Full Disclosure:
Stress testing
tech platforms’
ad repositories
Executive Summary 2
1. Introduction 5
2. Scope 7
a. Platforms Under Review 7
b. Criteria for Assessment 7
3. Methodology 11
a. Limitations of this research 11
b. Data Collection 12
c. Stress Testing 13
d. Usability Testing 14
4. Some improvements since Mozilla’s 2019 Analysis 16
5. Analysis & Testing 18
AliExpress 19
Alphabet: Google Search & YouTube 22
Apple App Store 25
Bing 28
Booking.com 30
LinkedIn 32
Meta 34
Pinterest 36
Snapchat 39
TikTok 41
X 44
Zalando 46
6. Key Takeaways From Comparative Analysis 49
7. Conclusion 51
8. Recommendations 53
a. Online Platforms 53
b. Regulators 54
9. Proposed Standardized Ads Repository Format: 56
10. Annex 58
a. Ad Repositories links 58
Executive Summary
The ad libraries provided by large tech platforms are critical tools for the
public to assess the role of commercial advertising and paid influence on
services which are used by billions every day.
These libraries collect ad
content and information about the intention of ad campaigns, giving
researchers and the public a view into how commercial communications are
used to influence the information space.
The EU Digital Services Act DSA requires that the largest online platforms
and search engines (those designated by the EU Commission as “Very Large
Online Platforms and Search Engines - hereafter VLOs) have ad repositories.
This harmonized requirement, set out in Article 39 of the DSA, comes not a
moment too soon, with this June’s 2024 European elections just around the
corner. But the effectiveness of these tools depends on their usefulness for
researchers in practice.
In this independent “stress test”, we assessed whether the available ad repositories
are truly ready for action. We examined the following services designated by the
European Commission in April 2023 AliExpress, Apple App Store, Bing, Booking.com,
Alphabet Google Search and YouTube), LinkedIn, Meta Facebook and Instagram),
Pinterest, Snapchat, TikTok, X, and Zalando.
Our evaluation is based on a combination of the DSAs requirements for VLOs in Article
3912 and five guidelines written by Mozilla and other experts in 2019. We examine
factors such as the depth of information provided regarding the advertisement and its
advertiser, the targeting criteria employed, and the ad's reach. Additionally, we
evaluate the completeness of the ad repository, the availability of historical data, and
the accessibility, consistency, and documentation of the tools provided. Most
platforms have a separate web-based ad repository and an API, and we assess these
Our testing was conducted between December 2023 and January 2024. We note, but
have not been able to systematically test, developments following the launch of our
tests, like the appearance of new APIs. We follow each assessment with individual
recommendations, and conclude the report with general observations and suggestions
for improvement and harmonization.
Vast Networks of Fake Accounts Raise Questions About Meta’s Compliance with the EU’s New Digital Rulebook (
Reset, Oct 2023),
Facebook Hustles: The Hidden Mechanics of a Scam Machinery Impersonating News Organisations and Creators
(CheckFirst, Jun 2023),
We find a huge variation among the platforms, but one thing is true across all of them:
none is a fully-functional ad repository and none will provide researchers and civil
society groups with the tools and data they need to effectively monitor the impact of
VLOs advertisements on Europe’s upcoming elections. For example, AliExpresss
repository provides the bare minimum in terms of data transparency and user
interface, and X (formerly Twitter) only provides a CSV file. While these platforms
provide the worst examples
, we struggle to tell you which one is best. While we don’t
test the branded content (influencer) repositories for methodological reasons, we find
that only a handful of platforms have this kind of content in their repositories at all,
despite many of them having influencer presence. Critically, these repositories are far
from compatible, making it difficult for researchers to study paid influence across the
platforms systematically. Finally, these transparency tools were often difficult to even
locate in the first place. A few are accessible through several clicks from an ad in the
interface, but in many cases we had to dig into the platforms’ terms and conditions.
Key findings
AliExpress’s repository has no API and a very minimal user interface, and even
that requires a user account to access. We encountered loading and display
errors and were blocked several times by anti-bot tools.
Apple App Store: The web repository and API lack important details for
understanding paid influence, like targeting broken down by country
Bing: We were disappointed by the limited data in the API and limited API
Booking.com: We found it very difficult to link ads on the platform to ads in the
web repository, and we found limited documentation about the API.
Alphabet Google Search and YouTube): We see progress, but its been six
years and we still can’t search by keyword.
LinkedIn: The web repository only allows for limited analysis
Pinterest: We found accuracy issues and missing data.
Snapchat: The search functionality is very limited, and there is currently no API.
TikTok: The ad repository and API look robust, but we encountered gaps and
accuracy errors.
X With a (slow to load) CSV file instead of a web interface, this was a major
Zalando: The web repository doesn’t allow some basic capabilities like
combined searches, and we also found only limited information about targeting.
During our research Amazon did not even have a public ad repository. It was granted a temporary exemption by
the ECJ, but on March 27, Amazon’s request to suspend its obligation was rejected. It now has an Ad Library API
accessible at http://advertising-api-eu.amazon.com
Order of the Vice-President of the Court in Case C-639/23 P(R) | Commission v Amazon Services Europe
(Curia.europa,, March 2024), https://curia.europa.eu/jcms/upload/docs/application/pdf/2024-03/cp240060en.pdf
For Platforms:
1. Platforms should remove access barriers, ensuring the repositories are easily
accessible and widely available
2. Repositories should provide more complete data on ad campaigns and more
granular information about ad intentions and effectiveness
3. Search functionalities should be improved, with additional options to export
4. Platforms should offer better documentation and user support to effectively
empower research
5. The web-based repositories and APIs should be more harmonized to facilitate
cross-platform research
For Regulators:
1. The European Commission and the Board for Digital Services Coordinators
should develop guidelines on ad repositories, in consultation with the research
community, in particular civil society researchers and platform integrity experts.
2. The European Commission should encourage the standardization of APIs
across the designated VLOs to increase usability and facilitate cross-platform
3. Regulators should strengthen disclosure requirements and assurances for
branded or ‘influencer’ content.
1. Introduction
Ad libraries let researchers, watchdogs, and members of the public
understand how commercial communications influence the information
space and affect society. These tools are particularly important during
democratic moments like elections.
The EU’s Digital Services Act DSA, which entered into force in August 2023,
introduces legal obligations on the largest online platforms and search engines
(“VLOs”). Article 39 requires VLOs to compile and maintain a public and searchable ad
library (“repository”) including certain information about the ad content, reach, and
targeting criteria.
Mozilla has long advocated for advertising transparency. In 2019, ahead of the last
European elections, Mozilla and a cohort of independent researchers identified key
traits for an effective ad archive API.
These five guidelines - which address
comprehensiveness, detail, search functionalities, maintenance and historical access,
and public access - were designed to ensure that platforms facilitated independent
research and the monitoring of paid disinformation and election influence. This
initiative built on the EU Code of Practice on Disinformation, which had set voluntary
commitments for industry on ad transparency.
Today, most of these platforms have public ad repositories; but the DSA has set an
important legal standard for the basic functionality and data they need to provide. This
harmonized transparency requirement has come just in time for the June 2024
European Parliamentary elections. But the effectiveness of these repositories in
helping researchers investigate harms like disinformation hinges on the usefulness of
these tools in practice.
“Facebook and Google: This is What an Effective Ad Archive API Looks Like (Mozilla, March 2019),
This research aims to assess the overall readiness of these repositories for
researchers, journalists, and other watchdogs as we head not only into this June’s
European elections, but into elections around the world in 2024, in which roughly half
the world's population are eligible to vote.
While we find there is still much room for improvement with these repositories, we are
encouraged to see many of the points from our guidelines were taken up by the
platforms, following the passage of the DSA. When Mozilla and partners released the
2019 guidelines, Facebook and Google had just pledged to launch public ad archive
APIs. Now, 11 of the world’s largest tech companies have ad repositories. The road
here has not been smooth, but this is progress.
For this research, we combined our understanding of the DSAs requirements in Article
39 and Mozilla’s five guidelines from 2019 into a single set of criteria for assessment.
As before, our aim is to ensure that these transparency tools will be useful in practice
for researchers and the public. It is up to the regulator to assess legal compliance with
the DSAs requirements - we cannot and do not aim to do this. We hope that this report
can help to guide regulators and policymakers, and support the wider research
community - as well as to encourage VLOs to continue to improve their transparency
over their advertising practices.
