Essentials of Economics in Context Sample Chapter for Early Release
In Chapter 1, we defined economic actors, or economic agents, as people or organizations engaged
in any of the four essential economic activities: production, distribution, consumption, and
resource management. Economics is about how these actors behave and interact as they engage in
economic activities. We begin this chapter with a brief overview of the classical and neoclassical
perspectives on economic behavior. The rest of the chapter focuses specifically on consumer
behaviorhow individuals make decisions on what goods and services to consume. We look at
both traditional and contemporary approaches to understanding consumer behavior.
Economics is a social scienceit is about people and how we organize ourselves to meet our needs
and enhance our well-being. All economic outcomes are ultimately determined by human
behavior. Thus, economists have traditionally used as a starting point some kind of statement about
the motivations behind economic actions.
The classical economic view of human behavior is largely based on the theoretical framework
presented in Adam Smith’s An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations,
published in 1776. In this book, Smith suggests that an economic system based on markets can
effectively promote the general welfare of society. He reasoned that a businessman who is
interested in maximizing his own monetary gain would nonetheless serve the social good if the
best available means for his monetary gain was to produce high quality goods at a competitive
The idea that self-interest can unintentionally promote the social good is an important and
valuable one. However, it has been often taken out of context to mean that if people only behave
with self-interest, they will also always do what is best for the entire society. This interpretation
would have astonished Smith, who, in his other famous book, The Theory of Moral Sentiments,
emphasized the desire of people to maintain their own self-respect and earn the respect of others.
He assumes that this desire motivates people to act honorably, justly, and with empathy for others
in their community. Smith recognized that self-interest is important, but he also believed that
narrow self-interest will be held in check by people’s “moral sentiments” (the universal desire for
self-respect and the respect of others). Thus Smith’s vision of human motivation was one in which
individual self-interest was mixed with social motives.
Smith was followed by other economists, such as David Ricardo, John Stuart Mill, and
Alfred Marshall, who held similarly complex views of human nature and thought quite deeply
about ethics. For example, Marshall viewed human motivations as being influenced by a desire to
improve the human condition. He specifically focused on the reduction of poverty so as to allow
people to develop their higher moral and intellectual faculties rather than being condemned to lives
of desperate effort for simple survival.
Essentials of Economics in Context Sample Chapter for Early Release
In the twentieth century, the neoclassical model came to dominate economic thinking. This
approach took a narrower and simpler view of human motivations. Recall from Chapter 2 that the
basic neoclassical model only considers two main types of economic actorsfirms and
households. This model assumes that firms maximize their profits from producing and selling
goods and services, and households maximize their utility (or satisfaction) from consuming goods
and services. Economic actors are assumed to be self-interested and “rational,” meaning that
people generally make logical decisions that produce the best outcomes for themselves. Also, firms
and households are assumed to interact in perfectly competitive markets. In this model,
competition (rather than Smith’s moral sentiments) is regarded as the check on self-interested
behavior of individuals and firms. Competition is understood as being able to prevent firms from
charging too much for their product or producing poor-quality goods.
neoclassical model: a model that portrays the economy as composed of profit-maximizing
firms and utility-maximizing households interacting through perfectly competitive markets
Some benefits can be gained from looking at economic behavior in this way. The
assumptions reduce the actual (very complicated) economy to something that is much more limited
but also easier to analyze. With some additional assumptions, the model can be elegantly expressed
in figures, equations, and graphs. This traditional model is particularly well suited for analyzing
the determination of prices, the volume of trade, and economic efficiency in certain cases. We will
take a closer look at the neoclassical model of consumer behavior in Section 2.
Moving into the twenty-first century, most economists have accepted that human
motivations are much more complex. As we will see in Section 3, in recent years, economists have
devised many creative experiments to explore how people make actual economic decisions,
typically showing how context can influence decisions. While this model of economic behavior
can’t necessarily be summed up in tidy mathematical equations and graphs, it is more
comprehensive, and often more accurate, than the neoclassical model.
Discussion Questions
1. Discuss, with an example, how individuals acting in their own self-interest may sometimes
lead to outcomes that serve the social good.
2. Do you agree with the assumption of the neoclassical model that human behavior is rational
and self-interested? Can you think of some examples of economic behavior that might
contradict these assumptions?
We start our analysis of consumption behavior with the neoclassical model. As mentioned
previously, this model is based on simplistic assumptions, but it provides some useful insights.
Consumer sovereignty refers to the notion that satisfaction of consumers’ needs and wants is the
ultimate economic goal and that firms will always seek to organize their production solely in
response to better meeting consumer desires. For example, consider the increase in the sales of
Essentials of Economics in Context Sample Chapter for Early Release
sport utility vehicles (SUVs) in the United States in recent decades. The theory of consumer
sovereignty would suggest that the primary reason for the growth of SUV sales is a change in
consumers’ preferences for larger vehicles over cars. Consumer sovereignty stands in direct
contrast to the idea that some firms can manipulate consumer desires through advertising or that
some firms might be largely unresponsive to what consumers actually want.
consumer sovereignty: the idea that consumers’ needs and wants determine the shape of
all economic activities
Consumers are constrained in their spending by the amount of their total budget. We can represent
this in a simple model in which consumers have only two goods from which to choose. In Figure
4.1 we present a budget line, which shows the combinations of two goodschocolate bars and
bags of nutsthat a consumer can purchase. In this example, our consumer—let’s call him
Quonghas a budget of $8. The price of chocolate bars is $1 each, and nuts sell for $2 per bag.
budget line: a line showing the possible combinations of two goods that a consumer can
Figure 4.1 The Budget Line
If Quong spends his $8 only on chocolate, he can buy 8 bars, as indicated by the point
where the budget line touches the vertical axis. If he buys only nuts, he can buy 4 bags, as indicated
by the (4, 0) point on the horizontal axis. He can also buy any combination in between. For
example, the point (2, 4), which indicates 2 bags of nuts and 4 chocolate bars, is also achievable.
Essentials of Economics in Context Sample Chapter for Early Release
This is because (2 × $2) + (4 × $1) = $8. (Note that to keep things simple we assume that Quong
can buy only whole bars and whole bags, not fractions of them—for example, he can’t buy 2.5
bars of chocolate. However, we draw the budget line as continuous to reflect the more general case
with many more alternatives.)
A budget line is similar to the concept of a production-possibilities frontier, which we
discussed in Chapter 1. A budget line defines the choices that are possible for Quong. Points above
and to the right of the budget line are not affordable. Points below and to the left of the budget line
are affordable but do not use up the total budget. This simple model assumes that people always
want more of at least one of the goods in question; hence, consuming below the budget line would
be inefficient. Therefore, a rational consumer will always choose to consume at a point on the
budget line.
The position of the budget line depends on the size of the total budget (income) and on the
prices of the two goods. For example, if Quong has $10 to spend instead of $8, the line would shift
outward in a parallel manner, as shown in Figure 4.2. He could now consume more nuts, or more
chocolate, or a more generous combination of both.
Figure 4.2 Effect of an Increase in Income
A change in the price of one of the goods will cause the budget line to rotate around a point
on one of the axes. So if the price of nuts dropped to $1 per bag (and Quong’s income was again
$8), the budget line would rotate out, as shown in Figure 4.3. Now, if Quong bought only nuts, he
could buy 8 bags instead of 4. With the price of chocolate unchanged, however, he still could not
buy more than 8 chocolate bars.
Essentials of Economics in Context Sample Chapter for Early Release
Figure 4.3 Effect of a Fall in the Price of One Good
Note that if both prices change, the budget line could shift in any direction, depending on
how the two prices changed. If both prices changed by the same percentage, then the new budget
line would be parallel to the original, similar to a change in income. Draw some graphs to prove
this to yourself.
