Personal Auto Insurance Premium
Relief in the COVID-19 Era
A Report by the Center for Economic Justice
and the
Consumer Federation of America
Center for Economic Justice
Consumer Federation of America
May 2020
The Center for Economic Justice is a nonprofit organization advocating for fair access by and fair treatment of
consumers for insurance, credit, utilities, and other essential products and services.
The Consumer Federation of America is a nonprofit association of more than 250 consumer groups that was
founded in 1968 to advance the consumer interest through research, advocacy, and education. Barbara Roper is
Director of Investor Protection at CFA.
CEJ /CFA Report: Personal Auto Insurance Premium Relief in the COVID-19 Era 2
Greater and Ongoing Premium Relief Needed For Auto Insurance Consumers
State Insurance Regulators Must Take Actions Needed To Protect Consumers
Executive Summary
Motor vehicle accident data indicate a minimum average 30% premium relief payment
needed starting March 18, 2020 through May 2020, even after accounting for offsetting factors.
While insurers should be applauded for their actions taken to date to help policyholders, most
insurers’ auto insurance premium relief has not been sufficient.
Future driving – miles driven and vehicles on the road – will not jump back to pre –
COVID-19 levels. Gradual relaxing of shelter-in-place restrictions, slow economic recovery and
permanent changes in work-related travel demonstrate the need for on-going auto insurance
premium relief and a different regulatory approach until a new normal develops.
State insurance regulators have largely been absent from personal auto insurance relief and
the state auto insurance regulatory system has proven to be unprepared for an event like COVID-
19. Regulators’ statutory responsibilities ensuring insurance rates are not excessive and not
unfairly discriminatory and protecting consumers – requires action to ensure fair treatment of
consumers and prevention of windfall profits for insurers. The report provides a framework to
help regulators navigate this unprecedented period, with several recommendations including,
1. Traditional ratemakingthe actuarial exercise of projecting future claims and the
premiums needed to cover those future claims – isn't possible in the current uncertain
environment and isn't a solution to the current problem. A temporary program of
monthly premium relief based largely on changes in the number of new claims filed from
pre-COVID time frames is needed.
2. Insurance regulators should provide guidance and assistance to insurers regarding the
amount, methods and timing of relief payments and credits, including the collection and
publication of data on new claims filings to support regulatory efforts, prevent unfair
discrimination, assist insurers, provide public transparency and transition to the new
“normal– whatever that turns out to be.
3. Regulators should recognize and be prepared to account for the fact that not all states and
sub-state locations will experience the same reduction in miles driven, vehicles on the
road and number and type of vehicle accidents.
In a separate letter to state insurance commissioners, CFA’s Director of Insurance J. Robert Hunter, former Texas
Insurance Commissioner and credentialed actuary, offers detailed technical and policy guidance to the states. See
CEJ /CFA Report: Personal Auto Insurance Premium Relief in the COVID-19 Era 3
4. Impose a moratorium on insurance credit scoring or, at a minimum, prohibit rate
increases due to credit declines in the wake of the pandemic. Although the legitimacy of
insurers’ use of consumer credit information to price insurance has always been
controversial, it is clear that in the current environment any alleged relationship between
credit history and expected claims has been ruptured and insurance credit scoring has
become unfairly discriminatory.
2. Greater premium relief is needed for auto insurance policyholders. Motor vehicle
accident data indicate a minimum average 30% premium relief payment starting
March 18, 2020 through the end of May, even after accounting for offsetting cost
factors. While insurers should be applauded for the actions taken to date, most
insurers’ premium relief has not been sufficient.
2.1. The regulatory standard for personal auto insurance rates (and premium charges
) is that
rates must not be excessive, inadequate, or unfairly discriminatory.
The “not excessive” standard means that insurers are permitted to earn a reasonable, but
not excessive profit. The “not unfairly discriminatory standard” means that insurance must be
cost-based. Stated differently, consumers who pose the same risk of claims and expense
technically, the “cost of the transfer of risk” from the consumer to insurer – should be treated the
same way and pay the same rate.
State insurance laws and actuarial standards of practice – require and encourage
insurers to recognize differences in risk profiles and utilize rating factors that differentiate
different groups of consumers by differences in likelihood of claims. One example of a risk
rating factor is geographic location because the likelihood of a motor vehicle accident and the
costs of medical care and vehicle and property damage repair vary across different locations.
Motor vehicle accidents are more frequent in more congested areas with more vehicles on the
road. The cost of medical care and vehicle and property damage repair is higher in higher-cost
2.2 Personal auto insurance rates became excessive and unlawful – as soon as COVID-19
shelter-in-place restrictions and business closings became effective.
Personal auto insurance rates became excessive almost like turning off a light in mid-
March in most of the country because the assumptions in then-current rates about future claims
became too high by a huge amount.
Rates and premium are different. A rate is the cost per unit of exposure, while premium is the dollar cost
produced by applying the rate to a particular exposure (consumer or vehicle).
All states other than Illinois have some version of these statutory requirements not excessive, not inadequate and
not unfairly discriminatory. In some states, like Louisiana, rates are deemed to comply with these standards unless
the insurance commissioner through a laborious process determines that the specific insurance market is not
competitive. As discussed below, the market for auto premium relief is not competitive because consumers have
already purchased the policy.
Personal auto insurance rates and insurance rates in general are prospective in nature,
meaning that rates are set to cover future expected claims and expenses. When a consumer pays
a six-month or annual premium on, say, March 1, that premium is based on rates designed to
cover expected claims in the future six- or twelve-month period, respectively.
Insurers develop personal auto insurance rates by extrapolating from recent historical
experience. Typically, an insurer will look at the past one to five years of actual historical
experience premiums, claims, claim settlement expenses, non-claim selling and administrative
expenses –and project future claims and costs from that base. The assumption is, absent major
changes in state laws or insurance coverages, the future will look like the recent past with
relatively minor adjustments.
