Standard Operating Procedure: Homeless Persons
Effective Date: April 18, 2014
Subject: Homeless Persons
Last Revision Date: N/A
I. Introduction:
The purpose of this directive is to outline standard operating procedures to be used in
the interaction with homeless individuals, homeless camp protocols, and information
on outreach assistance to social service resources.
II. Policy Statement:
It is the policy of the Asheville Police Department to treat all persons, including the
homeless, in a manner that respects their individual rights, human dignity and
community values, while enforcing laws that protect life and property and sustain
civic life. Whenever possible, APD members should exercise proper discretion and
refer homeless individuals to an appropriate social service agency, unless
circumstances dictate otherwise.
III. Definitions:
A. Homeless a person is considered homeless if he or she lacks a fixed, regular
and adequate nighttime residence, or has a primary nighttime residence that is:
1. A supervised publicly or privately operated shelter designated to provide
temporary living accommodations;
2. An institution that provides a temporary residence for individuals intended to
be permanently institutionalized;
3. A public or private place not designated for, or ordinarily used as, a regular
sleeping accommodation for human beings.
B. Homeless Camp Any place where homeless individuals gather to store their
property and/or sleep. These areas may take a variety of forms not meant for
human habitation.
C. Outreach The initial and most critical step in connecting or reconnecting a
homeless individual to needed health, mental health, recovery, social and
housing services that involves the process of engagement, assessing needs,
defining service goals or agreeing on a plan for delivering those services.
D. Crisis Intervention Psychotherapy approach for officers who come into contact
with people with severe mental illnesses, intellectual/developmental disabilities
or addiction issues. This approach is designed to improve safety, focus on
recognizing the signs and symptoms of these illnesses in order to respond
effectively, and help redirect consumers from the judicial system to the health
care system and other appropriate resources.
E. Homeless Initiative Coordinator - The liaison from the City of Asheville Planning
and Development Department whose responsibilities include conducting
research and investigation into issues about homelessness, and formulating
recommendations to local governmental entities and social service agencies to
reduce the incidence of homelessness.
IV. Procedures:
A. Absent reasonable suspicion that a homeless person is violating the law, APD
members should approach homeless individuals as they would any other citizen.
Homelessness, on its own, does not constitute reasonable suspicion. If
reasonable suspicion is present, officers may detain and identify a homeless
B. No items of personal property shall be destroyed or discarded. Homeless
individuals keep many personal belongings, including documents and
medications in what might initially appear to be an item of trash or other type of
refuse. Members shall adhere to APD Policy 1100 - Property & Evidence Control
in the handling of any property. No personal property shall be searched or
seized unless reasonable suspicion or probable cause exists.
C. Homeless individuals cannot be forced to move to another location if they have a
legal right to be present at a location. However, a homeless person may be
asked to relocate for safety or security reasons.
D. Whenever possible, homeless individuals should be referred to health, mental
health, recovery, social, and/or housing services.
E. Many homeless persons suffer from mental health and substance abuse issues
that are beyond their control. If an officer encounters an individual who is
suffering an episode, the officer should notify an APD member trained in Crisis
Intervention techniques (CIT officer) to assist, should they not be formally
trained themselves. The officers should then complete a CIT incident report and
forward that case number to the Homeless Initiative Coordinator.
V. Homeless Camp Procedure:
A. The primary officer responding to a homeless camp call for service will complete
an ‘Information Only report in order to identify all individuals located at the
camp, and document pertinent details of the scene such as location, conditions,
B. If individuals are located at the camp, responding officers will instruct them that
they have seven (7) days to vacate the property. They will also provide them
with resource cards outlining outreach assistance options. Prior to the
conclusion of their shift, the primary responding officer will email the details and
the case number of the report to the appropriate district Community Resource
Officer(s) and District Commander notifying them of the call for service.
C. The district Community Resource Officer will in turn notify the Homeless
Initiative Coordinator to facilitate outreach workers’ referral to the campsite.
D. During the seven (7) days, outreach workers will respond to the campsite and
offer to assist with needed social services, as well as moving belongings. The
Homeless Initiative Coordinator will let that district’s Community Resource
Officer know that outreaches have responded and the result.
E. On the 7th day or soon thereafter, the district Community Resource Officer will
respond back to the camp location to take appropriate enforcement action of
any original inhabitants which may remain or have returned to the property.
F. The district Community Resource Officer will notify the property owner that the
property should be cleaned along with any trespass letter information. This
procedure will apply for private as well as public properties.
G. The Community Resource Officer will conduct follow up to ensure the property
has been cleaned, and complete a supplement to the original report
documenting that the property has been cleaned.
H. If officers respond to a camp three (3) times in a seven (7) day period and never
locate anyone, they can assume that the property is abandoned and the CRO can
move forward with contacting the property owner to have the property cleaned
VI. Outreach:
A. Outreach is important in connecting or reconnecting a homeless individual to
needed health, mental health, social and housing services. Officers should
collaborate with physical and mental health experts in order to visit individuals
and homeless camps to allow for joint assessment and planning.
B. Winter Contingency Plan People experiencing homelessness have a higher risk
than the general population of developing exposure-related conditions such as
hypothermia and frostbite. These conditions can be immediately life
threatening, and may also increase the risk of dying from unrelated conditions in
the future. Increased homeless services, especially additional shelter availability,
are necessary to accommodate such amplified needs in the winter.
C. The Winter Contingency Plan, also known as “Code Purple has been developed
to provide relief to the homeless when inclement weather conditions occur. The
City of Asheville has a number of shelters that provide overflow space during the
winter months to provide additional protection against the harsher elements.
Each shelter generally bases its overflow on weather conditions below 32
VII. Referrals to Asheville Shelters and Contact Information
Steadfast House (Women & children only)
(828) 259-5365
Veterans Restoration Quarters (Men only)
1329 Tunnel Road
(828) 259-5333
**Winter overflow accommodations
30 Cumberland Ave
(828) 253-5300
**Monday Friday hours only
A-Hope Day Center
19 N. Ann Street
(828) 252-8883
Helpmate (Women & Children only, specifically for domestic violence)
Crisis Line: (828) 254-0516
Office: (828) 254-2968
Rescue Mission
225 Patton Avenue
(828) 254-0471
**Winter overflow accommodations
Salvation Army
297 Haywood Street
(828) 253-4723
**Winter overflow accommodations
GENDER DISCLAIMER: Gender Reference in Asheville Police Department policies, such as "he",
"his", etc., may refer equally to either the male or female gender.