English | Guided Reading | Firebird | Activity 2 of 5
Character Profile
Part A
Gather evidence from the text to help you fill in this character profile about Ivan.
Things he might be heard saying:
Proudest moment:
Lives: Age:
English | Guided Reading | Firebird | Activity 2 of 5
Character Profile
Part B
Complete these sentences to make a judgement about the characters and explain what evidence
you have used from the text.
E.g. I think the tsar is a loud person because he ‘bellowed’ when he found out the apples were
missing. He also wailed ‘in disbelief’ when he found Dmitry asleep and that more apples had
been taken.
I also think the tsar is
I would describe Dmitry as being because
Vasily seems to be a character because
Ivan is because
I also think Ivan is because
English | Guided Reading | Firebird | Activity 2 of 5
Choose a character from the book and write a detailed description of that character, using
evidence from the text.
Challenge Task
I think the wolf is because
I also think the wolf is because
English | Guided Reading | Firebird | Activity 2 of 5
Character Profile Answers
Part A
Name: Ivan (Prince Ivan)
Family: His family members are his father (the tsar) and his two older brothers called Dmitry and Vasily.
Lives: He lives in his father’s kingdom. This is a Russian folk tale so we think it is in Russia.
Age: He is younger than his brothers but not a very young child because he stays up all night and has the
strength to hold the rebird for a while. Maybe he is 17 or 18. He is still quite immature as he is sulky when his
father doesn’t give him his own way.
Appearance: The text does not give us information about this, other than to say he is young. He seems quite
t as he can ride a horse and he jumps on the back of the wolf and manages to stay on when the wolf travels
at high speed. He also clambers ‘nimbly’ over the wall. He is a prince so he probably wears ne clothes.
Personality: He’s enthusiastic and keen for new experiences shown by how he wants a chance to catch the
thief. He is determined and self-disciplined because he stayed awake and tried his best to hold onto the
rebird. He is not always honest because he sneaked away without permission. He is brave because he did not
turn around when he saw the warning sign in the forest and he did not show his fear when the wolf ate his
horse. He does not listen to instructions because he touched the golden cage even though the wolf said not to
do so. He is impulsive because he jumps on the wolf’s back without considering the dangers.
Strengths: He is strong in body and mind. He is determined and full of life (as explained above.)
Weaknesses: He is impulsive and doesn’t listen to instructions (as explained above.)
Likes: adventure, pleasing his father, to be challenged.
Dislikes: being treated differently to his brothers, dark forests.
Things he might be heard saying: “Let me try, Father.” “I will catch the rebird.”
Proudest moment: Staying awake to see the thief where his brothers failed.
Part B
I also think the tsar is unfair because he doesn’t let Ivan have a turn to catch the rebird. He calls him
‘young and foolish’ but there is no evidence to suggest that Ivan is foolish.
I would describe Dmitry as being greedy because he just seems motivated by gaining half of his father’s
kingdom rather than keen to help his father.
Vasily seems to be a calm and fullled character because it says although he enjoys his comfortable life-
style, he is not greedy for more wealth. It says that he is a dreamer and enjoys music.
Ivan is determined because he went on night watch even without his father’s permission and he held on
tightly to the rebird’s tail when it was trying to escape.
I also think Ivan is clever because he found a good way of staying awake, by making himself uncomfortable
in the tree.
I think the wolf is friendly because although he ate Ivan’s horse, he apologised and agreed to help Ivan.
I also think the wolf is knowledgeable because he knew where to nd the rebird and that the cage was
English | Guided Reading | Firebird | Activity 2 of 5
Example answer:
Dmitry is the oldest of three sons. He is a prince, son of Tsar Vislav. We know that he is greedy
and hungry for power because he jumped at the chance to win half of his father’s kingdom.
Dmitry is probably lazy because we are told that he has ‘little motivation to do anything other
than drink ne wines and play cards with his friends.’ The tsar does not have much faith that
Dmitry will succeed in catching the rebird because of this. Dmitry is disrespectful because
of the way he sniggers at Erik the gardener. He does not believe in the rebird at the start.
Dmitry has little resilience as he fails to stay awake for long. He is easily bored. He spends his
time partying as he was tired on night watch from partying the previous evening. Dmitry is
jealous of Ivan when he manages to stay awake and he is determined to catch the rebird. As
well as the prize, he wants to do this to make his father proud.
Challenge Task