As a result, insurer rates changes are typically under +/- 7%
Because of COVID-19 restrictions, the assumptions about future claims underlying
insurers’ rates in effect on March 1 became radically incorrect overnight. When roads emptied,
the frequency of motor vehicle accidents and insurance claims dropped dramatically and
immediately. The assumptions in insurers’ rates covering time-frames from mid-March forward
about future frequency of claims became significantly wrong when the roads emptied because of
Stay-At-Home orders and business closures starting in mid-March. The then-current rates
became excessive not just for new policyholders going forward, but also for existing
policyholders whose premium was based on now-overstated expectation about insurance claims.
2.3 Traditional ratemaking -- the actuarial exercise of projecting future claims and the
premiums needed to cover those future claims -- isn't possible in the current uncertain
environment and isn't a solution to the current problem. How insurers develop their
estimates of future claims and premium need is distinct from any state's regulatory
structure for review and approval of the rates -- although some states have provided their
insurance regulators with much better tools to respond to the current overcharges.
We discuss below in more detail how insurers and their actuaries typically develop rates
by extrapolating recent historical experience into the future based on assumptions that the future
will look a lot like the recent past. Since that core assumption is no longer valid, traditional
ratemaking fails. The current situation looks nothing like the recent past and the future is
More important, even if insurers had perfect knowledge about the future and were able to
change their rates today, that wouldn't address the problem of excessive rates for current
policyholders. Policyholders today bought their policies sometime between the last week and the
last year. The premiums they paid were based on insurers' expectation about claims in a normal
economy and normal society. Those assumptions became dramatically invalid overnight and the
rates used by insurers a week ago or a month ago regardless of the state became massively
excessive because the assumptions underlying those rates evaporated.
For example, insurers study trends in claim costs changes frequency of claims and average cost of claims per
claim over time to estimate whether average claim costs per vehicle insured is going up or down. While claim
severity average cost of a claim typically increases over time, claim frequency has gone down and up. The loss
trends are typically modesta few percentage points annually. Similarly, premium collected by insurers with no
change in rates typically increases because consumers exchange older vehicles for newer vehicles whose higher
value translates into higher premiums.
CEJ /CFA Report: Personal Auto Insurance Premium Relief in the COVID-19 Era
CEJ /CFA Report: Personal Auto Insurance Premium Relief in the COVID-19 Era 5
Some states have provided their insurance regulators with much better tools to respond to
the current overcharges than overs. For example, in California, the commissioner has authority
to order insurers to provide the needed relief. In Ohio and Pennsylvania, the regulators have the
authority to prevent insurers from penalizing consumers with higher rates because of expired
driver licenses or declining insurance credit scores, respectively. In contrast, the insurance
department in Illinois has no authority over auto insurance rates.
2.4 The reduction in the number of personal auto insurance claims – “claim frequency” – and
insurance claim costs was massive and unlike anything previously experienced by auto
insurers. The number of vehicles on the road and miles driven dropped sharply by the
third week of March and continued dropping through mid-April.
With shelter-in-place restrictions and business closings, most people stopped driving or
reduced their driving dramatically. With fewer cars on the road, there were dramatically fewer
accidents. Fewer motor vehicle accidents mean fewer auto insurance claims.
The ubiquitous tracking of mobile phone location data has enabled a number of vendors
to track changes in consumers’ travel activities. For example, Streetlight Data has developed a
COVID-19 Vehicle Miles Traveled (“VMT”) Scorecard documenting changes in VMT by
county from a January 2020 baseline.
CEJ and CFA calculate, using the Streetlight VMT data,
weekly VMT declined in every
state from the January average for the week of March 15 to 21. Table 1 shows a nationwide
decline in VMT of 38% with states ranging from an 8% reduction in Iowa to a 60% reduction in
New Jersey during that third week of March. By the next week, March 22 to 28, the nationwide
reduction had grown from 38% to 63%. By the week ending April 4, the national reduction was
66% and individual state reductions ranged from 52% in Arkansas to 86% in the District of
Columbia. Nationally, VMT declined by over 60%, reaching a low of 68% fewer VMT in the
second week of April.
Nationwide Reduction in Vehicle Miles Traveled from Mid-March
March 15 -
March 21
March 22 -
March 28
March 29 -
April 4
April 5 -
April 11
April 12 -
April 18
April 19 -
April 25
Streetlight utilizes geo-location data from mobile phone apps. See “Streetlight Multimode Methodology, Data
Sources and Validation” at
2.5 Auto insurance is different from other types of insurance in one important way my
personal driving action doesn’t just affect my risk profile, but also affects everyone else’s
risk of an accident.
In all lines of insurance, if a policyholder reduces their risk profile, they should get a
premium break based on the new, lower likelihood of a claim. For example, if a business has to
close because of COVID-19 restrictions, the firm has lowered its risk exposure for worker
injuries and liability claims and should get a premium break for that. But that business owner’s
action does not affect the risk profile of the business next door that has continued to operate.
Auto insurance is different. When one person stops driving, they not only reduce their
own personal risk profile, they reduce the overall likelihood of any claim by anyone because of
fewer cars on the road. Normally, this “network” effect is trivial. But when large numbers of
cars leave the road, the likelihood of the remaining drivers getting into an accident drops because
there are so many fewer cars on the road.
It is the existence of this network effect on claims of radically fewer cars on the road plus
the fact that auto insurance is the largest insurance expense for Americans other than health
insurance – over $250 billion in personal auto insurance premium in 2019 – that gives rise to the
need for immediate and on-going COVID-19-related auto premium relief.
This does not diminish the fact that many businesses have seen their individual risk profile change and are,
therefore, due relief based on that.
