Need insight into your Cigna claim?
Call Marc Whitehead & Associates, Attorneys at Law, LLP at 800.562.9830,
or learn more at
Disability Denied By Cigna? How to Prevail When Cigna Won’t Pay
Need insight into your Cigna claim?
Call Marc Whitehead & Associates, Attorneys at Law, LLP at 800.562.9830,
or learn more at
Disability Denied By Cigna? How to Prevail When Cigna Won’t Pay
What Is Disability Insurance?
Short Term, Long Term, Catastrophic —
What Is The Difference?
Improve Your Chances of Winning Disability Benefits
Proving Your Disability Claim
How CIGNA Determines Your RFC
(Residual Functional Capacity)
Insurers’ Claim-Denying Tactics
How Much Will Your Disability Payments Be?
How Pre-Existing Conditions Could Affect Your Benefits
When Your Claim Is Denied: The CIGNA Appeal Process
Filing a Lawsuit After Losing an Administrative Appeal
Choosing the Right Disability Attorney
Marc Whitehead & Associates Will Help You Fight
Need insight into your Cigna claim?
Call Marc Whitehead & Associates, Attorneys at Law, LLP at 800.562.9830,
or learn more at
Disability Denied By Cigna? How to Prevail When Cigna Won’t Pay
Perhaps you experienced a bad reaction to a medical therapy that
has left you lethargic and with a compromised immune system. Or
maybe an accident around the home or on the road has left you with
limited mobility and in need of medication to deal with chronic pain.
Whatever your unique situation is, you expected your disability insurer
to provide fair and complete coverage.
Frustratingly, your experience with CIGNA has most likely been
anything but simple and easy.
Since it was formed in 1982, CIGNA has grown to become the fourth
largest provider of disability insurance in the U.S., claiming 7 percent
of the market. Its offerings include group short term and long term
disability insurance for companies with 51 or more employees. Today,
it provides disability coverage to 4.3 million people in the U.S. through
more than 5,100 employer group policies.
CIGNAs practices have evoked controversy over the years. In 2011,
the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United charged that
the company denied 39.6 percent of all claims. In 2013, the insurance
commissioners of California, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts and
Pennsylvania announced they had reached a settlement with CIGNA
over its claims handling practices. The insurer agreed to re-evaluate
many denied claims and set aside $77 million to cover projected
payments to people whose claims were not handled properly. CIGNA
also paid $1.6 million in fines and fees to these five states.
We have written this book to give you a 20,000 foot perspective on
how and why to fight back against your long term disability (LTD)
denial and prove your CIGNA claim. Although this isn’t legal advice,
it can help you understand how to get the money and fair treatment
you need to take care of yourself and your family, pay for therapy and
doctors bills, and feel more optimistic about the future.
Since it was formed in
1982, CIGNA has grown
to become the fourth
largest provider of
disability insurance in the
U.S., claiming 7 percent
of the market.
Need insight into your Cigna claim?
Call Marc Whitehead & Associates, Attorneys at Law, LLP at 800.562.9830,
or learn more at
Disability Denied By Cigna? How to Prevail When Cigna Won’t Pay
The concept of disability insurance is a good one: to provide
economic protection for workers who can’t remain on the job (short
term or long term) because they have suffered an injury or become
ill. Insurers introduced disability policies in the 1980s, thinking they
would be profitable. But they calculated wrong. Insurers lost money
because they overpromised benefits.
To dig themselves out of this hole, insurance companies began finding
ways to reduce disability payouts. This meant denying claims and re-
examining and cutting off claims that they were already paying.
As a result, many people who have paid their disability premiums
and expected coverage have been denied benefits when they really
needed them.
An insurance company like CIGNA can take advantage of policy
loopholes to deny disability benefits to someone who has a legitimate
injury or illness. As a policy holder, you do have the right to appeal
the company’s decision, but it’s tough to win your case unless you
understand the laws regulating disability claims.
Did you know, for example, that you do not get the opportunity to
provide new information when you are filing a lawsuit about a disability
claim denial? If you don’t include all of the facts and records to support
your claim when you file an administrative appeal, you will not be able
to present them to the court if you end up suing the insurer.
