User Guide
December 2015
© 2000-2015, CCH Incorporated and its affiliates and licensors. All rights reserved. Material in this publication may not be
reproduced or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without prior written permission. Requests for that permission
should be directed to:
CCH Incorporated
20101 Hamilton Ave., Suite 200
Torrance, CA 90502
The contents of this publication are believed to be accurate. However, responsibility cannot be assumed for the
information contained herein, and the consequences resulting from the use thereof. Material in this publication is subject
to change without notice.
This User Manual and the computer software it describes are designed to provide accurate and authoritative information
in regard to the subject matter covered. They are distributed with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in
rendering accounting, legal, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the
services of a competent professional should be sought.
“CCH ProSystem
is a registered trademark of CCH Incorporated.
"CCH Global
" is a registered trademark of CCH Incorporated.
"CCH Axcess" is a trademark of CCH Incorporated.
“Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
All other brand, product, or company names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Contents iii
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Guide Usage
System Requirements
Disk Space
Workstation/Standalone Installations
Network Software
File Server
Network Clients
LAN Processing
WAN Processing
Network Clients - WAN
Monitor Requirements
Required Components
Web Browser
Optional Components
Summary and Input Grids
Customizing the Toolbar
General Tax Capabilities
Chapter 2 - Configuring Planning
Setting up Federal and States
Setting Up Federal Options
Setting Up State and City Defaults
Planning Defaults
Print Defaults
Configuration Options
Setting Preferences
Printer Setup
Navigation Bar
Chapter 3 - Tax Plan File Operations
Contents iv
Creating a New Plan
Opening an Existing Tax Plan
Securing a Tax Plan
Changing a Tax Plan’s Properties
Adding a Case to a Plan
Removing a Case from a Plan
Re-sequencing a Case
Saving a Tax Plan
Closing a Tax Plan
Importing Tax Data
Importing from a Tax Return to an Existing Plan
Importing from a Tax Return to a New Plan
Exporting Tax Data to Planning from CCHProSystem fx Tax or CCH Axcess
Managing Tax Plans
Setting Up File Management Default Settings
Backing Up Client Data Files
Restoring Backed Up Data Files
Checking Client Files In/Out (Network Installation)
Checking In/Out Files Remotely
Abandoning a Checked-out File
Chapter 4 - Data Entry & Edit Functions
Edit Menu Tools
Move or Copy Cells
Clear Cells
Copy Case/Column
Detail Lists
Multiple Occurrence Grids Tools
Add Item
Insert Item
Delete Item
Expand to Detail
Contents v
Chapter 5 - Print & View Functions
Viewing Columns
Hiding and Showing Columns
Variance Columns
Print Functions
Creating/Editing a Print Set
Printing a Plan Summary
Printing a Worksheet
Printing a Graph
Printing a Letter
Printing Input Grids
Printing Estimates
Printing an Active Grid/Worksheet
Printing to a PDF File
Printing to Engagement
Appendix A - Standard Options
Help Options
CCH ProSystem fx Planning support on the Web
Navigation Bar
Status Bar
Window Views
Chapter 1 - I ntroducti on
CCH ProSystem
Planning takes advantage of the features and functionality of Windows
providing the power and flexibility to meet your tax planning needs efficiently and accurately.
Guide Usage
The following information can help you get the most out of this guide:
Bold words in a step-by-step procedure indicate an action you should take. These usually refer
to menu commands you use to initiate an operation.
identify the names of dialog components.
Certain familiar operations such as using Help, checking status, and accessing the
CustomerSupport Web site are explained in the appendix.
The appendix also outlines how to create an export file in Tax Preparation for use with CCH
The following list can help you familiarize yourself with the system’s features and terminology so you
can use the system effectively:
Spreadsheet format. Working grids display in familiar spreadsheet format and utilize many
standard spreadsheet functions.
Summary grid. Federal and State summary grids display calculated amounts derived
from detail grid data, detail lists, or override amounts entered on the summary grid.
Input grid. A grid expanded for a row on the summary grid. Specific grids are available
for different types of tax information such as
Adjustments to Income
Wages and
Business Income
Worksheets. Worksheets display the calculation of a certain tax amount such as
Itemized Deductions or Alternative Minimum Tax. These worksheets are a result of data
entered on input grids.
30 cases allowed per tax plan. A case is a scenario or projection, such as investigating the
effects of an IRA deduction or the sale of an asset. Thirty cases are available for each plan.
Chapter 1 - Introduction 1
Ten planning years available per case. One year prior, the current year, and eight future
years. Each planning year displays in a column. The years for a case display in consecutive
Automatic calculations. The system calculates totals as data is entered. This saves you time
and shows you the effects of a change immediately.
Multiple levels of detail. Fields can expand to further levels of detail to display multiple
occurrence/repeater data.
Grid list. Lists all input grids for easy selection and access. Grids display on the
Select Grid
dialog, which is accessed from the Grids menu or by using the Input Grid button.
Worksheet list. Lists all worksheets for easy selection and access. Worksheets are displayed
on the
Select Worksheet
dialog, which is accessed from the Worksheets menu or by using the
Worksheets button.
Configurable reports. Select columns to be included in a report.
Variance columns
can be
included and expressed in dollars or percentages.
Right-click pop-up menus. Saves you time by gathering the commands applicable to the
current activity into one easily accessible place.
Tooltips. Always available to jog your memory. When the cursor pauses on a toolbar button, a
tooltip displays the purpose of the button.
Variance grid. A way to compare data from two selected years with the variance expressed in
dollars or percentages. Data in a variance grid can be edited, and the change is reflected in the
appropriate areas of the associated summary grid. Multiple variance grids comparing different
columns can be open simultaneously.
Detail lists. Totals automatically transfer to the originating numeric cell. Detail lists allow entry
of descriptions and amounts and can be printed. Cells that have lists attached are indicated by a
green marker in the cell’s upper left corner.
Notes. Keep the notes you want for specific fields as
field notes
or for the plan as a whole as a
plan note
. Field notes can be printed in configurable reports. Cells that have field notes
attached are indicated by a blue marker in the cell’s lower left corner.
Override ability. Amounts may be overridden on the summary grids. The data on associated
detail grids is retained in case an override is cleared. Override amounts display in magenta.
Extensive Help system. Includes system and row-level Help. These Help systems provide the
most up-to-date information about system operations.
AutoFlow feature. Eliminates the need for duplicating entries across columns. When AutoFlow
is activated, a number entered in a cell is automatically repeated in the same row for the
subsequent case years.
Note: The application retains amounts for subsequent years that are manually entered
when the AutoFlow feature is disabled.
Import ability. Saves time when entering data. Data can be imported directly from the CCH
Tax application.
Export Ability. Export directly from CCH ProSystem
Tax or CCH Axcess™ Tax applications
as you are preparing returns.
Chapter 1 - Introduction 2
Pre-configured state tax rates, deductions, exemptions and credits for all states that
allow state income tax. Additional state specific calculations for CA and NY.
Multi-user network access. Allows each workstation to set its own preferences. Files are
locked to prevent concurrent editing of a plan by two users.
Calculator. Ready to work at the click of a button. Totals can be transferred to the current cell,
if desired.
Navigation Bar. This option allows you to have the list of input grids or worksheets displayed
while entering data. The navigation bar can float or be docked vertically on the left or right side
of the window.
To turn the navigation bar on, select View and click Navigation Bar. A check mark displays
next to the option.
To display the list of input grids, select Grids from the menu bar, or select the Grid icon on the
To display the worksheet list, select Worksheets from the menu bar, or select the
Worksheets icon from the toolbar.
Only one list can be displayed at a time.
Print to Engagement Binder. Easily print plan forecasts such as worksheets, input grids, plan
summaries, plan reports, and estimates to a CCH
Engagement or CCH
Workpaper Manager binder.
System Requirements
To enhance performance when you are running multiple CCH ProSystem
Office applications, we
recommend a PC, Pentium
4 class or higher, with at least 4 GB of RAM.
Disk Space
Program Files - 78.5 MB
Tutorials - 3 MB
Workstation/Standalone Installations
32-bit platforms - IBM
100%-compatible PC, Pentium
4 class or higher is required
64-bit platforms using AMD™ x86-64 or Intel
EM64T technology
Supported Operating Systems
7 Professional or Ultimate SP1 (32-bit or 64-bit)
8.1 Professional or Enterprise (32-bit or 64-bit)
10 Professional or Enterprise (32-bit or 64-bit)
Chapter 1 - Introduction 3
Starter, Media Center, and Home editions of Windows
operating systems are not
8.1 and Windows
10 Basic and RT are not supported.
Pen and Touch interface will not be supported at this time.
RAM Requirements
2 GB+ recommended for 32-bit versions of Microsoft
7, Microsoft
or Microsoft
4 GB+ recommended for 64-bit versions of Microsoft
7, Microsoft
or Microsoft
Note: Using over 4 GB of RAM on a 32-bit Windows
operating system is not supported.
Network Software
Windows Server
2008 R2
Windows Small Business Server
Server Core versions of Windows Server
systems are supported as file servers only.
Installation must be performed from a compatible client/network operating system.
Domain Controllers are not supported.
Windows Server
2012 R2
NetWare™ 5.1 or higher
(Kernel 2.4.2 or higher, Samba 2.2.3a or higher)
Peer-to-Peer environments (up to 8 workstations) running Microsoft
7, Windows
8.1, or Windows
Note: When running in Peer-to-Peer environments, a dedicated server is required.
