FAQ Medical Insurance COVID-19 updated 17 April 2020 P. 1 of 10
Frequently Asked Questions for UN staff members and UN Retirees on
Medical Insurance, in connection with the Novel Coronavirus
(COVID-19) outbreak
Release as of 17 April 2020
What is new in this version:
We suggest that all active staff members and retirees read this document which provides
important information regarding enhanced access to doctors via telehealth applications,
telephone or video calls, depending on the insurance plan. An important improvement relates
to the possibility of accessing services of psychologists and psychotherapists remotely, with
the specific modality depending on the type of insurance plan.
The Q&A is organized into three sections:
UN Active local staff members and their eligible dependents enrolled in the Medical
Insurance Plan (MIP) administered by Cigna International AND UN Retired local staff
members and their eligible dependents enrolled in the Medical Insurance Plan (MIP)
administered by Cigna International ASHI
UN Active staff members and their eligible dependents enrolled in Worldwide Plan
(WWP) administered by Cigna International AND UN Retirees and their eligible
dependents enrolled in enrolled in Worldwide Plan (WWP) administered by Cigna
International - ASHI
UN Active staff members and their eligible dependents enrolled in USA based Health
Insurance Plans AND UN Retirees and their eligible dependents enrolled in USA based
Health Insurance Plans - ASHI
Depending on their specific situation, staff members and retirees are invited to please refer to the
corresponding one of the three sections below.
1. UN Active local staff members and their eligible dependents enrolled in the Medical
Insurance Plan (MIP) administered by Cigna International AND UN Retired local staff
members and their eligible dependents enrolled in the Medical Insurance Plan (MIP)
administered by Cigna International - ASHI
1.1. Question: Will my doctor visits be covered if I get sick with COVID-19?
Visits to a physician will be covered in accordance with the MIP plan benefits.
1.2. Does Third-party Administrator (Cigna International) cover COVID-19 testing for
the United Nations Medical Insurance Plan (UN MIP)?
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Like all diagnostic tests, COVID-19 testing will be covered if:
- Prescribed by a qualified and registered medical doctor.
- Medically necessary, and
- As per policy stipulations for the UN MIP.
Cost-sharing for COVID-19 testing is being waived.
1.3. Does Third-party Administrator (Cigna International) cover COVID-19 related
quarantine for UN MIP?
Quarantine can be recommended for the following two reasons:
(i) for prevention:
- applies to people that may or may not have been diagnosed with COVID-19 but
do not show symptoms and are being quarantined for preventive measures. This
is not medical care and therefore not covered.
(ii) for isolation:
- applies to people that show symptoms and need to be diagnosed and/or treated.
These patients are being hospitalised in isolation or in a single room in order not
to contaminate others. This is medical care and therefore covered.
1.4. Does Third-party Administrator (Cigna International) provide online consultations
for plan members in UN MIP?
Yes, effective April 2020, Cigna Global Telehealth is provided to all staff members,
retirees and their eligible dependants covered under the MIP. Global Telehealth enables
insureds to connect with a licensed doctor, by phone, video or mobile.
This service is highly advised at the time of the ongoing pandemic and a doctor can provide
advice and if necessary, a prescription.
In order to use the benefit of online consultations one must install the Cigna Wellbeing
application and log in with its Cigna personal reference number. There is no additional
cost in enrolling for this benefit nor for the consultation.
Additional information relating to the benefit of online consultations though Global
Telehealth can be found at:
Cigna MIP Cigna Global Telehealth
FAQ Medical Insurance COVID-19 updated 17 April 2020 P. 3 of 10
We encourage you to take control of your health and well-being, and access the Cigna
Global Telehealth service. This option is available by video or telephone. It gives you
access to medical support and advice whenever you need it and it has a multilingual
The dedicated Cigna mailbox for UN MIP is [email protected] and phone numbers
are located on the personal Cigna ID card.
