Choosing the Right Security Service Edge Soluon
March 2024
Table of Contents
SSE Buyer’s Guide
Choosing the Right Zero Trust Soluon
Understanding Security Service Edge (SSE)
Key Consideraons for an SSE Soluon
SSE Feature Evaluaon Criteria
Secure Web and Cloud Usage Requirements
Zero Trust Network Access Requirements
Plaorm Requirements
Appendix I – SSE Feature Evaluaon Checklist
As organizaons navigate today’s evolving digital landscape, securing their
networks and data has become an increasingly complex undertaking. Tradional
security approaches are proving themselves outdated in a new era of expanding
cloud services, IoT devices, flexible work, and sophiscated threats. To adapt
enterprise security to this new reality and address these challenges more
robustly, a new approach called Security Service Edge (SSE) has emerged that is a
logical outgrowth of recent advances in cloud and networking technologies. This
buyer's guide aims to help you choose the right SSE soluon for your
organizaon's security needs. A well-chosen SSE soluon, grounded in Zero Trust
principles, can serve as the cornerstone of your organizaon's security
SSE is a cloud-based soluon that delivers an integrated set of security
capabilies at the network edge, shiing security closer to users and devices
while eliminang poorly integrated products, slow user experiences, and the
management complexity of the past. SSE provides secure access to web,
cloud, and private applicaons, threat protecon against web and network
aacks, and data leak prevenon. It combines mulple point soluons into a
single converged security service delivering Secure Web Gateway (SWG),
Next-Gen Firewall (NGFW), Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB), Data Loss
Prevenon (DLP), and Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA).
For more background, see the white paper
Understanding Security Service Edge (SSE)
SSE Buyer’s Guide
Choosing the Right Zero Trust Soluon
SSE: A New Strategy to Secure Every Edge
SSE Buyer’s Guide
Choosing the Right Zero Trust Soluon
Key Consideraons
for an SSE Soluon
To help you evaluate different SSE soluons, we begin
immediately below with a discussion of several “first
principles” as general guidance on what you should be
looking for, followed by discussion of specific
requirements in the ensuing SSE Feature Evaluaon
Criteria secon. We have organized these
requirements into three categories – web and cloud
security requirements, zero trust access requirements,
and plaorm requirements. You will also find a
one-page “at-a-glance” checklist of these
requirements at the end in Appendix I.
SSE should improve your security posture
Cyber threats today are faster and more sophiscated than ever. An SSE soluon
plays a crical role in enhancing your organizaon's security posture by providing
a comprehensive and adapve security framework that protects against a wide
range of cyber threats. By integrang various security funcons such as data
protecon, threat prevenon, and secure access within a unified cloud-based
plaorm, an SSE soluon ensures that security policies are consistently enforced
across all users, devices, and locaons. This is parcularly crucial in an era of
increased remote work and cloud adopon, where tradional perimeter-based
security models are no longer adequate. An SSE soluon also facilitates the
implementaon of a Zero Trust security model, which assumes that threats can
exist both inside and outside tradional network boundaries, thereby requiring
connuous verificaon of all access requests regardless of their origin. This
approach significantly reduces the aack surface and minimizes the risk of data
breaches, making it an essenal requirement for organizaons aiming to
strengthen their security posture in a dynamic threat environment.
The following are general expectaons you should have for any SSE soluon:
SSE Buyer’s Guide
Choosing the Right Zero Trust Soluon
SSE should give you x-ray vision
If you don’t have visibility, you don’t have security. Visibility into network and
user acvies through detailed reporng and analycs is vital for informed
decision-making and compliance management, and the premise of an integrated
soluon should both simplify AND enrich your ability to understand what is
happening throughout your network.
SSE should be comprehensive
In evaluang an SSE soluon, an essenal consideraon is the
comprehensiveness of its security framework. It should include robust data
protecon measures like encrypon and malware detecon, advanced threat
prevenon tools such as sandboxing and intrusion prevenon systems, and
granular access control policies anchored in Zero Trust principles. The soluon
should offer seamless secure access to a wide range of cloud services and
applicaons, while ensuring an efficient and consistent user access experience
regardless of the user's locaon at any given me. Security measures should not
compromise the user experience, maintaining high performance and low latency
connecvity for remote users and branch offices.
SSE should work with what you have
Integraon capabilies and scalability stand out as crical consideraons. The
chosen SSE soluon should easily integrate with exisng security infrastructure,
support identy provider systems for authencaon, and be capable of scaling to
accommodate future growth in user numbers, devices, and data traffic. The
soluon should align with the organizaon's compliance requirements and data
sovereignty concerns, especially for operaons across mulple jurisdicons.