A budget line tells us all the combinations of purchases that are possible. However, it does
not tell us which combination the consumer will choose. To get to this, we must add the theory of
The neoclassical model assumes that individuals have certain preferences (or tastes) for certain
goods and services. Consumers seek to satisfy these preferences and thereby derive utility, which
is defined as the pleasure or satisfaction received from consuming goods, services, or experiences.
Consumers cannot satisfy all their preferences because they are constrained by their budget, so
they have to think carefully about what goods to purchase in order to maximize the amount of
utility from their given budget.
utility: the level of usefulness or satisfaction gained from a particular activity, such as the
consumption of a good or service
Utility is a somewhat vague concept, like well-being, and cannot be measured
quantitatively in the real world. However, for the purposes of this model we assume that we can
measure utility in some imaginary unit of “satisfaction.Table 4.1 presents the total utility that
Quong obtains from purchasing different quantities of chocolate bars in a given period, say a day.
Essentials of Economics in Context Sample Chapter for Early Release
Table 4.1 Quongs Utility From Consuming Chocolate Bars
We can then plot Quong’s total utility from consuming chocolate bars in Figure 4.4. This
relationship between utility and the quantity outlined in Figure 4.4 is an example of a utility
function, or a total utility curve.
utility function (or total utility curve): a curve showing the relation of utility levels to
consumption levels
Figure 4.4 Quong’s Utility Function for Chocolate Bars
Rather than just looking at total utility, economists tend to focus on how utility changes
from one level of consumption to another. The change in utility for a one-unit change in
consumption is known as marginal utility. The word marginal puts the focus on incremental
change rather than total change.
marginal utility: the change in a consumer’s utility when consumption of something
changes by one unit
We can determine Quong’s marginal utility by referring to Table 4.1. We see that Quong
obtains 10 units of “satisfaction” from consuming his first chocolate bar. When he eats an
Quantity of chocolate bars
Total utility
Marginal utility
Essentials of Economics in Context Sample Chapter for Early Release
additional chocolate bar, his total utility increases from 10 to 18 units (10 + 8 = 18). Here, his total
utility is the units of satisfaction obtained from consuming the two bars, while his marginal utility
from consuming the second chocolate bar is only 8 units. Consuming his third chocolate bar, he
obtains a marginal utility of 6 units. Total utility continues to increase, but in smaller installments
since the marginal utility is progressively decreasing. If marginal utility becomes negative, total
utility decreases.
Figure 4.4 provides a visual picture of how Quong’s utility curve levels off as his
consumption of chocolate bars increases. This is generally expectedthat successive units of
something consumed provide less utility than the previous unit. In other words, consumers’ utility
functions generally display diminishing marginal utility. Notice that after six bars of chocolate
the marginal utility is negative. In other words, the sixth bar of chocolate has left Quong with
negative pleasure (i.e., pain). Perhaps that sixth bar of chocolate gave him an upset stomach.
diminishing marginal utility: the tendency for additional units of consumption to add less
to utility than did previous units of consumption
We can now apply the concept of utility to the budget line that Quong faces. Realize that
Quong will also have a utility function for bags of nuts, which will display a similar pattern of
diminishing marginal utility. Let’s assume that his first bag of nuts provides him with 20 units of
utility, his second bag with 15 additional units, and his third bag with 10 additional units (more
bags result in even fewer units of utility). How can Quong allocate his limited budget to provide
him with the highest amount of total utility?
We provide a formal model of utility maximization in an online Appendix to this chapter,
but using marginal thinking, we can easily see how Quong can approach his problem in a purely
rational manner. Suppose that Quong is thinking about how he will spend his first $2. With $2, he
can buy either two chocolate bars or one bag of nuts. If he buys two chocolate bars, he will obtain
18 total units of utility, as shown in Table 4.1. If he buys one bag of nuts instead, he will obtain 20
units of utility. Thus, Quong will receive greater utility by spending his first $2 on a bag of nuts.
What about his next $2? If he spends this on his second bag of nuts, he obtains an additional
15 units of utility. But if he instead purchases his first two chocolate bars, he will obtain 18 units
of utility. So, by spending his next $2 on chocolate bars, he increases his utility by a greater
amount. After spending $4, Quong has purchased one bag of nuts and two chocolate bars, thus
obtaining a total utility of 38 units. Quong can continue to apply marginal thinking to maximize
his utility until he has eventually spent his entire budget. (Test yourself: How will Quong spend
his third $2, by buying another bag of nuts or two more bars of chocolate?)
The basic decision
rule to maximize utility is to allocate each additional dollar on the good or service that provides
the greatest marginal utility for that dollar.
We suspect that you have never thought about how to spend your money in a manner
similar to Quong’s marginal analysis of chocolate and nuts. As we will see in the following
sections, people may not always act rationally by maximizing their utility, as suggested by the
neoclassical model. Additionally, this model does not tell us anything interesting about why
consumers make particular choices; that is, preferences are taken as given. The contemporary
models, which we discuss in the following sections, present a more realistic analysis of consumer
behavior by considering how preferences may be influenced by contextual factors.
Essentials of Economics in Context Sample Chapter for Early Release
Discussion Questions
1. Budget lines can be used to analyze various kinds of tradeoffs. Suppose that you have a total
“time budget” for recreation of two hours. Think of two activities you might like to do for
recreation, and draw a budget line diagram illustrating the recreational opportunities open to
you. What if you had a time budget of three hours instead?
2. Explain in words why the total utility curve has the shape that it does in Figure 4.4.
Over the past few decades, the neoclassical view of human behavior is being increasingly replaced
by an alternative approach that is commonly called behavioral economics. Behavioral economics
gathers insights from numerous disciplines, including economics, psychology, sociology,
anthropology, neuroscience, and biology, to predict how people actually make decisions.
Behavioral economics tests theories by conducting experiments and gathering empirical evidence.
This work has proven valuable in explaining behavior that may appear to be irrational.
behavioral economics: a subfield of economics that uses insights from various social and
biological sciences to explore how people make actual economic decisions
Let us start by examining the neoclassical assumption that people are completely rational, meaning
they have all the information about the costs and benefits of every single choice available to them
and that they can accurately calculate the optimal choice that maximizes their utility. While it may
be possible to make a rational choice between a chocolate bar and a bag of nuts, as discussed in
the example previously, it becomes much more complicated when we are faced with a wide set of
choices. We may not have complete information about each choice. Furthermore, we may not even
be able to accurately process and weigh the information that we do possess.
Consider a famous experiment. Researchers at a supermarket in California set up a display
table with six different flavors of jam. Shoppers could taste any (or all) of the six flavors and
receive a discount coupon to purchase any flavor. About 30 percent of those who tried one or more
jams ended up buying some.
The researchers then repeated this experiment but instead offered 24
flavors of jam for tasting. In this case, only 3 percent of those who tasted a jam went on to buy
some. In theory, it would seem that more choice would increase the chances of finding a jam that
one really liked and would be willing to buy. But, instead, the additional choices decreased one’s
motivation to make a decision to buy a jam.
Because we often have trouble processing all the available information, we often employ
mental heuristics, which are rules of thumb or mental shortcuts that we use to make decisions.
