January is celebrat-
ed the world over as a
time of new beginnings,
fresh starts, do-overs. So
it is in Bay Area Hous-
ton, as well, except for
one night each Janu-
ary. Since 1994, the Bay
Area Houston Economic
Partnership has set aside
a very special evening
in January to celebrate
the past while looking to
the future. That night marks the occasion when
BAHEP presents its renowned Quasar Award to
an outstanding elected offi cial or business lead-
er who has demonstrated a strong and continual
effort to support the business foundations of the
Email: mynews@southbeltleader.com www.southbeltleader.comChristmas Edition 2019
Brenda Hellyer
Voice of Community-Minded People since 1976
Merry Christmas to all!
Merry Christmas to all!
Merry Christmas to all!
Merry Christmas to all!
Hundreds mourn slain officer
Hundreds of mourners, including numerous police offi cers from
multiple departments, gathered at Grace Church Houston Thurs-
day, Dec. 12, to honor the life of fallen Houston Police Department
Sgt. Christopher Brewster, who died in the line of duty Saturday,
Holiday closings planned
South Belt-Ellington Leader
The Leader will be on a holiday schedule
from Friday, Dec. 20, through Monday, Jan. 6.
The last issue of 2019 will be on Thursday,
Dec. 26, and the first issue of 2020 will be on
Thursday, Jan. 9. There will be no Jan. 2 edi-
tion. Items for publication may be sent to
[email protected]. Emergencies
may be directed to Marie Flickinger at 281-
Clear Brook City MUD
Clear Brook City Municipal Utility Dis-
trict offi ces will be closed Tuesday, Dec. 24,
and Wednesday, Dec. 25, in celebration of the
Christmas holiday. They will reopen Thurs-
day, Dec. 26, at 8 a.m. To avoid late fees,
payments may be left in the drop box on the
drive-thru side of the building.
The MUD offi ces will be closed Wednes-
day, Jan. 1, for New Year’s Day. They will
reopen on Thursday, Jan. 2, at 8 a.m. Again,
to avoid late fees, payments may be left in the
drop box located on the drive-thru side of the
Residents living in Clear Brook City MUD
who receive trash service on Tuesdays will
have regular trash service pickup on Christ-
mas Eve, Tuesday, Dec. 24. Residents living in
Clear Brook City MUD who receive trash ser-
vice on Tuesdays will also have regular trash
service pickup on New Year’s Eve, Tuesday,
Dec. 31. All trash must be at curbside no later
than 7 a.m. on the day of pickup.
Public libraries
All Harris County public libraries, including
Parker Williams Library, will close at 5 p.m.
Monday, Dec. 23, for the Christmas holiday
and reopen Thursday, Dec. 26, at the regularly
scheduled time.
All Houston public libraries, including
Bracewell Library, will close at the regular
time Monday, Dec. 23, for the Christmas hol-
iday and reopen Thursday, Dec. 26, at the reg-
ularly scheduled time. (See Page 2A for library
Gulf Freeway closures set
At least one northbound and one south-
bound main lane and frontage road lane on
the Gulf Freeway from NASA Bypass/NASA
Road 1 to SH 96/League City Parkway will be
closed daily from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and nightly
from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. through Tuesday, Dec.
The northbound exit ramp on the Gulf Free-
way at NASA Bypass/NASA Road 1 will be
closed continuously through 5 a.m. Friday,
Feb. 28. Motorists wishing to access these in-
tersections may exit using the exit to FM 518
and proceed on the northbound frontage road
to the intersections or exit using the Bay Area
Boulevard exit ramp, U-turn and head south to
the NASA Bypass or FM 528.
The northbound exit ramp on the Gulf Free-
way between SH 96/League City Parkway and
FM 518 will be closed continuously through 9
p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 31. Drivers traveling north
on the main lanes will continue to NASA
Road 1, exit, then U-turn and come back to
FM 518.
The closures are associated with an ongo-
ing construction project to widen the freeway
from three to fi ve lanes in each direction and
the frontage roads from two to three lanes in
each direction.
New Directions has potluck
The regular December meeting of the New
Directions Singles group for ages 50 and older
will be replaced with a special Christmas pot-
luck and dance Friday, Dec. 20, at 6 p.m. The
event is at the regular venue, Webster Presby-
terian Church, 201 W. NASA Parkway. Plan
to wear festive attire and join the group. For
more information, call Margarita at 832-715-
Beltway closures planned
At least one inside lane of the westbound
Beltway 8 frontage road will be closed from
Scott Street/Fellows Road to SH 288 nightly
from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. through Monday, March
At least one inside lane of the southbound
Beltway 8 frontage road at Pine Avenue will
be closed continuously through 5 a.m. Sunday,
Jan. 5.
At least one inside lane of the southbound
Beltway 8 frontage road at Pasadena Boule-
vard will be closed continuously through 5
a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 15.
At least one alternate lane of the northbound
and southbound Beltway 8 frontage roads will
be closed from Vista to SH 225 daily from 9
a.m. to 3 p.m. through Sunday, Dec. 22.
At least one alternate lane of the northbound
and southbound Beltway 8 frontage roads will
be closed from Vista to SH 225 nightly from 8
p.m. to 5 a.m. through Sunday, Dec. 22.
Both northbound and southbound U-turn
lanes at Beltway 8 and Vista will be closed
continuously through Friday, Jan. 10.
The closures are associated with the ongo-
ing project to widen Beltway 8 from two to
four lanes in each direction.
Vol. 44, No. 47
Dec. 14 runoff election results tallied
Turner handily defeats Buzbee; Evans-Shabazz beats Jordan
Votes from the Dec. 14 City of Houston runoff
elections have been counted, with Mayor Sylves-
ter Turner maintaining his position, having easily
defeated challenger Tony Buzbee.
Turner received 56 percent of the vote
(112,955 total votes) to Buzbee’s 44 percent
(88,596 votes).
During the campaign, Buzbee – a self-pro-
claimed independent who funded his own bid
to the tune of more than $10 million – painted
Turner as a corrupt career politician. Converse-
ly, Turner hammered Buzbee for being a staunch
Trump supporter in a city that leans Democratic.
Turner almost won re-election outright in the
initial Nov. 5 election, receiving roughly 47 per-
cent of the vote to Buzbee’s 28 percent in the
crowded fi eld of 12 candidates.
In the race to fi ll the District D City Coun-
cil race to fi ll the seat being vacated by Dwight
Boykins, who ran an unsuccessful mayoral cam-
paign, Carolyn Evans-Shabazz handily defeated
Brad “Scarface” Jordan, receiving 62 percent of
the vote (11,906) total votes to Jordan’s 38 per-
cent (7,248 votes).
In the At-Large Position 1 race, Mike Knox
defeated Raj Salhotra, 56 percent (99,354 votes)
to 44 percent (76,559 votes); In the At-Large Po-
sition 2 race, David W. Robinson defeated Willie
R. Davis, receiving 59 percent (97,670 votes) to
41 percent (67,040 votes); In the At-Large Po-
sition 3 race, Michael Kubosh defeated Janaeya
Carmouche, receiving 61 percent (103,676 votes)
to 39 percent (65,464 votes); In the At-Large Po-
sition 4 race, Letitia Plummer defeated Anthony
Dolcefi no, receiving 52 percent (88,295 votes) to
48 percent (81,990 votes); and in the At-Large
Position 5 race, Sallie Alcorn defeated Eric Dick,
receiving 53 percent (90,235 votes) to 47 percent
(80,533 votes).
Dec. 7. A former longtime South Belt resident, Brewster, 32, attended
Dobie High School and was an active member of Sagemont Church,
where a visitation ceremony was held Wednesday, Dec. 11.
Photo by Marie Flickinger
BAHEP to honor San Jacinto College’s Hellyer
greater Bay Area Houston communities.
On Jan. 24, the Bay Area Houston Economic
Partnership will honor Dr. Brenda Hellyer, chan-
cellor of the San Jacinto College District, with
its Quasar Award for Economic Development
BAHEP President Bob Mitchell was the fi rst
to notify Hellyer that she had been selected.
“When she heard the news, she was literally
speechless for several seconds,” Mitchell said.
“It is truly gratifying to honor an individual of
Hellyer’s caliber who, above all, remains humble
about her incredible accomplishments and gives
well-deserved credit to her colleagues. She has
taken San Jacinto College into the 21st century
with the addition of programs that are essential
to building and maintaining the skilled work-
force that is fundamental to the economic well
being of the region. Hellyer’s long-term vision
for the college and consideration of the needs of
her students and the community have made such
a positive impact and will continue to do so far
into the future.
Hellyer was humbled with the honor.
“I am humbled and honored to be named the
Quasar Award recipient,” Hellyer said. “I am for-
tunate to represent amazing and talented people
who make up our board of trustees, employees
and student body at San Jacinto College, all of
whom have made it a top-10 college in the coun-
try. I am extremely thankful to the Bay Area
Houston Economic Partnership for this honor,
and I applaud the work that they do every day to
make the economy in our Houston region vibrant
and strong. On behalf of San Jacinto College, it
is an honor to receive this award.
Hellyer became chancellor of SJCD in May
2009. In the ensuing years, she created transfor-
mational change at San Jacinto College resulting
in a nearly 162 percent increase in certifi cates
and degrees awarded. Additionally, that transfor-
mational change placed San Jacinto College as
a twice-named top-10 community college in the
country by the Aspen Institute.
Hellyer has also worked tirelessly to trans-
form the physical image of San Jacinto College
from a 1960s college to a modern community C
college offering students training and education
in collaborative classrooms on equipment they
Continued on Page 2A
JFD cookoff, a Christmas tradition
Now somewhat of a Christmas tradition, Dobie High School held its annual chili cookoff
Tuesday, Dec. 17. Judges shown above at the event are, left to right, (front row) Jorly Thom-
as, Roberts Middle School principal; Stacey Barber, Beverly Hills Intermediate princi-
pal; Donna Branch, Pasadena ISD assistant director of athletics; (back row) Fred Roberts,
Pasadena ISD board of trustees member; Franklin Moses, Dobie principal; Emory Gadd,
Sagemont Church associate pastor; and Rupert Jaso, Pasadena ISD director of athletics.
Forensic tests have determined that the bullet-
proof vest worn by slain Houston Police Depart-
ment Sgt. Christopher Brewster was not defec-
tive, as possibly suggested last week.
As our investigation into the Level II soft-
body armor continued today, we discovered that
our initial concerns about a ‘potential penetra-
tion’ were unfounded,” Houston Police Chief Art
Acevedo said in a statement Wednesday, Dec.
11. “A careful examination today with necessary
Continued on Page 2A
Leader holds annual Christmas drive
The Leader‘s annual Christmas program was
a huge success, providing assistance to nearly 70
area families in need.
Several local organizations, businesses and
residents stepped up to the plate, making this
year’s drive the most successful in the event’s
Once again, area schools signifi cantly contrib-
uted to this year’s drive. To aid in the program,
Melillo Middle School hosted its sixth annual Jin-
gle Bell Jog Dec. 14 collecting both toys and food
for the drive.
Local law enforcement also played a large
role this year, with both the Pasadena ISD Po-
lice Department and Harris County Precinct 2
Constable Chris Diaz’s offi ce taking part. Sever-
al area businesses contributed toward Diaz’s ef-
forts. (See related ad on Page 4B.)
Former South Belt resident Thi Nguyen,
known to many by her online toy-blogger per-
sona Princess T, donated hundreds of toys to this
year’s program. This was in addition to the Dec.
7 Christmas festival Nguyen hosted at Dobie,
in which she donated thousands of toys to stu-
dents from each of the eight South Belt elemen-
tary schools. Nguyen also donated hundreds of
toys to Texas Children’s Hospital and the Hous-
ton Police Department. Nguyen said she was
inspired to donate the toys after local residents
helped her family following the May 2000 death
of her 7-year-old sister Jennie Nguyen.
A group of residents collectively dubbed
“Santa’s Helpers,” led by Sandra Robb and her
daughter Stacey Waugh, selfl essly volunteered
hours of their time organizing toys and food for
the drive.
Sagemeadow election votes counted
The results from the Sagemeadow Mainte-
nance Committee’s Dec. 7 board election have
been tallied, with challenger Seth Webb handily
defeating incumbent Carlos Lopez.
Webb received 90 total votes to Lopez’s 21
Webb will now join existing board members
James Moe and Garry Henderson.
The referendum was a challenge of the old
guard in a sense, as a group of Sagemeadow res-
idents, led by Larry Bennatt, questioned the le-
gitimacy of the current board, citing infrequent
elections and missing records.
Each of the three committee members are to
serve a three-year term, with an election to be
held each year to fi ll an open position in rotation.
While an election took place in December 2018,
Bennatt contended it had been four to fi ve years
since a previous election had been held.
Webb is hopeful the committee will now move
forward in the community’s best interest.
“I’m looking forward to providing the best
solutions I can for the community and getting
through any misunderstandings we might have
and making the neighborhood open and transpar-
ent,” Webb said.
Second lawsuit
filed against Diaz
Brewster’s vest
not defective
A group of 11 deputies from the Harris Coun-
ty Precinct 2 Constable’s offi ce have fi led a law-
suit against Constable Chris Diaz, alleging that
he is illegally requiring all workers to contribute
time or funds to his re-election campaign as a
condition of employment.
“The United States Supreme Court recently
noted that compelling individuals to subsidize
speech of private speakers is a violation of First
Amendment,” said the plaintiffs’ attorney Scott
Poerschke. “As such, Constable Diaz has abused
his authority as an employer. Forcing employees
to contribute to his campaign is a violation of the
Constitution that jeopardizes our democratic val-
The lawsuit further alleges that employees
who oppose the measures are targeted for pun-
ishment, demotion, transfer or termination.
Another lawsuit was fi led by Precinct 2 depu-
ties against Diaz last June, citing multiple work-
place complaints.
Local library events set
Bracewell Branch Library.
The following events are scheduled for the Bracewell Branch Library, 9002 Kingspoint:
Thursday, Dec. 19, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. Spanish computer class for adults and seniors.
For more information, call the library at 832-393-2580.
Bracewell hours this week are: Thursday, Dec. 19, noon – 8 p.m.; Friday, Dec. 20, 1 – 5 p.m.;
Saturday, Dec. 21, 1 – 5 p.m.; Sunday, Dec. 22, closed; Monday, Dec. 23, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.; Tues-
day, Dec. 24, and Wednesday, Dec. 25, closed for the Christmas holiday.
Parker Williams Library
All Harris County Public libraries will close at 5 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 23, for the Christmas
holiday and reopen Thursday, Dec. 26, at the regularly scheduled time.
The following events are scheduled for the Parker Williams Library, 10851 Scarsdale Blvd.:
Thursday, Dec. 19, 10 – 11:30 a.m. Sudoku for adults. Learn the tricks of solving Sudoku puz-
zles from longtime afi cionado Marie. Practice logical thinking skills and keep one’s brain active.
Games are provided and all levels are welcome.