File Server
100% IBM
-compatible PC, Pentium
III class or higher server required
Memory per network operating system recommendations
Network Clients
Using the latest version of network clients is recommended:
Client for Microsoft
Client for NetWare™ Networks
NetWare™ clients for Windows
7, Windows
8.1, or Windows
Chapter 1 - Introduction 4
LAN Processing
10 Mbps or greater (Ethernet)
Note: For optimum performance, 100 Mbps, Full Duplex is recommended throughout your
network, including workstation NIC cards, switches, and hubs, and server NIC cards. File caching
must be turned off for Novell
WAN Processing
Windows Server 2008
R2 with Remote Desktop Services
Windows Small Business Server
2011 with Remote Desktop Services
Windows Server
2012 R2
XenApp 6.0
XenApp 6.5
XenApp 7.5
Network Clients - WAN
Remote Desktop Connection version 5.2 or higher
Online Plug-in version 11 or higher
Monitor Requirements
Multi Monitor display - Multi Monitor support requires the primary monitor to be on the left
Monitor display - small fonts with a minimum screen resolution of 1024 x 768
Colors - 16-bit Colors or greater
Note: To enhance performance when running multiple CCH ProSystem
applications, we
recommend a Pentium
4 class PC or higher. 2 GB+ is recommended for 32-bit versions of
. 4 GB+ is recommended for 64-bit versions of Windows
Required Components
MDAC version 2.8 (or higher) is required on each workstation
Visual C++
2005 Service Pack 1 Redistributable
Visual C++
2010 Service Pack 1 Redistributable
Visual C++
2013 Service Pack 1 Redistributable
Crystal Reports
version 9.0
Web Browser
Internet Explorer
version 11.0 or higher
version 3.0 or higher
Chrome™ version 44.0 or higher
Chapter 1 - Introduction 5
Opera version 9 or higher
(for Windows) version 3.0 or higher
Optional Components
version 9.x or higher
Office 2010 SP2, Microsoft
Office 2013 SP1 (32-bit or 64-bit), or Microsoft
2016 (32-bit or 64-bit)
Office 360™ (must include a desktop version for the installation of CCH ProSystem
High-speed Internet connection (DSL or faster) is required for downloading program updates
(Software Delivery Manager).
Virus Scan
If running Real Time virus scanning options, exclusion of all CCH ProSystem
Planning directory
structures is required on workstations and servers.
CCH ProSystem
files and folders must be excluded from any data compression.
Laser Printer
III or higher with at least 2 MB RAM
GDI/Host based printers are not supported in a Citrix®/Terminal Server environment.
Universal print drivers are not supported.
Permission Key
A permission key is necessary for your first installation of CCH ProSystem
Planning and for the
installation of the initial CCH ProSystem
Planning release each year. For subsequent installations,
the install program reads permission information from your hard drive or network server.
Permission keys are downloaded from our web site. For instructions, please see our Knowledge Base
Chapter 1 - Introduction 6
Installing CCH ProSystem
1. From the CCH ProSystem
Planning install wizard welcome screen, click Next.
2. Choose the type of install you need to complete and click Next.
Network Install Installs a version of the planning software to a network drive so
that multiple users can access the information and use shared defaults.
Standalone Install Installs Planning on the local machine so that only this user
will have access.
Note: Laptop Install and Workstation Setup are used with a Network
Install to link additional workstations to the network. These will be
used only after the initial network install is completed.
Laptop Install The Laptop install is designed for users that need to be linked to
the network but also work remotely. When the laptop is connected to the network,
it will link to the network install. When the laptop is working remotely, a
standalone version is used. When the laptop is linked back to the network, the
system will sync.
Workstation Setup Used to connect multiple users to the existing network
Select the destination Folder:
Select the drive you would like to have planning installed on.
For a standalone install it will likely be the C drive (C:\).
For a network install, click the browse button and locate the drive you
need to install on.
Note: It is recommended the install should be at the
root of the selected drive and on the same drive as the
tax install.
If you already have a version of Planning installed, select the drive and then
folder (For example, on a Network install K:\AccuPlnr).
Once the drive is selected, click Next.
Install the permission key using one of the following options:
Internet Download This is the recommended method as well as most
common. You will be prompted to log in using your Single Sign On (SSO) user ID
and password. These are the same credentials that you use to log into Software
Delivery Manager.
Once logged in, the system will pull the needed information.
Chapter 1 - Introduction 7
Use previously installed permission key If you are updating your Planning
software or re-installing, you can select this option rather than having to log in.
Permission key disk drive path If you downloaded the permission file or
support has provided you with a copy of the permission key, user the browser
button to locate where the file is saved.
From the browse window, Select the FXPERM02 file.
Select Open.
For information on how to download the permission file, please see How do I download
my permission key? (Click here).
Select Features:
Check the features that you would like to include in the install.
Tutorial A step-by-step presentation that helps explain how to use
User Guide A detailed document that covers setup of planning.
Once you have chosen the features, click Next.
6. If completing a Network Install, select Planning Default and click Next:
Firm-Wide Default - Recommended. This option saves the defaults to the folder
installed on the network. This enables users to have and share the same defaults.
For example, adding a state, modifying rates and setting starting defaults
(number of cases, home state and number of years).
Workstation-Specific Default - This option allows users to have and share the
same defaults. These will be saved to the local workstation.
7. Setup Program Folder. By default the system will create a folder titled "
CCH ProSystemfx
"; however, you can change the folder name or add to a previously created folder. Click
8. Click Install to start the installation process.
Note: The install can take several minutes to complete. Since the install will need
the machine to reboot; please make sure that any unsaved items are saved and
closed prior to the next step.
9. Select the "
Yes, I want to restart my computer now
10. Click Finish.
If completing a network install, a workstation setup will need to be run from each of the machines that
need to have planning installed. There are multiple ways to run a workstation setup, but these steps
ensure that it is run from the correct drive.
Chapter 1 - Introduction 8
1. Select Start > Run > Browse to your Network drive.
2. Select
3. Select Setup.exe.
4. Select Install if you are prompted to install required files.
5. At the
Installation Wizard
dialog select Next.
6. Select Workstation Setup at the Type of Installation dialog.
7. Select Next.
Select a local folder for Print and Plan Configuration defaults (applies to Workstation-Specific
setting only.
9. Select Next.
Select desired features to include with the installation.
11. Select Next.
12. Select Firm-Wide or Workstation-Specific Default.
13. Select Next.
14. Select Next button on
Select Program Folder
15. Select Install.
16. Select "
Yes, I want to restart my computer now
17. Select Finish.
Uninstalling CCH ProSystem
To uninstall CCH ProSystem
Planning, complete the following steps:
1. From the
menu, select Control Panel > Programs and Features.
2. On the
tab, select CCH ProSystem
Planning from the list of installed
software and click Add/Remove. If you are uninstalling a local installation, skip to step 4.
Do one of the following:
To uninstall the entire network installation, choose Uninstall Network.
To remove the local program group, icons, and registry entries, choose Uninstall
4. A confirmation dialog displays. Click Yes to begin the uninstall program.
5. Click Finish.
Note: You may be prompted to restart your computer. You can choose to restart now or later, but
the computer must be restarted to completely remove Planning program files.
The uninstall program does not remove client data files or output folders.
Chapter 1 - Introduction 9
Summary and Input Grids
Grids display data in a familiar spreadsheet format with many standard spreadsheet capabilities.
Refer to the picture below for clarification of each of the items, which explain the presentation of
information and functionality within the spreadsheet format.
Customizable case titles span the year columns that are associated with them.
Year columns display the year and the caption assigned to them in File > Plan Properties >
The input grid displays the same case and column format as the summary grid.
Expanding columns allow you to view multiple levels of detail for repeater data.
Grid cells with a gray background are unavailable and cannot be edited, as in the case of a
header field.
The blue square in the expand column indicates that there is an input grid associated with this
The arrow symbol in the expand column indicates detail data is present on the associated input
Cells that have lists attached are indicated by a green marker in the upper left portion of the cell.
Cells that have notes attached are indicated by a blue marker in the lower left portion of the cell.
All overridden fields display in magenta.
Negative amounts appear in red.
Chapter 1 - Introduction 10
This is an example of a summary grid with two levels of input grids beneath it. The
Federal Summary
grid expands to the
Wages and Business Income Summary
grid, which in turn expands to the
In this example, 20Y1 indicates the start year, 20Y2 and 20Y3 are the subsequent years.
The toolbar’s default location is directly under the menu bar of the application window. It can be
turned on or off, resized, moved, or docked vertically to any of the four window edges. In addition, the
toolbar can be customized by adding, removing, or reordering the buttons.
New. (Ctrl + N) Creates a new plan.
Open. (Ctrl + O) Opens an existing plan.
Save. (Ctrl + S) Saves changes without closing the plan.
Import. Imports return data from the CCH ProSystem
Tax or CCH
application into a new or existing plan.
Chapter 1 - Introduction 11
Properties. (Ctrl + R) Displays the tax plan properties for the currently active plan.
Print. (Ctrl + P) Allows you to access print selections for printing summary, worksheets,
graphs, letters, input grids, and estimates.
Undo. (Ctrl + Z) Reverses the last data entry action.
Cut. (Ctrl + X) Removes data from a selected cell and places it on the Clipboard.
Copy. (Ctrl + C) Copies data from a selected cell to the Clipboard to subsequently paste into a
Paste. (Ctrl + V) Inserts cut or copied data from the Clipboard into a selected cell.
Clear Contents. Deletes all contents of a selected cell except any associated notes.
Copy Case/Column. Copies the data from a case or column to another case or column.
Add Item. Adds a new item for entry of multiple occurrence data at the bottom of an existing
Insert Item. Inserts a new item for entry of multiple occurrence data above the item currently
Delete Item. Deletes the currently selected item.
List. (Ctrl + L) Allows you to enter a list of numeric entries with descriptions to be attached to a
Plan Note. Allows you to open a new note or edit an existing note for the whole plan.
