Texas Certified Local Government Program
Historic Preservation Fund Grants
FY 2020 Historic Preservation Fund Grants
Historic Resources Survey Update, Phases 3B/C and 4B
CLG: Fort Worth
CLG Grant Award: $ 48,875 Total Project Cost: $ 85,000
Consultant: HHM & Associates
The City of Fort Worth continued a multi-year process to update and expand its
previously completed surveys. A city-wide survey plan was created, and historic
context statements were developed for the periods 18491899 and 19461970.
Historic Resources Survey of Downtown San Angelo
CLG: San Angelo
CLG Grant Award: $ 20,125 Total Project Cost: $ 35,000
Consultant: HHM & Associates
The City of San Angelo completed a comprehensive historic resources survey of
downtown. 390 resources were assessed and HHM recommended a downtown
district eligible for local designation and listing in the National Register.
National Register Nomination for New Braunfels Plaza
CLG: Comal County
CLG Grant Award: $ 5,175.00 Total Project Cost: $ 9,675.00
Consultant: HHM & Associates
Comal County partnered with HHM to prepare a National Register nomination
for the public square at the center of downtown New Braunfels, a small three-
acre historic district with one contributing site and two contributing structures.
Tobin Hill Neighborhood Historic Resources Survey
CLG: San Antonio
CLG Grant Award: $ 11,500.00 Total Project Cost: $ 21,700.00
Consultant: Post Oak Preservation Solutions LLC
The survey project included creating an inventory of 1,863 parcels (1,177 historic
age) in a neighborhood in northwest San Antonio experiencing increased
developmental pressure. The survey area encompassed two local historic districts.
Waxahachie Residential Design Guidelines
CLG: Waxahachie
CLG Grant Award: $ 13,996.00 Total Project Cost: $ 57,170.00
Consultant: Winter & Company
The City of Waxahachie worked with Winter & Co. to create residential guidelines
to support fair, quality, and consistent design review in their residential districts
after seeing the success of design guidelines for their commercial district.
Rio Vista Farm Rehabilitation Design
CLG: Socorro
CLG Grant Award: $ 34,500.00 Total Project Cost: $ 65,000.00
Consultant: TreanorHL
A team of architects and engineers developed
stabilization and rehabilitation
construction documents for 14 adobe buildings at the Rio Vista Farm Historic
District, a complex associated with El Paso County’s Poor Farm program.
Historic Preservation Plan Update
CLG: Corpus Christi
CLG Grant Award: $ 25,000.00 Total Project Cost: $ 50,000.00
Consultant: McDoux Preservation LLC
Corpus Christi worked with McDoux Preservation to develop an action-oriented,
community-wide plan that identified ways to integrate historic preservation into
the city’s planning, environmental, social, economic, and sustainability goals.
Haggard Park Heritage District Design Standards Update
CLG: Plano
CLG Grant Award: $ 15,000.00 Total Project Cost: $ 63,000.00
Consultant: Post Oak Preservation Solutions LLC
The City worked with Post Oak to update the design standards for this heritage
district to align with current preservation needs after the Heritage Commission
and property owners requested clarification on the district’s outdated guidelines.
FY 2019 Historic Preservation Fund Grants
National Register Nomination for Pape-Borchers Homestead & Mission
Valley School & Teacherage
CLG: Comal County
CLG Grant Award: $ 11,680.00 Total Project Cost: $ 23,332.84
Consultant: HHM & Associates
Comal County and the Comal County Historical Commission partnered together
to complete a National Register of Historic Places nomination.
Old Bayview Cemetery National Register Nomination
CLG: Nueces County
CLG Grant Award: $ 6,504.62 Total Project Cost: $ 13,009.24
Consultant: McDoux Preservation LLC
Nueces County and the Friends of Old Bayview Cemetery Association partnered
with McDoux Preservation LLC to complete a National Register of Historic
Places nomination for the Old Bayview Cemetery.
Historic Resource Survey of the Old Austin Neighborhood
CLG: Austin
CLG Grant Award: $ 12,000.00 Total Project Cost: $ 24,000.00
Consultant: HHM & Associates
The City of Austin conducted a historic resources survey of the Old Austin
Neighborhood district which included multiple residential, commercial, and
federal buildings and transportation resources.
