Head of Citi Procurement & Risk
January 2015
September 2024
1 GENERAL OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................ 3
2 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY / AFFIRMATIVE ACTION ........................................... 5
3 ANTI-BRIBERY AND CORRUPTION (AB&C) .................................................................... 6
4) GIFTS AND ENTERTAINMENT ........................................................................................... 7
5) SUPPLIER DIVERSITY & SUPPLIER PRINCIPLES ........................................................... 7
6 PROHIBITION AGAINST MODERN SLAVERY .................................................................. 8
7 SUPPLIER PERSONNEL ................................................................................................... 10
8 FRAUD MANAGEMENT .................................................................................................... 11
9 MEDIA INTERACTION AND PUBLIC APPEARANCES ................................................... 12
10 WRITTEN ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS ................................................................ 13
11 POLITICAL ACTIVITIES AND CONTRIBUTIONS ............................................................ 14
12 ANTI-MONEY LAUNDERING (“AML”).............................................................................. 14
13 RECORDS MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................... 15
14 ENTERPRISE RESILIENCE / CONTINUITY OF BUSINESS ............................................ 16
15 GLOBAL BACKGROUND SCREENING STANDARDS ................................................... 21
16 EXPENSES ......................................................................................................................... 23
17 INFORMATION SECURITY (IS) ......................................................................................... 24
18. SECURE WORKPLACE GUIDELINES .......................................................................... 52
19. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE/MACHINE LEARNING ................................................... 53
APPENDIX - DEFINITIONS ......................................................................................................... 55
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 3 of 60
1.1. Requirements Generally
These Citi Requirements for Suppliers (“Requirements”) detail some of the obligations
that Suppliers must meet in the course of doing business with Citi. Certain Requirements
are applicable to all Suppliers, while the applicability of other Requirements to a particular
Supplier depends upon the types of product(s) and service(s) that Supplier provides to Citi
(the latter are summarized in Section 1.2 below and is indicated at the beginning of each
provision listed therein). Capitalized terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them
herein, including in the attached Appendix, unless no such meaning is herein indicated, in
which event it shall have the meaning ascribed to it in the Contract, as defined below.
These Requirements are contractual obligations under Supplier agreements with Citi
(including, but not limited to, transactional documents, e.g., work orders, license
schedules) (each a Contract”), and are in addition to any obligations specified in any
Agreement, any obligations under Applicable Law (as that term is defined below), any
notice to Supplier from Citi informing Supplier of its obligations under the same (each a
Notice”), or any additional more specific requirements implemented by Citi’s businesses
or functions. The more restrictive obligations and requirements shall apply to the extent of
any conflict between any of the foregoing requirements and the Restrictions. Suppliers
must take a proactive role and consult with their primary Citi business contact (or
designee) regarding any questions they have regarding these Requirements, including
any changes thereto, any requested exemption therefrom, or any perceived conflict
therein or with Applicable Law.
Supplier shall promptly comply with any reasonable request that Citi may submit to
Supplier for data that Citi requires related to Supplier Services or Personnel in association
with Citi’s obligation to comply with Applicable Laws. Supplier’s failure to comply with
these obligations shall be deemed a material breach of the terms of this Agreement.
Failure to comply with these Requirements, or any additional requirements specified by a
Citi business with which Supplier does business may result in termination of a Supplier’s
Contract with Citi. Furthermore, violations of the Requirements may also be violations of
applicable law and may result in civil damages owed to Citi (or third parties) or criminal
penalties for the Supplier. Suppliers may not use compliance with its own policies as a
substitute for its obligation to comply with any provisions of these Requirements without
Citi’s written consent.
1.2. Requirements Applicable to Selective Suppliers
The following chart lists certain Requirements which apply to certain Suppliers who meet
the applicability criteria designated therein. Sections not mentioned below are applicable
to ALL Suppliers.
Section # Section Title Applicability
Equal Employment Opportunity / Affirmative
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 4 of 60
Section # Section Title Applicability
2.2 Government Contracts
2.3 Government Contracts Appendix
Applicable to contracts and purchase
orders necessary for the performance of a
Citi contract with the federal government. If
uncertain whether it is a federal government
subcontract/purchase order, add “As
applicable” to the beginning of the clause.
Applicable to contracts and purchase
orders necessary for the performance of a
Citi contract with the federal government. If
uncertain whether it is a federal government
subcontract/purchase order, add “As
applicable” to the end of the notice.
Applicable to Suppliers performing certain
customer-related services (i.e., on-boarding,
customer account and transaction
screening) or the delivery of data/metrics
related to the foregoing activities; AND/OR
Suppliers acting as an intermediary with
regard to cash or financial instruments (e.g.,
remote deposit capture, courier, armored
car or lockbox services).
Applicable to Suppliers who
access/process/store Citi Information
Applicable to Suppliers who are included in
the Recovery Plan for the Citi Business unit
or if the supplier hosts an application with
recovery capabilities (i.e., numeric
Technology Recovery Time Capability
(TRTC)), which is used by Citi. The Citi
Business Activity Owner
(BAO) is responsible for communicating
applicability and
COB requirements to the Supplier.
Applicable to Suppliers whose personnel
has access to Citi systems/networks;
unescorted access to Citi premises ;
AND/OR utilize Subcontractors (Such
personnel would be required to have a
GEID, and be registered in Citi’s Non-
Employee Management System); AND/OR
Suppliers that
access/process/store/manage Citi
Confidential or Higher Information
Applicable to Suppliers that are
contractually eligible to claim reimbursable
business expenses
Applicable to Suppliers including
Subcontractors that
access/process/manage/store Citi
Information; AND/OR Suppliers responsible
as a Host for Citi branded internet facing
applications; AND/OR
Suppliers with connectivity to Citi’s network
resources; AND/OR
Suppliers requiring unescorted access to
Citi facilities.
Applicable to Suppliers that utilize Artificial
Intelligence/ Machine Learning (AI/ML), as
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 5 of 60
Section # Section Title Applicability
defined by Citi in any part of the product/
service that they are providing.
2.1 Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Obligations. As part of
our efforts to comply with federal non-discrimination and affirmative action regulatory
requirements, Citi has developed an Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative
Action program and policies which are designed to ensure equal employment
opportunities to all qualified persons without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual
orientation, gender identity, national origin, citizenship, immigration status, age, marital
status, genetic information, disability, protected veteran status or any other characteristic
protected by law.
This includes, but is not limited to, the following:
a) Recruitment, advertising, and job application procedures
b) Hiring, upgrading, promotion, award of tenure, demotion, transfer, layoff,
termination, right of return from layoff and rehiring
c) Rates of pay or any other form of compensation and changes in compensation
d) Job assignments, job classifications, organizational structures, position
descriptions, lines of progression, and seniority lists
e) Leaves of absence, sick leave, or any other leave
f) Fringe benefits available by virtue of employment
g) Selection and financial support for training, including apprenticeships,
professional meetings, conferences, and other related activities, and selection
for leaves of absence to pursue training
h) Activities sponsored by the company, including social or recreational programs
i) Any other term, condition, or privilege of employment
Suppliers shall comply, and shall cause its personnel to comply, with the requirements
of all applicable non-discrimination and affirmative action laws and regulations,
including, but not limited to, any such laws or regulations that Citi notifies Supplier in
writing that it must comply with.
Suppliers shall review and take appropriate action consistent with Citi’s U.S. Equal
Employment Opportunity Policy Statement, which may be found at
2.2 Government Contracts. Contracts and purchase orders that are necessary for the
performance of a Citi contract with the federal government must contain the following
clause verbatim with bolding as displayed below. (If uncertain whether it is a federal
government subcontract/purchase order, err on including and add “As applicable” to the
beginning of the section).
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 6 of 60
[As applicable,] Contractor and Supplier will comply with the requirements of 41 CFR
§§ 60-1.4(a), 60-300.5(a) and 60-741.5(a). These regulations prohibit discrimination
against all individuals based on their race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation,
gender identity, national origin, protected veteran status or status as a qualified
individual with a disability. These regulations require that covered prime
contractors and subcontractors take affirmative action to employ and advance in
employment individuals without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual
orientation, gender identity, national origin, protected veteran status or status as a
qualified individual with a disability. To the extent not exempt, Contractor and Supplier
will also comply with the requirements of 29 CFR Part 471, Appendix A.
2.3 Government Contracts Appendix. Contracts and purchase orders that are
necessary for the performance of a Citi contract with the federal government must contain
the following notice in the appendix of the subcontract or purchase order. (If uncertain
whether it is a federal government subcontract/purchase order, err on including and add
“As applicable” at the end of the notice below.)
As a federal government contractor, Citigroup is hereby providing the undersigned
contractor or vendor with written notice of our affirmative action obligations on behalf of
protected veterans and individuals with disabilities. Citigroup complies fully with Section
503 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Vietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance Act,
as well as its applicable regulations under 41 C.F.R. § 60-741 and 41 C.F.R. § 60-300,
respectively. Our Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Statement can be found at
. Any questions about our affirmative action
obligations can be directed to the contact provided in our Policy Statement.
[As applicable,], We request that you take appropriate action consistent with our Policy
Statement and the regulations.
Citi has policies, procedures, and internal controls reasonably designed to comply with
applicable AB&C laws, and strictly prohibits bribery or facilitation payments in any form.
Suppliers, their Personnel, or anyone acting on Citi’s behalf, directly or indirectly, shall
conduct their activities in accordance with the highest ethical standards and in compliance
with the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), the U.K. Bribery Act (UKBA), each as
amended, and all other applicable local AB&C laws of the countries in which Citi operates.
Neither Supplier, nor any of its Personnel, operating on Citi’s behalf, or in connection with
any of the Supplier’s agreement or relationship with Citi, (i) will make, confer, authorize,
or offer any payments, benefits, advantages, or any other thing of value to any person; or
(ii) receive or accept any payment, benefit, advantage, or any other thing of value from
any person, in each of case (i)-(ii) in violation of the FCPA, the UKBA, or any other AB&C
laws. Supplier and its Personnel must conduct their activities and transactions on behalf
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 7 of 60
of Citi, or in connection with any of the Supplier’s agreement or relationship with Citi, in
compliance with the applicable Requirements in this Standard, including this Section.
Supplier and its Personnel must also maintain an AB&C compliance program, and policies
and procedures designed and applied to ensure its compliance with all AB&C laws.
For an overview of Citi’s AB&C Program, please visit Citigroup’s Investor Relations
Citi Policies, select AB&C Program).
5) Neither Suppliers, nor their Personnel, may provide gifts or anything of value (including
entertainment) to Citi employees, where doing so would create an actual or apparent
conflict of interest, quid pro quo, compromise the employee’s integrity or judgment or
otherwise improperly influence the employee’s decision-making, cause the employee
to act contrary to his / her duties or would otherwise be in violation of applicable laws.
Without limiting the foregoing, the employee must adhere to the Prohibited Gifts and
Entertainment Section of the G&E Standard. Suppliers and their Personnel must not
provide non-cash business gifts exceeding, in aggregate, U.S. $100 per person per
calendar year to any Citi employee.
6) When a Supplier provides business entertainment (e.g., an invitation to a meal,
sporting, cultural or other comparable event) to a Citi employee, the Supplier must be
in attendance at the event and the entertainment must be appropriate, customary and
reasonable, not lavish or excessively frequent. Furthermore, if the Supplier is not in
attendance at the event, the entertainment will be considered a business gift, and
subject to the Citi Gifts and Entertainment Standard applicable reporting thresholds.
The Supplier may not, on behalf of Citi or purportedly on behalf of Citi, provide anything
of value, including at Supplier’s own expense or a Citi employee expense, to any
person, directly or indirectly, or to induce another person to do the same, if doing so
would be, or would be reasonably perceived to be, corrupt, inappropriate, or in violation
of applicable law.
Citi has implemented a Supplier Diversity Program which, among other initiatives,
encourages the use of businesses certified as being owned by minorities, women,
disabled individuals or veterans as suppliers and Subcontractors (“Diverse Suppliers”)
to expand our Supplier network and increase resiliency to meet our global business needs,
and to assist Diverse Suppliers in their growth and development on a long-term basis. To
assist Citi with these efforts, Supplier will, consistent with its other obligations hereunder
and to the extent it is using Subcontractors or otherwise purchasing goods or services in
connection with Supplier’s performance of its obligations under this Contract, make good
faith efforts to spend not less than fifteen percent (15%) of the amount Supplier is spending
with respect to its Subcontractors towards goods and services sourced from Diverse
Suppliers. Supplier will provide Citi with information relating to Supplier’s expenditures,
either direct or indirect, with Diverse Suppliers by completing a “Diversity Profile Tier 2
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 8 of 60
Form” (which Citi may provide on a quarterly basis) and sending the completed form to
Citi within fourteen (14) calendar days following the later of:
a) the close of the quarter during which Citi submits a Diversity Profile Tier 2 Form
to Supplier, or
b) the date Supplier receives a Diversity Profile Tier 2 Form from Citi.
Citi complies with and expects its Suppliers and Subcontractors to comply with all
applicable equal opportunity laws. There are no penalties or financial consequences for
Supplier or Subcontractors who do not spend 15% with Diverse Suppliers. Citi will keep
and treat all Diversity Profile Tier 2 Forms in accordance with Citi’s confidentiality
obligations as set forth in Appendix E. Supplier will submit all completed Diversity Profile
Tier 2 Forms to the attention of the Citigroup Supplier Diversity Program, 388 Greenwich
Street, 19th Floor, New York, NY 10013, attention Director, Supplier Diversity Program.
Additional information is available on the site Doing Business with Citi,
which describes
Citi’s additional expectations for Suppliers that may be found in:
Citi Statement of Supplier Principles
Citi Statement of Human Rights
Citi Sustainable Progress Strategy
Environmental and Social Policy Framework
Citi is committed to maintaining systems and controls aimed at identifying and addressing
the risk that modern slavery and human trafficking could take place within its organization
or in its supply chains. Citi’s Suppliers shall adhere to the Requirements set out below,
and shall develop effective enterprise-wide policies, procedures and/or practices to
identify and address the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking within their own
operations and supply chains. Suppliers are required to complete Citi’s Corporate
Responsibility Questionnaire at Citi’s request, including any additional information as
needed, to enable Citi to assess risk exposure and any potential mitigation steps,
particularly for Suppliers in higher-risk sectors and geographies.
6.1 Child Labor Avoidance. Supplier shall not employ child labor. The term “child” refers
to any person under the age of 15 (or 14 where the law of the country permits), or
under the age for completing compulsory education, or under the minimum age for
employment in the country, whichever is the youngest. Subject to the overriding
prohibition on the use of child labor, if workers under the age of 18 are employed, then
particular care shall be taken as to the duties that they carry out and the conditions in
which they are required to work to ensure that they come to no physical, mental or
other harm as a direct or indirect result of their work or working conditions.
6.2 Freely Chosen Employment. Supplier shall ensure that workers are not forced,
mentally or physically coerced, bonded, indentured, or subjected to involuntary prison
labor or slave trafficked or subjected to compulsory labor in any form, including forced
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 9 of 60
overtime. All work must be carried out voluntarily. Supplier’s obligations hereunder
include, but are not limited to, ensuring the following:
1. Contracts, Wages and Working Hours: Workers shall have their terms of
employment or engagement set out in a written document that is easily
understandable to them and which clearly sets out their rights and obligations.
This written document shall include, but not be limited to, transparent terms with
respect to wages, overtime pay, payment periods, working hours and rights in
respect of rest breaks and holiday. Such written terms shall be provided to the
worker in advance of his or her commencement of work, shall be honored by the
employer and shall meet industry standards and the minimum requirements of
applicable laws and collective agreements where the work is carried out.