In addition to the Cigna Global Telehealth service, the UN MIP also covers telephonic
and video consultations with licensed doctors within your regional area of care during
this pandemic. These consultations are covered under the UN MIP, in accordance with
the plan stipulations, therefore, Cigna will require an invoice and payment receipt with
your claim.
Important note: the telephonic and video consultations are only covered for doctors
within the designated regional area of care.
1.5. Does Third-party Administrator (Cigna International) provide telehealth for
mental health services?
Consultations with psychiatrists are included in telehealth for the UN Medical Insurance
Plan (UN MIP).
To ensure access to mental care, the UN MIP now also covers telephonic and video
consultations with psychologists and psychotherapists within your regional area of care.
This will allow MIP members to keep monitoring their mental health. All consultations
with psychologists and psychotherapists under the UN MIP are covered in accordance
with the plan benefits, therefore, Cigna will require an invoice, payment receipt and
medical prescription with your claim.
Important note: the telephonic and video consultations are only covered for
psychologists and psychotherapists within the designated regional area of care.
Please note that the telehealth online platform is not available for consultations with
psychologists or psychotherapists under the UN MIP. As explained above, any
consultation with these types of professionals is available through a telephone of video
call to be arranged between the member and the provider.
1.6. Does Third-party Administrator (Cigna International) cover UN MIP plan
members outside their duty station?
Yes, UN MIP plan members are covered outside their duty stations. However, if UN MIP
members seek medical care outside the country of their duty station, reimbursement will
be limited to the reasonable and customary expenses applicable to the country of their
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duty station. This may result in members being responsible for a high copayment. In
addition, MIP members will also have to pay the provider first and claim reimbursement
with Cigna afterwards.
1.7. Can UN MIP plan members submit claims online?
Yes, effective 6 April 2020, all UN MIP plan members can submit reimbursement claims
2. UN Active staff members and their eligible dependents enrolled in Worldwide Plan
(WWP) administered by Cigna International AND UN Retirees and their eligible
dependents enrolled in enrolled in Worldwide Plan (WWP) administered by Cigna
International - ASHI
2.1. Question: Will my doctor visits be covered if I get sick with COVID-19?
Visits to a physician will be covered in accordance with the Worldwide plan benefits.
2.2. Does Third-party Administrator (Cigna International) cover COVID-19 testing for
the United Nations Worldwide Plan (UN WWP)?
Like all diagnostic tests, COVID-19 testing will be covered if:
- Prescribed by a qualified and registered medical doctor.
- Medically necessary, and
- As per policy stipulations for the UN WWP.
Important note: cost-sharing for COVID-19 testing is being waived.
2.3. Does Third-party Administrator (Cigna International) cover COVID-19 related
Quarantine can be recommended for the following two reasons:
(i) for prevention:
- applies to people that may or may not have been diagnosed with COVID-19 but
do not show symptoms and are being quarantined for preventive measures. This is
not medical care and therefore not covered.
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(ii) for isolation:
- applies to people that show symptoms and need to be diagnosed and/or treated.
These patients are being hospitalised in isolation or in a single room in order not
to contaminate others. This is medical care and therefore it is covered.
2.4. Does Third-party Administrator (Cigna International) provide online consultations
for plan members in the UN WWP?
Yes, Cigna International provides online consultations through Cigna Global Telehealth.
This service enables plan members in the UN WWP to connect with a licensed doctor, by
phone, video or mobile.
This service is highly advised at the time of the ongoing pandemic and a doctor can provide
advice and if necessary, a prescription.
In order to use the benefit of online consultations one must install the Cigna Wellbeing
application and log in with its Cigna personal reference number. There is no additional
cost in enrolling for this benefit nor for the consultation.
Additional information relating to the benefit of online consultations though Global
Telehealth can be found at:
Cigna International (UN WWP) Cigna Global Telehealth
HLIS encourages members to take control of their health and well-being, and access the
Cigna Global Telehealth service. This option is available by video or telephone. It gives
members access to medical support and advice whenever they need it and it has a
multilingual component.
