The Time is Ripe for Paying Attention to Clothes Drying Technology and
Policy in Relation to Efficiency and Drying Time
Dave Denkenberger, Chris Calwell, Apurva Pawashe, David Thomsen and Brian Spak, Ecova
Gary Fernstrom, Consultant to PG&E
The time it takes for a clothes dryer to dry a load of laundry is important to consumers.
On a heavy laundry day, many consumers expect the drying to be completed by the time the
washing is done in order to quickly run one load after another. To assess the efficiency of dryer
technologies with respect to drying time, we tested a variety of North American and European
dryers. Further, we modified a conventional dryer to include exhaust air-to-air heat exchanger
technology. We found various energy-efficient dryer technologies can have significant impacts
on drying time. Unvented heat pump dryers, which can use 50 to 60 percent less energy
compared to conventional electric dryers, take two to two-and-a-half times as long to dry.
Another efficient dryer technology is an exhaust heat exchanger that uses waste heat coming out
of the drum to preheat incoming air. This technology can reduce energy use by about 20 percent
and actually reduces drying time. Another method of saving significant amounts of energy is
running the dryer in no-heat mode much of the time, saving about 25 percent of energy use but
tripling the drying time. Automatic termination saves approximately 15 percent of energy and
decreases drying time. Natural gas dryers provide a cost-effective way of reducing
environmental impact with fast drying, while vented heat pump and radiofrequency dryers
represent promising emerging technologies. With increased network capability coming to the
market, some of these energy saving options could be turned on or off through software
Clothes dryers have become ubiquitous in US households with nearly 80 percent
penetration. In total, dryers now represent a $9 billion annual national energy bill—about 6
percent of residential electricity consumption and 2 percent of residential natural gas
consumption (Denkenberger 2012). They consume as much electricity per year—60 billion
kWh—as the entire state of Massachusetts, and are responsible for 40 million metric tons of
annual carbon dioxide emissions (Denkenberger 2012).
The value proposition of a clothes dryer is essentially one of convenience – it was
invented as quicker and easier alternative to line or rack drying. The consumer accepts the capital
and energy costs of the dryer, as well as the additional wear-and-tear on their clothing, in
exchange for this convenience. Therefore, the cycle time may be critical to many buyers.
Research indicates that an 80-minute time requirement for a drying cycle would likely
meet consumer needs and expectations for a load of laundry consisting of real clothes.
Consumer Reports evaluated clothes washers for a variety of factors, and our analysis of their data identified 80
minutes as the average cycle time (Consumer Reports 2013).
759-©2014 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Conventional electric resistance clothes dryers available in the US market today are capable of
meeting consumers’ preferences for drying time; however, current high-efficiency clothes drying
technologies often trade drying time for gains in efficiency. In this paper, we explore the
technical improvements that can be made to clothes dryers to improve their energy efficiency,
and discuss their corresponding implications to drying time. With this in mind, we argue that
standards and voluntary labeling specifications should take into account drying time when setting
efficiency requirements for different drying technologies.
We begin by introducing technologies to improve dryers familiar in the U.S. that are
electric resistance and vented. Most European dryers are electric resistance unvented, which
means they recirculate the same air and condense the water out of it. Next, we speak to heat
pump dryers - all commercially available models are unvented, but it is possible to have a vented
heat pump dryer. Additionally, we discuss the efficacy of gas dryers. Lastly, we provide
conclusions and next steps.