Tarrant County Historical Preservation Plan
CLG: Tarrant County
CLG Grant Award: $ 39,500.00 Total Project Cost: $ 79,000.00
Consultant: HHM & Associates
Tarrant County and the Tarrant County Historical Commission partnered with
HHM & Associates to complete a Preservation Plan which involved significant
community outreach.
FY 2018 Historic Preservation Fund Grants
Waxahachie Historic Resources Survey, Zone 1
CLG: Waxahachie
CLG Grant Award: $ 20,000.00 Total Project Cost: $ 40,000.00
Consultant: HHM & Associates
The City of Waxahachie worked on a historic resources survey for Zone 1 of the
City which included all properties on the north and south sides of Marvin Street
and south of Marvin Street, extending to the 1973 ETJ boundary of Waxahachie.
City of San Marcos Historic Resources Survey
CLG: San Marcos
CLG Grant Award: $ 39,290.85 Total Project Cost: $ 78,581.70
Consultant: Hicks & Company
The City of San Marcos conducted a historic resources survey to identify,
document, and prioritize previously unsurveyed resources, allowing to the City to
locally designate and protect more historic properties.
Survey of Historic Downtown Seguin and the Historic Railroad District
CLG: Seguin
CLG Grant Award: $ 10,000.00 Total Project Cost: $ 20,288.62
Consultant: Cox McLain Environmental Consulting
The City of Seguin updated its 1977-81 historic resources survey of the downtown
district and gateway entrance, comprised of 179 total resources including
Victorian homes, commercial buildings, and warehouses.
National Register Nomination for Central Fire Station and Kappelmann-
Mayer Ranch
CLG: Comal County
CLG Grant Award: $ 11,500.00 Total Project Cost: $ 23,000.00
Consultant: HHM & Associates
Comal County and the Comal County Historical Commission partnered to
complete this National Register of Historic Places nomination.
1885 Gonzalez County Jail-Wooden Windows Restoration
CLG: Gonzalez County
CLG Grant Award: $ 21,600.00 Total Project Cost: $ 42,320.00
Consultant: TSG Architects & Discovery Architectural Antiques
Gonzalez County partnered with local architectural firms to assess the building’s
92 original windows. 5-8 windows were identified for restoration, allowing a
method” process to be created that can be used to restore the remaining
windows in time. Windows to be mothballed were identified and treated.
Historic Preservation Plan
CLG: Denton
CLG Grant Award: $ 20,000.00 Total Project Cost: $ 40,000.00
Consultant: Lakota Group
The City of Dentons received a CLG Grant to develop a new Historic
Preservation Plan, replacing the 1986 plan and creating an up-to-
date and
comprehensive plan laying out the preservation in Denton for the next decade.
Guidelines for Kingsville’s Local Historic District
CLG: Kingsville
CLG Grant Award: $ 19,625.00 Total Project Cost: $ 39,250.00
Consultant: Mainstreet Architects Inc.
Kingsville partnered with Mainstreet Associates Inc. to develop design guidelines
for Kingsville
s Local Historic District. This district consists of residential and
commercial properties from 1909 to the present.
FY 2017 Historic Preservation Fund Grants
National Register Nominations for Anhalt Hall and Arnold-Brandt
CLG: Comal County
CLG Grant Award: $ 10,000.00 Total Project Cost: $ 20,000.00
Consultant: HHM & Associates
Anhalt Halle in Spring Branch, built in 1879, is one of the oldest and largest dance
halls in Texas. Arnold-Brandt Homestead is an excellent example of a German-
Texan homestead with an 1850s home and barn, fence and smokehouse.
Preservation Plan
CLG: Plano
CLG Grant Award: $ 35,000.00 Total Project Cost: $ 132,000.00
Consultant: Winter & Co. and HHM & Associates
The City updated its 2011 preservation plan and identified specific, achievable
strategies for enhancing the historic preservation program and initiatives. The
plan included a windshield survey of historic properties built before 1960.
Preservation and Renovation Plan for Rio Vista Farm Complex
CLG: Socorro
CLG Grant Award: $ 30,000.00 Total Project Cost: $ 60,000.00
Consultant: Wright & Dalbin
CLG funds were used to develop a comprehensive Historic Structures Report for
the complex with construction documents to stabilize roofs and parapet walls,
and a construction estimate for all recommended preservation work at the site.
Historic Resources Survey
CLG: Brownsville
CLG Grant Award: $ 23,750.00 Total Project Cost: $ 80,000.00
Consultant: HHM & Associates
City staff worked with the consultant to update the historic resources surveys of
five neighborhoods, including downtown (861 resources). The cost reflects survey
work and a National Register nomination for the Central Historic District.
