Training Manual
This Training Manual is designed for Kids4Truth Clubs customers. Pages may be photocopied.
For instructional use only by the individual or church who purchases Kids4Truth Clubs material.
3715 N Ventura Dr
Arlington Heights, IL 60004
Training Schedule
Who Are We?
Why Does Kids4Truth Clubs Exist?
Levels of Learning
12 Doctrinal Themes
What Kids Learn
Curriculum Overview
Teacher’s Guide
Starter Books
TruthBooks: Curriculum Components
TruthBook: Sample Curriculum Unit
Curriculum Explanation Flier
Simple Calenar and How to Earn Awards
Club Meeting Schedule - Elementary Levels
Club Meeting Schedule - Discoverersl Level
Club Meeting Schedule and Calendar
How to Earn Awards
Ironing and Patch Placement
Small Group Description
Record Keeping
Attendance/Responsibility/Memory Record Sheet—One Theme
Attendance Chart (30 weeks)
Memory/Award Record Sheet—Entire TruthBook
Detailed Individual Record Sheet
EquipU Resource Site
EquipU Resource Listing
Techniques and Notes
Effective Review Games
Effective Memory Techniques
Motivating Children to Learn
Kids4Truth Clubs Cash
Contact Information
Who Kids4Truth Clubs Is
What Kids4Truth Clubs Teaches
Why Kids4Truth Clubs Teaches
Understanding the Kids4Truth Clubs Curriculum
Starter Books
Understanding the Nightly Schedule
Understanding Awards
Why Awards
How Awards Are Earned
Understanding Small Group Time
Small Group Time Description
Record Keeping including Attendance & Charts
Understanding Techniques (as time allows)
Effective Review Games
Effective Memory Techniques
Motivating Children to Learn
Resources That Are Available
EquipU Site
Contact Information
Training Schedule
Training Manual
Who Are We?
Who is Kids4Truth Clubs?
Kids4Truth Clubs is a division of Regular Baptist Press. Our mission is to glorify God by providing church
educational resources that are true to God’s Word and encourage maturity in Christ. We are committed
to helping you build lives by the Book. The Regular Baptist Press BuildUP Philosophy of Education is a
strategy that moves people toward spiritual maturity. It forms the framework for Regular Baptist Press
educational resources.
Believe the Gospel
Understand Biblical Ethics
Internalize Godliness
Learn Doctrine
Develop Life Skills
Uplift Others
Prepare to Serve
As a division of RBP, Kids4Truth Clubs equips local churches, families, or ministry-minded individuals to
reach kids worldwide through creatively and memorably taught doctrinal truth.
How will Kids4Truth Clubs accomplish its stated mission?
Our goal is that the Kids4Truth Clubs curriculum sets a standard in churches for two ultimate essentials:
• What children are taught
• How children are taught
We desire to establish Kids4Truth Clubs in local churches all over the world. The clubs are designed to
be God-centered and engaging, with an emphasis on learning (and really knowing) doctrinal truth. By
the time students finish sixth grade, they should know 120 of the most important doctrinal truths that
characterize authentic Christian faith.
The Kids4Truth Clubs EquipU website ( serves as a hub for teacher training
and practical teaching tools. Along with our main website, EquipU serves as a resource for teachers.
We know that ultimately the most effective reaching and teaching must be done by real people—lives
touching lives. We want to inspire and equip real people to fortify young hearts and minds with essential
Bible truth. Our greatest desire is to put solid doctrine back into children’s ministries everywhere. We want
to teach truth in a way that discourages children from hypocrisy (a religion of head knowledge only) and
inclines them toward true Christianity (a real relationship with God).
We are pleased that you share our vision to teach the doctrines of the Christian faith to children.
For additional information, please visit
We desire to communicate memorably to the next generation 120 of the most important God-focused
truths revealed in God’s Word. We have designed a curriculum and program toward this end.
If you begin your four-year-olds with the Kids4Truth Clubs curriculum, by the time they graduate from
the sixth grade, they will have learned with some measure of understanding 120 Christian questions and
answers and will be able to provide key supporting Bible verses.
FOUR: Primary Goals of Kids4Truth Clubs
q Effectively teach important truths about God to boys and girls through
meaningful, motivational, and memorable learning experiences
q Define and refine the minimum standard of Christian knowledge that boys and girls
ought to know in order to avoid confusion, discourage hypocrisy, and promote
authentic faith
q Utilize a tried-and-true effective method by which we fortify young hearts and minds
with doctrine
q Inspire and equip local churches, families, and individuals to become effective
communicators of Biblical truth to children
We strive to communicate these truths through a clubs program and curriculum. The clubs program
was designed so that it can be modified to fit the unique needs of almost any ministry. Our curriculum
revolves around twelve main doctrinal themes:
God’s Word—The Bible
The Greatness of God
The Goodness of God
The Trinity
God’s Creation
God’s View of You
God’s Law
Jesus Christ
God’s Gift—Salvation
God’s Purpose for His Children
God’s Work—Past and Present
God’s Plan for the Future
Each of these twelve doctrinal themes has ten core questions. The answers with supporting Scriptural
texts intensify as the child moves through the four levels of learning.
We want boys and girls to know both what they believe and why they believe it.
At Kids4Truth Clubs, our hearts, minds, and souls are committed and passionate about reaching the
hearts, minds, and souls of children. God is using Kids4Truth Clubs to make a real difference in churches,
families, and individuals through the effective communication of His eternal truth. For additional
information, please visit
Why Does Kids4Truth Clubs Exist?
Levels of Learning
Recommended: for ages 3–5 = Non-Reader level
Theme: Treasure Hunting / Adventure
Level specific patches: compass, lock, path
Main Theme Color: Lime Green
Discoverers: Exploring what God says is true.
Doctrinal Themes and Units: Treasure Hunts
Recommended: for grades 1 & 2 = Beginner reader/comprehension level
Theme: Building
Level specific patches: bulldozer, hammer/saw, cutout hammer
Main Theme Color: Red
Developers: Building upon the right foundation.
Doctrinal Themes: Construction Zones
Q&A Units: Stages
Recommended: for grades 3 & 4
Theme: Detective
Level specific patches: sleuth, fingerprint, magnifying glass
Main Theme Color: Khaki
Detectives: Learning to detect the truth.
Doctrinal Themes: Cases
Q&A Units: Clues
Recommended: for grades 5 & 6
Theme: Medieval
Level specific patches: sword, shield, cutout sword
Main Theme Color: Royal Blue
Defenders: Learning to defend the faith.
Doctrinal Themes: Adventures
Q&A Units: Missions
12 Doctrinal Themes
1: God’s Word – The Bible
The Bible is the only Book that is God’s Word to us.
2 Peter 1:21“For the prophecy came not in old time
by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they
were moved by the Holy Ghost.”
2 Timothy 3:16“All scripture is given by inspiration
of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for
correction, for instruction in righteousness.”
2: The Greatness of God
God is one of a kind and above all in His greatness.
Isaiah 55:8, 9“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the
heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher
than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
1 Timothy 1:17“Now unto the King eternal, immortal,
invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory for
ever and ever. Amen.”
3: The Goodness of God
God is loving and above all in His goodness.