CEJ /CFA Report: Personal Auto Insurance Premium Relief in the COVID-19 Era
CEJ /CFA Report: Personal Auto Insurance Premium Relief in the COVID-19 Era 7
Table 1: Reduction in Vehicles Miles Traveled by State from Mid-March 2020
For 7-Day Periods, Sunday through Saturday from January 2020 Average)
Sorted by State
March 15 -
March 21
March 22 -
March 28
March 29 -
April 4
April 5 -
April 11
April 12 -
April 18
April 19 -
April 25
District of Columbia
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
U.S. Total
Streetlight Data provides estimates of daily vehicle miles traveled.
CEJ /CFA Report: Personal Auto Insurance Premium Relief in the COVID-19 Era 8
Table 1A: Reduction in Vehicles Miles Traveled by State from Mid-March 2020
For 7-Day Periods, Sunday through Saturday from January 2020 Average)
Sorted by VMT Reduction, Week of April 5
March 15 -
March 21
March 22 -
March 28
March 29 -
April 4
April 5 -
April 11
April 12 -
April 18
April 19 -
April 25
District of Columbia
New Jersey
New York
Rhode Island
New Hampshire
North Dakota
New Mexico
North Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
South Carolina
U.S. Total
Streetlight Data provides estimates of daily vehicle miles traveled.
CEJ/CFA calculated weekly totals and average reductions.
CEJ /CFA Report: Personal Auto Insurance Premium Relief in the COVID-19 Era 9
2.6 The reduction in motor vehicle accidents tracks the reduction in miles driven and vehicles
on the road.
Fewer cars on the road fewer people driving and driving fewer miles translates into
fewer motor vehicle accidents (and auto insurance claims).
While insurers monitor new claim
filings on a daily basis and were aware of the reduction in insurance claims by mid-March,
public data on the number of motor vehicle crashes on a particular date isn’t available until
several weeks after the date in question. Public data on insurance claims aren’t available for
months after the end of the calendar quarter or calendar year.
The most current public data on motor vehicle accidents is available from state
transportation departments. CEJ and CFA gathered motor vehicle accident data from Texas and
Massachusetts, comparing the number of weekly accidents reported in mid-March and later to
the average number of weekly accidents from the same period in 2019 as well comparing the
March and April 2020 data with the average for February 2020 to assess the reduction in
accidents post-COVID-19 restrictions.
Table 2 shows changes in VMT and crashes for the last two weeks of March and first three
weeks of April in Massachusetts. The crash data were gathered from the Massachusetts
Department of Transportation Crash Query and Visualization web site.
The table shows the
state’s reduction in VMT from Table 1 and two measures of changes in vehicle crashes. The first
measure is the change in weekly crashes from the February 2020 average weekly number of
crashes. The second measure is the change in weekly crashes from the same period in 2019. The
five weekly periods used in 2019 and 2020 are Sunday through Saturday. While more recent crash
data are available, we found that the crash data change frequently and significantly in the days
immediately following the crash date. Consequently, we limited the analysis to the period ending
April 18.
Table 3 shows the same metrics for Texas as Table 2 does for Massachusetts.
As with
Massachusetts we see that reductions in crashes track with reductions in VMT. We also see that
crash reductions exceeded 50% in most of the weeks studied.
See, for example,
with-the-safest-drivers-when-population-density-is-part-of-the-equation/ describing Allstate’s research into the
correlation of population density and insurance claims.
Public data on insurance claims is available in insurer rate filings in those states where insurers are required to
file rates and provide justification for the rates. The rate filings will typically contain information on claim
frequency for a historical period ending several months before the date of the rate filing. The Insurance Services
Office produces a “Fast-Track” data report comprised experience from less than 50% of the auto insurance market
with claim frequency data produced several months after the end of each calendar quarter. These data may not be
available to members of the public and are only available for a substantial fee.
The Texas crash data were obtained from the Texas Department of Transportation’s Crash Query Tool website at
CEJ /CFA Report: Personal Auto Insurance Premium Relief in the COVID-19 Era 10
Table 2: Change in VMT and Vehicle
Crashes in Massachusetts
Change in VMT
from Jan 2020
Crashes from
Feb 2020
Change in
Crashes from
Same Period in
March 15 -
March 21
-53% -42.8% -47.8%
March 22 -
March 28
-76% -56.7% -59.9%
March 29 -
April 4
-82% -63.5% -69.4%
April 5 -
April 11
-81% -62.4% -66.5%
April 12 -
April 18
-81% -64.4% -69.6%
March 15 -
March 21
March 22 -
March 28
March 29 - April
April 5 - April
April 12 - April
Change in VMT and Vehicle Crashes in Massachusetts
Change in VMT from Jan 2020 Baseline
Change in Crashes from Feb 2020 Weekly Average
Change in Crashes from Same Period in 2019
Baseline (Normal) VMT and Crashes
CEJ /CFA Report: Personal Auto Insurance Premium Relief in the COVID-19 Era 11
Table 3. Change in VMT and Vehicle
Crashes in Texas
Change in VMT
from Jan 2020
Crashes from
Feb 2020
Change in
Crashes from
Same Period in
March 15 -
March 21
-34.1% -24.8% -26.6%
March 22 -
March 28
-60.2% -50.2% -51.7%
March 29 -
April 4
-65.8% -51.5% -53.9%
April 5 -
April 11
-66.7% -58.0% -61.6%
April 12 -
April 18
-62.9% -62.0% -63.2%
March 15 -
March 21
March 22 -
March 28
March 29 - April
April 5 - April
April 12 - April
Change in VMT and Vehicle Crashes in Texas
Change in VMT from Jan 2020 Baseline
Change in Crashes from Feb 2020 Weekly Average
Change in Crashes from Same Period in 2019
Baseline (Normal) VMT and Crashes
California’s Transportation Injury Mapping System is collecting similar data on crashes.
They find that in March and April 2020 the number of crashes has declined by over 50%
compared to March and April 2019.
2.6 Auto premium relief should average at least 30% of premium from mid-March through
the end of April.
The available accident data show significant reductions in motor vehicle accidents. All
else equal, a 50% reduction in accidents will produce a 50% reduction in auto insurance claims
and a 50% reduction in insurance claim payouts by insurers.