Global Telehealth is also available through the Cigna Wellbeing app. Members need to
select the ‘International Organizations’ option for Plan Members or Dependents to log in.
The dedicated Cigna mailbox for UN WWP is [email protected]om
In addition to the Global Telehealth Platform, the UN WWP also covers telephonic and
video consultations with licensed doctors during this pandemic. These consultations are
covered under the UN WWP, in accordance with the plan benefits, therefore, Cigna will
require an invoice and payment receipt with your claim.
2.5. Does Third-party Administrator (Cigna International) provide telehealth for
mental health services?
Consultations with psychiatrists are included in the online telehealth platform for the UN
To ensure access to mental care, the UN WWP now also covers telephonic and video
consultations with psychologists and psychotherapists. This will allow WWP members to
keep monitoring their mental health. All consultations with psychologists and
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psychotherapists under the UN WWP are covered in accordance with the plan
stipulations. Therefore, Cigna will require an invoice, payment receipt and medical
prescription with your claim for these types of services.
Please note that the telehealth online platform is not available for consultations with
psychologists or psychotherapists under the UN WWP. As explained above, any
consultation with these types of professionals is available through a telephone of video
call to be arranged between the member and the provider.
2.6. How do I access care if I am on official travel in the US and am covered under the
UN Worldwide Plan administered by Cigna International?
Staff members covered under the UN WWP and currently in the US on official mission
status should call 1-305-908-9101 or the customer service number on the back of their
ID cards. Cigna’s customer service representatives will verify coverage, obtain
information on their location or zip codes, and email them a list of network providers
they can obtain services from.
3. Questions relevant to active staff members, retirees and their eligible dependents
enrolled in USA based plans:
3.1. Question: Will my doctor visits be covered if I get sick with COVID-19?
Visits to a physician will be covered in accordance with your plan of benefits.
3.2. Question: Will Third-party Administrators (Aetna, Empire Blue Cross) of US-
based Health Insurance Plans cover COVID-19 testing? What about HIP
Both, Aetna and Empire Blue Cross cover COVID-19 testing.
HIP (EmblemHealth) covers cost-sharing as required by the state for testing. In
addition, in-network cost-sharing for physician’s office visits, urgent care visits
and emergency room visits associated with testing are being waived.
EmblemHealth will not require preauthorization for COVID-19 testing
3.3. Do USA based medical plans provide online consultations?
Yes, all US based medical plans provide online consultations that enable insureds to
connect with a licensed doctor, by phone, video or mobile.
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Aetna and Empire Blue Cross have their own online platforms:
Aetna offers an online App called “Teladoc
Empire Blue Cross offers an online App called LiveHealth Online
To use the benefit of online consultations one must enrol by going to the
website of the respective insurance carriers. There is no additional cost for
enrolling for this benefit.
Please find below additional information relating to the benefit of online
consultations for USA based medial plans:
3.3.1. Aetna Teladoc
Log into the Aetna website at https://www.aetna.com/or call 1-855-Teladoc.
You can also go to teladoc.com/aetna. Before your first virtual care visit, set up
your account online or on the app and then complete a brief medical history as it
will help your doctor treat or advise you better.
Important note: during the ongoing pandemic, in addition to the online
platform Teladoc, Aetna also supports telemedicine (phone and video)
consultations with both, In-Network and Out-of-Network providers. Any
provider may bill these consultations by using the authorized special coding to
indicate that the consultation was telemedicine-based.
Out-of-Network telemedicine claims will be processed at the OON rate, applying
normal out of network cost share based on the benefit plan.