Psalm 84:11“For the LORD God is a sun and shield:
the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he
withhold from them that walk uprightly.”
Psalm 145:8-9“The LORD is gracious, and full of
compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy. The
LORD is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all
his works.”
4: The Trinity
There is only one God. He is in three Persons:
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
Isaiah 48:16“Come ye near unto me, hear ye this; I
have not spoken in secret from the beginning; from the
time that it was, there am I: and now the Lord GOD, and
his Spirit, hath sent me.”
Matthew 28:19“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Ghost.”
5: God’s Creation
God created everything out of nothing for His own
glory in only six days.
Revelation 4:11“Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive
glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all
things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.”
Exodus 20:11a“For in six days the LORD made heaven
and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the
seventh day.”
6: God’s View of You
Although we are made in God’s image, we are all
sinful and need God’s forgiveness for our sins.
Genesis 1:26“And God said, Let us make man in our
image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion
over the fish of the sea, and over the owl of the air, and
over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every
creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.”
Romans 5:12“Wherefore, as by one man sin entered
into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed
upon all men, for that all have sinned.”
7: God’s Law
The Ten Commandments make us aware of our sin
and point us to Christ as the solution for our sin.
Galatians 3:24“Wherefore the law was our school-
master to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified
by faith.”
Matthew 22:37-39“Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt
love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all
thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great
commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt
love thy neighbour as thyself.”
8: Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ will forever be fully God and fully man
at the same time.
John 14:6“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the
truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but
by me.”
Colossians 1:16-17“For by him were all things
created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible
and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or
principalities, or powers: all things were created by him,
and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all
things consist.”
9: God’s Gift – Salvation
Jesus Christ paid for the sinner’s salvation when He
died on the cross.
Acts 4:12“Neither is there salvation in any other: for
there is none other name under heaven given among
men, whereby we must be saved.”
Ephesians 2:8, 9“For by grace are ye saved through
faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not
of works, lest any man should boast.”
10: God’s Purpose for His Children
God’s children glorify His grace when their lives
faithfully reflect the image of His Son.
Romans 8:29 “For whom he did foreknow, he also did
predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son,
that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.”
2 Corinthians 3:18 “But we all, with open face
beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed
into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the
Spirit of the Lord.”
11: God’s Work – Past and Present
God lovingly and skillfully works in Creation to
bring all His plans to pass.
Isaiah 46:9, 10 – ““Remember the former things of old:
for I am God, and thereis none else; I am God, and there
is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning,
and from ancient times the things that are not yet done,
saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my
Psalm 103:19“The LORD hath prepared his throne in
the heavens; and his kingdom ruleth over all.”
12: God’s Plan for the Future
Jesus Christ is coming again; we must be ready.
2 Corinthians 5:10“For we must all appear before the
judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the
things done in his body, according to that he hath done,
whether it be good or bad.”
1 Corinthians 15:52 “In a moment, in the twinkling of
an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and
the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be
For additional information, please visit
Kids4Truth Clubs covers twelve doctrinal themes in each of our four curriculum levels. Each doctrinal theme has
two primary supportive Bible passages.
What Kids Learn
The curriculum covers all twelve doctrinal themes. The doctrinal themes are repeated and deepened over
four difficulty levels to give children a firm grasp of basic Bible doctrine and a solid framework on which to
base all life decisions. As a child progresses through the four levels, he will study the same doctrines more
thoroughly, with the purpose of deepening his understanding and appreciation of God’s truth and of helping
him build a solid framework whereby to base all life decisions.
Therefore, boys and girls learn ten essential truths for each of the twelve doctrinal themes, making a core
curriculum of 120 truths. These same truths are repeated three or four times during their Kids4Truth Clubs
years. This is an effort to ensure they get the best quality learning experience. These 120 truths are outlined
in our parallels document (see illustration below) which is a great club resource for the director, workers,
parents, and especially for review games.
Obviously we believe in review. But we also believe that review does not have to be boring. The
curriculum includes several elements beyond memorization, including commentaries, workbook
portions, thinking questions, and application questions that help kids apply the doctrine to everyday living.
Curriculum Overview
Main Teaching Lesson = from Teacher’s Guide
Using Teacher’s Guide
Most often taught in a large group session
Elementary Age
Preschool Age
Parallels Document = Scope and sequence of memory work
Starter Books
Student Book
Memory Work
Units built around memory work
Review Units
Bonus memory work
For additional information, please visit
Main Teaching Lesson for the Service
Teacher’s Guide
Most often taught in a large group
Elementary Age
Preschool Age
Use for all levels as all learn the same doctrinal truths
2 Teacher’s Guides
TruthBook 1 = first 6 doctrinal themes.
TruthBook 2 = second 6 doctrinal themes.
Teacher’s Guide Lesson Components
Introducing Doctrine
Learning Doctrine
Living Doctrine
Teacher’s Guide Pace
Most churches teach 6-8 lessons per doctrine
10 lessons per doctrine available for those on slower pace
Curriculum: Teacher’s Guide
Starter Books are a great way to start children in your Kids4Truth Clubs program. The Starter Book covers
some of the biggest questions in life and is evangelistic in nature.
It takes most children two to four weeks to complete the Starter Book. This book has several effective and helpful
uses including but not limited to the following:
Gives the child an activity to do in order to join the Kids4Truth Clubs
Helps the child feel he has become a club member
Ensures child’s/family’s committment to your club
Allows a church to determine curriculum and program supplies to order
Teaches children how to memorize and recite in Kids4Truth Clubs
Learn and recite one at a time
Review, memorize, and recite multiple Q&A with verse at the same time so that the memory work is
retained and not forgotten after a short time
Helps a visiting child to feel included in your club
Is helpful when you have a child visiting grandparents or family for a week or two
Welcomes and encourages a local visitor to join your Kids4Truth Club
Assign a worker to work with visiting children.
Makes the visitor feel welcome.
Gives worker a time to reach out evangelistically to the child.
If a child has faithfully attended and has been in the Starter Book for four weeks, help him complete the
book so that he gets into the actual TruthBook. You do not want the child stuck in the Starter Book.
Curriculum: Starter Books
We keep the Kids4Truth Clubs curriculum exciting, relevant, and applicable by using various components in each unit
and theme. The following is a list of some of the components and a brief description of what that component is.
Memorize It! This is the main foundation
of the curriculum in a question and answer
format. The children work to memorize the
content then they recite the answers as their
Kids4Truth Clubs leader prompts them with
Commentary. This is the content to
help clarify the truth being taught in the
“Memorize It!” section.
(parent info)
Brain Stretcher. This is a thinking question-
no answer is provided.
By God’s Grace . . .
(parent info)
Heart Question. This is a subjective
question to help the worker guage where
the child is at, spiritually speaking.
By God’s Grace . . .
(parent info)
Signature. The place for the Kids4Truth
Clubs worker to sign once the learner has
completed the unit.
Place for Sticker—Helps to increase the
“kid-value” of the books.
Word Perfect - Check if earned.
Continuing Story—This is a parallel story
that interconnects with the truth being
The Building Story
(Only in this level.)
