Kontigensi: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen
Vol. 9, No.1, June 2021, pp. 215 - 223
ISSN 2088-4877
The Impact of Online Application Competition, Discount Prices and
Cinemax Service Innovation on Online Cinema Ticket Purchase Decisions
in Medan City
Safira Nurul Sakinah Kacaribu
, Hendra Jonathan Sibarani
Universitas Prima Indonesia
This study was conducted to explain the impact of online application competition, discounted prices,
and Cinemax service innovation on online cinema ticket purchasing decisions in Medan. The quantitative
descriptive method is used in the research. The online cinema ticket ordering application (TIX ID) in the East
Medan area is 112,482 people, and the sampling technique using the slovin formula is obtained by 100
respondents. The results of this study are the application competition variable (X1) obtained a value of thtung>
t-table (3.935> 1.290), the discounted price variable (X2 ) obtained a value of t-count> t-table (1.715> 1.290),
the service innovation variable (X3) obtained a value of thtung> t-table ( 5.795 > 1.290 ) has a significant positive
effect with a value of < 0.1 on online cinema ticket purchasing decisions in the city of Medan,
Keywords: Online Application Competition, Discount Price, Service Innovation, Purchase Decision
Increasingly advanced and developing times,
there are many various developments, for
example, developments in technology. Almost all
work is done using technology due to the
emergence of very sophisticated technology that
can increase the effectiveness and efficiency of a
person in doing work. Indonesia is a country that
has experienced developments in technology,
and the Indonesian people have also been very
able to accept developments in technology such
as technology on smartphones; at this time,
almost everyone from young to old age already
has a smartphone and understands how to use it
the technology. One example of the development
of existing smartphone technology is the
emergence of a cinema ticket booking
application. In the past, when someone wanted to
watch a movie, they were required to go to the
place to buy tickets directly, but now in this fast
and sophisticated era, there is a development in
cinema ticket booking services, namely the online
cinema ticket booking service. The service aims
to make customers who want to get show tickets
films gain convenience and efficiency. In the city
of Medan, this online cinema ticket booking
application has entered the world of Cinemax;
several cinemas in the city of Medan have already
made reservations for cinema tickets online and
to purchase cinema tickets. It is also convenient,
only by ordering and transactions via smartphone
and then prints the ticket on the Cinemax of
choice. It is what makes some people in the city
of Medan decide to buy cinema tickets online.
However, some still like to buy cinema tickets face
Kontigensi: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen
Vol. 9, No.1, June 2021, pp. 215 - 223
ISSN 2088-4877
to face because they still consider it more
practical to make direct purchases. The decision
is meant by choosing between two or more
actions from the available options. In other words,
when making a decision, the person must choose
one of all options. To fulfill their daily needs,
consumers must ensure the products and
services they will use. Most options and
circumstances encountered in considering
something make the difference in the decisions
obtained from one individual to another. For
example, e-ticketing sales are currently the
people's choice to make cinema ticket purchasing
decisions because making purchases online can
increase time efficiency and is practically used
where buyers can buy tickets anywhere and
anytime. Competition is intended as something
that businesses will do, namely competing for
profits, total sales, and market share as in this
online cinema ticket booking application which is
increasingly in demand from year to year; as a
result, various online cinema ticket booking
applications have emerged, some of which are
TIX. ID, CGV Cinemas. Cinepolis Indonesia,
MTIX, Book My Show, Go Tix and Traveloka.
Because of that came the competition between
these applications; they competed with each
other to attract consumers and become superior
among others.
Discount prices play a vital role in attracting
people to make decisions about their purchases.
For example, discount prices are often presented
from one of the TIX ID online cinema ticket
booking applications, namely buy one get one
with the intention that they will get one free ticket
just by buying one ticket, but in giving the
discount, it is not given for free, but based on the
terms and conditions. Likewise, a 50% discount
price is given if we buy the first ticket in the latest
film show and of course there are many other
discount prices provided by the TIX ID
application. Another reason that can influence
someone to make a purchase decision is service
innovation. With the nature of people who want to
be practical and do not want to miss technological
advances, this application service must vary and
develop services to make it easier and attract
consumers. As an example of service innovation
presented by the TIX ID application, namely
developing in terms of payments, for example,
collaborating with applications in payments such
as through the DANA application, and more. So
that consumers can more easily pay for online
cinema tickets. For this research, the type of
online application service for cinema ticket
booking chosen is TIX ID because this application
is very prominent and has many devotees
compared to other online cinema tickets booking
applications. PT publishes this application.
Nusantara Raya Sejahtera, this company was
founded in 1985 and was only issued on March
21, 2018. According to data from the 2021
Appstore, the TIX ID application is the most
popular online ticket ordering application with a
total rate of 4.8/5 out of 49.1 thousand ratings,
while the data shows Playstore 2021 TIX ID gets
more than 5 million users with a total rate of 4.7/5
from 408 thousand reviews.
