Proprietary Information
The information contained herein was prepared by and for the exclusive use of ESCO Group. Any reproduction or use of this
material by persons other than an authorized employee of the Company is prohibited.
Vehicle Use Agreement
Employee Name: Driver’s License Number:
State Issuing License: _Date of Birth: Office Location: ______________
The above named employee, herein after referred to as the employee, is authorized to operate a motor vehicle on
company business only under the following conditions:
1. The employee follows and cooperates fully with the Motor Vehicle Safety Policy including MVR criteria.
2. The employee maintains a valid driver’s license and remains fully insurable.
3. The employee operates the vehicle in a safe, defensive manner, obeying all traffic laws.
4. The employee and their passengers wear their seat belts.
5. The employee promptly reports all motor vehicle accidents to the Safety Department or Shop Manager or
Human Resources.
6. The employee assumes full responsibility for any traffic violations and fines arising out of the use of the
7. Personal use of company provided vehicles is prohibited without prior verbal approval from Management.
8. ESCO Group may modify or revoke this agreement at any time, with or without notice.
I have read, understand, and agree to comply with the above conditions, in exchange for being authorized to drive
on company business.
Employee Printed Name: ____________________________________________ Date: ______________________
Employee Signature: Date: _______________________
Witness: _______ Date: ______
Proprietary Information
The information contained herein was prepared by and for the exclusive use of ESCO Group. Any reproduction or use of this
material by persons other than an authorized employee of the Company is prohibited.
A Summary of Your Rights Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act
The federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) promotes the accuracy, fairness, and privacy of information in the files
of consumer reporting agencies. There are many types of consumer reporting agencies, including credit bureaus
and specialty agencies (such as agencies that sell information about check writing histories, medical records, and
rental history records). Here is a summary of your major rights under the FCRA. For more information, including
information about additional rights, go to or write to: Consumer Response Center, Room
130-A, Federal Trade Commission, 600 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20580.
You must be told if information in your file has been used against you. Anyone who uses a credit report or
another type of consumer report to deny your application for credit, insurance, or employment or to take
another adverse action against you must tell you, and must give you the name, address, and phone number of
the agency that provided the information.
You have the right to know what is in your file. You may request and obtain all the information about youi n the
files of a consumer reporting agency (your “file disclosure”). You will be required to provide proper identification,
which may include your Social Security number. In many cases, the disclosure will be free. You are entitled to free
file disclosure if:
a person has taken adverse action against you because of information in your credit-report;
you are the victim of identity theft and place a fraud alert in your file;
your file contains inaccurate information as a result of fraud;
you are on public assistance;
you are unemployed but expect to apply for employment within 60 days.
In addition, by September 2005 all consumers will be entitle to oen free disclosure every 12 months upon request
from each nationwide credit bureau and from nationwide specialty consumer reporting agencies. See for more information.
You have the right to ask for a credit score. Credit scores are numerical summaries of your credit-worthiness
based on information from credit bureaus. You may request a credit score from consumer reporting agencies that
create scores or distribute scores used in residential real property loans, but you will have to pay for it. In some
mortgage transactions, you will receive credit score information for free from the mortgage lender.
You can dispute incomplete or inaccurate information. If you identify information in your file that is incomplete or
inaccurate, and report it to the consumer reporting agency, the agency must investigate unless your dispute is
frivolous. See for an explanation of dispute procedures.
Consumer reporting agencies must correct or delete inaccurate, incomplete, or unverifiable information.
Inaccurate, incomplete or unverifiable information must be removed or corrected, usually within 30 days.
However, a consumer reporting agency may continue to report information it has verified as accurate.
Consumer reporting agencies may not report outdated negative information. In most cases, a consumer
reporting agency may not report negative information that is more than seven years old, or bankruptcies that are
more than 10 years old.
Access to your file is limited. A consumer reporting agency may provide information about you only to people
with a valid need usually to consider an application with a creditor, insurer, employer, landlord, or other
business. The FCRA specifies those with a valid need for access.
You must give your consent for reports to be provided to employers. A consumer reporting agency may not give
Proprietary Information
The information contained herein was prepared by and for the exclusive use of ESCO Group. Any reproduction or use of this
material by persons other than an authorized employee of the Company is prohibited.
out information about you to your employer, or a potential employer, without your written consent given to the
employer. Written consent generally is not required in the trucking industry. For more information, go to
You may limit “prescreened” offers of credit and insurance you get based on information
in your credit report. Unsolicited “prescreened” offers for credit and insurance must include
a toll-free phone number you can call if you choose to remove your name and address from the
lists these offers are based on. You may opt-out with the nationwide credit bureaus at
1-888-5-OPTOUT (1-888-567-8688).
You may seek damages from violators. If a consumer reporting agency, or, in some cases, a user or consumer
reports or a furnisher of information to a consumer reporting agency violates the FCRA, you may be able to sue in
state or federal court.
Identity theft victims and active duty military personnel have additional rights. For more information, visit
States may enforce the FCRA, and many states have their own consumer reporting laws. In some cases, you may
have more rights under state law. For more information, contact your state or local consumer protection
agency or your state Attorney General. Federal enforcers are:
(This summary was prepared by the Federal Trade Commission.)
Proprietary Information
The information contained herein was prepared by and for the exclusive use of ESCO Group. Any reproduction or use of this
material by persons other than an authorized employee of the Company is prohibited.
