eBay Inc. - Climate Change 2022
C0. Introduction
(C0.1) Give a general description and introduction to your organization.
eBay Inc. (NASDAQ: EBAY) is a global commerce leader through our Marketplace platforms which connect millions of buyers and sellers in more than 190 markets around
the world, empowering people and creating opportunity for all. The platforms include our online marketplace located at www.ebay.com and its localized counterparts, including
off-platform businesses, as well as eBay’s suite of mobile apps.
Founded in 1995 in San Jose, California, eBay is one of the world's largest and most vibrant marketplaces for discovering great value and unique selection. Our technologies
and services are designed to provide buyers choice and a breadth of relevant inventory from around the globe and to enable sellers worldwide to organize and offer their
inventory for sale, virtually anytime and anywhere. In 2021, eBay enabled $87 billion of gross merchandise volume.
eBay’s purpose is to empower people and create economic opportunity for all through our technology for our global community of users. Every day, people build businesses
on our platforms. With low cost of entry for sellers, we offer a highly accessible way for all types of users to interact in a global marketplace that’s inclusive and connects
people of all backgrounds.
Accordingly, we prioritize our corporate responsibility efforts to impact the areas of economic empowerment and sustainable commerce. We are also committed to reducing
the environmental impact of our platform by increasing efficiency, expanding our use of cleaner energy, and using our global marketplace to extend the life of goods in a
circular economy. For example, eBay continues its work to reach its goal of 100% renewable energy by 2025 and is a member of the U.S. EPA’s Green Power Program.
Additionally, we strive to integrate best practices in our offices and data center operations and to continually reduce our environmental footprint. In 2021, eBay expanded
these practices to include power and thermal environmental management in our remote office server rooms — decreasing the amount of energy consumption by increasing
the temperature set points in the rooms. eBay invested in Smart Power Distribution units (PDUs) globally to actively monitor power and thermal usage and continue to look at
ways to promote greener server rooms.
Throughout 2021, we made strides to implement energy-efficient practices at our eBay offices and data centers, resulting in a significant decrease in our total Scope 1 and 2
emissions (or those coming directly from a company’s operations). For the remaining Scope 1 and 2 emissions, we have purchased carbon offsets to achieve carbon
neutrality as a company.
(C0.2) State the start and end date of the year for which you are reporting data.
Start date End date Indicate if you are providing emissions data for past reporting
Select the number of past reporting years you will be providing emissions data
January 1
December 31
No <Not Applicable>
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(C0.3) Select the countries/areas in which you operate.
Hong Kong SAR, China
Republic of Korea
Russian Federation
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
United States of America
Viet Nam
(C0.4) Select the currency used for all financial information disclosed throughout your response.
(C0.5) Select the option that describes the reporting boundary for which climate-related impacts on your business are being reported. Note that this option should
align with your chosen approach for consolidating your GHG inventory.
Operational control
(C0.8) Does your organization have an ISIN code or another unique identifier (e.g., Ticker, CUSIP, etc.)?
Indicate whether you are able to provide a unique identifier for your organization Provide your unique identifier
Yes, a Ticker symbol EBAY
C1. Governance
(C1.1) Is there board-level oversight of climate-related issues within your organization?
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(C1.1a) Identify the position(s) (do not include any names) of the individual(s) on the board with responsibility for climate-related issues.
Position of
Please explain
The Board of Directors’ Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee (“CGN”) has the ultimate responsibility for sustainability and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues,
including overseeing the company’s policies and programs concerning sustainability reporting. We have chosen to engage around climate and other ESG issues at the board level, because our
Board members have expressed interest in monitoring the company’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) work. Engagement at the Board level also ensures that climate and related ESG issues
are prioritized by eBay’s leadership team. The CGN reviews climate-related progress including emissions reduction as part of the annual Impact Report and review of renewable energy progress.
ESG and sustainability updates are also provided to the CGN or full Board at least quarterly. The CGN as a whole is responsible for providing feedback and guidance on our climate targets,
progress, and focus. For example, in 2020, eBay’s proposal to participate in the Science-based Targets initiative (SBTi) was reviewed and supported by the CGN. As such, eBay aligned its emissions
target with SBTi criteria. Additionally, the full Board has ultimate responsibility for risk oversight. The Board also reviews the outcomes of stockholder ESG engagement with management and
considers proactive changes based on feedback.
(C1.1b) Provide further details on the board’s oversight of climate-related issues.
issues are
into which
issues are
Scope of
Please explain
– some
and guiding
and guiding
major plans of
and guiding
against goals
and targets
for addressing
related issues
The Board of Directors’ Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee (“CGN”) has the ultimate responsibility for sustainability and ESG issues, which is inclusive of
climate-related issues. ESG, sustainability and climate-related updates are provided to the CGN at least quarterly. The CGN reviews climate-related actions including
emissions reduction and renewable energy progress and is responsible for providing feedback and guidance on our climate targets, progress, and focus. CGN’s ESG
responsibility is part of the Committee’s charter. eBay’s full Board has ultimate responsibility for risk oversight. This includes oversight of eBay’s economic, financial, legal and
regulatory, operational, and other risks, such as the impact of competition and sustainability risks, including social, environmental, and reputational factors that are integral to
the strength of our brands. eBay’s Chief Sustainability Officer also directly engages with the executive leadership team directly and through the company’s ESG Council. The
ESG Council is made of cross-functional senior and global senior leaders and is sponsored by eBay’s CEO, who is also a Board member.
(C1.1d) Does your organization have at least one board member with competence on climate-related issues?
on climate-
Criteria used to
competence of
board member(s)
on climate-related
Primary reason for no board-level competence
on climate-related issues
Explain why your organization does not have at least one board member with competence on climate-related
issues and any plans to address board-level competence in the future
No, but we
plan to
address this
within the
next two
<Not Applicable> Other, please specify (eBay’s Corporate
Governance and Nominating Committee (CGN)
and Board selects Board nominees against a set
of factors and principles that do not currently
include climate-related competence. )
eBay’s CGN and Board evaluates each director against the factors and principles eBay uses to select director
nominees. Based on this evaluation, the CGN and the Board decides nominees based on the best interests of eBay
and its stockholders. eBay’s CGN and Board will continue to evaluate and nominate directors based on the best
interests of eBay and its stockholders and will assess board-level competence on climate-related issues if it is
determined that is in the best interests of eBay and its stockholders.
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(C1.2) Provide the highest management-level position(s) or committee(s) with responsibility for climate-related issues.
Name of the position(s) and/or
Reporting line Responsibility Coverage of
Frequency of reporting to the board on climate-related
Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) <Not
Both assessing and managing climate-related risks and
<Not Applicable> Quarterly
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) <Not
Both assessing and managing climate-related risks and
<Not Applicable> Annually
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) <Not
Both assessing and managing climate-related risks and
<Not Applicable> Annually
Please select <Not
<Not Applicable> <Not Applicable> <Not Applicable>
(C1.2a) Describe where in the organizational structure this/these position(s) and/or committees lie, what their associated responsibilities are, and how climate-
related issues are monitored (do not include the names of individuals).
ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE: Guided by the eBay Impact Team, with oversight from eBay’s Board of Directors and Executive Leadership Team, our approach to ESG
matters is integrated into the core of our business. eBay’s Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) leads eBay’s Impact Team, which works across the company to help our
business groups and functions prioritize ESG as part of the company’s overall strategy, including goal setting, impact measurement, and reporting.
Our CSO chairs eBay’s ESG Council which is composed of and engages with critical partners across functions in our Company. The ESG Council is sponsored by eBay’s
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and reports up to eBay’s Executive Leadership Team. eBay’s CEO has overall oversight of the company’s ESG and climate-related strategy
through the ESG Council.
Members of eBay’s Executive Leadership Team sponsor eBay’s Impact Goals (including our renewable electricity and carbon reduction targets) to ensure we prioritize and
remain accountable to achieving these targets at the highest levels of our business. For example, eBay’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is the sponsor for the company’s
renewable energy commitment. Additionally, eBay’s Executive Leadership Team reports directly to the Board of Directors through the Corporate Governance and Nominating
Committee on climate-related issues.
ASSOCIATED RESPONSIBILITIES: eBay’s CFO reports directly to our CEO and is responsible for overseeing plans that support our renewable energy commitment and
target. Through the management of eBay’s renewable energy commitment and target, he supports the assessment and management of eBay’s climate-related risks and
opportunities and helps to advance the company’s sustainability goals.
Our CSO’s responsibilities include: (1) monitoring the company’s carbon footprint and determining the activities that have the most significant contribution to the footprint; (2)
developing strategies to reduce the company’s carbon footprint, including creating a comprehensive renewable energy strategy for eBay’s facilities in regions where our
operational footprint is most significant, specifically at eBay’s major data center locations in Utah and Nevada; (3) assessing climate change-related risks for the company,
such as potential impacts to buildings, data center locations; and (4) achieving progress towards eBay’s climate change-related corporate goals, such as eBay’s commitment
to achieve 100% renewable energy in our electricity supply at eBay-controlled data centers and offices by 2025 and decreasing absolute Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions by 90% and absolute Scope 3 downstream transportation and distribution emissions by 20% between 2019 and 2030.
eBay’s cross functional ESG Council is responsible for helping to advance our climate and related ESG strategies in addition to supporting the ongoing management of
specific ESG risks and opportunities across our business. As such, eBay’s ESG Council engages with numerous critical partners across the company.
eBay’s ESG Council includes senior leaders from the numerous functions across eBay: including Risk Management, Finance, Investor Relations, Compliance, Corporate
Secretary, Brand, Customer Experience, Data Center Engineering, Seller Engagement, Delivery and Product Marketing. Examples of ESG Council member responsibilities
are as follows: (1) eBay’s Compliance and Corporate Secretary functions supports the identification of climate-related legislation that may impact our company. (2) eBay’s
Brand and Customer Experience functions support engagement with our buyers and sellers on ESG topics. (3) Our Data Center Engineering function supports the
management of renewable energy strategy and target at our facilities. (4) Our Delivery function supports our strategies to reduce environmental impacts of shipping. (5)
eBay’s Product Marketing function supports the promotion of our recommerce strategy, including the buying and selling of pre-owned goods.
MONITORING OF CLIMATE-RELATED ISSUES: eBay’s ESG Council typically convenes at least twice a year to review eBay’s ESG strategy, performance, and targets,
including discussing the company’s climate-related issues and data; and working groups focused on specific sustainability issues such as recommerce and carbon offsets
meet almost monthly. The ESG Council also provides written updates. This Council reports up to the Executive Leadership team (which includes our CEO and CFO) to further
support the ongoing monitoring of climate-related issues, risks, and opportunities, including progress towards the company’s climate-related targets.
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(C1.3) Do you provide incentives for the management of climate-related issues, including the attainment of targets?
Provide incentives for the management of climate-related issues Comment
Row 1 Yes Yes, eBay provides incentives for the management of climate-related issues, including achieving the company’s ESG targets.
(C1.3a) Provide further details on the incentives provided for the management of climate-related issues (do not include the names of individuals).
Entitled to
Type of
Emissions reduction
Other (please
factors, including
executing on eBay's
ESG strategy)
Beginning in 2021, the qualitative assessment of individual performance within eBay’s annual cash incentive plan (“eIP”), which accounts for 25% of the incentive
opportunity for our named executive officers will include sustainability factors. This includes eBay’s CEO who is responsible for chairing the ESG Council and has
overall responsibility of the company’s ESG strategy. eBay’s CEO is also responsible for overseeing the company’s commitment to achieve 100% renewable energy
in our electricity supply at eBay data centers and offices by 2025 and avoid 7 million metric tons of carbon emissions through selling pre-owned and refurbished
products on eBay between 2021 and 2025.
Officer (CFO)
Emissions reduction
Beginning in 2021, the qualitative assessment of individual performance within eBay’s annual cash incentive plan (“eIP”), which accounts for 25% of the incentive
opportunity for our named executive officers will include sustainability factors. This includes eBay’s Chief Financial Officer who is responsible for overseeing the
company’s commitment to achieve 100% renewable energy in our electricity supply at eBay data centers and offices by 2025. Oversight of this target is directly tied
to the company’s management of climate-related issues.
Emissions reduction
Energy reduction
Energy reduction
As part of the CSO’s annual review, progress against all public and internal ESG goals are assessed and the achievement of interim goals is incentivized through
overall compensation. As the individual who oversees both the renewable energy and carbon emissions reduction goals, the CSO is responsible for assuring the
team's progress on an annual basis.
Emissions reduction
As part of their annual review process and individual goals, eBay’s Facilities and Energy managers are incentivized to identify and complete emissions and energy
reduction projects that also result in operational cost savings for the company. These actions also support achieving our target to achieve 100% renewable energy in
our electricity supply at eBay data centers and offices by 2025 and decreasing absolute Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 90% and absolute
Scope 3 downstream transportation and distribution emissions by 20% between 2019 and 2030.
C2. Risks and opportunities
(C2.1) Does your organization have a process for identifying, assessing, and responding to climate-related risks and opportunities?
(C2.1a) How does your organization define short-, medium- and long-term time horizons?
Short-term 1 2 We typically consider the 1–2-year time horizon when establishing short-term objectives and monitoring near-term climate-related risks and opportunities.
3 5 We typically consider the 3–5-year time horizon when establishing medium-term objectives and monitoring associated climate-related risks and opportunities from a medium-
term time horizon.
Long-term 6 15 We typically consider the 6–15-year time horizon when establishing long-term objectives and monitoring associated climate-related risks and opportunities from a long-term
time horizon.
(C2.1b) How does your organization define substantive financial or strategic impact on your business?
DEFINITION OF SUBSTANTIVE FINANCIAL OR STRATEGIC IMPACT: eBay defines a substantive financial impact to our business as lower revenue growth, decreased
revenue, increased expenses or reduction to operating income or earnings, corresponding to progressively higher risk.
eBay was 1% to 3% revenue growth, but with increased margins and cashflow. Any impacts that would cause eBay’s growth to be at or below the low end of guidance (i.e.,
approximately less than $100 million of growth), would be considered significant to a shareholder, potential shareholder or customer.
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(C2.2) Describe your process(es) for identifying, assessing and responding to climate-related risks and opportunities.
Value chain stage(s) covered
Direct operations
Risk management process
Integrated into multi-disciplinary company-wide risk management process
Frequency of assessment
More than once a year
Time horizon(s) covered
Description of process
eBay’s climate risk identification & assessment process is integrated into our company’s multidisciplinary company-wide risk-management process. This process covers
short-, medium- and long-term time horizons, is used to determine which climate-related risks and opportunities could have a substantive financial or strategic impact and
applies to all value chain stages. We also conduct periodic materiality assessments, which have continued to identify our GHG emissions and energy footprint as a top
stakeholder concern. eBay’s Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) and other subject-matter experts from our Impact team actively engage with our company’s key global
functions, including Finance, Government Relations, Investor Relations, and Facilities teams, to evaluate climate risks and opportunities, interpret them into our business
framework, and develop actionable recommendations. We evaluate climate-change risks and opportunities at the global level using a cross-functional governance model.
This evaluation occurs annually, at a minimum, but at a higher frequency—at least every six months—in locations where our operational footprint is most significant,
specifically our major data center and colocation data centers in Utah and Nevada. eBay’s Government Relations team helps assess transitional risks due to
current/emerging regulation, and the potential costs to the company of complying with such regulations. The team also employs consultants who review all pending
regulations on the international, federal, and state/local levels regularly and flag any pertinent climate-related regulations. eBay’s Facilities and Information Technology
teams assess physical risks, that may impact our direct operations, including extreme weather events to eBay’s facilities and data centers, and the costs of operational
interruptions and facility repairs. eBay’s Finance team assesses market risks, including the decreased demands for products due to weather events, and the potential cost of
such decreases in demand. eBay’s Investor Relations team uses expert consultants to assess investor-related risks such as ESG screening and questions by investors.
We consider distinctions within eBay’s business model in comparison to traditional retailers. Most notably, eBay does not maintain our own inventory for goods sold on our
platform. This distinction impacts how our company may approach operational risks. The Investor Relations team also consults external subject matter experts to identify
opportunities as well as social, policy, and/or environmental issues that could materially impact our business. As risks and opportunities are identified, the appropriate teams
evaluate and implement response measures. Short-term risks are prioritized, but long-term risks (6 years or longer) are also considered as part of this process. eBay’s
Impact team consults external subject matter experts including the Clean Energy Buyers Alliance (CEBA), World Wildlife Fund (WWF), and 3rd party consultants to identify
risks and opportunities as well as ESG issues that could materially impact our business. As risks are identified by our operations teams (e.g., Data Center, Compliance,
Facilities and Delivery) and the appropriate teams evaluate and implement response measures. The Impact team engages with the operations teams at least quarterly to
assess potential risks and opportunities as they arise. To assess climate-related risks at eBay’s physical locations, the Impact team also assesses our company’s owned
and leased property-specific climate, water and biodiversity risks. eBay has also included a climate risk management process as part of our Annual 10-K risk disclosure.
eBay actively implements processes to manage transition risks and takes measures to increase the resiliency of our company’s locations and mitigate physical risks. CASE
STUDY/EXAMPLE OF HOW PROCESS IS APPLIED: - Physical Risks and/or Opportunities Situation: eBay’s physical risks related to climate change are considered to be
long-term risks. To manage these physical risks, eBay has implemented procedures and other measures to increase the resiliency of our facilities, and to our business as a
whole. In particular, increased extreme weather events have impacted eBay’s sellers (which included 17 million active sellers as of year-end 2021) to deliver shipments on
time, which in turn has also impacted our business. For example, in 2021, due to severe weather conditions from Tropical Storm Nicholas in 2021, parts of the US
southeast region experienced shipping delays. Task: In order to ensure items sold on eBay are delivered on time and not delayed due to extreme weather events, eBay
needed to establish processes, procedures, and policies to support our sellers. Action: eBay’s Shipping and Delivery team established a task force to plan responses to the
increased frequency of extreme weather events and eBay’s Emergency Communications Playbook was created to protect sellers from late shipments as a result of
extreme weather events. For example, during Tropical Storm Nicholas in 2021, eBay automatically protected seller performance from late shipping rates, defects from
cancelled transactions and other seller performance criteria. Additionally, eBay continues to enhance seller tools to support shipping needs, including collaborations with
shipping carriers. Result: By protecting our sellers through our procedures and collaborations, we have saved our sellers time and money, which has a direct correlation to
increasing our company’s gross merchandising volume. - Transitional Risks and/or Opportunities Situation: The increased cost of energy, water and related raw materials
can directly impact operating costs at eBay’s physical locations. Operationally, energy is an essential input to eBay business. Task: To meet the needs of our business and
stakeholders, the Impact team partnered with Finance and Operations to assess the feasibility of entering into a virtual power purchase agreement (VPPA) while
simultaneously working with the Global Communications team to assess reputation and other risks and opportunities presented by taking this step in making progress
toward the goal. Action: To continue executing on our 100% renewable electricity goal, eBay continues to invest in renewable energy projects, prioritizing virtual purchase
power agreements (VPPAs), which ensure that more green electricity is fed into our electricity grids. We’ve entered into VPPAs for a solar project in Louisiana and a wind
project in Texas while we continue to look for additional opportunities globally. Result: While it is likely that short term energy costs could rise as we implement renewable
contracts, these are expected to be very modest and far surpassed by the reputation uplift (and risk avoidance) of committing to a low-carbon energy supply within the next
5 years (by 2025).