Technology Improvements for Conventional Dryers
Insulation Improves Efficiency by 2 to 6 Percent Over Conventional Dryers
Adding insulation between the drum and the dryer better retains heat in the dryer
enclosure. Previous studies by the European Union Ecodesign for Energy Using Products
initiative and by DOE estimate that insulation saves 3 percent to 6 percent (DOE 2010) over
conventional dryers, respectively. Ecova’s laboratory tests of this concept show a 2 percent
efficiency gain from adding ¾ inch thick expanded polystyrene foil-faced insulation with an
insulation value of R-5. The foil acts as a radiant barrier, reducing heat transfer and preventing
pieces of insulation from breaking off into the dryer enclosure. We fully insulated the top, back,
and bottom of the cabinet with one layer of insulation. We found that the greatest heat loss was
through the back of the cabinet because of the presence of the heater, so additional insulation on
the back could achieve even greater cost effective savings than measured. The drum comes very
close to the sidewalls, so we only insulated areas that did not inhibit drum rotation, about two-
thirds of the total sidewall area. Similarly, we insulated some areas of the front wall where the
insulation did not prevent the dryer from functioning. These improvements increased dryer
efficiency by 2 percent without significantly impacting drying time.
Air-To-Air Heat Exchanger Improves Efficiency by Up to 26 Percent
A dryer equipped with an air-to-air heat exchanger reuses waste heat coming out of the
drum to increase the temperature of incoming air. When warming incoming air, the hot air
leaving the drum is cooled to a lower temperature in the heat exchanger, condensing water as it
cools. The DOE Technical Support Document evaluated a condensing exhaust heat exchanger
and projected 14 percent savings.(DOE 2010) Additionally a 1984 study by Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory (LBNL) in which researchers modified and measured a dryer showed a 20-
26 percent efficiency gain using a heat recovery ventilator as the heat exchanger (Heckmat
1984). They found that lint buildup over time reduces the heat exchanger’s effectiveness,
however heat pump and condensing electric resistance manufacturers have dealt with that issue
Many consumers prefer washer and dryer cycle times to match so they may easily launder sequential loads
(Pescatore, 2005).
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by using the condensed water to rinse the heat exchanger, or having the consumer remove the
heat exchanger to clean it. To test this concept, we also used a heat recovery ventilator as the
heat exchanger. In Ecova preliminary laboratory measurements, the heat exchanger saved 17
percent and reduced drying time by 18 percent.
Modulating Heater Power and Airflow Improves Efficiency by 10 Percent
Fast airflow and high temperatures generally reduce drying time, though high exhaust
airflow provides little benefit when the dryer is first coming up to temperature and when the load
is nearly finished drying. Some dryers offer a slower drying option, typically labeled “eco-mode”
(see “Slow Drying” section). An eco-mode that does not sacrifice too much drying time would
modulate both the heater thermal input and fan speed. Slower air movement allows more time for
heat transfer and evaporation, still removing moisture from the clothing but not wasting as much
heat to the exhaust air.
Conventional vented dryers draw the intake air over the motor, which spins both the
blower and the drum, to reclaim the motor heat. This means there is less of an incentive to
increase motor efficiency. In order to implement the high energy savings modulation, a variable
speed blower motor is required, which is inherently a more efficient type of motor than those
typically used in dryers today.
We estimate 10 percent energy savings are achievable by implementing modulation with
a variable speed blower motor. A study by TIAX in 2005 measured efficiency improvements of
up to 25 percent for small and medium load and 10 to 15 percent for large loads as a result of
implement modulation (Pescatore, 2005). Drying time will be slightly slower with modulation.
We tested a compact 120 V dryer that utilizes low airflow and is commercially available
today. The exhaust temperature was significantly lower, and relative humidity much higher than
conventional dryers, indicating less heat waste. In preliminary testing, the drying process was
~10 percent more efficient than conventional dryers, though the drying time was longer.
Other Design Options Not Tested
A design could partially re-circulate exhaust air that is still quite dry, which would reduce
the need for heater power to achieve a given air temperature and/or potentially shorten drying
time. Also, improved-efficiency blower blades (which are backward curved) would reduce
energy losses associated with delivering a given amount of airflow.
