Francesco Decarolis
Raymond Fisman
Paolo Pinotti
Silvia Vannutelli
Francesco Decarolis
Raymond Fisman
Paolo Pinotti
Silvia Vannutelli
Working Paper 28209
1050 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138
December 2020, Revised February 2023
We thank seminar audiences at Kellogg School of Management - Northwestern University,
University of Montreal and SIOE 2019. We also thank Juan Ortner and Giancarlo Spagnolo for
helpful comments. Decarolis gratefully acknowledges financial support from the European
Research Council (ERC-2015-StG-679217). The views expressed herein are those of the authors
and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Bureau of Economic Research.
NBER working papers are circulated for discussion and comment purposes. They have not been
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© 2020 by Francesco Decarolis, Raymond Fisman, Paolo Pinotti, and Silvia Vannutelli. All rights
reserved. Short sections of text, not to exceed two paragraphs, may be quoted without explicit
permission provided that full credit, including © notice, is given to the source.
Rules, Discretion, and Corruption in Procurement: Evidence from Italian Government Contracting
Francesco Decarolis, Raymond Fisman, Paolo Pinotti, and Silvia Vannutelli
NBER Working Paper No. 28209
December 2020, Revised February 2023
JEL No. D72,D73,H57,K42
The benefits of bureaucratic discretion depend on the extent to which it is used for public benefit
versus exploited for private gain. We study the relationship between discretion and corruption in
Italian government procurement auctions, using a confidential database of firms and procurement
officials investigated for corruption by Italian enforcement authorities. We show that discretionary
procedure auctions (those awarded based on negotiated rather than open bidding) are associated
with corruption only when accompanied by limits to competition. We further show that, while
these “corruptible” discretionary auctions are chosen more often by officials who are themselves
investigated for corruption, they are used less often in procurement administrations in which at
least one official is investigated for corruption. These findings fit with a framework in which more
discretion leads to greater efficiency as well as more opportunities for theft, and a central monitor
manages this trade-off by limiting discretion for high-corruption procedures and locales. Overall,
our results suggest that competition may allow procurement authorities to extract the benefits of
discretion while limiting the resultant risks of abuse.
Francesco Decarolis
Bocconi University
Via Sarfatti 25
Milan, 20136
and EIEF
Raymond Fisman
Department of Economics
Boston University
270 Bay State Road, 304A
Boston, MA 02215
and NBER
Paolo Pinotti
Bocconi University
Via Rontgen 1
20136 Milan
and fRDB and also BAFFI-CAREFIN Centre
Silvia Vannutelli
Kellogg Global Hub
Northwestern University
2211 Campus Drive
Evanston, IL 60208
and NBER
I Introduction
Governments often face a trade-off in the oversight and constraints they impose on
lower-level bureaucrats in carrying out their function s. Officials may use discretion to
better serve the public’s interests, or exploit it for personal gain. The appropriate level of
discretion depends on the benefits of an agent’s informational a d vantage relative to the
costs from his exploiting discretion for personal gain. From a public welfar e perspective,
the agency problem is complicated by yet another layer of delegation politicians or high-
level officials who determine the extent of discretion available to lower-level officials may
be overly risk-averse, to the extent th at the electorate is more attentive to corruption
scandals rat h er than an efficient provision of public goods. Such incenti ves whether
electoral or p r om o ti o n -r el at ed may then lead to insufficient delegation and discretion.
In this paper, we study both the determinants and consequences of discretion in the
context of government procurement in Italy. Procurement accounts for a la rg e fract i o n of
government expen diture worldwide; for example, for OECD co u ntries the procur em ent-
to-spending ratio held steady at around 30 percent during 2007-2015 (OECD [2017]).
urthermore, corrupti on is thought to result in substantial “leakage” from procur ement
expenditures, even in more developed (an d less corrupt) countries.
Thus, understanding
how procurem ent ru l es m i ght im p a ct co r ru p t i o n is of interest in its own right, in addition
to serving as an apt setting for studying the trade-offs associated with discretion in
government bureau cr a ci es more generally.
Our work i s enabled by the use of a confidential database obtain
ed from the Agenzia
Informazioni e Sicurezza Interna (AISI), the Italian equivalent of the FBI. The database
lists individ u al s that have been flagged by the AISI as su spected of various crimes, in-
cluding corruption. By linking this list to administrative data on the top employees and
owners of Italian companies, we classify a firm as investigated for corruption if at least one
employee or owner was flagged by the AIS I for suspected corruption. We then link the
resultant firm-level database to information on over 200,0 00 procurement auctions for the
construction and maintenance of public infrast r u ctur e held thr ou g h o u t Italy duri n g 2000-
2016. The data inclu d e the near-universe of auctions involving the two most fr equ ently
procured types of contracts: those involving either civi c buildings or roads, highways, and
bridges. These data allow us to observe whether investigated firms participated in or won
each auction. Finally, we complement these firm-level data wi t h similar information on
A study sponsored by the European Commission reports that, in projects t h at were found to have
been corr u pt ed , 13 percent of expenditures were lost due to corruption (Ferwerda and Deleanu [ 2013] ) .
Agency problems in procurement extend beyond governments. For example, in a recent working
paper, Bergman et al. [2021] documents the adverse consequences of favoritism in hospitals’ pr
of medical services.
investigations for corruption cha r ges involving the publ i c officials in charge of awarding
(and follow-on monitoring) the contracts in our data (we use the same terminol o gy of
“investigated” an d “clean,” or “non-investiga t ed , ” that we use for businesses also for the
public officials in charge of the auctions). We know o f no other database of corruption
risk for ind i v i d u al s and organizations that is com p ar a b l e to ours.
The scale and richness of our data are such that we may employ a range of fixed
effects and controls, which helps to rule out a number of alternative interpretati on s,
which inevita b l y ar i se in cor r el at i o n al r esu l t s. For example, in our anal y ses tha t l oo k
at the characteristics of auct i on s won by firms under investigation for corruption, we
may include over 6,000 procurement authority (PA) fixed effects, so tha t we identify the
relationship based on the selection of different auct i on mechanisms by the sa m e entity
(e.g., a municipality), or PA-year fixed effects so that we identify the relationship based
on the selection of different auction mechanisms in the same place during the same year.
The latter specification allows us to account for any potential unobser ved time-varying
shocks at the procurem ent authority level.
We begin by examining the types of auctions that are m o st often won by investigated
firms. We show that two aucti on arrangements are significantly more likely to lead to
a contract being awarded to an investigated firm: fir st , so-called scoring rule auctions,
which involve (potentially subjective) non-price selection criteria that may restrict com-
petition, are 1 percentage point (6 percent) more likely to be won by investigated firms,
relative to fir st-p r i ce (non-d i scr eti o n a ry ) aucti o n s. Au cti o n s that use “negotiated ” proce-
dures in which procurement officia l s invite b i d d er s ( r a th er than allow for open bidding)
are no more likely to be won by firms investigated for corruption, relative to open auc-
tions. However, when we look at the subset of negotiated auctions in which officials fail
to invite th e req u i si t e number of bidders (which we take to be an ind i ca t i on o f a b u se
of discretion), we find a 1.9 percentage point (11 per cent) higher probability of an in-
vestigated winner. While mor e at risk of selecting investigated firms, we also find that
scoring rule auctions are associ a t ed with lower cost overruns and higher award prices,
while negotiated procedures are associat ed with lower delays and higher award p r i ces.
In lin e with evidence provided by Bosio et al . [2022] , we interpret these features as an
ndication of improved contract execution.
We then link the choice of discretionary auctions to the chara ct er i sti cs of procure-
ment administrators that dep l oy them. In particula r , we look at whether the choice of
discretion is affected by whether the auction was administered by an individual that the
AISI has flagged as suspect ed of corruption, and also whether the auction occurred in a
municip al i ty in which the AISI has identified at least one such official. The first of these
analyses aims to examine whether individual procurement officials prone to corrupti o n are
more likely to select (corruptible) discretionary auctions; the second examin es whether
locales where suspected corruption is present tend to use “corruptible” discretionary auc-
tions. Our results show effects that go in opposite directions: public o ffi ci al s suspected of
corruption are 2.9 percentage points more likely to use one of the two discretionary auc-
tion types we flag for concern (discretionary criteria or di scret i on a r y procedures with too
few invited part i ci p a nts). By contrast, discretiona r y aucti on s are 1.9 percentage points
less common in “corruption-suspected” munici p a l i t i es.
We describe how our results may fit with an intuitive explanation based on classic
models of d eleg a ti o n put forward by Holmstrom et al. [1982] and applied to the bureau-
ratic delegat i o n problem by Epstein and O’hallo ran [1994]. In our context, greater dis-
retion allows for more efficient implementation of government projects by well-informed
and well-i ntentioned procur em ent offici al s, which must be traded off again st the higher
probability of leakage by corrupt offi ci a l s. If the choice of auction d esi g n i s o n e o f the pri-
mary means of oversight by a (non-cor r u p t) central monitor, then less discretion will be
allowed in locales where the probability of corru p t i on is higher. When possible, however,
corrupt officials deploy discretion, to th e benefit of cor r u p t firms.
Overall, the empirica l findings in t h i s study offer a new, detailed assessment of the
extent of and the mechanisms involved in corruption i n infrastructure procurement.
On the fundamental question of whether a central legislat u r e or senior bureaucrat chooses
to impose excessively strict constrai nts on lower-level officials, while our analyses do
not allow for deci si ve welfare calculations, we argue that the data provide suggestive
evidence of overly strict constraints. This argument is exemplified by the con seq u en ces
of a mid-2000s reform in which the Italian legislature loosened regulations governing
the use of negotiated procedures. Whereas such contracts could onl y be deployed for
relatively small projects (under e300,000) in the early 2000s, by 2011 the l i m i t had been
raised to e1,000,000. This change, motivated by the government’s desire to stimulate the
economy by reducing the procedural times to award public contracts, led t o a massive
increase in the share of auctions held via negotiated p r oced u r es, from 10 percent in 2006
to 60 percent by 2012. Yet the vast majority of these (83 percent) were conducted
using mechanisms that preserved supplier competition (i.e. , with th e legally required
number of b i d d ers) , and hence the lo o sen i n g of rules had at most a very small effect
on the fraction o f contracts awarded to firm s under investigation for corruption. And in
locations in which officials might have exploited discretion, their use was relatively limited.
Indeed, calculations based on our estimates imply a 0.05 percent incr ease in investigated
winners overal l between the periods before and after the increase of the t h r esh ol d for using
negotiated procedures. This appears to be a small cost when compared to improvements
in contracting quality from discretion, such a s a 14 percent reduction in delays.
Thus, the primary implication of our analysis is that supplier competition may play a
central role in curtailing the corruption risk that may accomp any greater buyer discretion .
II Liter at ure
Our paper sits at the intersection of several distinct l i t era t u r es, and we organize our
discussion of this related work around what we see as our five main contributions.
Taken as a whole, our results suggest that greater discretion had only a limited
impact on corruption (but did reduce d el ays, and plausibly also costs). This first contri-
bution is relevant to our understanding of the efficiency-corruption trade-off in del ega t i on .
The seminal study of Banfield [1975] observed t h at reducing discretion may limit corrup-
ion, albeit at the expense of constraining honest public offici al s from exercising their
judgment to the benefit of public welfare. This links to the rich and exten si ve literature
on government decentralization and delegation. Hu ber and Shipan [20 0 6] and Bend or
t al. [ 2 0 01 ] provide earlier overviews of th i s body of research; we see our work as cor-
responding to their models of “ex-ante constraints” (as in the reduced use of discretion
that we study here) rather than ex-po st monitorin g . More closely related, Bo si o et al.
[2022] shows, using cross-country data, that constraints on discr
etion are asso ci at ed with
better procurement outcomes, but o n l y in countries with low public sector capacity.
Our second contribution is a new measurement of corru p t i on in
public contracts that
is plausibly more credibl e and more accurate than pri o r measures. There is a vast and
growing body of work on th e political and economic analysi s of corruption ( see Olken and
ande [2012] and Burguet et al . [2016] for recent surveys of corruption that review and
synthesize various models of delegation), which reflects the potential importance of cor-
ruption to the functi o n i n g of government, and the correspondingly substantia l resources
devoted to fighting corruption. Thus, we see it as a useful contribution to be able to quan-
tify that 17 percent of public works in Italy are awarded to investigated firms.
Our third
Related work by Bandiera et al. [2020] investigates delegation in public procurement by experi-
mentall y varying the amount of autonomy granted to procurement officers. They find that shifting
decision-making rights from monitors to officers reduces procurement pri ces. Wh i l e our analysis also
indicates that discretion improves procurement outcomes, our study focuses on a different type of chan-
nel (the choice of award procedures and criteria) and a different out come (the risk of selecting criminal
contract ors) . Similarly, two studies concurrent with our own provide evidence that the expanded use
of discretion can improve [Carril, 2019] or worsen citepszucs2018 procurement outcomes. These studies
ocument significant bunching of co ntracting activities below the discretionary threshold, suggesting a
role for buyers manipulation, while we do not detect any such distortions. More broadly, given the
monitoring function of higher-level governments, our findings also relate to the literature on th e costs
and benefits of decentralization (e.g., Bardhan and Mookherjee 2006).
ur work al so relates to studies lin ki n g procurement to firm political connections, although our
measure of corruption risk is clearly distinct. Mironov and Zhuravskaya [2016] document how firms
ith public procurement revenue increase the tunneling of funds to poli t i ci ans around elections. They
contribu tion concerns the strengths and weaknesses of different procurement method s to
limit corruptio n risks. Our findin g that discretion has limited impact overall on corruption
is in line with Band i era et al. [2009], who analyze centralized versus decentralized public
rocurement and sh ow that excessive payments for standardized goods are driven more
by inefficiency than corruption.
Our result s provide evidence on a well-defined source of
nefficiency, namely excessively rigid contracting procedures. Several other studies link
procurement methods and oversight to project ou t com es. Notable contributions include
Brierley [2020], who shows that greater oversight may backfire if politician
s themselves
are corrupted (a result in t h e spirit of the classic study of hierarchical corruption in Indian
canals by Wade [1982]), Lewis-Faupel et al. [2016], who document the positive impact
f e-procurement on road quality in India and on execution time Indonesi a, possibly by
limiting interactions with corr u p t public officials, and Djankov et al. [2017], who docu-
ment the correlation across countries in procurement rules and practices and link these
to survey-based measures of road quality. The central role of competition in curtail-
ing corruption that we uncover parallels the recent work of Colonnelli and Prem [20 1 7] ,
hich also points to the role of limited competition in creating rent-seeking beh avior in
Brazilian procurement. At the macroeconomic level, these are key results for the larger
objective of assessing the quality of fiscal policy, as underscored by the recent interest in
opening up the black box of “Big G” [Cox et al., 2020].
he fourth contribution relates to th e heterogeneous impact of pr ocu r em ent rules
across different public organizations. In particular, we show that discretionary auctions
are rel at i vely rare in high-corruption areas, but are commonly deployed by individual
administrators under investigation for corrupt i on . While these two findings are, at least
superficially, in tension with one another, as we discuss below they follow from a simple
model that is very much in line wi t h standard theories of delegation.
Overall, our results indicat e that governments ar e aware of the trade-o ff created
by discret i o n , and take it into a ccou nt i n the extent to which it i s allowed in differ ent
areas. This latter finding was suggested by Coppier et al . [2013], who noted that there is
reater discretion in (low-corruption) U.S. and U.K. procu rem ent. Coviello et al. [2017],
in their investigation of the economic im p a ct s of allowing greater discretion in the public
also document that more corrupt local es tend to award contracts to less productive firms. Auriol et al.
[2016] show that politically connected companies are more likely to win auctions with limited competition,
which they take to be an indication of corruption. A similar approach is taken by Balt r u nai t e et al. [2018]
in the setting of Italian auctions, in linking political connections to discretionary auctions. Brogaard
t al. [2016] show that contracts won by politically connected firms i n the U.S . te nd to have p oorer
performance. Our work is distinct from these earlier efforts in a number of ways. Most importantly, we
have an unusual country-wide measure that allows us to identify firms as potentiall y corrupt.
