© 2015 Lidong Wang and Cheryl Ann Alexander. This open access article is distributed under a Creative Commons
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Current Research in Medicine
Review Articles
Big Data in Medical Applications and Health Care
Lidong Wang and
Cheryl Ann Alexander
Department of Engineering Technology, Mississippi Valley State University, USA
Department of Nursing, University of Phoenix, USA
Article history
Received: 31-3-2015
Revised: 30-4-2015
Accepted: 4-5-2015
Corresponding Author:
Lidong Wang
Department of Engineering
Technology, Mississippi Valley
State University, USA
Email: lwang22@students.tntech.edu
Abstract: Big Data can unify all patient related data to get a 360-degree
view of the patient to analyze and predict outcomes. It can improve clinical
practices, new drug development and health care financing process. It
offers a lot of benefits such as early disease detection, fraud detection and
better healthcare quality and efficiency. This paper introduces the Big Data
concept and characteristics, health care data and some major issues of Big
Data. These issues include Big Data benefits, its applications and
opportunities in medical areas and health care. Methods and technology
progress about Big Data are presented in this study. Big Data challenges in
medical applications and health care are also discussed.
Keywords: Big Data, Health Care, Medicine, Diagnosis, Tele-diagnosis,
Privacy, Monitoring, Clinical Practice, Personalized Patient Care, Fraud
Detection, E-Consultation, Big Data Analytics, Data Mining, Machine
Learning, Hadoop, Smart Health, Information Security
Big Data Concept and Characteristics
Big data is the data that exceeds the processing
capacity of conventional database systems. The data is
too big, moves too fast, or doesn’t fit the strictures of
conventional database architectures (Dumbill, 2013). Big
data characteristics can be described by 6Vs”. They are:
Volume, Velocity, Variety, Value, Variability and
Veracity (Russom, 2011; Eaton et al., 2012; O’Reilly
Radar Team, 2012; Zikopoulos et al., 2012; Bellini et al.,
2013; Demchenko et al., 2013; Megahed and Jones-
Farmer, 2013; Minelli et al., 2013; Rajpathak and
Narsingpurkar, 2013):
Volume: This means data size such as Terabytes
(TB: Approximately 10
bytes), Petabytes (PB:
Approximately 10
bytes) and Zettabytes (ZB:
Approximately 10
bytes), etc
Velocity: Data is generated at a high speed
Variety: This represents all types of data such as
structured data from relational tables, semi-
structured data from key-value web clicks and
unstructured data from email messages, articles and
streamed video and audio, etc
Value: It is defined by the added-value that the
collected data can bring. It refers to the value that
the data adds to creating knowledge. There is some
valuable information somewhere within the data
Variability: It refers to data changes during
processing and lifecycle. Increasing variety and
variability also increases the attractiveness of data
and the potentiality in providing unexpected, hidden
and valuable information
Veracity: It includes two aspects: Data consistency
(or certainty) and data trustworthiness. Data can be
in doubt: incompleteness, ambiguities, deception
and uncertainty due to data inconsistency, etc
There is often noisy data or false information in big
data. The focus of Big Data is on correlations, not causality
(Bottles and Begoli, 2014). In addition, the data we consider
big today may not be considered big tomorrow because of
the advances in data processing, storage and other system
capabilities (Zaslavsky et al., 2012).
Health Care Data
Big data in healthcare refers to electronic health data
sets so large and complex that it is difficult to manage with
traditional or common data management methods and
traditional software and/or hardware (Priyanka and
Kulennavar, 2014). Some health care data are characterized
by a need for timeliness; for example, data generated by
wearable or implantable biometric sensors; blood pressure,
or heart rate is often required to be collected and analyzed
in real-time (Helm-Murtagh, 2014).
