Dual Enrollment
Student Handbook
Academic Year 2023-2024
BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................................................. 1
STUDENT READINESS ................................................................................................................................ 1
RACC RESOURCES FOR DUAL ENROLLMENT STUDENTS ............................................................................... 2
DUAL ENROLLMENT REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT ............................................................................ 2
COORDINATION OF OFFICES ..................................................................................................................... 4
DUAL ENROLLMENT COURSE OFFERINGS ............................................................................................... 5
TRANSFERABILITY OF DUAL ENROLLMENT COURSES ................................................................................... 5
ASSESSEMENT AND ARTICULATION .............................................................................................................. 5
GRADING SYSTEM……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………6
COLLEGE TRANSCRIPTS ................................................................................................................................. 7
STUDENT ACCESS TO MyRACC PORTAL ........................................................................................................ 7
OTHER STUDENT RELATED INFORMATION ................................................................................................... 8
Student Records ........................................................................................................................................ 8
Student Right-to-Know Act ....................................................................................................................... 8
Statement of Academic Integrity .............................................................................................................. 8
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 ........................................................................... 8
Code of Conduct ....................................................................................................................................... 8
Title IX ....................................................................................................................................................... 9
Disability Services ...................................................................................................................................... 9
Reading Area Community College has partnerships with 17 public high schools, two career
and technology centers (CTC’s), and three private high schools. RACC has delivered dual
enrollment courses at area high schools since 1995. Participating high schools include
Antietam High School, Berks Career & Technology Center, Berks Catholic High School,
Berks Christian School, Blue Mountain Academy, Brandywine Heights High School, Conrad
Weiser High School, Daniel Boone High School, Exeter High School, Fleetwood Area High
School, Governor Mifflin High School, Hamburg Area High School, Kutztown High School,
Muhlenberg High School, Oley Valley High School, Reading High School, Reading-
Muhlenberg Career & Technology Center, Schuylkill Valley High School, Tulpehocken High
School, Twin Valley High School, Wilson High School, and Wyomissing High School. Dual
enrollment course offerings are determined by each high school’s program of studies.
Any high school student earning college credit through RACC is considered a part of Early
College Programs. A large part of Early College is RACC’s dual enrollment in the high
schools, which enriches their high school curriculum. Dual enrollment, referred to as
“concurrent enrollment” in the Pennsylvania Department of Education School Code, offers
college-bound students increased academic rigor while they fulfill their high school
requirements and earn college credits. While dual enrollment in Berks County high schools
refers specifically to courses delivered in the high schools by RACC-approved high school
instructors and course syllabi, the PDE refers to concurrent enrollment as any college
course students take before graduating high school. Dual enrollment is one aspect of
RACC’s Early College Programs. Additional early college programs include Early
Admissions, Technical Academy and Teacher Academy. For Technical and Teacher
Academies, students are enrolled at both the Career and Technology Center and RACC
while in high school, taking college credits towards one of five program areas: Business,
Computer Technology, Mechatronics, Website Development, or Early Childhood Education.
Students taking dual enrollment courses at their high school complete RACC’s Early College
Programs application.
High school students are allowed to register for dual enrollment courses provided they
meet the high school’s guidelines for dual enrollment and course prerequisites. School
counselors and teachers often determine if a student is ready to take a dual enrollment
course by reviewing the student’s academic history and motivation to succeed in a college-
level course. School counselors submit high school transcripts for each student taking dual
enrollment courses at their high school.
All students who enroll in RACC courses at participating high schools are required to
demonstrate academic readiness for college-level course work. One or more measurements
such as RACC placement test, SAT or standardized test score, high school transcript, high
school counselor recommendation and / or high school teacher recommendation will be
used for determining student readiness.
Dual enrollment students have access to all of RACC’s resources, such as computer labs, the
Yocum Library, and tutoring center. Students should have their high school identification
card with them, and RACC student ID number readily available when on campus. If a
student takes a course on RACC’s campus, they will be issued a RACC ID.