Literature review
1. Competition
Fauzi (2015:17) states that marketing
competition is a situation in which a company
advertises certain items or services with or
without specific laws to achieve the advantages of
its clients. Basrowi (2011) explained the meaning
of competitors as people who pursue target
markets accurately. Compare products, prices,
distributors, promotions with competitors must
continue. The indicators of competition in this
application are (1) speed of access, (2) quality of
service (3) number of competitor sizes.
2. Discount Price
Aryani and Rosinta (2010) stated that price
is the amount of value that customers trade by
owning or utilizing a product or service for various
advantages. Discounts can contribute to the
perception of poor product quality and therefore
discourage buyers from buying. Therefore,
optimal discount price to optimize product sales is
significant. (Puligadda 2012). The price discount
indicators put forward by Wahyudi (2017): (1)
discount frequency (2) the amount of discount
and according to Belch & Belch (2009:342)
discount price indicators (1) Trigger mass
Kontigensi: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen
Vol. 9, No.1, June 2021, pp. 215 - 223
ISSN 2088-4877
purchases by customers. (2) predict the
promotion of competitive aid (3) to increase the
volume of aid.
3. Service Innovation
Hartini (2012) suggests that innovation is the
openness of new ideas to thoughts. Delafrooz et
al. (2013) stated that this innovation plans to
implement creative steps that lead to developing
new products or services. Innovation is a
combination of activities that impact each other by
producing new goods, causing more customer
interest in procurement decisions proposed by
Myers and Marquis in Kotler (2014:36). In
Siyamtinah's research (2011), there are factors to
analyze the process of building innovation
capabilities, including (1) new product
development, (2) interaction and communication,
(3) technology strategy, (4) marketing capability,
(5) production and operation capabilities
4. Buying decision
Sangadji et al. (2013) suggested the decision to
choose an action from two or more options. In
Sinambow (2015), consumer choice is the reason
or impetus for something customers buy for their
requirements and desires. Kotler and Keller
(2012:154) suggest that there are three indicators
of purchasing decisions, namely: (1) the stability
of a product, (2) providing recommendations to
others (3) repurchasing.
Conceptual Framework
Based on the description of the theory, a
conceptual framework in the research was drawn
up the picture below:
Research Hypothesis:
H1: Application competition has an impact on
purchasing decisions for online cinema tickets in
the city of Medan
H2: Discounted prices have an impact on
purchasing decisions for online cinema tickets in
the city of Medan
H3: Service innovation has an impact on
purchasing decisions for online cinema tickets in
the city of Medan
H4: Application competition, discounted prices,
service innovations have an impact on online
cinema ticket purchasing decisions in the city of
The descriptive method through quantitative
approach applied in research. This study's
population is the community from the district of
Medan Timur, amounting to 112,482 people
sourced from https://medankota.bps.go.id/. The
type of sampling in this study is accidental
sampling through the type of qualified volunteer
sample. It is because respondents who meet the
criteria are willing to become respondents. The
slovin formula is the technique used in this study.
Data were obtained from questionnaires,
meaning that they gave some written questions to
the people of the East Medan sub-district, which
were then sampled in this study. Thus, primary
data is direct research data. In comparison,
secondary data comes from data that already
exists, such as books and journals.
Kontigensi: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen
Vol. 9, No.1, June 2021, pp. 215 - 223
ISSN 2088-4877
1. Validity and Reliability Test
Table 1 Validity Test.
Application Competition
Discount Price
Service Innovation
Buying decision
The test data for the validity of the application
competition variables, discount prices, service
innovation, and purchasing decisions obtained
the correlation value more significant than the r
table value of 0.30 and the significant value less
than 0.1, meaning that all questions were
declared valid.
Table 2. Reliability Test
Variable Name
Cronbach Alpha
N Of Items
Application Competition
Discount Price
Service Innovation
Buying decision
The table data above shows that the variables
of application competition, discount prices,
service innovation, and purchasing decisions are
reliable and can be continued in research
because the Cronbach alpha value found is more
significant than 0.60.
2. Descriptive Statistics
Table 3. Descriptive Statistics
Std. Deviation
Std. Error
App competition
Discount price
Service innovation
Buying decision
Valid N (listwise)
Based on table 3, the application competition
variable has a sample of 100 respondents with an
average value of 0.235, the lowest value of 20,
the highest value of 29, and a standard deviation
of 2.349. The discount price has an average value
of 0.356, the lowest value of 35, the highest value
of 47, and a standard deviation of 3.565. Service
innovation has an average value of 0.360, the
lowest value is 34, the highest value is 46, and the
standard deviation is 3,596. Finally, the purchase
Kontigensi: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen
Vol. 9, No.1, June 2021, pp. 215 - 223
ISSN 2088-4877
decision has an average value of 0.294, the
lowest value is 19, the highest value is 29, and the
standard deviation is 2,940.