Along simil ar lines, several recent studies have shown that limiting the discretion of procurement
officials is most valuable when the skills or abilities of the public b uyers are lower; see Best et al. [2019],
Bucciol et al. [2020] and Decarolis et al. [2020].
procurement of works in Italy, also notice that higher-corruption provinces tend to use
less discretionary auctio n procedures. We are, to our knowledge, the first to identify this
relationship systematical l y based on l ocal variation in corrupti on .
Our fifth and final contribution is to the debate on anti-corruption poli ci es in public
procurement. While there is much th eo r eti ca l work in this area (see, e.g., Ortner and
hassang [2018], for one recent contribution), th er e ar e scant emp i ri ca l fi ndings. The
few exceptions include Olken [2007], which provides a compar at i ve an al y si s of centralized
udits versus grassroots participation in monitoring; Di Tella and Schargrodsky [2003],
which presents eviden ce on the combined effect of p u b l i c offici a l s’ wages and corr u p t i o n
audits; and Avis et al . [2018], which provides causal estimates of the effects of past
nti-corrup t i o n audits on subsequent corruption levels. Our findings on the role of firm
competition to limit the corruption risk of discretionary auction procedures and criteria
are relevant for this policy-r el evant research agenda. We return to policy considera t i on s
in our concl u si o n.
III Background and data collection
III.A Institutional details on Italian procurement
In recent years, Italian regula ti o n s that govern public procurement und erwent a
number of reforms as a result of, among other thi ng s, the passage of European Union
Procurement Directives aimed at creating a common set of rules for public procurement
in the EU. In particular, these reforms aimed to improve the design of source selection sys-
tems, i.e., the process for evaluating bids. We study public contracts under the “or d i n a r y
regime,” which sets the procurement r u l es for most projects, excluding secret military
contracts and some str at eg i c infrastructure projects.
Source selection systems under the o r d i n ar y regim e vary along two main dimension s:
the awarding procedure and the selection criterion. S ta r ti n g with the first dimension ,
there are two primary procedures for awarding contracts: open aucti on s and negotiations.
Open auctions are “ordinary” procedures for the assignment of procurement contracts
in which all firms eligible to execute public contracts can bid. In these procedures, the
contractin g officer overseeing the project has little discretion in the choice of contract o r.
These auctions presu m e the feasibility of accurately defining, from the outset, th e relevant
scope and technical specifications of the contract.
Negotiated procedures are, by contrast, marked by sign i fi cant discretionary powers.
The contracting offi cer consults a set of prospective contractors and may negotia t e the
conditions of the contract wit h one or more of them. Given their discretion ar y nature,
negotiated p r ocedures are treated as exceptional, and admissible only under specific con-
ditions: for the most part, they are permitted only for contracts below a given monetary
threshold. Above this threshold, negotiations are allowed only when there is some ur-
gency in fulfilling the contract, or when a previous attempt to run an open auction failed
to elicit any bids.
The second key aspect of contracting is the specification of the criterion for determin-
ing the winner. Both open and negotia ted procedures can use either the “lowest pri ce”
criterion or a “scoring rule” criterion (also known as the “most economi ca l l y advantageous
tender” criterion). In the first case, the enterprise offering the lowest price is awarded the
contract, provi d ed t h a t t h i s offer i s ju d ged to be reliable, that is, th e offer i s n o t so l ow
as to be unrealistic. The second approach allows for the accounting of a broader range
of considerations beyond price, as specified in the call for ten d er . Non-price parameters
of a b i d may incl u d e both hard and soft elements. An exa m p l e of a quantitative (hard)
parameter could be the number of engineers that will work on the specific project, while
an example of a soft element is the aesthetic quality of the proposed solu t i o n . There are
a few limits that regulation s place on the choice of parameters. In particular, criteria
must all pertain to the bid and not the firm, so that past performance cannot be used
as a parameter. But procurement officials enjoy wide margins of discretion in setting the
parameters (possibly to the advantage of specific fir m s) and their associated weights.
The inclusion of multiple parameters ca n be used to restrict c
ompetition, to the extent
that only a narrow set of fi rm s may be able or willing t o participate in the ‘restricted’
auction. Indeed, our data confirm a l ower level of competition in scoring rule auctions
see Figure A3.
As one might expect, the full set o f regulations governing proc
urement i s far more
complex than we can describe here, and we defer to Decarolis and Giorgiantonio [2015] for
more in-depth discussion. However, we observe that, beyond some modest differences,
the set of procedures and criteria governing Italian procurement are quite general, allow-
ing only for limited regional variation. Thi s is impor t a nt, in particular, as it is difficult
for individual regions to create r u l es that favor local firms, which would present a con-
found for our analysis. Indeed, given the const ra i nts laid down by the Eur o pea n Union,
Italian procurement rules also characterize the institutional framework in the EU more
An illustrative example may help convey t hi s point. In 2007, the Italian Supreme Court confirmed
the conviction of a group of public officers and business owners for rigging multiple scoring rule auctions
in the Santa Maria Capua Vetere municipality. The scheme involved public officials drafting calls for
tenders following the recommendations of favored firms: parameter s in the scoring formula emphasized
elements that advantaged pre-identified firms, e.g., by specifying the use of a specific b ran d of machinery.
The extensive use of scoring rules in favoring bribe-paying firms has been well-documented by Cam-
os et al. [2021], in thei r analysis of the massi ve corruption case involving Brazilian m
ultinational Ode-
generally. But they also reflect procurement rules in a much broader set of co u ntries, as
documented in a recent survey by the
World Bank [2 01 7] .
One particular feature of procurement rules does warrant further elaboration, given
our focus on del eg at i o n and discretio n by individual procurement official s. Whenever not
expressly constrained by national or loca l rules, the choice of both the awardi n g procedure
and the selection criterion is delegated to the contracting offi cer overseeing each contract
(the “Responsabile Unico del Procedimento”, or RUP). This publ i c officia l is selected from
among management-level bureaucrats in the relevant public administration (PA), unless
none is available for this ro l e (in which case special rules apply). The RUP is nominated
via a formal act by the PA’s top official, which in municip al i t i es is the mayor.
The RUP is in charge of man a gi n g the entire contracting process, from the project
definition phase, throu gh the bidding phase, to the awarding and realization of the con-
tract. Thus, the RUP has consi d er a b l e control over how the contract is structured. But
this discretion has to be exercised within the regulatory constraints imposed by Euro-
pean, nati on a l , and local regula ti o n s, and it is subject to oversight both internally within
the PA, and from third-party auditors (at the local, national and, in certain cases, Eu-
ropean level; see Figure
A1). A RUP who wishes to use a discretionary procedure or
riterion may aim to be appointed to oversee auctions that are amen ab l e to such meth-
ods, and conditional o n the project may select more discretionary approaches. However,
it is difficult to make strong inferences about a RUP’s intent merely from the selection
of discretionary auctions. A socially-motivated procurement officia l may also choose a
negotiated procedure to exped i te project execution and (with the interests of the munic-
ipality at heart) even manipulate contract amounts to facilitate their use. We thus rely
on detailed data on RUP and firm s described bel ow to discern whether di scr eti o n is more
plausibly used for self-serving reasons.
III.B Data
III.B.1 Procurement Data
Our procurement data come from a database provided by the Public Contracts Ob-
servatory at the Italian Anticorruption Authority (ANAC), the public entity that oversees
public procur em ent in Italy. Since 2000, ANAC has mon i to r ed all public contracts above
the threshold reserve price of at least e150,000 until 2010, and e40,000 thereafter.
Our dataset contains the universe of ANAC data for the years 2000-2016 for public
Amongst these, t h o se involving civic bui l d i n g s (OG0 1 ), or tra
Italian procurement more broadl y can be divided into three categories: works, goods, and services.
Our focus is on public works, which represent around 25 % of the value and over 30% of the total
tion infrastructure such as roads, highways, and bridges (OG03), a r e th e m ost relevant
categories which, combined tog et h er , rep resent more than half of all contracts, both in
terms of number of contracts as well as money spent.
For each contract, we have de-
ailed informatio n about the contracting phase, including the start and end date of the
bidding process, the type of contracting authority, the au ct i o n procedur e used to award
the contract, the selection criterion, the number of bidders, and the identity of the win-
ning bidder. The data also include information on auction outcomes, such as the initial
project value, the winni n g discou nt and total effective costs, the expected and effective
contract duration and, for auctions hel d after 2010, we observe all of t h e bids.
We observe 5 types of contractin g author i t i es in the data: centr al admin i st r a ti o n s,
municip al i t i es, other local admini st ra t i on s (regions and provinces), state-owned enter-
prises, and “decentralized administ ra t i on s” (specifical l y, hospi t a l s and universities). For
each author i ty, we know the i d entity of the RUP managi n g each contract, and for most
contracts we also know the exact geographic location (the except i o n s include central gov-
ernment administrations, decentralized regional administrations (such as hospitals and
universit i es) , and al so highways and railways that span geographic boundaries). Local
institutions municip a l i t i es in particula r play the largest role in public works pro-
curement. Local governments account for 72% of total projects awarded (53% municipal
councils, 14% provincial councils, 3% regional governments). While about half of the
contracts in our da ta b a se are awarded by municipal councils, they are relatively small
projects, with an average value of e5 2 7, 0 00 , as compared to an average value of e847,000
for p rovincial an d regional governments, and over e1.5 million for hospi t al s and univer-
sities. There is also a wid e range in the number of contracts per contracting authority.
There are 1,266 municipal cou n ci l s that awarded only a single contract (mean population
of 1,404), wh er eas the municipality of Rome alone awarded 3, 51 9 contract s.
As previously not ed , the contracting authority ca n choose between two main types
of awarding procedures, open and negotiated. If the latter is selected, we addi t i on a l l y
observe the number of firms invited to participate in the auction, and for all auctions,
we see the number of firms that present offers (the number of bi d d i n g firms is, by def-
inition, less tha n or equal to the number of invited offers). Furthermo r e, we observe
the identity of the winning firm and, for auctions held after 2010, also the i d entities of
number of procurement contracts in Italy. As noted below, the average contract size is around e985,000,
larger than the average size for goo d s contracts but almost half of the average size for ser v ice contracts.
Consistent with the size difference, negotiated procedures are used significantly more frequently for public
works (they represent around 72 % of the total) than in the procurement of services, where they are used
in only 60% of contracts.
The procurement of public infrastru ct ur e is subdivided by law into 13 job types (OG01,...,OG13).
Although the data contain codes that refer to more detailed sub-categories, OG codes are more reliable
since this latter classification is the only one requi r ed by law.
all participants. Under normal circumstances, negoti a ted procedur es require a minimum
number of invitations. When we observe fewer than the legally mandated number of
invitati o n s, we flag the auction as involving potential abuse of discretionary procedures
(denoted by the variable DiscretP roc
). Conversely, we denote as D
iscretP roc
negotiated auctions with the legally mandated number of bidders. Finally, we denote all
negotiated p r oced u r es (both highN and lowN) by the variable DiscretP roc. Note that
a below-minimum number of invited bidders does not automatically indicate abuse it
may instead result fr o m a contract’s urgency or a lack of qualified firms.
Auctions m ay be awarded based on a price-only system or on e that i
a wider set of considerations (i.e., scoring rule auctions).
Since scoring rule auctions
llow for a range of non-price (and potentiall y subjective) pa r am et er s set by the RUP and
thus involve more discretion than first-price auctions, we define an auction as having a
discretionary criterion (denoted by the variable DiscretCrit) if i t is awarded via a scoring
To capt u r e the two types of discretionary auctions we will emphasize, we define a
summary measure, Discretion, which denotes a u cti o n s for which DiscretP roc
= 1
r DiscretCrit = 1. While in principle DiscretP r oc
and DiscretCrit can both
occur simultaneously, th i s is rarely the case in practi ce since the regulations tend to favor
negotiations for smaller value (or urgent) contracts, while the scoring rule system is used
for complex projects and requires more time to award the contract since a commission,
and not just the RUP, evalu a t es the bids.
Beyond our measu r es of au cti o n procedure and cr i t er i on , we include a number of
other auction attributes as controls. Most importantly, we control for the auction re-
serve price (Reserve), which is the monetary value, reported in the call for tenders,
above which the PA is unwilling to pay for the contract. Price bids are expressed as
discounts over this reserve price. In ou r analysis, the r eser ve price will enter linearly (in
logarithm) as a control in many of our specifications, as well as via a series of dummy
variables for contracts in various r eserve price rang es, which corresp on d to thresholds
that triggered stricter rules and/or mo n i t or i n g of an auct i on , with cutoffs of e100, 000;
150, 000; 300, 000; 500, 000; 1, 000, 00 0 , and 1, 500, 000. At these t h r esh ol d values, both
the publicity requirements of the call for tenders and the set of eligible bidders change.
The auction database provides us with additional information that we will exploi t
To the extent that this is the case, the link between discretion and corruption will be underestimated.
A third alternative is also available, the so-called average bid auction (ABA). The ABA is a variant
of the first-price auction in which the winner is the firm offering the lowest price among a subset of “non-
excluded” offers. The ABA induces higher participation as well as bid coordi n at ion (Decarolis [ 2018] ,
Conley and D ecar ol i s [2016]), but for our analysis, we simply view it as a non-discretionary auction
Hence, we will not treat it separately from the other first-price auctions.
in the analysis. In particular, we observe the identity of the firm wi n n i n g the auction.
Information on each fir m includes its name and the location where it was incorporated,
as well as a unique social security identifier, which provides the link to the criminal inves-
tigations da t a. Finally, we also observe some standard procurement auction o u t com es,
including delivery time, price and - for about half of our sample of auctions
- the total
osts for completion. Data on the expected contractual duration as well as the effective
total co m p l et i on time allow us to construct a measure of contractual delay (Delay) and
cost overrun (Extra Cost). Since Delay can be positive or nega ti ve and has extreme
outliers, we use an inverse hyp erbolic sine transformation. The final price of the winning
bid is expressed as a discount over th e reserve price (Discount) and, similarly, Extra
Cost is calculated as the difference between the final price and the awarding price, over
the initial reserve price.
III.B.2 Criminal Investigations Data
A contribution of this study i s to i ntroduce a new measure of criminality in pu b l i c
procurement. As previously noted, in the procurement data we observe bidders’ identities.
For each firm, we then obtained the full list of i ts owners and top managers through th e
Company Accounts Data System. Thi s is a proprietary database maintained by CERVED
Group that we observe for four separate years: 2006, 2011, 2014, and 2016.
For ea ch
rm, the union of all owners and managers recorded in any of these four period s represents
the set of individuals connected to the firm in our analysis. For each indivi d u al , their
record of criminal investigations (which we will describe shortly) was cod ed , and th i s
information was aggregated across fir m -l i n ked individuals to obtain a firm-level measure of
potential criminal status. We use the same criminal investigations database to determine
the suspected cr i m i n al i ty of each RUP in our data.
Records of individu a l s’ criminal investigations were analyzed for us by AISI (Italy’s
internal intelligence and security agency) using a centralized archive, the Sistema D’Indagine
Interforze (SDI), wh i ch is a primary source of information that police officers and intelli-
gence agencies use to identify potential targets for further investi ga t i on .
This database
ontains reports of all individua l s investigated by any of the Italian police forces: state po-
lice (Polizia di Stato), finance pol i ce (Guardia di Finanza), military police (Carabinieri),
For a detailed discussion of the reasons behind li mit ed d at a availability, see Decaroli s and Palumbo
In Online Appendix B, we describe in greater detail how we obtained each of the data sources we
employ. We note that most of our data are proprietary so that, while we can provide contact information
for interested researchers, we cannot provide t he data itself.
The SD I data have bee n previously used in research by Pinotti [2017]. Our access to the data is
nabled via a framework agreement between AISI and Bocconi University.
and environmental police (Guardia Forestale).
An entry in the SDI d a ta b a se typically occurs after a po l i ce force, b ased on a pre-
liminary investigation, determines that there is sufficient evidence to open a formal in-
vestigatio n . This investigation might or might n o t lead to a court case and, if so, to a
conviction . Therefore, court cases are clearly a subset of th e entries in the SDI datab a se
(see Figure A2). The resulting sample of suspect offenders thus includes indi
viduals that
were convicted, acquitted, or never charged. The latter two groups plausibly comprise a
large number of offenders whose guilt could not be proven in court. Indeed, corruption
cases are generally complex, and convictions are relatively rare. This is particularly true
in Italy, where the trial must go through three levels of judgment (Primo grado, Appello,
and Cassazione) within a relatively short statute of limitation between 6 and 12 years.