Review. First 5 Questions and Answers
Hunt Preparation Builder in Training Sleuth in Training Tournament Training
Final Test. Second 5 Questions and
Final Hunt Final Development Super Sleuth Final Tournament
Bonus Q&A. These are the extra questions
and answers at the end of each unit that
further teach doctrinal truth. These bonus
questions and answers also serve to provide
additional award potential for those
motivated achievers.
Talk About It. This is a question designed
to be discussed in the home. Moms and
Dads can use these questions as great
“diving boards” into meaningful dialogue
with their children.
Discussion Time
(parent info)
Work Assignment. A small assignment
within the unit like a fill-in-the-blanks,
answer questions, color the page, etc.
Coloring Sheet Page
Random. This is an area that is designed
to help the child visualize the truth being
taught. (level 4 only)
TruthBook: Curriculum Components
Curriculum Explanation Flier
Awards & Adventures
TruthBook = 6 Adventures
TruthBooks per Level = 2
Awards per Adventure = 5
Awards per book = 30
Awards per Level = 60
Memorize It!
The child memorizes and
recites everything in this
color box after the A.
Truth Quest:
short exercise section for
child to look up a passage
and answer the questions.
Bonus Q&A
for children who
excel in learning.
The unit begins with the title and ends with a
worker’s signature. Doctrinal theme and unit
number located above the unit title.
shows where the child is
in the Kids4Truth Clubs cur-
Heart Question:
application question
to help child apply
the Truth to his life.
Brain Stretcher:
gets the child thinking
about this truth.
Random items: helps the
child to further understand
and visualize this truth.
explains the teaching of
the truth in this unit.
Tournament Training Page = Review Q&A #1-5 from doctrinal theme Final Tournament Page = Review Q&A #6-10 from doctrinal theme
Terms for Level 4
Doctrinal Theme = Adventure
Q&A Unit = Mission
Review 1 = Tournament Training
Review 2 = Final Tournament
Simple Calendar & How to Earn Awards
Patch 1
Patch 2
Patch 3
Patch 4
September 9 -
October 14
October 21-
December 2
December 9 -
January 27
February 3 -
March 16
March 16 -
April 27
April 27 -
May 25
God’s Word: The Bible The Greatness of God The Goodness of God The Trinity God’s Creation God’s View of You
9/9: Q&A 1-2 Kickoff night
9/16: Q&A 3-4
9/23: Q&Q 5
9/30: Q&A 6-7 Snowcones
10/7: Q&A 8-9
10/14: Q&A 10 Crazy Hair
10/21: Q&A 1-2
10/28: Q&A 3-4 Black light
review games!
11/4: Q&A 5
11/11: Q&A 6
11/18: Q&A 7-8
11/25: no K4T
12/2: Q&A 9-10
12/9: Q&A 1-2
12/16: Q&A 3 Christmas
12/23 - no K4T
12/30 - no K4T
1/6: Q&A 4
1/13: Q&A 5-6 Crazy Hats
1/20: Q&A 7-8
1/27: Q&A 9-10
2/3: Q&A1-2 Snowball
2/10: Q&A 3-4
2/17: Q&A 5
2/24: Q&A 6
3/2: Q&A 7-8 Wacky Style
3/9: Q&A 9-10
3/16: Q&A 1-2
3/23: Q&A 3-4
3/30: Q&A 5
4/6: Q&A 6 Baseball Fever
4/13: Q&A 7-8
4/20: Q&A 9-10
4/27: Q&A 1-2
5/4: Q&A 3-4
5/11: Q&A 5-6
5/18: Q&A 7-8
5/25: Q&A 9-10 Picnic
Workers: Mark your awards records sheet every time a child recites a Q&A and/or earns an award patch as this shows us know where each child is in the book.
Parents: Follow this schedule as a guide to keep your child on tract to finish the TruthBook during our year of learning. Children who are ahead in reciting the
“Memorize It” portion of the curriculum are encouraged to do the review units and bonus Q&A. All children should study within the same doctrinal theme we are
working on as a group, but may work ahead on Q&A or review units within the theme. If a child completes a doctrinal theme early, they may return to a doctrinal
theme they did not complete.
Work through Q&A units 1-5 by earning an official Kids4Truth worker signature at the end
of each unit. Unit signatures are earned by completing the TruthBook exercise part of the
unit and reciting the answer of the Memorize It! part of the unit to your Kids4Truth worker.
Each unit must be completed in order.
Work through Q&A units 6-10 by earning an official Kids4Truth worker signature at the end
of each unit. Unit signatures are earned by completing the TruthBook exercise part of the
unit and reciting the answer of the Memorize It! part of the unit to your Kids4Truth worker.
Each unit must be completed in order.
Memorize and recite the answers on the first doctrinal theme review page. To earn this
award you must recite these answers consecutively at one time. These Q&A are the same
as what you memorized in the Q&A units 1-5 for the doctrinal theme.
Memorize and recite the answers to the second doctrinal theme review page at one
time. These Q&A are the same as what you memorized in the Q&A units 6-10 for the
doctrinal theme. Note: the first doctrinal theme review page must be completed before
the second.
Memorize and recite the answers to the Bonus Q&A at the end of the Q&A units from 5
of the 10 Q&A units for the doctrinal theme (level 2 does bonus Q&A from all 10 Q&A
units). These answers must be recited in groups of all bonus Q&A for the unit. You will
receive an initial from your Kids4Truth worker next to each group of bonus Q&A as you
progress through this challenge.
The first patch (Doctrinal
Theme) is the first patch in
each row. These should be
place in the order that the
child learns the themes - if
they miss or skip theme, do
not leave a blank row. The
Theme they earned should
begin the next row.
The second patch (Sword)
earned for each theme is
placed in the placed in the
center of the row for that
The third patch (Shield)
earned for each theme is
placed on the end of the
row for the theme.
The fourth patch
(Adventure Completion
Sword) earned for each
theme is placed on the back
of the standard.
The fifth patch (Kids4Truth
Clubs Bonus) are the
fifth patch earned for the
doctrinal theme and are
evenly spaced on the
back of the standard at the
How To Complete the
Training Manual
Club Meeting Schedule
Elementary Schedule = An organized time for everything!
A typical Kids4Truth Clubs program has four major elements: TruthTime Lesson, Small Groups, Choir, and Awards. Some
churches use additional elements such as Review Gaming or Physical Activities (gym time). The table on the left below gives our
recommendations for a service schedule. Using the worksheet on the right map out what you envision for your service schedule.
Time frame Event
(5-10 minutes)
Welcome, Prayer, and Songs
(20 minutes)
(30 minutes)
Small Groups/Discussion Time
(15 minutes)
(10 minutes)
Review Game/Physical Activity
(5 minutes)
Awards and Dismissal
Time frame Event
Sample Service Schedule
My Service Schedule
Teacher TruthTime Lesson:
The TruthTime Lesson is typically taught by one person to the children in a general session with levels 2-4 together in the same
room and level 1 in a separate room. The Teacher’s Guide (lesson plan book) is revelant for all levels of learning and is available
to purchase from our online store at: Level 1: Discoverers craft and coloring sheets are available to download
free of charge from the EquipU site.
