Bloomsburg Professional
Experience Grants
Opens January 1st, 2023
Due March 1st, 2023 Letter of recommendations due March 8th
Notify Awarded students will receive an award notification
email by April 15, 2023 from the Financial Aid Office.
Professional Experience Grants, or PEGs, provide funding to help offset some of the
costs of participating in real worldprofessional experiences. These experiences get you
involved in your career path while you learn about the world and work alongside
colleagues and faculty members
LATE APPLICATIONS can be submitted through the website but funding is not guaranteed. The
application will ask you to provide justification for your late application, which the committee will take
into consideration when reviewing your application.
PEG PAYMENT Awards will be listed as part of your financial aid package and will be applied to your
university account typically at the start of the semester. If you are eligible for a refund, Student Billing
will generate a refund. You are responsible for paying any expenses that are due before funds are paid!
QUESTIONS Please review the FAQs sheet for additional information and contact information.
Opens January 1st, 2023
Due October 1st, 2023 Letter of recommendations due March 8th
Notify Awarded students will receive an award notification
email by November 15, 2023 from the Financial Aid Office.
Service Project Professional Conference Internship
Faculty Mentored Research Study Abroad Student Teaching
Apply for the semester in which your experience will occur.