Protocols for issuing and managing
digital certificates
Max Crone
Tutor: Mohit Sethi
Digital certificates have become an essential part of secure communica-
tion. Besides the internet, certificates are used in industrial and Internet
of Things settings. The increase in usage of certificates calls for effective
ways to manage them.
This paper overviews three standardized certificate management proto-
cols and discusses the extent of their deployment and use. In addition, the
paper addresses extensions to these protocols and their role in the Internet
of Things.
KEYWORDS: Certificate, PKI, Protocol, ACME, EST, CMP
1 Introduction
In recent years, the usage of digital certificates for establishing trust be-
tween communication parties has significantly increased. Certificates are
used by a variety of different protocols. For example, protocols such as
Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Internet Protocol Security (IPsec)
use certificates to establish a secure communication between endpoints.
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) uses certificates to provide security for email
and data storage. The most common usage of certificates is on servers, but
there are also cases where they are used for clients, such as in network
access authentication with the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP)
using TLS [1].
Secure communication using digital certificates requires a Public Key
Infrastructure (PKI). The PKI serves as a system for enabling the use of
digital certificates on a global, internet-wide scale. In PKI, Certificate Au-
thorities (CA) are the entities that digitally sign and publish certificates.
The trust in a communication party thus relies on the trust in the CA that
has verified them. In contrast, enterprises may also operate a private CA
that is not part of the PKI. Instead, such a private CA only issues and
stores certificates for parties within the enterprise.
The operation of a CA is complex, which can lead to mis-issuance of
certificates, with broken security as a consequence. Such incidents have
occurred in the past. In 2011, DigiNotar mis-issued a certificate that was
used in an attack against users in Iran [2]. TURKTRUST mistakenly
issued two intermediate CA certificates instead of regular SSL certificates
in 2011, which were misused to impersonate Google [3].
A solution to these security failures is the automation of certificate man-
agement processes. Standardized and automated certificate issuance and
management processes are less likely to fail than ad-hoc, humanly oper-
ated processes. This paper overviews three important protocols for certifi-
cate management and compares them against each other.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 summarizes the three pro-
tocols evaluated in this paper. Section 3 lists the requirements of each
protocol and discusses their implementation status in popular software
libraries. Section 4 reviews protocol extensions. Section 5 discusses the
challenges when applying the protocols on resource-constrained devices
that are part of the Internet of Things (IoT). Finally, Section 6 presents
the conclusion of this paper.
2 Protocols
There are many stages in the lifecyle of a certificate. These include key
generation, certificate request, certificate issuance, key update, and cer-
tificate revocation. The research community has developed several certifi-
cate management protocols. For example, Wasef et al. propose a scheme
for certificate management in vehicular networks [4]. Caballero-Gil and
Hernández-Goya propose a mechanism for certificate management in mo-
bile ad-hoc networks [5]. However, this paper focuses only on standard-
ized protocols. In particular, this section summarizes three important
protocols for certificate issuance and management that have been stan-
dardized at the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).
2.1 CMP
The Certificate Management Protocol (CMP) [6], specifies messages and
interactions between PKI components for certificate management and cre-
ation. CMP intends to provide a comprehensive set of certificate manage-
ment operations that can be carried out online. The groups of operations
include CA initialization, end entity initialization, certification, certificate
discovery, recovery, and revocation. Initialization operations of PKI enti-
ties include many non-recurring actions such as export and import of CA
root certificates, and generation of an initial Certificate Revocation List
RFC 6712 proposes an HTTP transfer protocol for CMP [7], which is
needed to enable message passing between all parties.
CMP distinguishes three parties involved in PKI management, which
are shown in Figure 1. End entities are the subjects to whom certificates
are issued. The Certification Authority (CA) is the party that issues the
certificates. The protocol makes a further distinction between a root CA,
which is a CA that is directly trusted by an end entity, and a subordinate
CA. Lastly, CMP mentions a Registration Authority (RA). The RA may
carry out functions that would otherwise be provided by the CA, including
personal authentication, revocation reporting, token distribution, and key
generation. The specific set of functions provided by the RA, if any at all,
depends on the context.