That’s why it is so important to work with an attorney who handles
ERISA (Employee Retirement Income Security Act) claims on a daily
basis. You need to present your strongest arguments right from
the start if you want to be successful in claiming and receiving your
disability benefits.
Did you know?
You do not get the
opportunity to provide
new information when
you are filing a lawsuit
about a disability claim
denial. If you don’t
include all of the facts
and records to support
your claim when you file
an administrative appeal,
you will not be able to
present them to the court
if you end up suing the
CASE STUDY #1: Kassa v. Plans Admin. Comm. Of Citigroup, Inc., Filed in
U.S. District Court for the District of New Mexico, June 30, 2011
In this case, Nikki Kassa, the Plaintiff, sought a judgment from a group accidental death policy. Per Court
records, “The plan administrator incorrectly determined that a bone fracture accident did not cause death
where the decedent died from complications from the accident that aggravated his cardiovascular disease.
Because the death resulted from bodily injuries caused by an accident, the death was not excluded under the
sickness exemption.
After all was said and done, the Plaintiff succeeded in obtaining substantial benefits from the insurer,
including “the policy amount, pre- and post-judgment interest, attorneys’ fees and costs.
Need insight into your Cigna claim?
Call Marc Whitehead & Associates, Attorneys at Law, LLP at 800.562.9830,
or learn more at
Disability Denied By Cigna? How to Prevail When Cigna Won’t Pay
There are two ways that people usually obtain disability coverage.
First, you can obtain it on your own, through an individual policy
purchased from an insurance broker. That’s not relevant in this case,
because CIGNA does not offer individual disability policies.
The second way to obtain disability coverage is through your employer.
CIGNA sells its disability policies through employers’ group benefit
policies. Not all of CIGNAs disability plans are the same, however. The
company can and does vary the language of policies according to the
employer and the state in which it is offering the policy. The only way
to know what is actually in your policy is to get a copy of it from your
employer and read it for yourself.
Although some details may differ, there are basically three different
types of disability coverages available:
Short Term Disability Coverage (STD)
When you’re out of work because of illness or injury for a brief period
of time (one week to six months), your short term disability benefits
should provide at least part of your salary or weekly pay. Insurers
do not generally cover these costs; your employer does. That often
makes it easier to get approved for STD benefits.
Applying for STD benefits is the first step in requesting long term
disability benefits as well.
Long Term Disability Coverage (LTD)
If it looks like your injury or illness is going to keep you out of work
for more than six months, or even indefinitely, you will need to apply
for long term disability benefits. Even if everyone agrees that you
have suffered a permanent injury, you cannot apply directly for LTD
benefits. LTD takes over only when you have exhausted the short term
disability payments to which you are entitled.
Catastrophic Coverage
You can apply for catastrophic coverage benefits when your illness or
injury is so severe that you can no longer perform the simple routines
of daily living, such as dressing, bathing or feeding yourself. The policy
should provide someone such as a home health care worker to help
you handle these everyday tasks.
How Long
Can I Receive
D Benefits?
LTD benefits will
cover some portion
of your salary for
a period of up to 24
months if you can
prove that you are
not capable
of working at your
own job. This is also
known as the own
occupation rule. If
you can prove you
are disabled past
that point — and
insurers scrutinize
this very closely —
you may qualify for
LTD benefits until
you reach age 65.
Need insight into your Cigna claim?
Call Marc Whitehead & Associates, Attorneys at Law, LLP at 800.562.9830,
or learn more at
Disability Denied By Cigna? How to Prevail When Cigna Won’t Pay
To increase your chance of success in your initial application, follow
these steps:
1. Be careful and accurate when filling out forms.
Insurers often ask the same question over and over (in slightly
different ways). Consider each question carefully before you
respond, and make sure your answers are consistent throughout the
application. Do not describe your limitations in terms of absolutes
such as “always” or “never.
2. Make sure you understand your policy.
Do you know what pre-existing conditions your policy excludes?
How your benefits from your short term disability policy and long
term disability policy work together? If your disability benefits will be
reduced by offsets like workers comp payments or Social Security
Disability? Read your policies to find out.
3. Focus your application on the issues most likely to win you
Concentrate on medical and functional issues that your policy
doesn’t exclude.
4. Get your Social Security Disability application completed.
CIGNA will require that you file for SSD as well as your policy’s
disability benefits, usually within a year.
