an investigation, evidence collected suggests that any tampering was performed deliberately to
disrupt data collection or transmission; we will treat the matter as fraud and your insurance policy will be
cancelled, subject to a seven day Road Traffic cancellation notice. You will be required to pay for any actual
costs Be Wiser have incurred including de-installing, repairing or replacing the defective device or parts
If you remove your car from the policy or your policy is cancelled, the device will no longer collect or
transmit any further data.
Unless the device has been removed from your car, it is your responsibility to inform any person or
organisation buying or taking ownership of your car that the device has been installed.
Be Wiser Insurance | Be Wiser Insurance and Drive Wiser are trading names of Be Wiser Insurance Services Ltd
Registered in England No. 6097813. Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered Office: Barrett House, Savoy Close,
Andover, Hampshire SP10 2HZ, Firm Reference Number 465471
Tel: 0800 990 3133 Email:
It is a requirement that a device is installed in your car. The policy may be cancelled, subject to a seven day
Road Traffic cancellation notice, if the device is not installed within 14 days from the start date of your
An installation appointment will be arranged with you at a suitable time and place. The Be Wiser appointed
technicians are fully trained to install the device in your car and will do so with reasonable care and
For validation purposes you will need to provide the technician with your driving licence and proof of any No
Claims Discount claimed. They will take photographs of your car and documentation.
If you do not present the documents Be Wiser have requested to the technician at the time of the
appointment, the installation of the device may not take place and fees may apply as set out in the Be Wiser
Terms of Business & Fees and Charges.
The Be Wiser approved technician will take photographs of your car as part of the installation process. The
photographs do not constitute notice to Aviva or Be Wiser of any modifications to your car and it remains
your responsibility to advise Be Wiser of modifications and to ensure your policy information is accurate at
all times. The photographs of your car taken by the approved technician may be used to help assess and
handle any claim submitted.
Please refer to the Terms of Business & Fees and Charges document for charges relating to installation and
cancellation charges applicable.
Cancellation Rights
Your cancellation rights within the 14 day cooling off period
You have a statutory right to cancel your policy within 14 days from the day of purchase or renewal of the
contract or on the day on which you receive the policy or renewal documentation, whichever is the later.
If you wish to cancel and the insurance cover has not yet commenced, you will be entitled to a full refund of
the premium paid.
Alternatively, if you wish to cancel and the insurance cover has already commenced, you will be entitled to a
refund of the premium paid, less a proportionate deduction for the time we have provided cover.
To cancel, please contact Be Wiser.
If you do not exercise your right to cancel your policy, it will remain in force and you will be required to pay
the premium.
Be Wiser Insurance | Be Wiser Insurance and Drive Wiser are trading names of Be Wiser Insurance Services Ltd
Registered in England No. 6097813. Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered Office: Barrett House, Savoy Close,
Andover, Hampshire SP10 2HZ, Firm Reference Number 465471
Tel: 0800 990 3133 Email:
Your cancellation rights outside the 14 day cooling off period a) Your right to
Following the expiry of your 14 day statutory cooling off period you continue to have the right to
cancel this policy at any time during its term. If you do so, you will be entitled to a refund of the
premium paid in respect of the cancelled cover, less a proportionate deduction for the time we have
provided such cover. If you cancel your policy we will charge up to £25.00 (plus Insurance Premium
Tax where applicable) to cover the administrative cost of providing the policy.
To cancel, please contact Be Wiser.
b) Our right to cancel
We (or Be Wiser, who we have appointed and act with our specific authority) may cancel this policy
where there is a valid reason for doing so, by sending at least seven days’ written notice to your last
known postal and/or email address setting out the reason for cancellation.
Valid reasons include but are not limited to the following:
Non-payment of premium (including non-payment of instalments under an Aviva monthly credit
facility). If premiums or instalment payments are not paid when due we will write to you
requesting payment by a specific date. We will give you at least 14 days’ notice in writing if we
intend to cancel due to non-payment under an Aviva monthly credit facility. If we receive
payment by the date set out in the letter we will take no further action. If we do not receive
payment by this date we will cancel the policy from the cancellation date shown on the letter.