While heuristics can often help us make quick and effective decisions, they can often lead to biases
based on people’s viewpoints or thinking process. Research by Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman
has found that people tend to give excessive weight to information that is easily available or vivid,
something he called the availability heuristic. For example, if you regularly watch crime shows
on television, you may over-rate the risk of being a victim of crime yourself.
heuristic: a rule of thumb or mental shortcut that we use to make decisions
Essentials of Economics in Context Sample Chapter for Early Release
availability heuristic: placing undue importance on particular information because it is
readily available or vivid
Kahneman has also shown that the way a decision is presented to people can significantly
influence their choices, an effect he refers to as framing. For example, consider a gas station that
advertises a special 5-cent-per-gallon discount for paying cash. Meanwhile, another station with
the same price instead indicates that they charge a 5-cent-per-gallon surcharge to customers who
pay by credit card. Although the prices end up exactly the same, experiments suggest that
consumers respond more favorably to the station that advertises the apparent discount.
framing: changing the way a particular decision is presented to people in order to influence
their behavior
Advertisers and politicians have long been known to use framing techniques to influence
the behavior of consumers and voters. For example, beverage or automobile companies show their
products in beautiful natural settings or with beautiful female models to make the consumer feel
as if purchasing these products will bring the feelings of pleasure or well-being they may associate
with natural or human beauty. Similarly, politicians are also often adept at framing issues to trigger
emotions of greed or fear rather than offering sound information on which voters can make good
An effect similar to framing is known as anchoring, in which people rely on a piece of
information that is not necessarily relevant as a reference point in making a decision. In one
powerful example, graduate students at the MIT Sloan School of Management were first asked to
write down the last two digits of their Social Security numbers. A short time later, they were asked
whether they would pay this amount, in dollars, for various products. The subjects with the highest
Social Security numbers indicated a willingness to pay about 300 percent more than those with the
lowest numbers! The students had unconsciously used their Social Security numbers as an
“anchor” in evaluating the worth of the products.
In a real-world example of anchoring, the
kitchen equipment company Williams Sonoma was able to increase the sales of its $279 bread
maker after it introduced a “deluxe” model for $429. The introduction of the deluxe model created
an anchoring effect that made the $279 bread maker seem like a relative bargain.
anchoring effect: overreliance on a piece of information that may or may not be relevant
as a reference point when making a decision
In some circumstances, people tend to go with the “default option” when presented with a
choice, even if the default option is not necessarily the rational choice. One classic example of the
power of defaults looks at whether people are registered to donate their organs at death.
In some
European countries, such as Austria, Belgium, and France, people are automatically registered as
organ donors, but can opt out if they choose to. In these countries, about 9899 percent of people
stay registered. But in other European countries, such as Denmark, Germany, and the United
Kingdom, people must sign up to be organ donors. In other words, the default option is that they
are not registered. In these countries, less than 20 percent of people register to be organ donors.
Such cases, where people prefer things to stay the same by doing nothing or favor the option that
is familiar or expected, is referred to as status quo bias.
Essentials of Economics in Context Sample Chapter for Early Release
status quo bias: a cognitive bias in favor of that which is familiar, expected, or automatic
Much evidence suggests that people seem to place undue emphasis on gains or benefits received
today without considering the implications of their decisions for the future. A good example of
this is the large number of people who have acquired significant high-interest credit card debt due
to excessive spending. According to one study, about 6 percent of Americans are considered
“compulsive shoppers,” who seek instant gratification with little concern for the troublesome
consequences of running up a great deal of debt.
Economists say that someone who does not pay much attention to the future consequences
of his or her actions has a high time discount rate. This means that in his or her mind, future
events are heavily discounted when weighed against the pleasures of today. On the other hand,
people who have a low time discount rate would place more relevance on future consequences.
For example, people who invest in a college education have a relatively low time discount rate,
because they are willing to forgo current income or relaxation, and pay substantial tuition, to study
for some expected future gain. Various studies have shown how people who have high discount
rates are more likely to make seemingly irrational, or unhealthy choices inconsistent with their
long-term goals. A 2016 study reported that those with high time discount rates are consistently
found to be more likely to smoke, abuse alcohol, take illicit drugs, and engage in risky sexual
time discount rate: an economic concept describing the relative weighting of present
benefits or costs compared to future benefits or costs
The choices we make are also influenced by our emotions. The conventional view is that
emotions get in the way of good decision-making, as they tend to interfere with logical reasoning.
But again, research from behavioral economics suggests a more nuanced reality. It does not seem
to be true that decisions based on logical reasoning are always “better” than those based on emotion
or intuition. Instead, studies suggest that reasoning is most effective when used for making
relatively simple economic decisions, but for more complex decisions, we can become
overwhelmed by too much information. In such cases, emotions or intuition can sometimes help
us make better decisions.
For example, an experiment with college students involved their tasting five brands of
strawberry jam.
In one case, students simply ranked the jams from best to worst. The student
rankings were highly correlated with the results of independent testing by Consumer Reports,
suggesting that the students’ rankings were reasonable. But in another case, students were asked
to fill out a written questionnaire explaining their preferences. As a result of the additional
deliberation, students’ rankings were no longer significantly correlated with the Consumer Report
rankings. The researcher concluded that overthinking might cut individuals off from the wisdom
of their emotions, which are sometimes much better at assessing actual preferences.
Altruism, meaning a concern of the well-being of others without thought about oneself,
can also motivate our behavior. Although it would be idealistic to assume that altruism is the prime
mover in human behavior, it is reasonable to assert that some elements of altruism enter into most
people’s decision-makingcontrary to the neoclassical assumption of rational, self-interested
individuals. Especially relevant to economics is the fact that much economic behavior may be
motivated by a desire to advance the common good—the general good of society, of which one’s
Essentials of Economics in Context Sample Chapter for Early Release
own interests are only a part. People are often willing to participate in the creation of social
benefits, even if this involves some personal sacrifice, as long as they feel that others are also
altruism: actions focused on the well-being of others, without thought about oneself
common good: the general well-being of society, including one’s own well-being
A well-functioning economy cannot rely only on self-interest. Without such values as
honesty, for example, even the simplest transaction would require costly and elaborate safeguards
or policing. Imagine if you were afraid to put down your money before having in your hands the
merchandise that you wished to purchaseand the merchant was afraid that as soon as you had
what you wanted, you would run out of the store without paying. Such a situation would require
police in every storebut what if the police themselves were unethical? Without ethical values
that promote trust, inefficiencies would overwhelm any economic system. Fortunately, behavioral
economics experiments demonstrate that people really do pay attention to social norms, even when
this has a cost in terms of their narrow self-interest, as discussed in Box 4.1.
The “Ultimatum Game” is a behavioral economics experiment in which two people are told
that they will be given a sum of money, say $20, to share. The first person gets to propose a
way of splitting the sum. This person may offer to give $10 to the second person, or only $8,
or $1, and keep the rest. The second person cannot offer any input to this decision but has the
power to decide whether to accept the offer or reject it. If the second person rejects the offer,
both people will walk away empty-handed. If the offer is accepted, they get the money and
split it as the first person indicated.
If the two individuals act only from narrow financial self-interest, then the first person
should offer the second person the smallest possible amountsay $1in order to keep the
most for himself or herself. The second person should accept this offer because, from the point
of view of pure financial self-interest, $1 is better than nothing.
Contrary to such predictions, researchers find that deals that vary too far from a 5050
split tend to be rejected. Specifically, offers of around 40 percent or more are almost always
accepted, while offers of 20 percent or less are almost always rejected.
People would rather
walk away with nothing than be treated in a way that they perceive as unfair. Also, whether
out of a sense of fairness or a fear of rejection, individuals who propose a split often offer
something close to 5050. Such behavior suggests we have cooperative inclinations along with
our more self-interested inclinations.
Other recent evidence suggests that pursuing pure self-interest does not lead to happiness.
A 2017 journal article by economist Tom Lane reviewed dozens of studies that looked at the
relationship between happiness levels and economic behavior and concluded that: “happiness
tends to result from pro-social behavior,” including trust and generosity.
Meanwhile, there “is
clear evidence of a negative relationship between happiness and selfishness.” These results
Essentials of Economics in Context Sample Chapter for Early Release
indicate that if one wants to be happy in life, being trustful and generous might be more “rational”
than being selfish.