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(C2.2a) Which risk types are considered in your organization's climate-related risk assessments?
Please explain
eBay’s Impact team consults with our Government Relations team to identify any current or future regulation risks, related to issues including carbon pricing, clean energy, the circular
economy, and transportation. Currently, the Government Relations team is not aware of any substantive risk from current regulations, however, we do consider the impact from potential
future regulations to be relevant enough to continuously monitor. For example, due to our online presence in France, we have been monitoring the Anti-Waste Law (Law No. 2020-105
Regarding a Circular Economy and the Fight Against Waste) that was adopted in early 2020. In 2022, this law has expanded making it illegal to destroy unsold electronics, textiles, books,
and other products. This regulation is not anticipated to present direct risks in terms of reduced revenues or increased expenditures at eBay. In fact, this law may present revenue
opportunities for eBay, because we play a role in the circular economy and supports the reselling of unsold or returned items. Through this law, we will continue supporting our sellers,
including communicating the environmental benefits of buying and selling pre-owned goods on our platform. We continue to monitor regulatory frameworks globally to assess if eBay is
impacted by proposed or future regulations.
The potential for fuel and energy taxes and regulations exposes eBay to risk both in terms of increased costs and decreased revenue. Operationally, energy is an essential input to eBay’s
business. Our platform relies on a data center portfolio that is responsible for 83% of our total energy consumption. Our customer support organization operates facilities 24 hours a day, 7
days per week, and our global staff count on being able to travel between offices and across geographies (during non-pandemic times). Consequently, energy taxes and regulations could
raise energy prices, leading to increased costs to the company. With support from Government Relations, we also advocate for clean energy policy, including clean and low carbon
transportation at the federal level as well as in states where we have a significant operational footprint, including California and Utah. We also continue to implement energy-saving
strategies in the operations of all of our facilities, to mitigate this risk.
Technology Relevant,
As an e-commerce company, eBay is a recipient and user of energy products and services. eBay regularly assesses the efficiency of our data center infrastructure as well as the seamless
operation of our online consumer platform through our Core Technology team. eBay faces risks of not capitalizing on technological improvements / innovations that support the transition
to a low-carbon, energy efficient economy that could result in higher costs of operation or downtime of our online platform. Additionally, if eBay does not power its Utah data centers with
renewable energy, while other e-commerce companies transition their data centers electricity to renewables, eBay faces reputational risks compared to its competitors.
Legal Relevant,
This is a lower-likelihood risk for eBay. The company monitors all litigation as part of our Global Compliance and Legal Counsel teams’ active review of correspondence, including any
potential climate-related litigation, and will alert the Impact team if any potential or actual cases come to the Legal department’s attention. eBay could be indirectly exposed to litigation that
imposes costs on our shipping partners, such as the United Parcel Service (UPS), United States Postal Service (USPS), and other carriers due to their fuel use. Similarly, lawsuits that
resulted in extra costs for electricity providers could also affect eBay indirectly, if those energy providers decided to pass on the costs to their customers. These instances have not
occurred, but they pose a potential, albeit unlikely, risk to the company.
Market Relevant,
The potential of market risks exposes eBay and the company’s to risk both in terms of increased costs and decreased revenue. Our business model relies heavily on shipping and logistics,
a small part of which is done directly by eBay Inc. businesses, but the majority of which occurs downstream of and out of our direct control. Increasing energy prices could quickly translate
into higher shipping and logistics costs. These risks are monitored by our Delivery and Logistics teams and as part of their ongoing cost review and projections. The Impact team interacts
with this team on a regular basis to assess if any risks have been identified specific to transportation and logistics and incorporates this information into our overall risk assessment. This
risk (including those associated with cross-border trade) has also been identified by our ERM function and is noted in our annual 10-K filing. If those costs are passed on in the prices
offered to customers on our commerce sites, this could drive down demand for online shopping, causing overall harm to eBay’s business.
Reputation Relevant,
In a low-carbon economy, eBay’s stakeholders may become more concerned about climate-related impacts, and there may be a cost for the emissions associated with eBay’s business
model, including an impact on eBay’s reputation. eBay’s Impact team and ESG Council help to monitor these potential risks, which can negatively impact our company’s financial
performance. For example, eBay examines reputational risks among our investors, employees, buyers and sellers, and the media. We consider this type of reputational risk to be well
managed through our current ESG strategy, which includes a renewable electricity target and Science-Based Target goal to reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 90% by 2030, and Scope
3 downstream transportation and delivery emissions by 20% in the same timeframe.
Hurricanes, floods, and windstorms could negatively impact shipping and customer demand. For example, Hurricane Ida was the second-most damaging and intense hurricane to make
landfall in Louisiana in 2021. Impacts from the storm resulted in shipment delays from eBay sellers located in the southeast due to shipping network disruptions. India and South Asia also
suffered from several severe weather events, including flooding and cyclones, impacting more than 57 million people according to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red
Crescent Societies. Wildfires could also negatively impact eBay’s operations and our employees, as the company is headquartered in California. Additionally water shortages can impact
our operations, specifically at our more water-intensive data centers. These events commonly result in electricity and telecommunication network disruptions that can impact the ability of
eBay customers, both sellers and buyers, to sell and make purchases online. The impact varies with the magnitude of the events and the concentrations of buyers, sellers, and shipping
activities in the affected locations, but if the frequency and severity of weather events increases as climate change progresses, the risk will climb. Our Workplace Resources team actively
monitors facility weather-related risk and Global Customer Service continually monitors online uptime and activity as part of our overall enterprise and climate risk assessment.
eBay owns and leases various properties in the U.S. and 26 other countries/areas around the world. Some of these locations are more vulnerable than others to potential physical changes
from climate change. For instance, in San Jose, CA, maps of potential sea level rise indicate that a 1-meter increase could submerge one of two major San Jose freeways and restrict
access to the San Jose Airport, affecting the ability of employees and partners to travel to eBay’s headquarters in San Jose. Other risks could include disruption of our operations or
physical damage to our facilities from floods, wildfires, or other extreme weather events and possible sea level rise. Drought and other climate-related decreases in the availability of fresh
water could also pose a risk to our operations. This is most particularly the case for our data center operations. Water is essential for cooling, and prolonged shortages could ultimately
result in service interruptions and costly relocation of data center services; therefore, our Data Center (Core Technology) team actively monitors and assesses the risk of water shortages
as part of its operational risk assessment.
(C2.3) Have you identified any inherent climate-related risks with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business?
(C2.3a) Provide details of risks identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
Risk 1
Where in the value chain does the risk driver occur?
Direct operations
Risk type & Primary climate-related risk driver
Market Uncertainty in market signals
Primary potential financial impact
Increased indirect (operating) costs
Climate risk type mapped to traditional financial services industry risk classification
<Not Applicable>
Company-specific description
The increased cost of energy, water, and related raw materials can directly increase our operating costs at eBay’s physical locations, resulting in a decrease in our
company’s net income. Additionally, increased operating costs at these locations can also impact the potential cost to offset our company’s carbon footprint. For example,
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eBay’s 2021 energy spend was estimated to be approximately 0.5% of eBay’s total operating expenses (approximately $24 million). Operationally, energy is an essential
input to eBay business. Our platform relies on a data center portfolio that is responsible for 83% of our energy consumption and more than 34,000 tons of CO2e emissions
in 2021 (73% of our total Scope 1 and 2 emissions). Our customer support organization also operates facilities 24 hours a day, 7 days per week, and is crucial to supporting
our buyers and sellers. Additionally, uncertainty in the price of energy and fuel could also impact the goods sold on our Marketplace. For example, the increased cost of
transporting goods can directly impact eBay’s buyers and sellers, as shipping costs are either covered by the sellers and/or the buyers, potentially impacting eBay’s
revenues. The emissions associated with our sellers’ delivery footprint also makes up a majority of our company’s Scope 3 emissions (more than 86% of our Scope 3
Time horizon
About as likely as not
Magnitude of impact
Are you able to provide a potential financial impact figure?
Yes, a single figure estimate
Potential financial impact figure (currency)
Potential financial impact figure – minimum (currency)
<Not Applicable>
Potential financial impact figure – maximum (currency)
<Not Applicable>
Explanation of financial impact figure
The estimated financial impact is approximately $136 million, which assumes the potential for an approximate 1% decrease in eBay’s 2021 net income of $13.6 billion due
to increased energy-related costs. It is estimated, that between increased energy costs, along with uncertainty in the price of energy and fuel (which could also impact the
goods sold on our Marketplace) would result in a 1% reduction of our net income.
Cost of response to risk
Description of response and explanation of cost calculation
RESPONSE: eBay manages risks associated with energy and fuel costs through tracking and quantifying our environmental footprint and progress toward our emissions
reduction target; actively manage heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems, lighting, and IT infrastructure; & reducing our reliance on traditional fuel sources. In
coordination with the Impact team, eBay’s Facility team works to implement energy reduction initiatives. For example, data centers comprise 73% of our Scope 1 and 2
emissions. In 2021, to offset increases in electricity, we expanded energy efficiency initiatives to include power and thermal environmental management in our remote office
server rooms — decreasing energy consumption by increasing the temperature set points in the rooms. eBay invested in Smart Power Distribution units globally to actively
monitor power and thermal usage and continued to look at ways to promote greener server rooms. To date, our primary data centers in Salt Lake City, Utah, have also
earned the ENERGY STAR® for Data Centers Label. These data centers have earned an ENERGY STAR® rating greater than 75, indicating they perform better than at
least 75 percent of buildings nationwide. We engage with stakeholders, to evaluate opportunities to reduce our risks related to uncertainty in market signals. For example,
in 2021, we were designated as an official member of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Green Power Partnership, a voluntary program to encourage
organizations to use green power to reduce environmental impacts associated with conventional electricity. eBay was included in the partnership’s Top 30 Tech & Telecom
list, which highlights the annual use of leading Green Power Partners in the tech industry. eBay also partners with advocacy organizations for climate change, such as the
CEBA and Ceres Business for Innovative Climate and Energy Policy Network. COST CALCULATION: eBay’s 2021 energy spend was estimated to be approximately 0.5%
of total operating expenses (approximately $24 million). Data centers were responsible for 83% of that consumption, with other facilities comprising the majority of the other
energy consumption. Using a conservative assumption that regulations or taxes increase energy prices by 25%, that would increase energy spend by about $6 million
annually. The relative percent of operating expenses would remain unchanged. Business travel is an insignificant contributor, in terms of total percent of spend for eBay.
Risk 2
Where in the value chain does the risk driver occur?
Direct operations
Risk type & Primary climate-related risk driver
Reputation Increased stakeholder concern or negative stakeholder feedback
Primary potential financial impact
Increased indirect (operating) costs
Climate risk type mapped to traditional financial services industry risk classification
<Not Applicable>
Company-specific description
eBay’s brand and reputation are key drivers to the success of our business. Stakeholders, including our buyers and sellers are increasingly interested in our response to
climate-related risks. Consumers worldwide recognize that recommerce can be a potential source of great income, with the added benefit of contributing to a healthier
planet. For example, in 2021, we surveyed 4,469 of eBay’s consumer-to-consumer (C2C) sellers in the U.S., U.K., Canada, Germany, France, Italy and Australia around
their habits of both buying and selling second-hand goods. As environmental concerns become ever more pressing, more sellers and buyers are citing sustainability and
reduced waste as reasons for getting into the recommerce market. Approximately 34% of our buyer survey respondents around the world name sustainability as a reason
for recommerce, as do 27% of sellers. In 2021, we also conducted a brand health study (BHCT), and asked consumers (buyers and sellers) to rate eBay and competitors on
many brand attributes, including sustainability. Through this survey, we can identify any potential reputational risks associated with our company and sustainability. If it was
identified that eBay was falling behind competitors on brand attributes related to climate or sustainability, this could result in a decrease in our net revenue transactions.
Time horizon
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Magnitude of impact
Are you able to provide a potential financial impact figure?
Yes, a single figure estimate
Potential financial impact figure (currency)
Potential financial impact figure – minimum (currency)
<Not Applicable>
Potential financial impact figure – maximum (currency)
<Not Applicable>
Explanation of financial impact figure
eBay conducts business in a strongly competitive environment that is under increasing scrutiny from stakeholders such as buyers and sellers around sustainability and
climate. Increased positive brand recognition and sentiment could translate into positive competitive advantage increased net transaction revenues. For example, eBay’s
2021 net transaction revenues were approximately $9.7 billion. A 2% decrease net transaction revenues would amount to approximately $195 million in financial impacts.
Cost of response to risk
Description of response and explanation of cost calculation
To further mitigate risks related to increased stakeholder concern and negative feedback, we integrate environmental best practices across our global business to support a
healthier planet for our community and generations to come. Through our marketplace, we encourage responsible consumption through the resale of items, helping to
preserve the world’s finite resources by keeping materials in circulation longer. From 2021 to 2025, our goal is to avoid seven million metric tons of carbon emissions and
avoid 230,000 metric tons of waste. In 2021 alone, we have conserved 1.5 million metric tons of carbon emissions and avoided 47,000 metric tons of waste through people
selling their pre-owned and refurbished products on our marketplace. eBay has also had more growth in recommerce — or the selling and buying of pre-owned items —
than in new products in 2021. Across our eBay offices and data centers, we also invest in clean energy and implement resource-efficient strategies to reduce our overall
environmental footprint. Our efforts are aligned to our Science-Based Target goal to reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 90% by 2030, and Scope 3 downstream
transportation and delivery emissions by 20% in the same timeframe. We also aim achieve 100% renewable energy in our electricity supply at eBay-controlled data centers
and offices. COST CALCULATION: Stakeholder engagement, transparency and related external activities are a normal part of our work, so we expect no additional costs
($0) to be incurred in communicating about our response to climate change or renewable energy achievements. Additionally, there is no additional costs incurred from
people selling their pre-owned and refurbished goods on our marketplace.
Risk 3
Where in the value chain does the risk driver occur?
Direct operations
Risk type & Primary climate-related risk driver
Acute physical Other, please specify (Increased severity and frequency of extreme weather events such as cyclones and floods)
Primary potential financial impact
Decreased revenues due to reduced demand for products and services
Climate risk type mapped to traditional financial services industry risk classification
<Not Applicable>
Company-specific description
eBay is a global commerce leader and third-party marketplace. In 2021, eBay had 147 million active buyers, over 17 million sellers, and approximately 1.5 billion live listings
globally. The buyers and sellers that use our marketplace may be affected by physical climate change risks, including the increased severity of extreme weather events
such as cyclones, hurricanes, flooding, drought, and wildfires, as they may be unable to access eBay’s call centers and/or shipping and delivery of products could be
delayed. This also presents a general risk to our business through decreased access to and traffic on our platform when electricity is not available or when people are
displaced from their homes. Our users may spend less time on our websites and our applications for mobile devices as a result of a variety of climate change-related
diversions caused by volatility in weather, including natural disasters; power shortages or outages from weather events; and other significant local, national or climate-
related events. If any of these, or any other climate-related factors, divert our users from using our websites or mobile applications, our business could be materially
adversely affected. For example, during Hurricane Ida shipments from eBay sellers located in the south were delayed due to shipping network disruptions. While the exact
number of shipments and sellers in these areas are business sensitive and confidential, we estimate that 5-10% of shipments were delayed during the aftermath of the
hurricane (1-2 weeks). The U.S. is our number one market for sales, and any disruption to this market will have a material effect on our gross merchandise volume metrics.
Additionally, India and South Asia (both growing markets for eBay) have recently suffered from several severe weather events, including flooding monsoons and prolonged
heat waves and droughts. These events commonly result in electricity and telecommunication network disruptions that can impact the ability of eBay customers, both sellers
and buyers, to sell and make purchases online.
Time horizon
Magnitude of impact
Are you able to provide a potential financial impact figure?
Yes, a single figure estimate
Potential financial impact figure (currency)
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Potential financial impact figure – minimum (currency)
<Not Applicable>
Potential financial impact figure – maximum (currency)
<Not Applicable>
Explanation of financial impact figure
While the exact amount is difficult to determine due to a combination of factors impacting sales in each of these regions at the time of the weather event, external data
indicate that retail spending decreases during the weeks directly impacted by severe weather events. Diversion of users away from using our platforms could adversely
affect our business results. For instance, using 2021 net revenue of $10.4 billion for the eBay Marketplace, a prolonged 10% decrease in shopping on our that platform due
to multiple weather events could mean as much as a 2% decrease in overall net revenue (approximately $200 million).
Cost of response to risk
Description of response and explanation of cost calculation
RESPONSE: To respond to Increased severity of extreme weather events, eBay has implemented the following risk management processes. eBay’s data centers are
intentionally located in areas with low physical risks to prevent operational disruptions. eBay’s delivery and shipping teams have established a task force to plan responses
to the increased frequency of extreme weather events. For example, we provide seller protection for shipping delays due to weather. eBay has also developed an
Emergency Communications Playbook that protects sellers from late shipments as a result of extreme weather events, including wildfires and hurricanes. Additionally, the
diversification of eBay’s business provides customers with options that could help mitigate lower demand for online shopping by offering new and augmented shopping
experiences. For example, we expanded our intermediate selling services to increase customer convenience, such as eBay Authenticate and Buy Online/Pickup in Store
with select sellers. Offering alternatives to at-door delivery can alleviate some of the shipping challenges that result from severe weather events. eBay Guaranteed Delivery
makes it easy for our sellers to offer fast, accurate, and reliable delivery times, while buyers can narrow their search results based on how quickly they want an item
delivered. COST CALCULATION: Managing changing consumer behavior is inherent in eBay’s business model, so no additional management costs ($0) are anticipated at
this time.
(C2.4) Have you identified any climate-related opportunities with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business?
(C2.4a) Provide details of opportunities identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business.
Where in the value chain does the opportunity occur?