Thursday, Dec. 19, 4 p.m. Community craft: Making Easy Socks Snowman. The snowmen
were getting a bit cold sitting around all day and night in the snow, so they have been borrowing
socks. Meet at the library for a fun time for this fun and easy craft. Help free the snowmen from
their frigid plight by making sock snowmen. All supplies are provided and no sewing is needed.
Friday, Dec. 20, 6 – 8 p.m. Anime club: “X–Mas Starter Binge – Demon Slayer,” for ages 13
and older. What fun it is to watch anime all night and day. Meet at the library and start a Christ-
mas vacation anime binge. Participants won’t be watching for Santa’s sleigh, but slaying will be
involved... of demons.
Saturday, Dec. 21, 11 a.m. –12:30 p.m. Pokémon Sword and Shield trading day. For those who
have a Pokémon Sword or Shield and need a little help collecting some nonlegendary or starter
Pokémon, meet at the library and the staff will be happy to trade Pokémon for free. Make sure to
have any random Pokémon for trading and the staff will help complete Pokedex. For those inter-
ested in a battle, the staff will be happy to defeat any opponents!
Saturday, Dec. 21, 2 p.m. Sensory friendly movie “Ugly Dolls,” rated PG. The lights will be
low, the sound will be down, and there will be plenty of room for everyone to move around as
needed. Refreshments and fi lm have been generously donated by State Farm.
Below are the programs that occur every week, unless the library is closed:
Tuesday, Babytime lapsit, 10:30 a.m. For babies from birth to 18 months, featuring a moth-
er-baby lapsit time with fi ngerplays, songs and playtime.
Wednesday, Preschool storytime, 10:30 a.m. For children, ages 3 to 5 years, storytime features
stories, songs, fi ngerplays and a craft.
Wednesday, 2 – 3 p.m.: Basic computer classes (Vietnamese). Learn mouse, keyboarding, basic
internet skills and more at this weekly class in Vietnamese. Registration is requested.
Thursday, Toddler storytime, 10:30 a.m. For toddlers from birth to 3 years, storytime features
stories, songs, fi ngerplays and bubbles.
Saturday, Vietnamese learning time, for adults and children ages 8 and older. Classes begin at 9
a.m., 10 a.m., 11:15 a.m., 1:30 p.m. and 3 p.m. It’s a great time to take a class to help with a skill
for work, gain understanding of a topic or learn a language. There are many free classes avail-
able online at the library website or on the internet, through universities or other sources. Practice
navigating the internet to learn about these, or sign up for one. For more information on these
programs, speak with Loc Bui.
For more information on all other programs, call the library at 832-927-7870.
Library hours are: Thursday, Dec. 19, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.; Friday, Dec. 20, 1 – 6 p.m.; Saturday,
Dec. 21, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.; Sunday, Dec. 22, closed; Monday, Dec. 23, 1 – 5 p.m.; and Tuesday and
Wednesday, Dec. 24 – 25, closed.
CrossRoads UMC hosts Christmas events
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! Join the community at CrossRoads United Methodist
Church, located at 10030 Scardsdale Blvd., for services during this festive season.
The CrossRoads UMC Christmas English service times are Tuesday, Dec. 24, contempo-
rary at 5:30 p.m. and traditional candlelight at 7 p.m. and candlelight at 11 p.m. There will be
a Spanish service at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 22, servicio de nochebuena en español.
Page 2 Section A, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Christmas Edition, 2019
Area community elected offi cials celebrated the Christmas holidays at the Bay Area
Houston Economic Partners annual Christmas party last week. Approximately 200
offi cials and business leaders attended, including those shown above, left to right, Bob
Area elected officials celebrate Christmas season
Mitchel, BAHEP president and South Belt resident; Sen. Larry Taylor; Texas state
Rep. Dennis Paul; Jeff Wager, Pasadena mayor; Terri Gale, Kemah mayor; Louis Rig-
by, La Porte mayor; and Michel Bechtel, Morgan’s Point mayor.
Publisher’s Opinion
In My Opinion
Bennatt on SMC
Sagemeadow Maintenance Commit-
tee held its monthly meeting the evening
of Dec. 12. Seth Webb won the election
hands down. The only problem is that the
sitting Chairman as so acknowledged in
this meeting, has been on the SMC Board
for 7 years now and has repeatedly re-
fused to produce evidence as to how he is
entitled or authorized to do so. Instead of
Chairman Moe rightfully stepping down in
accord with a lawful election, he set-up the
newest member who joined the commit-
tee back in February of this year by way of
appointment. As a Sagemeadow property
owner and member of the association, I
formally requested copies of the last seven
(7) years of minutes in August of this year
as they are required to keep as a minimum
and required to furnish upon request as a
matter of Texas law.
SMC furnished minutes going back to
January of 2012, but excluded minutes
from Nov 2015, Dec 2015, Jan 2016, Jul
2016, Aug 2016, Nov 2016, Jun 2017, Jul
2017, Nov 2017, Dec 2017 Nov 2018, Dec
2018. Those minutes should reveal that
either those in question were appointed
or elected without the homeowner’s pub-
lic knowledge or they did nothing and as-
sumed extensions far beyond their original
3 year terms without a public election being
called. I am publicly requesting these miss-
ing minutes to be provided immediately.
All Sagemeadow homeowners need to be
respected and our HOA needs to be run
with respect for the homeowners. State law
and established By-laws must be complied
with. I further request that those minutes
be turned over to the South Belt-Ellington
Leader for independent verifi cation of com-
If the Chairman refuses to step down
with some remaining grace or anyone else
for that matter who has illegitimately over
extended their 3 year term, then the only
last recourse for Sagemeadow property
owners is to have 50 or more lot owners re-
quest in writing that he/they be removed as
per the original Sagemeadow Restrictions,
Part C fi led in 1972.
Larry Bennatt
December 2019
We at Almeda Mall are grateful and proud to serve the
Southeast community we call home. We want to send all
our neighbors our wish for a blessed Christmas Season
filled with Joy and Peace.
It is our hope that the Almeda community, diverse as it is
in its religious beliefs and ethnicity will join together to
enjoy the Christmas Season with us at Almeda Mall as the
birth of Christ is remembered.
As is our annual tradition, our reader board on the freeway
will contain daily Christmas messages and on Christmas
Day will be dedicated to continuously proclaiming thanks
to God for the gift of the Christ Child, so many years ago
in Bethlehem.
We wish you all a blessed, safe and merry Christmas!
Wayne C Fox
WCF Development
Continued from Page 1A
will use when entering the
workforce. During her 10-
year tenure as chancellor, the
college has constructed or
will construct 16 new build-
ings while completing reno-
vations on many more.
Those buildings include
the Maritime Technology
and Training Center, which
opened in March 2016; the
$60 million LyondellBasell
Center for Petrochemical,
Energy and Technology
(CPET), which opened in
September 2019; and, most
recently, the EDGE Center.
Designed to offer the nation’s
leading EDGE curriculum
in advanced manufacturing
training, the San Jacinto Col-
lege EDGE Center is now the
offi cial training partner for
the Houston Spaceport.
The 27th annual Quasar
Award will pay tribute to
Hellyer’s singular leadership
and innovative initiatives,
which have served to rede-
ne education and workforce
development in the Bay Area
Houston region.
Hellyer awarded Quasar
Continued from Page 1A
medical personnel, investi-
gators, CSU (Crime Scene
Unit) and the Medical Ex-
aminer’s Offi ce determined
that Sgt. Brewster’s vest had
a strike at the edge which
did not actually penetrate the
vest. Moreover, it was deter-
mined that other damage to
Police chief on Brewster’s vest
the vest was not a penetra-
tion, and at least one round
was a strike below the vest
(between the belt and the bot-
tom of the vest). Again, the
vest performed as expected,
and there was no vest fail-
ure. We are relieved to have
established that the concerns
regarding a vest penetration
have been addressed.
A 2006 Dobie graduate,
Brewster, 32, was fatally
shot Saturday, Dec. 7, while
responding to a domes-
tic disturbance call in East
Houston. Arturo Solis, 25,
was charged with capital
murder of a police offi cer in
the crime.
Curtis Lynn
Curtis Lynn Lengefeld, 74,
died Dec. 16, 2019. Curtis was
born in Hearne, Texas, March
4, 1945. Curtis grew up in El
Campo and graduated from El
Campo High School in 1963.
He later graduated from Bay-
lor University in 1968.
He was preceded in death
by his parents Curtis and Rosa-
lie Lengefeld; and brother-in-
law Jerry Hocott.
Curtis is survived by his
wife of 52 years Sandra Hocott
Lengefeld; son Kevin Lenge-
feld and wife JoEllen of Al-
pharetta, Ga.; and son Scott
Lengefeld and wife Geneefa
of Pleasanton, Calif. Grand-
children are Garett and Rengan
Lengefeld from Georgia and
Michael and Matthew Lenge-
feld from California. Other
family include in-laws Sue
Ella and Bill Foster of Aus-
tin; Kendall and Patsy Hocott
of Raymondville, Texas; and
Dorothy Hocott of Alvin and
numerous nephews and nieces.
Curtis worked at Crown Pe-
troleum which later changed
to Pasadena Refi nery for 37
years. He was a past president
of Dobie Booster Club and a
longtime member of Sagemont
Church. Visitation is from 6 to
8 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 19; the
funeral service will be 10 a.m.
Friday, Dec. 20.
Both services will be at Ni-
day Funeral Home – Beamer
Chapel. Interment will follow
at Forest Park Almeda Genoa.
Thanks, Merry Christmas to all!
This time of year always
reminds how special the
South Belt community is.
Our Christmas program
involves those who need
help and those community
members willing to help.
And we believe the re-
sult is a better Christmas.
Thanks to all who make life
better for everyone in the
community. This includes the
kids who donate and share
with their peers.
I believe this program is a
great life lesson for our kids.
It is good for them to learn
to share. Love and Merry
Christmas to all.
Marie Flickinger,
Christmas Edition, 2019, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Section A, Page 3
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Bill & Cheryl Hines
Saturday Vigil 5:30 p.m.
Sunday 7:30, 9:15, 11:15 a.m.
Sunday 1 p.m. Misa en Español
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9 a.m.
Tuesday & Thursday 7 p.m.
Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated
Thursday 7:45 to 8:30 p.m. Saturday 4 to 5 p.m.
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Youth Ministry 281-481-4735
St. Luke’s offers ministries for ALL-families, men, women, youth,
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Rev. Douglas J. Guthrie, Pastor
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11011 Hall Rd.
(between Beamer & Blackhawk)
Moore presents
choir Christmas
Moore Elementary choir performed the Christmas mu-
sical “Cool Yule” at the school and various other places.
The students performed at Park Manor Nursing Home
and at the Pasadena ISD administration building. They
performed for the Bethlehem Project at South Main
Baptist in Pasadena Friday, Dec. 13.
Above are elves, left to right, Cesar Salinas, Irvin Es-
cobar, Christopher Flores, Kiet Vo, Julian Chavez and
John Herrera.
Right are Bill Holly and the mistletoe dancers, left to
right, Trinity Dang, Natalie Elkins, Alyssa Davis, Sage
Ediger as Bill Holly, Paola Ibarra and Jaylynne Her-
Below left are snow surfers, left to right, Israel Yanez,
Juan Alonso, Jesus Leon, Adrian Ortega and Michael
Shown below right are FaLa Cool and the Gang, left to
right, Ethan Tran, Phillip Carter, Maxwell Torres and
Isaiah Barrientos.
Shown left are special guest stars, left to
right, (front row) Emmery Lynn as reindeer
sister, Giovannie Alvear as Santa Claus,
Spree Ediger as Tina Tinsel, (back row)
Sage Ediger as Bill Holly, Lilah Aguayo as
Loretta Poinsettia, Martin Peng as Scrooge
and Avery Payne as reindeer sister.
Shown below are, left to right, (fi rst row)
Jaylyne Hernandez, Dalila Chapa, Zaria
Johnson, Ethan Tran, Lilah Aguayo, Ce-
sar Salinas, Israel Yanez, Kyeli Lara, Juan
Alonso, Han Truong (second row) Sabrina
Gutierrez, Isaiah Gonzales, John Herrera,
Irvin Escobar, Sage Ediger, Nhi Nguyen,
Jesus Leon, Maxwell Torres, Adrian Orte-
ga, Gabriel Salazar, Sheryl Munn (teach-
er), (third row) Ivan Torres, Alyssa Davis,
Isaiah Barrientos, Natalie Elkins, Spree
Ediger, Trinity Dang, Julian Chavez, Paola
Ibarra, Edgar Garcia (fourth row) Ari-
el Dillard, Emmery Lynn, Phillip Carter,
Martin Peng, Giovannie Alvear, Christo-
pher Flores, Avery Payne, Kiet Vo and Mi-
chael Cortez.
Photos submitted
Southeast Volunteer Fire Department hosted its annual
banquet Dec. 7. Shown above, left to right, are the per-
sons of the year for 2019 Chuck Tylka, fi re chief; David
Cino, assistant chief fi re offi cer; Rep. Dennis Paul; Isaiah
Southeast VFD hosts annual banquet
Reyes, Medic of the Year; Austin Staner, Firefi ghter of the
Year; Juan Saucedo, Rookie of the Year; Jerry Terrell,
assistant chief fi re marshal; Bobby Shannahan, Offi cer
of the Year; and Robert Zolan, assistant chief EMS.
Frazier Elementary’s annual spelling
bee was held Dec. 11. Sixteen of the
top fourth-grade spellers qualifi ed to
participate in the competition. Jacob
Ordonez (shown right) took the top
spot by spelling the word “reason-
able” and will represent Frazier in
the district spelling bee in February.
Trace Parker (left) was the runner-up.
Shown below are, left to right, (front
row) Ezekiel West, Draiden Engle,
David Corral, Damian Paz, (mid-
dle row) Damyen Gonzalez, Gilbert
Andrade, Sasha Lewis, Hazel Nino,
Brooklyn Morris, Alyzza Hernandez,
Gabriella Soza, (back row)Yosselin
Banegas, Jacob Ordonez, Trace Park-
er, Yaszlyn Brown and Annalee Cas-
tillo. Photo submitted
Frazier names spelling bee winners
Dobie High donates diapers for the holidays
Dobie High School focused on “giving” during this holi-
day season. A diaper drive was held Dec. 2-6, to help the
local Pregnancy Crisis Center. Rayanne Sinski’s home-
room class gave the most diapers. Shown are, left to
right, (front row) Jose Torres, Gerardo Torres, Rayanne
Sinski, Kassandra Keller, Megan Godeke, (middle row)
Emily Argueta, Joscelin Martinez, Javier Deleon, Jay-
la Arenas, Kristen Barba, Eric To, Abby Duron, Jacob
Acevedo, Maliha Akhter, Fernando Gonzales, (back
row) Isabella Delgado, Gloria Galvan, Lili Tran, Tyler
Dang and Jared Dorantes Adame.
Photo submitted
Thong Le: team gold medal.
The team appreciates math coach
Thomas Etienne, science coach Dr.
