Quality System Regulation
Process Validation
FDA Small Business
Regulatory Education for Industry (REdI)
Silver Spring MD
September 30, 2015
Joseph Tartal
Branch Chief, Postmarket and Consumer Branch
Division of Industry and Consumer Education
Office of Communication and Education
Center for Devices and Radiological Health
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Learning Objectives
Understand Background and Definitions
Recognize when Validation is Required
Know PV Regulatory Requirements
Identify Installation, Operational and
Performance Qualifications
Be aware of Process Monitoring, Process
Changes and when to Revalidate
Review Compliance and WL Data
The Quality System Regulation
21 CFR 820.75
Preamble to QS Regulation
GHTF Guidance: Quality Management System
Medical Devices Process Validation Guidance;
SG3; 2004
Linkage to Other Sections of the
Quality System and Risk
Design Controls: Using Risk Analysis and
Identifying Essential Design Outputs
Purchasing Controls: Selecting Suppliers on
their ability to meet specified requirements
Personnel: Training, Qualifications and
being Aware of Defects
Production and Process Controls: Using
software and software automated processes
Quality System Regulation
Definitions 21 CFR 820.3 (aa)
Verification means confirmation by
examination and provision of objective
evidence that specified requirements have
been fulfilled.
Quality System Regulation
Definitions 21 CFR 820.3 (z)
Validation means confirmation by
examination and provision of objective
evidence that the particular requirements
for a specific intended use can be
consistently fulfilled.
Quality System Regulation
Definitions 21 CFR 820.3 (z)(1)
Process Validation means establishing
by objective evidence that a process
consistently produces a result or product
meeting its predetermined specifications.
Regulatory Requirements
Where the results of a process cannot
be fully verified by subsequent
inspection and test, the process shall be
validated with a high degree of
assurance and approved according to
established procedures.
21 CFR 820.75(a)
Validation Required or Not
Sterile Package Sealing Processes?
Manual cutting processes?
Filling processes?
2004 GHTF QMS PV Guidance, also see Figure 1: Process
validation decision tree and examples
When to Start? Earlier the Better
No specific requirement in design, but
requirement under 21 CFR 820.80 is that
process validation is completed prior to finished
device release. Items to consider…
I. When to initiate PV in the design process
II. Translation of design output criteria into
production parameters and specifications
III. Addressing design, process and purchasing
Where to Start?
Master Validation Plans
Not a specific 820 requirement, but is
recommended per GHTF Guidance.
The plan should
I. Define the product and process flow
II. Identify what needs to be validated
III. Consider protocols and specifications
IV. Be documented and approved
Regulatory Requirements
The validation activities and results,
including the date and signature of the
individual(s) approving the validation
and where appropriate the major
equipment validated, shall be
21 CFR 820.75 (a)
Personnel Performing Validation
Each manufacturer shall ensure that validated
processes are performed by qualified
individual(s) . 21 CFR 820.75(b)(1)
Personnel who perform verification & validation
activities shall be made aware of defects and
errors that may be encountered as part of their
job functions. 21 CFR 820.25(b)(2)
Regulatory Requirements
Equipment. Each manufacturer shall ensure
that all equipment used in the manufacturing
process meets specified requirements and is
appropriately designed, constructed, placed,
and installed to facilitate maintenance,
adjustment, cleaning and use.
21 CFR 820.70(g)
Installation Qualification (IQ)
Simply put in guidance, is everything
installed correctly. Things to consider…
Equipment design features
Installation and Environmental Conditions
Safety features
Supplier documents, Calibration,
preventative maintenance and spare parts.
qms-process-guidance-04010.pdf (Guidance - Definitions Pg. 5 & Section 5.3)
Operational Qualification
Challenge process parameters to assure the
process will result in product that meets
requirements. Things to consider…
Determine process control limits
Material specifications and handling
Process change control and training
Determine potential failure modes, action levels
and worst case scenario
Perform software V&V for intended use
qms-process-guidance-04010.pdf (Guidance - Definitions Pg. 5 & Section 5.4)
Determining Process Validation
Parameters, Criteria and Limits
GHTF Guidance Example: heat sealer
Design Output a sealed pouched as
measured by seal thickness and strength
PV Parameters, name three…
1. Temperature
2. Pressure
3. Time
Performance Qualification (PQ)
Demonstrate the process will consistently produce
acceptable product under normal operating
conditions. Things to consider…
Approved procedures and limits from OQ
Acceptable product
Simulate actual manufacturing conditions
Is the process repeatable and stable long term
qms-process-guidance-04010.pdf (Guidance - Definitions Pg. 5 & Section 5.5)
How Many Runs or Samples are
The requirement for testing from the first three
production lots or batches has been deleted...