Main/Military Plaza National Register Historic District Update
CLG: San Antonio
CLG Grant Award: $ 10,000.00 Total Project Cost: $ 21,000.00
Consultant: Ann McGlone
The Main/Military Plaza National Register
nomination was amended and
expanded to include significant properties such as the Alameda Theater. The work
also included historic resources surveys of other areas in San Antonio.
National Register Nomination for Downtown Uvalde
CLG: Uvalde
CLG Grant Award: $ 15,000.00 Total Project Cost: $ 38,670.00
Consultant: Mainstreet Architects, Inc.
Grant funds were used to hire a consultant to prepare a National Register
nomination for the Encina (downtown) Historic District in Uvalde. The district
includes 94 resources.
ADA Feasibility Study for the Historic Carnegie Library
CLG: Palestine
CLG Grant Award: $ 2,500.00 Total Project Cost: $ 4,800.00
Consultant: Mark A. Thacker, AIA
Grant funds were used to hire a consultant to study ways to make the Carnegie
Library more accessible without jeopardizing its historic integrity. The structure
is owned by the City and was built in 1914.
Historic Resources Survey Update for Downtown Beaumont
CLG: Beaumont Third Party: Beaumont Heritage Society
CLG Grant Award: $ 4,000.00 Total Project Cost: $ 7,418.81
Project Manager: Richard Gachot, Lamar University
A professor at Lamar University led a historic resources survey update powered
by students and volunteers. The survey identified several properties individually
eligible for the National Register.
National Register Nomination for Downtown Kingsville
CLG: Kingsville
CLG Grant Award: $ 15,000.00 Total Project Cost: $ 26,841.82
Consultant: HHM & Associates
The City of Kingsville hired a consultant to prepare a National Register
nomination for Downtown Kingsville, a district filled with structures dating from
the late-19th century through the mid-20th century.
FY 2016 Historic Preservation Fund Grants
National Register Nominations for Honey Creek Springs Ranch, Walzem
Farmstead, and Riley’s Tavern
CLG: Comal County
CLG Grant Award: $ 12,000.00 Total Project Cost: $ 24,000.00
Consultant: HHM & Associates
National Register nominations were developed for two rural farmsteads and one
tavern identified as eligible by a previous CLG Grant-funded county-wide survey.
Preservation Plan
CLG: Tyler
CLG Grant Award: $ 17,544.00 Total Project Cost: $ 34,100.00
Consultant: The Lakota Group
A plan was developed to identify specific, realistic goals to enhance the City’s
preservation program and allow the community to build on past successes while
prioritizing new ways to shape Tyler’s future through preservation.
Historic West 6
Street Bridge: Restoration Construction Documents
CLG: Austin Third Party: Shoal Creek Conservancy
CLG Grant Award: $ 30,000.00 Total Project Cost: $ 71,025.00
Consultant: Sparks Engineering, Inc. with Limbacher & Godfrey
CLG Grant funds were used to develop design schematics for the overall
restoration project. Construction documents were also prepared for the lighting
and parapet restoration components of the project.
Historic Resources Survey Update of Old Town
CLG: Rockwall
CLG Grant Award: $ 5,000.00 Total Project Cost: $ 13,030.55
Consultant: HHM & Associates
City staff worked with preservation consultants to update the Old Town Rockwall
Historic District historic resources survey, after 15 years of demolitions,
rehabilitations, and infill construction impacting properties within the district.
Integrity Assessment of the Denison Commercial Historic District
CLG: Denison
CLG Grant Award: $ 3,000.00 Total Project Cost: $ 8,000.00
Consultant: Rosin Preservation
The City hired a consultant to review the integrity of each property located in the
National Register district. A final report detailed each property’s
integrity and
recommended future work. The project also included a workshop where property
and business owners were invited to learn about the assessment of their buildings.
Historic Resources Survey of Northwest Travis County
CLG: Travis County
CLG Grant Award: $ 25,000.00 Total Project Cost: $ 50,126.32
Consultant: Hicks & Company with Valenzuela Preservation Studio, LLC
Building on previous projects, the final quadrant of Travis County and areas
missed during previous efforts were surveyed. Data from all preceding surveys
was consolidated into one database, allowing the County to easily access and share
Historic Resources Survey of Downtown Corpus Christi
CLG: Corpus Christi
CLG Grant Award: $ 12,000.00 Total Project Cost: $ 24,000.00
Consultant: HHM & Associates
historic resources survey of downtown Corpus Christi, including the
Downtown Management District, identified properties individually
eligible for
listing in the National Register and one potential National Register district.