For example, in the well-known “clean-hands” case, out of the 2,565 people investigated
for corruption, 1,408 were convicted, 544 were acquitted for lack of conclusive evidence,
and 488 due to t h e statute of limitations Davigo and Mannozzi [2007]. For these vari-
us reasons, official data on (convicted) offenders may greatly understate the extent of
Although the SDI data do not suffer to the same extent from the u n d
problem tha t afflicts judicial data, they may instead include false positives. While in gen-
eral one may be concer n ed that investigations overstate the extent of underlying crimes,
there are featur es of corruption and also our specific context that make this less likely to
occur. Because the cr ed i b i l i ty of these data is central to our empirical exercise, we now
explain these reasons in some detail.
We begin by noting that part i ci p ants in procurement corruption in pa r ti cu l a r are
all likely to benefit to some extent, with th e costs borne by society. Hence, in contrast
with many other types of crimes in which a v i ct i m is directly involved–and motivated
to inform investigators–this is less likely to be the case for corruption. Indeed, as d i s-
cussed earlier, investigations are often initiated based on information that enforcement
authorities receive from competitors of firms engaged in corruption.
In the specific context of o u r study, several features further reinforce a t i g ht conn ec-
tion between investigations and the underlying crimes. Understanding why this is the
case requires an elaboration of what Italian law defines as corruption crimes. There are
two main articles in the Italian penal cod e devoted to corruption. The first is Article 318,
which states that any public offi ci al who, in conducting their d u t i es, receives money or
other ben efi ts for himself or for a third party (or accepts a promise of future benefits), is
Decarolis and Giorgiantonio [2019] analyze the universe of court sentences for cor ru pt i on in public
auctions finding that only 2% of the firms awarded public contracts were thus implicated. In the same
set of auctions, our measure flags 17% of contract winners as potentially criminal (not e that Decarolis
d Giorgiantonio [2019] use a smaller and different set of auctions than the one used in our paper).
to be imprisoned for one to six years. In our context, thi s mi ght include a procurement
official demanding payment from firms to be permi t t ed to bid on a contract for exam-
ple, some co u rt records have revealed instances of corrupt officials deli berately creating
impediments to firms’ ability to conduct the worksite inspections that ar e compulsory
before being eligible to bid in an auction. The second, Article 319, concerns more serious
acts of corruption, specifically, the omission or delay of official duties, or performing acts
that run contrary to officia l duties, in exchange for benefits (or promise of benefits) for
themselves or a third party (e.g., a procurem ent official awarding a contract to an un d er -
qualified bi d d er ) . Such acts are punishable with a si x to ten year prison sentence. The
law draws a distinction between the less-serious case of “improper corruption” (Art. 318)
in wh i ch the official recei ves a benefit to perform duties that are within their purview, as
compared to the more serious case of “proper corruption (Ar t . 319), in whi ch the official
acts contrary to his duties.
The two types of corruption have distin ct implication s for re
porting incentives, but
we argue in neither case is there an obvious motive for frivolous whistle-blowing. Under
proper corruption, a public agent’s actions may be revealin g of corruption because they
violate his official duties, but none of the p ar t i es involved ha s a direct motive to act as
an infor m ant. By contrast, un d er improper corrupt i on , the act i o n s by the public agent
are less likely t o raise suspicions (since they involve his regular dut i es) ; however, the
parties involved may be more inclined to inform investigators, given that they are forced
to pay for something (like the op po r t u n i ty to bid on a contract) that they are legally
entitled to. Despite this repor t i n g incentive, the best response of involved participants
may nonetheless be to remain si l ent, if there are potential reput at i onal effects that could
impact interactions with other officials, and especially if they may interact with the same
official again, either over time or across contracts.
Several other features of Italian p rocurement result in a very high bar for initiating in-
vestigatio n s. First, unlike some other countries, Italy has no leniency program to enco u r -
age one party to denounce the other. Moreover, according to Article 321 of Italy’s penal
code, punishm ents for all implicated parties are symmetric–e. g. , a bribe-payer faces the
same penalty as the recipient. This inability to secur e lenient treatment reduces reporting
Second, detecti n g p r ocurement corruption i n Italy is widely
considered to be
As we explain later, we also include in our measure two other types of crimes which, broadly speaking,
represent forms of corruption, but for which the Italian law uses ad hoc definitions (”peculato” and
”concussione”). Such crimes are less prevalent than those falling under the definitions of articles 318 and
319: for instance, in 2016 th ere were 126 individuals imprisoned for corruption (un der Articles 318 and
319), 26 for ”peculato”, and 11 for ”concussione.”
Reforms to encourage better local governance and whistleblowers to come forward have proven
ineffective. The governance changes require that each PA (municipality etc.) nominate an official to be
responsible for anti-corruption and that each PA provides an annual anti-corruption plan. In practice, few
harder during our sample p er i od , as a result of the “mani pulite” (clean hands) scandal
of the 1990s. In the period before this scandal , corruption in public contracts was sys-
tematic and served as an unofficial means of financing national politi ca l parties’ election
campaigns. This systematic corruption was disrupted by the “mani pulite” revelations,
and as a result bribery in procurement became a more loca l i zed phenomenon, based on a
plethora of small-scale partnerships between individual public officials an d fi r m s. To the
extent that it is more difficult for police to detect smaller, local i zed cases of corruption ,
this development further r ed u ces the problem of over-reportin g in our data.
Finally, it
s extremely difficult to collect evidence to initiate a corruption investigation because of,
for example, limits on police powers to monitor the communications of suspected parties;
the police may only do so if there is clear eviden ce from the outset of “major guil t . ” As
a result, among cases reported to the police, there wi l l rarely be sufficient evidence even
to open a case and thus appear in our data.
We suggest that the preceding a r gu m ents indicate that our inv
estigations-based mea-
sure is unlikely to be overly afflicted by false positives. However, we arg u e that any
measure based on court convictions would be plagued by an excess of false negatives.
There are two main reasons for this. First, particu l a rl y in Italy, th e burden of proof for
corruption convictions is very high, requiring that the plaintiff show convincing evidence
of: i) the benefit directly (or in d i rect l y ) given (or promised) by t h e public official to a
counterpar t , ii) the delivery by the counterpart of money or other ben efi t s to the public
official (or to a person or entity connected to them), and iii) the l i n k between th ese two
actions. There are numerous factors that make it difficult to meet this bar. For example,
there is a significant time lag between the ben efi t received by a firm (say, the awarding
of a public contract) and any payback. Moreover, the latter is often hard to detect and
prove as it could involve indirect forms of benefit, such as t h e hiri n g as consultants or
subcontract or s of persons linked to the p u b l i c official (family members, friends or fi g-
The high burden of the proof, coupled with the li m i ta ti o n s on ev
PAs have adopted effective programs. The new whistleblower law does not guarantee the full anonymity
of the whistleblower, a serious limitation in encouraging anyone to come forward to report corruption.
An example of this evolution in the nature of public contract corruption comes from the President of
the Italian Antitrust Authority: ”[Whereas cor r up t i on in] the First Republic was elevated to a “system,”
today micro-corruption prevails, and perhaps for this reason appears more pervasive. I don’t share
the view that “the thieves have won” nor that today is worse th an then. The numbers prove it. The
Enimont Affair, which was called “the mother of all bribes,” involved around 140 billion lire. For cases
today, as anyone can verify on the Istat website, we are talking about 120 million. The bribes paid to
carry out the Mose, one of the biggest scan d als of recent years, amounted to a few million Euros.” See
For this r eason some policymakers have in recent years proposed extending to corruption crimes the
same powers of investigation that the police have for mafia-related crimes, see
Corruption expert s often raise the related concern that under Italian law the presence of an inter-
collection described earlier, makes it particularly challenging to prosecute Italian corrup-
tion cases. Given th ese challenges, it is perhaps un su r pr i si n g that a ny investigations that
are opened proceed very slowly, often lasti n g for many years.
This leads to a further
eason why there are so few corruption convictions: Italy’s relatively short statute of
limitations. If an investigation is stil l ongoing as the statute o f limitations approaches,
the plaintiff must decide whether to go to court or simply di sm i ss t he case. In the latter
case, there i s of course no conviction; in the for m er , a rushed case will likely be weak an d
a conviction unli kely, and very likely accounts for the relatively high rate of acquittals
for corruption cases.
In concluding our discussi on of the investigation da t a, we note t
hat the investigated
individuals are unaware that they are u n d er investigation, unless the case is formally
brought to a crimin a l court. For the same reason, unless a formal court case has begu n ,
a PA cannot exclude firms from auctions even if their owner s/ m an a ger s are investigated
for corruption charges.
To obtain these data for firms, AISI searched the SDI database for al l managers
and owners we identified as associated with each firm, and flagged those who had been
investigated for corruption and other r el a ted crimes. Specifically, the foll owing categories
of crime were considered: corruption, malfeasance, and embezzlement; abuse of power
and und ue influence; and violations in public auctions. Based on the individual-level
records extracted from SDI, suspected crimi n a l s in 3,848 firm s winning a contract over
mediary between the public official and the entity benefiting from its acts creates a further complication
in proving corruption, as relations among the various parties to thi s type of multi-layered structure need
to be proved. Hence, even direct proof of a payment to a public agent by an intermediary is insufficient
as evidence of corruption unless it can also be proved that such payment can be related to an action
taken by the public agent to favor a business on whose behalf the intermediary made the payment.
This is in contrast, for in st ance, t o what is requi r ed unde r the 1977 U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practi ces Act
which states: “It shall be unlawful (...) to make () offer, payment, promise to p ay, or authorization of
the payment of any money, or offer, gift, promise to give, or authorization of t he giving of anything of
value to any person, while knowing that all or a portion of such money or thing of value will be offered,
given, or promised, directly or indirectly, to any foreign official.” Under the latter piece of legislation,
it is thus very clear that it is unlawful to make any payment that has the potential to be used in full,
or in part, as a bribe to a pub l i c official. This is a substantially more at t ai nabl e burden of proof than
that required under Italian law. For a discussion of this issue and its application to the court acquittal
of the top management of the Italian oil company ENI in an alleged corru pt i on scandal, see
content/uploads/2020/05/Scollo_gp_2020-5.pdf, last ac-
essed February 5, 2023.
See, e.g.,,
last accessed February 5, 2023.
The media often blames the statute of limitations for the lack of corrup-
tion convictions; see, e.g.,
36555629/, last accessed February 5, 2023. As one particularl y prominent example, out of the 36 court
cases in which Silvio Berlusconi has been accused of some crime, three involved corruption charges and,
out of these three, one is still ongoing and two ended due to t h e st at u t e of limitations.
the per i od 2000-201 6 were identified (9.8% of all firms winning at least one contract). We
define InvestigatedWinner as an indicator variable denoting that an au cti o n was won by
a fi r m ever associated through o u t our sample peri od (via empl oyment or ownership) with
at least one individual present in the SDI database. Under our agreement with AISI, we
were unab l e to obtain year-specific inform at i o n on whether an investigated individual was
associated with a given firm our measure thus varies only across firm s and not over time.
This approach is conservative, as the date at which suspect offenders are reported in the
SDI provides little information if any on the date an offense was actually committed.
The SDI data also allow us to flag procuring agencies and publi c administrators as
suspected of corruption. For each auction, we observe the agency procuring the con-
tract and, wi th i n the administration, the RUP in charge of the specific contract. AISI
searched the SDI database for all RUPs, flagging those suspected of the same types of
crimes used to flag man a g ers and owners (i. e. , corrup t i o n , abuse of power, and so forth).
Overall, 6% of the RUPs in our sample (mana g i n g 9.7% of all contracts) were flagged
as “ i nvestigated.” We use this list to identify auctions administered by an investigated
RUP (InvestigatedRUP ) and also administrations in which at least on e investigated
RUP was employed during our samp l e period (16% of all public administratio n s, denoted
by InvestigatedP A, managing 40% of the contracts).
In concluding our discussion of the criminality data, it is important to discuss two,
related potential problems: reverse causality and sorting. In our setting, reverse causality
could occur if, for instan ce, a firm woul d become more likely to be labeled as a suspect
when winning negotiated procedures (with few participants) due t o the po l i ce concen-
trating its (limited) monitoring efforts on t h ese typ es o f pr oced u r es. We bel i eve that, if
anythin g, the opposite is in fact li kely to be tr u e in our data , based on exten si ve discus-
sions with the AISI rep resentatives who helped us in accessing the police data. These
officials gave n o indicati on that police monitoring efforts are concentrated on public ten-
ders characterized by t h e criteria and procedures analyzed in this study. Furthermore,
they emph asi zed that investigations typically result from complaints to the police from a
losing b id d er , which are less likely for negotiated procedures, for two reasons. First, there
are simply fewer firms in negotiated procedures. Second, since procurement officers open
themselves up to scrutiny when bidd er s complain, it is also reasona b l e to assume that
officials will use their discretion in negotiated procedures to avoid i nviting firm s which,
for any reason, are more likely to report concerns to the police (this is even more t h e case
if the public official is himself corrupt and h a s a favored firm among the pa r t i ci p ants).
Thus, while we cannot rule out reverse causation entirely, we believe that if a differential
monitoring intensity between negotiated and open procedures is present, in our context
it would most plausibl y imp l y that the estimates we present below represent a conser-
vative assessment of the increased corruption risks associat ed with reduced competition
and discretion.
Finally, on the issue of sorting, it could i nvolve both suppliers an d contracting offi-
cers. For firm sorting, one might worry that firms that expect to be awarded contracts
through discreti on a r y systems might exert ad d i t i on a l effort to avoid being detected as
potential l y corrupt. Such efforts might in cl u d e using figureheads as com p any owners and
However, as mentioned above, it is not the case that certain typ
es of pro-
curements are more systematically investigated th an others by law enforcement agencies.
Since the controls placed on firms are lower for smaller contract va l u es, we shoul d expect
a greater presence of investigated fir m s participating in and winning lower-valued pro-
curements. However, since lower-value contracts are also those for whi ch discreti o n ar y
procedure auctions can be used , this could mechanically lead to us to find a positive
association between discretion on corruption. Simi l ar l y, an obvious concern about con-
tracting officers is whether the RUP might manipulate the contract value to make it
eligible for the use of discretionary procedures. Such behavior is illegal, as it is expressly
forbidden by procurement law. A corrupt RUP might nevertheless choose to take this
risk if discretionary procedures were instrumental for r ent-seeking activities. In this case,
the presence of manipulat i o n should, if anyt h i n g, increase the probability of detect i n g an
effect of discretion on corruption, assuming that bureaucrats who sor t below t h e thresh-
old are using this leeway to benefit investigated firms. Overall, it is very unlikely that
sorting by either suppliers or contracting officers can explain why our estimates below
show that discretion does not lead to more corruption .
III.B.3 Descriptive Evidence
We begin by presenting an overview of some of the main features of the data.
While in our main analysis we exploit with i n -municipality variation over time or (in
some cases) within-region variation across municipalities, the patterns in th i s subsection
explore t r en d s across time and broad regional differences in procurement practices at a
relatively high level of aggregation.
One important feature of our institutional setting is that the maxi mum reserve price
for negotiated contracts was increased from e100, 000 to e500, 000 in 2008, and then to
However, one important observation from the AISI is that monitoring efforts are concentrated in
geographical areas where the presence of criminal organizations has been previously detected, and as a
result we will need to take care in interpreting results involving variation at the municipality level in
the presence of investigated firms. (Though to the extent that these factors are time-invariant, our fixed
effects specifications account for these geographic factors.)
This behavior is found by Daniele and Dipoppa [2019] in the context of firm subsidy allocation in
taly. The extent of likely figureheads is substantially larger for firms obtaini n g subsidies below the
threshold value that triggers the need for special certifications on probity of the owners and managers.
e1 million in 2011. As we show in Figure 1, this led to an increase in negotiated contracts;
the fraction of contracts awarded via scoring rule (the complement of first-price auctions)
remains roughly constant.
