Sexually transmitted diseases and the Raj
R Basu Roy
India was the centrepiece of the British
Empire, “the chief jewel in the imperial
crown”. After the mutiny of 1857–8 it came
under direct British rule, and was a major
source of national pride. Queen Victoria had an
almost obsessive interest in the subcontinent.
Although she never visited India herself, her
various homes were full of Indian memorabilia
and she employed many Indian servants, some
of whom were said to exercise an undue influ-
ence on her.
In 1876, at her express wish, an
act was passed at Westminster which declared
her “Empress of India”. A whole department of
the British government was devoted to Indian
administration, and many people worked there
all their lives. The military presence was strong;
there were never less than 60 000 soldiers of
the British army stationed there,
and in addi-
tion there was a large Indian Army staVed by
British oYcers. Many oYcers in the Royal
Medical Corps served in India (fig 1), and
other doctors joined the Indian Medical Serv-
ice and worked in hospitals and academic
In the 19th century India was an unhealthy
place in which to live. Malaria, cholera, dysen-
tery, and smallpox were endemic, and there
were periodic outbreaks of other infectious
Syphilis reached the subcontinent in
the 16th century and soon became widespread.
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) have
always been a problem in armies and by the
middle of the century it became clear that the
army in India was severely aVected. In many of
the principalities the average annual admission
of British troops to hospitals for venereal infec-
tions, predominantly syphilis and gonorrhoea,
was over 200 per 1000; by 1895 this reached
over 500 per 1000.
In those days treatment
was usually prolonged, and the loss of eVective
manpower was enormous. The authorities
were seriously concerned. One viceroy, writing
to the secretary of state for India, acknowl-
edged that “the strength of the British Army in
India as a fighting machine has been much
impaired by these diseases”.
The explanation of the problem seemed
obvious at the time. The majority of British
soldiers were aged less than 30 years; most
were unmarried, and those who were married
had left their wives at home. The men were
inexperienced, in unfamiliar surroundings, and
often underoccupied and bored. Recourse to
prostitutes, the source of infection, was inevita-
ble and understandable. Among Indian sol-
diers the reported incidence of venereal
diseases was lower; in 1866, for example, the
rates of infection for British and Indian troops
were respectively 218 and 54 per 1000.
doctors did their best to explain this diVerence
away. It was suggested that native troops
concealed their condition or resorted to
quacks, or possibly, that they had become par-
tially immune through frequent exposure.
Nobody would entertain the idea that Indian
soldiers might be less promiscuous than the
The management of STDs was the respon-
sibility of medical oYcers in the Royal Army
Medical Corps. It usually required inpatient
Figure 1 Lieutenant-Colonel J Courteney Haslett (1856–1939) and his staV. By courtesy of the Mytchett Collection of
the RAMC.
Sex Transm Inf 1998;74:20–2620
Royal Bournemouth
Bournemouth BH7
R Basu Roy
Accepted for publication
24 October 1997
treatment which was provided in the hospitals
attached to cantonments (permanent military
stations). There were no specialist venereolo-
gists in India before 1910, but there was an
army adviser who laid down treatment sched-
ules, and special wards were provided for “dif-
ficult cases” in military hospitals in Britain.
Because of the time taken to travel from India,
these diYcult cases were predominantly men
with postgonococcal urethral strictures and
late syphilis; acute complications of STDs
were treated locally. There had been lock hos-
pitals in India since 1805, but these were
intended for the treatment of infected prosti-
tutes and for those who were the victims of
venereal insontium, syphilis among the inno-
cent; they were not patronised by the military.
After the first world war special centres for the
treatment of STDs in the armed forces were
opened throughout India, staVed by service
medical oYcers who had received special
training in venereology. There was a
consultant venereologist in Delhi, and four
expert advisers in venereology attached to
large centres, who performed clinical as well as
administrative work.