Table 4 shows how a reduction in claim costs should translates into a reduction in
premium. Insurance rates (and premiums) consist of five major components: claim payments,
claim settlement costs, selling expense, other general and administrative expense and profit. On
average, claim and claim settlement expenses should be at least 65% of the premium dollar.
Non-claim expenses fall into two categories variable and fixed. Variable expenses are those
that vary with the premium charge. For example, agent commissions are generally paid as a
percentage of the premium charge. Profit is calculated as a percentage of premium. State
premium tax is assessed as a percentage of premium. These expenses should grow with higher
premium charges and decrease with lower premium charges.
Fixed expenses are those that don’t vary in the short-term and don’t vary with the amount
of premium. For example, expenses for advertising, general management, building costs and
more are typically fixed in the short-term, regardless of claim costs or premium collected.
Table 4 shows that because some claim costs are only a portion of premium and because
some of insurersexpenses are fixed in the short-term, a 50% reduction translates into a 39.4%
reduction in premium and not a 50% reduction.
Variable expenses refer to those expenses that are calculated as a percentage of premium
and include agents’ commissions, premium tax and profit load. The dollar amount of these
expenses rises and falls with increases or decreases in the premium charges to a policyholder.
For example, if an insurer pays a 12% commission to an agent, the agent will receive $120 for a
policy with a $1,000 premium, but $60 for a policy with a $500 premium. We note that agent
commissions are adjusted as policies are changed or cancelled and the premium on the policy
changes. While some insurers have decided not to recoup the agents’ commissions on the
premium relief paid back or credited to consumers, such additional payments to agents should
not reduce the premium relief for policyholders.
The data we have analyzed show reductions in motor vehicle accidents in late March and
April of over 50%. Even after consideration of higher costs to insurers from other types of
consumer relief (e.g., extended grace period for non-payment of premium), discussed in the next
section, we’ve very conservatively concluded that 30% premium relief is the minimum average
It should be noted that, like other businesses, insurers work forces have also moved to work from home. As a
result, some insurer building costs will stay the same (e.g., rent), while others may decline (e.g., utility costs,
cleaning and maintenance).
CEJ /CFA Report: Personal Auto Insurance Premium Relief in the COVID-19 Era
CEJ /CFA Report: Personal Auto Insurance Premium Relief in the COVID-19 Era 13
return of premium insurers should be giving policyholders for the second half of March and
April. As shown in Table 5, we’ve started not from the 39.4% reduction associated with the 50%
reduction in claims, but from a lower 35% as an added measure of conservatism for insurers.
Ongoing premium relief from May forward is also justified and needed, but the ongoing
reduction in miles driven, motor vehicle accidents and auto insurance claims may vary by state
and within a state depending on when and how COVID-19 restrictions are relaxed as well as
other economic factors that will impact levels of driving in the future. We discuss, below, how
to transition from the immediate relief framework needed for March, April and May to a longer-
term relief framework as the new “normal” in driving and miles driven develops.
Table 4. How a Reduction in Driving and Accidents Affects Auto
Insurance Premium
Drop by
Drop by
Drop by
Claims and Claim Settlement Expense
Variable Expenses -- Profit, Premium Tax
Fixed Expenses -- Sales, Administrative
Shelter-in-Place Payment
Claim and Claim Settlement Expenses include amounts paid plus reserves for claims
received but not yet paid plus claim settlement expenses, like adjusting and legal.
Variable Expenses are expenses that vary with the premium. Examples include agent
commissions, premium tax and profit.
Fixed Expenses are expenses that exist in the short term regardless of claims or
premium. Examples include building and administrative costs.
Assume that current expenses are half variable and half fixed and and that current
rates target a 65% ratio of claims to premium.
Premium = (Claims and Claim Settlement Expense + Fixed Expense) / (1 - Variable
CEJ /CFA Report: Personal Auto Insurance Premium Relief in the COVID-19 Era 14
2.7 Insurers’ other actions to help auto insurance consumers offset the reduction in claim
costs by only a small amount.
In addition to premium relief, auto insurers have helped their policyholders – and deserve
praise – in other ways, including:
Extending by two months the grace period before policy cancellation for non-
payment of premium;
Extending coverage for commercial delivery driving on personal auto insurance
Donations to organizations engaged in COVID-19 prevention and treatment
Providing free identify theft coverage
Of the several other-than-premium-relief efforts to help consumers, we believe the
extended grace period is the only action with a material impact on insurers’ premium or claims
experience for the March, April and May time frame. Insurers’ revenue can be affected in two
ways because of the extended grace period:
Lost investment income due to consumers’ paying two months later than expected;
Lost premium for two months from consumers who utilize the extended grace period
and leave the insurer after that without paying the skipped premium.
Table 5 shows our analysis of the financial impact to insurers of the extended grace
period. The analysis relies upon two key assumptions – what share of policyholders will use the
two months’ grace period and, of that group using the grace period, what share will walk away
and never pay for the two months of coverage. Our analysis indicates that the extended grace
period will, on average, offset the needed premium relief of 35% by 5% to arrive at the 30% per
month minimum average relief.
CEJ /CFA Report: Personal Auto Insurance Premium Relief in the COVID-19 Era 15
Table 5. Cost of Premium Payment Grace Period Extension
Starting Point: 35% of 2 Months Premium =
of Annual Premium
1. Lost Investment Income or 2 Month Grace Period
2 Months Premium
of Annual Premium
Investment Income at
of Annual Premium
% Policyholders Using Grace Period
of Annual Premium
2. No Premium Ever Collected for Grace Period
2 Months Premium
of Annual Premium
% Policyholders Using Grace Period
of Annual Premium
% Using Grace Period Who Walk
of Annual Premium
Sum of 1 & 2
of Annual Premium
Relief After Offset for 1 and 2
of 2 months
There are other COVID-19 related factors that might increase or decrease insurers’ costs.