2. Scope
a. Platforms Under Review
We examine the ad repositories of the following VLOs:
AliExpress, Apple App Store,
Bing, Booking.com, Alphabet Google Search and YouTube), LinkedIn, Meta Facebook
and Instagram), Pinterest, Snapchat, TikTok, X, and Zalando.
b. Criteria for Assessment
Our criteria were inspired by two sources: Article 39 12 of the DSA, which obliges
VLOs to compile a searchable ad library, and Mozilla’s expert analysis on how to build
effective APIs for these ad libraries.
We did not examine Amazon Store because Amazon had been granted an exemption from making its ad
repository publicly available by the European Court of Justice. See “Order of the President of the
General Court” (Case: T367/23 R), 27 September 2023:
We did not do a separate evaluation for Alphabet-designated services Maps, Play Store or Shopping.
Wikipedia does not have ads so it is not studied.
We do not study the platforms designated by the EU Commission later than April 2023. See Digital
Services Act: Commission designates first set of Very Large Online Platforms and Search Engines”,
European Commission, 25 April 2023:
DSA Article 39
Article 39 requires VLOs to compile and make publicly available a repository containing
detailed advertisement information. This repository should include:
- Content of The Advertisement: The repository should include the content of
the advertisement, the name of the product, service, or brand, and the subject
matter of the advertisement.
- Advertisement Entities: Information about the natural or legal person on whose
behalf the advertisement is presented and the person who paid for the
- Duration: The period during which the advertisement was presented.
- Targeting Parameters: Whether the advertisement was intended for specific
groups of recipients and the main parameters used for that purpose.
- Commercial Communications: The content containing commercial
communications published on the platforms as per Article 262 (ie
self-declared influencer content or branded content).
- Recipient Data (audience reach data): The total number of service recipients
reached, with aggregate numbers broken down by EU Member State for
targeted groups.
Mozilla's Ad Archive API Recommendations:
In March 2019, Mozilla and a cohort of independent researchers published five
guidelines that ad archive APIs must meet in order to support election influence
monitoring and independent research. The experts were based at Oxford University,
the University of Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Stiftung Neue
Verantwortung, and other institutions. The recommendations are:
- Comprehensive Content: The API should provide access to both paid political
ads and issue-based ads without restrictions based on pre-selected topics or
- Detailed Ad Information: This includes the content of the advertisement,
targeting criteria, impressions, engagements, payment details, and
microtargeting specifics.
- Functionality: The API should support advanced research and analysis,
allowing for trend analysis, content downloads, and search functionalities.
- Data Accessibility: Advertisements should be available within 24 hours of
publication, with historical data access going back at least 10 years. The API
should be maintained and promptly fixed if issues arise.
Facebook and Google: This is What an Effective Ad Archive API Looks Like (Mozilla, Mar 2019),
Mainly 39.1 and 39.2 https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=celex%3A32022R2065.
- Public Access: Both the API and the data derived from it should be accessible
to the general public.
We arrived at the combined and simplified criteria list below, first combined and then
differentiated for the web-based repository and for the API
Web-based Ad Repository & API Ad Repository Analysis Combined)
Public Availability
The extent to which platforms have made an
ad repository publicly accessible.
Content of Advertisement
Verifying if the repositories included detailed
information on the content, product, service,
brand name, and subject matter of the
Advertisement entities (payer and
beneficiary details)
The disclosure of information about the
entity presenting the advertisement and the
payer behind it.
Duration Reporting
Assessment of the accuracy and
comprehensiveness of the information about
the duration of the advertisements.
Targeting Parameters
Whether the ad repository provides clear
indications of whether ads were targeted
and the main parameters used for targeting.
Commercial Communications
The inclusion of a tool for commercial
communications content like user-reported
ads, influencer content or “branded content
Corresponding with DSA Article 262.
An important difference between this
content and “traditional” ads is that one
category is self-disclosed.
Recipient Data Reached Audience Data)
The availability and accuracy of data
regarding the total number of recipients and
the breakdown by EU Member State for
targeted groups.
Detailed Ad Performance
Detailed targeting criteria, impressions,
engagements, payment details, and
specifics on microtargeting.
Search Functionality
Whether the repository (web and API
supports advanced research capabilities
such as trend analysis, content downloads,
and enhanced search functionalities
Data Accessibility
The availability of ads within 24 hours of
publication and historical data access for at
least 1 year.
Additional Web Repository Analysis
Ensuring that the data presented in the
web-based ad repository mirrors the actual
ads displayed on the platform.
Reliability Data Consistency)
Observing consistency in performance, both
in terms of data availability and search
results over time, by repeated browsing of
the ad repository over several days to search
for new ads and to reiterate previous
Filtering And Sorting Capabilities
Measuring the efficiency and effectiveness
of filtering functions (ability to filter the
results of a search, e.g. by recency,
performance) and sorting (ability to rank the
results of a search) capabilities.
Tooltips And Help Features
The availability and effectiveness of tooltips
(tools on the interface), Help / FAQ sections,
and other guidance features
Feedback Mechanism
Assessment of the ease with which users
can provide feedback or report issues.
“Distance” to The Repository
Whether users can reach the ad repository
from an ad displayed on the platform and
how many clicks it takes.
Additional API Repository Analysis
Consistency of the API's performance over
time including during periods of high query
Assessing whether data points described by
DSA Article 39 and Mozilla's criteria are
consistently available for each
Responsiveness of the API, focusing on its
ability to provide timely feedback and
results to queries under different load
Data Integrity
Ensuring repeated and varied queries did
not lead to data corruption or loss.
3. Methodology
a. Limitations of this research
We want to be clear on the scope and limitations of this research.
We designed our tests in November 2023 and conducted our tests between
December 2023 and January 2024. VLOs have made changes after the launch of
our tests. We monitor and note developments following the start of our testing
period December 1st), like the appearance of new APIs, but we have not been able
to systematically test these developments.
We have tested the web-based ad repositories and APIs, but we have not scrutinized
the content of the information provided. In other words, we look at things like
accessibility, functionalities, and completeness (whether or not most ads on the
platform appear in the web repository and API - but we do not assess the accuracy or
truthfulness of the information, for example, whether the beneficiary information is
correct. We therefore do not assess whether the ad repos and APIs accurately include
branded or influencer or political content, also because allowance and policies vary.
We do not assess the quality of the VLO repositories with respect to influencer or
branded content, corresponding with the obligations under DSA Article 262, which
states that
providers of online platforms shall provide recipients of the service with a
functionality to declare whether the content they provide is or contains commercial
Assessing the accuracy of the repositories with respect to influencer content would
require a different methodology(See Mozilla’s 2021 research into paid political
influence on TikTok
). More recently, independent researchers at the German think
tank Stiftung Neue Verantwortung released in-depth research into TikTok’s DSA ad
repository and its inclusion of "other commercial content”. They outline several issues,
including that “only a very small number of users use this functionality and that there
is limited information about the ads and interests behind them.
We note that only Meta, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Snapchat have separate branded
content repositories and that TikTok has a dedicated branded content API, in addition
to having a separate branded content web repository. Pinterest has a field indicating
yes/no with respect to “commercial content” in its main web repository. The other
platforms do not have this kind of content in their repositories at all. This may be
because they do not allow influencer content on their platforms (likely the case for
Apple App Store, Booking.com, Bing, Google Search), but we would expect Zalando, X,
and AliExpress to have this content.
Scrutinizing the inclusion and accuracy of influencer content is a critical area of future
research, as is clear from the results of the European Commission sweep which found
that out of 97% of influencers publishing posts with commercial content, only 20%
systematically disclosed this.
Similarly it was beyond our scope to assess the accuracy and completeness of the
repositories and APIs with respect to “political content. Currently, policies on including
political content, and definitions of political content, vary across the VLOs. During our
testing, we found that Meta, Alphabet, and Snapchat allow political advertising on their
platforms in the EU and distinguish these ads in their ad repositories and APIs. Others
prohibit it.
The European Institutions have recently agreed on regulation on the
transparency and targeting of political advertising which may change this situation.
Transparency and targeting of political advertising: EU co-legislators strike deal on new regulation
(European Council Press Releases, Nov 2023),
When contacted prior to publication, Pinterest emphasized that they prohibit political
Investigation of the Commission and consumer authorities finds that online influencers rarely disclose
commercial content (Europa Press Corner, Feb 2024),
It is our understanding that AliExpress, X, and Zalando have influencer programs of some kind.
Tik-Tok, DSA O'Clock? (Auditing TikTok - Alexander Hohlfeld, Anna Semenova, Martin Degeling, Greta
Hess, Kathy Meßmer, Feb 2024) https://tiktok-audit.com/blog/2024/Tik-Tok-oclock/
These Are “Not” Political Ads About the methodology (Mozilla, 2021),
DSA Article 26.2(2)
b. Data Collection
We conducted our testing between December 2023 and January 2024.
