White Perch (Morone americana)
Ecological Risk Screening Summary
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, July 2014
Revised, March 2019
Web Version, 8/26/2019
Image: Duane Raver/U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Public Domain.
1 Native Range and Status in the United States
Native Range
From Fuller et al. (2019a):
Atlantic Slope drainages from St. Lawrence-Lake Ontario drainage, Quebec, south to Pee Dee
River, South Carolina (Page and Burr 1991).
Status in the United States
From CABI (2019):
“In some states of the USA it is both native to some parts and exotic to other areas.”
From Fuller et al. (2019a):
Established in all five Great Lakes and their surrounding states, as well as in Kentucky,
Massachusetts, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Carolina, and Vermont. Current
status in Colorado and Kansas is unknown.
Although the White Perch was found in the Missouri River in Missouri almost to the
Missouri/Iowa state border (Pflieger 1997), as of March 1998, there are no known collections in
the state of Iowa (M. Konrad, personal communication).
From Fuller et al. (2019b):
This species has been recorded for Colorado (Everhart and Seaman 1971); Lake Michigan
(Savitz et al. 1989; Mills et al. 1993), the Illinois River (Cochran and Hesse 1994; Burr et al.
1996; Irons 2002; Blodgett 1993), and the Mississippi River (Cochran and Hesse 1994;
Rasmussen 1998), Illinois (Burr et al. 1996; Irons et al. 2002); Lake Michigan and several inland
lakes, Indiana (Mills et al. 1993; R. Horner, personal communication; R. Robertson and D.
Keller, personal communication); the Missouri River, Iowa (Hergenrader 1980; Bernstein 2001;
Larson, personal communication); Hoover Pond in Kingman City Riverside Park, Cheney and
Wilson reservoirs, and Browning Oxbow on the Missouri River, Kansas (Whitmore 1997;
Rasmussen 1998; T. Mosher, personal communication; Goeckler, pers. comm.); inland lakes and
ponds statewide except Aroostook County, Maine (Halliwell 2003); nonnative, inland waters of
Massachusetts (Hartel 1992; Hartel et al. 1996; USFWS 2005); the Great Lakes, Michigan
(Johnson and Evans 1990; Mills et al. 1993; Bowen, pers. comm.); Duluth Harbor, Lake
Superior, Minnesota (Johnson and Evans 1990; Mills et al. 1993); Lake Contray in Buchanan
County, Big Lake in Holt County, and the Missouri River in Carroll and Howard counties, in
Missouri (Pflieger 1997); the Missouri River and the Platte River drainage in Nebraska
(Hergenrader and Bliss 1971; Morris et al. 1974; Hergenrader 1980; Cross et al. 1986; Whitmore
1997; Rasmussen 1998) and Branched Oak Reservoir (Nebraska Parks and Game Commission);
inland lakes in New Hampshire (Scarola 1973); Lake Champlain (Plosila and Nashett 1990;
Good, personal communication) and the Great Lakes drainage, New York (Scott and Christie
1963; Lee et al. 1980 et seq.; Emery 1985; Smith 1985; Johnson and Evans 1990; Mills et al.
1993), including lakes Ontario and Erie, Oneida Lake, Cross Lake, and the Seneca River (Dence
1952); James, Norman, and Jordan reservoirs, North Carolina (Feiner et al. 2012); Lake Erie
drainage and inland streams of Ohio (Busch et al. 1977; Trautman 1981; Smith 1985; Rasmussen
1998; Johnson and Evans 1990; Mills et al. 1993; Czypinski et al. 2001) and Cedar Point
National Wildlife Refuge (USFWS 2005); Kaw and Keystone reservoirs, Oklahoma (J.
Boxrucker, pers. comm.); Lake Erie, Pennsylvania (Larsen 1954; Busch et al. 1977; Johnson and
Evans 1990; Page and Burr 1991; Mills et al. 1993); Lake Champlain, Vermont (Plosila and
Nashett 1990; Good, personal communication). Smith Mountain Lake and Kerr Reservoir,
Virginia (Jenkins and Burkhead 1994); the upper Potomac drainage, West Virginia (Cincotta,
personal communication); and Lake Michigan at Green Bay, the St. Louis River estuary, Horicon
National Wildlife Refuge, and Chequamegon Bay, Wisconsin (Savitz et al. 1989; Johnson and
Evans 1990; Mills et al. 1993; Cochran and Hesse 1994; Czypinski et al. 2001; Associated Press
2003; Scheidegger, personal communication; USFWS 2005).