Claim severity the average cost of a claim may change as a result of the faster
driving and more serious accidents by the fewer drivers on the road. It’s unclear if
such an effect would have a material difference on average claim size because of
coverage limits in personal auto policies and the large number of auto insurance
claims even after these historic declines in accidents. The issue of significant changes
in claim severity becomes much more important over time and can better be analyzed
with actual insurer claims data.
Increased administrative costs to process premium relief credits or payments. These
costs might include additional regulatory filings, additional programming and data
system costs and additional mailing costs. While these costs may be significant in
nominal dollars, they are very small compared to amount of premium relief.
Changes in costs to operate during a pandemic. While some types of costs may
increase because of COIVD-19, other operating costs may drop. With employees
working from home, building utility and maintenance costs are likely lower without
employees. Expenses for business travel likely dropped significantly and rapidly.
Based on the above, we estimate that after consideration of offsetting cost factors, a
minimum 30% from mid-March through April is reasonable and necessary and that ongoing
relief from May forward will also be needed.
CEJ /CFA Report: Personal Auto Insurance Premium Relief in the COVID-19 Era 16
2.8 The majority of insurers’ premium relief has been only 15% of monthly premium and has
not provided premium relief for any part of March.
CFA and CEJ have previously provided a scorecard on insurers’ auto insurance premium
relief efforts.
Our review showed that the vast majority of insurers promised relief of 15% of
policyholders April and May premium. This relief is inadequate because it doesn’t provide the
relief justified for the second half of March and because 15% of April and May premium is too
low to reflect the deep reduction in claims.
2.9 Promises of future rate reductions do not address the current problem of excessive
premium charges for part of March and April and May.
It is essential to understand that premium relief is needed for current in-force policies
because of the extraordinary reduction in actual claim frequency from the assumptions about
claim frequency used to justify the current rates. The needed premium relief represents
recognition that the current rates and associated premium charges became significantly excessive
virtually overnight. Consequently, the premium relief must be provided against policyholders’
current premium charges to reflect the fact that the current premium charges whether
previously paid or not – are excessive.
A relief program that promises future premium reductions upon policy renewal – such as
the GEICO program fails to match the relief to the relevant premium and policy. GEICO, for
example, promises a credit or reduction in the renewal premium, meaning a consumer sees no
benefit unless and until they renew their policy. This is wrong for several reasons. First, it
doesn’t provide relief for current policyholders. This penalizes consumers who don’t renew with
GEICO – who would then get nothing – and fails to credit consumers for the current premium
that has become excessive.
Second, it doesn’t get relief to consumers when they need it. If a consumer renewed their
policy on March 1, they won’t see relief under the GEICO plan until the August renewal.
Third, the promise of $2 billion relief is not comparable to the actual current relief other
insurers are promising for March, April and May. Other insurers will also be lowering rates or
otherwise providing relief from June forward because of on-going reductions in claim frequency
from the assumptions used in the rates in effect on March 1, 2020. GEICO is wrongly
attempting to take credit for future – and in most cases distant future – rate reductions as if it
were actually providing relief today to current policyholders.
CEJ /CFA Report: Personal Auto Insurance Premium Relief in the COVID-19 Era 17
Other relief programs, such as those deployed by State Farm, Farmers, USAA and
Farmers, contrast sharply with the GEICO program.
State Farm, a mutual insurance company owned by its policyholders, committed to
paying a dividend to its members for 25% of premium for the period March 20 to
May 31, 2020.
USAA initially announced relief of 20% of two months premium for policies in force
on March 31, 2020 and recently announced additional relief for 20% of a third
month’s premium.
Farmers initially announced relief of 25% of April premium and recently announced
additional relief of 15% of May premium.
Notably, Erie Insurance originally promised relief similar to GEICO future rate
reductions. After further consideration, Erie revised its relief program to provide
30% of two months premium to be paid in May.
3. Ongoing auto premium relief will be necessary. Future driving miles driven will
not jump back to pre COVID-19 levels. Gradual relaxing of shelter-in-place
restrictions, slow economic recovery, and permanent changes in work-related travel
demonstrate the need for on-going relief and a different regulatory approach until a
new normal develops.
3.1 Most observers predict the “new normal” will be far different from pre-COVID and will
take a long time to develop.
It has become clear that the recovery from the COIVD-19 restrictions and business
closings will be a slow and gradual process.
Commentary by Max Fisher is representative
"Until the virus is subdued either by a vaccine or by a global campaign of strategically
coordinated lockdowns — which one Harvard study estimated would take two years to work —
daily life is likely to be defined by efforts to manage the pandemic. There is no master formula.
But suggestions from public health experts tend to follow a pattern. Large gatherings may
remain rare...Travel is likely to remain tightly restricted...Even if officials authorize the
reopening of shops, for example, neither employees nor customers will return if they consider it
prohibitively unsafe.”
Perhaps there is no better example of a future different than that of the recent past than
Nationwide’s recent announcement of a plan to transition a portion of its workforce to
permanently work from home and close a number of regional building locations.
plans to move workers at five locations to “permanent remote-working status.”
Appendix 1 contains cites from a number of analysts and observers.
“What Will Our New Normal Feel Like? Hints Are Beginning to Emerge,” New York Times, April 21, 2020 at
“Nationwide announces permanent shift in workplace, work-from-home-strategy” at
CEJ /CFA Report: Personal Auto Insurance Premium Relief in the COVID-19 Era 18
While the future of work and leisure are still unknown, we also don’t know how we will
get there, how long it will take, and when we’ll know when the new normal has arrived.
3.2 Traditional ratemaking -- the actuarial exercise of projecting future claims and the
premiums needed to cover those future claims -- isn't possible in the current uncertain
environment and isn't a solution to the current problem.