Data in healthcare can be categorized as follows:
Lidong Wang and Cheryl Ann Alexander / Current Research in Medicine 2015, 6 (1): 1.8
DOI: 10.3844/amjsp.2015.1.8
Genomic Data
It refers to genotyping, gene expression and DNA
sequence (Chen et al., 2012; Priyanka and Kulennavar,
Clinical Data and Clinical Notes
About 80% of this type data are unstructured
documents, images and clinical or transcribed notes
(Yang et al., 2014):
Structured data (e.g., laboratory data, structured
Unstructured data (e.g., post-op notes, diagnostic
testing reports, patient discharge summaries,
unstructured EMR/HER and medical images such as
radiological images and X-ray images)
Semi-structured data (e.g., copy-paste from other
structure source)
Behavior Data and Patient Sentiment Data
Web and social media data
Search engines, Internet consumer use and
networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin,
blog, health plan websites and smartphone, etc.)
(Terry, 2013)
Mobility sensor data or streamed data (data in
motion, e.g., electroencephalographydata)
They are from regular medical monitoring and
home monitoring, telehealth, sensor-based wireless
and smart devices (Shrestha, 2014)
Health Publication and Clinical Reference Data
Text-based publications (journals articles, clinical
research and medical reference material) and clinical
text-based reference practice guidelines and health
product (e.g., drug information) data (Miller, 2012;
Priyanka and Kulennavar, 2014).
Administrative, Business and External Data
Insurance claims and related financial data, billing
and scheduling (Terry, 2013)
Biometric data: Fingerprints, handwriting and iris
scans, etc
Other Important Data
Device data, adverse events and patient feedback,
etc. (Yang et al., 2014)
The content from portal or Personal Health Records
(PHR) messaging (such as e-mails) between the
patient and the provider team; the data generated in
the PHR
Benefits of Big Data in Medical Applications
and Health Care
Effective large-scale analysis often requires the
collection of heterogeneous data from multiple sources.
For example, obtaining the 360-degrees health view of a
patient(or a population) benefits from integrating and
analyzing the medical health record along with Internet
available environmental data and then even with
readings from multiple types of meters (for example,
glucose meters, heart meters, accelerometers, among
others) (Jagadish et al., 2014).
Applying advanced analytics to patient profiles,
characteristics and the cost and outcomes of care can
help identify the most clinically and cost effective
treatments, proactively identify individuals who would
benefit from preventative care or lifestyle changes. Big
Data could help reduce waste and inefficiency in the
following three areas (Manyika et al., 2011):
Clinical operations: Determine more clinically relevant
and cost-effective ways to diagnose and treat patients
Research & development: (1) lower attrition and
produce a leaner, faster, moretargeted R&D
pipeline in drugs and devices with the help of
predictive modeling; (2) improve clinicaltrial
design, thus reducing trial failures and speeding
new treatments to market; and (3) identify follow-
on indications and discover adverse effects before
products reach the market
Public health: (1) analyze disease patterns and track
disease outbreaks and transmission to improve
public health surveillance and speed response; (2)
faster develop more accurately targeted vaccines and
(3) turn large amounts of data into actionable
Big Data benefits in medical applications and health
care can be summarized as follows (Helm-Murtagh,
2014; Raghupathi and Raghupathi, 2014): (1)
Improvement of health outcomes through more accurate
and precise diagnoses; identification of patients who are
at risk of adverse outcomes; and customization of care at
the level of the individual patient (personalized
medicine). (2) Reduction of costs through earlier
detection of disease; elimination of unnecessary and
duplicate care; reduction in variations in care; and
elimination of erroneous and improper claims
submissions. (3) Predicting and managing obesity and
health risks; detecting health care fraud more quickly and
efficiently (Certain developments or outcomes may be
predicted and/or estimated based on vast amounts of
historical data). (4) Decreasing inappropriate Emergency
Department (ED) utilization by using statistical models to
identify the best ED services or care alternatives that are
more appropriate, more convenient and lower in cost
according to health conditions, prior use of health care
Lidong Wang and Cheryl Ann Alexander / Current Research in Medicine 2015, 6 (1): 1.8
DOI: 10.3844/amjsp.2015.1.8
resources (e.g., having a primary care provider) and
proximity to sites of care. (5) Providing advantages to
Health Informatics. This is fulfilled by allowing for more
tests cases or more features for research, leading to both
quicker validation of studies and the ability to accrue
enough instances for training. Big Data approaches have
been used for the analysis of Health Informatics data
gathered at multiple levels, including the molecular, tissue,
patient and population levels. The amount of data produced
within Health Informatics has grown to be quite vast. Big
Data analytics grants potentially great possibilities to gain
much knowledge in Health Informatics.