An end entity who wants to obtain a certificate utilizing CMP has to take
the following steps. First, they must initialize themselves by acquiring
PKI information and verifying one root-CA public key via an out-of-band
channel. The end entity then sends a certificate request as a PKIMessage.
The PKIBody specifies the requested certificate in the CertReqMessages
data structure, the syntax of which is specified in Certificate Request Mes-
sage Format (CRMF) [8]. The CA responds with a message containing the
CertRepMessage data structure, with relevant information alongside the
certificates wrapped in multiple envelopes.
Initial certificate enrollment is only one of the available operations. Fig-
ure 1 shows a comprehensive overview of the messages and interactions
defined by CMP.
Figure 1. PKI entities and their interactions in CMP. Adapted from [6].
End Entity
key pair recovery,
key pair update,
certificate update,
revocation request
"out-of-band" loading
PKI "users"
PKI management entities
"out-of-band" publication
cross-certification update
Certificate / CRL
cert. publish
cert. publish
cert. publish
CRL publish
2.2 EST
Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) is used to digitally sign, digest, au-
thenticate, and encrypt message contents [9]. Certificate Management
over CMS (CMC) uses CMS to specify interactions between PKI entities
as requests and responses pertaining to certification services [10]. Enroll-
ment over Secure Transport (EST) [11] describes a profile of a certificate
enrollment client using CMC. EST describes the use of TLS and HTTP in
order to establish an authenticated channel for Simple PKI Requests and
Responses. EST only addresses certificate provisioning. For additional
management operations, the document refers to the CMC standard.
The main use case of the EST protocol is automated certificate provi-
sioning for digital devices in industrial contexts. For example, Cisco sup-
ports EST in their Cisco IOS and IOS XE operating systems for network
infrastructure devices [12]. The networking devices use the provisioned
certificates to secure communication among them.
EST is a successor of the Simple Certificate Enrolment Protocol (SCEP)
[13] originally developed by Cisco. While protocol standardization was
never completed for SCEP, the EST protocol has been fully standardized
at the IETF.
EST distinguishes three different parties in its process. Firstly, the EST
client runs on a computer system that wants to obtain a valid X.509 cer-
tificate. Secondly, the EST server responds to requests from the EST
client and issues certificates. Lastly, EST requires a Certificate Author-
ity. A CA issues the EST server certificate that a client uses to validate
the server. Ultimately, the end-entity certificate obtained by the client
will also be signed by the CA. Thus, the EST server only acts as a service
enabler, not as the Certificate Authority itself.
The EST client and server interact as follows in the scenario of a simple
enrollment request. Initially, the EST client opens a TLS session to the
EST server. The EST client authenticates the identity of the server by
verifying the received EST CA certificate using local Trust Anchor (TA)
databases. After authentication, the client makes a /simpleenroll re-
quest to the server. The request is a Simple PKI Request as defined in
CMC [10]. The EST server identifies and authenticates the client using
any of three methods: certificate TLS authentication, authentication us-
ing a shared key, or authentication with username and password. After
successful authentication and authorization of the client, the server acts
upon the request by issuing and returning a certificate.
2.3 ACME
Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) [14] specifies
a protocol for automating interactions between a CA and their users’ web
servers. ACME allows web servers to prove their ownership of a domain
name to a CA, after which they can automatically request and renew TLS
certificates. Web servers use these certificates to securely serve websites
over HTTPS to their visitors. Since 2016, when Let’s Encrypt first intro-
duced ACME and started offering free certificates, the usage of HTTPS
has increased significantly [15].
The two main parties involved in ACME are the client and the server.