5. Get your doctors prepared.
You’ll need them to fill out forms and answer calls from the insurer,
so ask your physicians to be on the lookout for any correspondence
from the insurance company. Request politely that they act promptly
so you meet application deadlines. Make sure your insurance
company has the right address and phone number for your doctors.
Don’t miss
for filing
claims and
Need insight into your Cigna claim?
Call Marc Whitehead & Associates, Attorneys at Law, LLP at 800.562.9830,
or learn more at
Disability Denied By Cigna? How to Prevail When Cigna Won’t Pay
6. Get a consistent job description.
Your ability to do your job depends on its requirements. Make sure
that your description and your employer’s description of your job
requirements match. Ask your doctor to clearly explain why, based
on that description, you cannot do the job any more.
7. Expect the insurer to use video surveillance.
CIGNA and other insurers may hire private investigators to
videotape your activities, hoping they can catch you performing
some physical activity your disability shouldn’t let you do.
Investigators don’t have the right to make an unannounced visit; you
are within your rights if you ask someone who shows up at your door
to make an appointment to talk with you.
8. Don’t go it alone.
No insurance company wants to pay out benefits, but an attorney
who specializes in the complex and complicated issues of federal
ERISA law can improve your chance of success. For the best results,
retain a lawyer before you file your initial application — and if you
have to appeal, do not do it without talking to an ERISA attorney first.
Denial Tactics
CIGNA may hire
private investigators
to videotape your
activities, hoping
they can catch you
performing some
physical activity your
disability shouldn’t
let you do.
CIGNAs Doctors
& Nurses: Even if
they have never
seen you or treated
you, CIGNAs own
doctors can still
disagree with your
doctors diagnosis.
Need insight into your Cigna claim?
Call Marc Whitehead & Associates, Attorneys at Law, LLP at 800.562.9830,
or learn more at
Disability Denied By Cigna? How to Prevail When Cigna Won’t Pay
The insurance company has the deck stacked in its favor when it decides whether it will approve your
disability claim. It not only defines what a disability is under your policy, but it also interprets that definition.
Doctors and nurses from CIGNA will look at your records and make their own decisions about
your diagnosis. Even if they have never seen you or treated you, they can still disagree with your doctor’s
Insurers do not accept SSD’s disability determinations either. The rules for receiving Social Security
Disability benefits are different than those for most disability plans. Insurers say that means they don’t have
to award you disability benefits, even if SSD has.
They might use vocational reviews to find jobs that they say you can do. A vocational analyst hired
by the insurer may evaluate your residual functional capacity (RFC) based on the categories below. If the
insurer can find you work based on your RFC, it can reduce or eliminate your disability benefits.
lifting up to 10 pounds and sitting up to six hours a day. This is typically an office job.
occasionally lifting and carrying 10-20 pounds and standing or walking as many as six
hours a day. A security guard would fit in this category.
lifting up to 50 pounds and standing or walking all day. This would include a nursing
job, for example.
lifting up to 100 pounds;
Very heavy
lifting more than 100 pounds. Both of these final two categories could include
construction workers.
RFC Levels
Need insight into your Cigna claim?
Call Marc Whitehead & Associates, Attorneys at Law, LLP at 800.562.9830,
or learn more at
Disability Denied By Cigna? How to Prevail When Cigna Won’t Pay
Your RFC category relates to the type of work that you are capable
of doing for a 40-hour work week, taking into consideration the
physical and mental effects of your disability. So how does CIGNA
decide on your RFC?
• It will consider the pain you’re experiencing.
• It looks at how the disability has impaired your mental capacity.
Can you still interact effectively with your supervisors and your
coworkers? Can you comprehend and remember directions for
doing your job? Can you carry those directions out?
• The insurer looks at your medical history and at your doctors’
observations about your capabilities. It may also gather
information from social workers and/or your family members
about what you can and cannot do.
• CIGNA will consider how the time you would need for treatment
for your disability (doctors’ appointments, therapy sessions, etc.)
would impact a normal work schedule.
• It will assess your skills to identify the kind of work that you
actually could do.
Compatible jobs and the “own occupation” standard
Insurers determine whether or not you’re entitled to LTD disability
benefits in the first 24 months by looking at your RFC and your
current occupation. If you’re a nurse who has to be on your feet all
day moving from patient room to patient room, a severe leg injury
that requires you to keep your leg elevated will preclude you from
doing your job.
But after two years (or the time period determined in your specific
policy), you have to prove that you are so disabled that you cannot
do any job that your education, background and skills qualify you to
do. If you are a nurse with an injured leg, maybe you can get a job
reviewing patients’ files or doing some other type of administrative
work that doesn’t require standing or moving around.
Fortunately, it is not up to you to find that job. The insurer has to
come up with one that pays at least 80 percent of what you were
making before you were disabled.
If you qualify for disability benefits and cannot get another job, the
insurer will usually pay you up to age 65 (retirement age).
Cigna today
coverage to
4.3 million
people in the
U.S. through
more than
Need insight into your Cigna claim?
Call Marc Whitehead & Associates, Attorneys at Law, LLP at 800.562.9830,
or learn more at
Disability Denied By Cigna? How to Prevail When Cigna Won’t Pay
CIGNA wants to remain profitable, so it will try to boost its profits by
finding ways to deny claims. The company may:
• Farm your case out to several medical experts. These experts
never get the total picture of your condition, only a small portion
of it. Based on this narrow view, they may determine that your
claim isn’t valid.
• Document your activities using video and investigator
surveillance. The insurance company hopes to prove that you
are faking or exaggerating your disability by catching you doing
something you should not be able to do. It may stretch the truth,
asserting that your quick trip to the grocery store proves you can
put in a full day’s work. Claims people may not even watch the
videos themselves, but might decide to deny benefits based on
investigators’ reports of what they have seen. You can demand to
see the video to check whether it has been edited, and ask the
claims person if he or she actually viewed the tape personally.
• Rely on an unreliable functional capacity exam (FCE). If the
vocational analyst does not administer the physical tests for
residual functional capacity (RFC) properly, the results will not be
valid. But the insurer may try to use this unreliable data to your
detriment, denying a valid claim.
• Accuse you of malingering (faking a disability to get out of
work and get paid) or of being non-compliant. The insurer may
try to turn down your disability claim because you are not taking
the medicine exactly as the doctor prescribed. CIGNA does not
want to hear that you cannot take the prescription because you
have had a bad reaction or because the medicine has potentially
dangerous side effects that you do not want to risk.
• Try to attribute your disability to stress. Ever had a bad day
(or a bad week or month) on a job? An insurer may talk to
your supervisor and/or co-workers to see whether you’ve had
difficulties with them in the past. It may try to claim that your
disability came as a result of a stressful environment and that it is
therefore not covered under your disability policy.
Need insight into your Cigna claim?
Call Marc Whitehead & Associates, Attorneys at Law, LLP at 800.562.9830,
or learn more at
Disability Denied By Cigna? How to Prevail When Cigna Won’t Pay
CASE STUDY #2: Mercer v. Life Ins. Co. of North America, Filed in U.S. Dis-
trict Court for the Western District of Louisiana, Monroe Division, Decided May 22,
Alfred Mercer, the Plaintiff, sought a summary judgment in this lawsuit for ERISA benefits because he argued
that the “plan administrator abused its discretion in denying benefits, since its initial and subsequent denial
decisions were not supported by substantial evidence.
In fact, the Plaintiff showed that no one disputed the material facts of his claim, and the Court agreed that
the administrator only looked selectively at evidence and did not speak with a vocational expert about his
condition or restrictions.
The Court granted his summary motion, in part.
Need insight into your Cigna claim?
Call Marc Whitehead & Associates, Attorneys at Law, LLP at 800.562.9830,
or learn more at
Disability Denied By Cigna? How to Prevail When Cigna Won’t Pay
While both STD and LTD disability benefits do help out, do not count
on them completely replacing your regular wages. They usually
cover a little more than half (about 60 percent ) of what you’d receive
in your normal paycheck. People who work on commission will
receive benefits based on an insurance company formula.
Special circumstances
Even if you cannot work at your regular job or own occupation,
your employer might be able to find another position for you in the
company. If you make 20 percent less than your normal pay in this
position, you might be eligible for a partial or residual disability
benefit to help make up the difference.
If you qualify for workers comp benefits, retirement or retirement
disability benefits, and/or benefits from Social Security Disability
(SSD) or the state, CIGNA will reduce your disability check by the
amount of those other benefits. These reductions are known as
offsets. The same thing happens if you win a settlement in a lawsuit.
The insurance company that provides your LTD benefit does not get
off the hook entirely, however. Even if the offset payments add up to
more than what your entire disability insurance payment would be,
the insurance carrier would pay out $100 or 10 percent of what your
full benefit would be under your LTD policy.
STD & LTD policies usually cover a
little more than half of what you’d
receive in your normal paycheck.
CASE STUDY #3: Amara v. Cigna Corp, Filed in U.S. District Court for the
District of Connecticut, Decided December 20, 2012
This was a class action suit filed by Janice Amara together with other plaintiffs against CIGNA. The issue
considered here was whether this group of people who had been denied disability, could be considered
a class for the purposes of filing suit. The Court said yes and “ordered the administrator to provide notice,
reformed the plan, enjoined the administrator to enforce the plan as reformed and denied [CIGNAs] motion
to decertify the class.
Critically, the Court determined that calculating damages in the case would be relatively simple and would
not involve “a complex process that would require additional hearings to resolve each individual’s case or
entail complex individual determinations.
Need insight into your Cigna claim?
Call Marc Whitehead & Associates, Attorneys at Law, LLP at 800.562.9830,
or learn more at
Disability Denied By Cigna? How to Prevail When Cigna Won’t Pay
What happens if I get overpaid?
CIGNA and most other insurers expect you to apply for SSD benefits when you apply for your disability
insurance benefits. It is not easy to qualify for SSD, and even if you do get approved, it takes time to receive
any money, although you will eventually receive back payments from the time that you applied.
Once you begin receiving SSD checks, CIGNA will expect repayment of the money they have already sent
The disability insurer generally will offer you a choice: It will withhold the amount of money that it estimates
you’ll receive from SSD, or you can pay the insurer back once you start getting these checks. Either way,
make sure you understand your policy’s offset provisions and be prepared to make repayments if necessary.
Need insight into your Cigna claim?
Call Marc Whitehead & Associates, Attorneys at Law, LLP at 800.562.9830,
or learn more at
Disability Denied By Cigna? How to Prevail When Cigna Won’t Pay
Disability policies typically have a clause that excludes LTD benefits
for any problem that is a result of a pre-existing condition or illness.
The exclusionary period is generally 12 months, but insurers may
look back as far as three years to see whether you’ve shown any
evidence of this condition before.
Mental health limitations
Although CIGNA may pay benefits for mental health problems such
as depression or anxiety, it limits such coverage to 24 months. It
may also try to use this mental health limitation to the company’s
advantage by claiming that your disability is mental rather than
Depression is a common side effect when you have been hurt
or when you are in constant pain. If you visit a doctor for help
with that depression, the insurer may argue that your problem is
psychological rather than physical.
Some medicines, especially those prescribed for severe pain,
can have unwanted side effects that may make it hard for you to
concentrate or think clearly. The insurance company may insist that
this is a mental impairment so it can stop paying LTD benefits after
24 months.
When symptoms are hard to document
Insurers like CIGNA seem to be convinced that people are out to
fool the system, so they demand hard evidence of injuries (e.g.
X-rays or MRIs). But symptoms of some illnesses — such as chronic
fatigue — are extremely difficult to document in this way. So is
the mental confusion that can be caused by certain prescription
Insurance companies tend to ignore patients’ reports of such
difficulties and either deny claims initially or cut benefits off after 24
months, claiming they are mental health issues.
Don’t be surprised if
the insurer tries to link
a problem that you
consider unrelated with
your current disability.
For Example: Suppose
your family physician
prescribed some type
of relaxant because you
were going through a
very stressful time in your
life. This was nine months
before you hurt your
back, and before you ever
felt a twinge of back pain.
Then you threw out your
back trying to lift a heavy
box, and the doctor
prescribed you the same
medicine as before, only
this time as a muscle
relaxant. The insurance
company might scrutinize
your medical records
and claim that the first
prescription shows that
you had previous back
problems and therefore
don’t qualify for LTD.
Need insight into your Cigna claim?
Call Marc Whitehead & Associates, Attorneys at Law, LLP at 800.562.9830,
or learn more at
Disability Denied By Cigna? How to Prevail When Cigna Won’t Pay
Despite your best efforts on the initial application, your CIGNA
disability benefits application has been denied. This denial is NOT
the end of the road. Now you will need to navigate the CIGNA
appeals process.
Once CIGNA decides to reject your disability benefits claim, it will
send you a denial letter. The company will have to explain all the
important facts about its decision.
Read the denial letter carefully to determine how you can appeal this
decision. The company will have to advise you not only of the date
by which you must file your appeal but also of the address where
you should send it.
Since CIGNA provides disability insurance only through group
policies, your appeal is handled according to regulations in the
Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA).
Unfortunately, this federal law favors insurance companies rather
than the individual making the disability claim.
Under ERISA:
• Insurers do not have consider your own doctors’ opinions when
making their decisions.
• They do not face any penalties for denying a valid claim.
• You cannot sue for damages.
The best result that you can hope for in an appeal is the judge
ordering CIGNA to pay you the benefits due under your policy and
perhaps your attorney’s fees as well.
Anatomy Of A
Denial Letter
• The reason for
the denial;
• The evidence it
used to make that
decision; and
• Which of its
actually looked
at the evidence.
(This employee
could be a doctor,
a nurse manager
or in some cases
just a claims
Need insight into your Cigna claim?
Call Marc Whitehead & Associates, Attorneys at Law, LLP at 800.562.9830,
or learn more at
Disability Denied By Cigna? How to Prevail When Cigna Won’t Pay
The ERISA Administrative Appeal Process
Unfortunately, an administrative appeal is not a swift process.
Here’s the timetable:
• CIGNA has 45 days to make its initial decision once you file a
claim. The insurer can sometimes extend that deadline up to 60
• Once you appeal, the company has 45 days from the date you
submitted the paperwork to consider that appeal. That deadline
may be extended by another 45 days.
• If CIGNA denies your appeal, you will have anywhere from
several months to three years to file a lawsuit. Check your policy
for specifics.
Once you file an appeal, you cannot add any other evidence to
the record, even if you take the case to court.
Missing a deadline or neglecting to include a critical piece of
evidence can make it impossible for you to ever collect your
Because of this, filing an appeal of a disability claim denial is not
something that you should tackle on your own. An experienced
ERISA attorney understands the process, and he or she will make
sure that your appeal includes all the essential documentation and
information and that all deadlines are met.
Did you know?
It can take as long
as a year before
you get the final
word on whether
or not CIGNA
will approve your
claim this time or
once again deny it.
Need insight into your Cigna claim?
Call Marc Whitehead & Associates, Attorneys at Law, LLP at 800.562.9830,
or learn more at
Disability Denied By Cigna? How to Prevail When Cigna Won’t Pay
Your appeal must include:
• A point-by-point rebuttal of CIGNAs assertions in the denial
letter, backed up by the expert opinions from medical and
vocational specialists.
• A case record that clearly documents and supports your
disability claim, including medical records, physicians’ opinions,
supporting letters from your employer and from friends.
• A rebuttal of any attempt by the insurer to distort evidence and
an explanation of why the medical reviews CIGNA has presented
are incorrect in your case.
• The latest medical and scientific findings that support your
disability claim.
Your ERISA attorney will help you prepare all this and review your
policy carefully to make sure that CIGNA has followed all of the
proper procedures as it has handled your claim.
CASE STUDY #4: Williamson v. Life Ins. Co. of North America (LINA), filed in
U.S. District Court for the District of Nevada, Decided March 25, 2011
Per court records, the insurance company issued a disability insurance policy to Lavon Williamson through
First Command Financial Planning, Inc. that went into effect in the beginning of 2008. At that time, Williamson
was a Direct Advisor who supervised other financial advisors for the company. Williamson said that he
had been working as an independent contractor for the company for nearly a decade when he submitted
a disability claim in May 2009 because of debilitating pain in his neck and shoulders and accompanying
migraine headaches. LINA denied his claim, saying that his medical records did not support it. Williamson
gathered additional medical reports and documentation to no avail — the claim was still denied.