Cecily Haley and economics coach
Phyllis Geries as well as Jeff Flores,
Kathy Eads and Dorothy Simmons;
the many assistant administrators
Page 4 Section A, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Christmas Edition, 2019
Remember When
Over The Back Fence
by Alexis
Lucy Peterson celebrates a birthday Thursday,
Dec. 19. She is wished a wonderful day from her
family, especially her nine grandchildren; all her
friends; and her former co-workers at the South Belt
Brayden, Baylee and Olivia; sister Stacey (Hayes)
and husband Stephen Flowers and children Ken-
nedy, Owen and Evie; brother Austin Scarberry,
wife Tiffany and daughters Jade and Lily; and broth-
er Tyler Scarberry. Joey was a member of the Dobie
High School Class of 2000 and the Longhorn March-
Joseph “Joey” Hayes celebrates his birthday
Saturday, Dec. 21. Best wishes and lots of love are
sent from mom and dad, Jannie and Robert Scar-
berry, former longtime South Belt residents; sis-
ter Jenny (Hayes) and Josh Laney and children
40 years ago ( 1979)
Sixty-three Dobie High
School band students won
places on the District Band
in competition held at Galena
Park High School.
The Sagemeadow home of
the Jed Assed family, in the
9800 block of Sageaspen, won
best religious honors in both
the Sagemeadow Civic Club
and the McCarver Realtors
Christmas decorating contests.
35 years ago ( 1984)
South Belt Leader co-pub-
lisher Marie Flickinger was
selected as one of 15 members
on the city’s Ellington Field
Master Plan Study Advisory
Directors of Municipal
Utility District 13 recommend-
ed reducing the district’s tax
rate from 65 cents per $100
valuation to 62 cents per $100.
30 years ago (1989)
Members of the Brio Task
Force and its remediation con-
tractors received a notice of
violation from the Texas Air
Control Board and were still
facing possible fi nes.
Frank Medeiros’ Disney
theme creation won most orig-
inal in the South Belt-Elling-
ton Chamber of Commerce’s
annual Christmas decorating
25 years ago (1994)
Maureen Wakeland took
over the job of southeast Harris
County area engineer for the
Texas Department of Trans-
portation when Charlie Frey
retired from the position.
The AppleTree grocery
store on Scarsdale closed for
business on a Tuesday evening
and reopened the next Friday
morning as a Gerland’s. The
Gerland’s on Hughes Road
closed that Thursday night.
20 years ago (1999)
America’s Royalty: All the
President’s Children, a book
co-authored by San Jacinto
College South history profes-
sor Dr. Sanford Kanter, was
published in Chinese. It ap-
peared in bookstores in China.
J.T.B. Services, owned and
operated by the South Belt Jim
Bulgier family, imploded the
Galveston Buccaneer Hotel.
15 years ago (2004)
Construction of a 300-stu-
dent expansion of Weber El-
ementary was approved by
CCISD allowing two new
six-classroom wings to be add-
ed onto the school.
Longtime South Belt resi-
dent and former Beverly Hills
principal Tommy Baccaro was
honored by having the campus
library at Bondy Intermediate
named for him. Baccaro was
Bondy’s fi rst principal.
For the second time in
three years, both PISD and
CCISD applied for waivers to
begin classes earlier than the
state-mandated start date.
10 years ago (2009)
The South Belt-Ellington
Leader wrapped up its 27th
annual Christmas program to
collect food and gifts for needy
families in the community. A re-
cord number of 60 families ap-
plied for assistance in the drive
– roughly twice the number of
applicants as in previous years.
5 years ago (2014)
The 32nd annual Christ-
mas program of the South Belt
Leader was a huge success,
providing assistance to roughly
70 area families in need.
1 year ago (2018)
Former Dobie student Reed
O’Connor, now working as a
federal judge, made national
headlines for his ruling that de-
termined the Affordable Care
Act was unconstitutional. A
1983 graduate from the area
high school, O’Connor was
appointed by President George
W. Bush in 2007 to serve on
the Federal District Court for
the Northern District of Texas.
In his ruling, O’Connor sided
with the argument advanced by
Republican-led states, includ-
ing Texas, that the legislation,
also known as Obamacare,
could no longer stand now that
there’s no penalty for those
who do not participate in the
program. The U.S. Supreme
Court had upheld the law in
2012 by classifying the law as
a tax. Since Congress removed
the individual mandate in
2017, however, the legislation
can no longer be viewed as
such, O’Connor ruled. The rul-
ing is expected to be appealed
to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Prior to writing legal opinions,
O’Connor worked as a sports
journalist for the Leader while
still attending Thompson Inter-
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Clear Brook Wolverines win third in debate
The Clear Brook Wolverine Debate team took third place
sweeps Nov. 6-7 at Tompkins High School tournament.
Starting with Informative Speaking, team historian Zahra
Virani captured second place, earning the team its second
state qualifi cation of the season. Following her lead, team
secretary Yusra Ahsan earned third place, putting her
at nine state qualifi cation points. Fellow member Jyothi
Manoj placed fourth, earning two points, Ian Allen placed
fth, getting his name on the leader board with one point
while newcomer Aqsa Babar followed closely behind with
sixth place and one point. Debaters and other event com-
petitors also brought home achievements, starting with
Anto Antony who placed third in Novice Lincoln Doug-
las where he was recognized as fourth speaker overall and
sixth place fi nalist in Impromptu Speaking. His champion
counterpart, Sarvesh Subramanian placed third in his di-
vision while also placing fi rst as overall speaker. Sarvesh
took home the gold, fi rst place, in Foreign Extemporane-
ous Speaking and a fi fth place fi nish in Original Oratory.
One of the standout achievements of the weekend was Isa-
iah Hall who entered four events and managed to advance
to beyond prelims in all of them; he placed second in Poet-
ry, as a quarterfi nalist in LD Debate and as a semifi nalist
in Impromptu Speaking and Domestic Extemporaneous
Speaking. Last, but certainly not least, returning team
member from a year off was Kristyn Delgado who fl exed
her verbal muscle in Domestic Extemporaneous Speaking
by placing fi fth overall, earning four points toward her
twelve point goal. Because of all of their hard work and
dedication, the team managed to walk away with a third
place overall fi nish. The team heads to Clear Springs to
add more qualifi ers to their upcoming El Paso state meet.
Shown are, left to right, (front row) Aqsa Babar, Zahra Vi-
rani, Yusra Ahsan, coach Michael Rutledge, (middle row)
Jyothi Manoj, Kristyn Delgado, Sarvesh Subramanian,
(back row) Isaiah Hall, Anto Antony and Ian Allen.
Dobie debate wins district competition
Dobie High School’s Academic Decathlon team won
rst place recently at district competition. Cameron
Tobias (shown above), varsity team captain, won fi rst
place medals in social science, economics, interview,
literature and music; and won individual overall fi rst
place varsity level. The team will now advance to the
region competition in February.
Tobias 1st overall
Second-grade students
from South Belt Elementary
have written the following
letters to Santa Claus.
Kami Brown’s class
Hi Santa! Santa Claus
can I please have genis-
us vatreyak, Bey Blade. I
would like a romote RC car.
I am excited for Christmas.
Hi Santa! How are you do-
ing? How is Ralphiy the elf
doing when he is visting the
North Pole I want three thing
for Christmas a blue one, and
a galexy huver bord and a real
bunny rabbit the same one I
had. Aubrey
Hi Santa! For Christmas I
would like a Fortnite and ro-
biots. pleasecan I have more
money and a new spiderman
wallet. tell Jesus happy Birth-
day! Avery
Hi Santa! Is buddy do-
ing good? Do you have gift
for us? Are you doing good?
Hi Santa is joy the elf ok?
Please Santa, for Christmas
I would like a game for my
nintendo switch. Jayden
Hi Santa how is Buddy?
How is Rudolp? how are you
doing? Elijah
Hi Santa! How are you do-
ing? How are the elfs Buddy,
Joy and Anna doing? Santa,
can I please have a LOL for
christmas. Hanna
Hi Santa! How are you
doing? I wonder if I can have
a purple elf For Cristmas
and black and white Vans? I
also want ball in slime, aplle
watch and a chocker. Tabitha
Hi Santa! If I could please
get some toys for Christmas I
will like Barbie and a dog. I
miss Buddy the elf. See Bud-
dy I miss him. Jai’Ana
Hi Santa! How are you do-
ing? How is Rudolph doing?
I hope I get jewlery for christ-
mas. Addison
Hi Santa! How are you do-
ing? How is missis Claus do-
ing? I ca’t wait until Christ-
mas! Kinsley
Hi Santa! What are your
reindeers birthday’s? Santa
can you give me a elf please.
Hi Santa! How is my elf
Rockstar doing? Please can I
help you deliver presents?
Hi Santa! How are you do-
ing I want an elf named Joy. I
miss our elf Buddy. Anariyah
Hi Santa! How rudof
duing? Am I going to get a
present if I du I wond a Big
godzilla Toy and hot wels
girosh withe gicilla and a
little city. and am incinaft
sand. Blaze
Hi Santa! How are you
doing? How is Buddy the elf,
rudolph and Joy doing? How
is Ms. claus? Daniella
Hi Santa! How is rudolph?
can I have a electric scooter
please. I am excited about
christmas! Ethan
Hi Santa! I lik a Bey Blade
for christmas. I want 1 Dra-
go and any other Bey Blade.
I have been really good this
year. Xavier
Roseann Herte’s class
Hi Santa! How is Ms.
Claus doing? How are Eelf
doing? How are the reindeer
doing? I am excited about
christmas! Andrew
Hi Santa how is buddy do-
ing? Am I on the nice list or
bad list? What is Mrs. claus
doing? Is she baking cook-
ies? Anyah
Hi Santa How is Andy the
elf doing at the North Pole? I
want a Iphone 11 a laptop for
christmas! Giselle
Hi Santa! How are you do-
ing? Santa can you please get
me and IPhone 11 and a Bey
Blade please and thank you!
Hi Santa! How is Buddy
the elf doing? For Christmas
I want a laptop and a comput-
er. Aaron
Hi Santa! I want to know
how meny people are in the
world I really bonit know.
Hi Santa am I on the nice
list? Are you going to come
to my home on Christmas?
Tell Buddy to be good.
Hi Santa! Am I getting a
conputer for I hav Been Good
this year Christmas Also I
want to get my brother a toy
and a eff. Ja’Kendalyn
Hi Santa How is Boddy
the elf doing? I am good and
saiah was good also I want vr
and phone. Isaac
Hi Santa! How are you do-
ing how is Buddy the elf do-
ing? If ms. clause is reading
this with you tell her I can’t
wate too try your cookies.
I been very good this year I
hope you come to my houes
on christmas. Laylah
Hi Santa! Rebb me? A gel-
star is reding a book the oth-
er two. elves are in my tree.
Hi santa! How are you do-
ing? I have been good. May
I please have amaze cube?
Thank you! Drake
Hey Santa and Elf! I real-
ly wanna Neon colors Hover
board and a same color elec-
tric scooter. but can make
some how to my parents buy
it for me. Cause my family is
Muslim so we cant celebrate
Christmas. Muhammad
Hi Santa How are you do-
ing? I am excitid for christ-
mas Jingle Bell’s is so fun-
ny! and I would like a barbie
hose and a barbie airplane for
christmas. Thank you santa.
Hi Santa! How is budd do-
ing? Can I please have a hov-
erboard? And a ipbook kit?
Merry cristmas Santa! and a
phone! David
Hi Santa! Am i still geting
my hoover board for christ-
mas? I would really like one.
Hi Santa! Are you really
real? I wish I was an elf it
cool you know. On Christmas
I want a new... tablet and a
OMG Doll and LOL Doll to.
Hi Santa! how is Ms.
Claus doing and Buddy the
elf? Am I on the nice list? I
hope so! Chacidy
Hi santa! How is Buddy
the elf doing? Is he doing a
bunch of work? I would like a
pitching machine for Christ-
mas. Christian
Hi Santa! How is Buddy
the elf doing? and how are all
the other elf doing? Can I get
a WW ring and a I phone 11
for christmas? Aubree
Madelyn Maxwell’s class
How are you? I been very
good. I want a LOL Shllaye
and a LOL camer. The last
thening I wunt a LOL hose.
How are you? I have been
very good. I want a new ever
lasting LOLs! Maesyn
I don’t now what to chose use
to Sabat merry Chistmas in a
pink Buck. Cristina
How are you? I been very
good. I want a new LOL doll
and a 5 suprise. Breanna
Can you get a bicke and
a iphone and real money 21
cup cakes? Karrington
How are you? I want for
christmas is my sis and my
family. Natalie
How are you? I have been
very good. I want a l.o.l pets
and slime and a rinebow
slime and a new nitehow
swish. Jeanette
I want a iphone 11 amd
a whit citin and LOL dolls
and mr mom cud gite wat she
wuste to and a appl wahc!
How are you? I have been
very good I want a x box and
x box game. Isaac
How are you? I have ben
good. I want a st uf RoBlox.
How are you? I am good.
I hope you are to. I want
earpods for Christmas and a
Whiet bord. Alessandra
Hi Santa How are you do-
ing? I want slime and a LoL
suprise and a new shrt.
How are you? I been very
good. I want a lol suprise
shaoulay and a bunny and a
lol omg doll. Merry Christ-
ma. Simone
Merry Christmas! I been
good. I wunt for christmas is
LOL spries and slime and a
small note book weth a pen.
I want a noe game. and
a noe bike and wanted for
christmas and a noe vebux
and noe robux merry christ-
mas. Alex
I want a nintendo swich.
For Christmas. And I’v been
very good. And i wunt a game
with it. Aaron
How are you? I want a
new nitenod a lots of Dog-
men book? And a PS4 and a
xbox x and a IPhone11 Pro
Max? Roland
Hi Santa I have been very
good this year. How are your
elfs? Soo I want LOL, Gold
box, and mermedy dift cards,
and the majic tree bouse 2
books. Thats it! Yvette
I want a Iphone 11 proand
the Golden fornite Gift card
and the battle bus and the
fortnite golf card and 3 dor-
nite skins? I hope you have a
good christmas. Mikey
Jessica Arnold’s class
One day I want to go see
you in the North pole. I love
Star my elf she is so nice and
funny. Sofi a
I want airpods Brbes, a
brbe drem house, brbe close,
cen brbes. Dora
Hi Santa I’ll see you soon
in 14 days I just tell you the
rookies are going to be super
yummy and the milk is same
one and things i want are oh
and by the way i’m only gol-
ing to put some things i want
here all them are going to
be on my list. Micro scope,
books, paint stuff, papers,
markers, stickers, polly pock-
ets, apple gift card, seeds ican
plant like fruits fl owers veg-
tables, happy holiday safe and
to learn to fi gure skate. Zoie
I what for xmas liwegs
mahchih, a home, a dog,
sweet day for xmas.
Have fun on your trip!