Commission Assistance and Mentoring Program (CAMP)
CLG: Paris and San Antonio
CLG Grant Award: $ 13,500.00 Total Project Cost: $ 14,000.00
Consultant: National Alliance for Preservation Commissions
In partnership with the City of Paris, the City of San Antonio, The Friends of the
Texas Historical Commission, and the National Alliance for Preservation
Commissions, the CLG Program hosted two regional CAMP trainings.
FORUM16 Travel Stipends
CLG: 17 CLG Communities
CLG Grant Award: $ 23.729.00 Total Project Cost: $ 23.729.00
CLG Grants helped 27 individuals from 17 CLGs attend the National Alliance
for Preservation Commission’s biennial conference, FORUM, the only national
conference dedicated to addressing the challenges of local preservation programs.
FY 2015 Historic Preservation Fund Grants
Fischer Historic District National Register Nomination
Fischer, TX
CLG Grant Award: $ 10,000.00 Total Project Cost: $ 20,000.00
Consultant: HHM & Associates
Originally known as Fischer’s Store, this small settlement in northwestern Comal
County dates to the 1850s. An intensive-level survey of Fischer’s resources was
undertaken, and a National Register nomination was prepared for the district.
Pollard Farm Historic Resources Survey
Tyler, TX
CLG Grant Award: $ 11,24800 Total Project Cost: $ 22,496.00
Consultant: Diane Williams
The Pollard Farm’s residential subdivisions were largely platted between 1930 and
1970. This project included extensive map and archival research, a property type
analysis, development of a historic context, survey of the area’s historic resources,
and recommendations for National Register eligibility.
Nicholas Street School Roof Repair
Uvalde, TX
CLG Grant Award: $ 15,000.00 Total Project Cost: $ 28,339.48
Consultant: John S. Graves & Associates, Inc. and K Tillman Construction Inc.
This project entailed the removal of the building’s non-historic roof, repair of
roofing substrate, and installation of a new standing seam metal roof to match the
original roof identified through historic photos. The public had the opportunity
to attend preservation workshops and demonstrations at the restored site.
Lost Bayou Historic District National Register Nomination
Galveston, TX
CLG Grant Award: $ 10,000.00 Total Project Cost: $ 20,000.00
Consultant: HHM & Associates
A National Register nomination was prepared for the locally designated Lost Bayou
neighborhood, which had been determined eligible during a previous CLG-
funded survey update. The residential district contains 337 resources, most dating
from the late 19th century through early 20
Survey Plan and Survey Update
Longview, TX
CLG Grant Award: $ 19,857.52 Total Project Cost: $ 396,715.04
Consultant: Preservation Central
The consultant created an in-depth survey plan that presented recommendations
for a multi-phase citywide historic resources survey
to update Longview’s
outdated survey from 1986, and also surveyed the previously un-surveyed areas
known as The Junction and South Main in downtown.
Survey and Inventory of Southwest-West Travis County
Travis County, TX
CLG Grant Award: $ 7,500.00 Total Project Cost: $ 15,000.00
Consultant: Hicks & Company with Valenzuela Preservation Studio, LLC
As part of a phased, long-term survey of the entire county, this phase surveyed
the southwest-west portion of Travis County roughly bounded by Lake Travis to
the north, Hays County and US 290 to the south, Burnet County to the west, and
the Austin extra-territorial jurisdiction to the east.
African-American and Mexican-American Settlement Survey
Travis County, TX
CLG Grant Award: $ 7,500.00 Total Project Cost: $ 15,000.00
Consultant: Hicks & Company with Valenzuela Preservation Studio, LLC
African-American and Mexican-
American settlement locations within Travis
County (outside Austin) were identified and mapped, and a history written about
each. The final report included historic maps and
archival material including
school, church, and cemetery records.
Development of the Downtown Online Inventory
Palestine, San Antonio, and San Angelo
CLG Grant Award: $ 56,000.00 Total Project Cost: $ 106,000.00
Consultant: CRE Planning and Development
Three CLGs helped to build and test a building inventory tool designed to enable
community revitalization efforts by centralizing detailed property data and
displaying it in an easy-to-
use and broadly accessible online platform. The
software integrated
architectural, historical, real estate, and market data to
strengthen local preservation efforts and facilitate downtown revitalization.