Did this chan g e result in more contracts awarded to investigated firms? In Figure 2,
e examine whether there is any obvious evidence in favor of this view in the aggregate
data. The figur e plo t s the fractio n of contracts won by investigated firms for three groups,
based on the relevant t h r esh o l d s for th e 2008 an d 2011 expansions: contract s less th an or
equal to e500, 000, those between 500,000 and 1 million, and contracts above 1 million. If
discretion led to greater co r ru p t i o n , we would expect a relati ve increase in t h e fraction of
contracts won by investigated firms in the e150, 000 to 500, 000 range in 2008 and 500, 000
to 1 million range in 20 11 .
However, we observe no d i scer n i b l e change in any reser ve
rice interval after either reform (see Appendix Figure A4). Given that the contract size
is endogenous we observe sorting aro u n d each of the thresholds in every year in our
sample it is not possible to p r ovide a sh a rp interpretation of this “non-result.” But
at t h e same time, it does fit with our overall set of finding s that we document in the
remainder of the paper discretion in itself does not necessarily p r o m ot e corruption, and
monitors may take steps to ensure that its use is lim i t ed in locales in which discretion is
mostly likely to be abused.
To provide a preview of why greater di scr et i on might not have increased co r r u p -
tion, we consider two further cuts of the data. First, instead of compari n g the fractio n
of investigated winners by the contract reserve price (as in Figure 2), we present in
gure 3 the fraction of investigated winners for thr ee types of more d
iscretionary auc-
tions: those with negotiated procedures and the l eg a l l y mandated number of invited
bidders (DiscretP roc
); t h ose with negot i at ed procedures and “too few” invited bi d-
ders (DiscretP roc
); and scoring rule au ct i on s (D
iscretCrit). Over the full sampl e
period, we observe that negotiated procedures are only associated with criminal winners
for auctions when there are fewer than the legally man d at ed number of bidders. Scoring
rule auctions (whi ch have potential l y discretionary selection cri t er i a) have the highest
rate of investigated winners. Combining these patterns with the general prevalence of
each type of auction, on e may see why the increased use of negotiated procedures had
no discernible impact on the rate of investigated winners as can be seen in Figure 4,
he increase came primarily from auctions that preserve competition, i.e., those with the
legally mandated number of invited bidders, a category for which we see a relatively low
Note that these reforms were not associated with any other substantial changes concer ni n g b ur eau-
crats’ discretion as, for instance, the 2011 reform came about not as an organic reform of the procurement
code generally, but as a targeted measure of t h e Berlusconi government t o promote economic growth
by expanding the use of the less bureaucratic-intensive negotiated procedures. See Art. 4, sub. r, Law
Decree 70/2011, modifying Art. 122, sub. 7, Legislative Decree 163/2006.
rate of cor r u p t i on . Naturally, in comparing the corruption of different auction types, we
wish to control for a range o f municipality and aucti on attributes in comparing various
types of auction mechanisms, which we will do in our regression analyses.
We next take advantage of the richness of our data to explore some patterns in the
data that will pr ovide the r ead er with a broader sense of where corruption as captured
by investigated firms and investigated RUPs is most prevalent.
In Appendi x Table A1, we show the frequency of investi g at ed RUPs overseeing auc-
ions and the freq u en cy that investigated firms that win auctio n s, for the two most
common sectors in our database, roads and building construction. For both RUPs and
firms, investigations are more common in roa d -b ui l d i n g . It is perhaps tel l i n g that Bosio
t al. [2022] use road construction as their hypotheti ca l contract to study the oversight
of procurement processes. Anticipating our later results, we find the opposite pattern for
contracts that we classi fy as prone t o corruption (i.e., Discretion = 1): these are more
common in t h e buildings sector.
We next examine whether contracts are m o r e likely to involve investigations based
on whether the official overseeing the contract was born in that locality, in Appendi x
Table A1, which might serve as a proxy for access to local networks that
might facilitate
corruption. We include this compari so n in the second part of Appendi x Table A1, where
we show that locally-born RUPs are indeed more likely to be investigated. Paralleling
the prior analysis, we a l so show t h a t discretion is l ower in contracts overseen by local
Finally, we turn to a geographi c comparison of auction procedures and outcom es,
where we again explor e bot h t h e prevalence of investigated firms and RUPs, and also
anticipat e the limits to discretion that may exist if corruption is more common. In
our geographic comparisons, we can more plausibly take as given that different parts of
Italy have historically been associated with higher corruption. Specifica l l y, in Table 1 we
ompare auction characteristics for South, Central, and North Italy over our full sample
period, 2000-2016. Given the South’s long history with, and reputation for, corru p ti o n ,
it is perhaps uns ur p r i si n g that the fraction of auctions overseen by procurement officials
suspected of corruption is notably higher in the South relative to Central and North
Italy (first row). In the second row, we show the mean fraction of auction s won by
firms suspect ed of corrupti on . Again, there is a North-South gr ad i ent: investigated firms
are more likely to win in the South relative to the North and Central regions, though
the difference is much more modest than for RUPs. We next turn t o th e sel ect i o n of
auctions that, in the preceding figure, were associated with high er levels of corruption,
i.e., Discretion = 1 auctions (recall t h ese are DiscretCrit = 1 and DiscretP roc
= 1
uctions). Notably, these are far more common in the (r el at i vely less corrupt) North
(third row). In the last two rows, we look at the North-South choice of discreti on for
auctions administered by investigated procurement officials and clean (non-investigated)
officials. Interestingly, across all areas investigated administr a to r s select discretion more
often. The relative rarity of “corruptible” auct i on procedures in th e high-corruption
South suggests another potential explan a t i on for the muted link b etween the in cr ea se in
negotiated auctions and investigated winners: problematic auctions are used less often in
locales where th ey are more a p t to be corr u p ted .
Naturally, these patterns are merely presented as motivation there are many factors
that could acco u nt for the No r t h -S ou t h differences we observe. We will attempt to account
for these factors when we focu s on within-PA variation in our regressions. But overall,
the patterns in Table 1 and Appen d i x Table A1 offer descriptive evi d en ce that is broadly
onsistent with the regression analysis reported in the next secti o n , and which will be
useful for u n d er st an d i n g how Italian authorities may have limited the extent to whi ch
discretion can be exploited by officials for p r i vate gai n .
Before proceeding to our regression results, we conclude this section with a presen-
tation of the summary statistics for our dat a in Tabl e 2. Panel (A) provides summary
tatistics at the auction level for the wh o l e sample of just over 200,000 auctions. Of
these, 37% a r e done using negotiated procedu r es, and 83% of auction s use the price-only
criterion. Investigated firms are awarded 17% of t h e contracts and investigated RUPs
administer 10% of all auctions. The average number of bidders across all auctions is 27,
but for negotiated procedures, the average number of invited b i d d er s is 7. Relative to an
average reserve price of nearly e1 million, the final p r i ce entails, on average, a 7% cost
overrun (relative to the initial reserve price), and the average delay is 63% relat i ve to the
originally specified contractual duration.
Panel (B) repor t s summary statistics at the level of the public administrations award-
ing contracts. We observe 14,024 administra t i on s out of which 16% have at least one
RUP suspected of corruption. 52% of public administrations are in the North, 35% in
the South, and 13% in the Center. In t er m s of administration type, local PAs award
most contracts, with munici p al it i es representing 57% of the PAs in the dataset (thoug h
they administer only 53% of auctions). Of the 7,985 municipalities observed, 67% have
fewer than 5,000 inhabitants, while only 1% of municipalities have more th a n 60,000 in-
habitants. The average administration awards 15 contracts over the sa m p l e period, with
an average total value of nearly e1.5 milli o n .
IV Empirical Analysis
We now turn to examine the relationship between the choice of auction mechani sm
to firms and officials suspected of corrup t i on . We first examine t h e link from the type
of auction to whether it is won by an investigated firm, and then turn to look at the
choice of auction types by investigated public offici al s. We will then use the framework
in Section V to interpret these pat t er n s in term s of the tradeo ff invoked by
IV.A Discretionary auctions and investigated winners
We employ throughout variants on the following specification:
InvestigatedF irm
= β
+ Controls
+ α
+ γ
+ ε
for auction x conducted by contracting authority a in year y. We include contra ct i n g
authority fixed effects to account for local differences in the choice of procurement mech-
anisms as well as (localized) differences in corruption; the year fixed effects absorb shifts
over time i n the prevalence of discretionary contracts as well as cor r u p t i on . Finally, as
controls, we include a lin ea r term for the logarith m of the r eser ve price as well as a set
of fixed effects for various size th r esh o l d s.
We use robust standard errors clustered at
he level of the contracting authority throughout.
Because this expr essi on employs a large number of contracting authority fixed effects,
our empirical approach might raise concer ns i f di scr eti o n on l y varies within a small,
selected poo l of administrations. However, as shown in Table 3, this i s not the case:
any adm i n i st r at i o n s experience variation in the various measures o f discretion analyzed
and, moreover, these administrations do not appear to be selected in any obvious way.
We present these resu l t s in Table 4. In columns (1) and (2) we show results using
iscretP roc
and DiscretCrit respectively as our measure of discretion, an d in col-
umn (3) we includ e both as covariates. The coefficient on each variable is stable across
all specifications and signifi cant at least at the 1% level in all cases. The coefficient
In practice, the point estimates we report below are quite insensi t i ve to the inclusion/exclusion of
these covariates. For exampl e, if we include only year fixed effects as controls, the estimate is about 0.003
higher than what we report below, a difference of about 30 percent as compared to the fully saturated
specifications. Finally, we note that our results are unaffected by the inclusion of a control that captures
whether a firm is connected to a politician at the local, regional, or n at ion al level. We prefer not to
include this variable in our main specifications, as we believe it suffers from a bad control problem (firms
intent on engaging in cor rup t i on will coopt politicians), but present result s that include it in Appendix
Table A6.
on DiscretP roc
of 0.02 implies that auctions employing negotiated procedures with
“too few” invited bidders are associated with a 12% higher probability of being won by
an investigated firm. The coefficient on DiscretCrit is approximately half as large.
column (4) we add the variable, DiscretP roc
, as a covariate, which denotes aucti on s
hat are done via discretionary procedures, but with the requisite number of bidd er s. The
coefficient on DiscretP roc
is very small (0.0013), and we can reject at the 99% level
that it is even half as l a r ge as the coefficient on DiscretP roc
. (We can reject at
he 0.1% level that the two coefficients are equal). Finally, in column (5) we use the
summary discretion measu r e, Discretion, pooli n g together both DiscretP roc
DiscretCrit. The coefficient of 0.012 implies that more discretionary auctions are asso-
ciated with a 7% higher probability of being won by a crimina l firm. Columns (6) (10)
repeat these analyses, limiting the sample to au ct i on s administered by municipal councils,
as this is the sample we will focus on in analyzing whether the patterns we docum ent are
robust to controls for municipal attributes. The patterns are broadly similar, th o u gh the
coefficients on the two distinct discretion variables are much closer in magni t u d e, and the
coefficient on the pooled discretion measure is larger.
The correlation between the choice of discretionary auctions and the selection of
an investigated firm as wi n n er is robust to a range of considerations. In addition to
procurement administration fixed effects, we may include reg i on × year o r even province ×
year fixed effects (a total of 1,770 additional fixed effects), and the point estimates remain
quite similar. We may also amend the definition o f InvestigatedW inner to make it more
or less inclusive. In Appendix Tab l e A2, we show the results usin g a defin i t i o n th a t
ocuses more narrowly on corruption (restricting attention only to firms investigated for
(i) corruption, malfeasance, and embezzlement or (ii) abuse of power and u n d u e influence,
but excluding those investigated for (iii) violations in public auctions) and in Appendix
Table A3, we expand the definition to include firms associated with indiv
iduals su spected
of waste management crimes. The inclusion of the latter group is at the suggestion of
anti-corru p t i on autho r i t i es, who indicated to us that it i s a common area for organized
crime and corruption. In both cases, we observe broadly similar patterns to those reported
in Table 4. While we see a measure of corruption based on i nvestigations r
ather than
realized convictions as preferable, since the former includes cases of likely malfeasance that
nonetheless cannot be prosecuted, we also consider a specification in which the outcome
is an indica to r variable denoting that the aucti o n winner was convicted for corruption.
Note that conviction is a much rarer event relative to investigations the mean conviction
rate is only 0.017 (stan d ar d deviation 0.13) as compa r ed to 0.17 (standard deviati on 0.38)
One possible expl an ati on for this weaker relationship is that first-price auctions with few bidders also
afford opportunities for directing a contract to very specific firms via the t ail or i ng of the requirements
to make a bid, rather than the criteria used to evaluate t he bids.
for investigations. Given the low conviction rate, the point estimates i n Table A4 a r e
commensurately smaller relative to tho se in our main results, but the broad patterns are
similar, even if the estimates do not generally reach stat i st i cal sig n i fi can ce at co nventional
levels. Fi n a l l y, in Appendix Table A5 we include procurement-authority-by-year fixed
ffects. While being more demanding and restricti ve, this specification greatly improves
identifica t i on , as it allows us to take into account any uno b ser ved time-varying shocks
at the authority level. Notably, results are remarkably similar to the on es of Table
4.In Appendix Ta b l e A7, we explore whether the higher r at e of investigated winners f
DiscretP roc
and DiscretCrit auctions is the result of selection into the pa r ti ci p a nts’
pool or selection of the winner ( con d i t i o n al on the pool of bidders). We run a specification
analogous to the one in equation (1), but now using data a t the bidder level:
= β
+ Controls
+ α
+ γ
+ ε
As noted in our data description, bidder-level data are only availab l e starting in 2011.
We observe a positive coefficient on DiscretP roc
across all specifications, with a value
f 0.011 0. 01 2 (significant at th e 1 percent level). No other variable is significant. These
findings provide some suggestive evidence that (uncompetitive) negotiated procedures
may be corrupted by directing invitations to investigated firms, whereas scoring rule
auctions may be corrupted by tailoring the selection criteria to favored firms, rather tha n
foreclosing entry into bidding.
IV.B Investigated administrators and the choice of discretion
In Table 5, we explore the choice of discretion as an auction mechanism. W
e begin
with result s that most closely parallel those of th e preceding section, with public ad-
ministration fixed effects. In col um n 1 the dependent variable is Discretion, whi l e in
columns 2 and 3 we di sti n g u i sh between the effect on DiscretP roc
and D
In all cases, the coefficient on Inve stigatedRUP is positive (significant at least at the 5%
level), indicating a higher use of discretionar y auctions; comparing columns 2 an d 3, the
point estimate is more than twice as high for discretionary criterion auctions, though the
base rate of discretionary criterion auctions is also much higher.
In the remainder of the table, we introduce I
nvestigatedP A as a covariate. Since
this variable varies only at the PA level, we can include only coarser fixed effects. In
Table 5 we employ fixed effects for each of the country’s 20 regions, and i
n Appendix
In Table A8, we explore the direct effect of InvestigatedRU P on investigated winner. The effect
is p osi ti ve and significant, albeit small in magnitude. The estimates for the other coefficients remain
qualitatively identical to those in the baseli ne estimates in Table 4.
Table A9 we use a finer partition, with fixed effects for each of 110 provinces. (Recall
that, for a subset of procurement authorities (hospit a l s, hig hways, and so forth), we do
not have a mapping to a specific geographic location; thus auctions conducted by these
PAs are dropped from specificati o n s with region or province fixed effects.) In columns
4 and 5 we in cl u de InvestigatedRUP and Investigate d P A respectively as covariates,
with Discretion as the outcome variable. Note that, by definition, these variables are
positively correlated (ρ = 0.45). It is intriguing, therefore, that thei r coefficients are of
opposite sign (significant at the 1% level). Speci fi ca l l y, PAs that have had at least one
administrator suspected of corruption are 7.7% less likely to use discretionary auct i o n s
(a coefficient of 0.017 rel a ti ve to a base rate fo r Discretion of 0.22) whi l e, for a given
municip al council, a corrupt administrator is 8.6% mor e likely to use a di scret i o n ar y auc-
tion (0.019/0.22). In column 6, we include both variables a s might be expected given
their strong positive correlation, in this specification the magnitude of each coefficient
increases, nearly doubling for both InvestigatedRUP and InvestigatedP A. Columns
7 and 8 repeat the specifications from colum n 6, which include both InvestigatedP A
and Investigated RUP , but using our two distinct discretion variables as the ou t co m es,
DiscretP roc
and D
iscretCrit. In these specifications, the relationship s between
both variables and discretion are driven by the selection of DiscretCrit auctions (though
we refer back t o column 1 to emph a si ze that, with finer fixed effects, there is a dis-
cernable p o si t i ve relationship between InvestigatedRUP and the choice of discretionary
IV.C The direct benefits and costs of discretionary auctions
e now turn to describe the benefits of discretion. The main official motivation
for encou r a gi n g negotiated procedures is speeding up administrative procedures. The
administrative burden is lighter for negotiat ed procedures than with open auctions: PAs
can publish shorter, less detailed calls for tenders, and these calls have shorter minimum
mandatory publicity periods (about half of the 52 days typically required for open tenders,
but even less if certain conditions are met). The selection of t h e winning bid i s also faster,
as typically the RUP selects the winner dir ectl y from among a small set of b i dd er s. At
the opposite end of the spectr u m , scoring rule auctions requir e the creation of ad hoc
commissions to evaluate bids and select winners.