Field Note. (Ctrl + F) Opens a note for the selected cell.
Expand to Detail. (Ctrl + E) Opens the input grid for the currently selected grid row.
View Supporting Worksheets. (Ctrl + W) Allows you to view worksheets that explain the
currently selected amount.
Input Grids. Opens a list of available input grids from which you can make your selection.
Worksheets. Opens a list of available worksheets from which you can make your selection.
AutoFlow. (Ctrl + A) Activates or deactivates the AutoFlow feature.
Calculator. Allows you to access a calculator with the capability to apply calculated amounts
to the current cell.
Help Topics. Accesses the system Help file.
Help for Current Row. (F1) Accesses Help specific to the currently active cell of detail grids.
Chapter 1 - Introduction 12
Customizing the Toolbar
Enabling or Disabling the Toolbar
To turn the toolbar on or off, do the following:
1. Select View.
2. Click Toolbar. A check mark next to this option indicates that it is enabled. The absence of a
check mark indicates that the toolbar is turned off and does not appear on the interface window.
Moving or Resizing the Toolbar
To move or resize the toolbar, do the following:
Position the mouse pointer in an empty area on the toolbar.
Drag the toolbar to the location you want.
If you move the toolbar to any of the edges of the screen, it docks itself to the new location. If
you move the toolbar anywhere else, it becomes a floating toolbar that can be moved and
resized as you would a window.
Adding Buttons and Separators to the Toolbar
To add buttons and separators to the toolbar, do the following:
1. Select Tools > Customize Toolbar. The
Customize Toolbar
dialog displays.
2. Select a button or separator from the
Available toolbar buttons
list and do one of the following:
Click Add. The toolbar dynamically updates itself as you make changes.
Drag the button or separator to the
Current toolbar buttons
Note: Separators are the thin lines that separate groups of buttons on the toolbar.
You can add multiple separators to group buttons as desired.
3. If you want to reposition the button or separator on the toolbar, select it and click Move Up or
Move Down. You can also drag them to a new position.
When you have added the desired buttons or separators, do either of the following:
Click Close to exit and save your changes.
Click Reset and then click Close to exit without saving your changes. The Reset feature
restores the toolbar to its settings before you opened the
Customize Toolbar
Reset does not restore the default toolbar configuration.
Removing Buttons from the Toolbar
To remove buttons from the toolbar, do the following:
1. Select Tools > Customize Toolbar to display the
Customize Toolbar
2. Select an item from the
Current toolbar buttons
list and click Remove.
Do either of the following:
Chapter 1 - Introduction 13
Click Close to exit and save changes.
Click Reset to exit without saving your changes, and then click Close. The Reset
feature restores the toolbar to its settings before you opened the
Customize Toolbar
dialog. Reset does not restore the default toolbar configuration.
Reordering Buttons on the Toolbar
To reorder toolbar buttons, do the following:
1. Select Tools > Customize Toolbar to display the
Customize Toolbar
2. Select the button (or separator) to be moved in the
Current toolbar buttons
list and click Move
Up or Move Down.
Do either of the following:
Click Close to exit and save changes.
Click Reset to exit without saving your changes, and then click Close. The
feature restores the toolbar to its settings prior to being customized. Reset does not
restore the original default toolbar configuration.
General Tax Capabilities
You can rely on CCH ProSystem
Planning for all of the following tax computations:
Alternative minimum tax
Passive loss limitations
Earned income credit
Self-employment tax
Capital gains tax
Taxable social security
Retirement deductions
Credit limitations
Lump-sum distributions
Kiddie tax
Tax on retirement plans
Estimated tax
Additional Medicare Tax
Net Investment Income Tax
Chapter 1 - Introduction 14
Chapter 2 - Confi guringP l anning
You can configure certain default options in CCH ProSystem
Planning, eliminating the need to set
up each tax plan individually.
The federal and state setup is configured at a global level for all users. The other configurations
explained in this chapter are set up at a workstation level and can be overridden at the plan level if
Setting up Federal and States
(Tools > Setup Fed and States)
Federal/State Setup
dialog allows you to change preset federal and state parameters. In
addition, you can add and delete user-defined state information.
Setting Up Federal Options
1. Select Tools > Setup Fed and States.
2. If it is not already selected, click Federal to select it.
3. Click Edit Setup. The
Federal Setup Options
dialog opens.
Chapter 2 - Configuring Planning 15
Select the tab of the year you want to change.
Change the parameters on the dialogs as needed.
6. Click OK to accept the changes and exit the dialog.
Note: To revert to default settings for federal, click Default Setup. A warning message
displays, allowing you to confirm or abort the change.
Setting Up State and City Defaults
You can edit an existing state or city, add a new state or city, set up different versions of the same
state or city to address differing tax circumstances, or revert to the systems state default settings.
Be sure to configure any states for which you plan to import data
to initiating the import process.
Editing a Pre-Defined State or User-Defined State or City Setting
1. Select Tools > Setup Fed and States.
2. Open the
User Defined States/Cities
folder and select the state or city you want to
3. Click Edit Setup to access the
dialog for the selected state.
Select the appropriate tabs and make entries as needed.
5. To setup future year exemptions, standard deductions, and tax rates, use the
list on the
General Information
tab to select a year, and then click Setup Information. To setup future
year Consumer Price Index % Adjustments, use the
list on the
General Information
tab to
select a year, and then click Setup Information.
6. After making entries, click OK to return to the state's
7. Click OK to accept the entries and exit the dialog.
Chapter 2 - Configuring Planning 16
Note: You can revert to the default settings for the selected state by clicking Default
Setup on the
General Information
tab. A warning message displays, allowing you to
confirm or abort the change in settings. Default Setup is available only for states that are
predefined; any added states do not have this option.
Setting Up California
1. Select Tools > Setup Fed and States.
2. Open States folder.
3. Select CA and click Edit Setup to access the
California Setup
4. Change the
Consumer Price Index % adjustment
for each year, if necessary.
Note: You can revert to the system default settings for California by clicking Default
Setup. A warning message displays, allowing you to confirm or abort the change.
5. Click OK to accept the changes and exit the dialog.
Setting Up New York
1. Select Tools > Setup Fed and States.
2. Open States folder.
3. Select NY and click Edit Setup to access the
New York Setup Options
4. Choose Setup New York State, Setup New York City, or Setup CPI and select OK.
Note: You can revert to system default settings for New York by clicking Default Setup. A
warning message displays, allowing you to confirm or abort the change.
On the dialog that displays, select the appropriate tabs and make changes as needed.
New York and New York City CPI % Adjustment Dialog
This dialog allows you to adjust the tax tables, standard deduction and exemption amounts for each
year using a consumer price index percentage.
These values are cumulatively applied to the amounts entered in the New York and New York City
setup tabs.
Adding a State or City
1. Select Tools > Setup Fed and States.
2. Click Add State to access the
Add State/City
Do one of the following:
To add a state, use the
list to select a state code. The states listed are states that
do not currently have income tax. The system completes the
box with the name
of the selected entity.
To add a user-defined state/city, enter a code and name of your choice.
Chapter 2 - Configuring Planning 17
Note: You can delete a user-defined state or city by selecting the code on the
Federal/State Setup
dialog and clicking Delete State.
4. Click OK to display the
dialog for the selected state.
Select the appropriate tabs and year input screens and make entries as needed.
6. After making entries, click OK to return to the state's
7. Click OK to accept the entries and exit the dialog.
Planning Defaults
(Tools > Planning Defaults)
All planning defaults are established on a workstation level. There are two tabs available to set
defaults for all tax plans:
Print Defaults
Print Defaults
Print Default
settings are used for the Plan Summary, Plan Report, and Print This Worksheet. These
settings can be overridden when reports are printed for each plan.
To set print defaults, do the following:
1. Select Tools > Planning Defaults. The
Configure Planning Defaults
dialog displays the
2. Select one of the following
Format options
Print the reports with a page border. Prints reports with a border. This option is not
selected by default.
Print the reports with line references. Prints reference lines for Federal Form 1040
and Schedule A, for California Form 540 and Schedule CA, and for New York
FormIT201. This option is not selected by default.
3. Select one of the following
Footer options
Customized text. Enter up to 36 characters of text for the footer.
Include date and time stamp. Choose one of the format options:
Date only
, or
Date and time
to be printed in the footer.
4. In
Letter options
, choose to use
Custom letterhead
or enter the information that you want to
appear in the first four lines of the correspondence letter.
Custom letterhead should be saved as letterhead.pdf in the accuplnr\reports directory.
Custom letterhead will not display in print preview.
5. Click OK to save the settings and exit the dialog, click Cancel to exit the dialog without saving
the settings, or click the Configuration tab at the top to set the Configuration options.
Chapter 2 - Configuring Planning 18
Configuration Options
Default options are used for all tax plans created after the defaults are set up. Use File > Plan
Properties to override these defaults on a plan-by-plan basis.
Set up and configure any states you want to use before setting the default configuration options.
To set configuration options, do the following:
1. Select Tools > Planning Defaults. Click the Configuration tab on the
Configure Planning
Set the default Tax plan configuration.
No. of cases. The system default is 1. The maximum number allowed is 30. To change
the number of cases, click Add Case or Remove Case.
Start year. The system default is the current year.
The number of years available is based on the start year selected. For example, if the
current year is chosen as the start year, then nine years are available, which includes the
current year plus eight future years. If the prior year is chosen as the start year, then ten
years are available, which includes the prior year, the current year, and eight future
If the current year is chosen as the start year, then nine years are available, which
includes the current year plus eight future years. If the prior year is chosen as the start
year, then ten years are available, which includes the prior year, the current year, and
eight future years.
No. of years. The system default is 3. Use the drop-down list to select 1 through 10.
