django-parler Documentation
Release 2.3
Diederik van der Boor and contributors
Feb 10, 2022
1 Getting started 3
1.1 Quick start guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Configuration options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3 Template tags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.4 Performance guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2 In depth topics 11
2.1 Advanced usage patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.2 Django compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.3 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3 API documentation 27
3.1 API documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.2 Changelog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
4 Roadmap 53
5 Indices and tables 55
Python Module Index 57
Index 59
django-parler Documentation, Release 2.3
“Easily translate “cheese omelet” into “omelette du fromage”.
django-parler provides Django model translations without nasty hacks.
Nice admin integration.
Access translated attributes like regular attributes.
Automatic fallback to the other default languages.
Separate table for translated fields, compatible with django-hvad.
Plays nice with others, compatible with django-polymorphic, django-mptt and such:
No ORM query hacks.
Easy to combine with custom Manager or QuerySet classes.
Easy to construct the translations model manually when needed.
Contents 1
django-parler Documentation, Release 2.3
2 Contents
Getting started
1.1 Quick start guide
1.1.1 Installing django-parler
The package can be installed using:
pip install django-parler
Add the following settings:
1.1.2 A brief overview
Creating models
Using the TranslatedFields wrapper, model fields can be marked as translatable:
from django.db import models
from parler.models import TranslatableModel, TranslatedFields
class MyModel(TranslatableModel):
translations = TranslatedFields(
title = models.CharField(_("Title"), max_length=200)
def __unicode__(self):
return self.title
django-parler Documentation, Release 2.3
Accessing fields
Translatable fields can be used like regular fields:
>>> object = MyModel.objects.all()[0]
>>> object.get_current_language()
>>> object.title
u'cheese omelet'
>>> object.set_current_language('fr') # Only switches
>>> object.title = "omelette du fromage" # Translation is created on demand.
Internally, django-parler stores the translated fields in a separate model, with one row per language.
Filtering translations
To query translated fields, use the translated() method:
MyObject.objects.translated(title='cheese omelet')
To access objects in both the current and the configured fallback languages, use:
MyObject.objects.active_translations(title='cheese omelet')
This returns objects in the languages which are considered “active”, which are:
The current language
The fallback languages when hide_untranslated=False in the PARLER_LANGUAGES setting.
Note: Due to ORM restrictions the query should be performed in a single translated() or
active_translations() call.
The active_translations() method typically needs to include a distinct() call to avoid duplicate results
of the same object.
Changing the language
The queryset can be instructed to return objects in a specific language:
>>> objects = MyModel.objects.language('fr').all()
>>> objects[0].title
u'omelette du fromage'
This only sets the language of the object. By default, the current Django language is used.
Use get_current_language() and set_current_language() to change the language on individual ob-
jects. There is a context manager to do this temporary:
from parler.utils.context import switch_language
with switch_language(model, 'fr'):
print model.title
4 Chapter 1. Getting started
django-parler Documentation, Release 2.3
And a function to query just a specific field:
model.safe_translation_getter('title', language_code='fr')
1.1.3 Configuration
By default, the fallback languages are the same as: [LANGUAGE_CODE]. The fallback language can be changed in
the settings:
Optionally, the admin tabs can be configured too:
None: (
{'code': 'en',},
{'code': 'en-us',},
{'code': 'it',},
{'code': 'nl',},
'default': {
'fallbacks': ['en'], # defaults to PARLER_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_CODE
'hide_untranslated': False, # the default; let .active_translations()
˓return fallbacks too.
Replace None with the SITE_ID when you run a multi-site project with the sites framework. Each SITE_ID can
be added as additional entry in the dictionary.
1.2 Configuration options
The language code for the fallback language. This language is used when a translation for the currently selected
language does not exist.
By default, it’s the same as LANGUAGE_CODE.
This value is used as input for PARLER_LANGUAGES['default']['fallback'].
The configuration of language defaults. This is used to determine the languages in the ORM and admin.
None: (
{'code': 'en',},
{'code': 'en-us',},
{'code': 'it',},
{'code': 'nl',},
'default': {
(continues on next page)
1.2. Configuration options 5
django-parler Documentation, Release 2.3
(continued from previous page)
'fallbacks': ['en'], # defaults to PARLER_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_CODE
'hide_untranslated': False, # the default; let .active_translations()
˓return fallbacks too.
The values in the default section are applied to all entries in the dictionary, filling any missing values.
The following entries are available:
code The language code for the entry.
fallbacks The fallback languages for the entry
Changed in version 1.5: In the previous versions, this field was called fallback and pointed to a single
language. The old setting name is still supported, but it’s recommended you upgrade your settings.
hide_untranslated Whether untranslated objects should be returned by active_translations().
When True, only the current language is returned, and no fallback language is used.
When False, objects having either a translation or fallback are returned.
The default is False.
Multi-site support
When using the sites framework (django.contrib.sites) and the SITE_ID setting, the dict can contain entries
for every site ID. The special None key is no longer used:
# Global site
1: (
{'code': 'en',},
{'code': 'en-us',},
{'code': 'it',},
{'code': 'nl',},
# US site
2: (
{'code': 'en-us',},
{'code': 'en',},
# IT site
3: (
{'code': 'it',},
{'code': 'en',},
# NL site
3: (
{'code': 'nl',},
{'code': 'en',},
'default': {
'fallbacks': ['en'], # defaults to PARLER_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_CODE
'hide_untranslated': False, # the default; let .active_translations()
˓return fallbacks too.
6 Chapter 1. Getting started
django-parler Documentation, Release 2.3
In this example, each language variant only display 2 tabs in the admin, while the global site has an overview of all
This setting is strictly for experts or for troubleshooting situations, where disabling caching can be beneficial.
Prefix for sites that share the same cache. For example Aldryn News & Blog.
By default, the admin tabs are limited to the language codes found in LANGUAGES. If the models have other transla-
tions, they can be displayed by setting this value to True.
Setting, which allows to display translated texts in the default language even through translation.activate()
is not called yet.
1.3 Template tags
All translated fields can be read like normal fields, just using like:
{{ object.fieldname }}
When a translation is not available for the field, an empty string (or TEMPLATE_STRING_IF_INVALID) will be
outputted. The Django template system safely ignores the TranslationDoesNotExist exception that would
normally be emitted in code; that’s because that exception inherits from AttributeError.
For other situations, you may need to use the template tags, e.g.:
Getting a translated URL of the current page, or any other object.
Switching the object language, e.g. to display fields in a different language.
Fetching translated fields in a thread-safe way (for shared objects).
To use the template loads, add this to the top of the template:
{% load parler_tags %}
1.3. Template tags 7
django-parler Documentation, Release 2.3
1.3.1 Getting the translated URL
The get_translated_url tag can be used to get the proper URL for this page in a different language. If the URL
could not be generated, an empty string is returned instead.
This algorithm performs a “best effort” approach to give a proper URL. When this fails, add the ViewUrlMixin to
your view to contruct the proper URL instead.
Example, to build a language menu:
{% load i18n parler_tags %}
{% for lang_code, title in LANGUAGES %}
{% get_language_info for lang_code as lang %}
{% get_translated_url lang_code as tr_url %}
{% if tr_url %}<li{% if lang_code == LANGUAGE_CODE %} class="is-selected"{%
˓endif %}><a href="{{ tr_url }}" hreflang="{{ lang_code }}">{{ lang.name_
˓local|capfirst }}</a></li>{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
To inform search engines about the translated pages:
{% load i18n parler_tags %}
{% for lang_code, title in LANGUAGES %}
{% get_translated_url lang_code as tr_url %}
{% if tr_url %}<link rel="alternate" hreflang="{{ lang_code }}" href="{{ tr_url }}
˓" />{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Note: Using this tag is not thread-safe if the object is shared between threads. It temporary changes the current
language of the object.
1.3.2 Changing the object language
To switch an object language, use:
{% objectlanguage object "en" %}
{{ object.title }}
{% endobjectlanguage %}
A TranslatableModel is not affected by the {% language .. %} tag as it maintains it’s own state. Using
this tag temporary switches the object state.
Note: Using this tag is not thread-safe if the object is shared between threads. It temporary changes the current
language of the object.
8 Chapter 1. Getting started
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1.3.3 Thread safety notes
Using the {% get_translated_url %} or {% objectlanguage %} tags is not thread-safe if the object is
shared between threads. It temporary changes the current language of the view object. Thread-safety is rarely an issue
in templates, when all objects are fetched from the database in the view.
One example where it may happen, is when you have objects cached in global variables. For example, attaching objects
to the Site model causes this. A shared object is returned when these objects are accessed using Site.objects.
get_current().my_object. That’s because the sites framework keeps a global cache of all Site objects, and
the my_object relationship is also cached by the ORM. Hence, the object is shared between all requests.
In case an object is shared between threads, a safe way to access the translated field is by using the template filter
get_translated_field or your own variation of it:
{{ object|get_translated_field:'name' }}
This avoids changing the object language with a set_current_language() call. Instead, it directly reads the
translated field using safe_translation_getter(). The field is fetched in the current Django template, and
follows the project language settings (whether to use fallbacks, and any_language setting).
1.4 Performance guidelines
The translations of each model is stored in a separate table. In some cases, this may cause in N-query issue. django-
parler offers two ways to handle the performance of the dabase.