3. Classic assumption test
This test confirms certainty if the equation
from the regression obtained has accuracy in the
estimation and is consistent.
a. Multicollinearity Test
Ghozali's (2018:105) multicollinearity test is
used to test whether there is a relationship
between the independent variables identified in
the regression model. Tolerance and VIF values
can be used to see multicollinearity testing. For
example, if the tolerance value is > from 0.10,
there is no multicollinearity, but there is
multicollinearity if the tolerance value is < from
0.10. Meanwhile, in VIF, if VIF < 10.00 means no
multicollinearity, but if VIF > 10.00 means
multicollinearity occurs.
From the results of the variable test, it is
known that the tolerance value for the application
competition independent variable is 0.325 > 0.1.
On the other hand, the discount price
independent variable is 0.690 > 0.1, the service
innovation independent variable is 0.308 > 0.1,
while the VIF value for the application competition
independent variable is 3.076 < 10.00. The
independent variable discounted price is 1.449 <
10.00, and the independent variable is service
innovation 3.243 < 10.00 that there is no
correlation between the independent variables
between application competition, discounted
prices, and service innovation.
b. Normality test
In testing the regression model, it is found that
the independent and dependent variables are
standard or not, which is the purpose of the
normality test (Ghozali 2018:111).
Figure 1. Histogram Normality Test
In the histogram graph, this test shows
that the data forms a bell-shaped curve graph,
and the data also does not bend to the right or the
left so that it can be defined that the data is
typically distributed.
Figure 2. PP Plot Normality Test
Based on the pp plot normality test image in
Figure 2, it can be seen that the line is followed by
Kontigensi: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen
Vol. 9, No.1, June 2021, pp. 215 - 223
ISSN 2088-4877
parallel points and is located around the diagonal
line. With this, it is known that the data meet the
normality assumption test.
It is known that if the probability is > 0.1, then
the data distribution is considered normal.
However, from table III.5 of the significance as
much as 0.200. Therefore, the significance value
is more significant than 0.1, meaning that the data
is typically distributed.
c. Heteroscedasticity Test
The purpose of this heteroscedasticity test
stated by Ghozali (2018:135) aims to find out
whether the variance inequality between residual
observations exists in the regression model. After
the data is processed, there are results that all
variables contain a significant value greater than
0.1. The application competition variable is 0.316
> 0.1, the discount price is 0.726 > 0.1 and the
service innovation is 0.517 > 0.1. So it can be
summarized that there are no heteroscedasticity
symptoms that occur and can meet the criteria for
the classical assumption test.
Figure 3. Scatterplot. Heteroscedasticity Test
From Figure 3, it is summarized that there is
no heteroscedasticity symptom because the data
points for the spreader are above and below the
number 0, and the spread is not patterned.
4. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Test
Several linear regression tests were
conducted to see how the independent variable
(independent) affects the dependent variable
(dependent). Based on the table above, the
multiple linear regression equation obtained is:
Y = 6.754 + 0.425 X1 + 0.084 X2 + 0.420 X3 + e
With this, it can be interpreted that the
constant of -6.754 means that if the value of the
independent variable, namely application
competition, discount prices, and service
innovation, increases by one percent, the value of
the purchasing decision variable will also find a
decrease of -6.754 and when the value of the
independent variable decreases by one percent,
the value of the purchasing decision variable will
decrease increase by 6,754.
Application competition (X1) has a regression
coefficient of 0.425 and is positive; this means
that when it increases by 1 percent the application
competition variable will increase purchasing
decisions by 0.425 or 42.5% if the other variables
are assumed to be constant. With this, it can be
concluded that application competition is a
change in increasing purchasing decisions.
The discount price (X2) has a regression
coefficient of 0.084 and is positive; this means
that when it increases by 1 percent, the discount
price variable will increase the purchasing
decision by 0.084 or 8.4% if the variable is
assumed be constant. With this, it can be
concluded that the discount price is a change in
increasing purchasing decisions.
Service innovation (X3) has a coefficient of
0.420 and is positive; this means that when the
service innovation variable increases by one
percent, it will increase purchasing decisions by
0.420 or 42.0% if the variable is assumed to be
constant. With this, it can be concluded that
service innovation is a change in increasing
purchasing decisions.
5. Coefficient of Determination ( R 2 )
Ghozali (2011: 97) states how far the model
can represent fluctuations in the dependent
variable, especially measuring coefficients. For
example, if the value of R Square is minus or
negative in the research, it can be interpreted that
there is no impact between the X variable and the
Y variable. Likewise, if the R Square value
increasingly leads to the number 1, the impact will
be more substantial.
From the summary model, it can be seen that
the coefficient of determination or R Square is
0.767 or 76.7%. This figure means that the
competition variable (X1), discounted prices (X2),
and service innovation (X3) together have an
impact on the purchasing decision variable (Y) by
Kontigensi: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen
Vol. 9, No.1, June 2021, pp. 215 - 223
ISSN 2088-4877
76.7%. In comparison, the remaining 23.3% is
influenced by other variables outside this
regression equation or on variables that are not
examined, such as service quality, promotion,
customer satisfaction, and more.
6. Hypothesis testing
a. Simultaneous Hypothesis Testing (F Test)
It is known that this F test aims to see how the
impact of application competition, discount prices,
and service innovation on online cinema ticket
purchasing decisions in the city of Medan.
Table 4. F . test
Sum of
Mean Square
a. Dependent Variable: decision
b. Predictors: (Constant), innovation, price, competition
From Table 4, it can be obtained that the
Fhtung value is 105.554, and the significant value
is 0.000. The value in F-count is compared with
the Ftable value, which is 2.70 (obtained by
looking at Ftable with criteria df1 = 3 and df2 =
greater than 97). so that the F-count value > F-
table (105.554 > 2.70) and with a significance
value of 0.000 < 0, 1 with this it can be concluded
that application competition, discount prices, and
service innovation together have a positive and
significant impact on purchasing decisions for
online cinema tickets in the city of Medan.
b. Partial Hypothesis Testing (T-Test)
The t-test was carried out to test the
independent variables partially, namely
application competition (X1) discounted prices
(X2) service innovation (X3) which had a positive
and significant impact on purchasing decisions for
online cinema tickets in the city of Medan.
Table 5. T . test
Unstandardized Coefficients
Std. Error
App competition
Discount price
Service innovation
a. Dependent Variable: Purchase decision
Based on Table 5, it can be seen that:
1. Partially test the hypothesis that the
application competition variable from the
table above is known to have t count > t table
(3.935 > 1.290) and the significance is less
than 0.1, meaning that the application
competition variable (X1) partially has a
significant positive impact on purchasing
decisions (Y) for online cinema tickets. In the
city of Medan. It is in line with previous
research conducted by Hermanto (2018). In
this study, it was stated that there was an
impact of competition on purchasing
2. Partially test the hypothesis of the
discounted price variable from the table
above, it is known that t-count> t-table
(1.715> 1.290) and the significance is
smaller than 0.1 means the discounted price
variable (X2) partially has a significant
positive impact on purchasing decisions (Y)
online cinema tickets in Medan city.
Kontigensi: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen
Vol. 9, No.1, June 2021, pp. 215 - 223
ISSN 2088-4877
Furthermore, reported from the journal
processed by Hendra Jonathan Sibarani et
al. (2018), there is a significant impact of
discount prices on purchasing decisions.
3. Partially test the hypothesis of the service
innovation variable from the table above t-
count> t-table (5.795 1.290) and the
significance is smaller than 0.1, means that
the service innovation variable (X3) partially
has a significant positive impact on
purchasing decisions (Y) online cinema
tickets in the city of Medan. Thus, innovation
has a significant influence on buyer
decisions. This statement is confirmed by
research from Supriyatim Darham and
Herawati (2017).
Based on the questionnaire results in this
study, it is summarized that the residents of the
East Medan area, users of the online cinema
ticket booking application, prioritize the quality of
the application's service in deciding its use
because if the service quality is the best. It can be
ascertained that the application works well, too;
therefore, the online cinema ticket booking
application. Therefore, this company must
prioritize the quality of its services in order to face
the competition. From the results of hypothesis
testing, it was found that t-count > t-table (3.935 >
1.290) and the significant value (0.000 < 0.1)
means that the competition variable partially has
a significant positive impact on purchasing
The public will be presented with attractive
promos and fantastic discounts when using an
online cinema ticket booking application. It makes
people interested in purchasing cinema tickets
through an online cinema ticket booking
application. Timur strongly agrees that this
application can apply the public's first choice to
choose an online cinema ticket booking
application by providing attractive discount prices.
It is also an advantage for this application
because it can anticipate promotions from
competitors. The hypothesis test summarized
from this study is t count > t table (1.715 > 1.290)
and the significant value (0.090 < 0.
Factors that impact purchasing decisions are
service innovations due to some people want to
be fast and practical; it is very suitable to decide
to buy cinema tickets through this online cinema
ticket booking application. Based on the results of
this research questionnaire, residents of the East
Medan area stated that interaction and
communication became an innovation that
impacted purchasing decisions. A good
relationship between the service and the user
would have a positive impact on increasing
purchasing decisions, and this is in line with the
results of the research hypothesis test in this
journal stated by t t > t table (5.795 > 1.290) and
a significant value (0.000 < 0.1) namely the
service innovation variable has a significant
positive effect on purchasing decisions. In this
study, the value of F-count >
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