Buyers Guide for Data
Protection and Cyber
Resiliency Solutions
Strategies to improve RPO/RTO and
cyber resiliency.
Buyer’s Guide for Data Protection and Cyber Resiliency Solutions
Enterprise data is more valuable than ever before and growing at an
astounding rate, placing increasing pressure on IT teams to protect this
critical resource. But they’re up against a lot: system failures, user errors
and malicious attacks are unpredictable and unavoidable.
The costs, downtime, reputation impact, data loss and other implications
can be devastating if you’re not prepared.
Growing and evolving security risks, combined with increasingly com-
plex IT landscapes, have made the job of protecting enterprise data chal-
lenging. But with the right combination of tools to achieve more reliable
backups, faster recovery and enhanced cyber protection, you can mini-
mize downtime and cost to the organization if something goes wrong.
This guide will help you keep your data safe with the latest
replication, backup and security strategies.
Buyer’s Guide for Data Protection and Cyber Resiliency Solutions
Table of Contents
04 Todays Data Protection Challenges
07 Buying Criteria for Data Protection
Always Available
Always Backed Up
Always Protected
12 Strategy Recommendations
Buyer’s Guide for Data Protection and Cyber Resiliency Solutions
Your current backup and recovery solutions were not designed to
protect against the sophisticated threats your business is facing
today. Because of this, you’ve probably had to adapt how you work,
incurring unnecessary hardware and stang costs, and creating a
more complex environment.
The result is a greater dependency on stang resources, an inabili-
ty to quickly adopt new technologies and data silos that prevent you
from seeing all your data and acting on it.
Todays Data
Protection Challenges
Manual eorts
introduce risk and are
Lack of support for
hybrid infrastructure
limits flexibility
Management com-
plexity, inconsistent
policies, and lack of
data visibility
Lack of automation
slows response
Weak cyber resiliency
exposes risk of
ransomware and
Buyer’s Guide for Data Protection and Cyber Resiliency Solutions
The bigger your industry, the more expensive it is to not have access to
your data, adding RTO/RPO pressures to IT teams. Because if something
goes wrong (and it eventually will), you need to be able to get your data
back online before it aects your business.
If you’re a brokerage, every hour could cost upwards of $6 million. If you’re
a healthcare provider, you could be sacrificing patient care and potentially
lives by delaying access to patient data.
How quickly can you get your data back online?
The Cost of
Going Down
Downtime is Detrimental
Buyer’s Guide for Data Protection and Cyber Resiliency Solutions
One of the greatest threats to businesses today is ransom-
ware. In 2021, a business, consumer or device was attacked
every 11 seconds and ransomware did $20 billion of damage, a
figure that is projected to more than double by 2024.
Attacks are becoming so sophisticated they even target
the backup environment, meaning you need to protect your
protection too.
Evolving Cyber
Buyer’s Guide for Data Protection and Cyber Resiliency Solutions
Your key defenses revolve around rapid recovery from large-scale data loss and
protection of backups from ransomware.
When evaluating ways to augment data protection, ask yourself how each solution
stacks up against the following criteria:
Buying Criteria for
Data Protection
Management com-
plexity, inconsistent
policies, and lack of
data visibility
Availability Back up Protection
Buyer’s Guide for Data Protection and Cyber Resiliency Solutions
With businesses running 24/7/365, data needs to be always avail-
able. Replication helps you maintain multiple, synchronized instanc-
es of IT resources in geographically dispersed locations, ensuring
continuous operations for mission critical applications. Recovery
Point Objective (RPO) and Recovery Time Objective (RTO) are two
of the most important parameters of a disaster recovery or data
protection plan. Nonstop, uninterrupted data access helps achieve
strict objectives.
A replication policy is used to copy data to/from geographically dis-
persed locations. This framework is designed to eciently spread
data across multiple sites. The following replication features should
be integrated into your disaster recovery plan:
Always Available
The Hitachi Virtual Storage
Platform oers a 100%
availability guarantee.
Hitachi Content Platform
delivers six 9s of availability
and fifteen 9s of durability.
One-to-Many Sync-To:
Replicate objects across
multiple destination targets.
Many-to-One Sync-From:
Bring data from external sources
back to the storage platform.
Did you know?
Enterprise-class replication policy for block, file, and
object to prevent business disruption.
Highly reliable, highly resilient data infrastructure.