Finally, our brains, physiology, and genetics also play a role in influencing our decision-
making. Referred to as neuroeconomics, this relatively new interdisciplinary field is based on
approaches, such as using brain imaging, or a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
machine, to study the brain and predict human behavior. For example, one research study that used
an fMRI machine to study the brain confirms the findings discussed previouslythat when people
engage in cooperative behavior, regions of the brain associated with positive emotions are
On the other hand, when observing others being treated unfairly, our brains react as if
we ourselves had been treated unfairly.
neuroeconomics: the interdisciplinary field that studies the role our brains, physiology,
and genetics play in how we make economic decisions
Now that we have considered several factors influencing economic behavior, we can
present a model based on behavioral economics using concepts that have been suggested as
alternatives to self-interested and rational behavior.
Recent research has generally refuted the neoclassical view of self-interested people making
economic decisions that maximize their utility (or profits, in the case of businesses). We now use
the lessons from the previous discussion to develop a more modern and accurate model of
consumer behavior.
One important factor in an economic model of behavior is information. Consider the
decision to purchase a new automobile. Numerous factors go into such a decision, such as the cost
of the car, the importance of fuel economy, safety features, the resale value, and maintenance costs.
Making a rational decision requires that you first obtain all this information. The neoclassical
approach tends to assume that rational economic actors have “complete information” concerning
each choice in front of them. A variation on this assumption is that people will optimize by
collecting information until the perceived costs of acquiring additional information exceed the
perceived benefits. However, there is a logical problem with this assumption, as Nobel Laureate
Herbert Simon points out: one cannot know if that extra information was worth the cost of
gathering it until it has been gathered! Maybe some additional searching will yield valuable
information, or maybe it won’t.
Simon showed that one first needs to have complete knowledge of all choices in order to
identify the optimal point at which one should cease gathering additional information.
Accordingly, Simon maintained, people rarely optimize. Instead they do what he called satisficing;
they choose an outcome that would be satisfactory (rather than optimal) and then seek an option
that reaches that standard. In other words, they identify an option that is good enough rather than
continuing to search for the ideal.
satisfice: to choose an outcome that would be satisfactory and then seek an option that at
least reaches that standard
Economic decisions are always made subject to constraints, including limits on income and
other resources and on physical or intellectual capacities. A universal constraint, for example, is
Essentials of Economics in Context Sample Chapter for Early Release
timeyou only have 24 hours in a day to allocate among competing activities such as sleeping,
studying, eating, or entertainment. Given such constraints, satisficing seems to be a reasonable
behavior. If an individual finds that the “satisfactory” level was set too low, a search for options
that meet that level will result in a “solution” rather quickly. In this case, the level may then be
adjusted to a higher standard. Conversely, if the level is set too high, a long search will not yield
an acceptable outcome, and the “satisficer” may lower his or her expectations for the outcome.
Another deviation from maximizing behavior as traditionally defined has been called
melioratingdefined as starting from the present level of well-being and finding opportunities to
do better. A simple example is a line fisherwoman who has found a whole school of haddock but
wants to keep only one for her supper. She first catches a fish. She doesn’t stop there but goes on
to catch a second fish, which she compares to the first onekeeping the larger and releasing the
other. Each subsequent catch is compared to the one she has retained as the largest so far. At the
end of the day, the fish that she takes home will be the largest of all those caught.
meliorating: starting from the present level of well-being and continuously attempting to
do better
One result of using melioration as the real-world substitute for optimization is its
implication that history matters: people view each successive choice in relation to their previous
experience. It is commonly observed that people are reluctant to accept a situation that they
perceive as inferior to previous situations. For example, workers are likely to resist pay cuts or
switch to jobs with lower wages.
Satisficing and meliorating may both be included under the term bounded rationality. The
general idea is that, instead of considering all possible options, people limit their attention to some
more-or-less arbitrarily defined subset of the universe of possibilities. With satisficing or
meliorating behavior, people may not choose the “best” choices available to them, but they at least
make decisions that move them toward their goals.
bounded rationality: the hypothesis that people make choices among a somewhat
arbitrary subset of all possible options due to limits on information, time, or cognitive
Let us now summarize the current thinking about consumer behavior, in five core
principles, based on two recent journal articles and contrast it to the neoclassical model presented
in Section 2.
1. People may try to engage in maximizing behavior, but they often aren’t successful due to
insufficient or inaccurate information, poor judgment, limited resources, and other issues.
We might think of economic decisions as being a somewhat “muddled” process rather than
the maximizing process envisioned by the neoclassical model.
2. People make economic decisions using various reference points to help them. We saw
previously how framing and anchoring can influence economic decisions.
3. Most people have a “present bias” when making decisions with long-term impacts.
Running up large credit card debts and under-investing in education are examples of
Essentials of Economics in Context Sample Chapter for Early Release
4. While people often engage in self-interested behavior, they also care about the welfare of
others, even people they do not know. People may care about others in order to increase
their own well-being or out of true altruism and concern for the common good. Any model
that assumes only self-interested behavior is inadequate.
5. The fact that people’s preferences are often not fixed or even fully known to them means
that their decisions can be influenced through framing, anchoring, or present bias. We have
discussed how these techniques may be used by advertisers or politicians to influence
people’s behavior. But such approaches may also be used to design policies that might
encourage people to make healthier and wiser choices, as we will discuss in the final section
of this chapter.
The model just described is supported by many scientific studies, and it is also consistent
with experience and common sense. We are all human beings, often far from perfect, normally
with good intentions but subject to many influential factors.
Discussion Questions
1. Can you think of any economic situations where people seem to make irrational decisions?
For the most part, do you think people are rational or irrational?
2. Discuss how one or more conclusions reached by behavioral economists help you to
understand an experience that you have had making an economic decision.
In modern societies, consumption is as much a social activity as an economic activity.
Consumption is closely tied to personal identity, and it has become a means of communicating
social messages. We are immersed in the culture of consumerism, where people’s sense of identity
and meaning are often defined through their purchase of consumer goods and services. An
increasing range of social interactions are influenced by consumerist values.
consumerism: having one’s sense of identity and meaning significantly defined through
the purchase and use of consumer goods and services
The rise of consumerism is also deeply connected to capitalism, where the profit-driven
nature of market competition imposes strong pressure on firms to increase their production and
sales. As we will see, firms often devote an enormous amount of resources to advertising and other
marketing strategies to encourage consumption.
Consumption behavior has evolved over time, with influences from various cultural,
religious, political, and social forces, as well as from the availability of environmental resources.
Consumerism is often traced back to the Industrial Revolution, when technological advances in
mass production made it possible to increase consumption levels. The rise of consumerism is also
related to other historical developments such as the invention of department stores, the expansion
of consumer credit (with the invention of credit cards), and changes in work ethics as workers
came to see themselves as consumers and became more inclined to work full-time or even overtime
(instead of advocating for a shorter work week) in order to increase their consumption.
Essentials of Economics in Context Sample Chapter for Early Release
Despite these developments, consumerism has not become a global phenomenon even in
the twenty-first century. Many people around the world are still simply too poor to be considered
modern consumers. Over 700 million people, about 10 percent of humanity lives in “extreme”
poverty, defined by the World Bank as living on less than $1.90 per day.
Poverty is about more
than just low income. The United Nations defines absolute deprivation as “a condition
characterized by severe deprivation of basic human needs, including food, safe drinking water,
sanitation facilities, health, shelter, education and information.
The poorest of developing
countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia, often lack the resources needed
to lift their populations out of absolute deprivation.
absolute deprivation: severe deprivation of basic human needs
Additionally, in numerous places around the world, cultural and religious values exist that
seek to restrain the consumer society. For example, Buddhism teaches a “middle path” that
emphasizes material simplicity, nonviolence, and inner peace. Even in the United States, some
Americans are motivated to lower their consumption levels with the goal of reducing
environmental impacts and focusing more on social connections. In this section, we discuss some
social aspects that influence consumer behavior.
As social beings, we compare ourselves to other people. In a consumer society, such comparison
is commonly in terms of income and consumption levels. We are often motivated to maintain a
material lifestyle that is comparable to a reference group, which includes people around us who
influence our behavior because we compare ourselves to them. Most people have various reference
groups, traditionally including our neighbors, our coworkers, and other members of our family.