In the oYcial statistics venereal diseases were
classified as syphilis, gonorrhoea, and soft
chancre (now called chancroid); some units
added “extras” like bubo, genital abscess,
phimosis, and so on. The commonest diagnosis
was gonorrhoea, followed by chancre, then
syphilis. For unexplained reasons syphilis was
relatively more common, and gonorrhoea less
common, in the Indian army than in the British
army in India. Until well into the present cen-
tury diagnosis in India was clinical. In the case
of male gonorrhoea this did not matter much,
but a clinical diagnosis of gonorrhoea in
women is a shaky proposition. Although the
gonococcus had been discovered in 1879, the
examination of stained smears did not come
into general use until the turn of the century.
recorded his examining cervical
smears from prostitutes in India in 1903, but
he had been trained as a bacteriologist. It was
too much to expect station medical oYcers to
undertake this then. Culture of Neisseria gonor-
rhoeae as a diagnostic aid was little used in
Europe at this time, and not at all in India.
Dark ground microscopy and the Wassermann
reaction were available after 1906, but techni-
cal problems and poor microscopes delayed
their use in the army.
Eventually, when proper training of vener-
eologists began in around 1910, microscopy
and serology came into general use throughout
the Empire. Before this, many cases of early
syphilis were either diagnosed as chancroid or
missed altogether. To settle the diagnosis,
atypical cases were sometimes left untreated to
see whether or not they developed secondary
This unsatisfactory practice was also
sometimes used in Britain. The diagnosis of
chancroid was, as so often before and since,
often dubious; many men with this diagnosis
actually had syphilis, herpes, phagedaena, or
other kinds of ulceration. Non-gonococcal ure-
thritis was common, but was not recorded in
oYcial statistics.
Treatment of STDs in India followed the
methods used in England. Since the 18th cen-
tury gonorrhoea had been treated with urethral
lavage. In India, various urethral antiseptics
were used; in the early days astringents such as
alum or zinc sulphate were favoured, but these
were replaced by silver nitrate or organic silver
salts. Some of these were intensely irritating,
and no doubt caused many cases of epididymi-
tis and urethral stricture. At the end of the cen-
tury, Janet’s method of urethral irrigation with
large amounts of dilute antiseptic solutions was
adopted in Europe and, soon after, in India.
The antiseptic was a matter of choice. A senior
colleague told Harrison
that “it did not matter
what lotions one used, as long as one did not
forget the water”; in the end, potassium
permanganate was most often used. The appa-
ratus for the irrigation varied between units
and some had a distinctly homemade look.
Nevertheless, lavage was thought to be eVec-
tive, and it stayed in use until the advent of sul-
phonamides in the late 1930s, and penicillin in
The mainstay of the treatment of syphilis in
the 19th century was mercury. In India,
mercurial preparations had been in use for
years for the treatment of many non-venereal
complaints, and its side eVects were well
known. In the case of syphilis, the army
authorities did not like oral treatment with
mercury compounds because of gastrointesti-
nal side eVects and the diYculty of securing
compliance. Inunctions were ruled out as too
labour intensive and in the end, a course of
injections of mercuric chloride or calomel was
recommended, although they were painful. In
1903 the expert adviser to the army at the time
proposed repeated injections of “mercurial
cream”, also known as “grey oil”, a suspension
of metallic mercury in oil and fat which had
been devised by Lange in Vienna in 1887. This
was alleged to be less painful and it remained in
use until the advent of organic arsenicals after
1910. Courses of treatment were supposed to
last for two years, but there were administrative
problems in maintaining these in men who
were from time to time posted to other stations,
or indeed sent home. Unless “destructive”
lesions were present soldiers under treatment
could, after the first few injections, perform
ordinary duties, but they were not allowed to
take part in active service. The results of even a
course of mercury treatment considered to be
optimal were disheartening. Harrison noted
that 83% of a group of 371 soldiers had clinical
relapses—some actually occurred during the
course of treatment. Furthermore, in some sta-
tions men with syphilis did not receive the rec-
ommended course of treatment, but only a few
doses of oral mercuric chloride. There can be
no doubt that in the army in India many men
with syphilis were seriously undertreated. As a
result, destructive lesions due to late syphilis
were not uncommon, particularly aVecting the
face, mouth, and nasopharynx. Such patients
were often seen in the syphilis wards of the
military hospital at Netley, in Hampshire—
wards which were known as “the inferno”. In
an oYcial report Lord Onslow described the
Sexually transmitted diseases and the Raj 21
arrival of these men who had endured a long
journey from India in a troopship in these
“Before reaching the age of 25 years these
young men have come home presenting a truly
shocking appearance. Some lay there having
obviously only a short time to live; others were
unrecognisable from disfigurement by reason
of the destruction of their features, or had lost
their palates, their eyesight or their sense of
hearing, others again were in a state of extreme
emaciation, their joints being distorted and
“Their friends and relatives refuse to receive
them, and it is inexpedient to discharge them
only to seek the asylum or the poor-house, so
they remain at Netley in increasing numbers
which, as matters now are, seem likely to con-
tinue to increase”.