One obvious way to improve conventional dryers, is for manufacturers to improve their
automatic termination to reduce the energy and time wasted while heating and tumbling clothing
which is already sufficiently dry. We did not modify this hardware or software, but note that
DOE’s measurements and our own measurements confirm energy efficiency differences of
approximately 17 percent between conventional electric resistance models that terminate well
and those that terminate poorly. The best designs also reduce average drying time by about 5
This did increase the drum inlet temperature. If this is not acceptable, the heater could be made smaller, actually
saving costs, and having the same drying time as the unmodified dryer.
The overall CEF showed a smaller improvement because the standby power of compact dryers relative to the
energy used to dry clothing is larger than for conventional dryers. This standby power can be reduced by techniques
explained in the DOE technical support document.
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Slow Drying
We tested several dryers on delicate or low-temperature mode. Figure 1 shows the
cumulative energy of low-temperature versus high-temperature behavior of a conventional dryer.
The steepest slope occurs when the heater is full on, the intermediate slope is the heater half on,
and the low slope is the heater off (the only power draw is the motor spinning the drum and the
fan). On average across five conventional electric dryer models, this lengthened drying time by
23 percent and increased efficiency by 3 percent (see Figure 1).
Because the results of the tests performed in low-temperature mode (also referred to as
“Delicates Mode”) resulted in modest changes to efficiency, we took one high-end dryer and one
entry-level dryer and modified how they behaved. We switched the mode to no heat periodically
to maintain a low exhaust temperature. The “Conv Dryer Modified Software Run” in Figure 1
shows a typical power over time profile of this behavior. Across two conventional electric dryer
models, this lengthened drying time by 141 percent and increased efficiency by 30 percent (see
Figure 1).
Figure 1.Cumulative energy consumption over time for full size conventional dryer across different drying modes
(CA IOU 2013b).
Interspersing the no-heat mode lengthened the drying times significantly, but allowed
both dryers to be above the EPA-proposed 3.93 CEF
. Manufacturers could make this behavior
the default mode that the DOE test procedure specifies. Many, if not most, consumers may find
such factor of 2-3 drying time extensions to be unacceptably long and will instead choose a faster
CEF, or Combined Energy Factor, measured in pounds of clothing dried per kWh is the primary metric used to
measure the efficiency of a clothes dryer.
0 1020304050607080
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Recommended Specification/Standards for Conventional Dryers
Proposed Tier 1 CEF Specification/standard Line for Vented Full Size Electric Dryers
We have been engaged in making recommendations to the ENERGY STAR process (CA
IOU 2013a, 2013b, 2014). What follows represents an update to this thinking that could be used
for future specifications and mandatory standards. We have constructed a potential
specification/standard that links efficiency criteria to drying time, demonstrated in Figure 2. In
order to construct our proposal, we first found the best-fit CEF line with conventional dryers
(orange dotted line on Figure 2). We ran one high-end dryer in no-heat mode to test the extreme
With no heat, the dryer relies on the natural desiccating capability of the room air. With
the energy used to spin the fan and drum, drying occurs at about twice the efficiency of a
conventional dryer in heat mode, but it takes about five times as long. This also explains the
above findings: slowing the drying down by running a significant fraction of the time in no-heat
mode increases the efficiency.
Figure 2.Tier 1 California Investor-Owned Utility (CA IOU) proposed specification for conventional residential
clothes dryers (CA IOU 2013b).
We were not able to find a dryer that automatically terminated on no-heat mode. Therefore, we had to do multiple
timed dry segments with intermediate weighing to achieve this result. The efficiency would likely be even greater
without these intermediate weighings.
0 50 100 150 200 250
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The green line in Figure 2 represents a proposed specification/standard line that increases
efficiency stringency (CEF) with drying time. The orange dotted line represents a baseline for
vented full size electric dryers that is based on drying time and CEF data represented in
ENERGY STAR’s analysis, as well as new data that we collected.