Direct operations
Opportunity type
Energy source
Primary climate-related opportunity driver
Use of lower-emission sources of energy
Primary potential financial impact
Reduced indirect (operating) costs
Company-specific description
eBay prioritizes procurement of renewable energy at its data centers and offices, reducing exposure to GHG emissions and carbon and fuel costs. As a member of RE100,
the global corporate renewable energy initiative bringing together hundreds of businesses committed to 100% renewable electricity, we are on track to meet eBay’s goal to
attain 100% renewable energy in our electricity supply at eBay-controlled data centers and offices by 2025. In 2021, we achieved 90% renewable energy. Investors are
also increasingly expecting companies to manage their climate risk and look for financial opportunity in a low-carbon market. eBay’s approach to climate change prioritizes
the procurement of renewable energy, which will decrease the carbon footprint and stabilize operating costs of our business. For example, our headquarters is in San Jose,
California where the grid is primarily powered by natural gas in a pseudo deregulated market with only single-option utilities that control pricing. Our only owned data center
is in Salt Lake City, Utah, a fully regulated market. Even with constraints to easily access renewable energy at a reasonable cost, eBay recognized the importance of
achieving 100% renewable energy in our offices and data centers and has committed to RE100 by 2025. From 2020 to 2021, we increased our MWhs of renewable energy
supply by 9%, and we have achieved 90% renewable energy for all of our data centers and offices. In our San Jose headquarters, our largest office, we use 100%
renewable energy, provided by San Jose Clean Energy. This office now uses exclusively wind, solar and geothermal power, and we look to expand this to more offices in
the future. In addition, consumers are increasingly aligning their personal values with buying behaviors and are looking for shopping destinations that support their choices
and beliefs. eBay can be an appealing brand for consumers who value sustainability and climate action, which can lead to increased demand for eBay’s products, and
therefore stock prices. For example, in 2021, we surveyed 4,469 of eBay’s consumer-to-consumer (C2C) sellers in around their habits of both buying and selling second-
hand goods. As environmental concerns become ever more pressing, more sellers and buyers are citing sustainability and reduced waste as reasons for getting into the
recommerce market. Approximately 34% of our buyer survey respondents around the world name sustainability as a reason for recommerce, as do 27% of sellers.
Time horizon
About as likely as not
Magnitude of impact
Are you able to provide a potential financial impact figure?
Yes, a single figure estimate
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Potential financial impact figure (currency)
Potential financial impact figure – minimum (currency)
<Not Applicable>
Potential financial impact figure – maximum (currency)
<Not Applicable>
Explanation of financial impact figure
eBay does business in a strongly competitive environment that is under increasing scrutiny from as investors. Increased positive brand recognition and sentiment could
translate into positive competitive advantage and increased stock price. For example, as of June 2022, eBay’s Market capitalization was $24.8 billion. If eBay experiences
positive brand recognition, we expect and estimated 0.5% increase in the market cap, which would amount to $124 million.
Cost to realize opportunity
Strategy to realize opportunity and explanation of cost calculation
STRATEGY: eBay’s strategy to realize this opportunity includes our 2025 environmental targets. As a member of RE100, we have set an ambitious 2025 goal to attain
100% renewable energy in our electricity supply at eBay-controlled data centers and offices. From 2020 to 2021, we increased our MWhs of renewable energy supply by
10%, and thus far, we have achieved 90% renewable energy for all of our data centers and offices. In our San Jose headquarters, our largest office, we use 100%
renewable energy, provided by San Jose Clean Energy. This office now uses exclusively wind, solar and geothermal power, and we look to expand renewables to more
offices in the future. Our strategy to realize this opportunity also includes a step-wise plan to incrementally get to 100% renewable over the next two and a half years. This
plan is regularly reviewed and re-assessed for feasibility and advancements in the market. In addition to this goal, we recognize the need to promote our progress to attract
and retain customers. eBay continues to encourage adoption of low-carbon and electric transportation with our primary logistics partners, including USPS, UPS, and FedEx
(which are not considered our direct suppliers in this context, but partners within our value chain). We also continue to provide guidance to protect sellers that could be
impacted from hurricanes and wildfires, and clearly communicate eBay’s expectations of sellers and their delivery of goods. COST CALCULATION: Stakeholder
engagement, transparency and related external activities are a normal part of our work, so we expect no additional costs to be incurred in communicating about our
response to climate change or renewable energy achievements. However, we have staff dedicated to our renewable energy strategy. This staff management cost equates
to about a one-half full-time employee, or $100,000.
Where in the value chain does the opportunity occur?
Opportunity type
Products and services
Primary climate-related opportunity driver
Shift in consumer preferences
Primary potential financial impact
Increased revenues resulting from increased demand for products and services
Company-specific description
As consumers increasingly care about the climate and factor sustainability into brand perceptions and purchasing decisions, eBay’s focus on sustainable commerce and
enabling a circular economy presents a competitive advantage, which may result in increased revenues for our company. We aim to provide a global platform where
products can continuously find renewed life and value and continue to pursue new ways to advance circular commerce by using innovative technologies. Every day, we
help extend the life of products through the resale of preowned and refurbished items on our global marketplace. By keeping products in circulation longer, we contribute to
a robust circular economy that’s essential for the sustainability of our planet. Circular commerce is foundational to our business: We continue to invest in and measure our
positive impact from the sale of pre-owned goods and have set a subsequent goal for 2025, emphasizing our commitment. From 2021 to 2025, we aim to avoid 7 million
metric tons of carbon emissions and avoid 230,000 metric tons of waste through selling pre-owned and refurbished products on eBay. In 2021, eBay avoided 1.5 million
metric tons of carbon emissions and 47,000 metric tons of waste. Our customers also demonstrate that sustainability is an important aspect of buying and selling pre-
owned. Through an eBay conducted survey, in Germany, for example, 40% of sellers surveyed said that they sell pre-owned items because of its positive environmental
impact. This increased from 39% in 2021. Additionally, a portion of sellers worldwide share this same sentiment: 19% in the U.S., and 16% in Canada. Climate-related
regulations are likely to result in increased prices for fuel and new commodities, with some geographies experiencing higher price pressure than others. eBay Inc.’s
portfolio companies, particularly the Marketplaces business, could benefit financially from this primarily by driving increased interest in pre-owned items due to increasing
fuel and commodities prices resulting in driving up the price of new goods overall.
Time horizon
About as likely as not
Magnitude of impact
Are you able to provide a potential financial impact figure?
Yes, a single figure estimate
Potential financial impact figure (currency)
Potential financial impact figure – minimum (currency)
<Not Applicable>
Potential financial impact figure – maximum (currency)
<Not Applicable>
Explanation of financial impact figure
Changes in shopping behavior toward more online shopping for pre-owned goods, could increase eBay revenue. For example, using 2021 net transaction revenue of $9.7
billion, and accounting for the portion of pre-owned goods sold on our platform, an approximate 2% increase in online shopping would translate to approximately $195
million in additional revenue from pre-owned goods alone.
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Cost to realize opportunity
Strategy to realize opportunity and explanation of cost calculation
STRATEGY: Our ability to extend the life cycle of products is central to our brand promise. The concept of circular commerce has been part of our brand since the very
beginning, including the sale of our first pre-owned item, a broken laser pointer. Circular commerce is also an important part of our forward-looking brand strategy. As such,
we are actively pursuing new ways to advance circular commerce by using innovative technologies. For example, In the past year alone, we have conserved 1.5 metric
tons of carbon emissions through people purchasing pre-owned and refurbished goods on our marketplace. Additionally, the purchase of pre-owned and refurbished goods
provides rewards for the entire product lifecycle – starting with the saved resources and production costs of water, energy and carbon emissions to make the goods, and
ending with realized new lives for items, thus preventing them from being sent directly to landfills. Additionally, at least 20% of goods sold on eBay are used or pre-owned,
making up a significant portion of our revenue and gross merchandise volume. To realize this opportunity, we also set company-wide goals around circular commerce. From
2021 to 2025, we aim to create $20 billion in positive economic impacts and avoid 7 million metric tons of carbon emissions through people purchasing pre-owned and
refurbished goods on our marketplace. COST CALCULATION: eBay tracks the avoided carbon emissions from resold products each year as part of our Impact goals. To
track progress towards these goals, we implemented an internal dashboard that automates these calculations and pulls data directly from our gross marginal volume sales.
Two staff worked part time over three months to realize this improvement. $50,000 represents the salaries from the time dedicated to this project.
Where in the value chain does the opportunity occur?
Opportunity type
Primary climate-related opportunity driver
Participation in renewable energy programs and adoption of energy-efficiency measures
Primary potential financial impact
Increased revenues resulting from increased demand for products and services
Company-specific description
In response to the Paris climate agreement, the global regulatory landscape for renewable energy may shift over the next decade. Incentives at the local, state and federal
levels can reduce the costs and increase the returns from eBay’s investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency. In line with other technology and ecommerce
companies, energy use typically represents the largest direct environmental impact from our business. For example, as our marketplace business grew in 2021, data center
electricity consumption increased by approximately 4%. Additionally, our platform relies on a data center portfolio that is responsible for 83% of our total energy
consumption and 73% of Scope 1 and 2 emissions in 2021. This presents an opportunity to invest in efficiency measures, as well as renewable energy procurement.
Additional reputational benefits related to the participation in renewable energy programs and adoption of energy-efficiency measures may also be realized. This includes
mitigating climate-related risks, including those related to extreme weather events.
Time horizon
About as likely as not
Magnitude of impact
Are you able to provide a potential financial impact figure?
Yes, a single figure estimate
Potential financial impact figure (currency)
Potential financial impact figure – minimum (currency)
<Not Applicable>
Potential financial impact figure – maximum (currency)
<Not Applicable>
Explanation of financial impact figure
The estimated financial impact of $136 million assumes the potential for an approximate 1% increase in eBay’s 2021 net income of $13.6 billion should margins, revenues,
and cost of capital be positively impacted by returns on company investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency.
Cost to realize opportunity
Strategy to realize opportunity and explanation of cost calculation
STRATEGY: eBay continuously evaluates opportunities and strives to implement energy-saving strategies in the operations of all of our facilities. We have previously set a
goal to use exclusively renewable energy for our electricity needs in the data centers and offices which we control, and we remain on track for that. In 2021, we achieved
90% renewable energy, up from 81% in 2020 and 71% in 2019. eBay also tracks the avoided carbon emissions from resold products each year as part of our Impact goals.
For example, we implemented an internal dashboard that automates these calculations and pulls data directly from our gross merchandise volume. Two staff worked part
time over 3 months to realize this improvement. $50,000 represents the salaries from the time dedicated to this project. In 2021, eBay expanded energy efficiency practices
to include power and thermal environmental management in our remote office server rooms — decreasing the amount of energy consumption by increasing the
temperature set points in the rooms. eBay invested in Smart Power Distribution units (PDUs) globally to actively monitor power and thermal usage and continues to look at
ways to promote greener server rooms. Moreover, as part of our commitment to sustainability, we continue to implement energy-saving strategies in the operations of all of
our facilities. To date, our primary data centers in Salt Lake City, Utah, have earned the ENERGY STAR® for Data Centers Label. In our San Jose headquarters, our
largest office, we also use 100% renewable energy, provided by San Jose Clean Energy. This office now uses exclusively wind, solar and geothermal power, and we look
to expand this to more offices in the future. COST CALCULATION: To execute on our renewable energy strategy, including achieving our target to source 100% of our
electricity supply from renewable energy sources by 2025 for eBay-controlled data centers and offices, we have a dedicated staff member. This management cost equates
to about one-half of a full-time employee, which is approximately $100,000.
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C3. Business Strategy
(C3.1) Does your organization’s strategy include a transition plan that aligns with a 1.5°C world?
Row 1
Transition plan
Yes, we have a transition plan which aligns with a 1.5°C world
Publicly available transition plan
Mechanism by which feedback is collected from shareholders on your transition plan
We have a different feedback mechanism in place
Description of feedback mechanism
eBay regularly meets with and solicits feedback from investors and shareholders to discuss our ESG strategy including eBay’s climate transition plan includes our Science-
Based Target goal to reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 90% by 2030, and Scope 3 downstream transportation and delivery emissions by 20% in the same timeframe;
and sourcing 100% of our electricity supply from renewable energy sources by 2025 for eBay-controlled data centers and offices.
Frequency of feedback collection
More frequently than annually
Attach any relevant documents which detail your transition plan (optional)
Explain why your organization does not have a transition plan that aligns with a 1.5°C world and any plans to develop one in the future
<Not Applicable>
Explain why climate-related risks and opportunities have not influenced your strategy
<Not Applicable>
(C3.2) Does your organization use climate-related scenario analysis to inform its strategy?
Use of climate-related scenario
analysis to inform strategy
Primary reason why your organization does not use climate-related
scenario analysis to inform its strategy
Explain why your organization does not use climate-related scenario analysis to
inform its strategy and any plans to use it in the future
Yes, qualitative and quantitative <Not Applicable> <Not Applicable>
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(C3.2a) Provide details of your organization’s use of climate-related scenario analysis.
alignment of
Parameters, assumptions, analytical choices
IDENTIFICATION OF SCENARIOS: To better understand and prioritize eBay’s potential climate-driven risks and opportunities, we evaluated two scenarios based on
whether the world will mobilize in time to avert the disastrous climate impacts modelled by the scientific community. INPUTS, ASSUMPTIONS, AND ANALYTICAL
CHOICES: The inputs used in our climate related scenarios were based on the Task Force on Climate-related Disclosure transition risk categories. In a low-carbon
economy, stakeholders may become more concerned about climate-related impacts, which could impact access to and cost of capital. In this assessment, we also
considered market shaping forces. For example, changing demographics and social shifts—including the rise of Gen Z—have resulted in increased climate-related interest
among stakeholders. For this scenario assessment, we also incorporated the lessons and observed trends from the current COVID-19 pandemic, as it has increased the
importance of e-commerce. The pandemic also provides parallels to how the world might be impacted and adapt to climate change. eBay is currently operating under the
assumption that the low-carbon economy is the global trend, and we have developed a low-carbon transition plan to align with that approach. PARAMETER (BOUNDARY
AND TIME HORIZONS): We consider our entire operational footprint, including Scope 3 emissions. We also consider the following time horizons in our scenario analysis:
short-term (1-2 years), medium-term (3-5 years), and long-term (6-15 years), which are aligned with the horizons needs to assess and respond to the identified climate-
related risks and opportunities. INFLUENCE ON STRATEGY AND FINANCIAL PLANNING: eBay evaluates risks and opportunities that may affect our services, value
chain and operations. While eBay has exposure to both physical and transition drivers, transition drivers appear to present both the most meaningful risks and
opportunities for eBay’s business, strategy and financial planning for the foreseeable future. eBay’s largest indirect environmental risks can be attributed to its downstream
impacts, mainly customer related transportation of merchandise. Since eBay does not own inventory, directly handle shipping logistics and the company does not have a
significant number of fulfillment centers, our physical risks are not prominent. This presents an opportunity for our company to continue on a path of resiliency, as we
proactively manage climate-related risks.
IDENTIFICATION OF SCENARIOS: To better understand and prioritize eBay’s potential climate-driven risks and opportunities, we evaluated two scenarios based on
whether the world will mobilize in time to avert the disastrous climate impacts modelled by the scientific community. INPUTS, ASSUMPTIONS, AND ANALYTICAL
CHOICES: The inputs used in our climate related scenarios were based on the Task Force on Climate-related Disclosure (TCFD) physical risk categories. We understand
that in low-carbon scenario, wildfires and hurricanes will continue to be a threat. eBay is currently operating under the assumption that the low-carbon economy is the
global trend, and we have developed a low-carbon transition plan to align with that approach. To establish eBay’s emissions reduction targets, we evaluated our Scope 1
and 2 emissions trajectories to align with the IPCC’s 1.5˚C scenario. Our data coverage for these scopes include 100% of our operations in tracking our GHG emissions.
Our efforts are aligned to our Science-Based Target goal to reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 90% by 2030, and Scope 3 downstream transportation and delivery
emissions by 20% in the same timeframe. PARAMETER (BOUNDARY AND TIME HORIZONS): We consider our entire operational footprint, including Scope 3 emissions.
We also consider the following time horizons in our scenario analysis: short-term (1-2 years), medium-term (3-5 years), and long-term (6-15 years), which are aligned with
the horizons needs to assess and respond to the identified climate-related risks and opportunities. INFLUENCE ON STRATEGY AND FINANCIAL PLANNING: eBay
evaluates risks and opportunities that may affect our services, value chain and operations. While eBay has exposure to both physical and transition drivers, transition
drivers appear to present both the most meaningful risks and opportunities for eBay’s business, strategy and financial planning for the foreseeable future. eBay’s largest
indirect environmental risks can be attributed to its downstream impacts, mainly customer related transportation of merchandise. Since eBay does not own inventory,
directly handle shipping logistics or have a significant number of fulfillment centers, our physical risks are not prominent. This presents an opportunity for our company to
continue on a path of resiliency, as we proactively manage climate-related risks.
(C3.2b) Provide details of the focal questions your organization seeks to address by using climate-related scenario analysis, and summarize the results with
respect to these questions.
Row 1
Focal questions
What is most likely going to have the largest impact on eBay’s climate performance? What threats to eBay’s infrastructure (data centers) could challenge the company over
the next 10-20 years? How can R&D investments influence eBay’s future climate strategy; or are there other forces that may may have a greater influence on eBay?
Results of the climate-related scenario analysis with respect to the focal questions
eBay’s climate-related scenario analysis has influenced both our operations and financial planning. Through our analysis, Scope 3 emissions related to eBay’s downstream
shipping and transportation is likely going to have the largest impact on eBay’s climate related impact. For eBay, as an online marketplace, Scope 3 emissions are primarily
derived from the shipping and transportation of items purchased online. As we work to reduce our transportation impact, we work with shipping carriers on the data
collection process to track our overall impact. In 2021, we’ve increased our data quality in assessing the entire shipping process from our marketplace, including two of our
larger international markets: the U.K. and Germany in addition to the U.S. To date, as part of our Science-Based Target, we have reduced our transportation footprint by
7%, from 4.4 million in 2019 to 4.1 million in 2021. We have also committed to further align our emissions reduction targets with the Science-Based Targets initiative
criteria. We aim to reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 90% by 2030, and Scope 3 downstream transportation and delivery emissions by 20% in the same timeframe. Over
the next 10-20, physical climate-related risks have the potential to impact the company’s infrastructure, including data centers. eBay’s data centers consumed
approximately 83% of the company’s energy usage and are critical to our business. As such, in 2021, eBay expanded energy efficiency initiatives at data centers to include
power and thermal environmental management in our remote office server rooms — decreasing the amount of energy consumption by increasing the temperature set
points in the rooms. eBay invested in Smart Power Distribution units (PDUs) globally to actively monitor power and thermal usage and continue to look at ways to promote
greener server rooms. eBay’s investments into R&D, such as funding into customer experience, which includes shipping and logistics algorithms that match buyers and
sellers that are closest to each other to reduce costs and climate-related impacts. For example, energy and fuel taxes or climate-related disruptions cause shipping and
logistics expenses to rise, eBay may invest more funding into adapting its shipping networks and partnerships to keep costs manageable. Additionally, eBay’s Business
Continuity and Technology (BCTR) planning approach focuses on the development of resource-loss based recovery strategies. It also establishes policies, processes, and
procedures to enable advanced preparation and actions by business units. The business continuity program relies on the integration and coordination of efforts between
BCTR, Disaster Recovery and Crisis/Emergency Management teams to respond to incidents, including extreme weather events. Through these investments, the company
can better manage and mitigate climate-related risks.
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(C3.3) Describe where and how climate-related risks and opportunities have influenced your strategy.
Have climate-
related risks
your strategy
in this area?