Delever all the present! Tech
me how to drive a raindeer
plese. Your the best delevor-
er Pleese send an Elf! What I
want for Chistmas is fortnight
toys, also pixleark. Jamison
For Crismas I want a rob-
lox gift card and a new house.
I hope you give me good
presents. Also I hope you
l,ike the cokies I make. Also I
hope you be very qieat when
you put present. Also these
are the things I want one ice
king toy from fornite and a
toy tank. Aryan
I will give you a cook-
ie and milk because you are
nice. I hope you give us good
presents. Nekyah
What I would like for
xmas is a big batman lego a
dogman book to last thing a
puppy to. Mateo
I’ve been good this year. I
want a phone for christmas.
And a good blyayblade. I
hope you have a good christ-
mas. Max
Can you give me the bey-
blades Blast geneyes, Farnir
and Valtriyak for my Christ-
mas presents. Hussein
Santa one day I want to
see you in real life, and your
reindeers at the norit pole.
Hope I maybe see you in one
day. Adan
I want a pc, and a vr, and a
playstation, and a fortnite toy,
Also a turbo a bag of a turbos,
and a pc. Saif
Derenda DeHoyos’ class
How are you? I have been
very good. I want a new toy
car for Christmas. Also I
want a new toy robot. Skye
How are yoe? I have been
very good. I want a slime for
Christmas. Mia
I want a Iron-man toy and
I want a spider-man toy and I
want a Holk toy too. Carlos
How are you? I have bee
very good. i want a zom-
bie land set for Christmas. I
Continued on Page 6B
South Belt Elementary students write letters to Santa
ing Band. He is currently serving in the U.S. Coast
Happy birthday wishes are sent to Jackie Wiess
Dec. 22. “Happy Birthday to Mom Jackie Wiess
from all your family and friends in Texas and North
Carolina. We wish you a wonderful year full of love
and happiness from your family Heidi, Louie and
Kara; and your wonderful husband of 60 years
Louie Sr. plus all your grandchildren Cody, Louie,
Arianna, Amelia and Jence Wiess. Have a won-
derful birthday celebration! Sending love your way!”
Former Dobie principal and former Pasadena
ISD board member, Jerry Speer, enjoys a birth-
day Dec. 22. Best wishes are sent from family,
friends and the Leader staff.
Wishes for a happy birthday are sent Dec. 22
to David Flickinger from his wife Marie; sons
Fred and wife Leslie Flickinger and David and
wife Ellie Flickinger; granddaughters Kimberly
Flickinger and Courtney Durham and husband
Chris and children Abigail and Jackson; grand-
daughter Natalie and husband Jose Abarca and
their children Kelvin Lopez and Noah, Elliana and
Isabella Abarca; and sister-in-law Alexis Lochner.
Birthday greetings are sent to Jackie Wiess on
her birthday Dec. 22 from hubby Louie; her chil-
dren Heidi, Louie and Kara; and her grandchildren
Cody, Louie, Arianna, Amelia and Jence Wiess.
Best wishes are also sent from her many equestri-
an friends in North Carolina! Happy, happy birthday!
The following personnel of the Pasadena Inde-
pendent School District celebrate birthdays Dec. 19
through Dec. 25.
Burnett Elementary
Sylvia Lazard enjoys a birthday Dec. 22. Send a
warm birthday greeting Dec. 24 to Haley Emery.
Bush Elementary
Sing a birthday song to Cathy Perez Dec. 22.
Genoa Elementary
Join in the birthday fun Dec. 27 to celebrate the
day with Maria Duran.
Meador Elementary
Blow out the birthday candles for Lanalisa
Sinclair Dec. 20.
South Belt Elementary
Light the birthday candles for Roneasha
Reliford Dec. 20. Victoria Stelmach
enjoys a
birthday Dec. 23.
Melillo Middle School
Wishes for a happy birthday Dec. 25 are sent to
Erika Vega.
Roberts Middle School
Special birthday wishes are sent to Nicole Bond
Dec. 21.
Beverly Hills Intermediate
Mai Tram Tong marks a birthday Dec. 20.
Birthday wishes are sent to Johna Moreland on
Dec. 22
Dobie High
A double birthday celebration is in order Dec. 21
for Sarah Mains and Kristen Tolley.
Three cheers
on Dec. 22 for a happy birthday for Susan Ayala
and Cheryl Sanders. Traci Jacobs and Chassity
Allen celebrate a birthday Dec. 23. Light the birthday
candles on a double-layer cake Dec. 26 for Donna
Cobb and Martha Jack.
The Leader sends birthday wishes to friends.
For those wanting a birthday mentioned, email
[email protected] with “OTBF:
Friends Celebrate Birthdays” in the subject line by
Friday noon for the next week’s publication.
Thursday, Dec. 19: Randy Tenorio, Beckie
Davidson, Kim Jones and Rene Gomez; Friday,
Dec. 20: Sally Esquivel, Lisa West and Michelle
Gerbich; Saturday, Dec. 21: Jimmy Thomas,
Patricia O’Brien, Scott Louvier, Helen White,
Christopher Lewis, Jeana Pierce, Ruth Fischer,
Tara Garven and Crystal Billeri; Sunday,
22: Jennifer Bryant and Tiffany Wennerstrom;
Monday, Dec. 23: Miguel Lopez, Sarah Smith
and Holly Fielder; Tuesday, Dec. 24: Lori Lee,
James Perales, Tiffany McCullough and Kim
McDonald; and Wednesday, Dec. 25: Jillena Mata,
Jose Garza, Abby Skowron, Johnna Overstreet-
Pierce and Anita Griego.
Email birthday, anniversary, vacation,
congratulations, etc., to mynews@south
beltleader.com with OTBF in the subject line by
Friday noon for the next week’s publication.
The Dobie team defeated
an excellent team, Pasadena
Memorial, at district compe-
tition Dec. 5 and 6 by a nar-
row margin advancing to re-
gional Academic Decathlon
Feb. 7-8 at Dickinson.
The team works incredi-
bly hard (studying Saturdays,
holidays and after school)
and has studied this year’s
somewhat morbid topic of
“Illness and Wellness” in
art, economics, literature
(reading the novel “Franken-
stein”), math, music, science
(focus on cancer), social sci-
ence (focus on health care
through history) as well as
essay, speech and interview.
Dobie’s Academic team
also fi nished rst in super
quiz and had 5 of the 9 high-
est scoring students
Individual awards includ-
ed Cameron Tobias: 1st Place
varsity student overall with
gold medals in literature, mu-
sic, interview, social science,
economics and super quiz;
silver medals in science; and
bronze medals in art and
Xitlali Martinez: 2nd
highest varsity score overall;
gold in super quiz, math; sil-
ver in art, essay, economics;
and bronze in literature, sci-
ence and social science.
Sebastian Delgado: 3rd
highest varsity score overall;
gold in super quiz, silver in
music and bronze in inter-
Trang Vu: gold in super
quiz and art; silver in litera-
ture and math; and bronze in
Amy Tieu: gold in super
quiz, science and art; silver in
social science; and bronze in
who helped in Interview and Lean-
na Foster and Erica Trevino in the
copy room. According to Daugh-
erty, the team is “most appreciative
of the Dobie Prinicipal, Franklin
Moses, for his tireless support!” The
team is coached by Bob Daugherty
and Todd Geries.
(perfect score!), interview and math;
silver in science, essay and econom-
ics; and bronze in literature, music,
Dang Nguyen: gold in super quiz
and math.
Amy Hoang: gold in super quiz.
Jonathan Niera: gold in super
Minh To: 2nd scholastic
highest overall score; gold in
super quiz, music, art and so-
cial science; and silver in liter-
ature, science and economics.
Raneem Shobaki: gold in
super quiz, science and social
science; and bronze in music,
speech, interview and math.
Ian Cisneros: gold in super
quiz and math; silver in sci-
ence; and bronze in essay and
Ha Nguyen: gold in super
quiz and silver in math.
Kathy Tran: gold in super
quiz and bronze in math.
Kobe Thompson: 2nd
overall highest score in hon-
ors; gold in super quiz, speech
Members of the Dobie Debate team area, left to right, fi rst row:
Todd Geries, Coach, Amy Tieu, Trang Vu, Kathy Tran, Amy Ho-
ang, Minh To, Ha Le, Sebastian Delgado and Jonathan Niera.
Back row: Raneem Shobaki, Co-Captain, Cameron Tobias
(Co-Captain), Kobe Thompson, Xitlali Martinez, Ian Cisneros,
Dang Nguyen and Bob Daugherty, coach.
Christmas Edition, 2019, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Section A, Page 5A
Members of Dobie’s Key Club recently volunteered at
Winter Fest, held at the area school Dec. 7. Now in its
third year, the event is sponsored by former South
Belt resident Thi Nguyen. An online toy blogger
known to many as Princess T, Nguyen was inspired to
host the yearly event after local residents helped her
family following the May 2000 death of her sister Jen-
nie Nguyen. Key Club members shown above are, left
to right, (fi rst row) Key Club editor Deeangel Trinh,
Harrison Nguyen, Annette Tran, Jeenny Nguyen, pres-
ident Jennifer Nguyen, treasurer Kathy Tran, Jordan
Tran, Emily Reyes, Alina Herazo, (second row) Jade
Cabrera, Kiera Jackson, Kevin Su, Megan Rodriguez,
Melanie Vo, Kathleen Nguyen, Timothy Giang, Gen-
esis Valtierra (third row) Victoria Nguyen, Kathleen
Vu, Angelica Acac, Victoria Acosta, Violet Tran, Lil-
ly Nguyen, Jaclyn Nguyen, Tracy Tran (fourth row)
Kyra Jackson, Crystal Mejia, Key Club secretary Jer-
emiah Palma, Jenny Do, Hayden Lazo, Piseth So, An
Tran, Kailey Tsikis, Anh Nguyen, Sydnee Pector, Ngoc
Nguyen, Kelly Nguyen, Ashley Tovar, Dieu Duong, Co-
rey Britton, Sarah Hernandez, Angela Torres, Michael
De La Garza, Sairi Oliva, Abigail Ortiz, Gabbi Loza-
no, Athena Ho and Jonathan Neira.
Dobie Key Club volunteers at Winter Fest
Above, helping at the snowfl ake throw station are, left to right, Key Club members
Gabbi Lozano, Victoria Acosta, and Kailey Tsikis.
In the photo at right is member Jonathan Neira playing at the ornament pick game.
Below are, left to right, members Dieu Duong and Sarah Hernandez exhibit unique
creations at the drawing station.
Second-grade students
from Meador Elementary
wrote the following letters
to Santa Claus.
Jill Gifford’s class
How are you? I would
like air pods and an iPhone
II Pro because I can play
games. Thank you! Dary’n
How are you doing? Mr.
Saint Nick? I would like a
present for my mom be-
cause she works hard ev-
ery day. I love her Santa!
Can you make her happy
as much as I love her? I
want something special for
her. She loves us so much
ad I love her. Have a good
How are you doing? I
would like a iPhone II for
Christmas. I would like it to
play on. I also want a L.P.S.
Thank you!
How are the elves? I
would like to have a dirt
bike armer. I am going to
ride my dirt bike armer.
Also, I would like a puppy.
Thank you.
How are the elves? I
want a LOL doll. I am go-
ing to play with it. Also,
some art supplies because
I like art. My cousin and I
like art. Have a good Christ-
mas. Aya
How are you doing? I
would like a PS4! I would
like a bike. Have a good
How are you doing? I
would like a Nintendows-
wich, LOL, LOLomg, fans-
amsom, LOL boy, vans.
Thank you.
How are the elves? I
would want new brothers
for Christmas vans that
rainbow LOL doll, Omg
Doll, Have a nice trip back
to the North Pole. :>
How are the elves? I
want for Christms a LOL’s
toy house and my little sis-
ter wants my little pony and
my big sisters want close
and shos. Have a nice trip
back to the North Pole.
How are you doing? I
would like a camera and a
book that can hold your pic-
tures. Oh can I also have
LOLs oh and lots of hugs
for you. (not signed)
How are you feeling? I
would like a drome and a
camera on the drome. I am
going to play with ut not
close to the house. Have a
good Christmas!
How are the elves? I
would like a scooter. I am
going to ride it with my
brother’s friends. See you
next year!
Jocelin Webster’s class
How are you Sant. How
is Rudolph. and your wife.
Are you going to come to
Texas Santa. on Christmas.
I will give you cooking and
Philip Rachal
Hi Santa. How was your
day today? and my day was
good today with is I want
for Chirmis is a big bag of
slime and big bag of LOL.
Keari Yanna
Rudolph is der. Elijah F.
How are you doing San-
ta. How is Miss. Clause do-
ing. How are the 12 rein-
deer doing. I want a elf and
pink and a hoverboard and
a toy bloom and flowers for
mommy and I’ll get some-
thing for you and I want a
phone. Layla
I wat a LOL doll and
LOL suprisey and che-
tesend and a tablec and go
to togeth and a biki and
a snow glob and I want to
play to and to have fun.
How are you doing. Wan
do you do in the summr. I
want snow in Texas. And
a Knock out. A LOL omg
doll. The LOL snow place.
a dog. Orbit book. The new
LOL clarp. A real youtube
cram. Aneya
How are you Rudolph.
Ms. Claws and the elevin re-
andear doing. Can I get the
sex headed dragon and the
new blade blade for Christ-
mas and a godzilla toy for
my older brother to he loves
godzilla joker he usto like
Superman. but can we also
get a Nowtendo switch card
for Christmast to.
How are you haoe are the
elves. I want a baby alive
doll and a LOL doll and a
JoJo swow wach and a LOL
wach and I wants a ponty
and a toy uncone and I want
2 LOL doll and I wnat two
JoJo dolls and I want a toy
doll. Zariah
How is Rudolph and the
reindeers. How is Ms. Cluse
doing and how are you do-
ing Santa. For Chrismas I
want a Elliot shirt from the
cowboy’s a skate bord and
Shawn mendes sweat shirt
size 7.
Merry Christmas. How
are you and is Mr. Santa
Clase and your eight Rein-
deers? They look beituful
like andgels Prancer Vix-
eenComet Cupit Blixem
Blitzen Rudolph Doner. Can
you buy me a Hofoboard
and a iPhone 10 please. And
beats head phones and a lot
of stuff. How is your day.
My day is good ritting thie
note for you. I love Santa
Carmella Ariel Holcombe
How are you ? How are
the Reindeers and elves. I
want two baby Alives and a
JoJo Swaw wath and I want
it to snow a lot plz. I want
10,000000 LOL sprisis and
dolls and crids for my baby
Alive. Love you.
How have you been?
And what tipe of cookies
do you want? How have the
reindeer been? Also, how
has Misses Calse been? And
almost forget what tipe of
milk do you want? I don’t
know what I want now I
think? I know now! I want
an O.M.G. doll and an baby
doll and a LOL doll. I think
that’s it? It is. No more.
You are the best how are
you doing. Are you doing
good and how is Ms. Claus
doing? Is she doing good?
How are the raindeer’s do-
ing? I just wanted to say
Merry Christmas Santa!