The number of years available is based on the start year selected. However, if the
number of years chosen is greater than the number allowed by the start year entered, the
system changes the start year to the appropriate year.
The system does not increase the number of years if the start year is changed to an
earlier year.
3. Select a case folder. Enter a caption and case description for the case in the
Case information
section. The caption text displays as the case title on the grids.
To assign the same state to each year, select the first year and use the State/City list to select a
default state code. You will receive a message to assign the selected state to all subsequent
years in that case.
5. If you want to assign different states to each year, select
on the message and select a
different state.
6. Enter a caption in the
Case year information
section. The caption text is used as the title of the
year column on grids and reports.
If you want the default number of cases to be more than the system default of one, click as
many times as needed. New cases are added consecutively to the bottom of the list. To remove
a case, select it and click Remove Case.
Chapter 2 - Configuring Planning 19
8. Click OK to save the settings and exit the dialog, click Cancel to exit the dialog without saving
the settings, or click the Print Defaults tab at the top to set
Print Defaults
options. See
on page 18 for information.
Setting Preferences
(Tools > Preferences)
By default, CCH ProSystem
Planning plan files (.pln) are stored in the x:\Accuplnr\Plans directory,
where x is the drive containing the plan files. You can change the default directory by doing the
1. Select Tools > Preferences to display the
2. In the
User Data Path
box, enter the drive and directory where you want to store the plan files
such as N:\ACCUPLNR\Plans\, or click Browse to access a dialog from which to select a drive
and directory.
Note: If you enter a directory that does not exist, CCH ProSystem
Planning prompts to
create the directory for you.
3. Click OK to save the setting and exit the dialog or click Cancel to exit the dialog without saving
the setting.
Printer Setup
(File > Printer Setup)
CCH ProSystem
Planning uses the standard Windows
printer setup. If you have questions about
setting up a printer, see the Windows
Navigation Bar
(View > Navigation Bar)
This option allows you to have the list of input grids or worksheets displayed while entering data. The
navigation bar can float or be docked vertically on the left or right side of the window.
To turn the navigation bar on, select View and click Navigation Bar. A check mark displays next to
the option.
To display the list of input grids, select Grids from the menu bar, or select the Grid icon on the
To display the worksheet list, select Worksheets from the menu bar, or select the Worksheets icon
from the toolbar.
Only one list can be displayed at a time.
Chapter 2 - Configuring Planning 20
Chapter 3 - T ax P lanF i l e Operati ons
You can create a new plan using File > New or by using File > Import. New plans are configured using
the default case settings from Tools > Planning Defaults > Configuration and can be changed as
needed. See
Chapter 2 - Configuring Planning
on page 15 for information on configuring a default
tax plan and setting federal and state default parameters.
For information on starting a plan by importing data from CCH ProSystem
Tax or CCHGlobal
Tax, see
Importing Tax Data
on page 28.
Creating a New Plan
(File > New)
Use this procedure to begin a new plan for a client. To save time, you can set tax plan default settings
such as federal and state parameters and tax plan configurations before creating new plans. See
Chapter 2 - Configuring Planning
on page 15 for detailed information.
To create a new plan, do the following:
1. Click New or Ctrl + N to display the
Tax Plan Properties
Enter plan information as needed. All fields are optional.
Plan name. Enter a name to be used to identify the plan, usually the taxpayer’s name.
This name prints on the plan summary, plan report, and data listing.
Plan description. Enter text describing the tax facts and circumstances of the plan. The
plan description does not print on reports.
Prepared by. Enter the preparer’s name or initials. This prints on the first page of the
printed output.
Client ID. If you are creating a plan for a CCH ProSystem
Tax client, click Select Tax
Client to display the
Select CCH ProSystemfx Tax Client
dialog. If not, go to the
Taxpayer/Spouse SSN
field description below.
Chapter 3 - Tax Plan File Operations 21
Once you click the Select Tax Client button, choose an import location.
If prompted, enter your CCH ProSystem
user ID and password and click OK.
If you are importing from CCH Global
Tax, the dialog box also displays Tax
Year, Tax Product, and Office Account (only active for multi-office login).
You can enter a specific client ID or name and click OK, or you can enter a partial ID or name, or
select an office group or preparer to display a list of clients matching the criteria. On the list that
displays, select the client and click OK.
In either case, taxpayer data such as name and address is completed on the
Tax Plan
dialog with data from the selected return. Only client data, not tax data, is imported
in this operation.
Taxpayer/Spouse SSN. Enter the taxpayer’s and spouse’s Social Security numbers if
they have not been provided through the
Select Tax Client
Taxpayer/Spouse name. Enter the taxpayer’s and spouse’s names if they have not
been provided through the
Select Tax Client
Street address. Enter the street address if it has not been provided with the
Select Tax
City, state, ZIP. Enter the city, state, and ZIP code if it has not been provided with the
Select Tax Client
Foreign country, province and postal code. Enter the foreign country, province and
postal code if it has not been provided with the
Select Tax Client
Primary and secondary email.. Enter the email addresses if they have not been
provided with the
Select Tax Client
3. Click the Configuration tab. The
Tax plan configuration
options reflect the system defaults or
the defaults set in Tools > Planning Defaults (see
Configuration Options
on page 19 for
details). Use the lists to change the options.
In the example, the Start year is indicated as 20Y1. Subsequent years, shown in the Case
Years, are indicated as 20Y2 and 20Y3.
Chapter 3 - Tax Plan File Operations 22
Start year. The system default is the current year.
The number of years available is based on the start year selected. For example, if the
current year is chosen as the start year, then nine years are available, which includes the
current year plus eight future years. If the prior year is chosen as the start year, then ten
years are available, which includes the prior year, the current year, and eight future
Note: Using Option 2 on the Return Processing Options for the CCH ProSystem
Planning export method, the starting year should be one year following the current
tax year. For details, see
Exporting Tax Data to Planning from CCHProSystem fx
Tax or CCH Axcess Tax
on page 30.
No. of years. The system default is 3. Use the drop-down list to select 1 through 10.
The number of years available is based on the start year selected. However, if the
number of years chosen is greater than the number allowed by the start year entered, the
system changes the start year to the appropriate year.
4. Select a case folder. Enter a caption and case description for the case in the
Case information
section. The caption text displays as the case title on the grids.
5. Click the first case year displayed for Case 1. The
box reflects any default
established in the Planning Defaults. Accept the default or use the list to select a different state
Chapter 3 - Tax Plan File Operations 23
or city code. You will receive a message to assign the selected state to all subsequent years in
that case.
6. Enter a caption in the
Case year information
section. The caption text is used as the title of the
year column on grids and reports. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for all years in the case.
Repeat steps 4 through 6 to customize additional cases.
Note: You can add a case by clicking Add Case. You can remove a case by selecting it
and clicking Remove Case.
8. Select the
tab, choose to use custom letterhead or enter the information that you want
to appear in the first four lines of the correspondence letter in the Heading 1 - 4 fields.
Custom letterhead should be saved as letterhead.pdf in the accuplnr\reports directory.
Custom letterhead will not display in print preview.
9. Click OK to exit the dialog and save the settings.
If you are not setting up a plan using CCH ProSystem
Planning client data, the plan’s
If you are setting up a plan using CCH ProSystem
Planning client data, a message displays
asking if you want to import tax data.
If you click No, the plan’s
Federal Summary
displays. You can import the tax data later
by selecting File > Import.
If you click Yes, the
Applicable Returns
dialog displays. Select the appropriate return
from the list and click OK. The import process begins. When the import is complete, the
Federal Summary
Note: The import process does not take place if the return has never been calculated and saved.
Opening an Existing Tax Plan
(File > Open)
Tip: The four most recently accessed files are available from the file menu.
To open an existing tax plan, do the following:
1. Click Open or Ctrl + O to display the
2. Accept the default path or use the
Look in
box to select a different path. The
Files of type
defaults to CCH ProSystem
Planning files (.pln).
3. Select one of the listed plans or enter a file name in the
File name
box. When a plan is selected,
the plan information displays in the lower portion of the dialog.
4. Click Open to accept a selected plan.
Chapter 3 - Tax Plan File Operations 24
If another plan is currently open, it is closed and you are given the opportunity to save any
changes that have been made. Once it is closed, the new plan opens.
If the system detects that the plan was created in a prior year release of CCH ProSystem
Planning, a message displays, giving you an opportunity to make changes to the years.
If you click Yes, the plan’s
Tax Plan Properties
dialog opens. Click the Configuration
tab to make changes to the years.
If you click No, the plan’s
Federal Summary
Note: If the plan being opened contains a year that is not supported in the current version of CCH
Planning, a message displays, informing you that data in the unsupported planning
years will be deleted. You can make changes to the years in the plan by clicking Change Plan
Configuration on the message dialog.
Securing a Tax Plan
(Tools > Security)
You can use a password to secure individual tax plans in CCH ProSystem
Planning. If you assign a
password to a tax plan, anyone attempting to open the plan must enter the password before being
allowed to access the plan.
If you import data secured in CCH ProSystem
Tax, you must enter the following information before
you can successfully complete the import:
A valid user ID for data secured by a user ID.
The correct password for return data protected by a password.
If you forget the password for a plan, contact CCH Planning Technical Support at
1-800-739-9998; option 3; option 5, for assistance.
To secure a tax plan in CCH ProSystem
Planning, do the following:
1. Select Tools > Security to display the
Secure Tax Plan
2. Select the Secure this tax plan box.
3. Enter any combination of up to 12 alphanumeric characters as a password in the
field. Spaces are invalid.
Note: The password is case-sensitive.