2. Right to Freely Terminate Work: Workers must have the right to terminate their
employment freely, as appropriate following a reasonable period of notice in
accordance with applicable laws and collective agreements, and without the
imposition of any improper penalties.
3. Inhumane Treatment: Workers, their families and those closely associated with
them, shall not be subject to harsh or inhumane treatment, including, but not
limited to, physical punishment, physical, psychological or sexual violence or
coercion, verbal abuse, harassment or intimidation. Migrant workers, their
families and those closely associated with them, should not be subject to
discrimination in their terms or conditions of work due to their nationality.
4. Wages, Benefits and Working Hours: Compensation should comply with all
applicable wage laws, including those relating to minimum wages, overtime
hours and legally mandated benefits. Employees should be able to earn fair
wages, as determined by applicable local law. Work weeks should not exceed
the maximum set by local law.
5. No Confiscation of Identity Documents: Workers shall not have their identity
or travel permits, passports, or other official documents or any other valuable
items confiscated or withheld as a condition of employment and the withholding
of property shall not be used, directly or indirectly, to restrict workers' freedoms
or to create workplace slavery.
6. No Recruitment Fees or Debt Bondage: Fees or costs associated with the
recruitment of workers (including, but not limited to, fees related to work visas,
travel costs and document processing costs) shall not be charged to workers,
whether directly or indirectly. Similarly, workers shall not be required to make
payments which have the intent or effect of creating workplace slavery, including
security payments, or be required to repay debt through work. If it is determined
that fees or costs have been charged to workers related to the recruitment
process or are incurred during the course of employment, the Supplier should
seek to have those costs reimbursed. Where it is necessary to recruit workers,
who are engaged via a third party, such as an employment agency, then only
reputable employment agencies shall be engaged. Where workers are sourced
to be employed directly, only reputable recruitment agencies shall be engaged.
7. Freedom of Movement: Workers shall be free to move without unreasonable
restrictions and shall not be physically confined to the place of work or other
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 10 of 60
employer-controlled locations (for example, accommodation blocks). There shall
be no requirement placed on workers that they take accommodation in employer-
controlled premises except where this is necessary due to the location or nature
of the work being performed.
8. Grievances without retaliation: Workers shall be free to file grievances to their
employers about the employer's treatment of them and workers shall not suffer
detriment, retaliation, or victimization for having raised a grievance.
7.1 Supplier’s Personnel Training, Assignment, Re-Assignment and Management
Supplier will use adequate numbers of individuals with suitable training, education,
experience, and skill to perform the Services in the most effective manner consistent with
any Contract and will substantiate the qualifications of such individuals upon request.
After Personnel have been assigned to a Project, Supplier will not reassign or utilize any
Personnel for other matters that reduces his/her availability to work on the Project without
the prior written consent of Citi and will generally assign Personnel on Projects a manner
that minimizes disruptions caused by the need for reorientation. Supplier will ensure that
its Personnel do not hold themselves out as employees or agents of Citi, nor seek to be
treated as employees of Citi for any purpose, including claims of entitlement to fringe
benefits provided by Citi, or for disability income, social security taxes or benefits, Federal
unemployment taxes, State unemployment insurance benefits or Federal income tax
withholding. Supplier is solely responsible for all employer-related responsibilities with
respect to its Personnel including, but not limited to maintaining all required insurance
coverages, filing all applicable tax returns and making all required payments and deposits
of taxes in a manner consistent with Supplier’s status as an independent contractor.
7.2 Replacement of Supplier’s Personnel
Supplier will remove and replace any Personnel assigned by Supplier to a Project if Citi
notifies Supplier that he or she is unacceptable to Citi for any other non-discriminatory
reason. Supplier further agrees to remove and replace any Personnel assigned to a
Project and to bar him or her from providing Services to Citi (or from any responsibility
with respect to the delivery or oversight of Services) immediately where he or she is unable
or unwilling to provide the Services in a timely and professional manner.
7.3 Supplier’s Personnel Policies
Supplier represents, warrants and covenants that it maintains and effectively administers
comprehensive policies and procedures for qualifying its Personnel who are natural
persons and are assigned to provide onsite Services to Citi, and that those policies and
procedures include work authorization verification, background checks of employment
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 11 of 60
history and criminal convictions, as further set forth herein, and pre-employment drug
testing, all to the extent permitted by Applicable Law and any applicable collective
bargaining agreement. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Supplier further
represents, warrants and covenants that it has controls and procedures to ensure
Supplier’s full compliance with all immigration-related Applicable Law, including validating
that all Supplier Personnel assigned to Citi are authorized to work throughout the
assignment in full compliance with all immigration-related Applicable Law. Upon request,
Supplier will promptly provide Citi with written evidence of work authorization for any or all
Supplier Personnel assigned to Citi and its compliance with immigration-related Applicable
Law and will replace any Personnel that does not have work authorization consistent with
Applicable Law with suitably qualified replacements, including providing all necessary
training and orientation to ensure the timely and effective provision of Services, in each
case at no additional cost.
7.4 Supplier Ownership
To comply with applicable laws and regulations in the jurisdictions that Citi conducts
business, upon request by Citi, suppliers are obligated to provide the details of owners,
who is a natural person and / or an entity, including immediate owner(s) of the supplier up
to and includes the ultimate beneficial owner having ownership or control directly or
indirectly through influence or other means over the engagement, product, or service.
8.1 In connection with Citi’s efforts to identify and mitigate fraud risk (“Fraud
Management”). All Suppliers shall:
1. Cooperate with any Citi investigation of suspected or alleged theft, fraud or
other potential criminal activity or wrongdoing, and any prosecution of
fraudulent or criminal behavior to the fullest extent of the law;
2. Ensure timely reporting and referral of any potential fraud events to Citi through
the Ethics Hotline
. This includes but is not limited to, attempted, suspected,
alleged or actual theft, fraud (e.g., submitting knowingly false, inaccurate or
misrepresented data regarding the Supplier, billing schemes, disappearance
of funds or securities, etc.), criminal activity or wrongdoing involving Citi, a Citi
employee, a Citi Supplier or agent or a Citi nonemployee (e.g., temporary
employees and contractors);
3. Permit monitoring and oversight by Citi and its representatives and support Citi
and Law Enforcement led investigations into potentially fraudulent activity
involving that Supplier;
4. Report, in a timely manner, any conflict of interests (including conflicts of
interests between Suppliers/Supplier Employees and/or Citi Employees) of
which Suppliers are made aware; and
5. Support Citi’s fraud-prevention processes during the set-up or update of a
Supplier’s bank account in Citi’s Supplier payment system.
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 12 of 60
8.2 Further to this, Suppliers that provide services that are inherently more exposed to
fraud risk are required to:
1. Document and follow a Fraud Risk Management Program that identifies the
material fraud risks relevant to the services they provide to Citi and the controls
and procedures in place to mitigate these risks;
2. Complete fraud awareness training (within 90 calendar days of hire and
annually thereafter) and train staff on specific elements of fraud risk that relate
to the specific services provided to Citi; and
3. Monitor instances of attempted fraud and maintain effective controls to mitigate
the risk of fraud on the services they provide to Citi, document procedures for
controls and test the effectiveness of controls on an ongoing basis, reporting
any deficiencies to the Business Activity Owner (BAO).
4. Provide any required information for the ongoing monitoring/evaluation of the
fraud risk exposure to the Business Activity Owner (BAO)
8.3 Suppliers with higher inherent fraud risk include, but are not limited to, those that:
1. have access to data classified as Confidential or higher (when not under Citi’s
direct control or supervision) that can be used to enable fraud such as access
to internal accounts, financial transactions, cash transactions.
2. have connectivity to Citi networks / systems; and
3. provide, support, or have access to, services and capabilities which could be
targeted to commit or enable fraud, including:
a) Identification, on-boarding or processing applications from new clients;
b) Citi or Client Payment / Fund Transfer activities, and / or authentication of
Citi clients access these services;
c) Making, checking or fulfilling changes to Citi data or Citi-client (e.g.,
demographic) data;
d) Provision, servicing or authorization of transactional instruments (e.g.,
debit / credit cards, eWallets, checkbooks, etc.);
e) Provision or support of operational fraud management activities to Citi,
relating to the prevention, detection or response to fraud events;
f) Providing physical access to cash, financial instruments and assets /
physical goods;
g) Unescorted or off hours access in Citi facilities;
h) Financial Statements: accounting activities, such as posting entries to the
GL / SL;
i) Earning and spending Rewards for incentivized activities.
Citi Enterprise Services and Public Affairs is the only department authorized to issue press
releases or public statements on behalf of Citi. Suppliers may not issue any press release,
which directly or indirectly identifies Citi, any Contract or arrangement between a Supplier
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 13 of 60
and Citi or any products and services procured from a Supplier by Citi. Suppliers may not
consent to or engage in any public relations activity relating to Citi with Clients, Citi
employees, other Citi Suppliers, other customers of Suppliers or any other third parties
without prior written approval from their primary Citi business contact.
Suppliers may not publish or post any material in written or electronic format (including
books, articles, podcasts, webcasts, blogs, website postings, photos, videos, social media,
or other media), conduct or make speeches, give interviews, or make public appearances
that mention Citi, Citi’s operations, Clients, products, or services, without prior written
approval from their primary Citi business contact and the senior country or regional public
affairs officer.
Whether or not in connection with the provision of services or products to Citi, Suppliers
may not use Citi’s proprietary indicia, trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos,
symbols, or brand names, without, in each case, securing the prior written consent of Citi.
Suppliers may not use Citi’s name, logo or trademarks, facilities or relationships for benefit
or for work outside of Citi (including on letterhead or personal websites, blogs or other
social networking sites). Further, Suppliers may not make any use of Citi’s name, facilities
or relationships for charitable or pro bono purposes.
When interacting with Citi personnel, or in the performance of its obligations for or on
behalf of Citi, Suppliers are permitted to use only those Written Electronic
Communications Equipment, Systems and Services that approved by Citi. New,
expanded, or modified Citi eComm Channels, whether as standalone tools or integrated
into a broader platform, Citi-provided or third-party, must be approved in accordance with
applicable Citi Requirements of which Supplier has been notified in writing by their BAO.
Communicating Citi business with Citi personnel on non-Citi approved messaging
platforms, such as WhatsApp, WeChat, LINE, Slack, Signal, Telegram, iMessage, SMS,
Viber, and any other interactive electronic platform, is prohibited.
Additionally, Suppliers should have no expectation of privacy with respect to written
Electronic Communications created, discovered, used, accessed, downloaded, stored,
transmitted, received or deleted via Citi-provided Communications Equipment, Systems
and Services. Citi may monitor Electronic Communications Equipment, Systems and
Services, and Electronic Communications. Such Electronic Communications are owned
by Citi and may be retained in accordance with applicable record retention requirements
(subject to local law and regulation).
For further information, review the Electronic Communications Policy
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A variety of laws, such as campaign finance, gifts and entertainment, legislative and
regulatory lobbying, procurement, pay-to-play, and securities, regulate political activities,
including disclosure requirements, of Citi and its Suppliers. Any political activity by
Suppliers that does not comply with relevant Citi policy or standards, law or regulation is
Political activity includes but is not limited to:
1. Making corporate or personal political contributions, soliciting political
contributions, using company funds or resources (such as facilities, equipment,
software or personnel) or volunteering personal services during company time
on behalf of a candidate campaigning for a public office, a political party
committee or a political committee;
2. Lobbying or engaging in any outreach to public officials, whether directly or
through third parties, including attempts to influence legislation and, depending
on the jurisdiction, may include attempts to influence agency rulemaking or the
awarding of government contracts; or
3. Seeking, accepting or holding any political office associated with a
government, including any government board, commission or other similar
No political activity may be undertaken or conducted by any Supplier on behalf of (or
purportedly on behalf of) Citi without prior written authorization of Citi’s Global Government
Affairs Global Operations Control ([email protected]). Although Citi may pay a fee
and/or reimburse out of pocket costs for contracted and permissible political activity
services provided by the Supplier, such as lobbying, Citi will never reimburse a Supplier
or any of its employees for personal or corporate political contributions of any kind.
Applicable to Suppliers performing certain customer-related services (i.e., on-boarding, customer
account and transaction screening) or the delivery of data/metrics related to the foregoing
activities; AND/OR acting as an intermediary with regard to cash or financial instruments (e.g.,
remote deposit capture, courier, armored car, or lockbox services).
12.1 AML-Related Obligations:
1. Maintain and comply with Citi processes and procedures designed to address
the requirements of applicable laws, including (i) the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
and the regulations promulgated thereunder; (ii) the USA PATRIOT Act and
the regulations promulgated thereunder; (iii) any law or regulation addressing
money laundering; and (iv) any law or regulation related to economic
sanctions. Such policies and procedures will address anti-money laundering
roles and responsibilities, including the requirements to promptly report any
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 15 of 60
observed activity that appears unusual or potentially unusual related to the
intake of cash; and
2. Ensure that those of its Personnel providing Services to Citi receive annual
training with respect to anti-money laundering roles and responsibilities,
including the requirements to promptly report any observed activity that
appears unusual or potentially unusual related to the intake of cash. The
training may include such components as:
a. Reporting and escalation of suspicious activity
b. A “Know Your Customer” program, including a Customer Identification
Program, sanctions and name screening, customer due diligence and
enhanced due diligence
c. Transaction monitoring
d. Periodic reporting/metrics, including reporting on legal and regulatory
changes and material AML program changes
e. Testing and controls of AML program effectiveness, including site visits
3. Comply with any Contract provisions that define any AML program that must
be instituted by the Supplier.
4. Promptly report to Citi in writing any suspected breaches of law, including any
observed activity that appears unusual or potentially unusual related to the
intake of cash related to Citi or its customers.
5. Comply with all applicable tax laws and regulations in the countries where they
operate. Under no circumstances should suppliers engage in deliberate illegal
tax evasion or facilitate such evasion on behalf of others, which may include
engaging in activities that would assist in evading the payment of taxes that
are due and payable or concealing information from tax authorities. As such,
Suppliers shall adopt reasonable prevention procedures relating to tax evasion
and promptly report to Citi in writing any violations or suspected violations that
relate to Citi.
12.2 Suppliers shall maintain appropriate internal policies and procedures to comply with
all AML laws and regulations now in existence or hereinafter brought into effect.
Applicable to Suppliers who access/process/store Citi Information.
Citi requires that all Suppliers with custody of Citi Information work with their Business
Activity Owner (BAO) or primary Citi business contact to (i) identify and classify
Information as Records or Transitory for Citi’s records management purposes, (ii) classify
Records in accordance with Citi’s Master Record Catalogue (MRC), (iii) retain
Information based on the retention requirements and (iv) absent Record Holds,
appropriately dispose of Information at the end of the Information Lifecycle.
Supplier must work with their primary Citi business contact or BAO to ensure the Records
Inventory identifies and classifies records according to Citi record codes in the MRC and
is updated at least annually. Supplier has the obligation to abide by the Records
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 16 of 60
Management requirements communicated by the BAO. Records meeting their eligibility
criteria for disposal must be appropriately disposed of as soon as possible, but no longer
than six months after the retention requirements have been met. Supplier must suspend
destruction or alteration of Citi Information when notified of a Record Hold. Transitory
Information must be destroyed no longer than two years after its last use unless subject
to Hold. Supplier shall check with their primary Citi business contact or the BAO in the
event of any uncertainty.
Suppliers maintaining documents on behalf of Citi are responsible for preserving
(“holding”), collecting, and producing all Information that is deemed to be relevant to a
legal or other proceeding within the required time as requested to them by the BAO.