Can I have 10 LOLs Please.
Can I have a dream house
too and a baby Alive Please.
You are the best! And what
cookies do you want? and
what milk do you want? It
is all for you!!! We’re all
happy and one more thing.
Marry Christmas!!!
Asia Riley
How is Rudolph. I want a
elecret dirt bike. and elecret
quod. and a drif tike. and a
dune. and trdo jets. Skylar
Heidi Gritzwsky’s class
I want lost kites becaus
I just love them so much.
They just worm my hart so
much. I also want a LOL
Sopris becus they are so
cool. Shae Ibarra
I want Shopkins be-
cause they are collectables.
I want a doll house because
I need a place to keep my
dolls. I want a phone be-
cause I want to play on it. I
want some Barbie dolls be-
cause I want to put and play
with them. I want a braslit
makeing kit aso I can make
braslit for my friends.
Londynn Daniel
Please bring me an
American girl doll, a bag of
trollie gummy worms, ore-
os, a unicorn wenzie, a koa-
la wenzie, a iPad, a cat jack-
et and a tablet. I want all of
those things because I want
to have fun.
Sophia Mancuso
I want a iPhone twelve.
And I want a car. I want
cloths. and a nerf gun and
I want toys and I want doll
house and a bank account. I
love you. Santa thank you.
The end. Sedrick Phillips
I want a Transform-
er Playstation, Spiderman
game, drawing book, Play-
station flash game, a dog.
Timthy Craige
Drone. I want it becus it
flis. It has a camra and I can
spy on pepol, a romot car
cus I can put a camra and I
can spi on pepol. I all rede
hav this won. My techer.
I want an Art book be-
cause, I love to draw so
many different things. Next,
I want a camrea because, I
love to take photo’s when
we go on trips. Also I want
a bike because my other
one broke and I’m to small
for it. Last thing I want for
Christmas is slime because
it is fun.
I want a bycicle because
I need to practice with out
training wheels. Can I have
a Ninja costume to please!
Race with Ryan. It is a
cool game Santa hat. Bekus
I like Santa hat robot cat
bekus I like cats. Ethan
Amanda John’s class
I want a toy cahs regis-
ter and toys and a Frozen
castle and toy kingdom
and gifts for my sister and
a Pokadot dress, pokadot
skirts, shirts, clothes, a cute
Friendship bracelets for my
friends and my teacher and
mie and white cat costume
and aprons and cute shirts,
skirts and miteens.
Spohia R.
I want a some three toy
car’s. A little pokasot dress
for my sister, and a star for
my tree, a long wwe cd for
Meador Elementary second-graders write Santa Claus letters
my dad and a little new key
and lock.
May I please have a LOL
house, LOL snow shed,
lOL omg doll and any win-
ter disco omg dolly Barbie
dream house camper van
and I want to see my daddy
LOL bigger srpprise. I want
to see mu uncle that lives in
Los-vagos and i want to go
out of town and a Elf on a
Shelf. Some Santa toys and
freindship neckleles and
bracelets and every body to
have a merry Christmas.
I want toys xbox for cris-
mas xneis, sxnycty, infyueg,
nsung, zuizt, test gbyirtz.
Lawrence T.
It’s me Abby. I want IPS,
iPhone II, AdidS, Nikes, a
book for drawing, cloths,
vans, scruche, jakit, laptop,
a little tree for my brids, a
toy for them. Abby
I would like a xbox one
and a siwwing pool and a
iPhone and I want a T-Rex
toy and a USL jacket, Spi-
derman wedstooer and a toy
bag and Santa can visite my
house. Raman
I want a iPhone II + and
0,000,000,000 please and
a tablit proor and please
and the meine was for my
famile sow lean bie Crismis
please. Eddie
I have a broken arm and
fir Christmas I want a doll
thatexs that moves and Dr.
Suess book and my own
puppy and my own mak-
ing and give you a good
Christmas to my family
and friends and teacher.
I want a little fluffy dog
and to make my own bruslit
and a book to reid and pie
faic and slime and pants so
I can drow and some culrs.
I love you. My sister
don’t think you are rewl. I
think you are rewl. I want a
mincraft man with a sord. 2,
th’t prezit. I wunt a big mis-
re block from Mincaft and a
batman toy a robot batman
and bat to. I real real real
wunt a meteum modsikall.
and I iPhone II phr max.
and bug batman Robot with
dothman. J’ovanni
I want some toys and
some beyblad and AC cars
like BMW and a Elf on
a Hovrbord The car glos
blue and a dog and I want
you Santa and a Mech and
a prank toy spider. Ryan’s
mesore egg. A raindeer
and a atoy airplane and
some slime and a skoar
and a Corvet for my daddy.
Vance S.
I want les ies iPhone II
and a cat and cat food and
little and cat beb can I got
a toy pony and can the baby
got a balldom.
I want a iPhone II pro
and poke march shoes and
roblox toys Frozen 2 toys
for my sister and the cobes
for the games on roblox and
50,000$ and drone. Merry
Christmas!!! Your the best.
Billy T.
You are cool and I love
you. I wish you drot me a
iPhone for Chrismas. I wish
I had a Elf on the Self. I
wish I had a red-remocke-
centroaw car. Mateo V.
I want to spred joy to the
word. I want prettey shos. I
want a baby elf and a baby
raindeer. I want a LOLs and
I want my mom to be happy
and slime and a girl scooter.
I want to make ginerbreed
have to eat with my family.
I want a pet goldfish and a
sweter when its cold. My
dad is wking so hard I want
my dad a speshl treet.
Melisa Hinojosa’s class
I want for Christmas a
Nintendo and a tablet for
me. And a dog baby ca-
nuche for me and my sister.
I want a kichen toys for me
and m sister Amelia. I want
som boks for me and my
sister. Daniela T.
I want a save part for
Christmasss. Yo a viero uh
Lego te varvers. I want a
laptop and poc for Chrismas
and I love Christmas. Mama
measme cookies. Alfredo
For Christmas I wan a
iPhone II en LOL 14 so-
prdis ensi sauer for my and
a secret for my madre and
my sister and ton is for gift
for mom and olvan for my
grama and a camera. I love
eriting at Santa gifmi eretig
I lov Santa and my parents
and my family tu a lov mi
madre and my sister. Aliee
I want for Christmas
an iPhone II so I can play
games and I want my books
for I can read at home and
I want a drone and a baby
dog toy and a baby tree
form Christmas and a gift.
For Christmas I want
3 LOL dols and a book to
read. Shoes and clothis and
animal unicorn and 9 pen-
cil. Valeria
For Chrismas I want a
Lamborgini and a Nintendo
a PS4 and ier pods, drono,
two litle dogs real rc car.
I want in action figure
of Michael Myers for a col-
lection. and a Lorie Strode
action figure. Also I want a
I want for Christmas
clothes. And I want boots. I
want a LOL balls soprais. I
want toys. Lily
I want a Goku Ultra in-
stint Gohan yesi tooo and
brcicle and no mor things.
Santa Claus sorry for figt
went my brother. Sorry :<
but can’t you get me a gift.
Thank s Santa Claus.
Alan N.
I wan a clock of puppy
end a computer of Kytti, a
puppy and a other computer
for my sister. Ana
For Christmas I want a
computer to play and nails
of Frozen slime in bottle the
last present is drone.... col-
or sea green. Isabella
For Christmas I want
Legos and a mini drone and
de color baby blue. And I
want shoes. and Pokiman
cars. Miguel
For this Chrismas I want
a tablet to play games and
see vidues. And I want new
shoes so I can run fast- a
lot of times. and the new
girl power Legos and a new
T-shirt for me and it’s go-
ing to be so new it’s gonna
say Girl Power. I do have
it already but I like get an-
other one form me because
the other one doesn’t.
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without regard to race, creed, color, national origin, citizenship status, age, disability, pregnancy, religion,
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inquiries regarding the College’s non-discrimination policies: Vice Chancellor of Human Resources, 4624 Fairmont
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San Jacinto Your Success
Page 6 Section A, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Christmas Edition, 2019
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MileHigh Adjusters Houston
Santa Claus made a special visit to Frazier
Elementary last week and took pictures
with students. Above, left, with Santa
Santa comes to Frazier
Claus is Aizik Chiovaro. Above with San-
ta Claus is Presley Shelton. Both students
are second-graders.
Frazier Elementary stu-
dents donated 180 toys to
the South Belt-Ellington
Leader Christmas pro-
gram this year. In the
photo above are, left to
right, kindergarten stu-
dent Jayden Rivera with
his third-grader cousin
Noah Martinez. The boys
donated the entire wagon
full of toys. Shown right is
third-grader Cruz Castillo
who donated to the annual
toy drive all the pennies he
saved since pre-K. Shown
below is, second-grader,
Mia Martinez who also do-
nated toys to the drive.
Photos by Susan Blue
Frazier students donate toys
in the
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Christmas Edition, 2019, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Section B, Page 1
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Dobie’s Gray is 22-6As Newcomer/Year
Stallings stars for Pioneer volleyball
At right, Lutheran
South Academy senior
volleyball player Han-
nah Stallings turned
in a terrifi c nal sea-
son with the Pioneers
as she was a fi rst-team
all-district and district
Most Valuable Player
before being named a
Texas Association of
Private and Parochi-
al Schools fi rst-team
all-state player and an
Academic All-State se-
lection. The daughter
of Dobie graduate and
current Pasadena ISD
associate superinten-
dent Angela Stallings
and former longtime
Dobie assistant football
coach Richard Stall-
ings had more than 500
kills during the 2019
season for LSA.
Dobie hoops teams battle in 22-6A
Senior guard Shannon
Hayes came up with a sea-
son-high 16 points as the
Longhorns avenged a pair
of district losses last sea-
son, topping Pasadena this
time around, 52-42, to be-
gin league play this season
at Pasadena.
Jujuan Robinson also
continued his strong sea-
son, netting 13 points in
the win.
Despite the work of
Hayes and Robinson, the
game was tight throughout
before the Longhorns held
on late by outscoring the
Eagles 19-13 in the fourth
The Clear Brook varsity
boys’ team is also playing
exceptionally well under
second-year head coach
Nathan Janak.
The Wolverines won
four of five games at the
Royal ISD tournament
Dec. 12-14.
The locals scored a 60-
45 win in their Dec. 12
opener over Royal and
then got past C.E. King by
a 55-52 count.
The second day, Brook
downed Houston Wash-
ington 50-47 before taking
on Richmond Foster. In
that one, Foster scored a
56-44 victory en route to
the finals.
Jordan Lockwood
Brook graduate, Navarro star
Lockwood gets national nods
Clear Brook High
School graduate and cur-
rent Navarro College out-
side hitter Jordan Lock-
wood has been named the
2019 Tachikara NJCAA
Division I Player of the
Year in the National Junior
College Athletic Associa-
tion ranks.
In her sophomore cam-
paign, Lockwood led the
Bulldogs to a perfect 31-0
season while capturing the
first national title in pro-
gram history.
Following Navarro’s
big win, Lockwood was
named the Dorothy L.
Brown Most Valuable
Player at the 2019 NJCAA
DI Volleyball Champion-
ship tournament, record-
ing a team-high 27 kills
with a 0.268 hitting per-
centage in the champion-
ship match.
Lockwood was also
an NJCAA first-team
All-American, joining
teammate Deja Arnold on
the first team.
Lockwood’s efforts
led Navarro in five major
categories for the sea-
son, including kills (397),
kills per set (3.97), hitting
attempts (936), points
(467.5) and points per set
Strong in all aspects
of the game, Lockwood
landed in the top-four in
assists, service aces, digs
and blocks on her team.
Navarro’s 2019 nation-
al tournament appearance
marked just the second
in program history, as the
Bulldogs qualified for the
first time in 2018.
In addition to her NJ-
CAA accolades, Lock-
wood was also named
the American Volleyball
Coaches Association Two-
Year College Player of
the Year, which of course
came with an AVCA Two-
Year College First Team
All-America designation.
“Jordan has proven her
dominance at the biggest
moments throughout the
season,” said Navarro’s
Andy Cavins, who after
the season was named the
NJCAA Division I Coach
of the Year.
“Her unmatched perfor-
mance in a tough Region
14, combined with a his-
toric performance in the
national championship
match will be a part of
Navarro lore for years to
“Jordan is a special
player who teams and
coaches are lucky to have.
She has worked hard on
the court and in the class-
room to prepare herself for
success both this year and
moving forward.
“Jordan is currently
being recruited by a myr-
iad of schools from the
Big 12, American Athlet-
ic Conference, Mountain
West and Southeastern
Conference and hopes to
make her decision in the
coming weeks.
“We are so proud of
Jordan’s development this
year and look forward
to seeing her continue to
dominate at her next insti-
A 2018 Clear Brook
High School graduate,
Lockwood had 1,006 kills
over a four-year varsity
career to go with 198 total
Named as a 24-6A
all-district performer in
each of her four seasons
under head coach Mer-
edith Thompson, Lock-
wood began her collegiate
career at Houston, where
she played in 21 total
matches as a freshman for
the Cougars.
Next up, one fortunate
four-year college program
somewhere across the
country is about to get a
terrific player.
Dobie football players
recognized among elite
Dobie varsity quarter-
back Cameron Gray’s debut
season was special indeed
as the sophomore’s play
led to him being named the
co-Newcomer of the Year
following the season.
Gray was recognized
among the District 22-6A
elite following the season
as the league’s collection
of varsity coaches gathered
earlier this month to decide
the top award winners and
all-district squads.
As expected, Brice Mat-
thews of 22-6A undefeated
champion Atascocita was
named the district’s Most
Valuable Player,
Atascocita defensive
lineman Asrus Simon, the
Dave Campbell’s Texas
Football Preseason pick as
the 22-6A top defender, was
named the 22-6A Defensive
Player of the year, and the
Eagles Dylan Robinson was
the Offensive Player of the
Year from his wide receiver
Keith Wheeler, a soph-
omore wide receiver from
Atascocita, was named the
co-Newcomer of the Year
along with Gray.
Dobie, which collected
nine regular season wins for
the first time in 20 years,
had numerous other players
selected to the 22-6A first
Those Dobie first team-
ers included running back
Dontavion Crosby, offen-
sive lineman Jason Brooks,
defensive linemen Marco
Sanchez and Javen Sanchez,
linebacker Jesse Mitchell
and defensive back Giambi
See the complete list of
all-district selections on
Page 3B.
Dobie sophomore quarterback Cameron Gray (9),
avoiding the pass rush of Bellaire’s Dominic Lane
(97) in a nondistrict game earlier this season, was
named the co-Newcomer of the Year in District 22-
6A after helping the Longhorns to a nine-win reg-
ular season for the first time in 20 years in 2019.
Gray was particularly explosive over the Long-
horns final three regular season games, throwing
for seven touchdowns and running for seven more
in JFD wins.