Our data collection process was structured as follows:
1. Accessing Repositories
- API Integration: Use the application programming interfaces APIs) provided by
each VLO to access their ad repository.
- Automated Retrieval: In cases where APIs might have limitations or are not
provided, employ automated retrieval techniques to extract data directly from
the platform's ad repository interface.
2. Data Points Collected
- Advertisement Content: Retrieve the content of the advertisement, including
visuals, text, and any multimedia elements.
- Product/Service Details: Extract the name of the product, service, or brand
- Advertisement Entities: Identify the natural or legal person on whose behalf
the advertisement is presented and the one who financed it.
- Advertisement Duration: Record the period during which the advertisement
was active on the platform.
- Targeting Information: Gather data on whether the advertisement was
intended for specific groups and the parameters used for such targeting.
- Recipient Data: Collect data on the total number of service recipients reached
and any available breakdown by EU Member State or other demographics.
3. Data Storage and Organization
- Database Integration: Collected data is stored in a structured database,
ensuring easy retrieval, analysis, and assessment.
- Data Categorization: Data is organized by platform.
4. Data Quality Assurance
- Data Verification: A subset of the collected data was cross-checked against
the actual advertisements displayed on the platforms to ensure accuracy.
- Handling Inconsistencies: Algorithms were used to detect and handle any
inconsistencies or anomalies in the data, ensuring the integrity of the dataset.
- Data Update Mechanism: We updated this data once per day, capturing any
new advertisements and changes to existing ones.
- Data Retention Policy: The collected data will be maintained for the duration of
the project, followed by archiving on CheckFirst's server for a one-year period.
c. Stress Testing
These stress tests aimed to uncover any potential vulnerabilities, inefficiencies, or
shortcomings in the ad repositories and identify areas for improvement for real world
use. Stress testing was used to evaluate the robustness, reliability, and effectiveness
of the ad repositories under various conditions and loads, to mimic real-world
demands and challenges.
Here is our approach:
1. Complexity Test
Objective: Evaluate the repository's capability to handle multi-criteria queries, which
are complex and demand more processing power.
Execution: Craft queries that combine multiple search criteria and filters, then
measure the accuracy of the returned results and the time taken to process these
2. Accuracy Test
Objective: Ensure that the data retrieved from the repository matches the actual ads
displayed on the platform.
Execution: We randomly captured 100 ads on each platform between December 2023
and January 2024. 24 hours after capture we tried to find the same ads in the
repository, searching by keyword or advertiser.
3. Reliability Test
Objective: Determine the consistency of the repository's performance over time.
Execution: Query the repository at different intervals (e.g., peak hours, off-peak
hours) and compare response times, data accuracy, and system stability.
4. Completeness Test
Objective: Ensure that all required data points, including VLOs obligations under DSA
Article 392 and Mozilla's API recommendations, are available for each ad.
Execution: For a random set of advertisements, check for the presence of all required
data points and note any omissions.
6. Data Integrity Test
Objective: Ensure that repeated and varied queries do not lead to data corruption or
Execution: After each test, verify the integrity of the data in the repository, ensuring
no inadvertent changes or losses have occurred.
d. Usability Testing
A system can be technically sound, but if it's not user-friendly, its effectiveness is
limited. This usability testing aims to ensure that the ad repositories are also
user-centric, since these transparency tools are designed for the public - the DSA
specifically requires VLO to make these tools publicly available, searchable and
Here is our approach to usability testing:
1. Search Functionality Test
Objective: Evaluate the effectiveness and accuracy of the search function.
Execution: We performed a series of searches using various criteria and filters, then
measured the relevance and accuracy of the returned results.
2. Filter and Sorting Test
Objective: Determine the efficiency and effectiveness of filtering and sorting options.
Execution: Users applied various filters and sorting options to the ad data, assessing
the speed, accuracy, and relevance of the results.
3. Tooltips and Help Features
Objective: Evaluate the availability and effectiveness of tooltips, help sections, and
other guidance features.
Execution: Users access these features and give feedback on their clarity, usefulness,
and accessibility.
4. Error Handling
Objective: Determine how the system handles errors, such as invalid queries or
system overloads.
Execution: Intentionally introduce errors like misspellings and observe the system's
responses, ensuring they are clear, informative and guide the user towards a
5. Feedback Mechanism
Objective: Evaluate the ease with which users can provide feedback or report issues.
Execution: Users attempt to use any available feedback mechanisms, assessing their
accessibility, clarity, and responsiveness.
6. Documentation and User Guides
Objective: Assess the availability and quality of user documentation, tutorials, and
Execution: Review any provided documentation for clarity, comprehensiveness, and
4. Some improvements since Mozilla’s 2019
In 2019, Mozilla and dozens of civil society organizations urged Facebook to launch
an ad archive API to let researchers, journalists, and users understand the
advertising on the platform. At the same time, Google pledged to launch a similar
tool, also under the EU’s Code of Practice on Disinformation. These commitments
were critical ahead of the June 2019 EU Parliamentary elections. In March of that
year, Mozilla gathered a cohor t of experts, including experts from the University of
Amsterdam and Stiftung Neue Verantwortung, and published five guidelines for
Facebook and Google’s APIs, which were then endorsed by more than 70
When Google and Facebook released their APIs in 2019, Mozilla scrutinized them
carefully. We found Facebook’s API to be inadequate,
since it did not provide
sufficient data to facilitate the work of researchers monitoring disinformation. In
particular, we found that Facebook’s ad API provided no information on ad criteria and
engagement, preventing researchers from understanding who advertisers were paying
to reach, and how successful they were in their attempt to influence. We also found
that Facebook’s API constrained researchers through arbitrary and unnecessary
restrictions such as search rate limits. We weren’t able to assess how complete the
content was at the time since the ad library didn’t allow for filtering, bulk downloads,
or the identification of ads via a unique identifier. We found that Google’s 2019 API was
much better compared to Facebook’s,
but it was still far from sufficient. We found it
usable, since it allowed for filtering and bulk downloads, but like Facebook, it didn’t
include targeting criteria or engagement data. See Mozilla’s 2019 log documenting
design limitations, data errors, and bugs in the APIs that made consistent analysis
essentially impossible).
Since 2019, platforms have made a number of positive changes to their ad archives
and APIs. Many of the things we asked for and that were first set out in the EU Code of
Practice on Disinformation have become enshrined in law through the DSA. We
Data Collection Log EU Ad Transparency Report (Mozilla, 2019),
Google’s Ad API is Better Than Facebook’s, But… (Mozilla, May 2019),
Facebook’s Ad Archive API is Inadequate (Mozilla, 2019),
welcome the fact that both Google and Facebook have included ad targeting criteria
and engagement data, which represents a significant improvement from the tools they
had in 2019. They also have kept their promises to include historical data, going back
six years so far. Facebook (now Meta) also allows for filtering, and this time we were
able to run a test for comprehensiveness.
But these tools still fall well short of what they are intended to do: allow researchers
and the general public to comprehensively assess the role of commercial advertising
and paid influence on their services. While Meta and Google’s ad transparency tools
may be among the most advanced of those we study, they’ve had a considerable head
start, and they still have a long way to go. In our view, neither one provides an example
to follow. We also hope they maintain historical data, since under the letter of the law,
they would only be required to maintain this for one year.
5. Analysis & Testing
Both web-based ad repository (hereafter Web Repository) and API-based ad
repository (hereafter API are mentioned in t he DSA. In our experience they
sometimes have different data and functionalities, so we test them separately.
This analysis is structured in five parts:
1 an overview analysis of the web-based ad repository.
2 a discussion of the web-based repository stress test results.
3 an overview analysis of the API (if available during our testing period).
4 a discussion of the results of testing the API (if available during our testing
5 a list of recommendations.
Our evaluation scheme]
Does not exist
Lacks vital data
Bare minimum
data and
Still has big gaps
in data and
ready for action!
Find our comparative table here:
The absolute bare minimum. AliExpress’s repository has no API,a very minimal user
interface and requires an account to access. During our tests we encountered
loading and display errors and were blocked several times by anti-bot tools.
1. Web Repository Analysis
AliExpress’s ad repository requires a user account, limiting public accessibility. It
presents only basic ad elements like images and product description.
The repository includes information about ad duration, targeting parameters and
recipient/audience data, including geographic targeting and aggregate user numbers.
While AliExpress covers comprehensive content, it lacks more detailed information on
targeting criteria, impressions, and payment modalities, which are crucial for a
complete understanding of its advertising practices.
Historical access is available from February 2024.
The absence of a public API limits accessibility and usability.