Small Groups & Discussion Time:
The children are typically broken down into small groups with each group having a worker who is the leader. During this time the
children review and recite their memory work to their worker. Workers should be sure to mark record sheets with the children’s
completed memory and attendance.
Activity Time: can include one or more activities to fit a church’s needs/desires
Review Game (recommended); Active Review games that use trivia questions from the main teaching lesson, memory
work, and questions about your church leadership, missionaries, or workers to help build relationships with the children.
These games are often team-style and are active and fun for the children, yet reinforce what you are striving to teach.
Choir (recommended): Kids4Truth Clubs encourages using Christian songs and hymns as a teaching tool to reinforce Bible
doctrines being taught to boys and girls. We think it is important for the club kids to interact publicly in the local church
setting at least a few times throughout the year. For this reason, we include at least two song suggestions per each doctrinal
theme at each level. We suggest that the children learn the songs and sing them in front of your congregation. We also
suggest that the group recite some of the Kids4Truth Clubs memory work so the adults can hear what they’re memorizing.
Physical Activity: Game or activity to allow the children to have fun and get their energy out.
Continuing Story/Missionary Story: Using Truth in Real Life Moments biographical sketches from the Kids4Truth Clubs
devotional site or continuing stories that one can get
We want to honor God-focused hard work. We want to honor learning truth above all else. Kids4Truth Clubs is all about God,
and we are all about helping kids learn to channel their time and energy into the most rewarding of all disciplines: Theology.
Believing that, if kept in perspective, awards can be a help rather than a hindrance, we have developed a general system that can
be adapted to suit the needs and preferences of your own club.
Club Meeting Schedule
Tricks, Tips or
Things to Remember
Preschool children have very short attention spans.
Ten minutes is the LONGEST you should plan to keep their attention for one activity.
Preschool children will need a restroom break.
Preschool children cannot read and need help memorizing the Truths.
Preschool children need to move.
You need energy when teaching preschool children.
You need to prepare for teaching preschools just as you must prepare to teach older children.
DISCOVERERS = Short Attention Spans!
Because Discoverers attention spans are short (at best 10 minutes) it is important to keep your schedule moving
from one event to another. Remember to be energetic and excited about what you are teaching as these little
ones with catch that energy and excitement about learning the Truths of God’s Word. Below are several successful
sample schedules for Discoverers. Choose a schedule that works for you and your ministry.
It is recommended that you vary your Memorize It! Activities so that you meet the learning needs of all children.
Techniques should include audio, kinetic, and visual techniques.
Schedule 1
time activity
10 minutes Introducing Doctrine
(From Teacher’s Guide)
10 minutes Group Memorize It! 1
10 minutes Learning Doctrine
(From Teacher’s Guide)
10 minutes Group Memorize It! 2
5 minutes Restroom and Drink Break
10 minutes Craft/Coloring Time
10 minutes Choir or Game Time
10 minutes Group Memorize It 3
10 minutes Living Doctrine
(From Teacher’s Guide)
5 minutes Award Time & Dismissal
Schedule 2
time activity
10 minutes Introducing Doctrine
(From Teacher’s Guide)
10 minutes Group Memorize It! 1
10 minutes Learning Doctrine
(From Teacher’s Guide)
10 minutes Activity or Game
10 minutes Group Memorize It! 2
or Small Groups
10 minutes Craft/Coloring Time
10 minutes Choir Time
5 minutes Memorize It! 3 or Story
10 minutes Living Doctrine
(From Teacher’s Guide)
5 minutes Awards
During this time...
Group Memorize It! 1: Focus on just one of these components at this time.(answer for the question,
part of the answer to the question, or Bible verse)
Group Memorize It! 2: Focus the other component of the memory work not covered earlier in the night.
(answer, portion of answer, or Bible verse)
Group Memorize It! 3: Focus on putting the entire answer with verse together. (complete answer with
Bible verse)
Coloring Sheet/Craft Time: The children should be called over one at a time to the worker and see if
they can say the Memorize It portion you just focused on. Mark books accordingly.
Our Schedule
Time Frame Event
Keeping Kids on Track to Finish-TruthBook 1
Book 1
God’s Word –
The Bible
The Greatness
of God
The Goodness
of God
The Trinity God’s Creation God’s View
of You
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
TruthBook Completion Chart
Help your children choose a yearly goal for how many patches they will earn for each doctrinal theme. This chart shows
how much work is recommended each week to achieve personal goals per doctrinal theme if completing a TruthBook
during a 36-week year.
Each unit represents
memorizing one answer
with Bible verse.
Each Review requires the
child to quote five units
at a time without studying
in between Q&A.
Week Complete just 1
Q&A per week (6
Q&A per theme)
Complete all
10 Q&A
Complete all 10 Q&A
+ 1 review unit
Complete all 10 Q&A
+ both review units
1 1 unit — Q&A 1 2 units — Q&As 1 & 2 2 units — Q&As 1 & 2 2 units — Q&As 1 & 2
2 1 unit — Q&A 2 2 units — Q&As 3 & 4 2 units — Q&As 3 & 4 2 units — Q&As 3 & 4
3 1 unit — Q&A 3 1 unit — Q&A 5 2 units — Q&As 5 & 6 2 units — Q&As 5 & 6
4 1 unit — Q&A 4 2 units — Q&As 6 & 7 2 units — Q&As 7 & 8 2 units — Q&As 7 & 8
5 1 unit — Q&A 5 2 units — Q&As 8 & 9 2 units — Q&As 9 & 10 2 units — Q&As 9 & 10
6 1 unit — Q&A 6 1 unit — Q&A 10 1 review unit 1 both review units
Club Meeting Schedule and Calendar
How to Earn Awards
Our Awards: Levels 1–4
How award is earned
How to Earn Awards
Ironing Instruction and Placement
It is recommended that one person is assigned the task of ironing on all award patches. We will call this person the
Ironer to simplify this document. This is done to maintain a consistent look for all awards on all standards. The small
Group Leader should fill out the award coupon and give it to the person who irons on the awards. This person will iron
on the awards and prepare the standards for the awards presentation at the end of the night.
Sequence of Events
Label Standards and TruthBooks
Use a permanent marker and write the name of the child on the inside of the standard and TruthBook
Helpful when a child leaves his standard or TruthBook behind.
The child’s name is put in his book as soon as he receives it.
Encourage children to keep their TruthBook & standard inside their Bible case, tote bag, or cinch bag.
During Small Group Time
Child reviews and/or memorizes the Q&A with Bible verse.
Child says the memorized curriculum to his small group leader
Small group leader signs the award coupon and takes both the coupon and the child’s standard to the Ironer
It is recommended to one general location in the room where the workers or children place the coupons
with award standards.
Chair under the light switch works well as most rooms have a lightswitch.
Keeps workers in the room with their children.
The Ironer will gather up the coupons & standards and iron on the awards.
This can be done throughout the small group time if this is the only job this person does. This works well with
larger groups.
The Ironer should stack the awards with the coupons for the Director to present in the awards presentation at
the end of the evening. Since the child’s name and the award earned is on the coupon it makes it very easy to
give out the awards if the coupon stays with the standard.
Supplies Needed
Iron, EasyPress or Heat Press (T-shirt press)
A regular household iron will work but does take longer to apply patches.