1.4.1 Caching
All translated contents is cached by default. Hence, when an object is read again, no query is performed. This works
out of the box when the project uses a proper caching:
'default': {
'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.memcached.MemcachedCache',
'KEY_PREFIX': 'mysite.production', # Change this
You have to make sure your project has the proper backend support available:
pip install python-memcached
Now, the translation table only has to be read once per day.
1.4.2 Query prefetching
By using prefetch_related(), all translations can be fetched in a single query:
object_list = MyModel.objects.prefetch_related('translations')
for obj in object_list:
print obj.title # reads translated title from the prefetched queryset
1.4. Performance guidelines 9
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Note that the prefetch reads the information of all languages, not just the currently active language.
When you display translated objects in a form, e.g. a select list, you can prefetch the queryset too:
class MyModelAdminForm(TranslatableModelForm):
def __init__(self,
self.fields['some_field'].queryset = self.fields['some_field'].queryset.
10 Chapter 1. Getting started
In depth topics
2.1 Advanced usage patterns
2.1.1 Translations without fallback languages
When a translation is missing, the fallback languages are used. However, when an object has no fallback languages,
this still fails.
There are a few solutions to this problem:
1. Declare the translated attribute explicitly with any_language=True:
from parler.models import TranslatableModel
from parler.fields import TranslatedField
class MyModel(TranslatableModel):
title = TranslatedField(any_language=True)
Now, the title will try to fetch one of the existing languages from the database.
2. Use safe_translation_getter() on attributes which don’t have an any_language=True setting.
For example:
model.safe_translation_getter("fieldname", any_language=True)
3. Catch the TranslationDoesNotExist exception. For example:
return object.title
except TranslationDoesNotExist:
return ''
Because this exception inherits from AttributeError, templates already display empty values by default.
4. Avoid fetching untranslated objects using queryset methods. For example:
django-parler Documentation, Release 2.3
Which is almost identical to:
codes = get_active_language_choices()
Note that the same ORM restrictions apply here.
2.1.2 Using translated slugs in views
To handle translatable slugs in the DetailView, the TranslatableSlugMixin can be used to make this work
smoothly. For example:
class ArticleDetailView(TranslatableSlugMixin, DetailView):
model = Article
template_name = 'article/details.html'
The TranslatableSlugMixin makes sure that:
The object is fetched in the proper translation.
The slug field is read from the translation model, instead of the shared model.
Fallback languages are handled.
Objects are not accidentally displayed in their fallback slugs, but redirect to the translated slug.
2.1.3 Making existing fields translatable
The following guide explains how to make existing fields translatable, and migrate the data from the old fields to
translated fields.
django-parler stores translated fields in a separate model, so it can store multiple versions (translations) of the same
field. To make existing fields translatable, 3 migration steps are needed:
1. Create the translation table, keep the existing columns
2. Copy the data from the original table to the translation table.
3. Remove the fields from the original model.
The following sections explain this in detail:
Step 1: Create the translation table
Say we have the following model:
class MyModel(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=123)
First create the translatable fields:
12 Chapter 2. In depth topics
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class MyModel(TranslatableModel):
name = models.CharField(max_length=123)
translations = TranslatedFields(
Now create the migration: makemigrations myapp --name "add_translation_model"
Step 2: Copy the data
Within the data migration, copy the existing data:
Create an empty migration: makemigrations --empty myapp --name "migrate_translatable_fields"
And use it to move the data:
from django.db import migrations
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
def forwards_func(apps, schema_editor):
MyModel = apps.get_model('myapp', 'MyModel')
MyModelTranslation = apps.get_model('myapp', 'MyModelTranslation')
for object in MyModel.objects.all():
def backwards_func(apps, schema_editor):
MyModel = apps.get_model('myapp', 'MyModel')
MyModelTranslation = apps.get_model('myapp', 'MyModelTranslation')
for object in MyModel.objects.all():
translation = _get_translation(object, MyModelTranslation) = # Note this only calls
def _get_translation(object, MyModelTranslation):
translations = MyModelTranslation.objects.filter(
# Try default translation
return translations.get(language_code=settings.LANGUAGE_CODE)
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
# Try default language
return translations.get(language_code=settings.PARLER_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_
(continues on next page)
2.1. Advanced usage patterns 13
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(continued from previous page)
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
# Maybe the object was translated only in a specific language?
# Hope there is a single translation
return translations.get()
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
dependencies = [
('yourappname', '0001_initial'),
operations = [
migrations.RunPython(forwards_func, backwards_func),
Note: Be careful which language is used to migrate the existing data. In this example, the backwards_func()
logic is extremely defensive not to loose translated data.
Step 3: Remove the old fields
Remove the old field from the original model. The example model now looks like:
class MyModel(TranslatableModel):
translations = TranslatedFields(
Create the database migration, it will simply remove the original field: makemigrations myapp --name "remove_untranslated_fields"
Updating code
The project code should be updated. For example:
Replace filter(field_name) with .translated(field_name) or
Make sure there is one filter on the translated fields, see Using multiple filter() calls.
Update the ordering and order_by() code. See The ordering meta field.
Update the admin search_fields and prepopulated_fields. See Using search_fields in the admin.
To have a smooth deployment, it’s recommended to only run the first 2 migrations - which create columns and move
the data. Removing the old fields should be done after reloading the WSGI instance.
14 Chapter 2. In depth topics
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2.1.4 Adding translated fields to an existing model
Create a proxy class:
from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
from parler.models import TranslatableModel, TranslatedFields
class TranslatableSite(TranslatableModel, Site):
class Meta:
proxy = True
translations = TranslatedFields()
And update the admin:
from django.contrib.sites.admin import SiteAdmin
from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
from parler.admin import TranslatableAdmin, TranslatableStackedInline
class NewSiteAdmin(TranslatableAdmin, SiteAdmin):
pass, NewSiteAdmin)
Overwriting existing untranslated fields
Note that it is not possible to add translations in the proxy class with the same name as fields in the parent model. This
will not show up as an error yet, but it will fail when the objects are fetched from the database. Instead, opt for reading
Making existing fields translatable.
2.1.5 Integration with django-mptt
When you have to combine TranslatableModel with MPTTModel you have to make sure the model managers
of both classes are combined too.
This can be done by extending the Manager and QuerySet class.
Note: This example is written for django-mptt >= 0.7.0, which also requires combining the queryset classes.
For a working example, see django-categories-i18n.
Combining TranslatableModel with MPTTModel
Say we have a base Category model that needs to be translatable:
from django.db import models
from django.utils.encoding import force_text
from parler.models import TranslatableModel, TranslatedFields
from parler.managers import TranslatableManager
(continues on next page)
2.1. Advanced usage patterns 15
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(continued from previous page)
from mptt.models import MPTTModel
from .managers import CategoryManager
class Category(MPTTModel, TranslatableModel):
# The shared base model. Either place translated fields here,
# or place them at the subclasses (see note below).
parent = models.ForeignKey('self', related_name='children')
translations = TranslatedFields(
name=models.CharField(blank=False, default='', max_length=128),
slug=models.SlugField(blank=False, default='', max_length=128)
objects = CategoryManager()
def __str__(self):
return self.safe_translation_getter('name', any_language=True)
Combining managers
The managers can be combined by inheriting them:
from parler.managers import TranslatableManager, TranslatableQuerySet
from mptt.managers import TreeManager
from mptt.querysets import TreeQuerySet
class CategoryQuerySet(TranslatableQuerySet, TreeQuerySet):
def as_manager(cls):
# make sure creating managers from querysets works.
manager = CategoryManager.from_queryset(cls)()
manager._built_with_as_manager = True
return manager
as_manager.queryset_only = True
as_manager = classmethod(as_manager)
class CategoryManager(TreeManager, TranslatableManager):
_queryset_class = CategoryQuerySet
Assign the manager to the model objects attribute.
Implementing the admin
By merging the base classes, the admin interface supports translatable MPTT models:
from django.contrib import admin
from parler.admin import TranslatableAdmin, TranslatableModelForm
from mptt.admin import MPTTModelAdmin
from mptt.forms import MPTTAdminForm
from .models import Category
(continues on next page)
16 Chapter 2. In depth topics
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(continued from previous page)
class CategoryAdminForm(MPTTAdminForm, TranslatableModelForm):
class CategoryAdmin(TranslatableAdmin, MPTTModelAdmin):
form = CategoryAdminForm
def get_prepopulated_fields(self, request, obj=None):
return {'slug': ('title',)} # needed for translated fields, CategoryAdmin)
2.1.6 Integration with django-polymorphic
When you have to combine TranslatableModel with PolymorphicModel you have to make sure the model
managers of both classes are combined too.
This can be done by either overwriting default_manager or by extending the Manager and QuerySet class.
Combining TranslatableModel with PolymorphicModel
Say we have a base Product with two concrete products, a Book with two translatable fields name and slug, and
a Pen with one translatable field identifier. Then the following pattern works for a polymorphic Django model:
from django.db import models
from django.utils.encoding import force_text
from parler.models import TranslatableModel, TranslatedFields
from parler.managers import TranslatableManager
from polymorphic import PolymorphicModel
from .managers import BookManager
class Product(PolymorphicModel):
# The shared base model. Either place translated fields here,
# or place them at the subclasses (see note below).
code = models.CharField(blank=False, default='', max_length=16)
price = models.DecimalField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, default=0.00)
class Book(Product, TranslatableModel):
# Solution 1: use a custom manager that combines both.
objects = BookManager()
translations = TranslatedFields(
name=models.CharField(blank=False, default='', max_length=128),
slug=models.SlugField(blank=False, default='', max_length=128)
def __str__(self):
return force_text(self.code)
(continues on next page)
2.1. Advanced usage patterns 17
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(continued from previous page)
class Pen(Product, TranslatableModel):
# Solution 2: override the default manager.
default_manager = TranslatableManager()
translations = TranslatedFields(
identifier=models.CharField(blank=False, default='', max_length=255)
def __str__(self):
return force_text(self.identifier)
The only precaution one must take, is to override the default manager in each of the classes containing translatable
fields. This is shown in the example above.