Where we reasonably suspect fraud.
Evidence of tampering with or blocking the signal from the device will result in the immediate
cancellation of all cover, and may result in you being liable for any loss that Be Wiser may incur
as a result of such tampering or blocking. This may mean that it will be increasingly difficult for
you to obtain motor insurance in the future.
Where the persons insured fail to co-operate with us or provide us with the information or
documentation we reasonably require, and this affects our ability to process a claim or defend
our interests. See the ‘Claims procedure’ section within the ‘General Conditions’ of your policy
Where you have not taken reasonable care to provide complete and accurate answers to the
questions we ask. See the ‘Contract of Insurance and Information and Changes we need to know
about’ section of your policy booklet and the separate ‘Important Information notices supplied.
Continued evidence of high risk driving (see the section of this document titled ‘Extreme Driving
Failure to arrange for a device to be installed in your car in accordance with the conditions set out
in the section headed ‘Installation’.
If we cancel the policy under this section you will be entitled to a refund of the premium paid in respect of
the cancelled cover, less a proportionate deduction for the time we have provided such cover, unless the
Be Wiser Insurance | Be Wiser Insurance and Drive Wiser are trading names of Be Wiser Insurance Services Ltd
Registered in England No. 6097813. Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered Office: Barrett House, Savoy Close,
Andover, Hampshire SP10 2HZ, Firm Reference Number 465471
Tel: 0800 990 3133 Email:
reason for cancellation is fraud and/or we are legally entitled to keep the premium under the Consumer
Insurance (Disclosure and Representations) Act 2012.
If we cancel the policy we will also charge up to £25.00 (plus Insurance Premium Tax where applicable) to
cover the administrative cost of providing the policy.
Important Note: The Consumer Insurance (Disclosure and Representations) Act 2012 sets out situations
where failure by a policyholder to provide complete and accurate information requested by an insurer
allows the insurer to cancel the policy, sometimes back to its start date and to keep any premiums paid.
Where our investigations provide evidence of fraud or a serious non-disclosure we may cancel the policy
immediately and backdate the cancellation to the date of the fraud or when you provided us with
incomplete or inaccurate information, which may result in your policy being cancelled from the date you
originally took it out.
Your driving
Your driving behaviour is shown on your personal online dashboard.
To make it easy to understand and so you can make changes if necessary, your driving is recorded on the
basis of Green, Amber, Red and Black. By keeping mainly in the Green zone and avoiding the Red and Black,
you will be able to improve your driving score, get the best possible renewal price and keep your risk to a
Speeding examples
Each journey your car makes during the day contributes to your daily average and is shown as a Green,
Amber, Red or Black on your personal online dashboard:
Green: You are driving mainly within the road speed limits
Amber: You are driving more than 10% over the road speed limits
Red: You are driving more than 20% over the road speed limits
Black: You are driving in a dangerous and unacceptable way, putting yourself and others at risk
Be Wiser may also contact you by email or text message to provide feedback on your journeys and offer
suggestions on how you can improve your driving behaviour and score.
Extreme driving events
An extreme driving event alert is triggered when your car is driven in a dangerous or unacceptable manner,
for example consistent or regular harsh braking, cornering or acceleration, or speeding.
An Event = 1 or more alerts triggered during a 24 hour period
Be Wiser Insurance | Be Wiser Insurance and Drive Wiser are trading names of Be Wiser Insurance Services Ltd
Registered in England No. 6097813. Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered Office: Barrett House, Savoy Close,
Andover, Hampshire SP10 2HZ, Firm Reference Number 465471
Tel: 0800 990 3133 Email:
Your driving will be reviewed on a weekly basis. Should 1 or more Events have been registered during this
period a Notification will be issued.
Harsh Braking, Cornering or Acceleration
Where any of these events are consistently or regularly registered Be Wiser will notify you that you are
putting yourself and others at risk by email and telephone to help you stay legal and safe.