Suppliers must not dispose of any Citi Information, irrespective of its classification (e.g.,
Confidential, non-Confidential) without their primary Citi business contact or BAO
approval, which must include confirmation that no active Record Holds apply to the
Information due for disposal. Records Management and retention requirements and all
other information-handling requirements shall survive termination or expiration of the
Contract, unless explicitly agreed to otherwise.
Suppliers shall maintain documentation listing all Supplier Personnel responsible for
overseeing management of Citi Information in Supplier custody and hold periodic meetings
with their primary Citi business contact or Records Management Officer to review and
update contact names, procedural details, roles and responsibilities and the Supplier
Record Inventory.
Applicable to Suppliers who are included in the Recovery Plan for the Citi Business unit or if the
supplier hosts an application with recovery capabilities (i.e., numeric Technology Recovery Time
Capability (TRTC) or Recovery Time Objective (RTO), which is used by Citi. The Citi Business
(BAO) is responsible for communicating applicability and COB requirements to the Supplier
14.1 Recovery Resources. Suppliers' Disaster Recovery Plan must provide alternate
resources capable of delivering all products and services to Citi in the event the
Supplier's primary locations become disabled. Recovery resources must be located in
geographically separate locations from the primary locations with sufficient separation
to minimize or eliminate the threat that the same disaster event may affect both the
primary and recovery locations.
1. Recovery resources are not limited to Information Systems, but include all
resources required for continued delivery of products and services to Citi
and may include staff, buildings, business equipment, data centers, data
and voice networks and transportation services.
14.2 Recovery Service Levels. Suppliers' business continuity must meet established
levels of service in order to be effective for Citi. At minimum, Supplier’s Disaster
Recovery Plan shall establish specific values for:
1. Recovery Time Objective
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 17 of 60
2. Recovery Point Objective
3. Recovery Resources / Technology Capacity
4. Recovery Duration
14.3 Disaster Recovery Plan. Supplier will maintain a Disaster Recovery Plan for the
continuation of business (and provide evidence of its current and periodic testing, if
requested by Citi) so that despite any disruption in Supplier’s ability to provide the
Products/Services or to perform its other obligations hereunder from any particular
location or through the efforts of any particular individuals, Supplier will promptly be
able to provide the Products/Services and perform its obligations from an alternate
location or with replacement Personnel. A copy of the Disaster Recovery Plan must
be provided to Citi within ten (10) calendar days of the Effective Date of each Work
Order entered into between Citi and Supplier, and annually thereafter for so long as
each Work Order is in effect. Supplier will provide Citi with any instructions or other
information necessary for Citi to continue to receive Products/Services from Supplier
under circumstances where Supplier has had to invoke its Disaster Recovery Plan.
Supplier represents, warrants, and covenants that its disaster recovery plan will, at a
minimum, include:
1. Recovery procedures and strategies, including relocate, transfer of work,
and/or remote access to mitigate the effects of disruptions including
unavailability of technology (Denial of Service/DoS), unavailability of
primary work location (Denial of Access/DoA), and unavailability of staff
(inclusive of subcontractors);
2. Maintenance by Supplier (including but not limited to) of a secondary
disaster recovery site separate from the Product/Service locations, the
storing of back-up media at a location separate from the Product/Service
locations, the use of redundant communications lines and servers;
3. Procedures for back-up/restoration of operating and application of the
Products/Services, including a detailed, documented plan for responding
to a prolonged disruption in Products/Services caused by power failure,
system failure, natural disaster, or other unforeseen circumstances that
includes processes and procedures for resuming operations within a
mutually agreed upon time period;
4. Procedures for the protection of all Content;
5. Procedures and any third party agreements for replacement equipment
(e.g., computer equipment);
6. Procedures for any off-site production facilities; and
7. Supplier’s Disaster Recovery plan will provide that:
a. Supplier will promptly notify Citi of any disaster that could negatively
impact the Products/Services;
b. Supplier will provide Citi, within 24 hours of said notice, a plan to
continue to provide the Products/Services at an alternative
processing facility;
c. The Products/Services must be fully operational within the required
Recovery Time Objective (RTO), which, if not otherwise defined in
the applicable contract, are 4 hours or less for those processes
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 18 of 60
rated by Citi as having a criticality rating of “1”, 24 hours or less for
those processes rated by Citi as having a criticality rating of “2” and
72 hours or less for those processes rated by Citi as having a
criticality rating of “3”; and
d. In the event that parts of Supplier’s facilities are inoperable,
Supplier will treat Citi no less favorably than Supplier treats its other
commercial customers.
14.4 Disaster Recovery Plan Requirements Applicable to Hosted Services. To the
extent Supplier manages and provides a Hosted Service to Citi, the provisions that
follow shall also apply. The Disaster Recovery Plan will, at a minimum, include:
1. Procedures for back-up/restoration of operating and application of the
Hosted Services, including a detailed, documented plan for responding to
a prolonged disruption in services caused by power failure, system failure,
natural disaster, or other unforeseen circumstances that includes
processes and procedures for resuming operations within a mutually
agreed upon time period;
2. In addition, Supplier’s Disaster Recovery Plan will provide that: (a) Supplier
will notify Citi in writing within two (2) hours of any disaster that could
negatively impact the Hosted Services; (b) Supplier will provide Citi, within
24 hours of such notice, a plan to continue to provide the Hosted Services
at an alternative processing facility, and (c) the Hosted Services must be
fully operational within 48 hours of the initial notice;
3. Supplier agrees, upon request, to release the information necessary to
allow Citi to develop a disaster recovery plan and a continuity of business
plan, which will work in concert with Supplier’s disaster recovery plan and
continuity of business plan; and
4. In the event that parts of Supplier’s facilities are inoperable, Supplier will
treat Citi no less favorably than Supplier treats its other commercial
14.5 Changes to the Disaster Recovery Plan. Supplier may change its Disaster
Recovery Plan as long as the changes do not degrade the Disaster Recovery Plan in
a manner that is likely to adversely affect the services (e.g., lengthening its RTOs).
Supplier will promptly communicate any changes in its Disaster Recovery Plan to Citi
and, at Citi’s request, explain changes so that Citi will fully understand and be able to
respond to the changes.
14.6 Subcontractors’ Disaster Recovery Plan. Supplier will ensure that any
Subcontractor of Supplier maintains a Disaster Recovery Plan that is fully consistent
with the Citi Requirements for Suppliers.
14.7 Disaster Recovery Plan Invocation and Crisis Notification. Suppliers will
promptly notify the primary Citi business contact:
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 19 of 60
1. when Supplier invokes its Disaster Recovery Plan; and;
2. concerning any crisis, threat, warning or cyber event against Supplier or its
subcontractors that is reasonably likely to have an adverse impact on the
services or products provided to Citi.
14.8 Testing. All the Supplier's recovery resources and plans must test within 120 days
following production implementation and be tested annually (every 12 months) at
minimum. Testing shall demonstrate the Supplier's ability to meet the recovery service
levels for all products and services delivered to Citi. These tests must be
comprehensive and include the full scope of Services provided to Citi. Suppliers must
provide Citi with at least 30 calendar days’ advance notice of testing the recovery of
products/services provided to Citi. Citi may participate in or observe Supplier's
recovery testing. If Citi wishes to participate, Supplier will provide Citi with the test
objectives, the test plan, and procedures for connecting to the test site before
conducting the test. Within ten (10) business calendar days after completing each
test, Supplier will provide Citi with a summary of the test objectives, the test plan and
the test results, including the timeframes required to recover critical business functions
and evidence of the test results (e.g., screen shots).
14.9 Volume Validation. A Supplier that hosts Citi’s Franchise Critical Applications
(FCAs) used for critical transaction processing must demonstrate that Production
volumes can be processed in their COB / disaster recovery environment. Citi and the
Supplier must agree on the methodology to be used for validation.
14.10 Use of Citi’s Systems to Provide Services. If requested by Citi or Citi’s Affiliates,
Suppliers using Citi’s Systems will participate, at no cost or charge to Citi, in Citi’s
disaster recovery exercises.
14.11 Addressing Test Findings. If any test results from Supplier’s testing show a failure
to meet any test objectives or any applicable RTO, Supplier will undertake to perform
a source cause analysis and to remedy promptly any identified deficiencies. Following
implementation of such remediation, Supplier shall conduct a retest not later than one
hundred twenty (120) calendar days following the initial test failure (or the period of
time specified in the relevant Work Order).
14.12 Crisis Management. In conjunction with its business continuity plan, the Supplier
shall maintain a crisis management plan for command and control of recovery
operations. At a minimum, the Supplier's crisis management plan shall identify specific
individuals of sufficient authority to activate a recovery operation, define
communication and escalation protocols for gathering and disseminating crisis
information and include notification and escalation protocols for communicating with
Citi in the event of a crisis.
14.13 Business Continuity Assessments. Suppliers are subject to Citi’s Third-Party
Continuity of Business Assessment Process for assessment of Supplier’s policies,
procedures, and controls regarding compliance with Citi requirements and any legal and /
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 20 of 60
or regulatory requirements (applicable to either Citi or Supplier) that pertain to business
continuity. The assessment consists of questionnaires requiring responses from the
Supplier with supporting evidence and may include visits to Supplier’s locations. Should
the findings of an assessment disclose or indicate problems or concerns, Citi will
document findings and work with the Supplier to identify a means for correcting the
problems. Suppliers must expeditiously make the necessary corrections and add or
compensating controls to address Citi’s concerns to Citi’s reasonable satisfaction.
14.14 Operational Resilience. Critical Business Services are those services which, if
delivery was disrupted, could cause significant adverse impact to Citi, its clients or the
financial system. Supplier shall ensure that any disruption to the delivery of elements of
the services that either amount to critical business services or support the provision of
critical business services by Citi, as specified by Citi from time to time (“Critical Business
Services”) does not exceed the duration set by Citi or otherwise breach any relevant metric
set by Citi (“Impact Tolerances” as notified to Supplier from time to time.
Impact Tolerances will be expressed as a clear metric, including a maximum tolerable
duration or Maximum Tolerable Downtime (MTD) for which delivery of the Critical
Business Service may be disrupted. Citi and Supplier shall review the Impact
Tolerances annually as part of the ongoing contract governance processes. Where
Citi is required to set two Impact Tolerances for an individual Critical Business Service
due to the requirements of more than one Regulatory Body, then Citi may specify
separate Impact Tolerances for such Critical Business Service. Supplier shall:
1. Notify Citi as soon as it becomes aware that it has failed (or is reasonably
likely to fail) to deliver any Critical Business Service within the
corresponding Impact Tolerance(s) set by Citi together with an explanation
of the reasons for any prospective or actual failure and the steps being
taken to mitigate the impact of such failure;
2. Where requested to do so, provide reasonable assistance to Citi to enable
it to identify the people, processes, technology, facilities and information
that are necessary for Supplier to deliver any Critical Business Services;
3. Reasonable assistance to Citi for the purposes of enabling Citi to conduct:
a. any internal scenario testing of Supplier's ability to remain within the
Impact Tolerance(s) for each Critical Business Service in the event
of a severe but plausible disruption to its or the Supplier’s operations;
b. any lessons learned exercised following a scenario test to enable
Citi to identify weaknesses and any actions necessary to improve
Supplier’s ability to effectively respond and recover from future
4. Where any internal scenario testing by Citi identifies vulnerabilities or
limitations on Supplier’s ability to deliver Critical Business Services within
the corresponding Impact Tolerance(s) set by Citi and following any failure
by Supplier to deliver any Critical Business Service within the
corresponding Impact Tolerance(s) set by Citi, the parties will agree a plan
(including a timetable to implement the plan), to ensure that Supplier takes
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 21 of 60
the steps necessary to resolve or mitigate such vulnerabilities or limitations
or remedy the cause of the failure to remain within the Impact Tolerance(s)
(as applicable) as soon as is reasonably practicable.
Applicable to all Third-Party Suppliers, including those whose personnel have access to Citi
systems/networks AND/OR unescorted access to Citi premises AND/OR utilize Subcontractors.
(Such personnel would be required to have a GEID, and be registered in Citi’s Non-Employee
Management System)
15.1 Overview Background Screening
Background screening must be performed in accordance with all applicable local laws and
regulations. All information and self-disclosures described within this document must be
provided by Supplier’s personnel and Subcontractors as appropriate. Falsification or
omission of information whether on a resume, during the interview, on an on-boarding
form or during the on-boarding process, no matter when discovered, may constitute
grounds for denial or termination of assignment with Citi in accordance with local law.
Adverse results to any screening performed, no matter when discovered, may also
constitute grounds for denial or termination of assignment with Citi in accordance with
local law.
Additional information on background screening completion can be found at
15.2 Collection of Basic Information and Identity Verification
Prior to any Supplier’s personnel beginning a Citi assignment, Suppliers must collect the
individuals’ first and last name, mailing address and permanent address (if different),
telephone number and email address (if applicable).Supplier’s Personnel must also
provide documentation which validates their identity. This may include providing
information and / or documentation of a national ID number, a government-issued
identification card with a picture, or a passport.
15.3 Sanctions Screening
All Supplier personnel, including Subcontractors irrespective of access to Citi
data/systems/networks AND/OR access to Citi premises, must be screened, against the
United States Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”),
Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons (“SDN”) list and the list of regions
and jurisdictions subject to sanctions imposed by the United States (“U.S.Sanctions”).
Screening must apply to names, addresses, aliases and date of birth provided from the
verification process, prior to their first day of assignment (except where not allowable by
local law). Supplier Personnel who are positively matched to a sanctions list entry are
prohibited from working on the Citi assignment. Any indication or misrepresentation may
result in the ineligibility for or closure of the assignment.
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 22 of 60
OFAC lists are publicly available at this website: https://home.treasury.gov/policy-
15.4 Immigration Compliance
Supplier must demonstrate that it has protocols for verifying that its personnel are
authorized to work in the countries where they are assigned, and that Supplier has
complied with all applicable laws and regulations to verify employment eligibility. Supplier
further must demonstrate that it has protocols for ensuring that its personnel are otherwise
in compliance with all applicable immigration laws and regulations and that its personnel
hold the appropriate classification of visa for the assignments and activities in which they
are engaged.
15.5 Employment History
Suppliers must validate the employment history of its personnel for the past seven (7)
years or 10 years if required per regulation. The individual’s employment history must be
validated to ensure that the employers, positions, dates and duties have been accurately
represented. Supplier’s personnel must also disclose any prior employment or
assignment as a consultant or temporary worker with Citi or any of its predecessor
companies (including, but not limited to: Citibank, Citicorp, Travelers, Salomon Brothers
and / or Smith Barney). They must also disclose whether they have been terminated by,
asked to resign by or denied employment or assignment after receiving an offer from, Citi
or any of its predecessor companies.
15.6 Education History
Suppliers must validate the highest level of education of its personnel. The information
validated should include the dates attended, institution name(s), address (es) and
degree(s) obtained.
15.7 Criminal Background
Where legally permissible, Suppliers’ personnel and sub-contractors must disclose to Citi
if they become subject to an arrest, summons, subpoena, arraignment, indictment or
conviction for any criminal offense, including a guilty plea or no contest plea and any
participation in a pre-trial diversion or similar program. The administrative review of
criminal records and / or fingerprint checks must be completed prior to the assignment
start date where legally permissible and available. Criminal convictions for offenses
relating to theft, fraud, dishonesty or breaches of trust, except where otherwise prohibited
by law, may result in denial of and / or ineligibility for, assignment with Citi. Other
convictions may result in denial of and / or ineligibility for assignment based on applicable
local laws and regulations.