Photo by David Flickinger
Toni Muse
Moving Families
For 40 Years!
everyone a very
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Page 2, Section B, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Christmas Edition, 2019
Las Haciendas
Mexican Bar & Grill
12933 Gulf Frwy. 1020 W. NASA Road 1
281-484-6888 281-557-3500
State Farm
Cynthia Beecher
11705 S. Sam Houston Pkwy. East
American Legion Post 490
11702 Galveston Road
Texas Top
Roofing & Siding
Jeanie Lampard
Realtor Associate
Pat Griffin REALTY, Inc
C & D Burger Shop
10606 Fuqua
Dave Martin
City of Houston
Council Member, District E
Roberts & Assoc. Insurance
Fred Roberts
For all your insurance needs.
Walker Law Offices
Milton Walker, J.D.
10909 Sabo, Ste 120
West Belt Surveying, Inc.
Randy K. Sparks, Principal
Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year!
Kenny Fernandez
Pasadena ISD Board Member
Time Out Sports Bar
11460 Fuqua
Come for Lunch!
B & L Lock
10638 Almeda Genoa
Best Friends Boutique
11506 Hughes Road
Blackline Engineering
Glenn’s Hair
11427 Hall Road
We Clean Houses
“We clean houses your way.
Meador Staffing
722-A Fairmont Pkwy.
Any Season
Pest Control
Pets Place & Resort
Grooming • Boarding
Dogs • Cats • Birds • Fish • Pet supplies
13730 Beamer Road281-922-7387
Campbell Family Practice &
Ghebranious Internal Medicine
10950 Resource Pkwy., Ste. A
Little Longhorns
10331 Blackhawk Blvd., Ste. B
Reggie Finch, D.D.S.
13310 Beamer, Ste. E
Wayne’s Landscape
1202 Dixie Farm Rd.
M J Nails & Spa
Mani (regular) + Pedi (regular) = $30
Full Set (regular) $25
10330 Blackhawk Ste. D 281-412-6338
Perez Barber Shop
10634 Kingspoint
South Belt Church
13100 Beamer281-922-5520
Captain’s Cooling
& Technical Services
Your Appliance & A/C Specialist
Norwood Richardson
State Farm Insurance
12941 Gulf Frwy., Ste. 101
Barry Insurance Group
4418 Broadway St., Pearland
Insurance, Benefits and Surety
South Belt
Air & Heat, Inc.
281-484-1818 • 4403 FM 2351
Morgan’s Janitorial
11555 Beamer Rd., Suite 300
Keith D. Huff,
2525 Bay Area Blvd. Suite 135
Randy’s Smokehouse
Randy’s Smokehouse
15104 Hwy. 3, Webster
15104 Hwy. 3, Webster
Kwik Kar &
Island Breeze Car Wash
11210 Scarsdale
Ray Pomykal, D.D.S
13310 Beamer Road
Lutheran South Academy
12555 Ryewater Dr.
Brooks & Sparks, Inc.
Consulting Engineering
Farmers Insurance
Rick Tinker
2206 E. Broadway, Suite E-2
Pearland • 281-484-7158
Niday Storage
12450 Beamer Road
Niday Funeral Home
12440 Beamer Road
Michael W. Jewell
12929 Gulf Freeway, Ste. 112
(Fuqua Exit)
South Belt-Ellington
Chamber of Commerce
10500 Scarsdale
South Belt Animal Hospital
10330 Blackhawk Blvd.
RMG Inc.
Runoff Management Group
Tony’s Pizza &
10330 Blackhawk Blvd.
IBI Group Architects
455 East Medical Center Blvd., #500
Winning Way Services
Daniel J. Snooks
Attorney At Law
11550 Fuqua Suite 370
U.S. Golf & Games
–– 35 Years of Fun ––
10106 Thermon 713-943-2299
Abacus Plumbing, Air
Conditioning & Electrical
Hansco Heating
A/C & Refrigeration
P.O. Box 75171, Houston, TX 77234
Almeda Postal Center
10592A Fuqua @ Beamer
Flowers For You
12405 Scarsdale Blvd.
Family Owned - 34 years in South Belt
Liberty Chiropractic
Dr. John Doyle DC
Ann Brannen, Agent
State Farm Insurance
Big Edd’s
Garage Doors & Openers
281-480-8898 • 713-784-4238
Judge JoAnn Delgado
Justice of the Peace
Precinct 2, Pos. 1
Judge George E. Risner
Justice of the Peace
Precinct 2, Pos. 2
Friends of the Parker
Williams Library
10851 Scarsdale, Ste. 510
Serene Wellness Spa
“A Place to Relax”
We are Inside Salons
By JC, Houston in Baybrook Mall
Dean H. Barnes, AIA, RID
In the warm
Christmas Spirit
of friendship and
good cheer, these local
merchants & public
servants, along with the
South Belt Leader &
South Belt Graphics &
Printing, wish you a
festive Yuletide holiday.
Epperson Insurance
& Financial Services Inc.
18096 Kings Row, Suite H
Houston, TX 77058
Merry Christmas!
Chris Diaz
Harris County Constable Pct. 2
Fred A. Brown
UTR-Texas Realtors
Residential • Commercial
9er’s Grill
9865 Blackhawk, Ste. A
Stop in for lunch or dinner
Christmas Edition, 2019, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Section B, Page 3
7 a.m.
AA Meeting – “Breakfast With Bill” Tuesday through
Friday, 7 a.m., First United Methodist Church, 1062
Fairmont Pkwy., Pasadena, in Cornell Conference
room. Call 281-487-8787 for details, or drop in.
7:30 a.m.
Rotary Club of Pearland – Meets Thursdays at
7:30 a.m. at Allendale’s Kitchen & Cocktails, 5010
Broadway St., in Pearland. Variety of speakers. For
information, call 281-900-7257 or email nalix@tex
10 a.m.
Clear Lake Bridge Club – 299’er games Tuesday
and Thursday, 10 a.m., 16614 Sea Lark, 77062.
Call the club at 281-480-1911 or email the director
at [email protected] for details.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) – Imperfect Nooners
Group, noon, 3525 Broadway, Pearland. For details,
call 713-686-6300.
6 p.m.
Texas German Society, South Belt (SE) Chapter
– A social group focused on the culture, music,
heritage and language of Texas German immi-
grants. Meets the third Thursday, monthly, 6 p.m.,
Fellowship Hall of Mount Olive Lutheran Church,
10310 Scarsdale Blvd. Visitors welcome. Email
[email protected] for details.
7 p.m.
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) – Women’s Group,
open meeting, 7 p.m., 2930 E. Broadway (FM 518),
Pearland, First Presbyterian Church (youth build-
ing). For details, call 713-661-4200 or visit www.
7 a.m.
AA Meeting – “Breakfast With Bill” Tuesday through
Friday, 7 a.m., First United Methodist Church, 1062
Fairmont Pkwy., Pasadena, in Cornell Conference
room. Call 281-487-8787 for details, or drop in.
10 a.m.
Clear Lake Bridge Club – Open games Monday,
Wednesday and Friday, 10 a.m., 16614 Sea Lark,
77062. Call the club at 281-480-1911 or email the
director at [email protected] for details.
6 p.m.
New Directions Singles – group for those age 50
and older meets the first and third Mondays of the
month at 6 p.m. for a potluck dinner. In December,
the Dec. 16 gathering will be replaced with a special
Christmas potluck and dance Friday, Dec. 20, with
activities. The event is the regular venue, Webster
Presbyterian Church, located at 201 W. NASA Park-
way. Plan to wear festive attire and join the group for
the special event. For information, call Margarita at
7 p.m.
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) – Vigilance Group of
NA, open meeting, 2930 E. Broadway (FM 518),
Pearland, First Presbyterian Church (youth build-
ing). For details, call 713-661-4200 or visit www.
8 p.m.
Serenity Now Al-Anon Group – meets at
CrossRoads UMC Fridays, 8 to 9 p.m., 10030
Scarsdale Blvd. Family members and friends of
problem drinkers/addicts share, learn Al-Anon prin-
ciples, that they are not alone, and discover choic-
es available. For additional information, call 281-
7:30 a.m.
Alcoholics Anonymous – “Breakfast with Bill,
Saturdays, 7:30 a.m., First United Methodist Church,
1062 Fairmont Pkwy., Pasadena, Cornell Conference
room. Call 281-487-8787, or drop in.
11 a.m.
Al-Anon Meeting (Women Only, English) – For
women affected by an addict. Saturdays, 11 a.m.,
First United Methodist Church, 1062 Fairmont Pkwy.,
Pasadena, Cornell Conference room #111. Call 281-
487-8787, or drop in.
1 p.m.
Clear Lake Bridge Club – Open games Saturday
and Sunday, 1 p.m., 16614 Sea Lark, 77062. Call the
club at 281-480-1911 or email the director at jpochs
[email protected] for details.
7 – 10 p.m.
Bay Area Singles Club – monthly dance at 7 – 10
p.m. at the VFW Lodge, Post 6378, located at 5204
Highway 3 in Dickinson, 77539. Bring party snacks
to share. Cost is $8 for members and $10 for non-
members. For more information, call 832-483-3257
or 832-477-6778.
7 p.m.
Bay Area Bluegrass Association – bluegrass
music show and jam session on the third Saturday
(except December.) Stage show is at 7 p.m. Pickers
may bring instruments and come early. Free. Johnny
Arolfo Civic Center, 300 Walker, League City. For
additional information, visit http://www.bayareablue
8 p.m.
Alcoholics Anonymous – meeting at CrossRoads
UMC on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday,
8 p.m., 10030 Scarsdale Blvd. For information, call
1 p.m.
Clear Lake Bridge Club – Open games Saturday
and Sunday, 1 p.m., 16614 Sea Lark, 77062. Call
the club at 281-480-1911 or email the director at
[email protected] for additional information.
2 p.m.
Grief Support Group – For adults who have lost a
loved one. Meets Sundays, except Mother’s Day,
Easter and Christmas, 2 to 3:15 p.m., First United
Methodist Church, 1062 Fairmont Pkwy., Pasadena.
For details, call 281-487-8787.
Scleroderma Support Group – Do you know
someone with scleroderma? Join a support group
on the fourth Sunday, 2 to 4 p.m., at the Waterford
in the Blue Bonnet room, 201 McDermott St. in Deer
Park, 77536. Contact Kathy Baker at 713-826-6214
5:30 p.m.
Celebrate Recovery – A faith-based 12-Step
Program, Sundays, 5:30 p.m., in the Chapel at Life
Church, 9900 Almeda Genoa. Call 713-419-2635
for details or to RSVP for child care.
8 p.m.
Alcoholics Anonymous – meeting at CrossRoads
UMC on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday,
8 p.m., 10030 Scarsdale Blvd. For information, call
10 a.m.
Al-Anon Deer Park – Mondays, 10 – 11 a.m.
Literature Study. In His Presence Fellowship
Church, 1202 East P Street, Deer Park. Enter
through back of church. Call 409-454-5720 for
details, or drop in.
Clear Lake Bridge Club – Open games Monday,
Wednesday and Friday, 10 a.m., 16614 Sea Lark,
77062. Call the club at 281-480-1911 or email the
director at [email protected] for additional infor-
Continued on Page 4B
Reap the
Horn-of-Plenty, in jobs,
homes, articles, autos,
business opportuni-
ties or anything in this
whole wide world
you can imagine.
Beamer Road
Sports Calendar
Friday, Dec. 20
Dobie varsity boys at Kingwood, 7:00
Brook varsity boys host F.B. Austin, 7:00
Dobie varsity girls host Kingwood, 7:00
Brook varsity girls at Clear Falls, 7:00
Brook JV boys host F.B. Austin, 5:30
Brook JV girls at Clear Falls, 5:30
Dobie JV girls host Kingwood, 5:30
Dobie JV boys at Kingwood, 5:30
Dobie sophomore boys at Kingwood, 5:30
Brook sophomore boys host F.B. Austin, 5:30
Dobie freshman A boys at Kingwood, 4:00
Brook freshman A girls at Clear Falls, 4:00
Dobie freshman A girls
host Kingwood, 4:00
Dobie freshman B boys at Kingwood, 4:00
Thursday, Dec. 19
Brook varsity boys host Strake Jesuit scrimm., 5:00
Brook JV boys host Strae Jesuit scrimm., 3:00
Friday, Dec. 20
Dobie varsity boys at Alvin scrimm., 7:00
Friday, Dec. 27
Dobie varsity boys host M. Ranch scrimm, Vet., 1:00
Monday, Dec. 30
Dobie varsity boys at Klein scrimm., 2:00
Tuesday, Dec. 31
Brook varsity boys at Dawson scrimm., noon
Brook JV boys at Dawson scrimm., 10:15 a.m.
Thursday, Jan. 2
Dobie varsity boys vs. Katy Tompkins, Vet., 2:00
Dobie varsity girls at Waller Classic, TBA
Friday, Jan. 3
Dobie varsity boys vs. Katy Tompkins, The Rig, 4:00
Brook varsity boys at Scarborough, 2:00
Dobie varsity girls at Waller Classic, TBA
Brook JV boys at Scarborough, noon
Saturday, Jan. 4
Dobie varsity boys vs. Cy-Creek, Vet., 4:00
Tuesday, Jan. 7
Brook varsity boys at C.E. King, 7:30
Brook JV boys at C.E. King, 5:30
Youth baseball camp at Deer Park
The 2019 Deer Park Holiday Baseball camp will be
held Dec. 30-31 at Deer Park High School North cam-
pus, 601 8th St., in Deer Park.
The camp is for children ages 6 to 13 and is a skill-
specifi c camp. There will be three sessions, with the
rst and second coming Monday, Dec. 30. The 9 a.m.
to noon session will focus on the basic mechanics of the
hitting swing. Hitters will be fi lmed during this session.
The second session, 1 to 4 p.m., will focus on the
advanced aspects of hitting. Hitters will view their fi lm
during this session with an instructor.
Session three is Tuesday, Dec. 31st from 9 a.m. to
noon and is a defensive session. Campers will choose
among pitching, infi eld or outfi eld play.
The camp will be conducted by Chris Rupp, head
baseball coach at Deer Park High School. The remain-
der of the staff will be comprised of collegiate and high
school coaches.
The cost of the camp is $50 per session. Campers
choosing to attend all three sessions will receive a $25
discount, for a total cost of $125. For registration infor-
mation, call 713-231-6009.
SBGSA seeking coaches
The South Belt Girls Softball Association is seeking
volunteer coaches for the 2020 spring season in the 6U,
8U and 14U divisions. No experience in necessary, and
team equipment is provided by the league. For more
details about coaching opportunities or player registra-
tion, call SBGSA player agent Adriana Estrada at 832-
Sports news, notes
First Team Offense
OL – Kameron Dewberry, Atascocita, Soph.
OL – Kelvin Banks, Summer Creek, Soph.
OL – Daniel Gomez, Memorial, Sr.
OL – JerMarques Bailey, Atascocita, Sr.
OL – Jason Brooks, Dobie, Sr.
WR – Darius Edmunds, Atascocita, Sr.
WR – A.J. Bobb, Ayascocita, Sr.
WR – Keith Oliver, South Houston, Sr.