2. Web Repository Testing
The AliExpress ad repository offers satisfactory search functionality, allowing users to
search by country, advertisement titles, and advertiser, with the possibility of
combining two of these search criteria.
We were able to find 99 of the 100 ads we studied in the interface in the repository.
However, for 65% of our set , targeting criteria were either not available or missing
country-level data. This suggests there may be a need for more precision in the
repository's data accuracy.
Reliability was another area of concern: we found inconsistencies in performance over
several days. For instance, we encountered display and loading errors, and were even
blocked from using the repository because of scrolling too fast and setting off a
bot-detection tool. This variability affects the usability of the tool and the
trustworthiness of the data, and suggests possible implications for data management
and update processes.
The repository does not have filtering and sorting functionalities. While testing, we
were often hindered by rate limits (limiting the number of queries we could conduct),
which we feel reduce the usefulness for someone requiring immediate access to the
There are no support features or tooltips (tools on the interface to help researchers
using the repository), which help new or detailed-oriented users. Another drawback is
the lack of feedback and report mechanisms, which are important for continuous
improvement and addressing user needs effectively.
3. API Analysis
No API as of March 18, 2024
4. API Testing
No API as of March 18, 2024
5. Recommendation
Web Interface
Ensure complete disclosure of ads, ad
entities, including detailed information about
micro-targeting strategies and funding
Create a public API for transparent and
accessible ad data, integrating detailed
information like ad content, targeting, and
historical access up to 10 years.
Develop advanced search tools to allow for
more efficient and comprehensive
exploration of advertisements, like filters
and sorting options.
Ensure easy and free access to ad data for
all users without an account.
Improve the user interface for better
navigation and user experience.
Establish systems for collecting and
incorporating reports and user feedback.
Incorporate tooltips and a help section for
immediate assistance and improved user
understanding and navigation.
Extend the availability of historical ad data
to at least 10 years.
Alphabet: Google Search & YouTube
We see progress, but its been six years and we still can’t search by keyword in the
web -based repository.
Note: Google Search and YouTube ads are stored in the same repository.
Its not
possible to filter by Google Product using the repository interface although it is
possible to search ads by type (text, image or video).
We had difficulties studying ads related to Google Play Store, Maps, and Shopping, so we excluded
them from this research. We believe that Google Play Store ads are also stored in this repository, but we
found no way to filter the ads to see only the ads from Play Store.
1. Web Repository Analysis
Google's ad repository is accessible to the public (no account is required). The
repository, focused solely on advertisement content, provides essential information
about the advertisers, including their legal names, locations, and verification statuses.
Google also discloses ad duration.
Although targeting parameters and recipient data are somewhat limited and
sometimes totally absent, Google's inclusion of country-specific targeting and
aggregate recipient data offers some insight into ad reach and targeted
demographics. The repository offers a search functionality allowing for multiple search
parameters and historical data access back to 2018 (six years).
In the case of YouTube, we note that this is one of the few repositories that includes
branded or user-declared commercial communications content like influencer content
- though this is not scrutinized in our report.
2. Web Repository Testing
Google's ad repository search functionalities performed well on our tests. Users can
also reach the repo directly from an ad they have been exposed to on the platforms in
three clicks.
Our accuracy test showed mixed results: for YouTube, we found 100% of our ads in the
repository, but for Google Search, only 67%. This figure reflects our ability to match an
exact ad captured the previous day with a single ad in the repository. It's possible this
lower accuracy figure for Google Search could be due to time delay (some ads taking
4872 hours to appear) or the ads being a responsive search ads, "one of many
variations served to users and can include different combinations of text, images, and
links that employ slight variations", as explained in their Ads Transparency Center FAQ.
The repository's reliability is high and filter options are adequate, but the lack of
sorting options impede usefulness. Critically, there are no keyword-based searches
possible on the web repository - users may only search by domain and advertiser
The repository includes a help page and tooltips, and users can provide feedback or
report ads directly. We also note that the repository mixes advertisements from the
different platforms owned by Alphabet without providing a way to easily filter by
3. API Analysis
Google's API is accessible exclusively to users with a Google account. While it provides
an extensive range of fields, it does not disclose the actual content of the
advertisement; instead, it offers a URL that directs to the web repository. The dataset
is comprehensive, including details about the advertiser, the duration of the ad,
recipient data, and a limited set of targeting parameters. The search functionality
allows for a wide range of queries since each field is searchable. Data access extends
beyond a one-year period.
4. API Testing
Google's repository stands out as the only one designed using BigQuery, Google’s
proprietary service. Although the dataset can be queried through numerous fields, as
with the web repo, we could not conduct keyword searches. We found the API to be
stable and reliable over time. There is thorough documentation available in multiple
languages, complete with practical code examples.
5. Recommendations:
Web Interface
Ensure complete disclosure of ads, ad
entities, including detailed information about
micro-targeting strategies and funding
Enhance ad data by providing extensive
details on ad content, ad duration, targeting
strategies, audience metrics, and advertiser
Develop advanced search tools to allow for
more efficient and comprehensive
exploration of advertisements, like filters
and sorting options, and allow keyword
Remove access restrictions, and loosen the
strict rate limits to facilitate more efficient
data extraction.
Apple App Store
We found the web repository and API lack important details for understanding paid
influence, like targeting broken down by country.
1. Web Repository Analysis
The Apple App Store ad repository offers unrestricted access to its ad repository,
featuring a range of content and visual elements like “screenshots and app previews”.
The platform discloses the advertisement entities, including app details (e.g. app
name, app subtitle, app label) and developers' legal names. It also discloses ad
However, the targeting parameters are limited and recipient data numbers are not
provided. While the Apple App Store offers comprehensive content - it provides
extended detailed ad information, such as placement and format - it lacks information
on useful aspects like reach and engagement.
The platform offers one year of historical data.
2. Web Repository Testing
The repository has a useful search functionality, allowing users to search by developer
or app, country or region, and date range, and to combine these parameters for more
targeted queries.
However, in some cases we could not be sure that we located the specific ad we saw
due to a problem with ad content differentiation, i.e. the presence of multiple identical
ads for the same app in search results. This suggests a need for a more unique
presentation or search capability.
The repository's performance is reliable and consistent, but lacks filtering and sorting
capabilities. Support features are also somewhat lacking: there is a help page but
there are no tooltips or feedback and reporting mechanisms.
3. API Analysis
Apple's API is freely accessible, with no need for registration or restrictions. It provides
a variety of endpoints, each enabling different types of search queries. In the scope of
this report, we have concentrated on the 'ad-repository-ads' and
'ad-repository-entities' endpoints to gather information. The API presents a more
detailed view of advertisements than the web repository. The data encompasses the
advertisement content, the entities involved, and the ad's duration.
While targeting parameters are available, there's room for further detail, like
impression data. The API does not provide a detailed breakdown by member states in
recipient data.
The data remains accessible for a period of one year.
4. API Testing
Apple's repository API is designed using REST architecture and equipped with RSQL
endpoints offering comprehensive granularity. This advanced functionality permits
users to conduct searches with a range of parameters including keywords,
advertisers, country, and date range, either individually or in combination. Throughout
the testing phase, the API operated without any errors. However, some fields, such as
'adBanner.promotionalText' and 'adAssets.videoUrl', were absent from the dataset on
multiple ads.
The API's documentation is comprehensive and includes examples, although it is
available solely in English.
5. Recommendations
Web Interface
Ensure complete disclosure of ads, ad
entities, including detailed information about
Enhance ad data by providing extensive
details on ad content, ad duration, targeting
micro-targeting strategies and funding
strategies, audience metrics, and advertiser
Develop advanced search tools to allow for
more efficient and comprehensive
exploration of advertisements, like filters
and sorting options.
Incorporate tooltips and a help section for
immediate assistance and improved user
understanding and navigation.
Extend the availability of historical ad data
to at least 10 years.
We were unable to search the web repo with special characters like è” and were
disappointed by the limited data in the API and limited API documentation.
1. Web Repository Analysis
Bing provides public access to its ad repository, presenting the ads themselves as
they appear on the platform. Bing discloses advertiser information including the entity
paying for ads and their registered locations. The platform displays ad duration,
targeting parameters for recipient data and aggregate numbers broken down by EU
Member State.
While Bing offers some detailed advertisement information, it lacks comprehensive
details on crucial aspects like ad performance (engagements), and payment.
Data is available for up to one year.
2. Web Repository Testing
In our view Bing’s ad repository's search functionality could be improved. Currently, we
can only search by keyword or advertiser, not by country or date. Despite having
advanced filtering options (advertiser, country, date, ad content), the repository lacks
sorting capabilities, which would help users order the results.