A different margin along whi ch discretion can benefit PAs is by helping to reduce the
adverse selectio n effect s of open, competitive bidding. As mentioned ear l i er , incomplete
contracts and non -co ntractible quality are a near-defin i n g feature o f contract procure-
Replicating the specifications in Table 5 using as dependent variable DiscretP roc, we find no rela-
tionship between investigated RUPs or PAs and this outcome; see the Appendix Table A10.
ment. A first-price open auction can be the most problematic allocation mechanism
when even just one oppo rt u n i st i c firm p a r t icipates. Although several institutional fea-
tures in the system are geared toward limiting the problem of “too good to be true” bids,
discretion i n selecting parti ci p a nts and bids can be a powerful tool (it is indeed the pillar
of private contracting).
We provide some indication of these potential ben efi t s of discretion in Table 6. The
able presents the results of specifications that parallel those presented above, usi n g the
inverse hyperbolic sine of the contract’s delay in implementation (Asinh(Delay)), the
discount offered by the winning firm, and the extra cost realized at the end o f the con-
tract as outcomes, in place of Investigate dW inner.
While delay is a hig h l y imperfect
ndication of performance for example, it makes little sense to include DiscretCrit as
an explanatory variable, since execution time may be part of the scorin g rule to evalu-
ate contract s in the absence of ex-post qual i ty evaluations o f contracts, it nonetheless
provides one objective indication of the winning firm’s performance.
Table 6, column (1) in cl u d es D
iscret as an explanatory variable, along with fix ed
effects for procurement administration and year, and flexible reserve pri ce controls. As
would be expected if discretion speeds the completion of a contract, the coefficient on
Discret is negative, though small in magnitude and onl y borderline significant (p <
0.07). We distinguish between DiscretCrit an d DiscretP ro c
in column (2), and find
hat there is a much stronger negative relationshi p for negotiated procedures recall
that, as we not ed above, it is hard to interpret the relationship between discretionary
criterion and delay, as completion time may be a component of the scoring ru l e used to
evaluate bids. In co l u m n (3) we add a control for negotiated procedures recall that this
captures auctions i n which bidders must be invited to participate i n the au cti o n , whereas
DiscretP roc
denotes negotiated procedure auctions in which “too few” par
are invited . Interestingly, once one accounts for wheth er a n auction is a negot i at ed
All three outcomes are available only for a subsample of aucti ons . Therefore, we also test the
robustness of our main results in this restricted sample. Specifically, Table A12 replicates the results of
able 4 for the subsample of auctions for which we have either Delay, Discount, or Extra Cost information.
As an additional check, i n Table A11 we show that neither InvestigatedW inner nor InvestigatedRUP
predict the presence of outcome data indeed if anything such data are more likely to be available
in these cases. Finally, si nce we present our earlier results for the full sample of PAs as well as for
munici pal i t i es only, in Table A13 we repeat the analysis but limiting the attention to contracts awarded
y local authorities. Results are very similar to those reported below.
The absence of quality evaluation imposes a li mi t on the interpretation of our results, but no such
data are typically available. With a few notable ex cep t ion s where di rect evidence on quality of the
procured contracts is observed, time delays and cost overruns are generally used as proxies for quality
by government agencies and most of the academic literature when the focus is on complex contracts (as
opposed to simpler contracts for the procurement of standardised goods). For instance, delays are the
main outcome in Lewis and Bajari [2011], while cost overruns are the pr oxy for quality in Mohamed
t al. [2011], Iimi [2013], Bajari et al. [2014], Schoenherr [2019], Jung et al. [2019].
procedure which itself is associated with much shorter delays there is little incremental
effect of DiscretP roc
on delay.
The remaining columns of Table 6 repeat the regression analysis for the two other
outcomes. We observe a clear negative and economically large impact of discretion on
winning discou nts: the coefficient on Discret implies a 4 percentage point lower discount,
relative to an average winn i n g discount of 18 percent. Column 6 shows that mo st of
the dr o p is associated with discretionary criteria and, to a lesser extent, discretionary
procedures with too few bidders. Negotiated procedures with the appropriate number of
bidders more generally are associated wit h lower discounts, as indicated by the negative
coefficient on DiscretP roc
, but the size of the effect is about half of that of the
iscretionary criterion. Thus, it appears that discretion has a direct impact on in crea si n g
the price paid by PAs by a significant amount, which could result fr o m discretion limiting
competition, or if discretion is used to select hi gh er quality bids. In the next and fina l
section of the paper, we will relate this increase of public cost to the (potential) benefit
for a corrupt RUP.
Finally, notice that the final price, i n cl u si ve of cost overruns, i s essentially unaffected
by the choice of discreti o n , as the estimated coefficients are either not si g n i fi ca nt or, in
the case of discretionary criterion, significant and negative, but small i n magnitude.
V Conceptual Framework: Corruption and O vers ight
n this sectio n , we lay out a very simple and intuitive model to interpret our empir i ca l
results. Naturally, given the correlational nature of our analysis, we cannot l i n k our
findings definitively to a particular interpretati o n ; rather, th e goal of this section is to
illustrate that our dispara t e findings can be ex p l a i n ed via a very standard principal-agent
The patterns docu m ented above may be organized through the lens of the theory
of delegati o n , originally laid down by Holmstrom et al. [1982] and applied t o political
conomy settings in particular as outlined in Bendor et al. [2001] and Huber and Shipan
[2006]. Holmstrom et al. [1982] in particular describes the cl a ssi cal optimal delegation
roblem with no transfers: a central monitor (the pr i n ci p al ) trades off the benefits of an
We are implicitly taking the assignment of a contract by an investigated RUP or assignment to an
investigated firm as social harmful in itself, and exploring the extent to which other benefits or costs arise
as a result of the types of auctions we associate with corrupti on. We may in addition l ook at the direct
correlation between auction outcomes and whether a RUP or firm is investigated, as some indication of
whether corruption imposes a direct social cost. We provide these analyses in Appendix Table A14. As
ith discretion, both investigated RUPs and investigated firms are associated with smaller discounts.
Interest i ngl y, t her e is no offsetting benefit in terms of delay.
agent’s discretion against the costs of self-dealing, without being allowed to link transfers
to the realized ou t com es. This framework plausibly r esembles the situation of the pro-
curement officers in our data, whose wages and careers are only weakly associated with
the performance of the contracts they supervise.
Our simplified versi on of this style of model considers the task
of a central monitor-
ing authority (such as a regio n a l government) that aims to limit corruption. Discretion
makes it easier for officials to abuse their po si t i on s if they choose to do so, but also
empowers civic-minded officials to execute contracts more efficiently. The principal has
limited information on the infrastructure needs of lower-level governments (e.g. munici-
palities), and hence receives a noisy signal as to the benefits of running an auction using
discretionary methods. As a resu l t , infrastr u ctu r e provision may be more efficient if lo-
cal o ffi ci al s who have a stronger local presence and/or expertise choose the auction
format. Th e misalignment results from potential self-dealing by corrupt local officia l s.
More specificall y, we assume that a central authority may choose whether to allow
procurement officials in administration a to run an auction with gr eater discretion. Let
d be a parameter that captures the potential benefit from discretion in implementing the
project so that, for example, the value of the project is v in the absence of discretion and
v + d if discretion is allowed. While v is perfectly observed, d is known only to the official
overseeing the project; others (inclu d i n g enforcement officials) observe only
d = d + ǫ. It
is possible that d < 0, so that discretion is socially destr u ct i ve, whereas monit o r s may
still receive a positive signal. This a ssu m p t i on allows for the case that a civic-minded
official will choose n ot to use a discretionary auction.
A further cost of discretion is that it provides op po r t u n i ti es for self-dealing, which
may be obfuscated precisely because of uncer t ai nty in the value of discretion. We do
not aim, at this l evel of abstracti on , to model the firm-official interaction. In our simple
framework, one can think of corrupt officials extracting kickbacks from firms, or p r ospec-
tive bidders corrupting procurement officials by offering bri bes. For a potentially corrupt
administrator, we think of their theft d eci si on as dictated by the private returns from
stealing s, less a punishment cost which is a function of detection probability e
, which is a
ublic-administration-specific parameter, so that his payoff function wi l l be: π = s e
n the internal solution, thi s payoff function leads to a theft choice of s
= 1/2e
We assume that the monitoring authority may const rai n a publ i c admi n i st r a ti o n
from utilizing discretionary auctio n s by setting a threshold for the signal of discretion’s
benefit, accounting for both stealing (which is a function of the pu b l i c administrat i on ’ s
Our model is also very much in the spirit of the framework of Bosio et al. [2022], which documenting
how limits to discret i on are effective in low-public sector capacity countries, but not in high-capacity
ones. Our results fit in this framework, to the extent that the r isk of pu b li c corruption is negatively
correlated with public sector capacity.
enforcement efforts, e
) and the probability that a contract is corrupted (which depends
on the share of corrupt public officials in administration the administration, p
). A
risk-neutral monitor seeking to maximize the pr oject value will then set a threshold
= p
his model captures the simple intuition that, in locations with weaker enforcement
or a higher prevalence of corrupt agents (which plausibly are cor r el at ed ) , there will be a
higher threshold set for the use of discretionary auctions. Hence, differences among ad-
ministrations in (p
, e
) might lead to instan ces in whi ch the monitor restra i n s discre
in situations in which it would be socially optimal to allow for it. But it also follows
that corrupt officials will use discreti o n ar y auctions more often since, by definition, non-
corrupt officials use discretion only when d > 0 whereas corrupt o n es will do so whenever
the monitor allows it (i.e., the threshold is hi g h enough).
V.A Re-evaluating the overall effect of increased discretion
In Section IV.A, we found th a t negotiated contracts wi th many bidders whi ch
onstitute the vast majority of auctions with discretion were won by investigated firms
at the same rate as open price-only auctions. While negotiated contracts with ”too
few” bid s and scoring rule auctions were won more often by investigated firms, we also
observed in Section IV.B that regional governments may t ake steps to limit the use of
hese mechanisms in locales that are vulnerable to corruption.
These findings natu r a l l y return us to the question of whether the limits to discretion
imposed by procur em ent regula ti o n s were too strict. Procurement regulati o n s are the
result of a com p l ex web of rules determined by the European Procurement Directives,
Italy’s national procurement law a nd , in most cases, local rules (at the regional, provincial,
and even municipality levels; see Figure A1). At the local level, there a re many exa m p l es
f rules eit h er limiting or expandin g RUP’s discretion : for instance, Calabria, Campania,
and Sicily, the three regions wi t h endemic criminal organization s, passed various regional
guidelines and regulations limiting the use of discretionary procedures or criteria.
The most straightforward setting to explore the aggregate consequences of chang i n g
the limits to discretion is to focus on the nationwide reforms that loosened the rules
on th e use of negotiated procedures during the late 2000s. While our ear l i er discussio n
emphasized the role of a local (regional) m o n i t or that could set the minimum required
expected benefit from discretion to activate it (
, in the model above), we also discussed
he existence of national rules which set strict monetary thresho l d s on contract va l u es to
determine which ones may be awarded via discretionary methods. This type of rule is
typical in procurement regulations, and in d eed a simi l a r setup i s present in the US for
accessing the Si m p li fi ed Acquisition Procedure.
The motive behind this form of regulation can be easily understood if one presumes
that the national regulator does not even observe the signal of the value of discretion for
a specific project, and we further augment our basic model to assume that the ben efi t s
to the agent from stealing increase wi t h project size.
In this augmented framework,
etting a maximum project value beyond which discretion is forbidden can serve to limit
the risks of stealing.
Note, however, that this ad d i ti o n a l rigidity im posed at the national level comes
at the cost of limiti n g discretion for local ad mi n i st r at i o n s and RUPs that would use it
for public benefit. This rigidity may fur t h er be excessive (relative to the social welfare
optimum ) if political economy con si d er at i o n s lead to a large weight on theft by national
bureaucrats and politicians.
A similar argument may be applied to a bureaucrat with
areer concern s and reduced performance incentives: discretion will be under-utilized if it
increases the probability that an official will face a corruption investigation which, in the
Italian context, woul d defer any pr om o t i on until acquittal, without sufficient offsetting
These changes led to only a modest increase in either of the auc
tion types that
we have flagged as associa t ed with corrupti on . For example, comparing auctions held
prior to 2008 versus those held in 2011 and later, the fraction of auctions for which
DiscretP roc = 1 or DiscretCrit = 1 increases from 20.5% to 2 3 . 6% : while discretionary
In the US, since the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act of 1994, Simplified Acquisition Procedures
(SAP) were introduced to p r omot e efficiency and economy in contracting by reducing admin ist r at i ve
costs and unnecessary burdens for agencies and contractors. Under the SAP, contracting officers can
select private contractor s in more informal ways, for instance by getting oral (rather th an written)
quotes and selecti ng the winner without the need for a formal comparative assessment among quotes.
The SAP applies to purchases of sup p li es or services whose anticipated dollar value does not exceed
the S i mpl i fied Acquisiti on Threshold, which has increased over time, reaching $ 150,000 as of 2014, and
making purchases under the SAP an even larger portion of federal procurement.
Under this modification, the optimal stealing would become s
, where v is the baseline project
size, as in Section V.
For example, reelection con cern s may lead a politician to l i mit stealing per se beyond its impact
on project outcomes because of the negative pu bl i ci ty from revelations of corru pt i on in public works.
The responsiveness of politicians to corrupt i on scandals has been documented, in particular, through
a ser i es of papers exploiting the richness of Brazilian data on corruption au di t s, including Avis et al.
[2018] and Ferraz and Finan [2011]. The former study documents a significantly lower rate of corruption
n municipalities in which mayors can run for r eel ecti on , while the latter estimates a structural model
of agency which illustrates that the reduction in corruption after an audit comes primarily from the
perceived non-electoral costs of engaging in corruption.
This is the well-known problem of low-powered incentives f or public employees, which has been
documented across many countries and institutions (see, for instance, the analysis of Indian bank na-
tionalizations by Banerjee et al. [2004]). The problem may be exacerbated by the initial selection of
ndividuals choosing to become bureaucrats (as analyzed, for instance, through a randomized study of
initial public sector wage offers in Mexico by Dal Bo et al. [2013]) as well politicians (see the recent
eview by Dal Bo and Finan [2018]).
procedure auctions increased substantially (from 0% to 12.7%) this increase was largely
offset by a substitution away from discretionar y criterion (scoring rule) auctions. Taken
at face value, our regressio n coefficients imply a 1.5 percentage p o i nt increase in auctions
won by investigated firms for the incr emental 3.1% of auctions conducted via discre-
tionary procedure or criterion. This calculation leads to a 0.05% increase in investigated
winners overall (0.031 × 0.015). Given ou r proposed framework, these results are u n su r -
prising. Indeed, recall that the increase in negotiated procedure auctions with the legally
mandated number of bidders is about 5 0 % between 2008 and 2011. Thus, if these led to
even small efficiency gains relative to open first-price auctions, it would more than offset
the loss from the very sm al l increment in corrupted auction s. We find this to be quite
plausible given our findings on the improvements in contracting quality from discretion,
such as a 14 percent reduction in delays.