WR – Jordan See, Memorial, Jr.
WR – Robert Williams, Humble, Jr.
WR – Dontee McCray, Humble, Sr.
WR – Elijah Bean, Summer Creek, Jr.
TE – Parker Hemphill, Kingwood, Sr.
FB – Landen King, Atascocita, Jr.
RB – Dontavion Crosby, Dobie, Sr.
RB – T.J. Thomas, Atascocita, Sr.
QB – Dexter Wyble, Humble, Sr.
First Team Defense
DL – Marco Sanchez, Dobie, Sr.
DL – Grant Mize, Kingwood, Soph.
DL – Leonard Randolph, Atascocita, Sr.
DL – Tavian Coleman, Humble, Sr.
DL – Javen Sanchez, Dobie, Sr.
ILB – Aarun Lockett, Humble, Jr.
ILB – Jesse Mitchell, Dobie, Sr.
OLB – David Tuihalangingie, Atascocita, Sr.
OLB – Daniel Onwuachi, Atascocita, Sr.
CB – Giambi Boyd, Dobie, Sr.
CB – Taylan Blaylock, Atascocita, Sr.
Safety – D.J. Murchison, Atascocita, Sr.
Safety – Devyn Brooks, Atascocita, Sr.
Safety – Marcel Fields, Memorial, Sr.
KR – Taylan Blaylock, Atascocita, Sr.
KR – Donald Harper, Humble, Sr.
K – Kaden Wooseter, Kingwood, Jr.
P – Juan Escalante, Humble, Sr.
Most Valuable Player
Brice Matthews, Atascocita, Sr.
Offensive Most Valuable Player
Dylan Robinson, Atascocita, Sr.
Defensive Most Valuable Player
Asrus Simon, Atascocita, Sr.
Co-Newcomers of the Year
Cameron Gray, Dobie, Soph.
Keith Wheeler, Atascocita, Soph.
22-6A All-District Football Selections/Dobie Honors
Second Team –Dobie
WR – Jeremiah Ballard, Jr.
TE – Emanuel Romar, Sr.
OL – Robert Lewis, Sr.
OL – James King, Sr.
DL – Gerard Joseph, Jr.
OLB – Adam Robicheaux, Sr.
Saf. – Rushad Ball, Jr.
Ret. – Darrius Pamplin, Jr.
Honorable Mention –Dobie
DL – Amar Lewis, Jr.
DB – Jonathan Baldwin, Jr.
K – Joshua Hernandez, Jr.
Honorable Mention –Dobie
WR – Cameran Guy, Sr.
FB – J.D. Henderson, Sr.
LB – A.J. Garcia, Jr.
All-Academic –Dobie
Santos Sanchez, LB
Razz Williams, RB
Joseph Hinojosa
Jason Brooks, OL
Carson Fletcher
Dominic Caballero
Dontavion Crosby, RB
Jamie Frias
Page 4, Section B, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Christmas Edition, 2019
7 p.m.
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) – Vigilance Group of
NA, open meeting, 7 p.m., 2930 E. Broadway (FM
518), Pearland, First Presbyterian Church (youth
building). For details, call 713-661-4200 or visit www.
Note: Attendees may need to verify event still
7 a.m.
AA Meeting“Breakfast With Bill” Tuesday through
Friday, 7 a.m., First United Methodist Church, 1062
Fairmont Pkwy., Pasadena, in Cornell Conference
room. Call 281-487-8787 for details, or drop in.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) – Imperfect Nooners
Group, noon, 3525 Broadway, Pearland. For details,
call 713-686-6300.
7 p.m.
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) – Vigilance Group of
NA, open meeting, 7 p.m., 2930 E. Broadway (FM
518), Pearland, First Presbyterian Church (youth
building). For details, call 713-661-4200 or visit www.
8 p.m.
Alcoholics Anonymous – meeting at CrossRoads
UMC on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday,
8 p.m., 10030 Scarsdale Blvd. For additional infor-
mation, call 281-484-9243.
Note: Attendees may need to verify event still
7 a.m.
AA Meeting – “Breakfast With Bill” Tuesday through
Friday, 7 a.m., First United Methodist Church, 1062
Fairmont Pkwy., Pasadena, in Cornell Conference
room. Call 281-487-8787 for details, or drop in.
10 a.m.
Clear Lake Bridge Club – 299’er games Tuesday
and Thursday, 10 a.m., 16614 Sea Lark, 77062. Call
the club at 281-480-1911 or email the director at
[email protected] for details.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) – Imperfect Nooners
Group, noon, 3525 Broadway, Pearland. For details,
call 713-686-6300.
7 p.m.
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) – Women’s Group,
open meeting, 7 p.m., 2930 E. Broadway), Pearland,
First Presbyterian Church (youth building). For info,
call 713-661-4200 or visit www.hascona.com.
Continued from Page 3B
11:30 a.m.
Overeaters Anonymous Deer Park – 11:30 a.m. to
12:30 p.m. Literature Study. In His Presence
Fellowship Church, 1202 East P Street, Deer Park.
Enter through Fellowship Hall in back of church. Call
409-454-5720 for details, or drop in.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) – Imperfect Nooners
Group, noon, 3525 Broadway, Pearland. For details,
call 713-686-6300.
6 p.m.
Scrabble Club #511 – Meets Monday at IHOP,
11222 Fuqua. Come, improve crossword playing
skills. Call 281-488-2923 for details. No meetings on
7 p.m.
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) – Vigilance Group of
NA, open meeting, 7 p.m., 2930 E. Broadway (FM
518), Pearland, First Presbyterian Church (youth
building). For details, call 713-661-4200 or visit
7:30 p.m.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) – Saint Luke’s Group,
12 Step Recovery, open meeting Mondays, 7:30 –
8:30 p.m. in the Education Bldg., 11011 Hall Rd.,
77089. For details, call Jesse at 832-725-8479 or
Rita at 281-309-2801.
Note: Attendees may need to verify event still
7 a.m.
AA Meeting – “Breakfast With Bill” Tuesday through
Friday, 7 a.m., First United Methodist Church, 1062
Fairmont Pkwy., Pasadena, in Cornell Conference
room. Call 281-487-8787 for details, or drop in.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) – Imperfect Nooners
Group, noon, 3525 Broadway, Pearland. For details,
call 713-686-6300.
1:30 p.m.
TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) – #1530 meets
at the Sagemont Park Community Center, 11507
Hughes Rd., 1:30 p.m. For information, call Jeanette
Sumrall at 713-946-3713.
2 p.m.
Clear Lake Bridge Club Lab Class – Tuesday, 2
p.m., 16614 Sea Lark, 77062. For details or classes,
contact Dr. Glandorf at [email protected] or
call 281-488-6318.
Need Help Finding Your
Dream Home?
Let the Leader
Classi eds
Be Your
The following students were awarded the Early Act First
Knight Virtue of Respect which is sponsored by Deer Park
Rotary Club. Shown are, left to right, (front row) Ti’Leah
Edmondson-Peterson, Joseph Labra, Caleb Singleton, Aaliyah
Jessup awarded Early Act First Knights
Garcia, Emily Amador Mejia, Jesus Olazaba, Karen Luna, Da-
mian Puerta, Brandon Maldonado (back row) Melodee Aranda,
Ulises Velarde, Julyna Chau, Diego Jimenez, Abel Gaspar, Ca-
mila Leyva, Faith Rocha and Sir James. Photo submitted
Stuchbery Elementary announced its VIP students for the
month of November. Each teacher chose a student from their
class for displaying the character trait generosity during the
month of November. Shown are, left to right (fi rst row) kin-
dergarteners Efrain Alvilez, Jace’lyn Boyd, Carlos Velazquez,
Kimberly Heiskell, Bryanna Ordonez, pre-K Da’Tayvius
Brown, Aya Ghneim, Jessica Sanchez, (second row) fi rst-
graders Gift Obah, Jennifer Marquez, Sidra Elghawi, An-
jali Singh, Mya Martinez, Mae Elizabeth Green, Angelinne
Stuchbery announces November VIPs
Tzintzun, (third row) second-graders Khanh Huynh, Jean
Cruz-Fiallo, Gadge Willaby, Ariana Garcia, Jorge Cardenas,
Marsela Perez, (fourth row) third-graders Fernando Balanta,
Carissa Mendez, Madisen Valdez, Jacob Ramirez, Jessica Al-
varez, Victoria Obregon, (fi fth row) fourth-graders Brooke
Davis, Zachary Morales, Marco Torres, Aurelia Ochwila,
Aiden Hall and Diego Ortiz. Not shown are kindergarten-
ers Alina Castro and Rosabella Castillo; and fourth-grader
Aliah Rivera. Photo by Shannon Garris
in the
25 Words - $8 for 1 week - 3
Weeks - $21; Business: 25 Words
- $10 for 1 week • 3 Weeks - $27
25 Words - $8 for 1 week - 3
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Estimates. New Com-
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Systems - Hard Drive
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FOR SALE. Large Big
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$550. Call 281-924-
4507. 1-9
FOR SALE. Antiques -
Early American - before
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walnut commode, 2
hanging oil lamps - made
electric, 2 slant top desks
(cherry & maple), 1 cher-
ry wall cupboard, 1 pine
washstand and 1 antique
bed. Call 281-795-9474.
owner. 11107 Sage-
heather. 1781 sq. ft. Call
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pressure washing. Call
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Have a
Happy & Safe
from the
A special thank you
to the members of the South Belt contract deputy
program through the Clear Brook City, Sagemeadow
and Kirkmont municipal utility districts and Sgt.
Robert Sanchez and Constable Chris Diaz for their
service to the South Belt community. A special
Christmas thank you to the following merchants
who helped our annual Christmas program.
Blue Crystal Carwash
My Quang Market
Pho Hai Van
Texas Radiator & Muffler
Tony’s Pizza and Grinders
Charlie’s Tacos
Shell Station (Blackhawk)
Friendly Mart
Dairy Queen (Scarsdale)
Mainland Food Mart (Texas City)
La Petite Market
Christmas Edition, 2019, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Section B, Page 5
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Page 6 Section B, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Christmas Edition, 2019
Second-grade students
from Burnett Elementary
have written the following
letters to Santa Claus.
Nancy Fehst’s class
This year for Christmas
I would like a brand new
bike. I think I should get a
use I hove war kedh and in
school all year. Carlos
This year I wood like a
new game its called wwe i
want wwe beacuse i love
wwe and i work so hard this
year and last year and the
other year. Craig
This year for christmas I
would like a ipad. I think I
should get a ipad because. I
ernd it ol year. Jacob
This year for Christmas
I would like a phone ipod
because I have helped my
mom. Gabby
This year I realy want
airpods for crismas. I should
I have been working with
my mom so hard. Hanna
This year for christmas I
would like a LOL for christ-
mas beacuse I bin good this
year. Emmy
This year for christmas
I would like a brand new
teday bare becuase I work
hard in math all year. Ali-
This year for christmas
I would like a ps5 because
I worked so hard with my
parents and my teachers.
This year for christmas
I would like a brand new
bike. I think I should get a
nen if one because I hard
bin good in school all year
log. Marco
This year for Christmas I
would like a diamln dagon i
think i should get get diam-
ln dagon because i have
worked too hard in school
all days.
This year for christmas
I would like a apple watch
because I work so hard at
school this year. Son
This year for Christmas I
would like a pet bunny for
Christmas Day bukuz i mad
my bed. Mia
Shannon Roberts’ class
This year for Christmas I
would like a bike for Christ-
mas. I tik i sod git a bike for
christmas bekus I did mi-
This year I would like a
Goobau this year becuse I
Burnett Elementary students pen letters to Santa with their wish lists
lisin to my mommy. Julian
I wold like condect sand
because I have done all of
my chors at school and at
home also I have done all
of my work and this leter
I work so hard I even get
some free time I also do
cofter stasbens sometimes!
This year for christmas
I would like a brand new
game. I think I should get
it becase Ive hepeld others.
This year for chismas
I would like a zoomer in-
teractive rechargable dog I
think I should get a zoome
interactiv rechargable dog
because I’v done my best
the hole year.
This year for christmas I
would like a anna 2 toking
doll because I Ben nise to
frinsd that have and I play
weth tham santa. Leah
This year for crismis I
would like a frosin 2 elsa
dall that sings. I will get this
because I was good all year.
This year for christmas
I would like L.O.L dolls. I
think I should get L.O.Ls
because I’v worked very
hard at school. Malaika
This year for Christmas
I would like a Robloks gif
cards because i trie hard
evee day in school. Xavier
This year for christmas. i
would like a puperse set. I
think I should get that be-
Moore Elementary second-graders write to Santa Claus
Second-grade students
from Moore Elementary
School wrote the following
letters to Santa Claus.
Shelly Blair’s class
How are you? I am good.
FOr Christmas, a turtle
please. You are good. I like
you Santa. Love, Nhi
How are you Santa? How
was your day? Santa can I
have a iPhone II Pro. Can
I have a go cart and a pet
turtel and the Hran new air-
bods Pro, Gucci closAlot ou
mani. I love you.
David G.
How is Mrs. Claus? I
would like to get robucks
and a mini arcade, iPhone II
Pro max, air pods, go cart,
V bucks, and some Jordans.
Love, Nyroshi
How are you Santa/ I
have a iPhone. Can I have
a charger and car. I have
chrome book. Trafi c codr.
Love, Caleb
Hi Santa. I would like Air
pods pro in a pikachu casey-
Gi-oh cards and a X trea-
sure. cupyoudr. Nintendo
Switch. Thank you. From,
For Christmas I want a
Nentendo Hover board Gu-
cci fl ipfl op iPhone II Pro
Max Dummy New Head
phones Crystal ball Jod
have a get moose and some
head phones and airpods
hoverboard. Kayden
I hope you feel well.
How was your day? How
was Mrs. Claus are your
reindeers fi ne? Santa may I
have a pup and can I have
some robux like oo. Santa
I also love you :) ! Your the
nices person and the best. I
hope you have a good day.
Hope your healthy and hap-
py! I’m happy for you to be
n. Love you Santa! Merry
Y Nguyen
May I pls have a iPhone,
Legos, air pods, a puppy! A
shoes, Pens, a notebook,
that is all I want. Dahlia
I want a iPhone II Pro
for Christmas and I want ro-
bux in my phone and I want
some iPhoooon. Please and
Wi to.
I hope you have a great day
and I just want good luck. I
hope youhave a good time
How are you? I’m good
and Miss. Claus? Are you
good. So I can have 4 Ro-
bucks card and iPhone II
pro max. And air pods and
a Puppu!!!! plz. Thank you.
A Jordan Villa Air Pod-
sclorful marker (Air Pods
and colorful markers).
Jordan Villa
For Christmas I want
Robux and I want a nerf
gun a Fortnite blaster a pis-
tol Fortnite off white and
a remote controll car and
a iPhone II pro 3 camer-
as yezzys airpods pro and
ubulks call of duty infinite
warfare Jordans lebrons
filas Diamond teeth Guic-
ci flip flops white and red
shoes and balenciagas red
ones Macbook pro a hov-
erboard helicopter Nikes
Money computer Jordans
black and blue ones and
bring one of your elfs to
school please Santa. Nicolas
Ana Herrera’s class
Hi I woint a tablet that
has a keybar and Drehous
because a help my mom.