4. Reenter the password in the
5. Click OK to accept the password.
To remove security from a plan, select Tools > Security and clear the
Secure this tax plan
Chapter 3 - Tax Plan File Operations 25
Changing a Tax Plan’s Properties
(File > Plan Properties)
A tax plan’s properties are initially determined by default Planning Settings. You can use the following
procedure to add, remove, or re-sequence cases, or to change captions, start years, or the number of
included years.
To change a tax plan’s properties, do the following:
1. From within the tax plan, click Properties or Ctrl + R to display the
Tax Plan Properties
Click the appropriate tab to make changes.
3. Click OK when finished to save the settings. If the changes result in deleting case data, a
warning displays. Choose one of the following responses:
Click Yes to confirm your changes. All currently opened plan windows close, and the
Federal Summary
window opens, reflecting the changes.
Click No to return to the
Tax Plan Properties
dialog, then click Cancel to exit without
saving the settings.
Adding a Case to a Plan
A case added using the following procedure has no data in it. Use the Edit > Copy Case/Column
Copy Case/Column
on page 38) option to copy existing data in other cases/columns into the
new case.
To add a new case, do the following:
1. From within the tax plan, click Properties or Ctrl + R.
2. Click the Configuration tab.
3. Click Add Case. A new case is added to the bottom of the list as shown. You can reposition it
by dragging it to the desired sequence in the list.
4. Select the case folder. Enter a caption and case description for the case in the
Case information
section. The caption text displays as the case title on the grids.
5. Click the case years and enter state or city codes and captions as needed in the
Case year
information section. The caption text is used as the title of the year column on grids.
6. Click OK.
Removing a Case from a Plan
To remove a case, do the following:
1. From within the tax plan, click Properties or Ctrl + R.
2. Click the Configuration tab.
Select the case you want to remove.
4. Click Remove Case.
Chapter 3 - Tax Plan File Operations 26
5. Click OK. A confirmation message displays. Click Yes to confirm the deletion or click No to
return to the
Tax Plan Properties
dialog without removing the case.
Re-sequencing a Case
To re-sequence a case, do the following:
1. From within the tax plan, click Properties or Ctrl + R.
2. Click the Configuration tab.
Reposition cases in the list by dragging them to the desired sequence.
4. Click OK. The cases are correspondingly re-sequenced in the grids.
Saving a Tax Plan
(File > Save and File > Save As)
Save As
options operate in the standard Windows
manner. Use
to save a new
or existing tax plan without closing it. Use
Save As
when you want to create a new version of an
existing plan.
To save a new or existing tax plan during operations, do the following:
1. Select File > Save or click Save.
2. New tax plans prompt you with the
Save As
dialog. Accept the default path as set in
Tools>Preferences or enter a different path. Enter a file name with a .pln extension. Click
Save to save the plan. The plan remains open.
Existing plans are saved immediately.
To create a new version of an existing tax plan, do the following:
1. Select File > Save As.
Select a path and enter a file name. The extension must be .pln.
3. Click Save to save the file.
Closing a Tax Plan
(File > Close)
To close a tax plan file, do the following:
1. Select File > Close. If the file has had no changes made to it since the last save, the file closes.
If you have made changes to the plan since your last save, a dialog prompts you to save your
2. Click No to close the plan without saving changes. Click Yes to save and one of the following
Chapter 3 - Tax Plan File Operations 27
If the file has been saved previously, the plan closes.
If the file is new and has never been saved, the
Save As
dialog displays. Accept the
default user data path or select another path. Enter a file name. The extension must be
.pln. Click Save to save and close the file.
Importing Tax Data
(File > Import)
This feature allows you to import tax data from CCH ProSystem
Tax or CCHGlobal
Tax. Data
can be imported from a tax return into a new or existing tax plan.
Importing from a Tax Return to an Existing Plan
Note: Be sure to read
Exporting Tax Data to Planning from CCHProSystem fx Tax or CCH
Axcess Tax
on page 30 before importing files from a tax return.
To import tax data to an existing plan, do the following:
Open the plan to which you are importing tax data.
2. Select File > Import or click Import.
A message displays indicating that data in the columns of the starting tax year will be
overwritten. Click Yes to proceed with the import or click No to cancel.
4. Select the version of CCH ProSystem
Tax that you want to use for the import process:
Note: Select Internet if you want to import from CCHGlobal
If prompted, enter your user ID and password. The
Select CCH ProSystemfx Tax Client
dialog displays.
Do one of the following to select a return:
Select specific client. Choose either
Client ID
Client name
, enter the appropriate
information in the box provided, and click OK.
Select client by. Use the lists to select an
Office group
Tax preparer
to generate a
list of clients from which to choose and click OK.
Note: If you are importing from a CCHGlobal
Tax client, the
Select CCH ProSystemfx
Tax Client
dialog has additional menus for Tax Year, Tax Product (Individual is the only
choice), and Office Account (unavailable unless you have multi-office login). You can select
which tax year to select clients from (choose from current tax year or previous tax year).
6. On the
Applicable Clients
dialog, select the appropriate client and click OK.
7. On the
Applicable Returns
dialog, select the return and click OK to initiate the import.
Chapter 3 - Tax Plan File Operations 28
To ensure that the imported data is complete and accurate, the system checks to see if
the selected return has been calculated and saved. If the return has never been
calculated and saved, the import process is aborted. If the return has had data entered
after a calculation, you are asked if you want to continue the import process.
If the selected return is protected by a password, the system prompts you to enter the
8. After the import is complete, select File > Plan Properties to enter plan information and make
any changes to the tax plan configuration.
Importing from a Tax Return to a New Plan
Note: Be sure to read
Exporting Tax Data to Planning from CCHProSystem fx Tax or CCH
Axcess Tax
on the facing page before importing files from a tax return.
To import tax data to a new plan, do the following:
1. If a plan is not open or a plan is open but no CCH ProSystem
Client ID has been identified,
select File > Import or click Import.
2. Select the version of CCH ProSystem
Tax that you want to use for the import process. Select
Internet if you want to import from CCHGlobal
If prompted, enter your user ID and password. The
Select CCH ProSystemfx Tax Client
dialog displays.
Do one of the following to select a return:
Select specific client. Choose either
Client ID
Client name
, enter the appropriate
information in the box provided, and click OK.
Select client by. Use the lists to select an
Office group
Tax preparer
to generate a
list of clients from which to choose and click OK.
If you are importing from a CCHGlobal
Tax client, the
Select CCH ProSystemfx Tax Client
dialog has additional lists for Tax Year, Tax Product (Individual is the only choice), and Office
Account (unavailable unless you have multi-office login). You can select which tax year to select
clients from (choose from current tax year or previous tax year).
4. On the
Applicable Clients
dialog, select the appropriate client and click OK.
5. On the
Applicable Returns
dialog, select the return and click OK to initiate the import.
To ensure that the imported data is complete and accurate, the system checks to see if
the selected return has been calculated and saved. If the return has never been
calculated and saved, the import process is aborted. If the return has had data entered
after a calculation, you are asked if you want to continue the import process.
If the selected return is password protected, the system prompts you to enter the
Chapter 3 - Tax Plan File Operations 29
6. After the import is complete, select File > Plan Properties to enter the plan information and
make any changes to the tax plan configuration.
Exporting Tax Data to Planning from CCHProSystem
Tax or
CCH Axcess Tax
To create the export file, do the following:
1. Access the return in CCH ProSystem
Tax Preparation.
Select the Planning export option to use on Return Processing Options.
The following two options control the type of data exported to CCH ProSystem
Planning. The
selection is made in Return Processing Options, CCH ProSystem
Planning export method
1 - Plan begins with the current tax year. This is the default option. Use this option
when the tax return year is the same as the start year in CCH ProSystem
This export option is not available for CCHGlobal
Note: Carryovers include items such as capital losses, overpayments applied, net
operating losses (NOLs), estimate payments, passive losses, and state refunds.
2 - Plan begins with following tax year (recurring items and carryover amounts).
When using this option, the recurring items and carryover amounts from the return are
imported into the column year that would be after the tax return year. For example, when
an export is performed from the current year's tax return, the information will import into
the plan file for the following year (the future year in the case).
Examples of these types of items include:
Most government form line overrides
Self-employment income overrides
Non-aggregated real estate professional activities
Note: To decide which option serves your purposes best, consider the following.
Certain input cannot be exported with accuracy and may create inconsistent
calculation comparisons when the return data is exported to the current tax year
column of CCH ProSystem
Calculate the return.
Do one of the following:
Tax. Select File > Export > Planning Export. CCH ProSystem
Planning launches, creating a new tax plan file using the client's CCH ProSystem
ID as the name. The client's data displays in the summary grid.
CCH Axcess Tax. Select Planning in the Export group on the Import/Export tab.
Chapter 3 - Tax Plan File Operations 30
The system checks the return and does one of the following:
If the return has never been calculated and saved, the export process is canceled.
If the return has been calculated but data has changed since the last calculation, a
message displays asking if you want to continue the export process. Respond Yes or
If the return has had no data changes since the last calculation, CCH ProSystem
Planning opens and the data is exported.
The export process begins immediately.
Note: You are prompted for a password when exporting data from a password protected return.
Managing Tax Plans
(Tools > File Management)
File management allows you to back-up data files and check files in or out from a network installation
of Planning.
Setting Up File Management Default Settings
Default settings must be set up before you can access any of the file management options. To set up
file management default settings, do the following:
1. Select Tools > File Management > Setup. The
File Management Setup
dialog displays.
2. Edit the contents of the
User ID
field if needed.
Note: If this field is blank, it is recommended that you enter an ID. This information is used
for tracking purposes in the file history maintained for tax plan files.
3. In the
File Backup and Restore Paths
section, enter a directory path for backup data in the
Backup to
field or click Browse.