Applications and Opportunities of Big Data
in Medical Applications and Health Care
Big Data can provide support across all aspects of
health care. Big Data analytics has gained traction in
genomics, epidemic spread prediction, clinical outcome,
fraud detection, pharmaceutical development and
personalized patient care, etc. There are potential
applications in these areas. The specific applications of
Big Data in the areas are as follows.
Genomics Analytics
Genomic data is becoming critical to the complete
patient record. Combining patient genomic data with
clinical data helps cancer treatment (Chen et al., 2012;
Priyanka and Kulennavar, 2014).
Flu Outbreak Prediction and Control
In public and population health, continuously
aggregating and analyzing public health data helps
detect and manage potential disease out breaks. Big
Data analytics can mine web-based and social media
data topredict flu outbreaks based on consumer
search, social content and query activity (Priyanka
and Kulennavar, 2014).
Clinical Outcome Analytics
Clinical analytics can be performed through unifying
clinical, financial and operation data for efficient clinical
decisions. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina,
USA has provided several promising examples of how
Big Data can be used to reduce the cost of care, predict
and manage health risks and improve clinical outcomes
(Helm-Murtagh, 2014).
Fraud Detection and Prevention
Identifying, predicting and minimizing fraud can be
implemented by using advanced analytic systems for
fraud detection and checking the accuracy and
consistency of claims. Big Data predictive modeling can
be used by health care payers for fraud prevention. Fraud
waste and abuse analytics can be performed in analyzing
claims and benefits of Veterans benefits and education
fraud (White, 2014; Raghupathi and Raghupathi, 2014).
Medical Device Design and Manufacturing
Big Data tools enable a broader set of anatomical
configurations, device materials, delivery methods and
tissue interactions to be evaluated. Computational methods
and Big Data can play an important role in medical device
design and manufacturing (Erdman and Keefe, 2013).
Personalized Patient Care
Healthcare is moving from a disease-centered model
towards a patient-centered model. In a disease-centered
model, physicians’ decision making is centered on the
clinical expertise and data from medical evidence and
various tests. In a patient-centered model, patients
actively participate in their own care and receive services
focused on individual needs and preferences. The
patient-centric model creates a personalized disease risk
profile, as well as a disease management plan and
wellness plan for an individual. Personalized healthcare
is a data-driven approach. With the increase in the use of
electronic medical records, Big Data will facilitate to
bring proactive and personalized patient care (Chawla
Davis, 2013). In the near future, new big data-derived
linkages will prompt timely updates of patient triage,
diagnostic assistance and clinical guidelines to allow
more precise and personalized treatment to improve
clinical outcome for patients (Yang et al., 2014).
E-Consultation and Tele-Diagnosis
In the future, the aggregated ECG and images from
hospitals worldwide will become big data, which should
be used to develop an e-consultation program helping
on-site practitioners deliver appropriate treatment.
Real-time tele-consultation and tele-diagnosis of ECG
and images can be practiced via an e-platform for
clinical, research and educational purposes. Big Data
analytics can predict over 50% deaths with fewer false
positives as compared with the traditional ECG
analysis, conductedbased on a smaller segment of ECG
signals (Hsieh et al., 2013).
Pharmaceuticals and Medicine
The ability of pharmaceutical companies to continue
bringing new life-saving/life enhancing medicines to
patients in a timely, yet cost-effective manner will
dependent on their ability to manage big data generated
during all phases of pharmaceutical development.
Integration of clinical, healthcare, patents, safety and
public research data will provide key insights into
decision making for target selection and lead
optimization through Big Data analytics for drug
discovery (Schultz, 2013).