The blue lines represents
EPA’s ENERGY STAR Final Draft Version 1.0 specification plus supplement for vented full
size electric clothes dryers (CEF = 3.93 and <80 minutes). For our proposal, we took this
baseline curve fit and multiplied both the intercept and coefficient to the drying time by 1.25,
representing 20 percent energy savings
(see Figure 2). Note that the Samsung 2013 Emerging
Technology Award winning dryer is on the trend line for conventional dryers slowed down, and
would not qualify for ENERGY STAR as proposed or our sloping line proposal.
Improved motor, more efficient blower blades, and lower pressure drop ducting inside the
dryer benefit even to the no-heat case. Our proposed criteria does not to give additional energy
use allowance for even faster drying time than typical dryers (the horizontal section of the green
line in Figure 2). To ensure that energy savings promised by a specification or standard are
preserved in day-to-day operation, it is essential to test each dryer on multiple modes. We
recommend testing the dryers in fast, medium, and slow modes, as defined below (see shaded
regions in Figure 2). Three test repetitions at each of these modes would require a total of nine
test runs.
This is not overly burdensome on manufacturers relative to the value of the resulting
energy savings; indeed it is the same number of tests DOE and ENERGY STAR already require
for clothes washers, where efficient models yield smaller lifetime energy savings than clothes
dryers relative to less efficient models.
Slow mode: the user manual should indicate the slow test settings. This could be an eco-
mode or the lowest available temperature that performs automatic termination. The CEF
must be greater than or equal to 5.0 and on or above the specification line (see yellow and
green shaded regions in Figure 2);
Medium mode: use the DOE appendix D2 test procedure. The CEF must be greater than
or equal to 4.0 and on or above the specification line, and less than 80 minutes (see blue
and green shaded regions in Figure 2);
Fast mode: the program selected should be the one indicated in the manual which dries
the clothing most quickly. Also, the technician should disable any energy-saving features.
The CEF must be greater than or equal to 4.0, on or above the specification line, and less
than 80 minutes. If there is no faster mode than that specified by appendix D2, the fast
test would not have to be performed (see blue and green shaded regions in Figure 2).
Proposed Tier 2 CEF Specification/standard Line for Vented Full Size Electric Dryers
Our testing, as well as that conducted and published by DOE, confirm that improved
automatic termination alone offers energy savings of roughly 17 percent and can trim
approximately five minutes off typical automatic termination cycle times. We illustrate the effect
of this improvement on Figure 3, below, highlighting the differences in energy efficiency and
This baseline does not include the advanced technologies of heat pump and exhaust heat exchanger.
20 percent energy savings corresponds to 0.8 times as much energy use. The reciprocal is 1.25 times as efficient, or
25 percent greater efficiency.
Alternate testing requirements could be proposed, including using more realistic clothing and varying load sizes
(see Dymond 2014, this conference).
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drying time among the range of conventional electric resistance models we have recently tested
in the laboratory with the D2 test procedure.
Some manufacturers may simply elect to slow down the drying process in the default
mode, by either lowering the heating element wattage or decreasing the fraction of time that the
heating element is on. If dryers with improved automatic termination typically complete a D2
cycle in approximately 40-45 minutes this gives them roughly 35-40 additional minutes of time
to slow the drying process down, gaining approximately 0.16 lbs/kWh for every 10 additional
minutes the drying process requires. Therefore, at 80 minutes, these well-automatically
terminating dryers would have a CEF of ~4.5. Indeed, we have shown that an entry-level
(approximately $300) dryer with only simple changes to the operation of the dryer’s heater can
achieve a CEF of 4.36 and a drying time of 60 minutes. Basic dryers already monitor exhaust
temperature to prevent clothing damage, so including this temperature switching would only
require an inexpensive and simple software change.
Figure 3 demonstrates the tradeoff between efficiency and drying time for individual
dryer units tested in Ecova’s lab using the D2 test procedure.
Square markers represent D2
tests (lowest efficiency data points in each trend). The higher efficiency data points for each
dryer represent either delicate, eco-mode, or manual override tests. Circular markers represent
tests conducted in these higher efficiency modes. In cases where only D2 and delicate runs are
available, we have extrapolated the behavior with dotted lines.
