The Basic Cover Letter
Mr./Ms. Name
Street Address
Pistol Pete
001 Gallagher-Iba Arena · Stillwater, OK 74078
(405) 744-2772 ·
City, State, Zip Code
Dear Mr/Ms. Name:
The first paragraph is your introduction and should be three to four sentences
long. Name the position for which you are applying and indicate how you
learned of this opening. State briefly why you are interested in the organization
or what you know about the organization. Try to get the reader’s attention. You
might mention a name or refer to an article, event, or experience that led you to
make this contact.
The body of your letter should be one or two paragraphs in length. This is an
opportunity to outline your qualifications and skills as they relate to the job.
However, do not repeat all the information on your resume. Select one or two
of your most important qualifications for the position, and elaborate on the
information, slanting your remarks to the employer’s point of view. Give
concise evidence of your functional skills and of the qualities you possess.
Use the job posting to get ideas of specific skills or experiences to mention
with examples based on what they are looking for, using your educational,
work, or involvement experiences. Show them how you learned, utilized and
built skills from a variety of experiences and tie those skills back to position
they are seeking to fill.
The final paragraph is your closing. You can indicate you would like to follow
up with the employer in the future or plan to call in reference to your
application. Make sure your closing is not vague, but makes a specific action
from the reader likely. Thank the reader for taking time to read your letter.
Your Signature
Your typewritten name
Cover Letter Considerations:
Create a one page customized letter for
each opportunity
Realize a well written cover letter creates a first
impression that gives you a competitive edge
Highlight specific skills and experiences
relevant to the position
Convey interest and enthusiasm for the
company as well as the position
Create a generic letter to apply for all
Fail to capture the reader’s attention or else
they might not proceed to your resume
Speak in generalities that don’t show why
your skills and experience are a great fit
Overlook critical information such as contact
information, typos, or awkward sentences
Unlike a resume, the
bottom of a cover
letter can have some
blank space. While a
half-page cover
letter is too brief, it is
not critical that every
line is utilized.
Type “Enclosure”
after your name if you
are mailing or
handing in your cover
letter and resume in.
This lets the
employer know that
your resume is
enclosed. If you are
e-mailing the cover
letter, type
Close the letter with
“Sincerely” or
“Regards.” Skip
three spaces and
then type your
name. If mailing or
handing in, sign your
name in the space.
Use the same
heading from your
resume. This will
make it easier to
identify you in case
your resume and
cover letter become
separated. It also
provides you a
chance to give the
employer your name
and contact
information one
more time.
General Rules:
Match the paper
and font style to
your resume.
Keep your cover
letter at a 1 page
Write from the
reader’s point of
view. Minimize the
use of “I.”
Create emphasis
by highlighting
specific examples
of your
Say positive things
about yourself, but
ensure that your
letter is honest!
Address the letter to a
specific person. In the
event you do not have a
contact or are unable to
identify the contact, you
can address the letter
to a general position.
For example, “Human
Resource Coordinator,
Hiring Manager, or
Search Committee
Chair.” Make sure to
use one line of space
between the date, the
address, and the
specific person. Use a
colon after Dear Mr/Ms.
Left align the entire
letter. Usually,
business letters are
Use this worksheet to gather the necessary information to create a cover letter. Once you have answered the questions, put
the information into letter format. Utilize our Cover Letter Guide above to understand letter format.
1. Based on the keys words listed in the job description and what you know about the job, what is the company looking for
in a candidate?
2. What is it about this employer that attracts you?
3. What are your unique qualities and strengths?
4. What class assignments and group projects have resembled “real world” experiences? What skills did you utilize in
those projects?