For additional information, please access the UN HLIS Insurance Website
Plans/ Insurance Plans/Aetna/Aetna Open Choice PPO/POS II/Summary
of Benefits/Aetna Plan Description/Aetna Open Choice PPO/POS II
summary of benefits - Telemedicine - Excerpt from ST/IC 2019/14, Page
33, by clicking the link below:
3.3.2. Empire Blue Cross LiveHealth Online
FAQ Medical Insurance COVID-19 updated 17 April 2020 P. 8 of 10
HLIS recommends that members use telehealth when possible to help prevent
the spread of infection and improve access to care.
Empire’s telehealth provider, LiveHealth Online, is a safe and effective way for
members to receive medical guidance related to COVID-19 from their homes
using a smartphone, tablet or computer with a web cam.
In addition, members can download the free Sydney Care mobile app for a
quick and easy way to evaluate symptoms. They can connect with a doctor
through a Virtual Care text session right from their smartphone.
The doctor can evaluate member’s symptoms, help understand whether the
member is at risk for COVID-19, and let the member know whether they need
to visit a local health care provider in person for COVID-19 testing.
Important note: in addition to LiveHealth Online, Empire Blue Cross plan
members have, as a choice, access to
(i) telehealth (video and audio) for both, In-Network and Out-of-Network
providers, and
(ii) telephonic consultations with In-Network-only providers through 14
June 2020.
All services will be subject to member cost share.
For additional information, please access the UN HLIS Insurance Website
Plans/ Insurance Plans/Empire Blue Cross/EmpireBlue Cross
PPO/Summary of Benefits/Member Plan Description/Empire Blue Cross
PPO summary of benefits - Telemedicine (LiveHealth Online covered
in-network only) - Excerpt from ST/IC 2019/14, Page 27, by clicking the
link below:
3.3.3. HIP (EmblemHealth) uses telehealth to provide coverage to its members.
For EmblemHealth, Telehealth means: the use of electronic information and
communication technologies, including via telephone, by a health care provider to
deliver health care services to an insured while such insured is located at a site
that is different from the site where the health care provider is located.
Please check with your provider to confirm whether they offer covered services
via telehealth.
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Important note: for a temporary period during the pandemic, no cost-sharing
will apply to covered services that members receive from in-network providers
via telehealth.
3.4. Do US based medical plans provide telehealth for mental health services?
Yes, all US based medical plans (Aetna, Empire and HIP (EmblemHealth)) cover
telehealth mental health consultations with respective in-network providers including
psychologists and psychotherapists.
Additional UN Resources
The Staff Counsellor's provides psychosocial support to staff members at UNHQ and
Offices away from Headquarters. In order to locate a Staff Counsellor please send an
email to [email protected] and to schedule a virtual appointment please send email to
[email protected]. In addition, active and retired staff members may contact their state or
municipal offices to take advantage of the medical resources available.
3.5. Do US based medical plans provide more than a 30-day supply of maintenance
Yes, all US based medical plans, namely Aetna, Empire and HIP (EmblemHealth) provide
more than a 30-day supply of maintenance medication.
3.5.1. Aetna
If plan members with Aetna coverage wish to request more than a 30-day supply of
medication they should request a vacation override to obtain a 90-day supply of
HLIS encourages plan members to talk to their doctor about changing from a 30-day
supply to a 90-day supply of prescriptions.
Members can call the RX Member Services number on the back of their health plan
ID card to learn more.
3.5.2. Empire Blue Cross (pharmacy benefits administered by IngenioRx)
If plan members with Empire Blue Cross coverage wish to request more than a 30-
day supply of medication they should request a vacation override to obtain a 90-day
supply of prescriptions.
HLIS encourages plan members to talk to their doctor about changing from a 30-day
supply to a 90-day supply of prescriptions.
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Members can call the Pharmacy Member Services number on the back of their
health plan ID card to learn more.
3.5.3. HIP (EmblemHealth)
HIP (EmblemHealth) covers 90-day supplies for most medicines for chronic
conditions. Members should ask their doctor for a 90-day prescription that can be
filled at a local pharmacy, received by mail, or delivered to their door.
Comprehensive, updated information is available at EmblemHealth