VI Conclusions
We pr esent evidence suggesting that discretion, to the extent that it limits com-
petition, is associated wit h higher suspected corruption in procurement. We show that
these auctions ar e chosen more often by offi ci a l s suspected of corruption, and less often
in public administrations in which at least o n e procurement official has been investigated
for corruption.
We see several main takeaways from our findings. First, given the central role played
by competition in the patterns we document, our results argue against certain classes of
models which emphasize bribery as a means of competing with other b i d d er s, and those
that model corruption as the outcome of a competitive (and efficient) bidding process in
which the best firm is willing to bribe the most to secure a contract. Second, presuming
there is enough competition (i.e., sufficient bi dders), rigid constrai nts on auction officials’
discretion (e.g., via minimum contract size thresholds) may be costly tools t h at , at least
based on our measure, have a modest impact on corruption. Indeed, our rough assessment
based on the cost s and ben efi ts of discret i on suggest t h a t it is likely under-utilized in our
setting. In our view, this result is unexpected, particularly for a country like Italy,
which has been traditionally characterized by high levels of corruption, given its level of
We also see a number of avenues for future research. For example, we wish to better
understand the costs invoked by rules to limit corruption as a step to further clarifying the
trade-offs that result from anti-corruption policies. Furthermore, in this first assessment
of the link between discretion and corruption, we have taken a broad view of the data, and
done so in a correlational framework. We hope that the patterns we document may offer
inspiration for future work wit h a clearer causal desi gn or equilibrium analysis, to further
probe our basic findings and proposed framework. In a similar spirit, future research may
also provide deeper insights into the specific mechanisms that underlie the correlations
we document.
Finally, our finding s have a number of policy implications. In particular, the differ-
ence in outcomes of negotiated auctions with “many” versus “few” bidders is potentially
important for assessing the overall costs and benefits of discretion. Indeed, our findings
suggest that discr eti o n itself is n ot necessarily problemat i c, b u t rather discretion com-
bined with foreclosure of competition: sco ri n g r u l e auct i on s li m i t co m pet i t i o n by tailoring
contract terms to a specific firm’s ca p a b i l i ti es, while negotiated contracts with few in-
vited bi d d er s by construction limit the competitive bidding process. Hence, the use of
more discretionary auctions shou l d go hand in hand with more stringent requirem ents
for fostering fi r m participation.
More generally, in both developed and developin g cou ntries, the legal and regulatory
frameworks governing public procur em ent have a profou n d impact on the interactions
between governments and pri vate sector firms, and ultimately on the effectiveness of
government service delivery. In 2013, the World Bank began publishing an annual stud y
Benchmarking Publ i c Procurement which analyzes the publi c procurement regulations
of about 180 economies; these reports real considerable heterogeneity across countries.
Our results help to explain why such a variety of systems exist, as we argue that trad e-o ffs
in the choice of p r ocu r em ent rules (in particular the ext ent to whi ch discretion is allowed)
depend criti cal l y on the local conditions (in particul a r the extent of corr u p t i o n and also
the monitoring effectiveness).
By th e same reasonin g, the same rules may have highly heterogeneo u s effects, de-
pending on the context where they are used. In this respect, one noteworthy element
of our analysis for policy design is the finding of higher corruption risks associ at ed with
scoring rule auctions. In the European Union, after 10 years of negotiations between
member stat es, a new Procurement Directive was published in 2014. At its core, it fea-
tures a switch from the previous highl y rigid system of p ri ce-o n l y open auct i o n s to a
more discretionary system, in which scori n g rule auctions are effect i vely the default. The
effects of this change have still to be st u d i ed , as its full implementation is quite recent.
Member sta t es are permitted an adjustment perio d to adopt the Directive in their leg-
islation and Italy, for instance, implemented the new rules only in Ap r i l 2016. However,
our resu l t s indicate that the goal of creating a common legi sl a t i ve framework in the EU
to foster economic integration and cross-bord er procurement may come at a cost of re-
quiring regu l at i o n s that are not necessarily well-suited to al l institution a l environments
the new rules may result in r eg u l at i o n s that for some areas lead to substantially higher
corruption risk, while for other areas, the one-size-fits-all regulations may not allow for
sufficient discretion. Our estimates are a first step in qua ntifying the elements of this
important trade-off.
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Figure 1: Procedures and criteri a over time
Note: The graph shows, by year, the share of contracts awarded through, respectively, first-price auctions as well as the
subset of first-price auctions via negotiated procedure, and scoring rule auctions.
Figure 2: Share of contracts won by investigated firms, by reser
ve price
.1 .15 .2 .25 .3
Share Investigated Firms Winning
2000 2006 2008 2011 2015
150-500k 500k-1mil
above 1 mil
Note: The graph depicts the share of contracts awarded to investigated firms, separately by the reserve price: e150,000-
500,000; e500,000-1,000,000; and over e1,000,000.
Figure 3: Share of contracts won by investigated firms, by type of procedure
.1 .15 .2 .25
Share investigated firms Winning
2000 2004 2008 2012 2016
DiscretProc, lowN DiscretCrit
DiscretProc, highN
Type of Procedure
Note: The graph shows the share of contracts awarded to investigated firms, by type of procedure. In particular, the red
(diamond) line indicate the share of contracts awarded using DiscretCrit as an awarding criterion won by investigated firms,
the blue line (circles) indicates the share of contracts awarded using Discretproc
as procedure won by investigates
firms, and finally the green (square) line indicates the share of contracts awarded using Discretproc
as procedure
won by investigates firms.
Figure 4: Discretionary procedures over time
Note: The graph shows the share of contracts awarded through, respectively, Discretionary Criterion, overall Discretionary
Procedures and Discretionary Procedures with few bidders, over time.
Table 1: Summary statistics by geographical area
(1) (2) (3)
South Center North
Investigated RUP 0.164 0.122 0.0697
(0.370) (0.328) (0.255)
Investigated Winner 0.175 0.161 0.168
(0.380) (0.367) (0.374)
Discr. Auction 0.149 0.125 0.298
(0.356) (0.331) (0.457)
Discr. Auction, Investigated RUP 0.178 0.138 0.323
(0.382) (0.345) (0.468)
Discr. Auction, Clean RUP 0.143 0.124 0.303
(0.350) (0.329) (0.460)
Note: The sample refers to the universe of contracts awarded by municipalities or other local authorities: 27 % of contracts
awarded in the South, 23 % in the Center and 50% in the North. InvestigatedRU P is an indicator equal to 1 if the public
official in charge of the auction has been investigated. InvestigatedW inner is an indicator equal to 1 if the firm winning
the auction has been investigated. Discr.Auction denotes auctions for which either a discretionary procedure with fewer
than the legally mandated number of bidders (DiscretP roc
) or a discretionary criterion (DiscretCrit) has been used
to award the auction.
Table 2: Summary statistics fo r the full data
A. Auction Level
Mean Median S.D. N
Discretion 0.22 0.00 0.42 211,507
DiscretCrit 0.17 0.00 0.38 211,507
Discre tP roc
0.06 0.00 0.24 211,507
iscretP roc
0.31 0.00 0.46 211,507
DiscretProc 0.37 0.00 0.48 211,507
Price Only Auction 0.83 1.00 0.38 211,507
investigated Firm 0.17 0.00 0.38 200,092
Investigated RUP 0.10 0.00 0.30 211,507
No. Bidders 26.93 10.00 41.64 210,405
No. Invi ted Bidders 7.48 4.00 16.78 103,205
Reserve Price (mil) 0.92 0.30 14.14 195,718
Winning D i sco u nt 18.22 16.88 11.58 192,362
Extra Cost (wrt Base) 7.01 3.37 13.85 83,088
Contra ctu a l Duration 239.91 180.00 224.98 144,942
Delay (days) 135.08 73.00 220.48 108,663
B. Admini str a t i on Level
Mean Median S.D. N
Investigated PA 0.16 0.00 0.37 14,024
Area==North 0.51 1.00 0.50 9,328
Area==Center 0.13 0.00 0.34 9,328
Area==South 0.35 0.00 0.48 9,328
Total N. Auctions, by PA 15.06 4.00 68.25 14,024
Total Value (in bil), by PA 148.00 17.89 2,061.68 14,024
type==Central Admin 0.02 0.00 0.14 14,024
PA type==Other Local PA 0.05 0.00 0.22 14,024
PA type==Cities 0.57 1.00 0.50 14,024
PA type==Transportatio n s 0.03 0.00 0.16 14,024
type==Hospit al s & University 0.1 7 0.00 0.38 14,024
PA type==Other 0.17 0.00 0.37 14,024
Popul at i o n == Pop. u p to 5k 0.67 1.00 0.47 7,004
Popul at i o n == 5-10 k 0.16 0.00 0.37 7,004
Popul at i o n == 10-2 0 k 0.09 0.00 0.29 7,004
Popul at i o n == 20-6 0 k 0.06 0.00 0.23 7,004
Popul at i o n == 60-2 5 0k 0.01 0.00 0.11 7,004
Popul at i o n == above 250k 0.00 0.00 0.04 7,004
Note: DiscretP roc denotes all negotiated procedures. DiscretP roc
denotes negotiated procedures with at least
the legally mandated number of bidders. DiscretP roc
denotes negotiated procedures with fewer than the legally
mandated number of bidders. DiscretCrit denotes scoring rule auctions. Discretion denotes auctions for which either
DiscretP roc
=1 or DiscretCrit=1. Winning Discount is measured as a percentage of discount relative to the initial
reserve price. ExtraCost is measured as a percentage of the initial reserve price. ContractualDuration and Delay are
both measured in days.
Table 3: Summary statistics fo r identi fi cat i o n
All PAs Cities
(1) (2) (3) (4)
South Center North
Total PAs 14,384 2,374 937 4,098
Total PA, > 1 Au cti o n 10,439 2,140 863 3,573
At least 1 Discret 6,845 1,372 530 2,653
At least 1 DiscretCrit 5,993 1,290 473 2,226
At least 1 DiscretP roc
3,214 341 224 1,593
A w. Vari an ce in Discret 6,387 1,323 526 2,495
PA w. Variance DiscretCrit 5,667 1,243 470 2,125
PA w. Variance in DiscretP roc
3,156 341 223 1,581
Note: DiscretP roc denotes negotiated procedures. DiscretP roc
denotes negotiated procedures with fewer than the
legally mandated number of bidders. DiscretCrit denotes scoring rule auctions. Discretion denotes auctions for which
either DiscretP roc
=1 or DiscretCrit=1.
Table 4: Auction-level regressions, investigated winner
all procurement authorities all city councils
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
DiscretCrit 0.012 2
[0.00325] [0.00328] [0.00328] [0.00400] [0.00401] [0.00403]
[0.00495] [0.00500] [0.00512] [0.00592] [0.00589] [0.0058
0.00183 0.00326 -0.00321 -0.00336
[0.00316] [0.00312] [0.00425] [0.00423]
Discretion 0.0147
[0.00304] [
Dep. Var. Mean 0.170 0.170 0.170 0.170 0.170 0.170 0.170 0.170 0.170 0.170
Observations 199089 199089 199089 199089 199089 107994 107994 107994 107994 107994
R-sq 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.130 0.129 0.130 0.130 0.130
Note: In all specifications, the dependent variable is an indicator equal to 1 if an investigated firm is awarded the contract.
DiscretP roc
denotes negotiated procedures with at least the legally mandated number of bidders. DiscretP roc
denotes negotiated procedures with fewer than the legally mandated number of bidders. DiscretCrit denotes scoring rule
auctions. Discretion denotes auctions for which either DiscretP roc
=1 or DiscretCrit=1. All regressions include PA
and Year fixed effects, a linear control for reserve price (in log) price and 5 dummies for different contract size thresholds
(up to 100k, 100-150k, 150-300k, 300-500k, 500k-1mil, 1-1.5mil, over 1.5mil) as well as controls for contract characteristics:
4 dummies for category type (Civil Building, Roadworks, Specialized Works or Others), 1 dummy for whether the contract
was awarded under urgency and 1 dummy for whether the object of the contract entailed maintenance. Robust standard
errors clustered at the PA level are in parentheses.
p < 0.1,
p < 0.05,
p < 0.01.
Table 5: Auction-level regressions, choice of procedure
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7 ) (8)
Discretion DiscretProc
DiscretCrit Discretion Discretion Discretion DiscretProc
Investigated RUP 0.0298
0.000439 0.0330
[0.00805] [0.00402] [0.00766] [0.00650] [0.00854] [0.00419] [0.00780]
Investigated PA -0.0170
0.00372 -0.0291
[0.00639] [0.00754] [0.00461] [0.00598]
Dep. Var. Mean 0.222 0.222 0.222 0.222 0.222 0.222 0.0589 0.169
Observations 206421 206421 206421 166768 166768 166768 166768 166768
R-sq 0.325 0.257 0.321 0.210 0.210 0.211 0.131 0.196
Geog. FE PA PA PA Region Region Reg i on Region Region
Note: The dependent variable is indicated on top of each column. DiscretP roc denotes all negotiated procedures.
DiscretP roc
denotes negotiated procedures with fewer than the legally mandated number of bidders. DiscretCrit
denotes scoring rule auctions. Discretion denotes auctions for which either DiscretP roc
=1 or DiscretCrit=1.
InvestigatedRUP is an indicator equal to 1 if the public official in charge of the auction has been investigated.
InvestigatedP A is an indicator equal to 1 if any of the public officials in the PA have been investigated. All regres-
sions include Year fixed effects, a l inear control for reserve price (in log) Price and 5 dummies for different contract size
thresholds (up to 100k, 100-150k, 150-300k, 300-500k, 500k-1mil, 1-1.5mil, over 1.5mil) as well as controls for contract char-
acteristics: 4 dummies for category type (Civil Building, Roadworks, Specialized Works or Others), 1 dummy for whether
the contract was awarded under urgency and 1 dummy for whether the object of the contract entailed maintenance. Robust
standard errors clustered at the PA level are in parentheses.
p < 0.1,
p < 0.05,
p < 0.01.
Table 6: Auction-level regressions, outcomes
Delay (Asinh) Winning Disco u nt Extra Cost
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Discretion -0.142
[0.0469] [0.267] [0.28 2]
0.396 0.492
0.0766] [0.0756] [0.422] [0.356] [0.509] [0.520]
DiscretCrit -0.0778 -0.0837 -3.971
[0.0538] [0.0535] [0.241] [0.251] [0.268] [0.270]
[0.0635] [0.356] [0.215]
Dep. Var. Mean 3.296 3.296 3.296 18.11 18.11 18.11 7.035 7.035 7.035
Observations 107067 107067 107067 191053 1 9 10 53 191053 81439 81439 81439
R-sq 0.250 0.250 0.251 0.443 0.444 0.448 0.219 0.219 0.219
Note: The dependent variable is indicated at the top of each column. Delay is the inverse hyperbolic sine transformation
of the number of days between the expected contractual duration and the effective total completion time. W inning
Discount is the final price of the winning bid expressed as a discount over the reserve price (Discount) and ExtraCost
represents excess completion costs, calculated as the difference between the final price and awarding price, over the initial
reserve price. DiscretP roc
denotes negotiated procedures with at least the the legally mandated number of bidders.
DiscretP roc
denotes negotiated procedures with fewer than the legally mandated number of bidders. DiscretCrit
denotes scoring rule auctions. Discretion denotes auctions for which either DiscretP roc
=1 or DiscretCrit=1. All
regressions include PA and Year fixed effects, a linear control for reserve price (in log) Price and 5 dummies for different
contract size thresholds (up to 100k, 100-150k, 150-300k, 300-500k, 500k-1mil, 1-1.5mil, over 1.5mil) as well as controls
for contract characteristics: 4 dummies for category type (Civil Building, Roadworks, Specialized Works or Others), 1
dummy for whether the contract was awarded under urgency and 1 dummy for whether the object of the contract entailed
maintenance. Robust standard errors clustered at the PA level are in parentheses.
p < 0.1,
p < 0.05,
p < 0.01.