Medical Education
Visual analytics was explored as a tool for finding
ways of representing big data from the medical
curriculum of an undergraduate medical program.
Lidong Wang and Cheryl Ann Alexander / Current Research in Medicine 2015, 6 (1): 1.8
DOI: 10.3844/amjsp.2015.1.8
Table 1. BI&A and Big Data in smart health and well being
Human and plant genomics
Health care decision support
Patient community analysis
Genomics and sequence data
Electronic Health Records (EHR), Personal
Health Records (PHR) Health and patient
social media
Disparate but highly linked content,
person-specific content, HIPAA, IRB
and ethics issues
Genomics and sequence analysis and
EHR association mining and clustering
Health social media monitoring and
Health text analytics
Health ontologies
Patient network analysis
Adverse drug side-effect analysis
Privacy-preserving data mining Impacts
Improved health care quality, improved
long-term care, patient empowerment
Improved healthcare quality, improved
long-term care, patient empowerment.
IRB: Institutional Review Board
HIPAA: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
A possible use of Big Data in the medical education
context (Vaitsis et al., 2014) is to: (1) identify data
connections and the relations between them; (2) determine
data’s roles in the lowest level of a course and in the
overall picture of the medical program; (3) perceive and
analyze the curriculum in terms of identifying whether
knowledge, skills and attitude are constructed through the
alignment of teaching methods and assessment towards
learning outcomes and (4) perform gap analysis by
comparing different states in which data can be found to
identify possible discrepancies.
Smart Health and Wellbeing
Business Intelligence and Analytics (BI&A) and the
related field of Big Data analytics have become
increasingly important in the business communities.
Table 1 (Chen et al., 2012) summarizes some BI&A
features and capabilities in smart health and wellbeing,
including applications, data characteristics, analytics and
potential impacts.
Big Data has brought great opportunities in medical
applications and health care. Big Data applications will
expand to more areas (such as telemedicine and digital
hospitals), further improve medical service and deliver
extensive value-based care. Big Data applications and
opportunities need technology support.
Methods and Technology Progress in Big Data
In healthcare/medical field, large amount of
information about patients’ medical histories,
symptomatology, diagnoses and responses to treatments
and therapies is collected. Data mining techniques can be
implemented to derive knowledge from this data in order
to either identify new interesting patterns in infection
control data or to examine reporting practices. Moreover,
predictive models can be used as detection tools
exploiting Electronic Patient Record (EPR) accumulated
for each person of the area (Bellini et al., 2013).
For Big Data healthcare systems, the Hadoop-
MapReduce framework is uniquely capable of storing a
wide range of healthcare data types including electronic
medical records, genomic data, financial and claims
data etc. and offers high scalability, reliability and
availability than traditional Database Management
Systems (DBMS). In addition, intelligent functional
modules such as specialized machine- learning
algorithms for image analysis and recognition,
diagnosis, surveillance, detection, notification etc., can
be built on it (Ngufor and Wojtusiak, 2013).
Figure 1 shows a general framework of big data and
big data analytics.
In order to create an automatic lesion diagnostic
model, an automatic breast cancer diagnostic model was
created using a pattern recognition algorithm and big data
mining technique. Data mining is the process of
discovering useful correlations hidden in large quantities
data and extracting information which can be used in
decision-making. The Support Vector Machine (SVM)
algorithm that is most frequently used with an elevated
accuracy was also presented in detail. A machine learning
algorithm inputs data into the computer establishes criteria
for categorization and predicts the category of the data
when new data are input (Lee and Lee, 2014).
Visual analytics presents an area of synergistic
research with big data by conceptualizing the output of
complex processes through intuitive graphical means.
Metrics dash boarding, real-time interactive visualization
and Giga-node graph exploration are some examples that
would serve as appropriate visualization solutions to the
big data examples. Unstructured data needs to be
converted into analysis-ready datasets, which include
comprehensive workflows for of big data solutions.
Consideration of the structure of the end-data models is
vital for the visualization process (Schultz, 2013).