An Easy Press is a great option if you do not have a Heat press or place to keep a heat press.
Smaller than an iron.
Higher heat than a regular iron.
Press time is the same as a heat press, but must apply pressure manually.
Heat press is easiest and will allow you to do several standards at one time.
A Heat Press is an excellent resource for your children’s ministry and/or church
VBS t-shirts
Church t-shirts
Youth Ministry t-shirts
Missions trip t-shirts
Fund raising t-shirts
Ironing Pad - If using a regular household iron or EasyPress
Ironing pad on a sturdy table works well as you need to apply pressure to properly apply a patch.
OR: cover a board with several old towels, then cover with an old sheet. The board will protect the table and
the towels allow for the padding and heat transfer that is required.
Standards, Tote Bags, or Cinch Bags
Important Note: do not iron patches onto Kids4Truth Clubs tote bags or cinch bags - use an adhesive such as hot
glue, badge magic, or E6000 glue
Ironing Instruction and Placement
Discoverers Patch Placement
Three rows of awards
are evenly spaced
across each row.
The first patch in each row is
the Doctrinal Theme Patch.
These should be place in the
order that the child learns the
themes - if they miss or skip
theme, do not leave a blank
row. The Theme they earned
should begin the next row.
The path patch is the
fourth patch earned for
each doctrinal theme.
The bonus patch is the
fifth patch for each
doctrinal theme.
The second
patch earned
for each
theme is the
The lock is the
third patch
earned for each
Developers Patch Placement
The first patch in each row is
the Doctrinal Theme Patch.
These should be place in the
order that the child learns the
themes - if they miss or skip
theme, do not leave a blank
row. The Theme they earned
should begin the next row.
Three awards are evenly
spaced across each row.
Bonus Patches are given
for the Bonus Q&A and
when the director sees
fit. They are evenly
spaced on the bottom
back of the standard.
The fourth patch
earned for each
theme is the
The hammer/
saw is the third
patch earned
for each
The second
patch earned
for each
theme is the
Detectives Patch Placement
The first patch in each row is
the Doctrinal Theme Patch.
These should be place in the
order that the child learns the
themes - if they miss or skip
theme, do not leave a blank
row. The Theme they earned
should begin the next row.
Three awards are evenly
spaced across each row.
Bonus Patches are given
for the Bonus Q&A and
when the director sees
fit. They are evenly
spaced on the bottom
back of the standard.
The fourth patch
earned for each
theme is the magnify-
ing glass.
The fingerprint
is the third
patch earned
for each
The second
patch earned
for each
theme is the
Defenders Patch Placement
The first patch in each row is
the Doctrinal Theme Patch.
These should be place in the
order that the child learns the
themes - if they miss or skip
theme, do not leave a blank
row. The Theme they earned
should begin the next row.
Three awards are evenly
spaced across each row.
Bonus Patches are given
for the Bonus Q&A and
when the director sees
fit. They are evenly
spaced on the bottom
back of the standard.
The fourth patch
earned for each
theme is the sword.
The shield is
the third patch
earned for each
The second
patch earned
for each theme
is the sword.
Download complete Ironing and Patch Placement document with pages for each level from the EquipU site.
General Instructions:
Place the award where it belongs on the standard.
It is advisable to cover the patch with teflon paper or a paper towel to keep your iron, easypress or heat press from getting
adhesive on it.
Iron Patch on:
Using Regular Iron:
The iron should be on the polyester/rayon setting
Heavy pressure should be used when pressing on the awards.
Hold iron down firmly for 1 minute 45 seconds. This will not burn the standard or patch if on the polyester/rayon
Using EasyPress:
The temperature should be set on High.
Apply pressure and heat on the patch for 15-20 seconds.
Using Heat Press:
The temperature should be 350º.
Leave the pressure and heat on the patch for 20-30 seconds.
Allow the standard to lay flat while cooling. This allows the adhesive to set.
If you accidentally put the wrong patch on, you can replace it with the right patch. Note: you will have to put a patch on
in its place – adhesive will remain on the garment when you remove the patch.
Apply heat to the patch
Carefully remove the patch while hot
Replace the patch with the correct patch
Apply heat and pressure as you normally would
Small group time is a recitation time. The job of the small group leader/teacher is to listen to the children
recite their Memorize It! Q&As. This includes asking each child the heart questions so you know whether
the child is at understands the truth, making sure the child has completed the TruthBook exercise, and
helping the child memorize the Memorize It! sections as time allows. Fill out award coupons and sign
the official Kids4Truth Clubs signature line for each unit that the child completes. Help the child earn
awards by reciting the Memorize It! Q&As.
It is suggested that each small group leader/teacher has a notebook or folder with attendance sheets,
award record sheets, pens, stickers, scisssors, and supplies. It is best, if possible, for the small group
leader to work with the same children each week. This allows the small group leader to know the
learning abilities, needs, background, and understanding of each child.
Small group time is not a teaching (lesson time), but a
time. The teaching is done during
the TruthTime Lesson. Most churches combine all elementary levels for the TruthTime Lesson. Level 1
children are often taught separately, as their attention spans are much shorter than elementary children’s.
Take a few minutes with your group to pray and prepare your hearts for the recitation and study time.
You may want to keep a running prayer journal for your small group.
Review or make sure each child knows where he is studying. If the small group leader has an extra
TruthBook in the small group notebook, children who forgot their TruthBook can use / read off pages
from the small group leader’s TruthBook. Encourage the children to bring their Bibles, TruthBooks, and
Standards to each Kids4Truth Club meeting. Encourage the children to work hard and try to quote at
least “_____” units tonight.
Listen to each child quote his/her Memorize It! portions of the TruthBook.
Before signing off on each unit, make sure the child has completed the workbook portion of the unit,
and ask the application question.
Asking the application questions will let you know if the child understands the content.
Explain any portion of the unit the child does not understand.
Help the children memorize their Memorize It! portions of the units. You may need to be creative and
think of a rhyme, use a verbal “Simon Says” (where the child mimics the way you say the text), or make
hand motions for words in the verse or Q&A.
Sign the signature line of each unit when completed
Fill out the award coupons, and sign the Final Sign-Off page when an award patch is earned. Be sure
to put the Standard and award coupon in the designated place for the Awards Person to apply the
award patch before the end of the night.
Mark the attendance sheet for each child. Make sure to note if the child brought his Bible, TruthBook,
and Standard. This will help to encourage the child to bring these items each week. A surprise small
Small Group Description
Small Group Description
reward like a sticker, small trinket, or small piece of candy given occassionally to those who have
brought all three items consistently will help the child to remember to bring his supplies.
Mark the award record sheet with the date under the appropriate patch earned for each child as he
earns each award. Using the date will help you to encourage the child who needs some extra help or
attention to earn an award.
Keep the same small groups every week!
Helps the worker know the learning needs of the child.
Keep good records for attendance and awards!
This will help you minister more effectively.
Mark the date each Q&A is recited.
Pay attention to the last time the child earned an award!
Does the child need encouragement to work during small group time
Playing or Talking instead of working
Distracted and needs to pull chair away from others so they can concentrate.
Shy – needs to be encouraged to say memory work.