As of django-parler 1.2 it’s possible to have translations on both the base and derived models. Make sure that the field
name (in this case translations) differs between both models, as that name is used as related_name for the
translated fields model
Combining managers
The managers can be combined by inheriting them, and specifying the queryset_class attribute with both django-
parler and django-polymorphic use.
from parler.managers import TranslatableManager, TranslatableQuerySet
from polymorphic import PolymorphicManager
from polymorphic.query import PolymorphicQuerySet
class BookQuerySet(TranslatableQuerySet, PolymorphicQuerySet):
class BookManager(PolymorphicManager, TranslatableManager):
queryset_class = BookQuerySet
Assign the manager to the model objects attribute.
Implementing the admin
It is perfectly possible to to register individual polymorphic models in the Django admin interface. However, to use
these models in a single cohesive interface, some extra base classes are available.
This admin interface adds translatable fields to a polymorphic model:
from django.contrib import admin
from parler.admin import TranslatableAdmin, TranslatableModelForm
from polymorphic.admin import PolymorphicParentModelAdmin, PolymorphicChildModelAdmin
from .models import BaseProduct, Book, Pen
class BookAdmin(TranslatableAdmin, PolymorphicChildModelAdmin):
base_form = TranslatableModelForm
base_model = BaseProduct
base_fields = ('code', 'price', 'name', 'slug')
class PenAdmin(TranslatableAdmin, PolymorphicChildModelAdmin):
(continues on next page)
18 Chapter 2. In depth topics
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(continued from previous page)
base_form = TranslatableModelForm
base_model = BaseProduct
base_fields = ('code', 'price', 'identifier',)
class BaseProductAdmin(PolymorphicParentModelAdmin):
base_model = BaseProduct
child_models = ((Book, BookAdmin), (Pen, PenAdmin),)
list_display = ('code', 'price',), BaseProductAdmin)
2.1.7 Integration with django-guardian
Combining TranslatableAdmin with GuardedModelAdmin
To combine the TranslatableAdmin with the GuardedModelAdmin from django-guardian there are a few
things to notice.
Depending on the order of inheritance, either the parler language tabs or guardian “Object permissions” button may
not be visible anymore.
To fix this you’ll have to make sure both template parts are included in the page.
Both classes override the change_form_template value:
GuardedModelAdmin sets it to admin/guardian/model/change_form.html explicitly.
TranslatableAdmin sets it to admin/parler/change_form.html, but it inherits the original tem-
plate that the admin would have auto-selected otherwise.
Using TranslatableAdmin as first class
When the TranslatableAdmin is the first inherited class:
class ProjectAdmin(TranslatableAdmin, GuardedModelAdmin):
You can create a template such as myapp/project/change_form.html which inherits the guardian template:
{% extends "admin/guardian/model/change_form.html" %}
Now, django-parler will load this template in admin/parler/change_form.html, so both the guardian and
parler content is visible.
Using GuardedModelAdmin as first class
When the GuardedModelAdmin is the first inherited class:
class ProjectAdmin(TranslatableAdmin, GuardedModelAdmin):
change_form_template = 'myapp/project/change_form.html'
The change_form_template needs to be set manually. It can either be set to admin/parler/
change_form.html, or use a custom template that includes both bits:
2.1. Advanced usage patterns 19
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{% extends "admin/guardian/model/change_form.html" %}
{# restore django-parler tabs #}
{% block field_sets %}
{% include "admin/parler/language_tabs.html" %}
{{ block.super }}
{% endblock %}
2.1.8 Integration with django-rest-framework
To integrate the translated fields in django-rest-framework, the django-parler-rest module provides serializer fields.
These fields can be used to integrate translations into the REST output.
Example code
The following Country model will be exposed:
from django.db import models
from parler.models import TranslatableModel, TranslatedFields
class Country(TranslatableModel):
code = models.CharField(_("Country code"), max_length=2, unique=True, primary_
˓key=True, db_index=True)
translations = TranslatedFields(
name = models.CharField(_("Name"), max_length=200, blank=True)
def __unicode__(self):
class Meta:
verbose_name = _("Country")
verbose_name_plural = _("Countries")
The following code is used in the serializer:
from parler_rest.serializers import TranslatableModelSerializer
from parler_rest.fields import TranslatedFieldsField
from myapp.models import Country
class CountrySerializer(TranslatableModelSerializer):
translations = TranslatedFieldsField(shared_model=Country)
class Meta:
model = Country
fields = ('code', 'translations')
2.1.9 Multi-site support
When using the sites framework (django.contrib.sites) and the SITE_ID setting, the dict can contain entries
for every site ID. See the configuration for more details.
20 Chapter 2. In depth topics
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2.1.10 Disabling caching
If desired, caching of translated fields can be disabled by adding PARLER_ENABLE_CACHING = False to the settings.
2.1.11 Parler on more sites with same cache
If Parler runs on multiple sites that share the same cache, it is necessary to set a different prefix for each site by adding
PARLER_CACHE_PREFIX = ‘mysite’ to the settings.
2.1.12 Constructing the translations model manually
It’s also possible to create the translated fields model manually:
from django.db import models
from parler.models import TranslatableModel, TranslatedFieldsModel
from parler.fields import TranslatedField
class MyModel(TranslatableModel):
title = TranslatedField() # Optional, explicitly mention the field
class Meta:
verbose_name = _("MyModel")
def __unicode__(self):
return self.title
class MyModelTranslation(TranslatedFieldsModel):
master = models.ForeignKey(MyModel, related_name='translations', null=True)
title = models.CharField(_("Title"), max_length=200)
class Meta:
unique_together = ('language_code', 'master')
verbose_name = _("MyModel translation")
This has the same effect, but also allows to to override the save() method, or add new methods yourself.
2.1.13 Customizing language settings
If needed, projects can “fork” the parler language settings. This is rarely needed. Example:
from django.conf import settings
from parler import appsettings as parler_appsettings
from parler.utils import normalize_language_code, is_supported_django_language
from parler.utils.conf import add_default_language_settings
MYCMS_LANGUAGES = getattr(settings, 'MYCMS_LANGUAGES', parler_appsettings.PARLER_
(continues on next page)
2.1. Advanced usage patterns 21
django-parler Documentation, Release 2.3
(continued from previous page)
MYCMS_LANGUAGES = add_default_language_settings(
Instead of using the functions from parler.utils (such as get_active_language_choices()) the project
can access the language settings using:
These methods are added by the add_default_language_settings() function. See the
LanguagesSetting class for details.
2.2 Django compatibility
This package has been tested with:
Django versions 2.2 up to 4.0
Python versions 3.6 and up
See the the tox.ini file for the compatibility testing matrix.
2.2.1 Using multiple filter() calls
Since translated fields live in a separate model, they can be filtered like any normal relation:
object = MyObject.objects.filter(translations__title='cheese omelet')
translation1 = myobject.translations.all()[0]
However, if you have to query a language or translated attribute, this should happen in a single query. That can either
be a single filter(), translated() or active_translations()) call:
from parler.utils import get_active_language_choices
Queries on translated fields, even just .translated() spans a relationship. Hence, they can’t be combined with
other filters on translated fields, as that causes double joins on the translations table. See the ORM documentation for
more details.
22 Chapter 2. In depth topics
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2.2.2 The ordering meta field
It’s not possible to order on translated fields by default. Django won’t allow the following:
from django.db import models
from parler.models import TranslatableModel, TranslatedFields
class MyModel(TranslatableModel):
translations = TranslatedFields(
title = models.CharField(max_length=100),
class Meta:
ordering = ('title',) # NOT ALLOWED
def __unicode__(self):
return self.title
You can however, perform ordering within the queryset:
You can also use the provided classes to perform the sorting within Python code.
For the admin list_filter use: SortedRelatedFieldListFilter
For forms widgets use: SortedSelect, SortedSelectMultiple,
2.2.3 Using search_fields in the admin
When translated fields are included in the search_fields, they should be includes with their full ORM path. For
from parler.admin import TranslatableAdmin
class MyModelAdmin(TranslatableAdmin):
search_fields = ('translations__title',)
2.2.4 Using prepopulated_fields in the admin
Using prepopulated_fields doesn’t work yet, as the admin will complain that the field does not exist. Use
get_prepopulated_fields() as workaround:
from parler.admin import TranslatableAdmin
class MyModelAdmin(TranslatableAdmin):
def get_prepopulated_fields(self, request, obj=None):
# can't use `prepopulated_fields = ..` because it breaks the admin validation
# for translated fields. This is the official django-parler workaround.
return {
'slug': ('title',)
2.2. Django compatibility 23
django-parler Documentation, Release 2.3
2.3 Background
2.3.1 A brief history
This package is inspired by django-hvad. When attempting to integrate multilingual support into django-fluent-pages
using django-hvad this turned out to be really hard. The sad truth is that while django-hvad has a nice admin interface,
table layout and model API, it also overrides much of the default behavior of querysets and model metaclasses. This
prevents combining django-hvad with django-polymorphic or django-mptt for example.