As discussed above, traditional ratemaking is based on assumptions about the near future
and, historically, insurers have been able to make accurate predictions about future claims and
claim costs by extrapolating recent historical experience into the near future. But traditional
ratemaking is simply not possible in the current period of radical change in current claims
activity from the experience of the recent past. Future projections cannot be reliably made
because of the unknown nature of the future COVID-19 infections, government actions to
continue or loosen restrictions, the timing of such loosening of restrictions, and the behavioral
responses from consumers and businesses once restrictions are loosened. Stated differently,
predictions for what auto insurance claims will look like over the next six months and how that
experience compares to recent historical experience is simply unknowable at this time.
Also as discussed above, the issue of how insurers develop their estimates of future
claims and premium need is distinct from any state's regulatory structure for review and approval
of the rates.
3.3 Ongoing premium relief – instead of traditional rate filings by insurers to change rates –
is needed for the foreseeable future.
Three key factors demand that insurers freeze rates in effect as of March 1, 2020 and
provide on-going monthly premium relief for at least six months and possibly longer until some
type of new “normal” has developed and insurers’ have relevant claims experience and data.
1. Current rates are excessive; consumers deserve and need premium relief;
2. Traditional ratemaking has been upended by radical changes in exposure and an
uncertain future; and
3. The current state auto insurance regulatory framework is set up for filing rates for the
future and is unsuited to respond to the current problem.
We’ve discussed the first two points above. In the next section, we discuss the failure of
state insurance regulators and the actions they need to take.
4. State insurance regulators have largely been absent on auto premium relief and
most states’ auto insurance regulatory system have proven to be unprepared for an
event like COVID19. Their statutory responsibilities ensuring insurance rates are
not excessive and not unfairly discriminatory and protecting consumers – requires
action to ensure fair treatment of consumers and prevention of windfall profits for
CEJ /CFA Report: Personal Auto Insurance Premium Relief in the COVID-19 Era 19
4.1 Personal auto insurance is regulated by the states. While state insurance regulators were
quick to require insurers to provide extended grace periods for non-payment of premium
and to require health insurers to cover COVID-related testing and treatment costs, the
regulators have been largely absent on requiring insurers to provide needed auto
insurance premium relief.
State insurance regulators have been challenged in responding to the insurance impacts of
COIVD-19 and related restrictions. Like other organizations, state insurance department staff
has had to work remotely instead of coming to the office. Health insurance challenges have been
the focus of state regulator efforts to ensure coverage for testing and treatment while navigating
the complex health insurance regulatory landscape. Unlike most other lines of insurance which
are exclusively regulated by the states, health insurance is subject to significant federal
States’ governors and insurance regulators were also prompt in encouraging or requiring
insurers to extend the grace period for non-payment of premium to prevent policy cancellations
for consumers who were late with payment – an important response to the massive increase in
Other than extending payment grace periods and claim filing deadlines, most state
insurance commissioners have stood on the sideline regarding personal auto insurance.
Regulators from Alaska, Pennsylvania and Maryland were the only ones to even encourage auto
insurers to provide premium relief in March in the face of empty roads. To date, only one state
regulator, California’s Insurance Commissioner, has ordered insurers to provide premium relief
in response to the radical reduction in risk exposure.
In response to consumer protection other than premium relief, the Ohio commissioner
directed insurers not to penalize consumers for expired driver licenses. This is an example of a
regulator taking action to protect consumers because a once-valid risk factor had become invalid.
Through no fault of their own, many drivers were simply unable to renew their licenses because
of closed offices or shelter-in-place restrictions.
Similarly, the Pennsylvania commissioner directed insurers not to penalize consumers
because of declining insurance credit scores. Even, assuming that a consumers’ credit history
was predictive of future claims (controversial in itself), the validity of that assumption disappears
when millions of consumers’ credit scores decline because of job loss or other COVID-19
impacts beyond their control.
While we applaud these efforts by Ohio and Pennsylvania, the fact is that few, if any,
other states have taken similar actions. While Ohio took action on expired driver licenses, it
hasn’t taken any action on insurance credit scoring or premium relief.
A number of state insurance regulators have simply thanked insurers for providing relief
while not taking any action to require the relief or ensure the relief is sufficient and timely. We
find this astonishing since the regulators are required by law in every state but Illinois to make
sure rates are fair and just – not excessive and not unfairly discriminatory.
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State insurance regulators have failed to enforce their laws in part because of their
inaction but also in part because of antiquated regulatory systems and authorities, as we next
4.2 State insurance regulators’ ability to respond to the COIVD-19 challenges has been
limited because of weak and antiquated regulatory data collection and analysis tools.
In almost all states, the regulators outsource data collection to insurance organizations
called advisory organizations or statistical agents. These organizations collect data from insurers
for various lines of insurance and report experience on an annual basis typically 18 to 24 months
after the end of the experience year. The absurd lag in getting usable data is exemplified by the
annual auto insurance data reports produced by the National Association of Insurance
Commissioners, an organization that assists state insurance regulators largely through data
collection and analysis. The NAIC’s most recent Auto Insurance Database was published on
March 13, 2020 – covering auto insurance premiums and claims experience through 2017.
Insurance regulators, with very few exceptions, don’t collect data in a timely fashion to
effectively monitor insurance markets. And when data are needed, the process is slow and
cumbersome because of the potential for 51 states and the District of Columbia to ask for the
similar, but not identical, information in slightly different ways. The development of a uniform
data collection tool, typically coordinated through the NAIC, is also slow.
The NAIC announced, on May 1, 2020, that regulators had developed a uniform request
for data on business interruption premium and claims. No regulator to date has issued a request
for data on new personal auto claims broken out by coverage and date the claim was received,
despite the fact that the comparison of new clam filings over pre- and post-COVID-19 periods is
the critical data element for regulators and insurers now and for the next few months.
4.3 Market forces will not force insurers to provide the necessary relief and protect
consumers. Insurance regulators must take action to enforce the statutory requirements
that auto insurance rates be not excessive and not unfairly discriminatory.