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 23 of 60
15.8 Re-Screening
Supplier’s Personnel whose assignment terminates must be re-screened in the event they
are reassigned to Citi. For additional information on re-screening requirements, please
refer to
15.9 International Transfers
All screening must be completed in accordance with the regulations of the country where
the assignment is located. If Supplier’s personnel transfer to a new country and there is a
break in service with Citi, the individual must be re-screened according to the requirements
of the new country.
Suppliers that are contractually eligible to claim reimbursable business expenses.
16.1 Overview
Citi will only reimburse reasonable business-related expenses that have been pre-
approved in writing by Citi and have been incurred by the Supplier in connection with the
provision of products and services to Citi, are in accordance with the terms of the
applicable Contract or Citi’s Expense Management Policy, where appropriate, and are
adequately substantiated through supporting receipts, invoices, itineraries, or other forms
of documentation as deemed acceptable by Citi.
16.2 Reimbursements
These expenses must be properly documented and invoiced to Citi in accordance with Citi
invoicing requirements. Supplier expenses must not be incurred by a Citi employee on
behalf of a Supplier. Any expense submitted to Citi for reimbursement of a valid and
approved expense item(s) must include (in addition to all other invoicing requirements):
1. The business purpose of the expense;
2. The amount and description of the expense;
3. Place and date of the expense;
4. The project name / description for which the Supplier is providing services;
5. The names and business relationship of the Citi representative requesting the
service(s) for which such expenses were incurred; and
6. Purchase Order number, where applicable.
For information on permissible reimbursable business expenses, please contact your
primary Citi business contact. Supporting receipts, invoices, itineraries, or other forms of
documentation as deemed acceptable by Citi must be submitted with the reimbursement
claim. Reimbursement claims must be compliant with the provisions in the applicable
Contract or with Citi’s Expense Management Policy, where appropriate, and approved by
the appropriate business sponsor and / or primary Citi business contact and approved by
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 24 of 60
an individual who has been duly authorized and has a sufficient amount for the
corresponding commodity. Non-compliant requests will not be reimbursed.
Applicable to Suppliers including Subcontractors that access, process, store, or manage any Citi
Information as classified and defined in the Appendix; or Host Citi branded Internet-facing
applications; or have connectivity to Citi’s network resources; or require unescorted access to Citi
17.1 Overview.
This Section provides minimum requirements for Citi’s Suppliers, including vendor
sub-processors or subcontractors, who store, process, manage, or access Citi
Information or host Citi applications, regarding the information protection controls that
are expected by Citi. These requirements ensure that information is protected in
accordance with applicable legal and regulatory requirements and the highest industry
standards (e.g., ISO / IEC 27001/2) in the locations where Citi and its Suppliers do
business. If local laws, regulations, or relevant industry standards establish higher
standards than provided here, Suppliers must comply with such laws, regulations, or
standards. In addition, Suppliers may be required to incorporate additional information
security practices and procedures as part of their compliance with other Citi policies
and contractual terms and conditions. If a Supplier decides to implement additional
security practices or procedures for information security, the Supplier must ensure that
those practices and procedures do not conflict with the minimum controls defined in
this section.
17.2 Information Security Policy & Governance.
Suppliers must have documented information security policies and standards. The
policy governance must include clearly defined roles and responsibilities and annual
policy and standard review/update for consistency with the current state of technology,
industry standards, legal, and regulatory requirements.
17.3 Segregation of Duties.
Supplier must have processes in place ensuring no individual person can perform any
two business functions or two of the IT functions, or two of the Controlled Information
System functions with persistent access for the same activity, change, Information
System or transaction without authorization or detection unless adequate
compensating controls are present to mitigate the risk.
1. Exceptions.
a) A User may initiate or approve a real transaction and still participate in
testing of new requirements for the same Citi Information System in a
non-production environment.
b) A User with the Develop function may provide production support, but
persistent access to the Citi Information System can only be granted if
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 25 of 60
the access is limited to read or view only and does not include access
to Confidential or higher information as classified by Citi.
c) A person with the Develop or Certify function who needs to provide
break / fix support utilizing the Implement function must use temporary
privileged access to the Controlled Information System.
d) A person who needs to update production data outside of application
controls must use temporary privileged access.
e) A person who needs to view data containing Confidential PII or
Sensitive PII data, as defined by Citi, outside of application controls
must use temporary privileged access.
f) Individuals performing the Develop or Certify function must not modify
or install operating system or database infrastructure software in
Controlled Information Systems.
17.4 Management Commitment to Information Security.
Suppliers, who will host a Citi-branded Internet-facing application or have access to
Citi Information with classification of Confidential or higher, are subject to Citi’s Third-
Party Information Security Assessment Process (TPISA) for assessment of Supplier’s
policies, procedures, and controls regarding compliance with Citi requirements and
any legal and / or regulatory requirements (applicable to either Citi or Supplier) that
pertain to information security.
The assessment consists of security questionnaires requiring responses from the
Supplier with supporting evidence and may include visits to Supplier’s locations where
Citi’s Confidential or higher Information may be stored, processed, managed, or
accessed by the third-party. Should the findings of a TPISA disclose or indicate
security problems or concerns, Citi will document findings in a notice to the Supplier
and work with the Supplier to identify a means for correcting the problems. Suppliers
must expeditiously make the necessary corrections add / or compensating controls to
address Citi’s concerns to Citi’s satisfaction and meet required timelines of 180
calendar days for High-Risk issues, 240 calendar days for Medium Risk issues, and
prior to the next assessment for Low-Risk issues.
1. The Supplier must regularly perform assessments of its business operations
and related controls against its own information security standards, policies,
and procedures. The periodic assessments must include, at a minimum:
a) Assessment of the processes the Supplier uses to ensure compliance
with the Supplier’s own IS policy and standards;
b) Assessment of supporting resources, such as applications and
infrastructure used by the Supplier and IS processes used by the
Supplier’s sub-contractors (if applicable) that support their business
operations or allow Citi to conduct such assessments. Compliance is
required in the event a third-party signs a new or renews an existing
contract with a sub-contractor that accesses, processes, manages or
disposes of Citi Information classified as Confidential or higher by Citi.
2. Issues that have been identified as a result of any Information Security Risk
Assessment (e.g. TPISA) must be documented and tracked to closure with
evidence of remediation provided to Citi.
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 26 of 60
3. If the Supplier’s Information Security management function is relocated across
country borders, the Supplier must obtain Citi’s documented approval prior to
such relocation.
4. If the Supplier acquires a new entity, the Supplier must complete an
assessment of the acquired entity for compliance with these Standards.
5. The Supplier must not outsource security management functions including, but
not limited to, firewall management, security configuration management, patch
management or Information Security Administration (ISA) functions for
systems used to store, process and / or transmit Citi Information unless
approved in writing in advance by Citi.
6. If Supplier hosts software or a website that contains Citi Information or is Citi
branded, periodic vulnerability assessments must be performed in accordance
with Citi’s System Security Testing Standard (SSTS) and any material issues
identified during the assessment must be remediated within the timeframes
specified in that Standard. As the SSTS is not approved for external
distribution, Suppliers must work with their Citi Relationship Manager to ensure
compliance with the reference documentation. In addition, the Supplier must
comply with relevant ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security management
standards (or successor information security management standards that
establish higher standards and protocols) and abide by the information security
provisions contained within this Section (18).
7. If connectivity to servers and / or Information Systems on the Citi internal
network is required, then the Supplier is required to notify their primary Citi
business contact so that the current connectivity provisioning process can be
8. The Supplier must promptly notify the appropriate Citi contact (Business
Activity Owner (BAO) of any unauthorized access, acquisition, loss, corruption,
or deletion of Citi Information or any other compromise to Information Systems
used to store, process, or transmit Citi Information.
9. The Supplier must ensure that all high-risk activity or changes to sensitive data
have audit trails that enable specification of what individual performed what
activity or changed what data.
10. The Supplier must ensure that all sensitive data is masked on screen and on
paper, including, for example, monitoring, exception, regulatory, and other
11. The Supplier must restrict printing, recording, or copying of sensitive data,
including by its own devices. Supplier must perform all reasonable efforts to
return or destroy all Citi information at an agreed upon point in time during or
at the end of the agreement.
12. The Supplier must ensure all supplier personnel (employees, contractors,
temps, subcontractors) with access to Citi information sign a non-disclosure or
confidentiality agreement.
13. The Supplier’s employees must be provided an employee handbook, or similar
document that contain disciplinary process for non-compliance with violations
of the Supplier’s code of conduct and human resources policies that must be
acknowledged as part of their onboarding process.
14. The Supplier has a process in place to retrieve all assets when an employee
or nonemployee is terminated or resigns.
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 27 of 60
15. If any Confidential Information is maintained, or in any manner stored on a
website or web accessible system, the Supplier must disclose this information
to Citi. This disclosure may be included in the description of Services. If
Supplier maintains or stores Citi Confidential Information, Supplier will cause a
SSAE 18 audit (or any successor authoritative assessment approved by Citi)
to be performed once a year during the term of this Agreement, and will provide
to Citi, no less than once annually, a copy of the reports documenting the
results of such SSAE 18 audit or any successor authoritative assessment
approved by Citi.
16. If Supplier is acquired or acquires another entity in any merger or acquisition
or similar transaction, and such transaction may impact the Services, Supplier
must promptly notify Citi in writing and Supplier must perform an information
security assessment on the resulting entity consistent with these Requirements
to ensure such change does not impact compliance with the same.
17.5 Subcontractor Information Security Risk.
The supplier must require that subcontractors with access to their client's data require
pre-contract and periodic post contract Information Security (IS) assessments
performed by qualified Information Security personnel that includes:
1. A management approved subcontractor Information Security assessment
process is in place, and it covers all steps from assessment initiation through
issue management.
2. Suppliers ensure IS risk assessments are performed on their subcontractors
that have access to Citi Confidential and higher data using an IS assessment
questionnaire or equivalent tool that covers IS domains that align with those
covered in Citi's Third Party IS Assessment Questionnaire (TPAQ) and
includes a logical method for calculating Information Security risk as it relates
to sub-contractors.
3. Suppliers ensure they assess the IS controls of sub-contractors with access to
Citi Information, track assessment completions, and manage the noted issues
and corrective action plans (CAPs) to closure.
17.6 Responsibility of Assets
1. Supplier must ensure that an inventory is maintained of all applications and
hardware under its control that are used to store, process and/or transmit Citi
2. Supplier must ensure that an inventory of Citi Information assets is maintained
under its control in accordance with a process used to appropriately maintain
the accuracy and completeness of that inventory.
3. Supplier must be responsible for protecting all Citi Information under its control.
4. Supplier must ensure accountability of its users’ activity in a manner consistent
with industry practices.
5. User access to personal external Internet e-mail storage and cloud storage
accounts must be restricted from the Supplier’s global network where Citi
Information resides.
17.7 Information Classification & Handling.
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 28 of 60
Citi classifies information per the following Information Classification table below. See
the Appendix for definitions and examples of each information classification listed
1. Based upon the classification of Citi Information, Citi must work with the
Supplier to specify the level of security required to protect such information and
Supplier must ensure that sufficient controls are in place, along with any
heightened or modified levels that Citi may require.
2. Confidential or higher information must be stored on third party managed
devices that are subject to a contract between the Third Party and Citi that
contains confidentiality provisions consistent with Citi policies and standards.
3. If the Supplier allows the use of non-company owned devices to store Citi data
(i.e., devices managed by a 4
party), the Supplier must have a policy in place
that requires specific management approval and have established guidelines
and monitoring procedures for the use and disposal of Citi Information.
4. Supplier must always protect Citi Information from unauthorized access,
modification, or deletion.
5. Citi Information classified as Confidential or higher transferred via Electronic
Transportable Media (ETM) must be encrypted using an approved
cryptographic algorithm and delivery must be confirmed. Supplier must confirm
that the ETM was received by the intended. If confirmation of receipt is not
received by the expected date of delivery, Supplier must notify Citi.
17.8 Secure Configuration
1. The supplier is required to maintain a documented secure configuration
standard for all assets with the potential to store, process, access, or transmit
Citi Information.
2. Supplier must incorporate information security controls in its processes and
procedures for the selection, development, and implementation of applications,
products, and services.
3. Supplier must have a secure build procedure for all systems where Citi
Information is stored, processed and / or transmitted.
4. Supplier must maintain a secure image or template for all systems.
5. All default user accounts and passwords must be removed and/or changed
from vendor-supported systems, network devices, and applications.
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 29 of 60
6. Any system or service that has been compromised must be re-built and
configured using an image or template that has a proven integrity.
7. Any change to be made to a secure configuration must be approved by
management via the Supplier’s change management process.
8. Supplier must notify Citi of any changes to the secure configuration.
9. The secure build procedure must include tools to support automated
configuration checks of the security / standard build settings at the time of
production deployment, and ongoing monitoring for compliance with and
deviations from the baseline configuration.
17.9 Encryption Requirements.
Supplier must not transmit Confidential or higher classification information over any
public network (such as the Internet) in an unencrypted manner. When a Third Party
transmits and stores Citi Information classified as Confidential or higher, encryption
requirements must be followed. Data transmitted between Citi and the Citi Third Party
must be encrypted end-to-end with Citi approved tools or solutions. Approved
protocols and respective version numbers during transmission of data are as follows:
1. When exchanging authentication and authorization information: SAML v2.0,
OAuth v2.0 (authorization only),
2. To protect the communication channels and the associated exchange of keys
the following Network Security Protocols are permitted:
a) TLS v1.3 - All TLS v1.3 suites are permitted. If TLS 1.3 is the only
permitted protocol, no additional review is necessary.
b) TLS v1.2 - If TLS 1.2 is permitted, then a grade of B or higher from
SSLLabs is acceptable and no additional review is necessary.
Data persistently stored in the Citi Third Party environment or when exchanged must
be fully encrypted using Citi approved tools or solutions. Approved algorithms and key
lengths for encrypting data are as follows:
1. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES): Approved key lengths: 256 or more
bits. Restricted Modes: Electronic Codebook (ECB) mode is prohibited except
where the amount of plaintext is less than or equal to the block length. Disk
drive encryption: AES with 256-bit key is required. AES with a 128-bit key
length is allowed as a TLS Cipher, however Citi is in the process of deprecating
this as part of our post-quantum cryptography program.
2. ChaCha20 (a stream cipher for associated use cases): Approved key
lengths: 128 or 256 bits, with 96-bit nonce and 32-bit block count or 64-bit
nonce and 64-bit block count. Maximum data size: 16 petabytes.
Approved public key cryptosystems, key exchange, agreement mechanisms,
message digest and key derivation functions, are as follows:
1. Public Key Cryptosystems and minimum key length sizes:
a) RivestShamirAdleman (RSA): 2048 bits.
b) Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA): 2048 bits. DSA must not be used to
secure Citi data processed or stored outside of Citi.
c) Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA): 256 bits and as
specified in ANSI X9.62 with NIST recommended curves.
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 30 of 60
2. Key Exchange and Agreement mechanisms and minimum key length
a) Diffie-Hellman (DH) / Ephemeral Diffie-Helman (DHE): 2048 bits.
b) Elliptic-curve DiffieHellman (ECDH) / Ephemeral Elliptic-curve Diffie
Hellman (ECDHE): 256 bits and as specified in ANSI X9.63 with NIST
recommended curves
3. Message Digest Functions: Creating an encryption key of a length greater
than the number of random bits in the material used to generate the hash is
a) SHA-1 Acceptable only for non-digital signature applications. SHA-2
family, SHA-3 family and POLY-1305: Acceptable for all cryptographic
hash-function applications.
4. Password based Key Derivation Functions and minimum requirements:
a) PBKDF2: Minimum iteration count of 10000 with a salt of at least 16
b) HKDF: Must be salted, and the info input value must be included.
c) SCRYPT: Minimum number of rounds/cost factor of 10. Use of NIST
SP800-108 KDF for Stream Encryption is prohibited.