From Froese and Pauly (2019a):
A popular fish sold in live fish markets. Found in 1 out of 6 live fish markets near the Lakes
Erie and Ontario [Rixon et al. 2005].
Means of Introductions in the United States
From Fuller et al. (2019a):
Populations in Lake Ontario drainage probably became established following construction of
the Erie Canal.
“The first report of White Perch in the Great Lakes drainage was from Cross Lake, central New
York, in 1950 (Dence 1952). The species apparently gained access to the lake via movement
through the Erie Barge Canal in the 1930s and 1950s (Lee et al. 1980 et seq.; Johnson and Evans
1990; Mills et al. 1993). Scott and Christie (1963) stated that the White Perch most likely gained
access to Lake Ontario via the Oswego River, as a result of spread of Hudson River populations
northward and westward through the Mohawk River Valley and Erie Barge Canal. Once in Lake
Ontario, it gained access to Lake Erie through the Welland Canal in 1953 and continued to
spread to the upper Great Lakes (Johnson and Evans 1990; Mills et al. 1993). The first reports of
westward movement through the Great Lakes are as follows: Lake Erie in 1953 (Larsen 1954),
Lake St. Clair in 1977, Lake Huron in 1987 (Johnson and Evans 1990), Lake Michigan at Green
Bay-Fox River, Wisconsin in May 1988 (Cochran and Hesse 1994), and Illinois waters of Lake
Michigan off Chicago in September 1988 (Savitz et al. 1989). One oddity is that the first record
from Lake Superior was in 1986 from Duluth Harbor-one year before the fish was found in Lake
Huron, and two years before it was seen in Lake Michigan. The Duluth Harbor population may
be restricted to that location because it is the warmest part of the lake. This population likely
represents a separate introduction because it does not fit the pattern of western dispersal (Johnson
and Evans 1990). In this case it is possible that the introduction occurred via ships' ballast water.
White Perch was brought from New Jersey to Nebraska in 1964, and fry produced that year in a
hatchery were accidentally introduced into a reservoir that provided access to the Missouri River
(Hergenrader and Bliss 1971). White Perch has been stocked intentionally in other areas for
sportfishing. In Kansas, fish found at Browning Oxbow on the Missouri River are believed to
have come from Nebraska. The species was not recorded from Missouri River in Missouri until
the 1990s (Pflieger 1997). The source of the fish in the two Kansas reservoirs is a result of stock
contamination from a striped bass stocking (Mosher, personal communication). White Perch
were stocked in West Virginia in the early 1900s (Cincotta, personal communication) and are
being illegally stocked by individuals in inland lakes in Indiana (R. Robertson and D. Keller,
personal communication).”
A previous version of this ERSS was published in July 2014. Revisions were done to incorporate
new information and to bring the document in line with current standards.
Some populations of Morone americana have a marine life-stage. This ERSS is only valid for
landlocked populations and the fresh and estuarine water life stages of coastal populations.
From GISD (2017):
Hybrids of Morone americana and M. mississippiensis were first found in 2000 in the middle
Illinois River (Irons et al. 2002).
From CABI (2019):
M. americana hybridizes with Moronechrysops [sic] (native white bass) (Todd, 1986) and with
Morone mississippiensis (Irons et al., 2002) in the USA. These hybrids are capable of back-
crossing with parent species as well as crossing among themselves; therefore M. americana will
dilute the gene pool of both parent species (Natureserve, 2008).
2 Biology and Ecology
Taxonomic Hierarchy and Taxonomic Standing
From Fricke et al. (2019):
Current status: Valid as Morone americana (Gmelin 1789).