SSE should deliver on TCO
Evaluang the soluon's total cost of ownership, alongside the vendor's
reputaon, support offerings, and the richness of their ecosystem, is
fundamental. Opng for a vendor known for innovaon, reliability, and
comprehensive support can significantly enhance the value of the SSE
investment. Organizaons should engage in thorough market research, including
proof-of-concept tests and consultaons with industry peers, to ensure the
chosen SSE soluon aligns with their security needs, operaonal demands, and
business objecves, seng a solid foundaon for secure and efficient
cloud-based operaons.
SSE Buyer’s Guide
Choosing the Right Zero Trust Soluon
SSE Feature
Evaluaon Criteria
An-malware and an-virus defenses
The soluon should scan all incoming web and cloud applicaon traffic for
malware, ransomware, and other advanced threats. By analyzing files and
executable downloads in real me, the soluon can idenfy and block threats
before they reach the user's device.
Advanced threat protecon
Effecve threat detecon and response are crucial to protect against advanced
cyber threats and maintain the integrity and availability of services. Key
requirements for advanced threat detecon within an SSE framework include the
deployment of mulple defensive layers ulizing a combinaon of signature-based,
heurisc, and behavior-based detecon methods to idenfy known and unknown
threats, coupled with AI/ML-enhanced sandboxing to detonate and analyze
suspicious files and URLs in a secure and isolated environment to idenfy paerns,
anomalies, and emerging threats based on large data sets and predicve analysis.
Securing cloud and web usage is a crical component of an
SSE soluon, focusing on protecng users, data, resources,
and IoT devices across the infrastructure. An SSE offering
should integrate various security funcons to provide
comprehensive security for cloud-based services and
internet access. This includes SWG, NGFW, CASB, and
DLP capabilies.
Secure Web and Cloud Usage Requirements
SSE Buyer’s Guide
Choosing the Right Zero Trust Soluon
Automated threat response
Once threats are detected, automated threat response should be enacted such
as isolang infected devices, blocking malicious traffic, and/or revoking user
access in real me to prevent the spread of a potenal incident or threat.
SSL/TLS decrypon and inspecon
With the majority of web traffic being encrypted, SSE soluons must decrypt
SSL/TLS traffic to inspect the content for malicious acvity, potenal data
exfiltraon, and policy violaons. This ensures that encrypted traffic does not
serve as a blind spot for security controls. The soluon needs to deliver these
decrypon and inspecon services while liming or eliminang user experience
issues like connecvity performance — note that this decrypon and inspecon
can be a processing boleneck for many cloud-based SSE soluons due to the
stac nature of their environments, having an elasc environment allows the
soluon to adapt to the customer’s needs without noceable issues.
IoT security
Internet of Things (IoT) devices are becoming increasingly pervasive in enterprise,
medical, and industrial networks. Securing their communicaons is crical due to
their sensive data and the potenal point of entry into the overall network
they are connected to. Key capabilies to look for from an SSE soluon include:
device fingerprinng and idenficaon for OT, IoT, IIoT, and IoMT devices; the
ability to apply Zero Trust policies and appropriate segmentaon; AI/ML-based
threat detecon for these devices based on anomalous behavior; and the ability
to dynamically adjust these devices network access based on threat detecon.
Web usage policy control
The soluon should enforce organizaonal policies on internet use, ensuring
security, corporate compliance, and efficient use of resources. This includes
policy definion and management, user and group-based policies, category and
reputaon-based filtering of URLs and IP addresses (e.g., adult content, social
media, entertainment, gambling), and keyword and content filtering.
SSE Buyer’s Guide
Choosing the Right Zero Trust Soluon
Cloud app discovery (Shadow IT)
This capability provides comprehensive visibility into all cloud services being used
within an organizaon, including sanconed, tolerated, and unsanconed
applicaons. This visibility is crucial for understanding the organizaon’s cloud
footprint and for idenfying potenal security and compliance risks.
Cloud app idenficaon and risk scoring
Once cloud applicaons are idenfied, the SSE soluon should assess each app for
potenal security, compliance, and governance risks. This involves evaluang the
security features and pracces of the cloud service providers, such as data
encrypon standards, authencaon mechanisms, and compliance with relevant
regulaons (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA). The soluon should be able to idenfy all major
cloud applicaons on the internet.
Cloud app usage management
The soluon should allow organizaons to enforce granular access control policies
for cloud applicaons. These policies can restrict access to cloud applicaons and
specific controls and funcons within cloud applicaons based on user roles,
locaons, device types, and me of access, ensuring that only authorized users
can access sensive applicaons under specified condions.
Data protecon
Data Loss Prevenon policies are central to a cloud data protecon strategy.