We are also influenced as consumers by aspirational groups, groups to which a consumer wishes
he or she could belong. People often buy, dress, and behave like the groupcorporate executives,
rock stars, athletes, or whoeverwith whom they would like to identify.
reference group: the group to which an individual compares himself or herself
aspirational group: the group to which an individual aspires to belong
This tendency to compare ourselves with a reference group has evolved over time.
Economist Juliet Schor suggests that in the 1950s and 1960s, people usually compared themselves
to individuals with similar incomes and backgrounds, but in recent decades, people have become
“more likely to compare themselves with, or aspire to the lifestyle of, those far above them in the
economic hierarchy.
One reason for this might be the transformation in media representation,
which has over time become increasingly depicted by upper-class lifestyles. Schor’s research
indicates that the more television one watches, the more he or she is likely to spend, holding other
variables, such as income, constant.
Schor concludes that identifying with unrealistic aspirational groups leads many people to
consume well above their means, acquiring large debts and suffering frustration, as they attempt
to join those groups through their consumption patterns but fail to achieve the income to sustain
them. Because people tend to evaluate themselves relative to reference and aspirational groups,
increasing inequality may result in people feeling as if they are falling behind even when their
incomes are actually increasing. Schor goes on to note that:
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The problem is not just that more consumption doesn’t yield more satisfaction, but
that it always has a cost. The extra hours we have to work to earn the money cut
into personal and family time. Whatever we consume has an ecological impact. . . .
We find ourselves skimping on invisibles such as insurance, college funds, and
retirement savings as the visible commodities somehow become indispensable. . . .
We are impoverishing ourselves in pursuit of a consumption goal that is inherently
Modern technology means that nearly everyone has some exposure to the “lifestyles of the
rich and famous” engaging in conspicuous consumption. The result is the creation of widespread
feelings of relative deprivation, that is, the sense that one’s own condition is inadequate because
it is inferior to someone else’s circumstances. Such feelings can diminish individual well-being
and ones sense of self-respect and self-confidence. Relative deprivation is a condition that exists
in all countries to some extent, but it is more extreme in countries where the gap between rich and
poor is greatest.
relative deprivation: the feeling of insufficiency that comes from comparing oneself with
someone who has more
Advertising is central to the rise of consumerism. As Christopher Lasch writes,
The importance of advertising is not that it invariably succeeds in its immediate
purpose, . . . but simply that it surrounds people with images of the good life in
which happiness depends on consumption. The ubiquity of such images leaves little
space for competing conceptions of the good life.
Though advertising is often justified by economists as a source of information about the
goods and services available in the market, a vast amount of advertising sells consumer culture
and influences consumers’ values and their spending behavior. Recent research shows that
advertising is associated with problems such as obesity, attention deficit disorder, heart disease,
and other negative consequences. Furthermore, advertising commonly portrays unrealistic body
images, traditionally for women but more recently for men as well. (See Box 4.2.)
Global advertising expenditures were about $520 billion in 2016, equivalent to the national
economy of Argentina or Sweden. About one-third of global advertising spending takes place in
the United States. According to one estimate, Americans are exposed to around 5,000 commercial
messages per day, up from around 2,000 per day in 1980s.
China recently became the world’s
second-largest advertising market.
A 2007 report by the American Psychological Association concluded that advertising and
other media images encourage girls to focus on physical appearance and sexuality, with
harmful results for their emotional and physical well-being.
The research project reviewed
data from numerous media sources and found that 85 percent of the sexualized images of
children were of girls. The lead author of the report, Dr. Eileen L. Zurbriggen, points out that
Essentials of Economics in Context Sample Chapter for Early Release
the sexualization of girls in media is likely to have negative effects on girls in a variety of
domains, including cognitive functioning, physical and mental health, and healthy sexual
development. She concludes, “As a society, we need to replace all of these sexualized images
with ones showing girls in positive settingsones that show the uniqueness and competence
of girls.”
Three of the most common mental health problems associated with exposure to
sexualized images and unrealistic body ideals are eating disorders, low self-esteem, and
depression. It is estimated that 8 million Americans suffer from an eating disorder7 million
of them women.
According to a 2012 article, most female models would be considered
anorexic according to their body mass index. Twenty years ago, the average model weighed 8
percent less than the average woman; now it is 23 percent less.
Jean Kilbourne, an author and filmmaker, has been lobbying for advertising reforms
since the 1960s. She has produced four documentaries on the negative effects of advertising on
women, most recently in 2010, under the title Killing Us Softly. Kilbourne notes that virtually
all photos of models in advertisements have been touched up, eliminating wrinkles, blemishes,
extra weight, and even skin pores. She believes that we need to change the environment of
advertising through public policy.
The growth of consumerism has altered the balance between private and public consumption.
Public infrastructure has been shaped by the drive to sell and consume new products, and the
availability of public and private options, in turn, shapes individual consumer choices.
In the early 1930s, for example, many major U.S. citiesincluding Los Angeleshad
extensive and nonpolluting electric streetcar systems. However, due to a range of factors, including
unsupportive policies, poor city planning, and the actions of companies such as General Motors in
buying up streetcar systems and then converting many of them to buslines, the presence of
streetcars declined in many U.S. cities.
The ongoing viability of streetcar systems elsewhere in
the United States, and across the world, suggests that many of the streetcar systems could have
continued had the playing field been more level. U.S. government support for highway
construction in the 1950s further hastened the decline of rail transportation, made possible the
spread of suburbs far removed from workplaces, and encouraged the purchase of automobiles.
These examples illustrate that many of the choices that you have, as an individual, depend
on decisions made for you by businesses and governments. Living in Los Angeles today would be
significantly different if it had better maintained and supported its streetcar system rather than cars
and buses. As more people carry cell phones and bottled water, pay telephones and drinking
fountains either cease to exist or become less well maintained, leading more people to carry cell
phones and bottled water. The tradeoffs between public infrastructure and private consumption are
significant. As economist Robert Frank notes, “at a time when our spending on luxury goods is
growing four times as fast as overall spending, our highways, bridges, water supply systems, and
other parts of our public infrastructure are deteriorating, placing lives in danger.
One of the main lessons of economics is that we should always weigh the marginal benefits of
something against its marginal costs. In the case of consumerism, these costs include less time for
Essentials of Economics in Context Sample Chapter for Early Release
leisure, friends, and family; greater environmental impacts; and negative psychological and
physical effects. In short, there can be such a thing as too much consumptionwhen the marginal
benefits of additional consumption are exceeded by the associated marginal costs.
Two public television specials, as well as a book,
refer to the problem of “affluenza”—a
“disease” with symptoms of “overload, debt, anxiety and waste resulting from the dogged pursuit
of more.” Some people see the solution to affluenza as rejecting consumerism as a primary goal in
life. The term voluntary simplicity refers to a conscious decision to live with a limited or reduced
level of consumption in order to increase one’s quality of life.
voluntary simplicity: a conscious decision to live with a limited or reduced level of
consumption in order to increase one’s quality of life
The motivations for voluntary simplicity vary, including environmental concerns, a desire
to have more free time to travel or raise a family, and to focus on non-consumer goals. Voluntary
simplicity does not necessarily mean rejecting progress or living a life of poverty. Some people
ascribing to voluntary simplicity have left high-paying jobs after many years, while others are
young people content to live on less.
Perhaps the unifying theme for those practicing voluntary simplicity is that they seek to
determine what is “enough”—a point beyond which further accumulation of consumer goods is
either not worth the personal, ecological, and social costs or simply not desirable. Unlike
traditional economics, which has assumed that people always want more goods and services,
voluntary simplicity sees these as only intermediate goals toward more meaningful final goals.
(See Box 4.3.)