FY 2014 Historic Preservation Fund Grants
Covert Park at Mount Bonnell Historic Resource Assessment
Austin, TX
CLG Grant Award: $ 22,605.00 Total Project Cost: $ 45,210.00
A survey and conditions assessment of existing historic features was undertaken,
including those likely constructed as part of the New Deal. The 1938 limestone
monument was restored broken pieces were reattached, Dutchman repairs were
made for missing portions, cracks and holes were filled, and graffiti was removed.
Historic Preservation Education
Denison, TX
CLG Grant Award: $ 3,000.00 Total Project Cost: $ 6,000.00
A workshop was held at the historic Katy Depot that included exhibits, hands-on
demonstrations, and Q&A sessions. The presentations were recorded and
provided to Landmark Commission members and historic building owners.
Survey of Historic Glenwood, Phase 2
Denton, TX
CLG Grant Award: $ 37,755.00 Total Project Cost: $ 86,096.00
The City of Denton updated its 1996 historic resources survey of the Glenwood
area, which included over 1,000 resources. Survey efforts
identified additional
resources eligible for designation. Phase 1 of the survey was conducted using a
2012 CLG Grant.
Denton County Historic Resources Survey Plan
Denton County, TX
CLG Grant Award: $ 30,000.00 Total Project Cost: $ 60,019.30
Denton County identified the need to document extant resources due to
development pressures from the expansion of major roads and within the area’s
Municipal Utility Districts. This project created a plan for a phased county-wide
historic resources
survey and included archival and historic map research, a
historic context, and geographic information system (GIS) analysis.
Survey of East End, Silk Stocking, and Lost Bayou Historic Districts
Galveston, TX
CLG Grant Award: $ 10,000.00 Total Project Cost: $ 20,000.00
Properties on 1,369 parcels within the East End, Silk Stocking, and Lost Bayou
local historic districts were surveyed and evaluated. The East End had been
surveyed in 1969 and 1988, and an expansion area in 1994. Silk Stocking and Lost
Bayou had been surveyed once since establishment in 1975 and 1994, respectively.
National Register Districts Review and Update
Georgetown, TX
CLG Grant Award: $ 12,000.00 Total Project Cost: $ 25,744.84
Historic district boundaries were reevaluated and the status of resources within
those boundaries were reexamined. Several of Georgetown’s National Register
districts contained noncontributing buildings that should have been contributing
at the time of nomination or had gained historical significance since listing. A
National Register nomination amendment was prepared for one district.
Restoration of the J.J. Culbertson Fountain
Paris, TX
CLG Grant Award: $ 3,270.00 Total Project Cost: $ 21,240.00
A temporary cementitious coating on the walking surfaces was removed and tiles
similar to those found historically were installed. Cracks in the cast stone walls
and steps were patched, mortar joints repointed, surfaces were cleaned, and a sea
cherub statue was removed and reinstalled after the plumbing was repaired.
Survey and Inventory of Southwest Travis County
Travis County, TX
CLG Grant Award: $ 8,500.00 Total Project Cost: $ 17,015.00
The southwest portion of Travis County was surveyed as part of a long-term,
phased project to survey the entire county (outside of Austin city limits). The
pending extension of State 45
magnified the need to identify and document all
historic resources in the area. More than 450 historic resources were identified.
Preservation Education Event and Two-Day Workshop
Tyler, TX
CLG Grant Award: $ 3,168.62.00 Total Project Cost: $ 8,000.00
The City of Tyler hosted a three-
day preservation workshop and invited
preservation professionals, Landmarks Commission board members, and the
public from Tyler and other regional CLGs.
FY 2013 Historic Preservation Fund Grants
Comal County Comprehensive Historic Resources Survey Phase IV
Comal County, TX
CLG Grant Award: $ 13,250.00 Total Project Cost: $ 26,500.00
Comal County initiated a countywide comprehensive historic resources survey in
to ensure the documentation and protection of historic properties
threatened by urban development. Phase IV continued the countywide survey and
included historic resources prior to 1945 in the Bulverde area of the county.