5. Password hash functions and minimum requirements:
a) Bcrypt (for local storage of authentication material): Minimum number
of rounds/cost factor of at least 10.
17.10 External Email
Encryption requirement for individual emails containing Citi Information with a Citi
Information classification of Confidential or higher, where the Supplier is not permitted
to use Citi-approved end-to-end encryption software or tools per regulation and/or
Supplier policy, may be fully met through transport encryption (e.g., gateway-to-
gateway encryption via Transport Layer Security (TLS)). The approved secure E-mail
protocols are:
1. Identify-Based Encryption (IBE) features encrypted email and must be used
only within Citi customer facing solutions and secure e-mail and eDelivery
systems only.
2. Mandatory TLS (MTLS) features Session encryption (does not encrypt e-mail
payload) and is for use with Vendors, partners and clients who have pre-
negotiated arrangements for its use.
3. Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM) features source authentication and key
management and is for use with vendors, partners, and clients.
17.11 Private networks
Private networks that are independently regulated by a recognized authority and
meeting Financial Services Industry standards for transacting business between
licensed or accredited counterparties (e.g., SWIFT or a central bank) may be
considered exempt from the Confidential PII in transit encryption requirement until
those networks provide the necessary infrastructure to fully support encrypted
ECDHE is preferred.
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 31 of 60
17.12 Voice and Fax.
Information with a Citi classification of Confidential or higher sent over fax or discussed
on voice calls (including Voice Over IP [VOIP]) may be sent unencrypted. When
required, Supplier must develop specific procedures and guidance to protect
Confidential or higher information sent via these channels.
17.13 Key, Secrets and Certificate Management.
The term secure boundary used in this section refers to a Cryptographic Module
Validation Program (CMVP), such as Federal Information Protection Standard (FIPS),
validated boundary (FIPS 140-2/3 Level 2 is the minimum acceptable security level).
(Confidential Compute Enclaves such as AWS Nitro Enclaves are acceptable, Other
unique security boundary cases must be brought to the attention of Security
Architecture council (SAC) for their advice and approval).
1. Supplier must deploy current industry standard cryptographic algorithms and
minimum key lengths are for encryption and signing. Supplier must provide
assurance via its Change Management Process when such algorithms and key
lengths are updated to align with industry standards.
2. Citi Third Party must have a formal documented key, secret, and certificate
management life cycle process with controls in place to protect sensitive
material from unauthorized use or exposure. All secrets and key lifecycle
events must only occur within a secure boundary. All access to privileged and
secure boundaries must be well documented. The Supplier must provide a
sequence diagram for all the key lifecycle events highlighting the actors,
entities and boundaries involved.
3. Keys must have a unique purpose and must never be used for any other
purpose, such as using the same encryption key for disk encryption as well as
data encryption or the same encryption key for payload encryption as well as
database encryption.
4. For all cryptographic keys (symmetric or asymmetric), the private key or private
key material (such as seeds, or part of a private key) must not be displayed in
clear text at any time. Private key or private key material (such as Initialization
vectors, seed, or part of a private key) must never leave the secure boundary
with the exception of ephemeral keys such as dynamic session keys. If the
design requires the derivation of a private key or material to be transmitted
between secure enclaves/privileged access boundaries, it must be transmitted
in encrypted form only using a Symmetric Key Wrapping Key via mutual TLS
encrypted tunnels only, and notice of such need must be approved by Citi in
writing. The Symmetric Key Wrapping Key must never leave the privileged
access secure boundary where it was generated in these cases.
5. Symmetric Key Wrapping Key must be split into two or more key components
and be XORed before distributing and for manual key entry/loading. The
Symmetric Key Wrapping Key must have adequate Access Controls Lists
(ACLs) associated inside of the secure boundary such as CMVP validated
modules and the Symmetric Key Wrapping Key must never leave the secure
6. Human or service or automated agent access to keystores or secure
boundaries containing private keys or secrets or private key material (such as
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 32 of 60
Initialization vectors, seed, or part of a private key) must be properly
segregated with controls limiting access to authorized personnel or systems
7. Every request to access the keystores containing private or symmetric keys
must be logged and documented with details like who, when, and the purpose
of the access for audit purposes.
8. Supplier must not use self-signed and wildcard certificates or default SSL
9. Keys must have a defined cryptoperiod time span as suggested in the NIST
SP800-57 part 1, revision 5.: Change of key is not required to match the key
expiration stated. Keys must be refreshed or rotated prior to expiration to
accommodate periods of change, scheduling conflicts, and system freezes.
a) While replacing an expired certificate, re-use of the old asymmetric key
pair is prohibited.
10. Wireless networks must be encrypted with industry standard encryption
11. Suppliers utilizing any form of cryptographic mechanism must use industry
standard key management tools and techniques. The key management role be
segregated from operational management.
17.14 Access Control Responsibility.
To protect all Controlled Information Systems used to store, access, manage, process,
or transmit Citi Confidential or higher Information from unauthorized access, the
supplier is responsible for enforcing the principle of least privilege, by limiting user
entitlements to the minimum level of access required for each job function and by
managing the provisioning of logical access to all systems and applications. Controls
must be fully documented and auditable.
1. Supplier is responsible for the access rights of all users in its organization.
2. Supplier must implement access controls that ensure users are granted only
those privileges and entitlements strictly necessary to perform their function.
3. Supplier must implement a process to ensure that all default access
capabilities are removed, disabled, or protected to prevent their unauthorized
17.15 User Access Management.
The supplier must manage the provisioning of logical access to systems and
applications that process, store and/or transmit Citi Confidential or higher information.
This includes:
1. Identification and inventory of approved authentication systems.
2. A requirement that all access to Citi data requires approval from a manager or
manager’s designee and the system owner. Supplier is responsible for
ensuring that any of its personnel with access to Citi data is granted such
access on a need-to-know basis.
3. A requirement that any combination(s) of privileges/functions for an individual
user may not be provisioned if it presents a conflict of interest or a violation of
maker-checker rules.
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 33 of 60
4. A monitoring process to oversee and manage the access rights
granted/revoked to each user on the system. Low risk suppliers are exempt
from this requirement.
17.16 User Identification and Authentication.
All Supplier controlled Information Systems must authenticate the identity of users or
systems accessing these platforms prior to initiating a session or transaction where
Citi Information may be accessed.
1. Users must be uniquely identified or mapped to the technology platform by a
User ID.
2. User must be authenticated to the technology platform using an approved
authentication method - Supplier should contact its primary business contact
(BAO) for current approved methods.
3. All use of shared authentication infrastructure (e.g., Single Sign-on, Reduced
Sign-on and other shared authentication services) must be in accordance with
Citi authentication requirements; Supplier should contact its primary BAO for
current approved methods.
4. Identity Verification Data (IVD) that is used to authenticate a user to an
Information System, must be encrypted in transmission and storage. See
section 18.9 for encryption requirements.
17.17 Temporary Privileged Access.
The supplier must maintain an inventory of all privileged identities and identities which
have access to Electronic repositories (datasets or databases supporting business
applications) that contain information classified as Confidential PII, Restricted, Sox
Critical, High Financial Risk, and applications identified as part of the KPMG Integrated
audit. The supplier must implement controls which protect against the unauthorized
use of these IDs. If a worker requires access to a privileged ID or to the electronic
responsibilities mentioned before the access must be granted through a temporary
access management process that:
1. Require the requester to be on a pre-approved authorized users list or have an
approval at the time of use.
2. Requires documented justification in a change/problem ticket before access is
3. Includes an independent review of the activity performed with the access.
4. Includes a process to revoke / remove the access after a pre-defined period of
no more than 24 hours.
5. Allows production and post-implementation stabilization access - such as after
a major upgrade or break / fix resolution, to be extended up to seven (7)
calendar days.
17.18 Review of User Access Rights.
1. Supplier must implement a documented process to review, verify and delete
unnecessary user entitlements to Controlled Information Systems used to
store, process, manage, and / or transmit Citi Information at least semi-
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 34 of 60
2. Users must not review or approve their own entitlements or the entitlements of
an individual who delegated review responsibility to them.
3. Following a function change by a Supplier employee within Citi, the Supplier
has 14 calendar days to perform an access and entitlement review, and
remove access to Citi data if no longer required for the employee’s new
17.19 Secure Log-on Procedures.
1. Locked-out user login IDs must be re-enabled through an industry standard
reset service or another authorized function. A banner text, when supported
by the operating system or application, must be displayed at all network entry
points where a user initially signs on or is authenticated.
17.20 Password Management System.
1. User static passwords must never be displayed on the screen in clear text.
2. Interactive Privileged Functional ID passwords must not be hardcoded in clear
3. Passwords must contain a minimum of ten (10) characters, which must contain
both letters and numbers, and be case sensitive.
4. PINs may be used as the sole method of authentication to access Information
Systems only if the PINs are necessary to meet physical device constraints
(e.g., keypad, telephone, smart card).
5. All static passwords must be changed every 90 calendar days at a minimum.
6. All static passwords must be locked out after no more than six (6) consecutive
failed login attempts. Passwords must be unlocked through an ID administrator
function or automatically unlocked after at least 30 minutes.
7. All authentication systems must enforce a login inactivity/non-use control that
cannot exceed 100 calendar days. If technically feasible, disabled logins may
be re-enabled by the user or another authorized function.
8. The authentication process must ensure that the same password is not used
within at least the last six (6) changes.
17.21 Use of System Utilities.
Supplier must ensure that the use of utility programs that can override system and
application controls (e.g., booting up from peripheral devices) are restricted and
17.22 Session Time Out
1. Login and re-authentication must occur for all Users of a Controlled Information
System used to store, process and / or transmit Citi Information.
2. Users must be required to re-authenticate after a period of inactivity not
exceeding 30 minutes. Activity includes any input to the endpoint (mouse,
keyboard, touch screen, etc.). Where enforcement is provided by the password
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 35 of 60
protected screen saver, Application / Single Sign-on enforcement is not
17.23 Termination of User Access.
1. Upon termination or resignation, user access or entitlements that could allow
access to Citi Confidential or higher data including user login to Desktop/Active
Directory, Single Sign-on (SSO), email, One Time Password (OTP) tokens and
remote access must be removed immediately.
2. If an employee has access to Citi owned and administered systems, Citi
Business Relationship Manager, BAO, or BAO support must be notified
immediately upon function change or termination of that employee to ensure
that the Citi Business Manager initiates removal of access for terminated
workers by the end of their termination date.
3. Supplier has a documented process in place to retrieve the access from all
assets in line with the timeframes set out in section 18.23.2 when an employee
or non-employee is terminated or resigns.
4. If any anomaly is discovered by the Supplier in regard to 18.23.1-18.23.3,
supplier must inform Citi Business Relationship Manager, BAO, or BAO
support immediately, with a sound rationale and controls provisioned.
17.24 Remote Access.
The supplier must have remote access controls in place to protect access to networks
that can store, process, or transmit Citi Confidential or higher data that include:
1. Remote access to Information Systems used to store, process, manage, and /
or transmit Citi Information must be protected from unauthorized use.
2. All Supplier-managed laptops and all supplier-managed desktop machines
used to store, process and / or transmit Citi Information, using remote access
where there is local storage / processing of information with a Citi Information
classification of Confidential or higher, must be encrypted using an encryption
tool that meets industry standards.
3. Remote connections must only be established through approved remote
access solutions that employ multi-factor authentication (MFA).
4. Supplier-managed machines must have a personal firewall active when directly
connected (i.e., not through a supplier-managed firewall or proxy) to the
5. Supplier-managed devices must be regularly connected to the supplier
network to receive and install regular updates of software / antivirus tools as a
requirement for full access to the network. Limited access may be allowed for
the express purpose of updating the device.
6. If non-Supplier owned and managed devices are in use to access Citi
Confidential or higher information, they must be configured to use an
authorized solution that does not allow downloading to the local machine. The
following controls must be in place:
a) Citi Data is prevented from being downloaded to a device outside of a
company-managed solution.
b) The Supplier must ensure that such access is secured by either token-
based or certificate-based authentication using standard remote
access technologies (e.g.,Virtual Desktop Interface (VDI),).
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 36 of 60
c) Remote access solutions, such as Terminal Services and VMware
Horizon must be configured to disable clipboard sharing and Drive
Mapping over Blast, PCoIP, and to disable RDP and SSH protocols
7. If soft tokens are used for MFA, such as a software application on a mobile
device, the soft token authentication software must authenticate the user
(e.g., by password, biometric, etc.) and prevent its use if the mobile phone is
jailbroken or rooted (using an operating system other than those certified and
supplied by the mobile device vendor).
8. All Supplier’s Personnel including, but not limited to, permanent/temporary
employees, contractors, and sub-contractors, requiring special, privileged,
and/or administrative level access to systems, data repositories, applications
and/or infrastructure, including, but not limited to, system administrators,
database administrators, access control administrators, firewall administrators,
web site administrators, etc., that are related directly or indirectly to Services
provided for Citi must only be authenticated via multi-factor authentication, and
such access will be independently logged and monitored by Supplier for
suspicious activity and/or or unauthorized access in accordance with Citi’s
Requirements for Suppliers as hereinbefore noted.
9. For personally owned devices and devices owned by a Third Party the supplier
must have an effective method or solution to ensure that such devices have an
approved operating system version, patch levels, anti-virus, and anti-malware
solutions, before such devices are allowed to log on to the network.
10. Supplier must ensure that all of its personnel will maintain:
a) Will maintain a private, dedicated remote workspace that does not
contain any voice assistance devices (e.g., Siri, Alexa), video recording
devices, and/or any other photo, video, or audio listening/recording
devices. No unauthorized personnel will be permitted to view any data,
systems, applications that may appear on the remote computing
systems’ screen(s).
b) Will lock the computing device when leaving the device unattended to
ensure that unauthorized access to view the screen is adequately
17.25 Clear Desk and Clear Screen Policy.
Supplier personnel are required to protect Citi Information in all forms, including
physical information used or stored at their workspace. Suppliers are required to
conduct regular reviews of clear desks and clear screens. Suppliers are required to
communicate this requirement to all its staff at least annually through IS training.
17.26 Fire Safety.
1. Supplier must comply with applicable legal and regulatory requirements
governing physical security and the establishment of a safe work environment,
including local fire codes.
2. Supplier must utilize a fire detection, alarm, and suppression system(s). The
system(s) must be inspected semi-annually and tested annually.
17.27 Physical Security.
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 37 of 60
1. Citi Information must be stored in secure areas with controls that restrict access
to only authorized personnel.
2. The Supplier must have a documented and auditable physical access control
system in place.
3. The Supplier must utilize a combination of security alarm / intrusion systems
that include a security alarm monitored by a third party, security guards and
video surveillance as appropriate for the environment and services provided.
4. The Supplier must have a documented visitor policy that includes the
requirement for all visitors to provide verifiable identification upon arrival, sign-
in and sign-out.
17.28 Operational Security Procedures and Responsibility.
1. The supplier change management process must include key checkpoint
controls around change registration, review, test, approve, implement, and
closure. The supplier must also have an emergency change process which
requires all the stages listed about including a hierarchy of mandated
2. The supplier must have an auditable process around capacity management
which includes (but is not limited to) availability, capacity and performance
metrics/indicators; business impact assessment; proactive tracking,
investigating and addressing performance and capacity issues.
3. Where applicable, Supplier must ensure that the Lab, Development, Test and
Production environments are all physically and/or logically separated from one
17.29 Software Development Security.
1. Supplier must have documented and approved Software Development
Lifecycle (SDLC) process.