Does the child needs help.
Help the child get through an award (even if it takes more helps)
Keeps a struggling child from getting discouraged.
Encourage the children in your small group by sending postcards, notes, or emails!
Make notebook/folder for each Small Group:
Pencil Pouch
Record sheet(s)
Small scissors
**Flexible Option:
Using TruthBooks as a Small Group or Large Group Discussion
Afraid your children won’t do the TruthBook work at home, will rush through the work, or do not have help/reinforcement at home?
Work through the TruthBook together as a group by reading the commentary section, looking up the scripture passage and discussing and filling in
the answers to the questions for the exercise, thinking and application components within the unit.
Don’t have enough workers for small groups but want to use the discussion group?
You can do this as a large group as a part of the general session with the entire group following the TruthTime Lesson.
Let the children sing a song or move about before beginning the discussion time to get out the wiggles.
Be sure to involve as many children as possible in the discussion so that the children are engaged in the discussion time.
This is a great option for those using the program in a Children’s Church Service.
If you are not sending home the TruthBooks, consider providing each family with a copy of the parallels document.
This will allow parents to help their children learn the memory work at home.
Training Manual
Record Keeping
Small Group: ______________ Small Group Leader: ______________
Child’s Name and Contact
Doctrinal Theme
Standard/Cinch Bag/Tote Bag
Recite Truth 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1–5 6-10 1–10
Standard/Cinch Bag/Tote Bag
Recite Truth 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1–5 6-10 1–10
Standard/Cinch Bag/Tote Bag
Recite Truth 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1–5 6–10 1–10
Standard/Cinch Bag/Tote Bag
Recite Truth 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1–5 6–10 1–10
Standard/Cinch Bag/Tote Bag
Recite Truth 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1–5 6–10 1–10
Standard/Cinch Bag/Tote Bag
Recite Truth 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1–5 6–10 1–10
Worker: Write the name of the theme on the first row and date the columns for the weeks you will study the theme. Write the name of the children in the left-most column. Circle and date the Q&A number when the child
recites that truth. If a child has completes all Q&A for a theme before you are finished studying the theme, have the child do the review units of 1–5 together, 6–10 together, all 10 together, and do all unit bonus work.
Name & Contact info Item Date
Add the contact information for each child in the left-hand column. Add the date across the top. Place a checkmark in the correct box beside each item each week. Encourage the children to get checkmarks in all four boxes each week.
Attendance Sheet Small Group: ______________
Theme Awards
Work through the first 5 Missions (1–5) by earning an
official Kids4Truth Clubs worker signature at the end
of each Mission. Mission Signatures are earned by
completing the TruthQuest part of the Mission and
reciting the answer of the Memorize It! part of the
Mission to your Kids4Truth Clubs worker. Each Mission
must be completed in order.
Sword Awards
Work through the second 5 Missions (6–10) by earning
an official Kids4Truth Clubs worker signature at the
end of each Mission. Mission Signatures are earned
by completing the TruthQuest part of the Mission and
reciting the answer of the Memorize It! part of the
Mission to your Kids4Truth Clubs worker. Each Mission
must be completed in order.
Shield Awards
Memorize and recite the answers to the first five
questions and answers of the Top Ten Q&A. To earn this
award you must recite these answers consecutively at
one time. The ten Memorize It! parts per adventure are
referred to as the Top Ten Q&A. You will find these first
five questions and answers of each Adventure on the
Tournament Training page.
Adventure Completion Sword Patch
Memorize and recite the answers to the second five Top
Ten Q&A at one time. You can find these second five
questions right after the Tournament Training page on the
Final Tournament page.
Kids4Truth Bonus Awards
Memorize and recite the answers to the Bonus
Questions from any five units in an Adventure. These
answers must be said in groups of three-at-a-time. You
will receive an initial from your Kids4Truth Clubs worker
next to each group of three as you progress through
these Bonus Q&A. You may choose any five groups
of three Bonus Questions and Answers within the
Adventure to memorize.
Yearly Awards:
If you achieve the first three patches for each Adventure
in this TruthBook, you will receive the Bronze Award at
the end of the year.
If you achieve the first four patches for each Adventure
in this TruthBook, you will receive the Silver Award at the
end of the year.
If you achieve all five patches for each Adventure in this
TruthBook, you will receive the Gold Award at the end
of the year.
1 2 3 4 B 1 2 3 4 B 1 2 3 4 B 1 2 3 4 B 1 2 3 4 B 1 2 3 4 B
Ben Werkin
God’s Word-The Bible The Greatness of God The Goodness of God The Trinity God’s Creation God’s View of You
Instructions: Write the child’s name and phone number in the column on the left. As the child earns each award, place the date in the corresponding box under the award he has earned. The date
will remind you as the worker when the child earned his last award so that you can keep him motivated. Instructions for how each award is won are listed on the right side of this page.
Truthbook 1-Adventures 1-6
Adventures Mission 1 Mission 2 Mission 3 Mission 4 Mission 5 Mission 6 Mission 7 Mission 8 Mission 9 Mission 10 R1 R2 B
Memorize It!
Fill in the Blanks
Memorize It!
Fill in the Blanks
Memorize It!
Fill in the Blanks
Memorize It!
Fill in the Blanks
Memorize It!
Fill in the Blanks
Memorize It!
Fill in the Blanks
Memorize It!
Fill in the Blanks
Memorize It!
Fill in the Blanks
Memorize It!
Fill in the Blanks
Memorize It!
Fill in the Blanks
Name ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date __________________
Address __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
City ____________________________________________________________________________________________________State ___________ Zip ______________
Phone ________________________________________________________________________________Grade (fall) __________ Birthday ________________________
Parent’s Full Name __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Parent’s e-mail ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
My Yearly Goal
1 Patch per doctrinal theme
2 Patches per doctrinal theme
3 Patches per doctrinal theme
4 Patches per doctrinal theme
5 Patches per doctrinal theme
Name:___________________________ Small Group: ______________
Training Manual
The EquipU site is an essential resource for a successful program. This free site contains many
downloadable resources. These include training tutorials and manuals, information pages for parents and
workers, record keeping pages, Discoverers craft and coloring sheets, and ordering guides.
We highly recommend that all workers go to the EquipU site to download resources they would like to
Devos — Daily devotionals written especially with children in mind. These devotional thoughts all
focus on the topic “It’s All About God”.
Downloads—This is where most users spend the bulk of their time. This is our resource library. Once
you click on this tab, a library of folders shows up on the left side of the page. Each folder contains
helpful resources for your club.
Learn —This tab takes you to the main Kids4Truth Clubs site ( where one can find
more information about who and what Kids4Truth Clubs are.
Shop—This tab takes you to the RBP online store ( Anyone is welcome to order
products from our online store.
Search - The search feature allows one to search for an item or topic on our website. When you search
a topic all items including coloring sheets, crafts, or devotionals will show in the search.
Online Chat—This feature is located in the lower righthand corner of the EquipU site. When this tab
shows “help” an operator is online and available to answer your questions. When the tab shows “leave
a message,” you may leave a message for our staff, and someone will answer you shortly.
EquipU Resource Site
The EquipU download library contains many helpful files. The content is located within the sub folders
for each of the main folders.