From ITIS (2019):
“Kingdom Animalia
Subkingdom Bilateria
Infrakingdom Deuterostomia
Phylum Chordata
Subphylum Vertebrata
Infraphylum Gnathostomata
Superclass Actinopterygii
Class Teleostei
Superorder Acanthopterygii
Order Perciformes
Suborder Percoidei
Family Moronidae
Genus Morone
Species Morone americana (Gmelin, 1789)
Size, Weight, and Age Range
From CABI (2019):
M. americana is a demersal and semi-anadromous species, usually reaching a length of 12.7-
17.8 cm and weighing from an average of 250 g up to 650 g (Riede, 2004). However, a
maximum length of 49.5 cm has been recorded (IGFA, 2001), and a maximum weight of 2200 g
(Robins and Ray, 1986). The recorded maximum age is 16 years (Froese and Pauly, 2008).
From CABI (2019):
M. americana occurs in fresh, brackish and coastal waters (Robins and Ray, 1986). It is found
predominantly in brackish water and close to the shore in saltwater (Natureserve, 2008), but is
also common in pools and other quiet water areas of medium to large rivers, usually over mud
(Froese and Pauly, 2008), far up medium to large rivers in fresh water and in lakes and ponds
having no sea connection (Natureserve, 2008). M. americana is very common in shallow
portions of inland lakes and rivers in its native range […]. It has been observed to move offshore
during the day and onshore at night.
From Froese and Pauly (2019a):
Temperate; 50°N - 32°N, 96°W - 59°W
Distribution Outside the United States
Part of the native range of Morone americana is in the United States. See Section 1 for a full
description of native range.
From Fuller et al. (2019a):
“Atlantic Slope drainages from St. Lawrence-Lake Ontario drainage, Quebec, south […].”
From Froese and Pauly (2019a):
“[…] introduced into Ontario [Canada] [Coker et al. 2001]. Known from St. Lawrence drainage,
Quebec southward to Lake Superior; introduced to Great Lakes (except Superior) [Page and Burr
According to FAO (2019), Morone americana has been introduced to China but information on
that status of that introduction was not available. No other information about this introduction
could be found.
Means of Introduction Outside the United States
No information on means of introduction outside the United States was found.
Short Description
From CABI (2019):
M. americana has a deep and laterally compressed body. The colour varies from dark greyish-
green, dark silvery-green, or dark brown to almost black on the back, pale-olive or silvery-green
on the sides and silvery-white on the belly. The white perch has a terminal mouth and a tongue
with two narrow tooth patches on the anterolateral margin for grasping prey items (Jenkins and
Burkhead, 1994). It does not have barbels. M. americana has two dorsal fins, slightly connected
by a membrane, the anterior with six to ten spines, the posterior with one spine and 10-13 rays,
no adipose fin, anal fin with […] and eight to ten rays and lateral line with 44-52 ctenoid scales.
The juveniles are similar to the adults, but may have faint lateral stripes.
Other identifying characteristics include the following. The body is deepest just ahead of, or at
the beginning of, the dorsal fin; there are no lines or stripes on the back or sides; when the spiny
dorsal fin is pulled erect, the soft dorsal fin also becomes erect; the second and third bony anal
spines are almost exactly the same length; and the anal fin usually has eight or nine soft rays
behind the three bony spines (National Sea Grant, 1998; Wisconsin Sea Grant, 2002b;
Chesapeake Bay Program, 2006).
From Froese and Pauly (2019a):
Inhabits pools and other quiet-water areas of medium to large rivers, usually over mud [Page
and Burr 2011]. Neither anterolateral glandular groove nor venom gland is present [Smith and
Wheeler 2006].
From CABI (2019):
In its native estuarine environment, M. americana is semi-anadromous and spawns in the spring
when water temperatures are between 10 and 16°C (Mansueti, 1961; Jenkins and Burkhead,
1994). It migrates from the saltier bays and coastal areas into tidal, but more freshwater portions
of streams and rivers to spawn in spring. In landlocked waters, it spawns in both rivers and
reservoirs, and migrates from deep to shallow waters to spawn when [water] temperatures are
between 15 and 20°C, but may show no preference for habitat types during spawning and egg
deposition (Zuerlein, 1981).
