Whitney Baptist Church
Membership Application Form
We are honored and thankful for your desire to become a part of the body of Christ here at
Whitney. Please carefully work through the following membership application. It is designed to
assist you in articulating your faith and desire for church membership.
Becoming a member of a local church is an important step for each believer. The Bible teaches
that we are already members “one with the other” because of our spiritual union with Jesus
Christ. In this sense, we are already all part of that great body of individuals who have come to
salvation through personal faith in God’s Son. It is clear from the New Testament, however, that
God’s design is for each Christian to also be an accountable part of an organized, local group of
believers who assemble under the oversight of church leadership. The loving, mutual service
which results among the people of God is His means of presenting Christ to the watching world,
and is also an essential way for us to show love for God. Therefore, we highly encourage church
membership as a means of personal spiritual growth and of commitment to the building up of
Christ’s body.
At Whitney Baptist Church, membership is extended to all believers who:
Submit an application and written testimony of one’s personal faith in Jesus Christ as
Savior to the pastors or deacons.
Desire to live a life separated from sinful habits of the flesh and worldliness.
Evidence a burden for those without Jesus Christ as Savior and desire to be used to share
the Gospel.
Are in agreement with the Statement of Faith and will abide by the Constitution and By-
Laws of this Church.
Have been baptized by immersion as a believer.
Demonstrate a commitment to each other and to God by consistently giving of one’s
time, talents, and financial support to the ministry of the Church.
Meet with a pastor & deacon to review the above areas and upon a positive vote by the
church body be accepted into membership.
First & Last
Date of Birth:________________________
Home Phone:_______________! Work Phone*:_________________!
Cell Phone*:_____________________
City:____________________________ Zip:___________
Marital Status: Single!! Married!! Divorced!!! Widowed!!! Remarried
Church previously attended:_______________________________________ Are you still a
member of this, or another church? Yes No If yes, please give the church’s
name and address.
Address: ____________________________________ City: ______________ Zip:
*If available and applicable.
Please give a description of your relationship with Jesus Christ in the following areas:
(please use another sheet of paper or the back of this page)
When and how did you come to know Jesus Christ as your Savior?! (Include in your
remarks your understanding of what it means to be a person who has come to a saving
knowledge of Jesus Christ. Also include any Scripture passages or verses that are
significant to your understanding of salvation.)
What has God used to grow you in your faith?
Have you been baptized since you became a Christian? Yes No
Immersion Sprinkling
Have you read, and do you agree to abide by, the church constitution and by-laws?
Please explain any questions or reservations you have so we may discuss them.
What way(s) do you desire to serve within our church family (based on your interests,
abilities, gifts, and time)?!
Acknowledging my commitment to Jesus Christ, and recognizing my need of fellowship
and opportunities for service, I hereby make application for membership at Whitney Baptist
Signature ________________________________________________________________
Date ________________________________________