The ACME client runs on a server system that wishes to obtain a valid
public key certificate in X.509 format [16]. The ACME server runs within
a Certification Authority and handles requests from the ACME clients.
Clients must authenticate themselves to the server using an account key
The ACME client must be authorized to respond to a domain validation
challenge provided by the ACME server hosted by a CA. Thus the client
may also run on a separate server that does not consume the certificate,
but is solely meant for managing it.
ACME is built with RESTful interactions in mind. Therefore, the ACME
client only needs a single URL that points to the directory resource of the
ACME server.
Obtaining a certificate as the client using ACME consists of five phases.
Firstly, the client requests an account with an ACME server. Then, they
submit an order for a certificate, describing the desired identifiers. An
identifier in the context of ACME most often refers to a domain name.
The ACME server desires proof of control over the claimed identifiers,
which the client must provide. Two examples of such challenges are the
HTTP challenge and the DNS challenge. In the HTTP challenge, the
client proves ownership by provisioning HTTP resources on a server ac-
cessible under the claimed domain name. In the DNS challenge, the client
provisions a TXT resource record containing a specific value for a spe-
cific claimed domain name. After successfully passing the challenges, the
ACME client submits a public key cryptography Certificate Signing Re-
quest (CSR) [17] to finalize the order. Ultimately, they can then download
and install the server issued certificate.
The ACME client and server exchange JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
messages over HTTPS for all certificate management actions. All mes-
sages are protected with JSON Web Signatures (JWS) that provide au-
thentication of the client’s payloads, replay protection, and integrity for
the HTTPS request URL.
3 Comparison
The following sections compare the discussed certificate management pro-
tocols in their defined functionality and investigate existing software im-
plementations and deployment.
The comparison of functionality may convey a skewed perception, be-
cause CMP intentionally defines a more comprehensive set of manage-
ment operations than ACME and EST. However, note the intended differ-
ence between the protocols as portrayed in Table 1.
Certificate provisioning Certificate management
Table 1. Protocol classes
3.1 Functionality
This section compares the distinct functionalities of all certificate man-
agement protocols introduced in this paper. Table 2 presents an overview.
Certificate request X X X
Domain validation X
Certificate update X X X
Certificate revocation X X
Key update X X X
Key recovery X
Server key generation X
Cross-certification X
CRL announcement X
CA key update X
Table 2. Functionality comparison between certificate management protocols.
3.2 Deployment & use
This section discusses and compares implementations of the certificate
management protocols discussed in this paper. Additionally, this section
discusses the extent to which the protocols are used in industry.
CMP is widely supported by cryptographic libraries. Bouncy Castle
vides generators and processors for CMP and CRMF. cryptlib
allows to
issue and revoke certificates using CMP and provides a complete CMP
server implementation. Lastly, development of CMP support in the OpenSSL
is estimated to finish in April 2020.
The CMP specification is relatively verbose, which makes full compli-
ance by software implementations resource-intensive. In order to improve
the practicality of implementations, there exist profiles of CMP. A CMP
profile captures a subset of the full CMP specification with the intention
of using it in specific application domains. As an example, the IETF is
currently specifying a lightweight CMP profile meant for managing cer-
tificates in industrial and IoT scenarios [18]. In order to facilitate interop-
erability, it only specifies the most crucial operations as mandatory, while
all other operations defined in CMP are specified as optional. As another
example, the 3GPP organization defines a CMP profile for certificate en-
rollment of base stations in mobile cellular systems [19].
The open source Certificate Authority software EJBCA supports both
the full CMP standard and the 3GPP profile
EST is implemented by several software libraries. Cisco developed a ref-
erence implementation of EST
. Thales eSecurity provides an EST client
SDK in Go
. Besides these dedicated software implementations, EST is
also supported by the cryptographic library Bouncy Castle.