M. americana maturation is size-specific with males maturing at smaller sizes than females
(Mansueti, 1961). Males may spawn for the first time at 2 years, and females usually by 3 years,
usually in late spring in brackish to nearly fresh water rivers over sandy bottoms. Spawning
occurs over a period of 10 to 21 days with individual females expelling eggs on more than one
occasion (Mansueti, 1961). Female M. americana are oviparous, broadcasting demersal,
adhesive eggs to be fertilized externally (Mansueti, 1961). The eggs sink to the bottom and stick
(Thomson et al., 1978). Its fecundity ranges between 20,000 and 150,000 eggs per individual
female (Jenkins and Burkhead, 1994). Hatching takes place from 1 to 6 days following
fertilization; 4 days at the usual spawning temperature of 15°C (Natureserve, 2008).
Larval M. americana feed on zooplankton such as rotifers, copepods and cladocerns (Setzler-
Hamilton et al., 1982). One-year-old M. americana first feed on zooplankton early in life, but
then changes their diet to benthic invertebrates (Gopalan et al., 1998), and as they grow larger,
aquatic insect larvae (chironomids, trichopterans, and ephemeropterans) become an important
part of the diet. Large individuals consume a high percentage of fishes (Scott and Crossman,
1973). Fish eggs are an important component of the M. americana diet especially in spring
months. It may consume its own eggs (McGovern and Olney, 1988), or Stizostedion vitreum
(walleye) or Morone chrysops (white bass) eggs can make up to 100% of the M. americana diet
depending on which fish is spawning. M. americana also feed heavily on minnows of Notropis
spp. and zooplankton.
From Fuller et al. (2019a):
Feiner et al. (2012) found life history differences (e.g., growth rate, reproductive investment)
across introduced populations within three large reservoirs in North Carolina representing
different stages of invasion, and suggest that this plasticity allows for increased success during
establishment. Feiner et al. (2013a) found that populations in the North Carolina reservoirs
occupied a wide trophic niche, and suggested that niche breadth likely also aides [sic]
establishment success. Pothoven and Höök (2015) found overlap in standard diet assemblages of
age-0 White Perch and White Bass in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron, indicating that complete
trophic separation was not a requirement for long-term stable coexistence.
From GISD (2017):
Young M. americana use near shore areas downstream from their hatching areas to feed on the
larvae of insects and crustaceans during their first summer and fall seasons. Mature
M. americana may remain in quiet tributaries throughout spring and summer, or venture into
open waters; in winter; however, adults swim downstream to the deeper channels. M. americana
may live up to around 10 years, feeding on small fish and shellfish, and other bottom-dwelling
aquatic species (Chesapeake Bay Program, 2006).
Human Uses
From Froese and Pauly (2019a):
A popular fish sold in live fish markets. Found in 1 out of 6 live fish markets near the Lakes
Erie and Ontario [Rixon et al. 2005].
From CABI (2019):
M. americana is a food fish and provides angling opportunities, but tends to stunt and become
undesirable when over-population occurs in freshwater lakes (Scott and Crossman, 1990). Due to
this tendency towards over-population and stunting in fresh waters, it is not often exploited as a
game fish and generally is regarded as undesirable. It is an excellent panfish, highly regarded as
a food fish in the Eastern USA (Wisconsin Sea Grant, 2002b); however, in general, it is of minor
commercial importance in fisheries and use in public aquariums (Froese and Pauly, 2008).
From Fuller et al. (2019b):
As of 2003, it was estimated that over 500,000 lbs. of white perch are caught commercially in
the U.S. and Canada each year (188,000+ lbs. in the U.S. alone), particularly in lakes Erie and
Ontario (Dann and Schroeder 2003; Brown et al. 1999). This provides an estimated value of
approximately $107,000 yr-1 in the U.S. and $260,000 yr-1 overall (Dann and Schroeder 2003).
Infection with viral haemorrhagic septicaemia is an OIE-reportable disease (OIE 2019).
According to Algers et al. (2008), Morone americana may be a host and susceptible to viral
haemorrhagic septicaemia.
From Matsche et al. (2019):
“A variety of parasites was reported from white perch in the Chesapeake Bay region, including
Kudoa sp. (myxosporea, multivalvulida) (Bunton and Poynton, 1991), nematodes (multiple
species), trematodes (multiple species), an unidentified cestode and acanthocephalan, and the
crustacean isopod, Livoneca ovalis (Beacham and Haley, 1976), […]. Two species of coccidia,
Eimeria glenorensis and Eimeria moronei, were described from the intestine of white perch from
the Bay of Quinte, Lake Ontario (Molnar and Fernando, 1974), […]
Matsche et al. (2019) also list Morone americana as a host for Goussia bayae.