2. Security Design Review must be included in SDLC with preventive and
detective controls aligning with industry standards such as OWASP.
3. Secure coding practices must be enforced.
17.30 Controls Against Malware.
Supplier must ensure that the necessary precautions are taken to prevent and detect
the introduction of any malicious code (e.g., viruses, worms, Trojan horse viruses,
adware, spyware, ransomware, or other similar cyber-attacks in which data may be
compromised) and must implement preventive, detective, and recovery controls to
protect against such threats. Supplier must:
1. Implement, update, and maintain anti-virus and anti-spyware technology on all
personal computers and technology on all Local Area Network (LAN) servers,
mail servers, and other devices that store, process and / or transmit Citi data.
2. Have security settings in place to prevent end users from disabling the anti-
virus/antimalware tools and scheduled scans.
3. Have centrally managed, automated procedures for configuring and updating
antivirus and anti-malware software.
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 38 of 60
4. Ensure processes are implemented for identifying and addressing non-
compliant computers where the anti-virus signatures or scan engines are
5. Control access to communication ports / interfaces that allow connection to
external devices including but not limited to storage media.
17.31 Controls Against Mobile Code.
Suppliers must ensure that necessary precautions are taken to control the use of
Mobile Code. When Mobile Code usage is authorized, the configuration must, at a
minimum, meet all relevant industry standards and contractual obligations to Citi,
ensure that the authorized Mobile Code operates according to a clearly defined and
documented security policy, and prevent unauthorized Mobile Code from executing.
For Mobile Code that can affect the underlying operating system or platform (i.e.,
outside the “sandbox”), Supplier must ensure the following:
1. Mobile Code published by Supplier must be signed by a Citi-approved
Certificate Authority and the lifecycle of the certificate must be managed by the
Supplier to address expiration or rotation of the certificate.
2. Signed Mobile Code with expired certificates must be removed from
17.32 Audit Logging.
Supplier must ensure that all Controlled Information Systems used to access, store,
process, manage and / or transmit Citi data maintain audit trails at an infrastructure or
application level to log the following items:
1. Infrastructure security relevant actions for the associated platform.
2. All system alarms associated with a firewall or IDS / IPS generated security
3. All attempted violations of system security (e.g., failed User login attempts).
4. Unauthorized attempts to access resources (software, data, processes, etc.)
5. Administrator actions
6. Information related to the receipt of specific information from a user or another
7. All significant events relating to financial transactions and Citi Information
which specifically include the following items:
a. Updates to financial transactions
b. Updates to Confidential PII data
c. Updates to Restricted data
d. Updates to Authentication data
8. All sessions established
9. Session artifacts, such as unique device ID must be captured, when technically
feasible, and logged for Citi-facing applications (i.e., websites and mobile
applications) to support fraud investigations. These artifacts must at minimum
contain IP addresses. These artifacts must be captured for Citi transactions
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 39 of 60
and for Citi account opening activity. Information must be captured so the
session artifact can be linked to the transaction or account opening.
10. Audit trails must enable specification of what individual performed what activity
or changed what data.
11. Significant Information Security Administration (ISA) events must be logged
specifically including the following items:
a) User creation
b) Modification of user access rights
c) Deletion, creation, and modification of profiles on Controlled
Information Systems
d) Password resets
e) Changes to system security configuration
f) All interactive activity of privileged Functional IDs
g) Security logs must contain at least the following information regardless
of the system generating the log, unless such inclusion is not
technically feasible:
I. Date and time of event (UTC formatted time)
II. User ID of person performing the action
III. Type of event
IV. Asset or resource name affected
V. Type of access (delete, modify, etc.)
VI. Success or failure of event
VII. Source (terminal, port, location, IP, Host Name, etc.)
17.33 Protection of Log Information.
Supplier must ensure that access controls are present to preserve the integrity of audit
trails during initiation, shutdown, while in storage, and transmission.
1. To prevent unauthorized modifications to the audit logs, supplier must ensure
that logs cannot be overwritten or modified by the system users whose activity
they track.
2. Supplier must define, maintain, and comply with a record retention procedure
for log data that complies with the Citi Records Management Policy and all
applicable legal and regulatory requirements.
3. The clocks of all relevant information-processing systems within an
organization or security domain must be synchronized with an accurate time
17.34 Monitoring System Use.
The following events must be captured, logged, and reviewed directly or through an
automated review process:
1. All system alarms associated with a firewall or Intrusion Detection Systems
(IDS) / Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) generated security event.
2. All updates to critical resources as identified in the secure standard build.
3. All interactive activity performed by privileged or CDA functional IDs or
temporary IDs.
4. Significant ISA Events listed in the Audit logging section above with the
following exception:
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 40 of 60
a) Removal of entitlements from user, role, or profile where Information
Security Administration activity is executed by an automated workflow
/ fulfillment system that has end-to-end integrity controls.
17.35 Log Correlation and Review.
1. When a logged event triggers an alert, the event is reviewed, follow up actions
and investigation must be pursued if there is an indication a potentially harmful
information security incident may have occurred.
2. Supplier must ensure audit logs are aggregated to a central log management
system like a Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) or log
analytic tool for log correlation analysis and review. Low risk vendors are
exempt from this requirement.
3. High-risk suppliers must periodically review and adjust the configuration of their
SIEM or log analytic tool to improve the identification of actionable events.
17.36 Control of Operational Software.
Supplier must ensure that only operating systems and software that are currently
supported by an industry-accepted commercial provider or that actively and
appropriately release patches and configuration updates to address security issues
are used.
Supplier must ensure that a documented process is implemented that specifies the
time periods within which all approved security patches and configurations are applied.
Regardless of any separate maintenance agreement between Supplier and Citi,
Supplier must ensure that software developed for Citi and governed under a license
agreement does not require use of versions of non-supported software with known
vulnerabilities, and that such software is updated and patched as required in a timely
Open-source application software used to process Citi Information must be acquired
from established suppliers and must be licensed, catalogued, and supported.
17.37 Vulnerability and Threat Management.
Supplier must implement a vulnerability and threat management process that
comprehensively addresses and/or includes all the following:
1. Tools and procedures for the discovery and management of vulnerabilities in
all assets that can be used to process, store, access or transmit Citi
Confidential or more sensitive data.
2. A requirement that scans are conducted at least monthly using a tool that
discovers instances of currently known vulnerabilities.
3. Ranking of vulnerabilities in accordance with the most current version of the
“Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS)” (see
https://www.first.org/cvss), with remediation timelines based on the severity.
4. A requirement for testing vulnerability remediations prior to full production
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 41 of 60
5. A documented and repeatable operational process for accelerating the
remediation of critical Vulnerabilities.
6. The supplier must track assets that are approaching or have reached a status
of End of Life (EOL) or End of Vendor Support (EOVS) and have processes in
place to upgrade or replace such assets.
7. Any critical vulnerabilities identified through intelligence gathering, vulnerability
scans, or penetration testing must be prioritized and remediated within a well-
defined timeframe commensurate with the vulnerability risk.
17.38 Third Party Hosted Applications.
If the Supplier maintains or stores Citi Confidential or more sensitive data on a website
or Internet accessible system, or a website that is Citi branded, then, to protect against
a Vulnerability or threat that involves products or services affecting Citi (each a
“vulnerability”), the Supplier must comply with the following Requirements:
1. Appoint one Supplier employee, knowledgeable about information security
matters, to respond to Citi’s inquiries regarding information security.
2. Use industry-recognized best practices to monitor, on a no less than weekly
basis, reputable sources of computer security vulnerability information, such
as FIRST, CERT/CC, CISA Known Exploited Vulnerabilities Catalog, and
vendor mailing lists, and take appropriate measures to obtain, thoroughly test,
apply, and provide to Citi relevant service packs, patches, upgrades, and
3. Test, on no less than a quarterly basis, the implementation of its information
security measures using network, system, and application vulnerability
scanning tools and/or penetration testing.
4. Permit Citi to perform at reasonable times, vulnerability assessments, ethical
hacks, or other security assessments, to verify Supplier compliance with its
obligations under any Contract and these Requirements, including but not
limited to, review of policies, processes, and procedures, on-site assessments
of physical security arrangements, network, system, and application
vulnerability scanning, and penetration testing using commercially available
tools and/or industry standard practices to perform these inspections.
5. Any contractor who will provide the Supplier with vulnerability assessment
services must be from the Citi approved list of vulnerability assessment
providers. Where Supplier utilizes contractors or subcontractors to provide the
Services, Supplier must, at its own expense, ensure that any vulnerability
assessments required are completed in the same timely manner as if Supplier
were providing those Services directly and shall ensure that the requirement
for any contractor or subcontractor to facilitate any such assessments must be
memorialized in the agreement between Supplier and contractor/subcontractor
pertaining to the Service, including language authorizing Citi to perform such
6. Notification.
a) Where Supplier identifies a vulnerability that involves a product or
service affecting Citi, Supplier must notify Citi in writing within 48 hours
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 42 of 60
of identification and include a description of remedial actions being
taken by Supplier.
b) Where Supplier becomes aware of a vulnerability that involves a
product or service affecting Citi following responsible public disclosure
of process channels (publication of Vulnerability in National
Vulnerability Database (NVD) or via threat catalogue provided to
external security vendors), Supplier will notify Citi in writing within 48
hours of such publication. Each notification will include information
about the vulnerability, whether the vulnerability impacts a system used
to store Citi data or otherwise provides services to Citi, whether if it can
be exploited remotely; and the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
(CVE) score. Supplier will continue to provide updates to Citi until the
vulnerability is remediated. In cases where Citi identifies a vulnerability,
Citi may provide notice to Supplier of the same, and Supplier shall
promptly remediate the vulnerability in accordance with this Section.
7. Remediation. For each Vulnerability provided under this section, the notifying
party will assess the risk level and impact of such vulnerability based on
severity and risk to Citi and assign a risk priority level based on the Common
Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) as set forth in Appendix A thereto (see
https://www.first.org/cvss). Once a risk level is assigned and agreed, Supplier
will remediate any identified medium, high, or critical vulnerability. Where
possible, the fix to any such vulnerability will be made available in a security
package against the currently deployed release.
If Supplier is unable or unwilling to remediate the Vulnerability to Citi's
satisfaction within the designated timeframe, then Citi may terminate the
applicable license without any further liability or financial obligation (for the
portion terminated) and Supplier shall promptly refund to Citi the pro-rated
portion of the license fees paid.
17.39 Communication Security Network Controls
1. Supplier networks used to access, store, manage, process and / or transmit
Citi Information must be protected from threats and security must be
maintained for the Information Systems using enforcement points in the
a. Information with a Citi Information Classification of Confidential or
higher must not be persistently stored on a system in an Internet-facing
Demilitarized Zone (DMZ).
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 43 of 60
b. Networks used to access, store, manage, process and / or transmit Citi
Information using Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) or other
wireless device solutions that include reasonable controls to prohibit
unauthorized access (PEAP-TLS, EAP-TTLS, etc.) may be connected
to networks that contain Citi Information.
c. All external IP connections to the Supplier global network are protected
by a Supplier-managed firewall.
d. A real-time Intrusion Detection System (IDS) and Intrusion Prevention
System (IPS) is in place that monitors and protects Internet connections
to Supplier’s network where Citi Information is accessed, managed,
stored, processed, or transmitted.
2. For all Citi-branded Internet applications, the Supplier must ensure that:
a) Services hosted at Supplier sites must be protected by Citi approved
anti-DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) services or comparable
controls validated by Citi.
b) External firewalls must be configured with a deny-by-default rule.
Firewall rules must be configured based on the least privilege principle
and all connection attempts that are denied by the firewall (e.g., drop
packets) shall be logged/recorded.
c) Deny network communications traffic is the default and allow network
communications traffic is by exception at managed interfaces. The
exceptions must be very limited to specific sources, destinations, and
17.40 Segregation in Networks.
Supplier must ensure that all Information Systems and applications used to access,
store, process, manage and / or transmit Citi Information and are accessible via the
Internet, are only accessed via the Supplier’s demilitarized zone (DMZ).
During an emergency event, Supplier must be able to filter access between portions
of the network to reduce the impact from network Security Events (e.g., port filtering
during a virus outbreak).
Remote Access and Host Security must implement group-based access controls (e.g.,
staff, sub-contractors) to limit access to network resources in the Supplier network. At
the host level, access control may be done at the group or individual level.
17.41 Equipment Identification in Networks.
Technology platforms must identify and authenticate peer technology platforms
commensurate with the IS Risk Levels of the interaction and other mitigating controls.
1. Only Supplier devices (i.e., hardware, including, but not limited to, desktops,
laptops) that comply with these requirements and that are authorized by the
Supplier may access the Supplier Network where Citi Information is stored,
processed, or transmitted.
2. Only Supplier devices (i.e., hardware, including, but not limited to, desktops,
laptops, removable data storage media) that comply with these requirements
and that are authorized by Citi may access the Citi network.
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 44 of 60
17.42 Security Requirements Analysis and Specification.
Supplier must incorporate information security procedures in its processes and
procedures for the selection, development, and implementation of applications,
products, and services.
17.43 Online Transactions.
1. Where applicable, Supplier must have Information Systems that use dynamic
passwords or digital certificates to validate credentials.
2. All end-entity certificates must be replaced at least once every 13 months.
3. Supplier applications that store, process, manage or access Citi information,
host Citi-branded Internet facing applications, or have connectivity to Citi's
network resources must:
a) Possess an authentication method based on the types of data /
functions accessed;
b) Perform a Multifactor Authentication (MFA) compliance assessment
and implement recommendations if required;
c) Perform a Suspicious Activity Monitoring (SAM) onboarding
assessment and implement recommendations if required;
d) In all these cases, Supplier should contact its primary business contact
for Citi’s current requirements.
17.44 Change Control Procedures
1. Supplier must ensure that configuration changes to firewalls, Intrusion
Detection Systems (IDS) and Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS) are routed
through the Supplier’s Change Management Process.
2. Access granted to production through temporary IDs must be logged and
monitored for tracking changes made to the environment.
3. For Controlled Information Systems containing Customer Information with a
Citi classification of Confidential or higher or an IS Risk component value for
“Integrity”, or “Availability” of “High”, logs captured according to Section 18.35
(Audit logging) must be reviewed by the Supplier on a sampled basis. The
reviews may be based on an appropriate risk-based sampling methodology.
4. The review must validate changes that are part of the temporary privileged
access were made as intended.
5. The supplier must document all changes, including storing evidence of the
review process.
17.45 Information Leakage
Supplier must have a documented Secure Coding Standard in place that prevents
information leakage, including:
1. Detailed system information (e.g., server type and technology).
2. Stack traces and exception errors that reveal directory tree structure and the
underlying database type.
17.46 Test Data.
Confidential or higher risk information as defined by Citi must not be used or stored by
Supplier in software application(s) development or testing environments or Labs
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 45 of 60
unless that information is de-identified, masked, and/or obfuscated using tools and
methods that meet industry standards, so that such data is no longer sensitive, or
Supplier must implement live production controls within the development or testing
17.47 System Acceptance.
Supplier must have documented Project Scope Management and System Acceptance
processes in place that meet relevant industry standards.
17.48 Reporting Information Security Weakness.
Supplier must have a Process to ensure that Application and Infrastructure
Vulnerabilities that result in a compromise of Citi Information Assets are reported to
Citi immediately.
17.49 Security Incident Responsibilities and Procedures.
1. Supplier must ensure an effective approach is applied to the management of
IS incidents impacting Citi Information. Supplier must maintain processes to
respond to IS Incidents and notify Citi within an agreed upon period of time of
any incident with a likelihood of high Severity rating that may involve a
significant risk to Citi customers or the franchise (including where the incident
involves a significant number of customers; a large dollar amount; is likely to
be the subject of press coverage; or is likely to result in the non-routine
notification of a regulator) must be reported within 2 hours and all other security
incident must be reported within one business day of a detection of a IS Threat
on a 24-hour by 7-day per week basis.