These policies prevent unauthorized sharing, transfer, or storage of sensive data
based on predefined rules and detecon techniques. The soluon should enforce
DLP policies across cloud applicaons, taking acons that violate these policies
such as informaon redacon or by prevenng the upload of sensive documents.
SSE Buyer’s Guide
Choosing the Right Zero Trust Soluon
Identy-based access control
Robust Identy and Access Management (IAM) are used to verify and authencate
users before granng access to resources. This requires integrang with exisng
identy providers (IdPs) and supporng mul-factor authencaon (MFA) to
ensure that access is securely controlled and based on verified user idenes.
Device assessment and enrollment
Devices aempng to access the network need to be assessed for compliance
with the organizaon's security policies. This process involves checking the
security posture of the device, using mulple contextual controls like the
operang system version, the presence of required security soware (anvirus,
an-malware), and the absence of known vulnerabilies or compromised states.
Devices meeng these and addional criteria are only then allowed to connect.
Least privilege access
Least privilege access is applied to ensure that each user or device is only able to
access the specific applicaons, resources, or data they need to fulfill their job
responsibilies. This minimizes the potenal for lateral movement within the
environment by creang micro-segmentaon for SSE users/devices and network
ZTNA is a crical component of SSE soluons, embracing
the principle of "never trust, always verify" to provide
secure access by users and devices to private applicaons
and resources.
Zero Trust Network Access Requirements
The key requirements for ZTNA as part of an SSE soluon include:
SSE Buyer’s Guide
Choosing the Right Zero Trust Soluon
Connuous posture assessment
Client posture monitoring provides real-me assessments of risk and compliance
by performing regular host checks to ensure that the device, while connected
without forcing any disconnects, sll complies with the assessment performed
during inial enrollment.
Dynamic policy enforcement
ZTNA soluons must enforce access policies based on the user privilege and
context of each access request based upon the criteria set during the inial
enrollment of the user/device. If a device falls out of compliance for any reason,
the system should automacally restrict access to sensive resources or
disconnect/quaranne the device from the network altogether unl the issues
are resolved.
All communicaons between users/devices, enterprise-owned resources either
on-premises or in a hybrid environment, and the SSE plaorm should be
encrypted, ensuring data privacy and the applicaon of consistent security
policies and access controls across a company’s enre digital estate. This applies
to data in transit and oen extends to data at rest, providing comprehensive
protecon against intercepon and eavesdropping.
SSE Buyer’s Guide
Choosing the Right Zero Trust Soluon
Cloud-nave architecture
The soluon should be built as a cloud-nave plaorm to ensure scalability,
flexibility, and the ability to seamlessly integrate with cloud services and adapt
to evolving security needs. This architecture supports rapid deployment, easy
management, and automac updates.
Hybrid environment support
Look for an SSE soluon that supports dynamic segmentaon across hybrid
environments, including mul-cloud and on-premises setups.
Integraon with your exisng ecosystem
The soluon should integrate seamlessly with an organizaon's exisng tools
such as an endpoint protecon suite, identy provider, network monitoring
soluon, security analycs plaorm, automaon plaorm, and mobile device
management suite.
Global cloud backbone
An SSE soluon should have a globally distributed network of points of presence
(PoPs) interconnected with each other so that traffic engineered data can be
passed from PoP to PoP to ensure low-latency access for users anywhere in the
world. The soluon must also know to select and use the security policy
enforcement point that is closest to the user/device, considering not just
geographic locaon, but also interconnecon latency values for the specific
applicaon access being made. This is crical for maintaining high performance
and a posive user experience, especially for remote and mobile workers.
Characteriscs of the soluon from a
plaorm design and operaons perspecve
that bear special aenon include:
Plaorm Requirements
Scalability and reliability
The plaorm must be elasc to support peak demand bursts and the overall
growth of an organizaon’s users, devices, and data, demonstrang the ability to
acvate addional global PoPs and processing resources as needed and on
demand. It should oer high availability and reliability to ensure connuous access
to applicaons and services.
Advanced AI and ML capabilies
Arficial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) can contribute advanced
capabilies for threat detecon, response, and predicve analycs. Using AI/ML
to enhance the analysis of network traffic and user behavior can uncover
Indicators of Compromise (IoC) and establish security baselines. The soluon
should perform predicve analysis for potenal threats before they materialize,
allowing automated prevenve measures to be taken through dynamic controls
based on the risk profile of a user or device.
Visibility, analycs, and real-me reporng
The soluon should provide deep visibility into threats and vulnerabilies and
collect a wide range of data types from various sources, including network traffic,
user acvies, applicaon usage, security events, and threat events, and process
data in real me as a foundaon for comprehensive analycs and reporng.