4. Edit the contents of the
Restore to
field or click Browse. The default is the Planning data
5. In the
File Check-in and Check-out Paths
section, edit the contents of the
Check-in to
field or
click Browse. The default is the Planning data directory.
6. Enter a directory path in the
Check-out to
field or click Browse.
7. Click OK.
Backing Up Client Data Files
When backing up large files it is recommended you use a large capacity storage device such as a hard
drive, ZIP drive, CD-RW disk, or USBdrive. The backup utility cannot save data for one file over
multiple removable storage mediums.
Chapter 3 - Tax Plan File Operations 31
To back up client data files, do the following:
1. Select Tools > File Management > Backup. The
File Management - Backup
dialog displays.
2. In the
section, the
Current path
field shows the default tax plan file directory. Edit this
information or click Browse, if necessary.
3. Select a file from the
Files to backup
Click individual files to select them.
Hold the Shift key to select consecutive files.
Hold the Ctrl key to select non-consecutive files.
Click New/modified files to select all new or recently modified files.
Click Select all to select all listed files.
4. Select the Delete source after backup box if you want to delete selected files from the source
directory during the backup process.
5. In the
section, the
Current path
field shows the default backup directory. Edit this
information or click Browse, if necessary.
6. If you are backing up to a removable media device, select the Removable media box. The
Removable Media Label
dialog will display. Enter backup detail and click OK.
Note: This allows you to enter descriptive detail, such as the type of storage device or a
disk label, during the backup process.
7. Click Backup.
Chapter 3 - Tax Plan File Operations 32
8. Click Close.
Note: When a file is deleted during the backup process, a
History Link
file is created. This
file contains descriptive detail such as the following:
Date of last modifications
User who backed up the file
Date and location of backup
To view the
History Link
file detail, select Tools > File Management > Backup, select the
file, and click Show history. The
File History
dialog displays the file path, the type of Planning
file, any warnings, and when and by whom the file was last modified.
Restoring Backed Up Data Files
To restore backup files, do the following:
1. Select Tools > File Management > Restore. The
File Management - Restore
2. In the
section, the
Current path
field shows the default backup directory. Edit this
information or click Browse, if necessary.
3. Select a file from the
Files to restore
Hold the Shift key to select consecutive files.
Hold the Ctrl key to select non-consecutive files.
Click Select all to select all listed files.
Note: Click Show history to view a selected file’s backup details.
4. In the
Restore destination
section, the
Current path
field shows the default tax plan directory.
Edit this information or click Browse, if necessary.
5. Click Restore.
6. Click Close to exit the dialog.
Checking Client Files In/Out (Network Installation)
Use Planning’s Check in/out utility to copy data files to any location or storage device, such as a Hard
Drive, ZIP disk, CD-RW disk, or USB drive. This feature is useful if you need to edit files at a different
office location.
When a file is checked out, Planning creates an archive file (.pla) in the application’s data directory.
This file can be opened in Read Only mode. You can save an archived file under a different name
File > Save As
and then edit the content of the newly created file.
After the checked-out file has been checked in, it replaces the archive file and other users again have
access to it.
Chapter 3 - Tax Plan File Operations 33
Checking Out Files to a Local Folder
To check out files to a local folder, do the following:
1. Select Tools > File Management > Check-out. The
File Management - Check-out
2. In the
section, the
Current path
field shows the default tax plan directory. Edit this
information or click Browse, if necessary.
3. To view a file’s check-in/out details, select it from the list and click Show history. Click Close
to return to the
File Management - Check-out
Select files for check-out by doing any of the following:
Hold the Shift key to select consecutive files.
Hold the Ctrl key to select non-consecutive files.
Click Select all to select all listed files.
5. In the
Destination work folder
section, the
Current path
field shows the default check-out
directory. Edit this information or click Browse, if necessary.
6. Click Check-out. The file is now checked out. An archive file (.pla) is created in the Planning
data directory. The archive file is Read Only and cannot be edited.
7. Click Close.
Checking In Files from a Local Folder
To check in a file to a network installation of Planning, do the following:
1. Select Tools > File Management > Check-in. The
File Management - Check-in
2. In the
section, the
Current path
field shows the default check-out directory. Edit this
information or click Browse, if necessary.
3. To view a file's check-in/out details, select it from the list and click Show History. Click Close
to return to the
File Management - Check-in
Select files for check-in by doing any of the following:
Hold the Shift key to select consecutive files.
Hold the Ctrl key to select non-consecutive files.
Click Select all to select all listed files.
Note: To abandon a checked-out file, see
Abandoning a Checked-out File
on page 36.
5. In the
Destination folder
section, the
Current path
field shows the default check-in directory.
Edit this information or click Browse, if necessary.
6. Click Check-in. The file is now checked in. The updated file is copied back to the Planning data
directory, replacing the archive file.
7. Click Close.
Chapter 3 - Tax Plan File Operations 34
Checking In/Out Files Remotely
The following procedures are for users working with a remote installation of Planning, such as a laptop
user with a standalone install. This feature allows remote users to check out data from a network
installation to their local installation. Once their work is completed they can check in the updated files
to the network installation.
When a file is checked out from the network, it is replaced by an archive file (.pla) that contains the
client’s data. It can be opened in Read Only mode.
Checking Out Files from a Network
Note: Use these instructions only when checking files out from a network to your local installation
of Planning.
To remotely check out files from a network installation of Planning, do the following:
1. Select Tools > File Management > Check-out. The
File Management - Check-out
2. In the
section, click the Browse button for the
Current path
field and locate the data
directory of the Planning network install.
Note: The default directory for Planning client data is Plans (for example,
3. To view a file’s check-in/out details, select it from the list and click Show history. Click Close
to return to the
File Management - Check-out
Select files for check-out by doing any of the following:
Hold the Shift key to select consecutive files.
Hold the Ctrl key to select non-consecutive files.
Click Select all to select all listed files.
5. Verify that the directory path of the
Destination work folder
section is targeted to your local tax
plan folder. Click Browse, if necessary.
6. Click Check-out and then click Close. You can now edit the file locally.
Checking In Files to a Network
Note: Use these instructions only when checking files in to a network from your local installation
of Planning.
To remotely check in files to a network installation of Planning, do the following:
1. Select Tools > File Management > Check-in. The
File Management - Check-in
Chapter 3 - Tax Plan File Operations 35
2. Verify that the directory path of the
section is targeted to your local tax plan folder. Click
Browse, if necessary.
Note: The default directory for Planning client data is Plans (for example,
3. To view a file's check-in/out details, select it from the list and click Show History. Click Close
to return to the
File Management - Check-in
Select files for check-in by doing any of the following:
Hold the Shift key to select consecutive files.
Hold the Ctrl key to select non-consecutive files.
Click Select all to select all listed files.
5. Verify that the directory path of the
Destination folder
section is targeted to the data directory of
the Planning network install. Click Browse, if necessary.
6. Click Check-in. The local work file is copied to the Planning tax plan directory on the network,
replacing the archive file.
7. Click Close.
Abandoning a Checked-out File
Use the following procedure to delete a checked-out file without retaining any edits to it. The
associated archive file, located in the Planning tax plan directory, is converted into a work file.
To abandon a checked-out file, do the following:
1. Select Tools > File Management > Check-in. The
File Management - Check-in
2. In the
section, the
Current path
field shows the default check-out directory. Edit this
information or click Browse, if necessary.
3. To view a file's check-in/out details, select it from the list and click Show History. Click Close
to return to the
File Management - Check-in
Select files to abandon by doing any of the following:
Hold the Shift key to select consecutive files.
Hold the Ctrl key to select non-consecutive files.
Click Select all to select all listed files.
5. Select the
Abandon check-out
box and click Check-in.
6. A confirmation dialog displays. Click Yes.
7. Click Close.
Chapter 3 - Tax Plan File Operations 36
Chapter 4 - Data Entry & Edi t Functi ons
While entering data into a plan, you might find it necessary to add, change, or move some
information. CCH ProSystem
Planning uses standard Windows
editing functions for entering and
manipulating data. Some additional tools have been provided for your convenience.
Edit Menu Tools
The edit features are designed with flexibility and efficiency in mind.
Move or Copy Cells
CCH ProSystem
Planning uses standard Windows
edit commands to cut, copy, paste, and undo
changes to individual cells.
To move or copy a cell, do the following:
Select the cell you want to move.
2. To move the selection, select Edit > Cut, click Cut, or Ctrl + X.
3. To copy the selection, select Edit > Copy, click Copy, or Ctrl + C.
Select the cell into which you want to place the cut or copied data.
5. Select Edit > Paste, click Paste, or Ctrl + V. Any existing data is replaced.
Clear Cells
(Edit > Clear)
To clear elements from a grid cell, do the following:
Select the cell from which you want elements deleted.
2. Select Edit > Clear.
Select one of the following options:
All. All values, overrides, lists, and notes associated with the cell are removed.
Contents. All values, overrides, and lists associated with the cell are deleted.
Note: Only clears field note. Does not clear any plan notes.
Chapter 4 - Data Entry & Edit Functions 37
Copy Case/Column
(Edit > Copy Case/Column)
To facilitate data entry and eliminate redundant data entry, this option can be used to copy data from
one column to another column or from one case to another case. The source data is defined by the
current focus when the command is selected. Any calculated data on the detail grid is automatically
If the copying is done from a detail grid, only the data on that grid is copied. The data includes all
entered input including lists and notes if selected in the dialog.
If the copying is done from the
Federal Summary
grid, all detail data from supporting detail grids is
copied including lists and notes if selected in the dialog.
To copy a case or column, do the following:
Select any cell within the case you want to copy.