Description of influence
Yes INFLUENCE ON STRATEGY: Changing demographics and social shifts—including the rise of Gen Z—have resulted in increased climate-related interest and concern among investors,
consumers and employees, which has also influenced our strategy and focus on recommerce. For example, from an eBay run survey, in Germany, 40% of sellers surveyed said that
they sell pre-owned items because of its positive environmental impact. This increased from 39% in 2021. Additionally, a portion of sellers worldwide share this same sentiment: 19% in
alone, we have conserved 1.5 million metric tons of carbon emissions through people selling their preowned products on eBay. We also set a new commitment that from 2021 to 2025,
we will avoid 7 million metric tons of carbon emissions through people selling their pre-owned and refurbished products on eBay. We will continue to invest and measure our positive
impact from the sale of pre-owned goods.
Yes INFLUENCE ON STRATEGY: eBay does not have a traditional supply chain; in that we do not manufacture or produce the goods that are sold on our platform. Therefore, a large
portion of what we consider our value chain consists of the shipment of sold goods. Extreme weather events have had a small, but noticeable impact on the business due to delays in
shipping and handling of products that eBay sellers sell on the platform, which is critical to our value chain. We continue to foster strong relationships with carriers to help plan for
potential disruption in deliveries so that we can inform our users of any potential impacts. TIME HORIZON: We anticipate extreme weather events will have localized impact every year
for the foreseeable future, therefore the time horizon to assess and adjust our delivery support for sellers is 10+ years. CASE STUDY ON STRATEGIC DECISIONS INFLUENCED BY
RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES: eBay’s business continues to be impacted by hurricanes, resulting in power outages and disrupted transportation routes. For example, the U.S.
continued to be largely impacted by hurricanes and other disasters globally. A 1% revenue decrease during one week in a year could result in a loss of $2 million (2021 revenue of
$10.4 billion divided by 52 weeks, multiplied by 1%). Internally, our delivery and shipping team has formed a task force to plan responses to extreme weather events because of their
increased frequency. This team has relationships with our key carriers which are considered as partners in our value chain and critical to the shipping options we offer.
in R&D
Evaluation in
INFLUENCE ON STRATEGY: As an online marketplace, eBay invests R&D funding into customer experience, which includes shipping and logistics, such as algorithms that match
buyers and sellers that are closest to each other to reduce costs. If energy and fuel taxes or climate-related disruptions cause shipping and logistics expenses to rise, eBay may invest
more funding into adapting its shipping networks and partnerships to keep costs manageable. TIME HORIZON: The time horizon is 10+ years. CASE STUDY ON STRATEGIC
DECISIONS INFLUENCED BY RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES: Internally, we run scenario analyses on the impacts to sales based on shipping options and preferences (such as
offering Fast N’ Free – an eBay shipping option and logo). This research is critical to maintaining a strong online presence and offering appropriate choices for our customers while
managing both shipping-related cost for sellers and related climate emissions for delivery. This process is ongoing and part of our commitment to continual improvement. Certain options
will be tested and rolled out on a continuing basis to keep in line with evolving consumer preferences. eBay facilitates the sale and purchase of goods as our primary business goal and
therefore we will continue to research ways to optimize shipping and minimize climate impact. Additionally, eBay is part of a small group of brands liaising with carriers to explore low-
carbon last mile solutions and are also actively evaluating and supporting low-carbon transport policy in key metro areas. As a result of engaging with this group, eBay anticipates the
increased implementation of low-carbon shipping options for our sellers over the long-term.
Operations Yes INFLUENCE ON STRATEGY: eBay’s facilities and data centers have not yet been affected by climate change-related events or regulations, but these risks have been evaluated. There
may also be a reputational aspect, as stakeholder, including investors expect a low operational carbon footprint. Business disruptions as well as physical damage to facilities could
increase costs and have potentially negative revenue impacts by restricting or disrupting altogether access to our platforms and services. We evaluate the energy management of our
owned data center annually and have quarterly project plans for implementation of efficiency improvements. Due to the potential for climate-related disruptions (weather, electricity
supply) data center teams include resiliency and redundancy plans as part of their ongoing management. TIME HORIZON: The time horizon is 10+ years as we do not anticipate
climate-related weather events or impacts to electricity fuel mix decreasing. CASE STUDY ON STRATEGIC DECISIONS INFLUENCED BY RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES: eBay has
both owned and co-located (COLO) data centers in the U.S. that contribute approximately 83% of our total energy consumption. Over the last couple of years, eBay has been
redistributing load among certain COLO data centers and our owned data centers to ensure we will stay up and running even in the event of climate-related damage or outage. We
continuously evaluate the percentage of renewable energy supply to our facilities as part of our overall strategy for a sustainable long-term energy supply. In our San Jose headquarters,
our largest office, we use 100 percent renewable energy, provided by San Jose Clean Energy. This office now uses exclusively wind, solar and geothermal power, and we look to
expand this to more offices in the future. eBay consistently searches for opportunities for local, renewable energy solutions to power our offices and data centers. eBay also continues to
invest in renewable energy projects, prioritizing virtual purchase power agreements (VPPAs), which ensure that more green electricity is fed into our electricity grids. So far, we’ve
entered into VPPAs for a solar project in Louisiana and a wind project in Texas while we continue to look for additional opportunities globally.
(C3.4) Describe where and how climate-related risks and opportunities have influenced your financial planning.
that have
Description of influence
Direct costs
Access to
eBay evaluates risks that may affect our services, value chain and operations. While eBay has exposure to both physical and transition drivers, transition drivers appear to present both the
most meaningful risks and opportunities for eBay’s business, strategy and financial planning for the foreseeable future. eBay’s business model enables the reuse of goods as a leading platform
to buy and sell pre-owned products; however, the company’s largest indirect environmental risks can be attributed to its downstream impacts, mainly customer-related transportation of
merchandise. Since eBay does not own inventory, directly handle shipping logistics or have a significant number of fulfillment centers, our physical risks are not prominent. This presents an
opportunity for our company to continue on a path of resiliency, as we proactively manage climate-related risks. eBay’s transaction volume and resulting revenue has previously been impacted
by hurricanes in recent years. Because we expect that disruptive weather events will continue to occur, our financial planning includes contingencies for these potential dips in revenue. Our
finance team works with the relevant marketplaces management to evaluate and plan for future events – in many cases the response from eBay, in terms of seller support will look the same
across a market (the U.S.). However, regional differences and market volumes are taken into consideration when addressing each instance. For example, this impacted how we responded to
support employees and sellers located near San Jose, California during the rolling blackouts in 2020. While eBay saw some impact within the areas that were affected, there are many dynamics
driving our results and therefore opt to not quantify the impact of this particular event. However, using 2021 eBay revenue of $10.4 billion, even a 1% impact amounts to over $100 million, which
is financially significant. We do not foresee climate-related extreme weather events to lessen in the foreseeable future, therefor the process of evaluating potential disruptions to our online sales
and delivery is ongoing and 10+ years. The plans are reviewed annually and are adjusted as additional data on the frequency and severity of these events is collected from the events
(C3.5) In your organization’s financial accounting, do you identify spending/revenue that is aligned with your organization’s transition to a 1.5°C world?
No, but we plan to in the next two years
C4. Targets and performance
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(C4.1) Did you have an emissions target that was active in the reporting year?
Absolute target
(C4.1a) Provide details of your absolute emissions target(s) and progress made against those targets.
Target reference number
Abs 1
Year target was set
Target coverage
Scope 1
Scope 2
Scope 2 accounting method
Scope 3 category(ies)
<Not Applicable>
Base year
Base year Scope 1 emissions covered by target (metric tons CO2e)
Base year Scope 2 emissions covered by target (metric tons CO2e)
Base year Scope 3 emissions covered by target (metric tons CO2e)
<Not Applicable>
Total base year emissions covered by target in all selected Scopes (metric tons CO2e)
Base year Scope 1 emissions covered by target as % of total base year emissions in Scope 1
Base year Scope 2 emissions covered by target as % of total base year emissions in Scope 2
Base year Scope 3 emissions covered by target as % of total base year emissions in Scope 3 (in all Scope 3 categories)
<Not Applicable>
Base year emissions covered by target in all selected Scopes as % of total base year emissions in all selected Scopes
Target year
Targeted reduction from base year (%)
Total emissions in target year covered by target in all selected Scopes (metric tons CO2e) [auto-calculated]
Scope 1 emissions in reporting year covered by target (metric tons CO2e)
Scope 2 emissions in reporting year covered by target (metric tons CO2e)
Scope 3 emissions in reporting year covered by target (metric tons CO2e)
<Not Applicable>
Total emissions in reporting year covered by target in all selected scopes (metric tons CO2e)
% of target achieved relative to base year [auto-calculated]
Target status in reporting year
Is this a science-based target?
Yes, we consider this a science-based target, and the target is currently being reviewed by the Science Based Targets initiative
Target ambition
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1.5°C aligned
Please explain target coverage and identify any exclusions
In 2021, eBay joined the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and set a science-based carbon reduction target. eBay commits to reduce absolute Scope 1 and 2
emissions by 90% by 2030 from a 2019 base year. This target covers 100% of our Scope 1 and 2 emissions. Our data coverage for these scopes include 100 percent of our
operations in tracking our GHG emissions.
Plan for achieving target, and progress made to the end of the reporting year
In 2021, we’ve reduced our Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 26% from our 2019 baseline, making significant progress toward our goal. This is primarily due to the increase in
our renewable energy supply. Throughout 2021, we made strides to implement energy-efficient practices at our eBay offices and data centers, resulting in a significant
decrease in our total Scope 1 and 2 emissions (or those coming directly from a company’s operations). For the remaining Scope 1 and 2 emissions, we have purchased
carbon offsets to achieve carbon neutrality as a company. eBay also continues to invest in renewable energy projects, prioritizing virtual purchase power agreements
(VPPAs), which ensure that more green electricity is fed into our electricity grids. So far, we’ve entered into VPPAs for a solar project in Louisiana and a wind project in
Texas while we continue to look for additional opportunities globally.
List the emissions reduction initiatives which contributed most to achieving this target
<Not Applicable>
Target reference number
Abs 2
Year target was set
Target coverage
Scope 3
Scope 2 accounting method
<Not Applicable>
Scope 3 category(ies)
Category 9: Downstream transportation and distribution
Base year
Base year Scope 1 emissions covered by target (metric tons CO2e)
<Not Applicable>
Base year Scope 2 emissions covered by target (metric tons CO2e)
<Not Applicable>
Base year Scope 3 emissions covered by target (metric tons CO2e)
Total base year emissions covered by target in all selected Scopes (metric tons CO2e)
Base year Scope 1 emissions covered by target as % of total base year emissions in Scope 1
<Not Applicable>
Base year Scope 2 emissions covered by target as % of total base year emissions in Scope 2
<Not Applicable>
Base year Scope 3 emissions covered by target as % of total base year emissions in Scope 3 (in all Scope 3 categories)
Base year emissions covered by target in all selected Scopes as % of total base year emissions in all selected Scopes
Target year
Targeted reduction from base year (%)
Total emissions in target year covered by target in all selected Scopes (metric tons CO2e) [auto-calculated]
Scope 1 emissions in reporting year covered by target (metric tons CO2e)
<Not Applicable>
Scope 2 emissions in reporting year covered by target (metric tons CO2e)
<Not Applicable>
Scope 3 emissions in reporting year covered by target (metric tons CO2e)
Total emissions in reporting year covered by target in all selected scopes (metric tons CO2e)
% of target achieved relative to base year [auto-calculated]
Target status in reporting year
Is this a science-based target?
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Yes, we consider this a science-based target, and the target is currently being reviewed by the Science Based Targets initiative
Target ambition
1.5°C aligned
Please explain target coverage and identify any exclusions
In 2021, eBay joined the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and set a science-based carbon reduction target. eBay commits to reduce absolute Scope 3 downstream
transportation and delivery emissions by 20% by 2030 from a 2019 base year. In 2021, we’ve increased our data quality in assessing the entire shipping process from our
marketplace, including two of our larger international markets: the U.K. and Germany in addition to the U.S.
Plan for achieving target, and progress made to the end of the reporting year
For eBay, as an online marketplace, Scope 3 emissions are primarily derived from the shipping and transportation of items purchased online. To date, as part of our
Science-Based Target, we have reduced our transportation footprint by 7%, from 4.4 million in 2019 to 4.1 million in 2021. To reduce our transportation impact, we will
continue to work with shipping carriers on the data collection process to track our overall impact.
List the emissions reduction initiatives which contributed most to achieving this target
<Not Applicable>
(C4.2) Did you have any other climate-related targets that were active in the reporting year?
Target(s) to increase low-carbon energy consumption or production
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(C4.2a) Provide details of your target(s) to increase low-carbon energy consumption or production.
Target reference number
Low 1
Year target was set
Target coverage
Target type: energy carrier
Target type: activity
Target type: energy source
Renewable energy source(s) only
Base year
Consumption or production of selected energy carrier in base year (MWh)
% share of low-carbon or renewable energy in base year
Target year
% share of low-carbon or renewable energy in target year
% share of low-carbon or renewable energy in reporting year
% of target achieved relative to base year [auto-calculated]
Target status in reporting year
Is this target part of an emissions target?
eBay’s 100% renewable electricity target directly supports our targets to achieve a 50% absolute reduction in Scope 1 and 2 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions by 2025
and 75% reduction by 2030 from our 2016 baseline. (Emissions reduction target ID Abs1 and Abs2)
Is this target part of an overarching initiative?
Please explain target coverage and identify any exclusions
eBay’s 100% renewable electricity target was approved in 2016 as part our RE100 membership. The target coverage includes electricity consumption at offices and data
centers under operational control.
Plan for achieving target, and progress made to the end of the reporting year
From 2019 to 2021, we have achieved 90% renewable energy for all of our data centers and offices. eBay continues to invest in renewable energy projects, prioritizing
virtual purchase power agreements (VPPAs), which ensure that more green electricity is fed into our electricity grids. So far, we’ve entered into VPPAs for a solar project in
Louisiana and a wind project in Texas while we continue to look for additional opportunities globally. In our San Jose headquarters, our largest office, we also use 100%
renewable energy, provided by San Jose Clean Energy. This office now uses exclusively wind, solar and geothermal power, and we look to expand this to more offices in
the future.
List the actions which contributed most to achieving this target
<Not Applicable>
(C4.3) Did you have emissions reduction initiatives that were active within the reporting year? Note that this can include those in the planning and/or
implementation phases.
(C4.3a) Identify the total number of initiatives at each stage of development, and for those in the implementation stages, the estimated CO2e savings.
Number of initiatives Total estimated annual CO2e savings in metric tonnes CO2e (only for rows marked *)
Under investigation 0 0
To be implemented* 0 0
Implementation commenced* 0 0
Implemented* 3 335
Not to be implemented 0 0
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(C4.3b) Provide details on the initiatives implemented in the reporting year in the table below.
Initiative category & Initiative type
Energy efficiency in buildings Lighting
Estimated annual CO2e savings (metric tonnes CO2e)
Scope(s) or Scope 3 category(ies) where emissions savings occur
Scope 2 (market-based)
Annual monetary savings (unit currency – as specified in C0.4)
Investment required (unit currency – as specified in C0.4)
Payback period
No payback
Estimated lifetime of the initiative
6-10 years
LED lighting refreshment project at Shanghai facility.
Initiative category & Initiative type
Energy efficiency in buildings Lighting
Estimated annual CO2e savings (metric tonnes CO2e)
Scope(s) or Scope 3 category(ies) where emissions savings occur
Scope 2 (market-based)
Annual monetary savings (unit currency – as specified in C0.4)
Investment required (unit currency – as specified in C0.4)
Payback period
<1 year
Estimated lifetime of the initiative
6-10 years
Replaced Lighting Fixture at all conference, coaching, storage closet from fluorescent lighting to LED.
Initiative category & Initiative type
Energy efficiency in buildings Other, please specify (Power Distribution Units)
Estimated annual CO2e savings (metric tonnes CO2e)
Scope(s) or Scope 3 category(ies) where emissions savings occur
Scope 2 (market-based)
Annual monetary savings (unit currency – as specified in C0.4)
Investment required (unit currency – as specified in C0.4)
Payback period
4-10 years
Estimated lifetime of the initiative
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6-10 years
We invested in Smart Power Distribution units (PDUs) globally to actively monitor power and thermal usage, and continue to look at ways to promote greener server rooms.
(C4.3c) What methods do you use to drive investment in emissions reduction activities?
Method Comment
budget for
To drive investment in emissions reduction activities, eBay has a dedicated budget to support these activities. For example, to support eBay’s 100% renewable electricity target, procurement
(whether via on-site installations or off-site contracts) of lower-carbon energy is part of the company strategy. eBay continues to invest in renewable energy projects, prioritizing virtual purchase
power agreements (VPPAs), which ensure that more green electricity is fed into our electricity grids. So far, we’ve entered into VPPAs for a solar project in Louisiana and a wind project in Texas
while we continue to look for additional opportunities globally.
Employee engagement is a key foundational element of eBay Inc.’s Impact strategy. The origins of our environmental programs can be traced directly back to the grassroots passion of our
employees. Our Global Impact Teams continue this legacy. These Teams are briefed regularly on our energy and carbon approach, as well as educated about local initiatives that can impact our
overall carbon footprint. Many of the extended team who work in operational energy efficiency, greener building, renewable energy and other areas are also Impact Team members.
budget for
To drive investment in emissions reduction activities, eBay has a dedicated budget for energy efficiency projects. Across our eBay offices and data centers, we invest in and implement resource-
efficient strategies such as tech refreshes at the data centers and LED lighting upgrades in offices to reduce our overall environmental footprint. In 2021, eBay expanded these practices to include
power and thermal environmental management in our remote office server rooms — decreasing the amount of energy consumption by increasing the temperature set points in the rooms. eBay
invested in Smart Power Distribution units (PDUs) globally to actively monitor power and thermal usage and continue to look at ways to promote greener server rooms.
(C4.5) Do you classify any of your existing goods and/or services as low-carbon products?
(C4.5a) Provide details of your products and/or services that you classify as low-carbon products.
Level of aggregation
Group of products or services
Taxonomy used to classify product(s) or service(s) as low-carbon
Other, please specify (Selling of pre-owned products)
Type of product(s) or service(s)
Other Other, please specify (Pre-owned products)
Description of product(s) or service(s)
Every day, we help extend the life of products through the resale of pre-owned and refurbished items on our global platform. By keeping products in circulation longer, we
contribute to a robust circular economy that’s essential for the sustainability of our planet. From 2021 to 2025, our goal is to avoid seven million metric tons of carbon
emissions. In 2021, 1.5M metric tons of carbon emissions were avoided through people selling their pre-owned products on eBay.