The reasons for this almost medieval situa-
tion aVecting these “guardians of Empire” were
much discussed. One suggestion was that
syphilis contracted from Asian women was
more severe than that contracted in Europe,
but this is unlikely. It is far more probable that
these awful results were primarily due to poor
treatment, perhaps aggravated by mercury poi-
soning and secondary phagedaena. Another
result of inadequate treatment may well have
been aortic aneurysm. In 1876 Welch, an army
pathologist working at Netley, noted that this
disease was not uncommon in old soldiers, and
he emphasised its association with a history of
Arsphenamine was introduced by Ehrlich in
1910. In India, as elsewhere, the first results
were excellent—much better than anything
achieved by mercury. By the time of the first
world war a course of treatment by multiple
injections of arsphenamine, spread over many
months and usually combined with intermit-
tent injections of mercury cream, was recom-
mended in the army. Because of the im-
portance of returning men to duty as soon as
possible, there was a tendency in India to
shorten the duration of treatment; the same
thing happened in Europe during the first
world war, with the inevitable result that the
relapse rate increased. Throughout the dura-
tion of the Raj, the treatment of chancroid
remained unchanged, consisting simply of
regular bathing of the ulcers with antiseptic
solutions. Inguinal abscesses were treated by
free incision and scraping of the cavity; this was
followed by daily dressings, which kept patients
in hospital for weeks on end. During the
1914–18 war, apparently at the instigation of
Harrison, this was replaced by aspiration of the
buboes, which gave much better results.
Phagedaena was a dreaded complication of
chancroid, most often seen in men with
phimosis, or whose ulcers had unwisely been
STD in the civilian population
It has been diYcult to determine the extent of
STDs in the Indian civilian population because
of a complete absence of data. The authorities’
concern related entirely to its eVect on the
army, and on the prostitutes associating with it.
Careless assumptions were made, for example
by Lord Kitchener, commander in chief in
India before the first world war, who wrote in a
memorandum to his troops in 1905 that “the
common women, as well as the regular prosti-
tutes in India, are all more or less infected with
This, and frequent references to “lax
native morals”, typified oYcial attitudes. There
were few services for treatment of the Indian
civilian population. There were no dedicated
STD clinics, and patients depended on hospi-
tals and dispensaries for treatment. As in
Europe, this was only reluctantly given, and
Ayurvedic treatment with traditional medicines
was widely used. There seems to have been lit-
tle concern about infected men, but there was
pressure from women’s groups in England to
give help to infected women, in which Mary
Scharlieb was most active.
She was a remark-
able woman who had worked for some time in
India before becoming a consultant gynaecolo-
gist in London. Her experience in both
countries had led to her concern about the
eVects of venereal diseases on women’s health.
She was a member of the Royal Commission
on Venereal Diseases which reported in 1916.