When investigating other multilingual packages, they either appeared to be outdated, store translations in the same
table (too inflexible for us) or only provided a model API. Hence, there was a need for a new solution, using a simple,
crude but effective API.
To start multilingual support in our django-fluent-pages package, it was coded directly into the package itself. A
future django-hvad transition was kept in mind. Instead of doing metaclass operations, the “shared model” just
proxied all attributes to the translated model (all manually constructed). Queries just had to be performed using .
filter(translations__title=..). This proved to be a sane solution and quickly it turned out that this
code deserved a separate package, and some other modules needed it too.
This package is an attempt to combine the best of both worlds; the API simplicity of django-hvad with the crude, but
effective solution of proxying translated attributes.
Added on top of that, the API-sugar is provided, similar to what django-hvad has. It’s possible to create the translations
model manually, or let it be created dynamically when using the TranslatedFields field. This is to make your
life easier - without loosing the freedom of manually using the API at your will.
2.3.2 Presentations
django-parler - DjangoCon EU 2014 lightning talk
2.3.3 Database schema
django-parler uses a separate table for storing translated fields. Each row stores the content for one language, using a
language_code column.
24 Chapter 2. In depth topics
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The same database layout is used by django-hvad, making a transition to django-parler rather easy.
Works with existing tools, such as the Django migration framework.
Unlimited languages can be supported
Languages can be added on the fly, no database migrations needed.
An extra database query is needed to fetch translated fields.
Filtering on translated fields should happen in a single .filter(..) call.
The extra database queries are mostly avoided by the caching mechanism, which can store the translated fields
in memcached.
To query all languages, use .prefetch('translations') in the ORM query. The prefetched data will
be read by django-parler.
Opposite design: django-modeltranslation
The classic solution for writing translatable fields is employed by django-modeltranslation. Each field has a separate
column per language.
2.3. Background 25
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The advantages are:
fast reading of all the data, everything is in a single table.
editing all fields at once is easy.
The disadvantages are:
The database schema is changed based on the project settings.
Third party packages can’t provide reasonable data migrations for translated fields.
For projects with a large number of languages, a lot of additional fields will be read with each query,
2.3.4 Package naming
The package name is rather easy to explain; “parler” is French for “to talk”.
And for our slogan, watch Dexter’s Laboratory episode “The Big Cheese”. ;-)
26 Chapter 2. In depth topics
API documentation
3.1 API documentation
3.1.1 parler package
Whether the current Django project is configured for multilingual support.
3.1.2 parler.admin module
Translation support for admin forms.
django-parler provides the following classes:
Model support: TranslatableAdmin.
Inline support: TranslatableInlineModelAdmin, TranslatableStackedInline,
Utilities: SortedRelatedFieldListFilter.
Admin classes can be created as expected:
from django.contrib import admin
from parler.admin import TranslatableAdmin
from myapp.models import Project
class ProjectAdmin(TranslatableAdmin):
list_display = ('title', 'status')
fieldsets = (
(None, {
'fields': ('title', 'status'),
(continues on next page)
django-parler Documentation, Release 2.3
(continued from previous page), ProjectAdmin)
All translated fields can be used in the list_display and fieldsets like normal fields.
While almost every admin feature just works, there are a few special cases to take care of:
The search_fields needs the actual ORM fields.
The prepopulated_fields needs to be replaced with a call to get_prepopulated_fields().
See the admin compatibility page for details.
The BaseTranslatableAdmin class
class parler.admin.BaseTranslatableAdmin
The shared code between the regular model admin and inline classes.
alias of parler.forms.TranslatableModelForm
get_form_language(request, obj=None)
Return the current language for the currently displayed object fields.
get_language_tabs(request, obj, available_languages, css_class=None)
Determine the language tabs to show.
Make sure the current language is selected.
Return the language to use in the queryset.
query_language_key = 'language'
The URL parameter for the language value.
The TranslatableAdmin class
class parler.admin.TranslatableAdmin(model, admin_site)
Base class for translated admins.
This class also works as regular admin for non TranslatableModel objects. When using this class with a non-
TranslatableModel, all operations effectively become a NO-OP.
The language column which can be included in the list_display. It also shows untranslated languages
Dynamic property to support transition to regular models.
This automatically picks admin/parler/change_form.html when the admin uses a translatable
Determine what the actual change_form_template should be.
delete_inline_translations = True
Whether translations of inlines should also be deleted when deleting a translation.
28 Chapter 3. API documentation
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delete_model_translation(request, translation)
Hook for deleting a translation. This calls get_translation_objects() to collect all related ob-
jects for the translation. By default, that includes the translations for inline objects.
delete_translation(request, object_id, language_code)
The ‘delete translation’ admin view for this model.
deletion_not_allowed(request, obj, language_code)
Deletion-not-allowed view.
Fetching the available languages as queryset.
get_form(request, obj=None, **kwargs)
Pass the current language to the form.
Hook for allowing to change the title in the language_column() of the list_display.
get_object(request, object_id, *args, **kwargs)
Make sure the object is fetched in the correct language.
Make sure the current language is selected.
get_translation_objects(request, language_code, obj=None, inlines=True)
Return all objects that should be deleted when a translation is deleted. This method can yield all QuerySet
objects or lists for the objects.
Add a delete-translation view.
The language column which can be included in the list_display.
prefetch_language_column = True
Whether the translations should be prefetched when displaying the ‘language_column’ in the list.
render_change_form(request, context, add=False, change=False, form_url=”, obj=None)
Insert the language tabs.
response_add(request, obj, post_url_continue=None)
Determine the HttpResponse for the add_view stage.
response_change(request, obj)
Determine the HttpResponse for the change_view stage.
The TranslatableInlineModelAdmin class
class parler.admin.TranslatableInlineModelAdmin(parent_model, admin_site)
Base class for inline models.
alias of parler.forms.TranslatableModelForm
alias of parler.forms.TranslatableBaseInlineFormSet
get_available_languages(obj, formset)
Fetching the available inline languages as queryset.
3.1. API documentation 29
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get_form_language(request, obj=None)
Return the current language for the currently displayed object fields.
get_formset(request, obj=None, **kwargs)
Return the formset, and provide the language information to the formset.
Return the language to use in the queryset.
Whether to show inline tabs, can be set as attribute on the inline.
The TranslatableStackedInline class
class parler.admin.TranslatableStackedInline(parent_model, admin_site)
The inline class for stacked layout.
The TranslatableTabularInline class
class parler.admin.TranslatableTabularInline(parent_model, admin_site)
The inline class for tabular layout.
The SortedRelatedFieldListFilter class
class parler.admin.SortedRelatedFieldListFilter(*args, **kwargs)
Override the standard RelatedFieldListFilter, to sort the values after rendering their
__unicode__() values. This can be used for translated models, which are difficult to sort beforehand.
from django.contrib import admin
from parler.admin import SortedRelatedFieldListFilter
class MyAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_filter = (
('related_field_name', SortedRelatedFieldListFilter),
3.1.3 parler.cache module
django-parler uses caching to avoid fetching model data when it doesn’t have to.
These functions are used internally by django-parler to fetch model data. Since all calls to the translation table are
routed through our model descriptor fields, cache access and expiry is rather simple to implement.
class parler.cache.IsMissing
Bases: object
parler.cache.get_cached_translated_field(instance, field_name, language_code=None,
Fetch an cached field.
parler.cache.get_cached_translation(instance, language_code=None, related_name=None,
Fetch an cached translation.
30 Chapter 3. API documentation
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Return the cache keys associated with an object.
parler.cache.get_translation_cache_key(translated_model, master_id, language_code)
The low-level function to get the cache key for a translation.
Check whether the returned value indicates there is no data for the language.
3.1.4 parler.fields module
All fields that are attached to the models.
The core design of django-parler is to attach descriptor fields to the shared model, which then proxies the get/set calls
to the translated model.
The TranslatedField objects are automatically added to the shared model, but may be added explicitly as
well. This also allows to set the any_language configuration option. It’s also useful for abstract models; add
a TranslatedField to indicate that the derived model is expected to provide that translatable field.
The TranslatedField class
class parler.fields.TranslatedField(any_language=False)
Proxy field attached to a model.
The field is automatically added to the shared model. However, this can be assigned manually to be more
explicit, or to pass the any_language value. The any_language=True option causes the attribute to
always return a translated value, even when the current language and fallback are missing. This can be useful
for “title” attributes for example.
from django.db import models
from parler.models import TranslatableModel, TranslatedFieldsModel
class MyModel(TranslatableModel):
title = TranslatedField(any_language=True) # Add with any-fallback support
slug = TranslatedField() # Optional, but explicitly
class MyModelTranslation(TranslatedFieldsModel):
# Manual model class:
master = models.ForeignKey(MyModel, related_name='translations', null=True)
title = models.CharField("Title", max_length=200)
slug = models.SlugField("Slug")
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
3.1.5 parler.forms module
The TranslatableModelForm class
class parler.forms.TranslatableModelForm(*args, **kwargs)
The model form to use for translated models.
3.1. API documentation 31
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The TranslatableModelFormMixin class
alias of parler.forms.BaseTranslatableModelForm
The TranslatedField class
class parler.forms.TranslatedField(**kwargs)
A wrapper for a translated form field.