Have you estimated the avoided emissions of this low-carbon product(s) or service(s)
Methodology used to calculate avoided emissions
Other, please specify (Based on the quantity of pre-owned goods sold on eBay )
Life cycle stage(s) covered for the low-carbon product(s) or services(s)
Functional unit used
Number of new goods displaced by purchase of used goods
Reference product/service or baseline scenario used
Carbon embedded in new goods from cradle to gate
Life cycle stage(s) covered for the reference product/service or baseline scenario
Estimated avoided emissions (metric tons CO2e per functional unit) compared to reference product/service or baseline scenario
Explain your calculation of avoided emissions, including any assumptions
eBay calculated this metric by estimating the environmental associated with sales of used and refurbished products. In 2021, the underlying data and assumptions were
updated for product groups Electronics and Fashion, and new data were added for product groups Media, Lifestyle, and Vehicle Parts & Accessories. Geographic coverage
was extended from the U.S., Canada and the U.K. to France, Italy and Germany for all product groups.
Revenue generated from low-carbon product(s) or service(s) as % of total revenue in the reporting year
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C5. Emissions methodology
(C5.1) Is this your first year of reporting emissions data to CDP?
(C5.1a) Has your organization undergone any structural changes in the reporting year, or are any previous structural changes being accounted for in this
disclosure of emissions data?
Row 1
Has there been a structural change?
Yes, a divestment
Name of organization(s) acquired, divested from, or merged with
eBay Classifieds Group and our Korean business were both sold in 2021.
Details of structural change(s), including completion dates
The sale of eBay’s classified business was completed on June 24, 2021. The sale of eBay’s Korean business was completed on November 18, 2021.
(C5.1b) Has your emissions accounting methodology, boundary, and/or reporting year definition changed in the reporting year?
Change(s) in methodology, boundary, and/or
reporting year definition?
Details of methodology, boundary, and/or reporting year definition change(s)
Yes, a change in methodology Data from prior years has been restated (due to changes in methodology with reporting requirements) to ensure consistency with updated emissions
factors, CDP and RE100 reporting requirements.
(C5.1c) Have your organization’s base year emissions been recalculated as result of the changes or errors reported in C5.1a and C5.1b?
Base year
Base year emissions recalculation policy, including significance threshold
Yes Significant is defined as a cumulative change (+/-) of two percent (2%) or larger in eBay’s total base year emissions (both Scope 1 and Scope 2) on a CO2-e basis. eBay’s divestment of G-
market in 2021 did generate a cumulative change of 2% to base year emissions and therefore did trigger re-baselining.
(C5.2) Provide your base year and base year emissions.
Scope 1
Base year start
January 1 2019
Base year end
December 31 2019
Base year emissions (metric tons CO2e)
Data coverage for Scope 1 emissions includes 100% of our operations. Baseline data has been restated to ensure consistency with updated emissions factors, CDP, and
RE100 reporting requirements.
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Scope 2 (location-based)
Base year start
January 1 2019
Base year end
December 31 2019
Base year emissions (metric tons CO2e)
Data coverage for Scope 2 (location-based) emissions includes 100% of our operations. Baseline data has been restated to ensure consistency with updated emissions
factors, CDP, and RE100 reporting requirements.
Scope 2 (market-based)
Base year start
January 1 2019
Base year end
December 31 2019
Base year emissions (metric tons CO2e)
Data coverage for Scope 2 (market-based) emissions includes 100% of our operations. Baseline data has been restated to ensure consistency with updated emissions
factors, CDP, and RE100 reporting requirements.
Scope 3 category 1: Purchased goods and services
Base year start
January 1 2019
Base year end
December 31 2019
Base year emissions (metric tons CO2e)
Scope 3 category 2: Capital goods
Base year start
January 1 2019
Base year end
December 31 2019
Base year emissions (metric tons CO2e)
Scope 3 category 3: Fuel-and-energy-related activities (not included in Scope 1 or 2)
Base year start
January 1 2019
Base year end
December 31 2019
Base year emissions (metric tons CO2e)
Scope 3 category 4: Upstream transportation and distribution
Base year start
January 1 2019
Base year end
December 31 2019
Base year emissions (metric tons CO2e)
Scope 3 category 5: Waste generated in operations
Base year start
January 1 2019
Base year end
December 31 2019
Base year emissions (metric tons CO2e)
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Scope 3 category 6: Business travel
Base year start
January 1 2019
Base year end
December 31 2019
Base year emissions (metric tons CO2e)
Scope 3 category 7: Employee commuting
Base year start
January 1 2019
Base year end
December 31 2019
Base year emissions (metric tons CO2e)
Scope 3 category 8: Upstream leased assets
Base year start
Base year end
Base year emissions (metric tons CO2e)
Scope 3 category 9: Downstream transportation and distribution
Base year start
January 1 2019
Base year end
December 31 2019
Base year emissions (metric tons CO2e)
Baseline data has been restated to ensure consistency with updated emissions factors, CDP, and RE100 reporting requirements.
Scope 3 category 10: Processing of sold products
Base year start
Base year end
Base year emissions (metric tons CO2e)
Scope 3 category 11: Use of sold products
Base year start
January 1 2019
Base year end
December 31 2019
Base year emissions (metric tons CO2e)
Scope 3 category 12: End of life treatment of sold products
Base year start
Base year end
Base year emissions (metric tons CO2e)
Scope 3 category 13: Downstream leased assets
Base year start
Base year end
Base year emissions (metric tons CO2e)
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Scope 3 category 14: Franchises
Base year start
Base year end
Base year emissions (metric tons CO2e)
Scope 3 category 15: Investments
Base year start
Base year end
Base year emissions (metric tons CO2e)
Scope 3: Other (upstream)
Base year start
Base year end
Base year emissions (metric tons CO2e)
Scope 3: Other (downstream)
Base year start
Base year end
Base year emissions (metric tons CO2e)
(C5.3) Select the name of the standard, protocol, or methodology you have used to collect activity data and calculate emissions.
The Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (Revised Edition)
C6. Emissions data
(C6.1) What were your organization’s gross global Scope 1 emissions in metric tons CO2e?
Reporting year
Gross global Scope 1 emissions (metric tons CO2e)
Start date
<Not Applicable>
End date
<Not Applicable>
eBay’s Scope 1 emissions are generated from fuel sources including natural gas consumption.
(C6.2) Describe your organization’s approach to reporting Scope 2 emissions.
Row 1
Scope 2, location-based
We are reporting a Scope 2, location-based figure
Scope 2, market-based
We are reporting a Scope 2, market-based figure
To track performance against our 2025 and 2030 emissions reduction targets, we use our market-based Scope 2 emissions figure.
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(C6.3) What were your organization’s gross global Scope 2 emissions in metric tons CO2e?
Reporting year
Scope 2, location-based
Scope 2, market-based (if applicable)
Start date
<Not Applicable>
End date
<Not Applicable>
2021 Scope 2 market-based emissions are less then Scope 2 location-based emissions, because eBay increased our MWhs of renewable energy supply by 9%, achieving
90% renewable energy for all of our data centers and offices.
(C6.4) Are there any sources (e.g. facilities, specific GHGs, activities, geographies, etc.) of Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions that are within your selected reporting
boundary which are not included in your disclosure?
(C6.4a) Provide details of the sources of Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions that are within your selected reporting boundary which are not included in your
Sites determined to be de minimis
Relevance of Scope 1 emissions from this source
Emissions are not relevant
Relevance of location-based Scope 2 emissions from this source
Emissions are not relevant
Relevance of market-based Scope 2 emissions from this source (if applicable)
Emissions are not relevant
Explain why this source is excluded
De minimis sites consist of small service offices without full-time staff and for which eBay does not have access to complete and reliable information for the 2021 reporting
Estimated percentage of total Scope 1+2 emissions this excluded source represents
Explain how you estimated the percentage of emissions this excluded source represents
We estimated that these sites represent less than 1% of total emissions, due to the size of the sites, in addition to not having full-term staff.
Fuel use by small vehicles/equipment
Relevance of Scope 1 emissions from this source
Emissions are not relevant
Relevance of location-based Scope 2 emissions from this source
Emissions are not relevant
Relevance of market-based Scope 2 emissions from this source (if applicable)
Emissions are not relevant
Explain why this source is excluded
It is likely that small amounts of diesel and gasoline consumption by campus and other support vehicles are not included in Scope 1 emissions estimates. eBay considers
these emissions to be an insignificant contributor to the overall Scope 1 inventory total.
Estimated percentage of total Scope 1+2 emissions this excluded source represents
Explain how you estimated the percentage of emissions this excluded source represents
We estimated that these vehicles represent less than 1% of total emissions, due to limited number of support vehicles, in addition to the amount individuals that work from
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(C6.5) Account for your organization’s gross global Scope 3 emissions, disclosing and explaining any exclusions.
Purchased goods and services
Evaluation status
Relevant, calculated
Emissions in reporting year (metric tons CO2e)
Emissions calculation methodology
Spend-based method
Percentage of emissions calculated using data obtained from suppliers or value chain partners
Please explain
Emissions were calculated using USEEIO's input-output life cycle assessment approach for 100% spend data for purchased goods and services over the reporting period.
All values represent cradle-to-gate emissions across all GHG emissions identified in the GHG Protocol Value Chain Standard, using purchaser price.
Capital goods
Evaluation status
Relevant, calculated
Emissions in reporting year (metric tons CO2e)
Emissions calculation methodology
Spend-based method
Percentage of emissions calculated using data obtained from suppliers or value chain partners
Please explain
Emissions were calculated using USEEIO's input-output life cycle assessment approach for 100% spend data for purchased goods and services over the reporting period.
All values represent cradle-to-gate emissions across all GHG emissions identified in the GHG Protocol Value Chain Standard, using purchaser price.
Fuel-and-energy-related activities (not included in Scope 1 or 2)
Evaluation status
Relevant, calculated
Emissions in reporting year (metric tons CO2e)
Emissions calculation methodology
Average data method
Percentage of emissions calculated using data obtained from suppliers or value chain partners
Please explain
Emissions were calculated using DEFRA's UK Government GHG Conversion Factors for Company Reporting. Emissions calculations represent the upstream emissions
from the production and transportation of fuels consumed by eBay sites in the reporting year as well as emissions associated with the generation and transmission and
distribution associated with electricity use.
Upstream transportation and distribution
Evaluation status
Relevant, calculated
Emissions in reporting year (metric tons CO2e)
Emissions calculation methodology
Spend-based method
Percentage of emissions calculated using data obtained from suppliers or value chain partners
Please explain
Emissions were calculated using USEEIO's input-output life cycle assessment approach for 100% spend data for purchased goods and services over the reporting period.
All values represent cradle-to-gate emissions across all GHG emissions identified in the GHG Protocol Value Chain Standard, using purchaser price.
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Waste generated in operations
Evaluation status
Relevant, calculated
Emissions in reporting year (metric tons CO2e)
Emissions calculation methodology
Spend-based method
Percentage of emissions calculated using data obtained from suppliers or value chain partners
Please explain
Physical waste data for a bottom-up analysis were not available at the time of this analysis, and thus a spend analysis was required. Lack of granularity in utility spend
made it very difficult to parse out spend on waste management. As such, the average percentage spend on waste management by the data processing and hosting industry
was used to estimate eBay’s total spend for these topics. This method is likely to overestimate actual emissions but given that this category represents a small proportion of
our total footprint, this method was considered reasonable.
Business travel
Evaluation status
Relevant, calculated
Emissions in reporting year (metric tons CO2e)
Emissions calculation methodology
Hybrid method
Percentage of emissions calculated using data obtained from suppliers or value chain partners
Please explain
Values represent all emissions associated with purchased air travel, rental cars and lodging. Emissions from air travel and rental cars were calculated using miles flown
and driven in rental cars by eBay employees and emissions factors specific to air travel distance and average emissions per mile for rental cars. Emissions from lodging
were calculated using USEEIO's input-output life cycle assessment and eBay’s spend data on lodging.
Employee commuting
Evaluation status
Relevant, calculated
Emissions in reporting year (metric tons CO2e)
Emissions calculation methodology
Average data method
Percentage of emissions calculated using data obtained from suppliers or value chain partners
Please explain
Emissions were calculated using the total number of eBay employees and the Scope 3 Evaluator Tool developed by the GHG Protocol Partner, Quantis.
Upstream leased assets
Evaluation status
Not relevant, explanation provided
Emissions in reporting year (metric tons CO2e)
<Not Applicable>
Emissions calculation methodology
<Not Applicable>
Percentage of emissions calculated using data obtained from suppliers or value chain partners
<Not Applicable>
Please explain
The emissions from eBay’s leased assets (real estate) are accounted for under Scope 1 & 2 GHG emissions.
Downstream transportation and distribution
Evaluation status
Relevant, calculated
Emissions in reporting year (metric tons CO2e)
Emissions calculation methodology
Distance-based method
Percentage of emissions calculated using data obtained from suppliers or value chain partners
Please explain
Emissions were calculated based on carbon emissions reports provided by carriers based on our transaction (sold items on the platform) data. For transactions not
associated with a particular carrier, we applied emissions factors based on mode of transportation. Our transactions and carrier data accounted for 91% of our downstream
transportation volume in 2021. To estimate for the remaining 9%, we multiplied the total volume for other destinations (excludes US, UK and DE) by the average 2021
emissions intensity.
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Processing of sold products
Evaluation status
Not relevant, explanation provided
Emissions in reporting year (metric tons CO2e)
<Not Applicable>
Emissions calculation methodology
<Not Applicable>
Percentage of emissions calculated using data obtained from suppliers or value chain partners
<Not Applicable>
Please explain
eBay does not produce goods for sale. Our “product” is our platform, whose emissions are accounted for under Scope 1 & 2 GHG emissions.
Use of sold products
Evaluation status
Relevant, calculated
Emissions in reporting year (metric tons CO2e)
Emissions calculation methodology
Methodology for direct use phase emissions, please specify (Overall emissions are based on the sum of Transfer Energy and Device Use Energy.)
Percentage of emissions calculated using data obtained from suppliers or value chain partners
Please explain
Overall emissions are based on the sum of Transfer Energy and Device Use Energy. Transfer Energy was calculated by multiplying the estimated annual eBay data use by
a Transfer Energy factor (kWh/GB) to get eBay’s annual energy use. We then multiplied the energy use by the average US grid factor. Device Use Energy was calculated
by multiplying the estimated annual eBay data use by a Device Use Energy factor (kWh/GB) to get eBay’s annual energy use. We then multiplied the energy use by the
average US grid factor.
End of life treatment of sold products
Evaluation status
Not relevant, explanation provided
Emissions in reporting year (metric tons CO2e)
<Not Applicable>
Emissions calculation methodology
<Not Applicable>
Percentage of emissions calculated using data obtained from suppliers or value chain partners
<Not Applicable>
Please explain
eBay does not manufacture products.
Downstream leased assets
Evaluation status
Not relevant, explanation provided
Emissions in reporting year (metric tons CO2e)
<Not Applicable>
Emissions calculation methodology
<Not Applicable>
Percentage of emissions calculated using data obtained from suppliers or value chain partners
<Not Applicable>
Please explain
eBay’s downstream leased assets are minimal and therefore not relevant.
Evaluation status
Not relevant, explanation provided
Emissions in reporting year (metric tons CO2e)
<Not Applicable>
Emissions calculation methodology
<Not Applicable>
Percentage of emissions calculated using data obtained from suppliers or value chain partners
<Not Applicable>
Please explain
This category is not relevant to eBay as it does not operate franchises.
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Evaluation status
Not relevant, explanation provided
Emissions in reporting year (metric tons CO2e)
<Not Applicable>
Emissions calculation methodology
<Not Applicable>
Percentage of emissions calculated using data obtained from suppliers or value chain partners
<Not Applicable>
Please explain
This category is not relevant to eBay as it is neither an investor nor a financial intermediary.
Other (upstream)
Evaluation status
Not relevant, explanation provided
Emissions in reporting year (metric tons CO2e)
<Not Applicable>
Emissions calculation methodology
<Not Applicable>
Percentage of emissions calculated using data obtained from suppliers or value chain partners
<Not Applicable>
Please explain
We have not identified any other upstream Scope 3 emission sources.
Other (downstream)
Evaluation status
Not relevant, explanation provided
Emissions in reporting year (metric tons CO2e)
<Not Applicable>
Emissions calculation methodology
<Not Applicable>
Percentage of emissions calculated using data obtained from suppliers or value chain partners
<Not Applicable>
Please explain
We have not identified any other downstream Scope 3 emission sources.
(C6.7) Are carbon dioxide emissions from biogenic carbon relevant to your organization?
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(C6.10) Describe your gross global combined Scope 1 and 2 emissions for the reporting year in metric tons CO2e per unit currency total revenue and provide any
additional intensity metrics that are appropriate to your business operations.
Intensity figure
Metric numerator (Gross global combined Scope 1 and 2 emissions, metric tons CO2e)
Metric denominator
unit total revenue
Metric denominator: Unit total
Scope 2 figure used
% change from previous year
Direction of change
Reason for change
eBay’s net revenues increased 17% to $10.42 billion in 2021 compared to 2020, primarily due to the migration of managed payments on a global basis and the associated
higher take rate. From 2020 to 2021, eBay also increased our MWhs of renewable energy supply by 9% and have achieved 90% renewable energy for all of our data
centers and offices. eBay’s decrease in revenue intensity reflects the increase in renewable energy along with other emissions reduction activities.
Intensity figure
Metric numerator (Gross global combined Scope 1 and 2 emissions, metric tons CO2e)
Metric denominator
full time equivalent (FTE) employee
Metric denominator: Unit total
Scope 2 figure used
% change from previous year
Direction of change
Reason for change
From 2020 to 2021, eBay increased our MWhs of renewable energy supply by 9% and have achieved 90% renewable energy for all of our data centers and offices. eBay’s
decrease in FTE employee intensity reflects the increase in renewable energy along with other emissions reduction activities.
C7. Emissions breakdowns
(C7.1) Does your organization break down its Scope 1 emissions by greenhouse gas type?
(C7.1a) Break down your total gross global Scope 1 emissions by greenhouse gas type and provide the source of each used greenhouse warming potential
Greenhouse gas Scope 1 emissions (metric tons of CO2e) GWP Reference
CO2 5416 IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5 – 100 year)
CH4 3 IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5 – 100 year)
N2O 4 IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5 – 100 year)
HFCs 135 IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5 – 100 year)
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(C7.2) Break down your total gross global Scope 1 emissions by country/region.
Country/Region Scope 1 emissions (metric tons CO2e)
Australia 27
Belgium 9
Canada 26
China 293
Czechia 32
France 15
Germany 464
India 59
Ireland 147
Israel 134
Italy 17
Luxembourg 8
Malaysia 12
Netherlands 1
Russian Federation 10
Singapore 15
Republic of Korea 44
Spain 9
Switzerland 69
Thailand 1
Turkey 52
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 64
United States of America 4007
Viet Nam 1
Japan 27
Hong Kong SAR, China 15
(C7.3) Indicate which gross global Scope 1 emissions breakdowns you are able to provide.
By business division
By activity
(C7.3a) Break down your total gross global Scope 1 emissions by business division.