Figure 3 illustrates how dryers with poor automatic termination are generally not able to
meet the EPA proposed ENERGY STAR specification line simply by extending their cycle time,
from what had been roughly 40 minutes to a value closer to the 80-minute cutoff. It also
illustrates how dryers with good automatic termination can meet the IOU proposed ENERGY
STAR specification line either by improving the underlying technology of the dryer (Step 2A) or
by extending their cycle time (Step 2B). The specification/standard line that represents
combining the technologies of exhaust heat exchanger, etc with optionally slowing the dryer
down is shown in green. We recommend this as a Tier 2 for non-heat pump dryers. We note that
the May 2014 Emerging Technology Award proposal, which is supposed to require heat pump
dryers, is similar to our Tier 2 proposal for non-heat-pump dryers.
The relay that switches the heater on and off would have to endure more cycles, so it would have to be more
Each colored square in the charts above represent a unique dryer unit sometimes tested in multiple settings not
explicitly stated in the DOE D2 test procedure. Tests for which we measured the energy use of these dryer units in
different settings were conducted for the purposes of assessing the relationship between efficiency and drying time.
The CEF values for dryer units represented in the charts below were not adjusted for EPA's proposed 5 percent
CEF allowance for connected functionality, which would have the effect of either raising the measured efficiency of
those models or reducing the efficiency target they need to meet by 5 percent.
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Figure 3. Potential design improvement options required to achieve efficiency gains (AT is automatic termination)
(modified from CA IOU 2014).
Improving Heat Pump Dryer Technology
Even with condensing dryers, heat pump dryers open up the possibility of significantly
different behavior with different drying time. For instance, a hybrid heat pump contains electric
resistance elements that can be turned on for faster drying, though this makes the efficiency
lower. Another route is a heat pump with a variable compressor speed. The higher compressor
speed would produce higher air temperatures and/or more heat and thus faster drying, but lower
efficiency. Therefore, a heat pump specification/standard should increase with drying time and
multiple modes should be tested.
We first analyzed unvented heat pump dryers, because these are the only ones
commercially available anywhere in the world. We used the four heat pump dryer tests
performed for The Collaborative Labeling and Appliance Standards Project (CLASP) (see Figure
4) (Wold 2013). Then we added recent testing of a hybrid heat pump dryer and a variable speed
heat pump dryer. The best-fit line (indicated by the solid green line in Figure 4) for the dryers
that can actually be sped up shows a significant efficiency penalty associated with speeding up
the drying time. Following this trend line, an 80 minute drying time dryer would be less efficient
than a conventional dryer! Therefore, there is potential to do much better.
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Step 2A:Better
Step 1:Improve
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Figure 4. Heat pump dryer data and estimate for vented heat pump dryer technologies (original research).
One way of improving an unvented heat pump dryer is to vent it. TIAX found that this
resulted in higher efficiency and shortened drying times (Pescatore 2005). Unfortunately, we do
not have comparable data to plot with the new test procedure. We estimate the impact of venting
as a 10 percent increase in efficiency and 10 percent decrease in drying time, roughly based on
conventional vented and unvented dryers. One way of implementing a vented heat pump dryer is
still having the heat pump remove heat from the drum exhaust, but not removing all of the heat.
The remaining heat and moisture would be vented and therefore the dryer would no longer reject
significant heat into the room. For even faster drying with electric resistance boost, the efficiency
of a vented heat pump dryer would be higher than that of conventional dryers because some of
the heat is coming from the heat pump. The dotted line in Figure 4 shows our efficiency-time
trend estimate for a vented hybrid heat pump dryer.
It is uncertain whether unvented heat pumps would be as cost effective as some other
technology options in the near term. However, we believe that incorporating an air-to-air heat
exchanger in heat pump dryers could lower cost, increase efficiency, and reduce drying time.