2. Click the Copy Case/Column button or right-click and choose Copy Case/Column from the
menu to display the
Copy Case/Column
Choose the Current case button and select the
Copy options
you want included in
the copy operation, or
Choose the Current column button and select the
Copy options
(Lists and Notes
boxes) you want to include in the copy operation.
3. Select the target case from the
Copy to
4. Click OK to begin the copy process.
Detail Lists
(Edit > Detail List)
Detail lists are available for grid cells and provide a columnar format for recording detail items’
descriptions and amounts. The total of the amount column in a detail list automatically transfers to
the originating cell. Lists can be printed from the Print > Print Input Grid option or from the active grid
or active worksheet. Cells that have detail lists attached are indicated by a green marker in the upper
left portion of the cell.
To create a new detail list or edit an existing detail list, do the following:
1. Select the cell to which the list applies. Click List or Ctrl + L to display the
Detail List
2. Change the
List caption
if needed.
3. Enter or change items in the
(up to 16 characters) and
fields as needed.
Press Enter after every entry to accept the data and update the list total shown at the bottom of
the dialog.
4. Click OK to accept the list and have the Total transferred to the originating field or Cancel to
exit without accepting the list.
Chapter 4 - Data Entry & Edit Functions 38
To delete a detail list, do the following:
1. Select the cell containing the list you want to delete and click List or Ctrl + L.
2. Click Delete List.
(Edit > Field Notes and Edit > Plan Notes)
Field notes apply to a particular cell and are indicated by a blue marker in the lower left portion of the
cell. Plan notes apply to the tax plan in general. Notes can be printed using the
Print > Input Grids
option or from the active grid/active worksheet.
To create a new note or edit an existing note, do the following:
1. To create or edit a field note, select the cell to which the note applies and click Field Note or
Ctrl + F to display the
Field Note
To create or edit a plan note, select anywhere in the plan to which the note applies and click
Plan Note to display the
Plan Note
Enter a caption in the space provided, if appropriate.
Enter the note text in the space provided.
4. Click OK to accept the note or click Cancel to exit without saving the note.
To delete a note, do the following:
Access the note you want to delete by doing one of the following:
With the focus on a field to which the note applies, click Field Note or Ctrl+F.
Select any cell in the plan to which the note applies, click Plan Note.
2. Click Delete Note.
Multiple Occurrence Grids Tools
The Add, Insert, and Delete Item commands are available on the
menu when a multiple
occurrence grid (for example, Wage Information) is open. These functions add, insert, or delete rows
that contain data, such as the names of employers or the names of dependents.
Add Item
(Edit > Add Item)
To add an item, do the following:
1. With the cursor in the list to which you want to add an item, click Add Item or right-click and
select Add Item. If you are at the bottom of a list, press the Enter key to add a new item.
The new item is added to the bottom of the existing list and is assigned the next sequential
Enter the data for the new item in the empty detail grid in the bottom pane of the screen.
Chapter 4 - Data Entry & Edit Functions 39
Insert Item
(Edit > Insert Item)
Insert Item works in the same manner as Add Item, except the inserted item is placed above the
currently selected field.
To insert an item, do the following:
1. With the cursor immediately below where you want to insert the item, click Insert Item or right-
click and select Insert Item. The list is automatically renumbered.
Enter the data for the new item in the empty detail grid in the bottom pane of the screen.
Delete Item
(Edit > Delete Item)
To delete an item, do the following:
1. Select the item you want to delete and click Delete Item or right-click and select Delete Item.
A confirmation message displays.
2. Click OK. The item is deleted and the remaining items are automatically renumbered.
Expand to Detail
(View > Expand to Detail)
A square in the expand column indicates that you can expand to a detail grid.
This square has an arrow in it if data exists in the detail grid for that row.
To expand to detail, do any of the following:
Click Expand or Ctrl + E on the selected cell.
Click the square icon in the expand column.
Right-click and select Expand to Detail Input from the menu.
Click Input Grids or select Grids to access the
Select Input Grid
dialog from which you can
click the grid you want to open.
The icons to the left of the grid name indicate if a grid contains information.
Grid contains data.
Grid does not contain data.
Chapter 4 - Data Entry & Edit Functions 40
To override a cell amount derived from data entered on a detail grid, click the amount in the summary
grid’s cell and enter the new number. Override amounts display in magenta.
Note:Override amounts do not always calculate correctly.
If you clear an override, the amount defaults to the original amount. Detail grids associated with the
overridden cell are not deleted when you override an amount.
To remove overrides, do one of the following:
Select Tools > Remove All Overrides.
Select the cell and press Delete.
Select the cell and select Edit > Clear > Contents.
(Tools > AutoFlow)
The AutoFlow feature copies information entered in a current column to consecutive years within the
same case. For example, if a case has four columns, starting with the first year in the case, an
amount entered is automatically repeated for the next three years.
If AutoFlow is enabled when an import or copy column is initiated, the data is also imported or copied
across all columns. The application retains amounts for subsequent years that are manually entered
when the AutoFlow feature is disabled.
To turn AutoFlow on and off, do one of the following:
Click AutoFlow.
Press Ctrl + A.
Select Tools > AutoFlow. A check mark indicates the option is enabled. The absence of a
check mark indicates the option is disabled.
(Tools > Calculator)
CCH ProSystem
Planning provides a calculator for standard mathematical functions. The
calculated totals can be transferred automatically to input fields in the Detail grid.
Chapter 4 - Data Entry & Edit Functions 41
To use the calculator, do the following:
1. Select Tools > Calculator.
Enter your calculation, using the keyboard or mouse.
Click the input field to which you want to apply the results.
4. Click Apply and the results populate the input field.
Chapter 4 - Data Entry & Edit Functions 42
Chapter 5 - P ri nt & V iew F uncti ons
CCH ProSystem
Planning provides a variety of ways to arrange tax plan data for viewing and
printing. You can do the following:
Hide and show columns.
Show variance columns expressed in dollars or percentages for the
Federal Summary
View detail information for most fields with one click.
Edit report sets to create customized reports for each client plan.
Choose whether to print the lists and notes associated with the tax plan.
Viewing Columns
This feature includes the ability to hide and show columns and to view variance columns.
Hiding and Showing Columns
To hide a column, do the following:
Place the cursor in the column you want to hide.
2. Select View > Hide Column. Columns are only hidden in the active grid, not on any associated
detail grids.
To show hidden columns, select View > Show All Columns.
Variance Columns
(View > Show Variance Columns)
Use this feature to compare the values in any two columns on the Federal Summary grid. The
resulting grid displays the two comparison columns along with the variance columns showing dollar
and/or percentage differences. You can display more than one variance grid at a time.
If you make changes to the data in the detail and variance grids, the changes are made dynamically to
Federal Summary
Chapter 5 - Print & View Functions 43
To set up variance columns, do the following:
1. Select View > Show Variance Columns to display the
View Variances
dialog. This dialog
lists all the columns (years) in the active plan.
2. Select one or both of the
Variance columns
Dollar. Calculated by subtracting column one from column two.
Percentage. Calculated by dividing the dollar variance by the column one amount.
3. Drag the two columns you want to compare from the list box to the comparison
Column 1
Column 2
positions at the bottom of the dialog.
4. Click OK to open a new window containing the variance grid with the comparison and variance
columns requested. Click Cancel to exit without viewing the comparison.
Print Functions
(File > Print)
The reports available are as follows:
Plan Summary. Prints a summarized version of the plan in a format similar to the Federal and
State summary grids.
Worksheets. Prints a more detailed report of the Federal and State summary grids. Offers an
option to print custom worksheet selections.
Graphs. Prints the data points identified in the type of graph selected.
Letter. Prints the correspondence letter in the print output.
Input Grids. Prints the grid currently being viewed, a selection of grids in a plan, or all grids in
grid format.
Estimates. Prints Federal 1040-ES, state estimate forms for California and New York.
Active Grid/Worksheet. Prints the currently active grid or worksheet.
These reports can be configured in the print set. This includes, where applicable, whether to print
associated lists and notes and which case columns should print. With the exception of the Estimates
report, a report can display up to five case columns. You can also override the Print defaults for page
border, line references, and footer text that have been set in Tools > Planning Defaults > Print
Chapter 5 - Print & View Functions 44
In the example, in
Case-year selections preview
, the Start year is indicated as 20Y1. The
subsequent year is indicated as 20Y2.
Creating/Editing a Print Set
A default set is present upon opening a plan.
The default set will print the plan summary, all worksheets that contain data, and the
correspondence letter. The first two years of the first case will be printed as well as the dollar
and percent variance analysis. The page border and footer options present in the default plan
settings will also be applied.
If alternative print settings are desired, you can edit the default set or create a new set. The
default set can not be renamed, but new sets can be named whatever you choose.
New sets will start with the same settings as the default set.
To create a new print set or edit a print set, do the following:
1. Select File > Print. The
Print Selected Items
dialog is displayed.
2. Select either Edit or New. If editing a print set, the set you want to edit needs to be in the set
Make the appropriate selections on the following tabs on the
Edit Print Content Set
Create Print
Content Set
Chapter 5 - Print & View Functions 45
In the example, the Start year is indicated as 20Y1. Subsequent years, shown in the Case Years, are
indicated as 20Y2 to 20Y9.
Case-Year Tab
The name of the set you are editing will be displayed. If creating a new set, the set name will
default to "Custom Selections #x". You may change it to anything meaningful to you.
Note: The "Default selections" set name cannot be changed.
2. Move the Case-years to print to the
Case-year selections
Select the Percent and/or Dollar variance options to include in the reports.
If you choose to have one type of variance column, you can print to three case-year selections. If
you choose to have both types of variance columns, you are limited to two case-year selections.
The option to include line references, located on the Worksheets tab, will also reduce the
number of case-year selections that can be made. Both variance selections and the line
references selections cannot be made in the same set.