The Yocum Library Distance Services/Reference Librarian is available to assist dual
enrollment students and instructors with reference and/or classroom materials. Please call
RACC’s Academic Success Centers have peer and professional tutors available to assist
students with writing, reading, and math. Check RACC’s website for semester hours of
The Transfer Center, B209, has hours Monday Friday. A Transfer Specialist will assist
students with transfer questions, transfer@racc.edu or 610-607-6245. Because RACC has
Transfer Agreements with 4-year colleges and universities that students may attend after
graduating with an associate degree, making an appointment with RACC’s Transfer Center
will help them design a pathway that can maximize the transferability of their dual
enrollment credits. Dual enrollment students are also strongly encouraged to discuss the
transferability of RACC credits with the transfer specialists at their 4-year schools of choice.
RACC encourages high school students to take full advantage of being a RACC student.
Students and instructors participating in RACC’s dual enrollment program are eligible for
reduced ticket prices for Miller Center events. Contact Kristen Marcinko, Director of
Academic Partnerships, to arrange tickets to events.
At the beginning of the school year, students are provided registration information.
Registration information and directions are available on RACC’s dual enrollment website
Registration information is provided to the school counseling office in August and each
school decides how to disseminate information. School counselors assist with completion
of forms and provide students’ most recent high school transcripts to RACC’s Academic
Affairs Office. RACC collects Fall registrations through mid-October, and Spring
registrations the first few weeks in February.
Once a dual enrollment student’s application and registration are processed at RACC, the
Registrar’s office sends a schedule and bill to the student’s home address.
Parents and/or guardians pay RACC’s Cashier’s office directly.
Dual enrollment tuition is $99 a credit hour. RACC waives fees for dual enrollment courses.
Dual enrollment are courses taught at the high school and considered “dual credit” because
the competencies of the courses align. For instance, AP Literature and Composition covers
the same competencies as RACC’s Introduction to Literature (ENG 125). “Dual credit”
fulfills high school graduation requirements at the same time it fulfills credits for a college
High school students are not eligible for State and Federal financial aid. A student who
registers for Fall and Spring semester courses will be billed for each semester. A 3-credit
course costs $297, and a 4-credit course costs $396. Some AP courses are equivalent to two
RACC dual enrollment courses. If the student’s bill is not paid in a timely manner, the
student foregoes such benefits as college credit. Timely registrations are important for
Reading Area Community College’s accurate reporting to the Pennsylvania Department of
Education. To ensure accuracy, the Academic Affairs office sends rosters to Dual enrollment
teachers to verify registrations.
If a student wishes to drop or withdraw from a course, s/he must notify the high school
counselor immediately and send an email to RACC’s Records office at records@racc.edu.
RACC must receive a written request because RACC is obligated to report dual enrollment
registrations to the Pennsylvania Department of Education. RACC has to record an
explanation for any changes to enrollment numbers for auditing purposes. To facilitate the
reporting of withdrawals, the student or parent has to submit the following information to
a. Full student name
b. High school attending
c. Student RACC ID or Social Security #
d. Course(s) to be dropped name and section, i.e. English Composition,
COM121####; each #### will be different depending on the high school and
term. If in doubt please call your RACC contact.
e. Reason the student wishes to drop
If a student does not drop a course by the official deadline, s/he may be charged for part of
the tuition. Students who withdraw from a course after the deadline are assigned a “W” for
that course on his/her transcript. Students with a “W” are billed for the course. This is
standard procedure for all RACC students.
RACC’S Academic Affairs Office coordinates dual enrollment registrations with the
Registrar’s and Cashier’s offices. The High School Counseling office and the Academic
Affairs office work together to register students for courses. Any questions about dual
enrollment registration that have already been processed, and particularly payment
questions, can be directed to RACC contacts:
Kristen Marcinko, RACC Liaison, Director of Academic Partnerships: Communicates
general information about RACC’s dual enrollment program, works directly with the
Associate Provost and Associate Deans on approving new courses and instructors, works
with high school principals and school counselors on implementing and/or improving dual
enrollment programs, ph: 610-372-4721 x 5127, kmarcink[email protected].