Greg Foyster had a good job in advertising in Australia. But in 2012, he and his partner Sophie
Chishkovsky decided to give up their consumer lifestyles and bicycle along the coast of
Australia, interviewing people who have decided to embrace voluntary simplicity and
eventually write a book about their experience.
Voluntary simplicity is a growing movement in Australia, with several popular
websites and a regular column on the topic in the Australian Women’s Weekly. Foyster
The overall idea is that you should step out of the consumer economy that
we’re all plugged into and start doing things for yourself because that is how
you’ll find happiness. The best way to think of it is as an exchange. In our
society people trade their time for money, and then they spend that money on
consumer items. . . . It’s really about stepping back and deciding what’s
important to you in your life.
Foyster found that his career in advertising conflicted with his personal sense of ethics.
His “eureka” moment came during an advertising awards event when he saw colleagues being
praised for their efforts to sell people products they didn’t need or even want. He realized that
most of the world’s environmental problems stem from overconsumption, not overpopulation.
He says:
Essentials of Economics in Context Sample Chapter for Early Release
When I worked in advertising, I had a decent income, I had a prestigious job,
and I was miserable. I chose to leave the industry because it wasn’t making me
happy; it wasn’t my purpose in life. And now I have a much lower income; I
work as a freelance writer, which isn’t the most prestigious job. But I am so
much more happy because I know what is important to me and I’m doing what
I love and I have everything I need.
Discussion Questions
1. What are your reference groups? Describe why you consider these your reference groups.
What are your aspirational groups? Why do you aspire to be a member of these groups?
2. Think about at least one fashion item you own, such as an item of clothing, jewelry, or
accessory, that you think says a lot about who you are. What do you think it says about
you? Do you think others interpret the item in the same way that you do? How much do
you think that you were influenced by advertising or other media in your views about the
The production process that creates every consumer product requires natural resources and
generates some waste and pollution. However, we are normally only vaguely aware of the
ecological impact of the processes that supply us with consumer goods. Most of us are unaware
that, for example, it requires about 600 gallons of water to make a quarter-pound hamburger or
that making a computer chip generates 4,500 times its weight in waste.
(See Box 4.4.)
T-shirts are perhaps the most ubiquitous article of clothing. What are the environmental
impacts of one T-shirt?
Consider a cotton/polyester blend T-shirt, weighing about 4 ounces. Polyester is made
from petroleuma few tablespoons are required to make a T-shirt. During the extraction and
refining of the petroleum, one-fourth of the polyester’s weight is released in air pollution,
including nitrogen oxides, particulates, carbon monoxide, and heavy metals. About ten times
the polyester’s weight is released in carbon dioxide, contributing to global climate change.
Cotton grown with nonorganic methods relies heavily on chemical inputs. Cotton accounts for
10 percent of the world’s use of pesticides. A typical cotton crop requires six applications of
pesticides, commonly organophosphates that can damage the central nervous system. Cotton is
also one of the most intensely irrigated crops in the world, contributing to water shortages for
other uses.
T-shirt fabric is bleached and dyed with chemicals including chlorine, chromium, and
formaldehyde. Cotton resists coloring, so about one-third of the dye may be carried off in the
waste stream. Most T-shirts are manufactured in Asia and then shipped by boat to their
destination, with further transportation by train and truck. Each transportation step involves the
release of additional air pollution and carbon dioxide.
Essentials of Economics in Context Sample Chapter for Early Release
Despite the impacts of T-shirt production and distribution, most of the environmental
impact associated with T-shirts occurs after purchase. Washing and drying a T-shirt just ten
times requires about as much energy as was needed to manufacture the shirt. Laundering will
also generate more solid waste than the production of the shirt, mainly from sewage sludge
and detergent packaging.
How can one reduce the environmental impacts of T-shirts? One obvious step is to
avoid buying too many shirts in the first place. Buy shirts made of organic cotton or recycled
polyester, or consider buying used clothing. Wash clothes only when they need washing, not
necessarily every time you wear something. Make sure that you wash only full loads of
laundry, and wash using cold water whenever possible. Finally, avoid using a clothes dryer
clothes dry naturally for free by hanging on a clothesline or a drying rack.
One measure used to quantify the ecological impacts of consumerism is the amount of “trash”
generated by an economy. In 2014, the U.S. economy generated over 250 million tons of municipal
solid waste, which consisted mostly of paper, food waste, and yard waste.
But most of the waste
generation in a consumer society occurs during the extraction, processing, or manufacturing
stagesthese impacts are normally hidden from consumers. According to a 2012 analysis, the
U.S. economy requires about 8 billion tons of material inputs annually, which is equivalent to more
than 25 tons per person.
The vast majority of this material is discarded as mining waste, crop
residue, logging waste, chemical runoff, and other waste prior to the consumption stage.
Perhaps the most comprehensive attempt to quantify the overall ecological impact of
consumption is the ecological footprint measure. This approach estimates how much land area a
human society requires, both to provide all that it takes from nature and to absorb the society’s
waste and pollution. Although the details of ecological footprint calculations are subject to debate,
it does provide a useful way to compare the overall ecological impact of consumption in different
ecological footprint: a measure of the human impact on the environment, measured as the
land area required to supply a society’s resources and assimilate its waste and pollution
We see in Figure 4.5 below that the ecological footprint per capita varies significantly
across countries. The United States has one of the highest per-capita ecological footprints (the per-
capita footprints of only six countries are higher, the highest being Qatar).
The average European
has a footprint about 40 percent lower than the average American, while the average Chinese has
a footprint that is only one-quarter of that of a U.S. citizen.
Perhaps the most significant implication of the ecological footprint research is that the
world is now in a situation of “overshoot”—our global use of resources and generation of waste
exceeds the global capacity to supply resources and assimilate waste, by about 60 percent. As seen
in Figure 4.5, the total amount of productive area available on earth (the average “biocapacity”) is
only 1.63 hectares per person. In other words, for humans to live in an ecologically sustainable
manner, the average person’s ecological impacts could only be about that of the average
Indonesian. However, an increasing number of people in the world seek to consume at a level
equivalent to a typical American. We would require five earths to provide the resources needed
and assimilate the waste to meet such a demand.
Essentials of Economics in Context Sample Chapter for Early Release
Figure 4.5 Ecological Footprint per Capita, Select Countries, 2016
Source: Global Footprint Network, 2019.
Green consumerism means making consumption decisions at least partly on the basis of
environmental criteria. Clearly, green consumerism is increasing: more people are recycling, using
reusable shopping bags and water containers, buying hybrid or electric cars, and so on. Yet some
people see green consumerism as an oxymoronthat the culture of consumerism is simply
incompatible with environmental sustainability.
green consumerism: making consumption decisions at least partly on the basis of
environmental criteria
Green consumerism comes in two basic types:
1. “Shallow” green consumerism: consumers seek to purchase “ecofriendly” alternatives but
do not necessarily change their overall level of consumption
2. “Deep” green consumerism: consumers seek to purchase ecofriendly alternatives but also,
more importantly, seek to reduce their overall level of consumption
Someone who adheres to shallow green consumerism might buy a hybrid or electric car
instead of a car with a gasoline engine or a shirt made with organic cotton instead of cotton grown
with the use of chemical pesticides. But those practicing deep green consumerism would, when
feasible, take public transportation instead of buying a car and question whether they really need
Essentials of Economics in Context Sample Chapter for Early Release
another shirt. In other words, in shallow green consumerism, the emphasis is on substitution, while
in deep green consumerism, the emphasis is on a reduction in consumption.
Ecolabeling helps consumers make environmentally conscious decisions. An ecolabel can
provide summary information about environmental impacts. For example, stickers on new cars in
the United States rate the vehicle’s smog emissions on a scale from one to ten. Ecolabels are placed
on products that meet certain certification standards. One example is the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency’s Energy Star program, which certifies products that are highly energy
ecolabeling: product labels that provide information about environmental impacts or
indicate certification
In addition to environmental awareness by consumers, many businesses are seeking to
reduce the environmental impacts of their production processes. Of course, some of the motivation
may be to increase profits or improve public relations, but companies are also becoming more
transparent about their environmental impacts. The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is a nonprofit
organization that promotes a standardized approach to environmental impact reporting. In 2017,
82 percent of the world’s 250 largest corporations used the GRI methodology, including Coca-
Cola, Wal-Mart, Apple, and Verizon.