This wrapper can be used to declare translated fields on the form, e.g.
class MyForm(TranslatableModelForm):
title = TranslatedField()
slug = TranslatedField()
description = TranslatedField(form_class=forms.CharField, widget=TinyMCE)
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
The TranslatableBaseInlineFormSet class
class parler.forms.TranslatableBaseInlineFormSet(data=None, files=None, in-
stance=None, save_as_new=False,
prefix=None, queryset=None,
The formset base for creating inlines with translatable models.
save_new(form, commit=True)
Save and return a new model instance for the given form.
3.1.6 parler.managers module
Custom generic managers
The TranslatableManager class
class parler.managers.TranslatableManager
The manager class which ensures the enhanced TranslatableQuerySet object is used.
Return a new QuerySet object. Subclasses can override this method to customize the behavior of the
The TranslatableQuerySet class
class parler.managers.TranslatableQuerySet(*args, **kwargs)
An enhancement of the QuerySet which sets the objects language before they are returned.
When using this class in combination with django-polymorphic, make sure this class is first in the chain of
inherited classes.
32 Chapter 3. API documentation
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__init__(*args, **kwargs)
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
active_translations(language_code=None, **translated_fields)
Only return objects which are translated, or have a fallback that should be displayed.
Typically that’s the currently active language and fallback language. This should be combined with .
When hide_untranslated = True, only the currently active language will be returned.
Create a new object with the given kwargs, saving it to the database and returning the created object.
Set the language code to assign to objects retrieved using this QuerySet.
translated(*language_codes, **translated_fields)
Only return translated objects which of the given languages.
When no language codes are given, only the currently active language is returned.
Note: Due to Django ORM limitations, this method can’t be combined with other filters that access the
translated fields. As such, query the fields in one filter:
qs.translated('en', name="Cheese Omelette")
This will query the translated model for the name field.
3.1.7 parler.models module
The models and fields for translation support.
The default is to use the TranslatedFields class in the model, like:
from django.db import models
from parler.models import TranslatableModel, TranslatedFields
class MyModel(TranslatableModel):
translations = TranslatedFields(
title = models.CharField(_("Title"), max_length=200)
class Meta:
verbose_name = _("MyModel")
def __str__(self):
return self.title
It’s also possible to create the translated fields model manually:
from django.db import models
from parler.models import TranslatableModel, TranslatedFieldsModel
from parler.fields import TranslatedField
(continues on next page)
3.1. API documentation 33
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(continued from previous page)
class MyModel(TranslatableModel):
title = TranslatedField() # Optional, explicitly mention the field
class Meta:
verbose_name = _("MyModel")
def __str__(self):
return self.title
class MyModelTranslation(TranslatedFieldsModel):
master = models.ForeignKey(MyModel, related_name='translations', null=True)
title = models.CharField(_("Title"), max_length=200)
class Meta:
verbose_name = _("MyModel translation")
This has the same effect, but also allows to to override the save() method, or add new methods yourself.
The translated model is compatible with django-hvad, making the transition between both projects relatively easy. The
manager and queryset objects of django-parler can work together with django-mptt and django-polymorphic.
The TranslatableModel model
class parler.models.TranslatableModel(*args, **kwargs)
Base model class to handle translations.
All translatable fields will appear on this model, proxying the calls to the TranslatedFieldsModel.
The TranslatedFields class
class parler.models.TranslatedFields(meta=None, **fields)
Wrapper class to define translated fields on a model.
The field name becomes the related name of the TranslatedFieldsModel subclass.
from django.db import models
from parler.models import TranslatableModel, TranslatedFields
class MyModel(TranslatableModel):
translations = TranslatedFields(
title = models.CharField("Title", max_length=200)
When the class is initialized, the attribute will point to a ForeignRelatedObjectsDescriptor object.
Hence, accessing MyModel.translations.related.related_model returns the original model via
the django.db.models.related.RelatedObject class.
Parameters meta A dictionary of Meta options, passed to the TranslatedFieldsModel
34 Chapter 3. API documentation
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class MyModel(TranslatableModel):
translations = TranslatedFields(
title = models.CharField("Title", max_length=200),
slug = models.SlugField("Slug"),
meta = {'unique_together': [('language_code', 'slug')]},
__init__(meta=None, **fields)
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
The TranslatedFieldsModel model
class parler.models.TranslatedFieldsModel(*args, **kwargs)
Parameters language_code (HideChoicesCharField) – Language
The TranslatedFieldsModelBase metaclass
class parler.models.TranslatedFieldsModelBase
Meta-class for the translated fields model.
It performs the following steps:
It validates the ‘master’ field, in case it’s added manually.
It tells the original model to use this model for translations.
It adds the proxy attributes to the shared model.
The TranslationDoesNotExist exception
class parler.models.TranslationDoesNotExist
A tagging interface to detect missing translations. The exception inherits from AttributeError to reflect
what is actually happening. Therefore it also causes the templates to handle the missing attributes silently, which
is very useful in the admin for example. The exception also inherits from ObjectDoesNotExist, so any
code that checks for this can deal with missing translations out of the box.
This class is also used in the DoesNotExist object on the translated model, which inherits from:
this class
the sharedmodel.DoesNotExist class
the original translatedmodel.DoesNotExist class.
This makes sure that the regular code flow is decently handled by existing exception handlers.
3.1.8 parler.signals module
The signals exist to make it easier to connect to automatically generated translation models.
To run additional code after saving, consider overwriting save_translation() instead. Use the signals as last
resort, or to maintain separation of concerns.
3.1. API documentation 35
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This is called when the translated model is initialized, like pre_init.
Arguments sent with this signal:
sender As above: the model class that just had an instance created.
instance The actual translated model that’s just been created.
args Any arguments passed to the model.
kwargs Any keyword arguments passed to the model.
This is called when the translated model has been initialized, like post_init.
Arguments sent with this signal:
sender As above: the model class that just had an instance created.
instance The actual translated model that’s just been created.
This is called before the translated model is saved, like pre_save.
Arguments sent with this signal:
sender The model class.
instance The actual translated model instance being saved.
raw True when the model is being created by a fixture.
using The database alias being used
This is called after the translated model has been saved, like post_save.
Arguments sent with this signal:
sender The model class.
instance The actual translated model instance being saved.
raw True when the model is being created by a fixture.
using The database alias being used
36 Chapter 3. API documentation
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This is called before the translated model is deleted, like pre_delete.
Arguments sent with this signal:
sender The model class.
instance The actual translated model instance being deleted.
using The database alias being used
This is called after the translated model has been deleted, like post_delete.
Arguments sent with this signal:
sender The model class.
instance The actual translated model instance being deleted.
using The database alias being used
3.1.9 parler.utils package
Utility functions to handle language codes and settings.
Undo the differences between language code notations
Return whether a language code is supported.
Return the verbose_name for a language code.
Fallback to language_code if language is not found in settings.
parler.utils.get_language_settings(language_code, site_id=None)
Return the language settings for the current site
Find out which translations should be visible in the site. It returns a tuple with either a single choice (the current
language), or a tuple with the current language + fallback language.
Whether the current Django project is configured for multilingual support.
parler.utils.conf module
The configuration wrappers that are used for PARLER_LANGUAGES.
3.1. API documentation 37
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class parler.utils.conf.LanguagesSetting
Bases: dict
This is the actual object type of the PARLER_LANGUAGES setting. Besides the regular dict behavior, it also
adds some additional methods.
get_active_choices(language_code=None, site_id=None)
Find out which translations should be visible in the site. It returns a list with either a single choice (the
current language), or a list with the current language + fallback language.
Return the default language.
get_fallback_language(language_code=None, site_id=None)
Find out what the fallback language is for a given language choice.
Deprecated since version 1.5: Use get_fallback_languages() instead.
get_fallback_languages(language_code=None, site_id=None)
Find out what the fallback language is for a given language choice.
Return the first language for the current site. This can be used for user interfaces, where the languages are
displayed in tabs.
get_language(language_code, site_id=None)
Return the language settings for the current site
This function can be used with other settings variables to support modules which create their own variation
of the PARLER_LANGUAGES setting. For an example, see add_default_language_settings().
Apply extra defaults to the language settings. This function can also be used by other packages to create their
own variation of PARLER_LANGUAGES with extra fields. For example:
from django.conf import settings
from parler import appsettings as parler_appsettings
# Create local names, which are based on the global parler settings
MYAPP_LANGUAGES = getattr(settings, 'MYAPP_LANGUAGES', parler_appsettings.PARLER_
# Apply the defaults to the languages
MYAPP_LANGUAGES = parler_appsettings.add_default_language_settings(MYAPP_
The returned object will be an LanguagesSetting object, which adds additional methods to the dict
languages_list – The settings, in PARLER_LANGUAGES format.
var_name – The name of your variable, for debugging output.
38 Chapter 3. API documentation
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extra_defaults Any defaults to override in the languages_list['default']
section, e.g. code, fallback, hide_untranslated.
Returns The updated languages_list with all defaults applied to all sections.
Return type LanguagesSetting
Converts django CMS’ setting CMS_LANGUAGES into PARLER_LANGUAGES. Since
CMS_LANGUAGES is a strict superset of PARLER_LANGUAGES, we do a bit of cleansing to remove
irrelevant items.
parler.utils.context module
Context managers for temporary switching the language.
class parler.utils.context.smart_override(language_code)
This is a smarter version of translation.override which avoids switching the language if there is no
change to make. This method can be used in place of translation.override:
with smart_override(self.get_current_language()):
return reverse('myobject-details', args=(,))
This makes sure that any URLs wrapped in i18n_patterns() will receive the correct language code prefix.