Multiple organizations adopt EST in their products or services. Cisco
provides EST support for its network infrastructure devices such as en-
terprise routers and switches [12]. Thales eSecurity leverages EST inter-
nally in the registration flow of their secure cloud services [20]. The open
source CA software EJBCA provides support for the EST protocol
. An-
other CA software vendor, Nexus, also supports EST in their Certificate
The organization Let’s Encrypt pioneered the automated and free issuance
of TLS certificates [21]. The initial version of ACME was an internal pro-
tocol developed for the organization’s purpose. This initial protocol was
the basis for the final ACME IETF standard. Since they started opera-
tion, Let’s Encrypt has issued over a billion certificates using ACME
Before the existence of ACME and Let’s Encrypt, many certificate au-
thorities were already operational in the issuance of TLS certificates. Upon
standardization of ACME, many CAs implemented the protocol in their
products and services. Some companies use the ACME protocol as part
of a certificate management product with additional features. For exam-
ple, Sectigo (formerly Comodo) supports ACME in their PKI management
platform Certificate Manager
, in addition to other certificate manage-
ment protocols and extensive lifecyle control features. Table 3 lists certifi-
cate authorities that support ACME for automatic issuance of TLS certifi-
Authority Notes
DigiCert ACME is part of CertCentral
GlobalSign ACME is part of Auto Enrollment Gateway
Let’s Encrypt Exclusively issues certificates via ACME
Sectigo ACME is part of Certificate Manager
WISeKey Support for ACME using EJBCA
Table 3. Overview of Certificate Authorities that support ACME.
Besides support in managed services of already established certificate
authorities, ACME is also implemented by many CA server software prod-
ucts intended for self-hosted deployment and enterprise operation. Ex-
amples include Boulder
(which is the server software that runs Let’s
Encrypt), Dogtag Certificate System
, Nexus Certificate Man-
, and Smallstep
Lastly, ACME is supported by many client software options. Let’s En-
crypt recommends the Certbot client, which is developed by the Electronic
Frontier Foundation (EFF)
. Besides Certbot, Let’s Encrypt lists other
client options written in many different languages
. Thus, most plat-
forms and environments should be suitable to operate an ACME client for
automated certificate issuance and renewal.
4 Extensions
This section explores extensions to the certificate management protocols
discussed in Section 2. All the following extensions are published by the
IETF, in similar fashion to the original protocols. Many are found by read-
ing through the list of documents that reference the respective protocol.
The number of extensions for CMP is relatively low, compared to the
other two protocols. In 2012, the IETF published the aforementioned
HTTP transfer document that specifies how to layer CMP over HTTP [7].
This extension came seven years after initial publication of the CMP stan-
dard. Currently, a working group from the IETF is developing a set of up-
dates for CMP [22]. The updates allow implementers to more easily use
alternative cryptographic algorithms in the future, in case current options
are proven insecure. In addition, the updates include the introduction of
extended key usages to identify CMP endpoints on CA and RA. While
CMP has few extensions, it has many profiles of its specification. The
CMP standard is meant to be comprehensive. Thus instead of extending
the specification when additional functionality is required, an implement-
ing party may profile CMP for their more specific use case.
The first update to EST defines new CSR attributes [23]. These at-
tributes provide alternatives to the challengePassword attribute. Imple-
menters often interpreted the challengePasswords semantics differently,
which caused ambiguity between implementations. The update affects
the original certificate revocation password, common authentication pass-
words, and EST-defined linking of transport security identity. In 2018, the
IETF published a new set of extensions for EST [24]. The document de-
fines additional PKI services as path components for EST. Among these is
the Package Availability List (PAL). The PAL is a resource provided by the
server, indexing the actions made available to a client. With the PAL, the
server is able to dynamically communicate the list of available actions to
a client. For example, the PAL might contain a package which indicates
that a new CRL is available for the client by pointing to an applicable
URI. Currently, an IETF working group is developing a new transport for
EST messages [25]. The EST protocol originally specified transport over
HTTP, in which the messages can become relatively large. To support
EST on resource constrained devices, this document defines EST trans-
port based on the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) rather than
on HTTP. In addition, the document profiles the use of EST to solely sup-
port certificate-based client authentication.