Discussion Questions
1. Think about one product you have purchased recently and list the environmental impacts
of this product, considering the production, consumption, and eventual disposal of it. What
steps do you think could be taken to reduce the environmental impacts associated with this
2. Do you think that green consumerism is an oxymoron? Do you think that your own
consumer behaviors are environmentally sustainable? Why or why not?
If one assumes that individuals always have perfect information and that they use that information
to make the best choice, then one tends to see little role for government. For example, why would
we require consumer protection law if consumers know the full consequences of buying something
and always choose well? The model of economic behavior presented in this chapter, however,
indicates that economic actors often do not behave rationally or have complete information and
stable preferences. Their behavior is often significantly influenced by various contextual factors.
Adopting a contextual model of behavior justifies the need for a more active role of government
policy in affecting market outcomes.
It is important to realize that while economic behavior is often irrational, it is not random.
Deviations from “optimal” behavior are typically in a specific direction. For example, most people
irrationally under-save for retirement rather than over-save. People tend to place too little value on
Essentials of Economics in Context Sample Chapter for Early Release
the future and tend to eat foods that aren’t healthy enough. A leading behavioral economist Dan
Ariely notes that rationality is the exception rather than rule:
We are all far less rational in our decision making than standard economic theory
assumes. Our irrational behaviors are neither random nor senselessthey are
systematic and predictable. We all make the same types of mistakes over and over,
because of the basic wiring of our brains.
So if people continually make mistakes in the same direction, how can policies be devised
to help them make “better” decisions? One answer comes from the 2008 book Nudge, by Richard
Thaler and Cass Sunstein.
They advocate for policy “nudges” that encourage, but don’t force,
people to make certain decisionsan approach they refer to as libertarian paternalism. While
they recognize that these two terms may seem unappealing and contradictory, they argue that the
libertarian aspect of their strategies lies in the insistence that policies should be designed to
maintain or increase freedom of choice. The paternalism aspect lies in the claim that it is desirable
to design policies and present choices to motivate people to make better choices.
libertarian paternalism: the policy approach advocated in the 2008 book Nudge, where
people remain free to make their own choices but are nudged toward specific choices by
the way policies are designed and choices are presented
Thaler and Sunstein provide numerous examples in their book related to decisions about
health, financial management, education, and the environment. Take the problem of insufficient
saving for retirement. They note that many people intend to increase the amount they save for
retirement but never get around to it. Recognizing this, the book describes the “Save More
Tomorrow” idea, where workers enroll in a program that automatically increases the percent of
their income that is set aside for their retirement each time they get a raise. As increased saving is
timed to correspond with pay raises, workers don’t see their take-home pay go down. Workers
enrolled in the program can opt out of it any time, but most don’t. Evidence shows that the program
is very effective. In one case, implementation of this program increased workers’ retirement
savings from an average of 3.5 percent of their income to 13.6 percent in four years.
Take another examplehow to get people to reduce their home energy use. An experiment
in California gave some residents a small electronic ball that would glow red when energy usage
exceeded a given level but glowed green with moderate usage. The results showed that the ball led
to energy use reductions of 40 percent during peak-use periods, while text and e-mail notifications
were ineffective. The key seems to be that the ball makes one’s energy use more visible and
provides an “anchor” for decision-making about energy use.
Governments around the world are increasingly devising policies based on the findings of
behavioral economics, nudging people to make better decisions. For example, in 2007, New
Zealand implemented the KiwiSaver program, which automatically enrolls workers in a national
savings plan for retirement, with a default contribution of 3 percent. Workers have the freedom to
opt out or choose a higher contribution rate. In 2010, the government of the United Kingdom set
up the Behavioral Insights Team, commonly known as the “Nudge Unit,” with the objectives of
“improving outcomes by introducing a more realistic model of human behaviour to policy” and
“enabling people to make ‘better choices for themselves’.”
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One of the issues studied by the Nudge Unit has been ways to reduce rates of tax evasion.
To encourage people to pay their taxes on time, they experimented with various versions of a
reminder letter sent to people who hadn’t yet paid their taxes. Making the letter as simple as
possible did not significantly affect response rates. However, response rates nearly doubled when
people were reminded of social norms such as “9 out of 10 people pay their taxes on time.” This
illustrates that people’s behavior can be influenced when they are nudged to think of themselves
in comparison to others.
As another example, government officials in Bogotá, Colombia, initially responded to a
water shortage by sending residents information about the crisis and asking them to reduce their
usage. Not only was the appeal ineffective, water consumption actually increased as many people
began stockpiling water. The government then changed its strategy, trying to make water
conservation a new social norm. They distributed free stickers with water conservation messages,
to be placed on faucets at offices and schools. Households with exceptional water savings were
presented with small awards and praised in the local media. This latter strategy proved to be much
more effective.
While government regulations could help address the problem of overconsumption to an extent,
some people may argue that government intrusion into personal consumption decisions is
unwarranted. But current government regulations already influence consumer decisionsfor
instance, high taxes on products such as tobacco and alcohol discourage their consumption to some
extent. On the other hand, subsidies are often used to increase the demand for certain products.
Buyers of new electric vehicles in the United States may be eligible to receive a $7,500 federal tax
credit, a subsidy that reduces the environmental externalities of transportation and encourages a
shift away from fossil fuels. Taxes and subsidies can be justified for several reasons, including as
a response to externalities or to achieve some social goal. Thoughtful regulations can encourage
people to make choices that better align with social and personal well-being. We now consider a
range of different policy ideas for responding to concerns about overconsumption.
Flexible Work Hours
One specific policy to reduce the pressure toward consumerism is to allow for more flexibility in
working hours. Current employment norms, particularly in the United States, create a strong
incentive for full-time employment. Employees typically have the option of seeking either a full-
time job, with decent pay and fringe benefits, or a part-time job with lower hourly pay and perhaps
no benefits at all. Thus, even those who would prefer to work less than full-time and make a
somewhat lower salary, say, in order to spend more time with their family, in school, or in other
activities, may feel the imperative to seek full-time employment. With a full-time job, working
longer hours with higher stress, one may be more likely to engage in “retail therapy” as
Europe is leading the way in instituting policies that allow flexible working arrangements.
Legislation in Germany and the Netherlands gives workers the right to reduce their work hours,
with a comparable reduction in pay. Sweden and Norway give parents the right to work part-time
when their children are young. Such policies encourage “time affluence” instead of material
affluence. Juliet Schor argues that policies to allow for shorter work hours are also one of the most
effective ways to address environmental problems such as climate change.
Those who voluntarily
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decide to work shorter hours will be likely to consume less and thus have a smaller ecological
Advertising Regulations
Another policy approach to discourage overconsumption is to focus on advertising regulations.
Government regulations in most countries already restrict the content and types of ads that are
allowed, such as the prohibition of cigarette advertising on television in the United States.
Additional regulations could expand truth-in-advertising laws, ensuring that all claims made in ads
are valid. For example, laws in the United States already restrict what foods can be labeled “low
fat” or “organic.” Again, European regulations are leading the way with stricter advertising
regulations, especially for children. For example, Norway has banned all advertising targeted at
children under 12 years old. Regulations in Germany and Belgium prohibit commercials during
children’s TV shows. At least eight countries, including India, Mexico, France, and Japan, have
instituted policies to limit children’s exposure to junk food ads.
Another option is to change the tax regulations regarding advertising expenditures. In the
United States, companies are generally able to treat all advertising costs as tax-exempt business
expenses. Restricting the amount of this tax deduction (or eliminating the deduction entirely)
would create an incentive for companies to reduce their advertising.