From Froese and Pauly (2019a):
Epitheliocystis, Bacterial diseases.”
Froese and Pauly (2019b) list Brachyphallus crenatus, Lepocreadium areolatum, Ergasilus
arthrosis, E. luciopercarum, E. labracis, Homalometron pallidum, Trilobovarium truncatum,
Lepocreadium trullaforme, Lernaea cruciata, Lernanthropus leidyi, Podocotyle reflexa, and
Stephanostomum tenue as parasites of Morone americana.
Poelen et al. (2014) lists Morone americana as a host for Acanthocephalus anguillae, Apophallus
venustus, Azygia sp., Bicotylophora sp., Bothrimonus sturionis, Brachyphallus crenatus,
Camallanus lacustris, Cestodaria sp., Clinostomum marginatum, Crepidostomum cooperi,
Cucullanellus cotylophora, Cucullanus sp., Dacnitoides cotylophora, Dactylocotyle
denticulatum, Diplocotyle olrikii, Diplostomum huronense, D. scheuringi, D. spathaceum,
Distomum areolatum, D. tenue, D. trachinoti, Dollfusentis chandleri, Echinorhynchus agilis,
Eudistoma sp., Eustrongylides tubifex, Erpocotyle mavori, Fasciola sp., Globoporum moronic,
Gnathostoma sp., Goezia sinamora, Homalometron pallidum, Lepocreadium areolatum,
L. californianum, L. trullaforme, Leptorhynchoides thecatus, Metabronema sp., Microcotyle
eueides, M. macroura, Monocelis lineata, Neochasmus sogandaresi, Neoechinorhynchus
cylindratus, Neolebouria truncate, Onchocleidus nactus, O. mimius, Onchocotyle mavori,
Paratenuisentis ambiguus, Pauciconfibula subsolana, Pedocotyle morone, Philometra rubra,
Podocotyle morone, P. olssoni, Pomphorhynchus rocci, Posthodiplostomum minimum,
Proteocephalus ambloplitis, Spinitectus carolini, Stephanostomum tenue, Triaenophorus
nodulosus, Tylodelphys scheuringi, Urocleidus nactus, and U. rogersi.
Threat to Humans
From Froese and Pauly (2019):
3 Impacts of Introductions
From Hergenrader and Bliss (1971):
“Concomitant with the increase in abundance of the white perch, the black bullhead in 1966
declined some 12% from the previous year in the gill net catch […] and some 27% in the fyke
net catch […]. In 1967 bullheads suffered a drastic decline in numbers, being reduced by some
63% in the gill net catch and by 40% in the fyke net catch from the previous ear. At the same
time the white perch increased by 61% in the gill net catch and by 19% in the fyke net catch.”
From Hurley (1992):
Consumption of amphipods, mainly P. [Pontoporeia] hoyi [a species native to Lake Ontario],
exceeded the daily production in August-September 1972-77 (112%) [in Bay of Quinte, Lake
Ontario]. Johnson and McNeil (1986) cited white perch predation as a factor in restricting
Pontoporeia expansion in the lower bay. The data presented here support that hypothesis. In
addition, Pontoporeia expanded in both numbers and area after 1977. The increased production
of Pontoporeia in 1978-88 may be linked to the decline in white perch at that time when daily
consumption by white perch was less than 1% of the daily net production.”
From Wong (2002):
Declines in catch rates of several species coincided with increases in the white perch population
[…]. Brown bullhead catches were variable through the first 7 years of the study, peaking at 1.3
fish per net night prior to establishment of white perch, but were rare or absent from gill-net
samples following 1993. Catch rates for flat bullheads fluctuated after white perch appeared in
gill-net surveys. From the period 19871990, an average of 1 flat bullhead and 0.6 white perch
were captured per net night. From 199195, when white perch catch increased sharply from 0.9
to 18 fish per net night. Catch rates for flat bullheads declined thereafter, falling to 0.7, 0.2, and
0.1 fish per net night in 1996, 1997, and 1998 respectively. Annual variation in catch rates was
significant for flat bullheads (P = 0.0368), but not for brown bullheads (P = 0.2199).