Her anxiety was shared by pioneers working in
charitable institutions funded from Britain,
who reported that in some major Indian cities
there appeared to be alarmingly high levels of
STDs in women and children, leading to many
obstetric and gynaecological problems.
Although chiefly concerned with the situa-
tion in Britain, the royal commission had an
eVect elsewhere. It had proposed a service
which was intended to act as a role model. In
India, some STD clinics were opened in a few
of the major cities, but much of their work was
of poor quality. Shortage of funds meant few
laboratory tests, and treatment was far from
ideal. It is not surprising that this happened.
India was plagued by many life threatening dis-
eases, and as in most other countries, STD
services had a low priority. In both the British
and Indian armies there were strong reasons to
reduce the incidence of STD and return its
victims to duty as soon as possible, but the
motivation to provide a comparable service for
civilians was absent. Then as now, wealthy
people were able to bypass the system and buy
services which were simply unavailable to the
Control of STDs
During the 19th century attempts to control
STDs centred on the control of prostitution, its
assumed origin. The policies adopted in India
cannot be considered separately from those in
Britain. For the first half of the century there
were campaigns in Britain for moral purity, and
attempts were made to force the government to
change the law to favour the repression of
These were unsuccessful, be-
cause neither the government nor magistrates
were willing to restrict the sex market. By 1850
new proposals were emerging, from people
who maintained that since prostitution could
be neither abolished nor suppressed it should
be treated as a public health problem. Zealots
like William Acton
favoured the continental
22 Basu Roy
system of licensed brothels under close police
and medical supervision. This was widely
regarded as conniving at immorality, and was
therefore unacceptable. A compromise was
reached because of oYcial alarm about the
high prevalence of STDs in the army. Not only
was this aVecting its military eYciency, but
soldiers returning from overseas, particularly
India, were liable to infect their wives, or
seaport prostitutes. The contagious diseases
acts were promulgated between 1864 and
1869. They ensured that in garrison towns and
major ports, women named to the police as
prostitutes had to undergo a regular medical
examination. If found to be infected, they were
confined to a lock hospital for up to three
months for treatment, after which they were
regarded as cured. A routine examination of
servicemen for evidence of infection would
have been useful because, even without labora-
tory tests, many STDs are easier to identify in
men than in women. However, this was ruled
out on the grounds that it would destroy the
men’s self respect.
The legislation concerning
prostitutes was violently opposed by emergent
women’s groups. They particularly objected to
compulsory internal examination, which was
often far from being private or confidential,
and they regarded speculum examination as
tantamount to assault—as indeed it often
was—because many doctors then did not know
how to pass the instrument. Proposals to
extend the legislation to industrial towns in the
north of England came to nothing and the acts
were repealed after 15 years, having had little
eVect on limiting STD in servicemen.
EVorts at control in India proceeded in par-
allel with those in Britain, but were more rigor-
ous. Their sole object was to protect soldiers,
and again they were centred on prostitutes.
Well before the imposition of direct rule there
had been local enactments requiring the
women to undergo periodic examination in a
lock hospital and treatment if they were
infected. These arrangements were erratic,
because lock hospitals opened, closed, and
reopened at the behest of local authorities
according to their finances and the whim of
medical oYcers. After further legislation in
1864 the system became more secure. The
Indian Contagious Diseases Act followed the
lines of the British legislation, but was more
strict, at times coming close to the ideas of
Acton. At first it was intended to regulate the
sex trade in towns where there were canton-
ments, but another act four years later
extended its provisions to all major ports and
cities. Indian prostitutes were segregated in
special enclosures called chaklas within the
cantonments, where there was usually a lock
hospital. In some areas cantonment magis-
trates brought pressure to bear on women to
leave their own houses and move into these
quarters. A prostitute wishing to take up
residence in a chakla had to apply for
permission to be placed on the register of pros-
titutes. She was then sent in charge of the
police to the lock hospital for examination
before consent was given. Registered prosti-
tutes in chaklas were called Lal Kurti, “queen’s
ladies”. The chaklas were supervised by
mahaldarnis, appointed by the government.