The repository is reliable - providing consistent data and performance over time. But in
our accuracy test, we only found about 75% of our ads viewed on Bing.com in the
Example of ad not found on the repository
We find that data retrieval within the repository is fast, but the repository does not
allow searches by special characters like é à è é ï .
The repository does not offer tooltips or help features and lacks feedback and report
3. API Analysis
Bing's API is open to the public and features a single endpoint for repository searches.
The fields it provides match those found in the web repository. While the API discloses
advertisement entities by name, it lacks crucial details such as the duration of the ads,
targeting parameters, and recipient data.
The data remains available for a period of one year to date.
4. API Testing
Bing's repository API is crafted on a REST architecture. Users can query data using
filters such as keyword, advertiser, country, and date range, either singly or in
conjunction. In terms of content, the fields accessible through the API are consistent
with those available on the web repository. We found that the 'AssetJson' field
frequently lacks data, so we could not always see the images used in the ad
The documentation for the API is somewhat minimalistic (a single page with only one
curl example of a request) and is only provided in English.
5. Recommendations
Web Interface
Ensure complete disclosure of ads, ad
entities, including detailed information about
micro-targeting strategies and funding
Enhance ad data by providing extensive
details on ad content, ad duration, targeting
strategies, audience metrics, and advertiser
Develop advanced search tools to allow for
more efficient and comprehensive
exploration of advertisements, like filters
and sorting options.
Upgrade the API and repository
functionalities to support advanced
research, with simplified access and
updated documentation for researchers.
Improve the user interface for better
navigation and user experience.
Incorporate tooltips and a help section for
immediate assistance and improved user
understanding and navigation.
Extend the availability of historical ad data
to at least 10 years.
We found it very difficult to link ads on the platform to ads in the web repository,
and we found insufficient documentation about the API.
1. Web Repository Analysis
Booking.com offers public access to its ad repository, but the content related to the
advertisements within it is limited.
The platform discloses limited information about the entities funding ads. It displays ad
duration and aggregate reach numbers broken down by EU Member State, but it does
not provide specific details about targeting criteria, using simply a template sentence
description for each ad.
Despite comprehensive content coverage, Booking.com lacks detailed ad information,
such as the particular groups of recipients targeted.
The available data seems to date back to one year (based on the selector) but
currently we can access only ads dating from August 2023.
2. Web Repository Testing
The repository's search functionality is effective, allowing searches by date, keyword,
and the entity funding the ad, and for combined searches for more precise results.
However, in our accuracy test, for all 100% of the ads studied, we had trouble
matching the ads on the platform to the ads in the repository, highlighting a need for
more clarity in ad identification. We also found that 23% of our studied ads had no
targeting breakdown, which may be because this information is updated on a quarterly
The ad repository is reliable, demonstrating consistent and dependable performance.
But we find the lack of filtering and sorting options to limit the usefulness.
Example of similar ads making it complicated to differentiate
The repository does not offer a help page and tooltips on some fields. There is no
feedback or report mechanism.
3. API Analysis
Booking's API is freely accessible to everyone, with no need for registration. Its
dataset consists of seven fields, which include the ad's name, the legal entity funding
the advertisement, and its duration. However, the API does not include detailed
targeting information. Recipient data is available and is broken down by country. The
search functionality of the API allows basic queries based on date, ad name, or legal
entity. The data remains accessible for a period of one year.
4. API Testing
Booking's ad API is built using GraphSQL architecture and features a single endpoint
that handles search options. However, it's not possible to search results by date or
country. The API experienced frequent downtime during our testing, but overall we
found it efficient and consistent. Documentation is quite limited, consisting only of a
single curl (command) example.
5. Recommendations
Web Interface
Ensure complete disclosure of ads, ad
entities, including detailed information about
micro-targeting strategies and funding
Enhance ad data by providing extensive
details on ad content, ad duration, targeting
strategies, audience metrics, and advertiser
Extend the availability of historical ad data
to at least 10 years.
Upgrade the API and repository
functionalities to support advanced
research, with simplified access and
updated documentation for researchers.
Develop advanced search tools to allow for
more efficient and comprehensive
exploration of advertisements, like filters
and sorting options.
Incorporate tooltips and a help section for
immediate assistance and improved user
understanding and navigation.
Web version is ok but should improve search functionalities
Note: We were not able to locate the LinkedIn Ad API when we began our testing and
for this reason we are not able to include it in our research. This analysis is limited to
the web repo.
1. Web Repository Analysis
LinkedIn's ad repository is publicly accessible and focuses on displaying
advertisement content. We find this helps understand the ads' nature and messaging.
The platform also discloses advertiser names and when the ad was active.
After reaching LinkedIn before publication they declared to have launched their API prior to the DSA
deadline. Authors of this report were not able to locate any documentation or link to this API at the time
of our testing. The API is available here.
LinkedIn's targeting parameters, such as country, language, location, and company,
provide a detailed view of audience targeting. The inclusion of recipient data offers
clear insights into the reach and impact of its ads.
The search functionality is robust, and historical data is available from June 2023.
2. Web Repository Testing
Our accuracy test found 100% of ads studied in the repository: we found accurate
listings and detailed information on the ads during our testing period.
The repository's reliability is strong, indicating consistent and dependable
performance. However, we find the repository lacks both filtering and sorting
The repository offers an FAQ on the homepage for assistance, but there are no tooltips
and no feedback mechanism.
3. & 4. API Testing and Analysis
We were not able to locate the LinkedIn ad API at the start of our testing period so we
did not include it in our systematic tests.
5. Recommendations:
Web Interface
API (available but not tested)
Develop advanced search tools to allow for
more efficient and comprehensive
exploration of advertisements, like filters
and sorting options.
Incorporate tooltips and a help section for
immediate assistance and improved user
understanding and navigation.
Extend the availability of historical ad data
to at least 10 years.
We see progress since 2019 but are disappointed by accuracy errors and missing data
fields in the web repository.
Note: Meta’s repository includes ads on both Facebook and Instagram - to identify on
which of these platforms an ad was shown with the web repository: you first have to
search for an ad before you can then filter by platform. This is easier with the API,
where you can filter your search by platform.
1. Web Repository Analysis
Meta's ad repository is publicly accessible and focuses on the ads themselves as
they’re shown to users. Meta discloses advertisement entities, including both the
beneficiary and the payer, as well as the ad duration.
The platform's detailed targeting parameters, like detailed location information, age,
and gender, provide a nuanced understanding of ad targeting. The repository includes
recipient data, and it is possible to search by country, ad category, keyword, or
advertiser, and to combine searches. It holds historical data up to six years.
Meta is one of the few with a separate branded content repository containing content
with commercial communications of influencer content - though it is not scrutinized
2. Web Repository Testing
Our testing finds the search functionality works well. It is also possible to reach the
repository directly from an ad the user has been exposed to on the platform in five
The accuracy test showed mixed results: during our test period, we found 83% of our
studied Instagram ads in the repository, and only 65% for Facebook. On Facebook we
found beneficiary information lacking on 13% of ads.
Example of ads not found on the repository
The repository's reliability is strong and filtering options are comprehensive, covering
various criteria like language, advertiser, platform, media type, active status, dates,
and keyword. However, we found the absence of sorting options limiting.
The repository offers tooltips and help features, but the feedback mechanism appears
to be less useful. There is a “Report as unlawful” option - (which we find confusing and
could actually have a chilling effect on reporting if people fear any error on their part) -
but no direct way for users to provide general feedback.
3. API Analysis
Unlike the web repo, Meta's API is accessible exclusively to users with a Facebook
account, a developer account, and - to access political advertisements - also identity
verification. This limits accessibility. Once accessed, the dataset is rich, encompassing
the content of the advertisement and its associated entities. It reveals the duration of
the advertisement, as well as targeting parameters, including age, gender, and
location. Moreover, recipient data is detailed, offering a breakdown to the regional
level. The data can be accessed for up to one year.
4. API Testing
Meta's repository is built on Facebook's internal GraphSQL architecture, which
incorporates tokens and user identification for access. This setup allows for queries
using various criteria, including keywords, ad type, and reach by country. The API is
stable, but during our testing period, we observed discrepancies in the dataset,
including fields that were occasionally missing , like bylines, creative link descriptions
and delivery by region. This inconsistency may limit the API’s usefulness. While there is
documentation available in English, complete with code examples, it remains
somewhat basic in its scope and depth.
5. Recommendations:
Web Interface
Ensure complete disclosure of ads, ad
entities, including detailed information about
micro-targeting strategies and funding
Enhance ad data by providing extensive
details on ad content, ad duration, targeting
strategies, audience metrics, and advertiser
Develop advanced search tools to allow for
more efficient and comprehensive
exploration of advertisements, like filters
and sorting options.