Getting Started
All About Awards
For Parents
General Resources
Promote Your Club
Record Keeping
Training & Tutorials
Training Guides
Training Manuals
Training Videos
Special Events & Activities
Activity Sheets
Awards Ceremony
Theme Resources
Theme 1: God’s Word—The Bible
Theme 2: The Greatness of God
Theme 3: The Goodness of God
Theme 4: The Trinity
Theme 5: God’s Creation
Theme 6: God’s View of You
Theme 7: God’s Law
EquipU Resource List
Theme 8: Jesus Christ
Theme 9: God’s Gift—Salvation
Theme 10: God’s Purpose for His Children
Theme 11: God’s Work—Past and Present
Theme 12: God’s Plan for the Future
Additional Resources
Stuff To Do
EquipU Resources List
and Notes
Prepare the Kids
Let the children know that there will be a review game later.
This will motivate them, which will help to involve everyone.
If the kids know that there is a review game coming, they will be motivated to pay attention
better, especially when they know there will be an award to the winning team.
While you are teaching, give the children hints at what some of the questions are during the
review game. This will help them remember the main points and be ready for the game.
Be sure to announce when you have a super fun game that all the kids love. Otherwise, just let
them know you will have a review time. Make the review game big.
Review Games Guidelines
Cheering and chanting are allowed, but booing will stop the game. The game should always
encourage—never discourage—someone who answered wrong. If the children boo, give a
reminder or stop the game.
Remember: You as the leader can add and subtract points as needed. To maintain control
subtract points if
the children do not come to attention when you call them to attention or for the next
the children boo the other team or person on the other team, or boos a child with the wrong
anwer (even if the child is on their team!);
the children display unsportsman like behavior.
Work to Involve Everyone
Use a few easy questions so everyone has a chance to answer.
When you ask the easy questions and 85 hands go up, don’t call on Susie Smarty-pants who
always raises her hand.
Limit the number of times the same person can answer a question. (Tell the children this
ahead of time so they don’t depend on one or two children.)
Involve your workers in your review games, as kids love to see adults get involved or
Learn the children’s names! Call them by name, not by pointing to them.
Work to involve everyone, even if they’re not directly involved. Use both the team concept and
helper concept in your games.
Vary the Approach and Build Your Repertoire
Use super-fun games sparingly.
Use characters such as the Kids4Truth Club characters: Zeek, Zebedee, Zachariah (e.g.,, Zeek’s
team versus Zebedee’s team.) Use graphics of the website characters as game markers for games
like TicTacToe.
Vary Teams: boys versus girls, level versus level, left side versus right side
Vary Team Names: Discoverers, Developers, Detectives, Defenders, Planets, Stars, T-Rexes,
Use Fun Games Names: Luigi’s Tie Shop, Snowball Mania, Snowball Lunge. (These games and
others are listed in the Review Games file on the EquipU site under Games.)
Effective Review Games
Review Consistently!
We believe that review games should be a staple in your children’s ministries or classroom as
repetition aids learning;
review games motivates kids to learn, as they love to win. To do well in the game, they must
pay attention and learn.
Review games help children who have learning styles other than visual, such as active, hands-on,
audio, or repetition.
Review games should be carefully planned so that you can be most efficient and effective with
the time you have with the children.
Our time with the children each week is limited, and we want to make the most of these
precious minutes to help them learn Truths from God’s Word, not waste the time away.
Review games reinforces everything we are doing throughout the service in a fun and exciting
way for the children.
Prepare Your Questions before the Game
Review the most important truths/items, especially the ones kids often get wrong. Review games
are a precious time to test for cognitive knowledge and evaluatory knowledge.
Use creative questions. Would you rather kids get some facts about the story or get the lesson’s
message? Do you want kids to know what percentage of tax Joseph levied on the land or how
Joseph responded to his brothers and what he said. Review games can be used for more than
just cognitive knowledge! How? Determine the most important truths/items you have taught.
Determine the most important truths/items you want students to get that day.
Make the questions easy to understand.
Keep your questions in a file. If you do this for four years, you will have some awesome review
Along with preparing the questions, prepare the game itself, including any supplies you need
such as visuals, overheads or PowerPoint, props, balls, or anything else.
Use Corporate and Individual Awards
Important reward reminders: Points are free! Kids go for quantity, not quality: 1,000 points versus
1 point OR 1,000 points versus 1 piece of candy.
Sometimes you can blend both corporate and individual awards: points for the team and a
piece of candy or a small prize for the child who gave the correct answer.
Be careful when you award prizes for the winning team.
“Bragging rights” or privileges that reward but do not leave others out work well.
The winning team gets to be first in line for snacks versus ice cream or candy.
Leaving out the losing team can have negative consequences, such as, “It’s Johnny’s fault that
we didn’t get the ice cream,” “We
win,” or “Oh man, we have Grady on our team. We
have lost already.”
Make the Game Suspenseful!
Create twists in the game so the children watch to see what happens next! For example: “Let’s
Make a Deal.” (Note: see Review Gaming file on the EquipU site for this game.)
Effective Review Games
Effective Review Games
Go again and I will double points. (of course, they could lose all points).
Keep going with option of losing points if you choose wrong object, miss the basket, etc.
Use games with built in twists.
Remember: The director/teacher-role has the task of being the game-controller by helping the
game stay close. You can give points for other things to help the game stay close but still remain
fair such as:
First team sitting quiet after an answer is given gets “x” points.
The team that has loudest cheer or quietest cheer gets “x” points
The team paying the most attention or has the best Sportsmanship gets “x” points.
Make Your Own Games
Have the kids help you. Their favorite games are often the ones they helped make. They feel some
ownership of those games.
Use the internet.
The simpler the better! The less time you have to spend explaining the game to the kids, the
Visit Kids4Truth Clubs EquipU site for free downloadable game files for unique games.
Take a game like hangman or TicTacToe, and add a unique element to it. Kids will want to play it
over and over again.
Keep It Short, Change It, and Quit While You Are Ahead!
Make the time to answer different:
A child runs to another child with a baton; the second child answers.
The first child to jump up to answer the question after:
a horn is blown;
you slap your hand on the podium;
you throw a ball into the air, and it hits the floor.
Release an animal balloon or object; whoever catches it gets to answer the question.
If you have a super-cool game, but it goes too long or is played too often,
the suspense factor wears out;
the game gets old and routine;
you no longer have a super-cool game in the minds of the kids!
Make the Game Fun for Kids!
Use your personality, and do whatever it takes to make it a blast for the kids.
Use characters instead of “X” or “O” or match theme of program or classroom.
Use twists to make a game unique.
Use fun graphics and supplies, such as a bumpy or fuzzy ball instead of a smooth ball.
Use team names instead of boys versus girls or right versus left.
Effective Memory Techniques
Learn how your child memorizes best and make memorizing fun!
Visual Learner. Try crafts, made-up sign language, puzzles, activities,
object lessons.
Audio Learner. Record the child reading the memory work to listen to
over and over, have the child read the memory work out loud, sing by
putting it to a tune.
Moving Learner. March around the room saying it, jump up and down,
waddle like a duck, slither like a snake.