Given the high absolute energy savings potential offered by heat pump dryers today, a more
stringent specification might be justified for a program such as Top Ten or EPA’s Emerging
Technology Award, or EPA’s Most Efficient specification.
We conducted testing to determine whether certain compact dryer models (under 4.4
cubic feet drum volume) we had previously tested with a standard load would pass the EPA
proposed efficiency levels and the 80-minute requirement when tested with a compact load, as
required under the DOE test procedure. Our testing found that all of the European compact
unvented clothes dryers we tested meet both the efficiency level and time requirement when
tested using DOE’s compact 3-pound load in at least one mode, and often in all modes tested.
We found that reducing load size from 8.45 to 3 pounds, tended, on average to reduce drying
time by 33 percent and reduce efficiency by 42 percent.
30 45 60 75 90 105 120
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Other Dryer Technologies
There is a radio frequency (similar to microwave, but at much longer wavelengths) dryer
. This prototype only tumbles the clothing 5 percent as much as a regular dryer,
dramatically reducing clothing wear-and-tear. Furthermore, the temperatures required to remove
the water quickly are lower, further reducing clothing wear-and-tear. Third-party validation is
required, but preliminary tests indicate significant energy savings and low drying time. The cost
may be competitive with heat pump dryers.
For the vented compact 120 V and 240 V dryers, no-heat mode would offer high
efficiency. Therefore, the specification/standard should be a function of drying time. Also,
testing in multiple modes would guarantee that consumers will enjoy energy savings regardless
of drying speed. We do not yet have data to make specific recommendations.
Unvented dryers are inherently less efficient than vented dryers (all else being equal, like
the heat source) because unvented dryers cannot utilize the natural desiccating properties of
room air. This also tends to increase drying time. Furthermore, though some efficiency is gained
by slowing the drying process down, it would not be nearly as dramatic as the case of no heat for
vented dryer. Therefore, it is not imperative to have a specification or standard line for unvented
that varies with drying time. We do not have additional data for these categories. With the lower
sensitivity of efficiency to drying time, it would be less important to test the unvented dryers on
multiple modes.
Other Considerations
Gas Dryers and Source Energy
Slowing gas drying reduces the site energy consumption similarly to slowing electric
drying. However, on a source energy basis, there is little advantage to slowing gas drying.
Therefore, it probably does not make sense to have a standard or specification be a function of
drying time. For the same reason, it is less important to test gas dryers on multiple modes.
Figure 5 shows an apples-to-apples comparison with conventional electric and heat pump
dryers. The electric source energy multiplier to CEF is 0.26 and the gas source energy multiplier
to CEF is 0.71, the US averages taking into account extraction, conversion, and transportation. A
heat pump dryer can use less source energy than a gas dryer. However, with competitive drying
time provided by the electric resistance boost, the heat pump would likely no longer lower source
energy than a gas dryer (not shown) unless a particular home or region’s generation mix has a far
greater renewables share than the national average. There is likely more room for improvement
with gas dryers than with heat pump dryers. Even if there were a scenario where the emissions of
a heat pump were lower than gas, the greater cost of the heat pump would make the cost of
emissions saved comparatively high.
CoolDry Radiofrequency Dryer:
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Figure 5. Source energy of gas, heat pump, and conventional dryers (original research).
It is possible to construct a natural gas heat pump dryer. The concept is to burn the
natural gas and drive an absorption cycle that would produce more heat to dry the clothing than
from burning the natural gas alone. Even if this is not economical due to relatively low natural
gas prices, all the technologies listed above for conventional electric dryers could apply to
natural gas dryers (except for air recirculation). Some of them would be less cost-effective
because of the lower cost of the heat. Furthermore, it would not be prudent to make a gas
specification or standard level too stringent, because this would increase the upfront cost,
discouraging switching to low-greenhouse-gas emitting natural gas.