5. Identify the knowledge, skills, and leadership qualities you have acquired through your coursework:
6. Consider the competencies that you can incorporate and the skills you have learned from previous positions or
organizations that tie into the job description:
For example:
Communicates Effectively: _______________________________________________________________________
Collaboration: _________________________________________________________________________________
Situational Adaptability: _________________________________________________________________________
Being Resilient: ______________________________________________________________________________
Anita Job
13605 S. Walnut Street Stillwater, OK 74074
(405) 744-2772
August 3, 2018
Ms. Brittney Roth
OSU Learning and Student Success Opportunity Center
019 Classroom Building
Stillwater, OK 74078
Dear Ms. Roth:
This upcoming fall, I will begin my sophomore year, pursuing a double major in finance and accounting. I am
eager to create a positive impact on students, while working to ensure their growth and success. Your position
of academic tutor, posted on, caught my attention because it involves working with students
and utilizing leadership skills.
This position particularly caught my attention because it involves working with students to help them achieve
their academic goals and in turn, assist them both personally and professionally. My passion for serving and
assisting others would suit the requirements for this job well. Through previous mentoring experience at
Marshall Elementary, I acquired crucial communication skills that now allow me to clearly encourage and
guide others in a positive direction. Additionally, my existing knowledge in mathematics and accounting
would benefit me in tutoring students in these programs.
The opportunity to work as an academic tutor would allow me to further the leadership skills I have gained
through my participation in President’s Leadership Council. As my résumé reflects, I am a driven, determined
and reliable person. I am confident that my cheerful personality and ambitious attitude would represent the
Learning and Student Success Opportunity Center in the most positive light.
Understanding that this job entails hard work, enthusiasm and long-term commitment, I am fully prepared to
take on the roles and responsibilities this position requires. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward
to meeting with you to further discuss my potential as an academic tutor for the Learning and Student Success
Opportunity Center.
Anita Job
Enclosures: Resume and Fall 2015 Class Schedule
Pistol Pete
101 Gallagher-Iba Arena | Stillwater, OK 74078 | 405-744-2772 |
October 15, 2018
Hiring Manager
Cowboy Investments
1234 Western Freeway, Suite 1000
Oklahoma City, OK 74890
Dear Hiring Manager:
At the Business Career Fair at Oklahoma State University, I had the opportunity to meet with one of your recruiters, John
Smith, and we spoke about the Financial Representative position available in your office. Cowboy Investments is known
for their expertise in investments, mutual funds, and life insurance and leads the industry in reliability. In searching for
an entry-level position, this company is one that stands out because of their solid reputation.
In learning more about the available position, I have realized that Cowboy Investments is very focused on individualism
and growth. The application states multiple times that the employee will be creating their own destiny, and building their
own business. This is something that truly excites me because I am always seeking to be more knowledgeable in every
aspect of life.
During my time at Oklahoma State University, I have had the opportunity to be involved in various organizations that
have allowed me to diversify my outlook on the world. One such experience was when I coordinated a foreign exchange
student event with college students. While working with students from other countries, the things I saw as important
greatly differed from what they saw as important, teaching me to accommodate the needs of others. This is a quality that
would benefit me in a role at Cowboy Investments because of the wide array of clientele the firm serves. I have also been
able to make critical decisions that affect large-scale organizations, including motivating over 200 committee members
and 1,200 participants to achieve a goal of raising $75,000. Learning to prioritize in order to effectively help others with
decisions is something I pride myself on. The position also states that we will be coordinating our own agenda and plans.
This, too, is something that I enjoy because I realize that in order to become better, you must learn from your mistakes.
In this role, I look forward to growing and becoming a better person and skilled professional. In my educational
background in finance, I have taken coursework in investments, bond markets, and portfolio management. These
courses have provided a strong foundation for my success as part of your team. I have great aspirations of achieving
success through the impact I make on others. My main goal in life is to be able to help people in any manner, and
Cowboy Investments is the perfect avenue to do that.
If given the opportunity, I feel that I could make a positive impact at Cowboy Investments with my skills and
qualifications. In two weeks, I will follow up to ensure you received my application materials and to further discuss my
interest in this position. However, I can be reached at the number or email address stated above. Thank you for your time
and consideration.