Appendix: For Online Publication Only
A Additional Tables and Figures
Figure A1: Regulatory Constraints and the Procurement Audit System
Internal Audit
- First Level Audit
Management Audit
Control Audit (Adc)
- Second Level Audit
European Procurement Directives
Directives 2004/17/EC and 2004/18/EC
National Procurement Law
Legislative Decree 12/4/2006, n. 163
Local Procurement Regulation
Regional, Provincial, Municipal
Contractin g Authority Guidelines
Contractin g Officer Discretion on
Selection Procedure and Award
External Audit
- Anticorruption Au-
- Court of Auditors
- Third Level Audit
(IGRUE) and EU-level
audit, on ly for certain
EU funded projects
Note: The figure illustrates the set of regulatory constraints and audit oversight, sub j ect to which a contracting officer
exercises discretion over the supplier selection procedure and contract awarding criterion. At any point in time, the
exact set of regulations and audit processes applicable depend on the contract reserve price, job characteristics, source of
project funding, and the identity of the contracting authority. The system has changed over time, but for most of the
contracts in our sample, the relevant regulations are the European Procurement Directives 2004/17 and 2004/18 and Italian
procurement law (L.D. 163/2006). For the typical contract, the audit process has two levels and is also subject to scrutiny
by external auditors. When the project is at least in part funded by the EU, there is a third audit level conducted by the
regional offices of the Ministry of the Treasury (IGRUE) and, possibly, further levels of European audits as well.
Figure A2: The Investigation Process
One of the country’s four police forces is notified of
potential crimes by private citizens or publi c officials
If the prelim i n ar y evidence is deemed sufficient,
the potential crime is registered in a centralized
database (SDI) and a police investigation begins
(under supervision of a public prosecutor (P.M.))
If there are suitable elements to pro-
ceed, the P.M. requests the su pervising
judge for Prelim i n a r y Inquiries (G.I.P.)
to refer the case to the court for a pre-
liminary hearing before a judge (G.U.P.)
The defendant is notified of pre-
liminary hearings and has the
right to be defended by a lawyer
The G.U.P. consid er s the argu-
ments brought by the prosecutor
and defendants lawyer and de-
cides whether to dismiss or
begin a forma l criminal trial
The case is brought before
the First Inst an ce Court
Note: The figure shows the various steps in the investigation process in Italy. Our data comes from the second step,
highlighted in red.
Figure A3: Distribution of number of bidders, by type of awarding criterion
0 .02 .04 .06 .08 .1
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
No. Bidders
Lowest Price DiscretCrit
Note: The figure represents two histograms of the number of bidders, for auctions using lowest price or scoring rule
(DiscretCrit) as awarding criteria. For ease of visualization, the plot is limited to auctions with up to 40 bidders, which
represent 80% of auctions in our sample.
Figure A4: Regression discontinuity plots
0 1.0e-06 2.0e-06 3.0e-06 4.0e-06
300000 400000 500000 600000 700000
Reserve Price
0 1.0e-07 2.0e-07 3.0e-07 4.0e-07
800000 900000 1000000 1100000 1200000
Reserve Price
0 .1 .2 .3 .4
300000 400000 500000 600000 700000
Sample average within bin 2th order global polynomial
Regression function fit
0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5
600000 800000 1000000 1200000 1400000
Sample average within bin 2th order global polynomial
Regression function fit
Note: These graphs depict the results of our analysis using a Regression Discontinuity Design. The top panels display the
density of contracts with reserve price around the e500,000 and e1,000,000 cutoffs, respectively. The green bands depict
confidence intervals f or the of the estimated density function. The bottom panels display the average fraction of contracts
awarded to investigated firms across equally-sized bins of the reserve price, and fitted polynomials functions on each side
of the cutoff. All estimates are performed using optimal bandwidth selection procedure by Cattaneo et al. [2019].
Table A1: Summary Statistics by Secto r and RUP type
(1) (2)
Roads Buildings
investigated Firm 0.192 0.127
(0.394) (0.333)
Investigated RUP 0.113 0.103
(0.316) (0.303)
Discretion 0.238 0.282
(0.426) (0.450)
Discr. Auction, Investigated RUP 0.221 0.287
(0.415) (0.452)
Discr. Auction, clear RUP 0.243 0.285
(0.429) (0.452)
(1) (2)
Local RUP Not Local RUP
Investigated RUP 0.127 0.112
(0.333) (0.315)
investigated Firm 0.170 0.159
(0.376) (0.366)
local Firm 0.226 0.122
(0.419) (0.327)
Discretion 0.185 0.245
(0.389) (0.430)
Discr. Auction, Investigated RUP 0.160 0.252
(0.366) (0.434)
Discr. Auction, clear RUP 0.189 0.245
(0.392) (0.430)
Note: InvestigatedRU P is an indicator equal to 1 if the public official in charge of the auction has been investigated.
InvestigatedW inner is an indicator equal to 1 if the firm winning the auction has been investigated. Discr.Auction
denotes auctions for which either a discretionary procedure with fewer than the legally mandated number of bidders
(DiscretP roc
) or a discretionary criterion (DiscretCrit) has been used to award the auction.
Table A2: Auction-level regressions, investigated winner - Restrictive definition
all cities
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
DiscretCrit 0. 0 0 98 3
[0.00275] [0.00281] [0.00281] [0.00324] [0.0032 6] [0.00326]
[0.00408] [0.00418] [0.00426] [0. 00 3 45 ] [0.00352 ] [0.00364]
0.00209 0.00180
0.00230] [0.00228] [0.00287] [0.00277]
Discretion 0.0119
[0.00253] [0.00281]
Dep. Var. Mean 0.170 0.170 0.170 0.170 0.170 0.170 0 . 17 0 0.170 0.170 0.170
Observations 199089 199089 199089 199089 199089 107994 107994 107994 107994 107994
R-sq 0.103 0.103 0.103 0.104 0.103 0.112 0. 11 2 0.112 0.112 0.112
Note: In all specifications, the dependent variable is an indicator equal to 1 if an investigated firm is awarded the contract.
In this table, we restrict the definition of investigated firms to those investigated for (i) corruption, malfeasance and
embezzlement or (ii) abuse of power and undue influence, (i.e., we do not include in our definition those investigated for
violations in public auctions. DiscretProc denotes negotiated procedures. DiscretPro c
denotes negotiated procedures
with fewer than the legally mandated number of bidders. DiscretCrit denotes scoring rule auctions. Discretion denotes
auctions for which either DiscretProc
=1 or DiscretCrit=1. All regressions include PA and Year fixed effects, a linear
control for reserve price (in log) price and 5 dummies for different contract size thresholds (up to 100k, 100-150k, 150-300k,
300-500k, 500k-1mil, 1-1.5mil, over 1.5mil) as well as controls for contract characteristics: 4 dummies for category type
(Civil Building, Roadworks, Specialized Works or Others), 1 dummy for whether the contract was awarded under urgency
and 1 dummy for whether the object of the contract entailed maintenance. Robust standard errors clustered at the PA
level are in parentheses.
p < 0.1,
p < 0.05,
p < 0.01.
Table A3: Auction-level regressions, investigated winner - Br
oad definition
all cities
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
DiscretCrit 0.0170
[0.00369] [0.00371] [0.00372] [0.00470] [0.00470] [0.0047
[0.00557] [0.00559] [0.00588] [0.00714] [0.00711] [0.00723]
0.00278 0.00224
[0.00378] [0.00362] [0.00504] [0.00496]
Discretion 0.0180
[0.00337] [
Dep. Var. Mean 0.170 0.170 0.170 0.170 0.170 0.170 0.170 0.170 0.170 0.170
Observations 199089 199089 199089 199089 199089 107994 107994 107994 107994 107994
R-sq 0.138 0.138 0.138 0.138 0.138 0.148 0.148 0.148 0 . 1 48 0.148
Note: In all specifications, the dependent variable is an indicator equal to 1 if an investigated firm is awarded the contract.
In this table, we extend the definition of investigated firms to include firms investigated for waste management crimes.
DiscretProc denotes negotiated procedures. DiscretProc
denotes negotiated procedures with fewer than the legally
mandated number of bidders. DiscretCrit denotes scoring rule auctions. Discretion denotes auctions for which either
=1 or DiscretCrit=1. All regressions include PA and Year fixed effects, a linear control for reserve price
(in log) Price and 5 dummies for different contract size thresholds (up to 100k, 100-150k, 150-300k, 300-500k, 500k-1mil, 1-
1.5mil, over 1.5mil) as well as controls for contract characteristics: 4 dummies for category type (Civil Building, Roadworks,
Specialized Works or Others), 1 dummy for whether the contract was awarded under urgency and 1 dummy for whether
the object of the contract entailed maintenance. Robust standard errors clustered at the PA level are in parentheses.
p < 0.1,
p < 0.05,
p < 0.01.
Table A4: Auction-level regressions, Convicted Winner
all cities
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
DiscretCrit 0.00190 0.00205 0.00210 0.00237 0.00252 0.00265
[0.00205] [0.00209] [0.00212] [0.00336] [0.00346] [0.00357]
0.00281 0.00313 0.00220
[0.00160] [0.00173] [ 0 . 0 01 44 ] [0.00234] [0.00266] [0.00201]
0.00199 0.00208 0.00269 0. 0 026 8
0.00158] [0.00147] [0.00282] [0.00261]
Discretion 0.00221 0.00255
[0.00188] [0.00321]
Dep. Var. Mean 0.0169 0.0169 0.0169 0.0169 0.0169 0.0169 0.0169 0.170 0.0169 0.0169
Observations 199089 199089 199089 199089 199089 107994 10 79 94 107994 107994 10 7 99 4
R-sq 0.129 0.129 0.129 0.129 0.129 0.157 0.157 0.157 0.157 0.157
Note: In this table, in all specifications, the dependent variable is an indicator equal to 1 if a firm ever convicted for
corruption is awarded the contract. DiscretPro c denotes negotiated procedures. DiscretProc
denotes negotiated
procedures with fewer than the legally mandated number of bidders. DiscretCrit denotes scoring rule auctions. Discretion
denotes auctions for which either DiscretProc
=1 or DiscretCrit=1. All regressions include PA and Year fixed effects,
a linear control for reserve price (in log) Price and 5 dummies for different contract size thresholds (up to 100k, 100-150k,
150-300k, 300-500k, 500k-1mil, 1-1.5mil, over 1.5mil) as well as controls for contract characteristics: 4 dummies for category
type (Civil Building, Roadworks, Specialized Works or Others), 1 dummy for whether the contract was awarded under
urgency and 1 dummy for whether the object of the contract entailed maintenance. Robust standard errors clustered at
the PA level are in parentheses.
p < 0.1,
p < 0.05,
p < 0.01.
Table A5: Auction-level regressions, PA X Year fixed effects
all cities
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
DiscretCrit 0.00752
[0.00455] [0.00456] [0.00456] [0.00647] [0.00648] [0 . 00 64
[0.00572] [0.00575] [0.00602] [0.00760] [0.0 07 6 0] [0.00758]
0.00375 0.00559 -0.00476 -0.00451
[0.00415] [0.00407] [0.00636] [0.00633]
Discretion 0.0116
[0.00410] [
Dep. Var. Mean 0.1 70 0.170 0.170 0.170 0.170 0.170 0.170 0.170 0.170 0.170
Observations 170210 170 2 10 170210 170210 170210 86195 86195 86195 86195 86195
R-sq 0 . 24 1 0.241 0.241 0.241 0.241 0.289 0.289 0.289 0.289 0.289
Note: In all specifications, the dependent variable is an indicator equal to 1 if an investigated winner is awarded the
contract. DiscretProc denotes negotiated procedures. DiscretProc
denotes negotiated procedures with fewer than
the legally mandated number of bidders. DiscretCrit denotes scoring rule auctions. Discretion denotes auctions for which
either DiscretProc
=1 or DiscretCrit=1. A ll regressions include PA*Year fixed effects, a linear control for reserve price
(in log) price and 5 dummies for different contract size thresholds (up to 100k, 100-150k, 150-300k, 300-500k, 500k-1mil, 1-
1.5mil, over 1.5mil) as well as controls for contract characteristics: 4 dummies for category type (Civil Building, Roadworks,
Specialized Works or Others), 1 dummy for whether the contract was awarded under Urgency and 1 dummy for whether
the object of the contract entailed maintenance. Robust standard errors clustered at the PA level are in parentheses.
p < 0.1,
p < 0.05,
p < 0.01.
Table A6: Auction-level regressions, investigated winner, controll i n g for connections
all cities
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
DiscretCrit 0.00853
[0.00318] [0.00321] [0.00321] [0.00391] [0.00392] [0.00393
Connected 0.140
[0.00445] [0.00445] [0. 0 04 44 ] [0.00444] [0.00444] [0.00552] [0.00553] [0.00552] [0.00551] [0.00551]
[0.00481] [0.00485] [0.00494] [0.00600] [0.00598] [0.0058
-0.00102 0.000425 -0.00501 -0.00511
[0.00312] [0.00310] [0.00418] [0.00419]
Discretion 0.0110
[0.00295] [
Constant -0.377
[0.0583] [0.0579] [0.0581] [0.0589] [0.0589] [0.0748] [0.0753] [0.0750] [0.0755] [0. 07 5 4]
Dep. Var. Mean 0.170 0.170 0.170 0.170 0.170 0.170 0.170 0.170 0.170 0.170
Observations 199089 199089 199089 199089 199089 107994 107994 107994 107994 107994
R-sq 0.143 0.143 0.143 0.143 0.143 0.151 0.151 0.151 0 . 1 51 0.151
Note: In all specifications, the dependent variable is an indicator equal to 1 if an investigated firm is awarded the contract.
DiscretP roc
denotes negotiated procedures with at least the legally mandated number of bidders. DiscretP roc
denotes negotiated procedures with fewer than the legally mandated number of bidders. DiscretCrit denotes scoring rule
auctions. Discretion denotes auctions for which either DiscretP roc
=1 or DiscretCrit=1. All regressions include PA
and Year fixed effects, a linear control for reserve price (in log) price and 5 dummies for different contract size thresholds
(up to 100k, 100-150k, 150-300k, 300-500k, 500k-1mil, 1-1.5mil, over 1.5mil) as well as controls for contract characteristics:
4 dummies for category type (Civil Building, Roadworks, Specialized Works or Others), 1 dummy for whether the contract
was awarded under urgency and 1 dummy for whether the object of the contract entailed maintenance. Robust standard
errors clustered at the PA level are in parentheses.
p < 0.1,
p < 0.05,
p < 0.01.
Table A7: Bidder-level regressions, participants’ pool
participant auction
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
DiscretCrit 0.00248 0.00240 0.002 32 0.0199
[0.00292] [0.00292] [0.00292] [0.00924 ] [0.00923] [0.0093 0 ]
DiscretPro c
[0.00533] [0.00533] [0.00538] [0.00896 ] [0.00896] [0 . 00 91 2]
DiscretPro c
-0.00364 -0.00282 -0.000338 0.000571
[0.00392] [0.00392] [0.00801] [0.00774]
Discretion 0.00114 0.0223
[0.00228] [0.00738]
Dep. Var. Mean 0.163 0.163 0.163 0.163 0.163 0.161 0.161 0.161 0.161 0.161
Observations 462821 462821 462821 462821 462821 24197 24197 24197 24197 24197
R-sq 0.0562 0.0563 0.0563 0.0563 0.0562 0.223 0.223 0.223 0.223 0.223
Note: In columns 1-5, the dependent variable is an indicator equal to 1 if an investigated firm participates in the auction.
The unit of observation is the auction participant, so we have multiple observation per auction. Columns 6-10 replicate
columns 6-10 of Table 4, but restricts the sample to auctions for which we have information on the participants. Across
all columns, we restrict attention to contracts awarded by municipal councils. DiscretProc denotes negotiated procedures.
denotes negotiated procedures with fewer than the legally mandated number of bidders. DiscretCrit
denotes scoring rule auctions. Discretion denotes auctions for which either DiscretProc
=1 or DiscretCrit=1. All re-
gressions include controls for participant firms’ characteristics, and in particular firm net worth, firm size, profits, operating
margin, negative operating margin dummy, change in operating margin. Regressions also include PA and Year fixed effects,
a linear control for reserve price (in log) price and 5 dummies for different contract size thresholds (up to 100k, 100-150k,
150-300k, 300-500k, 500k-1mil, 1-1.5mil, over 1.5mil) as well as controls for contract characteristics: 4 dummies for category
type (Civil Building, Roadworks, Specialized Works or Others), 1 dummy for whether the contract was awarded under
urgency and 1 dummy for whether the object of the contract entailed maintenance. Robust standard errors clustered at
the PA level are in parentheses.
p < 0.1,
p < 0.05,
p < 0.01.