The response to date from insurers demonstrates that market forces alone will not drive
insurers to provide the needed auto insurance premium relief to consumers. Insurers’ responses
have ranged from relief of less than 15% of two months of premium to 35%, while only one
insurer has committed to providing relief for part of March, despite the dramatic reduction in
claims in the second half of March. Further, there is no marketplace penalty for an insurer
providing insufficient premium relief because the policy has already been written and issued –
the insurer cannot lose premium that has already been earned. Regulators have the statutory and
moral responsibility to make up for their lack of action to date by developing and implementing a
consistent approach for insurers to provide premium relief.
CEJ /CFA Report: Personal Auto Insurance Premium Relief in the COVID-19 Era 21
4.4 Regulatory guidance on current and on-going COVID-19 relief is sorely needed.
4.4.1 Traditional insurance ratemaking fails in the current environment. A program of
monthly premium relief based largely on changes in the number of new claims filed from pre-
COVID time frames is needed for at least several months.
Regulators’ reliance upon future rate filings to provide relief fails to protect consumers
because such an approach fails to enforce the law that rates not be excessive and fails to get the
relief to current policyholders whose premium has become excessive. While insurers might
utilize other available information to determine the appropriate amount of premium relief,
changes in new claims filed is, by far, the most relevant and important factor in developing
premium relief in a timely manner in an uncertain time for the short- and medium-term.
4.4.2 Guidance for amount, methods and timing of relief payments and credits on an on-going
basis until a new normal develops.
While two insurers, to date, have recognized the need for ongoing relief (USAA and
Farmers), there is no template for ongoing relief to accompany the ongoing reductions in miles
driven and claims. Regulators need to step up and provide guidance on the amount of relief
needed at a statewide average as well as for sub-state regions if experience varies significantly
within the state – and the acceptable methods of providing that relief. Promises of future relief
not tied to current policyholder premiums should not be considered a sufficient response.
4.4.3 Regulatory data collection from insurers and publication of weekly new claims filings is
needed to support regulatory efforts, prevent unfair discrimination, assist insurers, and provide
public transparency
Insurers track new claim filings on a daily basis. Regulators must require insurers to
initially report the number of new auto insurance claims filed by date received by major
coverage and by county for the period March 1, 2019 through August 31, 2019 and from January
1, 2020 through April 30, 2020 along with average number of policies in-force and average
number of vehicles insured as of the end of each month reported. The new claims filed should
be reported in two ways – claims filed by date of accident and claims filed by date of filing.
Subsequent reports should be then be submitted monthly to update and supplement the 2020
The use of new claims filed from March 2020 forward compared to earlier periods as a
way to estimate premium relief is a short-term response to facilitate timely relief to current
consumers in the absence of the data required and used for traditional actuarial analysis.
Regulators should develop a more comprehensive data collection strategy – including data on
claim severity as these data become available over time to guide the transition from the
emergency auto premium relief framework into the time when more traditional actuarial analyses
are possible.
In a separate letter to state insurance commissioners, CFA’s Director of Insurance J. Robert Hunter, former Texas
Insurance Commissioner and credentialed actuary, offers detailed technical and policy guidance to the states. See
CEJ /CFA Report: Personal Auto Insurance Premium Relief in the COVID-19 Era 22
To be clear, the initial data collection on new claims filed and exposures in-force are not
traditional ratemaking data and are not sufficient for traditional ratemaking. Rather, it is data
needed in the current situation to respond rapidly to changing claims experience. While future
data collection should add more data elements over time as the new “normal” develops, this
limited data collection is designed for ease of reporting and rapid compilation and publication by
regulators. Publication of aggregate industry data is essential to assist small and medium-sized
insurers whose own books of business are too small to provide statistically-valid or credible
4.4.4 Not all states and sub-state locations experience the same reduction in miles driven,
vehicles on the road and number and type of vehicle accidents.
As Table 1 shows, reductions in miles driven varies significantly across the states
depending on the population density of the state, the number and size of urban areas and the
nature and extent of COVID-19 stay-at-home and business closing requirements. Table 1
suggests that a single percentage or dollar amount of relief for the entire country may not be fair
to policyholders in those states with greater-than-national-average claims reduction. For larger
states with significant rural and urban/suburban areas, the same logic and differential claims
experience within the state may indicate different relief by major region within the state.
4.4.5 Utilize existing statutory authorities, obtain new authority if needed.
Insurance regulators in almost every state have considerable regulatory authority to take
necessary action. For example, regulators can provide guidance that premium relief is not a
prohibited rebate because it is provided to all policyholders and because it is not a payment
intended to secure business in exchange for the rebate.
Regulators have authority to collect data from insurers and publish industry-aggregate
experience. Regulators also have authority to utilize the NAIC for more efficient and uniform
data collection – as they have done recently for data on COVID-19-related business interruption
claims and have done for decades for insurers’ financial reporting.
In some states, regulators may need to invoke special authority by declaring markets as
non-competitive. In some states, the regulator may need additional authority from the
Legislature. If that is the case the regulator needs to act quickly to get that need authority.
4.4.6 Impose a moratorium on insurance credit scoring or, at least, prohibit, rate increases
due to insurance credit scoring to protect consumers whose credit experience has suffered
through no fault of their own.
Although the legitimacy of insurers’ use of consumer credit information to price
insurance has always been controversial, it is clear that in the current environment any
relationship between credit history and expected claims has been ruptured and insurance credit
scoring has become unfairly discriminatory. The continued use of credit scoring by insurers will
penalize consumers who are the victims of COVID-19 and the massive economic and medical
costs of the virus and government response. From an actuarial standpoint, the basis for the
immediate moratorium is that insurance credit scoring has become a clearly unfairly
discriminatory underwriting, tier placement, and rating factor. Whatever basis insurers may have
used to justify their credit-based insurance scores in times past cannot hold when declining credit
scores is symptomatic of policyholders’ diminished exposure (not working and not driving, for
example), exactly the opposite of what credit-based insurance models predict will happen.