Pistol Pete
Colby Career
123 S University Place, Apt. #123 Stillwater, OK 74075 405-744-2772
November 17, 2018
Ms. Anna Watson
The Peery Foundation
2450 Watson Court
Palo Alto, CA 94303
Dear Ms. Watson:
As someone who has seen the challenges nonprofit organizations seek help in solving, I am very excited by the
opportunity to take an active role in working to identify the causes of problems and learn new skills to develop positive
and lasting change. My purpose is to express my interest in the Special Outreach Coordinator position with the Peery
Foundation. As a senior at Oklahoma State University studying entrepreneurship, I was drawn to the position for its
unique approach to social change and by the opportunity to work directly with a non-profit organization while acquiring a
better understanding of effective leadership in a socially responsible career.
In both my academic endeavors and my extracurricular activities, I have learned to tackle complex problems and reach
solutions both as an individual decision maker and as a team member. This past semester, I had the unique opportunity to
work with a local start-up nonprofit in writing and developing their business plan. From first-hand experience, I have the
ability to assess a situation or conflict as it arises, decide on a course of action, and evaluate its outcome.
My own experience in a previous internship in the nonprofit sector has provided me with an understanding of the many
challenges the field presents, such as funding, strategy implementation, and longevity. Through my coursework in social
entrepreneurship and venture capital, I was able to address some of these issues head-on by researching non-federal grant
opportunities, preparing applications, and beginning the process of program development.
Ultimately, I see this position as an ideal way to gain a better understanding of the most effective ways of creating
sustainable solutions to the critical problems social impact organizations face, so I can better assist The Peery Foundation.
Thank you for considering my application, and I will follow up with you in ten business days to answer any questions you
may have. If you would like to speak with me beforehand, I can be reached at the contact information stated above.
Colby Career
Samantha Student
9876 N. Airport Rd. ■ Stillwater, OK 74075 ■ (405) 744-2772 ■
May 13, 2018
Mr. Robert Morris
Human Resources Director
Gallagher Aeronautics Inc.
1650 Tysons Blvd. Suite 1700
McLean, VA 22102
Dear Mr. Morris:
After hearing of your company through Jean Simmons, a relative who is currently working for you, I
learned of the opening for a General Office Support Specialist. Gallagher Aeronautics Inc. is a leader
in the aerospace, technology, and security industries. The service and technology you provide is
exceptional and has played a key role in the success of the U.S. military forces. My background in
both the civilian and the private sector will be a great complement to your already successful
company. I am very enthused about the opportunity to work for your company and contribute to your
mission. As such, please accept my application for the General Office Support Specialist position.
During the past four years, I have built strong skills in computer technology, customer service, and
organization. My background in the Army National Guard has also given me the advantage of knowing
how to comply with policies while working in a military environment. While serving as an executive
officer, I worked closely with department management to create continuous schedules for up to 180
days into the future. In addition to serving in the military for over four years, I have also worked for one
of the world’s largest financial institutions, Bank of America. My current role with the bank is very
similar to the posted position as I receive calls from customers to set appointments, order items, and
resolve issues that customers encounter while maintaining account security. Working in a bank has
furthered my attention to detail, as well as honed my customer service skills, which will directly
translate to the General Office Support Specialist position to further assist your company.
Along with my professional experience, I have a bachelor’s degree in management and I am pursuing
a second bachelor’s degree in economics. The education I obtained emphasizes the ability to
communicate ideas through writing, while following written and oral guidelines. Some of my key
coursework and class projects include: research grant proposals, accounting review and examination
of a corporate annual report and an entrepreneurial business proposal to investors. As a student, I
learned the importance of following procedures and outlining plans, which are both skill sets that I
believe will help me excel in your business. Being a general office support specialist and working in
Kuwait is something that excites me and I know I can be an asset to your organization. Please feel
free to contact me at your convenience if you have any questions or would like to schedule an
interview. Thank you for your consideration of my application.
Samantha Student