Employing AI/ML to enhance analycs can help in idenfying paerns,
anomalies, and trends in the data. An effecve real-me reporng system must
include an alerng mechanism that nofies relevant personnel of crical events
or indicators of compromise (IoCs).
Unified management and operaons
A unified approach to SSE should mean a single management console. This
simplificaon reduces the complexity of managing disparate security tools,
enabling more efficient policy configuraon, enforcement and updang across the
enre security infrastructure. Note that some vendors have acquired and “bolted
together” disparate security tools to try to create this unified approach – make
sure to evaluate the ease of administraon, policy management, analycs, and
troubleshoong across all SSE funconal capabilies.
SSE Buyer’s Guide
Choosing the Right Zero Trust Soluon
Cost efficiency
Consolidang security services into a unified plaorm will result in significant
cost savings. Organizaons can reduce the overhead associated with licensing,
integrang, and managing mulple standalone security products. Addionally,
operaonal efficiencies gained through centralized management can further
reduce total cost of ownership.
User experience
A unified SSE plaorm should deliver a seamless and consistent user experience,
regardless of where users are located or what resources they are accessing.
Security measures should not impede performance or usability, which is
parcularly important for supporng flexible workforces – who may be working
from home, an office, and on the road in a given week or even day – using
cloud-based applicaons.
The SSE soluon should meet major compliance standards (SOC type 2, ISO
27001, GDPR, HIPPA, PCI, etc.), taking into account that your data is being
transported by and residing in hosted infrastructure. By centralizing the oversight
of data protecon and access controls, organizaons can easily generate reports
to streamline and validate compliance during yearly audits.
SSE Buyer’s Guide
Choosing the Right Zero Trust Soluon
SSE Buyer’s Guide
Choosing the Right Zero Trust Soluon
Selecng the most suitable SSE soluon is a pivotal step for organizaons
aiming to bolster their cybersecurity in an era marked by complex digital
threats and distributed work environments. It will enable you to maintain
the strongest possible security posture across all cloud services, web
access, and private applicaons, irrespecve of where your users are
located or what devices they are using, and without compromising their
A comprehensive SSE soluon should not only address immediate security
challenges, but also be capable of adapng to the evolving landscape and
scaling with the organizaon's growth. It must deliver robust threat
protecon, vigilant data protecon, granular access control, and
connuous monitoring while ensuring a seamless user experience.
As you embark on the journey to secure your digital perimeters, consider
not just the technical capabilies, but also the vendor's reputaon, the
soluon's integraon ease, and the overall value it brings to your
organizaon. A trusted vendor with a proven track record, robust support
structure, and a clear vision for the future of cybersecurity will be a
valuable partner in safeguarding your enterprise's assets. Remember, the
right SSE soluon is more than just a tool — it is an investment in the
resilience and sustainability of your business operaons in an
interconnected digital world.
Appendix I
SSE Feature Evaluaon Checklist
SSE Buyer’s Guide
Choosing the Right Zero Trust Soluon
Plaorm Requirements
Cloud-nave architecture
Hybrid environment support
Integraon with your exisng ecosystem
Global cloud backbone
Scalability and reliability
Visibility, analycs and real-me reporng
Unified management and operaons
Advanced AI and ML capabilies
Cost efficiency
Seamless user experience
Simplified compliance management
Zero Trust Network Access Requirements
Identy-based access control
Device assessment and enrollment
Least privilege access and microsegmentaon
Connuous posture monitoring
Dynamic policy enforcement
Secure Cloud and Web Usage Requirements
An-malware and an-virus defenses
Advanced Threat Protecon
Automated threat response
SSL/TLS descripon and inspecon
IoT security
Web usage policy control
Cloud app discovery (Shadow IT)
Cloud app idenficaon and risk scoring
Cloud app usage management
Data protecon
Versa Networks, the leader in single-vendor Unified SASE plaorms, delivers
AI/ML-powered SASE, SSE and SD-WAN soluons. The plaorm provides
networking and security with true multenancy, and sophiscated analycs via
the cloud, on-premises, or as a blended combinaon of both to meet SASE
requirements for small to extremely large enterprises and service providers.
Thousands of customer’s globally with hundreds of thousands of sites and
millions of users trust Versa with their mission crical networks and security.
Versa Networks is privately held and funded by Sequoia Capital, Mayfield, Ars
Ventures, Verizon Ventures, Comcast Ventures, BlackRock Inc., Liberty Global
Ventures, Princeville Capital, RPS Ventures and Triangle Peak Partners.
About Versa Networks
SSE Buyer’s Guide
Choosing the Right Security Service Edge Soluon
For more informaon, visit
Follow us on @versanetworks
Securely connect any user, device or locaon to any workload or app
Versa Unified SASE Plaorm
Any Locaon
Any User
Any Device
Any IoT