Visual analytics combines data analysis and
manipulation techniques, information and knowledge
representation and human cognitive strength to perceive
and recognize visual patterns (Vaitsis et al., 2014).
Visual Analytics supports Big Data by providing
interactive visualizations that allow people to navigate
these datasets. Visual Analytics has been defined as “the
science of analytical reasoning facilitated by interactive
visual interfaces ”(Thomas and Cook, 2006).
Lidong Wang and Cheryl Ann Alexander / Current Research in Medicine 2015, 6 (1): 1.8
DOI: 10.3844/amjsp.2015.1.8
Fig. 1. An applied conceptual architecture of Big Data analytics (Raghupathi and Raghupathi, 2014) (OLAP: Online Analytical
Processing; CSV: Comma Separated Values)
Big Data enabled by cloud technologies could provide
us new insights-clinically, operationally and in research
(Shrestha, 2014). The concept of storage-as-a-service
cloud computing, which provides hospitals with a big data
storage capacity based on their specific demands at a low
cost. In cardiology, cloud computing technology and
mobile teleconsultation should be combined because
mobile teleconsultation requires high speed data delivery
and a big data center where data can be delivered, stored,
retrieved and managed securely (Hsieh et al., 2013).
Besides general cloud infrastructure services (storage,
compute, infrastructure/VM management), the following
services are required to support Big Data (Turk, 2012):
Cluster services
Hadoop related services and tools
Specialist data analytics tools (logs, events, data
mining, etc.)
Databases/Servers SQL, NoSQL
MPP (Massively Parallel Processing) databases
Registries, indexing/search, semantics, namespaces
Security infrastructure (access control, policy
enforcement, confidentiality, trust, availability,
Organizations used various methods of de-
identification (anonymization, pseudonymization,
encryption, key-coding, data sharing) to distance data
from personal identities and preserve individuals’
privacy. De-identification has been viewed as an
important protective measure to be taken under the data
security and accountability principles. Yet, over the past
few years, computer scientists have repeatedly shown
that even anonymized data can typically be re-identified
and associated with specific individuals. De-identified
data, in other words, is a temporary state rather than a
stable category (Tene and Polonetsky, 2013).
Challenges of Big Data in Medical
Applications and Health Care
Large volume, velocity and variety of big data have
brought big challenges in data storage, curation, retrieval,
search and visualization. Variability and veracity of big
data indicate data instability and uncertainty, which often
makes Big Data analytics difficult.
Major challenges of Big Data in medical applications
and healthcare are as follows: (1) the data in many health
care providers, specifically hospitals, are often
segmented orsiloed. Clinical data such as patient history,
vital signs, progress notes and diagnostic test results are
stored in the EHR. Quality and outcomes data such as
surgical site infections, rates of return to surgery and
patient falls are in the quality or risk management
departments. Standards for validating, consolidating and
processing data are needed (White, 2014). (2) It is
difficult to aggregate and analyze unstructured data.
Unstructured data include: Test results, scanned
documents, images and progress notes in the patients’
EHR, etc. (White, 2014). Efficiently handling large
volumes of medical imaging data, extracting potentially
useful information and biomarkers and understanding
unstructured clinical notes in the right context are
Lidong Wang and Cheryl Ann Alexander / Current Research in Medicine 2015, 6 (1): 1.8
DOI: 10.3844/amjsp.2015.1.8
challenges (Priyanka and Kulennavar, 2014). (3)
Analyzing genomic data is a computationally intensive
task; combining with standard clinical data adds
additional layers of complexity (Priyanka and
Kulennavar, 2014). (4) An emerging new data source is
telemetry from patient-owned devices and information
entered by patients. The challenge of Big Data becomes
even greater when telemetry from automated monitoring
devices is included. Such data could include subjective
symptom scores (pain, mood and mobility); patient
reported outcomes; and device telemetry such as weight,
activity, glucose, blood pressure and pulse oximetry
(Halamka, 2014). The capture, indexing and processing
of continuously streaming (and possibly annotated) fine-
grained temporal data is a challenge (Schultz, 2013). (5)
Big Data’s focus on correlations, not causality, is
difficult for physicians biased toward the biomedical
model, where the focus is finding the cause of the
disease in order to effectively treat it. Big data means
more information, but there is often noisy data or false
information (Bottles and Begoli, 2014). (6) Privacy
issues in the Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPAA) are often cited as barriers
to collecting big data (Warner, 2013). In telecardiology
and tele-consultation, data confidentiality in the cloud,
data interoperability among hospitals and network
latency and accessibility are challenges (Hsieh et al.,
2013). (7) Even if the privacy of the patient can be
protected, many health care providers are reluctant to
share data because of market competition. It is difficult
to determine the proper balance between protecting the
patient’s information and maintaining the integrity and
usability of the data. Open access, integration,
standardization of readable and useable data is a
challenge (White, 2014). (8) Data hackers have become
more damaging in big data. Data leakage can be costly.
