Please fill out this form to Update your Membership Information and provide information on your willingness to work in
the church.
Date: __________________________________
Name: _________________________________ birth date: ________________________
Spouse (if married): ______________________ birth date: _________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________
Home Phone: ___________________________ Cell Phone: ________________________
Occupation: ______________________________________________________________
Work Phone: ______________________ Email: _________________________________
Marital Status Single Married
Name 1: ___________________ birth date: _____________ notes: _______________________
Name 2: ___________________ birth date: _____________ notes: _______________________
Name 3: ___________________ birth date: _____________ notes: _______________________
Please prayerfully and carefully fill out the form below and please mark the areas of ministry that you would like to
participate in. Please check ALL areas you are interested in.
I am or would like to:
Be a choir member: Soprano Alto Bass Tenor Not Sure
Instrumental Music Special (instrument(s): _________________________)
I am able or would like to learn to direct choirs.
I am interested in/willing to:
Teach a children’s Sunday School Class. O Assist in a children’s Sunday School Class.
Teach the adult Sunday School Class. O Assist in a Sunday School Class
Teach a new believer’s or new member’s class
Teach Children’s Church on Sundays Assist in Children’s Church on Sundays
Teach Youth Bible Study on Wednesday Nights Assist with the Youth on Wednesday Nights
Teach dance routines in the Dance Ministry Assist with the Dance Ministry
I’m not sure where the Lord wants to use me, but I believe I do have teaching gifts.
I am already involved in the Usher Ministry
I am interested in being an usher. Responsibilities entail the following: Meet and greet people as
they enter the church, directing them to where they need to be. Seat people in pews as needed.
Distribute bulletins and handouts, collect offerings.
I am already involved in the Welcome Ministry
I would like to get involved in the Welcome Ministry. Responsibilities entail the following: Meet and
greet people as they enter the church. Acknowledge our guest with a welcome packet. Welcome in
New Members and give information.
I am already involved in the Nursery Ministry
I would like to get involved in the Nursery Ministry. Responsibilities entail operating a spiritual
daycare during 10:45 a.m. church services.
I would be willing to work with the Media Ministry. Duties would include: Making sure the media
room stays organized, Ordering supplies when necessary, Recruiting people to carry on your duties
when you are not available, Administrating Audio CDs and DVDs and filling audio CD and DVD orders
by duplicating CDs, DVDs and getting them to the right person.
I would be willing to help in running the Media when needed.
I am willing to work on the Community Fun Day
I am willing to distribute flyers for the church
I am willing to work with the Clothing Bank
I am willing to work with the Meals on Wheels
I would like to be involved in making hospital visit, nursing home visit, and shut-ins.
I am interested in/willing to help in the organization and planning of VBS
I am interested in/willing to teach the Bible Lesson in VBS
I am interested in/willing to be a volunteer for various needs for VBS
I am interested in helping in event planning. Church events include: Church Picnic, Community Fun
Day, Hallelujah Festival, Easter and Christmas Programs and other special events.