These could be male or female, and were
responsible for the women’s management and
behaviour. They were also required to act as
pimps and provide women for the use of
soldiers at the request of their commanding
The Indian contagious diseases acts were
attacked in both India and Britain. As in Brit-
ain, there was particular objection to examin-
ation by speculum. It was wrongly alleged by
the authorities that in India such examinations
were regarded with nonchalance and “oVend
no native susceptibility”.
A further assump-
tion was made about the women themselves.
Whereas in Britain prostitutes were regarded as
women who had fallen from something better,
so might be open to redemption and reform, in
India they were seen as having voluntarily cho-
sen the “oldest profession”; it was a caste
occupation, often handed down from mother
to daughter. Prostitutes might be cured of
infection, but there was no possibility, or wish,
for any change of life style.
It is diYcult to
reconcile such statements with the observation,
made on many occasions, that natural disasters
such as floods, famine, and so on led to an exo-
dus of young women from rural areas to cities,
where they took to prostitution because they
had no other source of livelihood.
As a result of public agitation, particularly
from women’s groups in Britain, the Indian
contagious diseases acts were repealed in 1888.
Registration and licensing of prostitutes, the
old rigid, lock hospital system, and even the
hospitals themselves were abandoned. The
result might have been predicted. To every-
body’s dismay, levels of infection began to rise.
The army was most reluctant to abandon all
and a series of cantonment acts from
1889 onwards retained many of the features of
the earlier legislation, including regular medi-
cal examination of prostitutes. Hospitals had
been opened for the treatment of infectious
diseases which were a danger to public health,
such as smallpox and cholera, and STDs were
included among these. Infected women were
retained for treatment, as they had been in the
lock hospitals.
As an epidemiological measure, the Indian
contagious diseases acts and their successors
must be judged as a failure, because the meas-
ures were directed at only one sex. As long ago
as 1864 it had been noted that “however
eYciently the regulations as regards women
may be carried out, their success in arresting
the spread of disease must be very imperfect
unless similar precautions be adopted for
preventing the men from carrying infection to
the women”.
But the army steadfastly refused
to consider any routine examination of men
until the first world war, when in some units
medical oYcers examined men for signs of
infection when they returned from leave. Con-
tact tracing was impossible in the circum-
stances prevailing in India. Soldiers, if they
could remember who their consorts had been,
refused to name them for fear that they might
be unregistered prostitutes, in which case they
Sexually transmitted diseases and the Raj 23
would be punished. Traditionally, the military
authorities had accepted that an outlet for their
soldiers’ sexual energy was essential. The
provision of women—registered, inspected,
and available—was seen as a preferable alterna-
tive to masturbation or particularly homosexu-
ality, which was dreaded. But the women had
to be presentable. An “infamous memoran-
dum” of the 1880s
recommended the provi-
sion of pretty women for the troops, who were
disinclined to visit “hags”; these could be left
for the Indians in bazaar brothels. In eVect, the
British authorities were conniving at a system
of licensed brothels which had been specifically
rejected at home, resembling the French
maisons tolerees. Their justification was that they
were solely concerned with the welfare of their
soldiers. A few senior oYcers, Kitchener was
one, adopted a diVerent, sternly moral ap-
proach. Soldiers under his command were
punished and held to public ridicule if they
became infected, although enlightened people
knew that this encouraged concealment and
delayed treatment. It has been pointed out
the colour of the Indian prostitute, subservient
to the British male, was a paradigm of racial
superiority. In this regard, the presence of
European prostitutes was unnerving, with the
dismaying possibility that some of these women
might have sex with Indian men. The British
authorities resolved the problem, at least in
their own minds, by letting it be known that
most European prostitutes working in India
were Roman Catholic or Jewish emigres from
eastern Europe, and that none was British.