Other declines concurrent with the white perch invasion of Jordan Lake [North Carolina] were
seen in catch rates of white crappie and bluegill. Average catch rates for 19871990 were 1.3
white crappie per night, and 2.2 bluegill per net night. After white perch catches increased in the
early 1990s, catch rates for white crappie in 19951998 fell to 0.025 fish per net night. Catch
rates in 19951998 also declined sharply for bluegill, 0.175 fish per net night. Significant annual
variability occurred for both white crappie (P = 0.0355) and bluegill (P = 0.0012).”
From Fuller et al. (2019a):
Fish eggs are an important component of the diet of White Perch especially in the spring
months. White Perch generally preys on eggs of Walleye Stizostedion vitreum vitreum, White
Bass Morone chrysops, other species, and can cannabilize its own eggs (Schaeffer and Margraf
1987). Walleye or White Bass eggs can make up 100% of White Perch diet depending on which
fish is spawning. During a three-year study, this diet was found to be unique in that: 1) eggs were
eaten for a comparatively long time, 2) they were the only significant food item eaten by adults
during two of the three years, 3) large volumes were eaten per individual, and 4) most fish were
feeding. White Perch also feeds heavily on minnows Notropis spp. (Schaeffer and Margraf
1987). The collapse of the Walleye fishery in the Bay of Quinte (on the north shore of Lake
Ontario) coincided with the increase in the White Perch population and may have been a result of
egg predation and lack of recruitment (Schaeffer and Margraf 1987).
Parrish and Margraf (1994) speculated that competition between White Perch and forage fishes,
such as Emerald Shiner Notropis atherinoides and Spottail Shiner N. hudsonius, may actually be
more complex and may be responsible for the declines of the latter species. Decline of these
species could also affect Walleye Stizostedion vitreum, the top predator in Lake Erie (Parrish and
Margraf 1994).
Feiner et al. (2013a, b) found significant overlap in trophic niche and resource use between
White Perch and Walleye Sander vitreus, Largemouth Bass Micropterus salmoides, Bluegill
Lepomis macrochirus, Striped Bass M. saxatilis, and White Bass M. chryops in three lakes in
North Carolina, suggesting the potential for resource competition.”
Invasion of the Great Lakes brought White Perch into sympatric distribution with White Bass, a
closely related but previously allopatric species, allowing hybridization to occur. White Perch x
White Bass hybrids have been reported in western Lake Erie, in Ohio and Michigan, and from
the Detroit and St. Clair Rivers in Michigan (Todd 1986). Hybrids were first noted in western
Lake Erie in the early 1980s, as White Perch were increasing in this region (Todd 1986). These
hybrids probably occur in other Great Lakes because the two species are sympatric throughout
the chain of lakes. […] Because these hybrids are capable of backcrossing with the parental
species, and possibly producing of F2 hybrids by crossing amongst themselves (Todd 1986),
they dilute the gene pool of each parent species. The White Perch x White Bass hybrid is the first
naturally occurring Morone hybrid known (Todd 1986). Hybrids of M. americana and
M. mississippiensis were first found in 2000 in the middle Illinois River (Irons et al. 2002).
Hybridization and competition may represent another threat to the already dwindling Yellow
Bass of that region.
From Fuller et al. (2019b):
“Madenjian et al. (2000) hypothesized that egg predation by white perch was the most significant
contributor to the large decline in white bass recruitment in Lake Erie in the 1980s.
It has been speculated that a white perch diet of Daphnia in Lake Champlain contributed to the
decline of the species in this locality since white perch became established (Couture and Watzin
2008). Parrish and Margraf (1990) hypothesized that white perch compete with native yellow
perch (Perca flavescens) for zooplankton. They determined that growth rates of yellow perch had
declined since the invasion of white perch in Lake Erie, especially in the western basin. They
also determined that the two species had considerable diet overlap and found one sample in
which white perch consumed 27 percent more food than yellow perch. It has been speculated that
competition between white perch and forage fishes, such as emerald shiner (Notropis
atherinoides) and spottail shiner (N. hudsonius), as well as freshwater drum (Aplodinotus
grunniens), is complex and may be responsible for the declines of the latter species (Parrish and
Margraf 1994, Stapanian et al. 2007).”