2. Suppliers are required to report any Security Incident that compromises or
endangers the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of Confidential or higher
Citi owned or managed data, or data for which Citi has a custodial obligation,
or the information systems housing said data; regardless of how, by whom (Citi
personnel or a Citi vendor or partner), or where (on or off Citi property) the
security incident occurred. This includes, but is not limited to, the alteration,
destruction, disclosure, loss, theft, or misuse of said data or systems, devices,
or physical or electronic media containing this data. This could also include
public facing assets of any data classification, as well as any Personally
Identifiable Information (PII) / (Personal Data) data breach likely to result in a
high risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons, where such rights and
freedoms are defined by local laws or regulations.
17.50 Data Leakage Protection (DLP).
1. Supplier must implement data leakage prevention (DLP) controls, including
content and endpoint monitoring that covers all staff with access to Citi
Confidential or higher data.
2. The supplier must have controls in place to detect and prevent instances of Citi
Confidential or higher data being moved off its network via the following
a) Unencrypted emails
b) Encrypted email attachments
c) Printing of Citi data
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 46 of 60
d) Transfers of Citi data to locations outside of their network (for example
via FTP)
e) Attempts to copy Citi Confidential or higher data to removable media
such as USB drives, removable hard drives, CD/DVD drives, and other
removable devices with data storage capabilities. This privilege should
be prevented by default
f) The DLP solution must log and alert the supplier of all events that
represent attempts (whether successful or blocked) to move, transport,
or copy Citi Confidential or higher data from their network to other
destinations. This privilege should be prevented by default
g) Uploading Citi data to external web sites, including SaaS/file sharing
sites. This privilege should be prevented by default.
17.51 Web Browsing.
1. Supplier must have web-access controls in place to prevent the sharing of Citi
Confidential or higher information and exposure to malware or attack for those
employees with access to Citi data.
2. For suppliers who have access to Citi Confidential or higher data:
a) All URL requests must be logged.
b) Attempts to access sites that can be used for unauthorized sharing of
Citi data (i.e., webmail, chat, social media, online storage, etc.) must be
c) Access to sites that can expose the environment to malware or attack
must be blocked.
d) Attempts to access sites that are deemed non-business related must
be blocked.
e) The supplier must subscribe to a URL categorization service that is
regularly updated; all URLs not categorized are blocked by default or
all URLs are blocked by default and URLs are approved on a case-by-
case basis. Low-risk suppliers are exempt from this requirement.
f) Web Browsers that are in use by the supplier are fully supported and
up to date with the latest security updates by the software vendor.
17.52 Electronic Messaging.
Instant messaging, peer-to-peer networks or other Internet collaborative tools may not
be used to transmit or store Citi Information outside the Supplier network or from
networks that contain Citi Information unless appropriate encryption is in place for all
Citi data per Section 18.9 (Policy on the use of cryptographic controls).
17.53 Email.
The supplier must have e-mail controls in place to prevent the sharing of Citi
Information and exposure to malware or attack. This includes:
1. Incoming file attachments entering the e-mail gateway are scanned and
blocked if they pose a risk to the system.
2. E-mail filtering (Anti-Spam, Anti-Phishing) software is in use and is current.
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 47 of 60
3. Any Citi Confidential or higher data must be encrypted when sent outside of
the organization.
4. E-mail Clients that are in use by the supplier are fully supported and current
with the latest security updates provided by the software vendor.
17.54 Removable Media.
1. Supplier must protect Citi Information regardless of the media upon which it is
maintained. This standard applies, but is not limited to, the following types of
media upon which information is contained: card, cassette, compact disk (CD),
check stock, diskette or other removable storage device, hard copy output,
magnetic disk, magnetic tape, microfilm, microfiche, optical disk, or paper
2. The default setting for access to portable media / storage devices for the
systems where Citi Information is stored must be no access. If exceptions are
granted and thus read-write access is permitted, the data must be encrypted
on the portable media device.
3. If the use of removable media is allowed, such usage must have a
management approval process, including the business rationale requiring the
use of removable media. Removable media must be inventoried by
management. Removable media that contains Citi Confidential or higher data
must be automatically encrypted with no action required by the user.
17.55 Media Disposal.
1. When Citi Information with a Citi classification of Confidential or higher is
eligible for disposal in accordance with instructions provided by Citi (i.e., at the
point at which the information is no longer required by or useful to Citi, plus any
additional period of retention required by law, regulation and / or Citi policies),
the Supplier must destroy such Information in a manner that renders it
unusable and unrecoverable.
2. An approved tool that randomly overwrites the drive sectors with specific,
different characters must be used to securely erase mountable media based
on the following rules:
a. For media that stored information classified as Confidential or higher
the tool must complete three passes of the media.
b. Degauss the media (if applicable).
3. Destroy the media physically to make it unreadable (i.e., shredding, crushing
the drives).
4. Paper and other non-electronic storage media containing Confidential or higher
Information must be securely collected and stored in a secure “Confidential
Bin” before final disposal. Confidential Bins must always be locked and can
only be opened by authorized personnel.
a) Copiers, Printers, Fax Machines, and any other device that has
memory/storage that may contain Citi Confidential or higher information
must be sanitized as well.
17.56 Information Security Management and Training.
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 48 of 60
1. The supplier must ensure all employees, including contractors and temporary
staff receive appropriate awareness education and training on organizational
policies and procedures as relevant to their job function.
2. Supplier must ensure that the training and awareness program is reviewed and
updated annually.
3. At a minimum, the following topics must be included:
a) Acceptable use of assets
b) Information labeling and handling
c) Secure Transmission (secure email, secure SharePoint storage, not
sending Citi-owned data to personal email)
d) Information security incident reporting
e) Secure workplace (appropriate internet usage, unauthorized software,
not downloading non-Citi approved software)
f) Password Management (strong passwords, password-sharing
g) Malware Controls
h) Social Engineering (phishing, spear fishing, vishing, SMiShing)
i) Remote Working (Secure/Safe Connection, Personal Device Security)
4. Supplier employees must be assigned the training upon receiving access to
systems hosting Citi data and complete the training within 30 days of assignment.
5. Training should include a measure of its effectiveness (i.e. a quiz upon completion
with a threshold for pass/fail).
17.57 Cyber Risk Management Program.
Supplier must also, at a minimum, maintain an appropriate cyber risk management
program that includes the following:
1. Maintain a well-defined, documented Information Security Risk Management
program, and/or an operational risk management program that has a clearly
defined cyber/information risk management component, that defines the
Supplier’s cyber risk appetite and ensures that its cyber-residual risk aligns
with that appetite.
2. Maintain a robust security risk management governance program that
includes, but is not limited to, the collection of and/or the performance of
security audits and reviews that assess the overall state of security within the
organization and report at least annually to its executive leadership for review
and assurance that the supplier’s cyber risk appetite has not be breached.
3. Maintain compliance with the PCI Data Security Standards (PCI-DSS)
applicable to Supplier where Supplier is processing, storing, and/or
transmitting credit/debit card transactions, payments, and/or information.
4. Maintain a crisis management plan and playbook and a Security incident
Response Team (SIRT) plan consistent with industry standards to ensure
Supplier has sufficient and adequate capability to detect, contain, investigate,
respond, and recover from any attempted, suspected, and/or actual cyber
security incident including, but not limited to ransomware, unauthorized
access, unauthorized data exfiltration, application source code theft, etc.
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 49 of 60
5. Maintain an appropriate cyber/information security and privacy awareness and
education program that includes, but is not limited to, preventing phishing and
other social engineering attacks, appropriately handling of confidential and/or
privacy regulated information, and security incident reporting and response
17.58 Application, API, Code, System, and Infrastructure Security.
Where Supplier is hosting, developing, co-developing, providing development
environments, and/or supplying a software application(s), Supplier shall perform code
reviews of said software and/or patches to the software for security flaws, prevention
of unauthorized access, modification, and/or insertion of malware or other forms of
malicious code, and vulnerability testing to ensure that the application (including APIs),
along with underlying system services, operating system, and that networks are free
of known vulnerabilities and defects that could result in a security incident, privacy
breach, fraud, unauthorized access and/or disclosure of Confidential Information, loss
of integrity of the information being processed, stored or transmitted by the
application(s), and/or loss of availability that could affect the quality of products and/or
services that supplier provides Citi.
17.59 Mobile Security
Where supplier is providing mobile app solution, the Supplier must comply with the
following requirements:
1. The Supplier must be able to provide a list of the integrated third-party
components including, but not limited to, free and open-source software
libraries that are bundled/leveraged by the mobile solution.
2. The mobile application must not support operating systems and/or versions
that have passed their support lifecycles - i.e., reached end-of-life (EOL), or
the supported operating systems / versions shall be configurable by Citi.
3. The mobile solution should not support mobile platforms / devices that are not
equipped with regular instruction sets to support cryptographic algorithms
including, but not limited to, encryption as specified in section 18.9 (Encryption
Requirements) of this document.
4. The mobile app must adhere to requirements and best practices that enable
mobile applications to be published via public app stores, such as the Apple
App Store or Google Play.
5. The mobile application signing key type and length must adhere to section 18.9
- Encryption Requirements of this document.
6. Each application signing key and associated X.509v3 certificate must be
managed individually and dedicated to a single Application ID / Bundle ID.
Signing key(s) must not be shared among applications.
7. Android mobile applications must leverage APK signature scheme v2+. APK
Signature scheme version 1 (aka JAR signing) must not be used.
8. Should a mobile application require retention of data on the mobile device, it
must retain only the most recent data on the device that is necessary for the
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 50 of 60
purpose(s) of the app/service, or as long as is required pursuant to legal/or
regulatory requirements.
a. The collection, processing, and/or storage of user data must be
compliant with local laws including, but not limited to, privacy
regulations, such as General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and
2002/58/EC (ePrivacy) Directive or their regional equivalents.
b. Integrated third-party components (e.g., libraries) must not collect,
process, and/or store user data.
9. Mobile applications must not make any application data world accessible.
a. If sharing of data with other applications is required, the applications
must leverage commercially reasonable techniques, methods, and
controls for the respective operating systems to share only the
necessary amount of data with the minimal number of other
applications where such data sharing is properly justified.
10. Mobile applications must rely solely on secure communication facilities
provided by the respective mobile operating systems. E.g.,
a. Android applications must explicitly declare unsecure network traffic is
not permitted towards any network domain in its application manifest
and/or network configuration file.
b. iOS/iPadOS applications must leverage Application Transport Security
(ATS) without any exception.
11. Cryptographic materials should be bound to a hardware-backed secure
12. Mobile applications must be built in release mode and must not contain:
a. Any feature or method that may bypass security controls,
b. Debug information, such as source code file names, variable names,
symbol names, etc. that has the potential to facilitate reverse
13. Mobile application packages must be equipped with the capability that allows
verification of the authenticity and integrity of its content (e.g., using
cryptographic checksum and/or digital signature).
14. If the mobile application requires user authentication, the application and/or
device integrity checks should be completed before the user authentication
15. Mobile applications must leverage only strong biometric modalities (e.g., meet
or surpass the Class 3 / Strong category as defined in the corresponding
Android Compatibility Definition Document
16. Mobile applications must implement comprehensive anti-debugging or anti-
reverse-engineering / obfuscation techniques to hinder reverse engineering
17. Mobile applications must be equipped with effective anti-hooking or anti-
tampering mechanisms to prevent injection of malicious code that could alter
or monitor the behavior of the application at runtime.
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 51 of 60
18. Mobile applications must be able to detect compromised devices that include,
but are not limited to, ‘jailbroken’ or ‘rooted’ mobile devices and react in line
with the business’s risk assessment and regulatory requirements.
19. Mobile applications must implement countermeasure(s) to protect against
Man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks.
20. Mobile applications must implement strong device binding to prevent the
software token (e.g., proof-of-possession) from being cloned.
21. Mobile applications must use secure keyboard applications / solutions (e.g.,
those that are built-in / pre-installed by the mobile operating systems).
22. Push notifications must not contain any sensitive information (e.g., Citi
information classified as Confidential or higher). However, one time password
(OTP) may be distributed via push notification.
23. Mobile application solutions must be equipped with a capability to reject/ignore
communication attempts with mobile clients who use application version(s)
with known / exploitable vulnerabilities.
24. Mobile applications must adhere to industry best practices including, but not
limited to prevention techniques published in the OWASP Mobile Top 10
25. The mobile application must leverage the minimal device permission(s) that
is/are required to perform the purpose(s)/function(s) that are leveraged by Citi.
26. Mobile applications shall not store any non-public information on
external/removable storage, such as SD cards.
27. Mobile applications that harness artificial intelligence and machine learning
(AI/ML) techniques must do so ethically and in accordance with Section 19 -
Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning.
17.60 Open Source Code.
Supplier shall disclose any and all open source software contained in any Products or
Services provided to Citi. Supplier will not, via an update, upgrade or otherwise
incorporate any open source software into any version of the Products or Services to
be installed on Citi’s Systems without prior disclosure to Citi in each instance. In
addition, Supplier shall ensure that its Products or Services do not include open source
software which is licensed under any terms otherwise subjecting Citi or its Affiliates to
any obligations not expressly disclosed and accepted by Citi in an Agreement.
Supplier shall disclose to Citi any malicious open source software detected within
Supplier’s organization within 30 days of discovery. Specifically, Supplier shall
disclose its use of open source software on each release and version of the Products
or Services via the provision to Citi of a Software Bill of Materials (“SBOM”) in either
the OWASP CycloneDX file format or the ISO/IEC 5962:2021 Software Package Data
Exchange (SPDX) specification file format. Supplier disclosure must include where
the open source software originated (e.g. public binary package manager, built from
source code, curated open source provider), and whether the Supplier or any of its
software supply chain dependencies has taken a copy of the open source software
(known as a “fork”) and subsequently built it into its Product or Services either as a
package dependency or as source code integrated into Supplier’s source code from
which the Products and Services are compiled.
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 52 of 60
Applicable to Suppliers that access/process/manage/store Citi Information AND/OR Host Citi
branded internet-facing applications AND/OR have connectivity to Citi’s network resources
AND/OR require unescorted access to Citi facilities.
Suppliers must safeguard the tangible and intangible assets of Citi and its Clients. Citi
and Client assets may be used only for approved purposes and in approved manners
(e.g., in accordance with applicable licenses, terms and conditions) and then only with
respect to the business purposes of Citi and Citi’s Suppliers. Assets include cash,
securities, physical property, services, business plans, Citi Information, supplier
information, distributor information, intellectual property (computer programs, models and
other items) and all other personal, proprietary and Confidential Information.
Misappropriation or unauthorized disclosure of Citi assets is a breach of your duty to Citi
and may constitute an act of fraud against Citi. Similarly, carelessness, waste or
unauthorized use in regard to Citi assets is also a breach of your duty to Citi.
Item Requirements
Citi Information
hard copy documentation)
Lock up and secure Citi Information after normal work hours and anytime
Supplier is away from designated workspace.
Desktop Personal Computers
(PCs) and Laptops
PCs and laptops used to access or view any Citi Information must be
secured by screen saver passwords after a period of inactivity. Whenever
a Supplier steps away from designated workspace they must lock the PC
and / or laptop with CTRL + ALT + DEL and select “Lock Computer”. If a
Supplier is using a laptop to view Citi Information, Supplier must ensure
that such laptop is secured via cable or security locks to the base unit
during work hours and locked securely away after normal work hours.