Business division Scope 1 emissions (metric ton CO2e)
Asia/Pacific 653
Europe, Middle East, and Africa 1614
Americas 3291
(C7.3c) Break down your total gross global Scope 1 emissions by business activity.
Activity Scope 1 emissions (metric tons CO2e)
Business Travel 330
Data Center 448
Office 4780
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(C7.5) Break down your total gross global Scope 2 emissions by country/region.
Country/Region Scope 2, location-based (metric tons CO2e) Scope 2, market-based (metric tons CO2e)
Australia 1455 1455
Belgium 3 3
Canada 6 6
China 1448 1362
Czechia 36 36
France 32 34
Germany 1374 958
India 325 325
Ireland 655 648
Israel 379 256
Italy 18 0
Luxembourg 6 0
Malaysia 45 45
Netherlands 267 6
Russian Federation 26 26
Singapore 523 158
Republic of Korea 56 56
Spain 11 16
Switzerland 5 0
Thailand 6 6
Turkey 93 0
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 172 15
United States of America 110519 35774
Viet Nam 2 2
Japan 122 111
Hong Kong SAR, China 511 459
(C7.6) Indicate which gross global Scope 2 emissions breakdowns you are able to provide.
By business division
By activity
(C7.6a) Break down your total gross global Scope 2 emissions by business division.
Business division Scope 2, location-based (metric tons CO2e) Scope 2, market-based (metric tons CO2e)
Americas 73502 4927
Asia/Pacific 28666 3260
Europe, Middle East, Africa 15927 33570
(C7.6c) Break down your total gross global Scope 2 emissions by business activity.
Activity Scope 2, location-based (metric tons CO2e) Scope 2, market-based (metric tons CO2e)
Data Center 105781 34008
Office 12314 7749
(C7.9) How do your gross global emissions (Scope 1 and 2 combined) for the reporting year compare to those of the previous reporting year?
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(C7.9a) Identify the reasons for any change in your gross global emissions (Scope 1 and 2 combined), and for each of them specify how your emissions compare
to the previous year.
Change in
(metric tons
of change
Please explain calculation
Change in
31456 Decreased 58.49 Of the overall % change of 12.02%, 58.49% of this is due to increases in renewable energy consumption. (INSERT more language on the specific
projects). A decrease of 308.02 metric tons within our green power programs and a decrease of 31,456 of increased REC purchases equates to a total of
31,456 metric tons. The emission calculation is 31,456 metric tons / 53,781 metric tons (2021 total Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions) = 58.49%
335 Decreased 0.62 0.62% reduction of eBay’s total emissions was due to emission reduction initiatives. The emission calculation is 335 metric tons / 53,781metric tons (2020
total Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions) = 0.62%
Divestment 0 No change 0 Per eBay's methodology, all historical years removed the emissions associated with the divestment of G-market after the % threshold was met to re-
baseline. Therefore, they do not impact year-over-year trending between the current 2020 and 2021 inventories.
Acquisitions 0 No change 0 Per eBay’s methodology, all historical years include the emissions from the acquisition of SneakerCon after the re-baseline calculations. Therefore, they
do not impact year-over-year trending between the current 2020 and 2021 inventories.
Mergers 0 No change 0 In 2021, no mergers affected our emissions performance.
Change in
36345 Increased 67.58 As our marketplace business grew in 2021, data center electricity consumption increased by approximately 67.58%, though this increase was substantially
offset by annual technology refreshes.
Change in
0 No change 0 In 2021, change in methodology did not affect our emissions performance.
Change in
0 No change 0 In 2021, a change in our boundary did not affect our emissions performance.
Change in
311 Decreased 0.58 In 2021, changes in physical operating conditions did not affect our emissions performance.
Unidentified 10709 Decreased 19.91 In 2021, there were no unidentified drivers. (The absolute decrease in eBay’s Scope 1 and 2 emissions in primarily attributable to increased consumption
of renewable electricity.)
Other 0 No change 0 In 2021, we did not identify any other drivers. (The absolute decrease in eBay’s Scope 1 and 2 emissions in primarily attributable to increased
consumption of renewable electricity.)
(C7.9b) Are your emissions performance calculations in C7.9 and C7.9a based on a location-based Scope 2 emissions figure or a market-based Scope 2
emissions figure?
C8. Energy
(C8.1) What percentage of your total operational spend in the reporting year was on energy?
More than 0% but less than or equal to 5%
(C8.2) Select which energy-related activities your organization has undertaken.
Indicate whether your organization undertook this energy-related activity in the reporting year
Consumption of fuel (excluding feedstocks) Yes
Consumption of purchased or acquired electricity Yes
Consumption of purchased or acquired heat No
Consumption of purchased or acquired steam Yes
Consumption of purchased or acquired cooling No
Generation of electricity, heat, steam, or cooling No
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(C8.2a) Report your organization’s energy consumption totals (excluding feedstocks) in MWh.
Heating value MWh from renewable sources MWh from non-renewable sources Total (renewable and non-renewable) MWh
Consumption of fuel (excluding feedstock) HHV (higher heating value) 0 28733 28733
Consumption of purchased or acquired electricity <Not Applicable> 337255 35626 372881
Consumption of purchased or acquired heat <Not Applicable> <Not Applicable> <Not Applicable> <Not Applicable>
Consumption of purchased or acquired steam <Not Applicable> 0 38 38
Consumption of purchased or acquired cooling <Not Applicable> <Not Applicable> <Not Applicable> <Not Applicable>
Consumption of self-generated non-fuel renewable energy <Not Applicable> <Not Applicable> <Not Applicable> <Not Applicable>
Total energy consumption <Not Applicable> 337255 64397 401652
(C8.2b) Select the applications of your organization’s consumption of fuel.
Indicate whether your organization undertakes this fuel application
Consumption of fuel for the generation of electricity Yes
Consumption of fuel for the generation of heat No
Consumption of fuel for the generation of steam No
Consumption of fuel for the generation of cooling No
Consumption of fuel for co-generation or tri-generation No
(C8.2c) State how much fuel in MWh your organization has consumed (excluding feedstocks) by fuel type.
Sustainable biomass
Heating value
Total fuel MWh consumed by the organization
MWh fuel consumed for self-generation of electricity
MWh fuel consumed for self-generation of heat
MWh fuel consumed for self-generation of steam
<Not Applicable>
MWh fuel consumed for self-generation of cooling
<Not Applicable>
MWh fuel consumed for self- cogeneration or self-trigeneration
<Not Applicable>
Other biomass
Heating value
Total fuel MWh consumed by the organization
MWh fuel consumed for self-generation of electricity
MWh fuel consumed for self-generation of heat
MWh fuel consumed for self-generation of steam
<Not Applicable>
MWh fuel consumed for self-generation of cooling
<Not Applicable>
MWh fuel consumed for self- cogeneration or self-trigeneration
<Not Applicable>
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Other renewable fuels (e.g. renewable hydrogen)
Heating value
Total fuel MWh consumed by the organization
MWh fuel consumed for self-generation of electricity
MWh fuel consumed for self-generation of heat
MWh fuel consumed for self-generation of steam
<Not Applicable>
MWh fuel consumed for self-generation of cooling
<Not Applicable>
MWh fuel consumed for self- cogeneration or self-trigeneration
<Not Applicable>
Heating value
Total fuel MWh consumed by the organization
MWh fuel consumed for self-generation of electricity
MWh fuel consumed for self-generation of heat
MWh fuel consumed for self-generation of steam
<Not Applicable>
MWh fuel consumed for self-generation of cooling
<Not Applicable>
MWh fuel consumed for self- cogeneration or self-trigeneration
<Not Applicable>
Heating value
Total fuel MWh consumed by the organization
MWh fuel consumed for self-generation of electricity
MWh fuel consumed for self-generation of heat
MWh fuel consumed for self-generation of steam
<Not Applicable>
MWh fuel consumed for self-generation of cooling
<Not Applicable>
MWh fuel consumed for self- cogeneration or self-trigeneration
<Not Applicable>
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Heating value
Total fuel MWh consumed by the organization
MWh fuel consumed for self-generation of electricity
MWh fuel consumed for self-generation of heat
MWh fuel consumed for self-generation of steam
<Not Applicable>
MWh fuel consumed for self-generation of cooling
<Not Applicable>
MWh fuel consumed for self- cogeneration or self-trigeneration
<Not Applicable>
Mandatory Reporting of GHG; Final Rule (40 CFR 98) - Commercial Sector Applicable as of 11/29/2013.
Other non-renewable fuels (e.g. non-renewable hydrogen)
Heating value
Total fuel MWh consumed by the organization
MWh fuel consumed for self-generation of electricity
MWh fuel consumed for self-generation of heat
MWh fuel consumed for self-generation of steam
<Not Applicable>
MWh fuel consumed for self-generation of cooling
<Not Applicable>
MWh fuel consumed for self- cogeneration or self-trigeneration
<Not Applicable>
Mandatory Reporting of GHG; Final Rule (40 CFR 98) - Commercial Sector Applicable as of 11/29/2013.
Total fuel
Heating value
Total fuel MWh consumed by the organization
MWh fuel consumed for self-generation of electricity
MWh fuel consumed for self-generation of heat
MWh fuel consumed for self-generation of steam
<Not Applicable>
MWh fuel consumed for self-generation of cooling
<Not Applicable>
MWh fuel consumed for self- cogeneration or self-trigeneration
<Not Applicable>
Mandatory Reporting of GHG; Final Rule (40 CFR 98) - Commercial Sector Applicable as of 11/29/2013.
(C8.2g) Provide a breakdown of your non-fuel energy consumption by country.
Consumption of electricity (MWh)
Consumption of heat, steam, and cooling (MWh)
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Total non-fuel energy consumption (MWh) [Auto-calculated]
Is this consumption excluded from your RE100 commitment?
Consumption of electricity (MWh)
Consumption of heat, steam, and cooling (MWh)
Total non-fuel energy consumption (MWh) [Auto-calculated]
Is this consumption excluded from your RE100 commitment?
Consumption of electricity (MWh)
Consumption of heat, steam, and cooling (MWh)
Total non-fuel energy consumption (MWh) [Auto-calculated]
Is this consumption excluded from your RE100 commitment?
Hong Kong SAR, China
Consumption of electricity (MWh)
Consumption of heat, steam, and cooling (MWh)
Total non-fuel energy consumption (MWh) [Auto-calculated]
Is this consumption excluded from your RE100 commitment?
Consumption of electricity (MWh)
Consumption of heat, steam, and cooling (MWh)
Total non-fuel energy consumption (MWh) [Auto-calculated]
Is this consumption excluded from your RE100 commitment?
Consumption of electricity (MWh)
Consumption of heat, steam, and cooling (MWh)
Total non-fuel energy consumption (MWh) [Auto-calculated]
Is this consumption excluded from your RE100 commitment?
Consumption of electricity (MWh)
CDP Page of 6338
Consumption of heat, steam, and cooling (MWh)
Total non-fuel energy consumption (MWh) [Auto-calculated]
Is this consumption excluded from your RE100 commitment?
Consumption of electricity (MWh)
Consumption of heat, steam, and cooling (MWh)
Total non-fuel energy consumption (MWh) [Auto-calculated]
Is this consumption excluded from your RE100 commitment?
Consumption of electricity (MWh)
Consumption of heat, steam, and cooling (MWh)
Total non-fuel energy consumption (MWh) [Auto-calculated]
Is this consumption excluded from your RE100 commitment?
Consumption of electricity (MWh)
Consumption of heat, steam, and cooling (MWh)
Total non-fuel energy consumption (MWh) [Auto-calculated]
Is this consumption excluded from your RE100 commitment?
Consumption of electricity (MWh)
Consumption of heat, steam, and cooling (MWh)
Total non-fuel energy consumption (MWh) [Auto-calculated]
Is this consumption excluded from your RE100 commitment?
Consumption of electricity (MWh)
Consumption of heat, steam, and cooling (MWh)
Total non-fuel energy consumption (MWh) [Auto-calculated]
Is this consumption excluded from your RE100 commitment?
CDP Page of 6339
Consumption of electricity (MWh)
Consumption of heat, steam, and cooling (MWh)
Total non-fuel energy consumption (MWh) [Auto-calculated]
Is this consumption excluded from your RE100 commitment?
Consumption of electricity (MWh)
Consumption of heat, steam, and cooling (MWh)
Total non-fuel energy consumption (MWh) [Auto-calculated]
Is this consumption excluded from your RE100 commitment?
Consumption of electricity (MWh)
Consumption of heat, steam, and cooling (MWh)
Total non-fuel energy consumption (MWh) [Auto-calculated]
Is this consumption excluded from your RE100 commitment?
Consumption of electricity (MWh)
Consumption of heat, steam, and cooling (MWh)
Total non-fuel energy consumption (MWh) [Auto-calculated]
Is this consumption excluded from your RE100 commitment?
Russian Federation
Consumption of electricity (MWh)
Consumption of heat, steam, and cooling (MWh)
Total non-fuel energy consumption (MWh) [Auto-calculated]
Is this consumption excluded from your RE100 commitment?
Consumption of electricity (MWh)
Consumption of heat, steam, and cooling (MWh)
Total non-fuel energy consumption (MWh) [Auto-calculated]
Is this consumption excluded from your RE100 commitment?
CDP Page of 6340
Republic of Korea
Consumption of electricity (MWh)
Consumption of heat, steam, and cooling (MWh)
Total non-fuel energy consumption (MWh) [Auto-calculated]
Is this consumption excluded from your RE100 commitment?
Consumption of electricity (MWh)
Consumption of heat, steam, and cooling (MWh)
Total non-fuel energy consumption (MWh) [Auto-calculated]
Is this consumption excluded from your RE100 commitment?
Consumption of electricity (MWh)
Consumption of heat, steam, and cooling (MWh)
Total non-fuel energy consumption (MWh) [Auto-calculated]
Is this consumption excluded from your RE100 commitment?
Consumption of electricity (MWh)
Consumption of heat, steam, and cooling (MWh)
Total non-fuel energy consumption (MWh) [Auto-calculated]
Is this consumption excluded from your RE100 commitment?
Consumption of electricity (MWh)
Consumption of heat, steam, and cooling (MWh)
Total non-fuel energy consumption (MWh) [Auto-calculated]
Is this consumption excluded from your RE100 commitment?
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Consumption of electricity (MWh)
Consumption of heat, steam, and cooling (MWh)
Total non-fuel energy consumption (MWh) [Auto-calculated]
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Is this consumption excluded from your RE100 commitment?
United States of America
Consumption of electricity (MWh)
Consumption of heat, steam, and cooling (MWh)
Total non-fuel energy consumption (MWh) [Auto-calculated]
Is this consumption excluded from your RE100 commitment?
Viet Nam
Consumption of electricity (MWh)
Consumption of heat, steam, and cooling (MWh)
Total non-fuel energy consumption (MWh) [Auto-calculated]
Is this consumption excluded from your RE100 commitment?
(C8.2h) Provide details of your organization’s renewable electricity purchases in the reporting year by country
Country/area of renewable electricity consumption
United States of America
Sourcing method
Direct procurement from an offsite grid-connected generator e.g. Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)
Renewable electricity technology type
Renewable electricity consumed via selected sourcing method in the reporting year (MWh)
Tracking instrument used
Total attribute instruments retained for consumption by your organization (MWh)
Country/area of origin (generation) of the renewable electricity/attribute consumed
United States of America
Commissioning year of the energy generation facility (e.g. date of first commercial operation or repowering)
Vintage of the renewable energy/attribute (i.e. year of generation)
Brand, label, or certification of the renewable electricity purchase
In 2019, we signed our first virtual purchase power agreement (VPPA) with other tech companies for the White Mesa Wind Project in Texas and began receiving renewable
energy credits for this project.
Country/area of renewable electricity consumption
Sourcing method
Green electricity products from an energy supplier (e.g. Green Tariffs)
Renewable electricity technology type
Renewable electricity mix, please specify (Solar, Wind, Water, Biomass)
Renewable electricity consumed via selected sourcing method in the reporting year (MWh)
Tracking instrument used
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Total attribute instruments retained for consumption by your organization (MWh)
Country/area of origin (generation) of the renewable electricity/attribute consumed
Commissioning year of the energy generation facility (e.g. date of first commercial operation or repowering)
Vintage of the renewable energy/attribute (i.e. year of generation)
Brand, label, or certification of the renewable electricity purchase
Other, please specify (Certificate from the vendor, EPH Group)
Certificate from the vendor, EPH Group; Mix of Renewables- Solar, Wind, Water, Biomass
Country/area of renewable electricity consumption
Sourcing method
Green electricity products from an energy supplier (e.g. Green Tariffs)
Renewable electricity technology type
Hydropower (capacity unknown)
Renewable electricity consumed via selected sourcing method in the reporting year (MWh)
Tracking instrument used
Total attribute instruments retained for consumption by your organization (MWh)
Country/area of origin (generation) of the renewable electricity/attribute consumed
Commissioning year of the energy generation facility (e.g. date of first commercial operation or repowering)
Vintage of the renewable energy/attribute (i.e. year of generation)
Brand, label, or certification of the renewable electricity purchase
Other, please specify (Certificate of renewable energy provided by service provider, E.on.)
Certificate of renewable energy provided by service provider, E.on.
Country/area of renewable electricity consumption
Sourcing method
Green electricity products from an energy supplier (e.g. Green Tariffs)
Renewable electricity technology type
Renewable electricity consumed via selected sourcing method in the reporting year (MWh)
Tracking instrument used
Total attribute instruments retained for consumption by your organization (MWh)
Country/area of origin (generation) of the renewable electricity/attribute consumed
Commissioning year of the energy generation facility (e.g. date of first commercial operation or repowering)
Vintage of the renewable energy/attribute (i.e. year of generation)
Brand, label, or certification of the renewable electricity purchase
Other, please specify (Certificate of renewable energy mix provided by service provider, Bord Gas.)
Certificate of renewable energy mix provided by service provider, Bord Gas.
Country/area of renewable electricity consumption
Sourcing method
Unbundled Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) purchase
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Renewable electricity technology type
Hydropower (capacity unknown)
Renewable electricity consumed via selected sourcing method in the reporting year (MWh)
Tracking instrument used
Total attribute instruments retained for consumption by your organization (MWh)
Country/area of origin (generation) of the renewable electricity/attribute consumed
Commissioning year of the energy generation facility (e.g. date of first commercial operation or repowering)
Vintage of the renewable energy/attribute (i.e. year of generation)
Brand, label, or certification of the renewable electricity purchase
Other, please specify (Energia A2A Rinnovabile 100% during reporting period)
Energia A2A Rinnovabile 100% during reporting period
Country/area of renewable electricity consumption
Sourcing method
Unbundled Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) purchase
Renewable electricity technology type
Renewable electricity mix, please specify (Solar, Wind)
Renewable electricity consumed via selected sourcing method in the reporting year (MWh)
Tracking instrument used
Total attribute instruments retained for consumption by your organization (MWh)
Country/area of origin (generation) of the renewable electricity/attribute consumed
Commissioning year of the energy generation facility (e.g. date of first commercial operation or repowering)
Vintage of the renewable energy/attribute (i.e. year of generation)
Brand, label, or certification of the renewable electricity purchase
Other, please specify (ISO 14064-3: 2019 Limited Assurance of Equinix’s energy consumption, renewable energy consumption, and Scope 1, 2, and 3 greenhouse gas
Solar/wind from Japan (10%) non-fossil certificates and China (90%) I-RECs. Equinix obtains ISO 14064-3: 2019 Limited Assurance of Equinix’s energy consumption,
renewable energy consumption, and Scope 1, 2, and 3 greenhouse gas emissions. The GPRs follow the same reporting principles and emissions factor data sets.