Upgrade the API and repository
functionalities to support advanced
research, with simplified access and
updated documentation for researchers.
Incorporate tooltips and a help section for
immediate assistance and improved user
understanding and navigation.
Remove access restrictions, loosen the
strict rate limits to facilitate more efficient
data extraction.
We found accuracy issues and missing data.
1. Web Repository Analysis
Pinterests web ad repository is publicly available. It features images, titles, and
descriptions of ads and discloses advertiser names and ad durations. It offers
comprehensive targeting parameters, including age, country, gender, interests, and
keywords, and it includes recipient data. Pinterest's search functionality offers users
the ability to search by date, category, country, gender, age, and advertiser name, and
to conduct combined searches. Historical data is available for up to one year.
Pinterest includes branded or “influencer” content: the repository includes a field
called “Commercial Content, but with a "Yes" or "No" value only without further
2. Web Repository Testing
The repository's search functionality tests well for us. We encountered only a small
accuracy gap: We located 87% of ads in the repository.
Example of ads not found
The repository showed consistent and reliable performance over time. However, the
repository lacks adequate filtering and sorting capabilities. There is a minimal help
page, but no tooltips, and no devoted feedback mechanism.
3. API Analysis & Testing
We did not identify an ad repository API during our testing. Prior to the publication of
our report, we reached out to Pinterest. They informed us that they had an Ad
Repository API and provided us the link. The link provided, however, was for
documentation related to now-deprecated version 4 of the API, which, as of April
2022, has been replaced with version 5. As far as we know, there is no manner in
which the documentation related to version 4 can be accessed through the developer
portal on their website as the aforementioned portal only displays documentation
related to version 5, which currently does not include an Ad Repository endpoint.
5. Recommendations:
Web Interface
Develop advanced search tools to allow for
more efficient and comprehensive
exploration of advertisements, like filters
and sorting options.
Ad API not assessed
Ensure complete disclosure of ads, ad
entities, including detailed information about
micro-targeting strategies and funding
Incorporate tooltips and a help section for
immediate assistance and improved user
understanding and navigation.
Establish systems for collecting and
incorporating reports and user feedback.
Search functionality is very limited, and there is currently no API.
1. Web Repository Analysis
Snapchats repository is publicly available. Visually, it focuses primarily on the ads
themselves (showing them as they appear to users on the platform). Snapchat
discloses information about advertisers and the organizations charged for each ad, as
well as ad durations. Targeting parameters include country, basic demographics, and
devices, which enable a detailed understanding of audience-specific ad tailoring.
Historical data is available for over one year.
The search functionality allows users to search by country, ad status, date, and
publisher, with the additional capability of combined searches.
Snapchats repository includes content with commercial communications (branded or
influencer content) - but we have not scrutinized this.
The absence of a public API limits accessibility and usability.
2. Web Repository Testing
Snapchats repository did well in our accuracy test, correctly reflecting the ads
captured in a user feed 100% of the time. The repository's reliability is also strong.
However, the repositorys search lacks the ability to look up ads by keywords or
anything beyond the exact publisher name as it appears on their Snapchat profile. It
also does not offer filtering and sorting capabilities.
We also find the repository lacks user-oriented resources like tooltips, guidance or a
feedback mechanism.
3. API Analysis
No API as of March 18, 2024.
4. API Testing
No API as of March 18, 2024.
5. Recommendations
Web Interface
Extend the availability of historical ad data
to at least 10 years.
Create a public API for transparent and
accessible ad data, integrating detailed
information like ad content, targeting, and
historical access up to 10 years.
Develop advanced search tools to allow for
more efficient and comprehensive
exploration of advertisements, like filters
and sorting options.
Establish systems for collecting and
incorporating reports and user feedback.
The ad repository and API look robust but we encountered gaps and accuracy errors.
1. Web Repository Analysis
TikTok provides public access to its ad repository. Visually, the repository focuses
primarily on the ads themselves. TikTok discloses advertiser information, including the
party paying for ads and their registered locations. It also discloses ad durations. It has
detailed targeting parameters, such as gender, age, audience, interest and creator
The search functionality is robust, allowing users to search by country, ad type, date,
and advertiser name or keyword, with the additional capability of combined searches.
TikTok’s repository has a sub-page with content declared by the creator as commercial
(branded or influencer content). We do not assess this, but point to recent analysis by
Stiftung Neue Verantwortung.
Historical data is available from October 2023.
2. Web Repository Testing
When conducting our accuracy test, we found 83% of ads we saw in the "For You"
feed captured in the repository.
Tik-Tok, DSA O'Clock? (Auditing TikTok - Alexander Hohlfeld, Anna Semenova, Martin Degeling, Greta
Hess, Kathy Meßmer, Feb 2024).
The repository's reliability is strong, it offers various sorting options but lacks filtering
TikTok provides a help page and tooltips. There is a limited feedback mechanism -a
yellow flag icon for reporting specific ads - but no direct way for users to offer general
3. API Analysis
TikTok's API is accessible to researchers who register as developers and apply for
access to the Commercial Content API. This application process involves detailing the
intended research and providing personal information about the developer. The
dataset includes a wealth of information, such as the content of advertisements
(including URLs of videos and images), extended information on advertisement
entities, ad duration, and targeting parameters. TikTok offers exceptional detail on
targeting parameters. Data is available for up to one year.
Additionally, it provides an API for branded/influencer content declared by the creator
as such.
4. API Testing
TikTok's repository is structured using the REST architecture, offering a flexible
querying system. Users can search the dataset by various parameters such as
keyword, country, date range, or a combination thereof. We found the API reliable but
occasionally encountered “internal error” messages. The dataset was consistent, but
we found the “ad.image_urls” field often turned out to be empty. This absence
deprives researchers of the pre-loading images that are displayed before a video
starts to play, which could reduce usefulness. TikTok provides comprehensive
documentation in English, complete with code examples.
5. Recommandations:
Web Interface
Ensure complete disclosure of ads, ad
entities, including detailed information about
micro-targeting strategies and funding
Enhance ad data by providing extensive
details on ad content, ad duration, targeting
strategies, audience metrics, and advertiser
Extend the availability of historical ad data
to at least 10 years.
Develop advanced search tools to allow for
more efficient and comprehensive
exploration of advertisements, like filters
and sorting options.
Establish systems for collecting and
incorporating reports and user feedback.
With only a (slow to load) CSV file instead of a web interface, this was a major
1. Web Repository Analysis
X offers public access to its ad repository, but ads are only accessible through the
export of a CSV file. X includes information about the funding entities of ads and the
duration of ad display. However, there are gaps in targeting parameters and recipient
data, limiting transparency into audience reach. The “creative information” (the
content of the ad), is not disclosed - only a URL to the ad is available.
The platform's search functionality only offers the ability to search by advertiser,
country, and date combined.
X offers the ability to download specific historical Twitter datasets for political
advertisements covering the 20182019 period, but we were unable to assess the
access to historical data. To test this, we would have needed to find an advertiser with
historical data, to know already the country where its campaign was displayed, and to
know already the time period when it was displayed. In our view this is nearly
impossible (though perhaps feasible to scrutinize an ad we purchased ourselves).
2. Web Repository Testing
Our accuracy test found 100% of ads we saw also captured in the repository. However,
our reliability test found that the CSV took between five and 10 minutes to load, which
is dramatically slower than all of the other platforms studied (most took seconds to
respond to a query).
The repository does not offer filtering and sorting capabilities immediately (though you
can filter after converting the file). It also lacks in providing user assistance, offering
no tooltips, guidance or feedback mechanism.
3. API Analysis
While X’s web repository is publicly accessible, its API was paid access only during our
testing period. For this reason we did not include it in our analysis. However, as of
March 18, access to the API is now listed as possible with a free account.
4. API Testing
The API has not been tested.
5. Recommandations:
Web Interface
Ensure complete disclosure of ads, ad entities,
including detailed information about
micro-targeting strategies and funding sources.
Extend the availability of historical ad data to at
least 10 years.
Develop advanced search tools to allow for more
efficient and comprehensive exploration of
advertisements, like filters and sorting options.
Improve the user interface for better navigation
and user experience
Twitter API Documentation (X Developer Platform, 2024),
Establish systems for collecting and incorporating
reports and user feedback.
Ensure the advertisement data is regularly
updated and maintained for relevance and
Incorporate tooltips and a help section for
immediate assistance and improved user
understanding and navigation.
The web repository doesn’ t allow some basic capabilities like combined searches,
and we also found only limited information about targeting.