Consumption Taxation
One of the ways to reduce the extent of any activity is to tax it. Taxes on foods considered
unhealthy are increasingly common. For example, taxes on sugary drinks have been implemented
in several countries, including France, Mexico, and Hungary. Other taxes can target specific luxury
items that are seen as representing conspicuous consumptionconsumption primarily for the
display of high economic status. For example, from 1992 to 2002, the United States imposed
luxury taxes on new automobiles that cost more than $30,000.
Rather than classifying particular goods and services as luxuries, some economists prefer
broader tax reforms. In his 2001 book Luxury Fever, Robert Frank proposes replacing the current
emphasis in the United States on taxing income with taxes on consumption. Under his proposal,
the tax on a household would be determined by the amount it spends each year. A certain amount
of spending would be exempt from taxation so that low-income households would be exempt from
the taxFrank suggests $30,000 per family. Beyond that, consumption would be taxed at
successively higher rates. For example, while the first $30,000 of spending would be nontaxable,
he suggests that the next $40,000 of spending be taxed at a 20 percent rate. Then the next $10,000
of spending might be taxed at a 22 percent rate. In his example, consumption tax rates on spending
above $500,000 rise to 70 percent. He argues that such high tax rates on conspicuous consumption
are necessary “to curb the waste that springs from excessive spending on conspicuous
Frank notes that both conservatives and liberals have expressed support for a shift from
taxation of income to taxation of consumption, although they disagree on the details. Frank argues
that exempting all savings from taxation would increase savings rates, which he suggests is reason
enough for the shift. But the main objective would be to reduce the pressures toward consumerism
and promote well-being.
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Discussion Questions
1. Do you believe that the government has a right to influence or otherwise interfere in
consumer decisions? What additional policies, if any, do you think are needed regarding
consumer behaviors?
2. What do you think about libertarian paternalism as a way to guide policies? Do you think
there are any problems with this approach?
1. Is it accurate to describe Adam Smith as an uncritical champion of selfish behavior?
2. What are some of the key assumptions of the neoclassical model?
3. What is consumer sovereignty?
4. What is a budget line? How can we show one on a graph?
5. How does a budget line change when one’s income changes?
6. How does a budget line change when the price of one of the items changes?
7. What is a utility function? How can we represent one on a graph?
8. What is marginal utility?
9. What is diminishing marginal utility? What does it imply about the shape of a utility
10. What are some of the limitations of the neoclassical consumer model?
11. What is behavioral economics?
12. What is the availability heuristic?
13. How can “framing” affect decision-making?
14. What is the anchoring effect?
15. What is the difference between a high and low time discount rate?
16. Does the evidence suggest that people should always make economic decisions without
relying upon their emotions?
17. Does empirical evidence indicate that people act only out of self-interest?
18. What are some of the insights from neuroeconomics?
19. Explain the concept of bounded rationality.
20. Summarize the model of economic behavior in contextual economics.
21. What is the difference between absolute and relative deprivation?
22. What are reference and aspirational groups?
23. What is voluntary simplicity?
24. What is the ecological footprint approach to quantifying environmental impacts? What are
some of the findings of ecological footprint research?
25. What is green consumerism? What is the difference between “deep” and “shallow” green
26. What are the policy implications of behavioral economics?
27. What are some policy examples of “nudges”?
28. How can flexible work-hour policies reduce excessive consumerism?
29. How would consumption taxation work?
Essentials of Economics in Context Sample Chapter for Early Release
1. Monica plans to spend her income on concert tickets and movie tickets. Suppose that she
has an income of $100. The price of a concert ticket is $20, and the price of a movie ticket
is $10.
a. Draw, and carefully label, a budget line diagram illustrating the consumption
combinations that she can afford.
b. Can she afford 6 movie tickets and 1 concert ticket? Label this point on your graph.
c. Can she afford 2 movie tickets and 6 concert tickets? Label this point on your graph.
d. Can she afford 4 movie tickets and 3 concert tickets? Label this point on your graph.
e. Which of the combinations mentioned just uses up all her income?
2. Continuing from the previous exercise, suppose that Monica’s income rises to $120. Add
her new budget line to the previous graph.
3. Next, suppose that Monica’s income stays at $100, but the price of concert tickets drops
from $20 to $12.50 each.
a. Draw and carefully label both her original and her new budget lines.
b. Can she afford 2 movie tickets and 6 concert tickets after the price drop?
4. Suppose that Antonio’s total utility from different quantities of snacks per day is given by
the table subsequently.
Quantity of snacks per day
Total utility
Marginal utility
a. Draw and label Antonio’s utility function for snacks.
b. Fill in the last column of the previous table, calculating Antonio’s marginal utility from
c. Does Antonio always display diminishing marginal utility in his satisfaction from
d. Assuming Antonio is rational, what is the maximum number of snacks that he could
choose to consume per day?
5. Various U.S. government agencies, among them the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), include “consumer protection” as one of
their goals. The FDA, for example, decides whether drugs that pharmaceutical companies
want to sell are safe and effective, and the EPA decides whether particular pesticides are
safe for consumer use. Some people believe that such government oversight unnecessarily
interferes with companies’ freedom to sell their goods and with consumers’ freedom to buy
what they want. Indicate how you think each of the following individuals would evaluate
consumer protection policies, in general.
a. Someone who believes strongly in consumer sovereignty
b. Someone who believes strongly that consumers make rational choices
Essentials of Economics in Context Sample Chapter for Early Release
c. Someone who believes that consumers sometimes have less than perfect information
about what they are buying
d. One who believes that consumers can be overly influenced by marketing campaigns
6. Which of the following is consistent with the view of human behavior as purely self-
interested? Which may indicate broader motivations?
a. Michael sells his car on eBay.
b. Jane joins a community clean-up group.
c. Ramon studies to become a doctor.
d. Joe buys a birthday present for his daughter.
e. Susan buys a new pair of shoes for herself.
7. Consider the process of applying to college and choosing a college to attend if admitted.
Would you say that this process involves:
a. Maximizing behavior
b. Satisficing behavior
c. Meliorating behavior
d. Bounded rationality
Could it involve a combination of them? Could this differ from person to person?
8. How does time discounting affect your own decision-making? Do you do things today with
a view toward future benefits, or do you look mainly for short-term satisfaction? Does your
time discount rate differ in different areas of your life?
9. Consider a rational, profit-maximizing business firm. What motivations might the firm
have that are not directly related to making a profit? For example, what if the firm made a
donation to a community organization or voluntarily cleaned up pollution resulting from
its production process? Why might it do this? How about if it offered employees a good
health-care plan or subsidized day care? Are these actions all ultimately directed at making
more profit, or could there be something else involved?
10. Match each concept in Column A with an example in Column B.
Column A
Column B
Finding a restaurant that is close by and has food
that is “good enough”
You start getting bored after watching your third
TV show in a row
You decide that you have enough clothing and do
not need any more
Availability heuristic
Looking for a job that’s better than your current
Deep green consumerism
You buy clothing made with organic cotton
instead of cotton produced with pesticides
Utility maximizing
Choosing a college because your older brother or
sister went there and really recommends it
How households act in the neoclassical model
Diminishing marginal utility
Seeking the highest-paying job possible
Shallow green consumerism
Volunteering at a homeless shelter
Carefully examining all available automobile
models to select the one that is best for you
Essentials of Economics in Context Sample Chapter for Early Release
If he buys his second bag of nuts, he will obtain 15 units of utility. If he buys two more chocolate bars, he will
obtain 10 units of utility (6 units for his third bar, and 4 for his fourth bar). Thus, he is better off buying another bag
of nuts.
As most goods and services are not available in $1 increments, such as bags of nuts, consumers in this model will
not always be able to allocate every single dollar in a way that maximizes utility.
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