Preamble comment #85
The challenges should be repeated enough
times to assure that the results are meaningful
and consistent.
GHTF Guidance Section 5.5 PQ
Process Characterization
By the end of IQ, OQ and PQ the following should be answered.
This will help you understand if your process is stable and capable.
Equipment Capability (IQ)
Challenge Conditions (OQ)
Nominal Operating
Limits (PQ)
Stable and Capable Process
Stable Process produces a consistent level of
performance, total variation is reduced and is more
Capable Process When consistent performance
is achieved the remaining variation must be made
to fit within the upper and lower specification limits.
GHTF Guidance Annex A Statistical Methods and
tools for process validation.
Regulatory Requirements
Each manufacturer shall establish and
maintain procedures for monitoring and
control of process parameters for
validated processes to ensure that the
specified requirements continue to be
21 CFR 820.75(b)
Process Validation Monitoring
Monitor and control process parameters for
validated processes so the specified
requirements continue to be met.
Robustness of Process
Statistical Process Control
Use of Action Limits and Control Charts
Process Monitoring Control
Upper Specification Limit
Action Limit (Control)
Action Limit (Control)
Lower Specification Limit
Production and Process
Establish and maintain procedures for changes
to a specification, method, process or
procedure. Such changes shall be verified or
where appropriate validated according to 21
CFR 820.75 before implementation…Changes
shall be approved in accordance with 21 CFR
21 CFR 820.70(b)
When changes or process deviations
occur, the manufacturer shall review
and evaluate the process and perform
revalidation where appropriate. These
activities shall be documented.
21 CFR 820.75(c)
Revalidation Continued
Examples of Reasons for Revalidation
Change(s) in the actual process
Negative trend(s) in quality indicators
Change in product design that affects process
Transfer of process to another facility
Change of the application of the process
GHTF Guidance Section 6.4
Use of Historical Data
Data used from device history records such
as batch records, control charts and testing
and inspection data can be used. While
terms such as “retrospective validation” are
used they generally do not provide adequate
information by themselves. Also any
validation type can use historical data.
CY2014 FDA Form 483 (483)
Observations Data
Source of data - FDA’s Turbo Establishment
Inspection Reporting (EIR) Database
Timeframe January 1 December 31, 2014
2213 Inspections performed, 1619 domestic
3,740 FDA Form 483 observations cited for
21 CFR 820 (Quality System regulation)
CY2014 483 Observations Data
QS Subsystem
# of
P&PC 1,197 32%
CAPA 1,148 31%
DES 515 14%
MGMT 497 13%
DOC 383 10%
CY2014 Top 5 P&PC 483 Observations
Observation (QS Regulation) # of Observations Percentage
21 CFR 820.75(a) 175 15%
21 CFR 820.50 143 12%
21 CFR 820.70(a) 95 8%
21 CFR 820.72(a) 74 6%
21 CFR 820.80(b) 56 5%
FDA Warning Letter (WL)
Source of data - FDA’s warning letters
and FDA’s Compliance Management
System (CMS)
Timeframe January 1 December 31,
121 warning letters with 21 CFR 820
(Quality System regulation*) deficiencies
CY2014 Top 5 P&PC Subsystem
Warning Letter Cites
WL Citations # of WL Cites
21 CFR 820.70 56
21 CFR 820.50 54
21 CFR 820.75 48
21 CFR 820.80 48
21 CFR 820.72 17
Manufacturers are legally obligated to meet the
requirements for process validation in 21 FR 820
The GHTF Guidance is a useful educational tool for
understanding how to perform process validation
Performing process validation ensure that the
process output is predictable and predetermined
The completion of appropriate process validation
can help reduce waste, reduce cost and reduce the
time it takes to get a medical device on to the
Providing Industry Education
Three Resources
1. CDRH Learn Multi-Media Industry Education
over 80 modules
videos, audio recordings, power point presentations, software-based “how to” modules
mobile-friendly: access CDRH Learn on your portable devices
2. Device Advice Text-Based Education
comprehensive regulatory information on premarket and postmarket topics
3. Division of Industry and Consumer Education (DICE)
Contact DICE if you have a question
Phone: 1(800) 638-2014 or (301) 796-7100 (Hours: 9 am-12:30 pm; 1 pm-4:30pm EST)
Web: http://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/DeviceRegulationandGuidance/ContactUs--
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