1. Web Repository Analysis
Zalando offers public access to its ad repository, which includes both images and text.
The platform discloses advertisement sponsors and the duration of ad displays. It
includes targeting parameters like market and total reach, but not a detailed
breakdown of recipient numbers. Payment details are limited to a single “sponsor”
field. Targeting information is a template text used for each ad.
Search functionality exists - users can search by keyword, but the repository does not
support combined searches.
Historical data is available for up to one year.
2. Web Repository Testing
Fashion women section with specific ads in the repository.
We were unable to conduct our accuracy test on Zalando: We struggled to match with
certainty any of the ads we saw on the interface to ads in the repository, since ads in
the repository are not all presented in the same way.
We also found the repository's reliability weak, several times while conducting our
stress test we found the platform was down/unaccessible. While it offers some
filtering options like month and market but does not allow for sorting.
There are no support features like tooltips and guidance features and there is no
feedback mechanism.
3. API Analysis
Zalando's API is open to the public without the need for registration. The dataset
provided includes information about the advertisement's content, its duration, and a
limited set of targeting parameters. Similar to its web version, the repository reveals
the name of the sponsor in the advertisement entities. However, the disclosure of
recipient data is somewhat constrained, as there is no breakdown available per
member state. The dataset is accessible for up to one year from the current date.
4. API Testing
Zalando's repository utilizes GraphQL architecture, offering a querying system that is
limited to keyword and time range searches. While the API does not require
registration, we found it had blacklisted IP addresses from multiple data centers,
requiring us to use a home connection thus sharing our IP address with Zalando. We
found the dataset to be comprehensive, with no instances of missing or empty fields.
Zalando does not provide any formal documentation for its API usage. Although there
is a link to what appears to be a document on the interface of the repository, it does
not offer guidance or instructions.
5. Recommandations:
Web Interface
Ensure complete disclosure of ads, ad
entities, including detailed information about
micro-targeting strategies and funding
Enhance ad data by providing extensive
details on ad content, ad duration, targeting
strategies, audience metrics, and advertiser
Extend the availability of historical ad data
to at least 10 years.
Upgrade the API and repository
functionalities to support advanced
research, with simplified access and
updated documentation for researchers.
Develop advanced search tools to allow for
more efficient and comprehensive
exploration of advertisements, like filters
and sorting options.
Remove access restrictions, loosen the
strict rate limits to facilitate more efficient
data extraction
Improve the user interface for better
navigation and user experience.
Establish systems for collecting and
incorporating reports and user feedback.
Ensure the advertisement data is regularly
updated and maintained for relevance and
Incorporate tooltips and a help section for
immediate assistance and improved user
understanding and navigation.
6. Key Takeaways From Comparative Analysis
Approaches to ad transparency vary widely among the platforms studied. Our main
takeaway is that even the best approaches don’t meet our baseline.
We have several general observations following this stress test:
Platforms offer various degrees of “public accessibility
There is a spectrum of accessibility for the web repositories and the APIs, considering
factors like the need for a login, the need to apply formally, etc. On one end, platforms
like Apple and Booking have free access to the web repository and API even without
an account. On the opposite end, Snap and AliExpress had no APIs at all, as of March
18, 2024.
A few repositories are accessible through several clicks from an ad in the interface,
but many could only be found by digging into the platforms’ terms and conditions.
Platforms show various ways of disclosing who is behind the ad (entities)
There are many approaches to disclosing the entity behind the ad and its difficult to
assess what is most useful or meaningfully transparent. Meta discloses the beneficiary
and the payer, while most platforms disclose the Advertiser” or “Sponsor without
further context. TikTok, Bing, and Google, for instance, include the registered location
of the entity paying for the ad.
Varying degrees of targeting granularity
There is a great variance in how platforms handle targeting parameters and recipient
data. Pinterest, for example, provides extensive targeting parameters, including age,
gender, interests, and keywords, and Meta and TikTok offer detailed information on
targeting and microtargeting. Meanwhile, others offer simple country and
language-based targeting. Zalando and X do not provide a breakdown of recipient
data (only totals).
Variation in search functionalities
A robust search functionality allowing for multiple criteria and combined searches, as
seen in Meta's ad repository, is very helpful since it allows the user to locate specific
ads efficiently. In contrast, platforms like AliExpress and X’s repo’s have limited search
Consistency in ad accuracy is a common challenge
Our accuracy testing found many cases where ads in the user interface were not
located in the ad repository. This can limit the usefulness and trustworthiness of the
repositories as a transparency tool.
Reliability varies across platforms
While some platforms like Google and LinkedIn show strong reliability, ensuring
consistent and up-to-date ad information, others like X in particular were not always
consistent, reducing their usefulness dramatically.
Sometimes filtering, sometimes sorting, but never both
We found that effective navigation through ad repositories was hampered by the lack
of filtering and sorting options. While TikTok offers useful sorting options and Meta
and Bing useful filtering options, none of the examined VLOs have both sorting and
filtering options.
Tooltips, Help Features, and Feedback Mechanisms are not universal
Many platforms neglect tooltips and help features, which are essential for user
navigation and understanding, especially for new users. Many also lacked mechanisms
for users to report content or provide general feedback to improve the tool.
Historical data seems to meet the regulatory requirement, but not necessarily best
Most platforms offer historical data up to one year, or, in the case of AliExpress,
LinkedIn, and Booking.com, seem to date back to around the time of the DSA
obligation coming into force for them. Google and Meta provide data going back six
years. But none provides data going back as far as Mozilla’s recommends, which is 10
years, to allow for the analysis of long term trends (i.e. over multiple election cycles).
Paid influencer content or ‘branded content remains elusive
We note that Meta, LinkedIn, YouTube, Snapchat, TikTok, and Pinterest include
branded/influencer content in their repositories, though it is not certain that they
enforce its inclusion in practice. Previous Mozilla research has found this kind of
content is underreported and this problem appears to persist, according to recent
research into TikTok by Stiftung Neue Verantwortung
. While some platforms may
forgo this because they do not allow influencer content on their platforms (likely the
case for Apple App Store, Booking.com, Bing, Google Search), we would expect
Zalando, X, and AliExpress to have this content.
A note on data retrieval speed
It is our understanding that AliExpress, X, and Zalando have influencer programs or some kind.
Tik-Tok, DSA O'Clock? (Auditing TikTok - Alexander Hohlfeld, Anna Semenova, Martin Degeling, Greta
Hess, Kathy Meßmer, Feb 2024) https://tiktok-audit.com/blog/2024/Tik-Tok-oclock/
Fast data retrieval speeds enhance user experience. This was a more subjective test
given the many factors that contribute to speed. However, in our experience, we found
most of the repositories loaded data quickly, but that AliExpress was relatively slow
and X very slow. This might suggest a need for backend optimization.
7. Conclusion
It is absolutely critical that researchers studying online platforms’ impact on society
have effective tools and access to key data. We conducted these independent stress
tests to understand how VLOs could improve these important transparency tools for
the research community and the wider public. Rather than assess whether or not
these platforms meet the letter of the DSA, we tried to assess how practically useful
these tools are for researchers in this year of elections which includes the European
elections in mid-June.
This research follows up on Mozilla’s research and advocacy from 2019 before the last
European elections, when we co-created a set of guidelines for ad archive APIs for
Google and Facebook with other experts, bolstered by these platforms’ voluntary
commitments under the Code of Practice on Disinformation. Now, following their
designation under the DSA, 11 of the world’s largest tech companies also have ad
repositories. This in itself is progress.
None of these ad repositories are fully fit for the purpose of researchers, in our view.
We find that AliExpress’s repository provides the absolute bare minimum information
and the bare minimum interface. X only provides a CSV file for (curiously slow)
download, and historical access thats only useful if you already know everything
about the ad you're searching for. While we see significant improvements by Google
and Facebook from our 2019 assessments, like the critical inclusion of targeting and
engagement data (as they are required to do under the DSA, even these don’t serve
as a perfect example of what makes a good ad repository for researchers or the wider
public, given limitations in functionality and access.
The repositories are far from compatible with each other, which makes it challenging
for researchers to systematically assess paid influence across multiple platforms.
Finally, while we did not include this in our stress test for methodological reasons, we
have reason to doubt the usefulness of the branded content repositories for
understanding self-promotion and influencer content.
Are platforms taking one step forward, two steps back? We are perhaps most
disappointed to see X (formerly Twitter) make such a minimal effort, considering that it
remains a central space for civic discourse. This may be why the European
Commission has included X’s ad repository in its formal proceedings against the
platform under the DSA.