In connection with your application for employment, we may procure a consumer report, which may contain
public record information such as your driving record on you as part of the process of considering your candidacy
as an employee and/or in your continued employment with our organization. In the event that information from
the report is utilized in whole or in part in making an adverse decision with regard to your potential or continued
employment, before making the adverse decision, we will provide you with a copy of the consumer report and a
description in writing of your rights under the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act.
The Fair Credit Reporting Act gives you specific rights in dealing with consumer reporting agencies. You will be
given a summary of these rights together with this document.
Proprietary Information
The information contained herein was prepared by and for the exclusive use of ESCO Group. Any reproduction or use of this
material by persons other than an authorized employee of the Company is prohibited.
By my signature below, I hereby authorize you or your representative to obtain a Motor Vehicle Records Report(s)
in order to be considered for employment or continued employment with this company. If hired, this
authorization shall remain on file and shall serve as ongoing authorization for this organization or its
representatives to procure a Motor Vehicle Records Report at anytime during my employment.
Applicant’s Name:
(Please print)
Applicant’s Address:
City, State, Zip:
Driver’s License Number: State Issuing License:
Please check here if you would like a copy of the Motor Vehicle Records Report.
Proprietary Information
The information contained herein was prepared by and for the exclusive use of ESCO Group. Any reproduction or use of this
material by persons other than an authorized employee of the Company is prohibited.
By my signature below, I refuse to authorize you or your representative to obtain a Motor Vehicle Records
Report. I therefore will NOT drive any company vehicle or drive any other vehicle to conduct company business.
If I violate this agreement it is grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including discharge. ESCO Group will not
be held liable for any accidents that may involve a vehicle I am driving.
Applicant’s Name:
(Please print)
Applicant’s Address:
City, State, Zip:
Proprietary Information
The information contained herein was prepared by and for the exclusive use of ESCO Group. Any reproduction or use of this
material by persons other than an authorized employee of the Company is prohibited.
Driver Name: _______________________________ Date Reviewed with Driver: ____________
Location: __________________________________ Reviewer: __________________________
Number of
Points assigned
DUI/DWI (Type A Violation)
Chemical test refusal (Type A
Reckless/careless driving (Type
A Violation)
Driving with suspended license
Fleeing police
Leaving the scene of an
Following too close
Traffic signal offenses
Improper/illegal lane change or
At Fault Accident
Operating a defective vehicles
Failure to yield
Failure to signal
Failure to use a seat belt
Use of cell phone/mobile
device while operating
Company or personal vehicle
for business purposes
Failure to follow company
policy (points assigned at
company’s discretion)
Other (points assigned at
company’s discretion)
Total MVR Points
If the total points equal:
6 or more points Unacceptable: Driving privileges will be revoked unless employee meets requirements for MVR
probation (see page 61-15 for details).
4 to 5 points Below Expectations: Improvements are necessary for moving violations. Employee shall attend
driver safety training. MVR will be ran quarterly until employee reaches the “Acceptable” level.
0 to 3 points Acceptable
NOTE: The MVR review criteria above, is intended to serve as a guideline for evaluation purposes. Allowance will
be made for “Unacceptable” MVRs following guidelines on page 61-16, MVR Probation.
I confirm that my driving record was reviewed with me on this date by management. I fully understand the
company MVR program and MVR review process. I also understand the corrective actions, if any, that apply to my
Driver signature: _______________________________________ Date: __________________________
I confirm that I have conducted an MVR review on this date as documented by this report. I reviewed the
corrective actions, if any apply.
Reviewer Signature: ____________________________________ Date: __________________________
Proprietary Information
The information contained herein was prepared by and for the exclusive use of ESCO Group. Any reproduction or use of this
material by persons other than an authorized employee of the Company is prohibited.
The MVR Scorecard process is designed to enable ESCO Group to minimize fleet and safety
liability and encourage safe and lawful driving. Employees that are required to drive for
company purpose, be it in company or personally owned vehicles should maintain an
“Acceptable” driving record. Employees that reach the “Unacceptable” driving level will be
eligible for “MVR Probation”. Management will provide reasoning and employee expectation
for their employee to be placed on MVR probation to the Human Resources and Safety
Probation Terms
Employee must have a valid driver’s license
Employee has 6 points or more on current MVR scorecard (page 61-15)
Employee will remain on probation until their fleet scorecard reflects a score less than 6
Employee shall successfully complete The ESCO Group driver safety training prior to
being placed on probation driving period. Employee can forgo training if driver safety
training has been taken within a year or the safety department deems it unnecessary due
to infraction level
Employees on probation will have quarterly MVR scorecards completed and reviewed
with management
Employee’s driving privileges will be revoked if additional points are accumulated while
on probation (this will be a “Last Chance” notification)
Completion Date of ESCO Group Driver Safety Training: ________________
Probation Period Expiration Date: _______________
Scheduled Review Date: _______________
Driver print:__________________________________ Date:___________________
I confirm that I have conducted an MVR review on this date as documented by this report. I
reviewed the corrective actions that apply and agree to the Probation Terms.
Driver Signature:_______________________ Date:__________________________
Management Signature:________________________ Date:____________________
Safety Department Signature: ___________________ Date:____________________
HR Department Signature: ______________________Date:____________________
Proprietary Information
The information contained herein was prepared by and for the exclusive use of ESCO Group. Any reproduction or use of this
material by persons other than an authorized employee of the Company is prohibited.
Proprietary Information
The information contained herein was prepared by and for the exclusive use of ESCO Group. Any reproduction or use of this
material by persons other than an authorized employee of the Company is prohibited.