SICAM GridPass
Registration Authority
SICAM GridPass is not only a combined Registration Authority and Certificate
Authority but also a single Registration Authority which can be connected to an
external Certificate Authority. This paper describes the possibilities, the
technical background, and the configuration for this feature.
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SICAM GridPass Registration Authority 3
SICAM GridPass CMP configuration 6
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SICAM GridPass
In general, SICAM GridPass is an all-in-one Registration
Authority (RA) and Certificate Authority (CA). But now you
can use SICAM GridPass as a standalone Registration
Authority to connect to an external Certificate Authority,
like the workflow of requesting and receiving an identity
card in your residents' registration office and the issuing of
your identity card by an external authority (in Germany for
example the “Bundesdruckerei).
Topology of Registration Authority and Certificate Authority
In case a Certificate Authority (CA) is placed in your Control Center or office network
backend you can use it now. Or in case you want not do deal with CA private keys you
can use a CA service from external and can use the service now together with SICAM
GridPass acting as Registration Authority (RA). A single SICAM GridPass RA or multiple
SICAM GridPass RAs can be placed in your multiple substations and can receive
Certificate Signing Requests (CSR) from any devices or systems in the substation and
redirect it to the external CA. Or as an additional feature the SICAM GridPass RA
applies directly a manual created CSR to the external CA.
Use SICAM GridPass as a
Registration Authority and
connect it to an inhouse
Certificate Authority or
external Certificate Authority
service. Use a Certificate
Authority service to avoid the
protection and the backup of
the Certificate Authority
private key.
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Trust relationship
Device and SICAM GridPass RA have a mutual trust relationship based on the TLS
client- and server-certificates used for the EST connection. In case a new certificate on
device side is necessary, the device generates a private/public key pair first and build a
CSR which includes among other certificate things the public key and signs the CSR
with the generated private key. This CSR is sent now over the EST connection to the
SICAM GridPass RA. Only devices trusted by the SICAM GridPass RA can send a CSR to
the SICAM GridPass RA.
In any cases the received CSR from the devices will be checked first by the SICAM
GridPass RA comprising the proof-of-possession of the private key and the content of
the CSR. The CSR will be adjusted by the SICAM GridPass RA if needed. This, from
SICAM GridPass RA checked, adjusted and new from SICAM GridPass RA digital signed
CSR will be forwarded to the external CA over the CMP enrollment protocol. In case
the SICAM GridPass RA has a certificate based mutual trust relationship to the external
CMP server the external CMP server will now forward the CSR to the external CA and
the external CA will issue an external CA digital signed certificate with the CSR
information plus additional information (e.g., the validity) and send it back over CMP
to the SICAM GridPass RA.
Now the SICAM GridPass RA send the issued certificate back over the mutual
authenticated EST connection to the device which has requested the certificate or
offers a download over the Web-Browser to the authenticated SICAM GridPass RA
The CMP protocol can be used together with a TCP based connection based on http or
https or can be used offline. In general https with mutual authentication is used. In
case sending the CSR to the CMP server over https also here the certificate based
mutual trust is in place for the https connection between SICAM GridPass RA and the
CMP server.
The external CA which has issued the operational device certificates has to be trusted
in the whole system using and trust these device certificates.
It could be confusing because of so many trust relationships. Because CMP is defined
to work also without a defined transport mechanism the security levels of trust are
encapsulated. Certificates used for operation, used for CMP and used for the https
connection to the CMP server can be issued from different CAs, no limitation is
foreseen in the specifications for CMP. Therefore, for the enrollment different CAs can
be used but not necessarily.
CMP can handle many trust
relationships. Be careful with
the possibility of variances of
trust anchors. Decide before
implementation which
abstraction of trust
relationship you need
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Technical realization RA/CA connection
The certificate enrollment between devices and RA is implemented by using EST
published in [RFC7030] and used with the support of certificate based mutual
authentication in SICAM GridPass.
The connection between the RA and CA works over the CMP lightweight profile. CMP
is published in [RFC4210] and CRMF in [RFC4211], followed by a document specifying
a transfer mechanism for CMP messages using HTTP [RFC6712]. CMP lightweight is a
profiling to simplify the CMP variances.
SICAM GridPass supports one variance to send the CSR to the CMP server. The CSR
from RA to the CA for receiving an operational certificate is transmitted over a
certificate based mutual authenticated https connection to the CMP server. Offline or
http-based transmission is not supported. Additionally, this CSR is signed by a RA
client certificate which is trusted by the CA. To accept an CA issued operational
certificate on RA site the issuer of the CMP server certificate must be trusted also by
the RA. No other variance is supported.