Lock It Up
File cabinets and drawers that store Citi Information must be locked after
normal work hours.
Open Office Areas
Open office areas must not be used as file server / mini data centers
store Citi Information unless specifically designed for such use and
documented with Citi.
All Citi related material must be cleared from printers, photocopiers and
fax trays.
Dispose of Citi Information that is no longer required (follow specific
retention schedules). Documents must be shredded or placed in a secure
/ locked recycle bin. Magnetic media must be disposed of securely after
proper erase procedures have been followed.
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 53 of 60
Applicable to Suppliers that utilize Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning (AI/ML), as defined by
Citi in these Requirements for Suppliers, in any part of the product/ service that they are
Supplier shall deliver written notification to Citi that expressly identifies AI/ML, as defined
by Citi in the Appendix hereto, where such AI/ML is:
1. Used, contained, or otherwise incorporated in any product or service for which
they are under Contract to directly or indirectly provide to Citi, or in any part
thereof, including any third-party product or service contained or embedded
therein; or
2. Utilized in any manner in Supplier’s performance of any Contract, whether or
not such AI/ML is used, contained, or otherwise incorporated in the actual
product or service being delivered to Citi; or
3. Utilized by Supplier in any manner which may expose Citi Information to such
AI/ML, including, but not limited to, any AI/ML utilized by Supplier in its non-
commercial business operations (e.g., business record keeping, process
improvements, research and development, compliance, and internal audit).
19.1 Supplier shall ensure that any agreement governing its relationship with a
subcontractor (or that subcontractor’s own agreement with another relevant party)
engaged to perform, or assist with, Supplier’s obligations under any Contract, or any
agreement between Supplier and a third party governing such third party’s provision
of services in support of any Supplier non-commercial business operation referred to
above, contains provisions that are, at a minimum, as comprehensive and strict as
those contained in this Section 19, and Supplier shall exercise its rights under such
provisions for Citi’s benefit at Citi’s request. Additionally, throughout the life of the
Contract, any utilization of AI/ML as described in this Section 19 at any stage must be
promptly notified to Citi in writing, and Supplier shall promptly comply with any Citi
request for further supporting information relating to such AI/ML and its utilization, and
may be subject to additional review, changes, and oversight of such AI/ML, where
19.2 If requested by a regulator, as part of any regulatory inspection or forensic
investigation into the use of AI/ML in any part of the product/ service, the Supplier must
assist Citi in responding to the regulator’s request, including conducting and/or
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 54 of 60
facilitating the conduct of algorithm audits necessary to discover the actual operations
of algorithms comprised the AI/ML models.
The following principles must also be adhered to:
1. Legality. Supplier AI/ML systems is expected to be designed to adhere and
comply with applicable law and to international treaties that are most protective
to Citi’s customers, users, and employees.
2. Purpose and Proportionality. Our AI/ML systems will be designed for the
fulfillment of the intended purposes of the services provided to Citi, and will
solely operate proportionally to the extent necessary, adequate, and relevant
in relation to the aforementioned purposes.
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 55 of 60
Air Gap is a security measure in which a computer, system, or network is physically separated
from other computers, systems, or networks. An air-gapped data backup architecture limits
exposure to a cyber-attack and allows for restoration of data to a point in time before the attack
Applicable Law includes: (a) state foreclosure laws and regulations and (b) the rules, guidelines
and other releases issued by various United States Federal Agencies, including the Office of the
Comptroller of the Currency (sometimes referred to as Red Flag Guidelines and Regulations)
implementing section 114 of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003
Availability Zone is where the Cloud Service Provider has a group of logical data centers. An
Availability Zone is one or more discrete data center(s) with redundant power, networking, and
telecommunications in a Cloud Region.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to a quantitative method, system or approach (‘techniques’) that
emulates human intelligence via computer programs to make estimates, predictions,
recommendations or decisions in manners that go beyond classical statistical, mathematical,
econometric or financial approaches. AI Categories include:
o Static AI: AI techniques manually trained offline or whose parameters are explicitly
programmed and then used to make estimates, predictions, recommendations, or
o Dynamic AI: Techniques that, unlike "Static AI", can automatically retrain parameters
periodically, in production
o Auto AI: "Dynamic AI" techniques that additionally are capable of automatically
changing their basic structure (e.g., hyperparameters, input variables)
o Cognitive AI: Techniques that can autonomously make decisions and take actions
accordingly, even on matters for which they were not specifically trained
Machine Learning (ML) is the subset of AI that derives representations or inferences from data
without explicitly programming every parameter representation or computer step, for example
Random Forests, Neural Network-based approaches. In contrast, AI techniques that are not
members of the ML subset include techniques such as fuzzy logic, complex dependency parsing
techniques for natural language processing.
Business Activity Owner (BAO) is a Citi employees responsible for performing and actively
managing certain activities associated with Supplier relationships.
Business Gift is any item of value (other than Business Entertainment) given or received by a Citi
employee in connection with Citi’s business or the business of the external party, generally
excluding items valued at USD $25 or less.
Citi Information is information which Citi owns or is obligated to protect during storage,
processing, transmission, or disposal in both digital and non-digital formats.
Citi Information Classifications Include:
Confidential is Information about Citi businesses and/or related parties that does not reference
individuals and requires a high level of protection. Compromise of the confidentiality, integrity, or
availability of this information could have a serious impact on Citi’s operations, financial status,
franchise, or corporate clients.
Confidential Personal Identifiable Information is Personal information about an individual that
has the potential to facilitate unlawful activity such as identity theft, credit fraud, or other financial
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 56 of 60
fraud against said individual. Compromise of the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of this
information could have a significant impact on the individual(s), including, but not limited to, financial
loss or, fraud.
o Personal data elements that, when combined with other personal data, constitute
Confidential PII include individual name or contact information (address, telephone, or
email address) in combination with:
o Transaction data elements that may result in funds movements, or can be used to
commit identity theft or fraud, such as:
o Credit/Debit card number.
o Card Verification Value (CVV) or PIN
o Credit report data (credit score)
o Full date of birth
o Worker performance (appraisal/feedback), or compensation information
o Video recordings including CCTV and ATM records
Certain personal data elements in isolation should constitute Confidential PII:
o U.S. Social Security number, Government issued identification number (that is
equivalent in usage and/or legal protection status to the U.S. Social Security number),
passport number, driver’s license number, or an individual’s tax ID number
Internal is Information not about an individual, intended for business purpose and requires a
moderate level of protection. Compromise of the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of this
information could have a limited impact on a team or workgroup.
o Personal Identifiable Information (PII) Personal Information is any information that:
o Identifies or can be used to identify an individual or household (such as name,
signature, address, unique national identifier such as social security number resident
registration number, date of birth, driver’s license number).
o Relates to, describes, is capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be
linked (directly or indirectly) with an individual or household;
o Can be used to authenticate an individual or provide access to an account (such
o As username, email address, password, PIN, identification number, answers security
questions); or relates to an individual and that might be sensitive (such as personal
medical or health information, account number, account value).
o Personal Information also includes Protected Health Information (as defined by the
U.S. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), Sensitive Personal
Information and Credit Information (as defined in various data protection/privacy and
bank confidentiality laws).
Public is information that is freely available outside of Citi or is intended for public use, like Citi
press releases or articles that appear in the news about Citi.
Restricted is Information limited in use by specific people or groups that is most sensitive for Citi
or its affiliates and requires the highest level of protection. Compromise of the confidentiality,
integrity, or availability of this information could have a severe (firm-wide, multiple regions,
multiple sector) impact on Citi’s operations, financial status, franchise, or corporate clients.
o Sensitive PII Personal information that is called out by specific laws as needing additional
protection, that could potentially be used to unlawfully discriminate against, or otherwise
cause unfairness or harm to an individual. Compromise of the confidentiality, integrity, or
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 57 of 60
availability of this information could have a significant impact on the individual (including,
but not limited to financial loss, fraud or discriminatory impact.
o Data specifically relating to: race, religion, religious or philosophical beliefs, ethnicity,
political affiliation or opinions, union membership, criminal background information or
criminal offenses, genetic data, biometric data, or data regarding an individual’s sexual
orientation or activity.
o Personal Health information (PHI) which includes information regarding the individual’s
medical history or mental or physical condition.
Client shall mean any client or customer of Citi and may include individuals (i.e., natural persons)
as well as businesses, institutions, organizations, and legal entities.
Cloud Region is a physical location where the Cloud Service Provider clusters data center(s).
Communications Equipment, Systems and Services are any hardware, software or
applications used in the transmission of written, voice, or video electronic communications. eComm
Channels include but are not limited to: computers, laptops, tablets, mobile devices or mobile
phones, including “Bring Your Own Device” (BYOD), BlackBerry, telephone, facsimile (fax
services), intranet and internet access, Wi-Fi Services, e-mail services, instant messaging services
such as Microsoft Lync, Skype, and Bloomberg messages, websites and applications with
embedded communications features, video meeting or collaboration platforms such as Zoom or
Microsoft Teams, and social media services, interactive information sharing services, third party
chat rooms, electronic bulletin boards and blogs.
Content means Citi’s Confidential Information and any other data, reports, statistics or information
of any kind (a) furnished or made available directly or indirectly to Supplier by or on behalf of Citi
or its Affiliates or by or on behalf of its or their clients, customers or service providers, (b) created,
produced via the Services, or (c) derived from any of the foregoing.
Contract is a written legal document signed by two or more parties that includes an offer,
acceptance, consideration, obligations of the parties and legality of purpose. Examples of
Contracts may include Master Agreements for products and services, statements of work / work
orders, amendments and addenda, schedules, orders or any other written document signed by a
Citi entity and a Supplier. A Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) is also considered a Contract for
the purposes of these Standards
Denial of Access (DOA) Test validates the staffing and support for Citi business processes that
can be recovered within the defined RTO.
Denial of Service (DOS) Test is where Citi either logs in (signs on) to an application of or managed
by Supplier or on Supplier’s systems, Supplier must conduct, at least once annually in accordance
with Citi requirements for each data center / technology room where these applications reside, a
DOS test to demonstrate that the application can be recovered to the DR site specified in Supplier’s
Disaster Recovery Plan.
Electronic Communications are messages or information sent, received, or used by Personnel
using electronic means, carried over wire or by wireless signals. Electronic Communications
include but are not limited to text messages, email, peer-to-peer or instant messages, blog posts,
social media posts, messages sent through messaging applications such as WhatsApp, WeChat,
Line, Signal, or Viber, and include attachments, screenshots, recorded voice or video files, live
voice or video, and files created, received, downloaded, stored, transmitted, deleted or used via
Electronic Communications Equipment, Systems, and Services.
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 58 of 60
Functional IDs are a generic ID, such as ADMIN or ROOT, which is used by a person or process
to access a security system. A key initiative in the Identity and Access Management (IAM)
operation is ensuring that Citi has specific, defined controls in place to protect against the risks
surrounding the use of Functional IDs.
Franchise Critical Processes / Franchise Critical Applications (FCA) are those processes /
applications that have been identified by Citi as essential to the successful execution of its
Franchise Critical Business Functions
Fraud is an intentional act, misstatement or omission designed to deceive others, resulting either
in the victim suffering a loss or the perpetrator achieving a gain
Hosted Services include any Installed Applications, and any facilities and environment managed
or utilized by Supplier to provide the Hosted Services, all applications and other software,
databases, websites, servers, hardware, networks, telecommunications and other equipment, and
other technology installed or used within the Hosted Services environment, and, in each case, all
Updates and Support Services, but excluding all Content and Citi’s Systems.
Identity Verification Data (IVD) is defined as Security Questions (SQ) or Knowledge Based
Authentication (KBA) questions. Security Questions are typically defined by the application and
answered by the end user. Examples are mother’s maiden name, place of birth, favorite ice cream,
etc. Both types of questions must be treated as Authentication Data.
Information Security or “IS” means the state in which a computer or computer system is
protected from unauthorized access or attack, and because of that state, (a) the computer or
computer system continues to be available and operational; (b) the integrity of the computer or
computer system is maintained; and (c) the integrity and confidentiality of information stored in,
processed by, or transmitted through the computer or computer system is maintained.
IS Threat means act or activity (whether known or suspected) carried out on or through a computer
or computer system, that may jeopardize or affect adversely, the IS of that or another computer or
computer system.
IS Vulnerability means any vulnerability in a computer or computer system that can be exploited
by one or more IS Threats.
Non-Client / Non-Revenue Generating is defined as business critical activities not associated
with revenue generating activities including legal, supervisory, regulatory and Continuity of
Business activities.
Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) is an agreement between Citi and a Supplier whereby the
exchange, use and disclosure of Information is governed by the terms of the agreement.
Open source software means source code or a compiled computer program in which the source
code is available to the general public for use or modification from its original design.
Personnel: means, whether stated directly or derived from context, Supplier and its affiliates,
directors, officers, employees, agents, auditors, consultants, service providers, and contractors
(excluding Citi personnel). Supplier personnel also include the directors, officers, employees,
agents, auditors, consultants, or other representatives of any Subcontractor."
Records Inventory is a detailed listing that includes the record types, location, dates, etc., of Citi’s
records and is needed for a business to properly manage their records through the Information
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Page 59 of 60
Record Hold is a requirement placed on Records and Information that suspends modification or
disposal until lifted by the authority that issued the hold.
Recovery Capacity is the volume, quantity or speed of delivery for the Supplier's products and
services, expressed as a percentage of normal delivery of products and services.
Recovery Duration is the maximum duration, in calendar days that the Supplier is capable of
sustaining operations whilst in recovery mode.
Recovery Point Objective is the point in time in the past, stated in hours, to which data must be
recovered after a business interruption. It is the maximum targeted period in which data might be
lost from an IT service due to a major incident. The RPO is only a measure of the maximum time
period in which data might be lost if there is a Major Incident affecting an IT Service. It is not a
direct measure of how much data might be lost, for example, to the end of previous day's
Recovery Time Objective is the duration in hours between the time of a service disruption and
the restoration of products and services.
Resource Management Organization (RMO) is responsible for the global end-to-end resource
management for Citi, including Strategic Sourcing, Purchase to Pay Operations, Staffing Office,
and Supplier Management Framework.
RMO Sourcing Manager is an individual within Resource Management Organization (RMO) who
is responsible for the negotiation of Contract business terms, requirements and pricing, including
RFPs and other Supplier selection activities, administration to the Contract terms and conditions
and financial evaluation accreditation requirements.
Severe or Catastrophic adverse effect to an individual means that the impact could reasonably
result in significant adverse effects to the individual, including the financial loss, loss of employment
or loss or difficulty in obtaining employment, loss of human rights, personal or public humiliation or
inappropriate imprisonment.
Subcontractor: Subcontractor: A subcontractor is a fourth party (person or entity), who was hired
by a third party to perform some or all of the services or activities that Citi has contracted to the
third party.
Q1: Do all of the Third Party's subcontractors need to be reported?
A1: Only subcontractors related to the service being performed need to be reported. Examples of
services or activities performed by a subcontractor include, but are not limited to:
*A subcontractor performing technology or software services that directly or indirectly support the
service/activities that Citi has contracted to the Third Party; or
*A subcontractor whose services include access to Citi Confidential or higher information; or
*A subcontractor who has direct or indirect interaction with any existing/potential Citi Client; or
*A subcontractor who is unescorted and performs shredding or archiving services of Citi documents
within or outside of any Citi premise; or
*A subcontractor supporting core banking functions or services such as payments,
collection, lending, etc.
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Technology Recovery Time Capability (TRTC) is the estimated total restoration time for an
application/business service and its underlying infrastructure components to be recovered at its
disaster recovery or alternate site following an invocation.