Only California, Massachusetts, and Hawaii prohibit the use of credit history in auto
insurance pricing. While some of the remaining states have provisions in their insurance credit
scoring models for consumers to challenge their insurance credit scores due to life events, such a
provision is not found in many state statutes. Nor should it be the burden of consumers to address
this, given that most likely don’t know that their credit history has a huge impact on the premium
they're charged. Further, the concept of life events exceptions is just that – an exception to the
general reliability of insurance credit scoring. The current situation has undermined that general
reliability and, consequently, a general response – a moratorium or prohibition against penalizing
current policyholders.
A more detailed discussion of insurance credit scoring is found in the March 30, 2020 CFA/CEJ letter to
insurance commissioners, found at
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CEJ /CFA Report: Personal Auto Insurance Premium Relief in the COVID-19 Era 24
Appendix 1
Comments on the Future Following COVID-19
Quotes from Experts on Lasting Effects of Coronavirus Crisis
If the Great Depression Is Any Indication, Things Won’t Just Go Back to ‘Normal’ After the
Coronavirus Pandemic Ends. James Cobb, Time Magazine, April 27, 2020.
"Like other era-defining historical trials, the Great Depression finally passed. But both on an
individual and a governmental level, the end did not signal a return to status quo. While the
history of crises past seems to assure us that, one way or another, today’s will eventually recede,
that history just as surely cautions us against assuming we can anticipate what the world may
look like when it does."
What Will Our New Normal Feel Like? Hints Are Beginning to Emerge. Max Fisher, New York
Times, April 21, 2020.
"Until the virus is subdued either by a vaccine or by a global campaign of strategically
coordinated lockdowns — which one Harvard study estimated would take two years to work —
daily life is likely to be defined by efforts to manage the pandemic. There is no master formula.
But suggestions from public health experts tend to follow a pattern. Large gatherings may
remain rare...Travel is likely to remain tightly restricted...Even if officials authorize the
reopening of shops, for example, neither employees nor customers will return if they consider it
prohibitively unsafe.”
Our Pandemic Summer. Ed Yong, the Atlantic, April 15, 2020.
As I wrote last month, the only viable endgame is to play whack-a-mole with the coronavirus,
suppressing it until a vaccine can be produced. With luck, that will take 18 to 24 months. During
that time, new outbreaks will probably arise. Much about that period is unclear, but the dozens of
experts whom I have interviewed agree that life as most people knew it cannot fully return. ‘I
think people haven’t understood that this isn’t about the next couple of weeks,’ said Michael
Osterholm, an infectious-disease epidemiologist at the University of Minnesota. ‘This is about
the next two years.’”
“Gottlieb’s road map, for example, recommends that until a vaccine or an effective treatment is
produced, social gatherings should be limited to 50 people or fewer. That will be especially
challenging in large cities: An average Manhattan street or subway car is the equivalent of a
mass gathering. Elsewhere, concerts, conferences, summer camps, political rallies, large
weddings, and major sporting events may all have to be suspended for at least this year. ‘It’s
hard for me to imagine anyone going to Fenway Park and sitting with 30,000 fans—that will
almost surely be a bad idea,’ said Ashish Jha, an internist and public-health expert at Harvard.
‘This isn’t going to look like a normal summer in America.’”
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We’re Not Going ‘Back to Normal.’ Mary Harris, Slate Magazine, April 16, 2020.
“I think the idea that life will be dramatically different is correct…This is not going to be over
anytime soon. We are still in the middle of this. I think that’s the big riskthat we are
psychologically ill-suited to understanding that.”
We’re Not Going Back to Normal. Gideon Lichfield, Technology Review, March 17, 2020.
“But what most of us have probably not yet realized—yet will soon—is that things won’t go
back to normal after a few weeks, or even a few months. Some things never will.”
“In the short term, this will be hugely damaging to businesses that rely on people coming
together in large numbers: restaurants, cafes, bars, nightclubs, gyms, hotels, theaters, cinemas, art
galleries, shopping malls, craft fairs, museums, musicians and other performers, sporting venues
(and sports teams), conference venues (and conference producers), cruise lines, airlines, public
transportation, private schools, day-care centers.”
After the Coronavirus Passes, Your World Will Not Go Back to Normal. Ryan Broderick,
Buzzfeed, April 2, 2020.
“The immediate effects of the pandemic — postponed weddings, canceled vacations, empty
supermarket shelves, sinking housing prices, salary cuts, layoffs — suggest no one will come out
of this period without losing something. But we are only at the beginning.”
“Two months into this current outbreak, massive layoffs have started, American industries have
demanded bailouts, and unemployment rates have surged. Economists at the Federal Reserve
Bank of St. Louis are projecting total employment reductions of 47 million — an unemployment
rate of 32.1%.
According to Forbes, every sector of the American economy is shrinking: Hotel chain Marriott
International is furloughing tens of thousands of workers, Landry’s, the parent company of Del
Frisco’s and Bubba Gump Shrimp, laid off 40,000 workers. Air Canada plans to lay off 5,100
members of its cabin crew. Shoe retailer DSW put 80% of its workers on a temporary unpaid
leave of absence.”
Fauci Warns Going Back to Normal Won’t ‘Be a Light Switch That You Turn On and Off.
Marina Fang, Huffington Post, April 9, 2020.
“Dr. Anthony Fauci has cautioned in recent interviews that the coronavirus pandemic will
unalterably change aspects of public life. And on Thursday, the nation’s top infectious disease
expert again advised Americans not to expect a quick return to anything approaching “normal.
“When you say ‘get back to normal,’ it’s not going to be a light switch that you turn on and off,”
Fauci said on “CBS This Morning.”
Fauci, head of the National Institute on Allergies and Infectious Diseases, said it’s too early to
even begin thinking about what life after the pandemic may look like. Even when the risk
subsides, the process of how people return to work and school, and resume public gatherings,
will likely be different across various states and cities depending on the virus’s spread, he said