Country/area of renewable electricity consumption
Sourcing method
Green electricity products from an energy supplier (e.g. Green Tariffs)
Renewable electricity technology type
Renewable electricity mix, please specify (Hydropower, Biomass, Wind, Solar)
Renewable electricity consumed via selected sourcing method in the reporting year (MWh)
Tracking instrument used
Total attribute instruments retained for consumption by your organization (MWh)
Country/area of origin (generation) of the renewable electricity/attribute consumed
Commissioning year of the energy generation facility (e.g. date of first commercial operation or repowering)
Vintage of the renewable energy/attribute (i.e. year of generation)
Brand, label, or certification of the renewable electricity purchase
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Other, please specify (TUV Certificate)
Hydropower 73.19%; biomass 24.19%; wind 2.07%, photovoltaic 0.54%
Country/area of renewable electricity consumption
Sourcing method
Unbundled Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) purchase
Renewable electricity technology type
Large hydropower (>25 MW)
Renewable electricity consumed via selected sourcing method in the reporting year (MWh)
Tracking instrument used
Total attribute instruments retained for consumption by your organization (MWh)
Country/area of origin (generation) of the renewable electricity/attribute consumed
Commissioning year of the energy generation facility (e.g. date of first commercial operation or repowering)
Vintage of the renewable energy/attribute (i.e. year of generation)
Brand, label, or certification of the renewable electricity purchase
Other, please specify (ISO 14064-3: 2019 Limited Assurance of Equinix’s energy consumption, renewable energy consumption, and Scope 1, 2, and 3 greenhouse gas
Equinix obtains ISO 14064-3: 2019 Limited Assurance of Equinix’s energy consumption, renewable energy consumption, and Scope 1, 2, and 3 greenhouse gas emissions.
The GPRs follow the same reporting principles and emissions factor data sets.
Country/area of renewable electricity consumption
Sourcing method
Unbundled Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) purchase
Renewable electricity technology type
Small hydropower (<25 MW)
Renewable electricity consumed via selected sourcing method in the reporting year (MWh)
Tracking instrument used
Total attribute instruments retained for consumption by your organization (MWh)
Country/area of origin (generation) of the renewable electricity/attribute consumed
Commissioning year of the energy generation facility (e.g. date of first commercial operation or repowering)
Vintage of the renewable energy/attribute (i.e. year of generation)
Brand, label, or certification of the renewable electricity purchase
Other, please specify (ISO 14064-3: 2019 Limited Assurance of Equinix’s energy consumption, renewable energy consumption, and Scope 1, 2, and 3 greenhouse gas
Equinix obtains ISO 14064-3: 2019 Limited Assurance of Equinix’s energy consumption, renewable energy consumption, and Scope 1, 2, and 3 greenhouse gas emissions.
The GPRs follow the same reporting principles and emissions factor data sets.
Country/area of renewable electricity consumption
Sourcing method
Green electricity products from an energy supplier (e.g. Green Tariffs)
Renewable electricity technology type
Hydropower (capacity unknown)
Renewable electricity consumed via selected sourcing method in the reporting year (MWh)
Tracking instrument used
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Total attribute instruments retained for consumption by your organization (MWh)
Country/area of origin (generation) of the renewable electricity/attribute consumed
Commissioning year of the energy generation facility (e.g. date of first commercial operation or repowering)
Vintage of the renewable energy/attribute (i.e. year of generation)
Brand, label, or certification of the renewable electricity purchase
Other, please specify (Provided by service provider, EWB)
Certificate of renewable energy provided by service provider, EWB
Country/area of renewable electricity consumption
Sourcing method
Green electricity products from an energy supplier (e.g. Green Tariffs)
Renewable electricity technology type
Renewable electricity mix, please specify (Solar, Wind, Hydropower)
Renewable electricity consumed via selected sourcing method in the reporting year (MWh)
Tracking instrument used
Total attribute instruments retained for consumption by your organization (MWh)
Country/area of origin (generation) of the renewable electricity/attribute consumed
Commissioning year of the energy generation facility (e.g. date of first commercial operation or repowering)
Vintage of the renewable energy/attribute (i.e. year of generation)
Brand, label, or certification of the renewable electricity purchase
No brand, label, or certification
Energy purchased from EWZ is a mix of solar, wind, hydropower that is generated in Switzerland and Europe.
Country/area of renewable electricity consumption
Sourcing method
Unbundled Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) purchase
Renewable electricity technology type
Renewable electricity consumed via selected sourcing method in the reporting year (MWh)
Tracking instrument used
Total attribute instruments retained for consumption by your organization (MWh)
Country/area of origin (generation) of the renewable electricity/attribute consumed
Commissioning year of the energy generation facility (e.g. date of first commercial operation or repowering)
Vintage of the renewable energy/attribute (i.e. year of generation)
Brand, label, or certification of the renewable electricity purchase
Other, please specify (ISO 14064-3: 2019 Limited Assurance of Equinix’s energy consumption, renewable energy consumption, and Scope 1, 2, and 3 greenhouse gas
Equinix obtains ISO 14064-3: 2019 Limited Assurance of Equinix’s energy consumption, renewable energy consumption, and Scope 1, 2, and 3 greenhouse gas emissions.
The GPRs follow the same reporting principles and emissions factor data sets.
Country/area of renewable electricity consumption
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
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Sourcing method
Green electricity products from an energy supplier (e.g. Green Tariffs)
Renewable electricity technology type
Sustainable Biomass
Renewable electricity consumed via selected sourcing method in the reporting year (MWh)
Tracking instrument used
Total attribute instruments retained for consumption by your organization (MWh)
Country/area of origin (generation) of the renewable electricity/attribute consumed
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Commissioning year of the energy generation facility (e.g. date of first commercial operation or repowering)
Vintage of the renewable energy/attribute (i.e. year of generation)
Brand, label, or certification of the renewable electricity purchase
Other, please specify (Haven Power)
Haven Power provides sustainable biomass energy on a contractual basis through the end of 2021.
Country/area of renewable electricity consumption
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Sourcing method
Unbundled Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) purchase
Renewable electricity technology type
Sustainable Biomass
Renewable electricity consumed via selected sourcing method in the reporting year (MWh)
Tracking instrument used
Total attribute instruments retained for consumption by your organization (MWh)
Country/area of origin (generation) of the renewable electricity/attribute consumed
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Commissioning year of the energy generation facility (e.g. date of first commercial operation or repowering)
Vintage of the renewable energy/attribute (i.e. year of generation)
Brand, label, or certification of the renewable electricity purchase
Other, please specify (ISO 14064-3: 2019 Limited Assurance of Equinix’s energy consumption, renewable energy consumption, and Scope 1, 2, and 3 greenhouse gas
Equinix obtains ISO 14064-3: 2019 Limited Assurance of Equinix’s energy consumption, renewable energy consumption, and Scope 1, 2, and 3 greenhouse gas emissions.
The GPRs follow the same reporting principles and emissions factor data sets.
Country/area of renewable electricity consumption
United States of America
Sourcing method
Green electricity products from an energy supplier (e.g. Green Tariffs)
Renewable electricity technology type
Renewable electricity consumed via selected sourcing method in the reporting year (MWh)
Tracking instrument used
Total attribute instruments retained for consumption by your organization (MWh)
Country/area of origin (generation) of the renewable electricity/attribute consumed
United States of America
Commissioning year of the energy generation facility (e.g. date of first commercial operation or repowering)
Vintage of the renewable energy/attribute (i.e. year of generation)
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Brand, label, or certification of the renewable electricity purchase
Country/area of renewable electricity consumption
United States of America
Sourcing method
Green electricity products from an energy supplier (e.g. Green Tariffs)
Renewable electricity technology type
Renewable electricity consumed via selected sourcing method in the reporting year (MWh)
Tracking instrument used
Total attribute instruments retained for consumption by your organization (MWh)
Country/area of origin (generation) of the renewable electricity/attribute consumed
United States of America
Commissioning year of the energy generation facility (e.g. date of first commercial operation or repowering)
Vintage of the renewable energy/attribute (i.e. year of generation)
Brand, label, or certification of the renewable electricity purchase
No brand, label, or certification
Country/area of renewable electricity consumption
United States of America
Sourcing method
Unbundled Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) purchase
Renewable electricity technology type
Renewable electricity mix, please specify (Wind, Solar, Unspecified)
Renewable electricity consumed via selected sourcing method in the reporting year (MWh)
Tracking instrument used
Total attribute instruments retained for consumption by your organization (MWh)
Country/area of origin (generation) of the renewable electricity/attribute consumed
United States of America
Commissioning year of the energy generation facility (e.g. date of first commercial operation or repowering)
Vintage of the renewable energy/attribute (i.e. year of generation)
Brand, label, or certification of the renewable electricity purchase
Other, please specify (TotalGreen Certificate)
TotalGreen Certificate. 41% Hydropower, 45% Wind and Solar, 14% unspecified carbon free source
Country/area of renewable electricity consumption
United States of America
Sourcing method
Unbundled Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) purchase
Renewable electricity technology type
Renewable electricity consumed via selected sourcing method in the reporting year (MWh)
Tracking instrument used
Total attribute instruments retained for consumption by your organization (MWh)
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Country/area of origin (generation) of the renewable electricity/attribute consumed
United States of America
Commissioning year of the energy generation facility (e.g. date of first commercial operation or repowering)
Vintage of the renewable energy/attribute (i.e. year of generation)
Brand, label, or certification of the renewable electricity purchase
Other, please specify (TotalGreen Certificate)
TotalGreen Certificate. 100% Solar
Country/area of renewable electricity consumption
United States of America
Sourcing method
Unbundled Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) purchase
Renewable electricity technology type
Renewable electricity consumed via selected sourcing method in the reporting year (MWh)
Tracking instrument used
Total attribute instruments retained for consumption by your organization (MWh)
Country/area of origin (generation) of the renewable electricity/attribute consumed
United States of America
Commissioning year of the energy generation facility (e.g. date of first commercial operation or repowering)
Vintage of the renewable energy/attribute (i.e. year of generation)
Brand, label, or certification of the renewable electricity purchase
Other, please specify (Switch Renewable Energy Credits)
Switch Renewable Energy Credits comply with Greenpeace’s principles of locality, additionality, and sustainability, and were generated by Nevada solar farms.
Country/area of renewable electricity consumption
United States of America
Sourcing method
Unbundled Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) purchase
Renewable electricity technology type
Renewable electricity consumed via selected sourcing method in the reporting year (MWh)
Tracking instrument used
Total attribute instruments retained for consumption by your organization (MWh)
Country/area of origin (generation) of the renewable electricity/attribute consumed
United States of America
Commissioning year of the energy generation facility (e.g. date of first commercial operation or repowering)
Vintage of the renewable energy/attribute (i.e. year of generation)
Brand, label, or certification of the renewable electricity purchase
Other, please specify (ISO 14064-3: 2019 Limited Assurance of Equinix’s energy consumption, renewable energy consumption, and Scope 1, 2, and 3 greenhouse gas
Equinix obtains ISO 14064-3: 2019 Limited Assurance of Equinix’s energy consumption, renewable energy consumption, and Scope 1, 2, and 3 greenhouse gas emissions.
The GPRs follow the same reporting principles and emissions factor data sets.
Country/area of renewable electricity consumption
Sourcing method
Unbundled Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) purchase
CDP Page of 6349
Renewable electricity technology type
Renewable electricity mix, please specify (Solar, Wind)
Renewable electricity consumed via selected sourcing method in the reporting year (MWh)
Tracking instrument used
Total attribute instruments retained for consumption by your organization (MWh)
Country/area of origin (generation) of the renewable electricity/attribute consumed
Commissioning year of the energy generation facility (e.g. date of first commercial operation or repowering)
Vintage of the renewable energy/attribute (i.e. year of generation)
Brand, label, or certification of the renewable electricity purchase
Other, please specify (ISO 14064-3: 2019 Limited Assurance of Equinix's energy consumption, renewable energy consumption, and Scope 1, 2 and 3 greenhouse gas
emissions. )
China uses a mix of solar and wind renewables. Equinix obtains ISO 14064-3: 2019 Limited Assurance of Equinix’s energy consumption, renewable energy consumption,
and Scope 1, 2, and 3 greenhouse gas emissions. The GPRs follow the same reporting principles and emissions factor data sets.
Country/area of renewable electricity consumption
United States of America
Sourcing method
Unbundled Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) purchase
Renewable electricity technology type
Renewable electricity consumed via selected sourcing method in the reporting year (MWh)
Tracking instrument used
Total attribute instruments retained for consumption by your organization (MWh)
Country/area of origin (generation) of the renewable electricity/attribute consumed
United States of America
Commissioning year of the energy generation facility (e.g. date of first commercial operation or repowering)
Vintage of the renewable energy/attribute (i.e. year of generation)
Brand, label, or certification of the renewable electricity purchase
Country/area of renewable electricity consumption
United States of America
Sourcing method
Unbundled Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) purchase
Renewable electricity technology type
Renewable electricity consumed via selected sourcing method in the reporting year (MWh)
Tracking instrument used
Total attribute instruments retained for consumption by your organization (MWh)
Country/area of origin (generation) of the renewable electricity/attribute consumed
United States of America
Commissioning year of the energy generation facility (e.g. date of first commercial operation or repowering)
Vintage of the renewable energy/attribute (i.e. year of generation)
Brand, label, or certification of the renewable electricity purchase
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(C8.2i) Provide details of your organization’s low-carbon heat, steam, and cooling purchases in the reporting year by country.
Country/area of consumption of low-carbon heat, steam or cooling
Sourcing method
None (no purchases of low-carbon heat, steam, or cooling)
Energy carrier
Low-carbon technology type
Please select
Low-carbon heat, steam, or cooling consumed (MWh)
(C8.2j) Provide details of your organization’s renewable electricity generation by country in the reporting year.
(C8.2k) Describe how your organization’s renewable electricity sourcing strategy directly or indirectly contributes to bringing new capacity into the grid in the
countries/areas in which you operate.
eBay continues to invest in renewable energy projects, prioritizing virtual purchase power agreements (VPPAs), which ensure that more green electricity is fed into our
electricity grids. So far, we’ve entered into VPPAs for a solar project in Louisiana and a wind project in Texas while we continue to look for additional opportunities globally.
These VPPAs directly contribute to bringing clean renewable energy onto the grid within the U.S.
In our San Jose headquarters, our largest office, we use 100% renewable energy, provided by San Jose Clean Energy. This office now uses exclusively wind, solar and
geothermal power, and we look to expand this to more offices in the future.
eBay consistently searches for opportunities for local, renewable energy solutions to power our offices and data centers. This includes facilities in Europe, where some of our
offices in Germany, Ireland and the UK are sourcing 100% of their electricity from green power sources as well.
(C8.2l) In the reporting year, has your organization faced any challenges to sourcing renewable electricity?
Challenges to sourcing renewable electricity Challenges faced by your organization which were not country-specific
Row 1 No <Not Applicable>
C9. Additional metrics
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(C9.1) Provide any additional climate-related metrics relevant to your business.
Energy usage
Metric value
Metric numerator
Metric denominator (intensity metric only)
% change from previous year
Direction of change
Please explain
In 2021, eBay’s energy consumption increased by 4.1% compared to 2021. In 2021, electricity use increased at our data centers as our marketplace business grew,
though this was in part offset by energy efficiency initiatives across our properties. In addition, our intensity factor (energy use per million dollars of revenue) has decreased
year-over-year since 2019. This metric describes the amount of energy used compared with the size of the company, meaning that while our overall electricity usage
increased, eBay has been more efficient — something we strive to continue.
C10. Verification
(C10.1) Indicate the verification/assurance status that applies to your reported emissions.
Verification/assurance status
Scope 1 Third-party verification or assurance process in place
Scope 2 (location-based or market-based) Third-party verification or assurance process in place
Scope 3 Third-party verification or assurance process in place
(C10.1a) Provide further details of the verification/assurance undertaken for your Scope 1 emissions, and attach the relevant statements.
Verification or assurance cycle in place
Annual process
Status in the current reporting year
Type of verification or assurance
Limited assurance
Attach the statement
Verification Statement Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions.pdf
Page/ section reference
Relevant standard
Proportion of reported emissions verified (%)
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(C10.1b) Provide further details of the verification/assurance undertaken for your Scope 2 emissions and attach the relevant statements.
Scope 2 approach
Scope 2 location-based
Verification or assurance cycle in place
Annual process
Status in the current reporting year
Type of verification or assurance
Limited assurance
Attach the statement
Verification Statement Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions.pdf
Page/ section reference
Relevant standard
Proportion of reported emissions verified (%)
Scope 2 approach
Scope 2 market-based
Verification or assurance cycle in place
Annual process
Status in the current reporting year
Type of verification or assurance
Limited assurance
Attach the statement
Verification Statement Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions.pdf
Page/ section reference
Relevant standard
Proportion of reported emissions verified (%)
(C10.1c) Provide further details of the verification/assurance undertaken for your Scope 3 emissions and attach the relevant statements.
Scope 3 category
Scope 3: Business travel
Verification or assurance cycle in place
Annual process
Status in the current reporting year
Type of verification or assurance
Limited assurance
Attach the statement
Verification Statement Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions.pdf
Page/section reference
Relevant standard
Proportion of reported emissions verified (%)
(C10.2) Do you verify any climate-related information reported in your CDP disclosure other than the emissions figures reported in C6.1, C6.3, and C6.5?
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(C10.2a) Which data points within your CDP disclosure have been verified, and which verification standards were used?
Disclosure module
verification relates to
Data verified Verification
Please explain
C8. Energy Energy consumption ISO14064-3 eBay’s energy consumption was verified as part of our GHG emissions verification, according to standard ISO
C8. Energy Other, please specify (Percentage of renewable and
non-renewable electricity )
ISO14064-3 eBay’s percentage of renewable and non-renewable energy consumption was verified as part of our GHG
emissions verification, according to standard ISO 14064-3.
C11. Carbon pricing
(C11.1) Are any of your operations or activities regulated by a carbon pricing system (i.e. ETS, Cap & Trade or Carbon Tax)?
(C11.1a) Select the carbon pricing regulation(s) which impacts your operations.
(C11.1b) Complete the following table for each of the emissions trading schemes you are regulated by.