For the devices this works completely transparent because of using the EST protocol is
used in the same way in case SICAM GridPass acts as an RA/CA in combination. Issuing
certificates from an external CA is implemented for the automated certificate
enrollment over EST and the manual certificate creation over the SICAM GridPass UI.
A revocation request over CMP protocol to the external CA is also supported.
1. The device has a manual imported or during manufacturing phase imprinted
certificate which is used for the mutual authenticated EST client connection
to the SICAM GridPass RA.
a. Additionally, the device has imported and trusted the CA certificate
which has issued the SICAM GridPass RA EST server certificate.
b. Additionally, the SICAM GridPass RA has imported and trusted the
CA certificate which has issued the device EST client certificate.
2. The device generates a public/private key pair and a Certificate Signing
Request (CSR) to request a certificate for e.g., to secure the IEC 61850-8-1
MMS connection according to IEC 62351-4. The device signs the CSR which
includes the generated public key with the generated private key.
3. The device connects to the SICAM GridPass RA over EST which is a mutual
authenticated TLS connection and sends the signed CSR to the SICAM
GridPass RA.
4. SICAM GridPass RA checks the Proof of Possession (PoS) of the device private
key with verifying the signature.
5. SICAM GridPass RA add optional parameters to the CSR and rebuild and signs
the CSR conforming to the CMP standard.
6. SICAM GridPass RA connects to the CMP server of the external CA over https
which is a mutual authenticated TLS connection and sends the SICAM
GridPass signed CSR to the authenticated CMP server.
7. The CMP server forwards the CSR to the external CA which signs the CSR
which results in a certificate.
8. The CMP server sends the certificate back over the https connection to
SICAM GridPass RA. Afterwards SICAM GridPass RA send the certificate back
to the device over the EST connection.
9. The device can use the certificate for the secured IEC 61850-8-1 connection.
CMP offers many variances of
mechanisms to enroll a
certificate. SICAM GridPass
has a dedicated feature set to
support CMP. Please check
before implementation if the
feature set is sufficient for
your chosen external
Certificate Authority
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Necessary key material, certificates, and CMP endpoint information
To use SICAM GridPass as Registration Authority (RA) normally you get the client
certificates together with the private key from the Registration Authority as PKCS#12
containers. You need one key-pair for client authentication for the https connection
to the external CA and one key pair for signing the Certificate Signing Requests (CSR)
send over https to the CA which is supporting CMP.
Additionally, because of mutual authentication you will need the CA certificate from
the CA which has issued the https server certificate and when validating signature-
based protection of CMP response messages, also the CA certificate to trust while
checking certificate chains during CMP server authentication. In case you have a trust
chain of CA certificates you need the whole chain of the used CA certificates
For the later operation you also need the CA (chain) of the CA which is issuing the
certificates in case this is different to the CA which has issued the https and CMP
server certificate.
The CMP endpoint is represented by an URL which must be provided by the CA
starting with https://....
Collect all necessary key
material and certificates
before starting the
configuration because
different stakeholders could
be involved
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Presetting’s in the SICAM GridPass User Interface to use CMP
At first import all necessary key material as mentioned above. Import your PKCS#12
certificate and key containers under the “Certificates” section and all received CA
certificates under the “Certification authorities” section.
Afterwards, in the CMP client” menu
enter the URL received by the CA provider under the “Server connection”
select in the TLS authentication section the CA certificate which has issued
the https server certificates and select the imported client certificate, which
is used for the https client authentication,
in the CMP client authentication section select the Root-CA certificate
which is used for CMP server authentication and the client certificate which
is signing the CSR over CMP.
Take also the SICAM GridPass
manual beside this
configuration information.
This document describes only
the CMP specific things
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Settings in the SICAM GridPass User Interface to operate with an external CA
over CMP
In the “EST server” menu
choose for the operational CA Forward to Certificate authority (CMP)”
select all CAs in the CA checkbox section for distribution over the EST
protocol to the certificate signing requester (e.g., SICAM A8000). Especially
the CA (chain) which has issued the certificate.
In case of a manual certificate request over the wizard, choose Forward to Certificate
authority (CMP)” for the Issuer certificate
Think about your secured
process communication and
Role Based Access Control
which trust anchors must be
available in your substation.
Select these trust anchors
here to distribute via EST
Published by and copyright © 2021:
Siemens AG
Smart Infrastructure
Digital Grid
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90459 Nuremberg
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Customer Support Center.
Phone: +49 180 524 84 37
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Subject to change without prior notice.
The information in this document contains general descriptions
of the technical options available, which may not
apply in all cases. The required technical options should
therefore be specified in the contract.