In March 2012, hackers broke into Utah’s Department of
Health database and downloaded personal data from
780,000 patients (Social Security Numbers were
downloaded for 280,000 patients) (Schmitt et al., 2013).
Biometrics such as a fingerprint helps improve
information security and protect against data leakage.
However, it is almost impossible to guarantee complete
data security. (9) Both providers and payers pointed to
resource shortfalls such as staffing, budget and
infrastructure as the big barriers to the adoption of Big
Data. Lack of infrastructure and policies, standards and
practices that make the most of big data in healthcare
were also cited as a concern (Bulletin Board, 2014). (10)
De-identification is the process by which personally
identifiable information is removed from health
information so that there cannot be any linkage back to
the individual in any way. HIPAA outlines two
procedures for de-identifying the information: Safe
harbor and expert determination. The ability to gather
and analyze de-identified data is essential to driving
down cost and improving quality. Concerns exist that
data cannot really be fully de-identified (Warner, 2013).
Big Data technology challenges such as date
integration, data visualization and information security
will be overcome with the advances of computer science,
scientific computation and other disciplines. Other
challenges such as standards, data privacy and ownership
and data sharing and cross-disciplinary collaboration,
etc. need supports from agencies and governments in
policies. It is important and necessary to consolidate e-
Infrastructures as persistent platforms to ensure
continuity in Big Data.
Conclusion and Future Research
Big Data is based on data obtained from the whole
process of diagnosis and treatment of each case. Big Data
analytics can perform predictive modeling to determine
which patients are most likely to benefit from a care
management plan. It is moving forward quickly in
population health and quality measurement. Big Data offers
a lot of benefits such as disease prevention, reduced medical
errors and the right care at the right time and better medical
outcomes. In addition, Big Data can improve the Research
and Development (R&D) and translation of new therapies.
Big data has great potential to improve medicine, guide
clinicians in delivering value-based care.
Big Data has challenges in medical applications and
healthcare. These challenges include consolidating and
processing segmented or siloed data, aggregating and
analyzing unstructured data, indexing and processing
continuously streaming data, privacy, data leakage,
information security and lack of infrastructure and
unified standards, etc.
Most of the above challenges can be future research
topics. These future research topics can be: Aggregating
and analyzing unstructured health care data, indexing
and processing of continuously stream data, medical data
confidentiality and interoperability, health care data
security and e-Infrastructures as persistent platforms for
health care big data, etc. The authors of the paper will
focus on Big Data in medical sensor data and streaming
data processing, privacy-preserving data mining in health
care, sentiment analysis of medical big data and
personalization and behavioral modeling.
This study was supported in part by Technology and
Healthcare Solutions, Inc. in Mississippi, USA. No
conflict of interest to disclose.
Funding Information
The authors have no funding to report.
Author’s Contributions
Lidong Wang and Cheryl Ann Alexander worked on
the manuscript as group efforts at all stages.
Lidong Wang and Cheryl Ann Alexander / Current Research in Medicine 2015, 6 (1): 1.8
DOI: 10.3844/amjsp.2015.1.8
This article is original and contains unpublished
material. The corresponding author confirms that both
the authors have read and approved the manuscript and
no ethical issues involved.
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