There is concern that future high natural gas prices would make natural gas dryers
uneconomic. Therefore, we have graphed the lifecycle costs (LCC) of a number of dryer options
with different energy costs (the base dryer cost is $300). The gas dryers have two scenarios of
the laundry room being plumbed for gas and the gas line needing to be extended from another
gas appliance in the household (with an extra $300 cost). The low electricity price starts at $0.05
per kWh and the high at $0.16 per kWh. Then as the price of natural gas increases (historic
numbers are adjusted for inflation), the price of electricity increases slightly due to the use of
natural gas in electricity production. The fast heat pump has electric resistance boost to have
competitive drying time with electric resistance dryers, with an incremental cost of $300. We
assume that the fast heat pump is used in slow mode (heat pump only) half of the time. This
corresponds roughly to the fraction of last loads of the day, where there is no new load coming
from the washer, so time is less critical. The improved electric resistance corresponds to the Tier
30 60 90 120
Conventional ElectricResistanceDryers‐ Slowed Down
Conventional ElectricResistanceDryers
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2 of conventional dryers. We assume that the incremental cost is $100 and it is also used in slow
mode half of the time. We use baseline energy use from the NEEA field study (NEEA 2012).
One can see that even with low electricity price, using a gas dryer when the laundry room
is already plumbed is competitive with the heat pump and improved electric resistance dryers for
reasonable gas prices. Furthermore, even when the natural gas line needs to be extended within
the household, this is lower cost than the electric options for high electricity price (and indeed
most of the country with realistic gas prices).
Figure 6. LCC of different dryer technologies with different energy prices (original research).
Even if it turns out there is not nearly as much natural gas as is widely believed today, the
natural gas price has a natural control at least over the next few decades. This is because it is
more economical to switch gas water heating and space heating to electricity than it is to switch
gas dryers to electricity. One reason for this is that no heat exchanger is required for a natural gas
dryer, because the combustion gases go directly into the drum. Another reason is that the
temperature lift required by the heat pump to maintain performance is greater for dryers than for
hot water heaters or space heaters. Finally, there are generally economies of scale associated with
heat pumps, and at least space heaters require larger compressors than dryers. Therefore, if
natural gas prices get very high, the demand for natural gas from space and water heating will
fall, controlling the natural gas price.
There is a significant cost, carbon, and other emissions savings opportunity associated
with encouraging the use of natural gas dryers. Given permission and oversight from their
regulators, utility programs could subsidize the extension of the natural gas line to the laundry
room (in new and existing construction) and the purchase of natural gas dryers, and deliver cost
effective societal benefits as a result.
0.5 1 1.5 2
2008 (max)
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Consumer Information
The DOE standard allows the use of the D1 test procedure (which does not test automatic
termination) or the D2 test procedure (which does test automatic termination). This means that
the DOE database has the potential to confuse consumers. We believe it would be useful to
consumers if EPA were to report the annual and lifetime energy costs of each dryer model on the
EPA website (this would be only D2 data).
To help consumers understand the most energy efficient settings on their dryer,
manufacturers should clearly and consistently label their efficient drying cycles in a way that
maximizes the likelihood that consumers will use them. Increasingly, we have begun to see
dryers that advertise efficient modes, often with an “eco” or “eDry” button. Some of the newest
dryers even offer an “eMonitor” that show users the relative efficiency of all loads and settings.
The benefits of properly designed automatic termination likely justify its mandatory
inclusion in future standards. For the remaining dryers that have automatic termination
capability, manufacturers should use an unequal choice hierarchy that will encourage user
selection of the automatic termination option rather than timed cycles.
Areas for Future Study and Consideration
There are three areas primary where additional work is needed: Clothing wear-and-tear,
indoor air quality and HVAC impacts, which are each significant issues associated with clothes
dryers in addition to energy use and drying time.
The clothing temperature associated with a longer drying time is lower, reducing clothing
wear-and-tear. However, more tumbling of the clothing would increase clothing wear-and-tear.