When the URL also contains translated fields (e.g. a slug), use switch_language instead.
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
class parler.utils.context.switch_language(object, language_code=None)
A contextmanager to switch the translation of an object.
It changes both the translation language, and object language temporary.
This context manager can be used to switch the Django translations to the current object language. It can also
be used to render objects in a different language:
with switch_language(object, 'nl'):
print object.title
This is particularly useful for the get_absolute_url() function. By using this context manager, the object
language will be identical to the current Django language.
def get_absolute_url(self):
with switch_language(self):
return reverse('myobject-details', args=(self.slug,))
Note: When the object is shared between threads, this is not thread-safe. Use
safe_translation_getter() instead to read the specific field.
__init__(object, language_code=None)
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
3.1.10 parler.views module
The views provide high-level utilities to integrate translation support into other projects.
3.1. API documentation 39
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The following mixins are available:
ViewUrlMixin - provide a get_view_url for the {% get_translated_url %} template tag.
TranslatableSlugMixin - enrich the DetailView to support translatable slugs.
LanguageChoiceMixin - add ?language=xx support to a view (e.g. for editing).
TranslatableModelFormMixin - add support for translatable forms, e.g. for creating/updating objects.
The following views are available:
TranslatableCreateView - The CreateView with TranslatableModelFormMixin support.
TranslatableUpdateView - The UpdateView with TranslatableModelFormMixin support.
The ViewUrlMixin class
class parler.views.ViewUrlMixin
Provide a view.get_view_url method in the template.
This tells the template what the exact canonical URL should be of a view. The {% get_translated_url %}
template tag uses this to find the proper translated URL of the current page.
Typically, setting the view_url_name just works:
class ArticleListView(ViewUrlMixin, ListView):
view_url_name = 'article:list'
The get_view_url() will use the view_url_name together with view.args and view.kwargs con-
struct the URL. When some arguments are translated (e.g. a slug), the get_view_url() can be overwritten
to generate the proper URL:
from parler.views import ViewUrlMixin, TranslatableUpdateView
from parler.utils.context import switch_language
class ArticleEditView(ViewUrlMixin, TranslatableUpdateView):
view_url_name = 'article:edit'
def get_view_url(self):
with switch_language(self.object, get_language()):
return reverse(self.view_url_name, kwargs={'slug': self.object.slug})
This method is used by the get_translated_url template tag.
By default, it uses the view_url_name to generate an URL. When the URL args and kwargs are
translatable, override this function instead to generate the proper URL.
view_url_name = None
The default view name used by get_view_url(), which should correspond with the view name in the
The TranslatableSlugMixin class
class parler.views.TranslatableSlugMixin
An enhancement for the DetailView to deal with translated slugs. This view makes sure that:
The object is fetched in the proper translation.
40 Chapter 3. API documentation
django-parler Documentation, Release 2.3
The slug field is read from the translation model, instead of the shared model.
Fallback languages are handled.
Objects are not accidentally displayed in their fallback slug, but redirect to the translated slug.
class ArticleDetailView(TranslatableSlugMixin, DetailView):
model = Article
template_name = 'article/details.html'
Define the language of the current view, defaults to the active language.
Define the language choices for the view, defaults to the defined settings.
Fetch the object using a translated slug.
Allow passing other filters for translated fields.
The LanguageChoiceMixin class
class parler.views.LanguageChoiceMixin
Mixin to add language selection support to class based views, particularly create and update views. It adds
support for the ?language=.. parameter in the query string, and tabs in the context.
Return the current language for the currently displayed object fields. This reads self.object.
get_current_language() and falls back to get_language().
Return the default language to use, if no language parameter is given. By default, it uses the default
Get the language parameter from the current request.
Determine the language tabs to show.
Assign the language for the retrieved object.
The TranslatableModelFormMixin class
class parler.views.TranslatableModelFormMixin
Mixin to add translation support to class based views.
For example, adding translation support to django-oscar:
from oscar.apps.dashboard.catalogue import views as oscar_views
from parler.views import TranslatableModelFormMixin
(continues on next page)
3.1. API documentation 41
django-parler Documentation, Release 2.3
(continued from previous page)
class ProductCreateUpdateView(TranslatableModelFormMixin, oscar_views.
Return a TranslatableModelForm by default if no form_class is set.
Pass the current language to the form.
The TranslatableCreateView class
class parler.views.TranslatableCreateView(**kwargs)
Create view that supports translated models. This is a mix of the TranslatableModelFormMixin and
Django’s CreateView.
The TranslatableUpdateView class
class parler.views.TranslatableUpdateView(**kwargs)
Update view that supports translated models. This is a mix of the TranslatableModelFormMixin and
Django’s UpdateView.
3.1.11 parler.widgets module
These widgets perform sorting on the choices within Python. This is useful when sorting is hard to due translated
fields, for example:
the ORM can’t sort it.
the ordering depends on gettext() output.
the model __unicode__() value depends on translated fields.
Use them like any regular form widget:
from django import forms
from parler.widgets import SortedSelect
class MyModelForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
# Make sure translated choices are sorted.
model = MyModel
widgets = {
'preferred_language': SortedSelect,
'country': SortedSelect,
The SortedSelect class
class parler.widgets.SortedSelect(attrs=None, choices=())
A select box which sorts it’s options.
42 Chapter 3. API documentation
django-parler Documentation, Release 2.3
The SortedSelectMultiple class
class parler.widgets.SortedSelectMultiple(attrs=None, choices=())
A multiple-select box which sorts it’s options.
The SortedCheckboxSelectMultiple class
class parler.widgets.SortedCheckboxSelectMultiple(attrs=None, choices=())
A checkbox group with sorted choices.
3.2 Changelog
3.2.1 Changes in 2.3 (2021-11-18)
Added Django 4.0 support.
Added M2M field support.
Added PARLER_CACHE_PREFIX for sites that share the same cache.
3.2.2 Changes in 2.2.1 (2021-10-18)
Added support for Django 3.2.
Added support for python 3.9.
Dropped support for Python 3.5.
Fixed deprecation warning for providing_args in Django Signals.
3.2.3 Changes in 2.2 (2020-09-06)
Added support for Django 3.1.
Drop support for Python 2.7.
Drop support for Django 1.11, 2.0, 2.1.
3.2.4 Changes in 2.1 (2020-08-05)
Allows to override the label, error_message and help_text in TranslatableModelForm-s.
Fixed Django 3.1 compatibility by adopting import path for form utilities.
3.2.5 Changes in 2.0.1 (2020-01-02)
Fixed Django 3.0 compatibility by removing django.utils.six dependency.
Fixed using value_from_object() instead of get_prep_value() in model forms initial data.
Fixed using proper get_language() call when PARLER_DEFAULT_ACTIVATE is used.
Fixed confusing AttributeError on _parler_meta when migrations don’t inherit from
3.2. Changelog 43
django-parler Documentation, Release 2.3
3.2.6 Changes in 2.0 (2019-07-26)
Added Django 2.1 and 2.2 support
Added translation support to data migrations.
Fixed formatting of initial form values for translated fields.
Fixed admin change view redirects to preserve ?language=.. in the query string.
Fixed admin loading prepopulate.js for DEBUG=True.
Fixed admin quoting for object_id URLs.
Fixed UUIDField support.
Fixed object creation when setting the pk field on newly added objects.
Fixed check on MISSING sentinel when loading cached models.
Fixed QuerySet._clone() argument signature.
Fixed model.delete() call to return collector data.
Fixed model.refresh_from_db() to clear the translations cache too.
Fixed returning full full ValidationError data from validate_unique().
Drop Django 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10 compatibility.
3.2.7 Changes in 1.9.2 (2018-02-12)
Fixed Django 2.0 contribute_to_class() call signature.
Fixed “Save and add another” button redirect when using different admin sites.
Fixed import location of mark_safe().
3.2.8 Changes in 1.9.1 (2017-12-06)
Fixed HTML output in Django 2.0 for the the language_column and all_languages_column fields
in the Django admin.
3.2.9 Changes in 1.9 (2017-12-04)
Added Django 2.0 support.
Fixed get_or_create() call when no defaults are given.
3.2.10 Changes in 1.8.1 (2017-11-20)
Fixed checkes for missing fallback languages (IsMissing sentinel value leaked through caching)
Fixed preserving the language tab in the admin.
Fixed get_or_create() call.
44 Chapter 3. API documentation
django-parler Documentation, Release 2.3
3.2.11 Changes in 1.8 (2017-06-20)
Dropped Django 1.5, 1.6 and Python 2.6 support.
Fixed Django 1.10 / 1.11 support:
Fix .language('xx').get() usage.
Fix models construction via Model(
Fix test warnings due to tests corrupting the app registry.
Fix support for ModelFormMixin.fields in TranslatableUpdateView. Django allows that at-
tribute as alternative to setting a form_class manually.
3.2.12 Changes in 1.7 (2016-11-29)
Added delete_translation() API.
Added PARLER_DEFAULT_ACTIVATE setting, which allows to display translated texts in the default lan-
guage even through translation.activate() is not called yet.
Improve language code validation in forms, allows to enter a language variant.