Nate Hilberg, Enrollment Services Coordinator for Early College Programs: Facilitates
the enrollment process for dual enrollment classes, ph: 610-372-4721 x 5299,
Sandra Santiago, Academic Affairs Administrative Assistant: Maintains records of
instructor transcripts and applications, syllabi, annual dual enrollment contracts, student
registrations, and high school course offerings. Quality checks that all grades have been
entered into RACC’s databases, ph: 610.607.6214, ssantiago@racc.edu.
Record’s Office: Handles student course changes and transcripts: [email protected].
Cashier’s Office: Handles student payment for dual enrollment courses, ph: 610-607-6235
or 1-800-626-1665, ext. 6235.
The particular dual enrollment courses offered at the high school are dependent upon the
high school’s curricular needs and teacher qualifications, so each high school participating
in dual enrollment may offer a different collection of courses. The High School Counseling
office has a listing of courses offered.
Many dual enrollment courses are taught in the Advanced Placement sections. In some
cases, students can earn credits for two college-level courses for their AP courses. Each
high school offers courses based on its resources.
Dual enrollment courses are often general education courses used to transfer to many
colleges and universities. Although the receiving institution still ultimately decides how
and if they will accept dual enrollment credits, RACC dual enrollment credits have
seamlessly transferred to colleges and universities within the Pennsylvania State System
of Higher Education (PASSHE) and to colleges and universities affiliated with the state
system. RACC dual enrollment credits have also transferred seamlessly to many private
institutions; RACC credit has transferred to over 1200 colleges and universities.
RACC’s dual admission agreements also ensure transferability of dual enrollment courses.
These dual admission agreements include the students’ completion of a RACC associate
degree before entering RACC’s partnership schools. Please refer to this site for transfer
services through RACC - https://www.racc.edu/services/dual-admissions.
In addition to Dual Enrollment credit, students can receive credit for educational
experiences other than RACC classes.
Dual Enrollment RACC has partnered with area high schools to offer college credit for
college-level courses students take at their high school. The courses taught at the high
school must cover the same competencies as courses taught at RACC and the teacher must
meet adjunct faculty qualifications. Dual Enrollment students concurrently complete their
requirements for high school graduation at the same time they earn college credit.
Advanced PlacementAP is a program in the United States and Canada created by the
College Board which offers college-level curricula and examinations to high school
students. American colleges and universities may grant placement and course credit to
students who obtain high scores on the examinations.
SOAR (Students Occupationally and Academically Ready)SOAR prepares students for
college and careers in a diverse, high-performing workforce. A student from any state-
approved program from any CTC in the state can transfer these program credits (9 or
more) to any college offering these programs. SOAR credits are earned by submitting
transcripts to RACC for evaluation. SOAR credits are free except for a small posting
fee. Further information regarding assessment and articulation, including Reading Area
Community College’s Articulated Credit Policy can be viewed here: assessment and
articulation; articulated credit policy
The College’s letter grade policy system:
Letter Grade % of Points
A 93% or higher
A- 90-92%
B+ 87-89%
B 83-86%
B- 80-82%
C+ 77-79%
C 70 -76%
D+ 67-69%
D 60-66%
F below 60%
The College uses the following grade point system:
Letter Grade GRADING SYSTEM Quality Points
A Excellent Performance 4.0
A- 3.7
B+ Above Average Performance 3.3
B 3.0
B- 2.7
C+ Average Performance 2.3
C 2.0
Below Average May Not Transfer;
May Count Toward Graduation
D+ Minimal Performance 1.3
D 1.0
To request that an official college transcript be sent, the student must use the online
request form located on the RACC website at: https://www.racc.edu/services/transcript-request.