Buyer’s Guide for Data Protection and Cyber Resiliency Solutions
To restore data quickly, first you need to back it up. But, in today’s
complex storage environments, backup can be complicated, with
multiple backup apps for dierent data types and sources, which
may include multiple cloud providers. As complexity and data
volumes increase, backup takes longer and costs more, which
aects your RPO/RTO objectives.
To streamline backup, start with a simple rule of thumb:
Always Backed Up
Copy being
Copy being oine,
air-gapped or
of data
Then, modernize your technology to reduce the cost and opera-
tional burden of managing backup storage. Select backup applica-
tions that include features such as automated tiering, direct-to-ob-
ject connectivity and support for object lock to enable immutability
of backup data.
Prioritize broad support for diverse data protection needs by
favoring backup applications that support workloads deployed
on-premises, in the cloud, or in SaaS applications.
Automated tiering.
Low-cost archival storage.
Support for multiple cloud providers.
Support workloads deployed onpremises, in the cloud
or in SaaS applications.
Buyer’s Guide for Data Protection and Cyber Resiliency Solutions
Being able to explicitly guard data against unauthorized access is
mission critical. Compromises in security can quickly lead to the
accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, access, or un-
authorized disclosure of protected data. Ransomware attacks are
a key factor compelling organizations to make changes, as these
attacks are now focusing on targeting the backup safety net that
enterprises rely on for recovering from these incidents.
Organizations are seeking a cohesiveness of security measures
to avoid data breaches and data leaks. A layered approach to
cyber resiliency helps secure data against attacks.
Always Protected
Access control
Role-based authentication
Event logging
AI powered anomaly
Buyer’s Guide for Data Protection and Cyber Resiliency Solutions
Protect your data:
If the data is well protected, then you know you can recover. Immutability ensures
that snapshots, files and other data cannot be corrupted or deleted. Role based
access controls, event logging, and data integrity checks ensure authenticity,
enhance privacy and security, and provide full audit and search capabilities.
Detect intruders:
Bring in technologies and services to help you detect and intercept malware at
the point of attack. The sooner you know an attack is happening, the sooner you
can isolate aected system to prevent the spread and the less data loss you are
likely to experience.
Automate recovery:
Next, empower your organization to automate recovery at scale. The less time
you spend recovering the better.
Approach to
Hitachi Vantara oers the
world’s fastest automated
ransomware recovery.
Measured in Minutes for
Thousands of VMs
(1500 VMs in 70 min)
Did you know?
Buyer’s Guide for Data Protection and Cyber Resiliency Solutions
Protect your data with the right infrastructure and tools.
Maintain multiple, synchronized instances of IT resources
in geographically dispersed locations.
3 copies of data on 2 dierent media with 1 copy being osite
1 copy being oine, air-gapped or immutable, and 0 errors.
Encryption, WORM, versioning, access control, role-based
Buyer’s Guide for Data Protection and Cyber Resiliency Solutions
Unlock End-To-End Data Protection and Cyber Resiliency.
Hitachi Vantara provides agile and adaptable solutions to empower
you with the choice and control to augment hybrid-environment
data storage protection in ways that work best for you. Enterprises
as well as smaller organizations can assure business continuity and
gain compliance and cyber resilience quickly and cost-eectively
with fully transparent SLAs backed by a trusted partner.
Build Secure and
Resilient Data Storage
with Hitachi Vantara
Buyer’s Guide for Data Protection and Cyber Resiliency Solutions
Availability Backup Protection
Ensure continuous operations for mission critical
applications with nonstop, uninterrupted data ac-
cess to achieve strict zero RTO and RPO objectives
Deliver robust protection of data where it lives to
reduce the cost of traditional data protection and
reduce the risk of data loss.
Safeguard data for security and privacy to prevent
data loss, theft, and tampering.
Enterprise-class replication for block, file, and ob-
ject to prevent business disruption.
Sustainable protection against and fast recovery
from system failures, user errors, and malicious
Hitachi Security Systems provides cybersecurity,
compliance, and personal information and privacy
solutions to all businesses battling current and
future cyberthreats.
Storage Systems VSP, HCP HC P, VSP
Global Active Topology (HCP),
Global Active Device (VSP)
Ops Center Protector, DPaaS, Hitachi
Data Protection Suite, CyberVR
Hitachi Security Systems
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Hitachi Vantara, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hitachi Ltd., delivers the
intelligent data platforms, infrastructure systems and digital expertise that
supports more than 80% of the Fortune 100. To learn how Hitachi Vantara
turns businesses from data-rich to data-driven through agile digital
processes, products, and experiences, visit
Buyer’s Guide for Data Protection and Cyber Resiliency Solutions
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