Multiple standardized extensions for ACME already exist and several
others are in progress. A recently published extension provides a new
challenge for ACME that enables domain control validation using TLS
[26]. Another recent extension specifies identifiers and challenges for
ACME to enable issuance of certificates for IP addresses [27]. Most re-
cently, the IETF released support for Short-Term, Automatically Renewed
(STAR) certificates in ACME [28]. ACME support for STAR certificates is
posed as an alternative to certificate revocation. In case of a compromise
of the private key, the owner terminates the issuance sequence of short-
term certificates.
Beside these already standardized extensions to ACME, the ACME work-
ing group and several individuals are working on drafts for new exten-
sions. Among these extensions are additional challenges for ACME using
an Authority Token [29], identifiers and challenges to enable issuance of
end user S/MIME certificates [30], issuance of certificates for subdomains
without requiring an explicit ownership challenge [31], and ACME sup-
port for end user client, device client, and code signing certificates [32].
5 Challenges with IoT
This section discusses challenges for certificate management in the IoT
and what is being done to prepare the current protocols for this new con-
text of execution.
Digital certificates are valuable in securing the Internet of Things. Cer-
tificates allow for authentication of devices across networks and without
pair-wise configuration between any two nodes [33]. However, certificates
and certificate management on IoT devices bring additional challenges
with them. Certificates are relatively large, identifiers are not suitable for
large numbers of IoT devices and validation of long certificate chains may
be outside the processing capabilities of the often resource-constrained
devices that make up the IoT [34]. Moreover, as a result of the scale of de-
ployment of IoT devices, manual certificate management must be avoided
in favor of automated procedures.
Certificate management protocols discussed in this paper may be the
solution for the desired automation of IoT certificate management. How-
ever, these protocols are often not directly applicable, because of the resource-
constrained nature of devices in the IoT. Therefore, researchers in indus-
try and academia work on suitable solutions for IoT, while building upon
already standardized protocols. The rest of this section explores how CMP,
EST and ACME will be used in the IoT.
The complete CMP standard is unnecessarly complex for use in IoT, In-
stead, the lightweight CMP profile mentioned in Section 3.2 focuses on
managing certificates of devices in IoT and industrial contexts.
The EST protocol operates on HTTP. HTTP messages are relatively large
from the perspective of IoT devices, and alternative standards have al-
ready been developed for use on constrained devices [35][36]. Currently,
a suite of low-overhead networking protocols is used to define public key
certificate enrollment procedures based on EST [37]. The new protocol
will be suitable for IoT deployments.
ACME might not be as relevant in the IoT as CMP or EST. The actors in
ACME are certificate authorities and web servers, both of which are not
meant to run on resource-constrained devices. Devices in the IoT require
a different type of certificate than the TLS certificates provided by ACME.
However, there still exist ACME clients targeting IoT hardware. For ex-
ample, the ESP32 ACME client
implements the ACME protocol for the
ESP32 series of microcontrollers.
6 Conclusion
This paper presented three standardized certificate management proto-
cols; CMP, EST, and ACME. Section 3 compared their functionality and
discussed the extent of their deployment and use in practice. It has be-
come clear that all three protocols serve distinct purposes, even though
they all relate to the management of digital certificates. The paper con-
tinued by addressing existing extensions and future extensions, which
indicated the directions these standards would move in. CMP and EST
are increasingly being used and profiled for IoT settings, while ACME
is mainly extended with additional identifiers, challenges and certificate
types. Section 5 additionally shows the importance of certificate man-
agement in IoT, and discusses how mainly CMP and EST contribute to
solving the associated challenges.
Future work should again evaluate the updated state-of-the-art of cer-
tificate management protocols and what use cases may have been intro-
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