Students will need their RACC student ID number in order to request a transcript. It is the
student’s responsibility to verify the transfer credit policy at the college they wish to attend
to find out how dual enrollment credits will be accepted.
Students can access their RACC record by logging into the MyRACC portal on RACC’s
website. Students receive their student ID when they apply to the college and on their
course schedule. Students can receive log-in assistance through the Student Helpdesk at
email: helpd[email protected], phone: (610) 372-4721 ext. 5342. Students will need their
RACC Student ID number.
Student Records
Reading Area Community College maintains two kinds of student records; the cumulative
folder and the permanent transcript. All student records are maintained on a confidential
basis as outlined in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. Students can
access these records by written request to the Registrar, who will respond within 45 days.
Copies of the Privacy Act are available upon request in the Records Office, Berks Hall.
Student Right-to-Know Act
Public Law 101-542 requires colleges and universities to report the graduation/college
transfer rates for new full-time students who enrolled during a specific Fall Term.
Accordingly, the graduation and college transfer rate for new full-time students entering
during the 2016 Fall Term was 35%. The Right-to-Know Act also permits institutions to
publicize persistence (reenrollment) rates for this same student group. Thus 63% of the
entering 2018 Fall Term student group re-enrolled during the 2019 Fall Term.
Statement of Academic Integrity
The principles of truth and honesty are expected to be followed in all academic endeavors.
Academic dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated. A procedure has been developed to
prevent occurrences of academic dishonesty and to guide faculty and students should they
become involved in such incidents. This procedure is fully described in the Student
Handbook. View the Academic Honesty Policy here: AcademicHonestyPolicy.pdf
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974
Reading Area Community College has adopted a policy to uphold the provisions of the
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. This federal law guarantees the
confidentiality of students’ education records, establishes the right of students to inspect
and review their records, and provides for the hearing of complaints pertaining to alleged,
inaccurate or misleading information in the education records. In compliance with the Act,
the College has prepared this policy statement to inform students of their rights under the
Act and describe the procedures in effect for reviewing records and hearing complaints.
Full policy can be viewed here: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974
Code of Conduct
Reading Area Community College is committed to the advancement of learning and to the
development of responsible individuals. The College has an interest in student conduct on-
campus and at off-campus functions sponsored by the College. Each student has a right to
seek an education on a campus which is safe and at a college that does not tolerate
misconduct. Each student is considered to be a responsible person and is expected to
uphold appropriate standards of behavior.
Consequently, a student has the responsibility to follow the Student Code of Conduct.
Students who demonstrate the inability to conform to acceptable conduct may lose the
right to enjoy the educational, social, and recreational opportunities of the College. Further
information can be viewed here: student-conduct-and-expectations
Title IX
Reading Area Community College is committed to your full participation in all of its
educational programs and activities. RACC understands that Sexual Misconduct is a
problem in our society, including, on college campuses.
RACC takes seriously any allegation of Sexual Misconduct, which includes discrimination
based on sex, sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and
stalking. RACC’s stand against Sexual Misconduct also includes Sexual Misconduct that you
may have experienced as a result of your sexual orientation, gender identity, or national
origin. If you are experiencing, or have recently experienced, any form of Sexual
Misconduct, please contact the Office of the Title IX Coordinator at (610) 372-4721, ext.
5016, or any faculty member or administrator whom you trust. In an emergency or off-
hours situations, always call 9-1-1. Further information and the full policy can be viewed
here: title-ix
Disability Services
Reading Area Community College and the office of Disability Services welcome all qualified
students with disabilities. In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and the ADA Amendments Act of 2008, the
college is committed to providing equal access to all programs and activities.
RACC does not offer a specialized program for students with disabilities. All students,
including those with disabilities, are responsible to meet the requirements outlined in
RACC’s Student Code of Conduct. Further information can be viewed here: disability-