Fixed not creating translations when default values were filled in.
Fixed breadcrumb errors in delete translation view when using django-polymorphic-tree.
3.2.13 Changes in 1.6.5 (2016-07-11)
Fix get_translated_url() when Django uses bytestrings for QUERY_STRING.
Raise ValidError when a TranslatableForm is initialized with a language code that is not available in
Backwards compatibility note: An ValueError is now raised when forms are initialized with an invalid languae
code. If your project relied on invalid language settings, make sure that LANGAUGE_CODE and LANGUAGES are
properly configured.
Rationale: Since the security fix in v1.6.3 (to call the clean() method of translated fields), invalid language codes
are no longer accepted. The choice was either to passively warn and exclude the language from validation checks,
or to raise an error beforehand that the form is used to initialize bad data. It’s considered more important to avoid
polluted database contents then preserving compatibility, hence this check remains as strict.
3.2.14 Changes in 1.6.4 (2016-06-14)
Fix calling clean() on fields that are not part of the form.
Fix tab appearance for Django 1.9 and flat theme.
Fix issues with __proxy__ field for template names
Fix attempting to save invalid None language when Django translations are not yet initialized.
Note: django-parler models now mandate that a language code is selected; either by calling model.
set_current_language(), Model.objects.language() or activating a gettext environment. The latter
always happens in a standard web request, but needs to happen explicitly in management commands. This avoids hard
to debug situations where unwanted model changes happen on implicitly selected languages.
3.2. Changelog 45
django-parler Documentation, Release 2.3
3.2.15 Changes in 1.6.3 (2016-05-05)
Security notice: Fixed calling clean() on the translations model.
Fixed error with M2M relations to the translated model.
Fixed UnicodeError in parler_tags
Show warning when translations are not initialized (when using management commands).
3.2.16 Changes in 1.6.2 (2016-03-08)
Added TranslatableModelMixin to handle complex model inheritance issues.
Fixed tuple/list issues with fallbacks option.
Fixed Python 3 __str__()‘ output for TranslatedFieldsModel.
Fixed output for get_language_title() when language is not configured.
Fixed preserving GET args in admin change form view.
3.2.17 Changes in version 1.6.1 (2016-02-11)
Fix queryset .dates() iteration in newer Django versions.
Fixed Django 1.10 deprecation warnings in the admin.
Avoided absolute URLs in language tabs.
3.2.18 Changes in version 1.6 (2015-12-29)
Added Django 1.9 support
Added support to generate PARLER_LANGUAGES from Django CMS’ CMS_LANGUAGES.
Improve language variant support, e.g. fr-ca can fallback to fr, and de-ch can fallback to de.
Dropped support for Django 1.4
(also released as 1.6b1 on 2015-12-16)
3.2.19 Changes in version 1.5.1 (2015-10-01)
Fix handling for non-nullable ForeignKey in forms and admin.
Fix performance of the admin list when all_languages_column or language_column is added to
list_display (N-query issue).
Fix support for other packages that replace the BoundField class in Form.__get_item__ (namely django-
Fix editing languages that exist in the database but are not enabled in project settings.
Fix DeprecationWarning for Django 1.8 in the admin.
46 Chapter 3. API documentation
django-parler Documentation, Release 2.3
3.2.20 Changes in version 1.5 (2015-06-30)
Added support for multiple fallback languages!
Added translatable-field CSS class to the <label> tags of translatable fields.
Added {{ field.is_translatable }} variable.
Added warning when saving a model without language code set. As of Django 1.8, get_language() returns
None if no language is activated.
Allow safe_translation_getter(default=..) to be a callable.
Added all_languages_column, inspired by aldryn-translation-tools.
Changed styling of language_column, the items are now links to the language tabs.
Fix caching support, the default timeout was wrongly imported.
Fix Django 1.4 support for using request.resolver_match.
Fix admin delete translation view when using prefetch_related('translations') by default in the
managers get_queryset() method.
Fix using prefetched translations in has_translation() too.
Return to change view after deleting a translation.
3.2.21 Changes in version 1.4 (2015-04-13)
Added Django 1.8 support
Fix caching when using redis-cache
Fix handling update_fields in save() (needed for combining parler with django-mptt 0.7)
Fix unwanted migration changes in Django 1.6/South for the internal HideChoicesCharField.
Fix overriding get_current_language() / get_form_language() in the TranslatableModelFormMixin/TranslatableCreateView/TranslatableUpdateView.
3.2.22 Changes in version 1.3 (2015-03-13)
Added support for MyModel.objects.language(..).create(..).
Detect when translatable fields are assigned too early.
Fix adding choices=LANGUAGES to all Django 1.7 migrations.
Fix missing 404 check in delete-translation view.
Fix caching for models that have a string value as primary key.
Fix support for a primary-key value of 0.
Fix get_form_class() override check for TranslatableModelFormMixin for Python 3.
Fix calling manager methods on related objects in Django 1.4/1.5.
Improve {% get_translated_url %}, using request.resolver_match value.
Fix preserving query-string in {% get_translated_url %}, unless an object is explicitly passed.
Fix supporting removed model fields in get_cached_translation().
3.2. Changelog 47
django-parler Documentation, Release 2.3
3.2.23 Changes in version 1.2.1 (2014-10-31)
Fixed fetching correct translations when using prefetch_related().
3.2.24 Changes in version 1.2 (2014-10-30)
Added support for translations on multiple model inheritance levels.
Added TranslatableAdmin.get_translation_objects() API.
Added TranslatableModel.create_translation() API.
Added TranslatableModel.get_translation() API.
Added TranslatableModel.get_available_languages(include_unsaved=True) API.
NOTE: the TranslationDoesNotExist exception inherits from ObjectDoesNotExist now. Check
your exception handlers when upgrading.
3.2.25 Changes in version 1.1.1 (2014-10-14)
Fix accessing fields using safe_translation_getter(any_language=True)
Fix “dictionary changed size during iteration” in save_translations() in Python 3.
Added default_permissions=() for translated models in Django 1.7.
3.2.26 Changes in version 1.1 (2014-09-29)
Added Django 1.7 compatibility.
Added SortedRelatedFieldListFilter for displaying translated models in the list_filter.
Added parler.widgets with SortedSelect and friends.
Fix caching translations in Django 1.6.
Fix checking unique_together on the translated model.
Fix access to TranslatableModelForm._current_language in early __init__() code.
Fix PARLER_LANGUAGES['default']['fallback'] being overwritten by
Optimized prefetch usage, improves loading of translated models.
BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE: The arguments of get_cached_translated_field() have
changed ordering, field_name comes before language_code now.
3.2.27 Changes in version 1.0 (2014-07-07)
Released in 1.0b3:
Added TranslatableSlugMixin, to be used for detail views.
Fixed translated field names in admin list_display, added short_description to
Fix internal server errors in {% get_translated_url %} for function-based views with class kwargs
48 Chapter 3. API documentation
django-parler Documentation, Release 2.3
Improved admin layout for save_on_top=True.
Released in 1.0b2:
Fixed missing app_label in cache key, fixes support for multiple models with the same name.
Fixed “dictionary changed size during iteration” in save_translations()
Released in 1.0b1:
Added get_translated_url template tag, to implement language switching easily. This also allows to
implement hreflang support for search engines.
Added a ViewUrlMixin so views can tell the template what their exact canonical URL should be.
Added TranslatableCreateView and TranslatableUpdateView views, and associated mixins.
Fix missing “language” GET parmeter for Django 1.6 when filtering in the admin (due to the
_changelist_filters parameter).
Support missing SITE_ID setting for Django 1.6.
Released in 1.0a1:
BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE: updated the model name of the dynamically generated translation
models for django-hvad compatibility. This only affects your South migrations. Use
schemamigration appname --empty "upgrade_to_django_parler10" to upgrade applica-
tions which use translations = TranslatedFields(..) in their models.
Added Python 3 compatibility!
Added support for .prefetch('translations').
Added automatic caching of translated objects, use PARLER_ENABLE_CACHING = False to disable.
Added inline tabs support (if the parent object is not translatable).
Allow .translated() and .active_translations() to filter on translated fields too.
Added language_code parameter to safe_translation_getter(), to fetch a single field in a differ-
ent language.
Added switch_language() context manager.
Added get_fallback_language() to result of add_default_language_settings() function.
Added partial support for tabs on inlines when the parent object isn’t a translated model.
Make settings.SITE_ID setting optional
Fix inefficient or unneeded queries, i.e. for new objects.
Fix supporting different database (using=) arguments.
Fix list language, always show translated values.
Fix is_supported_django_language() to support dashes too
Fix ignored Meta.fields declaration on forms to exclude all other fields.
3.2. Changelog 49
django-parler Documentation, Release 2.3
3.2.28 Changes in version 0.9.4 (beta)
Added support for inlines!
Fix error in Django 1.4 with “Save and continue” button on add view.
Fix error in save_translations() when objects fetched fallback languages.
Add save_translation(translation) method, to easily hook into the
Added support for empty translations = TranslatedFields() declaration.
3.2.29 Changes in version 0.9.3 (beta)
Support using TranslatedFieldsModel with abstract models.
Added parler.appsettings.add_default_language_settings() function.
Added TranslatableManager.queryset_class attribute to easily customize the queryset class.
Added TranslatableManager.translated() method to filter models with a specific translation.