Therefore, the result is ambiguous at this point, but further study is warranted because the
clothing wear-and-tear would likely be a greater cost than the energy use.
As long as excessive building depressurization is avoided, exhaust ventilation provides
significant indoor air quality benefits (ASHRAE 2010). These ventilation benefits could be even
larger than the energy cost (Fisk 1999) especially for slow dryers.
The impact vented dryers have on HVAC energy use is associated with conditioning
(heating, cooling, and/or dehumidifying) the makeup air. This generally increases HVAC energy
use. If a longer drying time is implemented with the same airflow rate, much more total airflow
occurs, making the HVAC issue more important to study. We recommend that regulators take
the near term step in this process of requiring the measurement of the airflow for the cycle.
For unvented dryers (electric resistance or heat pump), all of the electricity going into the
appliance is turned into heat that is then added to the room.
This is beneficial in the heating
season, and detrimental in the cooling season, with this impact generally positive in the U.S.
However, the net HVAC energy savings from unvented dryers would need to be weighed against
the likely health benefits of greater venting in many homes.
There is generally a trade-off between efficiency and drying time, but not always. Near-
term cost-effective technologies can save 20 to 30 percent of energy with competitive drying
Assuming there are no leaks, and not dryers that condense onto cold water (which EPA has rightly excluded from
consideration of the ENERGY STAR label because of the large water use). Heat in condensed water is negligible.
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times. It is important for consumers to have the option of drying slower and saving more energy.
Specifications and standards should be designed to save energy at all speeds (e.g. a sloped
specification line). Hybridized vented heat pump with air-to-air heat exchanger could provide
additional savings. Natural gas dryers offer compelling consumer and environmental advantages,
and should be encouraged.
We are grateful for the financial support of Pacific Gas & Electric (primary) and The Northwest
Energy Efficiency Alliance (secondary).
62.2 User’s Manual: ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality
in Low-Rise Residential Buildings,” December 13, 2010.
California investor owned utilities (CA IOUs) 2013a. “ENERGY STAR® Clothes Dryers Draft 1 Version
1.0 Specification Comment Letter.”
California investor owned utilities (CA IOUs) 2013b. “ENERGY STAR® Clothes Dryers Draft 2 Version
1.0 Specification Comment Letter.”
California investor owned utilities (CA IOUs) 2014. “ENERGY STAR® Clothes Dryers Supplemental
Proposal Comment Letter.”
Consumer Reports. 2013. Recommended Clothes Dryers.
Denkenberger, D, S. Mau, C. Calwell, E. Wanless, and B. Trimboli. 2012. “What Lurks Beneath: Energy
Savings Opportunities from Better Testing and Technologies in Residential Clothes Dryers.”
Proceedings of the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy: Summer Study.
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) - Technical Support Document for Residential Dryers, EERE-2007-
BT-STD-0010, 2010.
Fisk, W. 1999. “Estimates of Potential Nationwide Productivity and Health Benefits from Better Indoor
Environments: An Update.” Published as Chapter 4 in Indoor Air Quality Handbook, eds: J. D.
Spengler, J.M. Samet, and J.F McCarthy, McGraw Hill.
Hekmat, D. & W.J. Fisk. 1984. Improving the Energy Performance of Residential Clothes Dryers,
Presented at the 25th Annual International Appliance Technical Conference, Ohio State University,
May 15-16.
Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA). 2012. Regional Laundry Energy Use Study.
Pescatore, & Phil Carbone. 2005. High Efficiency High Performance Clothes Dryer: Final Report to
Department of Energy. TIAX.
889-©2014 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Wold, Christopher, Dave Denkenberger, Chris Granda, & Chris Calwell. 2013 Analysis of
PotentialEnergy Savings from Heat Pump Clothes Dryers in North America. Technical Report, Super
Efficient Clothes Dryer Initiative.
899-©2014 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings