Proceedings The 1st Annual Dharmawangsa International Conference P.Issn : 2808-859X
E.Issn : 2809-0853
Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi
Cinema Tickets, Android, React Native
*Correspondence Address:
hendr[email protected]
Abstract: This research aims to build and
create an Android-based cinema application for
the city of Medan to enable viewers to choose
films, buy tickets boldly, avoid long queues,
and optimize audience time, especially for the
people of Medan and its surroundings. This
research was conducted using a software
development approach based on the Waterfall
method. Requirements analysis, system design,
application implementation, testing, and
maintenance are the stages of research. The
implementation of this application is made
using the React Native framework and the
JavaScript programming language. During the
implementation process, features such as login
pages, movie listings, and ticket bookings are
created. Functional, integration and
performance testing are included in the black
box testing method. Users provide feedback on
usability, satisfaction, and suggestions for
improvement through evaluation. The results
of this study are expected to produce an
Android-based cinema application that can
meet the needs of users in Medan. This
application is expected to help users of cinema
tickets online, overcome the problem of
ordering time, many transactions, and
complicated processes. In addition, it is hoped
that this research will contribute to the
development of React Native based
applications and other related studies.
In the current digital era, most people use technology to carry out various daily
activities. One industry that is currently feeling the positive impact of technological
advances is the entertainment sector, especially the cinema sector. The audience will
witness a story that seems real in front of them. (RD Siahaan, 2021) Cinema is a place
where people can watch various new films with a more enjoyable experience. In the
development of cinema in Indonesia there have been many changes. Cinemas, which were
originally performance halls, now continue to be present in shopping centers because they
are considered entertainment facilities that have their own attraction. Especially for
Proceedings The 1st Annual Dharmawangsa International Conference P.Issn : 2808-859X
E.Issn : 2809-0853
people who often need entertainment when carrying out busy daily activities (ON Putra,
However, even though the popularity of cinemas continues to increase, there are
several problems in the cinema industry that need to be addressed. Among them, there
are many problematic transactions. Large numbers of moviegoers at popular film
screenings or other time periods can result in long waiting times before tickets can be
purchased (S. Saroji, 2023). Moreover, in case of wrong time management. Audiences
often spend a long time watching films and completing ticket purchases at cinema
locations. Long wait times have the ability to reduce viewer comfort and experience.
To overcome this problem, this research will design an Android-based cinema
application in the city of Medan using the React Native framework. React Native is a
JavaScript-based framework that is used to create mobile applications for Android and
iOS simultaneously (R.Setiawan, 2021). This application will allow viewers to choose
films, buy tickets online, avoid long queues, and optimize the audience's time. This
application will also provide information about films currently showing and screening
schedules, making it easier for viewers to choose the film they want. In designing this
application, related technologies such as Firebase and testing are also used to ensure that
the application runs well and meets user needs. Firebase is a platform to make it easier
for developers to develop mobile and web applications that are Realtime Database
(R.Andrianto, 2022). Firebase provides various services such as data storage,
authentication, and analytics (Y.Mari, 2023). In developing cinema applications using the
React Native framework, Firebase is used to validate user login and registration
processes, store film schedule data, film information, and data on users who purchase
Previous research has been carried out in the field of cinema application design and
mobile-based ticket ordering. Several journals are relevant to this research topic. Research
conducted by (D.Handayani, 2020) explains the implementation of an Android-based
cinema ticket reservation system using the RAD (Rapid Application Development)
research method and the Unified Modeling Language. One of the language standards most
often used in industry is UML (Unified Modeling Language) (A.Saputra, 2019), which is
used to create requirements, carry out analysis and design, and to describe architecture in
object-oriented programming. The Android-based cinema ticket ordering system in this
Proceedings The 1st Annual Dharmawangsa International Conference P.Issn : 2808-859X
E.Issn : 2809-0853
research makes it easier for customers to order tickets in advance and makes it possible
to pay via transfer or online. This research focuses on developing an application that
allows users to make ticket reservations online.
Apart from that, research was conducted by (YI Hasari, 2022) regarding the
application of user-based design methods in designing mobile-based cinema ticket
ordering and payment applications. The research focuses on improving user experience
through interfaces designed taking into account needs and preferences and discusses the
use of User Centered Design methodology for creating mobile payment and payment-
based ticketing applications.
In previous research, discussing the design of a mobile-based cinema ticket ordering
application. The application developed has succeeded in creating a transaction processing
system that is straightforward and minimalist, users can access cinema tickets available
in the application just by entering the required data and then displaying the transaction
results (RDE Putra, 2022). The application developed in this research succeeded in
creating a simple and straightforward transaction system; Users can access movie tickets
available in the application by simply entering credit card information and then viewing
the transaction results.
In research on an Android-based cinema ticket booking application at Bes Cinema
Pangkal pinang by (RRC Putra, 2018). In this research, waterfall and OOP methods were
used. Testing was carried out using the Blackbox testing technique. Design of a simple
mobile-based cinema application by (C. Nurrahman, 2022). In designing the cinema
application, the Flutter framework and the waterfall system development method were
used. Several stages are required in this research, including needs analysis, system design,
and application or implementation. In this research, the cinema ticket purchasing
application is not only useful for carrying out the purchasing process, but can also provide
information about currently playing and upcoming films. When detailed information is
provided, customers can more easily understand the film they want to see (SF Hendarto,
Based on previous research that has been carried out, there is room for further
development in designing Android-based cinema applications in the city of Medan using
the React Native framework. This is because there is no research that specifically
discusses designing cinema applications using the React Native framework. Most
Proceedings The 1st Annual Dharmawangsa International Conference P.Issn : 2808-859X
E.Issn : 2809-0853
previous research also tends to focus on developing cinema ticket booking applications
in general, without considering specific geographic locations such as the city of Medan.
Therefore, this research will fill this space by focusing on the needs and characteristics of
the cinema market, especially in the city of Medan.
It is hoped that this research can overcome the problems that have been identified
through a comprehensive approach, taking into account user needs and expectations, as
well as considering relevant features and careful testing. Thus, it is hoped that this
research can make a significant contribution to the development of cinema applications
that are better and more satisfying for users in the city of Medan. Apart from that, it is
hoped that this research will also provide benefits to the public in accessing cinema
information and services easily and efficiently, as well as contributing to the development
of mobile-based application technology for further research.
This is a phase of the study that can be seen in Figure 1 below.
Figure 1. Research Phase
The initial stage carried out was research needs analysis, starting from data collection by
looking for sources from previous research that were relevant and accurate. Then analyze
Case Study
Data Analysis
of a Practical
Proceedings The 1st Annual Dharmawangsa International Conference P.Issn : 2808-859X
E.Issn : 2809-0853
the needs for creating a cinema application, this involves collecting information about
user needs, the features the user wants, and the problems they want to solve. This will
help in designing the objectives and scope of the application
2.Design (Design)
After the analysis stage is carried out, the next stage is to design the cinema application
system as a whole. This includes architectural design and user interface design. This
design becomes the basis for further application development.
The deployment or implementation stage involves building a cinema application using
the React Native framework. Developers will implement designs and features that have
been previously designed. This process involves writing code, integration with backend
systems, and unit testing to ensure that the application runs as expected.
After the implementation stage, comprehensive testing of the cinema application was
carried out. This testing includes functionality testing, UI/UX testing, performance
testing, and interaction testing between components using the black box testing method .
Test results will be used to ensure application quality and make improvements if problems
are found.
After the cinema application has successfully passed the testing stage and meets all the
requirements, the completion stage is carried out. Then we move on to the final stage,
namely the maintenance stage which is carried out periodically to ensure the application
always runs well and meets user needs. Apart from that, improvements are also made to
the application if bugs or errors are found in using the application.
The waterfall method used in this research will provide advantages in terms of clear
structure and control. By following structured and sequential stages, researchers can
better track the progress of application development. Apart from that, this method can
also help in identifying and correcting problems or weaknesses from an early stage,
thereby reducing the risk of errors at later stages.
Proceedings The 1st Annual Dharmawangsa International Conference P.Issn : 2808-859X
E.Issn : 2809-0853
1. Use case Diagram
Use case diagrams are a type of UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagram that
describes the interaction between the system and its actors. Use cases are used to
illustrate the fundamental function of an information system. Use cases explain how a
business system interacts with its surrounding environment (HDURE Rahwanto,
2022). Use cases function as functional components in the system, allowing consumers
and developers to gain a comprehensive understanding of the workflow and structure
of the system to be created. This mutual understanding ensures that consumers and
developers are familiar with the flow and functionality of the system. Use case
diagrams can also be used to understand the functions in a system and to describe the
interactions of actors with the system. The component in question then explains actor-
to-actor communication using the existing system (A. Gunawan, 2022) . In this cinema
application, use case diagrams can be used to identify and visualize interactions
between users and the system in different usage scenarios. The following is an example
of using a use case diagram in a cinema application:
Figure 1. Use Case Diagram User
On picture. 2 above depicts the use case diagram flow for users in the cinema
application. Starting with the user registering and continuing to log in. After
successfully logging in, users can see the list of films displayed in the application and
order tickets.
Proceedings The 1st Annual Dharmawangsa International Conference P.Issn : 2808-859X
E.Issn : 2809-0853
Figure 2. Use Case Diagram Admin
Figure 3 shows the admin use case diagram in the cinema application. The admin use
case diagram describes the interaction between the admin and the system in carrying
out administrative tasks and system management. Admins are responsible for
managing film data, film screening schedules, managing cinemas, and other related
information in the system.
2. Activity Diagram
Activity diagrams are one of various types of diagrams in the Unified Modeling
Language (UML) which are used to describe workflow or flow of activities in a system
or process (R. Aditya, 2021). Activity diagrams illustrate the activities that occur, the
actions performed, and the sequence of steps involved in a process in the system (U.
Rusmawan, 2019). In cinema applications, activity diagrams can be used to describe
the workflow or steps involved in various activities, such as selecting the desired film,
ordering tickets, and enjoying a film in the cinema. In Figure 4. Visualizing the steps
in ordering tickets in the cinema application.
Figure 3. Cinema Application System Activity Diagram
Proceedings The 1st Annual Dharmawangsa International Conference P.Issn : 2808-859X
E.Issn : 2809-0853
1. Log in Page
This page is the initial display when the user enters the application. The log in page is
used to allow users to enter the application using a registered account. On the login
page the user will be asked to enter the email and password that has been registered in
the application. If you don't have an account, users are required to register first. If the
login information has been validated, the user will be directed to the main page. The
login page can be seen in Figure 5 below.
Figure 4. Log in Page
2. System Testing
In this research, this test was carried out using a black box technique. This method is
a method used to carry out system tests without having to pay attention to the details
of a system (F.Ghina, 2022) . The purpose of testing is to find out whether the system
created is in accordance with user needs. And to find out whether the system input and
output functions are as expected or not (D. Hanifah, 2020) This testing is to ensure the
application can run properly and correctly according to the expected goals. In testing
using the black box method, the focus in carrying out this test is testing from the user's
perspective without paying attention to the internal implementation details of the
application. Thus, this test tests the functionality and interaction of the application's
user interface without paying attention to how the code is built. This will help to
identify problems that may occur in daily use of the application. Testing carried out on
this application is testing the main function of the application in accordance with
predetermined specifications, testing interactions between components in the
application, and testing application performance in responding quickly to user actions
which can be seen in the table. 1 below.
Proceedings The 1st Annual Dharmawangsa International Conference P.Issn : 2808-859X
E.Issn : 2809-0853
Table 1. Cinema Application Testing
Testing System
Expected results
Clicking the registration button
The system will display the
registration page
Fill in the registration form
completely (email, password,
name and telephone number)
then click register
go to the main page
Leave one of the fields on the
registration form blank, then
click register
The system will deny access
Clicking the login menu
The system will display a login
menu page
Fill in the login form
completely (email and
password) then click login
Enter the main page
Enter an email that has never
been registered or has never
The system will deny access
Just fill in your email and leave
the password field blank
The system will deny access
Just fill in the password and
leave the email field blank
The system will deny access
Clicking on the movie menu is
currently showing
This will display a menu page
listing the films currently
Clicking on Cinema
A page will display the
complete list of names and
addresses of cinema locations
Clicking on the seating menu
The system will display the
seating options as desired
Clicking the button book
The system will display the
payment amount and then
display a payment code
Based on the analysis and design that has been carried out in making an Android-
based cinema application in the city of Medan, it can be concluded that the application
designed can allow users to order tickets online without going through the queuing
process when buying tickets at the counter. This can provide comfort and a better
audience experience. The research was carried out using the waterfall method which
consists of several stages. This research stage consists of needs analysis, system design,
Proceedings The 1st Annual Dharmawangsa International Conference P.Issn : 2808-859X
E.Issn : 2809-0853
application implementation, testing, and maintenance and has been completed effectively.
In the design or system design process using use case diagrams and activity diagrams.
The React Native framework has been used to create a cinema application that includes a
number of important functions, such as a login page, movie listings, and a ticket booking
site. Functional, integration, and performance testing have all been conducted thoroughly
using black box testing methodology. Test results show that the application functions as
intended and meets the requirements. Using the React Native framework, this research
succeeded in designing and creating an Android-based cinema application for the city of
Medan. This program can make people buy movie tickets online more effectively.
Additionally, this research advances related research in the area as well as the creation of
React Native-based applications. It is anticipated that this research will serve as a starting
point for future work in improving user experiences with cinema applications.
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