% of Scope 1 emissions covered by the ETS
% of Scope 2 emissions covered by the ETS
Period start date
January 1 2021
Period end date
December 31 2021
Allowances allocated
Allowances purchased
Verified Scope 1 emissions in metric tons CO2e
Verified Scope 2 emissions in metric tons CO2e
Details of ownership
Other, please specify (Other, please specify: Aviation activities from non-commercial aircraft that we own and operate)
In limited instances, eBay may be subject to the EU ETS. From 1 January 2012 all flights which arrive at or depart from an aerodrome situated in the territory of a Member
State to which the Treaty applies shall be included. Flights which depart from or arrive in an aerodrome situated in the territory of a Member State to which the Treaty
applies. This activity shall not include from 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2021, flights which, but for this point, would fall within this activity, performed by a non-
commercial aircraft operator operating flights with total annual emissions lower than 1,000 tonnes per year and fewer than 243 flights per period for three consecutive four-
month periods. In 2021, there were no eBay l Annex 1 flight segments due to COVID-19 and therefore no CO2e emissions were produced or recorded under the ETS
trading scheme.
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(C11.1d) What is your strategy for complying with the systems you are regulated by or anticipate being regulated by?
eBay anticipates that our total annual non-commercial aircraft emissions will be lower than 1,000 tonnes per year and fewer than 243 flights per period for three consecutive
four-month periods in future years. Therefore, eBay will continue to receive a certification of exemption from the verification of an annual emissions report and the surrender
of carbon offsets for all Annex 1 activities. In order to achieve the low emissions trajectory for aircraft and comply with the regulatory systems, eBay will continue to employ a
senior management review system (including input from our aviation director and our Executive Leadership Team) to ensure that approved corporate jet travel is business
critical. To also comply, eBay’s strategy includes purchasing Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF), which will also minimize our footprint.
(C11.2) Has your organization originated or purchased any project-based carbon credits within the reporting period?
(C11.3) Does your organization use an internal price on carbon?
No, but we anticipate doing so in the next two years
C12. Engagement
(C12.1) Do you engage with your value chain on climate-related issues?
Yes, our suppliers
Yes, other partners in the value chain
(C12.1a) Provide details of your climate-related supplier engagement strategy.
Type of engagement
Innovation & collaboration (changing markets)
Details of engagement
Run a campaign to encourage innovation to reduce climate impacts on products and services
% of suppliers by number
% total procurement spend (direct and indirect)
% of supplier-related Scope 3 emissions as reported in C6.5
Rationale for the coverage of your engagement
Reported percentages are based on the suppliers for the data center colocation providers where our servers reside. These suppliers have been prioritized because they
are most relevant to managing our Scope 2 emissions at our data centers. We engage with these suppliers to support our company’s renewable energy target, in which we
aim to source 100% of our electricity supply from renewable energy sources by 2025 for eBay-controlled data centers and offices. These suppliers are also critical in
supporting our company’s overall Business Continuity Plans.
Impact of engagement, including measures of success
eBay has engaged with its colocation service providers by becoming a founding member of the Future of Internet Power working group, which has the goal of powering the
internet with 100% renewable energy. In 2016 this group created, and eBay signed, the Corporate Co-Location and Cloud Buyers’ Principles. These principles outline six
criteria that companies using Colo services would like to see their service providers meet. This included providing data on customer energy consumption, disclosing facility
energy sources, and supporting renewable energy advocacy efforts. In 2021, our data center in Salt Lake City, Utah, again earned the ENERGY STAR® for Data Centers
Label. Measures of success include the following: One of our largest providers, Switch, converted all of its locations in Nevada to renewable power, resulting in a nearly
50% reduction in our data center-related GHG emissions. While not a direct result of eBay’s Colo and Cloud Buyer’s Principles participation, we purposefully engaged with
CEBA and Future of Internet Power buyer members to encourage COLO providers to offer renewable energy at their facilities. Due to our 100% renewable energy goal,
having Switch convert to 100% renewables at eBay sites was critical to our path to 100% and a measure of our successful engagement. Another primary provider, Equinix,
is responsible for covering many of our global COLOs, and also provides a significant amount of energy coverage. We continue to monitor the contribution of these
footprints to our overall renewable strategy on an annual basis. Moving load from or to these facilities has a direct impact on our overall achievement of RE100 and
necessitates determining if additional and new approaches will be needed. Switch's participation in renewable procurement was factored into our overall success, where
our threshold for these facilities is to contribute 20 to 25% of our total renewable energy footprint.
Please note that eBay has a relatively minimal supply chain because we do not hold inventory or sell manufactured products. eBay’s supply chain consists primarily of
information technology, professional services and office supplies to support our digital platforms.
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(C12.1d) Give details of your climate-related engagement strategy with other partners in the value chain.
eBay continues to encourage adoption of low-carbon and electric transportation with our primary logistics partners, including USPS, UPS, and FedEx (which are not
considered our direct suppliers in this context, but partners within our value chain). We also continue to provide guidance to protect sellers that could be impacted from
hurricanes and wildfires, and clearly communicate eBay’s expectations of sellers and their delivery of goods.
Because much of online shopping is based on consumer convenience, we encourage our sellers to offer low-cost or free and fast shipping. By working with logistics partners,
we can help to alleviate potential cost increases for shipping by emphasizing the importance of low-carbon transport options when traditional fuel prices continue to rise. This
will in turn help us to retain and expand our customer base.
eBay has evaluated climate-related logistics and transportation parameters across our four geographies of operations: (1) North America, (2) Asia Pacific, (3) Latin America,
and (4) Europe, Middle East and Africa, as well as in terms of their impacts on our marketplaces. We are currently exploring a pilot program for low carbon last mile delivery
that will involve our value chain carrier partners.
(C12.2) Do your suppliers have to meet climate-related requirements as part of your organization’s purchasing process?
Yes, climate-related requirements are included in our supplier contracts
(C12.2a) Provide details of the climate-related requirements that suppliers have to meet as part of your organization’s purchasing process and the compliance
mechanisms in place.
Climate-related requirement
Purchasing renewable energy
Description of this climate related requirement
In support of eBay’s goal to source 100% of our electricity supply from renewable energy sources by 2025 for eBay-controlled data centers and offices, eBay has climate-
related requirements to source renewable energy in the supplier contracts for these facilities.
% suppliers by procurement spend that have to comply with this climate-related requirement
% suppliers by procurement spend in compliance with this climate-related requirement
Mechanisms for monitoring compliance with this climate-related requirement
Other, please specify (eBay monitors this directly through data collection)
Response to supplier non-compliance with this climate-related requirement
Retain and engage
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(C12.3) Does your organization engage in activities that could either directly or indirectly influence policy, law, or regulation that may impact the climate?
Row 1
Direct or indirect engagement that could influence policy, law, or regulation that may impact the climate
Yes, we engage directly with policy makers
Yes, we engage indirectly through trade associations
Does your organization have a public commitment or position statement to conduct your engagement activities in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement?
Attach commitment or position statement(s)
eBay Main Street.pdf
Describe the process(es) your organization has in place to ensure that your engagement activities are consistent with your overall climate change strategy
To ensure a coordinated approach to and positions on climate change and energy policy activities, regular meetings are held regularly between the Impact and Government
Relations teams, along with other internal stakeholders from Global Communications, Finance, and Operations. Agendas for these meetings include business impacts,
pending policy initiatives and discussion of how these do or do not align with our corporate climate and energy strategy, as well as identify any opportunities/requests to
engage with external stakeholders on these activities. Per these discussions we have chosen to support We Mean Business, TCFD reporting and joined in the LEAD on
Climate activities – consistent with our commitment to support climate action.
Primary reason for not engaging in activities that could directly or indirectly influence policy, law, or regulation that may impact the climate
<Not Applicable>
Explain why your organization does not engage in activities that could directly or indirectly influence policy, law, or regulation that may impact the climate
<Not Applicable>
(C12.3a) On what policy, law, or regulation that may impact the climate has your organization been engaging directly with policy makers in the reporting year?
Focus of policy, law, or regulation that may impact the climate
Other, please specify (Cap and Trade)
Specify the policy, law, or regulation on which your organization is engaging with policy makers
eBay was a business voice in support of the landmark AB32 legislation and have continued to support state policy to strengthen and clarify AB 32 implementation. While
AB32 was game changing, the emissions reduction mandates only extended through 2020. To continue momentum and address the need for larger GHG reductions
globally, it was proposed the state create a more ambitious target and extend these targets to 2030.
Policy, law, or regulation geographic coverage
Country/region the policy, law, or regulation applies to
United States of America
Your organization’s position on the policy, law, or regulation
Support with no exceptions
Description of engagement with policy makers
eBay is a strong supporter of climate action nationally and in our headquarters state of California. eBay is a member of Business for Innovative Climate and Energy Policy
(BICEP), which is an advocacy coalition run by Ceres comprised of businesses with the overall goal of supporting, “broad, bi-partisan consensus among policy makers to
reduce US greenhouse gas emissions 80% below 1990 levels by 2050, with an interim goal of at least 25% below 1990 levels by 2020.” Via our role in BICEP, we regularly
support state and federal legislation and global policy that reinforces BICEP’s position on climate change. More recently via BICEP, eBay reaffirmed corporate commitment
to reducing carbon emissions by signing on to the “We Are Still In” initiative, which is a collection of over 1,200 policymakers, businesses, investors, and higher education
institutions that support the Paris Climate Agreement. We were also a business voice in support of the landmark AB32 legislation and have continued to support state policy
to strengthen and clarify AB 32 implementation. While AB32 was game changing, the emissions reduction mandates only extended through 2020. To continue momentum
and address the need for larger GHG reductions globally, it was proposed the state create a more ambitious target and extend these targets to 2030. At the request of NGO
stakeholders, eBay reached out to individual law makers to encourage their support of the bill.
Details of exceptions (if applicable) and your organization’s proposed alternative approach to the policy, law or regulation
<Not Applicable>
Have you evaluated whether your organization’s engagement is aligned with the goals of the Paris Agreement?
Yes, we have evaluated, and it is aligned
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(C12.3b) Provide details of the trade associations your organization engages with which are likely to take a position on any policy, law or regulation that may
impact the climate.
Trade association
Other, please specify (TechNet)
Is your organization’s position on climate change consistent with theirs?
Has your organization influenced, or is your organization attempting to influence their position?
We publicly promote their current position
State the trade association’s position on climate change, explain where your organization’s position differs, and how you are attempting to influence their
position (if applicable)
TechNet advocates for a robust energy policy that encourages true competition in the energy market. TechNet also supports state policies to spur deployment of clean
energy resources such as fuel cells, solar, wind, demand-side, advanced clean combustion, and clean transportation, and will work diligently to advance them. TechNet
also supports smart grid technologies that increase the reliability and resilience of the electric grid; enable clean technologies and electric vehicles; and help consumers
reduce their electric bills. TechNet supports empowering consumers with access to their energy data and new tools to help consumers cut energy use. TechNet also
supports efforts to expand or create new programs should be inclusive, balanced, and data-driven in order to achieve stated aims and avoid significant disruption.
Funding figure your organization provided to this trade association in the reporting year, if applicable (currency as selected in C0.4) (optional)
Describe the aim of your organization’s funding
<Not Applicable>
Have you evaluated whether your organization’s engagement with this trade association is aligned with the goals of the Paris Agreement?
Yes, we have evaluated, and it is aligned
(C12.4) Have you published information about your organization’s response to climate change and GHG emissions performance for this reporting year in places
other than in your CDP response? If so, please attach the publication(s).
In mainstream reports
Attach the document
Page/Section reference
Page 32-33 (“Enterprise Risk and Sustainability Oversight”); Page 34 (“eBay Impact”)
Content elements
Risks & opportunities
Emission targets
Our 2022 Proxy Statement explicitly references climate and describes our strategy to manage ESG risks and opportunities. We also include information on our 2025
renewable energy and science-based carbon emissions reduction targets. Board-level sustainability oversight is also described. With oversight from the Corporate
Governance and Nominating Committee, team of key functional leaders implementing policies and programs for sustainability and philanthropy.
In mainstream reports
Attach the document
Page/Section reference
Page 6 (“Our Impact & Responsibility”) and Page 16 (“Risk Factors”) of our 2021 10-K Filing
Content elements
Risks & opportunities
Emission targets
We reference the effects of climate change (such as drought, flooding, wildfires, increased storm severity, and sea level rise) in our risk factors in our 2021 Annual 10-K
In voluntary sustainability report
Attach the document
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Page/Section reference
Page 7-9 (“Our Impact Goals”); Pages 10-11 (“Supporting Sustainable Development”); Pages 17-20 (“Environmental Footprint”); Page 23 (“Recommerce”); Page 30 (“Our
Governance Model”)
Content elements
Risks & opportunities
Emissions figures
Emission targets
Other metrics
We report on our ESG strategy, environmental performance and progress against our climate-related goals in our annual Impact Report.
In voluntary sustainability report
Attach the document
Page/Section reference
5-6 and 9
Content elements
Emissions figures
Other metrics
We report on emissions metrics in our GRI and SASB disclosures.
In voluntary communications
Attach the document
Page/Section reference
Page 4 (“Governance”); Pages 5-10 (“Strategy”); Pages 11-13 (“Risk Management”); and Pages 14-16 (“Metrics and Targets”)
Content elements
Risks & opportunities
Emissions figures
Emission targets
Other metrics
We report on our climate-related governance structure, risks and opportunities, emissions metrics and targets, and other environmental metrics.
In voluntary communications
Attach the document
Page/Section reference
Content elements
Risks & opportunities
Emission targets
eBay’s Environmental Policy includes details on our company’s ESG commitment, including actions to manage climate-related risks.
C15. Biodiversity
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(C15.1) Is there board-level oversight and/or executive management-level responsibility for biodiversity-related issues within your organization?
oversight and/or
responsibility for
related issues
Description of oversight and objectives relating to biodiversity Scope of
Yes, both board-
level oversight and
The Board of Directors’ Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee (“CGN”) has the ultimate responsibility for sustainability and Environmental, Social and Governance
(ESG) issues, including overseeing the company’s policies and programs concerning sustainability reporting. This includes biodiversity-related information, in which we disclose
information in our Impact and TCFD Reports. Guided by the eBay Impact Team, with oversight from eBay’s Board of Directors and Executive Leadership Team, our approach
to all ESG matters is integrated into the core of our business. eBay’s Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) leads eBay’s Impact Team, which works across the company to help our
business groups and functions prioritize ESG as part of the company’s overall strategy, including goal setting, impact measurement, and reporting. For example, eBay
provides information about biodiversity in our annual Impact Report.
(C15.2) Has your organization made a public commitment and/or endorsed any initiatives related to biodiversity?
Indicate whether your organization made a public commitment or endorsed any initiatives related to biodiversity Biodiversity-related public commitments Initiatives endorsed
Row 1 No, and we do not plan to do so within the next 2 years <Not Applicable> <Not Applicable>
(C15.3) Does your organization assess the impact of its value chain on biodiversity?
Does your organization assess the impact of its value chain on biodiversity? Portfolio
Row 1 No, and we do not plan to assess biodiversity-related impacts within the next two years <Not Applicable>
(C15.4) What actions has your organization taken in the reporting year to progress your biodiversity-related commitments?
Have you taken any actions in the reporting period to progress your biodiversity-related commitments? Type of action taken to progress biodiversity- related commitments
Row 1 No, and we do not plan to undertake any biodiversity-related actions <Not Applicable>
(C15.5) Does your organization use biodiversity indicators to monitor performance across its activities?
Does your organization use indicators to monitor biodiversity performance? Indicators used to monitor biodiversity performance
Row 1 No Please select
(C15.6) Have you published information about your organization’s response to biodiversity-related issues for this reporting year in places other than in your CDP
response? If so, please attach the publication(s).
Report type Content elements Attach the document and indicate where in the document the relevant biodiversity information is located
In voluntary sustainability report or other voluntary communications Impacts on biodiversity Page 22 (“Biodiversity”)
In voluntary sustainability report or other voluntary communications Impacts on biodiversity Page 13 (“Property level risk assessments”)
C16. Signoff
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(C-FI) Use this field to provide any additional information or context that you feel is relevant to your organization's response. Please note that this field is optional
and is not scored.
(C16.1) Provide details for the person that has signed off (approved) your CDP climate change response.
Job title Corresponding job category
Row 1 Chief Executive Officer Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
SC. Supply chain module
(SC0.0) If you would like to do so, please provide a separate introduction to this module.
(SC0.1) What is your company’s annual revenue for the stated reporting period?
Annual Revenue
Row 1 10420000000
(SC1.1) Allocate your emissions to your customers listed below according to the goods or services you have sold them in this reporting period.
Requesting member
PayPal Holdings Inc
Scope of emissions
Scope 1
Allocation level
Company wide
Allocation level detail
<Not Applicable>
Emissions in metric tonnes of CO2e
Uncertainty (±%)
Major sources of emissions
Natural Gas and Diesel
Allocation method
Other, please specify
Market value or quantity of goods/services supplied to the requesting member
Unit for market value or quantity of goods/services supplied
Please select
Please explain how you have identified the GHG source, including major limitations to this process and assumptions made
Based on primary footprint calculations.
Requesting member
PayPal Holdings Inc
Scope of emissions
Scope 2
Allocation level
Company wide
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Allocation level detail
<Not Applicable>
Emissions in metric tonnes of CO2e
Uncertainty (±%)
Major sources of emissions
Allocation method
Other, please specify
Market value or quantity of goods/services supplied to the requesting member
Unit for market value or quantity of goods/services supplied
Please select
Please explain how you have identified the GHG source, including major limitations to this process and assumptions made
Based on primary footprint calculations.
Requesting member
Experian Group
Scope of emissions
Please select
Allocation level
Please select
Allocation level detail
<Not Applicable>
Emissions in metric tonnes of CO2e
Uncertainty (±%)
Major sources of emissions
Please select
Allocation method
Please select
Market value or quantity of goods/services supplied to the requesting member
Unit for market value or quantity of goods/services supplied
Please select
Please explain how you have identified the GHG source, including major limitations to this process and assumptions made
(SC1.2) Where published information has been used in completing SC1.1, please provide a reference(s).
2021 Impact Report
(SC1.3) What are the challenges in allocating emissions to different customers, and what would help you to overcome these challenges?
Allocation challenges Please explain what would help you overcome these challenges
Other, please specify We do not have an established methodology for allocating emissions for specific customers.
(SC1.4) Do you plan to develop your capabilities to allocate emissions to your customers in the future?
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(SC1.4b) Explain why you do not plan to develop capabilities to allocate emissions to your customers.
Only small number of customers requests this information.
(SC2.1) Please propose any mutually beneficial climate-related projects you could collaborate on with specific CDP Supply Chain members.
(SC2.2) Have requests or initiatives by CDP Supply Chain members prompted your organization to take organizational-level emissions reduction initiatives?
(SC4.1) Are you providing product level data for your organization’s goods or services?
No, I am not providing data
Submit your response
In which language are you submitting your response?
Please confirm how your response should be handled by CDP
I understand that my response will be shared with all requesting stakeholders Response permission
Please select your submission options Yes Public
Please confirm below
I have read and accept the applicable Terms
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