City of Denison Downtown Historic District Survey
Denison, TX
CLG Grant Award: $ 3,500.00 Total Project Cost: $ 7,000.00
The City of Denison used its grant to provide an updated historic resources survey
of Downtown Denison’s Historic district.
City of Galveston Design Standards and companion pieces
Galveston, TX
CLG Grant Award: $ 5,000.00 Total Project Cost: $ 10,000.00
The City of Galveston used funds to enable the C
ity’s Design Standards for
Historic Properties to be printed and bound with companion pieces consisting of
a Frequently Asked Questions brochure and a Disaster Preparation for Historic
Properties brochure.
City of Georgetown Citizens Memorial Cemetery Survey and Inventory
Georgetown, TX
CLG Grant Award: $ 7,000.00 Total Project Cost: $ 14,000.00
The City of Georgetown utilized CLG Grant funds to undertake a historic
resources survey of the cemetery that included recording tombstones, mapping
grave markers and visible depressions, and performing research on family names.
City of Killeen National Register Nomination
Killeen, TX
CLG Grant Award: $ 2,752.00 Total Project Cost: $ 5,504.00
The City of Killeen initiated a National Register nomination of City Hall, the
former Avenue D School at 101 N. College Street, with the help of a historic
preservation consultant.
City of Marshall Baud History Trail
Marshall, TX
CLG Grant Award: $ 13,412.00 Total Project Cost: $ 26,825.00
The City of Marshall developed a video tour of the Baud History Trail to bring
the African American experience in Marshall to a broader audience. The video
includes historic photographs as well as interviews with local historians.
Matagorda County USO Rehabilitation, Phase II
Matagorda County, TX
CLG Grant Award: $ 29,467.00 Total Project Cost: $ 156,304.00
Matagorda County received a FY2010 CLG Grant to support Phase I
of the
rehabilitation, enabling the USO building to continue serving the community as
an event center. Phase II consisted of repairing 30 windows and exterior millwork,
removing the dropped ceiling and paneling, replacing HVAC duct work, etc.
City of Paris Replacement of Historic City Hall Windows
Paris, TX
CLG Grant Award: $ 15,000.00 Total Project Cost: $ 50,000.00
The City of Paris contracted to replace the most deteriorated windows causing
damage to city hall based on plans and specifications by Denney Architects.
Aluminum windows were replaced with wood windows matching as closely as
possible the existing historic wood windows.
Tarrant County Interview Techniques for Oral Histories
Tarrant County, TX
CLG Grant Award: $ 750.00 Total Project Cost: $ 2,150.00
Tarrant County contracted with experts in the field of oral histories to hold a
workshop to
train local historians on interview techniques for obtaining oral
Southeast Travis County Historical Survey
Travis County, TX
CLG Grant Award: $ 7,500.00 Total Project Cost: $ 15,000.00
Travis County utilized a consultant and volunteers to survey southeastern Travis
County, where resources may be threatened by such ongoing developments such
as State Highway 130 and the Austin-Bergstrom International Airport. The study
identified important historical components that were not well known.
City of Tyler Downtown Historic Resources Survey
Tyler, TX
CLG Grant Award: $ 5,858.00 Total Project Cost: $ 11,716.00
The City of Tyler undertook a historic resources survey of the downtown area to
capture properties not included in their 1995 survey.
City of Palestine Historic Downtown Resources Survey
Palestine, TX
CLG Grant Award: $ 3,000.00 Total Project Cost: $ 19,000.00
The City of Palestine completed
a survey of all properties located within the
Downtown District. The last prior survey was conducted in 1993.
City of Denison Historic Downtown District Survey
Denison, TX
CLG Grant Award: $ 3,500.00 Total Project Cost: $ 7,000.00
These projects were funded in part by a Certified Local
Government (CLG) grant administered by the Texas
Historical Commission (THC). For additional information
on the Texas CLG Program, visit our website at
The CLG Program is a local, state, and federal government partnership to enable local communitiestowns, cities,
municipalities, and countiesto better protect historic resources. Local governments that participate in the program act
independently to develop and maintain a successful preservation program. The THC administers the program at the state level
and the National Park Service is the responsible federal agency. The CLG Program empowers local preservation efforts by
identifying local priorities, meeting recognized historic preservation standards, and providing access to financial and technical
services to further the identification, evaluation, designation, and protection of buildings, sites, districts, structures, and
Texas Historical Commission
P.O. Box 12276
Austin, TX 78711-2276
Phone 512.463.6100