In April 2010, Williamson filed a Complaint in Court against the insurer, arguing for relief due to “(1) Breach of
Contract; (2) Bad Faith; and (3) Unfair Claim Settlement Practices.” He argued that LINA treated his claim as if
it were governed by ERISA even though the insurer knew it wasn’t.
LINA filed a Motion to Dismiss, which the Court denied “because an issue of fact remains regarding whether
the Plan qualifies as an ERISA plan.
Need insight into your Cigna claim?
Call Marc Whitehead & Associates, Attorneys at Law, LLP at 800.562.9830,
or learn more at
Disability Denied By Cigna? How to Prevail When Cigna Won’t Pay
Under ERISA, you must be able to prove that you followed all the
administrative steps outlined in your policy before you filed your
lawsuit against the insurance company.
If your claim moves through the appeal stages and is still denied
by CIGNA, you will file your appeal in federal court, which does not
offer consumers as many protections as state courts generally do.
In a state court, you would only have to convince the judge or jury
that you really are disabled.
Remember, under ERISA law you are only allowed to sue for the
amount of the disability benefits that you could get under the
terms of your policy. There is no suing for damages (punitive or
You must meet all filing deadlines; if you do not, you will lose any
possibility of collecting your LTD benefits.
Things to Know About Your Lawsuit in Federal Court
• A judge will hear your case. There are no juries in ERISA cases.
• You cannot bring in new evidence. (That is why it is so important
to make sure you have a solid, well-documented case for your
administrative appeal.)
• You will have to prove the insurance company did not have any
good reason to deny your claim, based on the evidence you
presented in your administrative appeal.
• Even if the judge rules in your favor, he/she can only award you
the benefits the company should have paid from the time you
filed you claim and direct that the insurer pay your monthly
benefit from now on.
• A court decision in your favor does not preclude the insurance
company from trying to cut off your benefits in the future, if it
decides you are no longer disabled. (Then you will have to begin
the whole appeals process over again.)
Did you know?
In federal court,
the assumption is
that the insurer
had a reasonable
basis for denying
your disability
claim, and it is up
to you to prove
that it did not.
Need insight into your Cigna claim?
Call Marc Whitehead & Associates, Attorneys at Law, LLP at 800.562.9830,
or learn more at
Disability Denied By Cigna? How to Prevail When Cigna Won’t Pay
With your CIGNA LTD policy, you only get one chance to appeal a
claim denial to the company. Working with attorneys who specialize
in LTD cases will give you the best possible chance of winning that
Experienced attorneys understand the filing and appeals
procedures, and they can make sure that you meet deadlines and
present the strongest evidence to bolster your claims.
They understand the case law surrounding long term disability
denial lawsuits, as well as how to cite it before the judge.
They know how different insurance companies work, and they may
be able to negotiate a settlement for you before the case even goes
before a judge.
Choosing the right attorney is an important decision. Here are some
factors to consider in your choice:
CASE STUDY #5: Topits v. Life Ins. Co. of North America (LINA), U.S. District
Court for the District of Oregon, Portland Division, Decided April 11, 2013
Mark Topits, the Plaintiff, alleged that he was entitled to relief per ERISA, arguing that LINA discontinued
disability payments to him that were due to him per the terms of the relationship between LINA and Hawthorn
Retirement Group LLC.
Per Court records, “He asserts that he is totally disabled under the terms of the Plan due to the cumulative
effects of a stem cell transplant sequelae, including chronic graft versus host disease (“GVHD”), bronchiolitis
obliterans, and an incompletely reconstituted immune system.
He sought damages from LINA of $978 per month for every month from May 2011 through April 2013, saying
that because he was totally disabled, he should have received those payments. He also sought attorney’s fees
and costs as well as pre- and post-judgment interest. After filing a Motion for Summary Judgment, the Court
entered a judgment in favor of Topits.
Topits appeared again in court in September 2013, in part because LINA objected to Judge Stewart’s
decision. The insurer claimed he “lacked jurisdiction to conduct a bench trial on the administrative record”
and argued that “LINA properly discontinued Mr. Topits’ LTD benefits.The Court disagreed and affirmed that
“Mr. Topits is entitled to LTD benefits under the terms of the Plan.
Need insight into your Cigna claim?