Added TranslatableManager.active_translations() method to filter models which should be
Added TranslatableAdmin.get_form_language() to access the currently active language.
Added hide_untranslated option to the PARLER_LANGUAGES setting.
Added support for ModelAdmin.formfield_overrides.
3.2.30 Changes in version 0.9.2 (beta)
Added TranslatedField(any_language=True) option, which uses any language as fallback in case
the currently active language is not available. This is ideally suited for object titles.
Improved TranslationDoesNotExist exception, now inherits from AttributeError. This missing
translations fail silently in templates (e.g. admin list template)..
Added unittests
Fixed Django 1.4 compatibility
Fixed saving all translations, not only the active one.
Fix sending pre_translation_save signal.
Fix passing _current_language to the model __init__ function.
3.2.31 Changes in version 0.9.1 (beta)
Added signals to detect translation model init/save/delete operations.
Added default TranslatedFieldsModel verbose_name, to improve the delete view.
Allow using the TranslatableAdmin for non-TranslatableModel objects (operate as NO-OP).
50 Chapter 3. API documentation
django-parler Documentation, Release 2.3
3.2.32 Changes in version 0.9 (beta)
First version, based on intermediate work in django-fluent-pages. Integrating django-hvad turned out to be very
complex, hence this app was developped instead.
3.2. Changelog 51
django-parler Documentation, Release 2.3
52 Chapter 3. API documentation
The following features are on the radar for future releases:
Multi-level model inheritance support
Improve query usage, e.g. by adding “Prefetch” objects.
Please contribute your improvements or work on these area’s!
django-parler Documentation, Release 2.3
54 Chapter 4. Roadmap
Indices and tables
django-parler Documentation, Release 2.3
56 Chapter 5. Indices and tables
Python Module Index
parler, 27
parler.admin, 27
parler.cache, 30
parler.fields, 31
parler.forms, 31
parler.managers, 32
parler.models, 33
parler.signals, 35
parler.utils, 37
parler.utils.conf, 37
parler.utils.context, 39
parler.views, 39
parler.widgets, 42
django-parler Documentation, Release 2.3
58 Python Module Index
__init__() (parler.fields.TranslatedField method), 31
__init__() (parler.forms.TranslatedField method), 32
__init__() (parler.managers.TranslatableQuerySet
method), 32
__init__() (parler.models.TranslatedFields method),
__init__() (parler.utils.context.smart_override
method), 39
__init__() (parler.utils.context.switch_language
method), 39
active_translations() (par-
ler.managers.TranslatableQuerySet method),
add_default_language_settings() (in mod-
ule parler.utils.conf ), 38
all_languages_column() (par-
ler.admin.TranslatableAdmin method), 28
BaseTranslatableAdmin (class in parler.admin),
change_form_template (par-
ler.admin.TranslatableAdmin attribute),
create() (parler.managers.TranslatableQuerySet
method), 33
default_change_form_template (par-
ler.admin.TranslatableAdmin attribute),
delete_inline_translations (par-
ler.admin.TranslatableAdmin attribute),
delete_model_translation() (par-
ler.admin.TranslatableAdmin method), 28
delete_translation() (par-
ler.admin.TranslatableAdmin method), 29
deletion_not_allowed() (par-
ler.admin.TranslatableAdmin method), 29
form (parler.admin.BaseTranslatableAdmin attribute),
form (parler.admin.TranslatableInlineModelAdmin at-
tribute), 29
formset (parler.admin.TranslatableInlineModelAdmin
attribute), 29
get_active_choices() (par-
ler.utils.conf.LanguagesSetting method),
get_active_language_choices() (in module
parler.utils), 37
get_available_languages() (par-
ler.admin.TranslatableAdmin method), 29
get_available_languages() (par-
method), 29
get_cached_translated_field() (in module
parler.cache), 30
get_cached_translation() (in module par-
ler.cache), 30
get_current_language() (par-
ler.views.LanguageChoiceMixin method),
get_default_language() (par-
ler.utils.conf.LanguagesSetting method),
get_default_language() (par-
ler.views.LanguageChoiceMixin method),
django-parler Documentation, Release 2.3
get_fallback_language() (par-
ler.utils.conf.LanguagesSetting method),
get_fallback_languages() (par-
ler.utils.conf.LanguagesSetting method),
get_first_language() (par-
ler.utils.conf.LanguagesSetting method),
get_form() (parler.admin.TranslatableAdmin
method), 29
get_form_class() (par-
method), 42
get_form_kwargs() (par-
method), 42
get_form_language() (par-
ler.admin.BaseTranslatableAdmin method),
get_form_language() (par-
method), 29
get_formset() (par-
method), 30
get_language() (parler.utils.conf.LanguagesSetting
method), 38
get_language() (par-
ler.views.LanguageChoiceMixin method),
get_language() (par-
ler.views.TranslatableSlugMixin method),
get_language_choices() (par-
ler.views.TranslatableSlugMixin method),
get_language_settings() (in module par-
ler.utils), 37
get_language_short_title() (par-
ler.admin.TranslatableAdmin method), 29
get_language_tabs() (par-
ler.admin.BaseTranslatableAdmin method),
get_language_tabs() (par-
ler.views.LanguageChoiceMixin method),
get_language_title() (in module parler.utils), 37
get_object() (parler.admin.TranslatableAdmin
method), 29
get_object() (parler.views.LanguageChoiceMixin
method), 41
get_object() (parler.views.TranslatableSlugMixin
method), 41
get_object_cache_keys() (in module par-
ler.cache), 30
(in module parler.utils.conf ), 39
get_queryset() (par-
ler.admin.BaseTranslatableAdmin method),
get_queryset() (parler.admin.TranslatableAdmin
method), 29
get_queryset() (par-
ler.managers.TranslatableManager method),
get_queryset_language() (par-
ler.admin.BaseTranslatableAdmin method),
get_queryset_language() (par-
method), 30
get_translated_filters() (par-
ler.views.TranslatableSlugMixin method),
get_translation_cache_key() (in module par-
ler.cache), 31
get_translation_objects() (par-
ler.admin.TranslatableAdmin method), 29
get_urls() (parler.admin.TranslatableAdmin
method), 29
get_view_url() (parler.views.ViewUrlMixin
method), 40
inline_tabs (parler.admin.TranslatableInlineModelAdmin
attribute), 30
is_missing() (in module parler.cache), 31
is_multilingual_project() (in module parler),
is_multilingual_project() (in module par-
ler.utils), 37
is_supported_django_language() (in module
parler.utils), 37
IsMissing (class in parler.cache), 30
language() (parler.managers.TranslatableQuerySet
method), 33
language_column() (par-
ler.admin.TranslatableAdmin method), 29
LanguageChoiceMixin (class in parler.views), 41
LanguagesSetting (class in parler.utils.conf ), 37
normalize_language_code() (in module par-
ler.utils), 37
60 Index
django-parler Documentation, Release 2.3
parler (module), 27
parler.admin (module), 27
parler.cache (module), 30
parler.fields (module), 31
parler.forms (module), 31
parler.managers (module), 32
parler.models (module), 33
parler.signals (module), 35
(built-in variable), 37
(built-in variable), 36
(built-in variable), 36
(built-in variable), 37
(built-in variable), 36
(built-in variable), 36
parler.utils (module), 37
parler.utils.conf (module), 37
parler.utils.context (module), 39
parler.views (module), 39
parler.widgets (module), 42
prefetch_language_column (par-
ler.admin.TranslatableAdmin attribute),
query_language_key (par-
ler.admin.BaseTranslatableAdmin attribute),
render_change_form() (par-
ler.admin.TranslatableAdmin method), 29
response_add() (parler.admin.TranslatableAdmin
method), 29
response_change() (par-
ler.admin.TranslatableAdmin method), 29
save_new() (parler.forms.TranslatableBaseInlineFormSet
method), 32
smart_override (class in parler.utils.context), 39
SortedCheckboxSelectMultiple (class in par-
ler.widgets), 43
SortedRelatedFieldListFilter (class in par-
ler.admin), 30
SortedSelect (class in parler.widgets), 42
SortedSelectMultiple (class in parler.widgets),
switch_language (class in parler.utils.context), 39
TranslatableAdmin (class in parler.admin), 28
TranslatableBaseInlineFormSet (class in par-
ler.forms), 32
TranslatableCreateView (class in parler.views),
TranslatableInlineModelAdmin (class in par-
ler.admin), 29
TranslatableManager (class in parler.managers),
TranslatableModel (class in parler.models), 34
TranslatableModelForm (class in parler.forms), 31
TranslatableModelFormMixin (class in par-
ler.views), 41
TranslatableModelFormMixin (in module par-
ler.forms), 32
TranslatableQuerySet (class in parler.managers),
TranslatableSlugMixin (class in parler.views), 40
TranslatableStackedInline (class in par-
ler.admin), 30
TranslatableTabularInline (class in par-
ler.admin), 30
TranslatableUpdateView (class in parler.views),
translated() (par-
ler.managers.TranslatableQuerySet method),
TranslatedField (class in parler.fields), 31
TranslatedField (class in parler.forms), 32
TranslatedFields (class in parler.models), 34
TranslatedFieldsModel (class in parler.models),
TranslatedFieldsModelBase (class in par-
ler.models), 35
TranslationDoesNotExist (class in par-
ler.models), 35
view_url_name (parler.views.ViewUrlMixin at-
tribute), 40
ViewUrlMixin (class in parler.views), 40
Index 61