But we’d also like to consider the glass half full, and look forward to further
improvements. Each of these platforms play a critical role in our information system,
and this year will truly test their usefulness for researchers and watchdogs working to
safeguard elections from disinformation and other types of interference.
8. Recommendations
We have the following recommendations for providers of online platforms and search
engines, as well as for regulators.
a. Online Platforms
1. Recommendations for Web Repositories
The design and functionality of Web Repositories are crucial to usability. Our
recommendations for these repositories are centered on creating a user-centric
experience. These recommendations are crafted to ensure that Web Repositories are
not only accessible and navigable for all users, regardless of their technical expertise,
but also rich in features that cater to diverse needs. From unrestricted access to
advanced search and filtering capabilities, and from inclusive design to responsive
feedback mechanisms, these recommendations aim to transform Web Repositories
into intuitive, inclusive, and informative platforms.
1. Remove access barriers.
a. Ensure the repositories are easily accessible from t he main user
interface of the platform and from any ad.
b. Provide access without any account or login requirements, allowing
visibility to anyone.
c. Allow unrestricted browsing without rate limits, employing other
protection mechanisms if needed.
d. Ensure compliance with web accessibility standards to accommodate
users with disabilities (like WCAG.
e. Incorporate tools for visual representation of data to enhance user
2. Provide more comprehensive data.
a. Make sure that the repository contains all the advertisements on t he
Commission opens formal proceedings against X under the Digital Services Act (Europa Press Corner,
Dev 2023), https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/IP_23_6709
b. Ensure data granularity at least matches the API repository and
c. Allow unrestricted browsing without rate limits, employing other
protection mechanisms if needed.
d. Provide access to historical data, with a suggested range of up to 10
3. Enhance search functionalities.
a. Offer enhanced search capabilities by, at least, keyword, advertiser,
country, and date range. Include filter and ordering options for search
b. Provide options to export data in common formats like CSV or JSON,
mirroring the API’s data structure.
4. Provide better documentation and user support.
a. Offer documentation in all platform languages, using non-technical,
human readable language.
b. Implement tooltips in the interface to help user understanding.
c. Include a report feature for each ad and feedback options at both ad
and repository levels.
d. Establish a system for ongoing user feedback and regularly update the
interface based on this feedback.
5. Increase harmonization.
a. Aim for a harmonized design across repositories for easier navigation
and searchability.
2. Recommendations for Ad Repository API
A well-designed Ad Repository API is a crucial complement to the web repository. To
make these APIs useful in practice, we recommend the following:
1. Remove access barriers.
a. Simplify registration, and only require an email address if absolutely
necessary. Guarantee free access for researchers. Do not include IP
b. Establish fair use policies to balance server load and user needs.
c. Implement clear rate limiting guidelines to ensure fair access.
2. Provide more comprehensive data
a. Ensure data granularity at least matches the web repository and
b. Make sure that the repository contains all the advertisements on the
c. Provide access to historical data, with a suggested range of 10 years to
facilitate long term trend analysis.
3. Enhance search functionalities.
a. Expand filtering options and enable more targeted queries.
4. Provide better documentation and user support.
a. Offer documentation in all EU languages.
b. Include code examples and libraries with detailed explanations.
c. Provide clear versioning information for the API.
d. Regularly update API features and documentation. Maintain a status
page for API availability updates.
5. Increase harmonization
a. Implement a RESTful API design for ease of use and broad
documentation availability. Prefer universally adopted standards over
niche solutions like GraphSQL or BigSQL.
b. Standardize API endpoints and data structure formats, in order to
facilitate cross-platform research.
b. Regulators
The European Commission may issue guidelines on “the structure, organization and
functionalities” of the DSA ad repositories. It may also encourage standardization with
a view to making them more interoperable. The new EU regulation on the transparency
of political advertising may also refine the expectations for platform ad repositories.
1. The European Commission and the Board for Digital Services Coordinators
should develop guidelines on ad repositories, in consultation with the
research community, in particular civil society researchers and platform
integrity experts. These guidelines should be the minimum standards for API
and Web repository access, functionalities, data accessibility, and user
interfaces. Specifically, this guidance should require sufficient documentation
and support both for the web repository (non-technical user) and the API
(researchers). Guidance should also clarify fair use (rate limits), impose
user-centric interface design, and call for regular monitoring and compliance
checks, as well as reporting systems and updates based on user feedback.
2. In addition, the European Commission should improve the standardization of
APIs across the designated VLOs to increase usability and facilitate
cross-platform research (see our proposal below).
3. Despite DSA Article 262, branded or paid influencer content remains difficult
to study. Leaving this to users to self-declare does not address the problem of
undisclosed influencer content. We suggest augmented disclosure
requirements for this kind of content that would require the platforms
themselves to conduct cross checks and ensure the presence of this content
in public ad repositories.
9. Proposed Standardized Ads Repository
The SDAF Standardized Digital Advertising Format)
format integrates detailed
advertiser information, creative content specifics, precise targeting data, and financial
disclosures, offering a holistic view of digital ad campaigns. This initiative is proposed
by CheckFirst as a first step to improve harmonization and interoperability of the
repositories while maintaining a focus on accountability and clarity. This builds on the
best practices of each platform and compiles them into a comprehensive format,
laying a foundation for further work, for instance work in the framework of the Digital
Services Act Article 44.1(d).
1. Campaign Identification:
Field: campaign_id
Purpose: Serves as the unique identifier for the entire advertising
campaign. This is crucial for tracking and analyzing the campaign.
2. Campaign Timing:
Fields: start_date, end_date
Purpose: These fields specify the active period of the ad campaign,
marking the beginning and end dates. Understanding the campaign's
duration is important for analyzing its effectiveness and temporal reach.
3. Advertiser Information:
Section: advertiser
Purpose: Provides detailed information about the advertiser or the entity
responsible for the ad. This section should include fields like
advertiser_id, advertiser_name, advertiser_location, funder_legal_name,
and funder_vat. These details offer transparency about the advertiser's
identity and legal status, which is essential for regulatory compliance
and audience trust.
4. Creative Content:
Section: creative
Purpose: This array should include detailed descriptions of each creative
element used in the campaign. Each item in the array has fields like
creative_id, creative_type, creative_title, creative_description,
creative_media_urls, and creative_action. This section is vital for
understanding the content and format of the ads, as well as the specific
call-to-action intended by each creative.
5. Targeting:
Section: targeting
Standardised Digital Advertising Format (SDAF) Project (CheckFirst, Feb 2024),
Purpose: This section should provide a comprehensive breakdown of
how the ad targets different audience segments. Organized by country
and further into regions and demographic groups, it includes details like
languages targeted, age groups, genders, estimated reach, and
impressions. This granular view allows for an in-depth understanding of
the ad's intended audience and targeting strategy.
6. Payments:
Section: payments
Purpose: Outlines the financial aspects of the campaign, including the
actual and expected costs, as well as the currency used. This
transparency in campaign financing is crucial for accountability and
budget analysis.
7. Moderation:
Section: moderation
Purpose: Reflects the ad's compliance status with the platform's
policies. It should include the moderation status and a history of
moderation decisions. This section is important for understanding the
ad's adherence to platform guidelines and regulatory requirements.
8. Additional Parameters:
Section: parameters
Purpose: Reserved for additional, platform-specific parameters like
keywords or other targeting criteria. This flexible section allows for
customization according to the unique requirements of different
advertising platforms.
The SDAF format represents an initial step towards creating a standardized disclosure
template for digital advertisements. It's crafted to initiate discussions about the need
for such a standard, acknowledging that while it may not be perfect, it serves as a
constructive starting point. This format is conceptualized as a 'Belgian compromise,'
striking a balance between the requirements set forth by the Digital Services Act
DSA for platforms and the informational needs of the research community. It's
important to recognize that this proposal may not be universally accepted as is, but it
offers a foundation for negotiations and further enhancements. The intention here is
not to set this format in stone but to spark a dialogue on the necessity of
standardization in ad disclosures, catering to diverse perspectives and requirements in
the digital advertising ecosystem.
We’d like to thank the many people who made this report possible, in particular our
external reviewers Martin Degeling SNV, Aleksandra Atanasova Reset.tech).
We also acknowledge the work done in 2019 by Mozilla and many other researchers
and experts.
10. Annex
a. Ad Repositories links
Ad Repository
Commercial Content
Ads Repository API
Link here
Link here
Link here
Link here
Link here
Apple App Store
Link here
Link here
Link here
Link here
Link here
Link here
Link here
Link here
Link here
Link here
Link here
Link here
Link here
Link here
Link here
Link here
Link here
Link here
Link here
Link here
Link here
X Twitter)
Link here
Link here