Call Marc Whitehead & Associates, Attorneys at Law, LLP at 800.562.9830,
or learn more at
Disability Denied By Cigna? How to Prevail When Cigna Won’t Pay
Make sure you work with actual lawyers.
Some so-called ERISA experts may be willing to handle your case and charge you a fee, but if they are not
attorneys, they will not be able to take your case to court if you lose the administrative appeal. You can
simplify a difficult and complex process by working with an attorney from the start.
Determine the attorneys’ ERISA/disability law experience.
How many cases do they try each year, and how long have they been doing it? Do they focus a lot on this
area of the law, or do they work on diverse cases?
With so much riding on the outcome of your appeal or lawsuit, this is not the time to risk your future on
someone who is not up to speed on the latest developments in this field.
Ask how prospective attorneys have contributed to the field of ERISA/disability law.
Have they written papers about disability law, and can you read them? Has the legal community awarded
them any honors or distinctions in recognition of their contributions? Awards indicate the attorneys have
earned the respect of their peers.
Check social media sources.
There are many online resources that may help you get a feel for what working with a particular attorney
would be like:
• Look for reviews on Google, Yahoo and Yelp. (Consider the consensus of opinions; do not be thrown off
by one or two bad reviews.)
• Check out, which uses anonymous peer review surveys to rate lawyers.
• Consider, which assigns attorneys a 1-10 rating based on their experience and the reputation
they have earned in the legal community.
• Go to Super Lawyers if you are looking for a high achiever in disability law.
Need insight into your Cigna claim?
Call Marc Whitehead & Associates, Attorneys at Law, LLP at 800.562.9830,
or learn more at
Disability Denied By Cigna? How to Prevail When Cigna Won’t Pay
You are not at your best when you’re preparing to file a disability
claim. You’re probably fighting with an illness or living with pain and
may have other problems from an injury. You are also dealing with
the financial and emotional implications of your disability.
Under these circumstances, it is difficult to think clearly, act wisely
and meet deadlines. But that is exactly what you need to do to get
the disability benefits you deserve under the policy that you have
paid into.
Disability law is complex and demanding. The insurers have lawyers
who specialize in looking out for their best interests (i.e. in finding
ways to save money by denying claims). Shouldn’t you have that
same kind of seasoned, aggressive help on your side during this
Founding partner Marc Whitehead is a skilled and experienced
litigator with a thorough understanding of the disability insurance
industry. Our litigation practice in both private long term disability
coverage and group (ERISA) claims has earned us extensive
experience and respect in the state and federal court systems.
Our law firm was founded on the principles of skill, integrity and
professionalism, and we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional
personal service and unparalleled results in obtaining disability
benefits for those who have been unfairly denied.
When CIGNA has denied your disability claim, you get only one
chance to document the reasons why this decision was wrong.
Our experienced ERISA attorneys know how to gather medical
records, physicians’ reviews and other supporting material to create
the strongest possible case for your claim.
We also invite you to download our free ebook, Disability Insurance
Policies: How to Unravel the Mystery and Prove Your Claim, for a
more detailed treatment of this subject.
Marc Whitehead
& Associates,
Attorneys at Law
is a disability law
firm based in
Houston, Texas,
that serves clients
across the nation.
Need insight into your Cigna claim?
Call Marc Whitehead & Associates, Attorneys at Law, LLP at 800.562.9830,
or learn more at
Disability Denied By Cigna? How to Prevail When Cigna Won’t Pay
Disclaimer for “Denied Disability by Cigna: How to Fight Back
and Prove Your Claim”
You understand that this book is not intended as a substitution for a
consultation with an attorney. Requesting this book or viewing the
information in it does not create an attorney-client relationship with
Marc Whitehead & Associates LLP or any of its attorneys. To obtain
legal advice about your personal injury matter, please engage the
services of Marc Whitehead & Associates LLP or another law firm of
your choice. To discuss engaging Marc Whitehead & Associates LLP
to help you with your probate matter, please contact the firm.
Denied by Cigna? How to Prevail When Cigna Won’t Pay”
Except as specifically stated in this book, neither Marc Whitehead
& Associates LLP nor any authors, contributors, or other
representatives will be liable for damages arising out of or in
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including (without limitation) compensatory; direct, indirect or
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