4 Global Distribution
Figure 1. Known global distribution of Morone americana. Locations are in the United States,
Canada, and China. Map from GBIF Secretariat (2019). The locations in China were not used to
select source locations for the climate match; the coordinates listed do not match the recorded
collection location.
5 Distribution Within the United States
Figure 2. Known distribution of Morone americana in the contiguous United States. Yellow
shading along east coast shows the native range of M. americana in the United States. Map from
Fuller et al. (2019a). The location in eastern Louisiana was not used to select source points for
the climate match; the record does not represent an established population.
Figure 3. Additional known distribution of Morone americana in the contiguous United States.
Map from BISON (2019). The locations in Louisiana were not used to select source points for
the climate match; they do not represent established populations.
6 Climate Matching
Summary of Climate Matching Analysis
The climate match for the contiguous United States was mostly high. The Pacific Coast and
Rocky Mountain areas had low climate matches. Southern Florida, southern and western Texas,
and the western plains had medium matches. Everywhere else had a high climate match. The
Climate 6 score (Sanders et al. 2018; 16 climate variables; Euclidean distance) for contiguous
United States was 0.727, high (scores 0.103 and greater are classified as high). All States had a
high individual Climate 6 score except for Arizona, Idaho, and Nevada which had medium
scores, and California, Oregon, and Washington which had low scores.
Figure 4. RAMP (Sanders et al. 2018) source map showing weather stations in North America
selected as source locations (red; Canada, United States) and non-source locations (gray) for
Morone americana climate matching. Source locations from BISON (2019), Fuller et al.
(2019a), and GBIF Secretariat (2019). Selected source locations are within 100 km of one or
more species occurrences, and do not necessarily represent the locations of occurrences
Figure 5. Map of RAMP (Sanders et al. 2018) climate matches for Morone americana in the
contiguous United States based on source locations reported by BISON (2019), Fuller et al.
(2019a), and GBIF Secretariat (2019). 0 = Lowest match, 10 = Highest match.
The High, Medium, and Low Climate match Categories are based on the following table:
Climate 6: Proportion of
(Sum of Climate Scores 6-10) / (Sum of total Climate Scores)
Climate Match
7 Certainty of Assessment
Certainty of this assessment is high. The biology, ecology, and distribution of Morone americana
are well-documented. Negative impacts from introductions of this species are adequately
documented in the scientific literature. No further information is needed to evaluate the negative
impacts the species is having where introduced.
8 Risk Assessment
Summary of Risk to the Contiguous United States
White perch (Morone americana) is a fish native to the East Coast of the United States and
Canada; it can inhabit fresh, brackish and coastal waters. This assessment is applicable only to
landlocked populations and the freshwater stages of other populations. This species can
reproduce successfully in freshwater. M. americana is utilized in both commercial and sport
fisheries. The life history is plastic; shifts have been documented corresponding to invasion
stages and other environmental conditions. M. americana has been reported as a host for many
diseases and parasites; of particular note is the probable host status and susceptibility of the
species to viral haemorrhagic septicaemia (VHS). The history of invasiveness is high.
M. americana has spread to other areas east of the Rocky Mountains by bait fish release,
intentional stocking, and fish movement through man-made and natural hydrologic connections.
Several types of impacts have been documented for this species. M. americana has impacted
abundance of an amphipod in the Bay of Quinte, Lake Ontario. Significant declines in native fish
abundance have also been documented after M. americana invasion. It has been implicated in the
decline of at least one walleye fishery. Hybridization between M. americana and two other
native Morone spp. have been documented with the hybrids being reproductively viable. Climate
match with the contiguous United States is high. The only areas of low match were along the
Pacific Coast. The certainty of assessment is high. The biology, distribution, and history of
invasiveness is well-documented in the literature. The overall risk for this species is high.
Assessment Elements
History of Invasiveness (Sec. 3): High
Climate Match (Sec. 6): High
Certainty of Assessment (Sec. 7): High
Remarks/Important additional information: Probable host for VHS.
Overall Risk Assessment Category: High
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