Table A8: Auction-level regressions, investigated winner on investigated RUP
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Investigated RUP 0.0095
[0.0052] [0.0052] [0.0052] [0.0052] [0.0052] [0.0052] [0.0052] [0.0052] [0.0052] [0.0052]
DiscretCrit 0.0130
[0.0033] [0.0033] [0.0 03 3 ] [0.0033]
[0.0050] [0.0050] [0.0051] [0.0050]
0.0015 0.0029 0.0043 0.0029
[0.0032] [0.0032] [0.0032] [0.0032]
Discretion 0.0154
[0.0031] [
PA FE No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Dep. Var. Mean 0.170 0.1 7 0 0.170 0.170 0.170 0.170 0.170 0.170 0.170 0.170
Observations 1 95 158 195158 195158 195158 195158 195158 195158 195158 195158 195158
R-sq 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.117 0.118 0.11 8 0.117 0.118
Note: This table is the counterpart of Table 5 but including Investigated RUP among the regressors.
p < 0.1,
p < 0.05,
p < 0.01.
Table A9: Auction-level regressions, choice of procedure, pro
vince FE
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7 ) (8)
Discretion DiscretProc
DiscretCrit Discretion Discretion Discretion DiscretProc
Investigated RUP 0.0298
0.00167 0.0381
[0.00805] [0.00402] [0.00766] [0.00731] [0.0100] [0.00443] [0.00888]
Investigated PA -0.0170
0.00124 -0.0318
[0.00608] [0.00786] [0.00420] [0.00589]
Dep. Var. Mean 0.222 0.222 0.222 0.222 0.222 0.222 0.0589 0.169
Observations 206421 206421 206421 110618 110618 110618 110618 110618
R-sq 0.325 0.257 0.321 0.228 0.228 0.229 0.143 0.212
Geog. FE PA PA PA Province Province Province Province Provin ce
Note: This Table is the counterpart of table 5 but using a finer partition for the geographic fixed effects, one for each of
Italy’s 110 provinces. DiscretProc denotes negotiated procedures. DiscretP roc
denotes negotiated procedures with
fewer than the legally mandated number of bidders. DiscretCrit denotes scoring rule auctions. Discretion denotes auctions
for which either DiscretProc
=1 or DiscretCrit=1. Investigated RUP is an indicator equal to 1 if the public official
in charge of the auction has been investigated. Investigated PA is an indicator equal to 1 if any of the public officials
in the PA have been investigated. All regressions include Year fixed effects, a linear control for reserve price (in log)
price and 5 dummies for different contract size thresholds (up to 100k, 100-150k, 150-300k, 300-500k, 500k-1mil, 1-1.5mil,
over 1.5mil) as well as controls for contract characteristics: 4 dummies for category type (Civil Building, Roadworks,
Specialized Works or Others), 1 dummy for whether the contract was awarded under urgency and 1 dummy for whether
the object of the contract entailed maintenance. Robust standard errors clustered at the PA level are in parentheses.
p < 0.1,
p < 0.05,
p < 0.01.
Table A10: Auction-level regressions, choice of DiscretProc procedures
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Investigated RUP 0.0008 5 2 0.00873 0.0008 46
[0.0101] [0.00738] [0.00972]
Investigated PA 0.0123 0.0120
[0.0101] [0.0121]
Dep. Var. Mean 0.222 0.222 0.222 0.222
Observations 109511 110269 11 0 26 9 110269
R-sq 0.574 0.500 0.500 0.50 0
Geog. FE PA Region Region Region
Note: The dependent variable across columns is DiscretProc, which denotes all negotiated procedures. Investigated RUP
is an indicator equal to 1 if the public official in charge of the auction has been investigated for corruption. Investigated
PA is an indicator equal to 1 if at least one RUP in the PA has been investigated. All regressions include Year fixed effects,
a linear control for reserve price (in log) price and 5 dummies for different contract size thresholds (up to 100k, 100-150k,
150-300k, 300-500k, 500k-1mil, 1-1.5mil, over 1.5mil) as well as controls for contract characteristics: 4 dummies for category
type (Civil Building, Roadworks, Specialized Works or Others), 1 dummy for whether the contract was awarded under
urgency and 1 dummy for whether the object of the contract entailed maintenance. Robust standard errors clustered at
the PA level are in parentheses.
p < 0.1,
p < 0.05,
p < 0.01.
Table A11: Auction-level regressions, predicting the presenc
e of outcomes’ data
Delay (Asinh) Winning Di sco u nt Extra Cost
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
investigated Firm 0.00286 0.000646 0.00531
[0.00350] [0.00200] [0.00350]
Investigated RUP 0.00920 -0.000575 -0.00588
[0.0121] [0. 0 03 9 4] [0.0115]
Investigated PA -0.0356
[0.0117] [0.00359] [0.00935]
onstant -0.281
-0.106 -0.336
-0.0595 -0.0608 -0.0569
0.0704] [0.0704] [0.0649] [0.0521] [0.0520] [0.0562] [0.0538] [0.0541] [0.0548]
Dep. Var. Mean 0.487 0.487 0.487 0.0918 0.0918 0.0918 0.608 0.608 0.608
Observations 155574 155574 155574 155574 155574 155574 155574 155574 15557 4
R-sq 0.295 0.295 0.153 0.147 0.147 0.0577 0.290 0.290 0.163
Note: The outcomes in this table are dummies for the presence of information on the outcomes used in Table 6. Regressions
in columns (1), (2), (4), (5), (7), (8) include PA and Year fixed effects, a linear control for reserve price (in log) price and 5
dummies for different contract size thresholds (up to 100k, 100-150k, 150-300k, 300-500k, 500k-1mil, 1-1.5mil, over 1.5mil)
as well as controls for contract characteristics: 4 dummies for category type (Civil Building, Roadworks, Specialized
Works or Others), 1 dummy for whether the contract was awarded under urgency and 1 dummy for whether the object
of the contract entailed maintenance. Regressions in columns (3), (6), (9) include Region instead of PA fixed effects
as the main regressor only varies at the PA level. Robust standard errors clustered at the PA level are in parentheses.
p < 0.1,
p < 0.05,
p < 0.01.
Table A12: Auction-level regressions, subsample of auctions with outcomes’ data
all cities
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
DiscretCrit 0.0168
[0.00585] [0.00585] [0.00586] [0.00733] [ 0 . 00 730 ] [0.00737]
[0.00774] [0.00777] [0.00803] [0.00887] [0.00890] [0.00898]
-0.000638 0.00111 -0.000131 0.000603
0.00520] [0.00505] [0.00693] [0. 00 67 5]
Discretion 0.0211
[0.00491] [0.00599]
Dep. Var. Mean 0.161 0.161 0.161 0.161 0.161 0.161 0.161 0.161 0.161 0.161
Observations 66458 66458 66458 66458 66458 37311 37311 37311 37311 37311
R-sq 0.145 0.145 0.145 0.145 0.145 0.165 0.165 0. 1 6 5 0.165 0.165
Note: This table is analogous to Table 4, but restricting the sample to the subset of auctions for which we have information
on the outcomes used in Table 6. In all specifications, the dependent variable is an indicato
r equal to 1 if an investigated
firm is awarded the contract. DiscretProc denotes negotiated procedures. DiscretProc
denotes negotiated procedures
with fewer than the legally mandated number of bidders. DiscretCrit denotes scoring rule auctions. Discretion denotes
auctions for which either DiscretProc
=1 or DiscretCrit=1. All regressions include PA and Year fixed effects, a linear
control for reserve price (in log) price and 5 dummies for different contract size thresholds (up to 100k, 100-150k, 150-300k,
300-500k, 500k-1mil, 1-1.5mil, over 1.5mil) as well as controls for contract characteristics: 4 dummies for category type
(Civil Building, Roadworks, Specialized Works or Others), 1 dummy for whether the contract was awarded under urgency
and 1 dummy for whether the object of the contract entailed maintenance. Robust standard errors clustered at the PA
level are in parentheses.
p < 0.1,
p < 0.05,
p < 0.01.
Table A13: Auction-level regressions, outcomes (municipalit
ies only)
Delay (Asinh) Winning Disco u nt Extra Cost
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Discretion -0.156
[0.0508] [0.388] [0.272]
0.276 0.242
[0.0825] [0.0862] [0.571] [0.401] [0.438] [0.428]
DiscretCrit -0.0417 -0.0586 -4.667
[0.0601] [0.0595] [0.316] [0.342] [0.301] [0.310]
[0.0626] [0.601] [0.309]
Dep. Var. Mean 3.296 3.296 3.296 18.11 18.11 18.11 7.035 7.035 7.035
Observations 58071 58071 58 07 1 104628 104628 104628 46276 46276 46276
R-sq 0.260 0.260 0.261 0.437 0.439 0.442 0.249 0.249 0.249
Note: The dependent variable is indicated on top of each column. Delay is the inverse hyperbolic sine transformation of
the number of days between the expected contractual duration and the effective total completion time. Winning Discount
is the final price of the winning bid expressed as a discount over the reserve price (Discount) and Extra Cost represents
excess completion costs, calculated as the difference between the final price and awarding price, over the initial reserve
price. DiscretProc denotes negotiated procedures. DiscretProc
denotes negotiated procedures with fewer than the
legally mandated number of bidders. DiscretCrit denotes scoring rule auctions. Discretion denotes auctions for which
either DiscretProc
=1 or DiscretCrit=1. All regressions include PA and Year fixed effects, a linear control for reserve
price (in log) price and 5 dummies for different contract size thresholds (up to 100k, 100-150k, 150-300k, 300-500k, 500k-
1mil, 1-1.5mil, over 1.5mil) as well as controls for contract characteristics: 4 dummies for category typ e (Civil Building,
Roadworks, Specialized Works or Others), 1 dummy for whether the contract was awarded under urgency and 1 dummy
for whether the object of the contract entailed maintenance. Robust standard errors clustered at the PA level are in
p < 0.1,
p < 0.05,
p < 0.01.
Table A14: Auction-level regressions, direct effect of Investigated RUP and Investigated
winner on ou t com es
Delay (Asinh) Winning Discount Extra Cost
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Investigated Firm -0.00965 -0.00419 -0.460
[0.0337] [0.0343] [0.0776] [0.0783] [0.138] [0.140]
Investigated RUP -0.0743 -0.0764 -0.734
0.198 0.159
[0.0771] [0.0776] [0.223] [0.224] [0.318] [0.319]
Constant -5.360
[0.678] [0.682] [0.690] [2.417] [2.725] [2.343] [3.392] [3.293] [3.415]
Dep. Var. Mean 3.296 3.296 3.296 18.11 18.11 18.11 7.035 7.035 7.035
Observations 101346 105102 99400 180469 187674 177123 77015 79984 75570
R-sq 0.2 49 0.249 0.248 0.435 0.429 0.434 0.222 0.219 0.223
Note: The dependent variable is indicated at the top of each column. Delay is the inverse hyperbolic sine transformation
of the number of days between the expected contractual duration and the effective total completion time. W inning
Discount is the final price of the winning bid expressed as a discount over the reserve price (Discount) and ExtraCost
represents excess completion costs, calculated as the difference between the final price and awarding price, over the initial
reserve price. DiscretP roc
denotes negotiated procedures with at least the the legally mandated number of bidders.
DiscretP roc
denotes negotiated procedures with fewer than the legally mandated number of bidders. DiscretCrit
denotes scoring rule auctions. Discretion denotes auctions for which either DiscretP roc
=1 or DiscretCrit=1. All
regressions include PA and Year fixed effects, a linear control for reserve price (in log) Price and 5 dummies for different
contract size thresholds (up to 100k, 100-150k, 150-300k, 300-500k, 500k-1mil, 1-1.5mil, over 1.5mil) as well as controls
for contract characteristics: 4 dummies for category type (Civil Building, Roadworks, Specialized Works or Others), 1
dummy for whether the contract was awarded under urgency and 1 dummy for whether the object of the contract entailed
maintenance. Robust standard errors clustered at the PA level are in parentheses.
p < 0.1,
p < 0.05,
p < 0.01.
B Additional Details o n the Investigations Data
1. The sour ce of the procu r em ent data is the Public Contracts Observatory at t h e
Italian Anticorruption Authority (ANAC). We accessed these data through a di-
rect request to the Observatory, but t h e data have recently (September 2020) been
made available as open data through the portal accessible here: https://dati.
a The porta l lists all of the datasets avail-
able. To replicate our data, a researcher needs to select contracts for public works
involving either civic buildings (cod e: OG01), or tran sportation infrastructure such
as roads, highways, and bridges (code: OG03) and then select the foll owing vari-
ables: the start and end date of t h e biddin g process, the identity and type of
contractin g author i ty, the auction pro ced u r e used to award the contract, the selec-
tion criterion, the number of bidders (both invited and participating), the identity
of the winning bidder, initial project value, t h e winning discount, the total effec-
tive costs, and the expected and effective contractual duration. The identity of
the RUP i n charge of each contract i s considered sensitive information and must
be obtain ed through an ad hoc request to the Observatory motivated by research
purposes. Similarl y, the full list of firms part i ci p at i n g in the auction i s sensitive
information and must be requested to the Observatory as the list of fir m s paying
for the bid d i n g fee (”contributo partecipazione”).
2. The source of in fo rm a t i on on firm owners and managers is the Company Ac-
counts Data System, a proprietary database maintained by a private compa ny,
the CERVED Group. Among the procurement data described above, the d at a set
“aggiudicatari” contains for each contract the name and social security number
(“codice fiscale”) of the winner. The latter variable uniquely identifi es firm s in
the Company Accounts Data System and can thus be used to retrieve information
on the identi ty of their owners and managers.
We used the data observed for
our separate years: 2006, 2011, 2014 and 2016. For each firm, the union of a l l
owners and managers recorded in any of these four period s represents the set of
individuals connected to the firm in our analysis. We performed the same proce-
dure also for the firms participating in the auct i on . Access to the Company Ac-
counts Data System is available for a fee from the CERVED Group by contacting:
More precisely, we consider all of the individuals who either own shares of the firm or o ccu py at least
one of the positions monitored by CERVED: the board of directors, auditors, general managers, an d the
heads of legal technical offices (the main rol es are: AMMINISTRATORE; AMMINISTRATORE DEL-
3. Information on the identities o f fir m owners and mana g ers ( a n d a l so RUPs’ iden-
tities) were used to retrieve their records of criminal investigations from which, by
aggregating up at the firm level, flags were created for firms with at least one firm-
linked person under investigation. We could not directly link individuals to their
criminal records, and thus th e process of generating firm-level flags for firms linked
to investigated individuals was per for m ed by AISI, Italys internal intelligence and
security agency. Our access to the data is enabled via a n agreement between AISI
and Bocconi University. AISI used a centralized archive, the Sistema DIndagine In-
terforze (SDI) Centro Elabora zio n e Dati (CED), which is a primary source of infor-
mation that police officers and intelligence agenci es u se t o i d entify potential ta rg et s
for further investigation (, at
ll four of t h e Italian police forces: state police (Polizia di Stato), finance po-
lice (Guardia di Finanza), military police (Carab i n ieri), and environmental police
(Guardia Forestale).
The staff of the Police Forces is r eq u i r ed by law (Art. 16 L. 121/81) to send to the
SDI, without delay, any information acq u i r ed through “administrative activi ti es”
or “activit i es of p r evention or repression of crimes .” Hence the SDI must cover
information on every investigation undertaken by the pol i ce forces. For an individ-
ual, the first entry in the SDI database for a part i cu l a r allegati o n occurs when a
police force, based on a preliminary investigation, determines that there is sufficient
evidence to open a formal i nvestigation. See Figure A.2.
Hence, based on the list of individuals that we communicated to the AISI, i t cre-
ated a sample of suspect offenders, includi n g those individuals that were convicted,
acquitted, or never charged (but nonetheless investigated) for the following crimes:
corruption, malfea sa n ce and embezzlement; abuse of power and undue infl u en ce;
and violations in public auct i on s.
The SDI data also allow us to flag RUPs who are under investigation for corruption
and related charges. By flagging these RUPs we can also det er m i n e which procuring
agencies are suspect (i.e., those employing at least one suspect RUP).