For my two dogs can you
bring two bals? Santa can
you say hi to rudolph? Your
Jeanine Armenta
Hi Santa I want you to
gift for my mom a purse be-
cause she is nice to people. I
want a lot of Legos. I clean
my room and tables. Can
you tell Mrs. Claus Hi? Your
Magaly Colchado
I wat a llunocor. I soy got
tu may mama and may dad.
Santa y given gimi a car for
may brother. How old are
you Santa? Your friend
Maryuri Corona
Hello Santa Please give
me a new toy because i have
been a good girl and get
something form my brother
a Play Stacion because my
brother was really nice too
My mom too my dad too my
grampa and you are nice.
Do you like the cookies that
I give you? Your friend
Julieta Cruz
Hi Santa you or my best
friend and I love you please
you bring one Nintendo
swich and one cat and my
brother one Legos. Why my
brother and I like Maio Kart.
I love you. But favorite San-
ta forever. Your friend
Carlos Gomez
This year I want the epic
collection Dog man books
bcuse I love to read. I wont
for my sister a Lady Bug
sttfy. You can say hello to
all the elfs? Your frind,
Angelle Mendez
I areday give you my
card but I was good this
year I wan a American girl
“Samantha” and a Karycke
becuse I was good. For my
sister I want pijama former
and her doll. You can say
hello to Rudoph for me?
Your frind, Clarisa
I want an LOL, Unicorn
Stufed animal, clothes,
shoes because I have get 100
on spelling test and i want a
candy cane bone for my dog
and a new bed. Could you
say Hi to Rudolph for me?
Your friend,
Kaylee M.
Can you bring me a
Pokemon card box and also
bring my frineds, Angellie,
Arturo and Gennesis a real
budgie, me and my friends
have bin god in Mrs. Herre-
ras classroom. Can you say
Hi to Rudolph for me. Your
Aly Moreno
For Christmas I want
Lego because I like to play
with Legos. Can you bring
my brother a Nintendo
Switch. How old are you?
Your friend
Jacob Polanco
For Chrismas I want a
Barbie House and I want
Barbie camper because I
been good. For my friend
Camils I want a bone for
her dog. Could you say to
rodolph hi for me? Merry
Chrismas.* Your frend
Gennesie Rivera
Can you please bring me
a Nintendo swhitch because
I have been a good girl. Can
you bring my dog some dog
toys? How old are you be-
cause I don’t know..? Your
Layleen Villa
I want a Jelly play sta-
tionbecaus I am aways bord.
I also want you to bring
Krew a present.Can I see
Rudolph? Your Friend,
Arturo De Hoyos
Randi Howard’s class
How are you? I would
like a new rodot cat. Also I
would like a aiplan for my
Barbie dill. and a new Bar-
bie dill house. a slim Kitt to.
thanks for the prestent.
I want Jordan Shoes. Ry-
ans Wondkeychang Dojo
battle iPhone II pre neft gun
Fortnite PS4 Play Stashon4
Marshmelloow helmet, trea-
sure x Go Kart, Hot Wheels
Shark Goldenchang Paint
ball gun Peely Figer TV in-
naty PonII ent bend plushy
Punching gloves, Punching
bag, Money $5000, Apple
Watch, Skatebord
Kyrese Anthony
How are you Santa? I’m
doing grate. I would like for
Chrismas I would like for
Chrismas is some slime and
also a New camra and a new
clothing also I want also
some glitters. Thank you
Santa. Love Santa.
Jayleen Lam
For Christmas I would
like roblox toys and that all
that I want you ave a Meery
Christmas. Zamarion
I like yore elfs. I like
yore slay. I see you gave me
a prezent so yay but I want
a sans tedey and a sans toy
and a sans shrt. I hope you
have a mere Christs. For
Santa I love you.
Lorenzo Garcia
I want for Christmas to
the Astros to win. How are
you fealing? I want JUST
Dance 2020. I want to not
be scred of chucky. I love
you Santa.
Joshua Hernandez
This is what I would like
a dirt bike and some money.
I would like some shoses.
I would like some closes.
I would like iPhone II pro.
I would like a basketball. I
would like some toys. Sin-
cerely, Love, Rhylan
Hi Santa how are you do-
ing I wood like a trampoline
and a Eye fone and clock.
How are you Santa. I will
tell you what I want four
Christmas. First I want iP-
hone II max and fortnite
toys and a PS4 also some
head phones so I can talk to
people and the last thing i
want is clothes. love,
This Christmas I will like
a Britannie Toy for Chris-
mis. I will be so happy. and
a Godzilla King of the Mon-
stirs toy. That will be nice.
Jayden Tran
For Christmas I want
a Britanic toy and more
toy army men tan army
and tanks for my cousin
in Mexico Madden Zo, for
my mom a new purse for
my grandmom a thousand
dollars. And for me a new
clock. And for my sister a
new computer. And for my
other sister, Sissy. Sincere-
ly, Merry Christmas.
Diego F.
How are you/ I want a
PS4Pro and a Xbox. I also
wan a dvr and a pod and a
topre and a BMX bike and
a iPhone II Pro Max and a
puppey and tasrex.
Joseph M.
How are you Santa? I
will leave you some cookes
and milk. I want a PS4 iP-
hone Five. I love you Santa
I wish I was a elf. I want a
I wish for a pupy dog and
Madden twenty. I hope you
and Mis Santa have a good
Christmas and I hope you
like my Christmas tree and
my new house. I want a lot
of toy’s and mony.
How are you ?I am god. I
hoep you are to wut I wont
a Nike Sosh and Nike glus
and a Nike hady and Lago’s
Santa. I wish you a nays
happy good and sing Xmis
and a happy new yer For evr
and happy elf.
I would like a PS4 gift
card. Also I would like a
pair of shoes. I also want
a pair of Nike shoes. I also
want a dictioonary.
I want a puppy do. I want
a iPhone II pro max. I also
want a anolog clock. I want
a new diary of the wimpy
kids book. Love, Kai
How are you Santa? I
am writing to let you know
what I would like for Christ-
mas. I would like to have a
iPhone II and mini brats
and a bog and a hoveboron.
Thank you, Santa. Sincere-
ly, Love,
Ximena G.
Sara Jaxon’s class
I have been a good girl. I
wish for my oenty to fi nish
my dollhouse. May I pleas
have a dog, shoes, scrunc-
ey charm breasalet, clothes,
kid baby doll.
I i’m a good boy tihs yere
i osol wat toys my lise of toy
is battlecats and halo jogow.
o forgot awe toy and it is
fuggles. Ivory
Hi Santa you are the best!
You make my drims come
trow! You no what I wont
for crimise! You no how is
my Elf rite! my tichr is rily
nise! and frende maite she is
cind of mene, but is stel my
I have been good. I want
a skylernds game.
How shiny is ruodolf
nose. hows your faviort rain-
derr. my faviort is rudeolph.
Christmas is my faviort part
of the year. I’ve benn nice.
I’m am a good girl some-
time I get sad and mad I
want a gucci back pack and
poarol camae i hope you
give me same gudes. Maite
I’ve been a good boy
what I want for x mas is a
PS4 and a game for the nin-
tendo pokemon sword and a
gift card for steam and ro-
blox and some vbucks and
thats all. Jordan
I have been a good girl.
How are the reandeer and
Mrs. Clas?
I want Black convers
size 13 pleas, Naendo for
the famley, Elsa and Anna
new dolls, Elsa and Anna
legos new snacks like mine
waters and mine oros, chol-
ck for paper and art pant
whait hightops size 13.
Sofi a
I’ve been naughty and
nice so basicly both. I take
care of my baby sister, and i
let the dog in.
One of the things i want
is a rat plush but i want to fi t
in my backpack. Xara
I am a good boy I wut
Dojo Baduld VR and a i
phone and ps4 and a gayme.
cause I am good I do my
home work at home and
school. Jaeliana
This year for christmas I
would like a Eusivie L.O.L.
dolls! for christmas. Be-
cause I been helping my
mommy and my dad. I have
been helpful. And my brith-
day is come you so I want
Eusivle L.O.L doll!
This year for christmas I
woude like a Elf for christ-
mas can it be a she because i
want the elf to wach me and
I been good at school.
This year for cristmas
I’d like a hotwheel set cuds
I helped my mom and dad
around the house. Issack
This year for Christmas I
wont a new bike becus I bin
good. Abraham
Dan Kornelis’ class
This year for christmas
I would like a brand new
charger. I think I should
get a new charger because
I have been doing chores.
This year for christmas
I would like a ps1. I think I
should get a ps1 because I
have worked hard in school
all year. Allen
This year for christmas I
would like a Frozen2 dall.
because I been cleaning my
room when my mom tells
me to. Cheyenne
This year for Christmas
I would like a brand new
bik, beacus I work so hard
at school and I help others.
This year for christ-
mas I would like a Blade
Blades I thing I should get
a new Blade Blades becase
i worked head in school all
year. Jose
This year for Christmas
I would relly relly like a
puppy. I think I should get
a puppy because I have ben
triing relly hard in school.
This year for christmas i
want a xbox because I bun
my sisters chores. Collin
This year for christmas I
wute a PS4 because I clen
my room. and shere sum
ufe my toys to my sistre and
halp mymom and i wut a
This year for Christmas i
would like a brand new ip-
hone. I think i should I get a
iphone because i have clean
my room when my mom
tells me to and Iv wanted it
for years. Natalie
This year for christmais
i would like sum toys for
christmais because I have
worked hard in school all
year and days so! thats what
i whot for christmais this
year marry christmais santa!
Continued from Page 4A
want a Batman for Christ-
nas, I want a noowclos.
I want noow slim. I want
noow shoos. Mason
I want a LOL for Christ-
mas. I want a dog for Christ-
mas. Heily
I want a toy for Christ-
mas. I want a Batman toy I
want a toy nerfgun. I have
been good. Mario
How are you? I have
been very good. I want a go
jit zu for Christmas. Also I
want a Bunny and Duke.
How are you? I am good.
I want a new colored pen-
ceis for Christmas.
How are you? I have been
very good I want a bew cool
of doote and starwors pleaes
for Christmas. Orlo
How are you? I have bee
good. I want a Godsilla for
Christmas. Korvin
I am dowing good I want
a skatbord evin i want a ifon
uleven I want a vejr toy evin
i want a neklic and a woch
evin I want a good fi jspine.
How are you? I have been
very good. I want a new ta-
blite. Ethan
How are you? I am good.
I want a Lass skadur I want a
Iphone 11. I want a cwchude.
I want a grane. I want Apple
wash. Aiden
I want some new slim.
I want some surlye. i want
new swores. Lylah
I want a dad fototh. I
want a cat wutp. I want a
bug watp.
Hi Santa how are you to-
day? Can you get me a robot
Dog? Thank you. Cincere
I want a nrufgun. I want a
batman toy. Brian
Lisa Dupla’s class
I want a beybladey and a
bike. I want a hat at Crist-
mas, and a book.
I wunt a polles car for
kibs and Jeffy pveit. and a x
box Ebo. Malachi
I want a Baby life dol
swim dol. I want 5 shimr
doll and LOL bog LOL
home. I want 5 little dols.
I want a nerf gun for
Christmas. I want a dirt
bike. I want atv. Noah
What I want for Christ-
mas is a bear mask. I also
want bear ears. And I want
the Christmas dog man
book. Hannah
I relly love you but I want
for crismas. Isa LOL house
Also some boots. But I want
gray sparle ones and a book-
shelf and a fl uffy chair. Liz-
I have been a really good
boy. I hop I get a lot of pres-
nts from you. Elijah
Dear santa how are you?
I have been good. Can I
have a competer and a tyra-
nosaures-rex? Toy also 3
gold bayblades. I wish you
well and the elfs. Evan
I hope you you are doing
good. I love wene you dile-
ver gifts. I want a big plushy
for crismas. AJ
I want 2 LOLs and 5
barbes. I want 6 toy cars, a
Haus, and a car. I want a ta-
blit and 6 party pop teves.
I wot a mermemedtil and
Appl woch a terechr dicra.
cerpitera brd. Lily
I love you santa you are
the best. I hope you are ok. I
love are Elf’s. Warren
You are cool. I want a
Hug. and class elf plese. and
I have been good this year.
I want the big l.o.l house.
So I can fi naly have one. It
will be my be my best life in
the hole wide world.
I would like alot sime, I
would like alot play-doh, I
also want a ispoe11.
I what for crismis is tow
LOL dalls, and to mack
Mrs. Arnold’s and Ms. Du-
pla happy. I what my little
I want a Lego set. I want
a pelo. I want a Jenga set.
I want an Xbox and toys
and books. I also want a big
teddy and math games. And
I want a toy puppy and la-
I want for cisna PS4.
You arr cool santa. I want
for cisma a nrfgun. Jaylen
South Belt sends wishes to Santa
Dobie senior softball player Miquela Guajardo (seated cen-
ter) is set to continue her education and playing career be-
ginning with the 2020-2021 school year at Hutchinson Com-
munity College in Hutchinson, Kan., after signing a letter of
intent with the Blue Dragons. Those with her at the signing
included (seated) Dobie varsity softball head coach Robin
Rackley, Dobie varsity softball assistant coach Chris Swinnen,
(standing) Dobie assistant softball coach Mat Ortiz and Dobie
junior varsity head coach Carmela Swinnen. Hutchinson, a Na-
tional Junior College Athletic Association Division I program,
was 26-16 overall last season. Guajardo is fi rst expected to play
a key role with the Lady Longhorns next spring.
Dobie’s Guajardo picks Hutchinson C.C. softball
With 2019 fi rst-round
draft choice Jackson Rut-
ledge of San Jacinto Col-
lege having signed pro-
fessionally and becoming
the Washington Nationals
No. 3 ranked prospect in
short order, the Gators are
already making noise for
Perfectgame.org has
listed two Gator pitch-
ers within the top eight
draft-eligible JUCO play-
ers for the upcoming sea-
Luke Little Mitchell Parker
San Jacinto hurlers rated highly
son and subsequent June
amateur draft.
This month, Perfect
game.org listed its top 100
JUCO draft prospects,
with San Jacinto’s Luke
Little at No. 2 and Mitch-
ell Parker at No. 8.
Both players have de-
cided on colleges, with
Little headed to the Uni-
versity of South Carolina
and Parker on his way to
the University of Ken-
tucky, but both are also
projected as fi rst round
MLB picks.
As a freshman, Little,
from Matthews, N.C., was
3-1 with two saves, throw-
ing 35 1/3 innings and av-
eraging nearly two strike-
outs per inning with 69.
He had a 2.04 earned run
Parker, used as a starter
last season, was 6-0 with
a 1.54 ERA over 64 1/3
innings. He struck out 111
hitters on the season.