Repetition Learner. Find consistent ways to review and say it (e.g., verbal
Simon Says; see Group Techniques on page 39).
Techie Learner. Use computer time to your advantage!
Hands-On Learner. Use craft or coloring sheets to help students visualize
the memory work.
Consistently review memory work! Post memory work to a bathroom mirror!
Child reads through memory work two times while brushing teeth. If a child brushes his/her teeth
two times a day (before school and before bed), that makes four times a day or twenty-eight
times a week that the child has reviewed the memory work!
Child reads through memory work two times while washing hands. If a child washes his/her
hands before breakfast and supper and before bed, that makes six times a day or fourty-two
times a week that the child has reviewed the memory work!
Have the child do both, and you have seventy reviews in one week! Now memorizing more than
one truth a week works!
Using a sliding door, French door, or glass window as a white board, have the child write the
memory work on the glass with a dry erase marker.
Underline each word.
Have the child read through the Q&A several times.
Have the child erase two or three words, leaving the underlines so the child has a hint that a
word belongs there.
Read through the Q&A again a couple times.
Repeat steps 4 and 5 until all words are erased.
Finally, remove the underlines and find out whether the child can recite the Q&A without any
Post to a refrigerator or snack cabinet door. Whenever the child wants something out of the
refrigerator or snack cabinet, he must read through the Q&A two times.
Read through Q&A before each meal.
Make sure children understand what they are memorizing. Go through the Q&A (with verse) and
make sure the child understands what each word means. Children do not always know what words that
we use every day mean. Ask them what the words or phrases mean.
Effective Memory Techniques
Define the words/phrases they do not know for example,
real care,
loving kindness,
lowliness of mind,
Don’t expect word perfect. Back to our last point, we want to make sure the child understands what
he is reciting, not that every word is exactly the way it is written. Why? We are concerned more about
learning than
Group Techniques
Read the verse and stop before saying a word or phrase. The children should respond with the
word(s) that fit in the blank. Make the blanks longer and longer as you continue to review the Q&A.
Make up signs for different words or phrases in the verse. (Parents and workers, allow the children
to choose signs as a group.)
Have the children mimic your voice. Say the verse in as many funny ways as you can think of. Say it
real loud, real soft, real high, real low; sound like a mouse, sound like a bear, etc. This is basically a
verbal Simon Says Game.
Sing the verse. (You can sing it normal, high, low, opera style, western style, country style,
bluegrass style, formally, etc.)
Say the verse in a rhythmic fashion.
Hop on one leg and say the verse. March around the room and say the verse. Waddle like a duck.
Swim like a fish. Leap like a frog. Make this even more fun by making your voice sound like the
animal you are immitating as you say the verse. (This is great for pre-school children, as it gets rid
of energy, is educational, and is fun all at the same time.)
Motivating Children to Learn
Be excited and zealous about all you do.
Your excitement will be contagious.
Encourage your workers to share in the excitement.
Make it special for the children.
Decorate the room for children, not for adults.
Use posters around the room to motivate and encourage the children to work hard, and to add
color and excitement to the room.
Use level or group names for the small groups instead of ages, grades, or levels. (Defender Girls
versus Sixth Grade Girls.)
Make the room kid friendly by placing items on the wall at the children’s eye level, using child-
size chairs for smaller children, using bright colors, using website characters (Zeek, Zebedee,
and Zachariah), or using kid terms instead of adult terms (e.g., Missions versus units, Construction
Zone One versus Doctrinal Theme One)
Create a safe atmosphere by removing items that can hurt children, covering electrical outlets,
having bathroom procedures, and ensuring children are aways with at least two workers.
Use the graphics packet to make shirts with your church name/logo and Kids4Truth Clubs logo.
Use natural instincts to your advantage.
Younger children naturally want to outdo older children, and older children do not want to be
outdone by younger children.
Add competitions or games to motivate the children. Divide the children into teams that work
well (e.g., boys versus girls).
Use review games effectively.
Be prepared with questions.
Be prepared with technique.
Be prepared with game.
Use special incentives and rewards.
Kids4Truth Clubs Cash
Small pieces of candy (chocolate or fruit candies, gummie candies, fruit snacks, jelly beans, etc.)
Free coupons from local restaurants
Stickers (Younger kids love these.)
Small prizes/toys
Larger prizes/toys
Reward for excellence; avoid negatives.
Give special incentives and rewards to encourage good study/learning skills or habits.
Give a small piece of candy for each Q&A recited.
Use exciting/unusual memory techniques
Verbal Simon Says (See Group Techniques on page 39.)
Hand signals/language
Missing words. (Ask who can fill in the blank.)
Motivating Children to Learn
Race (Have students race to the front of the room and fill in missing words from the verse/s.)
Be sensitive to your audience’s needs.
Know when to change the activity. “Read” the children’s interest level/time.
Use age-appropriate activities.
Know activities going on (Christmas, school break, etc.).
Kids4Truth Clubs - Cash!
Earning Kids4Truth Clubs cash can add another level of motivation for your club. Kids4Truth Clubs cash
can be used several ways:
Team Competition - Divide the children into two teams and find out who can earn the most cash
during a given time period (during the time you study a doctrinal theme works well.) Children de-
posit the cash they earn into team “buckets” at the front of the room and cash is counted and an-
nounced at the end of the service.
For added fun, name your teams. (examples: Zeek’s Crew and Zebedee’s Company)
Prize for winning - just bragging rights or if you have refreshments that team goes first.
Group Competition - if the group as a whole earns a total of “$x”, they receive a group reward.
Group rewards could be anything like:
Snow Cones
Ice Cream
Hot Cocoa
Create a Kids4Truth Clubs Store at your church with items such as silicone bracelets, pens, pen-
cils, candy, trinkets, etc.
Organize items and attach a point value to each item.
Store can be opened after the service each week or just once a month, every other week, once a
doctrinal theme, etc.
Have at least one type of candy or trinket that a visitor can receive with the cash earned for
Kids4Truth Clubs cash fit nicely in snack size plastic zipper bags.
Color code cash as seen above for easy counting and distribution.
Choose things you want to reward and attach a value for each item.
K4T Bucks
K4T Bucks
Attendance and Responsibility:
1 = Attendance (by time to start)
1 = Brought Bible
1 = Brought TruthBook
1 = Brought Award Standard
1 = Extra point if on time, brought Bible, TruthBook and Award Standard
TruthBook Work
1 = Recite Truth
1 = Recite Bonus Q&A in a unit
5 = Fill in Blanks in TruthBook (per unit)
Review Work
10 = Recited Review Unit - 5 in a Row!
25 = Recited both Review Units together - all 10 in a Row!
1-10 = In Place at start of service with standard on.
5 = Brought Visitor
5 = First Time Visitor
5 = Played or sang special in church
10 = Helped set up for a service or cleaned church
We are available to answer your questions. Please feel free to contact us.
Customer Service
Regular Baptist Press
3715 N Ventura Drive
Arlington Heights, IL 60004
Marrena Ralph, Kids4Truth Clubs Specialist
Toll-free: 866-754-4272
Kids4Truth Clubs Websites
Main website:
EquipU teachers’ resource site:
Contact Information
Club Meeting Events GuideNotes