After 1900, levels of STDs in the army in
India began to fall. Among the reasons were
better treatment for syphilis; prolonged outpa-
tient therapy reduced the number of relapses
and readmissions, particularly after arsphen-
amine became available in 1910. Health
education was beginning, and there was more
emphasis on the provision of sport and other
recreations. Personal prophylaxis was a conten-
tious subject then, which was not mentioned in
a long account of “methods of prevention” in
an RAMC manual on venereal diseases pub-
lished in 1907.
It was known that if, soon after
intercourse, a man washed the genitals with
soap and water and applied calomel ointment
to the whole area, the chances of STD,
particularly syphilis, were greatly reduced.
Later, a phial of a permanganate solution or
silver salt for instillation into the terminal ure-
thra was added. So called “prophylactic
packages” with the necessary materials for use
before and/or after intercourse could be issued.
Those who saw this as a useful piece of preven-
tive medicine were violently opposed by those
who saw it as a simple incitement to immoral-
ity. However, during the first world war the use
of “packets” was eventually authorised. In
India the free distribution of “preventive appli-
ances” was allowed for British forces, although
not for Indian ones. In 1916 “venereal ablution
rooms”, where this post-coital prophylaxis
could be performed under supervision, was
established in all the larger units throughout
the British army; soldiers who had risked
infection were required to attend for treatment
within 24 hours.
Academic aspects
Research in medical science in the Raj was
conducted in academic institutions, some of
which were established early on; for example,
Madras Medical College, a medical school
associated with Madras General Hospital, was
founded in 1835. Doctors in the Indian Medi-
cal Service found abundant clinical material,
particularly in tropical diseases, and many
valuable observations were made. Ronald Ross
received a Nobel prize for his work on malaria,
which was partly conducted in India. The dis-
covery of the cause of kala-azar was the work of
two Irishmen in the Indian Medical Service,
William Leishman in Calcutta and Charles
Donovan in Madras (fig 2). They described the
intracellular forms of the parasite now named
after them, Leishmania donovani; Leishman was
later knighted and became director of the
Indian Medical Service, but Donovan re-
mained professor of physiology in Madras
Medical College. A series of discoveries about
the disease now called donovanosis, formerly
granuloma inguinale, were also made in India.
It was first described in 1881 by Kenneth
MacLeod, a Scot, who joined the Indian medi-
cal Service and became professor of surgery in
Its cause was found by Donovan. In
1905 he described the intracellular bodies
which now bear his name.
The nature of these
was disputed from the beginning. Donovan
himself thought they were protozoa, but they
were subsequently recognised as bacteria. The
Figure 2 Donovan.
24 Basu Roy
natural history of donovanosis and its probable
venereal nature, was subsequently elucidated
by others.
This work seems to have been the
only major contribution to academic venereol-
ogy to come out of India in the days of the Raj.
But it must be remembered that this was not a
great period for research into STDs in Britain
either. The transforming studies in bacteriol-
ogy were coming from France and Germany,
which makes Donovan’s achievement all the
more remarkable.
Medical journals in India had a long history.
The Indian Journal of Medical Sciences began
publication in 1834, and the Indian Medical
Gazette in 1866. Many others followed, which
included occasional case reports and com-
ments on STD. The first journal devoted
exclusively to the subject was the Indian Journal
of Veneral Diseases, which first appeared in
The later years of the Raj
The progressive decline in STDs in the Indian
armies recorded during the first decade of the
20th century was reversed during the first
world war and in the years immediately follow-
ing. In 1912 the admissions to hospital for the
treatment of venereal diseases were 52.0 per
1000 of strength, but by 1921 the figure had
risen to 110.4.
Such figures are not surpris-
ing, because the incidence of STDs always
increases during the unsettled conditions of
war and its aftermath. By 1923 the levels of
infection had reduced by 50%, due in part to
the improving organisation of social hygiene
and prophylaxis.