An extreme speeding event is registered if your car exceeds the speed limit by 50% or more, as shown
a) 30mph or more in a 20mph speed limit; or
b) 45mph or more in a 30mph speed limit; or
c) 60mph or more in a 40mph speed limit; or
d) 75mph or more in a 50mph speed limit; or
e) 90mph or more in a 60mph speed limit; or For extreme speeding in:
f) 70mph speed limit see 100mph section EVENT 100
Speeding Notification 1 and 2:
‘Risk of cancellation’
Notification 1 1 or more event alerts triggered in a 24 hour period.
Notification 2 additional event alerts triggered (at least 7 days, but not more than 2 months, after
Notification 1)
In both cases Be Wiser will contact you by text, email or letter to make you aware that your policy is at risk
of cancellation if you continue to drive in this way.
These notifications will also appear on your Personal Online Dashboard.
3rd Speeding Notification: (at least 7 days, but not more than 2 months, after Notification 2)
‘Your policy may be cancelled’
On the 3rd consecutive occasion of an extreme speeding event, we reserve the right to cancel your policy;
subject to a seven day Road Traffic cancellation notice.
Event 100
Driving at more than 100mph will trigger an event which will also count as 1 of your Extreme Speeding
Events of this type are registered and actioned on a daily basis.
Be Wiser Insurance | Be Wiser Insurance and Drive Wiser are trading names of Be Wiser Insurance Services Ltd
Registered in England No. 6097813. Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered Office: Barrett House, Savoy Close,
Andover, Hampshire SP10 2HZ, Firm Reference Number 465471
Tel: 0800 990 3133 Email:
1st Event:
‘Risk of cancellation’
Where your car is driven at speeds exceeding 100mph Be Wiser will contact you by text, email, letter or
telephone to remind you that you are putting yourself, your policy and others at risk by driving in that way,
to help you stay legal and safe.
2nd Event: (additional alerts triggered, at least 24 hours after Event 1)
‘Your policy will be cancelled’
If Be Wiser register that your car is driven at speeds exceeding 100mph for a second time, Be Wiser will
contact you by text, letter or telephone to inform you that your policy is being cancelled and issue you with
a seven day Road Traffic cancellation notice.
Other occasions when we might contact you
You are buying a policy based on the number of miles you declared when you purchased the policy or at
renewal. If you go over that allowance you will need to buy additional miles, the cost of which will be based
on your Telematics Data. If you are predicted to exceed your mileage, we reserve the right to intervene and
should you exceed your mileage allowance and fail to purchase additional mileage, your policy may be
Postcode where your car is kept
From the start of your policy Be Wiser may be alerted that your car is not being regularly kept at the
postcode declared when you purchased the policy. Be Wiser will contact you to confirm this information.
Your details can be updated if your circumstances have changed, and any additional premium or refund
If you dispute the most regularly registered postcode or confirm that this was a temporary change then this
will be noted.
Should Be Wiser receive further alerts regarding where your car is kept then Be Wiser will contact you again.
Remember, if you do not provide accurate information, including where the vehicle is kept, your policy may
be cancelled or the terms of the policy changed.
Continued evidence of high risk driving
If we cancel your policy under this section you will be entitled to a refund of the premium paid in respect of
the cancelled cover, less a proportionate deduction for the time that we have provided such cover, unless
the reason for cancellation is fraud and/or we are legally entitled to keep the premium under the Consumer
Insurance (Disclosure and Representations) Act 2012.
Be Wiser Insurance | Be Wiser Insurance and Drive Wiser are trading names of Be Wiser Insurance Services Ltd
Registered in England No. 6097813. Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered Office: Barrett House, Savoy Close,
Andover, Hampshire SP10 2HZ, Firm Reference Number 465471
Tel: 0800 990 3133 Email:
Please refer to the Be Wiser Terms of Business & Fees and Charges document for all fees or charges that may
be applied in addition to any charges made by us.
Be Wiser and Aviva will review your overall driving behaviour and other telematics data at each renewal
cycle and that analysis will influence the renewal premiums, terms offered, and any conditions that may be
We will explain any charges, conditions and limitations that apply, including any unusual characteristics.