Chapter 5 - Print & View Functions 46
Worksheets Tab
1. Check
Include plan summary
to include the plan summary in the printed output.
2. Choose
All with data
Custom selections
, or
to indicate the worksheets to include in the
printed output.
Note: Selected Worksheets will not print if
is selected.
3. Check
Print page border
to print a border around the report.
4. Check
Print line references
to print the tax form line references on each line for the following
Individual Tax, Page 1 & 2
California Tax, Pg. 1 & 2
New York State, Page 1 & 2
Itemized deductions worksheet, if applicable.
Check the Footer option to print a footer on every worksheet.
Enter the
Custom footer text
to include in the footer.
Select the date and time stamp option to include in the footer.
Graphs Tab
1. Select
Include selected graph(s)
to include the graphs in the printed output.
2. Choose the
to print.
3. Review the
type and
Y Axis
data selections.
Letter Tab
1. Select
Include correspondence letter
to include the correspondence letter in the printed output.
2. Choose the
First projection year
to identify the values to be referenced in the letter.
3. Enter desired
Note:The default greeting is 'Dear Taxpayer First Taxpayer Last and Spouse first Spouse
last'. If an alternate greeting is desired, click
Use custom greeting
and enter the desired
Select the paragraphs to include in the correspondence letter.
5. Check
% Change from base year
$Change from base year
to include those values in
the letter text.
6. Select the
Base year
to use as the baseline when calculating the % and $variances.
Note: Custom Letterhead will not display in print preview.
Chapter 5 - Print & View Functions 47
Input Grids Tab
1. Choose
All with data
Custom selections
, or
to indicate the Input Grids to include in the
printed output.
Note: Selected Input Grids will not print if
is selected.
2. Check the
Print detail lists
box to print lists associated with selected grids.
3. Check the
Print notes
box to print field and plan notes associated with selected grids.
Note: Detail Lists and Notes will not display in print preview.
Estimates Tab
1. Select the
Federal estimate
box to include the current year 1040ES in the output.
2. Select the
California estimate
box to include the current year 540ES in the output.
3. Select the
New York estimate
box to include the current year IT-2105 in the output.
Note: If a current estimate year is not present in the case-year selection on the case-year tab, the
options will not be available.
Printing a Plan Summary
(File > Print)
1. Click Print or Ctrl + P.
2. Select Last print run or Use existing set in the
Select print content
3. Verify that Summary is selected in the
Quick print
4. Review the
Case-year selections preview
5. If necessary, select Edit or New to modify the report content.
Select Preview, Print, To File, or To Engagement (if available).
Printing a Worksheet
(File > Print)
1. Click Print or Ctrl + P.
2. Select Last print run or Use existing set in the
Select print content
3. Verify that Worksheets is selected in the
Quick print
4. Review the
Case-year selections preview
5. If necessary, select Edit or New to modify the report content. Select the
tab to
update the page options or footer options.
Select Preview, Print, To File, or To Engagement (if available).
Chapter 5 - Print & View Functions 48
Printing a Graph
(File > Print)
1. Select File > Print .
2. Select Last print run or Use existing set in the
Select print content
3. Verify that Graphs is selected in the
Quick print
4. If necessary, select Edit or New to modify the report content. Select the
tab to update
the graph(s) to include.
Select Preview, Print, To File, or To Engagement (if available).
Printing a Letter
(File > Print)
1. Select File > Print.
2. Select Last print run or Use existing set in the
Select print content
3. Verify that Letter is selected in the
Quick print
4. If necessary, select Edit or New to modify the report content. Select the
tab to update
the greeting and closing as well as the data you would like to include in the letter.
Select Preview, Print, To File, RTF, or To Engagement (if available).
Note: Custom Letterhead will not display in print preview.
Printing Input Grids
(File > Print)
1. Click Print or Ctrl + P.
2. Select Last print run or Use existing set in the
Select print content
3. Verify that Input Grids is selected in the
Quick print
4. Review the
Case-year selections preview
5. If necessary, select Edit or New to modify the report content. To change your selections for lists
and notes, select the
Input Grids
tab and check in the appropriate boxes in the
Select Preview, Print, To File, or To Engagement (if available).
Note: Lists and Notes will not display in Print Preview.
Printing Estimates
(File > Print)
1. Click Print or Ctrl + P.
2. Select Last print run or Use existing set in the
Select print content
3. Verify that Estimates is selected in the
Quick print
Chapter 5 - Print & View Functions 49
4. Review the
Case-year selections preview
Note: A current calendar year must exist in the file.
5. If necessary, select Edit or New to modify the report content. Select the
tab to
configure which estimates you want to print.
Note: If the case selected is configured for California or New York, the state estimate box is
available to be checked.
Select Preview, Print, To File, or To Engagement (if available).
Printing an Active Grid/Worksheet
(File > Print)
To print the active grid/worksheet, do the following:
1. With a grid/worksheet open and active, click Print or Ctrl + P.
2. Select Last print run or Use existing set in the
Select print content
3. Select the Active grid/worksheet option in the
Quick print
4. If detail lists and/or notes are desired, select a set with lists and notes defined on the
tab. See
Printing Input Grids
on the previous page for the order in which lists and notes
print. Edit a set or create a new set, if needed.
5. Review the
Case-year selections preview
Select Preview, Print, To File, or To Engagement (if available).
Note: Lists and Notes will not display in Print Preview.
Printing to a PDF File
To print to a PDF file, do the following:
1. Select File > Print.
Select the desired print content.
3. Click To File.
4. Select PDF from the
File format
5. Click OK.
Chapter 5 - Print & View Functions 50
Printing to Engagement
Add PDFfiles created from CCH ProSystem
Planning reports to a workpaper tab in a CCH
Engagement or CCH ProSystem
Workpaper Manager binder.
To print reports to CCH ProSystem
Engagement or CCH ProSystem
Workpaper Manager, you
need to establish the following in Engagement:
You must have a valid Engagement user name and password.
You must be a team member assigned to the binder you want to store the file in.
You must be assigned the rights to create a new workpaper for the binder and the binder must
be closed.
You must have a licensed version of Engagement for this process.
To export report data to Engagement, do the following:
1. Select File > Printer Setup.
2. Select CCH ProSystem
Engagement PDFConverter or CCH ProSystem
Workpaper Manager PDFConverter.
3. In the
section, select a size from the
drop-down list.
4. Select Portrait or Landscape in the
5. Click OK.
6. Select File > Print, and then select print options.
7. Select To Engagement.
8. Enter your login information, if necessary, and click OK.
9. Enter a PDF file name and click OK.
10. Click Next on the
Insert Workpaper Wizard
11. Select the document to insert on the
Select Documents to Insert
dialog and click Next.
In the Local File Room, select the client folder and then the binder where the report PDF file is
to be placed.
13. Click Next.
Enter an index number and name. You may keep the default name, which reflects the product
name, or enter the PDFfile name.
15. Click Finish to display a summary dialog listing the binder, binder tab, and workpaper index
number and name.
16. Click Insert if the information is correct. Click Back to change any of your selections.
Chapter 5 - Print & View Functions 51
Appendix A
Appendi x A - S tandard Opt ions
Help Options
The Help system provided in CCH ProSystem
Planning includes:
Online system Help
Detail grid cell-level tax Help
Access to the Customer Support Web site
To access the online system Help, do the following:
1. Select Help > Help Topics or click Help.
2. Use the
, or
tabs to find the topics for which you need help.
To access row Help, do the following:
Click a field within a detail grid row.
2. Press F1, click Field Help, or right-click and select Field Help from the menu that displays.
CCH ProSystem
Planning support on the Web
The Customer Support Web site can be accessed by selecting Help >CCHProSystem fx
Planning support on the Web. The various areas accessible from the submenus are as follows:
Product Home Page
Browse our Knowledge Base
Contact Support
Start a Remote Support Session
My Account
Appendix A - Standard Options 52
Supported Browsers
Access to the Customer Support Web site requires one of the following browsers:
Internet Explorer
version 11.0 or higher
version 3.0 or higher
Chrome™ version 44.0 or higher
Opera version 9 or higher
(for Windows) version 3.0 or higher
Alternate Access
You can also access the Web site using the following address:
Take advantage of the tutorial to get up and running with the program. To access the Tutorial, select
Navigation Bar
The navigation bar can float or be docked to the left or the right.
To turn the navigation bar on or off, do the following:
1. Select View.
2. Click Navigation Bar. Select this option to enable the navigation bar or clear the check
mark to disable the navigation bar.
Status Bar
The status bar, located in the lower border of the interface window, indicates which operations are in
To turn the status bar on and off, do the following:
1. Select View.
2. Click Status bar. Select this option to enable the status bar or clear the check mark to disable
the status bar.
The toolbar’s default location is directly under the menu bar of the application window. It can be
turned on or off, resized, moved, or docked vertically to any of the four window edges.
Appendix A - Standard Options 53
To turn the toolbar on and off, do the following:
1. Select View.
2. Click Toolbar. Select this option to enable the toolbar or clear the check mark to disable the
Tooltips are provided for the toolbar buttons. To display the button name, place the cursor on the
To turn tooltips on and off, do the following:
1. Select View.
2. Click Tooltips. Select this option to activate tooltips or clear the check mark to deactivate
Window Views
To arrange windows, select Window and then one of the following options:
Cascade. Open windows display one on top of the other.
Tile. Arranges open windows according to the Windows
standard. That is, if two windows are
open, they appear one above the other.
Arrange Icons. Arranges minimized grid icons at the bottom of the screen.
To select an open window, select the Window menu and choose from the list of open windows
displayed at the bottom of the menu. The active window is indicated with a check mark. You can
also click anywhere on a window to make it the active window.
Appendix A - Standard Options 54