The proportion of syphilis to
gonorrhoea was much higher in Indian than in
British troops; this had been noted before the
war, and was now attributed to the fact that
Indian soldiers made little or no use of prophy-
lactic treatment rooms, such treatment being
particularly eVective against syphilis. During
the interwar years STDs in the British army in
India showed a continuous fall
; brothels were
not out of bounds, although it was almost
impossible to enforce this rule.
The second world war, 1939–45, saw the
return of the problems of 1914–18.
British troops the rate of admission to hospitals
for the treatment of STDs had been increasing
since 1936, and it continued to rise, from 43.5
per 1000 in 1938 to 79.8 in 1945. Among the
reasons was the poor use of preventive proce-
dures. At the outbreak of the war, only one
“packet” per man per year was issued, and
although early treatment centres were fully
operational in all units, it was believed that
50–80% of infected men had not attempted to
use them. Past experience had been that there
was relatively less cause for anxiety about STD
in Indian troops in comparison with the British,
but this assumption was now incorrect; the rate
per 1000 increased from 8.5 in 1939 to 46.6 in
1946. Again, the army authorities were seri-
ously concerned, and many conferences were
held. Propaganda was more vigorous than it had
been; there were appeals for morality, medical
oYcers gave lectures (reported as “bloodcur-
dling” by those who attended them), posters
were erected, and films shown. If the worst
came to the worst, it was the duty of soldiers to
take precautions by using condoms, “packets”,
or ablution rooms. The success of these
measures clearly depended on the vigour with
which commanders applied them. Unfortu-
nately, until late in the war, service amenities in
India lagged far behind those in other theatres
of operation.
On the other hand, facilities for
the treatment of the common venereal infec-
tions were much improved. Special treatment
centres, staVed by fully trained medical and
ancillary personnel, were established through-
out India, and it was not necessary for patients
to travel long distances to get expert advice.
The civilian population was badly served by
the Raj. Narayanrao wrote in 1935: “To quote
from figures available in this country is to quote
nothing. Most of the people have a hatred for
hospitals and clinics, because of the highbrow,
indiVerent and unsympathetic attitude
adopted by the majority of these hospitals
towards the poorer classes. This keeps the
majority of patients away from them”.
In any
case, as had happened in England in the 19th
century, hospitals often preferred to have noth-
ing to do with STDs. Clinics for the treatment
of these diseases were almost non-existent. As
late as 1933 there were no organised facilities
in Calcutta, India’s largest city, and in Bombay,
where it had been found that 30% of people
admitted to hospital were infected with syphi-
lis, there was only one STD clinic.
In 1946
Prebble commented that there were very few
clinics on the whole of India where patients
with STDs were treated adequately, and indeed
most seemed to be serving “little or no useful
There were exceptions. Ceylon,
which had never experienced such high levels
of infection as India, had had an up to date
venereal disease control scheme, run on British
lines, since 1938, but perhaps inevitably these
services had broken down by the end of the
second world war owing to inadequate funding
from the local health department and lack of
In 1947 India achieved independence. With
it came the departure of the British army and
its elaborate system for the control of STDs.
Some of this passed to the Indian army, but the
facilities for the general population remained
very poor. The new Indian government ac-
corded STDs a low priority among the many
health problems with which it had to contend,
and a central venereal disease authority was not
established until 1957.
This meant that the
service developed slowly, and was ill prepared
for the escalation of AIDS in the late 1980s.
The history of this catastrophe has yet to be
Author’s note. This is an expanded version of a presidential
address given to the Medical Society for the Study of Venereal
Diseases on 25 April 1997. The author was the first Indian
President of the Society.
I should like to acknowledge the kindness of many people who
have helped me with information, illustrations, and documents.
They include DrsRSMorton, R N Thin, J D Oriel, J S Bing-
ham, Col John Richardson, (RAMC), librarians of Hastings
Library (BMA), RCP Edinburgh, and the Wellcome Institute.
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